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COMMERCIAL SEWS. Exports. LIVERPOOL-rer ship Hope-2 bags sea Island cotton. 2615 bales upland cotton-Per British bark Atlantic-171 bags SIM Island cotton. 1190 bales upland cotton, 7!>6 bbls rosin, 5 tierces rice, 437 bags cotton seed. BARACOA-Pcr sehr Azelda A Laura-20/ "H) feet lumber, 10 bbls flour, ll bbls potatoes, 7 boxes and 3 bbls kerosene, 5 bbls apples, 100 boxes her? rings.Per sehr W H Steele-6006 feet lumber, 35 bbls potatoes, loo reams wrapping paper. KEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-593 bales cotton, 91 tierces rice, 54 bales domestics and yarn, 3S packages sundries. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 SATURDAY EVENIXO, January 2?, 1S70. I COTTON.-The market duriug much of thc fore? noon was characterized by steady rates and a good demand, but the receipt of telegrams an? nouncing rather heavy weekly receipts at the ports, and a weaker condition of the markets in consequence, caused thc article to close qule4and inactive. Sales near 500 bales; say 1 at 23c; 35 at 23%; 23 at 23%; 52 at 24; 20 at24Xi; 19 at 24%; 35 at 24%; 31 at 24%; 112 at 25; 79 at 251.;-; 12 extra tapie at 26, and 2 on private terms. We quote, omewhat nominally : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.23 @24 % Low middling.24%@24% "Middling.25 (as Strict middling.25%? RICE.-There was a fair inquiry for this grain. Sales about 225 tierces of clean Carolina, say : 30 tierces at5%c; 21 at 5%; 103 at 6','; 72 at 6%c ? re. We quote '.;<-mraon to fair clear Car? olina at 5%@6% ; good c%@6%c. ? lb. NAVAL STORES.-There were no transactions of note in these articles. FREIGHTS-Are somewhat dull. To Liverpools by steam, engagements are making at %d il re on uplands and i%d on sea Islands; by sall, 5-16@%d fl lb on uplands, and %a%d $ re on sea Islands. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sall, nominal at %c on uplands and i\'c on sea Islands. Coastwise to New York, by steam, %c "fi lb on uplands and lc on sea islands; by sall, %c "fl lb OD up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sail. % ?yc V re on uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe 9 re on uplands; by sail, somewhat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam, %@%c ? re on uplands; by sa? somewhat nominal. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 days bills 30%@30%. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks at %@%otr, and sell ai? par. Out? side, they purchase sight checks at %@% o?r, and sell at %@% oh*. GOLD.-20@22 Marketa by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, January 29 - Noon. - Consols 92%. Bonds 87)?. PARIS, January 29. - Bourse opened firm. Rentes 74f 5c. HAVRE, January 29.-Cotton opened quiet and steady. LIVERPOOL, January 29-Noon.-Cotton closed dull; uplands ll%all%d; Orleans ll%d; sales 10,00t bales; for export and speculation 2000 bales. Poik 102s. Lard dull. DOMESTIC MARKETS. NEW YORK, January 29.-Noon.-Stocks firm Money easy at 5a0 per cent. Sterling, long 0; short 9%. Gold 21%. Sixty-twos, coupons, 15%; Tennessee, ex-coupons, 53%; new 45%; Virginia, ex-coupons, 5S%; new 63; Louisiana, old 70; new 68; Levee sixes 64%; eights 77 %; Alabama eights 94; fives 63%; Georgia sixes 80; sevens 93; North Carolina sevens, old 43; new 26%; South Caro? lina sevens, old 83; new 80. Cotton lower at 25%c; receipts for thc week at all United States ports 111,430 bales; exports to Great Britain 61,970 bales, to the Continent 25,635 bales; stock on hand and on shipboard not yet cleared 472,360 bries. Turpentine 46%a47c. Rosin firm at ?215 for straiaed. Freights dull. Evening.-Money easy at 4a6 per cent. Bank statement very favorable and showing a large gain in legal reserve. Stirling nominal at 87.'a0. Gold steady at 2l%a2i%. Governments firm; State securities firmer. Cotton lower; sales 950 bales at 25%c. Hour drooping; superfine State and Western $4 6004 S5. Wheat dull and declin? ing. Corn drooping. Whiskey heavy at 99c. Hess pork steady. Leaf lard a shade lower; ket? tle 17al7%c. Naval stores quiet. Groceries dull. Freights dull and drooping. CINCINNATI, January 29.-Corn dull at 74a75c. Whiskey dull at 95c; buyers contend for lower rates. Mess pork quiet and firm at $27 25. Ba? con, shoulders held at I2%al2%c; sides I5%aiec. Lard dull. WILMINGTON, January 29.-Spirits turpentine firm at 43c. Strained rosin firm, $1 50. Crude tur? pentine steady at $1 65a2 80. Tar higher at $2 60. Cottou firm at 23a24%c. AUGUSTA, January 29.-nie heavy weekly re? ceipts at all the ports have depressed the mar? ket; sales 411 bales; receipts 587 bales; middling' nominally at 24c. MOBILE, January 29.-Cotton in fair demand and closed quiet; sales 1000 bales; middling 24%c; receipt J 1043 bales; exports 434 bales. Boston Market. BOSTON. January 26.-COFFEE.-There has been considerable doing io Java, the sales comprising 15,000 pockets on private terms, and 4a5000 poc? kets at about 2i;: .\22c per pound, gold. In Rio and St. Domingo nothing of any consequence has been done, and prices are nominally the same. COTTON.-There is rather more inquiry for high grades, and prices are higher on account or Hie comparatively small supply, but low erados are not so much wanted. The sales have been at 23a 23% roc ordinary; 24a24% for good ordinary ; 25a 26% for low middling, and 25%a26c for middling, including uplands and (?mr. The market nt thc close is very firm, particularly for low middling and uplands. DOMESTICS.-There has been a fair demand for cotton and woollen goods, but no marked act i vit y tc notice. Spring styles of wooltens.delaincsand prints are attracting more attention, and a more active demand ls soon looked for. FRUIT.-Malaga raisins have been In fair de? mand, with sales at $4 45a<60 per box for layers. Smyrna figs are dull, and no sales of any impor? tance. Dates and peanuts have been quiet, with sales only in jobbing lots. By auction, tho cargo of the Western Sea. from Messina, sold a? follows: 4290 boxes oranges at $2 65a3; 550 boxes lemons at $4 50a4 65 per box. GUNNY BAGS.