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TERMS OE THE NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS, by mail, one year $6; six mouths $3; three months $2; one month 75 cents. Served in tbe city at Fin-Bus CENTS a week, paya? ble to the carriers, or $6 a year, paid lu advance at the offlce. Tas TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $3; six months $2; and 50 cents a montji for any shorter period. SCBSCRIPTIOSS in all cases payable In advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. ADVERTISEMENTS.-First insertion 15 cents a line; subsequent insertions io cents a line. Spe? cial Notices 15 cents a line each Insertion. Busi? ness Notices 20 cents a line each Insertion. Mar? riage and Funeral Notices One Dollar each. Cuts and Electrotype Advertisements will be Inserted on the Fourth Page only. NOTICES of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30 and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each Insertion.' AU announcements to be published at these rates must be paid for in advance. REMITTANCES should be made by Postomce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mail may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THE NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, & C. . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1869. NEWS OF THE HAY. -Gold at New York yesterday closed at 30 J a30?. -The New York colton market closed quiet and heavy; sales 3200 bales at 26Jc. -At Liverpool cotton was tending down; .uplands 12jd., Orleans 12Jd.; sales 8000 bales. -Dark brown hair roles highest In the Paris market. * -A theatre ls about to be erected in Peters? burg, Virginia. -Over one million dollars' worth of Im? provements are going up in Nashville at pres? ent. -James Fisk, Jr., began life as a menagerie employee, and served a long time in "stirring np the animals." -The late President Pierce left no familj'. His wife died several years ago, and ?heir two children died before her. * ? -At the funeral of thc late General Esca? lante, in Spain, thc emblems of masonry were for the first time exhibited In that country. -Vermont ls the only State that was unrep? resented at'the session oi the United States Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at San Francisco. -Hon. John D. Phelan, of Montgomery, Ala., has accepted the position of professor of law at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn^ -A gentleman has bought a farm of about tarty thousand acres of land in Virginia, where he proposes to plant and cultivate a German colony. -The Hon. Jefferson Davis still remains at Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore. His brother came on from Mississippi about a week ago, and ls with him. -The bootblacks of Cleveland have petition? ed the Mayor for protection against the police, in a document setting forth that they are all "sons of patriots." -It is reported to be the opinion of the offi? cials in Washington that the Hornet was run . Into Wilmington because those managing the expedition could not agree to proceed. -Mrs. Norton proposes that the women of the State of New York hold an election in No? vember, at the same time with the men, to show that they could go through the motions without disgrace to themselves. -The celebrated trotting horse Dexter made a hali mlle in one minute and four seconds on Prospect Park course, near New York, last Saturday afternoon. This -time, lt ls needless to say, has never been equalled. -Nearly two thousand passengers, consist? ing mostly of emigrants, arrived at New York Sunday, in the British steamers Idaho, France . and Britannia, the first two from Liverpool and the Britannia from Glasgow. . -It costs 4,000,000,000 francs to run the French Government a year. The reformers propose to cut down this expense three-fourths by disestablishing the church, repudiating princely endowments, and discontinuing sine? cures. - -At Columbus, Ga,, they are making cotton blankets, apparently very warm and comfort? able, with a good body and nap on each side, handsomely bordered in colors. They are much cheaper than woollen blankets, and less porous. -Among those named for the vacant United States Judgship of the Ninth Circuit, embrac? ing Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, are Judger Underwood, George H. Lee. and Alcxandet Rives, of Vir? ginia, and Chief Justice. Pearson, of North Carolina. * -The cultivation of cotton in tho East In- ? dies, lt ls asserted, has become more popular among the natives who lave discovered that it is more profitable to grow cotton at twenty .cents a pound, titan to ra se the millet grain for' consumption at home. The cotton oxpo. t eufromiQdla in 1*60 amounted in value to ?27,500,000 ; but the crops for 1869, it is esti? mated, will bring ? 