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CITY AFFAIRS Meetings This Day. Phoenix Fire Company, at half-past 7 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. Holmes & Macbeth will sell at - o'clock, on Ashley River, Drayton Hall plantation. HOLIDAY GOODS.-The holiday season, to .which all look forward with so much pleasure, and when everybody spends money as freely as water flows, is now near at hand. The stores are opening their Christmas supplies, and the most enterprising of onr merchants are already begin? ning to make unnsual efforts to bring their goods before the public. Many have already seized opon the columns of TUE NBWS as thc best medium to accomplish the purpose, and it would be well Tor others to do the same before the holiday week begins. Those who wish to make their purchases before the stores are thronged and the stocks have been picked over, will find in our advertis? ing department, from day te day, full informa? tion as to what to boy and where the beat of J "everything may be bought. On Tuesday next we shall begin the publication of our Christmas di? rectory, which will include notices of the stocks of our holiday advertisers. TUB CUTS A? EST YET.-The NEWS Job Office is now printing bill-heads in the best style aud ou fine paper, at $2 50 per thousand. Merchants, think ? of Rf -i -? THB MARINER'S CHURCH.-There will be service Di thc Mariner's Church, Church street, to mor? row, Sunday, at half-post 10 o'clock tn the monr Ing. Service In the afternoon at half-past 3 o'clock. THB DUBL BT LOT.-Lovers of the sensa? tional in romance are commended to the thrilling -?tory, the opening chapters of which will be found in another column. The characters and Incidents seem so real, and the plot of the story is so inge? niously woven, that the reader ia fascinated at the very commencement, and remains so to the .ead. THB PHILADELPHIA LINE.-Messrs. J. 4 T. Getty, the agents of the Charleston and Philadel? phia Steamship Line, received yesterday a tele? gram from Messrs. E. A. Souder A Co., or Phils delphi*, stating that there would be no steamer this week, as the Ever m an was disabled and hauled off, but that another steamer would be put -on to succeed the Prometheus. M A CONVENIENT ATTACHMENT.-Mr. D. B. Haselton, the well-known sewing machine agent, ..tua received s consignment of Fanto* A Co.'s patent sewing machine castors, which form a very desirable and convenient attachment to any sewing machine. The l&Jles shonld call at Hr. Hasel ton's, Ha 307 King street, and see how this excellent improvement works. THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF SOOTH CAROLINA. , At the eightieth anniversary mecttn? of the Medical Society of South Carolina, held on De? cember 13, the following officers were ejected for Ute ensuing term: F. M. Robertson, M. D., presi? dent; J. Ford Prioleau, M. D., vice-president; Manning Simons, M. D., secretary; Jno. L. An . cram, M. D., treasurer and librarian. -.- - * A PLKASXNO TESTIMONIAL.-^The pupils of Dr. H. M. Bruns' Academy surprised him yesterday, by the presentation of a testimonial of their ap? preciation of his character as their Instructor. ' Tpesenior class presented 'him with a pair or gold spectacles, and the Junior class with a gold ? headed ebony cane, inscribed with his name. Happy speeches were made on t he occasion. Tn H SUPREME COURT.-This court was not in ? session on Thursday. The rollo win jr cases were . accidentally omitted from the report of the pre? vious day's proceedings : Robert A. Pringle et al vs. Bela Sizer et al ; J. D. Caskey, sheriff, ads. Wp. McMuUan, and R. S. Gilliam, plaintiff In errvr, VB. PT. S. McJunkln, defendant in error, were continued by consent. L. H. Deas ads. James - Chesnut, executor, was struck off. -? AMUSEMENTS NEXT WEEK_Some rare at * tractions are in preparation at the Acadamy or Mosto for next week. The excellent comedy > company will return and bring oat, on Monday night, the beautiful drama of "Rosedale," which, V at WaUACk's, New York, had so extraordinary a mn last winter. The piece will be put upon the hoards with the utmost care and attention to -detaUs. Kater in the week wc are to have the charming Christmas piece of "Dot, or the .Cricket on the Hearth." Daring the week following, there wlU be an en? gagement of the Galton english Opera Company. MORR EAST BAY IMPROVEMENTS.-We ore gratified to announce that the unsightly gap ia EaiV. Bay, left by the recent fire which destroyed tue stores of Messrs. K latte A Co. and Wohltmann, :J* about to be filled by the Immediate erection or tiro handsome stores, each 22 feet front by 125feet - doop, with a front elevation of 40 feet. The owner . "of tho property. Mr. E. Poinolgnoa, shows a com mendable spirit of enterprise in so promptly tak? ing measures to replace the barned buildings; ' -?nd wo have ns doubt that the contractor, Mr. J. fl. Devereux, will erect the new structures in a - substantial and handsome style, every way wor? thy of om* great commercial thoroughfare. % Tra UP-TOWN RAIDS.-The denizens of the Upper Wards are loud In their complaints of thc .fowl thieves who roam through that Bcctlon un? molested and nightly make some choice roost theh- prey. The dulcet note or the pistol, which occasionally breaks the stillness of the midnight air, has no terrors for these marauders, and dif? ferent neighborhoods are in turn called upon to pay a tax to their rapacious maw. Within the past few days these robberies have been on the increase, and, though the police authorities have ?been notified, the evil seems irreparable, and many fond anticipations of Christmas dinners .have been blighted by the sudden disappearance of the fatted gobbler. CHEAP LITERATURE.