University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. tlORDAN, DAW SOI * CO., PBOPBHToaa. OFFICE He. 148 EA ti f BA T, h Titti-BiniSrir?, OB? yate.96 OO Danvx Narwa, ?tx monta?-.S 00 PAXLT Aarwa, threo month?.3 00 Txvffnrii Nawa, one year.8 00 , TW-WaxxLT Narwa, six month?.a 00 Pa. rat arr Invariably in adrar ce. Ho paper sent Bntosa the eaah accompanies the order, or for a long . r time Stan paid for. tia DAJLT Nrwa wm bi? served to subscribers In Ure etty a* IB eenie a week. aiHsaiissMssss Fut insertion, 15 cen ta a Una; Subsequent Insertion?, 10 cents a Une. Business ?atices, 90 cent, a Une. Marriage and Funeral No il OM. Ona Dollar each. XmW? S V M M AB; T. -Cotton closed easier in Liverpool; uplands 13,d; Orleans MJd. -in Kew Tock cotton closed dull, ku lower; middlings MJo. . -Gold closed active and excited at 33$. -ProadVa "History of England" will be com? pleted this T*l>. ' -The yarn dyers of Glasgow hare looked ont one thousand men. -Bare tears ?nd red satin shoes are a part of ] ? - the Paraguay court cos tum e. -The attempt of the Memphis Avalanche v ?ni Niairvilro Bulletin to start a new party in I Tennessee, tb be called tbe "Liberal party," ie ] ?? -* flieh in thg pan. Nobody follows. -A-tempest at Cronetadt, Busala, lately, eanaed a monitor to break from her nooringa, dian into afrigate and cause her to tink- Six ^ - teen, of the latter's crew wei e drowned. -' ;-- ' -Therein an established price current in Paris of the charges for getting up ladies m j -drffarent styles of beauty. Por twenty france [ one can be made beautiful, not forever, but for six weeks. -Secretary Boutwsll will probably continue j io imrnhaen hranrls next month to as targe an extent as at present, and it may be even gr? ter, an the balance is heavy and abe re- j .qaireoieots are SfftsH. -A eily ietegravh company ia forming m New York, which engages to transmit missages Sf twenty words to any part of the city for ten ?eula, Ruaxantseing that the m?sange will be delivered to the party addressed withm fifteen minutes. -A woman of rare presence of mind was I overtaken bys train on a high treetlework . JW - Marietta, Ohio, reoently, and dropped bet veen ' -the ties, holding herself suspended by ber j mi nnt? the train passed over, when she j -climbed bi ck again; all without a scream. -The Patterson Guard tar? thinks Lady By - roars American friend is a nasty woman ?ho deserves crocking m a borsepond. Now dont 1st every young woman, says the Brooklyn Unto,take to reading Don Juan, Manfred and Cain to find what it's ail about. 1 hey'd better burst in ignorance. As for the Countess Gruc cioirs book, i t is happily so stupid that nobody th.... W. B. stokes, the defeated can Ji date WQasnausr of Tennessee, ls in Weeh ingTdnTr?pu^og to demand a new distribution I of pedesra] patio nage ba bia State, aa Brown? low by aroing te Beutst, he claims, has broken np> the BepabttMm party, and no longer repre? sent* iL. 'Colonel Stoke? says be was defeated by frttd ind csvtfl oonteet the admission of %^ W?fim^nn th A J *iri*\mknr* maj elect tO the S?ftS?S. rle thinks that person witt be Andrew witted flowers have about half sn; inch ?ms oat off, and tbe sulk thus trim in 'o' boiling water, they will in a few?nxtjontee resume their atonal fresh ? ess. The jpooqmii most applicable to colored flow as roses, geraniums, azaleas, Ac.. wbite trirnmg yellow. Thick-potailed .flowers w the nocet marked improvement. Another szsePenv mstbrjdvjfiumwnfl; freshness- Wold howers is to place :t$om jg water and cover with a glass shade. Finely-powdered charcoal placed lin the bottum ot the water io vases bas s*iertod*fr*ct in main t ai nm cr flowers beeb a long time, and keeping tbe water s wee \ . --The vrashrn gt on correspondent of the Bal? timore BUS says: "OD inquiry in the proper starters I learn . tbat. tbe rumor printed in the ?able" dispatches of the Associated press' regarding the " purchase of Cuba is -untrue. Negotiations have- been opened with what object in view, but have not progress? ed! farther than ntatnal explanations. It is; therefore, not improbable that the dispatch te merely prematnre; but tbe cfflceieof the apjtfai?b Legatton and, m tact, all i he promt* netti/ members ?F?tte diploma Lie corps, express tho opimon that Spam will resort to her pro? verbial delay in the matter, and finally reject the proportion."'. 'I'. \. , -The Puptofflce Dapar:ment is in receipt cf I -a letter from George W. Barnard postmaster [ St Prescott,, Anrona, who writes that the mail whieh left that place on the 17th of Joly was attacked by tho indians, and two soldiers ol the guard were ?altad, the maii-rider severely J wonade^; ahd'the' frail lost. The mill con UiaadtoBOODawd quit? a number of registered totbwsv Tbe Inora ne numbered between forty . i^n^y. ' wtth about thirty3 fcrns,; amdim a.**alery C4rre??ipr of the news of the outrage, a^^naro^'with. an escort bf eight ,c>Vsln tuen turnisbed by General Devin, the.' mandsr.oipoit Wutnple, started out, bot were ??>t4e to do anyt binar, A portion of the money atoten by the. Indians was in remit tanoea from soldiers who bad yost been paid e*% Mr. B. ea\s. moro troops areneeessary, and that, owing to tho condition ot - that sec Moo ?f the country tbe mails are almost tbs enrj^means of tramsmiuing money; and th it theeommrmrty toi k it a gross negleot on the birt ot the g07ernjn&nt io thus leaving the mails without effective protection. *:-The movement allude! to some time ago, favoring a modification Of the revenue laws af? fecting fricwnevrhaa assumed A more formida? ble*and general character. Many members Of Coo pres? approve the proposed' change in the Uar. ai id representatives or import apt interest s Ar'?ughotit the obum ry ar?' In Wasiingfon ginngr snape and consistency, to tho propose i change. Senator Bhernian's recent apeecu at -Canton Ohio, has been severely crit icised, ss is^ls^^w^Mwj^vl^ bs oonseqaetioe. of his avowal oft.lne an popularity pi tbe tax. It ia BM arly shown by those familiar with revenue sta ttatica teal tbs arnctxnt of enrreDcy revenue from internat taxe* r?