University of South Carolina Libraries
THJ?.i)AlLY NEWS. aiQEDAN, DAWSON & CO., PBOFBLETOBA. OFFICE Eo. U9 EAST BAT. fi uts-DiiLY NEWS, OB? year.16 00 I1 *ax NEWS, six months .3 00 Pint Nxwa, three month.?.3 00 XHI-WEXBXY News, ono year.3 00 iii Tai-Wasaxx NEWS, six months.3 00 g?toutt invariably tn adiar ca. No paper sent i tba cash accompanies tie order, or for a long? er 'time than paid for. Tax D?ai NEWS will be ?erved to subscribers in tba, tdtjf* la cents a week. anvurnscaEirrs - inrst Insertion, IS cents a line; gabseqnent insertions, 10 cents a hue. Business Hotioes, 30 cents a line.' Marriage and Funeral No i MS, One Dollar each. If BWS SV HT M Ai BT. r-*_fJoidat New Tori yesterday closed excited and'strong at 37. .-rho New York cotton market closed with? out decided change; sales 950 bales at 84tc. ; -At Liverpool cotton closed unchanged. * . u -The New ?brkera having become disgust ? d witt? -the- attempts to blow down the Hell Gate Bock, ara preparing to tunnel nuder it and blow it np. t'ttA' singular political complication bas arisen in France. The executioner otPaiis desires to sell his terrible office to "a monsieur not dis? agreeable to the Imperial Government." -The Unban filibusters, numbering one hundred and twenty-four, who were captured on Gardiners Island las! week and placed in Fort Lafayette; were, discharged on Friday ripon p irulo nott o .violate the neutrality laws, ? joad ara dispersing to. their-respective homes. ' company hate ;cc?n^ence?T operations near Nor fe-lt, Va., to reduce cane or reeds to fibre,*** tb? manufacturo or paper-box board, pasteboard, wrapping-paper, &o. The cane fibre will bo transportad to Fredehcksbnrg, where there is great water power, by which the fibre will be ground, beaten up, or reduced to pulp, for the above articles. -Information has been received in Wash? ington to rna effect, that the Yerger ( Missis atppi) habe ts carpus case is in form for a hear i Dg afrthe'nsxt mating of th9' ^trpfemo Court of tba Uni ted States.- .The next ??asion of that coori will beheld in'Washington in October, " and this olaaa of caaos kat tba precedence over all other uaatte?s. ; Tho pro bab. U ty, therefore, is'that by tho 1st of ' November 'K decision will 4?T8ndcaad, ?c:(iv?.\<z- aar " . Bi -New .Orleans has lost' '-sininJUneonsly two ] io/he* peskoitii'ensIn tho death pl Alexander Harri s and. Aaron Harria. Who, with their snr- j vtviDg brother,'Le viX Harris, formed; one or I ^ m?At flrqrnirient exchange-brokerage firms I in the So nt h west. * Both the deceased gentle-1 . mea were natives of Char lo st on, their father, j 1 Hr. Hyam Harrte, having moved from this I ' city to Nev/ Orleans in 1825. They were both I I naen of high, integrity, and; Aaron, the young- i \ .ex* et erne time achieved mn ch reputation aa a L .ijrr-Jk palaca car,feliof passengers, that left j ^ ^?^ItiTJtt^^ tn Tero- j1 Lng tb^el ahore ?miment tb. tire. ^trrt apse? of 1 aix days.\ flpoaa of ?? p?esenger? Who oame f in it embarked on 8atur(iaj afternooh for Etr-1 ) . rope, and ?iay'ar^ye'?n'dj vet pool ii* nine djaje i mosef tiiw trPieraimrthf whol?. dtartanc? from | ^biahorea ol Callftirhaio ?he.abores ot lng- 1 ? and in fifteen days. Ali'tbtajvaat journey ad nearly goren thousand m?e? a Ul hrvoabsen 1 * made without- diflftculty . cir fatigue, first ia a 1 -lxrit?crosrailrosjl ^and then in an equally M 1 uxurious steamship^11-- lt -^Thobrtek s tx story hotel in BJ?too, known 11 aa the Pelham House; is to be removed, to per- I j waanraee have .boes ccaaatrrmwa uadox the I lW?thrrg,'Jeieh forming a tramway. All -are equal to Asa. best foundation walls...? 'j^achiof 11 tbjfffry?' Arni' boUt: Airenteh is dag tram the I f ountfa?ons westward, foortoeafoot in length. 11 . tts- trenoh ta fl I led m its whole length with f i "n??pehae Mocka of granite. OM these a bri ok , *ftypt brrirt .ot tu B strongest cement, two feet I wide","'one br twa feet high, and fourteen feet I :l,eagv Along the topof this wall r ?asevera! rails I aa inch .or two apart. Those rails are made of I < flat, thick iron. cProm'ander every ono of the ? aix walls that mn. from Boy iston-street to the j t 1 JarjJtrot tbe.brr?cUog these traversera of stone, I t . bric?"and iron go four teen feet westward ba the L dbr?riin that tale building hi to go. The build - ?hg '^raB?n small iron rollers or jt)rmrj-bara j over the flat iron ralla along tho traversera. I 1 -B<a-gh's induairy and z;?it io bis -work of I alleviating the nusfortTJnes1 of animals in New ] ??^U? . ^defairgable. A celebratcd~German I mbarj^ttnager, who adored birds, ordered that I After his death the sparrows should be fed daily upon bia tomb. L'Bergh es er dieu there i shoaler be1 a BBbscnption taken ap to give a j 1 bundle of hay to every, needed horse in the j i vicinity of. his ( lae?- ' resting place, or JI some other appr?pnate: memento. A New ] c York evening paper gives tbe following i r description of bia latest invention. It says : , "Mr. Berga, the President of the Society for Use prevention of Cruelty to An?mala, has gone * * into the transportation business. He has jost P had manufactured aa "immense track for the. t conveyance from tho atraata of disabled an:- j r mala, at a cost of $5000. The fkor of iho truck c .. tahdea in and out on rollers, and is so connect-1 ed with improved machine ry that after the floor Isaa been ran ont to receive the animal, two 11 mao, by working the m 3 ohm erv, draw the 1 -eroadrnped ia. Luide the track a stretcher ia I ?paoiided to support the animal." This vehicle j 1 will he furnished by Mr. ?ergh for th9 pur- j ? jose intended free of chara?. I , - Tne impression that Germans nae Isger I bun to an excess is an erroneous oae, whether I ' it refers to those amo.ig ns or those io the M Vaterland. Many persons fancy that the Ten- ( iona aasemble at night in their saloons to make I enormous and in temper tte exhibitions of their < national beverage, and to make ' beasts of , themselves." Bat those who understand tbis TaloaWe class of - oar citizens, know that their gatherings are not bacchanalian, bat social, and that conversation and not inebriation is the : object Bought after the labors of the day. Those who are accustomed to the usa of lager | beer conan me deify but little of it ; perhaps I < not much more than habitual tea drinkers do I j ?ana of tea.