100.74:1.125. The East In? dian cotton is short staple and decidedly infe? rior to that grown in the United States ; but greater care in cultivation has been exercised, and more attention paid to packing the bales without the admixture of dirt. -A peace alliance, lt Is announced by the "London News, was entered Into between Aus? tria, Prussia, Russia und Great Britain, at the time when the prospect of the speedy death of the French Emperor was believed to be cer? tain. Napoleon, however, recovered, and Lord Clarendon was commissioned to inform the Emperor of the understanding between thc great powers and to explain their motives. It ls also announced that Lord Clarendon will avail himself of the opportunity to inform the .Emperor that he will not bc allowed to divert attention In France from his domestic policy, by waging war against Prussia. Every effort, lt is believed, wlU be made by the great powers to Induce Prussia not to give any provocation to France. -The New York World says : It ls a fact generally well known that thc War Depart? ment ls in possession of a large number of documents known as the M Confederate archives." Thc most important papers, how? ever-those embracing the diplomatic corres? pondence of the Davis government with for? eign governments-have never been unearth? ed, and it is now stated, on what appears relia? ble authority, that they were sent to Canada a few weeks before thc fall of Richmond In charge of Davis' private secretary. An ex Confederate officer testiiles thal in 1SC7 these ' archives were sealed and deposited in tho vaults of a bank in Montreal. These docu? ments are said to be valuable as affecting the Alabama question, and showing to what ex? tent England was committed to the Confede? racy."' -The Atlantic Cable ls report ?d to have re? ceived a fresh injury. The ca'de laid in 1866 has parted at a distance of about seventy mdles from Heart's Conten\ and Ur's is the j fourth accident that has happened to it on the Newfoundland side. In the middle of August, however, a fault in the same cable was discov? ered at a short distance from Valencia Bay. Ireland. These fractures have not yet been mended, as the rough weather has prevented the sailing of the repair steamer. The 1865 cable, which was picked up in mid ocean, where II had been lost In the attempt to lay it, has continued to work uninterruptedly, while the 1866 has suffered from five mishaps. Thc reason assigned for this immunity is, that the 1865 cable was laid in a carefully surveyed channel, while the I860 cable was laid over rough sunken rocks, and during unfavorable weather. Had the lost cable of 1865 not been recovered, the communication between Eng? land and America would have been interrupt? ed ?for a considerable period of time on five occasions. Surplus cables are stored both at Heart's Content and Valencia, so as to repair any fault as soon as possible. Fainer Hyacinthe and the (Ecumenical Connell. The world blames America for its conceit, but, really, the world is itself to blame. There is no malcontent against the order of the old world that does not present him? self, either in person or by letter, as a can? didate for our suffrages. The orators of Europe, the Kossnths, the Brights, the Favres, harangue U3 with speeches and pamphlets. The Radicals of Europe, the Mazziuis, the Garibaldis of Italy, the Victor Hugos, the Louis Blancs of France, the J. S. Mills, the Tom Hugheses, the Goldwin Smiths of England, in a word, the revolu? tionists and illuminati of the world, quote the example, repeat the doctrines, and so? licit the favor of "The Great Republic." And now, scarcely has the information ar? rived of a ferment in the Catholic councils of Europe, of a protest and defection in Germany and France, when it is announced that one of the leaders of that movement, the famous Parisian preacher Father Hya? cinthe, has already embarked (on Saturday, October 9,) for this country, and further, that he will remain for several months among us. Americans have long been familiar with the reputation of Father Hyacinthe, as per? haps the leading Catholic preacher of France. Many of us have seen Jiim, as in his austere garb the barefooted Carmelite has ascended the pulpit of Notre Dame, and have often sinee recalled his singular beauty of person and the melodious passion of his speech. And curiosity will naturally be awakened by the question, why has he re? nounced the habit of his order, protested against the Ocumenical Council, deserted the crowded cathedral and the great world city where he exerted so magical an influ? ence; and why is he now about to make an appeal to the American public? or if not in? tending to appeal, why does he come here ? In consequence of the revolutionary move? ments ol 1848 and the aggressions of the Kingdom of Italy upon the territory and in? stitutions of the Papacy, the relations of the Church to the State have engaged the atten? tion of the Catholic statesmen of Europe. In response to the famous maxim of Cavour, "A "free Church in a free State," and to the de? mand of the Abbe Fassaglia, "Give us the "separation of the sceptre from the keys," tho Pope promulgated the Encyclical Letter of December 8,1864, attached to which was a schedule or syllabus, denouncing eighty "damnable heresies" current in this age. These heresies were grouped into ten chap? ters, as follows: 1. Pantheism, Naturalism; 2. Moderate Rationalism; 3. Indifference, Latitudinarianism ; 4. Socialism, Commun? ism, Secret Societies, Bible Societies, Libe? ral Clerical Associations; 5. Errors Concern? ing the Church and her Rights; 6. Errors Concerning Civil Society in itself and in its Relation to the Church; 7. Errors Concern? ing Natural and Christian Ethics; 8. Errors Concerning Christian Marriage; 9. Errors Concerning the Temporal Power of the Ro? man Pontiff; 10. Errors Relating to Modern Liberalism. In these specifications Pius IX lakes ground as high and uncompromising as that