University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS, ai ORD AN, DAWSON & CO., PROPRIETORS* OFFICE No. 149 EASl SAT. Txuas-Dan. x NEWS, one 00 Daru NEWS, six months ....,.3 00 Dan.* S'zwi, taree months.a 00 TBI-WEEBXT NEWS, one year.3 CO TXI-VVXEELT Nawa, six months. 3 00 PAT KI Nu invariably in sd ria ce. No naper sent voles* u> cash accompanies the order, or for a long? er ame than paid tar. - ! Tn i>**xi?butws will be sarre ri to subscribers in the etty at IS cents a weak. 'l AOTXXTiSBVCirrs -First insertion, 19 cents a Une; tubsaqaeot (merrions, 10 cents a une. Business Notice* to cents a line. asarrtaire and Funeral No 1 oas. One U'lllar each. MEWS B VMM AMY. ?* - -GoIJ clewed in New York yesterday heavy -At K|. -Cotton closed firm and active; silos 1800 bales; m idonng 33^. A u.ia Liverpool yesterday cotton closed qaiet, with quotations one hanged. ' -A. handsome West Pointer has captured the rich Jerome's daughter. -General John C. Breckiaridge bas deter -rainedTO settle permanently iii Lexington, /Kentucky, and resume tbe practico ol btw.. -Ia a few days theio is to be a tournament by the negroes of Tennessee, in which a novel Jsjad. p-Coliar lea turo Will be a butting match. . .-Yoong Chine sa fops in New York have abandoned queues and silk trodes, and attire themselves in dress'ooata, stunning neck-ties ?nd patent'leathers. _ -. -It is said there are over for iy women at oue hotel m Saratoga whose avoirdupois is ?a ailina ted at two. hundred and fifty pounds .Bach, and there are several who exceed throe hnndred pounds. .,. - ^ -As the first step toward the removal of tho Washington Capital to the Mississippi Valley, 'Ho Weet'will, at the next session of Congress, protest against any further appropriations for jorernment buddings .'n Washington. '-The American Dental Association, held at Saratoga, has aeciaj^d lo no]d its next meeting at Nasbrilio, Tennessee, - The electron of offi oers took place on Thuradgy, and Horner Judo, ni St. Lo ma, was ohosen pr esi d' en t. -The North OerJran corr espondeo t of the 17 th ultimo says that in the' Uni ?er?t y of Sar - Un. at the pres ant moment, "there arc no less i -than sixty American students, mostly eons of j rich planters from the Soo them States of the inion.*' '"' r " . -An order has been introduced in the Com? mon, Council, at Washington, D.C., "to pro -Ik?bt? tb? raieiugoi mosquitoes" in-that city, a f*nalty of from- ti to 15 on a who ahaJl allow*any bucket, rub .er other receptacle obtaining w?ter in their j yards without havinatba earn o securely'cor j*stHftbjB prevent mosquitoes from propagating. ' -Chicago bas a. million dollar will case on trial Mrs. Julia' No wherry, widow, of Walter L. Newberry, who died DeOamber 8,1868. has j ost filad, in one of the Courts, a bill to break ibo will of ber late husband, on the groand of injustice to herself aid deprivation of her rights of J-jit? The estate is mw valaed*at from ti fxKjtWt? $3 000.000, and by the law of | -dower the widow is entitled to one-third, in? stead of the allowance made in the will of $10, 000 anc nally and the homestead. The case inns becomes one of great magnitude, and its iT*esultwill be looked for-with interest. . -The ronnel under the Straits of Dover, which bas been so long discussed, appears to be given op. lt is stated that the engineers of Fran M and of Eaglaod have jost now pro-, nounced definitely against the scheme. They. ^ail agree, indeed, that the tunnel is quite fcias THff bot then "they add'that the cost of it would be ?10,000,000; which puts it quite oat OT the ;; question, unless, the Governments of France undo? England Should, in the interest of international amity, think' it right te pro-. coed with the works regardless of expense. To - j?y, such a tunnel would require twenty thous- < stt? passengers a day at five shillings tpiece, ^crbody looks forward to such a large traffic feen,the two countries. Aj'rfcf York letter "says : The two. China 7Trrrtt Mr. Chung Sue and Sing ' Aloa, who ac -companied the committee as far as Chicago, - SRll be in Net Yo/k in the course of a day or two. They reutfMfeni, two of the SIX houses in ' -San Francraco who have control of Chinese faroigrwtnxn; and are oom i og here with a view to -the introduction of their countrymen to the -Gerties of the Atla otic 3tates. It is needless to I 4ffi$f|b&|^Pi&t the great body of por work .?De* People contemplate tho adven.t-ef-these flfb5angsjrs with any thing, bu. a friendly eye. -At Lhesame tune they are prepared to give the -/iw/Q ChinsmjQ ahoys all ade J to a fair hearing. As sooo as they arrive-the Cooper institute will -be placed at their disposal, if they wish to ad? dress tho citizens. .: -T^r e Kaw, York Tribuno says: "The art of nose-pulling was nicely exhibited on a railway train put of Boston risat week. Mr. Cartis, bunker ?nd lawyer^ was vastly annoyed by Mr,' burchill, wbq was going io see his family in the country, and wbq .seated; himself beside ; Jir. Curtis, with a large carpet-bag and a small .toy wagon. . Mr. Curtis expressed his wrath at -<hia baggage. Mr. Churchill said, 'Yon are no gentleman;' whereupon, said Ur. Curtis in his testimony, ?I took hold of bia nose and turned _ it ID a mod?r?t; and quiet manner.' It should havo been a satisfaction to Mr. Churchill to bave had bia nose not disgraoefu:iy pulled but moderately and quietly turned; but it wasn't; fox hs called Mr. Curtis a scoundrel, whereup? - -oa. 