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THE DAILY ?YEWS. A Love Song. Droop, droop, soft little eyelid? ! Droop over eyes of weird wild blue, TJnc'er the fringe of those tremulous skylids Glances of love and fun peep through. Sing, sing, sweetest of maidens I Carol away with thy whito little throat ! Echo awakes to the exquisite cadence Here on the magical mere afloat. Dream, dream, heart of my own lovel Sweet is the w:nd from the odorous south Sweet is the island we sail to alone, love Sweet is a kiss from thy ruddy yoong mouth. [Dublin University Magazine. THE NEW REGIME. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. AN ACT to declare the manner by which the Lands, or the Right ot Way over the lauds, of Persons or Corporations, may be taken tor the construction and uses of Railways and other works of internal improvement. I. Be U enacted by tbe Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Geneial Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That whenever any parson or corporation shall be authorized by charter to construct a railway, canal, turn? pike, or other public highway in this State, such person or corporation, before ent?rine; upon any lauds for the purpose of construc? tion, shall give to the owner thereof (if he be sui juris) notice in wriitag that tho right of way over said lands is required for such pur? pose, which notice shall be given at least thirty days before entering upon said lands; and if such notice shall be given, and the owner shall not, within the period of thirty days after ser? vice ol' said notice, signify in writing his re? fus? -or consent^ it shall be presumed that each consent is given; and such person or cor -pora ti on may thereupon enter upon said lands : Provided, however, That the owner of said lands may be entitled to more for an assess? ment of compensation in the mariner herein? after directed. LT. That if the owner of the lands shall sig? nify his refusal of consent to entry upon his lands without previous compensation, the per? son or corporation requiring such right of way shall apply, by petition, to th3 Circuit Judge of the county wherein such lands are situated, for the impanelling of a jury to ascertain the amount which shall be paid as just compensa? tion for the right of way required, in which petition shall be set forth a description of the lands, the names of the owner or owners, the purposes for which the lands are required, and such other facts as may be deemed material. On the hearing of such petition, the Circuit Judge shall order the same to be filled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for said county, and shall fur? ther order the Clerk of the Court to impanel a jory of twelve to ascertain the compensation for the use of the lands required, and it shall be the duty of the paid Clerk, immediately on receiving such order, to give to the owner of the lands notice thereof in writing, and of the day which shall be assigned for the draw? ing of the jury, which notice shall be served at least fivo days before the day assigned. On the day a- signed the said clerk, in the presence of the parties, if they shall attend, shall select the names of twenty-four disinterested free? holders of the county, and from that number , shall draw the names of twelve to act as jurors, and shall cause those so drawn to be forthwith summoned to meet at such place and at such time as he may assign, for the purpose of ex? amining the said lands and ascertaining the compensation to be made for the right of way over the same; it ehall further be the dnty of the said clerk, in person or by his deputy, to attend at th.- ?ame time and place for the pur? pose of organizing the jury, and he shall have power to summon from tho viciuage other disinterested freeholders to act as jurors in the stead of any of those firs': summoned who shad fail to attend, or who shall be objected to by eithir party on the ground of disqualification on account of interest. TTL That the jury eo impanelled, after being first sworn faithfully and impartially to deter? mine the question of compensation submitted to them, shall proceed to inspect the premises and to take testimony in reference to the con? struction of tho proposed highway, and the .xraaatii- of land, which shall be required there? for; and irrespective of any benefit which the xwuer may derive from the proposed highway, and with respect alouo to the quantity and value of the lands which may bo required, and to the special damage which the owner may sustain by reason of tho construction of the highway through his lands., they shall ascer? tain the amount of compensai ?on which shall be ? made to th e owner thereof, abd sholl render their verdict in writing Tor tho some. IV. That from the verdict so rendered it ?hall be the right of either party to appeal to 1 the first term of the Circuit Court next ensu? ing in the county, giving to the opposite , party fifteen days notice of such intended ap? peal, with the grounds thereof; and upon the baring of such appeal, if the Court shall be 1 .satisfied, of the reasonablo sufficiency of toe grounds, an issue shall bo ordered, in : in which tho appellant shall be tbe actor, and < the question of compensation shall be there- , upon submitted to a jury in open (Joint, whose jerdicfc shall 09 filial and conclusive, unJe33 ofi 1 wru Cf error, ? new trial shaii be ordered by the Supreme Court. But in no case of appeal 1 ' ?hall me pruK?'