of InnocenPill. He claims jurisdic? tion over kings ami princes, as one from whom monarchs hold their thrones and through whom subjects are bound to allegi? ance; he denies that any other religion than the faith and worship of Rome is to be al? lowed, and pronounces the vaunted liberty of conscience that now prevails a crime aguinst society; he condemns the freedom of the press, civil marriages, secular educa? tion-in a word, whatever is known as "modem progress"-finding in the teuth or thirteenth century a nobler ideal of Christi? anity than that which now prevails. This document, than which nothing can be more bold, will, it ls apprehended, be the text of the Ocumenical Council. It has already been framed into theses by Father Schroder, of Bavaria, who maintains that "tlie Stute "is excluded from the whole realm of moral "matters." And it is sustained by the whole ultramontane press. The fear of ils adoption by the Conned, and of .ts introducing serious complications into the politics and church-life of the Cath? olic States, has led to tlie protest of the fac? ulty of Munich, (under thc inspiration of the Bavarian Government.) of tlie nineteen Ger? man Bishops at Fulda, of the Baden ..Soci? ety of Catholics, "of the "Liberal Catholics" of Tr?ves, and finally to the remonstrant letters of M. ile Montalenibcrt and of Father Hyacinthe. The language of the Carmelite preacher may, as it is surmised, subject him to ex? communication ; for it assumes tho lone of reprimand and even of menace. He speaks of contemplated encroachments upon the constitution, the teachings and the spirit of the church; of an "impious and insane di "vorce sought to be accomplished between "the church and the society of the XIX "century;" and even goes so far as to threat? en that "If the august assembly should not "have more liberty in its deliberations than "it has already had in its preparation; if, in "a word, it should be deprived of the char "acter essential lo an (Ecumenical Council, "then it may happen that, within a period "more or less brief, we may witness the "assembling of another connell representing "really the universal church, not the silence "of the one nor the opposition of thc others." While the threat may exercise slight influ? ence over the Prince Bishop of the Eter I nal City, or over the august assembly OOavened by his summons, it can scarcely faihto change materially the relations here? tofore subsisting between the writer of the j letter and the Roman Catholic Church. Already the ultramontane joni nais repre ? hendthe audacity of the illustrious recusant, 1 who has "cast the holy io':e upon the high "way of modern ideas." The Univers de? scribes him asV'a worthless fruit that has "for a long time been detached from the "tree." M. Veuillot hopes that bc will soon acknowledge, "if not the error of Iiis heart, "at least that of his vanity." The Pans sorrowfully predicts a downfall as tragical as that of Lamnienais. While on the other hand, the Liberal journals approve and ap? plaud, and the Temps, in particular, tri? umphantly exclaims that "since the middle "ages, no such language has been heard in ' 'theFrench Church !" And this letter, which is now "the sensation of Paris," was tele? graphed in full by the Papal Nuncio to Rome, and laid before the Supreme Pontiff. It is a curious circumstance, that while the excitement was at its height, the writer should have left the 3cene of former triumph and present conflict, and have embarked for America. Does he intend to appeal to the members of the cis-Atlantic Catholic Church ? or does he intend to escape from controversy and to remain in retirement until Iiis protest has been acted upon by the General Council ? The one supposition may be as likely a3 the other; for Father "Hya? cinthe is still a member and an official of the Roman Catholic Church. Certainly differences of opinion in regard to subjects which arc not yet authoritative? ly decided upon, do not necessitate a schism from that body. The subjects to be discussed are of momentous importance, and the results of the discussion may well awaken a grave solicitude among the monarchs and ecclesiastial communities of I the Old World, where Church and State are interwoven throughout the social texture. If the programme of the syllabus is followed, the decrees of the Council will embrace every subject which connects Christianity with modern civilization. And, according to our notions on this side of the water, a free ventilation of opinions on the part of distinguished men of various parties and na? tionalities, may afford grounds for coming to wise and salutary conclusions, and for pro? moting a more substantial unity than could otherwise bo attained. fttillinern, ?OIICTJ ?OO?S, #C. J A L L OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS, AT MRS. M. J. ZERNOW'S, Ko. 3u4 KING ST. ' ?5 Having just returned from New York, would re? spectfully -call the attention of the Ladies to a large and handsome assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, including Dress Trimmings and Paper Patterns. Cloaks on hand and made to order. Dressmaking attended to as usuair Country orders solicited and promptly filled. octl4 3 tuths3mos 1 &o tient. HOUSES, FARMS, STORES, ROOMS, Ac, now vacant, can readily be rented by advertising them In this column. The rate ls 23 cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, ll J paid in advance._ TO RENT, FOUR FINE ROOMS, WITH pantry and kitchen. Apply at No. lie broad street._octl5 3? EOOMS TO RENT.