'Mr. Curtis on far ely destroyed Mr. Church . flVa spectacles by a well delivered blow aimed st the nose cf tho unhappy proprietor. His '-turn has come now, for tho moderate aoso wrmger and annihilator of spectacles has beon sentenced to jail for two months, besides re? ceiving a particular and personal wigging from the judge. Such are thc hardships which await -the 'qiiet' Eo^e-turnei." : -The Chemical News foi August hos the following: 'Tone children were burned to death at Corydon, Indiana, on the night of | July SJ; the fire w atlribn'ed to tho explosion of a lamp while the children were* all asocp. . July 13th. Nora Woolf,, of New York, aged 14, -K?s fatally burned by an explosion of kerosene . ?sed for kindling ? fire. July 14"), John t -Stein, of Yonkers, wes aho:ktngly burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Joly 13th, .it kerosene lamp exploded at No. 71 ? a ya ra? stree t, New York. M rs. Ami Fdstlouel was burned to death in Baltimore by the oxplo3ioa of a can o? kerosene oil. Mr. Wellington, of .Boston, w?s.fjar?rtlly burnod by tho explosion -of* Jamp containing 'lucine til.'. Tuc lamp was sbattsred inte moro than .ono hundred . pieces. 'Looms od-i? a dight end dangerous naphtha, one of-tbe most explosive products cof petiffi?v/?l0 The East ffitmpton Babier 'Tttr?td Works uni tS?o Yalloy Pump Company's ^forint w?H?^txbyba WW,' July 12, caused by sn.explo/BOo of. rj^phtha^io^s $110.005. '"We ebail continuo1 to rleooiq these sbockingjcasual tiCAc;ose<lby dangerous kerosene till by pas? taje bf saiiaWe laws W3 are satisfled tint tho putMic hua been proper iy educated on the aub? joet." -The Loudon Times apeala of the fioalset tlemest of tba Irian Church question as Iou loire: "lue settlement of a moat difficult and lone controverted question may be made tbe occasion of a word of common sense, which shall also bo a word of peaoo. Nothing has been more common dorine the recent discus? sions than co accuse tbe Lords, and more es? pecially th? bishops, of having spoken with the single aim oi getting more money, tor their friends. The Primate's speech ladt night will provoke many repetitions of this charge. It was, indeed, verv fairly open to them. It must cot be forgotton, however, that the bill is a disendowing bill; it grants absolute libertv of organization, but takes away property hitherto devoted to the use of particular per SODS. Wim form could opposition taite toa measure like this excspt tint of attempting to mitigate ils severity? Hod the friends of the li iah Church at once resigoed everything that was required of them, t ne ir submission would bave boen a confeaaion that they never ought to bare bad possession of their endowments; and, although we hold this opinion, we cannot expect them to acknowledge and act apon it. Do not let us persist in repeating thia c> arge . Roman Catholic or Anglican, Baptist or Pres? byterian, ecclesiastic or layman, no man give3 what he believes tobo his own without a mur? mur, and to call bim covetous because he at? tempts to save as mach as he can from those he deems bis despoilers is to convict curatives of narro inca J which would be incredible if it had n >t ot late become almost miversal." "CHARLESTON. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST IQ. 1869. Th* South Carolina Hailroad Company. Letters hare been received by the Pres? ident of the South Carolina Railroad Com. pany from the Hon. C M Fuman fully oonftrming the cable telegram published in this paper two weeks ago. The negotiation for the exohange of the past due sterling bonds, .guaranteed by the State, for new first mortgage bonds of the company has been successfully completed, and the stock? holders need apprehend ao further embar? rassment in oenneo ion with the overdue debt. Oar Slate grows daily more prosperous and strong, ont people see the bend in the long lane of adversity, and we kn o v no rea? son, why the South Carolina Railroad should not speedily become as profitable to its own stockholders as it has always been ta the eosamonwealth of South Carolina. If grow? ing trade, administrativa ability and eco? nomical management can command public favor and thumping dividends, tire South Carolina Railroad Company will soon be one of the most flourishing corporations in the South. i AB Important li mil road Project. - It would bs a pleasant'thing Bur ely to run through from Waahington to Charleston ia twenty-one hours, not by the Californian air ship, or by a break neok Lightning Train, bnt by oars running at ? moderate speed via Alexandria, Lynchburg, Greens? boro' and Cheraw, so avoiding the twists and turns in the present route via Wil? mington, Weldon and Riohmond. This result, so much to be desired, can, it seems, be accomplished by the oonstruotion of the North Carolina Central Railroad from Cheraw to Greensboro', and by the com? pletion of the direct railroad from Danville to Lynchburg. The North Carolina Central .Railroad Company is already organised, Public meetings have been held in different planes t?test the feeling of the people, and every? where the project has been favorably re? ceived. Nor ia this surprising. The dis tanootoWbuilt from Cheraw to Greens? boro' is only one hundred miles, with easy grades ? and but little excavation neces? sary. At present ?the -lands -along the toute are of little value, but if the road bo built they will at oboe command a good pries in tba markst This the people -know, and the landholders have already agreed to subscribe 200,000 sores of land at the present ooah value for stock in the road. At the low prioe of $2 60. an 'acre this gives the North Carolina Central Railroad Company a working money basis to begin with of $500,000. There is no question that the line will benefit every rood of land through whioh it runs, but what will it do for Charleston ? ' The saving of time in transit would un? doubtedly ciuse the whole ..tide of through travel to flow over the new route to Charles? ton, whence the Savannah and Charleston Railroad would carry the passenger* to Savannah, where they would connect with short lines to every part of the South and West. A glance at the map will show that for all travel from.Boston, New York, Bal timore, Washington and Richmond to all points on the Southern Atlantic