??2 2? ?S ???r?5 of WBjrtnjeffon. , be stayed: Provided, The person or corpora- , tion.requiring the right of way shall deposit with the Clerk of tho Court the amount of thc ' verdict from which the appeal is taken. V. That whenever any lands shall be required 1 for the location of depots, stations, turnouts, ? Beetion houses, or other necessary uses of a highwav, and from want and agreement as to the value thereof, or from any other cause, the same cannot ba purchased from the owner, the 1 same may be taken at an assessed valuation, to be made by a jury io like manner as hereinbe- 1 fore ' directed, for ascertaining tho compensa? tion for right bf way. YL That where the owner, or any of the several owners of the lands is ajenie cowl, an infant, or non compos mentis, the required no- < bees shall be served upon the trustee, guar? dian or committee of such persons; and if there ; be no trustee, guardian or committee, the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas shall have power, and he is hereby authorized to appoint *It>r such person a guardian ad litem, upon whom the service shall be made, and who shall represent the interest of such jane covert, in? fant, or person non compos meidis. And ii the owner, or any of the owners of tbeiands shall reside beyond the State, or bis or her place of residence be unkcown, it shall suffice it notice of tha application for a jury, and of the time and place at which they are summoned to at? tend, he published by the Clerk of the Court . for one month next preceding the day assign- ; ed, which publication shall be made io a news? paper published in the county, or if there bo none there published, than ia some newspaper of the State having general circulation in the - county. , VLT. Thal upon payment of the compensa? tion thus ascertained by a jury, the right of : way over said lands, or the use of said lands for the purposes for which the same were re? quired, shall vest in the person or corporation who shall bold the charter of snch highway, so . long as the same shall be used for such high? way, and no longer; but the fee in such lands subject to such special cases shall remain in the owner thereof, and nothing herein con? tained shall be construed to confer upon such person or corporation any right in, or power over, the lands so condemned, other than such as may be within the particular purpose for which such lands were condemned. VIII. That no lands or right of way which have heretofore, or may hereafter be, procured for the construction or use of any highwav, shall be considered exempt from liability to condemnation; but the right of way over said land and across or along such right of way may be condemned for the construction of any other highway: Provided, That in tho con? struction of such other highway lhere be no hindrance to the use and enjoyment of the highway for which such lands or right of way were previously procured; and m all such cases notice of the application for a jury shah bo served upon the President of the corporation whose lands or right of way shall be required, or upon any Director or local agent of the cor? poration. ES. That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent entry upon any lands for pulposos of survey and location; and if in any case the owner of any lands shall permit thc person or corporation'requiring a right of way over the same to enter upon the construction of the highway without previous compensa? tion, the said owner shall have tho right, otter the highway shall have been constructed, to demand compensation, and to petition for an assessment of the tame in the manner herein? before directed : Provided, 8uch petition shall be filed within twelve months alter the high? way shall have been completed through his or her lands. X. That all proceedings in relation to the condemnation of lands for tho right of way, or for other necessary uses of any chartered I highway, shall be filed in the office of the . Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the . county in which such proceedings were had, i and shall be there of record. If the land re- : quired, or over which the right of way be re? quired, shall be partly ii one county aud part? ly in another, the proceedings shall be insti? tuted in that countv in wbich the owner or a majority of the owners reside; and if the own? er or owners shall reside in nr ii uer of the counties, or if tbero shall be an equal number of the several owners in each comity, the pro? ceedings shall be instituted in that county in which shall lie tho greater part ot the lands in reference to which such proceedings are in? stituted. XI. That the Clerk of the Court shall be en? titled to a fee of ton dollars in every case insti? tuted for the condemnation of lands under this act; the same to cover all charges incident thereto prior to appeal, including also fees for recording, but not including costs of advertis? ing; to which shall be added, in cases of appeal, an additional fee of two dollars, the same to cover all charges incident to tho appeal; that the sheriff shall bc entitled to a fee of one dollar and mileage at the rate of five ceuts per mile for each service of notice or other paper; and for the summoning of jurors the eamofeo now by law allowed for the summoning of ju? rors lor the Court of Common Pleas; and-that the jurors shall be entitled to tho same per diem and mileage now by law allowed for at? tendance as jurors at the Courts of Common Pleas; all of which costs, except costs of appeal, shall be paid by the person or corporal ion re? quiring the lands or right of way, and tho costs of appeal shall in all cases be paid by the losing party. XII. That any juror, duly summoned to attend at the timo and place"desienated, who shall fail to attend, shall bo proceeded against iu the same manner and bo subject to the same penalties which axe or may be prescribed by law for default in attending as jnrois at the Court of Common Pleas. In thc Senate House, the twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. L. BOOZER, - President of the Senate. FRANKLIN J. MOSES, JR., Speaker House of Representatives. Approved: ROBERT 2. SCOTT. Governor. Ommcrriiil. Exports. NEW YORK-Per steamship Charleston -1178 bales Upland Cotton, 24 bags Sea isand Cotton, 114 tierces Rice, 90 bales Yam, 127 pkgs Fruit, and 49 pkgs Sundries. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Sea (Juli-531 bales Unland Cotton, 42 tierces Rice, 17 bales Yaru, : 58 bbls Rosin, 17 rolls Leather. COO bushels Flint Corn, 19 bales Rags, 10 bales Hides, 95 bbls and bags Pried Fruit, and 34 pkgs tuna ries. The diaries to ii Cotton .Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I CHARLESTON, Tuesday Evening, Oct 27, 'CS. I There was a decided absence of inquiry, and the limited demand was restricted mostly to one buyer, who operated ia the latter part of the day at some? what easier rates, pikes declining in some transac? tions about ?c per lb; sales 240 bales, viz : IC at 22?; 3 at 22%; 19 at 23; 29 at 23?; 27 at 23?: 100 at 23?; 39 at 24, and 7 prepared on the Gullett gin at 25c per lb. We quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.21?@23 Low middling.23?@23? Middling. .23?^C4 Strict middling.24?@ Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, October 27.-Consols 91?. Bonds easier at 73?. LrvxBPOOL, October 27-Noon.-Cotton active; sales 20,000 bales. Breadstuff's unchanged. Provis? ions quiet Tallow 53s 7d. Two P. M.-The Bombay shipments to the 24th ore 14,000 bales Afternoon.-Cotton Armer but not quotably high, or. Yarns and fabrics at Manchester firmer. Red winter wheat hiavy at 9s 9<L Flour heavy. Coru 37s 9d to 38s. Lard duU at C9s. Sales of cotton 15,0.0 bales. Evening-Colton cloded firm; eales 18,000 bales; uplands lld; Orleans ll vd. Coin 37s Od. Turp?n t ne advanced, 25s Cd- Tallow 63s Gd. PARIS, October 27.-Tho Bourse closed firm ; rentes 70f 45o. HAVRE, October 27,-To-day ia a ho!idiy,aEd there ar" no markets, DOMESTIC MAEEET3. NEwYonK, October 27-Noon.-Money in demand at 7. Sterling 9?. Gold 34?. Flour dull, and 5a 10c lower. Wheat irregular and unsettled. Corn duB and lc lower. Pork decidedly lower at 2G?. Lard dull; stoam 16?al7?. Cotton quiet at 25?c. Turpentine drooping at 43 to 43?. Rosiu heavy; strained $2 45a2 60. Freights firmer. Evening.-Cotton less active, and scarcely so firm; sale3 2800 bales at 25?c. Flour heavy. Corn heavy; mixed Western $112?ai 13.. Pork-na* mess ?2G; old S2C50. Lard firmer at 17?al8;. Whiskey, city, M lOal ll ; Western $112. Turpentine 43ai4c. Rc sin S24Oa7 50. Freights ?rmer; on cotton, by, &to?c Governments closed steady; 'G2's, 112?. Tennessee bonds, 69; new, 68?. North Carolina's, 56. Money stringent, demand pressing at 7 per cent; trade suffers in consequence. Sterling weak at 9?. Sold closed at 34?, with a declining tendency. BALTIMORE, October 27.-Cottonunchanged. Flour ?tdl and declined ?c; Howard-street superfine S7??8; ;xtraS8 SOall; City Mills $7a7 75. Wheat rery duUat$2 35J2 51. Corn duU and lower; primo yellow $125. Provisions firmer. WILMINGTON, N. C., October 27.-Sa'cs of turpen? tine at 40c. Rosin active-strained SI f5; strait ed md No 2 mixed SI 78; No 2 $1 80; extra No 2 SI 90; bwNol52; Nol $3 25a4 37?. Crude turpentine md tar unckanjed. Cotton firmer-middlings 23? ?23?. AUGUSTA, October 27.-Cotton very active and firmer. Salts 915 bales. Receipts 735. Middlings 23? cts. SAVANNAH, October 27.-Cotton steady; sales 1059 bales; middlings 24? cts. Receipts 1575. Expert! s astwise 1471. MOBILE. October 27-Cotton eaeicr; sales 500 bales; middlings, 23?c; expor.s, 8J7 biles; re? ceipts, 1322 balei. NEW ORLEANS, October 27.-Cotton quiet and firm ; middlings 23? cents. Sales C100 bales. Receipts 1315. Exports 1873. Sugar and molasses firm and unchanged. CINCINNATI, October 27-Flour dull. Corn, old Bcarco at 98caSl; new, 53a50c. Whiskey. SI 10. Lard and pork, none in th'3 market. Shoulders, 13 M3?c. LOUISVILLE, October 27-Flour, SCiG 25. Mess pork, $30. Shoulders, 13?c; clear side?, 17?c Lard, 18al8?c. Whiskey, SI 12. Augusta Market. AUGUSTA. October 26.-COTTON-Thc mnrket to? day has been quiet but firm, with a light demand. We quote 23?a-?3? for middling. Sales G34 bales. Receipts 690 bales CORN-Firm. We quoio white SI 20; mixed SI 15, Crom depot. WHEAT-We quote white 82 25a2 50; red SI 80a2 25. FLOUR-City Mills S10 C0al3; at retail SI per bbl higher; country S10al2, according to quality. UATS-8ta85c. BTE-SI 50. Macon Market. MACON, October 24-COITON-RI ceipts to-day ^92 bales; sales 90 bales; shipped 2C1 bales. The market opened this morning with a gool de? mand atan advance of ?c on yesterday's quotations, wbich continued throughout the day. Holders, how? ever, refu-ea tho market rites an^, consequently, the transactions were very light. The m irkct closed firm this afternoon at tho following rates: interior 15; ordinary 20; good ordinary 21; middlings 22; good middlings 22?. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock oa hand September 1,18C3-bales. 1.32G Received to-day. 392 Receive I previously.12.2G5-12,637 13 983 Shipped to-day. 2C1 Shipped previously.G.4GC- 6,727 Stock on hand this evening. 