- A boy who bad suddenly received I ( tte freedom, of a candy-shop would, .o doubt, for a few days cause to disappear a great nam- 11 ber of sticks ; bat soon hia appetite wonk! be 11 cloyed, and ?weet things would sink to a low ' rank among the luxuries -of app ti te, and be > . for many dava untasted. So it is with onr y sound bead td Germans ; while hoars are spent | in social unterhalt ina, perhaps not more than ?i awe or twogJassta of boer are swallowed, and the bram is left as unbenebetl as belora. What- ' ever may be SJ id cf na ional beverages, the ' Geiman brain will retain tho ascendancy which I 1 ji has airea ly WOP." " -The%New Yu*-k Herald of Sunday, in its -monej report for tho day before, remarks: ' "In Southern SLCIU-Ities there was an active I denranrl for the n?W North Carolinas which 11 rose to 5&i usine cont inned seq acuco ot tnt recent judicial decision, as well aa through i feeling that the State would now be able tc pay ita interest. The Louisiana sixet were ia request on foreign account these bonds haring been a favorite in vestment with the Paris'bankers b?for? the war and now recovering their old prestige. South Garoiin?LS yoere (toland heany, the r* ceid loan of the Siate credit for the nine mihiom to the Blue Ridge Railroad not being favorably regarded. The following were tho c.'oainj prices of the Southern list?; Georjrm sixes 8it 84J;do. sevens 91?a92; do. sevens, ?nleresl payable iu Georgia, 91 oid; North Carolina, ci counon, 591-594; do. new, 53a53?; South Caro lina sixes 66 67; do. now, 6*Ji654; do. re is tered stock 65^66; City Memphis sixes, 49?i50 do. Atlanta eights. 85^87; do. Savannah sevens 90a92; do. New Orleans connels, 7ia74; do. do issnc railroads, 65.70; Mobile Ohio sterling. Gc r.67; do. oisrbts. 58,60; Mississippi Centra Railroad, first mort miro; 72i71; do. se-ond do. G0aC2; Memphis and Charleston,, 83a87; do. eccond 75177; do. s.oclc, 1SI17; Greenville and Columbia Railroad, guaranteed, 67 -69." CHARLESTON. WED>ESDAY MORNING, JULY 28,. 1869. Charleston and Mer Boaxd of Trade. It alfords ns great pleasure ro publiai this morning, in nar advertising colamos, ar offer, from toe Charleston Board of Trade Of TWO HUNDRED AND F1FT? DOLLAR? foi the best "Treatise (with statistic.-) upot "the past and present trade of Charleston "the Advantages to the Southeastern States "of making Charleston their emporium and "centre of exchange-and the measures "which sht uld be adopted for preserving "and enlarging these advantages." The Charleston Board of Trade, though but little over three years old, has, on re peated occasions, given proof not only ol vitality, but of the full maturity of man? hood. Bat a few weeks, ago we chronicled the purchase of a fine building, to be used by them as their hall of meeting, library and reading room, and now we have the pleas? ure of reoording another step in the right direction-the effort to gather into conve? nient shape-a vade meium for reference the facts and figures connected with the commerce of our city. .It may seem strange that this shcul t have been done long ago. Other cities, not only New York, Philadel? phia, Baltimore, Chicago and Cincinnati, bat Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, Cleve? land, and in fact almost every important etty in the Union; annually publishes a re? port of the tran sac ti on a of the year. This is usually done under the auspices of the Chambers of Commerce or Boards of Trade, sad is the only authentic souree of informa? tion on.euch subjects-and to outsiders the only Bource accessible. True, our daily papers have, for many years, on the first of September, given elaborate statements of the prinoipal transactions of the year. These, however, confined themselves almost ?xclusively to our staple exports; and, be? tides, being-published in the "market" col imus of a morning paper, were not as ridely read, nor ao generally preserved, as rould be the ease with a p ubi ic it i o n bron ght 'orth under -the auspices of the Board of Trade, taking,a. much broader,scope, pre: meed wilki.mash more ears, and issued: in Mwnphlet or book form. We have occasion to know that very re qa en tl j letters of inquiry come here rom abroad, both to the Mayor sad to he Board of Trade; inquiring -for jost mob information as it is' designed to elicit >y the above named prize treatise; and lereafier, we hope?wo ?hall not. be nader he painful necessity of answering these nqutrles by stating that we have no sta? biles m Charleston; that it is not known tow much cotton is sold here, and how mae h lasses in transita; how much eora, bsooo, loor, hay, oats, lim?, naval stores, lumber, ire brought here, &c ,&3-, to say nothing >f our shipping and jobbing trade. Again we say, we are glad that the Board >f Trade has taken this matter in hand, md we doubt not that lhere is aufioient aient and industry among us to warrant he hope that we shall be able to present iom et hi ? g to our sister cities, next fall, con? tenting the business of Charleston, of which we need not be ashamed. The lee Question. The artificial production of ice has long >een an experiment with whian, every tyro n seien ceis familiar; bat it is only of late hat the process has been BO simplified and ttilized as to render it, especially in warm at i tades, an important and profitable ?ranch of manufacturing enterprise. A eoent invention by a Jerseyman, which I is tills freehand pure water from the ocean urine, and than in a few minutes oonverts he distilled Water into solid blocks of cry s al ice, is attracting muon attention jost tow throughout the country. By a modifi lation of the same plan, fruits, meets sud regetables can be