University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. JLarapct Circulation.-THE DAILY NEWS BBINO TOM NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE COG SIZES AS BATING TBS LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES TBE HST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IB TBE PCSTOFFICE AT TBE END Ot MACB WEEK, ACCORDING TO TBE PROVIS? IONS 9F TBS NEWPOBTOFFICS LAW. CHEAP ADVERTISING. THE CBABLBBTON NEWS, thc circulation of which is about twice ?a largo as that ot any other paper published in South Carolina, is the oest advertising medium for all business men. For persona .who want situitiona or servants; who want boones or apartment a, or have them to rent; who want or who offer board and lodg? ing; who have lost or found articles of value. Tax NEWS bas no equal; and in order that all classes may hare their wants supplied, we have adopted the following scale of CHEAP ADVEB TISOTEM-S, payment for which must invariably be made when the order is given: . Advertisements of situations wanted by or offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work? men, mechanics, bouse-servanta, porters, shop boys, cooks and washers; board and lodging wanted or offered; apaitmouts wanted or to ?let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices and warehouses wanted or to lot, and miscella? neous wau.s of all kinda. For each insertion of advertisements of the classes specified : Not exceeding TH nts urns or 30 wori9... ?5 cents .." Fous LIKES or SO words.40 " " JTrvn unser 40 word?.60 " . ?f& advertisements to be inserted at these rates must be prepaid and delivered at THB Narwa office br 9 P. M. Bange of Tncrmomrtcr at the flews Uaace. Tueadav, 8 A. H. 75 12 M. 75 3 P. M. 74 6 P. M. 73 LOCAL MATTERS. meetings Thia Day. Landmark Lodge, at 8 P. M. Steam Fire Company of Axmen, at 8 P. H. fiomhstead Building and Loan Association, at 8 P. M. C. L., at half-past 8 P. M. Medical Society, at 8 P. M. . Hope Fire Engine Company, at 8 P. M. Charleston Board of Trade, at half-past 7 P. ML ^_ Auction Salea This Day. ^LEITCH ft Estrus will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postoffice, city stock. WVL??Z ft Hos will sell at half-past 10 o clock, at No. 78 Broad-street, furniture, jew? elry, ftc. LATJBEY 4 ALEX ANDES will sell at 10 o'clock, on Union wharf, sails and mast. SAMUEL C. BLACK will sell at lt o'clock, at the old Postoffice, valuable securities. TBS EasaESBUWO.-This society, whioh"uas been meeting for several years on the second floor of the Odd Fellow's Hall, bas leased a hall in the Adger building, and contemplates mov? ing there at an e ry day. THE NEWS IS THE Cocsisr.-Beaders of THE NEWS going to the country can receive their favorite paper by mail, daily, at tovouty five cents a month, bj addressing: a note, with their subscription, to our publication office. I'OITOI MovEJtSKTS.-The Montgomery (Ala ) Advertiser, o! the 23th ult., saja: "All tbe cotton that cornea in ls readily a old at prices ranging from 28 to 28-i cents. About ten bales of tbe new crop were reoeived this morn, in g and about ons hundred have been received in the past tea days. EXTENSION or POSTAL FACILITIES_Post? master Trott baa received a notification - that the postal money ordgr system be ween t e United Suites and SwitEerlaud, by mutual agreement, goss into operation tbis day. >Money orders and all necessary information relative thereto miy be obtaiuedat the post office. PEES ON AL.-Mr. Bobert H milton, an ex? perienced and afiabe host, formerly of tko Milla House and latterly of dickerson's Hotel io Columbia baa assumed he superintendence .f the Pavilion Hotel. Hia cental manners and winning wa\s will add to tbe deserved reputation of the Pavilion. Daua- LABELS.-Wa desire to call the atten? tion of druggia'a in the oity and throughout the State to the peculiar facilities o' I KE NEWS Job Office for printing ali landa of drag labe a, prescription blanks, ftc., at tbe shortest no? tice, and in a stylo unsurpassed anywhere in the country. Our stock of cuts borders and fancy type ia unusually large and choioe. Call and examine specimens of work. Bus Uros WASBEBWUBOEN.-About 3 o'clock yesterday morning some men entered a lot on Chape!?3treei, and after locking-in tbs people in the bouse stole a largo quautity of half-washed clothing lay rm? in tuba around the bouse. Yes? terday the women went to a fortuneteller, wh told them that if they failed to recover the clothe? by 12 M., .hey would be forever lost. Up to a late hour last night the clothes bad sot been recovered. NAUTICAL AOOXDEKT - The steamer Emilie, with the brig Cyclone in tow started from this Hport for Georgetown, S. C., o o Monday evening and when sroing down the harbor the tow Use parted and the bric came to anchor, the steara? er returning to the city. Yest erda v forenoon tbs steamer' again lett to take tbe brig in tow hut while going out to ber, the steamer's rud? der b ?cama disabled, ind she was compelled to put back for repairs, the Cyclone still ro? umain? at anchor below tue city. EFFECTS OF THE DBUUTH IX GEOBGIA.