>quiflit? for meeting all exp?fiees of the trovernme nt, except interest o?/Tbe public debt, can be realised from whis i?y^tdbaccp. stamps, Ii cons" a, and ? mod I^?d income fax Tbe plan proposed ts to in crease, tho' tax. Qn whiskey to ti uer -a lon, which it^to'iM^ed^;^ realise $?)?)??pO, if the msaus-now within reach ot the reve? nus bureau. for tb* prevention of fraud shall1 ber,: adopted. . Prom tobicjo at- least S3rj 000000 can be realized; from stamps, with a modification of "the present * btw. say tlffWWo?; rr?m fermented r:rruor<<, itOO?O,- ' 000;.-J^Jnc?^,1irj OOO OOO; abri tbenTroni \ m the modified income tax but $15,000,0D0 would be required to mtke a total of $165,000,000, ax amount ?qual to Secretary Boatwell'a estimate of the expend? turee for the present fiscal year. The plan is to confine the income tax to the tax on interest paid on the national debt, the Are per cent, to be deducted when the interest ie paid. This will realize $6.255,000 without a dollar of expense incurred in the ooileotion. The balance it is proposed to raise by taxing incomes derived from surplus property em? braced in stocks of banks, railways sud other corporations, sod from interest paid on bonds ot such corporations. This plan it is claimed wifl, while completely removing the unpopular and inquisitorial individual income tax law from the statutes, result in the saving of at least two millions of dollars per annum In the cost of collection of the revenue by reducing; the number of objects of taxation, and consequent? ly the number of offioers. _ CHARLESTON. -o THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST' 26, 1869. The Hews Praew Curre mt. On Wednesday next, September 1, we will publish THB Nsws Price Current, con? taining our usual full and aoourate review of the markets for the commercial year dosing on the 31st instant. Orders for ex? tra oopies, with or without cards, must be left at Tn Niws office by Tuesday evening. Oar usual weekly market report of Friday next will not be published. Mrs. Stowe's Laure soanatel. More than one newspaper critic has sug? gested that it waa Uta duty of Lady Byron to gira to Mrs. Stowe the means of showing that Byron was indeed guilty of the fearful crime of whioh he is accused. Lady Byron probably thought that the mere word of the author of so truthful a book aa Uncle Tom's Cabin Would be evidence enough to cenvict and oondemn any maa, whether Commoner, King or Kaiser. Unfortunately, however, tais ie a sceptical age, and the critics still cry ont for documentary proofs. Bat it teems to ns that the sapient critics over? shoot the mark. What we want to know is, whether Lady Byron ever did eommunioate ko Mn. Harriet Beecher Stowe thia won? derful story of her auffering and Byron's guilt ? this ia 'the fl rat question to ba solved. Mrs. Stowe waa a stranger anda foreigner, a person of moderate standing and accidental reputation. I? it likely thai . Lady Byron would make her the depositary of s secret whioh had been hidden from nearly every other living eon! T Is it likely that Lady Byron would give this American author permission to publish, at her dii oretion, a statement that would ?over with ?hame the memory of sn amiable and ac Bomplished woman, and oanse Byron to be regarded aa a very prodigy of sin ? There was all to lose and nothing ta ga n, and wa ara forced to doubt that the conversation which Mrs. Stowe rehashes ever took place. An interview there may have been; but unless it is proved by some stronger evi? dence than Mrs. Stowe's bare word, we Ot MAO* belive that Lady Byron did ?deed say what has been attributed to her. The public have thc right to demand that Mrs Stowe prove the truthfulness of her state? ments. Already she has been detected m more than one error of fact, whioh a little cara would have enabled her to avoid; and if she does not give some reasonable evi? dence that che hah only repeated what was told her by Lady Byron, she must be con tent to lie for ever under the imputation of being fonder of creating a sensation than cf telUng the truth. ' lxatmlaratloaa. 7 > j . . . d ?*?? The immigration to. thts country the cur? rent year is astonishing, considering the oaaajKtions under which it exista, and ex? ceeds the expectations of every one. The re? turns from our Southern ports are so poorly made and so rarely aggregated that little mide from them Nor are we ia possession of California data. The reports from the Northern frontier, ooverlng the Canadian ingress, are also deficient But New York, the great immigrant headquar? ters, furnishes ns with definite statistics. Wc learn that the arrivals there to thc dose of June have been 142 227 thia year against 109.097 last year, an increase of 88,180, or 80 2-5 per cent. Aod we find that May and June of the current year are credited with 49 605 and 41,889 arrivala Hgatnst 84 151 and 83 720 last ye r, a gain of 28,078 in the two last months. The im? migration ia more frcm Germany than Ire? land, as it Ima bera si noe 1859, -footing up 1188.018. of whioh 688 253 waa German to 549,760 Irish. The Irish preponderated until 1864; bat the ohange has ben eo great thai, lau year we received 101,989 Germans to 47 571 Irish; and more than thia, acme 200,000 immigrants arrived in thia period from other countries. One reason for the unpreoedented Ger? man influx arises from the fear of being enrolled in the Prussian army. Thia is a very lively osase of immigration, and is likely to continue. It operates on the whole body of immigrants, but most with the Prussians. Aud reasonably. Our mi nary establishment is almost nominal ai.d not lik-ly to be enlarged, unless Grant, having tailed as a statesman, insists on again try? ing his luck as a soldier But Austria maintain?, on a peace basis, 243 920 meo; Frtncf 414 632; tho Gnrman Cunted-ratinn 319 286; Russia 798.151; 8ptin 236 301; Italy 183 341, and England 200 335 Thus, on a peace basis, these countries support Some. 2 500 OOO men, and ?re, all of them, prepared io trebie*or quintuple the number in case of war, and, are obliged to pa; for the luxury. France, Austria