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THE DAILY NEWS. The Children's Guee*. When the early stan aro tr-(niling, And (be children let Te their play, Wneu (be darknera, like a corlain, .- tut ' ont tho cares or day. ID walks a'quaint ol 1 fellow Whose foo ateps make DO pound, And al among the little folk ? be sand-man goes bis round. Ob I wood* ons grains he scatter*, I J .e a sower as be. goes; But wbero he larks in the daylight Not anvbody knows. Perhaps he berpaMhe fairies T<< gather sunny gb mi* And butte rc np? and dewdrops, To make oar happy dreans. Bow he se's the eyes a-bliokingt Then a sadden si.era co nd's, And '.it's bed-mm- t bod-time I " a be cheery cricket calis; Au" sleepy heads are nodding With courtesy profound. Bidding -'co d night" to the sand-man Who goes upon hts round I TLATTBMY. {Tram the Saturday Beview.] No tb inc; u so delight fal as flattery. To hear and believe pleasan fiotione about ? ;esc;f ia ? tem pt ai ion too get1 neuve for ? wes ? mortals to resift. us the typical legends of ah myihoto i aries and the private histories ot most individ? uals snow; ia consequence of which, homo -truths, to one used to ideal portraiture, come like ui sushis of "bitter cup" to tho drain - - drinker. And flattery ia dram-drinkicg; and jet not quite without good uses to balance its undeniable evil, if only it be exaggeration, and not wholly falsehood; that ja, it it assumes aa a matter of course ?he of vir mes po? tential to the .character bat not always active, and praises tor what might be if the peraon ?Chose to live up to bie*beet. The fl tileries ot men to women, and (boee of . "women to men? are veiy different in kind and . flirt-U'i.-u. also flatter., women.for weat they -. aft-for their beauty, their grace, their sweet* ness, their charminguese in general, while a woman wui flatter a man fdr what ho does - _ lor bis h pocen m the bouse last night, of which ab? undej stands little; tor his book, ol vluoh .ti und\rsi 'uds 1*8?; or for his pleading, of wbic abe understands coining at ail. Not that thia aiamfUa muck on either; ride. The . roodt u -intellectual lutlo'woman in. the world r.;hae brams cruxnsh to look up. in your face - sweetly and breaths out something t bat sounds . Jake- vboaut if oir cbajming-ao clever* vaguely sketching the Qutliue ota hymn ot praise to which \au-own vinny supplies tba versicle?. For yon must have an exceptionally strong . head it toa can rat?'toe sketch of its real value, and see toryouri-erf how ntee^meanioglees it "'.ts. ' Ton mai b? the moat mystical poet,ot tue day. tm:skiing to your acutest rea???? grave _djjup^ua ?pyour.cwp.. power of comprehend it g ? ourself; or you may be the most subtle -mathematician, to follow whom .in 3oar labyrinth of reasoning requires perhaps the tf^ri^t^ tbsrrof brains to be net with; bot you Will. nevertheless believe any narrow-browed, ^*ma#-lie?Crxi woman wno tells you m. a low, < a weet voice, with a guntteiqplifanf of ber eyes, *nd a suggestive- curve of the lip that abe has tooud-y?? both intelligible and obarming^and that she quite sarre*! with y au, and shares a jour every sentiment. 'It she further tells you that all ber hie long abe bas th ought In exact? ly the setae way but waa wholly unable to ex - ?ees herself, and that von have now supplied her want and translated into words.her vag ne ideas, and if the says this with a reverential kind of effusiveness, yon are done for, so far as your critical Dower goes; and should some candid lriend. whom she baa not flattered, tell you wi h brutal frankness that your be witch i og mali flatterer has neither b.ains nor the edu - ?anion to undera ta od yon, you will set bim down as a slanderer, spiteful and malignant, and evil his candor envy, because be has not been so lanky aa yourself. There ia one kind of flattery which is com moo to both men arad women, and that, is the aajaiiisaeil BJSRiepce-of sex, rt as. when men . want to flatter women, they see bow inunttely they prefer their society to tb at of their own sex; and women will say the same to men.' Or if they do not say lt, they will ac', iL See a set of ?omen consxegated together without the Ughl of a manly countenance among them. They will talk to each other certainly; and one or two will ait away together and dicusa their pnvate affairs with animation; but the great mas* of them are only bait vitalizad while wtatii g the advent of the men to rouse thom into lite and the desire to please. No man who goes op first and es rh er than he was expected ' fit m the dinner' table, can fail to see the chango *Jwhk)u oca** over those, wearied, Ump. indif? ferent lookmg faces and flgoxes as soon as he enters the room. He is like fae prince whose : kiss wo?e np the aieepuu bearty and all har court ; a?d can any one say that thia is ?not flattery ot tho moat dignified kind? Tobe the PigmsJian even for a moment, and for the .rWealeot order of abai giving, is about the greatest pleasure that a man can know, ii he ii susceptible to the finer kinda of flattery. Some women, indeed, not only show tbeir preference for men, bat openly con fees it, and onnfeni at the same tune to a lotty contempt or abhoirence tar the society of wsmon. These Tro generally women who are or bave boen iee, or who have literary and intellectual Binons, or who despise babies and con boaaekeeping, ?ni profess themselves le to taU to other women because of tbeir narrowneas and stupidity. But for the most ?rt they are women who, by their beau'y or eh* position, have b*&o used to receive ex? tra aHen ta on bom men, and thus their prefer? ence is not fl it tery so much as exigeante. Wo? men who have been in India, or wherever else women are in the minority m society,aie af ?f 'dds kind;*and nothing ie more nm a* "m g to -, tfcutn when they .first ooma home than the at imiions whi h a certain style of Eog'rshwo man naya to moo, instead ot demanuing and receiving attentions from them. These are tboae sweet, bombie, caressing women who flatter you wi(h every word and look, but whose - flattery is nothing but a ptetty dress put on . for show, and taken off when the show in done with. The flattery met with in society is not often very barnful save to coarse or specialty simple nature?. Ton must be either one or tie other . -jp ba able to believe it, Lady Horgan was . pLll^ Ci? moe! un?.'