-The Augusta Chronicle and Seutt>>cl says: ' For several woek.i past this secLiT of the St te has boon visited bv a lontr condoned anJ very severe drouth. What have b.-eu its effoots on the oottou in soma looalities will be best ab wu by tue toUowinr circumstance, which has been related to us by the best authority: Ou the plantation of Colonel H. D. D. ^wi rcs, situat? ed on tbe Savannah Biver about ten miles from this city, there was on last Saturdij week a tract of thirty acres or very floe conon; ?ts foliage was green and luxuriant; us jrrowtu waa vigorous; it waa as tall as a uian'a shoo - der; and the stalks were lo>ded wt>b tin t from top to bottom. Altogether it waa as flue a piece of cotton as could be found anywhere, and a verv large yield was confidently expect? ed by itojowner. A few da.? since bower jr, i Deiran to feel the effecta of tue drun b. and n last Saturday it preseotel a m ilanojoiy spec V lacie. It bad lost tis healthuesa its greet ness and luxuria?oe of foliage, and looked like a field of whit tb planters term "bastard cot? ton.' Worse than tbis nearly every form bad faLeo from the stalks, and lay in he .ps in tbe allays bei ween tne rows-so that from the tract of thirty acres not more than one baie of the staple will be gathered." M ES TI y G OF coxmciL. An extra meeting of Council was held last night, at which were present, tho Mayor, Al? dermen E. W. M. and T. Ti Mackey, Collins, Geddings, Gr. eoe.Voigt, Barrow, Cunningham, white, and Hampton, L. F. Wall, Sma'l, E. P. Wall, McKinlay, colored. Council was called to order at half-past 8 o'clock. A communication from the Board of Commis? sioners of the Almshouse notifying Council that the insurance on the Almshouse had expired and recommending that it be insured for $50, [ OOO, was read, and the matter referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. Petition of J. F. Schroeder was referred to Committee on Licenses. The ordinance "to declare certain colored fire companies a portion of tho Fire Depart? ment, Ac.," was ratified. Petition of the officers and members of the Promptitude Fire Company, requesting that they be included among the colored companies to receive benefits under the ordinance "to de? clare certain companies a portion of the Fire Dep? riment," was read by Alderman E. W. M Maokey, and, on motion of Alderman T. J. Mackey, was laid npon the table. Alderman T. J. Mackey read a petition from a largo number of merchant-, praying Coun eil to remove tho tax upon hoe and cotton, and gave nouoe that at the next meeting ot Coun cd he would introduce an ordinance providing for the removal of the objectionable tax The petition was received as information, and further consideration postponed until tho next meeting. THE P?LICH BILL. Alderman T. J. Mackey mored that the bill "to reorganizo and regulato the police force of the city" be put upon its second reading. Alderman Voigt thought that the bill "to provide for the regis,ration of persons engag? ed in business, " should be taken up first. Atter some discussion, it was decided to postpone a consideration of tbe bill until the next meeting. Alderman Wall, colored, moved to adjourn. Alderman Collina seconded it, but afterward withdrew it. Alderman Small, colored. I second de mo? tion to adjourn, and I move dat it be prest. The motion waa carried-9 ayes and 4 nays. Council then adjourned. ATTEMPT TO BUBS A DWELLLNO. -About half past four o'clock, yesterday morning, an at? tempt was made to burn the residence of Dr. JT. S. Buist, No. 205 Meeting-street. Yester day afternoon Assistant Engineer Alexander had an investigation, when the following testi? mony was elicited: Dr. J. Somers Buist testified that he was awakened about half-past four o'clock by tbe ringing of his door bell. He arose, and found that a policeman was ringing it. Tho police? man informed bim that his premises was on fire. An examination showed that some hay and empty boxes were burning nuder the piazza. He and the polioeman extinguished the flames The place where the fire originat? ed is enclosed, and was locked on Saturday lost, and was secure at ll o'clock Monday uight. Tho watch dog was left on the piazzi on retir? ing. Wben aroused by tbe policeman, the dog was gone and the gate open. Charlotte Lawton, colored, who lives on the premises, testified that she was awakened about half-past four o'clock, and beard the explosion of a match. A quarter of an hour afterward sbe beard the bell ringing. ?he got up and saw the smoke in the yard. Wm. Lawton, colored. Charlotte's husband, testified that at 9 P. M. Monday night, he locked up the Doctor's office, (which is a short distance from the bouse,) and left a box of matches on the mantelpiece, and put the key of the office in the usual place. Atter the fiie he found the box of matches missing and thc offico key lay in? on tbe door sill. Other evidence showed that hay had boon int ned from the stable and placed under the piazza; that up to a short time ago there were twa kevs to tho door of tbe enclosed space under tbe piazza, but ono bod bcon lost and sinoe the loss articles stowed under there bad bo. n stolen. Mr. Alexander dendei that thc fire waa the work of an incendiai v. CBTTMBS.