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i * ? ,_:_ _ VOLUME VII.-NUMBER 1052. CHARLESTON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1869. SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM THIS BTATE SUPREME COURT. rmcLu. unaai so THE H?LS NEWB ] COLUMBIA, May 7.-the case,of Nance vs Nance was resumed. Ur. Fair in reply. The osee of W. Saheret et al ads. J. A. 4 decree, by consent, was rendered. In tbs ease of William Ganter, by next friend K TS; Ellen Gunter and J. H. Snbor, administra? tor, Mr. Jones was heard for and Mr. Baxter contra; Mr. Jones in reply. In the eases of Sarah Cureton TS. George Brown and George Brown TS. Sarah Cureton heard together. Mr. Fair was heard for and General Garling to ii contra. The ease of Sarah Richardson VB. T. & W. Chappell, executors, waa o an tinned. EUROPE. *- DEBATE ZN THE Haman B0?SX OF OOMXOBB rn oaas or isa KA IOS OT COBS-THE US rr ED STATES IN CHANCERY. LOHDOH, May 6.-Io the House or Commons Sullivan, the Attorney-General for Ireland, mored for leave to brin? in a bill to disable tho present Jiayor of Cork from acting as a magis? trate. Ho give a h is tory of tho disloyal con duct of the alayor up to its culmination in the late inflammatory speech at the dinner recently given in Cork to Wai ren and Castello, and saul after much consideration, the government had come to the conclusion that the present step was advisable.' Several members disapproved the course ot the government as t stretch ol constitutional power, an ordinary action of law being open to it for a remedy. 8ir Johrf Gray, the member for Kilkenny and Maguire, the member fur Cork, urged the necessity of giving the Mayor full opportunity for meeting , the charges made? against him They complained that the action of the govern? ment was based only on the newspaper reports Disraeli deprecated as imprudent the release of Fenian prisoners. If the action fer seditious language had been taken earlier the present step would not have become neceaeary. He would not oppose the introduction of tho bill, bat urged the House to consider well the step proposed, and the constitutional questions in? volved. Forte w T\ t? i Chief Secretary of Ireland, as? sured the - KS*} that every facility would be {given tho U - -a- i1i bia friends to reply. The gorwciman- wo il l tskeoaie not to {rive any ground foreomp?iut of injustice in the man? agement of Iris h affairs. Hs intimated they intended to propose the Appointment of a com? mission to investigate the conduct of the police in the lato die turban ce at Londonderry. After further remarks from Matan. Glad atone and Gathorne Hardy in support of tbs measures, leave to introduce the bill was granted, and it waa read the first time. A copy of the bill and notice of its second read? ing waa ordered to be served on the Mayor of Cork. LONDON, May 7.-In the case of the United ; States vs. Cohn Mc Bea, UM Chancellor de ciar- J ( ed that no endeavor was made by tba com? plainants to shaw' that thernoney or goods be? longing to the United States, io ita own right, j g waa dis tang sis h od from its right aa successor j t of- the Cooled erato Government. Judgment I waa rendered for defendant, witta costa. ANOTHER HP ANKH CONSPIRACY. MAD BID, May 7.-A conspiracy has been di 3? ; covered at Barcelooa, in which many army offi? cers were implicated. Thirty-six arresta have jj been made and important papera seizsd. : j . TlTTIBlBsf TS TUT i tr?TK f LONDON, May 7.-To ere have been heavy n' robberies of arma and arnnvutykc-o at the Tari- j, ons ports in Ireland. The outrages have been t attributed to the Fania ns, and the police ire t ordered to be unusually vigilant. ? Ul SPANISH OONOTrXUnON. ?j Mannus May 7.-All amendments to the re- 0 hgious clauses in the constitution have been c rejected, and the original constitution in this s respect was adopted. Ii WAMHIX9TOW. TH a LAST nan cannoti QUSSUUHB-THE axon OIA BUSINESS- HRH. DB. WAUUB PANTS TOR A porapmcx. WASHINGTON, May 7.-The last rail of the ? Pacific Railroad will positively be laid on Mon The appointment of a new Spanish Minist sr [ ia to definitely postponed. I Hoar has return ed and Grant receives adele f gatton of the Virginia Union League tc-mor , row. Giant his appofa tod General Terrell, of In? diana, the third Assistant Pos: mister-General. Thiaj^r.awa Colonel Markland, whom the Pre^^t nominated for that poeition, over? board. Virginia waa considered in the Cabinet, but j: nothing was determined regarding the sepa ; rate Totes on the clauses or the time of olec ! tien. - Grant directs the f ecretary of New Me xi cn to exercise the functions of governor until the P political disabilities of Crow, a Confederate f colonel, nominated hy the President, are re - mored. Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker panta for the Alexan? dria (Ta.) Poetofioe. % :. T?tere baa been a severe atruggle over the Savannah post ornoo, Cresswell undoubtedly nominated Sims, but the President refused hie commission. It appeara that Sumner and other extremists were desirous of niling the Georgia Federal oftcea with negrota, thus r? butins the Legislature for expelling them. It is stated that Tift opposed Sima bitterly, and prominent Georgians pronoun red the appoint? ment se mia hieroue. The Dyer court-martial has adjourned. The decimoD ]'? unknown, but Dyers exculpation ia conceded. Thomas bas departed for the Pac fie and Terry for Atlanta. MEXICO. roLrnoAL DEMOEAUZAIION OT TBS WHOLE OOUWTBY-THS ?UABE3 OOVJCBNMENT IN . DANOKB. CITX or Maxi oo, April 80.-Troops have ?-4) *e n sent to suppreaa a revolution in the Slate of Guerero. Some fighting ia reported. The dissatisfaction witta the Juarez Govern? ment ia spreidms. There ia danger of the success of tbe sec J se i on movement in the Northern States on account of the politic il atruggle between the government and the op? position. . Mutual obarges of o -.irruption aro made, and guards are placod over the rea i flenoo-t of all ministers on aeoount of the appre? hension of aasassination._ THU PACIFIC SAN FBAKOTSCO, May 7.