University of South Carolina Libraries
ty . jQAr??M Otremi?Uon-TBS DAILY NE WS Ik *AVA'0 TOT NEWSPAPER OPTIMALLY EB Wf COGNIZED AS HAVING'THE LABQEST'CIR P <ULATION IN THE OTT Or 9 H AMLE3TOW, PUBLISHES THE LIST OT LETTERS 8MMAIN I /NG IN THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END Ol EACH WEEK. ACCORDING IO THE PROVIS? IONS OF TBE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. CHEAP ADVERTISING. TBS CBJLHLBBTO5 News, Ute circulation of ?hkb is abos) twice as large aa tat ot any Lother paper published in Sooth Carolina, is tbe oast advertising medium for all business men. -For persona who want aituitions or aervanta; who want booaea or apartments, OT hate them to rent; who want or who offer board and lodg? ing; who hare tost or found articles of value, THB NTWS equal; and ia order that ali classes may have their wanta aapphed, we bave adopted the following eoale OJ CHEAP ASJTKX. iiaasnurra, puyniew. for which must invariably ?oe mada taft?*) (he order it given: Advertisements o? situations wanted by or offered to okrfcs, governesses, tutors, work? .mea, mocharnos, boose-servants, portera, sh op boys, cooks aad washers; board and lodging wasted or offered; apart mon ts wanted or to 1e? artjoioe ?oat or lomad; houses, sh o pe, offices sad warehouses wanted or to let, ead miscella? neous wanes of all kinda. For each ineerti on ot edver tiserewn t a of the elaina (tpecrAid r Sot auDoaaSoaf ison um? or SO words... .feasts - n Soc? Lncas or M words.40 " r alva LE? or 40 worfla.DO M Aft advartiaaateata to be inserted at these rat*? moat ha prepaid aad delivered at Tera NswsoflUsbvSP. H. - v L Kaaft mr Tan awaaaai Cir sta tat? Sevra - f? ?. ?? 1 w *. j8 E. M." ^ediaa^J_^a? j SI ' " KM tl Bf Tiki* D*?r< Howard Lodge, at S t. af. Chamber o? Commet co, at 8 P. M. Mercantile Co-operative Association, at half part 7 P. M. . . A aaa tl PM salee Title nay. . A. TH. AaTBAHAMS 4 Son wi fl sell at 10 oV.sck, et their store, tobacco, cigars, liquor, - *c- . J. Fasax? MAXBBWBS wfli sell at ll o'clock, at his offlce, ohoioeold lioraois. -- JJASBSX & axarAWDSB will sell nt 10 o'olock, aft their atare, bacon, batter, Ao. R A A. P. Cannwaxi, wfli sell at half-past 9 - o'cl??k, aft their atore, bacon. Jolee, Ac. Josa G. Mmroa A Oo. will sell at 19 o'clock, -at their atora, dry (roods, o toaks, Ac. Tm KAILI Narwa Paie* LVH&MKT AMD Co*t icBBcrAXi CTBCUXAB will be ready for delivery .at nine o'clock to-morrow morning.. Bus i neee - housea wishing to sub seri ho for a specified number of ?opie* oontaininir their c^rds. should leave their orden at oar ooaating room to-day. All orders for ten copies aad over aid be sap plied at the rate, of two end a half coota per t? CaAJtaaB or ObxMsa?S will meet at the Hibernian Hall at 8 o'clock tonight. j BAU os Cm Broct-Yesterday Mr. L 8. X. Bennett sold Xbe following- city rix per oent. stock V SM02 83. at 6?| r ?47 at 58 ; $2500 st ML - ri ,- y:, r*r ?.'r 1MB Itara ZS -TBS Corrsrm.-Beaders of TBS Narwa going "to the country can receive their lavante paper by mail, daily. at seventy - Bveoenta am?D?i,by;adcUa>iabffa&ta.' with their wbecnptiori.Ho oar pnbricatloa office. receipts antfsaleJ:.f how cotton In Wednesday'a iflsne, four balee were eoW by Messrs. George W. Williams A Co. The class which waa given in the rejiort as good middling, sh aid have beea ",-i{?Ae*^ ' Nsw claris A B3O.-The* New Orleans Prije Current of Satajqay^Auguat 21st, says: "Ten faeroe* aD4^0f^^ftjkrreb, equal to about eight rJionsand p/wrjds^ew rice, came in yesterday and sold readily t?^i cants per pound. Ic cla8?ed|?'aae, 'waa ffom the Bice laad plantation. Piaoo^ernino Pariah, and waa eleaned at the nee nulls. Liberal receipts are abeted neat Week." . *-I A Wm FoaarvBOjEaa HOHBAJRI.-The Narwa baa mentioned that a colored womaa, named Ans Maxwell, hid come from one oft he mian da near the etty anrljwrored Wwmast for the ar? rest or ber husband, who tied her UD and pSr????W-S01 ioatjaforga va bun for h ie bro t al co?ieK'aj^rW tor bis retetaa, whfoh *ae K"jH??v. J0!"*;?*waaaon are so forgiving brutal hus banda will .thrash them whenever abey*plea<ie. TPO-.VQAC; .