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THE DAILY NEWS. 3y.ij' *1 RIORDAN, DAjWflON VA CO.,| .*8^ *,"v - PROPRIETORS^; OFFICE No. ll? EAST EA T. j. TED KS-IHB DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable In -. wi CV-?OS -IN AO ?'ANCE), Set DOLLABS A YEAH * ISBXE DOiLAES FOB &TX M05TH8 ; TWO DOLCABS . yOB TBBSB MONTHS. ? THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PRICE (TN ADVANCE), TBBXX DOELABS A YEAB ; Two DOLLABB FOB Srx MOKTHB. No Subscription received for a less pe , riod. . "?o Papi\ cent unless the Cash accompanies tb) order. 1 Jto Paper tent fora longer time than paid for. ^?DVERTTSTNG RATES-Fifteen cents a hne for the .V ? flrst insaraon, uid tan cents a line lor eacj sabqe . " Cjxsnt ins?raon. Marriage and Fanerai Notices onedollar, each. , . ?ETTEBS should be addressed to THE D AH.r NEWS, Na ?49 Eui Ba* Charleston, S. C. 'EEJECIED MANUSCRIPTS will not be returned. p?:???^O'MMARY. ii ; !?:;?.?; , 0 ? -? ?? -lQbid closed in- New York yesterday weak at 42|. -Cotton was- quoted a shade lower, with -sales of 1100 balea, at26a26?o. -In liverpool,- yesterday, cotton had de? clined a fraction; upland? lOd. -Solid granite coffins aro the latest post? mortem vanitys - -A bonqnet builtiuNew York for an actress .represents, a -ship m roil sail-che figure-head ,:?>ettgV;h^nt?.oi the lady done in flowers. : ~-^?ki?:iLopgsbr?et has denied the correct? ness of the conversation attributed to him by "the'l^ifori TrflraneV special reporte* . '. 2 - The Gratis taimen of Chicago have refused I to enroll negroes. - They favor "faa, hht not1 "black and tan,* ?' . ' : _ _A gentlenian-whoapplied ?t the central telegraph office in Paris ta hare a message sent to Dayton,. Ohio,.was ooiisid*rahly incens? ed to be asked,- "Where ls' Ohioif "TVho's the Jgmg.Qt Ohio,?* : : - -The Paris papers mention that Adelina Patti1, now^^ Cauit, has just pud thirty-five thousand francs, or ten thoqfand dol -iaracurrency, for a lot on the Boulevard Alma. -<m which to bui Id herself a house. ': ' -The restaurant proprietors of Paris recent? ly convened a meeting- to establish the uniform price' of oysters' for 'the winter season, and after mach disemorra"fixed" the rate at one *Irano ten centi^^;:?r:about\ twenty-two cents *?gOrd) per doaea.""' ? -The comp^^ta:Cincinn^.wjrn^ ran with 'the first BieamNfire engine ever.used in the ?World, ia -eo^w^.m?a^wj^iBnto to its machine, wLicu ?8 n'q w.g?ft^ silver. The- emoke-staok alene is worth $300 lt? old metal c-The firemen of 0 nio havo been holding a Convention at Columbus with the abject of^ob taining, thro ugh. the Legislature, after five ye2r8*?erviee?fir Ow j?fr? Department, exemp? tion from obligation to-serve on juries,from working <m'the .road, arid from..'serviee in the m?itaryi^fhm'tte.Slate, -.?i' - -The Looa^n~Baloidaj ,Bjinew i? of the opinion that after" all 'more misery is produced by little grievances, Iflio rniasing.shut buttons,, tight boots, ill-fitting coat'i, unpunctual trains, than by the larger and more incurable ills, such as berearement and m on sirens ingratitudo and .faiiurem tbs.w^Jdy,':; . -A man ia Connecticut, whose name appear? ed by mistake as one of the Vice-Presidents at a Democratic meeting, and : who published an indignant card stating that he "had not de? spended SO low iii tho ecafc of fallen.humanity," waa arrested the other night as drunk and dis? orderly, and slept In the lock-up. i-A San FranciBco bootmaker has invented the latest agony in the way ol ladies' gaiters. Xhft heels, about two inches in length; taper down from tho foot nntfl they are no thicker iban a raen s thumb, and then widen out 'again *ntil a surer twenty-five cent pi?ce, which is icrewed- on. at. the bottom of each, just cov? ers it.. -New York brokers are, the mass of them, young men from tw enty-iwo to thirty-five, and every five years' sees an entirely new set. A oorreeponde n t gives some of the original names by which' they are koo wn. Ohe- is called the "Mountain Deer,' be causo'be makes each fear? ful "leaps" sometimes. Another is known as "?nelo-Saw's Eagle," because he is a "high? flyer" for the government. There ia a "Little Moase" who does, sly, petty work, and is hard ' to keep out of the cupboard. "Baldy" can be HrT :$fV Sounshing hia long arma, in the originai manner introduced by himself to 'Change, "John' of York** ia a well-known broker. Ha was never known to refuse a com i?s?