-ExtenMT0 prepara? tions were made at Ronolulu to defeat the re rted conspiracy on tho part ot tho coolies to order their employers. AiyexcurHion tram'! ar the eastern end of tho larval Pucifi* Railroad, with tbe ormm'tskm overnor Stanford aid a Dumber of guests, wlv escaped d?strnoliou from a treo norona The locomotive wu demolished. * SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. General Hancock left W J abington for Daoo tah last night. The Hartford S?nate have adopted the Fif? teenth amendment, by a etiiot party vote. General Lee leit Alexandria on the direct routa for Lexington, Va., via tho Orange, Alexandria and Central Railroad. The Secretary of tho Treasury will purchase a million of flve-tweoties, weekly, and bas directed the Assistant Treasurer at New York to receive proposals therefor. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL. Moses and thc Minti*-The Personae! at Uk? Statt? Government- \ Power Be? hind the Throne, &c. [mox oma own COBBXSPOXSBKT.] COLUMBIA, S. C., May 6,1869.-It is the opin? ion here that Adjutant-General Moses will only get negroes to form his mditia; for as regards tho whites, "that occupation's gone," aud all now bavo "conscientious scruples." H. Spar nick has gone travelling on the fat income of his sinecure ; the Superintendent of Education, J. K. Jillson, gets his $2500 for probably dream? ing about the plans ho has m prospective to satisfy the freedmen's "whines a boo t a-going to Cawddge;" and we are more than willing that General Moses should shut up shop, and d away with "thc big plumes and spirit-stirr drum." The muster days in tho olden tints', with plenty of mean whiskey and broken noses, were bad enough, but the disastrous consequences that wilt result, if ibis militia ss stem is carried out will be tremendous. The Treasury Djpartmant costs $2600 more than it did under the old itgtme. 1 roas orer Parker's clerks fortunately understand bis duties. Oardozo, Secretary of State, though colored, is the most intelligent, best qualified and most popular of all tho State ofBoers. He is well thought of by ?very one beie, irrespec? tive of party. But little is being dono in tho Executive De? partment since Governor Scott has lett, yet his i bee noe matters but little, as "the stay behind -he throne"-old John Heart-has always done ie brain, aa well aa tba manual work of the ?neem-writes all messages, documents of m por tance, Ac., an d the old Reynard uses Scott is a mete cat's-paw; an3 it is conclusive to us .bat the latter is no Governor at all, from thia >lain reasoning : Scott most either be Go ver? lor de facto and de jure, or one or the itber-it ia R encrai v admitted there is no Gov irnor de jure, and since Heart is Governor de 'acto, the Ohioan is left out ia the co ld. Report lays he is worth 1300,000 and sought the gnb irnatorial chair only from ambitions motives. Jaery : Is Scott's ambition ill-direoted ? S. L. H?ge, T. J. Robertson and A. 8. Wal aco are here, and Assistant Adjutant-General 3 bott (colorad) attracts attention by dashing brough the streets in bis double buggy at a >reak-nock troc. The professors of the University of South karolina are very sanguine that the institution rill outride tho stonr. Professor John Le 'onte has arrived safe, bv way of Panama, in (an Francisco, and writes with unbounded en husiasni about that great country. The iron palmetto tree, oreo tod by the Stale i honor of the dead who fell in Mexico, has eon very muon io j ure d by United States Dol? iera and others, who have bo n knocking off ie letters for relics; it ought to be stopped. Very few know the object of a bride column routing UM western opening of the Univer Bi? ri it ie to tell the deviation of the magnetic eadie from the true Northern meridian, wbicb icreases o? decreases east or west, accoiding a almost regular periods ol time. This devi tionis very imp ir tant in surveying, and is eterminad by arranging a compasa on a mar? lie Btand Borne seventy-five yards from the oluuan, then notice the number of'degrees ?tween the direotion of the needle and a traight hoe between tbs marble and a black ine on the southern side of the brick column. The ground formerly ocoapied by the bulld? ogs rf the Arsenal Academy baa been en loaed, and ia now b?ing used by Governor Icott aa a garden. The Supreme Court is noe on the Sixth Cir? ait, and .will adj J urn to Charleaton slier h car? ag tba two remaining cbroj^ta. HALIFAX. HUE ELDOE RAILROAD COMPANY. At a meeting of the stockholders of thia com any, held at Clayton, Georgia, on April SO, he following directors were elected : Thomas [elly, James Bleekley, M. F. Cannon, George L. Trenh jim, Henry ? jardin, Jamee L. Orr, '. W. Harrison, E. L. Prarker and W. H. D. laillard. The following resolutions wera adopted : Resolved, That fbe thanks of tue citizens of tiona County are doe to the President and hreotors of the "Blue Ridge Railroad Com lanj in "tomb Carolina," for tueir untiring nergy in promoting tbs great work in wbicb bey, aa well aa the stocaholders ot the B ue tidge Railroad Company (in Georgia) ure so inch interested, and that we, both as citizens nd stockholders tender the same, as also our ?cognition of tho generous aid expended by louth Carolina to tbs whale wrk without re mot rag ita operation to her o vn borders. Resolved, That in view ot the paramount mporianoa of the Bpeedy completion of our ailroid ob neotion with the seaboard-in lew of the certain increase of the value of inda, the sore development of all the re ooxoee of the country, both mineral aod asrri altoiaLand the f oibties which will bo af irded to trade a id immigraticn. we oe diallv ivite eacb and every citizen ot Kaban Co mtv t> come forward and aid ai In the work by lib? ral subscriptions in laud and money. Resoleed, that books tor subscription bo at noe opened, aud that Jadge Beckley, M. F. iannon and Amos McAllister be appointed a om mit tee, who shall