University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. Larges* CkremlaUon.-TEE DAILY NEWS BRING TBE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS BAYING THE LABOEST GIR 9ULATI0N IN TBE CITY OF CBABLESTON, PUBLISHES TBS LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN ^lerO IN TBS POSTOFFICE AT TBE END OF MASH WEBE. ACCORDING TO TBE PROVIS? IONS OF TBE NEW POSTOFFICE LA W. LOCAL MATTERS. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CHARLESTON News, the circulation of ?ich ia about twice as large aa that ot any rother paper pnbliahed in South Carolina, ia the best advertising medium for all business roen. For persons who want situ itions or servants; who want houses or apartments, or have them io rent; who want or who offer board and lodg? ing; who have lost or found articles of value, TVE NEWS has no equal; and in order that ail classes may have their wants supplied, we have adopted the following seale of CHEAP ADVEB TisEXXKTS, paymerU for whioh must invariably he made when the order is, given: Advertisements of situations wanted by or offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work, men, mechanics, house ser van ts, porters, shop boys, cooks and washer; board and lodging want?cf or offered; apartments wanted or to let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices sod warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella? neous ?tais of all kinds. For eaoh insertion of advertisements of th<: classes specified : Not exoee/hng THBXE LINTS or 20 worls....25 cents * Form LUTES or 30 words.AO " Frvx LUTES or 40 words.00 AH advertisements to be inserted at these Tates must be prepaid and delivered at THE NEWS office by 9 P. BL MEETINGS TBIS DA Y. Committee on Reception of Ckneral O'Neil, a*8P.M. S. F. Crab, ats P. M. PBISOWAU-Thomas Bryson, Esq., of Au? gusta, is ii the Charleston HoteL THE MAjuxnsXtaasca.-There will be ser Tioes in the Mariner's Church, Church -street, to-morrow, Sunda.;-, at half-past ten o'clock in the morning, and four o'clock In the afternoon. hssssm? or AVTEBXAZ, RETENUE.-Mr. J. H. Feriter bas received the appointment of As? sessor of Internal Revenue for the Third Divi? sion, First District, South Carolina. His office w ill bs at Sumter, and on Monday of each week he will be at Manning. ~ MERCANTILE PKUTISO.-All kinds of mer- I cintile printing, such aa circula re, letterhead?, ?ards, bul heads, statement*, ftc., for count? ing-rooms and offices, promptly executed in the l?sate? t style and attn? lowest rates for cash, at THE NEWS JOB Ornas, No. 149 East Bay. ; . CATTLE TBXSTES ABBXSTEDV-On last Tues? day night, the premises of Captain Latham, Sommerville, were entered, sod two cows and calves stolen therefrom. Yesterday Henry and John Sanders, colored, were arrested for try? ing to dispose of. cattle, which ats behoved to be the indentioal ones st olen from Captain La taSsJft Tm? suspected thieves were committed to jail by Magistrats Mackey. Tax RAILROAD K?BBOOLIO.-Judge Andrews, of Augusta, has, upon the motion of the coun? sel ot the Sooth' Carolina Railroad Company, the Georgi* RaBroAd Company and the AnKUS ta and SrirnmerviliB Railroad Company, grant? ed a writ of prohibition, restraining Justices Manar and Ells from exercising jurisdiction in the case of Wm. J. Vaaoo, who had claimed ] that the roads, m passing through Washing ton-street, were a public -ouiaanoe. The case was to have been heard yesterday morning. THE GATTTT-S for this week announces change in its proprietorship, Messrs. L. C. Northrop and C. O'Neill having purchased the paper. The former gentleman will hereafter be the editor, and the Utter the publisher. Under the exporten oed management of Mr. Budds, the late proDnetor, the Gazette had at? tained a Wide circulation and greater measure of proton ty than usually falls lo the lot of weekly pipers in the South. The new owners, wbo enter the* field of journalism nuder auspices so favor* able, have our best wishes for their success. IxeraoTOBs or PRXMISBS.