-. m. J 0?S ABD AX axa^JBaoaaiic ^a iefla^iie?ant that planters who deeire io secare Chjneso, laborers jhpald Joseph,aa he anJl. Je?te here about tho first .of ^Dtember. Be hAs appointed^ab Agent to a^ahSfua? bia aieette, but those dasinog to ?eowp? tao aartlrMrof^th 8 ?lasa of laborers at ?a early day, ehottid apply at once to Mr. J. arc fS^nirW tram tWimratlwHo obtatn rheas laborers bat thev wilt only be calle i apon tor peymfBitwiten the men Bave commeqeed work. The Cbixtassiw?ck fai htaJlyfroQ?7 A BLto 6 P. M-^anS areiaat enited for the work they W?trbexaUed aponio do-ipj thisJbtate? -, "W? foam from Slr. Jos apb tjbat he has re _ cai red orders' r? enpnjv nioetnonsand hborpra aft oooe. One thorrsand will be employed upon the Selma. B >mo and Dalton7 fiafJroad: ?Auoth* cr LhoruBand are for Colnmoia. . ? ' - ' e f ' ^- ? FLOTJB brsPKcncoL- lt havrog been the wish of our floor dealers aa' well as the new fl JUT inspector that a mare uniform system of io* ^peotton shoukrbe stJcpted. a meetrna; of nVror mercnaois waa held yesterdayU tho atore of - Mesara. J. Camp?en A, Co., at which Mr. ThOe. Stenhouse, of thc arm of stenhouse A Go., actedjke ohaixrnaD, when thc matter was refer? red to a committee of three, consisting of tbe chairman? Meagre- John Gpajpeea and J. J. ?jioail, who selected poctigradd? aa ah eu ld gotera tb? rules of i os poction, which was ooa ornjed-by the meeting, aad handed over to Mr. Cauiflold, rho inspector, wno -will b9 guided fry tho earn pie -> selected by the meeting. -Thia arrangement rt aa boped will do justice to all, aad coon try mere han ta ordering can rely on the i nspec?on. Tae fo?owiagJLimi werejrep r eat ate d ht tho meeting : Thoa, itenhoose, of ironhouse A Co.; J. H. Pieper, of H. B schoff A Co.; B. Bo ll mann, of Boll m ann Brothers; T. A? Jeffords, of Jeffjrds.* Co.; B. Caldwell, of B. 4 A- P. ca ld a eil: J. C. H. Clan ss en, of H.,h>tte A Co.; Alex. ^ Calder, of H. Cobla A Ca; Join Campeen, o? J." Campa en A Co.; J. J. Smell, of Knobeloch A Small ; J. N, Bobson. TEE EJECTED CITY OFFICERS. IAUING OP THE APPLICATION FOB MANDAMUS. De* Ulo ? mt Chi? r Jiu tie? Mose*, tte applications for mandamus and quo ranio write, made on the 98th ultimo, in alf of the relators. William N. Hughes, C. 'razer and P. 0. Gaerry, against the Mayor Pu mk J. Gone SD. --Camplin and Geo. ison, for mandamus, and of 0. N. Averill, ; or, against Martin Caulfield for quo war o, was heard before Chief Jos ti ce Moses at ter on Tuesday with the following, result: ie relators were represented by Hr. H. D. ?ne, and the respondents by Mesara. D. T. itu and B. 8. Taurin. L te plea to the j nrisdtction offered by Hr. rin hn the 80ih ulC was argued by that lem an, and the decision reeer red. ter argument on the rule for mandamus, h was the motton in all the- cases except of Hr. Averill, floor inspector, the Chid loe stated that since the first argument^ tad looked carefully into the pointe made Che arguments quoted; that the affidavits, ?stating that the relators, being offloer? be corpoiation, had been ousted by ', did not affirm that those who ejected t were acting aa officers defacto in the sev affines, or stood in any other light than ? trespassers. That the mere forceable ig of the respectivo placee of business did mst the relators from their offices. Thai sj were, as claimed, officers de jure, tnev 1 still exercise their tone tiona at any othei ion. That the affidavits made out no mon an obstruction or interference. He tool nos? to express the opposition of the c JU rt y thing that looked like a resort to rom ?lenee, and the efforts of the law, pro perl] ted, would be strenuously Interposed tc tnt the resulte which would follow from ax ip t to substitute force io the place of lega ntty. The remedy sought did not apply, he motion wis refused. 5 affidavits In the flour inspector's ease sufficient to authorise the writ claimed, tc fro warrante, sod ft was accordingly or ?.. .;' "x .