-The market ls quiet but steady. Sales of 200 bales in New York at I7>,e, and 50 bales here at ISc, currency. GUNNY CLOTH.-The market is quiet for gunny cloth, but firm at 16%c, gold, lu bond, and 2la22c, currency. HAY.-There is very little change to notice. Moderate sales at Sl5a$lS for common, and $20a $24 for good and prime Eastern and Northern. NAVAL STORES.-In spirits turpentine sales have been made In small lots at 48a49c per gallou. Tar is quiet, and in rosin and pitch no transactions of any immportance. New York Rice Market. The Journal of Commerce of Fridav, January 28th, says: "The market is doll. Dealers are buy? ing small lots at 6%@7%c: but invoices arc dim cult to place; sales have been made of 60 casks." Georgetown Market. GEORGETOWN, January 26.-COTTON.-Sales or 1 bale at 22%c -fi lb. We quote from 22 to 25c 'S lb. CORN.-None arrived during the past week. Retailing Irom store at $115 ~$ bushel. We quote from $115 to SI 20 ? bu-hoi. TIMBER.-1000 sticks arrived in last week, and met with ready sale, rangiug Irom 7 to 16c %l cubic foot, mos'tly for casi:. We quote ordinary 5a8c; fair 9al2c: good and prime 15al3c. N*. B.-Receipts last week 2000 sticks, instead ol 200. TURPENTINE.-Yirgin < lp $3; vellow dip $3; scrape or hard $1 25 to Si GO fl bbl of 2S0 lbs to the bbl. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Per gallon. 4lal2c. TAR-Per bbl, retail, $t 75. Bull Creek Market. BULL CREEK. January 25.-Ti M DER-Arrivals Xor thc week 1000 sticks, which were sold from Ta 17c per cubic root. We quote from 5aisc per cubic foot. Good large timber much wanted. NAVAL STORES-No arrivals to report. Prices unchanged. TAR-No arrivals and prices nominal. Savannah Market. SAVANNAH, January 27.tCOTTON-UPLAND. The market for the week under review, has been marked by a steady improvement in prices, and a demand fully equal to the stock Offered. The pre? vious differences In the views or holders and buyers became narrowed down favorably to the former, in view of coutlimed favorable advices from Liverpool. Buyers have yielded to the demand of holders, and the transactions or the week have exhibited more stability, better prices and a Armer market than has prevailed since the upward tendency in prices. SEA ISLAND.- The market has been exceedingly quiet with sales of soo i.alcs for the week. Wc quote : Common 38a4.'; medium 47; medium flue ?2a55; fair 5^a62; choice, nommai. The following resume of the operations will give an index to the tone of the market for thc week under review: Friday, 21st.-The decline in gold caused the mar? ket to rule quiet during the forenoon. Later ad? vices caused bHyers to come out, but the firmness of holders and thc light otTerlng stock limited transactions to about ooo bales. Liverpool mid? dling 24>ia24,i;c. , , . . . Saturday, 22d.-The market opened with a quiet foe'mg. The views of holders and buyers coming together during the day a large business was done at our outside figures. The sales {the lamest of the season) reached 2000 bales. Liverpool up? land 24lie. . , _ ... Monday 24th.-The market continued firm, with an advancing tendency in view of advices, foreign and domestic. Th% demand has been fair for all grades, and sales of looo bales were effected at our quotations: Liverpool middling 24J?c. Tuesday, 25th.-On the strength of foreign ad? vices, holders were asking advanced prices, which, in some instances, were yielded by buyers. Thc demand, however, was but moderate, the market closing firm at our quotations, with sales of soo bales. Liverpool middling 25c. Wednesday, 20th.-Thc demand was moderate, and holders strong In their views of the situation. Quotations remain unchanged. Sales 500 bales. Liverpool middling 25c. Thursday, 28th.-The market opened quiet at unchanged quotations. Sales 400 bales. Liver? pool middling 24,7ia.'5c. RECEIPTS.-The receipts at thM port for the past week have been 15,013 bales upland and 250 bales sea Island, from the following sources: Cen? tral Railroad, 10,518 bales upland; Atlantic and Coif Railroad, 1942 bales upland Savannah River steamers. 1322 bales upland: Altainaha River, 401 bales upland; Florida steamers, 32 bales upland and 205 bales sea island; coasters from Beaufort. IS bales sea-Island; wagons, & c., 7 bales upland and 1 bale sea Island. EXPORTS.-The exports for the week have been 12,023 bales upland and 301 bales sea Island ror eign, and 6864 bales upland and !88 bales sea Is? land,coastwise, viz: To Liverpool, 10,302 bales up? land and 1 bale sea island; to Havre, 1721 bales up? land and 300 bales sea island; to Sew York, 3lso bales upland and 212 bales sea Island: to Boston, 2729 bales upland; to Philadelphia, 737 ba cs up? land; to Baltimore, 203 bales upland, and to Charleston, 15 bales upland and 70 bales sea island. FINANCIAL.-Money continues moderately easy, thcsupnlv being fully up to thc demand, satisfac? tory collaterals only required with 10 per cent. ' margin to obtain all required by thc business pub? lic. Investments In securities have recently been quite large, and the demand continues. Securi? ties hitherto considered undesirable have ad? vanced in the estimation of out people, and con? siderable amounts have been Invested with a promise or haudsome results at a day uot far distant. Sight exchange on Kew York buying }i per cent, off to par; selling par to !?' percent, premium. Gold buying at aj?; sclliug at 23. . Interior Cotton Markets. WIXNSBORO', January 29.-02 bales or cotton were sold in this market during the past two days at 2la23>ic. ORANGEBURG, January 2S.-Sales during the week 120 bales. We quote ordinary 2la22c;low middling 22??; middling 23,'i. SELMA, January 28.