and rho Cou federation eVco boast themselves able to levy from 800,000 to 1,000000 nv a on ten days' notice. The taxation for this pur? pose and the enrolment assist materially in increasing the immigration to this country. AB yet there is little immigration to the Southern 8 ta tee; but, day by o day, the cheapness of our land, the fertility of our soil and the salubrity of cur c'.imat- are better known. The effect will be gradual, and thc victory over prejudice will not easily be won. It la, however, certain that, sooner or later, the stream of white immi? gration will flow to the South as it now flows to t&O Wot?. For the seacoast, wrist* tht whits man cannot safely work, WO shall have th? Udustrious aa i fraga! Asiatic. This will nuke the low-country prosper, while the up-oountry will be built np, as we d?sira it to be, by the thews and sinews of white men. There may, in soma places, be a wrong-headed opposition to all immi gration, as there is in some perta ot Geor? gia; bot this will not avail to keep ont the white man, who will gradually turn his steps to the rioh valleys and broad savan? nahs of the South. As long as we have a Radical negro government in South Caro? lina it will be difficult to persuade white im? migrants to sattle in the midst of us. They will not be disposed to submit themselves to the control of negro magistrates; to the caprice of negro juries; to the taxation of negro legislators, and to the plundering and stealing of negro knaves and white ad venturera. Aa a first atop, we must rid ourselves of thia Radieal negro government. This is the only stumbling blook in our path. While we have an ignorant, corrupt and unscrupulous government we oan have no safe prosperity. We may make money for the moment; but every dollar that we have is at the mercy of the negro courts and negro imposers of taxes. When the Northern scum and Southern riff-raff, who now lead the col ored people whither they will, are driven from their seats of authority,there will be no trouble with the negroes. With a raspeo table and trustworthy government the col? ored people will be more safe and more free than they are now. Thia, aomeamf them know, and all of them, but the office hold era, will gradually learn the easy lesson that there ia more to be gained by confiding in men who have character and r?putation to loee, than by following blindly a pack ef I yelping oura who were kioked out of their j own kennela before they strayed down South. When the oharacter of our State Government ia changed, we shall have se ourity and peace aa well aa plenty. Then may we go to work in earnest in the cause Of white immigration I> TH s United States Conrt proceedings published thia morning, will be found an important decision of Judge Bryan, to the effect that when a member of a co-partner ship goes into bankrupt ey, his oo-partners j must go into bankruptcy also, although they may have committed na act of bank mptcy. CoMonnaaif AB Bowen, who waa denounced in these oolumna as a thief, forger and mur derer, threatened to sue this paper for libel When does Bowen intend to begin, and where f Oar soul ia in arma, Bowen, and eager for the frav. Bowen ! ChvltieW?. MBS. BiDWARD B. WHIT K'S PRO. USB AND PBEB' H BOARDING SCHUOL KUY UNG LaDies, removed to No. 89 West 43d street, opposite Reservoir Park. New Fork Pitv. References: B ?hop Potter, Kew Fork; Hishop Davis "oui'i Carotina; Kev. W. I. BraoUy. ? lauta. Qa ; Froteamor Henry, riadthsonlan Ius.-itute; Gene? ral Wade dam-i. on -ou. u Carolina; W.W. Corcoran, Waahln t n. D C. ; Presid-pt MJddle'on Charleston Oollege; Prole-?or . h irk* Panes, New York ; W. Gil? more ximmi, south <aroliue; Pro essor Bartlett, Weet Point Military Academy, august 34_pat)_S Fl RM A . V*IV>. vSlTV. Ott SC UR? VILLE, fl. C.- I he next ae sion or this IN-ifl ? j u i ION will open the 15; h -eptember, and continue fort? weeks wi bout rntermiasfon. Three years' -cholarahios may b? obtained tfoned on the payment ol thirty dollars annually for three years, and entttliog the holoer of a schol? arship to the tuition of o <e pu .ill m ah the regular Nc?ools, ra the payment of the incidental fee of five dollars, f-xeept to holders nf scholarships, the charge for tuition for tte rear will be sixty dollars, and five dollars for incidental expenses. For tn strucilon in Practical i ?herniatry, or in Modern ' en? guapea. Laen? will be an extra charge, to be regula? ted by the Bise ot th? class The regular >ehoo B embrace Mathematica and Mechanical Philosophy, Professor JUD-ON; latin Language and Literature Professor r ABHB; Greek Language Professor MUH; Chemistry and Natu ral Philoaophr Pr-fe-aor a \ UBI? ; ogio, BU torie, an i Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Proieaaor FTJBMAN. Dr. "A BEB will i ne true t in German, French and Spanish. Gool Boarding, exclusive of light* and washing, can be obiatned at about $15 per month. CataiOfTUM < r ?cholarship? oan be ob Lain ed by ad creasing tue subscriber. J MK- C. FURM AN, Augual 93 18 Provident. garMurf, (ttttirr^ Ctr. glCKLEs Oil HEAP HOOB>, OF DIRECT IMPORTATION-JUST ARRIVED. ALSO OH H ANO, POWDBB, SHOT, OAP3. Aa At S. M, M A KS II ALL, SIGN OF IEE "BIG GUN," No. 310 King-street, third door below ode ty. Anguat U_ tbstulmo Suping ^ari)ttu8. rjlHG C.MVtKSH KAVuit ITE , . WILLCOX Sc GIBBS' l) SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE STaNDS THC3 FAB TOBI VALLBD aa a FAMILY SK WING MACHINS; and baa tai ra the place of over forty double thread ma? chi nea In this city. Reliable Agents wanted in all larg*1 iowna tn the State. D. B. HASELTON, No. 307 KTNG-STBEBT, Willcox & Gibbs' Agent of South Carolina, NE HDL Es, OIL, SILK, atc, constantly on hand. BiPMRINO aa uanaL atuthly Uavl /Hificr??BfBns. yy; I L L 1 A M M. LAWTON, Ka et or and Commission Merchant. flo'lO B .TCE'S WHARF. FX RA HEAVY SEA ULAND BAGGING AND TWlvE FOR -ALB. Advances made on IT tl o oe In hand._tutlia augu-t 2S "VrO'l,IU?-^-0.