- The following de? tectives and policemen are the only persons authorized lo inspect in the upper and lower wards, in pursuance of instructions of the Ho ilt h Depiu-tment. None ol bera should be allowed to enter: Health Officers Detailed for the Purpose. Ward Nos. i and 8- Detective Willum t. Lov? ett, and Roundsman Michell. Ward Nos. 2 and 4-Detective William Reed, and Bounds man Foley. Ward Noe. 5 and 7-Detective N. A. Quinn, and Roundsman Scott. Ward Noe. 6 and 8-Detective C. 6. Davis, and Rounds? man Pepper._ HOTEL AEEXTALS, JUJU H.-Charleston Hotel. A. Brandi, Augusts; J. N. Martin, Newberry; John O'Neill, Washington, D. C ; Mr. and Mn. A. Hoppin, Mrs. Whet ton, Rhode Isl?n]; L. Goetstnan. New York; A. M. Latham, St. An? drews ; J. W. C. Oilman, New York; George 3. Douglass, Camden; Thomas Bryson, augusta; Alfred Williams, South Carolina; Wyatt O'anon, Augusta. Pavilion HoteL-J. M. Wari, P. K. Coburn, Sooth Carolina; J. Schaffer, Wadmalaw; A. 8. Gibbs, city; W. B. Wortham, Cooper River; b. Z. Graham, 8. C.; C. C. Webster, England; B. B. jEongdon and wife, 8. C. CHARLESTON AND THE CRAIN nvsimca". -The Baltimore Soo says : The St Louis movement to reach the sea? board by the way of (he Mississippi River has already produced one good result. We have heard of various effort* at (jbicago for reduc? ing the exorbitant charges on Handling and forwarding grain, and now comes the an? nouncement from Buffalo ot the dissolution of the union among the elevators there, and a great reduction of ratee. Charleston may find an explanation of the Port Royal movement against her in the desire of the Great West to get to the markets of the world without unnecessary expense. Query: When tbe Blue Bidge Railroad is built, will its depots be located at the Four Mile House, or on tidewater? AN IMPORTANT DECISI?N-The case of Mr. W. Y. Leitch, of this city, against Collector A. G. Mackey, was compromised yesterday by ihe payment to Mr. Leitch by six. Mackey of $1000. The cl tim wa? for the share of the for? feited oargo of the schooner Aid, due Mr. Leitch as Surveyor of the Port at the time of the forfeiture. It was resisted by Collector Mackey on tbe ground that, although Mr. Leitch did act aa surveyor under the appoint? ment of the President and Secretary of the ?Etaaanrj for more than eighteen months, he 6M not taken the iron-clad oath and was not. entitled to a share of the forfeiture. By com? promising the claim Collector MaeksT appa? rently NSOffs?ses the fact that Mr. Leitch, as a defacto surveyor, waa entitled to all the proper emoluments of his office. RAILROAD STATION INDICATOR.-One of these handy and interesting machines vras shown to ns yesterday by General W. 8. Walker, the agent and part proprietor. It is a dook of fine quality, the boor hand of whioh points ont the hoar of arrival at the different stations on the Ima of railroad upon which it is need. By it the traveller sees the time of day, the last station passed, and the time when the train ia due at thc next station. It will be put in use at once on the South Carolina Railroad and the Northeastern Railroad, and as it will be constantly before the eyes of all the persons in the trains, the advertising space around the dial, which is for sale, should be very valuable. The indicator was invented by Mr. E. B. Mar? shall, of Atlanta, and is owned exclusively by Southern men. SEA. ISLAND COTTON ra THSEKOLISH MAR? KET.-A Liverpool oiroular of Messrs. Bogers & Calder, dated May 28, and addressed to a cotton house in this city, says: During the past week the demand for sea island bas considerably increased : the total sales amounting to 220 bags, a larger total than in any weak of the past two months; the prices obtained ranged from 26d. to 57d., one bag only bavins' realized the last mentioned pnoe, 10 bags 54d. and 2 bags 531. per pound. The extent of business is partly attributable to concessions in price of about 2d. per pound, which have been made to secure sale) of a fow large parcels. A lot ot 8 bags of Australian cotton has been s dd at 42tL, (equal ta about $105-100 currency in Charleston.) The import of sea island for the week is 353 batts, and the estimated stock, alter deduc? tion of 100 forwarded from the qjay untold during tho whole of May, is G.578 REPORTERS' CRUMBS.