7 256 Wilxmngton Market. WILMINGTON, October 26.-TURPENTINE-?"ales of only 122 bbls at S2 C5 for so?, and $1 05 lor hard, per 280 lbs. SPIRITS I URPENTLSE-Market quiet and no trans? actions reported. ROSIN-only ono lot of 55 bbls changed hands to? day at SI 80 for No 2 TAR-24 bbls sold at $2 35 per bbl. Corroa-isles ol 75 bales ut 23a23? cents for mid diing. TIMBER-Sales of four rafts at ?5 for inferior and S7 50 M for ordinary mi 1. Easton Ai C o.'s Cotton Kcport. FOR THE WEEK ENDINO OCTOBER 23, 1868. NEW 1 ORE, October 24.-TOE MARKET.-In our last report tbe market closed firm at 25?c for middling uplands. Liverpool was steidy at 10? ulld for uplands and Orleans. On Saturday th-re was a fair business don?, mostly to export- r-, who were encouraged by the small stock arnold. ?ales 2 87 bales at 25?a25?c. Liverpool opened .teady and closed ?rmer, but unchanged, ?ales 12.000 bales. Monday there was a good spiu ning demand, which holders ra*t freely. Ihe mar? ke; was steady. Sales -2024 bales, quotations unal? tered. Liverpool firm at lO^alld. Sales 12,000 bales. Tuesday the market was moderately active and prices a shade easier, owing to large oiTivals here. Sales 2525 bales at 25Jic. Liverpool linn and unchanged. Sales 12.000 bales. Wednesday the business was strall, al'hough holders showed some anxiety to sell cotton on the wharf at lower prices. Sales 1703 bales at 25a25>?c, closing dull and heavy. Liverpool stealy atio&alld. sales 12.000 bales. Thursday there was an active market, as buyers were tempted by the low prices. There -T-JB much irregularity, and some lots were so'd below ?4Jic for low middling and 23c for middlfag, which wa? the closing quotation. Sales 3.-*27 bales Liverpool opened quiet and closed steady with more activity. Sales 12,000 bales-no change in prices. Yesterday thorc was more steadiness and better pticef were paid, lue large busiuess on Thursday cleared off mo3t of the pressing lots. The sales reached 37?2 I ales. Middling 25a25.l4'c Liver? pool Arm at 1 ozalid. Sales 12,000 bales. We have not much variation to re.: ort in our mar? kets. Notwitbstanding a tight monVy market, a de? cline in gold, scarcity of freights, and large receipts, prices herc opened at 25?a2?tfc, touche.l 2l^c on thp wharf, and clossd steady at 25a25,'.i J. Liverpool has been steady and active ull Use-week at lC'^d for uplands and lld f.>r Orleans There have now been received at tho ports t'.noe Soptember 1, 253. ".07 bales-of ?h eh exporters have taken 01,882 bales, spinners 93,021 bales, aud thc stocks have increased QO',201 bales. Wc have added C12 bales to our Gal? veston receipts this week, to cover the arrivals at the other texas ports. Of the 802 bales received from Florida by steamer Flag, 7- 7 halos wore shipped from Mobile. Iho weather at thc South has been fine for the past week, and planters are doing their best to se? cure the crop. We hear some reports of killing frost from Georgia through tho Associated Press, but as no private dispatches came to hand yesterday, it was not believed to bo gcneraL We see that the large quantity that was at sea from India is being absorbed on arrival, and that thc (car of a decline from that cause was grout-Jess. On 25th September last there were 642,0u0 bales on the way from India, while to? day there aro only 411,000 bales at sea. At lea-1 223,000 bales of Swats must have arrived and gone into consumption, and thc stock at the same time shows 11,000 bales decrease, and prices are ??d high ir than then. Wc continue to receive cull and un? satisfactory accounts from Manchester, but until a decrease in thc present large consumption eau bc shown, dull accounts do not have much effect. SAXES TOR 1'cruse DELIVEBY.- On Monday 500 bales were sold for Jami try and February; Tuesday, 200 bales for December, at 23a23>.ic; Wednesday, 2M bale?, January or February delivery, at 23?ie; Fri? day. 200 ba'es low middlio?, December delivery, at 22,'ic, and 200 b iles, month and prie . not named. At 22c for low middling ana 23a for midahng, there aro buyers, but no sellers at the ol OW. STATISTICAL POSITION-The stock in Liverpool ia 408,000 bales; afloat from India, 414,00 !; and from America, 22,000 Total 814.000 bales. On Oc? tober 25, 18C7, the stock was G78.000 t ales; afloat from India, 224,000; and from America, 3.Ou bales. Total, 005,000 bales. Doflciency in visible supply, as compared with last year, 01,000 bales. Prico of middling Orleans now lld; thou fl. Stock ot all ports in the United States, 30,748 bales more than same time last year. Estimated stock held by Man? chester spinders at the mills, 133,000 bales, stock in Havre, 2d ins', 43.314 bales, against 87,527 bales last year, with an excess at sea over last year of 45,337 bales. Stock in London, 8th inst, 82,76" bales, against 103,578 bales lost year, with au excess in the quantity at sei c f 06,000 bales over 1867. Upland k Mobile. New Florida. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary.- o23 - a23>? - s233? - a?3% Good Or dit-ary.- a24 - 824^ - a24>? - aU)i Low Mid? dling..- a24Ji - aSiJg - a25 - a25'4 Middling 25 a25,>i 26X?35U 25Ka39k 25???26 Sales of thc week 1G,U18 ba'es-including 8041 to spinners, 2468 to speculators, tnd. 5306 to exporters, of which 171 were m transit Stocks in the interior towns, October 0, 1868, 19,103 bales, against 19,956 bale? same time last year. Consignees per south Carolina ltallroau October ?7. 74? bales Cotton. 