ooast and Gulf of Mexico, the new route, via Alex andria, Lynchburg, Greensboro' and Charleston, would be thc qnickast and most direct. So much for passenger travel. In regard to freight business it may be said that the aim of the shipper now is rapid delivery combined with low rales. Upon lines of railroad the quickness and cheap ness should bo determined by the distance to be travelled. It stands lo reason, there? fore, that if the Cheraw and Danville liue is shorter than the old line by Richmond and Weldon, it ctn compete successfully for all regular railroad freight now pacing over the eld line. And by the completion of the Cheraw and Greensboro' Railroad (known by its corporate name of North Carolin i Central Railroad) Charleston should be able to lay her hands upon the trade of an im? portant Beo'-ion of country from whioh she is now cut off. The road crosses the whole system of East and West North Carolina Railroads, and would allow Charleston to compete with Wilmington for the trade of Western North Carolina, while with Lynch? burg there would undoubtedly be a? largi business both ways. From that point we should draw tobacco, and, when neoasjary, bacon and breadstuff?;, while from Charles? ton should be shipped, via Lynchburg, supplies of cotton, rice and manufactured goods for the West. The whole prospect ?for business by the new route is bright and flittering AU that is wanted is to complete the direct line from Lyoohburg to Danville, and to build the North Carolina Cen tral Railroad Toe Lynchburg and Dan Tille R. tl ru ad ia nu ir lu c uaroo ot cm Btruolicn. That part of the work will be done for us; bat we mast do something for ourselves if we wonld have built, without delay, the i mp or (ant line from Cheraw to Greensboro', N. C. The road will not cost more than $4,000 OOO, and a large part of this has, "we believe, already been pledged. THE triumph of the Conservative Repub? licana in Tennessee is another cheering sign tbat the days of Badioal Republican? ism are numbered. The election of Andrew Johneon to the United States Senate is now bj no means improbable. One of the West? ern journals, lately canvassing the pros? pect, profanely obeeerved that "Brownlow mtgbt as well be in h-1 aa to have A. J. back again in the United States Senate." Is it not time for the parson to be mating bis preparations for the fate apparently in store for bim t I K K N HOTEL IBIS HOUSE IS SI ILL OPEN FOB THE AC? COMMODATION of visit?n. '1 sauts.-Sixty dollars f$C0) per month. B. M WALPOLE, Ag"nt. August 5 thstuS Tyj^ " U LT HI KV 11 LB HOUSE, ftULLIYANM I'UND, JCSEPR H. OPPXtBBiy, Proprietor, U RI ILL OPEN FOB THB RECEPTION Of either fBUUANKNX OB TB\NSI?NT BOARDER*. Terms, SS per day; $1? pe: week. Table supplied with ttie beet the market s fiords, and ovals served on mrrlval of the steamer from the dtr. Compc 1 PD t and attentive aervants In attendance. Ba tn House cenneated with th? eeUbllahmont. Ans?st? wfatuthS* BAHLISTOHHOTEL, CHARLESTON-, SOU IQ CAROLINA. THIS FIBflr-CL*.SS BOTEL, f-T rUATZD IN A pleasant location, and in the business portion of the cit., renders it the most ileelrable Hotel for either perminent or transient guesla. i he accommodations sre unsurpassed, having extensiv? suites nf elegantly furni.-Ded apartments lor funllles sad single e en tie? nten. The proprietor will endeavor io maintain the blah reputation ai joyed by tho "Charleston" as a flint class bouse, and no effort ?rbi be spared to da serve s continuance of the liberal patronage hereto? fore bestowed upon it Th?best of livery accommodation- wilt be found adjoining the establishment. Th? house i < supplied with the celebrated Arte? sian-Water, of which delightful baths caa be hast esther day or nl<iht h. H. JAOKSON, July 18 Proprietor. S CLOUD hOTSIi. THIS NBff AND COMMOEIOUS BOUSE, LOCAL ED corner ol Broadway and Ferry-second-street, possesses advantages over all other houses for the ac? commodation ot Its cuesta. It was built cipresal j for a fir .-t-ri je a family boarding house-the rooms bolus large and en suite, heated by steam-with bot and cold water, and furnished second to none; while Ute cuUpary department is in the most experienced bands, affording guests an un eq a a ll ad tabla. One mt Atwood's Patent Kievators is also amona the "modern imprcrrementa", and at the ?enrice ol guests at all hon?. The Broadway and University Place Cart pass tn s door every four minutes,, running from the Oliy Hall to Central Park, while tba Sixth and > events Avenue'ines are bat a short block on either aide, s (lording ample facilities for communicating with all tbs depots, steamboat landings, daces of axust ment and business of the great metropolis. MO UK Si HULL KT, Proprietors. Varch 12.. (" Stunt ^DanroBir. U A lt D I .1 fl MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Organised In 1859. ALL POLICES NOS-FORFEI CABLE. RALF LOAS TAKEN, NO NOTES REQUIRED. . LAST CASH DI7LDEND 60 (FIFIY) PKR CENT. BTATHitENT. Polices In force.S23,OOJ.O00 Assets. 1,500,000 | ?.nnnal Income.. 800,000 Losses Paid. 500,000 OmOEBS, W. H. p?CKHAM, President. ?Wu. T. BOOKER, y.'ce-Prealaent, L. Mc IDA31. Secretary and Actuary. O.A. FUD ICE AR, Snperln tendent. niBECTOSS. Hon. JOHN A. Dix, New York. Hon. JAMES Haas sa, Firm of Harper A Brue., ex Mayor New York. JOBS J. ('RAKE, President Bank Republic. Wat M. YEBMIXTE, Banker (Verm?ye A Co.) Unas O. Boozwooo,-Cashier Newark Bankm,' Com* pany. j Hom GEORGE OPDTKE, ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. MOBOAN, Banker. I THO&US RIGNEY, Firm Thomas Bilney A Co. PESJ. B.