for the ensuing year ake chart: e ot the same. Retotoed, That tao President of this oom iany ia hereby au thorin !.. lo oxeo u tu and de? lver in behalt of thia company the several aortgages which may be advised by coansol, o Hocure the bonds to be issuoi b/ thc 'Bim iidge Railroad Company in So um Carolina," n conformity with lu? ucLi of the General As lembly of South Carolina. Resoleed, That the t.tockhor'ersof the "Blue lidge B iilroad Compauy" have beard with meero sorrow of the death of their late Prcai lent, the Hon. Edward Frost, of South Caro ina. Resolved, That the name of ibo Hon E lward root, ul Sooth Carolina, aiiould bo and shall u fire ver assoc i.'tea with t JO history ot the .Blue Ridgo Railroad Company " and wo. tho tock Holders of the same. deoUre our intention rhen tho road is completed, to provide A fi - ing testimonial of oat . reepeot for hui noble as a mau and bis eminent uiotulnesa s a eil ?zen. Resolcea. That tho family of the deceased ie luruiahod hy the secretary of the meeting ntb a copy of the abovo resolutions. General J. W. Harrison was unanimously re? lucted President, and Ur. W. H. D. Gaillard leeretary and Treasurer. -Libel suits are on th.- ?ncraaso. Buidos bo one instituted by John Russell Youi.g gainst Daua of thc Sun, wj mm have June; ''uk. Jr., bring ng Ur. Norvell, tho money edi or ot tho Tim'M. into court'to auswer tb tito barine ot Blander-tlie blander consisting ot n allegation that plaintiff had aided m p a i bring tho Allan io and Croat Western Kat! otd Co npv.iv. ftlvard. ? >u .1 and La?o o ni iiriu3 wita him. Lane bas brought a similar utt. on hs own behalf, a*id th: damai*SH laimnJby tim twain are somoibing in exact* >f a million of dollars. THE SCUUETZENFEST. LAST DAY OP THE GREAT FESTIVAL. Distribution of the Prises ?nd Crown lng of tlie King. The tact that y eater Jay would be Ibo coi eluding day of the Sohuetzonfeat, drew tc getber the largest crowd that has ever bee seen at the Plata. The trains, omnibuses, pri vate and public vehicles were tasked to th utmost to cpnvey the immense number of visi tors. These were not conti ned to the Teuton) element. Ad nationalities and all classes flock ed to the gay scene' to enjoy the occasion, am witnpss or participate in its joys and amuse menta, The city was deserted; many store were dosed, and avenues of trade were as stil and quiet as on Sunday. THE MORNING ** Was sp eut in various pastimes; the (tonger bond and the Teutonia societies sang; tbi Turners, adult and juvenile, contorted them selves into indescribable shapes; tho music o the baud and the harps filled the air with de lightful Bonnels, and even the quivering leavet on the overarorung branches were inclined tc put on airs. About midday the grounds begai to fill np rapidly. Every effort was made tc cause the last day to bo an epoch in the history of the Charleston Schuetzen. Sugar eating, pilk feeding, sack racing, greasy pole climb? ing, mill walking, and sliding on the waterfall caused dense masses to congregate wherever these sports wero in process. The greasy poll was successfully climbed by a white boy, who domed the hoop of its prizes as he did last year. The very best spirit prevailed, and all seem? ed to enjoy themselves. It would be unwise even to guess at tue amount oi lacer consumed. Kegs and barrels wore emptied and replaced, and three again ran dry. Yet, to the honor of the Sch?tzen bo it said, there was not ono ri? otous person on the ground. So much for la? ger, with oar good Germans to drink it. No inpleasant incident jarrad the harmonies of the day. The participants woro all too good aoraored to get vexed with anybody. In the matter of courtesy, the German hosts were masters of the situation, and dispensed their Heartfelt hospitality in a free and whole-souled nan n er. The shooting ceased at four o'clock, and a iraas howitzer m ado the fact known in stento? rian tones. The committee immediately set a work making oat tho prize list. It was com? peted by half-past 6 o'clock, when there was a reneral assembling around the tribune, where be 8 ee DR erb und and the Teutonia and their ^siting friends sang a parting song as a pre? nde to the GEN EBAL DUTREBfTIOK OF FRIZES. Captain Melchora then introduced Professor I. D. Meier, saying that he had enough to do vithont making tho speoch of the occasion. Professor Meier delivered an eloquent ad bress in German, speaking of the festival and be glory of the occasion, and tho success that md attended it from beginning to end. He lontioaed for soma tuno in hie usually impae ionod strain, passing in review the main and ncidontal features of tho festival, not forgot ing handsome allusions to the visiting bchuot oa. He was ficqueutl.v and loudly applauded, 'tiling the Sobnetzcn horn, which can hold wo bottles of wine, he drank to the health of he King. He then addressed the masses in ?nglisb, and said be regretted ho could not peak tbat language as fluently as he would ke, and give expression to the sentiments hat filled bis heart. He thanked the people f Charleston for the generous support they ad given the 'estival They bad sustained it a a manner that would nevor be forgotten. Ie was glad to meet Oermaus from all parts f the country under one banner, bat the beat tanner to bim was tbo banner of "free labor." *rofessor Meier thea announced the prizes as ollow a : PABSrVZ MEMBERS OF THE CLUB. J. H. ?J appold., one piano over; R. S. Bruna, wo boxea cigars. The latter gentleman was Dodly oalled OD for a spocob. After mach en reaty and load calls from the crowd he yield d, and remarked, tb it he wished to think bern in behalf of the American people ?or the ''eat, and regretted that be could not Bpeak to hem in the language ot the vater?and. Ho loped that tbe club would on the next festival on tain hundreds ornativos aa membera. Pro 3ssor Meier's remarks, he BL id, were worthy ? tho gteat German nation A vhich be was a roe type. [applause.] Professor Me er o Aliad the PUBLIC T ABOUT PRIZES. L. Maller, a