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'THE BAILY NEWS. 43? LARGEST CIRCULATION-THE DAILY SEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN TB3 CTTY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN, rsa IN THE POSTOFFTOE AT THE END OF EACH WREEI ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSIOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES 2HIS HAY. R, 31. MAnniTAT.T. & BROTHEB will sell ab ? quarter-pas t 10 o'clock, at their office, Broad street, horses, forait ure, ?cc. CAMPBELL, KNOX * Co. will salt at 10 o'clock, at their auction house, ?*o. 56 Hasel-sLeet, dry goods, shoes, ?fcc. CLXFFOBT> cfc MATHE YVES will sell at half-past 10 o'clock, at .their office, Broad-btreet, a lot of mules and horses. " . JU. HUNT & SON will sell, at 10 o'clock, at their store, Meeting-street, boots, shoes and ?rogans. : . . . .. STREET BBOTHSBS & Co. will sell at ll o'clock, on Brown's' wharf, sixty tons wrought And cast iron. j THE G ERMIN FRIENDLY SOCIETY.-The mem? bers of this association are reminded that the weekly meetings.are now held every Wedn 98 .day evening at seven o'clock, instead of eight, ashere?otore? ? , THE ?cHrrizKNTOT.-T he Sch?tzen platz vi - will to-day be the centre of attraction, and as . ?the committee of arrangements have provided .ample facilities for transportation, a large at (iendanoe is certain. THE OYSTEK REASON has now fairly oponed, .and the .delicious bivalves may be eaten with - -out apprehension. Our neighbor. Torok, st the corner of Queen street and tho Bay, serves .them np in an' endless variety of styles. DAYTON'S RESTAURANT.-This restaurant was reopened yesterday, after the summer' vaca? tion: Colonel Dayton celebrated the reopening Jay a free lunch which,'like moat of the good 4hings of thia life, soon passed away. TEE BRAZILIAN CIRCUS will give their first -entertainment on the Citadel Grce a t o-morro w .-night. This circus lias now several new at? tractions, including the best male and female : riders in thai country. See the pea-green posters. ' '. ' _ BASS BALL see-.IS to have turned the heads .-of almost every class in our community. Two bands of colored ur chi as sty hug themselves .?the "Atlanta" and '"Oorrides" Clubs, boda, -match game last evening at the west encl of j Broad street. The Corrides won by 16 to 7. MEETTITO or THE Cm (totmoTL-NOQTOBUM. % At tho regalar meeting of Ci ty Council yester . day ?vening - there ? were- only -present; the ! ' Mayor, and Alderm on Wbilden, Olney, Jind ..strom, Mooro, Voigt, Wall and Cunningham,, This not being a quorum there was no session. ..... .--. . . . . . ??, ? fl 7 . THE FIONEEB CO-OPERATIVE STORE.-Thia -associationwill change base in a few days, and -occupy shenene store at the comer of Meeting and Markat-atreets. The necessary repairs . .are nearly completed, and the scaffolding will soon be removed, and ^ho place cleared, for ?action.. : BEAL ESTATE SAXE.-Messrs. Leitch Sc, Brnos -sold yesterday, for James W. Gray, Masterin . Equity, a lot and buildings at the northeast ' corner of Radcliffe and ComiegWeets, the lot .measuring .front on Radcliff^-streat forty feet, "by one hundred and twenty-two feet deep, for :-$2200; one-third cash, the balance in one and . . two years. ? ? ? .. _. DRAM Ano READINGS.-Dr. J. R. E. Couturier, an old citizen of Charleston, but now a resi? dent of August*, will give a dramatic reading . in the Hibernian Hall on Thursday night. Dr. Couturier will bo accompanied by the widow ot a Confederate soldier, who will assist him in his entertainment. These leadings have been very successful in Georgia, and were attended by large audiences. A RUNAWAY.-Yesterday the horse attached to car No. 2, on the King-street line, became j _ alarmed ist some object and dashed off while being shifted' at the Broad-street terminus. ^ The iron ax.etreo 1 striking his hind legs, in ''. creased buri his flight and his fears, and he was not stopped until he had nm some dis? tance. ? .. . ..' ,L. iu . THE PLANE ROAD.-The planks for the road to be laid in :he streets leading to the North eastern Railroad depot;are now being furnish? ed, ?nd this necessary work ' will be soon com? menced. Some portions of Washington-street aro qui e .'ow, overflew at every high tide.. A proper grade should be estab? lished, and tho bed of th 3 street be raised to a .uniform level. . i DEATH OF AN OLD SERVANT.