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THE BAILY NEWS, OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Postofflce at Charleston, for the ?rees ending NOVEMBER 26, 1868, and printed officially in THE DAIXT NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston, 49-Pcrsons caPing for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." 49? Office hoars from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sun? days, from 5 to 6 P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN 'S LIST. Addison, Mrs M Ellis. Sallie Miller, Mary A Evans, Mrs E Miller.MrsFrank Alexander, Jen- Ferguson, Mary McCabe, Mrs W nie E McFlemin Anne Alien, Miss R Ferguson, Sarah Mclnnis, Mrs J Bedon, Mrs L Gihtird. I ucretia McLoughlin, Bucke, Dora Gili, Mrs J Mary C Belton, Sallie H Given, Lucinda O'Keef, Mrs Bird, Mary H?y, Marv A O'Macra. Mrs B Black, Jennie Hands, Miss J A Parker.Miss A W Bone, Eliza E Bartstroon, MrslPerry, Mrs R Bowers, Mary E SH fPenkind, Mrs A Butelo. M'ss M Bayes, Mies M N Boyd, Miry F Hose, Mrs S H Pannton, MiS9 E B00S8, Miss E Hands, Jane A Rahal), Mary A Bresnan, Mrs J Higgins, Mis L Rlcherson, Mies Burch, Mary Hills, Ann ! Riley, Mrs J Burns, Mary Holmes, Margret) Boberts,leonora Burkly, Julia E Johnson, Lucy Seymour, Mary Brown, Mary A Jo. doe, Lucy Ann Brown, Margret Ann Sires. Mrs M M Carr, Margret Jackson, Mrs A E Stewart. Mary Cammer, Miss L Jaeger. Mi83 A Smith, Miss E Carmand, Mrs C King, Anna Smith, Sarah A ?Lee, Eliza Smith, Mrs J A Camps, Annie Lee, Binah Smalls, Mrs Calloway, Sarah Long, Mary Simons,Mrs M A Ann Lowndes, Mrs M Si in ons, Miss L Carson, Susan L Trout, Sarah Campbell, Mrs Louis, Miss C 1 narin, Mrs M W M " Legare, Mrs A ?Thomis, Mrs 0 daffy, Mrs M Lenoir, Mrs 1 bomas, Mrs J S Cook, Miss E Leach, Miss M J Wagener, Mrs L Cook, Mary Ann MeRichampe, Walsh, Agnes Cowan, Sarah Mrs S R Walford. Ane Ann Maynard, Mrs M Walsh, Ann Cosgrove .Miss E Mahoney, Mrs J Weinberg, Julia Corcoran, Annie Morella, Mrs J B White, Mrs S C Connoly, Marv Mure, Miss E Weiner, Mies T E Ccckren, Susan Mure. Agnes Wilkerson, Bir Crawley, Mrs J C Murphy, Miss ner Cairy.MlFsE Murphy, Sarah A Washington, Nel Dovis.Miss S A MfMurpby, Miss M | ly Davis, Mrs John Mathews, Binky I Wilson, Mrs M A Doyel, Jane Martin, Miss C O Wilson, Betsey Eccles, Mrs S .! Wilhams, Mrs G MEN'S LIST. Atkinson, Jerry Gruber, Kerr RlO'Conners, Mi Bagel, John G chael Barden, Patrick Grey. Clarence Osterholte, John Bennett, Tbos Hall, WO D Bennett, C E Harvey, Wm H O'Sullivan. John Bedon, A Stab) Hanahan, R S H Oula, Master Blankenship, B Bill, Hamilton Willie F Hinrichson, Th Parsons, Charles Blake, F B Holmes, Charles Petit * Martin Blocker, C W Hoffman, M Peronneau, H Bock, John Howard, Isaac Pmckney, N L Bonnutt, James (colored) Poulnot. Joseph Booth, W J Hogan. Thom ss j Purse, James S Bra ein, Adam Hopkins, May Ram en. Esq Brown, Nelson Hughes, Geo Cl Redpath, D O Brown, N H Hughes Patrick Reid, WD J Buggehl, Herrn Huches, Thomas Richardson, Johan Irwin, Patrick | James Bussell, John Jordan, E W Bellly, P Henry Bun ger, N Johnson, James Rogers, P k Co Carey, Syrus D Robertson, Peter Osmer, John A Jobanns, J F Ronche, John, Cant -r, Dr A Kennedy, Master Roberts, h S Chaplin, Arch!- Adolphus ?Roborson Ed bald Leland, D, k Co ward Atwick, Daved Lewis, George N Russell, John Chaplin,02. }*r>T " Sanders!, PW Costa, Joseph t*qucux, Samuel scharloocfc S???Lee, ^CfhveryS^S George ' Conway, William stables) ,S??? ?^der ' Cuneo, Sig Gio-Linde,JEW | ,.col.ore^' 1 vanni Linchan, J J Seel, u.?mfL_ Davis, George Linder, Mister SergivaW, M25!7 I 1 l>ej^5Janie8F| Charles W I simonds, A._ I Denison, JamesjLopez, ?r Du (SEvey, Manuel P n Devean, Charles (Esteban) ?Smith, B G C Logg, H D Small, John Denn, David Marqueaen, Ma- Sollee, Henry fl Dorsey.Emickeal noel Stark. WH ?Co a Dobson, Samurl Marshall. J Sutphtcs. Alx H Elliott. Hon J Mack, Alfred |Tuylor, T (MHB) Matthews,JE Tailor, Isaac n Farrer, Charles Mickery, Edward Tiefenthail, A si Albert (Morlno, Signor IVearse, lOfiu I n risher, August t Llueca Vieh, Jo-eph T; * 'Fitz, Corby John Morrison. Bich'd Waterman. E * Foye, John 0 | Moore, John W Walsh, John n Ford, William McDonal, Fran? Waring, Frank (ProfC) els Waddle, James Gahagan, Jamo? McElhose, Wm Walker. JA 0 Gannon, John E tfcHenry, ?. Walker, JR li Goud'n, Flanders McIntyre, Geo F Wells, Sparks . (colored) McKinney, WA (colored) 6 GEbert. T C McPherson. John Welsekield, Stein Glover Richi rd Newman, John F fi Co fi Glover, B L Northrop, L 0 Wiermann, E <? Gordon, Samuel O'Bryan, Master Wig tall, Geo Goodwin, AB LB * Wirtgen. John * Graniger, HE . Williams, Isaac, n 49> Persons depositing letters in the Postofflce will please place the stamp near the upper right hand earner of the envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the stamp a letter cannot bo m silty!, but wiB be sent to the Dead Letter OfflcC November 26 /mancini aub ttommcrrioL The Charleston Money Market. TircasDAT, November 26, 1SG3. - The amount of business done during the week has been sn^??, and there are bat few changes in quota tuu. In tone the market is good, and as money ?rows easier sn improvement is looked for. Money is still tight st 'orraer rates. BOUTHXKX BANK BILLS. Current Bates Bank of Camden.34 @CV) Bank of Charleston.Si @U0 Bank of Chester.9 @00 Bank of Georgetown.'