preserved in their purity md freshness for an almost indefinite pe >iod. Artificial iot, manufactured by this >rooess, is now sold in large quantities in Sew Orleans, and the system is coming ato general use; but more particularly for .he preaervatioa of Texan beeves and their ihipment to New York and other Northern sities. The hold of a vessel can be readily inverted into a mammoth refrigerator, so that tons upon tons of perishable produce ; m be safely carried on long voyages; and the same prineiple can be successfully ap plied to the smallest refrigerator, and be made available for the ooavenienoe of the most limited household. The apparatus, which is exoeediogly simple, admits of the produotioa of any temperature desired, even as low as one degree below xero. It has been found, however, that thirty-five iegrees, three above the freezing point, suffices to prevent the decomposition of meat, and that is the temperature used in the large meat-house at Kew Orleans. So rapidly is this important and wonderful in rention ooming into ase, especially in the Southwest, that it would not be surprising f, in the course of a few yep rs, the ship, nent of New England ice to the Southern States should "have become a toing of the past. IN TUE anonymous verees on the Peace Jubilee which we print to-day, we think we.reooguiz? the peculiar wit and the rol? licking st j le of Dr. Ticknor, of Georgia. Uar Fields a Md tr ort tu. BBBOUBCM or THE SOUTHEE* FDZLDS AKD FOK X8T8, MEDICAL. ECOHOBTCAX ABD AQBIOTTLTD xa; being BIBO a Medical Botany of the Southern States, with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Tree?, Fiants and Shrubs, by Francis Peyre Porcher, M. | D. Charleston : Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1869. - U -We are glad-thai Dr. Porcher has met suffi? cient encouragement lo warrant bun in issuing a second edition of h ia very valuable work. The book was written and published during the late war, by direction of the Sargeon-Qen eral; and what with a small edition originally primed, and tho general destruction hythe war of every species of book, the work had already become rare, and much sought after. Wo are pleased, therefore, now to seo our old friend reappear, and dressed by those famrd literary tailors, whose names appear at the foot of the title page, not in the dine? "Con? federate Gray" of 'he first edition, but in splen? did paper, typogi apby-and binding. A book like this is a great desideratum here at this time. The war, from necessity, threw our people largely upon their own resources), and long forgotten "domestic remedies3 and swamp doctors' yarbs were again brought from their obsoore recesses, and even received a patronizing: pat on the back irom tbe great dons of the lacully. So with valuable dye stuffs, seeds, grains and material lor fine tex? tile fabric*. Dr. Porcher, m this book, poiuts oui and describes, both for the learned and oulearued reader, no less than five hundred substances, possessing every variety of useful quality, all to be found within the limits of the Southern States, aud for all of which, be remembered, there is a ready market. Here, then, are vast undeveloped re BO ur cea, and likely to remain undeveloped, at least in great measure, for the want of intelligent guidance. Not long since the writer endeavor ed to procure a book (hat should contain di? rections for tbe unlearned, how to gather and prepare such of these indigenous roots, herbs leaves, barks, seeds, ko., os are sought tor in the markets of the world ; but ofter consider? able inquiry he found that there is no book ex? tant that cires snob information. Dr. Por ohei'a book contains this information, with minute directions where to find, and when to gather the articles described, lt is, perhaps, too expensive for many who would like to pos? sess such a work. Still, we can confidently say that it ia tbe very best treatise on this s-bject to be had in the United States. Some of otir "readers in the interior may be surprised to learn that herbs, weeds, and other euch "trash," that they hare seen "ron to seed" ali their lires, should hare a marketable value, inch, howerer, is tbe oase. From : oatalogae before us of articles, advertised for j by Dr. Wm. Armstrong A Co., BuanicDrug; Con,mission Merchants, No. 9 North Front street, Philadelphia, we will mention the fol? lowing, for which there is nearly always ready sale :. Blackberry root, bark of black? berry root, black snake root, blood root, blue j flag, boneset, butterfly root, but ton snake root, calamus root, catnip, cherry birk, cranesbiil, cotton root, bark of the cotton root, dandelion root, yellow dock root, elecampane root, elder flowers, elm bark, (slippery} foxglove, ginseng, golden seal, horehound, bjdrangia, jeasamiue root,. (yellow) lades' slipper, larkspur seed, liverwort, mandrake root, marjoram, (sweet) male fern, pinkroot, pipaissewa, parsley loot and socds, pennyroyal, peppermint, pleurisy root, borsemiot, poke root, poppy hoads and flowers, prickly ash bark and berries, poplar bark, queen's delight, quince leaves, raspberry earea, red oak bart, rosemary leaves, sage, sassafras bark, pith and oil, toullcap, snake root, Solomon's seal, spearmint, spikenard, su? mac berries, sunflower aceda, swoet bazil, tan? sy, tho napplo leaves and seeds, thyme, water? melon seeds, white oak bark, wild ginger, wild burnip, wild yam, wintergreen, wormseed ant wormwood. Some of these, pei bips, may not belong to this latitude, "out these are more than counter? balanced by others found here and not enu? merated in the foregoing list. Dr. Porcher's book can bo obtained from booksellers at $3 SO, bound ia best muslin, or br $4 60 in library style, By sending th? ?mount to Messrs. Walker, Erans & Cogs? well, Charleston, the hook will be mailed, post tee paid. lotices tn Pan?rnptfD. Iv Tass ntsTRicr COURT OW TUB "UNI 1 ED H TATES. FOB t? OD TU CABOUSA J ULT I EB M, 13:9.-I'S 1HE OF TH08 E. SCRfcVliN. OK BKAUFOBT COUNTY, DANK HDPT.