84 bales Domestics, C33 bushels Grain, 4 cars Wood, 1 car Lumber, and 3 cars Stock, lo Railroad Agent, H Bischoff k Co, Wagerer, Heath & Monsces, G Foll?n, G W William < k Co. Frist k Adger. Pelzer, Rodgers & Co, Hopkins, McPherson ti co. Ward!aw k Carew. Street Bros k Co, Seeder k Davis, Uraescr, Lee, Smith k Co, T H k W Dc wee?, Cohen, Hanckel k Co, G H Walter k Co, W P Dowling k Co, W C Dukes & Co. JA Enflow k Co, O H Hoppock, Mowry k Co, HF Baker k Co, Came? ron, barkley k Co, A B Mulligan, W K ?*?an, and J B E Sloan. Consignees per Northeastern Kailroad, October Vf. 183 bales Cotton, car Old Iron. Mdze, kc. To' G H Waiter & Co, Cleghorn, Herring k Co, Wilkcn* k li, Eirkpatiick k Witto, Mowry k Co, Williams k Co. R G Chisolm. Reeder <E DavK Havencl k Co, R H Harney, Ca'dwell k Son, Kendall & rockery, Frost & Adger, G H Ingraham k Sou, W K Byan. G W Clark k Co, G H Hoppock. J B Pring e, Eli&t Hughes, J V Holmes, and Order. Passengers, Per steamship Manhattan, irotn New York-Mi? M A Utile, Miss M sheridan, Mrs A J strong, li Bul winklc, Mr- fi Ritter, Miss H Suiken, Mrs H steele, Mrs McLaughlin, J H Ha:slop, wife and 2 chi! Iren, Miss McLaughlin, John Haskell and wife, John Burns and wile. Miss J Hassell, Mrs J G steuben, chlM and servant, Mists K il aspell. Master W Has? sell, Mi6S F Hassell, J C Ogcmann, wife and 2 chil? dren, J J Hassell, S M Burt, James Hassell, Jamos Barry Mrs Miller, H C Rose, Lieut J K Wilson, W L Whiting. E J Maxwell, Mrs J U Woad, J Hay, F C Locke. Al? x Marshall, J X bleddcn, J R Cason, J B Cole, and 7 on do k. Per stoaiaship Falcon, from TaUimorc-Geni E A Hitchcock, Mrs E A Hitchcock, Col J W Nicholls, Misb J Nicholls, Mn?Proctor, Miss M sue, Mi SH Howard, F M Uarper. O'Brien, aud A Pra t. Per steamship Charleston, lor New York-Miss L lt Uealh, A 1 apter, lady and 2 children, i- F Chu peau, L R McLain, Mtss M Patterton, C PPoicber, aud J Maher. ^larine Urns. Port of Charleston. October uii-i Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Mauhattan, Woodhull, Kew York-lett Saturday. Muzc. To James Adjcr k Co.. Miles Drake, A L, J K Aditer 4: Co. P Darcy. Lauroy & Alexander, J D Aiken k Co, E J U Tischer, Leng nick k Sell, C D Ahrens & co, Furchnot Lros, Leon hart k Pueusing. D A Ammo. Jno FergU'O?, Chis I itschgi, G W Aimar, J S fairly k Co, T W Lewis, Maj G E Alden, I L Falk k Co, Col S C Lyf-rd, D Buiwinklc, D F Fleming & Co, J G Milner X Co, Forsyth, Mccomb ic Co, R II McDowall k Son, Mc Loy is Ricc,|H Bulwiokle, B Feld nouu fe Co, R liar? an, E Bates ?O?, M Goldsmith i: Son, Menke k Muller, W M Bird ? Co, Charleston Oas Co, W 3 Mowry, n Bischoff ?: Co, Goodrich, Wiueinau Jfc Co, Marshall \ Buritc, A Bischoff, G ll Gruber, Muller, Nimitz k i o, T M tin-toll, J U Grawr J Mehrten?, W Uiookbaniti, A G Goodwin, Wm, Brawn ?; dyer, Wm Gurney, Murphy, Litt!e ie Co, Bart k Wirth. Mary Galloway, Macollar, Williams k Parker, John C Burckmy.r, C Goldstein, Marshall & McMillan. Jas li Betts, Gram n i: Schawkc, Mau toue ? Co. P L Guiliimcj. JIB MeElbcs?, B'rbassc k Berkcmeyer, J Huikamp & Co, Mowiy k Co, C D Brahe k to, N A Bunt,WA Morton, Lollminn fros, Uart k Co, J F O'Noll k S.n. W H Chatce k Co, Holmes' House, B O'Neill, W Carrington & Co, Ho.IUDS k Cald. r, J C Oljcu, Louis t'oheu k Co, F Honey, J C 0?ei::auu, John Colindas, J H Hillen, li O'Neill i: Son, Chas Cab;;, Hiram Harris, t'BtcudOiff & Co, J Cauipseu k Co, W S Uinerev, Olney k CO, U k A PCaldwell, A H Hayden, Pelzer, Rodgers ?: i/o, D.amoi d C, H Heins, C P Poppen heim, G H ? n^raham J: Sou, J A Quiickeuou.-h, F W Clausseu, Jeffords & Co, Qui?i y k Co, Johnston, Crews & Co. J A Cook k Co, H Cobia k Co, OEitA 5 Johnson, Roper k Stoner, Jas Cantwell, Jennings, Thom limon ? Co, j H Reuueker, T M Cater, c T? Johnsoi'. Jno Bussell, W S Corwin k Co, W Kuob loch, W P ltavenel, Henry Da'y, Kriete A: Chapman, Jacob Reils, Dowie k Moise, Jno P Kiep, H steetz, Douelas k Miller, H K atte & Co, S C Railroa?, Dew iug, Burk-, tt A: Co, Klinik, Wickeuborg & Co, E S Dean, I-aac Liobmau, Southern Express Co, J W Denny, ( F Laroussclier, E B stoddard k Co, strauss k Vance, W Stce.o, L Sciinell >fc Co, J Stel ber, Com E E Stone, R Salas, t-tenhouse ?t Co, G H Smith, shack. Bord k Kelly, G W Steffens fe Co S< y. mour i: Silcox, \> G Trott, P Tecklcnbcrg, J H V?l? lers, W G Whildcn is Co. J N M Wohltmao, Werner k Ducker, Watson k Hill, L Wei*lop', G W Williams 6 Co, W L Webb, Walker, Evans k Coaswell, W J Yates, aud others. Sunday, October 25, at 9.30 A M, lat 37 51, long 74 40, spoke steamship Hermann Liv? ings! .-si irem Savjnuah for New York. M nu day, at 6.30 A M, 15 miles southwest from Hatteras, passed steamship Huntsville from Savannah for New York. Steamship Fa'cou, Horsey, Baltimore-left salur? day P At. Mdzo. To Mordecai k Co, Courtenay k Trenhol m, Railroad Agent, H Bischoff i: Co, Wage? ner, Heath k Monsees, Weruer k Ducker, W L Webb, H Cobia & Co, R M BuUer, J A Blake, W Hunt, J H Graver, T J Kerr i: Co, Luhrs k Stel lin?, J N Robson, R B Rhett. Jr, G H Brown, J Hurkamp & co, Lauroy k Alexander, Walter Cade, Camorou, l?arkley k Co, B Feldmans k Co, R H Mc? Dowell & Son, Charleston Stencel Works. U Klatte & Co, G H Gm cr, J H Von Hollen, J H M Wohlt mann, li O'NciU, Il H Rico& Co, O Ticdeman, J H Wubruianu, J A Quackeabusb, Sto'.l, Webb k Co, H Bulwinkle, H Geults k Co, J C Blolime, T A 1 ca mish k Co. J F O'Neill k Son, R White, M E Hutch? inson, J A Enslow&to, Huuer k Ka verni, GW 5 effens k Co, Goodrich. Wiucmau ,t Co, Dowie k Moi-e. G H Walter k Co, F voa -anton, C lt Hughes, J Heesemann A. Bro. B S Rhett k Son, J Rusatll, and othe-s. Sehr Charlotte, Peterson, Ba:k River. 