..9 OOO Bank of Hamburg.7 @00 Bani of Newberry.34 @00 Bank of South Carolina.10 @00 Bank of State of 8 Carolina, prior to 1861.20 ?00 Bank of State of ti. Carolina, after 1st Jan., 1861.4 @00 Commercial Bank. Columbia..1 fm 00 Exchange Bank, Columbia.9 @00 Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston.. 1 @00 Merchant's Bank, Ch era w.9 @ 00 People's Bank, Charleston.66 @00 Planter's Bank of Fairfield.4 ($00 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank,Cbarleston.24 @00 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston, (old).SI @00 Southwestern Railroad bank, Charleston, (new).\.29 @00 State Bank, Charleston. 6 @00 Union Bank, Charleston......83 ?00 City of Charleston Change BUls.96 fe9T State S. Carolina Treasury Notes.78 @80 BONDS. 8TO0&S AND COUPONS. City of Columbia bonds.47 @50 City of Columbia Coupons.SO @00 South Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock iwhole shares).s> .33Ji(?t39 South Carolina Railroad (half shares).19 @00 8. C. Railroad Six Per Cent Bonds.C5 @C6 S. C. R.B. Seven Per Cent. B'ds, ex coup.76 ?oo S. C. Railroad Certificate of Indebtedness.65 @00 City of Charleston Six Per Cent. Stock_41 gr 42 City of Charleston Certificate of Indebted? ness.95 (5397 City of Charleston Fire Loan Bonds.60 feOO State of South Carolina Bonds (old).59 ?60 State of. South Carolina Bonds (new issue. of January 1,1867).63 @54 State of iionth Carolina Stock.60 @00 State of South Carolina Coupons.50 @00 People's National Bank Stock.Par. First National Bank Stock. par? 102 Greenville and Columbia Railroad State guaranteed bonds.40 @oo Greenville and Columbia 1st Mortgage Bonds.55 @58 Northeastern R. R. 1st Mortgage Bonde (ex coupons).77 @u0 Northeastern R.B. 1st Coupons (past due).50 @00 Northeastern R.B. Certificates oi Indebted? ness.47 @50 Charleston Gas Company Stock.18 @18>4 Charleston City Railway Stock.50 @51 " Charleston and Savannah Railroad Bonds (State guarantee).40 @4l Charleston and Savin uah Bail road Sto:k.00 @00 City of Savannah Roads.84 @00 City of Savannah Coupons (due previous to 1st June, 1866).9> @00 City of Savannah Coupons (due after 1st June, 1866).97 @0O Memphis and Charleston Railroad Stock. .50 @52 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Bonds.!? (387 Memphis and Charleston R. R. Coupons. .93 ($00 Consignees per ?>outti Carolina Railroad November 26. * 872 bales Cotton, 65 bales Domestics, 84 bbls Na? val Stores, G cars Lumber and 2 cars Stock To Railroad Agent Goldsmith fi Son, J R Pringle, Pel zer. Rodgers fi Co, Mordecai A- Co, D Jennings fi Co, bischoff fi Co, Cohen, Banckel fi Co, Graeeer, Lee, Smith fi Co, S L Howard fi Bra, W C Dukes & Co, G W Wilhams fi Co. J B E Sloan. Kilpatrick & Witte, J N Robson. E J Wiss, W K Ryan, Mowry fi Co, G H Walter A Co, Reeder fi Davis, A J Sahnas, Frost fi Adger, Nachman fi Co, G E Pratchett and W B Wil? liams. Consignees per Charleston and Savan? nah Railroad. November 26. Reeder fi Davis. Dr Heyward. C F Hanc'tel. ? M HapckeL Clacius fi Witte. Mrs J H Scriven, *?'-s M Heyward, Hunt Bros, Jlnrey Smith, W P Dowling, P Ferguson and Sanders. Passengers. Per steamship Saragossa, for New York-W E Bupg, Mrs Rajmond, Miss Raymond, H S Grayson. A A Estira and F Swan. Kxporto for tar Week ending Tbursuuy November 2G. ronnx. LIVERPOOL-Per British steam ship Golden H< - - 188 bags Sea Island and 2553 bales Uplan . Cot? ton. A PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM-Per British brig Cardigan-587 bbls Spirits Turpentine, and 1035 bb's Rosin.Per British Sehr Dauntless 284 bbls Spirits Turpentine and 813 bois Rosin. CAIBARIhN, CUBA-Per sehr Minnie-?6,069 feet Pitch Pine Lumber, 2 yellow Pine Spars, 40 bbls Flour, 6 bbls Pitch, 1 bbl Turpentine, 2 bbls Tar, and 10 coils Rope. DOMESTIC. NEW ?ORK-Per steamship Champion-13 bacs Sea Island and 1784 bales Upland Cotton, 156 tierces Rice, KIO En-pty Barrels, 28 bags and 21 bbls Fruit, 146 bales Domestics, and 64 Packages..... Per steamship Charleston-1375 bales Upland and 30 bags Sea Island Cotton, 50 bundles Paper, 162 tierces Rice, 79 pkgs Fruit, and 20 pkgs Sun? dries ... Per steamship Saragossa - 7 bales Sea Island and 989 bales Upland Cotton, 169 tierces Rice, 82 bales Tarn, 160 bbls Flour, 65 pack .gea Fruit and 28 palkagee Sundries. PHILADELPHIA-Per brig James B Kirby-55,000 feet Flooring Boat ds. and 340 toas Phosphate Rock_Per fchr W B Thomas-400 tons Phos? phate Beck. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Sea Gull-2S8 bales Cotton, 185 tierces and 210 bags Rice, 31 bales Tain, 6 bbls Brandy, 100 casks Clay, 99 sacks Pea? nuts, 53 boxes Tobacco. 