-' . joanaelfor tbs relator? stated that thl vits ?sadd be submitted in tbs othei which would authoriae the same wril Si the respondent. It waa agreed ?bat, le being done, the argument fer the que anio in all the esses would be beard si (th prox. The main point in issue wil ss heard sod decided, i following is an extract from the opinion Chief Jas tice on the plea to the jurisdio reluninary objection is interposed against ot>on which, ss it denies jurisdiction to uri in the matter before it, must be first stand, he State, ex rel. South Carolina Railroad my, vs. Columbia and Augusta Railroad my, heard at January term 1889, it sss doa th J sam argument made hers. ie State Court had not the power to a writ of prohib?tion, as the authority :clnsivelv, under tho ooastttotion, in the isl Court, objection was not sustained, and refer, o that decision, we will now inquire v it was comp?tent for one of the s of the court to issue the writ Tbe has been argued with ability by-Hr. ? for the respondents, and it is due that eetaon should be fully examined, in effect argued that tue 6ih clause of ! ot september 18 1868 to organise the ae Court (Stat., p. 72.) which gives to istioe of that court power to issue writs idamus, quo voarranlo. and other reme? tte ls inconsistent with the 15th soction artiolo of the constitution, which is in rda following, Ac. earned Jndge proceeds at great length, lg numerous authorities in aupport of irs, and concludes by ovetruling tbe Ii AaarvALS, AUODBT 25.-Pavilion P. W. Worsham, Cooper Biter; J. H. Goodwins; J. Briggs, Angosta; G. rs, Beeveeville; J. H. Singleton, City; hnaon, tftunsboro'; W.T. Worlenbaker, a, esion Hotel.-R. P. Adams, Columbia; errio. City; E. E B?ser*. Macon; J. 8. >uh Carolina; W.H. Bau, Lauren 10. Politzer and E. 8. Rieb, Beaufort. m TO PSIQHTXX Hm.-Yesterday morn Mayor Was reqaea ed to send some per certain house, tb walob the movements rle younsr woman, who was believed to ie, to asceitain whether or not she was feet for a lunatic asylum, snd if so. to nave nar placed m one immediately. An offi? cer was deputed to look into the casa. He went to the house. Knocked at tbe gate, and on hearing a voice exclaim, "Come in," walked in. Suddenly he was startled bv the apo arance of a yoong woman in purlbus natur alibus-t hat is, clad in a useful summer costume, snob as Eve I wore before she got Adam into that apple scrape. Wlih dishevelled hair, loud thru kg and swinging of hands, abe rushed towards the officer, who is s young unmarried man. He gave one affrighted glance, and then fled the coeoe. Io a short while he regained courage sud went back. Bern g fully ea tn-fl id that she was crazy be bad her dressed and carried ber to the hospital. CRUMBS.--Officers Lovett snd Trnall yester? day had five persons before the Mayor for keeping bogs on their premises in violation t bf the Their fines only aggre I gated**. Tbe attention it th? Street Inspector is cart? ed' to. the condition of Doughty-street. Il sadly needs cleaning. Two little boys while bathing off Fort Moul? trie, yesterday, came near drowning. They were rescued with great difficulty and wheo completely exhausted. The shower of iain yesterday was very re freshing. There waa no use foi -the firemen wbo were called out early yesterday moram* by as alarm of fire. Ibo yacht race, whim was to have taken placed ee lerda v, was, owing to the unfavorabW weather indefinitely postponed. The schooner Waneta, which is loading foi Spain, is not under the surveillance of th< Un 'ted St atea authorities as reported Ii ernesta before putting their feet on th? pillars of the Charleston Hot?] porch, would wait un'il the paint dried, their boot and SUCK soles would be unpauved and the pillars noi disfigured. Ko bi''s were made for the sloop Adela, of? fered for sale yesterday by Ko ox, Daly A- Co. Officers Truali and Lovett yesterday reported any number ot* violations of ordinances. Caroline Woodbright, colored who pros ecu tad s negro man fir so assault and. battery, agreed to settle the ease if be would marr} her, which ho, arter a careful consideration, agreed to do. Catherine Freeman, who was ? arraigned be? fore the Mayor yesterday for oamg obscene lan? guage in the atreet, said that it ?aa because she was "worrited" in not finding her husband. She was di-cbareed. The report that Mr. Din iel Hoy ward, of Wil? mington, had ordered from Mr. Josephs twe hundred and fifty Chinese laborers was inoor reot-twenty was the nurnber. A Herr FOB DULI, TIKIS.