\ IHK XQIH I\y AM I J.1 disppaed of aiy entire "took in T.ade to Hes?r*. bulNKM fe M At IN. who will coori ,ue the busi? ness at my old st ind. No. 627 KlNGoTKEEr, oimo. site Ann. In retiring from the bush.ea? I desire to th nk my friendB and customer* tor their liberal support in ?h-? paat, and wo ?ld re<pectfu:lv solicit a continu? ance of the.aameito my s-icces ors Charleston, August 12. 18U9 JOHN QUINN. N0TIUJt-?-H A VING PTJROB A?RD OF MB. JOHN QUINN bis nure, ??tock and" F.xture*, we will con? tinue (be BOOK, NEW AND 8' * . ONERY BFW Nr.tts in ali its branches, at his old s and and nope, by clore attention to the -ame, to merit a libeial ah-ire of public raror. J HN E B INE8V. _ , J. M?i I TE MA HI IN. Charleaton. Angaxt 1?. 1869. atuthB August 14 TO (ONTRUTOKg, LU .11 BK ll MKS AND SHIPBUILDERS. -*? I AM NOW PREPARED TO PXE.I?JTH PBOMPT LY.upon i he shortnat rotice orders for S- 'DTHEB^ TfcLLO V PINE POUR, Bl'.KQUT GUM and tobe- hard wood of any dimension*, delivered in <he 1 Ity of Charleston, ol? an and origbt. equal to the beat dty paw. d For further iofo matlon, apply to N. buODIE. Chirle?ton. H. e. J. M HUMBERT. John's Island Steam Snw Mill, Augurt 1st. 1S69 August 2 mthlmo Wttis. WAMEDTO RKNT, HALF A HOTJSK tn the central put of the dtv, bye .null Ajtt II v without children. Direct, stating terns, to F. O. Box Mo. gt,_4_Angostas GOOD 8KRVANTS. WHITE AND COL? OURS', csa be oeUaaed hy aypJyiBg to EM PLOYMEN i' OFFICE, bo. SO Qneen-atreeu Augustas___. (JlOr WATCH PRK IC TO EVE KY KpOf> AGENT l Business entirely sew. Apents mating fortunes I Address O.S. M. CO., BTDDE* jTOHi , M ?.INK. imo PAP August jj WANTED lOPUKCUASE, FOK OAS el, a good SECOND-HAM) PIAN". Appiy st F. DADKB'n Book ann Hosie btore, No. 449 King Btreet, above Calhoun-street,_August vi WANTED, A ?UPTI1 JP'ROM 16 to ?O years old, who would bc willing to make bim self generally userai as < Jerk In a flore in Unionville, H. O. Address POsTOFFTCE BOX, No. 17, Union 0. H., 8. 0. _August li WANTED, BV A MAKHIk-U MAN, A situation In ?orne Cotton Hill -outh or South? west; ls aoqualnted With all branches, haring work? ed in them all, but should s?lect WEaVING as a choice. 1 arries wishing to engage such a person will please address a nota, statins terms, to JOHN J. KELLY, Ho. MS state-street, Boston. May 34 WAFTED, bVtKlBUOi TO SIB. SCRIBE to ths CIRCULATING LIBRARY. - CB ABLES 0. BIG H TEH'S Select Library of New Books contains all ol the latest publications. April 21_Ko. 191 K'NG-STBEET. CH I N K H K LABOHE KB. -PA UTI E8 wishing to employ huge or small numbers of CBINE8E LABOREKH, fray make the neeesoary arran gemenU for p roc urine geog? of alai- required, delivered in any part of ttl? country, br application to KUOPafANa?HAAP, San Francisco, california /nly SO_ WANTED, EV IC K V BODY TO KSnW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plain and ornamental, ia executed promptly in che neate?: style add at the lowest New Terk priree, at taut Mws Job office. No. 149 EAsT BAT Call and ex? amine the scale of pri?es before giving year orders elsewhere._ WAFTED. AGENT? FOR THE AMERI? CAN FA ?HEB?' HOBHE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Robert .stewart, V. e., of Mtaa. he wont co vera the whole ground of the breeding and raising, and the treatment of horses and mules, both in alan ess and health. It baa won ita wav te popular favor, and ia to-day the moat popular and beat Milln? Horse Book out Address iL V. VEN , Publisher, cincinnati, 0. ?no* March 19 ?0 tot._ TO KE'T, A COMFORTABLE HOUSE bi a pleasant locality. Apply at No. S3 nAB NON-BTBRKT._1*_August 36 rUBIT/THK HOUSE Ne. 10 TEH \ 'h-->l BE KT, with seven rooms and double plastas and gae th>omghcmt, To? guod tenant (be rent will be low. Inquire at No. 36 AMHERST ? I BEET._ths*_August it} rHEIST, THE PLKA8ASTLY SITU. AIRD TWO AND A HALF STORY REM DENCE, No. S Gadadea-etreeL oppodte Wentworth Apply at CHARLESTON STRAH SAW HILL. /noe 14_ BK 4L si STATE A?F.\TS, AND OTHERS having houses to rent, can have their Placards, 4c, printed at the lowest rates, and In the newest and neatest ?tylee of type, at THE NEWS JOB OF MCE, No. 14? East Bay JOT Silt. SAND AND GRAVEL. FOR SALE AT low rates at MARSHALL'S WHARF. August SO Imo AT PRIVATE SALK. THAT FINK FT AND with fixtures for a Grocery, corner Calhoun and East Bay street?, No. SS. Apply ON PR EMI-ES._thstn_January ai FOR ??Ll-; LOW. A LANGE CHURCH 0 P.GiN, containing thirty-five a - ops. AISO, A SMALL PARLOR i t GAN, containing four '.toes, in a hand ?oma Rosewood Case. Apply at JOBN BAKER'S ORGAN PAC 1 OBY, No. 13 Van di-mcrst-etreet_thetn8th_July 8 .TOR SA? K, llOe ACHES OF Wt-LL F TIMBERED t. ?ND In lower p rt ol bar cw ll Count , ?ix tn ll ea tram Mouth > disto River. 1 erm made very low For partlon lara, add rea? Or. 0. B. HUT IO, Grabam'a Turnout, O.S. B. lt. August 30 _pao_36 FOR SALE, FOUR MCCARTHY MOL? LER GINS, secoad hand, but little used 1 Premium Faim Grist Mil, "Proseua" Patent 1 Ha^d-powex .feelGrist Hill 18 Ploughs, of varied and moat approved patterns, all but little us*d, an J at low prices 1 conon B baker 1 Four-home Po?er Steam Engine, second hand, ha good condition. Apply to . 'SHERON, DARKLE Y A CO., Nor beast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets August 9 Imo TTIOK BALK, THE DK8IKABLE l\KSI JD DitNcE. near Hampstead Mall-the House and Lot No. 64 America-street, one door south ol Blake, on eaat ride of ?aid wrest, Ibe Lot metwures in fronton amenca-atreet 65 feet 6 inches, m dopth iso feet, more or lest, with the r- ar portion ol the lot on tbe south, esv - feet - loches. On th i pre . isea 1? a subatantially unlit two-and-a-half ?torr wooden iwelhngo a brick foundation containing five aqmre rooms, with gas fixtures m order, a dressing room, pantry and finished attics, and dou? ble p-azza, all uovere 1 with h-avy tm lately repatut e , and a private stairway; also, a two story Kitchen with four 'ooma, a -ioacbhouse. Stable and H y lott, Ac; also an exteeaivo cistern, built with a filte'lng wall, eui a good wei- of ohotca spring water, eacb fuminhe 1 wich a modern . ump. An open fence lo trout, witnev noreen hedge, also flower varden in front, e i ten sive vine- ot choice grspes now in full bean ns, vegetable garden