boy's eau ; Mr. Dafenbach, a redding cake; J. Juca ten,one (Walter Steele's) at ; H. Halleu, one pair (O'Neill's) kid boots, idles ; N Fehreubaob, ono smoking aet; A. MoGillivray, cologne extracts ; Mr. Ander on, wax flowers; J. Campsen, one Wneder & vJilBOu'd self-sewur. THE FRIZZ TARGET PRIZES. Mr. CrusiuB, of Nen York Club, keg alpine utters an i aland. On receiving the prize he ?d be could not speak bat could shoot. [Ap? plause.] Mr. W. H. Dunneman, last year's [tug, one barrel ol flour; E. F. Torck, a photo raph of Contodeiate Generala; J. Wohltmao, i dozen lathes' handkerchiefs ; - Benson, a un of coal; B. Bequest, a barrel ot (Camp en's) flour ; - Genius*, a barrel or (Gurney'sj bur; - Airy, of New York, a rifljmau'a belt, laptain Melcbere, o:i presenting the belt, said t waa the eamu wi u m New York at the great 'est, and now bo teiurned it. [Cheoriue.] In receiving it Mr. Airy aaid,it waa the first time ,o had over boon South, and waa highly pleased ti th the recootion be had met with, and would rear the belt as a remembrance of bia pleas nt visit hero. [Applause.j Monsees, a meer chaum pipe am "over; 'forgone, of Kew York, wo calf skins; ex-President Spou ter, of the Vas h in? ton City Club, a water cooler. He said. 'A blind chicken will sometimos find bil oro. Wtiiio ho waa here, tho honor ot the Vus ilagto.i Club was safo in bis bands. J. J. kirgci', a (Kn'smau'd) cake; N. Fuhrenbach, a Melcher'*) Cik. ; - Wihihaw, an illustrated Ktok; - ftbalko a ( Temple of Fashion) iat;F. W. Mull r of New York, a table co vor. iHii rutuua'a PRIZES. H. Kooning a pan- ul Lruiize ornamenta; T. Hoister, a p .ir of dippers. THU OF no.S OK PBIZOS. Captain J. H. D.uuu (ot New York.) a Wia ihostor rifloand?in uunit.ou p.cae.ito 1 oy fun lHABUSTOa DALL? S ?wa. The Captain very Uu noiously oaidi.iai.aoi'idour/awuu d hup pen, such LS tho W.llisin Tell saut that went homo in he centre, and luado h'ui tho wimer of the icautiful weapon. [Laug.itur and appiau e.J I. li as tedi, silver s.ii vcr and t uro goblets, also i Bi.vir mddal (Bjek'?) wub General Wago lor'o likeness o.i it. to ba worn tor one year. )u tubing tho ehmsjiit uris.*! ho filled oue of ho gobi ts and ur nu the health ot' all ScliUJt :ent precut ;?ud auront. A. I'iottaithaL, lot ni Sullivan'o I-ia .d nwt.ii a crop of fiddlers and rabil, fl. t'. S ibaoiitu. a youug mairiod mau, a kadie. Oaluaruiugwiut aa^biaprizo bo said bat lt coud nut be exp .-ciad tbat bowouid ?o able io m ike a ..;>..? o i a?er b.'ing token back bysjeb au ar. .. o ol domaste use. Ho j returned thanks, shouldered the cradle and retired amidst an outburst of laughter. H. Wagener, an opera cloak, lie was expected to say something, but said he could not as bis case was very similar to his predecessors. [Laughter.] C. E. Heinsohn, a dozeu Sumter bitters; Crusms, of (New York,) a music stand and a box of schnapps, sent from New York for the one who could put the most shots in the bull's-eye; J. Heger, four window shades; H. Jergens, (New York,) an Adler's German Dictionary; G. Dreyer, onecoverod rein bridle; G. Cppel, one thousand dollars in Confederate money, for tho worst shot. THB EAOXB PME ES. Theodore Molohers, the crown, a ring; H. Elatto, the apple of state, a pair of castors. The sceptre fell and was not counted. A. W. Jaeger, the head, a silver butter dish; E. F. Torck, the neck, a saddle; H. Hastedt, tho left daw, a Colt's revolver; A Witte, tho right claw, a silver-plated teapot; B. H. Bequest, one China tei set, from Washington. D. C. Mr. B. Bergmann, President ot the Teutonia Society, received the Lindatedt prize, a pair of horns, presented to tho Teutonia and Soogerbund Societies for singing. He saul that as long as the societies existed they would come and sing at the festival. He offered three cheers, and closed with a musical hurrah, in which many joined. D. W. Goeljen, the body, which made bim king. As he ascended the tribune. Professor Meier called for three cheers for "our king," but, only a "Sohuetzon iine."' Tho king was accompanied to the tribune by his queen, Miss M. Sablmann, and her maids of honor; Miss C. Cordes and Miss M. Muller. Ex-Prosidont Spengler, of tho Washington corps, addressed the new king, and said it gave him great pleasuie, as a stranger, to present the diamond studded insig .ia, (to be worn for one year,) a present from Mr. Gooree A Wil? liams, of New York ; also, the gold hunting case watch, from the Jersey Bcbuotzon Corps. The king said ho could not make a speech, but Professor Meier would return his thank', which be did in a very appropriate and handsome manner. Tbe 8chuetzeo pant-colored sash with the raised gold thread script letters, "Schuetzan Eonig, 1869,'' was placed across the king's breast, after which ho placed the floral orown on the bead of bis queen. Captain Me'chers called for "three cheers," which ware given for the queen with a will, and a "titrer." Tho Sohuet? zon born was then filled with Rhine wine, and the king "whet hts whistle" and handed it to those near hun, who drained it to the bottom. Captain Stone, a visitor, returned bia thanks for the attention that had been shown him as ? an officer ot tho United States Navy. THE BALLOON ASCENSION. During tbe day a large bili jon was sent up, md was followed by the eyes of thousands, until it was loot to sight. TUE PAETIN6. ' When tho shades of night foll, the booths md grounds w re illuminated with innumera? ble Chinese 1 interns, hung m the trees and ?mdst the flags, giving a soft light to the , scone. Later there was a display of fireworks, , md not unlil near midnight did the merry- j nuking cease. i Bo ended tbe most successful festival which i Charleston hoe knowu. There was not ono i ?lot ou the rcourd fi mn Or?aao lase, not ono 1 litoh in tho arrangements. Tho committee 1 lovered themselves With glory, and the 1 ichuetzen know tbat this year they have had ' i "Volksfest" indeed, in which all people lined and with which all were pleased. And f we may eo singlo out ono