-Messrs. C. C. Righter -4 Co. have established a news depot in Hasel street; nearly opposite the Express office, which ls destined to become a popular resort with the Charleston public The stand is In a good loca Moa, and the stock has been carefully selected, comprising the leading works of Action, together with the magazines, Journals and papers or thc -day. Mr. W. N. Hughes, who has enjoyed a large experience in this Une, will conduct the business. The price of -every article has been placed at the , lowest figuro, and the Northern weeklies aud t? other papera will be offered at prices lower than ever known In this city. A good chance ls af? forded those persons desirous of making Christ ? maa investments, as the stock embraces a variety of articles adapted for presents. SULLIVAN'S ISLAND_The Rev. Dr. Bermlng - ham, who made the first practical movement ofter the war to restore Sullivan's Island to tts old-time prosperity, and to cause It to be known asd frequentcJ aa the seaport watering-place of the Carolinas and lac inland Southern States, j is determined to do his part in Improving the is? land, and with his accustomed energy has devot? ed himself to the task of building a Catholic Church to be dedicated to "St. Mary, Star of thc ? Sea," The lot was h ought, and tn Jan nary last . the corner-stone or the new church was \ laid. A large quantity or building material ? was given to Dr. Bermingham by the I United States- Government, but so rar only the I foundations or the building have been laid. The Reverend gentleman was cot wining to call upon his friends for contributions to bis cherished L work until the "hard tlmcB" were at least p&r ^Hally over. Delays sud procia?Uuaiioua ure, distasteful to his active spirit, and bo ia now [ ?hont to begin operat ons in earnest. Alresdy a [ QOBflllosloie sum of money has been given Dr. F Birmingham or h s new can ch, and lt ls h p d that aU who a precis <? h a industry an 1 di? nrer I estedness, wlU, when called n, give their m e o [ wards building the church of ?The Star or the Sea." ME. CHARLES CAHN.-We are informed that an agent of Mr. Charlea Cahn ia now in this city for the purpose of settling up in full the claims against that gentleman. A Urge amount has al? ready been paid, and lt is expected that every liability outstanding will be met in the course or a lew days. There ls little doubt that Mr. Calm was blameless in the matters with which his name has been connected, and it is hoped that, with untarnished credit, he will soon bc able to resume business in Charleston. EXCURSION TO TBK PlIOSPHATK RBRION.--A splendid opportunity is offered to strangers and others desirous er visiting thc Ashley Phosphates, by the excursion of the steamer Samson, which will leave Accommodation wharf, at 9 o'clock, and return during the afternoon. Tully will bc aboard, and refreshments will be furnished to the excursionists. The sale of property at Dray ton Dall will take place to-day, under the auspicies of Messrs. Holmes A Macbeth, and the trip of the Samson will be a great accommadation to those persons interested In the sale. ACADEMY OF MUSIC-Mr. Bishop's benefit, in spite of the unfavorable weather, drew a very full house last evening. In both the pieces presented, "Jenny Lind" and "A Serious Kamilly," Mr. Bishop appeared to great advantage. The versa? tility of this gentleman, no less In his wonderful make-np than In his style of acting, is the topic of general remark. Miss Ella Chapman was thc ceitral figure in "Jenny Lind," while Miss Blanche divided thc honors with the pious Amina dab. This afternoon and evening will positively be the last performances of the Chapman Sisters in Charleston. "Porty Thieves" at the matinee, and "Toodles" with the Thieves in thc evening. No more need be said. THE CHAPMAN SISTERS.-The Chapman Sis? ters, and the fine company which supports them, take their leave of Charleston this evening. We i bat express the general sentiment of our citizens when we say that their entertainments here have been decidedly the most pleasant that wc have had since thc close of the war. Thc you:h, vivaci ; ty and beauty of the Sister stars, make them shine equally in song and dance, In comedy and extravaganza. As for Bishop, be is, beyond com? parison, the greatest comedian that has visited the South since the days or Burton. Savannah will need bnt to see this combination once, to give them, as Charleston has done, crowded houses during their whole engagement. CROUDS.-At a recent meeting of the Com? missioners of the Market, Mr. John II. Stclumeyer was unanimously elected chairman of the board The Chadwick testimonial can be seen at Messrs. william Carrington A Co.'s, where it will remain on exhibition for a few days. An unlucky individual who confided lathe sta? bility of a cellar door on Klug street, lost his standing in the community and went deeper Into real estate than was agreeable. A new spectacular sensation, which Ls to eclipse even the renowned Black Crook and White Fawn, ls in coarse of preparation in New York. The poetry of motion ls to be interpreted by the most popular Parisian danseuses, and thc piece is to be called "The Twelve Temptations." Female fiddlers are becoming popular In thc Northern and European cities, and have rosined their bow* at many recent concerts. The miniature steamboat Eugene Ward, which attracted a large crowd in King street yesterday, will make a trial trip at the pond foot or Bcaufain street to-day. Crrv TAXATION.