and trait trees compris m<r sweet orange, neeta lue. peach, plum, fig, Ac. The neigh orbood ls sotoilcua as a be, Ith y location Possession can be given immediately. For terme, Ac a ply to LOW A KD C. TH ARIN, No. 8 GUlon-street, near Old Poatoflice or on toe premiaes. Aatruat 19 Al? HON KEKS, B H UK K US, .NO others wishing "' or Hale" Placards, Business Cards, or other Job Printing executed with neut Q'-ea and dispatch, wilt consult their interest by leav? ing their orders at TBE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No 149 Bant Bay. FOK SALE, OLD NEWSPAPKKS IN any quantity, ince 73 cents per hundred, rho cheapest wrappin? paper that can be used. Ap? ply at tho office of TE E N * W s. Marah 1 Lon ono Jomo. LO*T, 8KTWKKB THE HALFMOON 8AITEH1 AND DEBINANT -HIP V .A I.D. ejtuer in Columbus, Drake, Cooper or Bay *>treet?. a rill rf TK' A .11,.y 01 K-, amounting t abo itStfS, and consisting ot HO and J5bil!s. lhe finder, 0 . bringing it to THI-. OFFICE*will be liberally re Warded. _2_August 26 STRA t KD, AHULL TK lt HIE lt P.P. about two months old, whits, bia k over both e..e?, with tho ears lately cut. Five dollars reward will be p?(d ll delivers at No. 93 MARKET H IRK Kl. .4* AUBU?t 34 c gonn. HAHLBSTOIf HOTEL, OHARLBSION. SOOTH CAROLINA, THIS FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, si ru A TE B TN A I pleasant location, and lu the burmese portion of the cit?, renders lt the most desirable Hotel for either permanent or tran? lent guests, .he accommodations are um arpas red. having extensive saltes m elegantly fumlvhed ap .rtmenta lot f'tnllies a d single ?entfe? rnen The propneter ?nil endeavor to maintain the bteh reputation e-joyed by the "t'barlestou" as a first class bona?, ano no effort will be snared to de? serve a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto? fore be*?owed upon it The best of Live y accommodations wflt be found adjoining the establishment. The house I supplied wita tho celebrated Arte (ian W? or ot wntch d?;i-h:tul ba bs cai, be b.d ender day ornt<rht. E. H. J OK-ON, July 18 Proprietor. ?IT. CLOUD HOTEL. 1HI8 NEW aND OOMMOl IOOft BOO HE, LOCAT EU corner 01 Broadwa? and Forty-second-sireet. possesses aJ vantages over all other house? tor ihe a< couimodatioa o trsuuests. lt was built expressif for a flr-t-cl-ies family boarding bonae-the rooms bein? large and en ?ui?e. heated \<j steam-with not ann cold w ter. and tarnished accomi to nooe; wbiie the culinary department fa lu the most experii-oeed hands, afl->rdiog guests an unequalled table. tine of Atwood's P?t-nt Lleraiorii ts a iso amona the "modern improvements" ano at the setnoe ot guests at ali boura. Ibe Broadway and University Plac* Ors pass the door ever7 four minutes, runnrn from the ifitj Hall to Central Pa- k, while the sixth au-1 evento Avenue'ines are but a short block on eituer aide, aflording ample facilities for communicating with ai) che depots, steamt>oat landlncs, olaces of ?tense, ment and business of the great metropolis. MOUE dc HOLLEY, Proprietors. Parch 13 ines ILL-IS ds^CHISOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERl'HAtiIS aso aniPPINO AGENTS, WILT. ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE INI SHIPMENT (to Foreign sud Domestic Portai of COTTON, RIC tl, LOM BEB AND NAVAL STOP. SS ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. 0. E. WILLIS..1. R. OH?SOL? October 35 i o. o. F - HOWABT? LODOE. (io. 3. rfUTE MEETING OF TOI? LODGE WILL BE J. he'.d THIS (Thursday) ETBWWO, at Eight o'clock precisely. Candidates for Initiation aad Degrees will be punctual E. L. TEFRE V, Augustas_th Becordlog Secretory. C HAK LEST ON CHAMBER OS" lOM MbHca, AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE CHAMBER will be convened THIS Evsamro. (Thursday) Angust 26th. st the Bibernian Hall at Eight o'oleck, to receive tbe reporta of the various Commit? tee a appointed in June last. By order. P. J. BABBOT, Angostas_Beere ary. MERCANTILE CO-OPERATIVE AS. SOCIATIOS OF CHARLESTON. 8. 0. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE IX OF THE Contdtuliou, and in compliance with th? solid* tatton of a large number of the Shareholders, an extra Convention of the Association 1* hereby celled to oonv-ne at the Ha l ot the Westlington Fire 'om - paoy, in Tanda. h<T?I street, on 36 h inst. at half, past Seven o'clock P. M. Li C. B *NDBICKS, secretary and Treasurer V.O. k. August 26 2 ratha _(?0pBi1icrsl)ifl statt?. COPA arti h lt S HIP NOTICE. - THE undersigned lave this day formed s copart? ner-hip under the name of X. M. BOB EY k BKMIHI h. for the purpose of conducting the Wholesale HAT, CAPAND t>TRAW MOODS BUSI? NESS, at NO. 25 layne-street, Charleston. H. fl. 1HJMA8 M. HOBSEY, Late of the firm of Horsey, Anten & Co. FBED'K HORSEY, 8ueces?or of Horsey, AU ten fe Co. July 1st, 18C0. 3 August 25 5issointioa of CopadHfratjip. rvISXOLVTIiiH UP COPARTNERSHIP. \J ihe undersignsd prop rle lora of the 'Oliy equate alooo" have thu day dissolved Copartner? ship by mutual oonseit Either pvtner may re? ceipt for debt- due the firm, and ail claims must be forthwith handed in to us for settlement. The businee? of the late brm will be continuad by JOHN WTJLBEBN. JOHN WrjLBFBN. August 25 3 AUGU.VTF. MULLING. fUttftBOl EEMOVAL.-THE t SD ERN IO!? ac D taara pleasure la announcing to bis patrons timi be bas remoren his Soda Water Manufactory from So. 501 King-street to No 66 HASRL-xTBEEl, between An ?on-street and East Bay. i haning bl'Mends and eua to na era for the liberal patron? age bestowed upon hiss at the old stand, he hopes to receive the same in the same measure at bis new place. 0 Tu KORN?HREN H. soda Water Manufactory. Augustas tbstuS* No. 56 Haaei-etreet. PHILIP SCHt CKilAv?, OKALER IN W0B*T?D AND I RIMMING*, baa removed tn bia former atore, No 271 KI NG-STRtET, oppo? site flasel-atreet. August 21 /tioitloi. ANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS AND MER? CHANTS, wishing Checks, Blanks, Letter Heada, or Job Printing of any description, c:n get their caders (Bled promptly and in the neatest style, at cheap rates, by applying at IHE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. ?0 East Bay. 