-THREE UNF?R NISHED rooms in a residence pleasantly situated in the western part of the city. Terms moderate. For further particulars, apply at No. ll Doughty street. octl2 Cost ano io uno. LOST AND FOUND AGAIN.-IF YOU have lost anything, make lt known to the public through this colnmn. The rate for twenty words or less, each Insertion, is 25 cents, if paid in advance. STRAYED FROM MY PREMISES, No. 256 Meeting street, on the night of the 12th Instant, a brindle, no-horn COW. Anv person giving information where she may bc found, or drove to mv premises, will be liberally rewarded. R. W. DISHER. ?cmoDfiis. REMOVAL.-OSTENDORFF <fc CO. have removed their Wholesale Grocery' and Liquor Establishment from No. 104 East Dav, to to No. 175 EAST HAY, directly opposite, (late Store of A. bischoff,) where they will be pleased to see nil their old patrons. octl4 3 REMOVAL.-IN ORDER TO (JIVE place to the new Opera House. It. WHITE was compelled to remove his FL'RNITL'ltE WARE ROOMS from the Adger Building to No. 236 KINO STREET, directly opposite his rormcrpltee, where his name and the Gilt Hocker can* still bc seen, and where he will sell positively ut the lowest rates Parlor and Chamber Suites, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables. Sofas. Lounges, Mattresses, Chairs, Cradles, Ac. Ac. Call anti sec Goods carefully packed for shipping. Metallic Cases and Collins still kfpt, and satis? faction guaranteed, octl rt tts REMOVAL.-CLAG HORN, HERRING & CO., Factors and Commission merchants, have removed from Accommodation Wharf to North Atlantic Wharf. nets imo THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE REMOVED to the northeast comer of East Bay nnd Fraser's Wharf, where wc shall bc pleased to see our friends and otfer our well assorted stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, Ac, sept 21 imo CLACIUS A WITTE. Couarinersljip Notices. "VTOTICE.-HAVING ASSOCIATED MY ll son. THOMAS E. HOGAN, with me in the Cotton and Commission business, thc business will bc carried on in the name of IL HOGAN A SON. RICHARD HOGAN, octll_No. 3 Vendue Range. ?V'OTICE.- HAVING ASSOC I ATEI )~MY ll Son, JAMES R. PRINGLE, Jr., with mc in my Factorage and Commission Business, the business will be carried on lu the name ul JAMES H. PRINGLE A SON. JAMES IL PRINGLE. October 1, 1S69. octl Dissolutions of (Ciiuartncvsljip. VTOTICE.-THE FIRM OF JOHN A. ll COOK A CO. was dissolved by mutual con? sent on the 1st instant. The debts contracted nv the linn will be paid by JOHN IL T1ET.IEN Indi? vidually, and all debts due the tl rm must br- paid to JOHN ll. TIETJEN, who will conduct thc busi? ness hereafter on his own account, or to HOWERS A sil.cox, attorneys of JOHN A. COOK. JOHN A. COOK. JOHN ll. TIETJEN. Charleston, S. C.. October !?, 1S00. ? I take great pleasure in recommending J.r. JOHN ii. TIETJEN, my former Copartner in busi? ness, to the favorable consideration of my friends and customers in general-mv health having failed me. He will continue the store on his own account. JOHN A. COOK. octlS tuf m.". (Sbnc?tionol. PIAN? ) INSTRUCTION.-PROFESSOR CARL GR0BH0FFKR, from Cologne and Paris. For terras, apply at 434 King street, be? tween ll and 1 o'clock. octl4 3* MRS. HOPSON PINCKNEY WILL R& SUME thc Exercises or her BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, for young ladies, on MON? DAY, October 4, at No. 3S Hnscl street. Professor of French. Mr. DcBOSE. Professor or (?crinan, Dr. BLANCKR, (late Pro? fessor of Languages at Cheltenham, England.) sept io rfmlmo THE EXERCISES OF MRS. BLUM'S SCHOOL will bc resumed on MONDAY, October 4th. at lier Residence, Mary street, opposite Eliza? beth. All the blanches ot an English education taught. Music and French if desired. sepf.'O SHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and at reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, aprilH No. 31 Broad street, (up stairs.) fc?onts. WANTS OF . ALL KINDS CAN BE made known to everybody In this column at the rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, if paid in advance._ "ITTANTE?T"TO RENT, A COMFORT T V ABLE HOUSE with four square rooms, in a central and pleasant location, with water on the premises. Address P. 0. Box, No. 159. octis 3?_ WANTED, A CAPABLE WAITING MAN. References required. Apply at No. 2 Church street. _oe tis 1* -\TrANTED, A SITUATION BY A MAR YV RIED Man, who has served the city, as a policeman, for 12 vears. Wishes to get employ? ment as Porter or some such business. Apply at this oftlce._octis 2? T?T^ANTED, A GOOD MILKER, EITHER Vt male or female, to take charge of Cows. Applv at No. 124 Church street, opposite the Gas House._octl5 2* COOK AND WASHER WANTED FOR a famllv of four. References required. Ap? plv at Roora No. 8, Mansion House, Broad street. octis 2?_ ; "IT7"ANTED, A WHITE GIRL AS CHILD'S T V Nurse, to go to Camden, S. C. Good re? ferences required. Apply at No. 59 Beaufaln street. octl6 l* WANTED, A GOOD NURSE AT No. 26 South Bay. None need apply without good references. _uctl? fmw3 TTFTANTED. A GOOD NURSE, AT No. 26 VV South Bay. None need apply without good references. _octis fmw3 BASS SINGER WANTED.