-London, an old colored man, formerly the slave of one of our most estimable citizens, died . few days since. .He was near); e Century old and had done no work for twenty years, but was supported un? til his death hy his former owner. In his last .moments London was' nursed by the ladies of the family, and his old matter followed his re? mains to the grave. .This is tba way in which -Southerners treat the freedmen, and the way in which they treated their slaves. HOTEL ARRIVALS.-Charieslof? Ho 'el.-Sep? tem ter 22.-Lawrence Battle, Georgia; J. H, .Goodiett, Greenville,.6. C.; J. M. Clement, Wm X. Woolie* Maryland;-Wm.. L.-Humphreys, Philadelphia; H. 7. L. Sprigg, Columbi*; W. T. . -J. 0. Woodward; Cheraw; A. Mann, Newark, .li. J.; G. Waterhouse and wife, New York; J. H. Garden, T. E. Waring, New Orleans; Aug. J. Barron, Montgomery. Ala.; Alex. 9. Murphy, Hew York; H. G. Sheri,- B. Alford, Owen .Golden, T.8. O'Brien, City. ; PaodUm'??Hotet-J. P. Pendarvis, Summer? ville; Yan M. Fiicb, wife and two children, Aiken; Hrs. W. J. Abell, George R. Bronson, New York; A. J. Haltiwanger, city; J. W. Hil? ton, T. H. Harvin, Clarendon; N. P. Dutton, ?teamer Sea Gull; G. Slowan, Monroe, Ga.; Thoa. P. McCaU', Marion g P. G. Benbow, Clar? endon; O. T. Humphreys, U. S. M.; C. A.Brock, 43. H. Powers,. P. A. ?rock, Cheraw; P. H. Hughes, New Tori; E. C. JoneSj Augusta; D. -Jones, Graham's Cross Roads; Jesse Keith, Timmonsville; JD. Quilty, Cheraw; A. M. Speights, Georgia; James Taylor, New York; ?amuel B. Hubbard, W.. IT. Abbee, Jackson? ville; George M. Bird, Cordesville; E. Murray, George's Station; F. E. Bevee, Co.leton; E. D! TJtsey, city; Dr. Chas. B. Suydenham, Mo nek's ?Corner. - <. -" .9. K<'JW?J* >.-.. The Streets Again. to Ou^Edilor of the Ntvu.: * Allow me, throngh your columns, to call the attention of the city authorities to the condi? tion of that portion of Gadsden-street, north of Bud. At each change of the moon ?when we have spring tides), those persons residing ia this neighborhood are unable, to get into ox from their nooses, which could be easily ob? viated by the pavement: being put in order.- A very little trouble or expense on the part of our city authorities would bo ot great accom? modation to a large number of tax-payers. : WEST END. Tile Health and Mortality of Charles? ton, a* Indicated toy the Weekly Re? turns or Ilea hs by the City Registrar. To tlie Editor of the Nexos : Attention nae been particularly attracted to this subject, recently, by the remarkable dis? parity in the relative mortality among the two distinct classes of our population, as indicated by the publi&hod billa of mortality for one or two weeks past. Comments, free and fall, have been made upon every circumstance m this conuection, and the probable extinct' :n of the one race, or the possible incorrectness of the returns, and their consequent worthlessness as a basis for opinion, will scarcely reach the extremes of the opposite views en! ertainetl by those va? riously interested. ti As very few of oar citizens have been at any great pains to investigate this subject, it may prove interesting to the immunity at large, as well as those more directly concerned, to be furnished with (he foUowinginformation : The ordinance regulating this matter pro? vides that when any person dies within the city limita, the pbys.cian in attendance shall furnish a certificate of death, according to pre? scribed form, to the nearest relative of or party concerned in the deceased, which certificate is to be delivered to the sexton of the cemetery in .fhich the htdy is iuterred, and the sexton is required to nand in said certificate at tho City Registrar's office within twenty-four boure af? ter the interment of the body; nor does the or? dinance allow anv iniorraents to be m?de by sextons without their first having received the proper certificate ; the ph\ sician is also requir? ed to furnish the necessary certificate to the proper parties, aid, for failure io comply in either case, there is a penalty proscribed. On Tuesday of each week a return of deaths during the preceding week is made up from the certificates handed in to the City Registrar, thus allowing sufficient time for the receipt of all the certificates for the week ending on the Saturdayprevious. The returns published only include such deaths as are represented by the certificates handed in up to tue time the returns