>HSB?AN, XreatnrerNctv York Ste tm Su? gar Refining Coupiay. AARON ABSOLU, Firm of Arnold, Cou-?able A Co. RICUABO H. BOWNE, Wetmore A Uowne, Lawyers. ll Y. HACQHWOCT, Firm E. V. Oaughwout A Co. WM WILSENS, Firm QfW. Wilstens li Co. JULIUS H. Pnarr. Mer chan*. Wu. W. WJUOUT. Merchant. Cn AS J. -rana, Merchant. WlI.IJA M ALLEN, M ere bant. GEO. W. CtTfLKtt, Baoker, Falmyra, N. Y. GEO. T. HOPES Presideot Contineutal Fire Insur? ance Company. JOHN O. FBBHWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. PECK a AM, Corner Pith Avenua aod Twenty-tbtrd-street. Enwasn H. Waiourr, Newark. N. J. GEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. W. L. COOSWELL, Merchant OB-OftUfiS KKIM, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLIN*. Er. T. REENSTJERN.V, Fximiniog Phystciin. lt. IhtJBRTKL, GLNtEAL AGENT FOB CHARLESTON. t'Asce So. al69 Kinji-strect, CHARLESTON, S. C. January 12 Day 1 yr SK vafooMO wo n iiu-cuAi'iau, LADIES AND JHIIADK^N attended at their residences promptly aud at rea.-on able rates. Send orders ?o W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, April U No. 31 uro vi-?irr ?.! >at> - tai ra.) fJ'O BK 1191 K? ll MEX. Thii SUMTER NEWS, PUBLISHED Al SUMTER, S. C., I* ONE OF THE BEST ?AP'"?S IN THE Ul*. COUNT KY; has a lame circulado ., and anords mi. nerior ad vantages sr an adi jrtistng medium, lertnf low. Addres DARB k OVfilEN, February 2i Prnor S CUEVEA di NISBET, PRODUCE BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILL ATTENP TO THE rUBCUA6E OF COTTON. RICE, &c. W.U m irk, cl ?84 and ?hip the same. Uhry resttectfallv nolb't the patronage of their friends and the merchantseeuendly. Office rvo. 3 Accommadation AVlinrf, With entrauce on Vendue Rs:;ge, ^CHARLES T 0 N x S . ?. Jul > 3d wrasssS* SHRIMP I ?HIIIMPMVAMEO RK? SPUN -1 t? Lt FISH K' MEN ta contract for fur nlahing HURIMPd-lly daring tue aeaaon. PAUL WEXJH* BB\NDhb._a_ _August 10 WA M y D A FKMALE ASSISTANT IN a corn trj school, to 'aka charge of toe Pi l mary Deparnv. nt. One acquainted with muru, ami the i ubiic hool method of teaching pr- 'furred, s?i?rv $l&*3 dollars sud b?aid per scholastic j ear of len a on bf. Address, with tcstimoi lals, /. D H. P. ?. Bex 431 _ S*_August 10 WiNTED, A SMALL, GIRI., LEI WHEN 13andl0jears ot og? (wblle prefored) to take care or a chi'd nod ??sit-t in gtner?l honsi-work. Applv with lecomniendariots, to No.96 Bl AU-Als tii BEET. 1*_august 10_ WAMi t) A WHITE Wi MAS. to do t ous? work and make her-clf generally uaelul in a ?mall family. Apply at Jo. cHUm H-.siKtKr, cast side, near Battery August 10_2_ I1|7A*T*D TO KENT OR LEASK, A VV SMALL HOOK, with four room fte , in a COL vcD lent lccallty. Apply at THIS OFFICE. August 10_2* WAtTUP, A GOOD COLOKKD COOK AM WAMit K. Applv hnmediately at rio 67 WENlWORTB-sTBEEJ, between Kine an 1 ht. Philip strata._August 6 WA M F.D. BT A YOCNG > ADV, A Sil DAI Ii .N as a TEACHER ina family or school lu the i ty; will also teach Music, both Vocal and Instrumental. The hlgbe-t recommendatioi s ran be Breon o' cbaraet*r and refutation as a teach? er. P.ease address a note to Mr G. B , Box No 69a, Charlean . P. O._that 16_inly 29 WAV TKO. PAKT ?IF A Rh SIOUX* ft,, eij I UHKL OK FOUR BOOM.'', on or i ear Wi nt worm-street, or hutledge avenue. Bent not lo exceed (850. Address X O. Z., at thia office. July 27 _ WM KD, BV A MARRI KO BIAS, A situation tn some Cctton MB1 -outli or South? west; is acquainted with all branches, having work? ed tn mem all, but should select WE WINO as a choice. J artie? wishing to engage am b a iieraou ?ill pkaee address a note, staring terms, to JOHN J. KELLY. Wo. 118 Mate-street, Boston. May 24 WANTED. EVEKYUOUl TO .?I'D. 8CB1BE to tho LIB!'FLATING LIBRARY - CB ABLES C. BIG HTER'3 Select Library of New Fooks contains all of the latest publications. April il_No. ICI KING-STREET. CH I N E S K, ^ABOKKIIH.- PAKTIE8 wi? nmg to employ large or ?mal! numbers of I CHINESE LABORERS, rray make the necessary arrangements for procuring gang? of al* in quired delivered ba any part of the country, by gpulication to H. HOPMAN j CH A AP, San Francisco, California July 20_ WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW J that JO ?, PRINTING of nil kinda, plain and ornamental, ls executed promptly in the neater. ?tyla sud at the lowest New York prli es, at i BX - Ews Job Office. No. li) EAST BAT Call and ex. amine the scale of prices before giving jour ord era elsewhere. WANTBO.AQE.VTN KOK I HK AMERI? CAN FARMERS' HOBSE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Hobart stewart. 7. K, of Mias. "'he work covers the whole ground of the breeding and raising, and the treatment of horses and mules, both in sickness and health. It bas won its way to popular favor, aai ls oday the moat popular and >*B*t ashing Horse Book ont. Address 0. F. VEN . 'TWUllstier, ctneinnaa, O. imo * March 19 ?0 first. TU KENT, ACOBIPORTABLE DWELL D?G with double piusa to the south, and a k.lohen, at Ko 6 L A PRE i.-s I BEET, next to Dr. La tar'? Church. 3* August 7 TO KENT. THE PLK.AS AN TI. Y SITU? ATED TWO AND A HALF STORY REM Di NCR, So. C Gadsden-street, oppoMte Wentworth. Apply at CHARLESTON STEAM S\W MILL. Juue 14 EBAL C STATK AGENTS), ANO OTHERS having bouses to rect, can have tbeir Placards, Ac, printed at the lowest ratea and In the newest and neatest styles of type, at THE NEWS JOB OF rloE, No. 149 East Bay. J0t Salt. C\BB%GE PLANT!* '.-C ABBA GE PLANTS lor tale at No. 39 CANNON SI PEEL_thsni3*_Au.nat g FJil SALE LOW, A Li A lt GE CHURCH .OEGiN, containing Ihirty.flveS.ops. axeo, A SMALL PARLOR otGAN, conta'-;ng four Mops, in a handsome Rosewoc/1 , n;a. Applv at J??N BAKEU'? ?fl?UN r.iClORY, No. 13 Van q,r?orst-a ree t.._thatuSth_July 8 AT PRIVATE SALE. THAT FIN E STAND with flxturea for a Grocery, corner Calhoun and East Bay streets, No. 39. Apply ON PBEMIMES._tu?tn January. 21 FOR BALE, ONE No. 1 M OK S tl. ; ONE good Batcher Cart, with Harness;,.'on? Two boree wa;on; one Drav. I . quire at No. 618 KING SfHECr._6?