?a'uinfi: and excessive ot 'the brit* of social flatterers: but that washer .ensa?e, tba ladder by which she tilda good . part of her climbing. W 0 must r * corjound . wwii this kind of flattery tho impulsivo cl' ' pte?s on of praise or love which certain ont' spoken people mon Ige m to tb . last. Yon may Has well try to dam up Niagara as to make some folks- reticent in any direction. And when one " oT this land sees anythiug that be cr she likes, ; tho praise has to come out with superlatives ? ? the creature ia prone to exaggeration. But this is not flattery; it is merely want of reti cenca, and a certain cbddlikeness which lasts with some to the end, bot whick very few un? derstand when they see it, and which snejects i possessor tb ' m:arepresenfauon and un? friendly jibes as soon as Ma or her back is turned, aid the explosion of exaggeiated praise is discussed critically by the uninler-1 es ted par kof th? audience. SEASIDE SKETCHES. Ifef^toLoTeTy fradles Look Isa the Salt Sort j of the Sad >es, Long Branch Letter to the Indianapolis Journal.] '_' A bou hair-pist tea o'cl.'Cfc the white fla? is "*. raised, which is that signal for bathing, when preparations for that rare sport|ar3 immediate? ly oommt need, and small parties statt tor the boothe of the beach: these booths are mere . hoard hoares, about four feet square, just large enough for a well-developed crinoline to get in. They resemble pig- pens more than dressiog xooma for ladit s and gentlemen, but they are all alike, and aus iver tho purpose. You will see a fathichably attired lady or gentleman enter one ->nf these narrow dena, and m a few moments emerge minus all the .. toggery " that coa iii ti? mes to make np the inviting exterior, clad io a fl mue' jacket aud pants, the latter coming only to the ankle, genera ly m their bara feet, with an old straw hat tied down m the most ludi? crous and uninviting manner to prevent the weir era from being Bruburned, the reflection of the sun on the water being qn te severe. Bathers when dressed for the batb, ali look alike; but those clad m such m sa gr? habili? ments tor the first tima are generally nervous and act very mac 1 as if they were ai h am ad of themselves, and glauco down at their panis especially if they are la die J, m a manner that is mc h'y am usine to all veteran salts. They Tenture in the water cautious y ano not unlike you g ducks, but, finally, alter boing buffated and t H -ed abjut bv the surf for a half hour or so, they invariably put on a told face and march out of the water as if they were "no novces." . Her -, is an excellent opportunity faifa single gentlemau matrimonially inclined to see what amount of frauds there are upon the mirket. The young lady who may appear to possess a handsome figure, and is always gotten up on The expansiv? principle, with a profnsiou of false bair, hoops, pads, and all the parapherna? lia known to female genius and penetration, may prove to be a mere akoleton when she is -sin ar angled and extricated from tbemysteri-j roua and . implicated concerns which surround ber. While upon tbe other band, if the lady ia inclined to embonpoint and ia laced up d?ily wiih a block and tackle io order to make ber waist appear small, or compress her propor? tions into an unreasonably small quantity of dry coods, the tact will reveal itself tho moment ?be is weir saturated with the surf. She can take no ie of her ?'make-np" into the water with her. The ocean is honest. While the bathing-dress will not adhere to tho skin lt will do so readily to any other substance, like a corset or-, I sh au't tell what else, for tho reason that I am not au fait in such matters. But tbe woman is before j ou, devoid of all de? formities and yoa can ferai an adequate idea of wbat you will be called upon to disburse your stamps for, should 3 on enter into a matrimonial alliance with ber. lt would be a great consolation to know these things in advance. The water is a great leveler ot distinction, lt treats all of its patrons precisely anke; tbe noh and tho poor, ths strong and the weak, are all swayed to and fro, knocked down ox thrown upon tho beach bk its resistless waves, as if they were mere Mocks of wood. Every one is in tbe best of humor, and i< any nu auk y novice in sea bath? ing should swallow a montbtu 1 of salt water j and ?top to couch, and the succeeding wave I take nun amidships, and send bim sprawling; I towards the shore, his mouth wide open, to re? ceive a fresh supply, the ero vd, aa well as tbe hundreds on the beach, will shout with de hgh . ? (Sjamrrnai. KXPOTX?. BAL-TIMOR?-Per brig then Maria-SOS tors Phos. . ph ?te Bock. Charleston Cotton and Klee .Harket OTKlCk Ot TUB CBARLtSTON PA1LV NEW?, I CHABLLTTOK, Monday Evening, August 9. i COTTON.-Tb ero vas hardly any inquiry, the I trineacttons being restricted to s loi. ot 8 bales of { middlicgi at 81 %e V ?. We quote nom ! nal 1 j : UVUtPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to wood ordinary.39 (?30% u>wn>;'U)liog.SI fa Mlddbag.31%@ By New York cUs.M?ca? n we quote : Middling.Si (a - Bios -Tue ma?ket tor th>s snide was firm with s good inquiry. Sales 110 tierces of clean Carolins, say 30 at 7%; '0 at 8o.M Bs. We quote common to lair clean Carolina st 7,408-; good 8%(?8%C ft lb. Markets by Tclrgrapn. I POBEJOS XABKETB. LONDON, August 9^-Nooa.-Consols 92%. Bonds | quiet at 83%. Sugar firm, both on the spot and sj Mt Evening.-Common rosin Cs SJ. Turpentine ld 9.1 to 27-. Consuls 9/%. Bonds 83%. LiTiKPo .L, inju't 9-Notn.-Cotton a shade firmer. Uplands, 12%. Oneans, 13 to 18%d. Salea 12,000 bales. Bed western wheat, 8i 9d. Fleur i4s 01 - Afternoon-Cotton unchanged. Ced western wheat. 