^^-.ijw^ft-.'' any '.margina" to be &nt?~^?*it!roust go upi It must go upi ?Mr?H maka anothex turn fbr you," -Mrs, Elizabeth Cady Stanton says, in one or her '^brabant* editorials for the Revolution, that the women of Tinela.nd, N6w Jersey, "are determined to exercise their right of suffrage . fms fafl, for " they chum that the proceedings of the Legislature wero illegal, when, without amending the constitution, they passed a law disfranchising ail women and negroeu. The constitution of New Jersey gave 'all persons' a voice, in the government of the State, but it was changed by an arbitrary act of the Legis? lature, and not by tho voice of the whole peo? ple. .The wom?n of Pineland are determined, ii their votes aro rei used, to test this matter in the courte. Bo, gentlemen, hasten to a Bj^ie?ialQn of som: ev? dee^rcr remem? ber, if this matter goes into the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Chase is pledged to see justice.done fc> woman." " -T^cc-ojperaUve principle ie to be applied m San. Francisco'by; women ina new depart? ment br labor. . No t Jong aincetilr8. Agnes B. Peterson, with a' numb;r of other respectable women from the- Eastern Statea, arrived in San Francisco, and,, endeavored to obtain em? ployment os printera. they having learned the ^trtde thoroughly before going to California. They applied to' the principal printing offices in San Francisco for an opportunity ta earn their daily bread at the trade to which they were accustomed, bu -, were refused in every instance, even by of?cee which actually needed more compositors. Tho proprietors of these offices-made no objections to engaging them at tte lypjgTaphicaj.Union rates of pay ment, and 'the',women did not propose to work for less thad'the Union rated for men ; but the Union .decided, that female labor shall be rejected threatening to quit any office in which it might be engaged. Hence proprietors were obliged ,to decline it, even in instances where they needed mote help than ''bey could obtain from the ranks of good male compositors. Being unable thus to obtain employment, these -courageous women obtained the necessary capital to fit outa printing office, have rented 4 place, procured .presses-, type, etc., and are about to commence a woman's co-operative job printing establishment. -Among the other remarkable features of 3be recent earthquakes in South America, is the destruction caused by them of the source of fresh water supply in many of the seacoast towna of Peru and Northern Chill For many miles back from the ocean there are in that re? gion no wells, springs or rivera of any impor? tance, and most of the fresh water used by the fi inhabitants comes either from reservoirs filled daring tte fe ?v monthB of the rainy season, or from work* for (be distillation of salt water. Indeed, mj^ome- pisces, as for example, fqinqjae, th?sTatteriathe exclusive dependence of th,? people;* and when the earthqaake de? stroyed the m's?Uihg apparatus, it inflicted an injury even more' serious than the loss of lite and the overthrow of buildings. In Peru rain -never falls on the grearerijarr-of the strip boT : dering on tho ocean; and at Santiago, in Chili, the number .of hours of rain* .during the year amounts, on an average, to two hundred and fifteen, or about nine days. Travellers tel. re? markable stories of their experience in these parohed-up lands. . Fresh water ?B treasured there like valuable merchandise,, and c spring is worth as much, as a gold mine. The dis? tilled water, too, is far from supplying the place of that which ie produced by natural pro? cesses. It is tasteless and unsatisfying, and prod aces varions affections of the "skin and bowels. In eux own favored region'wo s rc not as thankful aa we ought to be for tho blessing of abundance of fresh water. ? CHA KL ES TON. WEDNESr*.T MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1868. For President......HORATIO SEYMOUR. For vice-President.3"RAWCIS P. BLAIR. Over th? River. Without trusting too much to Hercules accepting the old decree that they who would extricate their wagon from the mire must put their own shoulders to the wheel we have still an unshaken confidence ia the future prosperity of our State; While the black stream of negro Radical dominion separates our pas? from our fu? ture, our ruin' from our success, our people maj be tempted to be gloomy and despair Log.