-It is stated that one of Collector Clark's employees at the Customhouse has to em ?loy a clerk lo do the work be te paid to do. Alderman Geddings. Small and Barrow didn't attend the Mayors supper M nd;.y night. A gang of two hundred and ten able-bodied colored laborers, from np the country, left the city last night on tbe Djctaior, to work on the Bra" wiok Kai ?road. Durin? tbe year ending August 25th. 1869, there were eight hundred and .-even teen person? committed to the couniy jail. Of tins number three-four ?hs were colored. Only two escaped during tho year. United States and City Attorney, ?c., D. T. Corbin bas returned to the city. The lower portion of the building formerly occupied by tho Mercury newspaper is being firt d np as a store. Ibu budding in course of erection at the foot of Broad-etreet was entered Mondsvnicht, and a large quantity of carpenters' tools 9toleo. We loam that when the Mayor was requested to offer a reward for the apprehension of tho party or parties wbo set fire to tho Stouewall engine boase he replied that ho didd't think there was any person in Charleston vile enough to have set fire to it. i he $5000 bond offered by M. H. Collins & Co. for their faithful performance of the con tract to furnish medicines for the city was sp. .pr. ved by.Council last night. Lafayette Woolf vot|among the Philistines Monday night, and was arrested, but no chantes were preferred gainst him. E >tt Bay bas assumed * new appearance un? der the energetic working of tbe street brigade. No grass grows under their feet. The third and last instalment or the t*x on real estate for 1869, is dne and payable daring tbe present miin<b. Mi. J! H E till, tho proprietor ot the Savan? nah Moroing New*, and w o is weil known in this con mutiny chastised tho deputy post m ie * er of t?avauuah yesterday, for imper i nencn. Two soldiers wero fined ?J yesterday bv the Mayor for getting drunk it td were ordered to pav the dam iges done by them tn their cell. The two hun ired and te.i uo-conitry ne? gro '8. who P'Baod ihr nigh the citv y ?stor lav. )n their way >o wor?? noon the BrnuBwick Railroad upon being asked by ?teidle negroo* of thia city whether tbav intended to desert the State and let tho Radical pam Lae that number of vntus roplied tba-they knew their dut\ aud would ro nra in time to vote-early and often < outr less. It was c lld enough last night to make a blanket f*e! comfortable. Alderman Small, colored, was requested, at the Cmiic? meeting last night to offer a reso? lution providing that as the woid secession wta odious to tverv loval min, the name of !jce**iOt.-8 reet b ? changed to that of Dix bui be rera?ed to off r it. and thereby missed an opoor unity nf miking hi uselt f.mous. An advertisement io yesterday's NEWS, for two rooms, received ten anxwers before ten o'clock. Ibis shows the value of TD NEWS as on advertising medium. PASSENGERS and shippers to Georgetown will take notice that the sailing day of the Emilie bal been changed to Thursday. HOTEL AERTVALS, AUODOT ZI.-Charleston HoteL-t?. Gosman, Colombia; J. P. McCall, W. 0. McCall, Georgia; A. H. Kirkland, South? ern Express Company; D. T. Corbin, City; H. W. Joor, South Carolina; C. D. Mason, Sum? ter; F. L. "Brantly, Augusta; J. K. Gillson, Thomas E. Grec?, Columbia; Miss Mary Englehard, New York; J. H. Lee and wife, Captain F. Coon and wife, Major Allison, Uni? ted States Army; G. F. Lacher, Beaufort Pavilion Hotel.- E.W. Cramer, Chattanooga; J. L. Bamberg, J. B. Carrigan, B. Hamilton, C. P. Bolton and lady, W. Willcook, James Harper, T. D. Harper, James Carrigan, South Carolina; William Whillain, Philadelphia. SUIT AGAINST CAPTAIN HENDRICKS FOB FALSE lMPBisoiacs?T.-Ihe new born zeal of the police authorities is commendable when not carried to an excess; but the sortie made on the merchants and others who cumber the aide walks hos noi been tempered with discretion. Charges wero recently preferred against a Broad-street broker for placiog his shutters on the sidewalk. He was unable to attend the Mayor's court and his clerk responded to the summons. Mayor Pillsbury imposed a fine of two dollars, and the clerk, an irresponsible party, was detained in custody about three hours because the lino was not promptly paid. He appealed to a lawyer, who was informed by Captain Hendricks that it was by bis authority. No effort bas been made to collect thc fine, bat a snit has boen entered against Captain Hen? dricks for false imprisonment. 