-Demand moderate, and, in some instances, at a slight decline from yester? day's figures. Sales about 123 bales. COLUMBIA, January 29.-There has been a good demand ror cotton during thc past week. All or the staple brought to market-432 bales was rapidly taken at thc following prices: 2 at 20 '4- : 5 at 20jf; 5 at 21; l at SIMS ' at 21&: oo at 22j?: 20 at 23; 52 at 23,'i; ill at 23>i; 32 at 23>?; 12 at 2JJ?; 152 at 23X;10 at 24. Receipts by Railroad, January Jit). SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 716 bales cotton, 23 bales domestics, 150 barrels dour, 74 bbls sugar and molasses, 40 bbls nava' stores, 4 cars stock, 2 cars lumber. To Railroad Agent, W K Ryan, Graeser A Smith. Wagner. Stewart ?V co. Pfizer, Rodgers A co, Frost A Ad ger, Reeder A Davis. G II"Walter A- co. G W Wil? liams A co, Dowling A co, Mowry A Son, Ward law A Carew, W w smith. Kirkpatrick A Wi:le. D D DeSaussurc, Brodie A .co. Willis A Cldsolui, !" C -Mey, Bischoff .v co, and uiiigliorn. Ilcrriug is cu. KORTI IE ASTE UN II A11. ItO A D. 240 bales upland cotton, o bags sea inland cot? ton, 52 bbls naval stores, cars phosphate, cars lumber and wood, machinery, mdse, Ac. To <? w Williams A co. J Marshall, Jr, A A Goldsmith A co, Goodrich, Wiuoinan A co, Il K Granger. Fru-t A Adger, J Green, \V K Rvan, Thurston A Holmes. SA Boar, A J Salinas, Kirkpatrick A Wine. WUw A co, Mowry A Son, Gaillard A Minot t, Caldwell .V Son, J Bush, Ingrahain A Son, J OolcocK A co. J .\ Quackenbii.-h, S WigfaiL Ravcnel A c<>, J C Mallo, nee, E Welling, D C Shaugh, and Railroad Agent. Passenger*. Per steamship Manhattan, ror New York-J D Harrison, J W steers, S X Lewis, w K Brown, ll M Ransom. .1 G Mood, J Mushaum, ll ll Xickcrsoii. I Johnson. H A Brightman, X O Ferguson, wile and three children, Captain W F Cliccselioro, Mrs Craig, W A Simons, W ll Morse, and 4 on deck. Per steamer Dictator, from Palatkn, via Jack? sonville. Fernandina ami Savannah-D s Irrook. E rcans Xl ?.,:? J K Mari.hj, Ml- I. .? .Mlltpli-. J M Prior, S M Freeman, Mrs Steele, L AV Anderson, W T Lawrence. J S Boo knight, Dr J Lovltne, .1 .Mon roc, H Y Sanders. E B Montgomery, K Lucas, c II Delaman, Il A Morgan, D Robinson, Mrs Mor, C II Barry. W M Gird, Miss M E French, ll P Ills choir, Miss T B Howe, DJ Paul, and 20 on deck. Per steamer Kinilie. irom Georgetown. Ac W Bourke, T H Buck, E ll Johanns. J A Hume. W St J Mazyck, Rev L C Lauce, H W Tiltou, Jr, and 5 on deck. PORI' CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 8th, 1 hour, 0 minutes, evening. Full Moon, 15th, 10 hours, 7 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, ?2d, l hour. 26 minutes, morning. SUN. RISES. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.. Thursday.... Friday. Saturday_ Sunday. 6..57 6..57 C.. 50 6..55 C.. 54 6.. 54 6...53?| SUN SETS. 5..30 5..31 5.. 32 5..33 5..34 5..35 MOON i. ? s. sets 6..3? 7..30 8..20 9..21 10..14 ll.. 7 tirrill WATER. 7..55 8..04 9.. 9 9..40 10.. 2-) ll.. 4 ll..4} MARINE NEUS. C II AR L E S T O N , JANUARY 31. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Sehr L Warren,-, Combahee. -iou bushels rough rice. To W C Bee A co. Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbattie. West Point. Mill. 40 tierces rice. To J R Pringle A Son, and Reeder A Davis. ? Steamer Emilie. Lewis, Georgetown. S C. 158 tierces rice. 7 bales cotton, mdse, and sundries. To Shackclford A Kelly, W C Bee A co. Mordecai A co. J F O'Xcill A Son. G A Trenholm A Son, C K Huger, Thurston A Holmes, Frost A Adger, AV L Webb, J M Caldwell A Son. and A L Tobias. Sloop Ellen, Gradick, Cooper River. 1200 bush? els rough rice. To W C Bee A co. and others. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship South Carolina, Adkins. Xew York left Thursday. Mdse. To Wagner. Huger A co. Courteuay A Trenholm. Railroad Agent, J Franz, Bollmann Bros, Stull, Webb A co, L Seel, B Sco? ville A P, T M Bristoll, Tobias' Sons, s R Marshall. Jr. J G Miluor A co, Forsythc, McComb A co, J W Falrbox, W J Lee, P L Grimes A co. Walker, Evans A Cogswell. W L Webb. Phillips A T. R White, G W Trott, Hart A co, T Kelly, W A Mehrten?, 1) S?l? ten, J Burke A Sons, Douglass A Miller, C Litschgl, Adams Express Companv, J Wiley A co. Reming? ton A Reed, w M Bird A co, J c Berley, J K Adger A co, A Leon, N A Warren, W Ranal A co, ll B Morrison, C Gravcley A co. WcLoy A Rice, Klinek, Wickenbcrg A co. G W Williams A co. M Clark, J Hotham, Derby Farm, Chapeau A Heffron, Crane, Boylston A co, A Tiefenthal, B Foley. G W Stef? fens, D F Fleming A co, W Shepherd, J R Read A co, s S Solomons, W Soubevroux, c C Righter A co, W L Webb, J C H Claussen, B M Fogartie, 0 J Luhn, E Scott. M A A Ashton, L Chap?n A- co, C 1' Poppenhelm, B O'Xelll, il Bischoff A co. Cameron, Barkley A co, Colonel Auchmertv. Mnrphv A co, West A Jones, L U Butterfield, J li Lafitte, i* Culli mine, T R Waring, F von Santeii, G W Aimar, J A Quackenbush, Wells A Sherman. Dr D J Cain, s Sampson, Holmes A Calder, J W Sprague A Bro, Mantoue A co, and others. Sehr Louisa, -, Cooper River. C3C bushels rice. To F G Cart. Steamer Dictator, McMillan, Palatka, via Jack souville. Fernandina and Savannah, loo bales sea Island cotton, and mdse. To J D Aiken A co, Pinckney Bros. Wardlaw A Carew, Mantoue A co W M Lawton. Thurston A Holmes, Walker, Evans A Cogswell. Claclu3 A Witte, J L Philips, Cholwcll Bros, J F 0"Xeill A Son, C S McNulty. Kirkpatrick A Witto. C F Pnnknm. T Kelly, W B Williams A Son, Jeffords A co, W M Bird A co, G H liigrahani A Sou, W s Coates, Wilcox, Gibbs A co, and others. CLEARED FRIDAY. Sehr Vraie, Mason, Sagua, Cuba-W Roach A co. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York James Adger A co. Ship Hope, Ure, Liverpool-Willis A Cliisolm. british bark Atlantic, Vernon, Liverpool-R .More A co. 1 Sehr Azelda A Laura, Mcludoc, Baracoa-C Bart A co. Sehr W II Steele, Buck, Baracoa-Paul, Welch A Brandes. Sehr George Washington, Plukham, Havana-C Bai t A co. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Mauhattan. Woodhull. Xew York. Steamship Prometheus. Gray, Philadelphia. Spanish brig Manuel, Pares. Barcelona. Sehr Eveline. Dutch, a Port in Cuba. Sehr S A M D Scull, Steelman, Port Mon? mouth, Md. Sehr Sylvan. Young. Darien, Ca. Sehr Kate E Rich, Doughty, Wilmington. X C. Sehr Mary, Lymburner, Badenville, s C. Sehr Marian Gage. Shepherd, W ilmington, X C. Sehr Tennessee, Creed, Bucksville, S C. SAILED YESTERDAY. Ship Museongtis, Groves. Liverpool. Sehr George Washington, Pinkham, Havana. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Charleston, Berry. Xew York, Jan? uary 21. Sehr Sarah Fish, Thompson, Xew York, Janua? ry 27. Seor James Young, Wilson, New York. Janna UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr J T Weaver, Weaver, at New York, Janua rv 20. "Sehr M A Coombs, Coombs, at Baltimore, Janu? ary 27. CLEARED FOR TI1IS PORT. Sehr John Lymburner, Orcutt, nt Baltimore, January 28. BY TELEGRAPH. WILMINGTON, Januarv 18.-Cleared, steamships Regulator and W P Clyde, Kew York; Pioneer, Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. The sehr Palma, Rankin, from Georgetown, S C, arrived at New York January 27. The sehr Aldana, Rokeo, Jameson, from George? town, S C, arrived at Boston January 27. The sehr Chase, from Norfolk. Va, for Charles? ton, was spoken on" Hatteras, January 24. The sehr Ridgewood, Derricksen, from George? town. S C, arrived at Providence January 26. LIST OF VESSELS CP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS TORT. F 0 RE"! G N . LIVERPOOL. Bark A B Wvman, Wyman, sailed... ..Jan The Charlotte Maude, McNaughten, sailed.. Dec 24 BRISTOL, ENG. Tlie Island Queen, Brooks, sailed-.Dec l" DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr B K Hawkins, Wyatt, up.Jan 14 Sehr A E Glover, Ky der, cleared.Jan 14 NEW YORK. Steamship South Carolina, Adkins, sailed..Jan 27 British burk Contest, Seoir, cleared.Jan 21 Sehr Bobert Caldwell, McCormick, up.Jan 21 Sehr Wm Flint, Post, cleared.Jan 0 Sehr John Stockton, Price; cleared.Jail 6 Sehr M F Staples, Collin, cleared.Jan 1 Sehr Leila, Foss, up.Jan 16 Sehr Jessie B Smith, Williams, up.Jan 17 Sehr Florence N Tower, Perry, up.Jan 18 Sehr A J Bentley. Bentley, up.Jan 16 Sehr Oaks Ames, Edwards, cleared.Jan 22 Sehr Matoaka, Fooks, up.Jan 16 Sehr A J Bentley. Bunnell. up.Jan 19 SchrHyue. Glover, cleared.Jan 15 Sehr F N Tower, Perry, cleared.Jan IS Sehr Oneida, Davis, cleared.Jan 25 Sehr Anna E Caril, Tyler, cleared.Jau 25 Sehr J T Weaver, Weaver, up.Jau 26 rniLADELPniA. SchrSVWSimmons Williams, up.Jan 18 Sehr J C Thomson, Vnnzant, up.Jan 25 BALTIMORE. Brig Monica, Leroy, up.Jan 25 Ung Lizzie A Wutson, Watson, cleared.Jan 8 Brig Black Swan, up.Jan 4 Sehr A Devereaux, Rich, cleared.Jan 16 Sehr J E Dally, Wall, cleared.Jau 16 Sehr Annie Barton, Frink, cleared.Jan 23 Sehr ll G Uaud, Hand, up.Jan 21 Sehr Louise Crockett, Pillsbury, cleared....Jan 20 Sehr S II Sharp. Webb, cleared.Jan 21 Sehr S B WneeVr, Lloyds, up.Jan 21 Sehr John. Lvniburner, cleared.Jau 21 Sehr I. W Bunnell, Bunnell, up.Jan 25 Sehr M A Coombs, Coombs, np.Jan 27 NORFOLK, VA. Sehr Rosa. Drinkwater, sailed.Jan 18 Sehr Sparkling Sea, Bose, cleared.Jan 21 SAVANNAU. Sehr Jcddie,-, cleared.Jan 25 ftnilrofios. ?JHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SCPKRINTKNOENTS OFFICE, ) ATLANTIC AND Cl.l.K UAH-HOAD, 5 SAVANNAH. November 8,1869. ) On and after SUNDAY, thc 7th Instant, Passen? ger Trains on this road will run as follows, com? mencing with P. M. min: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. Leave Savannah dally at.4.30 P. M. Arrive at Bainbridge (Monday's except? ed) at.0.15 A. M. Arrive nt Live Oak dally at.2.20 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville daily at.7.02 A. M. Arrive at Tallahassee daily nt.V.uT A. M. Arrive ai Quincy daily at.9.15 A. M. Leave Quiucy daily at.6.25 P. M. Leave Tallahassee dilly at.8.25 P. M. Leave Jacksonville dally al.8.30 P. M. Leave Live Oak daily :?t.1.2S A. M. Leave Bainbridge (Sunday's excepted) at.9.30 p. M. Arrive at Savannah daily at.10.50 A. M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah (Sunday's excepted) at.7.15 A..M. Arrive at Live Oak (Sunday's excepted) ? Ill.7.00 p. M. Leave Live Oak (Sunday'sexcepted)at..coo A. M. Arrive at Savannah (Sunday'sexcept? ed) nt.5.35 P. M. Passengers for Stations west or Lawton, on main line. lake Express Tralu leaving Savannah at 4.30 P. M. BRUNSWICK THAIN. Leave Savannah (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at..12.50 T. M Arrive at No. 0 (Junction) at.4.30 P. M. Arrive at Brunsw ick al.6.42 P. M. Leave Brunswick (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at.12.50P. M. Leave No. 0 (Junction) at.3.00 P. M. Arrive at Savannah ut.6.20 P. M. Connect?t Jacksonville willi steamers for Ta? int ka, Picolattt, Enterprise, and all points on the St. John's River. Through tickets good by all steamers on the river. H. S. HAINES. dccO General Suoerlntendent. S OUTII CAROLINA RAILROAD. mmmmmm?m GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) CHARLESTON, S. C., Sept. 15, 1S69. | On and arter Thursday, September 16, the Pas? senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOR ACOrSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M Arrive at Augusta.4.45 I'. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem? phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery uud Grand Junction. FOR COLt'MBIA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.40 P". M. Cunucctiii)! with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, and Camden tram. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta......8.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 P. M. Leave Colombia.7.45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.0.10 A. M. Connecting with trains for Memphis. Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.ou A. .M. C0LOIII1A NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston_*..6.05 P. M. Arrive ut Columbia.4.45 A. M. Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Greenville and Cob.mbla Railroad, and on Mondays, Wednes? days Fridays with Charlotte and South Curo liua R tilroad. Leave o-lumbla.5.50 P. M. Arrlv?' at Charleston.5.3o A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.2.50 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.4.10 P. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden and Columbia l'assenger Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and be? tween Camden and Ringville dally, (Sundays ex? cepted.) connects witli up am', down Day Pas? sengers al Ringville. Leave Camden.:.6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia....1.45 P. M. Arrive at Camden.6.00 P.M. (Signed) II. T. PEAKE, sepii6 General Superintendent. B E C A R E F ? WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. lYhen you are exhausted by overwork of head or hand, and feel thc need of something invigorat? ing, don't drink whiskey or any intoxicating tiling, whether underihenauicof Bitters or other? wise. Such articles give just aa much strength to your weary body and mind as the whip gives lo the jaded norse, and no more. Alcoholic stim? ulants are Injurious to nerve health, and are al? ways followed by depressing reaction. DODD'S NERVINE AND INVIGORATOK Is a Tonic and gentle stimulant, which ls not at? tended by reaction. What it gains for you il maintains. When R refreshes body or iniud, it refreshes with natural strength that comes to stay. We arc not recommending teetotalism in the interest of any faction; but long and extend eil observation teaches us that he who resorts to the bottle for rest or recuperation, will Hud, as he keoj?s at it, 'hat he is kindling a lire in bis bones which will consume like the flumes of perdition. Turn rrom it. Take a tonic that will refresh and not destroy. DODD'S NERVINE is for sale by all Druggists. Price One dollar. See book ufcerii neates that accompanies each bottle. iunc25 7nios ^CTS LIKE A CHARM! THE GENUINE ENGLISH CHLORODINE, (J. COLLIS BROWNE'S,) Is the best Anodyne ever known to the profes? sion. To be had cf DR. H. BA ER, nov3 No. 131 Market street. F _ _Shipping. ?ST. FSE IQ H T LINE TO BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, EOSTOS AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. T1IE0VGII BILLS OF LADING GIVEN FOR COTTON TO DREHEN. The Steamship SEA GELL, Dutton,^F?5*v Commander,will sail Tor Baltimore on, rriirlrri WEDNESDAY MORNING, 2d February, lbTO, at half-past 7 o'clock. ?S-lnsnrance by the Steamers of this line a per cent, to Baltimore and Philadelphia. To Bos? ton %. Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional expense for insurance. /Kg-Conslgnees by this line are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Cottons from the Railroad Depots in Philadelphia. COURTENAY k TRENHOLM, jan29 3 _Uuion Wharves. ~pOR NEW YORK-THURSDAY. THE Al SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP SOUTH CAROLINA, Sim. Adkins, Commander, will sail for New York on THURSDAY, February?SmB& 3d, at 3 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Inion Wharves. Through Bills Lading will ne Issued for Cotton to LIVERPOOL. HAVRE, Boston and thc New England Manufacturing Cities. Insurance by the Steamers of this line )i per cent. For Freight engagements, apply to WAGNER, HUGER* CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to W. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. J.1U2S 0 _ jp O R LIVE RPOOL. CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP LINE. The fine new Clyde built Steamship.^SSes. "ARRAGON," J. G. llowlson, Master gftEHg ls now receiving cargo for the above pOrt,~iosaTl oil or about 1st February. FujjFreight engagements, apply to ROBERT MURE k CO.. Jan23 Agents. rjIRAVELLERS PASSING THROUGH CHARLESTON EN ROUTE TO FLORIDA AND AIKEN, And other places, should lay In their jfEp^ft. supplies of Clarets, Champagnes, Cor-?y??al3? dials, Brandies, Whiskies Wines, canned soups and Meats, American and English Biscuits, De? villed Ham. Tongue, Lobster, Durham Smoking Tobacco and Import eil Segars. WM. S. CORWIN k CO., No. 275 King street, opposite Hasel, Charleston, S. C. Branch of No. 900 Broadway, comer 2ut li street. New York. sept2S emos JpACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S THROUGH LIKE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. . Steamers of the above line leave rier^p,??*? No. 42, North River, foot of r?.mni street aMKB New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of tho 5th and 21st of every month (except when these dates fall on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding.) Departure of the 21st connect at Panama with steamers for South Paulie and Central Amer? ican ports. Those of ?th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship JABAN leaves San Francisco for Japan and ellina March 1,1S70. No California steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to Aspinwall. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or further information np ply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on thc wharf, foot of Canal-street, North River, New York. F. II. BABY, Agent. mnrchl2 lyr Q UN ARI) LINE OF .MAIL STEAMERS Between NEW YORK and LlVER-^Pfi?? POUL, caning at Queenstown. SaafiiB AUSTRALASIAN, MALTA, ALEPPO, PALMYRA, CHINA, SAMARIA, CUBA. SIBERIA, HECLA, TARIFA, JAVA, TRIPOLI, One of tho above First-class Iron Mail Steamers aro litiuniloU to cull aa tallowal From Liverpool ror New York direct every SAT URDAY. From Liverpool (calling at Cork Harbor) for New York via Boston every TUESDAY: From New York for Liverpool (calling at Cork Harbor) every THURSDAY. Certillcates issued to bring out Passengers from any part of Europe at lowest rates. For Freight or Cabin Passage, applv to CHAS. G. FRANKLYN. No. 4 Bowling Green, New York. For Steerage Passage, apply to Trinity Build lug, No. Ill Broudway, New Y'ork, or to WM. ROACH k CO., Agents, nov4 1 smw3mos Charleston. T/^ESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN AND V MESS STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. Captains and Stewards are respect-^<P?Ca> fully invited to call and examine theJHfcBjtfg quality and prices or our GOODS. Full weight guaranteed. Delivered free of expense. WM. S. CORWIN k CO.. No. 275 Klug street, opposite Basel, Charleston, S. C. KS- Branch of No. 900 Broadway, New York. juu24_ TNLAND ROUTE-FOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT AND SEABROOK'S LANDING, HILTON HEAD, TWICE A WEEK. The steamer PILOT BOY, Captain C. Carroll White, will sail for Sa van nah via Beaufort every SUNDAY and THURSDAY MORNING, at 6 o'clock. On thc Sunday's trip she will touch at Chisoim's and Turner's Landings, going ami returning, and will touch at Blanton, going and returning, every alternate Thursday. Rel urning will leave Savan? nah every TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, ai 2 o'clock. For Freight or Passage, apply to j. D. AIKEN A co., Agents, janjjjl South Atlantic wharf. jp OR PALATKA, FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. FERNANDINA JACKSON VILLE AND LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Steamer "DICTATOR," Captain _ xIH**w George E. McMillan, sails every TUESDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Steamer "CITY POINT," Captain Fenn Peck. sails every FRIDAY EVENING at. s o'clock. Con? necting with SteamerSTARLIGHT for Enterprise. Through Tickets and thrungli Bills of Lading for Freight given. J. D. AIKEN ft CO., Agents, jania_South Atlantic Wharf. jp O R SALE. Thc Commodious Stern-wheel Steamer GENERAL HOWARD, Formerly plying between Wllmlng- _ -rJT* ton and Riverside (Cape Fear Rive; )???i=y? us passenger and freight boat. Length over all.166 feet. Breadth of beam. 29,'3' lett. Depth of hold. 6 feet. Draft. 3.'a' feet. Tonnage.144 03-100 Two Engines in good order. Cylinder 16 Inches diameter; o foot stroke. Upper deck saloon mid passenger accommodation are spacious and com? fortable. Lower deck ?iud hold fur freight. B. S. GUION, General Superintendent, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford R. R. Wilmington. N. C. jatrJS 10 POR GEORGETOWN, S. C. WAVERLY, BROOK GREEN. AND KEITIIFIELD MILLS, TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. SCHEDULE FOP. MONTH OF JANUARY". TheSteamerEMlLIE.CaptalnP.C. _ ^-fr^w Lewis, will nm r.s follows, leaving?sSttWSSZ Charleston every MONDAY ami THURSDAY MORN? ING and Georgetown everv WEDNESDAY and SAT t'ROAY MORNING, at G o'clock: LEAVE CHARLESTON. I LEAVE GEORGETOWN. MONDAY, January 17. Wii?XBSD.tY;Jaunary 19. THURSDAY, January 20. 'SATURDAY. January 22. MONDAY, January 24. I WEDNESDAY. January 20. THURSDAY, January 27. 'SATURDAY, January 29. MUNDAY, January 31. | Freight and Wharfage must lie prepaid. No Freight will lie received after sunset. Steamer leaves Charleston from Commercial Wharf. Freight will be received on thc days previous to sailing. For engagements, applv to SUACKELFOKD k KELLY, Agents, janl2 Boyce's Wharf. gHAAlPOOING AND nAIR CUTTING. _ LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their resid?nccs promptly and ai reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, aprill4 No. 31 Broad street, (up stairs.) Shipping. J! O E LIVERPOOL. The new Al Bark ANNIE TORREY, Libby, Master, will load with dispatch for aboveSSii port. WILLIAM ROACH ? CIL Jan3l_*^ JgOSTON AND CHARLESTON LLNE. FOR BOS TON. Thc Schooner IDA BELLA, Fisher, Mas- J&? ter, having all heavy freight engaged, SSS wants light freight to Dil np, and will have dis? patch. For Freight engagements, apply to MOSES. GOLDSMITH Sc SON, jan3l Vendue Range. JflOK PHILADELPHIA. The Schooner ELIZA, Captain Larkin, -SA having cargo nearly all engaged, will haveSEsi dispatch for above port. For Freight apply to JOHN A- THEO. GETTY, Jan31 3 North Atlantic Wharf. y ESSELS WANTED, To freight corn from North Cnrollna; ca-J"|A paclty from 2000 to 5000 bushels; draft ofSgjlSi water not over 7>i feet. High rates and dispatch guaranteed. Apply to SUACKELFORD Jp KELLY, jan2S fmw Borre's Wharf. p O E LIVERPOOL. The fine American Ship MISSOURI, L. T.^J? Blackburn, Master, having a large portion SSS of her cargo aboard. For further Freight engage? ments, apply to W. B. SMITH & CO.. Janl7 mwf_Napier's Bange. "POE BOSTON-FJRST VESSEL. The. good Schooner ABIGAIL HALEY, Jk* having heavy Cargo engaged, will take 150 bales Cotton for above port. RISLEY* CREDITON. jan29 Accommodation Wharf. F OR LIVERPOOL. TO SAIL ON OR ABOUT TUE 20Tn INSTANT. The first class American Bark WETTER' HORN, LaHderkcu, Master, of small capa city, ls rapidly loading for the above port. For balance of freight room apply to Jau7 STREET BROTHERS Sc CO. drugs, (Eljctmcctls, Ut. JJ E N B Y S A Ti T? O L I CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR, OR BLOOD CLEANSER. This medicine ls known to thc faculty as being the concentrated fluid extract of Sarsaparilla united with Carbolic Acid, and ls guaranteed as chemically pure. FOR TUB Cl"RE OF SCROFULA AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy ls compounded expressly for puri? fying and cleansing the blood of all Infirmities, going nt once to thc fountain-head of disease. It extinguishes Ti'jioits. CONSUMPTION, SYPHILIS, SKIN ERUP? TIONS, SALT RHEUM, BOILS, RHEUMATISM, WASTE OF VITALITY, SCROFULA. Wc all know that the promiscuous vaccination indulged in during the late war bred thc most vii lunous diseases. Vaccination pus was taken from the arms of many persons full of scrofulous sores. Then of course thc Impurities of the scrofulous patient nra* absorbed In thc blood of men other Wise without diseases, and both became Infected alike. Men, women and children throughout all thc West arc most wofuliy diseased