-Take advantage of the great reduction in pnoes, and prepare for the approaching bust .ess season by har mg your Job, Printing neatly, expeditiously and cheaply done at Tax N EWS Job Office, No. 149 East Bs?, a BcsDBS DEATH or KB. JAMES H. DUB TEA. Early yesterday morning . the numerout friends of the gentleman whose name bead? this arri?le were startled by the report tb et-he bad been almost instantly killed by the 'dis charge of a pistol. This report, upon inquiry, and much to ocr regret, we asoortaiued to be correct. Coronet Whiting was notified, and summoned the toi lowing named gentlemen as jurors, and held an inquest: J. B. Cohen, H. W. Schroeder, Ooo, L. Buist, M. B. Wilbur, Warren Kinsman J. F. Soignions, Joseph Cohen, J. Wnlbern, L. KI OK, P. Flynn, J. Campbell, J: J. Beasley. The testimony was substantially that the de? ceased, who was forty years pf age and mar? ried, went into his brother's room, abont six o'clock yesterday morning, and got a pistol, which he had promised to clean for him. I then returned into his own room, was there abont a min?te, when the pistol was beard fall, and then was heard the report of its die charge. .On rushing into the room deceased was fonnd laving o a the floor dying. A phys oian was sent for, but death ensued before bis arrival. It was generally believed that the ball entered at the ?hin and came ont under the left eye. The verdict of the jory was that "the de? ceased came to bio death by the accidental d charge of a pis toi while examining the same said pistol having fallen on the floor, on the morning of the 25th' of August, 1869." i I WASHINGTON COLLEGE, Vrsoisia,-A LIB BAL Onraa.-Yesterday Mr. J. D. Parry, presi? dent of the Typographical Union of Charles ton, received the following letter: WASHINGTON COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, YA., I August 19.1869. j To ike President of the TypngraphicM. Union, Charleston, 8. C. : DXABSTB- The Faculty of Washington Col? lege are authorised to appoint to free scholar? ships a certain number of young men wbo in tend to make Journalism their profession These soholarshi is include tuition and all ool 11 lese charges, snd are of the value of about $100 per annum. The appointments are for two years. A condition is attached that the student shall labor one hour per day, if re? quired, in the hue of bis profession, the inten? tion being to give bim clerical, typographical or other ins ruction useful to him. Tue col lege makes no provision for the board of the pupil, owing to want of means; bat he enjoys all the privileges of anv other student. A cat? alogue is mailed herewith, giving details as to the college. Will yon please inform the Typographical Union of Charleeson that it is invited to nomi nate a suitable person for one of these scholar* ?hips? Tbe candidate should be over fifteen years o age, ot good moral oharacter, and able to enter the lowest olass in three schools of the col? lege Please give this as early attention as conve? nient, as college opens September 16. Any information as to the Typographical Unions in the United 8tatee will ba a favor. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. PBESTON JOHNSTON, Chairman. An editorial from the Virginia Gazette coon Washington College, among other things, says : That feature of expansive liberality most at? tractive and striking to an editor is the pro? posal to appoint to tree scholarship and the advantages of the college a certain number of young men who propose to make journalism their profession. This is the first distinct re cognition ever m . de by the so-called Centres of Wisdom ot tbe true dignity and importance of the press. V acknowledges ita importance on the weal and love of the country; and ehows a wish to aid in its elevation bv tbe education ot those wbo are to serve in its ranks. It ac? cepts it as a coadjutor in public instruction and fraternizes with those who perform ita functions as ministers at the sitar of knowl edge. It oeroeives in it something beyond a chronicle of sm vi beer, a destiny that even now affects the welfare of mankind and in the future stretches towards the infinite. We hope to see a fu 1er exposi ion of the valne of this scheme and of its capabilities for good. To us it seems to lav the foundation on wh io h may rise a superstructure honorable to the architects sud gi ono un ti the oountry. B U 8 IN E 8 8 NOTICES. THE SALK of dears, tobacco, pipes, As., which takes place to-day at No. 85 Hayne s reet. ia a fine opportunity to obtain choice goods. Meas ra. Abrahams A Sons will ofter the finest lots tc-d ay. See advertisement. Sunn EB TOURISTS, before starting for the country or tho watering placea, should supply themselves with the best trun B and valises, at Chapeau A Heflron's. No. 68 Meeting street, next