1 tte Floor Question, TO THE EDIIOB Of THE NEWS. Can Mr. Caulfield deny having slated be would govern himself by a standard, if thc flour merchants would adopt such for bim? If the floor merchants did not meet os a body, what did they meet as? If ho means, ID his communication, to assert that those merchants who met were not unani? mous in the adoption of the standard of grados recommended, he asserts what is not true. He states that he has inspected the grades referred to, and pronounces them below the standard. W?l he inform the public what his standard is, and where he trot it? Would it not be advisable for Mr. Caulfield to assume the duties ol a schoolboy, ior a time, to enable him to rightly construe a sentence? The writer did not advocate abolishing the office, and if not over "twenty-five ? he caa boast of moro years' experience in flour than Mr. C. can weeks. "Flour merchant," like the inspector, was not honored with a voioe in the deliberations of the flour merchants. If that is any consolation to him. he is welcome to it. The flour meroin nts individually and col? lectively repudiate tue idea of diotation which Mr. C. labors hard to impress on ths public mind. In conclusion, no such conflict of opinion having occurred between the flour merchants and any of Ibo inspector's predecessors, the public might safely Busnoot, with the writer, that tbe secret of the whole difficulty lies tn the present incumbent's utter incapacity to properly discharge the duties of tbe office, which ho feels, nut does not know bow to remedy. This closes tbe subject of flour in? spection, by FLOUR MERCHANT. Tbe Newly Appointed Pilota, CHARLESTON, S. C., August 31. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. In the DAILY NEWS of this morning we soe a letter from the '-Newly Appointed Pilots." in which they ask why tho Committee of the Chamber of Commerce did not give the names of i be pilots who bad been complained of as incompetent. Wo suppose the respectable centlemen who signed the report for the Chamber of Commerce knew what they were about, and can take care of themselves when auy responsible persons ask them for information. Bat we, the old pilots, also know something abont this matter, and know (hat tue "newly appointed piloto" could not pass an examination beforo com Detent judges. Who are these new pilots? We be? lieve that they are Charles Camps. Henry J Behtert, Frederick Fisher and Guarios Thomp? son, and four colored men: - Moultrie, Bobert Davis. Edward Jenkins, and George Wilson. Behtert and i'homnsou have been to sea. bat we doubt that tLev ctn tell the rise and fall of the tides. Their experience as pi? ta's hats boon limited, and it is not their fault if thoy do not know much about pilotage. Cauips has been to sea. but not in a sqnare r ic ged vessel. If he thinks himself a competent pilot, will he go bi'foro the old b.iard and stand aa exam ina; iou? Fisher is a very young mun and n <t quick in learning. A few months' ago ho could uo> box the compass and we pr J uouncc him to bi entirely incompetent, so much so, that we would not trust him in charge of a pilot boat. Or the colored pilots we do not know muco. They are all very illite? rate, and two of the four have not bson in n pilot boat for tweuty years. The public may judge from this whether these "newly appoint? ed pilota" are fit to lake charge of vessels comtnq into and ?jo in g out of Charleston. OLD PILOTS. BUSINESS NOTICES. PERSONS in want of a competent clerk, are di? rected to thc advertisement of A. B. C. COOTES SO VF- boilco fish, boiled mutton and th-i usual trimmings at I'orck's, "Our House," during lunch hours this morning. AUCTION SALE OF SECURITIES.-Tho atten? tion of capitalists and others desiring good in? vestments, is directed to tho anctton sale of securities this day, at tho old Postoflioe, by Mr. Sam del C. Black. -o IJIGHT BEADING FOE THE WARM WEATHER. Oar friends in the country who desire to obtain light rea.'mg for (he warm weather, at strictly popular pnces, are relerred to the advertise? ment of Mr. C. C. Richter, the very enterpris? ing and trait worth v King-stre:t dealer in books and periodicals of all kinds. His list will be found to include something to Bait every taste, and it seems to us a marvel how he can afford to send bis books bv mail over the country, nost-vaid. at tho ridiculously low prioesnamed. c Colton ftes.. OTTON TIBS. BEARD'S PATENT LOOK TIES. THIS TTE *8 UNDOUBTEDLY ''HE BEST MAN UFA?T? ED, is easy >o manage, and possesses trreat strength and durability. Having sold them foi* the past two years, we can ooroiillv recommend them to our planters and others, as the very TiE thev want <0 render their bales neat, etrong and compaci; capable et blading bales from 4M to 600 pounds. For sale by OEJ. W. WILLTAMS t nO., raotors, August 18 oiafimos O'tar eston, S. C. jp '? lt B 1 li I Mi OU T TUN. DILLON'S UNIVERSAL WROUGHT IRON TIB. IMPROVED. THIS FAVOBITE TIE MATE OF THE BE-?T qn* itv of iron and possesoes ud' aotages tor the i.-oiKimical ba ti nu of cotton most lropor ont to the plai ter me hant nd fae Or. For oaie in larg? and small io's ot a trundle) at re? ducen rates WILLIAM KOACH & CO., Angus 9 Imo * s CD Ls for -r u h Carolin? /.?.mu |> A N K K lt S , BIOOKANl) EXCHANGE BROKERS AN? MER? CHANTS, wishing i'Leaks, Blanks, Letter Beade. er Job Printing of any description, cn get their ocien ailed promptly and tn the neatert style, at ci.eap rates, by applying at IEE NEWo JOB OPFICE, No. U9 Bast Bay. rp fl E G II K A T b'?H8ATItf?r. I LMp0R,?J * $T. SHA*** * SCOTT'S Superior Fitting Shirts. 8HIBT8. f SCOTT,s SHIBTS. _ POPULAR AND r.ELUDLE SH IRTS - ' 8HIRT MANUFACTORY SH IB 18. - Bleetlng-street, SHIRTS. - Opposite Maiket Hall. SHIRT?. SHIRTS, i - SHIBTS MADE TO ORDER. 