are made; and whenever, from neglect or other cause, certificat 38- are afterwards received, they are simply registered, and such deaths are not re? ported in the return of the succeeding week, but are published iu the quarterly and annual reports made- to the City Council. Weakly billa of mortality have not been pub? lished since 1859 (when the ordinance requiring their publication was repealed), until the sum mar of 1867, when they were again published by military order; and .although the authority ceased upon the withdrawal of the military, ft was considered best to continue their publica? tion during the summer season' for obvious reasons.: . - The remains bf many persons who die in the city -are carried to cemeteries elsewhere, and in -such: cases there is no degreo of certainty that the certificates will be ser t to the City Registrar, although it has generally b?en done and it might b<? well to state in this connec? tion, "tint tho sextons of cemeteries Outside of tho city limits are not required to hand in re? turns of their intermenti, but they bavo gen? erally, beert regular and prompt in so doing. It is sometimes necessary in consolidating the returns to report under one head several deaths from the same disease, which may have been entered upon the certificates in the one casa under a technical term, and in another under the En ;lish, or, perhaps, vulear name; but the. nomenolafcuro; of the certificate is al? ways ?reserved in recording tho same; for the attending physician, Burgeon or Coroner, only, being competent to certify as to' the cause of death, the City Registrar bas no authority to interfere by substituting the name of any other disease for that given in the certificate of death. Occasionally, when there appears tobe a special design on the part of the attending gftyaieiah in the selection of -a technical name for a disoaeo, this name is published, irrespec? tive of the fact; that there may be published in the;name return what might appear to be the same ousease under a' different name, and in a few Instances deaths have been published nu? der what has been construed to be the name of a different disease from that named in the cer? tificate. This has' navor boen the aim, while the change made was considered necessary and I)roper, for the sake of perspicuity to the pub? ic in general, who would be better informed and more interested in these returns could familiar names be always employed. It is also sometimes a matter of considera? ble difficulty to determine whether the certifi? cate is of the death of a white person or not, as most generally this fact is omitted. The health of the city, as regards its influ? ence upon the mortuary returns, has been 8- ? fivorable through this summer, that there could not have been found any cause for desir? ing to ileceivo this or anv other community upon any point connected therewith: The following table exhibits the r?capitula? tions cf the published returns sinoe the first of July, 1868, and the deaf m registered during each corresponding week: -_ WEEK ENDINO DEA1HS. PUBLISHED. H BESISXSBED. Blacks. \ Blacks Whites and \\ Whites and Cofe-iM Col'ed. July 4. July ll. Joly 18. . July 25.... 8 August 1. 6 August 8. 4 Angustia. 4 August 22. 1 August 29. September 6.| 6 Scptemoer 13.? Oj tn III 3. 6 Total.J 45| 46 ?4 j 122 Registered but natl | published.I.... 6J 52 45 46 6 6 681180 64|122 ~4?~8 Attention is invited to the "Return of Deaths" for the week .ending Saturday, 19th mst., as published this morning. The change of form has been made in order that hereafter there may exist no oause for doubting the cor iectness of these returns, ai any possibb error or omission may be readily discovered. GEO. 8. PELZER, M. D., _ City Registrar. BILL OF MORTALITY. -Return of deaths with? in the Citv of Charleston, for the week ending September 19,1868: CAUSES OF DEATH. BLACKS OB COLOBED. Bronchitis.. Burn, enVcts of.. Chin, Congestive............ Consumption. Convulsione. Dropsy.;. Enteritis...... %.. Fever, Congestiva. Fever, Typhoid. Fever. Typhus.. Hemorrhage.:.r... Inflammation, Intestinal. Lungs, Congesti?n of........ Marasmus. Meningitis. Neglect.... Old Age. Paralysis. Pericarditis and Hydrothorax Pneumonia, Tjphold. Septicaemia. Teething.. Mamu Nacentium. ?Vant of Vitahty. M IK !.. a ?a Total. 