-. There is an. ?loquence in their losses and their sufferings which mere words Can? not master; and it is hard in the decline of j life to leam to take things as they come, to strive the harder the more unrelenting our tote, reattaining constant in oar belief that a brighter day must dawn, and that in our own will m ay .be found the'boat, to ferry us aver the river. .y'.'' : We are not yet so philosophical as to find u blessings-promised to posterity a full jompensatiofi for all that we ourselves en lure. There is no great comfort in living inly'for the profit of the 'sons of children tow unborn. : W^'want ifce ^'Irarvest home'.' o come while, th ey wpo have seen the dark' ?st hours of our national existence still ive, that they who have been stained with he old wine of sorrow may 'be filled with he ripe vintage of rejoicing. - And thin nay bb, if our people are aa firm in spirit s they are true in heart; if they, trust hem?elve3 as they have- trusted others; if hey look around our S tate, .and feel that here is in. her broad bosom an untold realtb, and in her ocean diadem,, studded nih island pearls, the. symbol of natural iaritime.sovereij;nty. The rich lands1 Of the seacoast, and the ; rt ile acre? of the upper country, give as orance that our people shall pot want for read. Our great staples, cotton and rice, rill again be the means of increasing our ommon wealth. The precious minerals nd phosphate earths will give us power as people, and cause our universal' motlier j render a hundred-fold return for the bbor which we spend, upon her- Each ><n of the interior will raise its head and and again erect. The trade of the great Test pouring through the State will give fe and. energy to trade, and the. waters of j ur seaport-the great ocean mart of the outheast- will be stirred unceasingly by is whirring wheels of commerce. All that is required isa cheerful spirit, ad- confidence in ourselves. The belief ! kat our State will be, and must be, great ad wealthy- will go far to make her all that e desire. Oars is a race that cannot be i i lbdued; and if we have but firmness, pa-1 J ence and the will to work, before many ears are past the dark river will be safely rossed, and South Carolina will be once tore happy, thriving and free. What lt will Costr It has often been attempted to convince ie freedmen, and those white Radicals who ave some property to lose, that the Gene il Assembly is' legislating in the interest f party, and . not for the good of the tate at larg?; that it is, in fact, a Tatt Efioe-making machine; which will turn out ig offices with big pay as long as the party e main s in power, and there is even one ungry Radical to cry out for food from the ocketa of the people. What argument and xi. lanai ion have failed to do, hard facts and gores may accomplish, ? and we therefore i vite the attention bf every decent Radical i South Carolina to a statement of what rill be the annual expenses of the District f Georgetown, tinder Radical ad minist ra ion, as compared with the expenses under be old system. Under the old State government the du riot had a sheriff and tax collector; a clerk f court; a commissioner in equity; an or? dinary, or judge of probate; a coroner, and our magistrates; as well as commissioners f roads, publio buildings, of the poor and f publio securities. Some of these officers eceived no pay whatever, others were paid ut of the contingent fund of the State, and t is within bounds to say that the amount if fees and salaries for the management of he local affairs of the district did not ex seed $1000. Under the Radical State government the Tees of the sheriff and the cost of feeding prisoners falls upon the district, and there | f ire now forty-five prisoners, who cost sighteen dollars a day. All the new hold? ers of old offices will receive a salary, and new offices have been created, viz. : Prose :uting attorney, auditor, assessor and dep? uty State constable, which would make the yearly cost as follows : Twenty-three prisoners costing $9 a dav.