7 bbls Pork. 33 hhds Bones, 16 pkgs Hides and Skin?, 40 OOO feet Lum? ber, and Sundries....Per steamship falcon-382 bales Upland Cotton, 225 tierces Rice, 41 bales Yarn, kc, 29 bales Rag?, 13 bales and hhds Hides and Skins. 15 hhds and 10 bbls Molasses, 70.CU0 feet Lamber, 72 pkgs Dried Fruit, 26 bbls Oran? ges and 10 pkes Sundries... .Per sehr C S Grove -170,000 feet YeUuW Pine Lumber. THK CHARLESTON MARKET. FOR THE WEEK ENDING TUUHSDAT, NOVEMBER 26. COTTON.-Notwithstanding tho complaints of manufacturers of the unproductiveness of working up the staple at pre -ont figures, the very limited supplies of American qualities appear to counteract the depression arising from other cause?, and the great markets have been forced to an advance du? ring the week, the articio at Liverpool moving up from lO&d to ll^tgllJid for middling uplands; du? ring the same time the fibre at New York has im? proved from 24,\?<g?24J? to 3S22S&0 %a lb for New York middlings, aad under this stimulus the article here, whic'a began at 22Jst@22??, bae hardened to 23>?c 13 lb for middling uplands. The leading markets have presented the following aspect'by telegrams: At Liverpool on Friday, No? vember 20, the mark-t was firmer, sales 12,000 bales, uplands 10*?d ; at New York on the same day the article was firmer and more active, sales 5009 bales, at 24>4@24>3. On Saturday the former was buoyant, sales 20,000 bales, uplands 10Ji?lld; the latter was less active but steady, sales 1500 bales at 24>?c. On Monday the former was active, sales 20,000 bales, uplands ll,','d ; the latter was firmer, sales 3200 bales at 24*?@s5c. On Tuesday the former was firmer but not higher, sales 15,000 biles; the latter was firmer and more active, sates 5000 bale?, uplands 25 @25>?c. On Wednesday the former was tending up, sales 15,000 bales; the latter was less active but steady, eales 3000 bales at 25)?c. Yesterday the for? mer was firm with a slight advance, middlings ll,1* @ll%d; the latter observed the day as thanksgiving and there was no business. The arrivals for the week have been 35G bags of Bea islands and Floridas and 5640 bales ot uplands, against ?64 bags of sea islands and Floridas and 7381 bales of uplands for the corresponding week last year. The receipts have been from the following sources : Say uplands, per South Carolina Railroad, 5029 bales; per Northeastern Railroad, 604; George? town, 8. C., 7; of sea islands from Beaufort, S. C., ?8; Edisto, 88; James Island, 10; Northeastern Rail .oad, ll; Florida, 114; Savannah, 66; St Andrew's, 9. The transactions and prices prevailing in this mar tet for the week will be seen by the following state leni : ] On Friday, November 20. the article opened " rmer, with MSS" generally asking higher prices, < nd buyers, in some transactions, paid a slight i'm rovement, bnt in most instances thoy declined to ?eet the advance, the market, however, closing teady ; sales about 400 bales; ordinary to good ordi- ( ary being quoted at 20}i@21#; low middling -R[ j 2@22,V?; middling at 22)i@22??. an? strict to good < liddling at 23@24c. * lb. \ On Saturday the article was quiet; sales 500 bales, c rdinary to good ordinary being quoted at 203?a22. 1 JW middling st 22}4'. middling at 21%, and strict to j ood middling at 2??2J V- $ 1b. 1 On Monday the market was active, and prices 6lif> ] .ned about 33'c. $ lb; sales 1200 bales, otdinary to nod ordinary being quoted at 21 @ 22 Y3, low middling f 2?@23. middling at 23>?@23>?, and strict to good 5 oiddling at 23??@24c. ? lb. ? On Tuesday the demard was light during thc first art of the day, but afterwards became active and < irmer; sales 700 I ales, ordinary to good ordinary j teing quoted at 21@22??, low middling at 23, mid liing at 23.-;, and strict middling at 23?i@24c. $ lb. 1 On Wednesday holders were too stiff for buyers; j ale? 350 bales; quo tot ic ns Ula sam? os tbe day be? are, but wera somewhat nominal, as they were p.en rally refused by fa .tors. Yesterday there was no business done, the day be? ag observed as thanksgiving day; quotations were, ? onsequently, nominal. SEA ISLAND COTTON.-The arrivals of this quality f the fibre bas been in fair supply, and were 176 bags f sea islands and 180 of Floridas for the week. Thc ' Qquiry continued very moderate, being rather bet? er for fine qualities, while the lo wer g ades were dull nd easier, with sales of some fine sea islands from 12Q(#1 30 f< lb ; the transactions having boen ab rat Obags cf islands for the week, among which were - 1 s?a islands, stained, at 25c, 4 do. do. at 27c vi lb ; 0 sea islands at 70c, 7 at 80, 5 at 85,1 at SI 15, 13 at il 20, and a few bags of fine at $1 30c 3 lb. RIC ?.'.-There has been a '?li inquiry for this jam during the we;k, and for s;vcral diya prices vere well supported, but have latterly showu a reeker tendency and declined %c IS lb. Sales about 100 tierces, among which were 20 tierces at 7c lb, 2 do. at 7>?, 10J do. at 1%, 138 do. at 7?f, 30 do. at ' 7-1C, 55 do. 7 9-16, 158 do. at 7 11-10, 45 do. at 7?i. i5 do. at 7Jic lb. Wo quote clminou tc air cleau karolina at G}?@"%c; good 7??