8HIBT3. SBIRTS. - SBIRTS BE4DYMA.DE, ALL SIZE8. I cHIBTS. - Directions for Measurcmett, ftc , SHIRTS. - SENT BY MAIL. SHIBTS. July 8 DAO 6moi BLACKWELL'S DO m NO. ?19 KIVG-STRKKT. One door below Market GltE.?T REDUCTION IN PRICES 0? 8CABF3 TIE3 HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR, ftc. B3~ TRY IT. GOODS. July 22 6soe fm ?rts. T_)HOTUGRA.PU COLORING. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tinted with c?/? and tarie can baye their orders promptly Qjj^d by tearing tbem at Holmes' Book House. Written directions should in each case be given as to tbt> style of coloring preferred. JUIT 23 3mos* Spool Cotton WCTSrxCOSD g fl ?? AQASB??WAKRASTFD SPOOL CUTIOif QSa'S ?? W5t?S? ?00 T-ARHS? SIX-CORD. frOaAgaia mJSmZxckltr ?&P. CO?TS, af Erisley-, Ses?ml. Aucust 1 wlmSmos ^ucoint-rn, (lugnnns, <?tr. j^KKTING-STUEKT FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT 18 NOW EUBNIsHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON our, STEAM KNOTS KS AND HOlLERs. of various sizts on bamt IMPROVED VERTICAL }Nl> HORIZONT AL COBN MILLS, S PGA It MILL?, SUGAR "BOILERS AND PANS, of all sise' HORSE POWI'RS AND OIN GEARING, trom 6 tc 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER C?T10N PRESSES lot Hmo. power. Saw and Rice Milli MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of ell defcriptioni made to order Particular attention paid io HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOB BUILD? ING9, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS. SASH WEIGHTS, ctr, dc, WILLIAM 9. HF.N'ERF.y, MA CUISIS 1 A KU FO U2?J) LR. No. CU MEETING-STREET, Anntut 3 CHARLESTON, B. C. mw-. rK**m \ TU 350 horse power Including 'ht ci):enratej Corliss ?,ut-of ? usines, ?lide Valve sta ; ?onai> i ngines Portabit Kn ?ti i cs. ftc \lso cin-u ar .'luiav md Hang san Mill?, Putrar Can" a h, ha ting Pulley?, ftc Lath ?nd shingle ?Villi Wheat .nd (*orn Mill?, Circulai aws Bettine, tc. Send lor descriptive Circular anc Price List ffOOI Ar MANN STEAM ttN?INE CO.. Kebruiry 1? Ctlea, New fork lill nr, fiquors, (Etc. Q L D MfHKKlKft, I HE U .DERSIGNED BrG LEAVI? TO AN? NOUNCE thai tbev bavobeen appoute i bv Mesrs. H NKY . H iNnis ft CO.. of l'.iii idelptiia, their sol? Agents for the -udeof -iou'i 'armina lor the Me ot their cider-rated ACME X XX XXX. XXXX, NM. Ai: cA?LNEi and ober br-, nd* OLD KT?! WHI EIE . lhey ?.iso wish to announce that they wlU be in con-tant. rce.ipt of iho.r COPHKB DI-HLi.ED MOON TAIN Pt'KE BYE WHISKIES, direct froa Distillery at Hsnnisviile, Berkeley county, West Vireiuia Liberal contracts wi 1 ba male tor la se lots oi new Whiskies In bond at Distiller* Warehouse. CLACIU ? * wm li, No. 86 East Bay street. Jane 16 wtaSmoi charleston, S. 0. MPOBTANT TO Ci August 13 ikiltonus. Jl'EW KUVT? N O lt T HI THE ST. LOOTS ISON MOUNTAIN AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY Ii now open for business from OOLUMBOS, KY., TO ST. LOUIS Making the quickest safest and only all rall route to tit. Louts. Passengers taking tbis route avoid one change of cara and a tedious riv?r transfer of twenty miles, and arrive in st. Louis FOU H AND A HALF HOUR i In advance of any other Bead. gg" Trains leave columbus upon the arrival or trains on the Mobile and Ohio Bailroad. W. K ALLES. Sept 1 Imo General Ticket Agent. g OCX II CAROLINA KAI LRU AA). GEN EBAL bUFEBINTENiiEWT-tf OFFICE, j CHABXXSTOIT. 8. C.. April 9, 1869. 4 ON AND AFTER SU.' DiY. APRIL 11TH, THh PAasL^GEB TEAINS of tho Mouth Carol;?, a Rail road wiU run as follows : ?FOB AUGUSTA, icon.s. ? A. Arrive at Augusta.4.45 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery an Grand Junction. mm COLUMBIA. Leave Charlesttn.,.?.f0 a. fe Arrive at Columbia.6.10 P. ix Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester r. ?ti road, nw Camden trato . EWU OHABLESTON. Leave AUgOSCa.9. r A. il Arrive at Charleston.MO ff. M Leave Columbia.7 45 A. tl Arrive at Charleston.6.1U P. B AUGUSTA NIGBT ESPRESb (Bf ND ATP EXCEPTED. I Leave Charleston.7.80 P. M Arrive at Augusta.6.1u A. M Connecting with trains tor Memphis, NathviU* and Hew Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.4.10 T. V Arrive at charleston.4.00 A. M COLUMBIA NIGHT KX PRESS. (8UKDATS K ICE PTE U.l Leave. Charleston.8.05 P. ? Arrive at Columbia.1.45 A. * Connecting mundays rxepted) with Greenville an< Columbi* Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.6u P. u Arrive at Charleston.G.Lil1 A. V Si MM KU VI [J, K ?RAIN. Leave Charles, to*..3.S5 P. n Amye at Summerville. 6.iO-J. V Leave Summerville..* i. M Arrive at Charleston...?1.25 A. V CAMDEN UK \N<:H. Camden and ' oiumbw Papsenafer Trains on MON OATS, Wxi N?8DAT8 and SAT?BDATS, connects witt up and do'vn1 Day Passengers at Kingville, Leave Camden.6.35 A. M Arri > eat Columbia.Uv* A. ii Leave Columbia..>.".. P. V Arrive st Camden.7.05 P. tri Signed! H. T. ff AKK, April 10 G?ner?! superintendent. (Etat atonal. HIGH ?CUIIOL UP < HAR K-? (>\._ The Exercises cf this Institution will be re- j sumed oo IUONDAT, September 6 h. i borough lu-1 struc ion given in LATI-, GK KEE, FRclNCH. G"R M AN. MA i U K VI A I It?.', and tbs hi her branches of ENGLISH. Teran- $1? i er quarter, payable In advance. No ex'ra charge for FRENCH, GEB ?AN or STA? TIONERY. W. R. RIKQMAH, A. M , Principal. V. IL DIBBLE, A B , Fir-t Aesisiant. H P. FUhGAS, ?. M., Fren-li Masts'. W. A. A. Di.AS, Esq , Germau Master. August 30 10 FL u n v . i M VILLE, S. C.