$ 3285 Sheriff's coats and fees.". 1500 Jerk of court-costa and fees. li. 00 Prosecuting attorney. 250 ?osts of convicted persons unable to pay and paid by the district. 500 Ihree tax commissioners- at $600. 1800 Uditor.... 1300 rax collector. 1500 Ls s ess or.:. 750 Commissioner of schools. 1000 >eputy constable. 750 $13,635 That ia to say, the cost will be thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty-five ^dollars nader Radical jule, against leBs than one ttousand dol?ais under Southern rule, with? out calculating the salaries, costs and^fees of the magistrates and constables who may -hereafter be appoinled. In addition to this taxation there will be a public building tax, a road and bridge Tax and a tax Jor the. poor. The public buildings and roads- abd bridges will re? quire at least $2300,' and the cost of sup? plying the actual wants of the poor will not be less than $5000, making a grand total taxation of twentyrone thousand one hundred and thirty five dollars. Then there will be the State taxes on the people of the district; and, taking into ac? count the circumstance that there is a large pauper negro population from which taxes cannot be collected, the total payment re? quired for thc State and district taxes will not be less than forty thousand dollars a year, against ft total taxation of thirteen thousand dollars 'last year for all purposes. ' It is now well to see what will be the effect of this taxation. In Georgetown district there are about five hundred white males and twenty-eight hundred black males of twenty-one years and over. The blacks have no property and can only be reached by a poll tax. But the new con stitution declares that no poll tax shall be levied except for educational purposes which cuts off all revenue lrom that source The result is th ut tue white adults must pay the whole taxation, which for each one of them will amount to the annual sum of EIGHTY DOLLARS. THE unusual action of Congress with reference to adjournment is explained as follows : Should the October elections go Democratic, a session will thenbe held, and some as yet undefined legislation perfected, with a'view of changing tho result in No vember. Should th? elections . pr oye a Re? publican success, no business' will be trans? acted, but a farthet recess will be taken until a. day in.f?ovemberfollowing the Pres? idential election. This is for the purpose of. meeting ?very contingency that may ar'ispj.and'turning the current whenever it can be possibly turned by Congressional l?gislation. STRAY E D, A LA HG E RAW BONE BAY MAKE MULE, between sixteen and Beven? sen hands high. Any one returning her or giving htoxmition where she eau be found, will be suit ibly rewarded by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. September 23 1 FOtHWD, GOING ASTRAY, A BLACK NEWFOENILAND DOO, with leather co lar ind city badge on. The owner can have tho same 3y applying at THE CHAB1JESTON DAILY NEWS DfFIuE. f'epiembrras FIVB DOLLARS RB WA BD.-LOST. A MIALL GOLD- ?-LAL, with a WHITE STONE 1 he above reward will be paid the finder on leaviug he at THIS OFFIC 3 September 21 /ur Sole. AT PRIVATE SAL* , AM OLD ESTAD LISBED STATIONERY AND MANOTAOTUR LNU BOIN Eb?, in successful operation. Address MANCFACI URER, CHABLIKTOS DAILY NEWS. September 23 wfm3 PK SALK, OKU SKCOSD-HAM) Bili. LIA RD TABLE, four pockets, and complete, kpply at THIS OFFICE. Peptember 23 FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, A II OL'.SK AND LOT In Nunan street The House con sins four square Rooms, two Dressing Rooms, Citcben, Stables, 4c , and hrge Lot. Apply to WM, tloEAV, Auctioneer, No. 136 Meeting-street. September 23 PLANTATION FOR SAL.E.