@7??c; comtnoa irimc 7J?f??8c fl lb. Ths arrivals of Carolina rough lave been light, an 1 were oaly about 7000 bushels br the week. Wc quite Carolint rough at SI 50? 1 75 f bushel for interior, and SI 80 3,2 9 bushel br ecacoa -t. NAVAL STORES-Thc arrivals have b:en light. ?Ye quote spirits turpentine firm at 42@42.!.c No. (rosin at $2 25@3 50 $ bbl, and No 2 at SI 80. Srude turpentine is selling at $2 GO for virgin and fellow dip, and SI 30 for hard. HAY-Thora have boon no arrivals of this article, md thc sales have been confined to retail transac I ns. CultN- -The receipts aro restricted to small par? rels of new from the country, wkdeh sells in a limited way at about $1 $ bushel. The stock of old qualities ia nearly exhaust <d, and the transactions ire confined to retail sales at about $115 f. bushel, ?tight, sacks included.j FLOUR,-The market continues to bo fairly sup? plied with Northern and Western qualities, and prices of these grades continue without important al leration. We quote Northern and Western super at ttX $ bbl; extra r ! $8?, and family at Wi fl bbl. Southern qualities arc in limited stock, and are soli? ng at about $9 25@9 50 for super, $10 for extra, and 511@S12 for family, $ bbl. BACON.-Th? marke', for meat continues quiet. Sto.-ks becomiug light, particularly of sides, which ire very limited, sellers generally reducing supplies in anticipation of thc receipt of new crop. We quote prime shoulders at 14@14J.ic ^ lb.; clear iib and clear sides at IS.'.?.OIS.'?C. ft ft; long cl?or sides in Bait, new meat, is selling at 17@17>i.; strips may be quoted at 18al8>-'c. fi lb. BUTTER.-Prime Goshen is in limited supply and is held firmly at 45^50c. ^ lb. Westeru quali hes ora in good stock and may be quoied at 30@40c. ? lb., aa in quality. Limited supplies of country butterare coming to hand, and may be quoted at 25 (?33?. $ lb. SALT.-The arrivals have been canfluedjto a small shipment from a neighboring port. The stock on baud ia much reduced. Store lots are held at S2 25 f> sack. INDIA BAGGING.-Tho market continues to bc fairly supplied There hai been a mo.lorate demautl at about 22?i@23e. for standard, aud 23,'?(?l24c. fer heavy per yard. Dundeo bagging, 44 inches, 1 !4 lbs. tor the yard, is held at 30@35c. Sea island bag^ins, 45 inches wide, 2 lbs. to the yard, U held a i?'.l??G5 cents. ROPE.-The demand for rope is moderate, and prices are somewhat nominal at quotations. We quote hemp at - cents \l lb. ; greenlea!'at lu cents, and jute at ft>?fi,-9 cents ri penni. IRON BANDS VND TIES for cotton, of the most approved patterns, are offered on the market, and they a-e in cctive demand at 7aSc v> lb. TIMBER AND LUMBER.- i here is a moderate stock of this article, and we quote river floor? ing ards at $13 f, TS..; scantling and i'anl. $10? 12 $ M.; timber of shipping and goou mill qualities there is a Light supply on the market and may be quoted at $11?12 f> ll. Common is selling at $5(5)0 f, M. ; and city sawed lumber at $20@16 $ IL FBEIGHTS-To Liverpool by steam, room is held at on uplands, and ld. on sea island; by sail, 7-16d. on upland?, and hid. on sea islands. To Havre nominal. To the West Indies, Cuban ports, north side, on lumber, $10@12, gold, and $11 @$12 south attie. Coastwise-To Now York by steam Xe fi lb on uplands, and lc. on sea islands. $2 f, tierce on rice; by 6ail, %c. fi lb on up? lands, and fl SO fi tierce on rice; on boards $11 fi M, on resawed lumber $11 f, M., t?n timber $13. To Boston, by steam, via Baltimore, lc. ii Hi on cotton and - fi tierce on rice; by soil Jfft, f. lb on cotton, $12 00 fi M. on resowed lumber, and $13 00 f< M. on timber. To Philadelphia, fi lb on upland cotton by steam and -c. fi lb by sail; ou flooring boards $9 fi M.; on re sawed lumbe-, $10; on timber, $12 50 f> M. Baltimore, by steam, cotton fie. ; rice fi tierce, $1 75; phosphates, f, 2000 lbs., Si in packages, in bulk as per agreement; lumber V M SS? 10. as in size; wheat f> bushel 12c, in sacks. By this Une to Philadelphia on cotton, \c; rice fi tierce $2 0C ; phosphate per ton, $G in packages. To Louisville. Ky., on rico, 75c. f> hundred. To Cincinnati 55c. To St. Louis S5c, By sail on boards and scantling, hence to Baltimore. $9; on lumber $10; phosphates $5. Vessels ore in demand at neighboring ports for lumber and timber freights, and high rates arc offered. EXCHANGE.-Sterling Bills-The rate yesterday was nominal at 145>i for sixty day bilK DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks sre purchasing sight.checks on New York hi dis., 5 days \ discount. They arc selling sight checks at par. Bills beyond 5 days are not readily negotiated. GOLD.-The brokers w*rc yesterday buying at -, -.nd selling at -. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. November 2C-Evening.-Consols 94.'., Bonds 74*i. Sugar quiet. Turpentine 29s. 6d. LIVERPOOL. November 25-Evening.-Cotton clos? ed firm ata slight advance; uplands ll^all'.'d; Or? leans UtfallXd. November 2G-Evening.