-Under the present system, the bulk of the city revenue is raised by the tax on real estate and on the gross receipts of mer? chants and professional men. A bill ls now be? fore the General Assembly extending the provi? sions of the voluminous State tax bill to the City af Charleston, which will work a radtua! change in the manner of assessing and collecting taxes. In thc first place, all property will bc taxed at its real value, or (which ls not thc same thing) at the value set upon lt by the appraisers. Charleston will also have a "Board or Equalization" to re? view, and Increase or decrease, assessments, as was done, as the people remember, fry the State Equalizing Board for purposes or State taxation. Unless the city board have more com? mon sense and senso ot Justice than the State board had, Charleston will bc in a bad way. Be? sides taxing property according to Its vainc, thc city may, under the new bill, require "the pay? ment of such sum or sums of money for license or licenses, as in their judgment may be Just and wise, by any person or persons engaged, or in? tended to be engaged, In any calling, business or profession, in whole or in part, within the limits of the City or Charleston, except those engaged in the calling or protcsslou or teachers or public or private schools, and ministers or the Gospel." We understand that it is intended to license every calling but those excepted, and these fees are relied on to fill the vacuum or the treasury during next month. Until the tax bi:l is reported, we canna tel!, with certainty, what its chief features will be, but we desire to Impress upon thc Committee or Ways aud Means thu advisability of reducing, if possible, thc present onerous tax oa real estate. Than this, nothing would do more to instil a cheerful spirit into owners of city property, who now receive but a beggarly return from their in? vestment. U.NTTID STATB8 CIRCUIT COURT-HON'. GEO. S. BRYAN, PRKSICINO.-COLUMBIA, December l?. Inquiry Dock-it.-Hough, Ridenar A Langdon va. Benjamin F. Batc9. Assurupsit, W. E. Earle, plaintiff's attorney. Jury rendered verdict for plaintiff $582 59. United State.* vs. two mules, one wagon and three barrels distilled spirits. Rich Leadbetter, claimant. On motion or Wm. E. Earle, attorney for claimant, ordered that the cause be continued to the United States District Court, at Greenville, on the first Monday or August next. PISTIIIUT COURT. Ex parte George W. Pickett of ('hester. Peti? tion Tor bnal discharge. S. P. Hamilton, pro pet. Petitions referred to W. J. dawsun, Rsq., registrar. Ex parte Charles W. Rawlins, of Richland. Pe tltlon for final discharge. James D. Tradewcll, pro pet. Peti'lon referred to C. ll. Jueger, regis? trar, and final hearing ordered to lake p.ace at Charleston on Jaauary 18, 1870. Ex parte Thomas Davis, of Yorkvllle. Petition Tor fiual discharge. Wilson A Witherspoon, pr? pet. Registrar dawson's report In favor of dis? charge read and continued, anti, on motion, Jnd^c signed, under seal, certificate and ord jr ul discharge. In re B. C. McLurr, bankrupt, petition f.^r counsel fcc. S. P. Hamilton pro pet. On motion, referred to W. J. dawson, rezlsirar, to n-port. In rc Thomas Davis. Petition ol creditor U>r Involuntary bankruptcy. Wilson A Witherspoon pro pet. The petitton having been abandoned, on motion, and bi consent o? a,i parias, ordered that the speelncirloiu be tai. :i (.?r uf file, and that the bankrupt be discharged, upon the regis? trar reporting con for m ny tu pursuance Ol iii* laws and practice of this court. In re Hatcot j. pride. Petition or lien credi? tors, s. P. Hamilton pro pf. On motion ors. P. Hamilton, Esq., ordered that the assignee of fer the real catate of bankrupt fer rent for the year 1870, by taking a lien upon the tot!on crop. Assignee have leave to rent for a sp?cifie sim ni money. If deemed advisable. lure J. J. Pundin burk, bankrupt. Registrar dawson reports on petition* rur aale. Ordered tiut report? in; con tinned, and assignee sr:i UJ tat':s as rt-ctmimCndcd, Ac. In r-.-John J. Blaglc, bankrupt Pcltlnu f?? sale and to call l-i lien creditors, dawson-A Thompsoii .tro pet. Petition referred to w. J. dawson, registrar, and that assignee call in. by publicaiion. all lien creditors within thirty days from date of llrst publication, or be debarred ull benefit of this decree, and that the registrar re? port all liens to this court. Ac Hotel ArrlTals- December 17. CHARI.KMVN HOTEL W. R. Irving, New York; Wm. T. White, City; H. Puller, south Carolina; w. H. Trezevam, Columbia; P. 3. Lewis, Gilbert Hedlow, s. c.- F M. OUatt, Mrs. P. M. Otfatt, Maryland; David Nichol*, alaine; A. Nclsou. Mi*? o. Nelson. Key West; C. C. Ooo. Boston: B. P. Chatfield, Connec? ticut; P. (J. Rockwell. Aiken. PAVILION' HOTEL. L. M. Keene, il C. Ra-er: H. A. Shingler. J. c. MeKewn, Cooper River; II. W. Rice, Barnwell; J. Johnston. Bdhtto Island; lt. 0. Hour, Albany; T. B. Boyd, Oraiiite'iarg; A. C. Chandler. Huston; OWiiU McLaughlin; I.uko McLaughlin, South C.iro lna; Jo-<ep:i L>veand wire, neston: J. E. McNair, OheMw; j. j. Haokabcr, Kershaw; Pred. s stew? art, Chicago; Joseph EL Thompson, S. S. Briton, Salt :r's Station. MILIS nouna. P. C. Oleesoa, Birmingham. England: Arnold Bar ter, Now Orleans: Hugh Douglas, W. J. Ryer son K -bert IL Bowman. New York; Dr. J. Harri? son. Or cn ville; Mrs. W. C. Trowbridge, Kalama aoo. Ma-h.: Jas. L. Jovce, New Haven, OL; L. P. Sm., t, Christ OHorcb Pariah. III I J BUSINESS NOTICES. ' TKKRB ARK FEW Christmas presents that would be more acceptable than a canary, and some fine songsters can bc obtained by applying carly at No. ins King street. IF YOU WANT to get something nice and good in the way of jewelry, go to James Allan's, No. 307 King street, where you will have a hand? some and well assorted stock to sclcci from. CHEAP CLOTHING.-Messrs. Georgo Little & Co. are offering unusual inducements to those in need of Christmas suits. They will sell their cutir? stock of clothing, for thc next thirty days at cost prices, and will convince all visitors that their money could not be spent to better ad? vantage. WINES, LIQUEURS AWD CORDIALS.