- i he next se alon ot this INS ri. TUT ION will open the 15*h -< ptembur, and continue fortv wc- lu *i bout intermission. Three year?' -cnojaranios miy b? obtained coi.ri tloned on the payment nf thirty dollars aonu<lly for three \e?-9, ano entltliog thuholuer of a scbol ar.-bip to the tuition of or e pu il m all tho regular ? schools, rn th? payment of the incidental foo of five dol?an, i-xcept to hole era of scholarships, the charge for t:>f ti -n fo- tbo ve*r Will be sixty dolla?, oud five dollars for incidental oxuenses. For in? struction in Practical chemistry, or in Modero t an guaves. tbcre will oe an extra chaige, to bc regula? ted by the size ol ih-> class . The regular Schoo s embroco Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy, P ofessor JUD ON; Latin Language and Literature Protesaor CABER; Gr. el: Language Professor -MIl'B; Cuemi?try and Natu ral Philosophy. Fmfe-'sor HARRIS; . ogle, Rh-lorie, an i Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Proiessor FUR M AN. Dr. FA BLR will instruct in German, French and Spanish. Gool Hoard'ng. exclusive of lights and washing, can be obtained at about $15 per month. Catalogues < r scholarshipcan be obtained by ad creasing the subscuber. J'MEt C. FUBMAN. Angus! 23 18 President UNIVERSITY OrT SOUTH CAROLINA. Tbe next Session wlU begin on the mur MON? DAY ni OCTOBEB, and continu? without lutermis sion, to the ensuing July. Anvaiituges are offered at this Institution to Stu dent* tn Law ithe giauuates being entitled to prac, tice m tie four;? ol tul-' Stale;) ii Me licine (the rourse of li sfuctnu bei on ex?euslve and thorough, wiih two w. itten criminations during thc session;) in Kncineeri'iL', Malberna! ic<, Men'al. Moral a d Political Philosophy. H story, Rhetoric, English Lit* raiure, Ancient and Modern Language.', and in tbe various ccioutiflc -choo s. Expeu?eii tor cssio'i of nine months: Anneal fee,$.>; Library fee, *10; I'ooro Bent fae. ?15; tunion lee, -; tor park ol three ?choo ? S13; I'vitlonJu Law or Mdiliciuc. $50 Hoard can be bad at SIC to $20 per month. Bv meeeluu lt will tva lesa. For fur-fier infurmatio i, te .d for . ataiotrae-) to the secretary of thc Faculty. Rev C. H'.U E. WALK i- lt. B. W. B IWWKI.' . chairman o: Faculty. Columbia, 8. C., AugUii 2,1st?. August 0 im? .-4 J. ' . ll I 31 P tl K tl? S , BROKER, A UCTIONEFI? AND COMMIS SION MERCHANT. HALK8 OF BEAL ESTA I E. STOCKS. BONPS. 8t CUR1TIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. NO. !<7 BRO t U-sTBEET C?ABLE-TCiN. o. I, RETZttESCEd. Ben. HEV t ROIS!, w. J. MAOBATU, t?? General JAM FR CONNKR. 1. ft, WARING. tS'j. Octot>?? VV IC?.:* ?i CIllSULll, FACTOht?. COMMISSION ?Ll?llCH-O?ISj an SHIPPING AGENTS, WILT. ATFND TO THE PUBCHASE, SALE AM SH IPV I NT ito Poreign and Domestic Pons- o COTTON, BICH, LUMBEB AND NAVAL STOKES ATLANTIO WHARP, Qharieaton. tn. O. g. WILLIS.A. R. CBTSOLBt October 2. )TTON PLANTERS. THE GEORGIA SAW GIN FORMERLY ' OLEMON'S" OIN, OF COLUM BUS. QA. CHET'S PATENT LABOR-SAVING, ANTI-FRICTION Iron Screw Cotton Press, TBE MOST SIMPLE, DURABLE AND EFFECTIVE EVER INVENTED, AT Reduced Prices. For information and Descriptive Lists of the above, apply to HUGER & RAVENELj No. 66 Saut Bax, Charleston, 8. C., GENERAL AGENTS FOB STATE. , ALSO io Kirra ron PORTADLE RICK THRESHERS RICE FANS. GRIST MILLS. Ac. f? fmwl2 Jl L A S T I c JOINT IRON ROOF?NG, "OUTCALT'S PATENT," For Residences, Sn?ar Houses, Cotton Gin*, Bridges, Arc. Manufactured by? SHOENBERGEJ & CO., No. IS Public Landin?, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 29 nao Imo pUKOlcISE ANO PORTABLE OAS LIGHT. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of ute public to the above named LIGHT, for which he is cow prepared to receive' orders. It is claimed for tb s Light thst it is supe? rior to Kerosene or any Other I (laminating Oils that lt ls Son-e vploiive, and that it gives a light al? most equal to that of Coal Gas, and is just as cheap as Kerosene. A ramp'e may be seen at No 1 Boyce's Wharf, and lull information given by Augusta? fmwlmo O. J. COLCOCK, Ja. J^ALL. AND WINTER IMPORTATION. 186?. RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOOD ?RMSTRONQT~VATOR ?; CO., Nos. 237 ajad 339 Baltimore-Street. BALTIMORE, IMPORTERS AM JOBBERS OF BONNKT AND TRIM tl INC! HIBBONI VELVET AND SAbH RIBBONS, Bonnet Silks, Satins and Telv 'ts, Illusions, Blond*, Laces, Buches. Nets and Crapos, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, Straw Bonnets and Ladles* Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed. SILK, VE LYE r AND FELT BONNETS AND If ATP, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. THE LARGEST STOCK CF MILLI tfKBl GOODS IN THIS COUNTRY, and unequalled in choice variety, which we effer at prices thit will defy com? petition. ?