-Cotton closed quiet; up? lands ll'id; Orleans ll^d. Sales 12.000 tales. Pork declined to 88?. Other art eles unchanged. Bread stuffs heavy. HAVBX, November 2C.-Cotton firm ; tres ordinaire If. 4rc. DOJLESTIC MARKETS. NEW ORLEANS, November 20.-Cotton, demand slack, and the article was easier; middling 23}-'a23.V ; sales 2600 bales; receipts 7868; exports 574. Gold 35},'; sterling, commercial at 46??a46??; bank 7>?. New York sight excharge *f discount. Sugar firm and in fair demand; prime 12<4'al2;i; clarified 13,'4. Molasses active and firm; common 58a60; choice 72. Macon Market. MACON, November 24-Corros-Receipts, to? day, 619 bales; sales, 543 bales; shipped, 214 bales. The market opened very active with a good de? mand this morning at 22c for middlings. 1 be fa? vorable noon telegrams from Eastern and European markets caused quite a flutter among t uycrs here, and prices immediately advanced another >ic- the market closing very active this evening, with an ad? vancing tendency, at 22>?c for middlings. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock September 1, 1868.1,326 Beceived to-day. 619 Received pre\iously.23,772-24,391 Total.25,717 shipped to-day. 214 Shipped previously.15,044-15.258 stock di? hand this evening.10,459 Nashville Market , NASHVILLE, November 23-COTTON-The market ipened buoyant this morning, and continued, activ? bre'g?C-t tue ?iy, -.1 C*tr??~ ?Xi?g freely ta? cen, and closed firm at the following quotations: )idinary 19>?,c; good ordin;.ry 20}ia20?i"c; low mid liing 21c. The transactions of th" day foot up as ollows. the sales being tte largest of any one day luring thc season: Received 312; sales 470; ahip nents 302, COTTON STATEMENT. ?tock on hand September 1, I8?8. 60 teccived to-day.JJJjj ioceived previously.7959-8271 Totti.. 8331 ?hipped to-day. 302 Shipped previously.7035-7337 itockonhind. 9a* COBN-Wc note sales of 600 bushels delivered in lepot at 67c, bags furnished by purchaser. Sales tho from wagon of 80 bushels shelled at 60c; 100 do n car at 40c. I S ^-J e> te ?J -J MU I ol => o SS I si si OOO M "sss S? O <i 2 = s - 2? 2 o .3 0 23 ? PP S T3 OC ! ?a, ? BS M Z ?3 n 0 a 2 I ' ?B =? B ^ O r? li 1 O - <s c> s IS = CES S as - y - : a 2 I 3:i ft: I Ci B I o' il" -I 00 >- I 00 *. X ci - . ! ci ! x r Comparative Kxpoils ut' Cotton, from tlie Port ot Charleston. EXPORTED TO Liverpool. Othes British Ports. Total to Great Britain... Havre . Other 1-rench Ports. Total to France. North of Europe. lotal North of Europe. ?.outh of Europe. West Indies, Ac.. Total Foreign Ports. Boston. Rhode Island, ?ie. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Nor ilk_ Other United Sin tea Ports. Total to Coastwise Torts. Grand Total. SEA ISLAND. Bales. LTLAND. Bales. 0,588 .?.CP8 2?0 5G2 847 6,5?8 1,185 880 32, Qlfi 1,102 6,323 42,408 48.99G fclxports of Klee. Naval Stoics anrt L"'-'n bcr from the Port of Charleston, irani September 1 to November tia, 18GS N. STOIlES.j LUM BK II. Tierces. Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. ... New Orleaus . Mobile. Providence, RI... Other U. S. Ports.. Total Coastwise! Rarceloua.j Majorca k a Market' West Indies.i Halifax. NS.| St Johns, N B. Louden.I Itnstol. Eng.I Liverpool.j Havre.] Montevideo.j Great Britain.' 3,413 407 1.703 "? iii Barrels. 4,332 2..S56 200 1.299 LOOS S.G87 Feet. 471.000 1,702,937 1,101.698 523.G00 341,000 09,6G3 4.209,298 49j 352,009 Total Foreign..! Grand Total..) 3,234 4,87 8,160 14.847 2S8,72i? 640,797 4 850,093 NOTE.-We have deducted from New Orlcan8 J561 bales Upla: d, from Mobile. bales, irom Charleston 970 bags Sea Island and 139 bales Up land, and from Savannah H3G bogs Sea leland and ... bales Upland-thc quantities received at those ports from Mobile, Florida, Toxar and Savannah. Charleston ^Wholesale ??rices. ARTICLES. rnicEs. HAGGING, * yard Dundee. g Gunnv Cloth. ~4 SALE ROPE. 3 lb-Mamlla. - fe - Western. \Jg '?* .lu e. 8>*,-? 0 70TTON, ? lb- . Ordinary to Good Ordinary. - ic - Low Middling. - g - Middling to Strict Middling. - f: - Good Middling. - g , ~ Sea Island. ?0 g ?Ot'FEE, ft JB-BIO.I W !S: 28 ?ra.:::::::::::.".::::::::::i 35 I 10 FRRT?'L?ZERS- , " , _, ... nn a. Wando Co's Ainmon'd Sol Phos. (>5.00 fe - ToUto Fertilizer. Jjp.00 g - Alkaline Phosphate. S'S 2 "~ Bone Flour. SSS ~ Double Refined Poudrctte. 30.00 'at - Niles' Phosphate. ?-JO Cm - Peruvian Guano, V ton. "K'S 2 Pacific Guana, ?l 2000 lbs. 55.00 g - Phceuix Guano. oa.uo (u? - Baugh's Phosphate, tl 9000 lbs... GO.00 fe - KUoaea- rhosfUite. 2UUU lb*... 05.00 t'i> - Mapes'SupcrPhosphate,^ 2000 lb 65.00 | - Zell's Raw Boue Phosphate.. tio.OU ? - Zeli's Surer l'hosphateof Lime., ?.00? - Woolstou's Phosphate of Lime... . $5.00 fe 00 (.Teasdale's Gell. Super-Phos. nel 00.00 fe 00 Rower?'ComOlete Manure, net...| GO.00 fe 00 FLOCK, fi bbl-super .... ?-?j ? Northern und Western L.vlra. 8.u fe Dal?more Extra. - g - Southern-Super. ?.M fe 9.50 Extro. 10.00 (a) - Family. HA" ?1--00 G RA IX-Marv land Oats, ^ bushel, - fe - Western Gals, f bushel. - fe - Corn, 3 bushel. I-00 ? I-12 tl A I', 9 cwt.