2S00 bush? els Bough Rice. To Cohen. Hanckel k co. Sehr Emma Eaaer, Leonard, li-ick River. 2000 bus'.el.s Rotuli Rice, lo Cohen, Hanckel fe Co. Sehr Odd Fellow, lroin Back River. 2100 bushels Rough Ric*?. TO Cohen. Hanckel k Co. Sehr Santec, Prince, Back River. 1700 Lu-hcls Rr.u h Lice, lo Cohan, Uae.ckel k Co. Sehi Palmetto, Magrath, Combahee. 1700 bush? els Rough Rice. To O H Hoppock, and J U Raggatt 6 Cv. Sloop J W Foster, from Soutcc. OOO bushels Roush Rice. To J R Pringle. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Charleston, Brrrv, New York-Jas Adger & Co. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore-Courtenay k Trenholm. Brig Moonlight, GUei, Surinam-J A Enslow& Co. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship Charlu ton. Berry, Now York. stoamahip S.-a G-.1L Dutton. Baltimore. Brig Neuvitas, Wi ol, New Yur<\ Sehr N W Smith. 'looker. New York. Steamer City Point, McNelty, Palatka, via Jackson? ville, Fernandina and Savannah. l p for Ulis Port. Steamship Carrol, Childs, at Baltimore, to leave Oc? tober 29. Sailed for this Port. Sehr Jonnaimith, Nichols, from f rovidence, Octo? ber 23. memoranda. PORT OF GEORGETOWN, S, C" TO OCT'R 25. ARRIVED. October 21-Sehr Carrie s Webb, Day, New York. Ociober 22-Brig Gamlier, Perry, Boston; sehr Frank k Em?y, -, Boston. CLEARED. Octobf r 2C- Sehr Plandome. Edwards, Porto Rico; brig Black Swan, Podger," Barbadocs. October 21-tchr Americus, Daly. New York. October 24-Schr tusan Wright, Dount, New York. October 25-Bri^s Carver, Shoots, Eoston; Model, Johnson, Boston. Prags, (g?mirais, (Etc. FOR THE WEAK FOR THE PALE FOR THE SICKLY FOR THE AGED FOR FEMALES FOR SPRING USE I >8!3?NO BITTERS EQUAL TO THEM.^ TBE CELEBRATED SUMTER BITTERS, Mode of ?URE LIQUOR, HERBS AND ROOTS, so well known in Pharmacy : PERUVIAN BARK, CHAMOMILE FLOW ERS, SNAKE ROOT, CHERRY BARK, GINGER, And such other HERB3 AND ROOTS as will in cases assist Digestion, promote the secretions of system in the natural channels, and give TONE AND VIGOR TO THE Y0t7JVt7 AND OLD, MALE AND FEM A All Us?! lt With Wonderful Succ?s BRINGS COLOR TO THE PALE WHITE J. IP. BLOOM AND BEAUTY TO THE THIN FACE AND CARE-WORN COUNTENANCE. CURFS FEVER AND CRE? ATES APPETITE. TRY THEM. USE NO OTHER. Ask tor SUMTER BHIERS. Sold by Druggists and Giocers. ??ySec that our signature ?6 over thc cork of each bottle. DOWIE & MOISE. POPRIETORS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, August 5 Gmo* Charleston, S. C. R " S A D A I, I S PURIFIES THE BLOOD, AND CURES SCROFULA AND ALL, CIIUOXIC DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Recommended ly (he Medical Faculty and Many Thousands of our Best Citizens. OS" POT Tcs.imonials of remarkable cures, sec "Rosadalij Almanac" for this year. PREPARED ONLY BY DR. J. J. LAWRENCE & CO., No. 211 BALTIMORE-STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. FOR SALE BY DOUTE * MOISE, No. IC'J Meeting-street, corner Hasel. July 22 Cmos QPAL DESTALLINA, A SUPEI1I0R TOOTH IF A S II, For Cleansing thc Teeth, Preventing thc Formation of Tartar, giving tone to thc Gums, and lenving a delight? ful sensation of Cleanliness ami Fragrance in Hie .Mouth. SUPERIOR TO sOZCDONT AND CHEAPER. THIS PREPARATION IS THE RESULT OF THE combined skill of the physician, dentist and apothe? cary, and it is offered as a RELIABLE substitute tor the numerous uuer ain wush-s now in voguo. The microscope has also Uceu called into usc, aud thc re? searches of a celebrated observer have detected the manner in which the tartar is formed, showing it to b'j thc work of animalculiu. Substances which Ficiuu- found to des roy (bc lifo of 'hrse inlusoria are coutainod in ihc Dcntalliua, au.l thus it prevents the increase of tartar aud ron-e qucnl loosening of the teeth. It will bc lound useful to persons in advanced life, giving strength and tone to the gums, while to every oi.c the nroma and sen? sation of cleanliness aller using it will be suflicieut rccommeudati m; smokers especially will appreciate its efficacy. Numerous dentists of the highest standing being acquainted with the composition of the Dentallina, advocate its use, it contain lng nothing corrosive or injurious to prevent its unrestrained employment. Prepared ouly by JAS. T. SHINN, Chemist, Phlla d dphia. For sale by DOWIE & MOISE, Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, October 14 wfm3mos Charleston, S. C. JSAACSE.V'S SURE POPI ~- " ^-TTT^^"1"^ to keep fresh lor all times. The greatest discovery of its kiud in the age wc live in. No person need be troubled with Rats Mice, Bod Bugs or Roaches, for .ur. Isaacson's des? tructive reinedv in withiu the reacb of all, picpared only by himself, from rare and valuab c compounds, its cheapness is us wonderful as hs efficacy-hun dreds of testimonials have been received from all pert? of thc United Stales UB to its value add satisiac tory operative power, from which, for watt of space, wc simply select the following: WILLARD'S HOIEL, WASHINGTON, D. C.,1 October 1st, 1SC3. j Mn. ISA ICSEH- Dear Sir: Ittu-cs mc great pleas? ure to testily to th . gratifying result obtained at thij Hotel through using your Phosphoric Paste; it is now two years s'nee I first hear.) ot your rcmcdy.uud dctcimiucd to give it a la'r ina!; that trial proved so successful that not a trace ol Rats cr Roaches have siuce beeu discovered, although previous to that time we wi rc completely ov-.