to tue Mills House, or send their old trunks to be nicely repaired and renovated at the same establishment. New sole leather trunks and valises for sale. 8 August 24 Lia HT Rsi DING FOB THE WASH WHATT??B. Our friends in the country who desire to obtain light reading for the warm weather, at strictly popular pnces, are referred to the advertise? ment of Hr. C. C. Sighter, the very enterpris? ing and t ru -st worthy Ring-street dealer in books and periodicals of all kinds. His list will be found to inolude something to snit every taste, and it seems to us a marvel how he can afford to send bu books by mail over the country, vost-paid. st the ridiculously low prices named. /tot ?rts. pu tyro G ?A PH cou mirv G. PEB-ON-1 WISHING TO HAVE PB 0 TO QU A PH 8 tinted with care and taite san have their orders promptly filled by leaving them at H ol ni ea' Book Souse. Written dejections should ia fach case be given as to tbs style of coloring pie!erred. Jalv 23 3mo#* dutton Cits.. jpou BALING COTTON, DILLON'S UNIVERSAL WROUGHT IBON TIE, IMPROVED. THI.8 FAVORITE TIE MATE OE THE BB*T qnalitv of iron and possesses advantage* 'cr the (icooomioal bating of cotton most imper ant to the planter me ? nant nd fae'or. For ?ale tn large and ?mall Io's i ot a bundle) at re? duced ratea WILLIAM HU ACH at co., August 9 Into Asenta for Hruib Carolin* ^.IHAKUKBTUN AOK1C D LT U UAt u.-WAREHOUSE AND SEED STOBE. AiiBlCUL i'URA?^ IMPLEMENTS, GABDE1 SEEDS, ?ec. ELLERBfrS. TRANSPLANTER FOR SALE. GEO. E. PING BR E. Mc. HO Meeting-atreet, ohacleaton. M april M Brno Q ll V S. HICKEY, G I L D E B , POBTBATT AND PIC TX BE FBAMB hfAriUFAO matti ? No. 345 KING-STREET, .* OHABLBiTON, 8.C. LOOKIXO-QLABSBS of all alces fitted to Framoa. July ls * ss* frnwSme ex Bl^CK^LL'S NO. !H9 KISO-STHKKT, OM dote below Market. 6RKAT RBDUITI0I JV PRICKS OP SCABFS TtB3 HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR, kc A?- TBY IT. a. H ft Hi GOODS. , July M 6raoa HB GREAT SEISATIUI, SCOTT'S Superior Fitting Shirts. SHIRTS, r SCOTT'S POPULAS ASS BBMABtS SHIBI MAN UF ACT O B Y Meetins;-sir?et, Opposite Market Baa. 8HIB rs. SHIRTS. SHTBIS. SHI a TS SHUTS. SHIRTS. 8BIBT6. 8BIBTS. SH IBIS. SHIRTS. 8BIBTS. Jal* 8 SBIBTS MADE TO GBDEE. 8HISTS BEADY MADS, ALL SIZES. Direction* foe Meaearamaat, So., 8ENT BI MAIL. Dio fimos ?limM?tQ&s. JERKIN KD FAMILY LARD, PACKBD BX PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI. AS* Ask roar Grocei for oar Brand of Laud In thone Packages. Packed io 3 th. S ft. 10 ft Caddies ; 60 ft Cans for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Send for Brice. last. ?.old by Grocers In Charleston. Uav 09 nao stntbSmo E LAS TIA! JOINT IRON ROOFING, "OUICALT'? PATENT," For Bes-J dence?, S ut ar Houses, Cotton Gins Bridges, Se. Manufactured hy SHOENBBBOBB S CO., Ne. IS Public Landlne, Cincinnati, Ohio. July M nao imo STAIR RODS, 880MB, rna OUT, A Porcelain, TUln^un NO Chatting, WITH TH* KUM DROP FIXTURE, WHICH KU vo murat. Th* Origin1, a&d only SaSacM rtxtee Bad*. It can be applied to ? any Stair Rori, either ,Ronnd or Flat, and. ?reventa Its slipping '""TI its place. Ask for the Palest Drop luttra, - ?OL? av AU Carpet Dealers, AMD BUY NO OTHZB. atao, BLISS ESS ZSXC tstry A TTt FlaATTlW; Fer Hotels, Reetasranta and Public BuUdmga, MAJtCTACTURED BY W. T. 4 J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St., N.Y Anmiat 13 Sm ne jpALI, AND WlATKll IMPORTATION. 1869. RIBBON'S, M ILLINE Y AND STBAW GOODS ARM WRONG, t'ATOR j> CO., Nos. S37 and ?30 Baltimore-Street, BALTIMORE, 1MPZRERS A> D JOBBERS OF BON \ KT s\D THIM'iI.vt? HIBUONS, VELVET AND SAhH BI. BONS, .Contet Silks, latins and Felvis, Illusions, Blonds, Laces, hurhoe. Neta shu Ciapea, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, Straw Bonnels and Ladles* Bata, Trimmed and Untrimmed. 8ILK, VELVET AND FELI BONNETS AND H ATP, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. THE LARGEST PTOCK ' F MILLI 1ERY GOODS IN IBIS COUNTRY, and unequalled in choice variety, whfoh we offer at prices rhu will defy com peti inn. OarORDEB-i POLIfTTRD. Imo August 16 "PK ESCH CALF SHOKS. 3 CASE* OF LOW QU ABl BR FRENCH CAL* 8H02S, ata great sacrifice, sold by the single pair. JOHN rOMMIN.