3| si BECAPrruLATios : Whites, 6; Blacks and Colored, 21-Total, 27. AGES : Tnder 1 year of ace... 8 Between 60 and 60 yrs. 2 te tween land 5 yrs... 4fbetween 60 and 70 yrs. 1 io tween Sand 10 yrs.. 2 Between 70 and 80 yrs. 1 ietween 10 and 20 yrs.. TjBetween 80 and 90 yrs. 0 J?tween 20 and 30 yrs.. 2iBetween 90 and 100yrs. 1 letween 80 and 40 jrs.. 1 Over 100 years of age... 0 ietween 40 and 50 yrs.. 4| ?eturne for the week ending Sep? tember 12, lt-68. Certificates for the ?oliowing have since been received ?ihous Congestion. Jraln. Congestion oft.::. iriemus Nacentium.' 1 has since been ascertained tost a case wa* erroneously re? ported as a black which s jould have been a white adult-, which would make the totals as fol? lows..'. 12 13 7 13 The- Registrar is aware of the fact of another eath having occurred during tho week ending on be 12th inst, a certificate for which has not yet een received. Tbl? easels mw under Investigation Office of City Registrar. September 2?, 18681 GLOBGE S. P?L??B, M. D., City Registrar -BUSINESS NOTICES. H. H. If you want cheap Bia ok BOOBS; If you want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, Paper, tc. ; or Miller's Almanac ; If yon want Printing executed neatly ; Il yon want Book? beam] in any style, or Account Books made to order, with any desired pattern ot ruling, go to Hiram Harris, Agent, Ko, 59 Broad street ? LUNCH at Torck'r to-day will coneiet of green turtle sonp, shrimp salad, roast beef and other deli? cacies. -0 M cn EHE AD BrrTEBS.-These bitters can be had at James McEean, No. 58 Anson-srreet, who is prepared to hil all orders with dispatch. "August 10 3mos m.'w --o -CHOICE GEBEN AX?BLACK TEAS, one dollar per pound, at Wilson's grocery, southeast corner Society and Anson streets.' Goods delivered freu. JH?^or'? Iproc?um??tan. . By GEORGE W. CLARK, Mayor of Charleston. CITY H?t, MATOB'S OFFICE. 1 CHABLESTON, S. C., August 18,1868. f Believing it the sincero'dpsiro of every individual in this community to assist m preserving the public peate, and maintaining tao dignity of the laws; feel? ing, in the political excitement now pervading ah* clas? ses of our people, that through a single act of violence, either by accident or* otherwise, we may be over? whelmed in a deplorab e breach of law and order " I, GEOEGE W. CLARK, Mayor of the city afore? said, do call upon all good citizens to abstain as far as possible from all public demonstrations of a noisy or riotous nature. Let each one regard him? self as aaswerablo to tho public for the (rood con? duct of all. Let no one, in the exercise of liberty, do that against the law which wiil by law deprive him of his liberty. The public peace must and shall be preserved. Given under my hand, and the seal of the city II. a] the date and year above mentioned. GEORG IS W. CLARE, Mayor. August 20 I S 1 i i JttsttUanrons. 3ADDLES, BRIDLES, H.vK.VESS, ? SADDLERY, HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIALS, Ac. TBE UNDESIGNED BEG TO CALL ATTEN? TION to their complete and extensive stock of GOODS. Also, to a large stock of SECOND-HAND GOVfcRNMENT SADDLES, which "they oner on reasonable terms. A?orders promptly cxeeu'od. /ENNINGS, THOMLINSON k CO., No. 169 Meeting-street, Charleston, S. C. N. B.-WOOL SEINS AND IMPORTED BAZIL3 suitable for Bice Mills. 13 September 15 TROS TIES FOR BALING CDTToX. DILLON'S UNIVERSAL COTTON .RAZING TIE, (Improved.) THIS TTE, THE STRONGEST AND CHEAPEST in the market, has bpon improved since last season, and is guaranteed to' be suflkieolly strong for the heaviest b-u-a. Put up in a very superior manner, in bundles, each bundle containing thirty-six Hoops, and Buckles complote. Now landing, and for sale in io's .o euitpurchisors.. Also for sale, American HEMP AND FLAX BALE BOPE. and MENDING AND BALING TWINE, New York BAGGING, io., by WILLIAM BOACH, Agent for south Carolina. September 3 . Imo JpiTT-STRBET STEAM GRIST MILL AND GRANARY. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF CALHOUX-STREET. The undersigned having established a STEAM GblST MILL AND GRANARY a< above, is prepared to furnish rRESH GROUND GRIST AND ME?L; also. Corn, Oats, Peas, Hay, Ac, all of whicb w.ll be delivered in any part of the city free of charge. Com ground on toll. J. C. BICE LEY. N. B.