-WANTED, for the Choir of thc Unitarian Church, a BASS SINGER who can read music. Apply to s. W. FISHER, Chorister, or the undersigned at No. 24 Kayne street. WILLIAM SHEPHERD, Chair? man or Vestry._oct 14 TT7ANTED, AN ACTIVE AND INTEL VV LIGENT LAD, 15 or 1" years of age. Ad? dress "East Bay," In own handwriting, and state what salary expected._OCtl?j WANTED, A SITUATION AS CLERK, in a Wholesale Drug Store, or a large Re? tail and Prescription Drug Store. No objection to go In thc country. Will expect but a small com? pensation at first. The applicant is a graduate of the South Carolina Medical College. Address M. P., through the Postoftlce._octo rpo DRUGGISTS.-A PHYSICIAN AND _l DRUGGIST, or twenty-five years* experience, extensively aud favorably known throughout the State, and ean Influence a large trade, wishes a situation in a Wholesale Drug House, or a large Retail and Prescription Drug Store. Both city and country references given. Address "Rem gee," Box 05, Yorkvlllc, S. C._oct8 Imo? WANTED, TO PURCHASE A COM? PLETE copy or thc U. S. CENSUS Tor 1860. Apply, stating price, to " CENSUS," DAILY NEWS OFFICE. oct" TTTTANTED, A ROU S E, NHAR THE V V central part or the city, containing five or six rooms, with good outbuildings and water. Add ress D, at this Oftlce._scpt28 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plain and ornamental, ls executed promptly in the neatest style and at thc lowest New York prices, at THE NEWS Job Office, No. 140 EAST BAY. Call and examine the scale or prices before giving your orders elsewhere. TTrANTED-AGENTS-S100 TO $250 VT per month, everywhere, male and female, to Introduce thegenulnc Improved COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck quilt, cord, bind, braid ami embroider In a most superior manner. Price only $18. Fully warranted for live years. Both npper and under-rced styles. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will sew stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic scams than ours. It makes the real elastic lock-stitch. Every second stitch can bc cut aud still the cloth cannot bc pulled apart without tearing lt. We pay Agents from 1100 to $250 per month and expenses, or a com mission from which twice that amount can be made. CEO. McEATHRON A CO., Nashville, Tenn. CAUTION-DO not be imposed upon by other parties palming orr worthless cast-iron ma? chines under the same name or otherwise. Ours ls the only genuine and really aprctical cheap ma? chine manufactured. scpt22 Imo* DAC fox Sale. REAL ESTATE OR PERSONAL PRO? PERTY or any kind may be advertised mr sale in this column, at thc rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, ir paid IR ad vance._ MULES AND HORSES TOR SALE.-A lot or choice, young, broke Kentucky MULES and a rcw choice HORSES will bc sold low If applied for immediately. Applv to R. AR? NOLD, No. 219 Meeting street, corner John street, oem 2 OR SALE, TWO SPRING WAGONS, one perfectly new, the other a little used; both light and strong, In good order; will bc sold low ror cash ir applied for at once at No. 59 Beau? faln street. octis l* REAL ESTATE.-A COMMODIOUS AND substantial three-story brick HOUSE, con? taining six square rooms, dressing rooms, pantry and store-room, with kitchen or five rooms, sta? ble, Ac, in a central part or the city, ror sale by WABDLAW A CAREW._'oct!3 Wfim FOR SALE, A WASHINGTON HAND PRESS, in good order; Platen 22KK28, bed 26 X 32. Also, eight Fonts or Wood Type, rrom s to 40 line Pica. Apply to the Job Office or J. W. MCMILLAN, NO. 33 llayne street. octl4 3 FOR SALK. THE GOOD WILL AND Fixtures or Bar Boom No. 104 Market street. Apply on the premises. oct!4 3* SASHES FOR HOT BEDS OR HOT HOUSES.-For sale, the SASHES taken out of Trinity Church. Applv at the Church, orto Dr. J. R. MOOD, No. 46 Wentworth street. oct 12 RE A L ESTATE FOR SALE.-FOR suie, a desirable two and a half story RESI? DENCE, in Montagne street, west of Pitt street. The Lot ls high and dry, 00 by 200. and au excel? lent neighborhood. ALSO, A two story RESIDENCE lu Warren street, west or Coming street. Lot high and dry, 50 bv 150, and good neighborhood. ALSO. A desirable BUILDING LOT In Limchousc street, leo by loo. Apply to J. MCCABE, No. 36 Broad street, Kcal Estate Agent. oct5 tuf PRINTING PRESS FOR SALK AT A GREAT BARGAIN.-One small Cylinder TAY? LOR PRESS in complete repair, lt lias been but little used, and is sold simply because the present owner has no usc for it. The size of the bcd or thc Press ls forty-four by lifty-cight Inches. Said Press will be sold at a great bargain If applied for at once, as the room it occupies is wanted tor other purposes. Addresss Box No. 3795 New York Poatomce. scptSO temo for Sn lc. IA AAA ACRES IN* WILLIAMS- I lv/?\/lJ\7 BUK? COUNTY-100 acres of which are cleared an 1 75 acres now under culti? vation in corn, colton and rice. The tract is heavily limbered willi pine, oak, cypress and hickory, and contains a dwelling anil outbuild? ings, with Qftccn cabins for laborers: also one good null site. Average production of the land ten to liftccn bushels of corn and fifteen to twen? ty-live bushels of rice lo the acre, without fertili? zers. The region abounds in marl deposits. Georgetown is the nearest market, thc place being four miles from Black Mingo Creek aud twenty live miles from Georgetown deck, which is navi? gable at all seasons. Price or the tract S 15.000; one half cash, thc balance in one and two years, secured hy bond and mortgage. Any smaller number of acres ? will be sold at a moderate advance un this rate. Parlies desiring to Inspect the tract eau do so hy leaving the Northeastern Railroad al King-tree, aud inquiring the way to wv place, twenty-three mil-., distant. The tract lien within oiieinileof the projected Georgetown Railroad. Address .IAS. K. CARRAWAY. Survivor of Perkins A car? raway, Georgetown Paslofficc, S. C. sept 2D niwl2mos;: PAC (3 AA ACRES.