-^Tao old established and responsible house of Kllnck, Wickenberg A Co. advertise their Christmas stock of choice old sherries, champagnes, clarets, liqueurs and cordials, all of the finest quality. A glance at the long array of famous brands tells the tale, and is more attractive than aught we can say. _^ THE MOULD OP FASHION.-Man is an artificial beinR, and unless he bears the imprint of the latest fashion upon hisgarmeuLs, cannot expect to compete with those more favored Individuals who arc a credit to their tailor. Messrs. Menke A Muller have enjoyed too long an experience in this world not to know the truth of thc adage, that "thc tailor makes the mau." Their stand, No. 325 King street, 13 perfect in its appliances to beautify aud adorn masculine humanity. A rall stock ot cloths, casslnieres and rurnlshlng goods or every variety of shade and pattern, tempts the Christmas buyer to invest, and there are tew visitors who leave non-suited. Messrs. Menke A Muller reel confldent or their ability to give entire satisraction, and they will give prompt attention to any orders. A UNIVERSAL REMEDY.-" Brown's Bron? chial Troches" for coughs, colds and bronchial affections, now stands the first in public favor and confidence ; this result has been acquired by a test or many yearn. Its merits and extensive use have caused the Troches to be counterfeited, and we would caution purchasers to be on their guard against worthless Imitations. BAVARIAN BEER.-Just received a lot of that celebrated Bavarian Beer. Also, Champagne Cider on draught, by A. TJEFENTHAL, dec?s 2 No. 107 Market street. FOP. THE HOLIDAYS.- Cheap chromos, One photographs, handsome picture frames, a large stock of albums-cheaper than the cheapest. At C. C. Rlghicr's, No. 161 King street. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have his card printed on his envelopes. ittiscdlanecns. JL^T TUE HASEL STREET BAZAAR, (OPPOSITE TOE SYNAGOGUE,) FINE FIFTY- PICTURE ALBUMS, ONE DOLLAR EACH. V A S H T I , By Miss EVANS, Cloth Binding, $1 80. NEW YORK HERALD, WORLD, TIMES and TRIBUNE, FIVE CENTS EACH. CHARLESTON NEWS AND COURIER, THREE CENTS PER COPY. decis_ ANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that WILSON'S GROCERY is the best and cheapest place to buy DRIED FRCIT ror the Holidays. dccl7 4 B A UNWELL RACES The Sherwood Jockey Club will hold a RACE MEETING over their new Cour.-.e, commencing on TUESDAY, December 21,I860, and coutinulug ror three days as follows: FIRST DAY, DECEMBER 21. First Race-Sweepstakes, Two Mlle Dash, $30 Entrance. Second Race-Sweepstakes, Mile Heats, $20 En? trance. SECOND DAY, DECEMBER 22. First Race-Sweepstakes, Mile Heats, $28 En? trance. Secaud Race-Sweepstakes, Mlle Dash, $15 En? trance. . THIRD DAY, DECEMBER 23. First Race-Sweepstakes-, Mile and a hair Dash, >'-''> Entrance. The Club will add money or plate to each or thc above Races. T?c first Race each dav tree to all horses; thc second iUcc cadi day CONFINED TO County-owned horses. Closish Race-$10 Post Entrance. Three-quar? ter Mile Dash, beaten horses allowed Five Pounds. Opened only to horses that have run during the Meeting. On First Doy, a match, Mlle Heats/will be run ror ?-, between General llagood's Chesnut Pilly, Saluda, by Congaree, and IL W. Richardson's Bay Gelding, Agate, by Rot! Eagie. First Race punctually at 12 M. each day. Persons wishing to attend thu Meeting con easily obtain conveyances at Blackville, and can lind ample accommodation at the Patterson House, at Barnwell. JOHN S. STONEY, deett tuft Secretary. VALUABLE PHOTOGRAPHS. BOIN'BST A MARTIN have Tor sale at their Book and Periodical depot, in King, opposite Ann street, sign or the Golden Pen, some very striking and destraille LIKENESSES, in different sizes of Photograph, or Generals Lee, Jackson and Wash? ington, and or Mrs. Washington, Rev. Drs. Baeh inan and Hicks, together with Fancy and Fine Lithographs, attractive Engravings, Boote lor iheJFInlldaya. Ac._decl7 rs tu th-1 IP YOU WANT YOUR PRINTING DONE ia Fine Style and nt Reasonable Rates, goto EDWARD PERRY, No. 166 Meeting aircct, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S^C. rtecM Cmos JJO ONE NEED SHAKE FROM FEAR OF ACO:-; WHO DRINKS ?5 0 L 0 M O K'S D I T T E R S Por hale at dec! RAOUL A LYNAH IP YOU WANT PAPER BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, and Bags or every description, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. Itt Meeting stroel, oppomio Charleston Hotel, CiiarlcHton. ?. C._decM Cmos. QUIT, NIGGER, WHAT'S DE MATTER ? Vou Ml dcm derc fritters. Sal, gal, stop dat. clattor, I'se miss de SOLOMON BITTERS ? For sale at RAOUL A LYNAH. decs IP YOU WANT LITHOGRAPH CHECK HOOKS, or Lithographing doue lu fine style, ?to to EDWARD PERRY. No. Ifif. Msc* tag street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston. S. G. dcei4 61110s Q-IL O-li, LORD, O-H! NO ONE GRUNTS THUS IF THEY U&E SOLOMON'S BITTERS. F->r aalc at RAOUL A LYNAM. doca Cigars, Sobacro, Ut. J MADSEN'S CIGAR MANUFACTORY AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 314 King street, Corner of Society street, "3ICLS OF THE INDIAN CHIEP." CIGARS: LA CAROLINA CIGARS, at $20 per M La Carolina Cigars, No. 1, at $22 per M Corona je Espana, No. 1, at $25 per M El Douquct, at $30 per M Partagas, (Havana filling,) at $4? per M H. Upmann, (Havana,) at $50 per M Figaro, (Genuine Spanish,) at $75 per M Jenny Lind, at $80 per M. As all these brands are made under my especial care and supervision, I can warrant that all Cigars smoke well and will give satisfaction at the prices. Imported Cigars of different grades. For Cigar Manufacturers, a large assortment of Leaf Tobacco. ALSO, A stock of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, and PIPES. Merchants and Consumers are respectfully in? vited to give me a call, thc undersigned being re? solved to give satisfaction. declS sra wirao J. MADSEN. w STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA BONDS Savannah and Charleston Railroad Stock People's Bank Stock, by A. C. KA1FMAN, dccl7 2_Broker, No. 26 Broad atreet. mWO THOUSAND DOLLARS GOLD WANTED. Apply to PINCKNEY BROTHERS, decl6 North Atlantic Wharf. T O ? I 8 M c L A I N , BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 48 BROAD STREET. Charleston, S. C. Stocks. Bonds and Gold bought, carried and sold short In New York City. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale or all kinds of Southern Securities. oats Shirts ano ?nrmsfjing ?ooos. F RESH ARRIVALS! LATEST STYLES I COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES ! S S S s s s s s s S SCOTT'S S SSSSSSS SSSSSSS S STAR 8HIRTS S S S . S AND COLLARS S S S S READY MADE 8 S S S AND MAL)It S S * s S TO ORDER. S S s "- m S S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING 8 SSSSSSS SSSSSSS S GOODS. S S S S S S 8 S S s AT THE GREAT SEHRT EMPORIUM ! LOOK FOR THE STAR 8IGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. novl3 Dac 0 N o Hi ?? S ? J OQ PR I OE! * 5 ? ? s 5 ? 0 S Q a r H < fe * a 2 t k Bl? ? ? I a' 3 ? S n p M efl f- o r? M SS W t? r3 - t < ^ T ? p to Sr o J S 3 ? ? s ? w 6 a ONE PRICE! nov 22 C bromare, (Cutlcrn, Ut. UTLERY, &c. , &c The subscriber has Just received from Messrs. Joseph Rodgers A Sons, Frederick Ward A Co., and other Sheilleld houses, a very line assort? ment or BALANCE IVORY TABLE CUTLERY. Nickel Silver Forks und Spoons. Wooden Itread and Cheese Platters. Wooden Butter Dishes. Ladles' Scissors, with aud without cases. Joseph Rodgers A Son's Needles. Old English Razors and Strops. ALSO, A very fine assortment or POCKET CUTLERY. C. ORAVELEY. No. 62 East Bay, south or the Old Pos to Ul ce. decll sw6 HARDWARE AND HOLLOWWARE, OP DIRECT IMPORTATION. NOW LANDING PER STEAMER MARMORA. Elwell's HOES, Brades' Crown Planters, Steel Hoes, and other makers. Shutter Bolts, Smltlis' Vices, Corn Mills. Fry Pans, Brass and Iron Fenders. Curronware, consisting of Ovens and extra Covers, D om 7 to 24 Inch. Pota, l quart to 60 gal? lons Spiders. 8 to 14 Inch, all In fine order. Rodgers' Ivory Handle Knives; Scissors. And on band a fine assortment of Builders Hard? ware, Plantation Tools, and Agricultural Imple? ments. Also, Agents fur Hie DODGE'S PERFECT PLOUGHS, and Bile rho's Transplanters. For sale at low prices Uv S. R. MARSHALL, Sign of tito Ooldea Gun, doro tlMtnUuS No. 3in King street. F iUillincrrj, fatten (SOO?IG, Ut. ALL OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS, AT MRS. M. J. ZERNOW'S, No. 304 KING ST. Raving just returned from New York, weuld re? spectfully call thc attention ot the Ladles to a large and handsome assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Including Dress Trimmings and Paper Patterns. Cloaks on hand and made to order. Dressmaking attended to as USUAL Country orders sollcltod iind promptly filled. octll 3 tutlu?moe I L L I N E R^Y GOODS. M A COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MATERIALS 18 NOW OPENEL Which will bc made in thc BEST MANNER AND LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL AND WINTER. AU girders promptly filled. M. J. BOOTH, No. 429 King street octlB 5 tuths3mos T^oli??TJ (B0O?6. Q.LTTS FOR TUE HOLIDAYS. JEWELRY IN GREAT VARIETY, OP TUB LATEST AND MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS. BROOCHES AND EAR-RINGS, Bracelets, Watch Chains, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Collar Buttons, Lockets, Scarf Pins, Armlets, And Necklaces. DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS, Charms of all kinds, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Sterling Silver Spoons and Forks, NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, Fancy Pieces, singly and In Cases, Opera Glasses, Spectacles, Microscopes and Optical Goods, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. The place to go for the above, and an infinit? Variety of FANCY GOODS, 13 AT JAMES ALLAN'S, declR stuthlmo No. 307 King street. R EDUCED IN PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS. 75 ca?es, 2 pound cans, BALTIMORE FRESH PEACHES, at $3 per deon. Put up expressly far S. H. W., and warranted of best quality. GOODS delivered free SAMUEL H. WILSON, Dealer in Family Groceries. Southeast corner Society and Anson streets. dec!8 swf3_ ^TNo. 215 BAST BAY. FOR SALE BT PAUL, WELCH A BRANDES, SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS, 500 bbls. Prime NORTHERN APPLES Red Baldwins, Spitz, Twenty Ounce, GUIs Leeks, Ac. 50,000 Florida Oranges 30,000 West India Oranges 20,000 Ruatan and Baracoa Cocoanuts 100 boxes Messina and Palermo Lemons 1M boxes Layer Raisins, quarters, halves and wholes 50 kegs Malaga Grapes 15 cases Assorted Smyrna Figs, In baskets, layers, drums. Mi >? and l rn boxes 10 frails Compressed Dates 50 bbls Fresh Nuts Walnuts, Pecans, Brazils, Filberts, Al? monds 75 cases Assorted Goblet and Tumbler Jel? lies 800 boxes "Astonishing Surprise" Candy SOO boxes Keller's Favorite Package Candies 20 boxes Red and White Rock Candy 50 boxes Assorted Stick and Lump Candy. AMD PRUNES Currants Citron Fruits In Syrup Ginger and Lime Juice Cordial Raspberry Vinegar, Ac, Ac A Fresh Cargo of BANANAS, PINES, Ac, shortly expected. PAUL, WELCH A BRANDES. C" RISTMAS IS CpMING! S3- G 0 TO'SJ CLAUSSEN'S BRANCH STEAM BAKERY, No. 290 K'NO STREET, Near Wentworth street, AI JO, TOB SAUE AT THE BAKERY IN MARKET STREET. There you will And a large assortment of the most saleable and thc most useful articles ror ramilles. BREAD. Wheat Rvo French Potato Milk Graham Sweet, Ac. CRACKERS. Butter Sugar Ginger