-ORDERS SOUCITED. Imo' Angu.stlC STAIR BODS. K803ZE, YES on?, Sc Porcolaln, Tiatmpttrt .VO Clc?nifj, wmi mm rATim DROP FIXTURE, WHICH KA* KO trSMOd. Tko Crigiaal asi ear/ Mitti Hxfcne ruda. It can be applied to any fMulr Roc!, oithef ,Ronrd or Flat, aud .irevcnta its flipping from its place. Ask for thc Patent Crop ?iztoa, SOLD ST ALL Carpet Dealer?. AND BUY NO OTHER, tin, B2AS3 HTS ma STATU PTJATES, For Hotels, Restaurants and Public BuUdiugs, MANUFACTURED BY W. T. 4 J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St., N.Y August 13 3mos Hetti pnblifit ons. j|l'SiELL'S BOOK STORK. RECENT PUBLICATION;;. THE SUMTER AND THE ALABAMA, Service ?.float during tue War b-tween the States, hy Ad? miral Semine*, 1 vol 8?o., cloth, $5. RESOURCE* OF I HE ?00 TU ERN XTELDS AND FoRl-s.S. HI e. neal Economical and Agricultural, ?y P. Purre Porcher, M. D.. 1 vol 8vo., ta 60. CHRISTIAN MNGERx OF G- KMANY. by Catho rino Winliwonb, transl i or and compiler ot "Lyra '.erinn lea," illustrated, 12m.>.,forming volume 6 of the ' Sunday Library." fine clctb, 12. HISTOBY "F EURLPEIN MORALS from Au? gustus to Cbatleuiasne 2 vols., Uro., 16. FORE-T LlFt IN AC ADIE, -ketcues of Sport and Natural Bistory in ihe Lower Provii ce-i of the Cana? dian Dominion, by Captain C Bardy, Illustrated, 8vo.. -3. THE NEW AF1" INITIES OF FAITH, A Plea for Free Christian Union, by James Martine-iu, 26c. SPEC I HUM ANALYSIS, Six Lecture, by H E. Roscoe, with appendices, co.ored Plates and Ultu trated. ftvo, $9. MIND ANO BRAIN; or. The Condition of Con? sciousness and Organization. Systematically Inves? tigated and Applied to Phi oeophy.. Mental Science and Practice, with a Preliminary Dissertation on Method and llasrrative ot tbe Text, br thos Lay rock. M. I).. 2 vet- . 12ioo., 4/3; xv. 494, $7. LIFE (T PIZ\RR0 with om.- ic.-ountot his As? sociate In the CoLquest of Peru, b? Arthur Bel, a, 1 vol., $2 7:.. IHE OLD TESTAMENT DISTORT. lr om the Cre.itlnu to thc U< turn from t< * Cantivity, edited by W. ??rai h. L L. I>. 1 vol., 12mo., $C WOM ?N'? -UFFKUi ,'tio lo.o:in Against Na? ta e bv Hon-.; Hu LLI U. 1 vol, 1'Jmo., St 50. IHE SUBJ! OHO* >F WOMAN, by Jenn S:aait M. M.. 1 vc . 12ra.>.. 31. PttE-HlSiORtC NA . IONS; or Inquine- cnecrn ttig fomo ot ih- Great Heoole* and ? ir ?sat'onsoi A. riqiiit", anil tbi-Ir P'Oiuhiu R< nt'on ? :i still O.J erQivll zuum of me Etbiopl <U3 >r Coabltes of Ara bia, liv John D. Uuldw u, limn . $' 73. KlGbTYEAU ' WANDERIN .> I1? CEYLON, by fir ?amuel Whito baker, lib .?tr?ted, lame,, rlotii, $1 50. THERCIRN' E OF RIGHT-, by F. G. Fichte, translated by A. K. Kroeg r, I2n.a, loth, S2. H IE THOUSAND MUE* THRODOH T3E ROCKY MOUNTAINS by A. E. MoOlure, Illustrat? ed, 12-no . ctoth $2. BK\I BILE. A Poem by Hon. Bod?n Noei, Fquate 16mo.. r'otli, gilt top. $1. lHEs XE>, H HE AND HEREAF1 ER. ty Wil? liam H. Hoic-imbe, M D,12ma. paper loth, SI 60. LIV Kb i?F 4>. LOHI' ANO i ALVIN, by M Guizit 'Il?strate^. i2mo., c'otb fl ? HE QC KER PvR I-ASS. * Revolutionary S>orv, witu Musrruiious. Hmo . o otb $t 50. FL lTO^i.-A eroa. k's Villa on toe Rhine; Er ck H nun- 'hntrjin'8 Waterloo; Hg in sou'* Ma none; Hoffiuinu's 'Lee Murray: Ha"i'( L'Homms q i kr ; Lett'oc H>le; Phelp ' M<-ii, Women and Ohoats; be Quaker I^nn-ac-*; Hob BScn's For Uer ?ase; ouiiiwo'tb's Chauged bride?;*pieltugei.'>< Problem? atical Characters; Wood-' Gates Wl.le Open; Kin i y's Stretton; Uj t'auuhter Plinui ; Tbe Lac istan''holii; cl'mid'ji B ben,, l-ti-r; ?? nth worth's ihe Brine's Kate; rollope'-' He K-ew He ?aa Mgbt;Z"oliokkc'H Dead Gu-s ; t"reytair"8 l ost Man usript ; Jean Inglelow'* Mops* the Fairy. Januarv 1 ivr QM KATE. OK Bl \GMi,MA. A GOOD COOLING bUMMBB MEDICINE. MAD? fresh every day, by DB. H. BABB. May 25 No. IM Meedng-aixesl. JUriwi Sala. City Stock. YV, Y. LEITCH & B. S. BBBNS, Auctioneers. # . ' Will be cold THIS DAT, september 1, at the OU Postofflce, at ll o'clock. $5100 in ci TT Si OCf? Old liane, tn certificate? of *800, $750, $870, $100, $120, $260, $900, ISM, $16*?, Terms cash. Sept 1 Household Furniture, fie, belonging to ?f? Estate. BY WIIB?R & SON. TH I-'. DAT. tbe 1st day of September, will be sold at No. 78 Broad-street, at nalf-pa?t 10 o'clock. A variety of superior BOU8EHOLD FURN CTURE, Clocks, Crib, Mirrors, Piano, Jewelry, Watches, Count? s, Desks, Lumber, Ac < o' dlunn? casb. stuwS Sept 1 Valuable Securities. BY SAMUELE BUCK. THIS DAY, 1st Femembcr, will be sold at Old Post office, at ll o'.-I cfc. 89 wff ABES S. O. BATLBOSD AND BINK STOCK 8 Half Shares 8. ('. Ballroi'l Stock 121 ?har?s Charleston >4ts Company Stock 30 Shares Bank of charleston tock 41 Shares Memphis and Charleston BaProad Stock $473 City Mx Per rent Stock $870 State Six Pe; i ent Stock (old) $60 State Six Per Cent, rtocfc (row.) 1 erma rash. _Sept 1 Saili and Matt-on Account of ail Concerned. BY LAUHEY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAT, the l?t Feptember, will bo sold, on Union wharf, at li? o'clock, 1 F? lit;rv?LL 1 Jib 1 ?Jaiumist Belonging to schooner i mma D. Finney. Conditions cash. ?_Sept ? {BEOCTAB ? MU PO S T PO H SD OWTXL TO-MOBBOW? THUBSDAT, 3D XB8TA.NT.J WM. MCKAY, Auctioneer. Will sell at auction TC-MOBROW. H?nnf. at No' 130 Meeting-street comineada? at 10 o'clock. A choic Assortment of PURNI I DBE, Crockery and Glassware, suitable for housekeepers, 4 Terms cash. Sept 1 f)ra|flt Ctjfffliifllfi, tic. O L O M O N ' S BITTBKS FOE SAXE AT DES. BOUL & LYNAH, CORNER KINO AND MABKtfT STREETS. 