feature as the ?rowmng merit of tb? whole, it ie that-a lu ly ?vas as safe at tho Sebuo'.zen Platz as in ber awn parlor, and would hive found, at need, m ( jvery Schuotzen a protector as in every German , i frieud. The Fest of 1869 is over. Hurrah for the German Sohuetzon 11 ! JJ?rAIIIS IN THE STATE. Fairfield. On Thursday there was a teriiic hail storm in Winnbbjro'. The largo brick stable belong? ing to i>r. Thomas Maddeuwas blown down. , t rees were uprooted, fences demolished and bricks from cuimneys strewn in every direotion. Some of the hail stones was nearly as large as 1 a pigeon egg. Andersen. The following are tho Democratic nomina- i tiona for toe county : Bev. Jobn M. Carlisle for school oommitttoner, and G. W. Hammond , tor coroner. The lu tel ligenoer says last Saturday afternoon 1 Lhere waa a violent storm. The ruin poured down in torrents, and was followed by a severe ti ul storm. Trees and fencing wuro blown iown, but we hear of no sorious damage. On sales-day not many persons were present, 1 and the day was un usually quiet. Tho sheriff auld some property, but in most instance? we , :an hardly tu the valuation, as the Homestead - law renders the bid mereh nominal. One ' tract containing 200, brought 1550 and another iract containing 126 acres was uid off at $350. 1 Ibero was no homestead exemption on either '. ot these tracts. The County treasurer sold a , aall-acre lot in tn is villano, auder a tax execu- , non, tor $235 No i ni pi ovi mema, fencing or idvautage-d beyond location. These prices in- 1 licate that the value ot property is yet un- 1 settled. Sumter. A severe hail storm occurred Thursday i iftornoou between Middleton and Claremont , Stations on tho railroad. , The Court of General Sessions and Common Plean, Judge Green presiding, commenced on ' tuesday morning last. < Lieht frosts were seen in several portions of the district on Monday aid Tuesday morn? ings last. We hear that the cotton on some < af the light lands have been considerably in? jured. The News says : "An altercation occurred JD Monday night last at the plantation of Mrs. I Tero McLeod, near the line of Munter and : Kershaw, between two Degrees, Jim Osborne ( iud Sam i bomas, in wteoii the latter was killed. O sb rno being anxious to avoid adiffi- 1 :ulty. retreated lol distance, fol- 1 .owed by Ihomaswitba butcher knife in his j Saud, declaring it to be his iuteucnu to kill < aim. Osborne h nail y picked sp a billet of , wood, struck Thomas and felled him to tho ;arth. and ho died iu a short timo. We leam that Osborne has gone to surrender hi nself 1 to the sheriff o that district." ~~?ir"t?irAt?r.?^ToN?O.N COKDIALGI.?, , DR PURE UQ? JH MK JUNIPKR BERRIE*.-ThM lavorite tirando! PCR.'. LOSOOS COUDIAL GlN 1 aaa Blood tbe test ot timo. in.ration, i tracy, biirh , anns and untair compet?.ion, -md neill oajoys a ron- ? staiitly uiJituauig HS; fba-riue tbit rr .io in ont I Jots njt always go unappreciated. CJHARL&V cOlsDOM OOHDIAL OIN j ta offered to t ie wurlie ai a perlectly reh iblo ppeci- | as?n ah cases of Diaoosel mulder aol llid.ieya. lt < lett directly on (bese o gm i, with a .uro H BOU I ipeeuinei*, wb ch render it Invaluable to persons fufforins tr"m drivel. Diabetes. Inflamed bWader, ( soaniy und highly-colored urine, and in all ej?fs | wbiTc, iro a WiUtCOX cause, a haalthlui diuretic is i require!. i Ladle* Biibjost to pain ui monitrnatlor, can by the ? ase of COUOIAL- GIS a lew daya previous to and dur UR i iuo-<3 obiani jrrearre'luf In s ich instances lt eloul.l be tuk-eu willi i-uuar aud warm water. ( As a loni.: au J bevaragj this GU is uucquillcd, aa t lt poMff-se-i uoue ol Uic bcidicae pr >i>9riiu< to be i found i?, tho-o pois D", n-'W too T'r*qnenilT said un- i Ocr .bo BSUMM of Oin. Brandy. Wbinaey, fer. JOHN F. HKNRY. -olo Importer, No. ?I Park Ucw. New York. Kor sale In (Tm lesron, >ontn ta.oliua, by OT. H. HU' lt, RAOUL A LYNAftW. A. SKlllHK, O. ( W. AlllAU, El), s. UORNlIaal ?md A. Vf, MIKEL , A 00. lutu*e3*3mos nae Teh mary 23 Spf rid Hot?rcs. ?-UNIT ft RI AN CH?RCH.-DIV1NE SER VIOE will be held la this Cnn-ch TO-MOBBOW IfoBKina at half-past Tea o'clock; and at Eight o'clnrt at NIGHT. Preaching ? y tho Ber. B P. CU I TER. Subject at Night- "The pc wer aocrlb d Christ In the Scriptures. " Mav 8 MW PIBSr BAPTIST CHURCH.-DIVINE service may bc expected In thia Church lo-Moanow MORNISO. by the Rev. E. T. BUIST, D. D., Greenville, at half-past l on o'clock. There will bo no sei Tice In tho afternoon. May 8_ CITAD EL SQUARE BAPTIST CHURCH. Sen-ico . on SUNRAY MORNING at Half .past Ten o'clock-in the EV?MNO at Bight, May?_B_ ?-ST. JOHN'S LU 1 HER AN CHURCH. Service at half-past Ten o'clock TO-MOBBOW MORN? ING, uy Fev. w. W. HICK J, and in tbeErxxxxo at Eight o'clock. Evening 6ervico-atats free aa usual. Mar 8 _ jay FIFTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOIE1Y FOB THE ADVANCEMENT CF CHRISTIANITY IN F OU TH CAROLINA.-Ihe Amiveroary ?ermon will be preached at draco Church on WEDNESDAY ETX >LNQ, 13Ui Instant. Service to commence at Eight o'clock. 1 he Annual MebUng of the Society will be held at tho same Church on TmmanAT Evornro, 13tb lost, at Eight o'clock. JOHN HANCKEL, t Recording Secret iry. EVAN Fowanos, Troasuror. 6 Mav 8 MW NO I ICE.-ALL APPLICATIONS FOR ?-GREAT ATTRACTION 1-A MASSIVE SILVER ICE PITCH BB and WAU KR to be baliotted for at st. Mark's May Festi val. The candidates aro well known in thia community. 3 May 8 BIGHT OF BURIAL In the " Ephraih Cemetery," Calhoun-^ treet beloorini to the association of col? ored persona attached to the Independent Congre? ga ional Ch ur. hes of the City of Charleston, most be made to HENRY W. MATHEWS, THOMAS R. SHALL, JOLIUS A. BIRNIE and STEPHEN B. COOBRAN, who are duly authorized to hear and dotonnmc upon auch applications. By order of HEWBY W. MATBZWS, surviving Trustee. 1 HOM A 5 B. SMALL. Secretary, Msy 8 1?_No. 181 Coming-street. ?"CONVEN HON.