-., August 24 tatt So. 181 Meeting-street. . Jw?utt. gOTJTHK HN UFE IVB USA ?fOX COMPAS?, PURELT A SODTH.EBN IK3TTTTjritK. Am**? J?iy i, isa?..?010,000 DITIDRKT) DEC! ABED..FORTY PEE C21ST. TN6?BE8 . LITES . A ND PROMPTLY ADJUSTS AND PAYS LOSSES. Ha principal business ff wit* Bon th ern State?, and to them it appeals for natron age. It baa ample means to fahy protect pollc y-hold. era and pay all loeaea. JOHN B. GORDON, Pt eal dent. B. H. HI LT,,. A. H. COL* Ul TT, Tice-Presidente. A. AUSTELL. E. HOLLAND, Finance Committee. W. 0. M DEBIs, Secretary. no ABO or srazoToaa. Atlanta, Ga.-JOHN B. GO a DOW, A. Atnmzx, E. W. HOLLAND, J. F. ALEX AND ra, J. H. CALLA WAT, J. M. JOHHSOI. Athena, Ga.-B. c. Tas cir, But*. H. HILL, Boe KBT THOMAS, Columbia, 8. c. - Wane HAXPTON. Angosta, Ga.-C. H. PHIMZT, EDWABD THOMAS. Mtdlion, Ga.-D. E. Bunn. Washington, Ga.-BOIKBT TOO ima. Cuthbert, Ga -B. J. SMITH. Newtoa, Ga.-A. H. COLQUTTT. Charlotte, N. o,-Wat JoRirrrov. Allendale. 8. C - B. L. W muir OH AX. Greensboro, N. C.-W. A. CALDWIU. ?I. H. MILLKB, Gfneral Agc nt, I At GCHTA, GA. S. V. TfPPEB, Resident Agent, CHARLESTON; & C. H. W. DB9AUSSUBE, M. D., Medical Examiner. August 19_nae_arno? jT^JFK ASSOCIATION OF AM ICHICA, South Carolina Department Organized June, 1868. Ananwwt ot* Policies Lia ned to Joly L1M0, I' $18^63,100. Premiums received.tT,190,BM Expenditures.,, 2 31468 Assets.... 060,088 THIS IS STRICTLY A WESTERN AND SOUTH? ERN COMPANY, purely MUTUAL in its charaeter, dividing Ita fonda EQUITABLY amongst ita mem? bers, The baalnesj of this branch ia under the supervision of a Beeldent Board of Trastees, who in? vest net proceeds of all Premium 3 received hero. W. GEO. GIBBS. Agent, Ho. 9S5 BLI*G-STKKKT, CORNHR GF BEAUFAIN- STREET. August 94 Cr" A R D I A ?V MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW TORE. Orgavnlxed 111 1 8 50. ALL POLICES NON-FORFEI TABLE. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASH DIVIDEND SO (FLTTT) P?R GENT. STATHTJENT. Polices In force.I'?5,600 OOO Asset?..... l.SOO-OfJO Annual Income. 800.000 Losses FAA lei. 500,000 onions, W. H. PECKHAM, President, WM. T. HOOKLB, Vice-PresldenL L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. Ot. A. FUDICKAB, Superintendent. ClBECions. Hon. JOHN A. Drx. New York. Hon. JAKES Hispaa, Pinn of Harper k Bros., ex Mayor New Tor*. JORK 3. CHASE, President Bank Republic. WK M. VIHXILTE, Banker (VermUye & Co.} CHAS G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier S ewart Banking Com? pony. Hon. GEOBGK OFDTZS, ex-Mayor of New Tort. M WOT c. MOBO AN, Banker THOMAS Biomrr. Firm Zhomas Rigney k Go. BMW. B. Hinaus, Irearurer Nsw. York Steam Ba? gar Benning Oo TI pany. AABOIC \ mr OLD, Firm of arnold, Constable k Co, BicuASD FL Bowira, Wetmore A Howne, Lawyers. E V. HAUQHWOUT, Firm E V. Baughwout k Co. WM WILKINS, Firm of W. Wilsen* 4 Co. J curs H. PB A rr. Merchant. WM. W WJUOHT Merchant. CHAS J. -TABB, Merchant WILLIAM ALLIN, Merchant. Gio. W. CUTLER, Banker, ral myra, If. Y. Geo. T. Hors, President Continental Fire Insur? ance Company. JOHN G. SHIMWOOD Park Place. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner Pith Avenue and Twenry-tbird-street EDWABT H. Wamst? Newark, N. J. GEO. W PAJILES . counsellor. W. L. COOSWBLL, Merchant GbOltttE Ktri.n, GENEBAL AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA. Dr. T. BEENSUEBNA. f Kim'ning Physician. lt., GENEBAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON. office No. 285 King-street, OH ABLESTON, 8. 0. January 12 _PAC e ~. ayr H IC CA HO LT S A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP Memphis, Tennessee. President, M. J. WICKS, President Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Tie-President, J T. PETTIT. rear.farr, W. F. BO* LB. ?apttal.$ ?G0 OOO. Accumulations.$745,000. OW. ti THKLK IH.)U-.AND POLI Jit-..- IS.iHhD ?moe September 18u7. Agents desire! toro iphout the State, R. 3. MAGILL. No. 66 Broad-street. General Agent for South Carolina. August 16 m tb Imo PRINTING. p ... ? yip. Vt.. Ia. ! . 'i v -'..I-. ; . TJHB NKWtf JOB OFFICE, . .