10a. Corn, 29 -. Flour, 25s. Lard Arin" Pork 101s. Evening- Cotton quiet. Quotations unchanged, sales 12.000 bale-. 'Ral wester J wheat IOJ ld. Com? mon rosin 6s 3d. tUvas, August 9.-Cotton, boUi on the spot, and i. float. If 60.\ HAVANA. August 9.-Coffee active. Molasses nom? ina!. Turpentine 4.2%a43c. Basia $2 25a8 Freights active and armer. S DOXE8TIO MARKETS. Saw TOBE, August 9-Moon.-Stocks steady and firm. Moue ,Ci7c. Sterling, 9%. Gold. 35*. Cot? ton steady at 31*. Turpentine, 4Ja4-'%c firm .Strained, $2 80. Evening.-Government's closud ateady Cl's $125 Soatherns stronger Money easy at 5i7c Sterling weak at 8110. Gold heavy at 35%. It broke sud deuly after 9 o'clook. when lt was quoted at 86 4. Stocks arrive and generally flroj. cotton brm sud active. Sales 1800 bales. Middlings 31%c. Flour B.'ate ind Western mora kctive. Superfine ti choler White wheat, western, $6 to 7 30. Southern firmer. Common to fair extra $T to 7 60. Wheat tx'?ted So 1 spring fl 76 to 1 79. Amber State $1 75. Win? ter red Western fl IS to 173. Oom 1 to 2c ba ter, ind inactive Mixe 1 western fl 13 lo 117. Beef .toady. Pork quiet. Lard quiet Kettie 20 to 20%c * blakey fl IX Bios steady at 8%s9%c hagar ifeidy. Porto Btco lfffatfc. Muscovado ll%U3%c. Sales 800 boxes. BiT.TTMTiai. Augu?t 9 -Cotton doll st 83'?c. Flour dull. City Mills superfix f6 to 7 50. Wheat firm. Good rel fl S5sl 65. Com steady. White fl 08. Teltow fl 10. Oats60a61c. Bye fl 20. Pork 34a31%c. Bacon sctlve. shoulder? 15%c Whiskey ll 15*113. Old Vi-gi n?'s 48%. -Verth Carolina's, old, 55% Mew 51 bli. CINCINNATI, August 9.-Whiskey fl 07al 03-de? mand light Pork ?ul! and held at f 13 25aS3 60. Clear s des 19%?\ and but little out. Small hams 24c. Lard 19%c. LOUISVILLE, August 9.-Provisions quiet. Mest pork 834.. Shoulden 16c Clear nb sfdes 10>?c Clear sides 19%o. Sugar cured hams 2 a23>ic Whh-key fl 98. WILMINGTON, August 9.-Spirits turpentine 38%c Koslu fl 56 to 1 60. Crude tarpon-ice lover, $2 60 to 3 00. No tsr lo the ma-ket, Auouvra. August 9.-Nothing doing la cotton. Ss es 5 balea Receipts 7 balee. Middlings nomi? nally 31%c HAVANNAH, August A-Cotton receipts 87 bales. MOBILE, August 9.-Cotton market doll. Sales 18 bales. Low middling, 30c. Receipts 31 bales. Ex? perts 3 >2 bale?. NEW ORLEANS, August 9.- Cotton firm. Strict low Middlings, 31%c. t ales 361 ba'es Receipts 104. Gold, 34%. York sight, par to- % discount Sugar firm. Common, ll%c Prime, 14%c Molasses, re? boiled, C&aTlo_ Easton St Co. ?a Cotton lleport. for tbe Wseat Buding Aatgast 6,180S NEW YOKE, August 7.-THE MABEET.-In our last report the market clewed steady at 8>%c for mid? dling bolands, t-arurday, there was mure tone and more demand, bales 1127 bales at 8;s%o Mouday. there was a better Inquiry and pria * wera steaay. Sales 1098 bs'es at 33%c. Tues .ay, lhere was s moderate t>usiness doing and pri< es were a shade firmer. Salea ll.G bales st 83\c. Wediosday. there was so e demand for the lower grades tor ex? port, hut very IHUo dopag by ppuiuots, sa e* 1487 ?jales at 33!,c. 'thursday, tbs market ruled steady. Tbe priucpa) demand was tor future delivery. Sales on tbe spot >3J bala?. Testerday, there was a bet? ter dtaaatid tor spinning and export Low gi a es are in small sup, ly, and we have advanced quotations %o cn otdinarj. Sales 1C-40 bales at 33%c The st' ck of American cotton in Liverpool is down to ico. tr o bolea With 20.000 bales at tea; together 170,000 bales, adkinst 195,000 bales hut week, and 271 We bales on stn August 1808 With such a rapid diminution ba the atoek of thia kind, it waa expected that lhere would have been a greatet advance during tbe week than %d. espsclally ss the Havre market advanced iron 151% to 157 (rants per s wt. Finlay, clark A Co., of Bombay, report the ship ments tor July ss follows: To Grsat Britain 68,000 halos, against 60,054 hairs ia 1868, and to the Conti neut 8000 bales, against 7116 balsa. The totals to 1st Augutt now stand: 829.676 balsa to Great Britain, agilnai 902.891 bales m 1868, and ts the Continent 170 CU bales against 136,032 bales. TU- weather lor the past we-k has been favorable, except in portions of Georgia, where there has beea too.much rain. Fr m florida there ar,e reports of worms, and som o have made their appearance in Alabama. No damas? baa been done as yet, and from the number of o ruera to ECU cotton for Decena ber and January, :eoeived here frost planters, we should judge tbst they thought the prospect for the crop so far was very good. 'lhere have be- n received at the norie tlnoo Itt September 3.039,317 bales, or which exporters have taken 1,429 603, spinners 619,793 bal's; snd the stocks sre 9979 bales smaller than at that date. De? ficit in receipts as compared with last year 51,702 bales. Oefiji*. m shipments to Liverpool 247,186 bales. Upland A Mobile. New Florida. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary.- a27% - a37%- a38 - a28% Gocd Or? dinary.- a29% - a23%- a33 - iM* Low Mid? dling...- a32% - a32%- a33% - a33 Middling- a3.i% - 833%- a34 - aS4% Sales of the week 7717 batet, including 3018 to ?pinners, 810 to speculators, and 3359 to export? ers. Gross receipts at this pirt for the week 2371 bales. SiuceSat leptember 6iG,i96 .tales. 1869. 18(18. Stock in Liverpool. 277 008 ?80 630 A tl out from India. 587,000 635,000 afloat from America. 20.000 8.000 Ma. k in London. 43,360 35,019 Afloat tor Loaaon. 6t',000 135,000 Stock m Hs vi*. 65/.91 35,791 s float for Havre. 115.068 109.996 Stock in Bremen. 18,086 11,199 Afloat lor Bremen. 4,701 13.279 Stock lu United sutes port?. 36.615 69.486 Stock in the Ulterior towns. 1.425 0 005 Total.1,397,735 1,638.496 I efl ci ency in visible supply . 