-rrun. Wishing you evciy success in tuc useiul career you have chosen, I remain, yours respectfully, JOHN WOLFE, Engineer. For rale by DOWIE & MOISE, Wholosalc Druggists, ?to. 1C9 Mcoting-dtrceet, coru-r lins.], Charicstou, S. C., October 7 wfinSmos Agents lor Southern Statis. -VTUMSEX, CA lt KOL L & CO. PRESERVERS, PICKL':RS, OYSTER PACK ERS, ko No. IS Light-street, Baltimore, Joint Proprietors and Sole Age uta for BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK, Prepared by the Baltimore Condensed Milk Companj April 22 GET THE BEST! THE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS McINTIRE'S IMPROVED COTTON TIE, WHICH WE HAVE NO HESITATION IN PRESENTING to the Public aa the BEST TIE IIsT TTS33. its popularity has become so W.SJ?LJ?^ and durability. We particularly invite the attention of PLANTERS, PB?K^ Sect Constructionyof the Hinge and rounded edges of the Buckle secure tho PKEbbMLxN nnu oeaiers entrap w advantages in compressing. It has no Tongues to press against the Band-does not require any e.rtiro s rongtbo tho Band and give rtgcJ^5?S is nsed without the tronblesomo oP3ration of bending or looping the Band. The manner Melf?t worlSfi?"i?i?i^a frS. the cu? Each Tie is complete in itself-the Buckle being riveted to the Wc!; and no part can be oV The sTmp e proc?s Jof running the Band into the Buckle and letting it go at the proper place ia all that is necessary, the fastening bexig Dcrfectpd th^TCrnent the prcssiiro of the cotton is brought to bear on the Bands. The Buckle is strong, compact an? sma^L presenting an nen surface l?as no rough cdRes or protruding, points, consequently sinks even with tho cotton and obviates the great objection to other 'Res, rchtehS^wrenched apart when the buckles of different bales get caught in handling or transportation, and especially when bales are pdecl on r0RSAI?M WILLIS & CHISOLM, September 2 Agents for State of South Carolina, Charleston. DiO ws2riOB j ? s ? rat f r <3 g t n c n. NEW YOEE LIFE INSURANCE ! ; mi 1845.PURELY MUTUAL..1845 ASSETS OVER.810,000,000. THIS COMPANY ORIGINATED THE CELEBRATED TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE SYSTEM. Issues every kind ol Policy approved by science and its experience of nearly a quarter of a century, md insures AT COST, returning A LL the profits to thc policy-holders. PREMIUMS PAYABLE ANNUALLY, SEMI-ANNUALLY AND QUARTERLY; AND CREDIT OF 10 PER CENT. ALLOWED IF DESIRED. General information will be afforded, and thc Superintendent's reports of all thc Companies exhibited, ipon call at this Office. THOMAS FROST. General Agent for SontU Carolina, October 9 fmw Imo No. 54 BROAD-STTtEET. Philadel? phia, Pa. W. F. H BK RINO, Augusta, Ga. A. M. JACKSON, Charleston, S. C. C. E. CLAGHOR.V, I !.;. II. COATES, f CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA., CHARLESTON, S. C., PHILADELPHIA, PA. HAYING RECENTLY ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE AT CHARLESTON (AC? COMMODATION WHARF), wo aro prepared to oner every facility for RECEIVING, FOR? WARDING AND SELLING COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCE, TO EITHER OF UHR ? Hit RB HOUSKS. LIBERAL ADVANCE mado on all csnsisnir.cnts when desired. Also to our friends, UeEsrs. ROBT. LOCK BART it DEMPTER, Liverpool, England. October 0 DAC 3mcs F Pesiwss garfa "lt A N C I S G . C A U T V TACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILL CONTINUE TH IC ABOVE BUSINESS. KS" Office corner of South Atlantic Wharf and Ex bangostreet. wslmo September 30 G pu5inc55 (Curto. I?O TH. HO P P O C K, FACTOR r|I5LEY it CREIGHTON, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JVOJ. 143 and 145 EAST BA Y. Vessels chartered and Freights procured. October 8 JOHN D. ALEXANDER, ACCOUNTANT R E A L EST A T E A G EXT, No. 1G Uroad-strctt, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS IN' THE VETTING UP AND ADJUS1ING OF BOOKS AND Li'COUNTS of Merchants omi others. Also, the iELLING AND RENTING, AND COLLECTION OF tEN IS OF HOUSES, Ac. October 1 yyiLUS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ?LSD SHIPPING AGENTS, XILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ol rOTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. 0. E.WILLIS.A. R. CHTSOLM. October 25 ? V. WESTERVELT & CO., *REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 29 BROAD-STREET, CHABLESTON, S. C. BUY, SELL, EXCUANGF, LEASE REAL ES? TATE in any section of the South. KS" Negotiate Loans, Collect Rents, kr., kc. October Pl 3mos j GRANGE SIMONS, ;0LLECT0R AND COMMISSION AGENT, Jfficc In Planters' and Mechanics' Ba nk Building, East Bay. RESIDENCE, No. 33 MON TAGUE-SXREET. JFF1CE HOURS FROM 10 TO ll A. M., AND 4.U TO 5,'i O'CLOCK P. M., 3ut will call at Offices or Pi iva tc Residences when <:-..sired, lt inf' rmcil by noto or otherwise. Spec'al attention will bo given to the collection of IENT-, BILLS AND OUTSTANDING CLAIMS. September 23 Imo COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHAJBF, Charleston, S. C. P. GADSDE:; HASELL. (?mos September 21 ?JTORTII, STEELE ?& WARDELL, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS F A N CY GOOD-, STA HONER Y, PERFUMER Y, C UTLER Y, HOSIERY, FURNISHING GOODS, WRITE GOODS, EMBI'OIDERY, ic, fcc., No. 1G7 -Vet tin- stru t. CHARLESTON, S, C. J. B. STEELE. C. C. NORTH, A. W. WARDELL, Jn. New York. Septen ber 15 Graos J Y. WESTERVELT, COLLECTOR, AND GENERAL COMMISSION- AGENT. KS" Prompt attention given to COLLECTION CF RbNTS, OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, 4c. KS" Office No 29 BROAD-STREET, Charleston S. C. Imo October 13 Ii M. MARSHALL. ?Si BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKERS No. 33 BROAD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, kc, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED ; I'ROPERXY LEASED. ?5-Auction cf HORSES, FURNITURE, kc, every W'dn'sdav. Octobc lr!