-THE cSEVENY-NINTH Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina will meet In St. Philip's Church, on WEENESDAT, the 12th Instant Divine servi oe will commence at Ten o'clock A. H. JOHN D. MoCOLLOllH, May i touts* SecreUry. ?-ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS FOR INI ERMEN I in the Ephrath Burial G round,situated on Calho.m-stro-t, will mako application to the Clerk, JOHN B. HEIGHT, No. 85 St Philip-street liv order of the Preaident J. H. DUNCAN, May 7_2*_Secretary. MW ROSAD ALIS I ROSADALIS I-BOILS, CARBUNOLE.S. BRUPHON3 AND PIMPLES ON IHE FACE, Sallowness of ibo Complexion, Ooneral D.tillly, aro brought about by an impuro elate if th.- blood. Ro<adalis has boon found to bo a permanent euro. for this class of di?ares. It should be taken until all tho morbid matter is car? ried out of tho system, and the blood 1* ch.ngcd from ils vit ia' ed condition to it? healthy ann normal Mate. It is sale and effectual, never produces the (lightest injury, contain* no m i re u ry or other poi? sonous saluerai. If yon are miff-ring wlih any of hofli, ?. Ti..rireil renditions ni Btktlim. try a holli?. Tf yea have a friend in a Bimi Ur condition, send Olm a bot'le and he will ever thank yon. Ask your IruggWt for lt. GOODRICH WIN KUAN A CO., Importers ol Drugs aud chemicals, May 8_alnthS_Charleston, s. 0. MW MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION_X H E Rev'd Clergy, of all denominations, are particularly requested to call on the ladies ol their congregations to decorate the gravea of Conicdcr-ite soldiers in their rtepoctivo churchyard?, on Memorial Day, May the 10th._May 1 49-VEBGNE'S ELECT BO-CHEMICAL BATHS.-A BRA SCH OF DB. VEBG ? L'a (OF NtW TOOK.) Electro-Chemical Baths ls now wt aol abed and in dally operation in Mettin", oue door atiovo Hudson-street, over the office or Dr. P. T. t-CHLLY, who has a private room for the especial accommoda? tion ol those who wish to be trtabd by the Medi? cated Baths, which are celebrated for the core of aU diseases produced by the too liberal uso of Mercury In any of ita forms; also Rheum it ?Bm, acate and ob ronlo; Soot, Lead Poisoning in any form, Nervous Affections, Debility, and Chronic Diseases gener? ally. Dr. S. will adm muster the Baths by instructions direct from the discoverer, Dr. V., which embrace many recent and useful biota. Mar 3 imo ?-IF THE LADIES BUT KNEW WHAT thousands of them are constantly relating to ut, we cannot believe one half ot tbe weakness, prostration and distress experienced by (hem would vanish JAMBS MARSH, Esq , No. 169 Weat Foorieenth street, Kew York, aays, "be has threj dil dren; tbe first two are weak and pu ay, hia wife laving been unable to nurse or attend them; but she ha? taken PLAN? TATION lil ir Hts lor the ast two years, and hus a child now el^bt^en months old, wh cb sba has Lurv ed and roared herself, and both aro heany, e moy ind well. Tbe article ls invaluable to moths?," bc. Such evidence might be continued for a vol?me. The best evidence ia to try tbem l hey roeak for themselves. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress alter eating, torpid liver. ?oustlpation. diabetes, sc, wlB find apeody relief through these bitters. MAGNOLIA WATER.-Superior to the beat Imposed forman Cologne, and told at hali the price Maj *_tutbs3_ ?- SARATOGA "A" 8P. ING WATER, Saratoga, in the Sta:e of New York, i- one of the moat remarkable mineral reserv?les upon tbe surface af the globe. Within au area of a milo in dnmeter ire some thirty mineral springs-no two ot tbem lUke. In fome of tho waters, Chloride of sod'um predominates; in others, Iodiuo, Magnolia. Sulphur, Chalybeate. Aa Tho banencitl effect* of eome ot these witera, an m?dicinal agents, are known throughout the civilized wo ld. Probably one hun? dred thousand persona visit tbe-ie s, iring* mi uul y Many hu-drrd thousand b itt* cs of ibo water aro transported and consumed in the vari m< lucul.tlca at the country. Tho SARATOGA "A*? SPBINU ?AIM: Is me? al ly the mo-t effective nu ural water lound on sith-r continent. It ?ill i o O?-ITV.H) that ii hu ten percent, g rea er mineral prjpor.i -: ;uin too celt* lira ted i ougruss Spring; tour tim ? I U%1 ..! Balun Baden ol Austria; fiv > Umcs thu vf All is Ottap 4 ?e in Pru-su; ttvico tb it ot Vichy In Pc un: ; uoirl.v : tiree times greater 'han thu re town?*] NO ls- r ot jcriwii.y ; and eq lally uVBC tho - )>.iu ul Kath, tn lund ana Kinsen,;cu lu Damns. Ibo u-p nation ot this MU?.' 1? beal upou Its iffo-ts in di.-ok--? ot' the ?tunad, liver, o vols, iiane-f, aud s,.'ooo, and ace wuu WJ > o f i luiue fit m cases of Cur?me Dy-po|.?i , llouati|tt inn gravel, Gout, Scrofua i ntatieou-? Affcrlb.ii>, Gane? i a! Lethargy, eorene.-e, and PtvutraJuu o ibo sys? tem. 'ihe value ol' mineral wattxs ba.? been prized aud l Vnowledg-.d by medical men MIICC ton nari int ?sfi.isaiioa, A col- bated autboi ly hays" "luov.r lues ot minera waters have liera beta uno wi ia the treatment ot oo-c rn1 and euron t discos <-.'' Agen: lor tho Saratoga "A" Spn i : tVaier, Jt)U F. 11 IA RT. No. 21 Park Low. Ni w Xor?. Fold m Charleston, >. C, ovo. ?. AI .IAH, \y. K. t-KBlNE. RAOUL A LYN All, v ?V. . ?. .t CU.. ED. S. BURNHAM und Dr. tl. ?J. ii. February J3 ?lo luth.- c..imo* Sprrial Miffs. ?O' CONSIGNEES PER STE'.MER SEA GULL, from Ballimore, aro hereby notified that she ie THU DAT discharging cargo at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. All Roods not taken away at sunset will remain on wharf at con - ignee's ria*. MORDECAI A CO., May 8_1_ Agents. ?a- ACCORDING TO GENERAL CUSTOM for several yean past, we, Iho undersigned, King atrcet Merchants, agree lo cloec our respective places of bnataess on SATURDAY ATTERKOONB, at 9 o'clock P. M., beginning May 8th, and continuing nnfil 1st ; October, 1869. CHARLES KERU ISON. J. K. BEAD A CO. STOLL, WEBB ft CO. W. O. WHILDEN ft CO. LOUIS COBEN ft CO. A. fl. HAYDEN. MoLOY ft BICE. T. Kl.LLY. J. STEIN. May 8_J. E. FOGABTIE, Agent. J?- SAYING8 DEPARTMENT SOUTH CA BOLIN * LOAN AND IRDsT COMPANY.