-PETinON TOR FUL? AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BAHKUUFTCY.-Ordered, Thats tsarine; be bad on the Twiitiixra DAT or AUGUST, A. L> lSSO, at Fe J ?ral Courthonte la Oree u viii e, S. C. ; ind that all creditors, Ac, of said Bankrupt appear it said time and place, and ?how cause, if any ih-y san, why me prayer of the petitioner should not be panted. By order of the Court, the 2Gth day of Jul ', 1869 DA M KL BORLBECK, Clerk of the District Co art of the U. s. for .H. 0. Jqiy 28_wa IN THE DISTRICT C l UT OK THU UNI 1 ED S l'A TUS, F JR SOU! H CA BOLIN A JULY TERM, 1869 - IN TUE MATTER OF R. B. RHETT, OF CHARLESTON, BANKRUPT. PEIIlToN t'OR FULL AND FINAL Did CHARGE IN BANKKUPTCY -0 derri, That bearing be had on the EIOHTEENTH DAT OF AUOUJT, A. D. 18G9. at Federal Courthouse in Cbar?e?ti-n, a. C. ; and that all creditors, Ac, of ?aid Bankrupt ap? pear at said time and place, and show came, ir anv they can, why the prayer ot the petitioner > bould not be v ranted. By ord r of the Court, the 27th day of July, 1889. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clark of the Eistrict Court ot the United .?tates tor Soath Carolina. w2 July 28 (?opartncr8?)ip Hottet*. rE COPAKTNKKSHIP HERETO FORE existing under tbe Ban? Of JOHN FRA? SER A CO. is hero'iy dist ol ved by mutual consent. Either partner will sign ma iiame of the firm in liquidation. THEO. U. WAGNER. BEN J. F. HU iE lt. FBB0X t ANNING. Charleston, 8. fl., 9ody 81. \m. T8B UNDERSIGNED H WE TBIS DAY ASSO? CIAI ED themselves together under tte name of WAGNER, HUGER A CO , for the transaction of a G.NEBiL COMMISSION BUSINESS. THEO. D. WAGNER. BENJ. F. HU'* ER. FRrD'K. FANNING. Charleston, P. C , Jnly 21. 1869. July 21 _fliuii._ QHAKLE8TOKHOTEL. CHABLES10N, SOUIH CAROLINA. THIS FIBSr-CHS.S HOTEL. SITUATED IN A pleasant location, and in the bu-eness portion of the tit'?, road -rs it the mott iiesirable Hotel tor either permanent or tran' -cot cues's. . he accommodations are unsurpassed, havi-.ig extensive suites "1 d?faut y furuLned apirtmeuts io. f miiiesa d single tentle m>-n The propri-tcr will endeavor to mai ulalu the blah repntjtlou e joyed by tbe "i'harlestou" as s ti:?t class boase, and no effort * iii be ?oared to de? serve a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto? fore be-towe I upon it The best of Live y accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. the house i . supplied witb the celebrated Arte v?an Water of which, delightful baths can he bad either doy or night -- ??. H. J\OB>ON, July ia Proprietor. Qi T . CLOUD II OT Kit. THIS NEW AND COM ATOL IO US B OUSE, LOCAL EO corner ot Broadway and Forty-Fecood-sireet, possesses advantages over all other hounea for the ac COIL modatioo ot its sueste. It was built express); for a flr.-t-cliss family boarding house-the roonit berna large and en suite, heated by sletm- with hoi anu cold w ter. sndfurnished second to nose; while the culinary department ls in the rao*t experienced hands, ail' rd; J.: gnert* an unequan'?d table. Una Of ?t-.j?-'. s Pal--nt Me va: ors is aivo amone the "moOeni improvements" ana at the service ot guests at all hours. the Broad WM and University Plac- far- r?as.* Ihr door everv lour "doutes, runnin-' froiu tte ('nj Hail to Cenrril Pa k, while the ?ixth au 1 evenifc Avenue'iue-<ar-nut a shori block on eittct sirte aflording ample facilities for co.piuuocaUni/ JVIIU ai he .depo'?, steamboat landings, nlaces of a iruf* ment and business of the irreut metropolis. MOitB: ?v HOLLEY, Proprietors. Varch 12 6nes WA. N TKD, A GOOD sKUKTHEhS and LADIES' HilD German preferred.) Ap? ply at EILBEKS' HuU aE, King-street. Joly 28_wf2* WANTED. A GOOD COOK, WA5HKK AN? IBONEK. Applv At Ho. 12? WENT WuB J H-8TBEET. 1? . July 38 WANTED, A COMPETENT OSTLEK, a tingle man and mn st como welliecom mended. Auplj at No. H' SMltH STBEET, be? tween one and two o'clock midday. July 28_wi 2? AYOUNG WHITE WOMAN GK IS MW i referred) is wanted to do the general house work of a small family. Apply at RESIDENCE on Lot ot German Friendly boci-ty, Archdale street, be? tween West and Magazine strettp. July-27 WASTED. PAKT OK A RK8IOEMK, say TBBEc uR FOUB ROOMS, on or rear Wentworth-street. or Rutledge Avenue. Rent not to exceed $350. Adore BS X. 0. Z., at this office, inly 37_ \\T A N T t D liUIEDlM'tLY, 1 WU W GOOD BEHOB HANDS. Apply to P. P. TOALS, bash, Door aud Blind Fa.tory, Horlbeck's 7 hart. 2* July 27 WANTED, A COMPETENT Nf USE TO go to Georgia to take charge of lour children for two months, Jbecom_endattons required. Ap? ply at No 39 MONTAt??fc-slBEET. Jg) 2?_5_ TTTANTED, A COMPETEM MAN. FMK Tv a permanent country job, capable of doing wheelwright and blacksmith work, apply to CA ME? RON, BA h KL h Y A CO._July 2* PURCHASE lt S WANTED FOU BLACK DRAU D'ETE PANT?, slightly damaged, for ?2 60, at GEO. LI TILE A CO.'d, King-street, nesr Martel_6_July 22 WANT KD TO'PURCHASE FOR CASH, a good ?-COND HAND PIANO, State price and,ms li er. Address W., NEW* OFFICE July?_ WANTED, A SMALL HOUSK, OF THREE or four rooms, with kitchen, m the central part of the city. Bent not to exceed $30 per month. Address ' M.," at this Office. June 17 WANTED, BY A MARR1KD MAN, A situation in some Cotton Mill >outb or South? west; ls acquainted wi ti all branches, having work? ed lu them all, but should select WEAVING as a choice. > artie s wishing to engage such a person will riease address a note, statin? terms, to JOBN J. KELLY, No. its etate-strest, Boston. May M WANTED, EVtltVliUDY TO SUB SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRAR?. CHARLES 0. BIGBTEB'B Select Library of New Books contains all of the latest publications. April 31 _No. 161 KING-STBEET. CHINESE LABU H KH8.-PAKT! ES wishtng. to employ large or small numbera of CHINESE LABOBKH?,. ir a y make the ncces?ary arrangements for procuring gangs of sice required, delivered in any part of the country, by application to KOOPMANSCHAAP, Eau Francisco, California July 30_ _. WANTKD-AGKNT8 -TO SELL THE AMERICAN KNII1TNG MACHINE. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Koittiog Ma? chine ever Invented, W4V knit 20,000 stitches pir minute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., or BL Louis, Mo. May 4_78 WANTED, KV 10 H Y BO O Y TO K.VoW j that JOB PRINTING of.all kinds, plain and ornamental, is executed promptly in the neatest style and at tho lowest New York prices, at i HE Nsws Job Office, No. 149 EAS! BAT Cali and ex? amine the scale of prices before giving your orders elsewhere. WANTED. AGENTS? FOB THE AMERI? CAN FARMERS' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Robert Hewart, V. b., ol Mles. 3 he work covers the whole ground af the breeding sud raising, and tue treatment er horses and mules, both in sickness and health. It has won its way to pop-ar favor, and is tvday the moat popular and best selling Horse Book out Address O. F. VEN t, Publisher, cmcinnafa. 0. 6mo? March 19 ; WANTED-AGENTS-STA TO??UO FKK month, everywhere, male and female, to in? troduce the QKNUlNE IMPROVED .COMMON SENSE FAMILY STWING MACHINE. Inls nu rbfue will st ten. hem, feU, tuck, quilt, con, bind, braid and embroider io a moat superior manner. Fi ice only $18. Fully warranted for five years. ? We will pay $1000 tor any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or.more elastic team than oura It makes toe 1-Elastic Lock stitch " Every second - Ute h can he cut. and stilt thac'otb cannot nc polled apart without tearing IL'""We pay agent* from $75 to szOO per month end expenses, dr a com? mission from which twiT that amount can be made. Address, MECOKB A CO., PITTSBURG, PA.'; Sr. LOCH. MO., or BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION.- Do not be issaosed upon by other parties palming off worthk*ss -cast-iron machine?, under tue same name or otherwise. Ours is lbs only genuine and really practical ?heap machine manufactured. . 78 Mav4 CD Snit. TO KENT, THE TH KKK UPPER STOGIES of the. A DOER BUILDING., each floor forming afine ball, being 95 feet deep and 54 feet wide.-with a bcld entrance on King-arreet ; will be fitted up to tait any purpose for which th fy may be desired. Apply io J. L. Mi 'SES, collector and Real Estate Agent, No. 34 Broad-street, July 14_j_ wlml3 RRENT, TBK PLKASANTLY SITU Al ED TWO AND A HALF STORY BESI Dfr.NCE, No. 5 Gadsden street, opposite Wentworth. Apply at CHARLESTON BTEAJMSaW MILL. Jans 14_rei_ EB Als H STATE AGENTS, AND ?THE88 having houses to rent, eau have tqelr Placards, te., printed at the lowest rates and lathe newest and neatest settee or type, at THE NEWS JOB ?F * rois, Mo. la? Kart Bay. Ju Sale. FOR SALK. ONE HUNDRED THOUS? AND A OB ES OF LAND lu Kershaw County, South Carolina. CONSISTING or: FIFTY Vt RY SELECT FARMS ussr Camden and on tbe Railroad, varying in sise from 160 to 500 acres These and adjoining lim are being taken by our best citlatns, and afford ( very advantage lor health? ful, cornier able and prof,table larms. - M \NY LA KGB AND CHOICE" "PLA A TAT IONS, convenient to market DESIRABLE RESIDEN J ES in Camden and Kirk? wood. SEVERAL LABOE TRACTS OF WOOD LAND AMS A few very VALUABLE al TES for manufactories. Address, WM. M. SHANNON, Attorney at Law, Camden, s. C. July 23_nari_Imo? AUCTION KEKS, BK OK KR S, *ND others wUhing "l or Sals" llacards, business Cards, or other Jot> Printing executed witb neat- | ness and dispatch, will consult their iuterest by leav? ing tbe.r orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 Ea.I Bay._ FOK SALK, OLD NEWSPAPKRS IN any quantity, liica 76 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapptni paper that can be used. Ap? ply at the office of FH B N EWS. March 1 fost ano /nano. LOST. AT NORTHEASTERN RAIL? ROAD DBPOT, yesterday, a heavy GOLD PEN, bia- k holder. Finder will be rewarded by returning it to P. W. MAALAND, Northeastern Railroad Oats. 1? July 38 j Erm?O?l. KEMUVAL.-STKAUS9 Si VANCE have remove 1 to the Store No. 149 ME ET I NG>. s ito-'. ET oppo-ite tbe Chsrlnston Hotel, formerly occupied by Messrs. Dewing, Thaye, A Co . where tiiey are offeriog a larjc and complete assortment of DRY and FANIIY G )t)DS. lm> July 5 Uttmtmal. ?NIVKKSIiY OK V?CGIWA.-THK Session of this Instltut'ou i-onimenees anon all on the first day ot cctober, and continues with, out interruption, till the thursday preceding the four h of July en*uliw The orgamz'tiou of the Institution is very oom? ph1 e embraolug extensive and thorough cur es of instruction lu IIIERATURE AND hCIENc'E, and l-i tue Professions of Law, Medicino sud Engi? neering. 'he expense of ibe Academlo or Law Student, ex? clusivo of the cos.- of text books and clothing and pocket money, amount to about SJC5 per ses? sion o' nine monto.-; and of tbs Engineering or Me Iical Student to aio-u $395. of which sums, re spechvelv, 1330 or $230 is payable on an mission, and the bulan, e in tho progress of the session. For details send forra:al0Kue. P O , - Univ rslty of Virginia." B. M IO PIN. July 24 . Imo Chairman of the F-ioultv. ASHINOTON COLLEGE, LEXINGTON", VIRGINIA. PRESIDENT, GENERAL R, E. LEE, AIDED BY A FOLL COEPS OF PBOFESSOBS. THE Nh_r <?_*-l )N OPE^s SEPTEMBER 16TH. 1369, auO .-lo<e3 Ju> e 25?!i, 1370 In ad.ti.ion to th: res-lar t.'ollcgiatj Course, ibo Fro'es-ional *cbools ol Law and civil and Minlug Eoginocr ug, air iu lull op?-iali'n ^ Necei-sary expeu-c? fromiSiiOtJ ?875. For catalog ie, address J M. LEK''H. July :o imo Clerk of Faolty. ATTENTION I RKPUBLICANS. AHASS MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN party will be beld THIS fc VENINO, at Sight o'clock, at tbe Military BAIL Prominent Repuoli cana will ad dre ra tbe meeting. Inly 28 Jusnranrr. JjHOUKLY? LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Asset? OTer.81,300,000 ISSUES ALL KIN08 OP LIFE AND ENDOW? MENT POLICIES. Divid-ndi annually In casb. Only Company baring the Dettnite Guaranteed Sur? render-Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second to no Company m the United Sutes lor stability, libe? rality and economy. Office No. 1*1 Broadway, New York. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCE, President. Wac M. COLS, Kee rotary. State Agency No. 33 Broad-street, Second Floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted throughout the Stato. Apply In person or by letter to J A .MU.?) G. HOLMKS, Jr., General Agent for South Csro'.lna. July 12_mwf 6moa ^MEHKA.\ TONTINE Life and Savings Insurance Co. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT, No. I MARYLAND BUILDINGS, BALTIMORE. Da. WM. M. POST, Medical Examiner. THOMAS E. COURTENAY, Manager. BRANCH OFFICE, CHARLESTON, S. C. DB. TBOMA8 I). OOIEB, Medical Examiner. JOHN KIRKLAND, Ja., General Agent CHARLESTON BOAUD REFERENCE: Hon. ALFRED HUGER. W G. MAGRA IB. Esq., President S. C. B. R. Hon. J. B. CAMPBELL^ Attorney st Law TH LO. D. WAGNER, Esq., ol J. Fraser A Co. ; ANDREW SIMONDs, Esq., President First Na? tional Bank. BOBKRT MURE, Esq., of Messrs. B. Mure A Co. ED WA BD LAFITTE, ot Ed. Lafitte A Co. Colonel J. B E. SLOAN, Corten Factor. W. A. COURTENAY, Esq., of Mesare. Courtenay A Treuholm. H. B. OLNEY, Esq., of Messrs. Olney A Co. Havine been appi lated General Agent for North and South Ca roi'na for tbe shove reliable and popu? lar Life Insurance Company, I am prepared to re? ceive applications at reasonable rates and on favor? able terms. JOHN KIRKLAND. JB. Office for th* present at Messrs. Courtenay A Trenholm's, Union Wharf. wa3mos. June 2 Gr t A lt D I A V MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY JV J? IK YORK. Organized in 1850. ALL POLICES NO N-FORFEI TABLE. HALF I OA N TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. L AST CASH DIVIDEND 50 (FIFIYi PPR CENT. STATEMENT. Polices in loree.......23,000,000 Assets.. 1,500,000 Annual income. 800.000 Losses Paid. . 500,000 omons, W. H. PECKHAM, President, Wat. T. BOOKER, Vico-Presldent L. MoADAM, Secretary and Actuary. ?? ?t'l - &3.1ij i.'-'t?. ' G. A. FUD [CK AR, Superintendent. , DIRECTORS. -Hon. JOHN A. Dix, New York. Hen. J Akas H ASP SB, Firm or Harper & Bros,, ex Mayor New York. ' \ Jons J. CRANE. President Bank Republic. Wa M. VXSMTLYX, haulier (Vermilye A Co.) CHAS G. ROOKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking Com? pany. Hon. GEORGE Or DYS E, ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C.' MOBO AN, Banker. THOMAS BMNZJ, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. EEKJ. B. SHES ?AN. Treasurer New York Steam Su? gar Refining Conpany. AARON ABNOLD, Finn of Arnold, Constable A Co. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore A Bowne, Lawyers. E. V. HAUOSWOUT, Firm E. V. flaughwout A Co. WM WILSENS, Firm o? W. Wilkens A.Co. jeuns ?. PRATT, Merchant. Wac W. WRIGHT, Merchant. CHAS J. J-TABB, MeroUant. WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. QmS. W. CUTLER, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. GEO. T. HOTZ, Pr?sident Continental Fire Insur? ance Company. JOHN G. SHERWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner Fi th Avenus and Twenty-tbird-street. Hi. WARD H. WBIOHT, Newark, N. J. GR J. W. FARLEE. Counsellor. W. L. COOIWELL, Merchant. GtOltUE KEMI, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Dr. T. BEEH3TJERNA, Examining Physician. H. ISSERTEL, 0 EN EBAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON. ( illcc No. ?05 King-street, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Januiryl3 DAC lyr 0. K O K G I A MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or MACON, GEORGIA. Authorized Capital..9500,000 FIRE AND LIFE DEPARTMENTS SEPARATE and distinct by charter. $10J,000 paid into the In? surance Department of Georgia according to law for the benefit of the assured in thia Company. Stockholders wealthy and responsible gentlemen of | Georgia. A purely Southern Company, allowing only six per cent ot its earnings to the stockholders; the rest o f the profits divided among the Policyholders on the o> ntubutlon plan. lire Department lias been in tuccessfol opera? tion lor six months, aud has already accumulated baudsome ssscts. Lite Department in full and successful operation, and vicing wiihold companies m its success. All of its POUOK s non-iorfeitahlo. and of evpry description of Life and Endowment, l<?gather with an auLUity table and return premium plan. No r'S'.ncti ms upon travo, place of residence or occupatio.i. Women Insured on same terms as men. Loans half cf isp cmiums. No notes taken. OFFICERS: W. J. LAWTON, President. J. 0. MCBURNEY, Yice-President B. J. LIGHTFOOT, secretary. C. F. MCCAY. Cons? utiog Actuary. P. H WltiGHT, Examiumg Physician. This Company ls now prepared to take risks either in the Fire or Lite Dei artments, and solicits a share ol the patronage of the eily and sta'e. J. G. HOLMES, Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. Local an 1 Travelling Agents wanted in all parts of the Ma e. Liberal commissions allowed. Applica? tions tj be mal? to J. G. HOLMES, Jr., General Agont, No. 35 Broad-street, Charleston, S. 0. July 21 ni: wfm yyiLLIS ?Si CH1SOLB1, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS aMi SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, HALE AM SHIPMEN! ito Foreign ?nd Domestic Port?" ot COTTON, RICH, LOM HER *ND NAVAL SXUHa* ATLANTIC IV H A RF, Char leeton, ?. a K. WILLIS.A. h. OHISOlM October ?S rjp CBSKT SHOOTING ASO DANCING. This Dajr. the 3 S th of July, There will be SHOOTING FOB TURKEYS AND DANCING AT MOUNT PLEASANT. Tickets $1 for Shooting and Dane lag. Apply ior tickets a? J. fl. HAPPOLDT. No. 119 Veelice-strcet; A. D LORENTZ, No. 133 Meeting-slreet, and E. F. TORCE, corner last Bay and Queen street?. Extra boat One o'clock, tho- ting will commence at hall past One o'clock P. M. H. 1IENCKEN. July 23_ * Ji GUANO TAULE \l X feXIIIBlTION ASP PROMENADE CONCERT Will to given at MILITARY H ALL, r.ndcr the ans pices of the ASHLEY FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON. To commence on .Monday Evening, 26th Instant, And continue for ten successive nights. Admission only 25 cents. Children 16 cents Tickets can be procured at the door. Thc patronage of the publia ia most respectfully solicited, as the Commutes has pledged themselves to spare no pains in making this one of ihe'most attractive entertainments of the season. Refresh? ments at city prices. boors open at 7. Pt rformance begins at half-past 8 o'clock. Change cf performance each evening. S. E. GB4NT. Leader. T. 8. DENNISSON, July 26 Chairman Committee. Hem pnDliatiou. JJ O F L LA lt BOOKS BENI FREE OF POSTAGE AT THE PRICES ANNEXED HORSE TAMING BY A NEW METHOD. 