'jp HE BENN E1T 8 VIL L E JOURNAL, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN BENNETTS VILLE, 9. C. WM. LITTLE, Editor aud Proprietor. THE J UBNAL. AS AN ADYRBTI'-ING ME? DIUM, offers facaiide? to merchants, machinists, fee. that are unsurpassed by any westly paper in the hourn. Ha vin* a 'arge and contlnuaBy increasing circula? tion in the Peedee country, nudneaa men who wish to extend thc boalne-s lu tbi* section (f the -tate, will And It to their interest to advertise in the Jour? nal. Bates of advertising very liberal. Address WM. LITTLE, August 24 6 _Bennettsyille. 8.0. rp llb. BARNWELL JOURNAL. AS THE BCSINBSS SEASON APPBO CHES, tho undersigned wtuld respectfully call tbs st eotlon of the Merchants ol Charlearon to the BABNWKI.L jor RN AL. pu><llahed at Blackville, s. C., a p >per of rapidly Increasing curuiatjoo, to be ronna in not only every portion of the arge and wedihy County of Barn wed, bu in manv other coondee of tl>e State, and has a scattering circulation rom connec? ticut to California. Ihe Jon nai la always on flie at trie office of Menura. WA I KEB. EVA Nd fe CO WELL, the agents n (.harleaton, and business meu would do well o call in and take a look at the paper bet re making up their tall advertisement- for the weealles of the State erma moderate, which can be learned upon ap? plication ie WAI KER, I VAN* fe coo WEI,u or by adore sing the subscriber at either Blackville or HarnweU. JOHN b. efaU K. August 23 _Imo E TOKE BARNWELL SENTINEL. MERCHANTS, FACTOR* AND BUSINESSMEN will find it to their interest to advertise in the SEN IINEL. I has been pub .fa 'ie i in that la- ge and rop uloua Cou ty tor seventeen years, and bas a clrcuu lion unsurpassed by any country pap T itt the State, lenna liberal, address E. A. BRONSON. Pro? prietor. Blackville, S.C. August 23_Imo STABLISH ED, 18 48. THE MABION CRESCENT, MABION, 8. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BX" S. E. MCMILLAN, Proprietor, TBE CRESCENT. BtI>G THE PURCHA9EB ?nd successor ol the old distrlol paper, is the oldest journal ia the eas era part of the Mate. ihe Crescent is ta? official ai visor of Marion County Die Crescent has a large a?d growing circulation among the be t people of the Peedee Country . he Crts cent is thc beat' advertising medium in tb < secaon. Always addreas CRESCENT August 10 Imo Marion, jp0 Bi: SINES? A1BN. Tht? 8?UXEB NEWS, PUBLISHED AT bUMTEE, S. G. IR ONE OF THE BEST PAC*".9 IN IHE UP? COUNTRY; bu a large circuiatioi., and affords su? perior advantages sa an adt?rtialng medium, le rm* lew. Addrea DARB fe 0STE EN, February 20_Proon??/? Til K STAR awn SOUTHERN BEAL ESTATE ADVERTISER, As aa adverting medium, offers faa I tics to Mer? chants, i m Kisto, Machinists, fee, of extending their busmen, unsurpassed by any Southern Weakly. Its circulation is fast becoming g?nerai. Beal Estate agents, and parties int. re -ted in the parchase or aile of real estire wfl find it to their advantage to consult Its col mos and advertise therein an we arti effee lng arrangement- bywhica our pa; er will circu?ate largeiy among Northern ca Mallaba. Information lending lo the development of our mineral, m inufacturing and agricultural resoiuce? descriptive ot climate, soil, fe - solicited and tuaok tmly1 ceci ved trom any section. Terms cash. S3 a year; a ropy pratts <o anyone eendlug six subscribers; a club .f ten, $2 50 each Bab-a ol advertising liueraL Adirea* W. J. Mc SE KRALL, Jul'- IC Marion., b- C. fruL.iK? t% aiac-BtcTH. Na. 36 Brsad*itr??t, Charleston, S. C., BBOKEBS, AUCTION EE Rf?, BFALE8TATE Aid) GENERAL, COMMISSION AGENTS Will atttend to Bentuag and Collecting o? Menta and purchase and aate ol stocka, Bonds, Gold Silver and KeaiEstaip. ALSO. To the Purchase ol Gooda and Huppllea for parties in the country upon reason ibid terms. GKOBGB L. HOLKES....A?BXAiTD?B MAOBZTH. 7a?u?rr1 lyr P. CHEVRE ll X, SC BL PT OB a. NP A.BCHITECT. MARBLH WORKS, Corner Meeting-Street and Horiberk'fl Atley, CKABLBBTON, 5. C. Plan? made to order and work <.xs?uted promptly' July 1 . thmCmos I'S IEL L'S BOOK STORK. EE CEN I PUBLICATIONS. THE SUMTER AND TSE ALABAMA. .Service Afloat daring the War between the States, by Ad? miral Semmea, 1 yoi. Svo., cloth, SS. RES OC BC ES OF J HB SOUTHERN FIELDS AND FORES rs, Medical. Economical and Agricultural, by E. P?yre Porcher, M. D.. 1 vol. Svo.. $3 BO. CHRISTIAN SINGERS OE GEBMANY. by Cathe? rine Winkworth, translator and compiler of "Lyra Germaiipa," niu?frated, 12mo., forming volume 8 of the '-sunday Library." fine cloth, 12. HISTORY OB EUBLPEAN MOBALA, from Au? gustus to Cbailemasne 2 vola., Ivo., 86. FORE VT LIFE IN AC ADIE, .-ketcbea of Sport and Natural Bistory in the Lower Proviccea of the Cana? dian Dominion, by Captain 0. Hardy, Illustrated, Svo.. fS. TBE NRW AFFINITIES OF FAITH, A Plea for Free Christian Union, by Jame* Martineau, 25c. SPEC! RUM ANALYSIS, Six Lectures, by H. E. Roscoe, with appendices, colored Plates and niue trated. Svo. 19. MIND ANO BBAIN; or. The Correlation of Con sciouanet' and Organization. 8yatematlcal1y Inves? tigated and Applied to Philosophy, Menial Science and Practice, with a Preliminary Dissertation on Metbod and illustrative ot the Text, by Thoa. Lay coak. M. D.. 2 vol? . 12mo., 426; xvi. ?94, $7. LIFE OF PIZABBO, with ioma occountof his As eocis tea in the Conquestor Peru, by Arthur Helps, 1 voL, $2 7?. 1BE OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY, from the Creation to the Return from tbe Caotivity, edited by W. Smt b, L.L. D., 1 vol., 12mo., SS. WOMAN'S SUFFBAGK, the Belora Against Na? ture, by Horace Bushnell, 1 vol, limo., 91 68. THE SUBJECTION OF WOMAN, by John Stuart, M. M., 1 vol, 12mo., tl. PRE-U1S10RIC NATIONS; or. Iuquirie? Concern? ing eomo of the Great Peoples and civilizations of Antiquity, and their Probable Helarien to a atm Old? er Civilization of tbe Ethiopians or CushMes of Ara? bia, bv John D. Baldwin, 12mo , SI 75. BIGbT YEAR*' WANDERINGS IN CEYLON, by Slr Samuel White Baker. Illustrated, l?mo., doth, SI 60. THE SCIENCE OF BIGHT*, by F. G. Fichte, translated by A. E. Kroc? T, 12mo.. cloth, S2. 