from this cause, ami knew not until a few months ago, the origin of it. HENRY'S CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR Relieves the Entire System of Pains and Aches, enlivens thc Spirit, mid sends New Blood HOUNDING TUROUan EVET.Y VEIN. It Imparts a Sparkling Brightness to the Eye, A Rosy Glow to thc Check, A Buby Tinge to thc Lips, A i. harness-to thc Head, Liighiiiess to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the Spliits, And" Happiness on all .Sides. For all affections of the kidneys i: is unsurpassed. People have been rescued,mi it were, from the very Jaws of death, by a timely use of tills great remedy. - EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS. "Doctor. I was vaccinated In tho hospital. Be? nne Hint I liml nu -hin tliacMKN Until I liad a bot? tle of your 'Constitution Renovator.' sent nie hy Mr. Roper, of Columbia. Mo.. J sulfured torture! willi running sores, since I used two bottles I am nil well except a small sore on the cuif of my left, leg, and i liai is getting well fast." This Hom a lady: "And now my skin is as cleat and fair ns a liane's. My complexion, thanks tc your 'Renovator,' ls beautiful." "Yes, yes, I may well say such relief wai unknown to nie before. Enclosed lind live dollar; for six bottles ; two families herc want to try it." "1 was very much troubled with syphilis. Yow remedy seems to tic curing mc inst. Send foin bottles per express." "No more rheumatism. Three bottles of Con siltation Renovator have made mc ii new man." "Doctor, enclosed lind S3. Please send mc a supply. Two famll es herc want to try your Con stitullou Renovator." We have not space for more of the above ex tracts, but you cnn ask your neighbor about tin remedy. Every one has something good to soy us lt cures every time. FOR ALL DISEASES OF TUB KIDNEYS, RETENTION OF TUE URINE, Ac, Sec Ami for Female Diseases, Nervous Prostration, Weakness. General Lass! tude. and Want of Appetite, lt ls unsurpassed. CAUTION !-In ordering our remedy always place the number of our Postoitlce Box on your letters Tho new law of our New York Postomcc compels this. Address, DR. IL E. HENRY ? CO.. Director General Berlin flospital, Prussia, AO ENCY OF THF, UNITED STATES. Laboratory, 270 Pearl Si reef. Postofllcc Box 5272 NEW YORK. XGT-CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR ls il per bot tlc, six bottles for $5. Sent anywhere on recelpi of price. Patients are requested to correspond confldenHally, and reply will bo made by following mail. Sold bv all respectable Druggists. G. W. AIMAIt, Charleston, Agent, .Ianl7 mwslyr ^YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A LAXATIVE MEDICINE. Perhaps no one medi? cine ls so universally re? quired by everybody aa a cathartic, nor was ever any before so uni? versally adopted into use, In every conni ry and among all classes, as this mild but cilleient purgative PILL. The obvious reason ls, that it is a more reliable und far more effectual rem? edy than any other. Those who have tried lt, know that lt cured them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always-that it never fails through any fault or neglect of Its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of Hie ceri in? cites of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures arc known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to ull BSCS and conditions lu all climates: containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they maybie taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresli and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their us? fn any Quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the Internal viscera to purify Hie Mood and stimulate lt into healthy action-remove the obstructions ol the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs td thc body, restoring their Irrcgulur act lon to heall h. and by correcting, wherever they exist, sucn derangements as are the first oiigin'of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for t*e following complaints, which these FILLS rapidly cure: Fur DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, LISTLESSNESS LANGUOR and Loss of APPETITE, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach aud restore its healthy tone and ac*ion. For LITER COMPLAINT and its varions symp? toms, BILIOUS HEADACHE, SICK HEADACHE, JAUN? DICE or GREEN SICKNESS, BILIOUS COLIC and BILIOUS FEVERS, they should bc judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased actlou or remove thc obstructions which cause lt. For DYSENTERY or DIAKRUOA, but one miid dose ls generativ required. For RHEUMATISM, GOUT, GRAVEL, PALPITATION OF TUE HEART, PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK and LUNGS, tl.ev should be continuously taken, as re? quired, io ?.hange Hie diseased action of the sys? tem. Willi such change ihose complaints dis? appear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should de taken in large anti frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken as lt produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a DINNER litt, take one or two PILLS to pro? mote digestion ami relieve thc stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach ano bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates thc system. Hence it is often ad? vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often linds that a dose of these PILLS makes him feel decidedly bet? ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. DR. J. C. AYER JJ CO., Practical Chemists. Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.St Soldat wholesale and retail by DO WIE, MOISE Sc DAVIS, Charleston, S. C., and by Retail Drug? gists everywhere. ocw .fertilisers. JjjTIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES, AND SULPHURIC ACID, Manufactured at Charleston, S. C., under the direction of Dr. N. Av PRATT, Chemist, for the Sulphu? ric Acid and Superphosphate Company. SOLUBLE PHOSPHORIC ACID, in the form of SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, or DISSOLVED BONB PHOSPHATE, is the basis of all good FertiUzers, and these are valuable In the ratio of Soluble Phosphoric Acid which Is in them. The Immense deposits of Phosphatlc Guanos which were discovered in 1867 In South Carolina, by Dr. PRATT, consists mainly of Insoluble Phosphate of Lime, which ls made available as a Fertilizer by being ground to powder, and reduced by Sulphuric Acid to such a condition make its lnsolu ble phosphate soluble In water, and thus made capable of being taken up by growing plants. The Insoluble Phosphate found In any commercial Fertilizer is of no more valne to the plant than the original Phosphate rock. The greater the proportion of this Soluble Phosphate which any Fertilizer contains, the less the quantity required per acre, and consequently the cheapest Fertilizer ls that containing the highest percentage of Soluble Phosphate. Impressed with these truths, the Snlphurte Acid and Superphosphate Company have erected at Charleston the first extensive Acid Chambers south of Baltimore, and are able to offer to planters the highest percentage of Soluble Phosphate of Lime known in any market. Their Fertilizers arc offered*under two forms : a L ETIYVAN No. 1.-Pure SolnMt Phosphate, guaranteed to contain twenty-four per cent, of Dis? solved Bone Phosphate of Lime. $00 per ton; ten per cent, discount for cash. 2. ETI WAN No. 2.-Peruvian Superphosphate, guaranteed to contain twenty per cent, of Dissolved Bone Phosphate, and one?and a half to three per cent, of Ammonia, with a sutllcient addition of Pe? ruvian Guano to adopt It to all Crops. $70 per ton; ten per cent, discount for cash. We also offer DISSOLVED BONE, of high grade, for planters or manufacturers who may desire to mix into any other compost, and we suggest that this is the best and cheapest method for manufac? turers to transport the Sulphuric Af ld contained in the mixture. Will bc sold nt a Axed rate for each percentage. * WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents, jaulO mw2mos No. 14 Adger's Wharf. (?lotijing nnu inrnisljiitg ?ooos. A ES AT CLEARING OUT SALK! THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING I ]V THIS CITY, TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST IN MANUFACTURING THE SAU 3. In order to dispose or our entire Stock ror the coming SPRING TRADE, wc have minced the prices regardless of the cost or manuracturlng the same. All persons In want or anything in our line, will do we ll to give us a rai: bcrorc purchasing else? where, as we guarantee a saving or TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY PE!'. CENT, to all who buy of us. Our terms will be strictly CASH. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. . I. Ii; FALK & CO., No. 303 King street and No. 157 Meeting street. janl7 mwslmo Opposite Charleston notel. T Qrjonlbcr Brate. HE CHAMPION BRACE m This BRACE, In Its peculiar constructlo n, lias al r i ?: thc advantages of SUSPENDERS A NU SHOULDER BRACES COMMNED. First, lt does not disarrange the Shirt Bosom. Second, lt cannot slip off the should en?. Third. There ls less strain on the Imitons ol' the pants than willi common Suspenders. Fourth. Each section ortho pants can be adjusted independent? ly. Firth. By means of thc Adjust Il.le Back Snap ? gentle or powerful Brace cnn bc obtained. Sixth. It attaches to the pants at the same points that the ordinary Suspender docs. Sole Agent in Charleston, E . SCOTT, DEALER IM SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Meeting street. Opposite Market Hall. Jnn2l 3m os iUiscellnncons. IF YOU WANT BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, and of thc best material, to any pattern, go lo EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston notcJ, Charleston. S. C. >\vU fimos rp F. C H U PEIN, DENTIST, i:~F.'0E NO. 275 KINO STREET, nov'.:; ?unos IF YOC WANT YOUR PRINTINt ? DONE in Fine Style anil at Reason a! il;- Bates, goto EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 MiK-this street, opposite Cha rusten Hotel, Cimrlosioii. s. C. ilii.'l i '".mos berny & LaEsaaa's irrida Water. Thc most celebrated find mose delightful of all rer lumes, ionise on (Le hand? kerchief, at tho idiot, and in (kc bath, for salo by all Di':.??ists '?nd jnn2i mwstmos IF YOU* WANT SCHOOL AND TEXT BOOKS of ali kinds, cheaper than you tv.n purchase elsewhere, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite charleston IKtcl Charleston, s. C. dt-rii fimos fino nr ia I. Q Ii ECKS ON NE V,* Y O li K AND ?JILLS 0>* ENGLAND AND ni INCE SOLU. STEP.LING AI*? FIIANCS BOUGHT. ADTAXf.'ES ()>' COSS?liXl?EXTS, By LKS'/.SNK ft WELLS, nov2 3n:os No. lt> BROAD STREET. QHARLES HICKEY, GILDER, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFAC? TURER, No. 345 KINO STREET, Charleston, S. C. Old Frames Itcgllt equal to new. Looking glasses of all sizes fitted to Frames. Just received, an assortment or flue Chromos and Engravlgns. decs wfmSnios ?iqnoro. ?OGNAC BRANDY IN CASES. A. TOBIAS' SONS, offer for sale, 300 cases, 1 dozen cadi, Cognac BRANDY, "Vine Growers" braml. and three} ears cjd, in bonded warehouse. jaii2llmo Spool dotton. for ?io Dj, BEST SLYC ORD of 3, TO (8*5 WiEHANTFD COI Solo Agents inNewY?rt&r J&P. COATS!, of Paisley, Scotlmcl. jnnio nrv-'ni-i^_ C L H. > S ?6fl il T *9 W ? 11 a Ba Spool Cotton IS TOE BEST FOR HAND!MACHINE SEWING. FOR SALE BY ALL * WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRY GOODS DEALERS decl5 w Fm'imo fjcpntic Sitters. TEY PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA. AND ALL DISEASES OF ME STOMACH AND LIVER. TDE7 ARE RECOMMENCED BT TOB JV! BD IO AL FACULTY. HEGEMAN Sc CO., AGENTS, NEW YORK. Mamifactnred by C:F. PAMfllfl? CHEHIST AID APOTHECABT, CHARLESTON, S. C. 49>foi* Soie by Druggists Every where.-?its febl5 mwfiyr