-Orders left at Messrs. CLIFFOBD k MATH EWES, Brotd-streot; Mr, JOSE JABA, corner Meet lng and Market streets, and at G. W. AIM AR, Drug? gist, corner Eing and Vanderhorst streets, before 10 o'clock, will bo promptly filled. August 81 mwf Imo I ?I P O R TE R 8 OK TEAS, WINES, BRANDIES, ic, And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. ml jj STREET s.?J WM. 8. CORWTN k CO. SS~Gooda delivered to all parts of the City. July 15 wfm 3mo ?^JEETIXG-STREET FOL'A DR Y. THI8 ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various eizo3 on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORN MILLS, SUGAR MJ.LL3, SUGAR BOILERS AMD PANS, of all sizes HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, from 6 to 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVEE COTTON PRESSES for Hind power, Saw and Rice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all deacripf oat made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONIS AND CASTINGS FOR BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS, S ASM WEIGHTS, tic, ?c, WILLIAM S. HENERE?, MACHINIST AND F Q UNDER No. 314 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. August 3 .... mws K AND JOB P R I N T~J N G . THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HI* FRIENDS and the Public that ho has a large assortment ol NEW TYPE, MACHINERY, and a fine stock ol CARDS, PAPEB, Ac, direct from manufacturers, and will execute all orders tor BOOK AMD JOB PK IN TI VG in a neat manner,, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ? Having large tonta of typo, will contract for the publication of a Weekly or Monthly on liberal terms. Orders for BOOKBINDING promptly attended tc at low rates. If lift at No. 33 HATNE-STREET. May 12 JAS- W MCMILLAN. RI'GS AMD MEDICINES JUST RECEIVED BY E. H. KELLERS & CO. SUPPLIES or BOSTETTEB'S, HOOFLAND'S AND COL LETON BITTERS. AVer's, Jeynea' Wright's, Radway'e, Cephalic, Beckwith's Holloway's, t-anford'd and Brandreth's Pills. Gray's, Holloway's, Dalley's, McAlisters', Rus? sian, David's and Morehead'B Ointment Hegeman's Ferreted Bark and Ood Liver Oil and Benzine, Burnett's Cod Liver OiL Ayer's Sarsapa? rilla, Cherry Pectoral and Ague Cure, kc. kc. Country orders solicited, and wi? meet with irompt attention. E. H. SELLERS k CO., rebruayl7 ftu No. 181 Meeting-9treet. 437! QHEAP DRY GOODS! CHEAP DRY 60008 ' AT TBS.. CORNER OF CALHOUN AND KINO STREETS. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE RECEIVED, and are receiving, by every steamer, large invokes of the CHEAPEST FALL GOODS which have eve: been offered in this market. City cs well as country buy? ers can save from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, by buying their Goods from tho above firm. A lot of Dress Goods, from 20 to 25 cents r er yard Best Irish Poplin?, from 30 to liO cent* per yard Calicoes, at 10, 12-i ?nd 15 cen is per yard (best) Ba!moral Skirts, from SI 25 up 8-4 White Table Damask, only $1 per yard Brown Linen Damask, only GC cen t? per yard Worsted Talle Cloths, from SI 25 np Linen Towels, fiom 15 cents un A large assortment ol' WHTo and.Colored Flannels at very loty prices 800 pair of Blaniots. bought twenty-five per cent, be? low ( oat, will-bo sol J from S3 up Colored Quilts, from SI 75 to S2 White Marseilles Quilt?, 10-*, 11-4,12-4, from 82 50 to $4 Ladies' English Hcsc, without seams, trom. 37 to 50 cents Jeans, from 20 t) 26 rents (best) Satiuets, from 50 io 75 cent* A large qanu'.y of the latest style of Casslmeres, from $1 to $150 Ladles' Black Broadcloth, from S2 to $3 50 A variety ot Shaw s, at S2, $2 50, S3, $3 50, $4, and $5 Brown and White Shirline, at 10,12X and 15 cents Also, fine branches of White Shirting at very lo v prices Ladles' and Gert's Underwear at different prices German Hose, from 10 cents up Cent's Socks, from 10 up to 60 cents A good quality of Kid Glove-, 75 cents The latest style of Felt a id Straw Hats Trimmings, Buttons, Ribbons, kc, at the lowest cash prices. , as-Remember the CHEAP STORE, at the CORNER OF CALHOUN AND KINO STBEETS. WE AL?0 NOTIFY OUR PATRONS AND THE public in general "mat we have built an acWitto:< to our Store, exclusively for BOOTS, SHOES HATS, TRONES, kc, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. "Call and examine onr.Sleek- jj \ -. [ SS- ENTRANCE IN' CALHODN-STREET. FURCHGOTT ?SC BRO., No.' 437 KTNG-STHEET. September 21 3mo S T lt A ? S S & VASCE, m. 130 MEETING-STREET, ARE NOW R1CEIVING A NEW, FULL AND WELL selected Stock of - DOMESTICS, FOREIGN D RY GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS, suitable to the Fall Trade. Au examination of stock ond prires is respectfully solicited. AH orders punc? tually filled. An agent In New York will furnish sup? plies of New Goods by every steamer. July 30 Smos ?2 /inonrwl. EXCHANGE ON 1?JEWX Y?KK AND UVEKPO?U R SALE BY y**:'." 