1H*EE THOUSAND MILE* THROUGH THE BOCK! MOUNTAINS, by A. K. McClure. Illustr?t ed. 12mo , cloth 82. BE.\] BICE. A Poem, by Hon. Boden Noel, aquaxe 16mo., cloth, gilt top, tl. TBEBeXKS, HEBE AND HEREAFrBR, by Wil? liam H. Holcombe, M D , 12mo.. paper, cloth, SI 60. LIVES OF ST. LOUIS AND CALVIN, by M. Guts* Illustrated, limo., sloth. $1. lHt QUAKER PAR H*ANS, A Bevelutionary Story, with illustrations, 12mo.p cloth, SI 60. FICTION. - A uer back's Villa on tbe Shine; Erek manu-CTharraln's Waterloo; Hig.insoa's Ma.bone; Hoffmann's s Loe Murray; Huso's L'Homme qui Hit; Lettie* Lisle; Phelps' Men, Women and Ghosts; lbe Quaker Parfiaana; Robinson's For Her Sase; Southwortb'a Changed Brides ; Spielhagen's Problem? atical Characters; Woods' Gates Wide Open; Kings? ley's stretton; My Daughter Elinor; The Laorlatan'i Household; ivabmld's Habernelster; bouthworth'i The Bride's Fate; Trollope's He Knew Be Waa Bight; Zsohokke's Dead Quest; FreyUg's Lost Man. ui-ript ; Jean Inglelow'a Mopes the Fairy. Janus rv 1 lyr Q_REAT MK ULLTIOS IV PRICKS. IMMENSE SUCCESS. POPULAR BOOKS SENT FREE OF P08TAG? AT 1 HE PR IC IS ANNEXED: JOHN MARCHMONT'a LEGACY, a Novel, by Mire M. E. Braddon.Si MISTRKSS AND MAID, a Novel, by Miss Mu? iron.3C SAD TALE OF THE crvfJBTaHIP OF CHEVA LIER ?LY FOX-Wlckof..* THE WONDERFUL AND AMU INO DOINGS Off 0- 'AR SH ANO 13 Al.SI MIND YOUB RrOPM.? READY RECKONER.41 WHIM, LOO iUCBBE ANupoKEn.* MADAME LE MABOBANDV. FOm UNE TEL? LER AND DREAMER'i DICTIONARY.41 SPENCER'S 0OMX0 SPEECHES AND HUMOR? OUS BfcCnATIONS.? MADAME LE NORMAND'.* UNERRING FOB IUNE ELLEN.41 LAWS OF LOVE.? LACIE-' LOVE ORACLE.SI EADIE*' GOIDE IO BEAU i Y.a BOXING MASK CASY.:.S EON i AINE'i GOLDEN WHEEL FOR I UNE TELLER AND DBFAM ROOS.41 BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD PET*..61 TBS A Br OF BEAU IY, by Lola Montea.8 1BE PLAY GBOUsD.? All 1 Ii IC AN CARD HCsYER.61 HOW i.AMB EBB WIN, OB 'HE SECRETS OF ADVANTAGK PLAYING.RI TH BA*i BALL PLAYER.ll LESLI t' PI- TOBI AL.K HARPER'S WEEKLY.ll CHIMNEY COBNEB.ll LT i Eli ARS ALBUM.K DAY' DOINGS.ll POLI' E NEW* OB GAZE 1 TE.rrll HARPER S BAZ 'AR.U BUNYAN'S PILGBIM-? PuOiBKv*.ye OUR cLFE IN THE HIOHLANDS, by Qaeeu Victona.81 COMI.' MONTBLY.21 BODGE T OF FUN.21 Either ot the followinu B -oka mailrd on receipt o four31 stamps. Old numbera of LESLIE'S, GODET'*, PETER sON'S. LAND WE LOVE, or DEMOHtsT'b. Any one of Beadles or Munro's DIME NOVELS. Also, a Comic or -ennmenul -ONO BOOK. Novels by enan? a Diestens! OLIVER TWIST, Wi PAGt?S?, 30 CENTS; AMERI CAN Notes, 104 piges 2uc ; Dom I wy s son, 366 nagea 40c; Martin cbuzzlewit, 342 pases, 40c; Our Malua Friend, 330 paces. 40c; hr ist m aa Stories, 162 pages ?Hie; isle ol Two Cities, 144 pages 25c; Hard lime and Additional Christmas stones 2jil page*, 30c Nicholas Nlckle'jy 31u pages. 40c; Bleak House, 3+ pase?. ?Oe; Little Dorrit. ?30 pages, tuc; PirkwH Papers. 326 pages, 40 j Davd Copperfield 33U pages 4nc; B irnury Budge 267 pages, 36c; Old Curiosit; -hop. 221 pages, 85c; Great Execration?, 184 paces 80c; -ketches, 196 pages. 30c Tue following Novels, by Slr Wailie: *cott Mulled at 30 cents Kacnt WAVERLY, IVANBOB, KKN"LWORiH, GU! Mannerlnc, niiqnary, Rob Roy. Old Mortality, Th Black Dwarf ana a Legend of Mo > tros?, Br de c Lammermoor, Heart of Mid I onian, The rtooai ter>, Hw Abbot, ihe Pirate, Fortunes of Nlael, Peve ril ol the Peak, Qaen is Durward St Ronan'* Wei Bed Gauntlet, >hb Betrothed a id HighUnd Wido? i be raliamin, Woodstock, Fair Maid pf Perth, Ann ol Golm em, Count Robert of Paria. The Surgeon' Deux a ter. ? >n recel >t of the price, ellbor in caab or atampi ??nice or any bcoksm this list will be sent by ma postpa.u. CHAS. V. lt I U HT EH, No. lol King-street, Julj 12_OAC_i 'harleston. S. C. JJOOK. BUYERS WILL KIMO IT Tl THEIR ADVANIAGE TO O O N 8 U LT THU CATALOGUE. The List will be Changed at least Once a Week. NEW AND STAND&BD BOOKS FOB SALK AT FoOARTTE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY Catalagne No. IS. MTZPAH-Friends at Prayer. Bv L. C. Loomis "The Lora watch between me and thee when we ar? absent one from another " 82 CBrDO. "luqatrlcs which now agitate ?he think lng world." Contents: ttuiHsrnatural Booka; super natural Beings; superna ural LU?; supe ma tura Dc BU ny ; Tbe coeptio Among the Disciples. 81 60. n N AMERI Ah WOMAN IN EUBOfK, by Mrs. 8 B. Urbins 8180. PATTY GRAY'S JOURNEY FROM BOSTON 10 BA LT I MOBS bv Caroline H. Dali. $1 26. DUIRAL KEMHnV MkMOISs t F SERVICI AFLOaT during the War between the states. Illus trated wlih aleel engraved Portraita and six Bngrav< m s in cromo tints. 86. THt WORKS OF DiNIFL DI FOE, with Cbal mer's L>>e of the Author, aonoiatcd 82 60. IHEOELE*IA; or, Tbe Oivau.zailou and Pe pe tn ity, Coufl cts and triumphs of tue <>ne Bo y Catho lie and Apo.tolic a Presbyter of the We.-t 82 VOX ECCi ESTA; or. The Doctrine of the Protea tant t iscopil Church on Episcopacy and ApoatoUc -ucceesiou. $2. CRAMP'S i?APHST HI-1 OBY, froai the Foun ditton of the CuPBtinn i.'hurcn to the of thc 13th entury. $2 26. THv SCHEME OF REDEMPTION, a' it is Reveal ed and I aught in ilie Biu.y *c ip urea PA R Milli g n, . residen of the college of the Bible in Ken. turt v Uulversitv. ?2 6(1. SHBMON? I.Y I HE LATE RI V. G- oRGE SHEP? ARD, Proiestor in Theological aemtnary, Baueor Me. 83 8 ' ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDEBLAND, with 42 n.ustratious. $1 50. NEAL'- WANDER HG BECOLLECTIONS OF A SOMfcWH TBU*YLIFE. 82 M*YHcW's ILl?*lBAvED HORSE DOCTOR, writ,eu in plain English. S3: THE B N H AND BA't OF GEOBGIA, with an Appendix containing a Court Roll fro u 179u to 1857, Arc. By-tepben F. Millar. 2 vols, 8vo. 86. ANNUAL OF sCIEN I ?'IO DIS OVf.B* ; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1869. By Samuel Kneela d. S2. BANIING ON CORPULENCY. Sixth Edition 25 cents. H PRIEST *ND THT. HUGUENOT; or, Per seen ion in the Aire of Louis XV, frc m the French ol Bungener. 2 vol". 