_august 4 FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED THOUS* AND ACRES OF LAND in Kershaw County, South Carolina. CON318TISO or: FIFTY VERY SEL tel FA it M i near Camden and on the Railroad, varying lu size from 150 to 600 acres Th?se and adjoining tarma are being taken bv our best citizens, and ax ord every advantage tor health? ful, cornier able ?nd profitable farms. M tNY LABOE AND CHOICE PLANTATION j, convenient to market DESIRABLE RESIDENTES in Camden and Kirk? wood. SEVERAL LARGE TBA0TS OF WOOD L \ND ann A few vary VALUABLE SITES for manufactories. Address, WM. M. SU ANSON, Attorney at Law, Camden. ?. C. July 23 pac Imo* FOR BALE, FOUR MCCARTHY MOL? LES GISS, second hand, but bttle used 1 Premium Faim GrM Mill, "Proseus" Patent 1 Hand-power Steel Grist Mill 18 Ploughs, of varied and most approved patterns, all but little used, an 1 at low prices 1 Cotton B enter 1 Four-horse Po .er Steam Engine, recond band, in good condi.ion. Apply to ?'AttiEBON, BARKLEY * CO., Nor beast corner Meeting aod Cumberland streets Angn?t 9_ Imo AUCTIONEEKS, Blt OK Kitt?, * N O others wishing "I or Sale" Flararde, Business Cards, or othor Job Printing executed with neat nets and dispatch, will consult their iutcrest by leav? ing their orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 East Bay. FOR SALE, OLO NEWSPAPERS IN any quantity. I'rico 75 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapplo.' paper that can be used. Ap? ply at the office of TH E N EWS. March 1 Piss0lo?0o nf ?0j)artQcrsl)tp. DISSOLU I KIN OF COPAH'INKKSMIP. WILLUM PAUL withdrew from tho ri rm of Lv PAUL ft OJ . on 21 instant. The business will DO conducted by the subscrib? ers tinder tho same name as heretofore. DD NB VB PAUL. Augu.t7 stuw3 JOHN PUL. <?ca. atonal. A S II I > GTON COLLEGE. LHXINGTON, VIRGINIA. PRE8LDENT, GENERAL R. E. LEE, AIDED Br A KULL Conr-a or J'sorEssoaa. THE NEXT RES-ION OPENS SEPTEM UER IC?H 1669, and . Jo-.cfl Jut e t?tb, 1870. in adtiliton 'o tho w-iar Collegtata Course, tba I'TO'es'ional .-ctools ol Lnwontl civil aud Mining Euglncoriup, ure iu tull onrl alien. Necessary expeoee*. n-jni ?300 to f375. For catalog IP, address J M. LEE0H. July ;9 imo Clerk of F.ic Hy. UMVEF.SIi Y OE VII.GIN1.V.--TIIE Se.-sionof this luMitutiou ro um-ncc-i anira ail on tho first da> ot nctober, and with? out .uterruptiou. till thc Ihuriday prece ting the four b of -futycusulug The orgaiuz.ttiou of the Institution ia very com pie e. embraclog extcni-ive ?nd thorough cour-ea of instruction ia lliEltvTUBE AND ^CIEN0E, and in the Proteeslon* of Law, Medicino and Engi? neering. '' be ixpense of tho Academic or Law Student, ex? clusivo of the cost of text books and clothing and pocket money, amount to about S360 per ses? sion of nine monto-; and of the Engineering or Medical Student to ariout ?395. ot which sums, re? spectively, 1230 or $2)0 is payable on a imlssioo, and tho tibian : e in tho progre-* ot the session. For details scud for caulotfue PO., -Univ rsityof Virginia." s. MADLIN, July 21 Imo Chairman of the F-icnltr. rpU03IAS J. HAYNER <& CO., 3iAN'cr.ACTu::E2ts or FINE CIGARS. Particular at'eaLoti lo Special Bania for Gioxrs snl Jobbers. No.*. 20 LIBERTY-STREET ANO C4 MAIDEN LANS' A"?'1F YORK. ?3P Samples .-ont to res^on-nVe louse?. Jul,' 2,' tutbsDmo CA KOLI VA ti! AP IE H, % o. 1, R. A. M. AREGULAR COHVOCAXION O? i BI- CHAP ThR trill bo h-M Ian EVENEIO, at Eight o'ci ck. Members will take doe ronco and govern tnemse'ves acor..inBT'y. By order of the M. E. H P. JOSEPH H. OPPENHEIM, A ugtut 10_Btcretsry. ST.PATHICK*S UK\ ev?M.KM SO CIE1Y. ATIRS? THE REGULA H MONTHLY Mf KT INO ef your Society THIS EVENING, at Bia 64>utc Ball st o'clock A tull attendance la required, a? th* Arrear 11st wlk be read and ibe rate applicable to deiitqucnts will be sUlcily enforced. W. SAKER, August io hecrsiaty. SOUTH CA HO LT ?A FRIENDLY 8O0IE1Y. ARtGBLAR MON iHLV MEET NG ( F TBI8 Soo.ely will be held IE is 1 VENINO at o'ciock, at LludstetU's Hall, corner E UR and Calhoun streets. Members are requested to be punctual m attend? ance. By order of the President H HENCKEN, August 10' * Recording Secretary. CHARLESTON HlFLE.UKN SOCIETY. ATTFND THE REGULAR M"NTHLY MEET? ING of your Society, at your Ball. TBXS L VE? NING, August 10th, at Fmlit o'clock. F. EUGENE DURBER, August 10 Secretary and Tea.,uror c. B. S SURV1VOK?-? ASSOC ATION OP CHARLESTON DI ST RI J l. THK R: GULAR MEEI I >G OF THE ASSOCIA? TION a ill be Leid J HIS | ucsdaj ) F VENING, at Eight o'clock, at the Hall, No. 3 Broid-s'reet. JAML? Al.Ma?ROf*G, In, August 10_Sc-.T-Ury. THK HOME LOAN AM) UUILD1NG AS? sOCIATION. THE ?l VENTTETH (70, INST'I.MENT 13 DUE th's date, and will be received by the Treasurer at No 1 south Atlantic winn. Montbh Meeting and -ale of Money at Masonic Hali, at Hight o'clock Tum t-.VENINO. Stockholders baviog bhares for sale will then have an opportuuity ot denoting ot them. F. B. HACKER, August 10 Secretary and Treasurer. .... JUtiro ?n^pttn?rnptf9. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UMTED HTA'l E-, FOR THK jilsiRICTOF SOUTH CABOHNA-IN THE MATTES OF J Hue. W. GOPBoLQ, BAKKKUPr-1? BANKRUPTCY, To whom ? may concern: The undersigned hereby piv B notice of bis appointment as Assignee ol iHi-'MAi W. tho District of Mario-, a-d State ol' Sonth Carolina within ?aid Dissgsssj who bas buen adjudged a bankrupt upon hitMPn petition by the Dis'tict Court of said District Dated the 16th day of J say, 1869. July27 tu3 A. H. FORD, Aapfgnee. IN THK DISTRICT tOUKT OF THE UNITED STATE', FOR THE DISIRIOT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTES OF W. ??. B ARI.LEE, BiNKRU T-N BANKBUPICY.-To whom it moy entern: The undersigned hereby fives notice of his appointment as Assignee ot WTL JAM W H A UL LEK. in thc District of Marion, and state of -oath Caro Ina within said District, who- has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis o wu pe'ltion by the District Court or ?aid Distriot. .Dated the 1 Otb day of July. 1869. ..Utily 3T tu3 A. H. FORD, Assignee. St?lDfS. jy? L . VI kii ET, J ROY, NEW YORK. MANUFACrUBEB OT STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, HOLLOW WARE, Ac. MANUFACTUREE OF " PHILANTHROPIST," "CHIEF COOK.