-For the accommoJatioa of the industrial classes, an office In HASEL-SIREET, in the rear of "Hayden's alore" will be o paned for tba receipt of deposits on WEDHEBDAY and THURSDAY Evairotas of each week, botween ihe boors of bevon and Nine o'clock P. M., oom xencing on WEDNESDAY EVENING-, 13th instant Deposits, ftc, also daily daring the ordinary bank? ing hoars, at tbe main office, Broad-street. .IHOS. B. WARING. May 8_Bw2mo3_Cashier. ay FRIENDLY UNION BOCIETY.-FIFTY SIX i H ANNUAL MEE UNO, MAX ?tb. 18.?.-Ihe lollowlng officers wero this day unanimously ekctod to servo the ensuing year: ?II. E. DEREEF, President. t ROBER I' B. OORDEN, Vicc-President. T. B. MAXWELL, Secretary. WM. MCKINLAY, Treasurer. Relief Committee.-Joseph Dereel, Edward M. Pitrey, James D. Johnson. Sta' ding Committee.-E. M. Pitrey, W. E. Marshall, J. D. Dereel", Dr. BenJ. A. Botemon, Jr.; Wm J. McKinlay. * JOSEPH Dum declined are-election. tU M PTTBEY, declined a re do.'ti JU. May8_1*_ A3- LET US PROTECT OURSELVES Tbe physical atr uctare of the strongeat human be? ing is vulnerable overT?here. Uar bodies are en? dowed by nature with a certain negative power, which protects them, to some estent, from uuwbole some influences; but this protection is Imperfect, and cannot be safely relied on in unhealthy regions, or under circumstances of more than ordinary dan? ger. Therefore, it is wisdom, it is prudence, it is common sense to provide against sucb cjutingenclcs, by taking an ANTIDOTE nt ADVANCE; in other words, by fortifying tbe system wi h HOSTETi'EB'S 8TO MACB B1TIEB? - tho mott complete protective against all the opidemlc and endemic maladi ? tbat bas ever been altninl-teri'd in ai.y country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, there Uuo meilcine that will compare with it. Wboevor suffers the pangs of in diRmiton, onywhoro on tho i*co ol th? ovnli w li oro UOnTETTER'S '-TU.M A CU BITTERS can be pro? cured, does to vo'antarlly; for, aa surely as troth exists, ihls invalu .bli* idtao and ALTERATIVE would rceture hi* dlsordoi ed stomach to a Loaitby condi? tion. To tho nervous lt is also especially recom men lcd, and in caarB of nuiOi-mod constipation it also affords spoody and pormanont relief. Io all cases of fever and agna tbe BITTERS ls moro patent thin Any amount of quinine, while the most dangerous cases of bilioui fever yield to its wonderful properties Those who have tried the medicine wUl never use another, for any of the ail? ments whioli the HOSTET i EB BITTERS professes to subdue. To tboso who have i ot made the ex-j p?riment we cordlaly re ommeni aa early appli? cation to the BITTERS whenever they aro stricken by disease of the digestive OI-RXUH. > ay 8_DSC_6 M3- NINETY DAYS AF 1ER THIS DATE application will be made lor tbe renew-* of Certifi? cates or FOUB SHARES tu tho South Carolina Rail? road and Bank, issued <o Dr. JOHN P. PORCHER and also for FOUR SHAHES tn the south Carolina Railroad and Bauk, Issued to M ABIAHH O POROS thc original issued be ore the year 1839 havinp been lost F. A. PORCHlB, Apnl 8_ l?mo3? ?.UNION BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, A PHIL 29, 1669.-The Comptroller General of the Stute having approved the official statement of this Bank, and authorized the resump? tion of business under tbe provision? of the late Act of the General Assembly, the u .ard ol Directors de? sire a meeting of the Stockholders in connection therewith. A meeting will therefore be held at tbe Banking House, on hast Bay-street, on THURSDAY, 20th May proximo, at Iwelve o'clock M. By order of the Board. April80_H. D. ALEXANDER, Cashier. AW UNITED 3 TATES INTERNAL REVE? NUE - COLLECIOR'S OFFICE. SECOND DI? TR IO I, SOC TH CA KULI N A - CH ARLES 1 ON', MAY 1, 1803.-Thc undersigned, Collector, will be in at U nd ince at No. 48 Broad-streeL Charleston, until M*y 8ist, to receive (rom residents or the City of | Charleston, St. James' Samte, SI. Jame-' Geo-ecreek, BL 1 humas and St Dennis, St. John's Berkeley, el John's oiletou, St. Andrew's, St. stephen's and Christ Church, Special or-License Taxes, also laxes on In co mi. Billiard Tablea, carriages, rla'e and Gold Watches, included in tho ?nnual list tor 1809. Unless pay monta are made on or before the day shove named, the Hw imposrB additional charges. Taxpayers are inform-d that the Collector has no power to tleduct the five per CLt penalty aa i one per rent, per month interest on taxes not pa'd with? in the time sped Qed in 'be notices. Neither is Ibo Collector responsible ii ihe parties who rt quire License* do not receive their notices, as they ?re i j variably put in the POBU fflc<-. All Licenses sro duo ten days from date of notice. WILLIAM B. CLOUT1HN, Hay i tullin coil 'dor. kW ESTATE NOTICE.-ALL PERS0N8 having demands against tie Estate of WfcSf WIL? LIAMS, late of Charleston County, deceased, will present their claimsatteaieJ; and all indebted to tuid i suite will mike payment to the sameoa or be? fore tbe jriBST DAY OP Jv?, 1869. JAMES WIGGINS, May 8 B3 *dm'n?srrdor. ??NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FRANCISCA WEHNER, uieof HENRY WERNER, nf vv?.herb? o', merchant, wi 1, In o. e mouth from d?te, cn i ry on traae aud butines* asa so e trader. April 10 B2. fl m-iyB? DST NO CU.IE1 NO PAY I- FOR lt ES T'S JUNIPER TAR is warranted to euro Cou .bs. Croup, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, -pitting or Kloo 1 aod Lurg Diseases. Immeduto relief prodartd. Try lt; if not sati-fied. return the amply battles and gel your money back. Sold wholesale and Retail by tho Aeont, G. W. AI M Ml. Druggist, Corner Kmc and Vandetnorst streets. US' Price 35 cenia. February '17 DAO tutb:<:lmott W, & I, G. AV ELLS & ?;U., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ho. 114 WKST PK.VI T-STItlCKT. B ' LTIMOBE-, Ml?.. BECFIVE AND BELL ON COMMISSION ALI kinds ot carly VEGETABLES. PRU. TS, M ETON fi, kc Wo pucrantro bfeh-al mi k t nrfcvt. ?nd j rom; re ii. ii? f jr all consigna u?? lo oar . sitae. - Pl.tejiUi-n?fitdtrvcO( charge. Sauoa j! ..'J RECURSIONS AROUND TUB HARBOR. TUE FINK, FAST SAILING AND COM? PORTA BLT appointed Yacht ELEANOR vwUl nannie ber trips to blatorle points ia ?tbe harbor, and will leovo Government Wharf daily at Ten A. M. and Fo ur P. ll. For Passage apply to TBoMAS YOUNO, .", December 18 Captain, en board. FOR flt AC W ?JUH. BEG ULA R LINE EVERY WEDNEEDA ?. PASSAGE 180, THE STEAMSHIP RAB AB GOSSA. 