Fancy Picnic Oyster Boston Lemon, Ac. BISCUITS. Soda Wine Milk Cream Egg Boston Seed, Ac. CAKES. Sugar Jumbles French Jumbles Scotch Washington Shrewsberry Almond German Vanilla Plain Roll Moccaroon Sponge Lemon Jelly Ornamented Wedding Christmas, Small Iced, Ac' PIES. Mince Meat Cranberry Orange Lemon Cocoanut Apple ' Prune Pumpkin, Ac. PLAIN CANDY. Mint Lemon Sassafras Cream Clove Raspberry Strawberry Cinnamon Wintergreen Barley Sarsaparilla Hoarhouud Peanut Cocoanut Kisses Tags Lump Fruit, Ac. FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, Ac. Cum Drops, all flavors Cam Sticks, Jujube Sticks Fig Paste, Jelly Gum Drops Sugar Almonds Vanilla and Rosin Sugar Almonds Jordan Sugar Almonds Cream Sogar Almonds Cream Chocolate Drops Nonpareil Chocolate Drops Family Chocolate, Nugat Bon Bons, Sugar Plums . Cream Dates, Cream Fig9 Cream Strawberries Cream Fruit, Crystallized Fruit Wine Drops Whiskey Drops Brandy tropa, cordial Drops Lozenges, Rock Candy Marshmallow Drops Chewing Gum Sugar Filberts, Ac. SOMETHING NEW. Alaska Crystal Rock Candy Sugar Boasted Peanuts Chocolate Roosted Peanuts A Kt) sou To"i Surprise Candy. ear Christmas Trees supplied gratis, flit:H QANDY! CANDY ! CANDY 1 ' Let those who want Fresh and Pure CANDY go to A. 1). FLEMING'S Steam Gandy Factory, No. 341 King street. Branch Store corner of King and Ann streets. Also, received 10 cases of French Confectionery, ot direct importation, composed or thc greatest variety ot crystallized and glazed Fruits and Don-Bons, of all shapes and forms, to please tho ladies and little ones, ror Christmas. Also, a One assortment or Cakes aud Mince Pies lor the holidays, decir? 12 - i?oots, GljOCD, &z. m HE BEST IN THE CITY. ir you wan*. BOOTS AND SHOES, of tba best maka and latest styles, go to STEI BER'S, No. 41 Broad street, near Church si root. Always on hand a large assortaient of Gentle? men's Boots, Gaiters ami Shoes, of various pat terns. A perfect flt guaranteed if made to order. Attention is especially Invited to ihe supply of new and fashionable Se&btklu Gaiters, LOW to : popular at the Norta. Ji STEIDER, Bootmaker, UOT27 atuthlmo* No, il Broad street. Unction Sales--?his flJan. Bj HOLMES & MACBETH, Auctioneers. SALE AT DRAYTON HALL PLANTA? TION. Win bc sold positively THIS DAY, (Satnrday) the 18th December, at Drayton Hall Plantation, on Ashley River, the following Articles: One (1) 20-horse ENGINE, with Cylinder Boilers Two (2) Phosphate Washers, with Gearing com? plete One (1) Lebby Pump, capacity 15O0 gallons per minute Two (2) Lift Pum?3 One (I) Bellows and sundry Blacksmiths' Toola Four (4) Phosphate Cars Wheelbarrows, Shovels, Picks, Ac. Two (21 pair Platform Scales, 600 los. each Sets Harness Wagon, Carts Belting for running washers and pumps Lot Old Iron, Timber. Ac. One (l) 8-oar Canoe Boat One (1) set Cottage Furniture, and sundry other articles. Terms of sale cash. Articles to be removed positively by the 31st December, 1869. The steamer Samson will leave Accommodation wharf at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning, to take persons to thc above sale, and also giving stran? gers an opportunity of visiting the Phosphate Works on that river. dec?s? E Unction &?UB~~?ntt?xt ?Days. STATE SALE. On TUESDAY, the 2lst proximo, at the Courthouse, in Georgetown, S. C., at 12 o'clock M., will be sold at Public Auction, All that valuable PLANTATION known as Lark Hill, late the property of Mrs. Eliza P. Heriot, situated on Black River, In Georgetown County, containing 91 >i acres of Swamp Land, most of which ls now under cultivation, and 753 acres of High Land, be the same more or less. Terms of Sale-One-third cash; balance in one, two and three years, secured by bonds and mort? gage of the property. Purchaser to pay for pa? pers and stamps. Possession given on first Janu? ary, 1370. EDWARD N. THURSTON, Qualified Executor of Eliza M. Heriot. deel ws6 H ?)orticnltnre, &gricultnrc, Ut. ORSE RADISH SETS 250,000 of the above SETS can be supplied. Henderson's Gardening fer Profit says: "This root is now one of the mpst Important wc raise In onr market gardens, upwards of two hundred acres of lt being grown In the vicinity of New York alone, and for the last half dozen years there has been nothing grown from which we have realized more profit as a second crop. Our average weight per acre ls live ton9." deolS 2 KINSMAN A HOWELL. S E E D RICE 1000 bushels very Prime SEED RICE. For sale by JAMES R. PRINGLE A SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, decl8 stuthe No. 6 Adger's North Wharf. JJAMIE PLANT. We have accepted the AGENCY for the above. We have some in store, and can fill orders in any quantity. KINSMAN k HOWELL, decl7 2 No. 128 East Bay. S Seining itttuljines. EWING MACHINES. The place to buy ? ' > - : SEWING MACHINES Is where you have a choice of styles of different makers. I have the bo9t single and double-thread Ma? chines now before the public. THE WILLCOX A GIBBS' SILENT MACHINE AND TBS "WEED" F. F. LOCK-STITCn Are the simplest and most reliable Machines made. Every Machine ls warranted to give satis? faction, or it will be exchanged for other kinds. All kinds of Sewing neatly and promptly done. Orders taken for all first class Sewing or Knllt|n" Machines, Needles, OU, Thread, Silk, Ac. REPAIRING os usual. D. B. HASELTON, may! stu Wi ly No. 307 King street. Jnsnronce. QAROL? PAKT, OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Pr?sident, Hon. JEFFERSON DAVIS, of Mis? sissippi; vice-Presidents, M. J. WICKS and J. T. PETIT; Secretary, W. F. BOYLE. Capital.$200,000 co Assets. 