1 August 31 _6^ 1 S (I X ' S a R TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. r.i:~n t *.. - .. ... . . ) Warranted lo Remove all Desire for Tobacco. It is Purely Vegetable and contain nothing Injurious. The following is one of thousands of testimoniih that aro daily received by tbe Manufacturer: RICHMOND. VA . November^. 1888. DEAS Fra-The "lobacco Antidote" prepared by you according to tho lereipt you have submitted to me, and the ingredients ot which I baye examined, is purely vegetab e. entirely bat mieos, and contatos nothing in the least injurious. It ia not disagreeable to the taste, ?ud as a home ardrie, I hope you will meef with ready sale Tor ir, and I believe thut if tbe .'iredions are followed, lt will do all you chimed for it. JOHN DOVE, BL V. 43" Price 50 ceuts per Bot. the usual diaconat to the Trade. 4U~ For .?ale by ? Dr. H. BAER, WHOLESALE AGENT FOB SOUTH GASOLINA. June 7 _mg,_ . . J_? K V A H?K PUL WHAT MEDICINES YOU T X K K . WU KN YOU AREEXUsUM'ED BY OVEhWOBK of brad or band, and feel the need ol something in? vigorating don't drink whiskey or an y intoxica Ung think', whether under tbe name of ?Itters or other? wise, such articles give just a mucb strength U> your weary bod v and mind as the whin gives to the jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stimulants are tujnnous to Nerve health, and are AL WATS followed by DEPRESfcTNU REACi ION. Dudd's Nervine and lorigorator ts a TONIC abd OLNri.E ST! V CL AR r which ia Nd! attended by i.ncnoN W at it gains for you it malntalrs. When lt r> freshes bodv or mind, it refreshes wvh naturi? ..;re"gtb ba> cornea lo stay. Weare not recommending teetotalism lb tbe interest of unv faction; but long and ex ended Observation leacbcH us that he wlio resorts to the w tie for rest or recuperation, will And, as he keeue ati. that ha U kindling a tire lu hi? bones which will consume hke the flames ut perdition. Tnru from it Take a tonic that will refrean nd not oestroy. DODD'8 ^ERViNK is forsa.o by all Druggists. Price On? Ur Har. See Cook of ?'ort I fi.-a tc-, that accompanies each bettie. 7mos June 26 ]tt . KICBAO'I tr OLDEN REMEDIES APE FCR NO OTBKB. TAKE NO OTB EB, AN? you will save time health and money. $li CO REWARD (or any caf o of disease in any stage which they fill io cure. Dr. URB.C'S (iOI DEN B*s>AM Na 1 cures Ulcers. Ulc rited Kore ..hrcat and Mouth, Fora eye?. Cutaneous or skin Eruption-, Cooper Colored Klotcues. -orenes- of the -'.alp - crof ila, ftc ; is the grc.neat Renovator, Al dative and Blood Purifier known, removes a l alaoaa-s from the ayattsa, and leaveii tbe blood pure and bealtb'. Dr. lt ICH AC* GOLDEN HALLAM No. 2 eurea Mercurial Affections, ltheumatism in ul! it forms, wbjith.r ti om mercury cr other causes; gives Imme* dlate relict iu all . ases. No d'eiing mce^ary. I have thousand? of fertifirates uro vin J tbe miracu? lous cures e?Vcten by these l;em. die*. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2, $5 per bott1 , or wo bottles for $?. Dr RI?'HAL'S GOLDEN ANTIDOIE. n?afe soee-v dy.p'eanant and railcal cure lnr ali Urinary Do? ra Iben;.-, .i-i uLLpju ci viithfulicirectiobs Prie o $3 i er botile Pr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN 1 I. rx IK ?'AMOUR, a ladtral cure for Nervous or Gon-ral L'ebi it?, in old or %oung; imparting en? rgv with wonde ful effect. Price $C i cr bottle, or two bottles tor $9. On rei eipt ot price theio Remed?- s will be shipped to auy place. Prompt attention paid to all corres? deute. None genuine wi bout h- name of "Dr. RICHA?'- OULI'EN BK M ED I Ka, O. H. RICHARDS, sole Proprietor," blown io glass of bot lea. Address D B. R1CBA*DS\ No. 228 Varick-etroet, New York ' I Office Hours from ? A M. to 9 P. M. Circu'ars i-ent-_ly_July 3 r K K POP: THE ONLY CERTAIN RAT DESTROYER WITHOUT Disagreeable Results. A.U OLPH "iSAACSEN'S PHOSPHORIC PASTE, JnK^^B^^ sealed and warranted to KaS^Mfi&iBiSl^saMiV^ *eep fr'wb ;ora,> tUBe 'ie grt-atest dla ove ry ^Sf^HB . its kmd >n th-ace wo ,'j-^c3f i?yipteWW| in Nu n-r-cn need 13?f^"^pS2?1?BB^"^ io tront) cai with RATS, MI.:H. LID UDG-i or LOACHE-, li r ..r. ICSOLKIIV de-trurtive re j edy ix within tho reach of ail. Pn-pareo ooh b> himself, from rare and vahrib'c compound* its ch at? - . t* as wonierful us its efllra?-v Hnn 'fds of it ntl ? have been received irosa ll parts ot toe J a d Stafs. ibo (Treat o:\fntace this ?PB'' POP posas ea over all eitbiUr pr? parutions la be PM T thatit fe rt ?lin In lu KnTecu, and free from <Le unpieaaan; e?a ot rate d r? n their botes, as it causes bx m <o leave tbe ur wises to seek air, ana consumes thom ?o entirely ?s to leave No Disaerreeable Udor. Numbers ot rete en -e* can oe mude to Persons in tats City, who have successfully u-ed it. SOLE AGENTS FOB 1 OC rH CAROLINA, now IR A- MOIS rc, IMPORT!Ra AND WHOLEa*Lfc OitUnG'8T8 Corner Meeting and B*?ei-?treeia, April 23 mwftoo 'iii.rlea'on. a. O. QUA?. H I C K K V , PORTRAIT AND PICT URS FBvMH MANUFA? TUB KB, Nr. 345 KING-STEEET, CHARLESTON. B.C. LOOKING-QLAbSES <>< all auca fitted to Fra? c*. Jaiy YS M?