'Captain C. BYDEB, eli leave T?n -detnorst'i Wo?Tf, -OS WEDHESDAT, .May 12, 186? ai- o'eloek. May6_HAVEN EL A co.. agenta. FOR LJLVEltPUOLu CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP LINE. ': I ' -3 : THE FIHsT CLASS IBON SCREW Steamship MABMOBA. B. V. ROB? INSON Commander, having a por? tion of her cargo engaged, will sail on or sbout 10th instant For Freight engagements, apply to BO BEBT M ?BE k CO.. Boyce's WharL *3"N. B.-Insurance taken by thia vessel nt five-eighths per cent. May i SEW YUK RANI) CJ1 .UUKSTt \ S TE A M H ii IP LIKE. FOR NRW YORR. CABIN PASSAGE $20. r THF. FIRST-CLASS SIDE- Wi?Ei L t?m&tSBTKAMiiB? CHAMPION, Loci. ^.(?? ' iU-''AM WOOD, CommaiuL-r. will lnave ><i -JSyasnvsNL. ger's Wharf,on VATORDAT. 8th i. :., at 4 o'clock P. lil. 49"Nn BUis of Lading alentd after tbe ullin; . f the steamer, j/sT*Tbroiigh Bills Lallng given to Bolton a ProvideiiC, K. L fg~ insurance can be by tl.---> steam ? i ai M per cent Fer Freight or Passage, apply to r JAME;' ADG.-n at CM . Agenta, Corner Adler's Whari and East Bay ;L'p-?taira . May 3_t? FOR TH R GR RM AN StHUKTZKNFkS i* BY STEAM EB, r - a-IT-"?ia. THE FINE 8TEAMEB FANNI1 . ^g^CSU Capt tin ADiiB, will leave the C fro at Accommodation What f WEDSESDAT , Taras?. c and FRIDAY, at the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 31 . M., and S P M., landtag pass ango rs at the Pac;: Manufacturing Company's new Wa an', Ash) - Biver, within 200 yards ct the grounds. Last Trip, returning, will bo at 7 P. M. On I r DAX the two last retur a trips wit. be ai T and 10 P. :. yare, 26 cents._May i HI'HA Tit IP TO HAVANNAH. r g-7-**->-i THE ELKO AMI' ST KAM ES CI. jmBBSSCPOINT, ( apian GEO. E. MCMJLLA . will leave Charleston for savannah on WE OS HEP. i Ev arrota, at V o'clock. ?nKOBBDMi She will leave Savannah Kr Charleston every TBTBS DAT AvTBasoov. at 4 o'clock. For lrcigbt or p?ssage, apply to J. D. AIKEN k CO.. AgenU, May 3_South Atlantic Wharf, FUR SWAKNtAH-INLACD lt OL TR. VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA. ON AND ATT EH MAY 1ST PASSAGES REDUCED. To Savannah.. .$3. 1 o Beaufort_S*. . . ?ff-- sj, THESTSAMlb PILOT BOY. CAP ? ^^JET3*??TAIN Kaan PSOK. * Ware Acron, mod a tl in Whart every MOKDAI and THURSDAY MOBS . wo at 8 o'clock Returning will leave Savannah evr-y IOIBDAT and FRTT.AI MORNING at 8 o'clock. JOHN FKROCSON. April29_Accommodation WharL VOW ?.1VAANAU. r - --(f-J BE 8TKAH?K DICTATOR, BBjStSjSC^'t>r'TV W. r. Mo^n. will ?all from eba lexton f jr savannah ou SATUBDAT EVS NENO, at 9 o'clock. RET U KM INO. Will leave Savannah tor C DJ rles ton on SUNDA T A FTE H NOON. St i O'cl Ck For n-eight or Passage, spply to April 2?_J. D AIKEN at CO., Agent*. KUIsTO, KUCKVIM.K AN U KrVTEK PBISK. - .?IT^a? THE 8'KA M EB FANNIE. OAP ^y-^r^*Tti\ ADAIR, will leave Accommoda? tion Whart every WEDNESDAY MoaMTtTO at 8 o'clock. Returning, leave Ed is to at 12 o'clock on TEURSDAY. For Freight or Paaaege, apply to JOHN F?UG?-iOK, April 26_AccommodatJoa Wharf. FOK PALATKA, FLU Ki OA, VIA SAVANNAH, FHBNaN?lNA AND JACKSON. VILLE. r . ?ff-^lh. THE FIB>T-CARS 8 TIA M E B ^?SB|?DIClATi)a. Captain Wa T. MONEL TY. ?Ul sall I rom Charleston ever? f uesoay Evening, at Nine o'clock, tor the above points. The first-class Steamer CITY POINT, Captain ORO. F. MOM ELLAS will i ail from Charleston every fri? day Evening, u Nine o'clock, for above points. Connecting with the Central Railroad at Savannah for Mobile and Ne > Orleans, and with toe florida Ball road at Fernandina for Cedar Keys, at which point steamers connect with New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola. Key West and H?vana. Through Bills Ladt o j. given for Flight to Mobile, Pensacola and New Orleans. fonneet?ng teat* H S. Han'? tttamtri Oclawaha and Griffin for Silver Springt and Lake* Griffin, But Ut, Harri? and Durham. All freight my able on the wharf. Goods not removed at BUD BC t will be stared at ria and expense of owners, ' For Freight or Passage engagemet t, apply to J. S, AIKEN A CO., agents, south Atlantic WharL N. B.-No extra charge for Meats and staterooms, November 21 J B HEARD, R. X. I W. J RE ARD K OREOLE. o. w. TOURO, a. Y. I r. H. ooooRiDoa, poaxaxooTa. JJRARD, YOUNG A CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 347 Washington.street, NE fT FORK. H PEC UL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALB OF EA SLY VEGFG&BLES, FRUITS, POTATOES, Ac REFERENCES.-Governor Z. B. Vases, Charlotte; W. D Reyno ds k Bro , \oriolk; E. G.'Ohio. Super, intendant ?. kB ??all toxi, Portsmou h: Colonel 8. L. Fremont, K. E. Pur runs. Esq, Wilmington; H. E. 1 Durber k (lo., l-anpbra.i ti K birt. New York; Bernard O'Neill, Charles on ; Alexander k Howell, Havannah. Soios April t Ji D w l ll D HALY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 84 Warren-street, NEW YORE. PERSONAL AT TEN i ,0.i UIVPN TO TBE P?B CB?sE ot ull kinds oi Mi lt UANDI-** Boots, sbnes. Bats, - .a s -Jnd iruus , sad htraw Goods a ?pee al ty. Consignment of till kind? ol Stap'.e Articlos and g?nerai Proom-e KO ic.ted. Prompt IVIUXUB i/uarauiet?J. t'DWAPD DACY, Lati- ot i haticitei). y- 0. t'emi-Weekly Price Cu.-re- t? t-eut fre<- b> rost. Jan nan- V* Dir _Vnos jp lt. T K K T UTANS, 1 URN t-BAND DE* LEB I. IVORY, fud Atauutt.-imo.-of BILLIARD BALIS *ND CUES, AND I UPI Bi l?!t CF H ELI - IUI CL JI H. C?E8, Letter Cha'k, aud millard Mer- handle in iteticraL JVo. 80 I' ul ton-street, .'.cw York. May 7 _6mo8 gllAUPOliJJIG AlVO tl ilIi-i'L'T a'lNG, LADIES AND :RTDREN atton-Ied et thrfi re-id-n o*< )ironii>tl> and at reaaot .vr.-i er ross to VT. f H tT!S tALU B?r- er, A, ;i. 14 I-., 21 r.ioau.3..-tti(un s.aini.)