-TO CAPITA LISTS. "*V/V./At private sale or for lease, a line PLANTATION in Orangcburg District, running a part of the estate ol thc late Colonel Kein, con sistine of about 600 acres: 350 of it cleared, lt is watered by Lyon's (.reek, a large ami never-rail? ing stream. Soil rich, red clay, well adapted tu cotton, corn, wheal, rout crops and clover, f?l? male healthy all the vear. Splendid range for cattle; the neighborhood attractive-thc adjoin? ing plantations owned by gentlemen who reside then- and senile good order. The buildings were burned,but himl ter mills being near.they could lie replaced cheaply. A large State road connects it with Lewisviiie. South Carolina Railroad, six miles distant. The above isa splendid chance for those desiring to forma beautiful farm in a pleasant, healthy suction. In 1806 these lands were returned ut $20 per acre. Will be sold at half that price. For terms apply to Mrs. LAU? RENCE KEITT, Society uni. s.e. REFERENCES.-Major T. B. Wlialcy, J. c. Ki ut. Esq.. Orangeliurg; ll. W. Pcrouneau, Esq., Wil? liam Middleton, Esq., charleston. oct 11 inwf2iuosukC J. v B A R DIN, COMMISSI O N MERC II ANT, Marshall's Wharf, Charleston, s. v. Prompt attention given to thc sale of Cotton, Rice and Naval stores, and Country Produce gen? erally, octs Imo ?fleetings. ZERUBBABEL CHAPTER, No. ll, R. A. M.-The Regular Convocation of the above Chapter will be held THI.I EVENING, at half past 7 o'clock, at Masonic Hall. Hy order M. E. H. P. E. >'. JEANNERET!, octio Secretary. RELIEF LOAN ASSOCIATION.-THE Regular Monthly Meeting of the Association will be held Tuis EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at Mason lc Hall. aS-Arrears received during the day at No. 135 Meeting street, and at the Hall In the evening. WM. B. STEEDMAN, octis Secretary and Treasury H 1 Amusements. BERN IAN HALI METROPOLITAN THEATRE. COLLINS A MORSE.Managers, WALTER BENN.Stage Manager, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, (LAST N I O H T BUT ONE,) ANO THE FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MISS KATE RAYMOND. On which occasion will be presented the ex? citing Drama, THE FRENCH SPY, With new Scenery, Costumes and Auxiliaries and the Laughable Farce PADDY MILES' BOY. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance will com? mence at 8 o'clock. Seats can i>c secured during the day at Holmes Bookstore, corner of King and Wentworth streets, without extra charge. W City cars run by the door. octl ?JJETURN OF THE MONARCHS. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 SKIFF ?fc GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS ANO DOUBLE BRASS BAND. Twenty Distinguished Artists. Each selected for lils specialties and Original Acts. Every? thing strictly and entirely new. Its equal never before seen in this city. PROF. SCHAFFNER'S PANITHIOPTICONICA. The Only Panithiopticonica. Reserved Seats can be had at Holmes' Book Store after this dute. Admission Flftv Cents mid One Dollar. LOW GAYLORD, Manager. JOE H. MACK, oct!5 8 General Agent. Notices in ?nnkrnptcTj. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. October Term, 1889.-In the matter of JAMES 0. MARSHAL, of Charleston County, Bankrupt. Petition for full and llnal Discharge in Bank? ruptcy.-Ordered, that a hearing be had on the TENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1869, at Federal Courthouse In Charleston, S. C.; anti that all Creditors, Ac, of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and show cause, If ?ny they can, why the prayer of the petitioner should not lie granted. By order of the Court, thc 14?h day of October, A. D. 1SG9. DANIEL HOHLBECK, Clerk of the District Court of the U. S. for S. C. octis ra B Jttiseeliiineous. O Y'S GUNS! Low priced Double-barrel BOY'S GUNS, Just re? ceived, maile expressly to order lu England. A fine stock of Guns of all qualities expected by the Steamer Darlen, direct from Liverpool. C. GRAVELEY, oct 14 2 No. 52 East Bay. QRAND LITERARY COMBINATION. LOOK AT THE PRICE. LOOK AT THE PRICE. LOOK AT THE PRICE. THE DAILY NEWS & RURAL CAROLINIAN., One Year, Six Dollars and Fifty Cents. THE TRI-WEEKLY NBWS AND RURAL . CAROLINIAN, One Year, Four Dollars. rJIHE AMERICAN SUBMERGED, DOUBLE-ACTING, NON-FREEZING, FORCE PUMP. The simplest and most powerful In usc It ls proved to be the cheapest, most effective, dura? ble and reliable PUMP. Has uo leather packing. A child can work lt. For sale by JENNINGS, THOMLINSON A CO., scpt2S Imo General Agents for So. Ca. Jj ? YOU WISH TO PREVENT YOUR CHILL AND FEVER? septl7 3mos_USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS AND THE RURAL CAROLINIAN, ONE YEAR. SIX AND A HALF DOLLARS. JQ~ 0' Y O ? DESIRE To be cured of all your Dyspeptic Symptoms ? septl7 3mos USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. tobacco, (Cigars, S'c. JLTANUFACTURED AND S M0KING TOBACCO. G . F O L L I N , TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, No. 151 East Bay. A general assortment