430,760 StocE of e?tton held by Manchester spinner* at the, now 130.000 bale-; same tim? 18-18, 105,009 bal*.; middling Orleans now 13il3%d, then9%d. Angosta .Harket. AUGUSTA, August 7 -COTTON-The cotton mar? ket bas undergone no cnauge* whatever ?inca oar hist ?er>?.rt; tie demand during the week has been exclusively to: home consumption and aol for s neem - IA ti ve parpo'os. and in roneeqaeoee of tbobUht stock on band and absence of buyers it ia almost im? possible to five qnotaHnn? Holder* am osVicf; 31 He for midd ling. The stock on band ascertained by count to be on! v 461 bales. Sa'es of the week 122 bales; recelptsl96 bales. FLO tra-ri ty milla iSalO. At retail Si per bbl higher. Country ?Sall according to quality. WntAr-Bo eiots bea ri' r, market shows more ac? tivity ; white $1 05a 1 75; red $1 4oal 60. OATS- Nominal at 80s90 Coax-Market weak, demand light and s'cck im? proving. We quote mixo 1 to chi re white $1 35*1 40 from depot. Som-) round lot? o?Wed HI lower ra ICM. Consignees per ?ratas 'ni on nu Railroad . Aagast 7 and b. I 44 bales CottOD, 57 bales Domestics, 830 sacks Corn. 42 casks Bacon, 330 sacks Flour, 881 Mel ms, 488 bbl? Naval Stores 2 cars .-tares 3 cars Wood, 2 ears Lumber. 2 cars Stock. To J IS hobson. Gold? smith & Son. Q W tenons. Bavenel A Holme?. J D Osterholts, H robla A Co. O Philips, Campsen A ' o Claghorn, Kerrins A Co, Pelzer, Rodgers A Co, F D C Kracke, B O'Neill. Stenhouse A Co, H BulwiciK 6 H Walter A Co, A B Halligan. Hopkins. McPher? son A Co, J Marshall, Bailroad Agent, and Kiismun A Howell Passengers. Per steamship Manhattan, from Mew York-T B Oaies, 0 Miller. J s Campbell, F Hemmelreich and wife. Mrs Jaue Murphy J Odell, wife and rbud. M Rolland. A Seidner. Miss R Seid uer. L selduer and wife, Misa H Regensburg. Miss F Seldue", Misa Kate Seidner, E 8 Douglass W Gr*<rg, J \ Whitman. M C Mattison, J W Post, J Hilderbrandt, W P Wright, 3 X Well?, and 2 oe deck. Mannt Sro?. Port, of Charleston. Ausust IO PO I*X CALKNDAR. rna ES or TUX MOON. Kew Moen, 7th, 4 boora. 46 miculr-a. evening. First Quarter. lath 7 boar. 19 minutes, morning. Kuli Moos. 21st ll hoars. 3 minnie*, even mc. Last Quarter. 30tb. 2 borur, 38 minnies, morning. 9Mcud*y....f ?..20 6..19 10 Tuesday....! 5. 21 C. .18 11 Wednesday. 5. .21 G. 47 13 >bursday...; 5. 22 C. 45 13.lria.iy. 6..23 0 4) 14 saturday... { 5..23 6 4a 15 Sunday.i 5. 24 , e. .43 8..23 9.. 2 9..40 10.21 10..69 ll..41 Morn. 9.. 6 e.JG 10..42 II.. 82 Motu. 12..28 1..25 Arrived Y csu-ron.*. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhall, Kew Tori-len Saturday, P M. Mae. To James Adner A Co, J ? Adgor k Co, CD abtrns k Co, JD ?.iicn k co, O V Aimar, J An her, W M Bird k co, B Bischoff k Co, F C Borner, Bollmann "ros. H Bulwlnklo k Co, T M Briitoll P Brady, C D Brabt> k co. Brown A Hyer, J Campscn A Co, . nmeron, Darkle: k Co, T M Cater, j A cook A Co, J Con oil ns chisolm Bros, McDuff j Cohen. H M Collins. U cobbi. A ix, W S cor wm k tut, F Douer, D any A Perry, Bowie A Moise, Doux lisa A Miller, B Feld mann k Co, D F Fleming A ?.o. J fl Fairly A Co, Forsyth, Me- omb k <.o, J Fergu? son. Fogartle's Book Store. T P ? orrert^n, H Gerdts <? Co, Goodrich. Wim man A co, P L Gmllemin, W Garner, ?ramann k r-cbwa< ke, H.ffkenscbir-l, W s Benerey. 13 Berta, Hart k Co. J Hurkamp A Co, N A Bunt, Holmes A..Calder, J K Heath F n Holmes, G H Boppoc?, J B Hillen. Jt Herds A Co, Jennings, rbomltiison A co. J Jars, H Kirnte. A co. Knnck. Wickenberg A Co J P K-fp, K riete A Chapman, l> Lopez A Sou, Knox. Daly A Co. Knobeloch k small, I a urey A Alexander, C Litscfagi, L Lorentz. E J Lew ttb, Lengnick A: > ell, A anser. W M o?alo, J G ?til ?or k Co, 3 H Marun, Kaller, Nimitz & Co. Murphy A LitUe, Mantona A Co, J U Murray, Mc Loy A Bice, Neufrllte A Hannam. JC OJeinuu. J F O'Neill A. son. J M Os-endo:ff k Co, B O'Neill. Palmetto Pio? neer Co-operative ssaociai?oo, D Paul a Oo, BaveDel A Co, J B Pringle, c Bing, W Beach A co. J Keila. J Roswell, N K Ballrosd Agent, H C Railroad agent, W Shepherd, toufcern Express Co. D Solterl, G W I steff u?, a- sempke A Co. L reboe U a Co. P Walsb, w ct Trott. J F Taylor a Co, Werner A Ducker J H U Wob 11 mann. J Wleter*. Wagencr A Mons. cs. F Z >gt>tum, Young A Co and others. Monday. 7.15 A M tbiiiy-?vo miles NE from-t ryin? Pan, exchanged signals with steamship Champion, for New York; ll A M. passed steamship America, irom Savannah for Baltlmoie. AT QUARANTINE. Sehr Electric Spark, from Reatan, Bon-25 dsys. Fruit To the Master. Bound to New York and put in for provisions. l lcared Yesterday. Bri? Ellen Maria, Smith, Baltimore- Risley A Creigh? ton. Kron? this Port. Brig Adelaide, Wilson, Pawtucket, B I, Angus' 5. Shtpnews by i c"-j{rapn. s w MST?AH, August 9<-Arrived, scar W B Mann from i osion. The british bark Beatie Yonog is reported ashore on st Catharine bar. LIST UP VKSStCLts OF. CLEARED AND SAILED FOR i Ul S P"Al r o B ?i o S Livzapoot. Tho Hannah Lizzie, Fenrueon, cleared.May 20 The Vir eo, Balliday, sailed.July l-l Brrtiab brig Courier, Evans, sailed.July i DOMESTIC ooLDsmao'. MK. Sehr V.'locity, Pin thara, sailed.June IC nAwaroax, xx. Brig H W McGflvery, btutts, cleared.July 1 ?OPT CM Brig CycK ne, Friable, np.August 3 nw TOBX. Sehr Geordie, Swan, up.July 31 Schi Lill;, Bashes, ap.august 4 Behr Minerva, Disso6way up.August 2 PHILADELPHIA Sehr Amanda Flanuavar. Col UPS, cleared.... Joly 30 BALTIMORE. Rohr Francisco, Crowther, up.July 23 Jtlisrfli?nfDQS. ?|_TJ LhF.Tl'S 8rk.HL, BK Lill COTTON GINS. THE SUBSCRIBER H NOW PBEPARED TO all orders tor these Justly celebrated GISS. Certifi? cate? lrom reliable planters in this state, who have bought and used them the past aseaos, is well as from tbe Fa-tors and Brokore, lolly confirm all that is cl at mei for them: and thc fact ia now well estab lishtd that the lacrease in the prie? of Cotton ginned on this Gin will, on every forty bales, fully pay for the cost of the Ula. ALSO, HALL'S PATENT COflON GIN FEEDER, A valuable Uachioe, savin s bola tim? and labor In the ginning of a crop. Can be attache Ito any Gin made. Send for Circulars. C. GRAVE LEY, No. 52 EAST BAY, SOUTH OF OLD POSTOFFICE. Angosta mwfamos Charl?eton, S. C. nun, TOMES, M EL VAIN & CO., No. 6 MAI DEX LAM", fi KW Y Oit K. D FOWLING PIECE8 OF ALL QUA LI HES, SUITA? BLE for the Southern trade. Both MUZZLE AND*| BREECH LOADltRS. AUO, IN STOCKA FOLL