-FOR SALE, a val?a Je PLANTATION in Orangeburg Dis. rict, ten miles cast of Branchville, containing twen y-eight hundred seres, eight hundred acres of which re closed and well fenced, There are also upon the ilace a good Dwelling House and thirty or forty 'thor houses. For further Information apply to'R. u BOWMAN, Orangeburg C. H., or to REEDER k )AVIS, Adder's North Wharf, Charleston, b. C. September 21 mwf riARBl FOB SA LK.-TtlF UNDBRSIGX L ED offers for sale his FARM, twenty-five mlle? ram Charleston, and one and a hali miles from ihe Jortheistem Railroad, containing seventy-live acres -eighteen under fence and in a hieh state of ultivaiiou-dwelling house and outbuildings, with w ? ?ells of good water. HealUiy all tho year. For articulare, apply to me, at Oakley Station, on the boveroad. J. W. WALLING, September 22 6* FOB SALB, OLD !N K, AV SPA Phi' S, 131 any quantity, price 76 canis per hundred. Auply t the Office af the DAILY NEWS. February 20 JKssoluiion of Copartnership. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership heretofore existing be ween the subscriber?, under the style of LIT 1 LE k tlABSHALL, is this day dissolved by mutual con en t. Iba aifuirs ot the late firm will be settled by i. 8. MARSHALL, who will continue the business at he old stand, No. 140 MEETING-STREET. E. H LITl LE. A. H. MARSHALL. Charlestoni S. C., September 12, lSrS. September 14 12 ?kmoo?ls. REMOVAL,. -DM. KHAN CIS !.. PAS? EES has removed bis Outee from No. 79 Iroad-street to No. 74 H AS EL-STREET, two doors ast of the Postomce. July 24 ??POTTSWOOD HOTEL. MILLWARD BROTHERS, PBOPBLETOUS, RICHMOND, VA April 6 ||1DANE GIDIBRB, CALDER HOUSE. CORNER OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. 0HABLZ8X0V. 8. C. Transient Board $3 50 per Day. April 2? _ pl IL MOR HOUSE, jr MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAND Ht CO., Proprietors. April 27 lyr JI^EW YORK HOTEL," No. 7 2 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CCTY. 9. M. H1LDRBTH di CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FTRbT-CLASi IOTEL, as popularly known in former timef mdor the manazc-ent ot J. B. 51 ON NOT, Esq., and nore recently under that of HIRAM CRANSTON & 3 <., is now under the proprietorship of Messrs. D. J. HILDRETH k T. B. ROCK WAS, unerUie firm ol >. IL HILDRETH it CO. The senior partner from bis long experience as a ii oprieior of the Veranda, St. Louts and St Charle; iotels of New Orleans, flatters himself that he can issure his friends and ihe publlo generally, that itt bnner world-wide reputation as a popular nrst-clas? lott>\ shall bs fully sustained under its present nanaeement lyr? February 13 Consoriul. H fi U fi R ? L. FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, IS AT No. 93 MARKET-STREET, South aidf, between Ring and Meeting streets. HEUER is a German Barber, bas been thor inghly trained to his business, ano is prepared to lerve his friends and the public generally m thc seve? ral branches of bis art, viz SHAVING HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING HAIR DYING kc, kt January ll WA .NTKD TO EXCHANGE, A GOOD WORK MULE, for a Saddle Horse. Apply at THIS OFFICE. September 23 . WANTED, A COMPETENT MALE COOK, of good character. Apply at No. 101 BROAD STREET, between be ven and Eight o'clock A M._1_September 23 WANTED, A SMALL HOCSE, IN THE . lower part of the -oity, ot three or four room s, suitable fer a small lamily. 1 be House must be in good order and in a pliant locality. Address BOX 91, stating price per month. September 23 3* WANTED TO PURCHASE', A NEAT RESIDENCE ot four room?, in an eligible lo? cation. Apply at THIS OFFICE. September 18 fmw3 WANTED, IN A RESPECTABLE FA MI. LY two (2) comfortable rooms; location be? tween Cannon and Calhoun-streets. Address L. N" through Po^fflce. 