-Evening service in St. John's Lutheran Church is discontinued. The Rev. J. R. Pickett has returned to the city after an absence of two weeks-attendance on a revival near Georgetown. Some progress has boen made in tbe pre? liminaries for the yacht race ou tbo 28th in? stant. Tarions rumors are afloat in reference to the dearing up of the municipal muddle, and it is said that there will be a meeting of Council next Tuesday evening. There will be a scrnb velocipede race this afternoon on tbe plank road bounded by Cha? pel, Elizabeth and Calhoun streets. There will be a lively tims, as many bycycles are entered. A child was run over by horses and a carriage in King, near Wentworth-streets, yesterday, bat almost miraculously escaped unhurt. The bathing house off the Battery affords an excellent opportunity to enjoy a sea bath. The boase and baths have been put in ' horough repair. General O'Neil, of the New lork Fenian Bro herhood, reached the city yesterday, and is staying at the Charleston Hotel. He will lecture on Irish Liberty, on Monday evening, at Hibernian Hall. A petition is in circulation seeking aid and encouragement from the city for laying the MoGooetral (wooden) pavement around the public buildings in Broad and Meeting streets. Tn UNTIED STATIS COURT, JUKE ll-HON? OR AXLE GEORGE S. BRIAN PESSIDLNO.- In Bankrupicy.-R. E. P. 8anders in re J. M. Timmonsj. Petition for sale of property. Bat ledge k Young pro pet. Referred to Regis? trar. Ex parteS. R. Chewning. Petition for final discharge. Referred to the Registrar, alb final hearing to take place before this Court 22d Ja?y, 1869. John Hadger was approved of aa assignee of R. W. Allison, oi Laurens. The United States vs. air wooden paokages of tobac? co, found at Columbia, S. C., in the possession of the Charlotte Railroad. Information for forfeiture tor violation of Internal Revenue laws. On motion, ordered that a writ issue returnable on the first Monday in Joly. Issue Docket.-Batcher & Brother vs. T. M. Cater. Aasompmt. S im on ton ? Barker for plaintiffs; Campbell, Seabtook & Phillips for defendants. Toe court resumed tbe consideration of this case, and sojourned at half past $ o'clock un? til Monday, lath instant, without concluding argument. In Admiralty.- The United States vs. two ?undred and fifty barrels of molasses. It appearing that, after paying the costs and expinses that there will remain $12,274 80, it ie ordered, that the .clerk pay Buist ? Buist, at? torneys for A. G. Mackey, Esq., Collector ot tha Port, tba one-half part thereof, to wit:, $6137 ?. (8igned) Qzo. S. BRIAN, District Judge Presiding. * TH2 STATE COURT-IN THE GENERAL SES? SIONS-HON. R. B. CARPENTER, PRESIDING. FRIDAY, JUKE ll.-Tbe following cases were disposed of : Tbe State TS. Pat Slattery-Malicious tres? pass Guilty. The State vs. Wm. Curtis-Larceny. B. W. Seymour, Esq., for the defence. Not guilty. The State vs. Jobn Carrington-Larceny. Guilty. The State vs. Elizibs:h Mid ; on-Larceny. W. J. Whaley, Esq., for the dei. . ?. Guilty of petty larceny. The State vs. Albert Harrison-Larceny. Henry Deas, Esq., for the defence. Gail ty. The Bute VB. Albert Jenkias-Larceny. B. Chisolm, Jr., for the defence. Not guilty. The Grand Jury made the following returns: The State vs. A. McClelland-Assault and battery. True bill. The State va. Peter Allston-Larceny. Tr ue bilL The State rs. L. Smith, J. Williams and B. Arto pe-Larceny. No bill. The State vs. Wm. Lawrence-Assault and battery. No bill. Tbe State vs. Charles Cook and Wm. Heirn -Larceny. True bill. The State vs. Solomon Cuthbert, Geo. Cuth? bert and Franois Nelson-Larceny. Trae bill. The State vs. E. B. Seabrook, Jobo A. Alston -and Arthur Grimball-Biot, True till. TbeStato vs. E. Baynard Seibrook-Assault and battery. True bill. In Ute Common Pleas.-The petition of E. C. Thorin fora mandamus to obtain posses? sion of tbe office of Flour Inspector of tbe city was read by B. C. Tliarin, Esq. The court refused to grant the rule. CONFEDERATE BECORDS.