> P. P. TOALE, JEAL ESTATE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Xo.-VJ Broad street, Charleston, S.C. Borrow and loan money, attend to collection of ont?, and all manner of claims. July 13 mwiCuio VYHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN A>"D MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS HORLBECK'3 WHARF, Charleston, S. C. Particular attention paid to Shipping. July 30 Cmos* ?i?ilr0??)5. CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY COM. PASY. OFFICE CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY CO.,] CORNER BROAD AND EAST BAY STEEETS, I CHARLESTON, SO. CA., October 2, 18G8. j SCHEDULE OF THE CHARLESTON CIT! RAILWAY COMPANY. KING-STREET LINE Leave Upper Terminus Leave Lower Termina at 7.30 A.M., and at inter- at ti A.M., and at inter? vals of ten (10) minutes vals of ten |10i minute? during tho day till the during tba day till 9.30 last trip at 9 P.M. P. M. N.H.-Leave the Batt'ryaa follows: On the hoar, and ten (IO) minutes of the hour, from ? A. M., until 8 P. M., except at ic? (10) minutes of 9 o'clock; A. M. Evert other trip ?rom the old Postoflice. BUTLL'DGE-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus Leave Lower Terminus at 7.30 AM., and at inter- at 8.03 A.M., and at inter? vals of twolvo (12, minutes vals of twelve (12)-UHE during thc day till 8 51 ute? during tuo day uU PM. 9.30 P.M. N.B.-Leave thc Battery at seventeen (17/ minutes aft? the hour, and fortune (ll) minutes after the h-iir, until seventeen (17) minutes past 8. Every other trip from the old Postofilce. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. KING-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus Leavo tho Lower Terni t'.' A.M., and at inter- nus at 9.30 A.M.. and at val? of nftcen (15) min- intervals of titeen (15) u;c? till 7.00 P. M. minutes till 7.3J P. M. N.M.-AU the trips aro to the Battery except the last trip of each car. HUTLEDG E-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Termivus | Leave Lower Terminus at 9 A.M., and at inter-1 at 9.35 A.M.. and at inter vals of every twenty I20? vals of every twenty (20) minutes till G.45 P.M. ' | minutes till 7.30 P.M. N.B.-All thc trips aro to thc Battery except the last trip of each cai-. S. W. RAMSAY, October 2 Secretary and Treasurer. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. CnAELOTIE ANT) SOUTB CAROLINA BAIL . ROAD COMPANY. SUPERINIENDl-.NT'S OFFICE, I COLUMBIA. S. C., March 31.186811 ON AND AFTER 'IBIS DATE, THE TRAINS over this hoad w?l run as follows: Leave Cohunbiaat.'.4.00 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at.11.00 P. M. Leave Charlotte at.ll.35 P. M. AlTlVC ai Columbia at.0.0U A. M. Passengers taking this route, going North make close cmutotions at Greensboro', Weldon and Ports? mouth, to all priucipal Northern cities. UCipTiekets optional from Grerusboro', either via Dunville or Raleigh; and from Portsmouth cither na Bay Line or Annum'S?ic Route. Baggage cheeked thiongh. Connections made both ways with trains of the Greenville .-.Ld Columbia Railroad. CALEB L'OUKNIGHT, April 2 Superintendent. SOUTH CAKOLI.'.A RAILROAD. GENER AL SUPERINTENDENT S OFFICE, I CHARLESTON, S. C.. March 20, 18-8. f ON AND AFTER SUI OAY, hXABCH 29TU, T8B PASSENGER TRAIN* ol the South Carolina Railroad will rmi as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.R.3G A. M. Arrive at Augusta.3.30 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.,.C.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.3.50 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rail? road, Charlotte and So nth Caro ?ina Railroad and Camden tram. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.6.00 A. M,. Arrive at Charleston. 1.10 P. M. Leavo Columbia.ti 00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (8CNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M*. Arriva it Augusta.6 45 A. M. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT LXPRESS. ISUXDATS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.5.40 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.C.20 A. M. Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Greenville and" Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.30 P. M arrive at Charleston.5.3? A. M.. SI MMERVILLE 1 RAIN. Leavr Charleston.3.40 P. M. Arrr e at Summerville.5.10 P. M. Leave Summerville.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.35 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave K?Dgville.2.20 P. M.. Arrhe at Camden.5.00 P. M. Leave Camden.5.10 A. M. Arrive tt Ringville.7.40 A. M. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, April 29 General Superintendent O O Iv AND JOB PRINTING. THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIEND8 and thc Public that ho has a large assortment of NEW TYPE, MACHINERY, and a fine stock of CARDS, PACER, AC, direct lrom manufacturers, and will execute all orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING in a neat manner, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Having large fonts of type, will contract for tho publication of a Weekly or Monthly on libera! terms Orders for BOOKBINDING promptly attended to at low rates, if loft at No. 33 HAYN'E-STREET. May 12 JAS- W. MCMILLAN.