20c. INQUIRE WITHIN for Anything you Want lo Enow; or, Over 3700 Facts for the People, $1 60. FROSl'S KOOK OF TABLEALX. 36o. WILSON'S BOOK OF RECITAT IONS AND DIA LOGUE*, 86:. FHOSV.i DIALOGUES FOB YOUNG FOLF8. 36e. V THE PARLOR STAGF. . A'Collection Of Drawing room Proverbs, Charades and Tableaux Vivants. tl 60. BBUDDER BONES' BOOK of Stump Speeches and Burlesque 0>ations, 35c. FIIO-? L'S ORIGINAL LETTER WHITTER, 55c. MABl?NE's HANDBOOK of Etiquette and Gulda to Tree Po!ilene.'a 66c. DAY'S AMERICAN HEAEY-RECKONER. 65c. BAR I ON'K COMIC R t CI TAI ION S ai.d Humorous Dialogues. 35c. ' ' aM \ I EU rt THEAT BICAL* and Fairy Tale Dram? as, 36c. PARLOR IHEATBICALS; or. Winter Evening's Enterialnmcnt, 36c THE MODEUN POCKET HJYLE. Containing all the Gi me - O' .-kill and Chance, 66c. THE PA Ul. O It MAGICIAN, 35c. BO<<K OF RIDDLES and Five Hundred Home Amusements. : tic. BOOK UFFIRESIDEGlMES, 35?. LIVE AND Lr.A RN. A Guide.tor all who wish to Speak and Wnto correctly 8"o. ? T HE KNAPSACK FULL OF FUN ; or, One Thous? and Rations of Laughter, f?c. , i THEPLATEOF CHOWDER. . A Dish for Funny Fellows, 30c HOW TO COT AND CONTRIVE. CHIXDBEN'S CLOTHES AT A SMALL COST: 20c; ' 1 : f THE CHAIRMAN AND SPEAKSR'.- GUIDE; or, Bnlsa for the Orderly conduct of Public Meetings, 20c . BOOK OF ONE THOUSAND TALES AND AMUS? ING ADVEN IURE9. containing ever 300 Engrav? ings and ?60 pages. $1 6*. THE COMICAL ADVENTURES OF DAVID DUF FTCK - 30c. THE'LAUGHABLE ADVENTURES OF MESSRS. BRO?N. JONk.H AND BOBIN-ON. 3?c. DE WALDEN'S BALL BOOM COMPANION, OT Dancing made Easy. 66c COURTENAY'S DICTIONARY OF ABBREVIA? TIONS, 200. CHESTERFIELD'S LETTER WBIIER and Com plete Book ot Etiqu- tte 40c. , KNOWL?ON'a FARRIER and Complete Horse Doctor, 30 V THE SECRET OUT;or,One Thousand Tricks with Cards, fl CO. i HE SOCIABLE; or. One Thousand and One Home Amusements. SI 50 ' ??tt BBHBAMJKr! GOLDEN READY-RECKONER, 40c, NOBlH'i BOOK OF LOVE LEITERS, 65c. . HI i.GHOv'E'.-. BALL BOOM GU.DE and Com? plete Dancing Master, 80c. TBE YOUNG REPORTER ; or, How to Write short? hand, 65s. M s STINE'S LETTER WRITER and Book of Eti? quette Combined, $100. THE PERFECT G?N1LEMAN, A Book ot Ameri? can Etiquette, tl BO. MARTINE'S SENSIBLE LETTER WRITER, 66;. WEIGHTS BOOK OF THREE THuUiANO AMERICAN RECEIP16; or, Light house ol Valuable Information, $1 50. RICHARDSON'S MONITOR OF FREE-M?SONBY, 56'. . - .% RAR ET AND KNOWLSON'S COMPLETE HOBSE TAMER AND FA URI R. 55c. THE BOOK OF FIVE HUNDRED CURIOUS PUZ? ZLES, Sac. THE AMERICAN HOME COOK BOOK, 35c. THE MAGICIAN'S OWN BOOK, (1 60. NOBTB'S BOOK Gr LOVEJLETTEBS. 55c. BOW IO HEH A v'E ; or. Xbe Spirit ot etiquette, 20c. HBO AD GRINS OF THE HUSHING PHIL03C PHEB, 300. HO AT IO TALK AND DEBATE, 20c. HOW TO DBfcS* WITH TASTE, 2)C. TUE YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER'S BOOK, 2Cc. L ' LG DING ti AS, 30c. THE G\ME OF WHIST. 20c. YALE COLLEGE SCRAPE?, 30c. BRIDAL ET IQ UFT I t. 20c. PARLOB THICKS WU H CARDS 3Tc. BLUNDERS IN BEHAVIOR CORRECTED, 20c FIVE HUNDRED FRENCH PHASES, 20c. H * REER' MAGAZINE, 45c. NINETEENTH CEN IUB?. 40c GuDEY's LADY'S BOOK. 35c. LESLIE'S LADY'S MAGAZINE, 45c. DEMORE"! 'S MIRROR OF FASHIONS, 46c PETERSON'S LADIES' MAG ZINE, 30c Nov-ela by Charl? s Dicuenst OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAGES. 30 CENTS; AMERI? CAN Notes, 104 p ices 20r; Dombey A Son, 356 cages. 40c; Marlin cbuzaiewit, 342 pases, 40c; Our Mumal Fri. nd, 33u pases, 40c; i hristmas Stories, 162 pages. 30c; Tale ol Two Cities, 144 pages 26c; Hard Times anti Additional Cbristmas stones. 2J0 pages, 30c; Nicholas NIckle'jy 31u pages, 40c; Bleak House, 340 pa-es. 40c; Little Dorrit, 330 pages, 40c; Pickwick Papers. 326 pages, 40 ; David Copperfield. 330 pages, 40c; Barnaty Budge 267 pages, 3fc; Old Curiosity shop. 221 pages, 3Jo; Great Expectations, 184 pages, 30r ; .-ketches, 196 pages. 30s. Tue following Novels, by Slr Walter s cot t 51 ulled at 30 cents Karin WAVES LY, IVANHOE. KBNILWORlH, GUY Mannering, antiquary, Rob Boy. Old Mortality. The Slack Dwarf ana a Legend of Moatrose, Bride of Lammermoor, Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Monas? tery, The Abbot, The Pirate, Fortunes of Nisei, Peve? ril of 'he Peak, Queu lu Durward. St. Bonan'e Well, Bed Gauntlet, The Betrothed sod Highland Widow, Tbe Talisman, Woodstock, Fair Maid of Perth, Anne ol Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, The Burgeon's Dang b ter. tm racelpt of the price, either In cash or stamps, copies of any books ia this list will be sent by mail postpaid. CHAS. C. lt IO HT Kit, No. lol King-street, Jul; 12 PAC i harleston. B. C. j^t s j-El. L'S BOOK STOKE. WEEKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, Ac. THE POET AND THE PAINTER, or Gems of Art and song, with niaety-ntno 1 irge steel engrav? ings, Imperial ovo. morocco, $20. TEKHTSOM'S Euro Illustrated by Gustave Dor?, fo? lio, tn a? e egant binding, 910. 1 FN>T3"N ? LOCKSLT BALL, Illustrated by Bennesy, 4 octavo, $3. Qm. i's ELEGY, with seventeen Quelv colored drub? ings aud .1 photographie reproduction cf the oritt'nal manu-cript, 4to SG25. WAYSIDE POSIES, original Poems ol country life, edited by Robert Buchauau, with forty-seven illustrations 410 S10 THE Bum. by MlchiTot. illustrated by mo hundred aud ten exquisite engravings bv GiacomeUl, $6. CnaiBT IN soso, or H j ms ol Immanuel, selecteo from aliases by Phillp Schaff, D. D , Svo, cloth gilt extra, $6. Co wren's I ABLE TALE, and other Poems, beana, tully illustrated by tbe most emineut English Artists, 1 volume. 