-The Survivors' As? sociation, with the view of collecting and pre? serving statistics and historical material of the war, would be glad to be allowed to make copies of any original papers relating to the forces furnished by Sonth Carolina to the Con? federate army or navy, muster rolls, reports of battles or accounts of individual interest. These papers will be carefully recorded by tbe association, and when desired, the origi? nals will be returned. They would also be glad to receive the names and military record of those who were killed or died in the service from Charleston Dis? trict, and will furnish blanks for the purpose. The Committee on B900rds will receive any such papers. C. LEVINE WALKER, No. 3 Broad-street. T. G. BARKER, No. 15 Broad-street GEO. D. BBYAN, No. 85 Broad-street. THOS. MoCBADY, foot of Bee-street. F. K. HUGEB, N. E. Railroad Office. June 12 stuthC A LmxDEK OT CAREFUL ATTENTION to the needs of the travelling public have won uni? versal commendation for the American House, Boston, controlled for nsarly a generation by Lewis Kio?, Esq. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mr. A. O. Ki TjYtuxn, broker, Broad-street, has 15000 to loma. See bis advertisement. -o G BUN TURTLE SOUP, fish and roast beef for loneh at Torok's; ?Iso bock beer on draught. Go TO GEORGE LITTLE tc Co. for fine black cas8imere pants, $3. tuthslmo Jone 1 THE "BADEN" PAP?R COLLAR AND COTFS, at BLACKWELL'S, May ll tuth* No. 219 King-street. Go TO GEOBOE LITTLE & Co. for white linen dook suits, worth twenty dollars, for $13. Jane 1 tuthslmo CHAMPAGNE C I D E a.-One hundred casca Champagne Cider and Lager Beer-quarts and pints. WM. S. CORWIN & CO., No. 275 King-street. OUR CHAMPAGNE LIB T.-Moet & Chandon (Green Seal), Vo Clicquot Pousardin, Piper Heidsei:k, Mumm's Verzenay, Mumm'e Dry Verzenay, Mumm's Private Stock, Boederer Dry Sillery. * Bouche Fils & Co.s Cirto Blaucho, Dry Vt zenay. Cabinet. Also, Hockheimer, Lonbenheimcr, Cloe, de Vougeot, Chambertin, Nuits. WM. S. CORWIN .V CO., No. 275 King-atreot. IMPORTED CLARETS.-Nathaniel Johnston k Son's Medoc; Nathaniel Johnston k Son's St. Loubos; Escheanuer Benecke k Co. Bon iliac ; Brandenberg Freres Medoc; St. Julien Medoc. Also a good table Claret at $4 25per dozen, $150 per gallon. Yv'M. S. CORWIN k CO., No. 275 King-street. -o HAUT SAUTERNE-CATAWBA.--Brandenberg [ Freres Sauterne; La Croix Blanche Sauterne; Sparkling Catawba; Still Catawba on draught. WM. 8. COB WIN & CO.,' No. 275 King-street. /itu Jlrts. jpHOTOGRAPH ( OLU1U.VG. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tinted with care and taste can have their orders promptly filled by leaving them at Holmes' Book House. Written directions should in each case be given as to tbs style of coloring preferred. April 22 3mo8* Shirts a ni) /aritisijinfl (tobs. SCOTT'S GENTLE HEN'S FURNISHING STORE, Mee:Inp-8?n>et, opposite the Market, is the Cheapest and most Popular EstablUhment of the kind lu the city. Having made the STAB Shirts and Collara his specialty, he is enabled by his experience, the variety of his Stock and the extent of bis business, to supply these SHIRTS Beady-made, or made to order, guaranteeing a perfect flt, and at prices that defy competition. Constantly on hand Gray's Pa? tent Molded Cellars, and a large Steck of Gent's Underwear. Every article sold at SCOTT'S ii of THE BEST. January 1 6mo* flam? N ICKERSON HOVSB COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS PLEASANTLY LOCATED HOTEL. UN? SURPASSED by any House tn the South for comfort and healthy locality, is open to travellers and others seektng BO ABD FOB 1 HE SUMMER. Families can ba accommodated with nice airy rooms on rea? sonable terms. A call is solicited. May 13 Imo WM. A WEIGHT. S T. CLOUD HOTEL. THIS NEW AND COMMOLIOU3 HOUSE, LOUAT? ED corner ot Broadway and Forty-eecond-sireet, possesses advantages over all other houses for the ac? commodation ot ita cuesta. It waa built expressly for a first-class family boarding house-the rooms being large and en