2* September 22 WANTED A SITUATION, BY A ONE ARMED MAN, as overseer of hands, or super? intendent on farm or plantation, or watchman, or any other employment that a one-armed man can fill. Apply at No. 14 ANN-sTBEET. Applicaut can give good references. September 22 WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, WHO writes a plain and lejtib'e band, a situation whore he ran earn a livelihood for the support of bis fan ily. Address "Penman," OI'FlCEDALLY NEWS. September 21 WANTED - \ GENTLEMAN OF CON SIDEKABLE EXPERIENCE in conducting Schools, and a Professor of Ancient and Modern Lan? guages, desires to make an engagement either io as? sist in rome College, or to teach School in a desira? ble locality. Persons wishing to confer with him will please direct a note to X. I. Z., .?Teacher," lind leave the same attbia offlc e. September 21 HOUSE WANTED.-A PUNCTUAL AND permutent tenant wishes to rent a small but neat and pleasantly situated DWELLING. Bent must be moderate. Possession not reoulred imme? diately. Address, stating terms, location, Ac , "A. B., Ornee DAILY NEWS. September 18 WANTED, BY A GENTLEMAN PROM the up-country, a situation as CLERK in elthor a Wholesale or B?tail Grocery Store; is ex? perienced in the business, and can influence trade. Best of references given. Address CLEBK, through Charleston Postofflce, Soutn Carolina. September ll AGENTS WA NT KD-DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN GOODS.-Eiaht by ten Oval steel Engravings of SEYMOUR AND BL MR. with or witliout frames, bheets 25 cents each. Life of both 25 cents. Photographs, pms, Badges, Cnart?. 4c, one hundred per cent profit. Sample package? by mall for one dollar. Address at once GOODSPEED A CO.. August 1* 2mo? No. 87 Park Row. N. Y. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE.-SERVANTS can be obtained by applicatio to the "UNION H^ME/'fromO tlllll o'clock daily. Servants can also find places by application to the same place, at the same hours Inquire for tho Ma? tron, corner Church and Chalmers stieet June 19 WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZI>ES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21_So. ICI King-Btrott. WANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to sell cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHfS LINES. Write for circulars to the AMERICAN WIRE COMPANY, Nb. 102 Broadway, New York. 6mos_April 20 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB? SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARY. CHARLES C. RIGHTER'!) Select Library of Now Books contains all of tho lamest publications. April 21 No. 161 KING-STREET. u_^__f0..?fft....;^_ TO RENT, TWO BOC.ilS, NICELY FUR? NISHED, in the western part of the city. Ap ply at THIS OFFICE._3 September 23 TO RENT, THE STORE AND DWELL? ING at southwest corner of Ashley and Bee streete. R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Beal E?tate Agent*, No. 3:i Broad-street. _ Septem'cr 23 1 TC RENT, WITHOK WITHOUT FURNITURE, or nv Bale, the DWELLING. No. L7 Ashlei-street, with a fine shaded Lot, having avery convenience for a large family. Apply on the premires. fmw September ll FOR RENT, THAT PLEASANTLY s tuaud RESIDENCE, No. 12 Bee-street, north tU. S. Arsenal. For-particulars applv at No. 25 SAYNE-STBEET._sw_Bj ptember 12 FOR RENT. THAT FINE SALOON AT corner or Meering and Market ?tie.its (former y known a: Baker's Restaurant); lt is the most tentrally located ball in the city, and well adapted br a Restaurant, Billiard or Assembly Rooms. Also, the commodious STORE, No. 127 Meeting itree', under the above. Apply to THEO. PTONEY, September 21 mwfB Vanderhorst's Wharf. O RENT, ONE OF THE OLDEST AND | | best Stands in the city for a Grocery and Bar {oom. Apply to No. 217 EAST BAY opposite New diatom H'>use. September 15 rO RENT, A COMFORTABLE TWO AND A HALF 8TOBY HOUSE, No. 4 Hary treet Also, a HOUSE No. 2 Doughty siraet Ap. ily to W. BYRNE, northeast corner King and John treets. September 15 FRENT. A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAND, No. 290 KING-STREET, a few doors outh of Wentworth. Possession given on Int of Jctober. Apply ON THE PREMISES. September 15 rO RENT, A PAKT OK HOUSE No. 171 Coming-street. Inquire on premises. September 5 rO KENT, FOR THE SUMMMH, A HOUSE, containing eight rooms, pleasantly vit? iated, on tbe front beach Sullivan's leland, back or leauregard Battery. Apply at DAILY NEWS OF? FICE._July 3 rO RUNT, AT SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, two adjoining TWO-STORY HOUSES, Bituated lose to Fort Beauregard, both having double >iazzas hoing north and south. Both Houses are n good condition, and well adapted for private resi lences, hotels or bc arding establishments. To be ented singly or together; the Furniture taken by agreement, it des rabie. For parbcularu, apply at he OFFICE OF THE DAILY N?W3. August 21 to jj?nbliffltions, T^USSEM/S^OOKTSI ORE. WEEKLY LIST NFW BOOKS. AC. ELLI01T. sermons by the Rt. Bev. Stephen El? iott, late Bishop of Georgia; with a Memoir by Ch?mas M. Hanckol, Esq. 1 vol., 9vo. $5. STEINMETZ, 'lho Boxnacce of Duelling, in all lmes and countries. By Andrew Steinmetz, author )f Biston-of the Jesuits, ie. 2 vols., 12mo. $8. SAINT BEUVE. Poitralts of Celebrated Women; iomnrisiag Madame de ?evigne, Oe Duns, LaFav )tte, de llemusat, de bonza, Krudener, Poland, Gui !0t, de Stael, 1 vol., 12mo. ?2. GILLETT. Democracy in the United States; what t has done, wbatit is doing, and what it mil do. By Ransom H. Gillett 1 vol., 12mo. $2. POLLARD. The Lost Cause Regained. By Ed? vard A. Pol'ard. 1vol., 12-no. $1 JU. LIDDON. University hermons; by Rev. H. P. Liddon. "He ia now acknowledged, on all bauds, to io the grea'est living pieicher in England." 1 voL, i2mn. $175. MORRIS. The Farthly Paradise; a Poem by Wm. Morris, author of Jason. 1 vol., 12 mo. $3. HOOPES. The Book or Evergreens; a PraoHcal I reatise on the Oonif-r?. or Cone-bear,ng Plant*. Ey losiab Hooper. 1 vol., limo. $3. PROCTOR. Half Hours with the Tele? ope ; being i popular guide to the use of the Telescope as a neons of amusemeit and instruction. By R. A. Proctor, B.A., F.R,A.':. With numerous illustra aoua. 16mo., cl - th. SI 25. CHAMBERS'- -neyclopesdia. A Dictionary ot [Imversal Knowledge tor the people; il ustratcd with KngriiVln-JB. Maj.8, Ac. lu vo s., royal 8vo. Pervol. M 50. '.I he work ia now complete. NOVELS. Henry Poweis. Banki-r. *1 75; Dead Sea fruit, by Miss Bnuldua. .'Oe; Josh Billiuus on Ice. si 60; Horace Wilde, SI 50; All tor Gre?rl, 40c; Foul Play, 75c; Linda Fresnel, 40c; Lost Name, 50o; Poor ?uiranity, 50<-; Love and Marriage, 60c; My Hu* sand'tf Crime. 60c; Cheap editioni Marryatt's, Dis? raeli's and Waverly Novels. ENGLISH MAGAZINES. Subscriptions received ?br Temple Bar, cornhill, Chambera' Jouroal, Eng? lish Wou'Kn's Pomestlc Magazine, Aunt Judy's (for mildren) Good Words, Sunday Magazine. Art Jour? nal, *aturday Review, fcc July 31 Citi) ^Ibiiertiseineitts.^ OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE, CHABLESTON, S.C, Septem tier 19,1858.-the following ordinance is htreby published tor general Intormanon, and will be strictly enforced. C. B. SlGWALD, Chief ol Police. Be it ordained by the Maror and Aldermen of Charleston tn City council assembled, and it is here? by ordained by the authority of the same, That from ind after the first day of January next, every person teepingashop ors'ore, or engaged in mercantile business in the City ot Charleston, shall post up, md keep posted up, in some conspicuous place at lis or her business stand or stands, a proper and :onsplcuous sign-board or plate, containing his or icr given mme and surname, and in case of partner ihip, tile given name and surname <>f eich member if the firm. An I every person offending or making Jefault herein, shall forfeit and pay to the city a penalty oi Atty dollars for pach and eveiy offence or lefault, and in addition thereto a further sum of Ifty dollars for each and every month during which he provisto s of this ordinance shill remain rot tomplied with : Pr ma\d, however, that nothing aerein contained shall apply to the sperial partn-rs af a limited partnership. s Ratified in City Council, December 2d, 1851. Sep'ember 21 DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WARD SO. 3. THEBEGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OT THIS CLUB will be held at Hibernian Hall,- This Evening, 23d inst, at half-past Seyen o'clock. The audience will be addressed at half-past -Eight o'clock by the Hon. J. B. CA liEBEXL, and by T. B. KING, Esq. Members of other