of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, of all grades and styles, from reliable manufacturers in Virginia and North Carolina, and offered at thc lowest market prices, c HAS. HICKEY, GILDER, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFAC? TURER, NO. 34'? KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Looking Glasses or all sizes titted to Frames. Julylfl fmwSmosDic A C . KAUF M A N BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT, No. 20 Bitoxn STREET, Charleston, S. C. Prompt attention given to thc purchase and Bale of Real Estate. Stocks, Bonds, Bank Bills. Ac. Ac. sept 15 wiuv-'inos cs ?roccrUs, Ciqnors, &c. JTJEMLIOHNS, BOTTLES, FLASKS, &c. 3000 German DEMIJOHN'S, various sizes 50 gross Dottles and Flasks 50 casks and boxes Bottled Ale and Porter 10 casks French Claret Wine 100 cases French Hottled Heer 200 lbs. Smoking Tobacco 10 M Cigars 60 bbls. Acme Philadelphia Whiskey 6 bbls. Bourbon Whiskey. On consignment and for sale low bv OCtU 2tuth4_CLACICS A WITTE. QOFFEE, PEPPER, SPICE, ?c., &c. 50 bags RIO, LAGCAYRA and JAVA COFFEE 10 bags Pepper and Spice 50 bbls. Relined Sugars 20 hhds. and 30 Obis. W. I. Molasses and Sugar 30 bbls. Cider, W. W. and French Vinegar 50 bbls. and half bbls. Mackerel 50 boxes and baskets imported Olive Oil "5 cases French Urandy Cherries 100 cases Caxned Goods 40 boxes Chewing Tobacco. For sale by CLACICS & WITTE. octu 2tuth4_ TTTINE, BRANDY, WHISKEY, &c. 50 casks SHERRY, MADEIRA and PORT WINES 6-4 and 5-8 casks French Brandy io casks Holland Gin, Scotch Whiskey and W. L Rum Domestic Brandy, Rum, Gin. Corn and Rectified Whiskey. For sale low by CLACICS & WITTE. octl4 2tuth4 O LD WHISKIES. The undersigned beg to announce that they have been appointed by Messrs. HENRY. S. HAN? NIS Sc CO., of Philadelphia, their Sole Agents for the State of South Carolina for the sale of their celebrated ACME X, XX, XXX, XXXX, NECTAR, CABINET, and other brands OLD RYE WHIS? KIES. They also wish to announce that thev will be in constant receipt or their COPPER DISTILLED MOUNTAIN PURE RYE WHISKIES, direct from Distillery at Hannaville, Berkeley County, West Virginia. 60 barrels of the above always on hand. Liberal contracts will be made for large lots of | new Whiskies lu bond at Distillery Warehouse. CLACIUS St WITTE, Customhouse Square, N. E. corner of East Bay and Fraser's Wharf, sept20 mwf3raos Charleston, S. C. Jnsnrance. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.$1,300,000 Issues all kinds of Life and Endowment Poli? cies. Dividends annually In cash. Only Com? pany having the Detinue Guaranteed Surrender Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second to no Company in the United States for stability, libe? rality and economy. Office No. 141 Broadway, New York. CHRISTIAN W. BUCK, President. WILLIAM M. COLE, Secretary. State Agency No. 35 Broad-street, second floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through? out the State. Apply In person or by letter to JAMES G. HOLMES. JR., General Agent for South Carolina. Jnlyl2 mwfemos_^_ g O U T H E<^N LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PURELY A SOUTHERN INSTITUTION. Assets July 1, 1869.$510,000 DIVIDEND DECLARED.FORTY PER CENT. Insures Lives and promptly adjusts and pays Losses. Its principal business ls with Southern States, and to them it appeals for patronage. It has ample means to fully protect policy-holders and pay all losses. OFFIC .S. JOHN B. GORDON, President. B. H. HILL, A. H. COLQ?ITT, vice-Presidents. A. AUSTELL, E. HOLLAND, Finance Committee. W. C. MORRIS, Secretary. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ATLANTA, GA.-John B. Gordon, A. Austell, E. W. Holland, J. F. Alexander, J. H. Callaway, J. M. Johnson. ATHENS, GA.-B. C. Yancey, BenJ. H. Hill, Rob? ert Thomas. COLUMBIA, S. C.-Wade Hampton. ACOCOTA, GA.-C. H. Phinizy, Edward Thomas. MADISON, GA.-D. E. Butler. WASHINGTON, GA.-Robert Toombs. CITHBERT, GA.-B. J. Smith. NEWTON, GA.-A. H. Colqultt. CHARLOTTE, N. C.-Wm. Johnston. ALLENDALE, S. C.-B. J. Willingham. GREENSBORO', N. C.-W. A. Caldwell. J. H. MILLER, GENERAL AOEXT, Angusta, Ga. S. Y. TUPPER, RESIDENT AGENT, Charleston, S. C. II. W. DBSAUSBtTM, M. D., Medical Examiner. aucl9 2inosi>?c Q.?ARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF N E W Y 0 R K. ORGANIZED IN 1S09. ALL POLICIES NON-FOB F E ITA BL E. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASU DIVIDEND (FIFTY) 50 PER CENT. STATEMENT Polices in force. Assets. Annual Income. Losses Fait]. OFFICERS. W. IL PECKHAM. President. WM. T. HOOKER, vice-President. L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. G. A. l'l'DKKAR. Superintendent. DIRECTORS. Hon. John A. Dix, New York. Hon. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros., ex Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Republic Wm. M. Vcrmilye, Bunker, (VermllyeA co.) Chas. G. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke. ex-Mayor New York. Minot C. Morgan, Banker. Thomas Rigney. Finn Thomas Rigney A Co. Be nj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Sugar Refining Company. Aaron Arnold, Firm of Arnold, Constable A Co. Richard H. Bowne. Wetmore & Bowne, Lawyers. E. V. Haughwout, Firm E. V. Haughwout A Co. Wm. Wintens, Finn of Wilkcns A Co. Julius IL Pratt, Merchant. M m. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. William Allen, Merchant. Geo. W. Cuvier. Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Fire Insur? ance Company. Johu G. Sherwood. Park Place. Walton II. Peckham, corner Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third street. Edv.-nr! H. Wright. Newark, N. J. Geo. W. Farlee, Counsellor. w. L. Cogswell, Merchant. GEORGE KEIM, Cenera! Agent for South Carolina. Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, Examining Physician. R. ISSERTEL, ( encrai Agent for Charleston. Office No. M5 King street, .auli lyrOAC Charleston. S. C. .$2.'>.000,000 . 1.500,000 800,000 500,000 (groceries, Ciquors, &t. CHOICE EASTERN HAY, LANDING PER SHIP ELLEN SOUTHARD. 4 315 bales Choice EASTERN HAY, from Kenne beck. For sale br oct!5 2 WM. ROACH A CO. gMOKED TONGUES AND BEEF. Choice BREAKFAST STRIPS Sogar Cured Pig Hams Sugar Cured Pig Shoulders. A new supply this week. ALSO, SMOKED SALMON St. George's Codfish. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., octll mwfS_No. 275 Klug street. ESS MACKEREL. M No. 1 BAY MACKEREL, In half barrels and kit?. Fulton Market Beef, half and quarter barrels. Pacot and Mess Beef. octll mwf3_WM. S. CORWIN A CO. lyjcEWAN'S SPARKLING EDINBURGH 50 casks of the above celebrated brand. In pint stone Jugs, landing from bark "DaUcelth," from Liverpool. For sale by W. H. CHAFEE A CO.. octll mwf3 No. 207 East Bay. M A C K E R E L 400 packages of NEW MACKEREL, in barrels, half barrels and kits, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. In store and landing. For sale by W. H. CHAFEE A CO., octll mwf3_No. 207 East Bay. ?gUTTER, LARD AND CHEESE. 25 Arkins Choice Orange County BUTTER * 25 bbls. Pure Leaf Lard 75 palls Pure Leaf Lard 5S pails Pressed Lard 100 boxes Factory Cheese 50 boxes English Dalry Cheese 50 boxes Goshen Cheese 20 boxes Imitation English Cheese 20 boxes Y oung America (Stilton) Cheese 20 boxes Pineapple Cheese. lu store and landing, for sale by W. H. CHAFEE A CO., octll mwf3_No. 207 East Bay. J1LO?R, BEEF, PORK, Ac. Landing from steamship Prometheus 347 bar? rels Super and Fine FLOUR; also a small con? signment of Family Beef, Pig, Pork and Beef Tongues, of Alburger's packing. For sale by JOHN A THEO. GETTY. octl4 2_North Atlantic Wharf. PERUVIAN GUANO, LAND PLASTER AND PURE BONE DUST. 200 tons No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, warranted pure 500 bbls. Nova Scotia Ground Land Plaster loo bbls. Pure Bone Dust. For sale by octl3_T. J. KERR A CO. A N D PLASTER. 500 barrels LAND PLASTER, In store. For sale bv octl2 OLNEY A CO. Gr UNNY CLOTH. loo bales, extra weight, in store, and for Bale low lu lots to suit purchasers, by E. LAFITTE A CO., No. 20 Broad street. octl2_ ALT! SALT! SALT! S 5300 Sacks Liverpool SALT now landing from British bark "Dalkeith," direct from Liverpool; large sacks and In fine order. , For sale by T. J. KERR A ?0. octll F LOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! 100 barrels Choice Family FLOUR. 100 barrels Super Flour. For sale by 0Ctl2_T. J. KERR A CO. JgALLANTINE & SONS PALE ALE. Weekly supplies of the above superior brand, in barrels and half barrels. For sale by W. H. CI AFEE A CO., octll imo_No. M East Bay Street. BUTTER, CHEESE, PEEF, PORK, CAN DLES, Ac. 50 packages Prime to Colee BUTTER 35 boxes Factory Cher-e 20 half bbls. Fulton Varket Beef 10 half bbls. Pig Po<*'? 100 boxes and han* ! oxes P. A G. Candles, 7's, S's and O's. Syrups, Soap, Starr n. Potatoes, Flour, Papers, Ac. 200 sacks Llverpoo' Salt. ALSO, To arrlvi per Steamer Falcon, 10 hhds. Western md Baltimore cured C. R. SIDES. For sale low a t RIECKE A SCHACHTE, octS_No. 143 East Bay. T IMF. FRBSH BURNT LIME EVERY DAY, IN BULK OR BARRELS AT THE L I M E K I L*N 8, Near Savannah Railroad Wharf. Orders sent direct to the Kiln, or to the Stores on Vendue Range. V sept27_OLN 'Y A CO. jy? ARENGO CURES FEVER AND AGUE. THE FINEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. ??-For sale by all Druggists. G. J. LUI?', Agent, Druggist, Corner King and John street, sept 17 3mos Charleston, S. C. s? L 0 M 0 N ' S BITTERS ARE FOR SALE BY Dr?. RAOUL A LYN A H, CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS, sept 17 3m os JOLSON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco in any form. Restores sufferers from Its injurious effects to robust health. Of great benefit to Dys? peptics. For sale bv Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting stree!, oct5 Agent for South Carolraa. JUST RECEIVED. CARBONATE OF AMMONIA Bicarbonate of Soda Cream of Tartar Fresh Hops. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. ll. BAER, oct6 No. 131 Meeting street. FLEMING'S W0 R M CONFECTIONS, (SAUTON1NE.) They are purely vegetable, safe and sure. The best In use. For sale by Dr. H. BAER. No. 131 Meeting street. ?ci5_Wholesale Agent. TTPHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG U DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote is the best remedv that can he administered in Manla-a-Potu, and also feral; nervous affections. For sale by Dr. H. BAER. Ko. 131 Meeting street, oet? Agent for South Carolina. ?yy I L L I S & C II I S 0 L M , FACTORS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Win attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON, BICE, LUMBER and NAVAL STORES. > ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. S. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CHlSOUf. oct 25