\?,140E?rtB?y, Executes aU kia?a of PLAIN and FAMO? PBIRnNG with nBitnet* and dlapatoa.. ' a Hie beet work guaranteed at leas than New Tock prices. OF HTBBT DBSOBIPTION JOB WOKE, BBIBM, PAMPHLETS, POLICIES CABDS, OTB CU LABS, NOTES BILL-HBAD3, POSTERS, BBOBTPTS OATALOGUBS, BANS-CHECKS 8HOW-CABD3, PROGRAMMES TICKST?, DB?O LABELS, Ae, kc LAW BLANKS of ereiw deaoatprUm, Printed at tba ikertest nolie?, and choap ft? r*4k, rt TBB NEWS JOB OFFICE. THEAIBE MANAGERS, TRAVELLING SHOWMEN, RAILROAD AGENTS, HOTEL KEBPBBS, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, And all those who hare JOB PRINTING to do, will find it to their lntereat to ?all at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, So. 119 Bast Baw. % _ A large and well assorted stock of PAPEBS and MATERIAL kept on hand, from which selections may be made. OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY may send their orders to THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, And rely upon their receiving the same attention and being filled aa promptly and as cheaply as if airen personaBy. Oar Job Department ie In charge of Mr. JA8. T>. PABST, a practical and ex? perienced Job Printer, ?ho will afford every facility possible in the execution of orders. Address THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, Ne. 149 Bast Bay, Charleston, S. C. [Slurp, ?bram?is, iDr. pi U E S H DKVttS' JUST RECEIVED, O Kl WAI'LT & CO.'S PH KP t RATIONS. IODIZED SYRUP OF HORSE RADISH VEGETABLE CAPSULES OP MATIOO SYRUP OP HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME GUABA NA POWDERS. All fresh from Parti?, and for sale by Dr. H. BABB, May 8_No. 181 M BETING-?tTBEBT. rpo RBSOVE O HE ASK SPOTS. USE THE DOUBLE DISTILLED BENZINE, Prepared, and for aale, wholesale aad retail, by DB. H. BAr.R. May?_No. 131 Me^Sng-atreet Jj E A T n TO VA o lt M S : BUY FLEMING'S WOBU CONFECTIONS, The Best In I'se. They are made of "Sanlonine," ?cd contain no injurious ?reg. Bead what one nf the moat distinguished pbyoi rlaua of Bichmond Va., ?aya about tue Loze gea : I have loni; used -.antonine, t"e active prlncipl ot European Wu>m-?eed, aa an cffe<'luai r nardy for Worms lo chii .ren. Mr. Wa ncr I. pre? pares a Loseuge composed of I* whim ia a very pleasant and palatable r inn m which to administer lt to coi dren and which may be relied on a? prop? erly prepared. O. F. MANSON. M. B. For sale by DB. H. BAEB, Wholesale Agent, June 21 No. 131 Meeting-street. T O BAKERS? JUS2 RECEIVED AND FOR HALE WHOLESALE AND REIA IL C* EBON ?TE OF AMMONIA PBIME BOPS CREAM OF TARTAR H. BAER, Druggist, No. 181 MBflTIN G-8TBEET. March 4_ QITRATM OF MAUR KS LA. A GOOD COOLING SUM HEB MEDIfllNK. MADE freab every day, by DB. B. BAEB, Mar 35 No. 131 Meedog-strnt, 9ry Goods, Laius' Cloaks, Blue Military Coats, fe. BY JOHN G. Mf LNOR?; CO. ?HIS DAT, 36th instant, otlO o'clock, we ?ill ?all ai our Auction <*?iesroom. Na 185 MeeAiag-s^raot, , nvolces oMealrable GOOD ? rscerred per afeara er? Manhattan ?ad Hmn etonka. fTinted and Black SATIN KT8. Blank Broadcloth. Assam er*.. Km tuc "cy Jeana, Bin* and Bed Twilled Tanne', White Flannel, Suspendere. Leather ?eu?, tuck Cleth Cloak?, Ginghams. Hoop f-kirta, filiWat ambrtc and Lawn Handkerchiefs, Gray Merin? hirts and Dr mers. Taylor's cravats, Cambric Edt> ? ig, Bugle Gimp, af erin oes, Broecnes and Ear Ring*. Wet Dress Button?, Blue Military Coats, oaaaf lera Vests, 4c. Conditions cash._Augustas Jnreserved Sale of Brandy, Oin, Whiskey, Bum, Sherry, Port, Madeira and Claret, in bottles and demijohns\Jnmg balance of stock of a large and well assorted Grocery. ; BT J. FRASER M4THKVfES. rill be sold TBI3 DAT, Thursday. Mut instant, at ll o'clock, at my office. axao. ' 1 dozen LEACOCK MADEIRA, 1833 S dosen Newton Gordon, 188* ' t 8 dozen Madeira. 30 years ?Id a dozen sherry, 30 years old. Terms osah. _August X , JSALS CONTETUED.] Assignee's Sols. BY A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS? No. 39 Hayn ex trees. iv direction of A. H. abrahams, immitr"^ at Charte? Madsen we will offer for sale, at A notion, THI - DAT. 3Cth instant, at 10 o'clock, at our tale-roon No. 35 Haya.--street. A well selected stock ot IMPOSTED AND Df> 11*8110 CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, Ac, kn., tm ono wa: - bales BATANA LEAF TOBACCO . - cases Leaf Tobacco, of various qualities ? - boxea Chewing Tobacco Variety Brands Smoking Tobacco - boxes Imponed Cigars - box s Domeado Cigars - Fine Assortment ot Meerschaum and Panof Plpes M - reams Wrapping Paper * AIM, - bois. FINE BOURBON AND CABIN Hf WHI-K.IT. Terms-All amounts under 1150 must be cash; BOO, thirty days; over that amount sixty days, WtOk interest at 1 par pent._- .. Strips, Pig Shoulders, Hams. Belly Bacon, Smoked and Uhsmoked Baton Sida mimi Shoulders, Butter, Lard, d/c . ? e. BT LA URFT & ALEXANDER. THIS DAT, the 26kh inst, wfll be sold ut oar Brana. No. 137 East BAT, at 10 o'clock. ,t > A full sseortme^t of the above GOODS, -rv Condldons ooah._ AnanstM Bacon. Joles, ?e. BY R. k A. P. CALDWELL. THU DAT, the 36th instant, wilt be sold, before wac Store at half-past 9 o'clock, 1 300 BACON SHOULDBBS stn totes ISO Bagged Sac* SO babs and kegs Batter 31 boxes Candles 18 barrels Flour. Conditions cash. August at Saddlery-Sale tm account cf whom U mat/ concern, to pay storage and expenses. WM. McKAY, Auctioneer, Will sell TO-MO KB 'W. friday. 