5X GEP. W. WILLIAMS k CO. September 8 ( SAC Imo Safa. 30,0# FK1N?SJ ! r HE RR ENG'S PATENT CHAMPION 'Sims, A WARDED. THE PRIZE MEDALS AT WORLD'? FAIR, London ; WORLD'S FAIR, New York ; EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris; ' WINNER Q? THE WAGEK 30,0(K) FRANCS ! I (80,000 i.\ GOLD j. At the recent tnternabonol Contest In the Pads Ex j| . hibitiom The pnbllc are invited to call and examine the re? port of the Jury on the merits of the great contest, and see the official award to the Herring's Patent over J li others. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadway, corner Mnrrar-st., New York. FAP.RREL, HERRING k CO., ) HERRING k CO. Philadelphia, j Chicago. HERRING, FARREL k SHERMAN, New Orleans. Large Stock on hand by . . WALKER, ET ANS & COGSWELL Noa 3 BROAD AND 109 EAST BAY STREETS, CHARLKSTO.V, B.C. March 3 9mo /orngn cub gomesttc flaper, Stati?ncri), ^f._ ~ , iw t ?il; No. 3 Broad and No, 109 East Bay Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. FORM li DOMESTIC PIPER INO SffliOlu?, PENS, INKS, PENCILS,, COPYING PRESSES, &. mam.???wm BLANE BOOKS, ! ?.*,, "h.V A,r^S. .t .^1 "^wfi: 0F THEIR 0WN MANUFACTURE. CASH BOOKS, I PR p JOUERA LS, ^S^^^^^^l^ ACCOUNTBOOKS. WHERE THEY AHE PREPARED TO DO EVERY DESCRIP TI ON OF BOOK, JOB AND FANCY PRINTING, and to manufac u re to order BLANK BOOKS, Ruled, Printed or Bound to any pat? tern. September 10 faints, ?ils, JOE t c. OILS ! OILS ! OILS ! 500 gallons PURE WINTER SPE??? OIL 500 gallons Bleached Winter Whale Oil 1000 gallon* No. 1 Winter Lard Oil 1O0O gallons prime Tanner's Oil 300 gallons pure Neatsloot Oil 1000 gallons White Oak Oil 600 gallons Boiled linseed Oil 900 gallons English Linseed Oil 50 barrels No. 1 Kerosene Oil 20 barrels Rosin Oil 10 barrels Tallow Oil, Tallow and Axle Grease. TOGETHER WITH A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF VARNISHES of every killi, TURPE.VTINE, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES COLORS, PAINTS. SARD AND EMORY PAPER CROCUS CLOTH AND LEATHER BELTING. FOR SALE LOW BY HOLMES & CALDER, August 20 2mo* No. 126 MEETING-STREET. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS. 10,000 lbs. PREMIUM PUKE WHITE LEAD SOOO lbs. Pure White Lead 10,000 lbs. Pure Franklin White Lead 10,000 lbs. Morning Glory White Lead. 5000 lbs. Pure French White Zinc 5000 lbs. Pure American White Zinc. ALL OF TBE ABOVE FOR SALE LOW BY HOLMES & CALDER, No, 126 MEETING-STREET. August 29 2-jiO* judi?n 3c?f3. Lot of Work Mulet and Horses, just from the Country. BY CLIFFORD & MATHE WES, No. 50 Broad-* trat t. Will be sold THIS DAY, ot half-past 10 o'clock, at vox office. Terms cssb. ' September 23 Lightship, Tito Boats, and lot of Scrap Iron. BY CLIFFORD & MATHE WES. (Viii be BOld at auction, os FRIDAY 25th tret.. at ll o'clock, A.M. at the Custom House Wharf, LIGHT SHIP No. 35, about 140 tons burthen, cop? pered and copper fastoncd Due Whale Boat One Yawl Boat, ALSO, A LOT OF SCRAP IRON. The aboye vessel is now Iring at South Atlantic Wharf, where she can be teen previous to the day of sale. By order of tho Light House Board. lenna cash. EDWARD ?.. STONE, September 23 Inspector. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Staunton vs. A. Fitzpatrick, et al. Ou TUESDAY, tho 13th October m st, at ll o'clock, will be sold at the Ola Gustomhousa. All that bau* portion cf a TRACI OF LAND known as "Fitzpatrick's Farm," situare on Charles? ton Neck, on the south side of a public road leading from the main road to the Ol d Ship Yard ; measuring 7,S acres of high land and 5 2-1) aerea of marsh land, and having kWh form, metes and bounds ss are delineated ona plat ol said Farm, made br John A. Michel, surveyor, the 4th oi January, 1868, and marked on said plat A. The plat may be seen at my office, Courthouse. Terms-One-third cash; Valance in two equal an? nual Instalments from the day of sale; to be secured by one or more bonds and mortgages, insurance of the Dwelling House and assignment of tho policy. Purchaser to pay for papers, stamps and tixcs. Possession given by the 1st November next J. W. GRAY. September 23 w3tul Master in Equity. PCBL1C SALE OF LOTS IS JIUU.