-North River. - j* - LUilIiER.'v>'il. ?cet- , 'nnn " Clear White Pine, 1st quality..50.00 |55.00 White Pine, good run.?38.00 C? 40.00 Veno? Pine.-0-00 fe25-00 Boards,T? c?t-Rough.12.00 felS.OO Grooved and Tongued. ...128.00 fe32.00 MOLASSES. 9 gallon-Cuba.I 42 @ - Muscovado. ~ SogarHonse. y0 fe ?-00 New Orleans. ~ ~ y AVAL STORKS, fl bhl-Tar.... - fe - Pitch. - g - Rosiu, Pale.~. - ^ " ~ Rosin, No.]. ?-M ?? 3.50 Rosiu, No. 2. W}-*? Rosin. No. ?. J.T fe l-?a SulriU Tarpcnliue, "?* ?ellon.| - fe - (tainui, v. to.I 10 tai - XMLS-American, 4#20d, keg.. | fe 7.00 PO XVDER-Dupout's, F.F.F. g.... | 6.70 ? Duronfs, F.F.F.I ?-?9 g ' Dupont's, Illa?ting.I *.-.> fe PROVISIONS-f fe Bacon, Uams, ti lb. 22 fe 23 Bacon, Sides. Wig - Bacon. Shoulders. ? to 14 Bacon, Strips. - g Lard, iu keg. - ?? ~ .I 3J iii 50 checseV.'.:'.".'.'.::'.'. :.::. ? g 30 Potatoes, V bbl. - ~ Onions. ~~ i - Apples. ~ g - R/CA'-Carolina, ri lb. c?iW 8 East India.. .. - - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, ll sack.. ?.?5 ?s - Liverpool, tine. ~ f* TT SUGAR, ? lb-Raw.! " g " Porto Rico.I J* f " Muscovat" .I ? ? 15 Stocks of Cotton in the Interior Towns not included in thc Receipts. TOWNB. Augusta and Homburg.November 13| Macon, Geo.November 24? Columbus. Geo.November 24 Moutgomery, Ala.November 21 Memphis Tenn.November 22 Nashville, Tenn.November 23 Selma, Ala.November 2d Total. 18GS. 4,017 10 459 8,177 8,110 14,551 904 3,418 5?.CG3 farine Urns. Port of Charleston. Nobber ~7 Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Saragossa. CrowcU. New York-Raveuel J: Steamship Falcon, Horsey, Baltimore-Courtenay A Trenholm. _. , , _ . . Sehr C S Grove, Weaver, Baltimore-Risley A Cretg? ton. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship Saragossa. Crowd!. New York. Stcam<hin Falcon. Horsoy. Baltimore. Brig J B Kirby, Bernard. Philadelphia. British ichrDauntless, Edwards, a Tort m the Uru (cd KiugdoiE. Sehr C S Grove, Weaver, Bill ?more. Up for tills Pori. Sehr Azelda A Laura,-. at Baracoa, Nov 10. Cleared for this Port. Steamship James Adgcr, Lockwood, at New York, Nov 24 _ ... -,_". Steamship Carroll. Ba^mCTC, NOT 24. Brig Bo?tBiaoutnew), Blatchford, at New York, Nov 23. Memoranda. The sehr Mattie Holmes, Tapley, cleared at New York, Nov li, for Georgetown, S. C. Thc sehr Richard Vaux, Veasie from Georgetown, SC, for Portland, Mc, put into Holmes'Hole, Nov The sehr George Tat?ane, Adams, from George? town, S C, for Gloucester, pat into Holmes' Hole, Nov 22. Shipnews by Telegraph. HAVANA, November 26.-The steamer Infanta Isa? bella has arrived. LIST OF SHIPPING In the Port of Charleston, November 36. VISITEIS UNDER 100 TOSS, AND STEAMERS COASTLVQ WITHIN THE STATE EXCEPTED. STEAMSHIPS. Manhattan, 1337 tons, Woodhull, at Adger's wharf, for New York, loading-James .1 dger & Co. Prometheus, 681 tons, Gray, at Atlantic wharf, for Philadelphia, loaaing-Jnp k Theo Getty. SHIPS. R C Winthrop, 9*0 toes, Stuart, at Atlanh'c wharf, for Liverpool, loading-Patterson ft Stock. Owego, 973 tons, Post, at Atlantic wharf, for Liver pool, loading-W B Smitb k Co. Scotswood (Br), 745 tons, Boyce's wharves, for Liverpool, loading-R Mure k Co. Sumter, 5C0 tons. Keene, ct Brown k Co's wharf, from New York, waiting-Master. N Moehcr (Br), 798 ton?. Masher, at Accommoda? tion whorl, for Liverpool, loading-Street Bros k Co. BARKS. Hoabet (Nor), 322 lon?. Lammers, at Boyce's wharf, for Liverpool, loading-J M Fr. dsberg. Borneo (Br), 7u5 tons, Card, at Boyce & Co's wharf, for Liverpool, loading-R Mure k Co Lizzie H, 59o tons, Spring, at Brown k Co's wharf, from Buth, Me, discharging-Master. BRIGS. Cardigan (Br), 1&9 lon?. Kelly, in the Stream, for Queenstown and a Market, ready-R Mure .(? Co. Cyclon ., 222 tons, Johnson, at Marshall's whart, lor Boston, loading-Risley J: Creighton. Crocus, 160 tons. Swan, at Palmetto wharf, from Geonretown, S C. repairins-Risley k Creighton. Joshua & Maiy. 218 tous. Veal, at Marshall's wharf, tor Queenstown and a Market, loading-R Mure A- Co. Rosita (Span), 115 tons, Sust, at Brown k Co's wharf, lor Barcelona, loading-W P Hall. SCHOONERS. Dauntless (Rrj. 133 tons. Edwards, in the Stream, for Queenstown and a Market, ready-R Mure k Co. L S Davis, 320 tons. Bishop, at Kerr's wharf, im? providence, loading-Master. Sehr Robert Caldwell, 4~>G tons. Mccormack, at Ad? ger's wharves, for New York, loading-W Roach. W B Thomas, 308 tens, Winsmore, in Ashley River, for Philadelphia, ready-H F Uakcr k Co. Louisia Frazier. 