654,154 5S Special attention ls called to the NEW SUR? RENDER VALUE SYSTSM, by which thu greatest advantages are ottered to Insurers. Travelling Afrenta and Canvassers for city are wanted. Apply to H. J. MAGILL, General Agent, No. 65 Broad street. dec! tuthslmo ?HacIjincrjj, Castings, Ut. WAGON AXLES, COMMON, CONCORD, Iron Hub. and Solid Collar, of superior quality and finish Also, Manufacturers of Ma? chinery, Patent Steam and Bell Forge Hummers, Power Shears. Car Axles, Windlass Necks, Truss Shapes, Crowbar*. Boiler Front.". Cast. Iron Jack Screws, Patent Swage Blocks, Tire Benders, Forg? ings and Castiugs. Address, for Price List, LYMAN KINSLEY A CO., nov24 imo Cambrldgeport, Mass. jgXCELSIOR IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1S3??, FOOT OF 14TU STREET, EAST RIVER. IRON FRONTS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRON WORK FOIt BUILDING PUKrOSES. GEO. R. JACKSON, BURN ET &, CO., Proprietors. RANCH OPK1CE, NO. 201 CEXTRK 6TIIKLT, COltNER OF nOWARD. novr.O 3mos JENKINS & CUNNINGHAM, COTTON BROK M.R S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 WARREN BLOCK, (up stairs,) AOUCSTA, GA. JOHN JENKINS. RODT. E. CUNNINGHAM Sole agents for the sale of tlioeelebrared Dickson A Peeler Oraton Seed lor thc States ol'South Care liua aad Ouorgla. Ko/erences-J. T. Gardiner and J. J. Cohen A Sons, Augusta, Ca., and Claghorn, Hei ring A Co.. Charleston, S. C. and Augusta, Ga. nov2" ?mos H O L M E S & MACBETH, No. 3 6 GR OA I) STREET, Charleston, S. C., BROKER, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will attend to Renting and Collecting of Rent? and parchase and sale of Stocks, Bonds, Gold, SU vcr und Real Estute. A I.SO, To the Purchase of Ooodsaud Supplies for par? ties in the Kountry upon rrasouab a tenus. UBOBO!! L. if ULM LS.IMSXAN.'kR UACBETH. janl Kr T. HUMPHREYS, J. BROKER. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. SALK? OF URAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONDS, SKCUUfTlKS AND PERSONAL PRO? PERTY ATTENDED TO. NO. 27 BROAD STREET, Charleston, s. G. RsrsasTtuEg.-Hun. HENRY BUIST, W. J. MA 3KATH, Esq., General JAMES CONKER, T. ?L WA RIM?. Kain. nett J" AMES H A URAL i <jO. COTTON AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 23 WHITEHALL STREET (Lower md of B oadway,) NEW YORK. Liberal advances made upon Bills of L?d:r-g. nuv26 lmooAt; Unction Salea-Svti&te marja. By WM. McKAY, No. 130 Sleeting street. UNRESERVED SALE, on MONDAY. 20th instant, will be sold, loo Assorted PLOUGHS, balance of Stock of Hardware. Also, sundry Clothing, Notions, Ac. duel 8_' SHERIFF'S SALE. Beaufort Connty, In Equity-James Fripp et al vs. Hamilton Prlpp, et at By virtue of a decree In tae Court or Equity ia the above stated case, 1 will sell at public outcry in front or my office, In the Town of Beaufort, oat the first MONDAY III January next, 1870, being the third day of said month, between the usual hours of sale, All the right, title and Interest of Hamilton Fripp lo and to one TRACT OF LAND, situate. King and being on Hall's island, in the County of Beaufort, State or South Carolina. Bounded north by Coosaw Marshes; south by Marshes of Broad River; east by Lands ol James Fripp, et al; west by Broad River-containing tnroe hundred and thirty-six and a half (33S)i) acres, more er lees. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Sheriff Beaufort County. Beaufort County, S. C., December ll, 1889. decl7 fl B EAL ESTATE SALE. LAURENCE W. O'nEAR, ASSIGNEE OF O'HEAR, ROPER k STONEY, VS. JAMES SANDERS, SAMUEL SHKTTAR AND OTHERS- BILL ( FOR FORECLOSURE, SALE AND RELIEF. By virtue of a Decretal Order made tn the abo:* stated cause, I will sell before the Courthouse, in Walterboro', on MONDAY, the 3d of January next ensuing, All that PLANTATION or TRACT OP LAND, situate and being In the Parish of St. Bartholo? mew's, County of Colleton, on the line of the Sa? vannah and Charleston Railroad, commonly known as "Schmidt's;" butting and bounding north on land of Major Charles Warley and on land or Marla Glover, east on land or the Rev. Wm. 0. Prentiss and on land formerly of Mari* Croll, Houth on land of Dr. Frunc?s S. Glover and on land of John W. Lewis, and on the aforesaid land of Charles Warley, containing between 1100 and 1200 acres, suitably divided in cotton and rice land, (saving and reserving the Cemetery of said Plantation.) Terras-Half cash; balance on acredlt of twelve mouths. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. A. C. SHAFFER, 0. 0. C. Clerk's Office, Colleton County, December, 136?. decl3 mws9 B EAL ESTATE SALE Fannie A. Perry, Executrix Jos. B. Perry, de? ceased, vs. Stobo B. Perry and others, Devisees' of Jas. B. Perry, deceased; George M. Rivera, Trustee, and Josiah G. Pi lcher, and others, Credi? tors of Jas. B. Perry, deceased.-In Equity. Bill for Dower to Marshal Assets and to Enjoin Creditors. By virtue of a Decretal order, made In above stated cause, I will sell before the Court House, In Walterboro', on MONDAY, the 3d of January uext ensuing. All those TRACTS OF LANDS belonging to the Estate of Josiah B. Perry, situate on the Round 0, id St. Bartholomew's Parish, County of Colle? ton, containing about two thousand two hundred acres, bounded north by lands of Sleigh, south by lauds formerly of Dr. Perry, cast by lands of Al? len Willis, and Estate of Willis, and west by lands or Sayle Hiott, and lands formerly of Dr. Perry, excepting four hundred and seventy (470) acres whlcb has been set apart as Dower, as a plat thereof on Ale In my office, reference being thereto had, will more fully represent. ALSO, A HOCSE AND LOT situate In the vlUage of Walterboro', bounded north by lot of David Groover, south by street which separates lt from thc lot of Joseph Fraser, cast by a vacant lot, and west by lot of Chas. Warley. ALSO, A LOT with Law Office thereon, sltnate on Court? house Square, in the village or Walterboro'. Terms-One-haf cash ; balance on credit of twelve months. Purchaser to pay