ASSORTMENT OF CUT LE? BT, PEBFUMXRY. BRUSHES, SOAPS, Ac. sota AOENT8 roa TUB GENUINE D flt INGER PISTOL. Joly 19 mw fl m o L A T ll T O W U IC AI S i B c y FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, The Boat In Use. They are made of "Santotune," and contais no Irjurious fTog. Read what one of the most distinguished physi? cians of Richmond, Ya., say* about the Lozenges : I have lone; used Santonlne, the active principle ol European Woim-Seed, as an effectual r -mpdy for Wonna in chil.iren. Mr. Wainer L. Fleming pre? pares a Lozenge composed of it which is a very pleasant and palatable f 'no in which to administer lt to children, and whk-h may be relied on a? prop? erly prepared. O. F. MANSON, M. D. For eale by DR. H. BABB, Wholesale Agent, Jane 91 No. 191 Meeting-street. TO CONTR ACTORS, Lt"MUK ll MUN AND SHIPBUILDERS. I AM NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE PROMPT? LY, upon (he shortest police, orders for SOUTHERN VfcXLOW PINE. POPLAR, HICKOHY. GUM and .'he- bard wood of any dimensions, delivered in the < lty of Charleston, clean and bright, equal to the best city aaw-d For further iufo mation, apply to Mr. E. N. Bb ODIE, Charle, ton. S. C. J. M HUMBERT. John's Island Steam 8aw M ul, August 1st, 1P09. August 2_mthlmo ZINC, ? EL LOW M ETA L SHEATHING ANO NAILS, CONSTANTLY ON BAND. FOR SALffi BY CB1SOLM BROTHER-'. August 7 awlmo Adgcr's Whirf, G . frags, Cunt?ais, ?c. J. I. TJ H tl , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY S. E. Corner of Kine ?nd John-Sts. SPECIAL AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TC PHYSICIANS' PRESCH.PTIONS. BEALES IN FOBEIGN AND ICMESnc DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, PUFFS ARD PUFF BOA'ES, TOILET SETS, ic. FATE VT JUEDICINES GEM INE BAY III M. LUHIS'S COLOGNE Ii UNSURPASSED BT ANT OTHER. A TRIAL WILL REPAY TOU. GERMAN COLOGNES. LUHN'6 FLAVORING EXTRACTS Have no equal for strength ard parity, and ought to be used byaU BODA Vf ATEB DEA LEES AND ICE CREAM MANU FAGTUBEBS. Mr. E. H JACKSON, Proprietor of the Charleston Hotel, says: 'T recommend your Extracts without hesitation to the public for Ice Creams, Jellies and Pastry." Mrs. H. M. BUXTEBEIELD, Proprietress ot thc Pa* villon Hotel, says: "1 hey are well worthy the atten? tion of those who deal in them or use them " These Extracts are put up in small vials, by the dozen, for the trade and family use, and io pint, quart and half gallon bottles for manufacturers. Congress and nigh Kock Spring Waters CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Any art'ele desired, not in Stock, will be procured to order. Goode delivered in lbs city FREE OF CBABGE. June 8 nao baths 3mo E V E ll AND AGUE, -EsET-saaa. FBOM WE ICU MANKIND SUPPER H M over a largs part of the globe, ls the H^F . consequence of a diseased action bi H~~^^/ tbo system, induced by the polfOn I ^?W leus nibbln ol vegetable d< cay 'Ibis ? .awl i J^^/ exhalation is evolved l y the action Af of solar heat on wet sott, and r'aes W with the watery vapor fi om lt. While the sun ts below the horizon this vapor lingers near the fartb-'rf surface, and the virus is taken with it througb the lungs in'o the blood, lhere it acta as an irritating poison on tbe internal viscera and excreting organs of the body. 1 he liver becomes torpid and falls to secrete not only Ulla vira*, but also tba bile from the blood. Both the virus snd the bile sccnmuiste in the chen* lonou, and produce vio eut constitutions! disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomach sympa th lae with the liver, and become diaordered also. Finally, the instinct of ?ur organism, as it m an at? tempt to expel th? noxious infusion, concentrates tho ?bole blood of tbe body in tbe internal excreto? ries to force them to east it out The blood leaves tbs surface, and rushes io the central organs with congestive violence. i bi? is tbs ChilL But in this effort lt tails, i ben the Fever follows, in which the blood leaves the central organs and rushes to the surface, as it ia another effort to expel the irritating poison througb that other groat excretory-the skin. In this also it flits, and tits system sbscdnos the attempt exhausted, and w. its tor ibe recovery of strength to repeat Ute hopeless effort another day. These are Ibe fifa of paroxysms ol Fever and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course under mine the health If lt is not removed. We have lsoored to bud, and have found an anti? dote, A Y EU'S AGUE CIUK. Which neutralises this malarious poison in the blood, snd stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it sbould, so it does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather does what is of more service to those tub jet to this infection. If taken lu season it expels it from the system as it is absoroed. and thus keeps tbose who use it tree irons its attacks; keeps the sys h m in health although expo- cd to the disease. Con? sequently it not only cutes, but protects from, Ibe great variety of affections ssbich are induced by this malignant Inituence, snob as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Mast ed Ague, Peri?dica] Headache, or bilious Headache. Bilious Fevers, neuralgia, Rheumatism Gout, Bliudue-s. Toothache. Tarache, Catarrh. Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections of the -pleen. Hysterics, Colle, Paralysis, and Painful Affect ons rf the Stomach and ROWSIB, all of which, when srising from this cause, will be found to as? sume, more or less, tbe intermittent type. This "AGUE CUBE," removes the cause of these derange? ments and cures the disesse. 