* '..CHARTER OAK" AND "CIVILIAN" COOKING STOVES. ADMIRABLY ADAPTED IO THE SOUTHERN TRAD,?. AND FOB SALE BX ? D, L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES STAND UNRIVALLED Fob capacity, durability, conveniences and the general purpose* to wblcb Cooking Stores ?re used. Tb? PHILANTHROPIST IR SJ tra heavy plated, and ba? Ash Drawer; can oe made into a six boiler kok .tove; baa cast iron Witer Tank galvanized,oi enamel lined. A strictly flrst-cla^e StO'e. -Itt CIVILIAN ts of a neat design, and has a flue lan? Oven. Ibis Stove caa bo had with the extensior oacx. six holes, and reservoir, when desired For further inlttruiaUon apply to D. L. FULLEItTON, January SC tmo* Auousta, Gs lem pnbUrations. I ?UOK BUYERS WILL FINO IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CONSULT THI.W CATALOGUE. Tac Lt.-t '.viii bc Changed at least Once a Week. NEW AND STANDARD UOOKd FOB SALE AI KiK.AKTILN BOOK DEPOSITORY. RE<OUKCE3 CF THE SOUTHERN FIELD3 AND FORESTS, Medical. Economical und Agricultura] ; bein? a Medical Holany of the Southern States; by Fiancia Peyre Porcher, M. D. ; a now edition, revised and larrey augmented. ?3 60. *1 HE SUBJECTION OF WOMEN; by John Stoart Mi ). $1. OCKAN TO OCEAN. Pacific Railroad and adjoin? ing Teiriti r'es. CO cent*. CHAMBERS MISCELLANY; Volumes 2 and 3. 51) cents each. PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION; a Book tor the limes; with an Introductory Essay by Calvin ii. .-towe, V. D., Processor in Andover scmioarv. 75 cents. TUE CHRISTOF HISTORY; by John Young. LL. D., Edinburgh. $1 56. THE Lli'c AND LIGHT OF AIEN; sn Es?ay by Jahn Yo-int,'. ?2 25. SERMONS; by i harles Wadsworth, of Calvary church, San Fi anet v co, 52. JEREMY TAYLOR'S SERMONS; complete in enc volume $2 50. SEKMON> OF HENRY WARD BEECHER, first .efsaof "Plymouth Pti'pit " $2 30 h li LE T ON ?> FliOM BI-<UOt' ANDREW- SER? MON*] by thc London Tract Committee. 75 cent*. 1 HE CONNEC'IoN OF THE Ot D ANT) M W TICS'l AMEN i?, or tb s History of the Je*s fiom thc close of thc Old testament to Ute beginning cf ibe Nc>v Te-iann-'jt. L. R. 1 75 cont", f HLUNI'd KEY TO THE BIBLE; cmtiiloititr the Litorarv Histor) ot (lie Bible- Old and New Tudu men W ri ci> and Wnii:u-I be ct jeot of thc Bible -The Interpretation of thc Hi Ole-The Ri leas a Guide to Faith, au ti muca other valuable informa? tion. SI 25 DRtClORIUM PXSTORiLE; thc Principle? and Practice of Pastoral Work in the i burch of England ; bv tba Rev Juo. Henry Blunt, ta 50 THE INVASION OP TBE CRIMEA; its Or'frfn and on account ot i's progress to tbe deatb of Lord Banian; by A. W. King alie. 2 volumes ft. TRAVELS IN TH K fcAS 1 INDIA ARCHIPELAGO; by A. S Mckmore, M A. ?5. TOMMY 1 KY. AND ^B Al HE DID IN SCIENCE; with AG Illustrations. $1 75. T Ht MINKS ut J HE WEST; a Report lo the Se? cretary ot the Treasury by Rossiter W Raymond. Pb D., Commiss oner ot Mining Statistics, SI 75. PL\N?:Btl-E; tbo Dena lr of science ; being a lull accoui t ot ?J oder;. Spi itualit-ni. Its Pl encmona, au i tho va'iou* th?orie; Rgstdiag it. SI 25. .'Plan-hettt" eau be had for out- dollar, and wi'l be emt to arty part ot tbe count y fer twest; five ceuts extra ? Any Books published in Anicrca tr Europe fent free o? postage our. coi pt ol publisher's price. Ad-I dress FOG ARTIE'S DOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 2t;o Kiug-sheet, (m ?be Bend,)Charleston. 8.0 May ll rac stuifitimo Q IT KATE OK MJIUS&SIA. A GOOD COOLING SUMMER MEDICINE. MADE iroii erny day, l>y DR. U. RAER, M iy 23' No. 131 MccdUj-^reet, Veto Jpnb?f?t ons. P ROSPBCT?S Off THE CHAH LESION CITY DIRECTORY AMD BUslNES3 REGISTER. Copyright Applied For. THE UNDKR.??GN?D PROPONES TO PU*LI?ff. at no carly day. "TUE CHARI.ESION'TTY DSUEC TOHY"and "BU-INE5S HEGISTEB," containing thc cames of th? Inhabitants ot thc City, thebrOc enpatl II, Plicesol Business, acj Ewell mg Ileuses embracing'a clanifl'iitioD of all busbies*-thereby affording ?ready auil acresstnW medium to the rea? dent and vi.-ltiug merchant. It will contain a Ml-OtLLANEOUS BECOBD; embracing the ? i ty lovernmeLt, Police ann Fire De? partments. Pnblic Bull lings, and < verythinc recog? nized us of ail vantage bath to residents and those seeking ?nioimati-n. which cannot bo obtaiaed oth? erwise than through a work ot this character. It wm also contain a LI rHOGBAPHIC MAP OF THE CUT, embracing > treen?, Wards ana Fire Dis? tricts. Ccmpetent and experienced canvassers ba' e been rniployed, wbicn gives a gu?rante* that tne wurt will rc compiled witb great care. A limiten number of First-cLsa; Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates. ?aT*<OL> ONLY BY .UBsuRIP.TION Subacri ber.- names will be puoll-hcd lu the Directory in Vapftal Letters." MW Price-TWO COLL "BA * 1HAD. C, JOWIIT, Publisher. August 10 _tnti ^J_KICAT MafiDUC'TION IN P?ICIS?. IMMENSE SUCCESS. POPUTAB BOOKS SENT FREE OF POSTAGE AT THE PBICES ANNEXE" : . JOHN HARCHMONT'a LEGACY, a. Novel, by Miss M. E. Braddon.~..30 MlaTHr.SS AND MAID, a Novol, by Miss Mu loch.-.w PAD TALE OF THE COUHTeHIP GE CHEV.l HEB sLY FOX-Wickof.30 THE WONDERFUL AND A j; U. IK ii DOINGS OD OT 'AK SUANGIIAT.SO MIND YUUBSrOP*.20 BEADY RECKONER.-. AO WHIST, LOO. LOCH Kt AND POKE!;.30 MADAME LE VAUCHAND'? FOBl ONE TEL? LER AND DREAMERS DICTIONABY.40 SPBNCF.R'5 COMI : SPEECHES AND HUMOR? OUS RECirAlIONS....^..55 MADAME LE NORMANDY UNEBBING FOB TONE '. ELLCB.? LAWS OF LOVE.-?.95 LADIES LOVE OBaCI.F.3? LADIES* G0IDE TO BEAU i.Y.30 BOXING MADE ?ASY.*> FON iAINE'i GOLDEN WHEEL FOttl?Nt TELLER AND DBt AM BOO*.48 BOOK OF HOU.-EHOLJD.PET>.SS THE ARI OF BEAD i Y, by Lola Montea.80 TBE PLAY GBOUND?.?.5J AMERICAN CARD FLAYER.53 HOW o AM Bi. tRri WIN, OB I HE .-actu?is OF ADVANTAGE PLAYING...55 TH? RA -E BALL PL AYE R.i.15 LESLtf.? PI0TOBIAL.