323 tons, Steclniao, at Central wharf, for Philadelphia, diseliorging-H F Baker k Co LIST OP VESSELS P. CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS POA i FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. The Agra, Fulniore, sailed.Oct 29 I The Monncquaab, Murray, sailed.Oct 8 British ship Gorilla, Jones, sailed.Oct 28 The Kamma Funder, Krogh, sailed.Nov 6 Ship Richard the Third. Wood, sailed.Nov 8 ANTWERP. Ship Grahams Polity, Burgess, sailed.Oct 28 BREMEN. N G bark Gauss, Welting, sailed.Oct 8 ALLOA. The Jane, Carson, sailed.Oct 21 LEITH. The Harkaway, Horton, ?ailed.Oct 21 MATANZAS. Brig John Peirce, Melville, sailed.Nov ll DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, up.Nov 15 Sehr L Rich, Paddock, cleared.Nov 15 Sehr J W Allen, Doanc, cleared.Nov 16 NEW TOBIT. Steamship Key West, Rudolf, cleared.Nov 18 Steamship Jae Adgcr, Lockwood, cleared.Nov 24 Steamship Cirrol), Budgens, cleared.Nov 24 Brig Robt Dillon, Blatchlord, cleared.Nov 23 Brig Eva N Jolinaon,-, up. Nov 23 Ijchr N W Smith, Tooker, up.Nov 23 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Amos Edwards, Somers, up.Nov 17 Sehr Annie, Young, cleared.Nov 17 ROCKPOBT, ME. Sehr Wm Slater, Smalley, sailed.Nov 15 Pastness QLarfcs. DENTIST. I?OOil? AT HIS RESIDENCE, NORTHWEST COR? NER OF MEETING AND SOCIETY STREETS. November 20 fmw6mcs QTTO SONNTAG, DYER AND SCOURER, 141 Market-street, between King and A rchdale-streets. GENIS' COATS, VESTS, PANTS AND HATS Dyed, Cleaned and Pressed. November 12 wfm3mos JSSERTEL & DC rt 15KC, PHOTOGRAPHERS, No. 205 KINQ STRfET, OPPOSITE HASEr,, OVER J AS. E. SPEVR'S JEWELRY STORE. R. ISSERTEL.F. EUGENE DUBB^C, November 2 mwf Imo Q E O . Il . BOPPttCK, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, Charleston, S. C. P. GADSDEN HASELL. timos September 21 JOHN D . ALEXANDER, ACCOUNTANT AND R EAL EST A T E A G E N T , No. 16 ?road-strc?-* RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS tiUSlNESS IN THE WRITING UP AND ADJUSTING OF BOUKS A>D ACCOUNTS of Merchants and others. Also, the SELLING AND RENTING, AND COLLECTION OF REN I S OF HOUSES, tc._October 1 Qi, ll. SASS, A TTORNEY A T LA W, AND SOLICITOR IS EQUITY. #3- Oilice No: 93 BROAD-STREET, north aide between King and Meeting. Slay 8 K. SI. MARSHALL ? BROTHER. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. BROKERS No. 33 BRO AD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, 4c, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPERTY LEASED. fl5f-Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, kc, every Wntnndav. _October 1? TOGAS it SEABROOK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, No. 33 BRO AC-STREET. ROSWELL T. LOGAN...E. RAYNARD SEABROOK September_ J T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE STOCKS, BONDS, SE CURIHES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 'A 7 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. REFERENCES. Hon. HENRY BUIST, W. J. MAGRATH, Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. ll. WARING, Esq. October 1_ YyiLLIS ?? CHiSOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTENU TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE ANL SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Porte) ot COTTON, RICE, LUM UER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CHISOLM. October 23 -nriLBVit & so.v. REAL ESTATE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, No. 59 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. Borrow and loan money, attend tc collection of rents, and all manner of claims. July 13 mwiciuo CLOTHING. IsTOW IS "STOTJKr CHANCE. TO THE CITIZENS AND PUBLIC SEVERALLY J HAVING RECEIVED BY RECENT ARRIVALS THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED ASSORT? MENT OF MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FUKNISHING GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPIY ANY DEMAND THAT M i ? BE MADE UPON US FOR ANY of the above named Good*, at prices teat caunot bc competed with br any establishment in this city. Ihc following is a partial list of our p.-ices : PANTALOONS. 150 PAIRS FANCY SATINET. S 1 25 109 PAIRS FANCY SATINET.... ' o oo 100 PAIRS BLACK AND COLORED UNION C \SS1 VIERE. 3 GO FANCY CASSI ME RE.4, 5 and 6 00 FINE FANCY CASSIMERE. 7 00 EXTRA FINE FANCY CA8SIMERE.... 8 00 BLACK DOESKIN CASSIM ERE 5, G and 7 00 EXTRA FINE BLACK DOESKIN CASSIMERE.9 00 FLNE BLACK BEAVER. 9 00 VESTS. FANCY CASSIMERE.SI 25 to 0 00 ALL-WOOL CASSIMERE.. 2, 2 50. 3 and 3 50 BLACK CLOTH and CASHMERE 3,4 and 5 00 In addition to the above named trticles, we have on hand a large lot of ALL-WOOL CA'SIMERE SACKS AND WALKING COATS, slightly soiled which wo will sell at $7 00each, worth double ; also a kmre lot of COLORED CASSIMERE PANTS, at $4 00 each ; aho, a large assortment of FURNISBLNG GOOD-, all new. which we will sell atc^rrcsoo dingly low prices. Plcaec give us a call, and examine for yourselves, at om old stand, where we have been located for over twenty years. SACK COATS. COLORED SATINET.$3 to 5 00 I FINE ALL-WOOL CASHMERE.... G to li 00 FLNE BLACK CLOTH AND CASSI? MERE. G to IS 00 BLACK CLOTH FROCK COATS, GOOD QUALITY.$12 00 I FINE QUALITY. 15 00 SUPERFINE. 20 to 25 00 OVER SACKS. ALL-WOOL TWEED. $7 00 | MACK UNION CASSIMERE. 7 00 1 BLACK PETERSHAM.ll 00 I FINE BLACK BEAVER. 