27th las tant, a* Ho. 13* Meeting-street commencing at 19 o'olaok, OABT hABDLBtf, SAMES, BING J, Back TT. ft?dTlS trees, ate. axao, . itu A large assortment of ??BNIfUBE, OM peta? sk*. Tarmacaab. . Augusta* Choice A nor tm en t of Geraniums. BT WM. McKAY. TO'MOBBOW (Friday,, 17th Instant, at 10 o'clock. Aug oat 36_' Balance of Furniture of o Family Leaving thc City BT R. M. MARSHALL & BRO? TO MORROW, at half-oast 10 o'clock wfll be ?old, at No. 17 Ashie7-street, near Bes, The above, eo nan tin g in Dart of HIL CLOTHS, B*> tenslon Tables, Farming Utensils, Fire Wood; ato. lenna cash. Ardeles to ba removed lmmeaJalatr. August 36_' ? Retail Grocery Store BT G W. STEFFENS. wm be ?old TO.MOBBOW. 27th instant at ttat northeast corner of Rutledge ai d annan stree??, THE CON TENTH I'F HMD SI Ct KB, cossitmno or: GROCERIES, Flxt.irea, Ac. augusta* jAattyntti), Ctunifi? tye. O T I C K . WE ABE PBEPABED TO FILL ORDERS FOB FTATIONABT AND PORTABLE81EAM ENGLN BS, of superior make, at reduced prices and on BOCO at mod. ring terms ..? ' * GAILLARD A MIMOTT, Factor?, . August 31 sinlh_Adgm's waart T) O RT A BI? E E ? GIN KB.' ON HAtTD, BLT, EIGHT, TEN HOB3E POWEB. ALSO, ONE srX Y-HOBse ENGINE, WITH FLUB BOILEB - OMPLETE. For sale by CBISOLM BBOTHHBsL Angnst 21 atnth.4 Adgerie Nortn Wharf. F Hs? ? 4 T U 3M ' hone power including thar ceieorateJ Corliss ont? Engine?, Mide Tal?? Kta tlonarv Engines Porta*!? Engines, tc. Alan, tjiran tar Muiav and Gang ?ar Hills, Rugar Cane, h a?, -halting Pulley?, Ac. Lat? and Shingle tulls Wheat and Corn Milla, o tren lar ?wa Bellina:, ko. Bead (or descriptive Circular aast Price Li?t, . WOOL A M?NN BlkaM tN?lNEOO,^ - February 18 unca, ne? xork. I ULT H CAKOLISA KA1LKUAD. GENERAL bUPBBINTBJ^Jk.?TVOFBlOB?|. CHABUESToir. h. 0" April ?, t?tf.::_?_ ON AND A FT EB SOLDAI, APRIL lira, THjC PAhbt^-' TEB TB a INR of th* Routh Carohra Bafe road will run a? follows : . FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston. .......AW*.BL Arrive at augusta.....'.'rt 4.4* Pi BL Connecting With trains for Mont binary, BsBjBBBh Nashville and New (Means, vta Mil NJ awi asad Grand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. Leay? Charleston..-........AW A. Bj, Arrive at Columbia.tue P. *? Connecting wt th Wilmington and Manobester B?B* road, inc Camdea train FOB CHARLESTON. Letve ft, BL Arrive at Charleston. .B-l" P? Leave Columois.It.? 5" Arrive at Charleston..."."..".."?^ *. ?? AC?rST? NIGBT El PB EBP iSCNDAYS EXCKPXZn Leave Ccarle.ton.M. Axrive,at Autrasta.'^..''?:'''i}9^'Jr Connecttna wltb trains tor Memphis, Nnhrifle md tiew Criban? Va Grand Junction. ? e*ve Augnsta.4.10 F. BL arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. BL COLUMPIA NIGHT EXPRESS. ISCHDATS EXCEPTED. Leste Charleston.........ifil P. M. Arrive at Columbia.LAC A? BJ. Connecting . - ur nays excepted) with Greenville ant Columbia Railroad. , 1, ' Leave Columbia.6.5? r. W. arrive at Charleston. . .. .AK A. M. tY WMF.H VI LL B CRAIN, iv; Leave Charleston,.... ..8.88 F. BL Unve at Summerville............1.10 P. rt. Leave Summerville....7,is a. H. Arrive at Charleston.?aA** *. sf OAKDEN BR ANO H. Camden and ' olumbi? Paseauser Trans on Mast* OATS, WELSESDA?B and sAXcnnAts. connects tratA up and down Day Passengera at KrngviUe. Leave 8 St A. si, ARI? e at Columbia.IL ? A H. Leave columbia.3> P. at. Arrive at Camden.7.0J?\ hf. signal? B. T. Pa*Ka, ?pi-l pi General ?.?**Ti??""?i*wt. C. J. SCIILEPEOKLLL, - So. 37 LINF-8TREBT, BETWEEN KING ANC ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION BUILDING MATERIAL, LIMB and. Pi A8TBJU ING LATHS, PAINTS, O LLB, G LA Sb Bb, SHIN G LES; also GROOVE AND lONGCE "Bo AB TVS, te, ossa, stantly on hand at the le weat markat priaea. September 13 . anuutyr