for papera and stamps. A. C. SHAFFER, C. 0. a Clerk's Office, Colleton County. dccl3 mwss B EAL ESTATE SALE. Martha M. Fishburne, Wl'iow au<" Administra? trix or Benjamin P. Fishburne, deceased, vs. Ben? jamin P. Fishburne and others, Heirs at Law of Benjamin P. Fishburne, deceased, and George Warren and others, the Creditors ol Benjamin P. Fishburne, deceased-Bill for Dower to Marshal Assets and for Relief. By virtue of a decretal order, made in above mentioned case. 1 will sell before the Court? house, In Walterboro' on MONDAY, the 3d day of Januarv next, All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND. In the County of Colleton, near the Round O, con? taining eleven hundred and seventy-six acres; butting and bounding north on lands of Perry and others, east on lands of Sanders, south on lands or Sanders and Bedon, an'l 01 the west on lands of Bcd o n, Le macks, And others', excepting about two handrgfl aCrei whloh has been set apart as Dower, ad a plat t hereof upon Ale In my Office?-^ Reference being thereunto had wlU more fully represent. Terms-Onc-half-cash; balance on a credit of one rear. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. A. C. SHAFFER, O. C. O. Clerks Office, Colleton County, Decca ber 7,1809. dccRimwso pUBLIC SALE IN FLORENCE. J. B. JARROTT, EXECUTOR, vs. ED. CHARLES JARROTT, J AM FiS H. MoCLENAGHAH, EVAN J. Ll DE. AND OTHERS BILL TO MARSHAL ASSETS, INJUNCTION ACCOUNT AND RELIEF. Pursuant to an order or his Honor, Judge J. M. Rutland. In thc above stated cause, to me di? rected. I will sell on the THIRD MONDAY of December Instant, or some convenient day thereafter, All the Real and Personal Estate described In thc ploddings in the shove stated case, consisting or inc following LOTS OF LAND, viz: Eighty-nine (sy) LOTS fronting on Evans, Che vi-\ Dargan. Railroad and New streets, In the Town ol Florence, 8. C. Tract0? Land In Darlington County, adjoining the Town of Florence, containing 029 acres, more or less, known ?us the Cusack Plantation. Tract ot' Land in Darlington Conn tv, on the Public Road, leading from Florence to Mare Bluff, (near Florence,) containing three hundred and eighty rhrrc acres inoro or less, known as the "Dusty Hill" Plantation, divided into five (8) separate tracts of from thirty-six to one hundred acres. Tract of Land in Darlington County, containing two hundred and sixty-two acres, more or less, lying on both sides of the Wilmington and Man? chester Railroad,from two to three mllea of Flor? ence, known as thc ..Cooper" Plantation. Traci of Land In Marlon County, on the Public Road, li niling from Florence to Mars Bluff, four miles from Florence, containing five hundred and ten acres, more or less, ksown as the .. Home" or "Middle" Plantation, being the Plan? tation on which the late Dr. James H. Jarrott lived. Valuable as a cotton and corn Plantation. Tracts of land in Marion County, known as the "Hudson" and "Shiel'1*" Plantations, adjoining each other, lying on Willow Creek, four (4) miles fruin Burche'? Ferry, on thc Great Peedee River, eicht miles rrom Mars Bluff Depot, on the WU nilngton and Manchester Railroad, and eight miles Dom Effingham Depot., on the Northeastern Railroad, on the public ro<d leading rrom Effing? ham to Bordie's Ferry, intersecting the George? town Roa1, containing seventeen hundred and sixty-two acas, more or less, and subdivided into thirty-two tracts rrom Arty to eighty aeres each. All have cleared and timber hinds except four tracts ou the Effingham and Georgetown Roads. "Crosby'" Place, in Marion County, containing three hundred and fifty acres, more or less, ad? joining the "Hudson" and "Shield's" Tract. No cleared Land-valuable for Turpentine Farm. Davis' Tract, i.i Marion County, oontninlng ninety acres, more or lesi, adjoining the "Hud? son"" and "Shield's" Tracts. Small portions cleared and in i titivation. Terms-One-third cash; lite balance on acredlt crone and two years; purchasers to give bond with interesl froiii day of ?ale, payable annually, recured by a mortgage of thc premises, and to it.iv for .ill necessary Papers, including revenue Stampfl. W. E. CHARLES, < sm i _ _ C. C. and G. 8. J OT OF li AND AND DWT?LUNGr, Di RCS!: EGLESTON. WM. T. FGLESTOH V3i MARY K. EGLESTON, AND OTHERS. lu pursuance or na order or court in this canse, M ll] be n ?id at auction, at the Ohl I'ustoflloe, in Charlestoti.S. C. to thc highest bidder, on MON? DAY, the 3d du;- A January, 1870, at ll o'clock, A. M.. Alt that lAVf OF LAND, with the wooden Dwel ling House thereon, situate on the north side of Warren street, v/est of Thomas street (next to the residence or Loftus C. Clifford. Esq.) The res? idence contains nine rooina and two dressing rooms, double piazzas, Ac.; the kitchen contains six rooms. The Lot measures on the front line 91 feet,and on the wem linn so feet; ?Iso an undi? vided hair inU'restln - na right or wav over a strip or land Included between the south ami west lines or the lot ti ow or late of Rev. J. S llanckel, and a line connecting 2ti reeteast of the north? west corner of ths lot ca.-, or this Lot, and is Indies north of the -"OU?? linn nf ?aid llanckel, und then miming ?/est (ri feet 2 Inchi-s, and then northwardly to the north lim* nf tho lot of said Rev..!, s. llanckel,dWdlng the privy into two equ.'l parts, iii p?*r plot recorded tn lim office of Registrar of Mesne Conveyance for Charleston Oo in I Y . in Rook 0, No. 12, PR<:S ta. Terms-One-third nf piirchasc money to be paid in cash on dar of Bale; balaceo In one and two jo?rs thereafter In annual instalments, wt'h Interest from day of sale, payable annually, purchaser giving bond and good sccurit) and a m irtgnge of premises, and raying for ?apia? and revenae stamps. _ & B. CLOWNST. Clerk of Common Pieoa f?r Palrfl