suite, heated by steam-with hot and cold w.ter. and furnished s econ J to none; wbUe the culinary department is in the most experienced banda, affording guests an unequalled table. One of Atwood's Pstent Elevators ls also among the "modern improvements" and at the service ot guests at all hours. % The Broadway and University Place Cars pass the door every four minutes, running from the City Hall to Central Park, while the Sixth and t-eventh Avenue lines are but a short block on either aide, affording ample facilities for communicating with all the depots, steamboat landin gi, place* of asuse ment and business of the great metropolis. MUK K dc HULL ICY, Proprietors. March 12 . 6mos S TEAM SASH, BLIND an DOOR FACTORY* L. E. CORDRAY & CO" No. 2 PB1TCSARB-STBEKT, OPPOSITE J. F. TAYLOR A CO.'8 MACHINS SHOPS. SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, always on hand PANEL DOORS, HOT HOUSE SASHES, MOULDINGS, 4c, made up at short no? tice, and at tho lowest terms. L. E. CORDRAY.C. A. TBOUCHE March 23 3mo QHAKLESTON A G Ul CULTURAL WABE HOUSE AND SEED STORE. AGRICCL 7 URAL IMPLEMENTS, G ARDE ? SEEDS, die. ELLEBBE'S TBANSPLANTER FOR SALE. GEO. E. PTNGBEE, No. 140 Meetinfr-staeet, Charleston. March 21 6mo \V, & L. G. WELLS df GO., PBODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bo. ll* WEST PK ATT-STH E ET. BALTIMORE, MD., RECEIVE AND SELL ON COMMISSION ALL kinds ot early VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MELONS, Ac We guarantee highest market prista and prompt ratauma tor all Mtxslgnments to our boase, h tenait Plates fvalwaed free of chart*, fcaos May 3 $5000TO "OA" FOB A TEEM 07 YEAB3, ON' A MORTGAGE OF CUTT PBOPEBIY, at the accustomed rate of in tercet. By A. 0. KAUFMAN, Broker and Commission Agent, Jane 13_?tii2_No. 28 Broad-street. Jg A ti K K H S , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BB0KEB3 AND MEB CHANTS, wishing Checks, Blanks, Letter Heads, or Job Printing of any description, c:n get their orders ailed promptly and in the neatest ctyle, at cLeap rate?, by applying at THE NEWS JOB OPFIOB, No. 149 Eint Bay. Snsinrss Coros. ^jHADIBKKLAIN ?St SEABROOK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW avro SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Charleston, S. C. Office in the Courthouse. o. u. 0UAU0IOL4IN, Atty-General... E. B. SEABBOOK. SpoelsJ attention will be paid to the Prosecution ol Churns held by parties outside of the state. May 4 yyTLLIS dc CIUSOLB1. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS dim SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE ANT SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ol COTTON, BICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STOBEB. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, e. 0. 8. WILLIS.A. E. CHISOLM October M_ J. B. HEARD, 2f. T. I W. J. HEARD, NORFOLK. C. W. YOUNO, N. T. F. E. GOODRIDQE, PORTSMOUTH. J_?EARD, YOUNO dt CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ito. 34? Washlngtotustreet, NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TBE SALE 0? EARLY VEGEGABLBS, FBOTTS, POTATOES, Ac. BEFBREKCES. -Governor Z. B. Vance, Charlotte; W. D. Beyno'ds A Bro., Norfolk; E. G. Gh'o, Super* to tendent 8. A R. Baili oad, Portsmouth : Colonel B. Li. Fremont, E. E. Burnies, Esq., Wilmington; H. E. Thurber A Co.. Langnrai A Egbert, New Tort ; Bernard O'Neill, Charleston ; Alexander A Bu.-aeil, Savannah. 3mos Apr!: Ilrngs. (extrairais, (Ctr. jj ii u a s CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS PAINTS OILS SPICES. Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DR. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING'STREET, NEAR MARKET, BAS ALWAYS ON HAND, AND WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATE8 : HOSTE TTEB'S BITTERS PLANTATION BITTERS HUFE LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS STOUGHTON BITTERS WINE BITTERS IODIDE POTASSIUM BROMEME POTASSIUM CHLOROFORM ETHER QUININE MORPHINE, Ac AVER'S PREPARATIONS JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, EXPECTORANT, PILLS, Ac RADWAVS MEDICINES HELMBOLD'S BUCH? WRIGHT'S ELIXIR PAINKILLER VERMIFUGE DEAD tHOT, Ac. HALL'S SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR LYON'S KATHAlitON BARBY'S TR?C0PHERO?8 CHALFAN TS COCOA CREAM, Ac. NO CURE! NO PAY! FORREST'S JUNIPER TAR. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 12 RUGS ASO MEDIC IN Ki?. THE UNDER PIG NED CALLS THE ATTENTION of both city and country purchasers to his large stock of DaUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUM? ERY, FANCYGDODS, AC, AC, aH of which be of. fen at the lowest market rates. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR? KET-STREET. March 4 T O BAKERS. JUS1 RECEIVED AND FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND REI A IL : CARBONATE OF AMMONll PRIME H0P3 CHEAM OF TARTAR H. BAER, Druggist, No. 131 MEETING-STREET March 4 A TTENTION, AUVEItTISERS, TO THE MONTGOMERY MAIL. THIS IS ONE OF TBE MOST PROSPEROUS PA PEES in the South, is published daily in Montgomery the Capital of Alabama; bas an extensive circulation throughout the State, and offera advantages and In ducements to advertisers which lew Other journals can equal. A regalar file of the paper may be seen at tbe PUBLI BEADING BOOM, No. 3 BRO AD-8TREE1, And contracta for advertising may bs made with the Agents in Charleston, WALKHR, EVANS A COGSWELL. ?. H. GIBSON Sf CO., Marca 8 Proprietors, Montgomery Ak. <3grtrgltgraL FARMER'S POCKET COBIV-SHELLEE. Malle aol eli-on. Coppered. HOUSMAN'S IMPROVED PATENT, 1866. WEIGHT O Ai LY ONE POUND. W BEIN i IIIS OWNER OF 1HE PATENT BIGHT OP THE COUNTIES : CHARLESTON", BARN, WELL, Colleton. beaufort, Georgetown, Wi Illa m ?burg. Horry, M irion, Clarendon, fcutnter, Darlington Kershaw, Lam-asfer. ''hcsterdeld and Marlboro', Sou'h Carol na, of this small, cheap and very valuable Invention, I oTt-r them to the public as one of (hebest of the age, andean recommeud them with con? fidence. Countv Rights tot sale on reasonable term9, and the little jewels furnished to owners of County Rights and to Merchants at such prices as will enable them to make large profits, and at retail by the principal bardwar? dealers in tho city. May 27 C. N. AVERILL, No. 68 East Bay. tb etui mo GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Organized in 1859- All Policies ucn-Forfeitable. Half Loan Taken. No Notes Required. LAST CAMI DIVIDEND 50 (FIFTY) PER CENT. Statement. Policies in force.?25 OOO.OCO j Assets. 1 500,000 j Annual Income. 800,000 Losses Paid.. 500,000 Officer*. W. H. PECKHAM. President. H. Y. GAHAOAN, Secretary. L. MCADAM, Actuary. G. A. FCDICKAR, Superintendent. Directors. Hon. JOHW A. Drx, New York. I E. V. HAOOHWOUT, Firm E. V. Haughwoui J Hon. JAMES HABPEB, Finn Harper 4 Bros., Co. ex-Mayor New York. ! Wat. WILSENS, Finn W. Wilkens 4 Co. JOHN J. CHANE, President Bank Republic. Jours H. PBATT, Merchant. WK. T. HOOKES, Wall-street. WM. W. WRIGHT, Merchant. Wu. M. VBRMTLVE, Banker (Vermilye & Co.) CHAS. J. STARR, Merchant. CHAS. G. ROCKWOOD. Cashier Newark Banking WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. Company. GEO. W. COXLEB, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Hon. GEORGE OPDTKE ex-Mayor of New York. GEO. T. HOPS, President Continental Fire.ln MINOT 0. MORGAN, Banker. surance Company. THOMAS RIONST, Firm Thomas Rigney 4 Co. JOHN H. SHERWOOD, Park Place. BEN?. B. SHERMAN, Treasurer New York Steam WALTON H. ? -CREAM, Corner 5th Avenue and Sugar Befluiog Company. f wenty-thtra-street. AABON ABNOLD. Firm of Arnold, Constable 4 Co. EDWARD H. Wu tour, Newark, N. J. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore 4 Bowne, Law- GEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. , yers. W. L. COOSWIXL, Merchant. GEORGE KEIM, General Agent for South Carolina. Dr. T. REE HST J KH KA. Examining Physician. R. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOB CHARLESTON, January 12 6mo sac Office No. ?09 King-Street, Charleston, S. C. (Ulina, CISIWOT, (itt. _ CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, A LARGE ATID WELL SELECTED STOCK, IMZFOIRTIEID ?IREOT FBOM THE POTTERIES IN EUROPE TO CHARLESTON. FOR SALE AT No. 255 KING-STREET, CORNER OF BEA?FAIN, WHERE FAMILIES CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH EVERY ARTICLE IN THE ABOVE LINE BY ' WILLIAM Gk WELTLDEN & CO. May 29 nao tuthslmo (Oohing atti /arnisljinfl ftoote. j^OW IS YUl/K CHANCE. CLOTHING IT LESS THAN COST. GEORGI: LITTLE & co., No. 313 King-Street, NEXT DOOR TO THE VICTORIA HOTEL, ry FEB. THE LB ENTIBE STOCK OT tm, wm m BOW CLOTHING AT LE8S THAN COST, IN OBDEB TO CLEAR THE STORE FOR RE? PAIRS. All those lu waac, of the ARTICLE would do well to tri re aa a call and examine for themselves. June 1 tuthslmo Q^KBAT CL KAKI!*U OUT SALE. THE LARQE8T STOCK OJ READY-MADE CLOTHING In this City, to be sold regardless of cost in manufac? turing the same. In orler to dispo.-c of our entire Stock for the COMING FALL TRADE, We have REDUCED THE PRICES regardless of the cost of manufacturing the samo. All persons in want of anything in our linc will do well to give us a coll before purchasing elsewhere, as we guarantee % savin : of TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY PER CENT. To all who buy of us. 4S-0ur terms will be STRICTLY CASH. I. L. FALK & CO., ONE-PRICE CLOTHING WAREHoUsE, No. 393 King-street, and No. 167 Meeting-street, Opposite Charleston H -tel. June 1_fl stu th Imo P. D." TUE BEST FITTING DBiWEBS IN IHE WORLD, at BLACKWELL'S, May ll luths Ko. 319 KING-STREET. Japanned and Stamped Tin Ware, offered at wholesale only by Wil?am Shepherd, No. 17 Hajnoratreet, Charleston, S. C. ?lisctMtons. ^(?KFEUHG! GOFFERING! [ DONE AT TBE SHORTEST NOTICE. App?v to Mrs. DAWSON, No. 306 King-street, over Cohen s Drug Store 6* June 8 AlAKEll CITY FINK SHIRTS', ^ BEADY Ids DE AND TO OBDEB, At BLACKWELL'S, May ll tuths No. 219 KINO-STBEET. gOUTHKRN LANDS WANTED. W. C. ALDEN & CO., REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 34.t; PINE-STREET, NEW YORK CITY. THE ABOVE FIRM HAV? ESTABLISHED A Special Department for th* Bojinr and Selling of Southern BEAL ESTA IF, City and Country. They have placed Mr. J. M. MORGAN (late of Charleston, 8. C.,) at the head ol thia branch ol their basined*. Parties wishing to sell property in the New York market will and it to their aJvontage to address the above firm. Mr. MORGAN refers to Messrs. G. A. TBEHHOLM A SON, Charleston, S. C. Jone 7 Dae Imo HOLE RUBBER SUITS, ViZ: COAT. LEGGINGS. AND CAPS WITH CAPE8, for only 8?, at VON 8ANTEN'.* BAZ \ AB, June 8 tuths3 DAC No. 229 King-street REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI. AsT* Ask your Grocer for our Brm ml of Lard tm these Packages. Packed in 3 tb, 5 rb, 10 Bs Caddies ; 00 lb Cana for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard, Send for Price List Sold hy Grocers la Charlestom. Kay? BM stnttimne Valuable Plantations. BY HOLMES & MACBETH, Auettome?. By virtue of an order ot sale, to me directed, by th ev Hon. George 8. Bryan, Judge of the United States Diatriot Court, for the District of .-onto Carolloa. I will offer for tale at Public auction, at the OIA.. Poet?me, toot of Broad-street, on TOKxDaT, Joje 29th, 1869, at ll o'clock A.M., tc: All those J HR EE PLANTATIONS OB TBACT8 OF i AND, situate ia fct. George's Parish, District of Oolleton, and btate of Scuth < aroiina, ccnapitsuar all tbat Plantation or Tract of Land, measurhif ana. containing eighteen hundred and twenty-tlx ,18201 acree, mora or 1O-B, and generally known as the* 'Indian Heidi Mil Plantation." Butting and bound lng to the north on land, now or late of Major David G avia, to the sontb on land now or late of Captain D. Cannady, and land now or lately claimed by WU! Lam Ctsey, to the east on land no* ?rlate ot colonel Johnr. Bnmph. on land bere'nalter described, and land nov or lately c airned by Wm. ttsey, and to the west ant land now or late of estate of Thomas Byrd, and land formerly a part ot the naid "Indian Plaids Mill Plan? tation." bnt sold rf) therefrom to John L. Duet and Wm. Utssr, and by the said Wm. Utsey to Major David Gavin. ALSO, An that PLANTATION OB TBACT OF LAND, adjoining the above on the east, measuring and con? taining seven