-.T PLEASANT. By virtue of sundry Tax Executions to me directed 1 will sell at public auction, at tho foot of the Ferrv Wnari In Mount Pleasant, on SATURDAY, tho 3d day of October, nrox., at ll o'clock, A. M. A LEASE, not exceeding seven years, of a number of bouses and lots, and vacant lots in the said town ; [their location and dimensions to be described at thc time of the salo :] levied on. and to be sold for taxes due the Bald town by the following person*, and for tue amounts opposite their respective names. BBB ^_"w I P. NAUGHTON, irwr Marshal, Town Mount Pleasant Est Joseph Addison, $3 CO G. C. Leeler, $375 J. RusseU Baker, 4Ol'Anna O'Hara, 8 50 Jno. M. Bryan, ll 25 j Old Ferry Comp., 6175 Dr.-Collins, 850 Est O. B. Hilliard. 13 50 Est Cudsdev, 1425,Eet. A. T. T. Lacoste, 650 Est M. Bennett, 1400 Ben'j.-Lucas, 4 75 L. Chapin. 300|J. P. LaBorde, 6 45 Ross Davis,. 3 50 E. J. Black, 3 75 Est. R. Freeman, 7 75 Est. Malone, C 75 Mrs. B. Fraser, 675 J. Michel, 4 75 Tr. Est C. H. Jervey, 2060|H. M. Magwood, s:5 L. A. McCants, 23 75 Est. Gen. C B stevens 3 50 A. Nieman, , 6 00 Est J. Simons, 1125 Ert. A. Peuiifoy, C 50?Est L. A. Whilom, 14 25 H. E. Vincent. - 8 25 J. Archer, , 6 CO G. C. Wharton, \ 3 75| September 23 I wthaa3 $wp}? (Chemicals, (Ctr. J? KAISERLICHE BLUT KEIN I. GUNGS PILLEN. For sale by E. H. KELLERS k CO., September 18 No. 131 Meeting-street. ?piEVER AND AGUE. NO MORE CHILLS ! NO MORE FEVER ! GO A>D GET THE GREAT SOUTHERN 'FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY (Prloe Fifty Cents) OF E. H. KELLERS & CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, No. 131 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. - September 18 _ E O S A I) A L I > PURIFIES THE BLOOD, AND 0TJB?S SCR O F?LA AM) ALL CHRONIC DISEASES or THE BLOOD, LITER AND KIDNEYS. Recommended hy the Medical Faculty and Many Thousands of our Best Citizens. 4S? For Testimonials of remarkable eures, see "Rosad alu Almanac" for tills year. ppTfiTirn ONLY BI DR. J. J. LAWRENCE & CO., No. 241 BALTDIOBE-STBEET, BALTDIOBE, MD. FOR SALE BY BOWIE & NOISE, No. IC) Meeting-street, corner Hoad. july 22_6mos T) ELY UPON OURSELVES, ENCOURAGE HOME PRODUCT 0>'?? AND THY SOUTHERN TONIC CORES DYRPEPSI?, INDIGESTION. DIAR? RHOEA. F?VER AND AGUE, AND GENERAL DE? BILITY. We have, after long Btudy and many experiments, succeeded in producing what we claim to be the BEST BITTERS AND MOST PLEASANT BEVEB AGE in use, compounded as they arc of the most valuable ingredients known to Pharmacy. As a IONIC AND APPETIZER it has no equal-reliable in all B'LIOUS DKRANGEMENS, resulting from miasmatic influencer, so prevalent at thc South, and chango of diet, climate and water. In offerins to the Southern public our great TONIC AND BEVER? AGE, we only ask tor it a fair trial, feeling assured its own merits will soon ensure its becoming a favor? ite at the South. It has all thc pleasing qualities of a "Liqueur,-' and thoush under e snull volume, is four times more active than other preparations. It is almost indispensable for r- constituting the blood in females suffering from debility and loss of appe? tite, 'and for persons exhausted by nervous excite? ment or over-excr?on. The benefit of these bitters are felt immediately. Dose ls a wine glass full before meals. Each bottle has our stamp and signature over the cork. D0WIE k MOI-if, Proprietors And Wholesale Druggists, No. 169 Meeting-street, corner Hasel. Auguot 5 6mo* ROSAD ALIS Purifies the Blood. For Bale by Druggists Everywhere. July 23 CAC lyr JUftioH Sata. Assorted Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ladies J Felt and Straw Ekis,Notions, cfc. CAMPBELL, KNOX & CO. Wih soil THIS DAY, at IO o'clock, at tteir Cash Auc? tion House, No. 65 Hosel-street PANT STOFF?. Coating, Mamll? Olothi Prints, Drills, Check?, Wool and C. Flannel Underanlrt?; Drawers, Gaiter?, Brogans, Trimmed and Untrimm? ed Hats, Belts, Shirt Bosoms, Hdkfa., Buttons, Col? lars, Ac, Ac. Conditions ca3h. September 23 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, Brogans,?rc. BY N, HUNT & SON. THTS D.'T, the 23d inst, at 10 o'clock, in our sales? room, Kl Meeting street, we wtt sell for ash, 100 cases assorted BOOTS, SHOES. GAITER?, Balmorals, Brogans, our rta aal splendid assortment, all fresh a; d d?sirante goods, to which we invite the attention of buyers. September 23 _? ..!??.. ._ On Account of Underwriters and all concerned. BY STREET BROTHERS & CO. Will be so'd at auction THIS MORNING, 23d inst, at ll o'clock, on Brown's W?arf, About 60 tons WBOU JH T and CAST IBON, saved from steamship Hattie. September 23 Horses, Mules, Drays, One Cart, Sewing Ma? chines, Piano, Stoves, Mirrors and Household Furniture at auction. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, quarter-past IC A. M, at No. 33 Broad : street. September 23 _-.. Valuable Real Estate at Auction. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. By virtue of an order of sale to ms directed by the Hon. George K Bryan, Judge of the United States; DIB tn ct Court for the Disttict of South Carolina,. 1 will offer for sale at Public Auction on TD ESDAY,, oe.ober 5, 1868, at the Old Platonice, foot of Broad street, AU that LOT OF LAND, with the BUILDINGS ibereon, situate on the cast sid? of Meeting-street, Upper Wards, measuring 80 feet front, by 1 io feet deep. Bounded north on lands now or late of Bur? bot ; south on Biggs; east on Pattin?, and west oil Meeting-street. ALSO, AU tbat LOT OF LAND, with the BUILDIVG3, on on tbe sou'h side of Wolfe-street, measuring 43 feet front, by 1C0 feet deep. Bounded north on Wolfo aireet, east on South Carolina Railroad track, and south tad weat on landa of J. K. Wharton. ALSO', All that LOT OF LAND, with the DWELLING HOUSE AND OUTBUILDINGS- thereon, situate on the east side of Meeting-street; measuring 10 feet front, by U2 feet C inches deep. Bounded north'on lands late of O'conner; South on lands Into of T. J. Wharton; east and west on MeeUng-?treet. ? . t Terms-One-third rash; balance in one and two years, with interest payable semi-annually, secured by bond ot the purchaser and mortgage of the prem? ises. Purchaser to pay for papers and B tamps. - LOUIS MoL A IN, Assignee. September 9 " ws6 printers1 ItycUsale Wm\?iw^ sob a WALSER,. EVASS & COGSWELL, No. 3 BEOAD AND 109HAST BAY5TBEETS, CHABLESTON, S. O. FLAT PAPEBS, FOLDED PAPEBS, BOOK AND NEWS PAPEB. THEY AHE AG?TSTS FOB The L. JOHNSON Type Foundry . E. HOE & CO.'s Printing Presses and Material DEG EN EB k WEILER'3 "Liberty" Press t GORDON'S "FrankKu" Pross GEO, MATSEBS' SONS' Book and Colored Inks ?. E, ?OHN?O.N'3 B;okand ^B |ni THE BATH (??. C.) PAPE* COMPANY, And aU other kinds of PRIS TING MATERIAL at Manufacturers' prices. In buying of us it coeta-tho Printer or Publisher no more than if he bought at the North, and ha leaves some of bis money lu his own section of-coun? try, instead of sendlog it all there, and that too with? out cost to himself. AU the profit JJMC\ can be kepi here benefits the South. September 10_ ? COTTON SIMPLE PAPER, &UPERI0B QUALITY, MAD1'ESPECIALLY TO OUB OWN ORDER Ta S'TIT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COTTON TRADE. MARKING INKS BY BARREL, KEG OK GALLON, AT PRICES BELOW NEW YORK, Fut up in neat packages of ten gaUons ; jost a good quantity for Factors', or Cotton Merchants' use for season. lURIDti BRIMES A\D POIS. SAMPLE TWINE. ? For sale by WAIKEP, EVAS & COGSWELL, No. 3 BROAD AS?? No. 109 EAST BAY STREETS, Charleston, 8. C. September 10 ?\ J. SCHLBPEGRELL, Ko. 37 LIKE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANL BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS. PAINTS, OILS. GLASSES, SHINGLES; also, GBOOVE AND TONGUE BU ARDS, fcc, con? stantly on hand it the lowest market prices. September 12 thxclyr IJ\HE KEOWkE COURIER, PUBLISHED IN WALHALLA, 8. C., BY BO BEBT YOUNG & CO. WHITNER SYMMES, Editor; BO BEBT YOUNG, Publisher. THE COUBIEB.publishod.Vthe lerminus of the Blue Ridge Railroad, and aurroandc 1 by the abun? dant and fort'le coun?ea of North Caroli ia aud Geor? gia, affords a superior advertising medium for the merchants of Charleston and Columbia. The fall trade before us promises immense shipments from this depot of every'kind ol product?. The proprie? tors devote their time ami energy to promote the enterprise and rezurces of th? State, and to main? tain the supremacy of the white race. September i_ TM-KRCHAST? OF CHARLESTON ASVEBTI8X Cl THE SUMTER NEWS THE ABOVE NAMED PAPER IS PUBLISHED weekly in Sumter, S. C., which, being immediately on tho Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, and have, ing a large circulation in the sr etiou in which it ia published, is ?Sered as a desirable advertising me* ilium. Terms liberal. Address, DARR ft OtfTEEN, May 6 Proprietors