- .18 HA RPEBN WKFK.LT.? CHIMU EY CORNER.? LI1EKAB? ALbL'M.....IS DAY'S DOINGS.15 POLI' E NEW.i OR HAZE tTE. .IS HARPER'S BAZAAR.......15 BUNYAN'S PILGBIU.-i PItO,JRKs>.85 OUR ilFE IN THE HIGHLANDS, by Queen Victoria.??.3o COMIC MONTHLY.20 DODGE I' OF FON.W Either ot tbe following B oks mail.-d on receipt ol four 3i. atamba. Old numbera of LESLIE'S, G ODEY'S, PETER? SON'S. LAND WE LOVE, or DEMORKST'S. Any one of. Beadles or Munro'J DIME NOVELS. Also, a Comic or sentimental SONG BOOK. Nove'is by Chant ? Diekens: OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAG KS, 30 CENTS; AMERI? CAN Not?e, 104 pigea 2uc; Dombey A Son, 856 nagea. 40c; Martin cbuzzlewtt, 311 pages, 40c; Our Mutual Friend, 330 page*, 40c; ohriatmas Stories, 162 pag?a. 30c; late ol Two Cities, 144 page*. 25c; Hard limes and Additional Christmas stories. 2J0 page?, 38c; Nicholas Mckleby, 31 j neges, 40c; Bleak Home, Stu pases, 40c; Llttl? Dorrit, ^30 page?, 4ic; Pickwick PaperB, 82f?Tjagea, 40 -; David Copperfield. 330 pages, a'Jc; Baroaty Budge 257 pages, 3Cc; Old Curiosity (.bop, 221 pages, 33c; Gr?at Expectation*, 184 pages, 30c; -keti bes, 196 pages, 801. The foUowlaafr Novels, by Sir Walter Scott Nailed at 30 cextta Kacht WAVERLY, IVANBOE. KENILWORTH, GUY Mannering, mtiquary, Hob Roy. Old Mortality. The Clack Dwarf ana a Legend of Montrose, Bride ol Lammermoor, Heart of Mld-Lo'blan, The Monas? tery, The Abbot. Tho Pirate, Fortunes of N [gel. Peve? ril of ?be Peak, Qnen tn Durward. St. Bonan'? Well, Bcd Gauntlet, J he Betroths 1 and Highland Widow, H e Talisman. Woodstock, Fair Maid of Perth, Anne ot Geiers: cm, Count Robert of Paris, The Surgeon's Daughter. ?j" rt-cel. t of (he price, either In cash or ? tamp", _T . .- this list will be sent by mail copies of any bcoxe ??.? .., iiniriru postpaid. CUAS, Vi ?.l*HTBK.' No. 161 King-ilfOet, July 12 PAC charleston. 8. C. J^l SSELL'S COOK NTOltK, RECENT PUBLICATIONS. THE S uii I ER AND THE ALABAMA, Service r float during the War b 'tween the States, by Ad? miral Semire?, 1 vol. 8vp., cloth, $6. RESOUBCE-i OF 1 HE SOUTHERN FIELDS AND FORES IS, .Medical Economical and Agricultural, by F. P?yre Porcher, M. D., 1 vol Svo., Ss 60. CHRISTIAN elNOEBa OF GI.HM.ANY. by Cathe? rine Wlnkworib, tranala or and compiler ol '-Lyra OetxoAi lia," Illustrated. lSnio., forming volume 6 of the ' Sunday Library." Une cloth, S2. HISTORY oF EURtPK^N MORaL4, from Au? gustus to Charlea ay ne 2 vols., 6 vc, f?. FOREST LIE,. IN AC ADI E. -ketches of Sport and Natural Bleiory ba the Lower Province-! ot the Cana? dian Dominion, by Captain C. Hardy, Illustrated, Svo.. - 3 THE NEW AF'-INITIES OF FAHD, A Plea for Freo Christian Union, by James Marilneiu, 26c SPEClbUM ANALYSIS, six Lectures, by H E Roscoe, with appendices, cotcred Plates and Illus? trated, flvo, f9. .MIND AN'i) BRAIN; or. The Correlation ol Con? sciousness and Org inizatlon. Systematically Inves? tigated and Applied to Philosophy, Mental Science and Practice, with a Pre'.imiuarr Dissertation on Mettiod and Ilustran ve ot thc Text, by I hos. Lay? cock. M. D.. 0 voN . 12ino., 4i6; xvi. 494. ST. LIFE uF PIZARRO, with .-om . recount ot bis As? sociates in the Conquest of re:u, by Arthur HJ?;^, 1 v ii., tl 75 THE OLD TE-TA MENT HISTORY, from the Creation to the Return from tbe Cautivlty, ecited by W. f mi h. L.L. 1 vol., 12mo., SC. WOMANM sOFFRiGi', the letorni Against Na? tale, by Horace Bu-Lnell, 1 vol, 12mo.,-$i 60. THEhUBJEOlIONoF WOMAN, by John Stuart, M. >'., 1 vol, 12mo., $1. PRE-HISIORIO NAIION?; or. Inquiries Concern? ing some ot the Great Peoples and Civ.liZAtione of Antiquity, au.I their Probable Relation to a still Old? er Civiliz mon ot the Ethiopians or Cuscutes of Ara? bia, liv Johu U. Baldwin, 12ino , SI76. BIG UT YEA RV WANDERINGS IN CEYLON, by Sir Samuel White Baker, illustrated, 16mo., cloth, $1 50. THE SCIENCE OF RIGHTS, by F. G. Fichte, translated by A. E. Kroeg T. limo., rloth, 92. 'iH*EE THOUSAND MILES THROUGH THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, by A. K. McClure, Illustrat? ed. 12mo , cloth SJ. BK Al BICE. A Poem, by Hon. Roden Noel, square IGrao.. cloth, gilt top. SI. TH B S h X KS, HEBB AND HEREAFTER, by Wil? burn H. Holcombe, M D , 12mo.. paper .loth, $1 60. LIVES OF SE. LOUIS AND CALVIN, by M. Gnizit Illustrated, 12mo., clo:h Si. J HE QU'KER PARHVANS, A Revolutionary Store, w.tu Illustrations, 12mo, c'oth. $1 50. FILTION.-Aueroack's Villa on the Rhine; Erek munn- 'hatrain's Waterloo; H'g ?OSO?.'- Ma>i>oue; HofTmanu'.- ^Eco Murray; HUJO'S L'Homme q ii Rli ; I ettie-- LMe; Phelp.-' Men, Women an I GheMs; Yoe Quaker Parii^an"; Kobu?on'rf For Uer ^aBe; Soutuworth's Changcil Urales;i-piclhagi:tiS Problem? atical Characti'rs; Woods'Oates Wide On?*n; Kin.s I y 'i Stretton; ?ly Daughter Elinor j The Lae istan' Household; -tcbmlu's U.berii?-i-:er; >outhwortb's The Bri ie'H Fstej rrollope'd fie Knew H? IVa.i hi'.'ht;Zscl.okke'j Dead Gu-3 ; Freytag's Lost Man us Tl?it; Jc-u lugleloiv'i Mor?? thi Fairy. ?lannarv 1 lyr .?jjUK UNIVKKSAL) KAVOK.a'JB, li WILLCOX ?SB GIBBS*'/ SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE STANDS THUS FAR UNRI? VALLED as a FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and has talion the place of over forty double thread mc (.hints in this city. Reliable Agents wanted in all large towns in the "tate. D. B. HASELTON, So. .107 K1NG-VIREET. Willcox i Gibbs' Agent cf South Carolina. NEEDLES, OIL. SILK, ic, constantly ou hand. EkPAlhINO a? uanaL t-tuthly May 1 Q O L. O G X K , h OPER TOR TO 1PE n2>T IMPORTED CO LOGNE WATER, mcnurastured and ao'a wholes ile and retai b.- Dr. H B vEU, June 21 No. 121 Xcctlmj-stress (0 muri en and iii bi f Ha nra ns. v ?UPE, TWINtt, &c. COILS MISSOURI HEMP COMPANY BOPS ?O 26 roils Pbx Baie Eopo 36 colls English Jato Bop? 10 balea J hree-pl v 1 wino For sale low. WILLI Alf BOICH h CO. Argrust io 1 NEA ISLAND BAGGING. 