4to, S3. - TOBT WITHOUT AM END, from the German of Ca? ro ve, largo 4to. with fifteen beautiful pic? tures, in imitation of water colors, $7 60. CHBISTMAS CABOL. by charles Dickens, with thirty Ulustmions. by Eytinge, -mall 4 octavo, $5. SCOTIA'S BAUDS, the choicest productions of the Scottish Poets, beautifullv illustrated. 8vo, $4. MARMIOV, bv Waller -cctt. with fifteen photographic illustration-, SS. LATS OF TUB HOLT LATO, from ancient and modpr writers, with sixty-three illustrations, 8vo, td. CHAMBEES' BOOK or 1'ATS a miscellany ot popular ann qui i ic-, two large volume-, r iv al 8vo, ti). Tte aoove are all in elegant bindings. Jauuarv lyr A CARD. M. CAULFIELD, FL^OUR INSPECTOR, OFFICE Nc. 157 EAST BAY. Jniy li Imo ?r?frifs an? -?hctMtm. MESS PORK. ?>A BBL9. HEAVY WESTERN MKS8 PORE. a?U For ule by HENBY COBIA ft 00. July 23_ 1 FLOUR ^ 1 AA BBIX PUPBUFIKE FLOUR. 1UU For sale by HENRY COB'A k CO. July 28_;_?_ SPIRIT BARRE'-S. QAA ElR-iT QUALITY NEW YORK SI'IBFE OUU BA BR ?a.?. . On consignment au J for sale bv KIN - ll A ? k BOWELL, July 27 _Nos. 153 and 155 East Bay. COR\ QAA A BCSHEi 8 PhlWE WFSTERN WHITE 0\t\J\t AND BAL? IHOBE CORN, persteam sra Magnolia atd Sea O nil For sale by J. N. TTDEMANN At CO. Joly 27_2__ I ORJV (MT f)?; irv BORBELS PRIME W HE MILLINGr ?O' ?U CORN, per Kalt'more steamar 3500 bushels Prime White Western Corn per Nev York s.earner If?CO bushels Prime Feeding Oats 25 ) bales Prime Eastern Bay 600 bales Prime North uiver Bay. For sa e by WE?T 4 TONES, July 26 No 65 Ea?t Bay. CORN! H Y! pr AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE AND t)\r\)\j WESTERN WHITE COEN, ex-steam, crs M..ftnolia a td sea Gull HAY. ._5u bales I'rime EA-Ti RN BAY 400 bales Prime No rt Ii River Hay. . . For Mle by JOHN CAMDEN k CO. July 26 . ^ 3 PE4& OA A A BUoHELS liLACK PEAS, SUITABLE ^Uv'v for seed and leedi . g< fer sale by _ July 24 T.TT. KERB ft CD. < HE AIM URN. O A AA BUSHELS WE? t ERN: WHITE CORN, Ol'UU sligntly heated. For ?ale, at a low price, by T. J. KERB ft CO. Jory22- ? . ?_?* : ; _ iNEW ???ODS EAST INDIAN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGREE AP BLE, mostdeiclomTa id" healthy food. used, for Puddings, Jellies, Blanc Manse, Ice Cream, Griddlecakes, Soups, AC, put up lal to. pack? ages, with directions for u?e. Desiccated Cocoanut, for Pies, Puddings, Cakes, ftc, put op in half tb. packages, with directions. Sweet Oil, French and American in half pints, pinta and qi ar ts. Older and White Wins Vlnegir. warranted pure Fresh Roasted lio Coffee, of, good quality, at 35c. ??.?..' Just received and for sale by CO-OPEB * i ITE GROCERY STOBE, Southwest comer Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered free. '_May 28 FRESH DRUGS. JUST BECE1TED AND FOB SALE WHO Ll- SALB AND RETAIL BY BR. H. BAEB, No. IS1 MEETING-STREET RISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Bose's Coush Syrup \,L Schenk'? Pulmontc Syrup 'Schenk-'s Seaweed Tonic Cherokee Remedy .. cherokee Cure Cherok-e Pills . * Cherokee Injection . . ? - .. Spears" F nut Preserving Solution. Brown's Chlorodyne - ? ? German Blood or "Kaiser'' Pills, ftc ftc. ' Fleming's Worm ContccHons Wright's Rejuvenating Elixir Churchill's Syrup Hvpoobosnhits of Lima Van Deneen's Woiiu > on?ectioDS Hmiey'e Wen m Candy Bardotte'* Worm ?near Drops Gretenberg Pills Cephalic PiHi Schallen berber's Vever and Ague PS la . . Strong'a Pills :> ^ McLane's Uver^ill? Linn's Vegetable PUTs Russell's Soothing Cordial lor Children Teething Jayne's - Iterative , Jayne's Expectorant ..Jayne'sCarminative ? - - ' Jayne's' Sanative Pills Rad way's Reidy Belf?f . - Badway's B. Pflla Rid way's Ready Eesolvaot. j . k .? * June 21_' _mwf . HOAETr^ * - fa FR S A LE, WHOLESALE AMD RETAL, BrY. Dr. H. BAEB, f June 28 No. lil Meeting-street WintBj fiqwrs, Cte. Q Ii D WHISKIES. THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO AN? NOUNCE that they hare been appointed by Mes 'rs. HENBY s, HANNIS ft co.. of Philadelphia, to sole Agents for the state of south Carolina for tho sale of their celebrated ACME, X. XX, XXX, XXXX, NKCl AB. CABINET and other brands OLD RYE WHISKIES They aiso wish to announce that they wal be in constant receipt of their COPPER DISTILLED MOUNTAIN PURE RYE WHISKIES, direct from Distillery at Hannisville, Berkeley County, West Virginia. : Liberal contracts will ba made for large lob] of new Whiskies in hoad at DlatiUerv Warehouse. CLACIUi ft WITTE, No. 86 East Bay street, Jonie 16 wfm3a>09 ctuxleatoo, 8.0. ^yj- la . FILLET, TROT, NEW YORK, MANTJTACrUEEE OF 9170VES, RANGES, HEATERS, HOLLOW WABE, Ac. MANUFACTURES OF " PHILANTHROPIST"," " CHIEF COOK,' "CHARTER OAK" AND "aVILUN" COOKING STOVES. ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN TRADE. - VD FOB SALZ BX D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES STAND UNRIVALLED FOB capacity, durability, convenience- and the general purposes to which Cookin? Stoves are used. The PHILANTHROPIC ls extra heav> plated, and has Aab Drawer; can De mad* into a nix boiler hole stove: bas cast iron Witer raak galvanized;or enamel lined. A strictly Orst-class Stove. Tba CIVILIAN is ol a neat design, and has a fine large Oven. Till? Stove aaa be had *ttb the extension oark, six holes, and reservoir when desired For further inlormariou apply io D. L, FULLERTON, January 3t tew Augusta, "Ja, J T. HUMPH U KY?, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS' SION MEECHA A 7. SALES OF REAL ESTATE, 8TOCE8, BONDS, SR. CURITIE8 AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. NO. ST BROAD-STREET CHARLESTON, 8. 0. EfcTEHENCES. Hon. HENRY BU1M. W. J. MAGRATH, Esq. General J All TS CONNER. I. tt. WAKING, Esq. OCtOb?T JAMBS KNOX..'OHS OILL J? N O X & G,' 1 L L, ? Cotton Factors AMS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ao. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, CONSIGNMENTS Cr CO I TON, BICE, ftc, BE SPEC I I LLLY solicited an i liberal advances made tuition. Orders lor CORN aud BACON promptly executed with care and attention. 3mos ."Maj 1?