15 lo 20 00 ' EXTRA FINE BLACK BEAVER. .25 to 30 00 | GEORGE LITTLE & CO., NO. 213 KING-STREET, BELOW MARKET. November 24 Imo O SB CV rn* g 5 ? PM O Xi CD a a - ES fe pa 0 e SCOTT'S SHIRT EMPORIUM. STAR SHIRTS, OR MADE TO ORDER. Buy your SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, AT E. SCOTT'S, Meeting-street, opposite ;.Iiirket Hall, under the STAR SHIRT SIGN. November 18 I sf X t fi Sj e? - 3 s a 3 a ans I ? m ? C. E. CLAGHOKIV, > Philadcl E. H. COATES, i ] Lia, Pa. AV. F. H?KltnU, Augusta, GB. . M. JACKSON. Charleston, S. C. CLAGHOE?T, HEEEING & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA., CHARLESTON, S. C., PHILADELPHIA, PA. HAVING RECENTLY ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE AT CHARLESTON (AC? COMMODATION WHARF), wc aro prepared to oiler every facility for RECEIVING, FOR? WARDING AND SELLING COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCE, TO EITHER OF OUR 9 II It EE HOUSES. LIBERAL ADVANCE made on al! consignments when desired. Also to our friends, Messrs. ROBT. LOCKHART ft DEMPIER, Liverpool, England. October G nae 3mos ADVA X CES CN CO T T O X. TO PLANTERS AND OTHERS WISHING TO Ii OLJ) CO TT ON IN ENGL A ND, Where STORAGE, INSURANCE, and other espenscs for holding arc LESS thin m the United States, we will advance TEN CENTS PER POUND ON ?I I J) J) L 1 N G S, Shipped to onrfriendsin Liverpool, chargine the Eng? lish commercial rate of interest, wnich at present ia FIVE PER CENT. And hold as long as desired. CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO., Accommodation Wharf. November 13 2 mos \^ORTH, STEELE & WARDELL, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, STA TIONER Y, PERFUMER Y, C UTLER Y, HOSIERY, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERY, fee., kc, No. 107 -Hectlng-strcct, CHARLESTON, S, C. J. B. STEELE. C. C. NORTH, A. W. WARDELL, JR. New York. September 15 3moe npiIE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. SILENT TELS MACHINE IS NOW RAPIDLY TAKING thc place Of all others as a FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. By an arrangement male during a late visit to Now York, I am enabled to take ordo.: g for any first , doss SEWING or KNTITTNG MA CHINES, and j deliver them herc in ten days. Also, SEWING | MACHINES with Buttonhole Attachment-?. Cir- ; culara aud Samples of Seeing sent on application All kinds of Needlee, Tools, Ac. Repairing done as usual. D. B. HASELTON, 307 KING-STREET. November i wfm2mos iHiscrUiinroiis. QPAL DEHTALLIHA, A SUPERIOR TOOTH W A sn, For Cleansing thc Teeth, Preventing thc Formation of Tartar, giving tone to thc Gums, and leaving a delight? ful sensation of Cleanliness and Fragrance in thc "louth. SVPERIJR TO SOZCDONT AND CHEAPER. THIS PREPARATION IS THE RESULT OF THE coin tv oed skill of th" physician, dentist and apothe? cary, and it is offered a; a RELIABLE substitute 1er thc numerous uucrain washes now in vogue. The microecope baa aVw been called into use, and the re tearrhes of a celebrated observer have detected the manner in which thc tartar is formed, sh iving it to be the work of animalcule. Substances which Ficiuus found to destray the life of 'bese infusoria are contained in the Oental'ioa, anl thus it prevents the increase of tart t and conse? quent loosening of the teeth. It will wa found userai to penons in advanced lift*, givipg strength md tone to the gums, while to every one thc aroma and sen? sation of cleanliness after using it will be sufficient recommendation; smokers especially will appreciate its efficacy. Numerous dentists of thc highest standing being acquainted with the composition of the Dentollina, advocate its use, it containiag nothing corrosive or injurious to prevent its unrestrained employment Prepare,! only by JAS. T. SHI NN, Chemist, Phila? delphia. For sale by DO WIK A MOISE, Corner Meeting and Hisel streets, October ll tt fni3mos Charleston, S. C. JSAACSKA'S SURE PO Pl FOR DESTROYING Rats, Mice, ic. Ac, without the unpleasant effects arising from their dying in their holes. A PHOSPHORIC PASTE, hermetically sealed, and warranted to keep fresh for all times. The greaten discovery of its kind in the age we live in. No person need bo troubled with Rats Mice, Ced Bugs or Roaches, tor Mr. Isaacsen's des? tructive rem od v is within ti.e reach of all ptepared only by himself, from rare and viluab'e compounds, its cheapness is as wonderful as its efficacy-hun? dreds of testimonials have been received from ali parts of thc Uuitcd State* as to its value add satisfac? tory operative power, from which, for waut of space, we simply select the lollowing: WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C.,) October 1st, 1368. J MR. ISAACSEN-Dear Sir: It gives mc great pleas? ure to testitv to th- gratifying result obtained at this Hotel thro.ign using your Phosphoric Paste; it is now two years s:uce I firs', heard of your remedy.and determined to give it a fair trial; that trial proved sc successful that not a trace of Rats or Ros.ches have sinco been discovered, although previous to that time we wi-re completely overrun. Wishing you eveiy success in tao useful career you have chosen, Iremaiu, yours respcetfuTy, JOHN WOLFE. Engineer. For rale by DOWIE A MOISE, Wholesale Druggists, No. 109 Meoting-streect, corner Hued, Charleston, S. C., October 7 wfoi3mo3 Agents lor Southern Statt?..