1 his lt scriniplishes by stimulating tho excreto I rles to expel fhe vims from the system; and these organs by dea recs become habited to do tbis, their effie?, of their own accord. Hence arisen what w* term acelimaiation. Time may accomplish the same end, but often Me is not long anongb, or ls sacrificed in the attempt, while this '-Ague Cure" does it at oace, and with safety We bave gteat reason to be? lieve this is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are caused t>y the mi asmatio 1nteca?n, than ?ny other which has been discovered; and it has still another Important ad? vantage to tbe public, which ls, that it is cheap as well as good. PREPARED BI Dr. J, C. AY RR ??co., Lowell, ai ats Prartiral and Analytical Chemists. Pftoe One Dollar per bottle. Bold at Wholf sale, by DOWIK A MOI'E. Charleston, South Carellen, And by Retail Druggists everywhere. June 36 cac stntbSmos 1 fTI H K BISHOP PILL! THE BISHOP PILL I TUB BISHOP PILLI A Purely Vegetable Pill (Sugar-coated.) "COSTARV BISHOP PILI, .Ts of extriordlniry efficacy for Costiveness, Indi, gestion, Dyspepsia, Headache. Nervous Debility, Liver complaint." "Thebest PILL in the world." Medical Journal, Srptember 8. TRY T H ? Ml T R Y T H 13 MI 43" AU Druggists In CHARLESTON sell tbeui. "COSTAR'S" STANDARD PREPARATION ABS "Costar v ic at. Koa eli. Sic. Kiter mi's. " V Bed Una Exterminators. "Coatar'a" (only pure) I naect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." '18 year- esUbllehed in New Tork." "2000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." '*! 11 Beware 111 of spurious imitations." "All Druggists in CHARLESTON sell them." Tor $], $?, ss and $6 sises, Address "COSTA II'* con PA AY, So. 13 Howard-street, Kew 1 catt. ?old rn CH ABLESTON, 8. C., by coolillie II, wi.N EUAN ?V CO. Marob aa rac _lyr J^OSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Oraitcliii Everywhere. July 3? Iii K grigs. Cjm'ftk? Ofr O S K O O I ' CUBES SCROFULA, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, RHEUM MISM, NEURALGIA, BIDNtY AFFECTIONS, ERUPTIONS OF THE ?-KIN, AND ALL Obstinate or lone standing diseases of the BLOOD, LIVER, URINARY ORGAN*. NERVOUS SYSTEM, kc. lt purifies and enriches the Blood, eradicates all Syphilitic or j'cro'.uloua Taints. Heilerts Ihe Lifer and Sidneys to stealthy action, uidr digestion, reg ni?tes the bowels, and invigorates thc Nervous Sys? tem. SGT NOT A SECRET QUACK MEDICINE."?? FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. Recommended by tho beat Ph<sic;an?, eminent Divines. Ed i ici s, Druggists, M crehan t?, Ac. ?ST THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR MEDI CINE IN CSE. r-BEPABBD ONLY BT J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., (An experienced and well-known Physician and Chemist,) Laboratory and Office. No. C Main-street, NORFOLK, TA. Price One DoVar per bottle. For sal? by GOODRICH, WINEMAN * CO , DOWIE A MOISE, Charleston, 6. C. And Druggists everywhere. July 20 nao l yr J^AHBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Letter fron Hon. Ate. H. St phtis, nf Georgia. C'BAWTOBDSYILLE, Ga September V0. iflf 8 Darby'? Prophylactic Fluid ison article of little coat, but ki-eat value. Its domestic as well us medi? cinal t<ses are numeren?, white tis sixeiaMes ar? most wonderful I bave not beon without it lor ten }ears, ond no h cid of a family who can ?fiord to bare lt should be without it. ALEX. H. STEPHENS. THE WON DE HFUL FAMILY ilMil. CIN K. Letter from (he Surgeon-G'nrral of Un late Confeder? ate Stales. RICHMOND. Va., Jnnuarv 14, 1869. JOTTN DA?IB Y A co., No. 16'j Willum-strecr, New i York: Gent Um n-I have received your latter of the l'th of December, I860, calline my attention to your (Darby's Prophylactic) Fluid. I moat sheen ully state that the Fluid wa? lurnisn cd to, and extensively u-cd by, the surgeons In charge of general hospitals in the Confederate ser? vice with treat benefit lo the patients-all Ibe sur geoi s making a favorable report- a great deal of it was used in the hospitals. Very re?pectfully, your obedient servant, SAM'L PK Eil ON MuORE, M. D, THE ASTONISHING DISINFECTANT. EMORY COIXZOE, GxTOTtD. Ga., December 2*. 1868. Prof. DABBY. Dear Slr-Having not been en? gaged for many years In tho active duties of the Medical profession. I om oaly BUpcrflcfsllv acquaint? ed with the cla'ms ef your Propbylacne Fluid but am well acquainted with its chemical elements While, therefore, I cannot speak experimentally of tbe value of the compound vet the disinfecting and therapeutic j-ropcrtits ol the agents employed ba ita composition, together with tho well known reputa? tion s>t Ita discoverer, as a cbemist, authorize me to regard it? merit* as of s blab order; on the whole lt must be considered as a valuable coutricntion to the class of articles to which lt belcnge. These views, I may add, are sustained by the testi? mony ol many e mpeteut judges, who Lave tested its piopertiee. Relieve me, dear sir. Yours, reape.-tfullv, A. MKANS, a.D., LL. D. CL'H IC S BURNS. WOUNDS, STINGS. A e. ALABAMA I58ANK HOSPITAL, 1 TUSCALOOSA. December 22.1868. J Messrs. Jons DARBY k Co., No. 160 William-street, New York: Gentlemen-I received your circulars of the 1< th instant, asking an expression of opinion from me as to the merits of your Propbylaotls Fin d. 'J he pre? paration has been so g nerally used by the p:ces? sion and public at law. and to universally estrem? ed, (bat it seems to me to need no further rr com? mendation. As a disinfectant and reme liai agent too. when in? dicate d, lt ls not excelli d t>\ any similar prepon lion. Wenseperrncanganlc preparation)) very extensively in this ht epital, and cou d cot do without them. I consider yours tue best and most elegant prepara? tion of the kind manufactured. Beapectluliy yours, Ac, P BRICE. M. D., Enp't and Physician Alabama Insane Bospltal. DO WIK afc MOISE. WHOLESALE DKUGGIS18, May 25 tntbs3moa i gents l'or bomb carMlna. j I ROSADALIS. ? r <o? ? 5" ROSAD ALIS. S Sold by GOODRICH, WINEMAN cte CO.. Direct Importers of European Drags and Chemicals, May8 stuthlyr CHARLESTON. S. C. URE P O PI THE ONLT CERTAIN RAT DESTROYER WITHOUT Disagreeable Results. ADOLPH ISA?CSEN'S PHOSPHORIC PAST?, HERMETICALLY sealed and wArraufrd to keep fresh for all time the greatest dis.'overy of its kind In the ape wc live in. No person need bo trouped with RATS, MICE, BED BUGd or ROACHE?, fir Sir. Isaacs cn'? de?frtn-tive reaedv ls within the rtiieh i f all. Pn-pared caly by himself, trom rare and valuable compounds, its cheapness is as wonderful as tts cfllca'-y. HunJfds of testliuo ula:? have been received ?rom all parts of the United Statt*. lbc great advantage tu:* SURE POP ?osne9sos over ull limflar preparation' is tho FACT thai lt ls Certain ira its IC flea**, and iree from the unp>a>antress ot rasa dying tn their hov-, a- it causes thom lo leave tbs |:r*mises lo Etti air, and con uni j.