83. I HE PREACHER AND THE KING; or, Board alone in the Court ot Louis XIV, 'rom the Eretch ol bung- ut r 81 60. ON TBE WING e Book for-portamen, by Bum steai. t'uilr Illustrated. $2 60. HariNOVELs ANDLlGHi BEADING of the latest and standard authors eeut by Mail without extra charge, any Books published in Amer ca or Europe sent free of postage on receipt ot publisher's price. Ad? dress FOGABTLE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 Klcg-street, (m the Bend.iCbarlesion. ft'O. May ll BAS stmtkfrnoa BAY I HAT! OA A BALKS FRUTE WORTH BIYBB HAT, fiUU landing from tokooDer Benowa, Palmeta? Wharf. Far Ml? by JOHN CAERSE* k CO. Augustin_ 1 GUNNY B?GGING. KA BALKS EXTHl HIAVT M 0M) GUNNY OU BAGiHNo, per Sehoeuer ''uily?' For aale by i T. J. KS BB at CO. August lt BRANDY, OIL, SARDINES, CLARET WISE, MIACCA ROM ARD V K ti M ! C ELLI, PUINES, A.c. ATOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 EAST BAT, OFFER , for sale from U. 8. Bonded Warehouse, and Just received from Bordeaux: IP quarter caira Fine Old COGNAC BB ANDY 160 cases sweet i/tl lOhhds >CUvretWuM 104 cases J S Dales of Hacoarenl and Vermicelli 60 oaaes Sardinea 20 cases Prue*. 8 Angus 190 NAILS, CANDLES, SOAP, HEEP, ?Re. " 1 AAA KEGS NAILS LUUv/ 600 boxes Candles . 100 box? s Soap 20 packages Beef and Tongues. Foe sala br A. TOBIAS' SONS. August 25 8 HILBERT'S LONDON PORTER AND BHOWN STOUT. 1 Ar CASKS HEPREBT*A PORTER AND _LUO BROWN 8TOCT, to arrive per ship Courier lrom Liverpool. For asia by Aua nat 25 3 A. TOBIAS'SONP. GREEN LEAF ROPE. 1 fi A HALF COILS GREEN LEAF ROPE IOU For aale by . A. TOBIAS'SONS. August 85 _3 CHOICE WESTERN BACON. Qr BHDS. 8TBTCTLT CHOICE WESTERN OD SHOULDERS 25 hbda. Strictly Choice Western O TL Sides 29 hbda Strictly Chotee Western Bib Sides. For sale by 8 SN ct Y COBLA * 00. August 26 S FLOUR ! ?LOUR! QA BARBELS EXTRA AND feTJPEEPPfl OU FLOUR 80 bags Family Flour, "Swan's Down" 60 bags Fan l'y Flour. .'Gem sf the Burg." All from selected new wheat, and 'or sale by August 25 2 HENRI COBLA k 00. BACON, BACON. e?f\ HHBS. CHOICE WESTERN 0. R. SIDES OKs CO hbda. Cholee Western Shoulders 2? hbds. Clea? tides V 40 boxea D. K Shonldaxa 16 hhd?. < hole? D. -. c. R. Bides 60 box?8 Long Clear sides 20 boxes CnmberkMda 16 tierces Chotee b. 0. Hams 75 bags Choice Bio Coffee 60 bbl?. F nra "O" Sngar 25 bbl? -C" Yellow suaar. In Store, and for aale low by* JEFFORDS 4 CO. August 34 tutbsS Vendae Range. SHINGLES. 1AA AAA CYPRESS SHI VOLES, OE lUU.UUUwharf, ready for deUvery, ter sale by the lot, or In lots to suit, for cash, lew, by . E. L. HALSEY, August 34a tuthaS Was* end Montague-street SUPERIOR GUNNY CLOTH, OF EXTRA WEIGHT, FULL WIDTH AND FIN? quail'?, for sale by O. N. I-UBERT, August 19 thara? No. 1$ East Bay.. FRESH DRUGS? JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, WHOLE? S ALF AND BETA'L, by Dr. H. RAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET WOLF'd SCHIEDAM -OHNAPPS Hostetter's Bitters Plantation Bitters Fonts' Horse and Cattle Powders Winslow's soothing Syrup Perry Davis' Painkiller Herir?n Mustang Linamrat Fahneetook's Vermlinge Peery's Dead Shot, kc, ko., ka, June 2? .lath ? H. & H. W. CATHERWOOD'S; EXTRA FINE PURE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKIES. IN ORDER TO FAOII IT ?.TE THE SUPPLY Of OUB PUBK OLD iORONG'HELA BYE WHIS? KI En io our former num?rotai customers at the South, we have appointed Messrs. H. GERDTS at CO our Agent?, wno by tots arrangement, are en? abled to supply the trade at pikes wbioh will insure satlatacdon. H. A H. W. CATHER WO OD. H. 6t H. W. CATHERWOOOD'S EXTBA FIVE PDRB OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKIES. trf\ BARBELS OF THE ABOVE FAVORITE OU WaisKIE?", oonsUtlngof I,XX.XXX, XXXX, and >EOI A B and CABINET BBAND?, and also *f ower tirades. Now landing, and for sale low by H. GERDTS <: CO., Jur.e12 aluthSmo No. East Bay. COTTON BAGGING. . 1>A PIECES "EWAN'?" FUBE HEMP DUN LOU DEE s EA ISLAND BAGGING, ?Pinehes, 1 J?ttl pounds yard 30 pieces Dund-e Bagging, 46 inches. I}**'pennas yard ry (0 pieces Dundee Bagging, 46 inches, l)i th pounds yard 25 pieces Dolphin Manufacturing Company Sea Island Bagging l *?>b pounds yard. For sale by W C BBE k SO. August 21 _ G NNY CLO ? H, ON THE spot AND TO ARRIVE. For sale ty August20 GEO- A. TBE>HOLM A SON. NEW Y'iKK BAGGING, DOUBLE ARI MOM BRAND. T?* K STANDARD WEIGHT THE g?%r ? - rd w'dtb tull 44 lachea. It ia wide- e.',ser stronger, and afforis better pro? tection for the*.nu.".8 vT**? ?? ?"> Co?<m bale than any other n ase , LL . We wil at maoufacturdr'? jnoejand expeaaee brid down here, A supply alwa.'a on ?>na l_ . " WILLUM ROAi?* CD. August 9 Imo _?genta. NEW GOODS. EAST INDIAN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGSHH? BLE, mostdeidoni aid healthy food, used Xor Paddings, Jellies, Blane Manir?, Ice Cream, Grid ile Cakes, Soups, Ac, put up lal rb. pack? ages. With directions for use. D estreat-d ' ocean ut fi? Fies, Paddings, Cases, Rc, pat ap in half tb- packages, with directions. Sweet Oil, Frvncb and american in halt pints, pinta and q 'arts. daer and Whin- Wine Viaegtr, warranted pure* Fresh Boasted ula Cooee, of good quality, at 36e. v? ?. Just received and for sale by CO-OPKBs IVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corri' r Meeting and Market streets. Good h d eh vs ted tree. Mar 98 H0>BY! FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL. BY " Dr. H. BAER, "* June 26 No. Lil Heei'ng-atseeL J. T. HOHPhHEVS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MEECHA A 7. SALES OF BEAL EtolAlfc, MOCK9, BONDS, SB 03RITIE? AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDS!) TO. NO. 87 BROAD-STREET CHARLESTON, 8. a UEPEBENOEB. Hen. HEN . BUIST, w. J. MAGRATH, Ra?. General JAM FR CONK CR, T. B. WARING, Esq. Oe toll?? rJIHOBLAS J. It A Y* ER & CO., MANTJFACT?EER8 OP FINE CIO ABS. Particular attention to Special B.ands for Grosera and.Jobbers. Nc?. 29 LIBERTY-STREET ann 64 MAIDEN LANE NEW TO K. jQ3- Samples sent to ; e?ponaible houses. Joly 27 tu tk< 3mo j^HtJlHOiiIJIG AtD H lltt-Cl' TTIAiO, LADIES AND JHILDhar?? * attended at their residences promptly and at reason? able rates. Send orders te W. E. MABSHALL, Barber, April lt No, 31 Broad-street (up 'tatra..