25 B4^inchfcUPERI0B QUALN*'?AX POUNDS, For sala low. ? WILLIAM BOICH A CO. August 10 . ] P0TA10E8. BACON, ?$YRt pT*Ve L, AN Ol Mi PSK JIANHATIAV, ir ra BBLS. POTAIOES r_>U * bbds. Bacon Shoulders 26 bots. Syrup 20 casks ales and Porter 200 caaes .?Traps, Claret Wine*, So. For sale at lowest market rates, by J-X HEATH, Na 106 East Bay. August 10 1 And Accommodation Wharf, SPEARS PATEN? FRUIT PRE SKUVING SOLUTION. ASUPPLY" B 2 C ElV ED PEE STE AM-HIP MAG? NOLIA. The cheapest and most reliable method knosrn for preferring all kinds at Fruits, Tomatoes. Vegetables, Cider,fee Warrsnied health? ful, and will P eserre Fruits ate., without air rujht ing the Jars or cane, wita or without sugar, at one half the cort of any other known method. For sale by W. a. CORWIN & CO., No. 075 Ei-g-street, Between Wentworth and Hase) streets. August 10_'_rafi LEMONS. POTATOES TURNIPS. er A B'X?S PRIME PALERMO AND- HALAGA OU LEMONS 60 barrels Prim?- Northern Potatoes 10 barrels Prime Northern i ural ps. For sale low whl!<? landing or irena Rtbrss PAUL, WELCH ar BRANDB?, Augustin_1_No. 816 East Hay. EASTERN HAY. 1A/V BALES PRIME EASTEBN H? T. XUU Por ?ale by . OLNEY & CO. AUgUSt 10 BREAKFAST BACON,, ?fte. 2500 ^cos**CH0ICE ?BEAiyA8T ba 600(1 pounds C. B. Sides SO bbls: Bama 30 bois Sngar-bouse Syrup 36 bbl*, i" rash id Sugar 20 paus Prime Lard. Landing sod for sale by Aaguat 10 1 E. A A. P. CALO WELL. HEAYY GUNNY' CLOTH. 1 Ail B*L?S HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH, LAND. JJ JU LNQex schooner B. N. Bawklns, and for sala-by. HENEY COBIA k CO. August 10_ _tutha3 NEW YORK BAGGING? B)UBLE AN CHOU BRAND. TH B STANDARD WEIG.ST 2\mV, stsndsrd width full M incAes. It is wider, oloiar. stronger, and affords, better pro, te? ti on tar abe tn tire coverisg ot the Cotton bal? than any other n use. We sall at in aoufroture r's. price and expenses laid, down here, A supply always on hand. WILLIAM ROACH A 00. August 0 Ima_Agemts. H. Ss H. >V. CATHERWOOD'S EXTR A FINK PURE ULU MONONGAHELA WHISKIES. IN OB DEB TO FACH TTXTE THE SUPPLY OF OUB PUKE OLD MONONGAHELA RTE WHIS? KI Eh to our former numerous customers at tbs South, we have appointed Mes.-rs. H. OEBDTS A CO. our Agent', wuo by tbls arrangement, are en. abled to snpp'y the trade st pri?es which mil insura satlsiacrion. H. A H. W. CATHER WO ->D. H. <fc H. W. CATHERWOOOO'S IXTBA FINE PDBE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKIES. ?rr. BARRELS OF THE ABOVE FAVORITE OU waiiKTE?. eouaistingoiX,XX.XXX,XXXE and NEC I Alt and CABINET BRANDS, and also of ower vredes. Now landing, and fer ?ale low by H. OEBDTS A CO., Jans 12 sluthSmo_No. Fast Bay. $100PER DAY DISCONTINUED HAVING OBTAINED AN EXTENSIVE AND widespread sale for "CENTURY" brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, WA desire to announce tbat we shall not pack dally $100 in tbe small tin? foil papen after this date, July 1st, Its merits being favorably recognized that this inducement ls n-j lo: g er necr PS try. To a vol? B^i^prcnelUion, how? i ver. we would add that we shall continue to pack orders for ele rant MEERSCH AUM PIPES in OUT "Yacht Club" and "Eureka" brands of Smoking Toeacco. The "Yacht Club" is devoid of Nicotine, and can? not injure the health, and is especially recommend? ed to people of sedentary occupation* or nervous constitutions. The trade are invited ta send for circulars. P. L0BILLABD. July 17 stntblmo_New York. FOR SALE. ALOT OF CYPRESS PO^TS AND PLANKS ; Also, a lot of A>H PLANKS. 3 and A},' inches tnick, no* landing by Steamer Marion on Mar? shall'. Wharf. J. MARSHALL, Jr. Joly 13_tnths FRESH DRUGS, JUST BECEIVED AND FOB SALE, WHOLE* SALK AND BEI AIL, by Dr. H. B ALB, No. 131 MEETING-STREET WOLF'S SCHIEDAM rCHN'APPS Hostetter'a Bitters Plantation Bitters. Foutz' Horse and Cattle Powders Winslow's Slothing syrup Perry Davis' ealnfciller Mexican Mustang Lrnament Fsbnestock's Vennituge Pee ry'a Deaj^Sbot, kc, &C. Ac, June 26 ?tut h CORN LANDING. r~ Qi? A. fk BUSHELS PB I SIE WHITE CORN, i??yU\" per steamer Sea Gull. For sale lo w by J. N. ! IDE MA NN k CO. AusUflt 0_'_a CORN. FLOUR, HAY. Qt~\i\i 1 BU H ELS PBIME WHITE BAL ?\J\J\J TIllOilE AND TENNESSEE COBN, ex steamer sea Gull and in s ore. PliOUR. 200 bble. NORTHERN FLOUR-all grades St'O racks Southern Floor. BAT. 400 bales PRIME EASTERN AND N. B. HAY, For sale by Autmst 9 3 JOHN CAMPSEN A CO. CORN. O'VAfl BUS8ELS PRIME WHITE MILU NA .W <J UU COBN, per Baltimore steamer, nt STORK: OATS. COBN, EASTERN ANO NOBTH ETVEB HAY. For sale by WEST A JONES, . August 0_Nt. 76 Easrray. COHN. 1 AAA BUSHELS- PBIME WHITE COBN, JLUUU lauding per steamer Se? Gull. GOO bushel:' Western Corn. For sale by H. BULWINKLE A CO. A-itrust 0 2? TIMBER. -MAA AAAFEETOF HEWNTIMBI R, OF OUU.U* *U vaiiom fizes Hudqraltns. For sale by CBTSOLM BROTH ERS, West Vnd Trad i-strcet, Angust? wstn'4 Or Adger's >cili Wharf. PEAN. C)AAA BUSHELS BLACK PE? a, SUITABLE .Ji'l'l/ for 9ecd an 1 leedii g fer sale ny July 2*_T.J. KERR A CO. CHEAP COEN. QA AA BUSHELS WEST E ?N WHIIECORN. O'fVJKJ slightly heated. For ?ale. at a low price, by ?. J. KERR k CO. J u ty 22_ NEW GOODS. EAST INDIAN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGBEEA BLE, mo?tdeteiJUi a if healthy lood. used for Pudding?. Jellies, BlatiC Manste, Ire Cream, Grid ile Cakes. soup?, sc., put n;> in 1 rb. pack? ages, with directions for 0 ?e. < ocoanui f?r Pies, Pvddinss, Cakes, Ac , put ap in hilf lb- pajkaaes, w th directions. Sweet Oil, Fr-nib and .Aiuercin iu halt pints, pints audq arts.* riaer an.t Whit- "Wine Vlnegir, warrante? pn-o Fre-h Boasted i io Coffee, of good quality, at 85?. fl lb. Jas: lecnved and for sale, by , CO-OPEB * . IVE GROCERY ST?Rlf Scutbwe-t corn' r Mee?ng and Market sireets. G. oil deltvcrsjraee._ May 23 HONEY ! FOR SA LE, WHOLESiLE AND RETAL. RY Dr. II. B\ER, June 33 No. TU Mcensg<*trt-A