- ihcm so ankkely a? to leave Nw Dis i ure ?ble CUlor. Numhtrs ol refei enees eau he made to Persona In tn ia Cat?-, who have successfully u*ed it SOLE AGENTS FOB SOUTH CAROLBU, DOWIE & MOISE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner Meeting and Has ei-stml*, April 23 m wi 6 mo Obsr?erVon, S. C. JP R B S II D ll D O I' JUST RECEIVED, ORIN AULT & i'll.'S PREPARATIONS IODIZED SYRUP OF UORSE KADISH VEGETABLE CAPSULES OP MATICO SYRUP OP HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIM ht GUARANA POWDERS. All fresh from Pari", and for sale by Dr. H. BAER, May 8 No. 181 MElTiNG-?TREST. gr?|5, CbfoifaU, (Etc. Q P . PANK!? Il?, . Apothecary and Chemist. No. 123 Meeting-street CHARLESTON. S. C. rjAUE ADVEBTD3BB BEGi TO CALL ATTEN? TION to hie stock or the bet Imported and Domes? tic CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. DEATH TO FLIES. LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LianrMN? FLY PAPER FLY PAPER FM PAPER FLY PAPER. SUBE AND SPEEDY DESIK?CTION TO TB to TROUBLESOME VISIIOB. KOU SALK BY THE SHEET, QUIRE OR REAM, T3~5T THE ADVERTISER. MANUFACTURE? OF PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Wbicb bare established for tbemselTts a r?putation surpassed hy none. Through rot .slant effort and attention be boi^s to merit a continuance of (be public patronage whieb bas hitherto been extended to brm. February IC tutbsljr J^K. O. S. PB'JPHITT'S FAMILY MEDICINES CONSISTI.NO OF IOS CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BLLIOUS PILLS, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonie AND PURIFYING PILLS. TBE FICELLENT BE M EDT ES OF O. S. PbOPUTTT, M. D., need so recommendation tbeir well known power in removing tbs durases psi. ciliar to our Sou'cern climate having already estab? lished for them sn enviable reputation m Qoorxta and thc adjoining t>totes. Aa the majority ot persons jiving in the fonth arc p rodi ?po- ed tc ?h?ease of the Liver, it ia granted by all intelligent physicians that most of the pains and aches o> onr people are dan to orginic or innctional derangement of that impor? tant orgin. Prophitt'a Liver Medicine and Anti billons Pills strike directly at thc root of the evil. ThJv cure the Liver, which in nine eases ont of en, i* at Hie bottom of the roughs. Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Headaehe, Rheumatism. conotlpatioo. Mon? strua! Obstructions, Ax., so common among our people. Earache, Toothache, Aruut Rheumatism, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind nYe before PltUPlllTT'.M Pilli? KILL IT like chaff before the wind. P KOPHI! IVS Ll V K lt AIEU1CINK. Dr. FrapUU-Baving u*cd this mcdieiuo suffi? ciently lom; to tert its virtue, 1 nd to satisly my own mind ihatit is an Invaluable remedy tor Dvspepsia -a di?ase from wbicb the writer bas suffered much for six years-and being persuaded that hnndren. wno now suffer from this au roy Lng complaint would be,signally benefltted, as he has been, by its use, ?e deem it a duty we owe to (bis unfortunate class to recommend to them tb? use of this remedy, which has given not only himself but several members ot his family thogreaest rcdef. M. W. ARNOLD, Cf the Georgia Conference. DOOLY COUNTY, GA . April, 1867. Thia is to certify (but t was confined to ibe house, and most ot the Ure to my bed, and suffering the greatest agony Imaginable with Rbenmstiem, for five mouthe, and alter trying every available reme? dy, wi'li no relief, I wa-* cured wiib two bottles of Dr. o. & Propbltt's Anodyne Pam Kill li, each rout? ing thy cents only; it relieved me almost instantly. I therefore recommend ir in the bigbcst degree to others ?uffering from similar disc e.. I can say that it u one 01 thc best family medicine s now ont, certain. Tours tully. W. A. FOREHAND. COVINQTOX, GA., July 9,1R67. Dr. ProphiL- Having used your Liver Medicine for more than a year iu my family, I cheerfully re? commend lt to all persons tufiering fron: Liver af? fections, ?yspepsia or Indigestion in any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial as tbe best remedy tor that disease. O. T. 11UGEB9, STANioitrviLLE, PUTNAM COUNTY, 'let. t. 1RC7. Dr. 0. ff. PropMitt-Dear Sir-1 bin is 10 certify that I have used your Ague Pills for ibe last len yo-rs. and 1 bave never failed 10 cure the Ague in u single ins.anea willi them. They always break the chills the iL-st duy that ila? y arc elven. I can recom? mend them as bel 11 it the -?es? aime mediciue that 1 have . s.T lound, and they leave no bad effects follow in'} Miem, tu Quinine. Atc. Yours rennet-.luiiy. A. WESTBROOK TCTNAM l Oi.-XTY. GA. September 22, lfC8. Dr. 0. a. ProphiU-.-tr-1 brve used fd- the lam two y OM ?n my nuuiry yaw Liver Meda inc, your Fain Kill It, and yon . F< ?n ile Torie, and 1 have no fcais In saying that they are tfic best medicines I have ever used for the Liver nm ? NeurVg c and Rheumatic nffliciions. Headache, Colie, and pain? of every hind ore subdued bj them. A Uer using tbe medicine* solong, T cheerfully recommei.d them to any ai.d evi-ry one, and 10 all that are affiieied, as the best and safeat remedies tor ali thc diseases for which they are recommended, Ac. Tours respectlully, JAME? WRIGHT. Ult. PBOPHITT'8 FBMAJJJB TSI1IIC. This .Vedicinc. with its associate., ls a sale and certain remedy for all curable diseases to wbicb Fe? males alon? are Hubie, ft is also aa excellent pre? ventative of Nervous BHeonees, or Nervous Dlt. eases in eitber male or len ale It ls a powerful Ner? vine Tonic, setting up a full and lree cir. ularsoo throughout the system. All of the atiovc Medicines sold by l>rupcisls and Merchants peneratly ihrongbout the Southwest, ED. S. BURNHAM, Wholesale and Retail Agent, Ko. 421 King-street, (near Calhoun,) Charleston, S. C. Prepared only by Dn. 0. S. PR0PH1TT. April IC ctutb6moa Covington, Ga, flags, <?b?vui?oLs, (Etc. B KR O'S V* IV IS KS AL RDS 8 I Jil? HEALING SALVE. THIS VALUABLE BEMEDY HA* EFFECTED innumerable cures, sod bis gi i ned for its li s great, reputation. 