hundred and thirty four (734) ?eres. Buttinp and bounding to the north on land now or late of Captain J. L loaboet, to the roath on land-how or late of Christian Bumph, to the easton land or the South Carolina Batlrood Company, and to the west on land now or late of Oolonel John Bumph and the ..Indian Fields Mill Plantation," above described. ALSO, AU that TBACT OF PINE LAND, measuring and containing forty (?0) acres. Buttmg and Denuding on all side* by land claimed by Wm. Ctiey. and touch? ing the east side ot the "Indian Fields Mill Planta? tion." The above three Tracts of Land will be sold as a whole and comprise in all twenty-six hundred (-600) acres, a poitio.. of which ls cleared and well adapted to conon, and the balance heavily timbered Terms-One-third case ; balance in two equal suc? cessive annual instalments, secured by bond or bonds of the purchaser, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable annually, and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser ro pty fox panera a d stamps. LOUIS ?CLAIM, June 8 i us 7 Assignee of W ti ar ton A Pe tsch. Sitting ?JHarljiiies. rJMIK l'MV EUSAL FAVORITE, WILLOOX Sc GIBBS' SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE STANDS THUS FAB UNRI? VALLED as a FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and hu taken the place of over forty doable thread ma? chines in this city. Bellahle Agenta wanted in aX large towns ta the State. D. B. HASELTON, No. 307 KING-STREET, Willcox A Gibba' Agent of South Carolina. NEEDLES, OIL, SILK, Atc, constantly on hand. BEPAIRTNG as usual etuthlyr May 1 Paints, tyils, Ctr. QAMERON, B?KKLEY ?fe CO., NORTHEAST CORNER Meeting and Cumberland Streets? STE Aid ENGINES GRIST MILLS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, and MACHINERY. January 1_too yy H I T E L X AO, ZINC PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, te, fte. BAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS. CAM KU UV. BARKLEY ?Si CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cu?h?rland streets. January_6mo QI LS! OILS: Olli st 1000 GALLONS PURE WINTEB LARD OIL 700 GALLONS FUSE WINTEB No. 1 LARD OIL COO GALLONS PURE WINTEB SPERM Oils 600 GALLONS PURE MASON'S 6PEBM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MACHINERY OIL 1000 GALLONS WHITEOAK LUBRICATING OIL 900 GALLONS REFINED NEAT8FOOT OIL 300 GALLONS TANNER'S (STRAITS) OIL. CAMERON, BARKLEY di CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, January 1_too Jg ll A S S WORK. STEAM GU AGES, GONG8, GUAGE COCKS STEAM BIBBS AND SIOP COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES GLOBE AND CHECK VALVES, OIL CUPS WATER GUAGE8, GLASS GUAGE TUBES' MEBC?BY G CAGES, LOW WATEB DETEC? TORS COPPEB AND BBA8S WIBE. CAMERON, BARKLEY 6i CO., Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, J? a nary 1 _6 mo B ULTIM Gt BELTING! 5000 FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT? ING 5000 FEET GUM BELTING, 2, 3, A, and f PLY 250 SIDES PATENT DBESSED LACE LEATHER 300 DOZEN METALLIC-TIPPED BELT LACING 100 BOXES BLAKE'S PATENT BELT STUDS 150 DOZEN TOLLMAN'S BELT HOOKS 759 YARDS GUM PACKING, 1-16 INCH TO } INCH THICK TUCK'S PACKING, i INCH TO li INCH DI? AMETER SOAPSTONE PACKING, i INCH TO 1| INCH DIAMETER WHITE AND BBOWN JUTE PACKING ITALIAN HEMP PACKING RUBBER AND LEATHER HOSE MANHOLE AND HAKDHOLE GASKETS OF ALL SIZES. CAMERON, B A it KLEY ?? CO., Northeast Comer Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 too E OOFlffG TIN. 500 BOXES IC 14x20 ROOFING TIN 300 BOXES IX 14x20 BOO FING TIN 100 BOXES IC 23x20 ROOFING TIN 50 BOXES IX 42x20 ROOFING TIN 25 BOXES IX 12x12 25 BOXES IX 14x20 20 BOXES IX 10x20 20 BOXES LXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXXX 14x20 BLOCK TIN, TINSMAN'S SOLDER, SPEL? TES, ?Vc, ?tc IN STOKE AND TO ARRIVE. CA MERON. BARKLEY <S CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 tee Jj 1 H IRON, SHEET IRON AND STEEL, WROUGHT AND CAST IBON PIPING, STEAM AND MALLEABLE CAST LEOS FITTINGS, tor steam sad wsaer. CAMMOS, BABKI.HY ?ft OD.? Northeast com? Meeting and Cumberland i January 1