1 be discoverer of tbis Salve bss applied ?with eminent success in thornside of eases dar? ing the Ciimean War. and bas cured daagerous w-nnde, io manv cas<e considered mortal. MU. E. BEBO ls the so o possessor of th* valuable secret of maines this rat ve; from is experience ia using it in Europe and tho success attend lng its ap? plication there, he has bceu Induced to introduce rt into tue United Mates. IT liELIcVKs PaIR ! lho-e ?bo have Won. d?, Bruises Cuts of sit si-ds, 01 Sorot, Kelons. Scratches Musquito Mites, Fros' Bitten Joints, .-ore Li s. t'hilblai a Children's scorbutic complaints on Bead and Fae, are speedily cured. It bas proved -f great advantage to ladies, and is peculiarly adapted for fathered breast*, fore? legs, Ac. through confinement, and other causes It acts Uko magic In removing Boils Pimples, and Cutaneous Diseases, and bax bean smocenafuDy u?ed for i'oms Bunions and Sore Throat, by apply, lug external y every event tt before going to bed. For sale by ?U druggists. Price 25c. 60a, and tl per Jsr. Office, N >. 200 B .wry, N. T. None genuine unless countersigned t'. BERG'S DM VE aa AL BTJs MAN ttALiNG SALVE, No 260 Bowery, New York. For sale bj JOH N F. HENRY, No. 8 Collage Place, New York._stntb ly_Joly a ? 1 8 O N > ? a.* TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted lo Remove all Desire for Tobicco. It ls Purely Vegetable and contains nothing I nj url o a*. - rT. The followlntr is one of thousands of testlmonlils ? that are daily received by tbs Manufacturer: BK9UI wa VA., November28.1868. DEAB ME-The "'tobacco Antidote" prepared by you accoMimr to the iceei;.t jou have submitted to - mr, snrt the ingredients ot wbfrb f have extsofned, 1? pure y vegete* c. entire 'j ba. mles*, and contains I notbinu in the least tnjurltius. If is not disagreeable . to the taste, ?nd aa a home article, I Hope you will meet with ready ssl? tor lt, sad I bellet? that if tbe . irectiona oro followed, ft will do a l ><u elaJaied for - it. JOHN DOVE, M. D. Kg" Price 130 cents per BOT. The usual discount to the Trade. 49* For sale by Dr. H. BAER, WBOL' SALE AGENT FOB SOUlH CAROLINA. Jon? 7 K. MI.CHATJ'S GOLDEN' BEMEDIES. A>K FCR NOOTBrB, TABB NO OTB IB, AMD* you will savK Ibas beal ta s d money. in to REWARD for any care of disease in say statte whlrh they fill to cure. Dr. bK JJ-.r/.s tiOIDLN BAL-A ll No. 1 cures Ulcers. Die-rated 8ore 'ihroat sod Monta, bore - lye*. Cuttuooui or Ukin Km pt lon - , rooper Otored biotcbes, -orene?i-of the rcalp. rorofuia, fcc; is tbs Kwiest Benovator, Abet alive and Blood Purifier - own, removes al diseases from the ?ytism, and leaves tbe blood pure and bea) th v. . Dr. M iiu-> GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 cares Mercurial Affection*, Rbeumalism in di ft- forms, whether ti om mercury cr other causes; gj ves im me? diate relief in sil .ases. No dieting necessary. I have t bousand? of CertiAcates uronng tbe miraco kna? cn res effected by these Lem? dies. Price sf either No. 1 cr Mo. 2, %5 per bot ti ., or ?wo bottles for ?e. Dr BICHAD'? GOLDEN ANTI DOT LU a -afc. spee? dy, p'easant and reit cal rare P>r all UruarrDs rsgeznents,accompsn'ed with full cirecoons. Price - 93 per bottle. . . Dr. BICHAD'* GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR, a ladlca) sure for Nervous or General Debility, ba JU or joung; imparting emrgv with wonde ful effect. Price $6 rer bottle, or two bottles for $9. On receipt ol price there BemeshVs will be shipped ? to say plaos. Prompt attenboa paid to ali corras dents. None sen nine wi'boat th? name of "Dr. RICHAU'.H GOLDEN RI M EDIES. D. U. RICHARDS, role Proprietor," blown io glass of to. lea. Address D. B. RICBAltDS. Mo. 228 Varlck-street, Kew York ' Office Hours from ? A. M. to . P. M. Circa are sent._ly . jMj 8 j?aX CARKFUls WHAT MEDICINES YOU TA KK . WHEN TOD A B K EX B ? C s TI" D BY OVE ll WORE of brad or band, and feel tbe need ol something In? vigorating, don't drink whiskey or any intoxica bag thing, wheiber ander the name of Bitters or other? wise, such articles give just a? mc cb strength to - your weary bod*, and mind as tbe whip gi vee to the Jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stimulants are injurious to Nerve heallb. and arc ALWAYS followed by DEPRESSING REA CI ION. Dudd's Norville and Iim'gorator is a TONIC and GENTLE 8TIMTLANT which Is KUI attended by REACTION, wi.ot it gains for you it maintains. When it rt freshes body or mind, lt refreshes with natural st rer gin that comes (o stay. We are not recommending teetotalism io the in tet es t of any foct<nn; but long sud ex'esded observation teaches us that be who resors to the bottlo for rest or recuperation, will find, ss be keens at it, that he is kindling a Sro in bis- bones which will consume like thc fl imes ot perdition. Turn from it. Take a tonio that will refresb snd not destroy. TJODD'8 NERVI NK ls forsake by all Brngvifct*. Prise One Dr Uar. See Book of certificates that accompanies cash betti Tmos June96 MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. / MARVIN'S f "SB SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFE S Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, "** J EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Piesse send for a catalogue to MARVIN & Ob., (oldest safe manufacturers) __, , , (265 Broadway, New York. Principal J m ciie6tnat st., Phil*. Warehouses |108Bank St., Cleverest!,O And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United State* FOB SALE BY WM. M. BIRD & CIV No. Q03 EAST BAY, . HAUL K STUN. Sesember 29 ly*