Democratic Clubs aro respectfully invited to attendf JAMES G. MOFFETT, September 23 1 Recording Secretary. WARD No. 3. ? TBE REGULAR WEEKLY MEEI IN"G OF THE Democratic Club of Ward No. 3 will be be d This Evening at half-past Seven o'clock, at Palmetto Engine House, Anson-street. L. W. SPRAT)', Esq., will address tho Club. D. B. GILLI LA ND, September 23 Recording decretory. DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WARD No. 4. THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF IBIS Cli- b will be tell This Evening, 23d instant, at Masonic Bal!. WM. TENNENT, Esq., will address tho Club. W. M. MUCKKNFUSS, September 23 1 Recording Secretary. DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WARD No. 6. THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF THE Clnb will be held This (Widn sday) Evening, at Seven o'clock, at the Hall of the Washington Fire Engine Company. By ot der. W. E. JENNINGS, September 23 1 Recording Secretary. g* WARD 7 DEMOCRATIC CLUB. THE HON. WM. WHALEY WILL DEI IVER AN Address bet?re tha Seventh Ward Democratic Club, TM? Evening, at ha'f-pa t Sevan P. M. THOH. 8. GHIMKE, M. P., September23 1 Recording Secretary. DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WA tl D No. 8. 1HE REGULAR MEETING OF THIS CLUB WILL he held This Evening, at the Club Boom,Spring street, near Rutledge Avenue, at half-past Seven o'c o cte Colonel J. E. CAREW and J. E. BDBKE, Esq , will address the meeting. All Democrats, aro invited to bo present. W. WALTEB RILEY, September 23 1 Recording Secretary. GE lt MAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY. THE WEEKLY MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIETY - ll open at Seven o'clock P. M. until further notice. JOHN A, BLUM. September 22 2 Secretary. (Sbarattonal. QLASS1CAL, MATHEMAI ICAL.FRENCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOL,. No. 83 Wentworth.stri.ct. THE EXERCISES OF THIS .SCHOOL WILL BE resumed on THURSDAY, Octobor I. HENRY M. BRUNS. Principal. CHARLES B. COCHRAN, Assistant. Ono or two more boys wlUbe received ai b larders in the family of the Principal. September 23 ? winwth4 MRS. M. E. TOOMER WILL RESUME the exercises of her SCHOOL, on Thursday, Octobor 1st, at No. 9 College-street. September 18 fmwmw5* ENGLISH, FRENCH, CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, NORTHWEST CORNER BULL AND COMING STREETS.-Tue ex? ercises of the subscriber's School will be resumed at tho above location on Thursday, 1st October next A few boys can also be accommodated with Board in hts family. JOSEPH* T. CALDWELL. September 8 sept 8,14, 23, 30. oct 1 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The Subscriber, late Assistant of Bev. Dr. MYERS, will open on the 1st of October a SCHOOL, in which will be taught ENGLISH, t REN CH, and the CLASSICS. Relying upon his reputation as a Teacher, he hopes for a liberal sbare ot patronage. For terms, apply at his RESIDENCE, No. 37 Archdale-street JOHN GANNON. September 10 wfms6* MRS. HOPSON PINCH > KY WILL RE? SUME! the Exercises of her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on Monday, October 5, at No. 58 HASEL-STREIST. Instruction given in ibe French and Gorman Lan? guages by the best Professors. September 21 Imo BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOH YOUNG LADIES.-M:s. R. F. W. ALLSTON will reopen her BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, No. 37 MEETING-STREET, Charles? ton, on the 15th day ot October next She would respectfully announce to her patrons that she is pre? pared to give every attention to her scholars. She would take this occasion to thank her friends for tbeir kindness and rntionige bitnet to extended, and to solicit the continuance of the same. September 17 Imo T^OOKKTEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ANO COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW PREPARED TO [?ive instruction lu the above branches by a COURSE OF LECTURES, with practical lessons. An EVE? NING Ci A99 will be opened on Friday, the 2Mb Instant Terms, he, made known on application at r<:si ience, Na 12 Wrapg Square, r T. STREET BURDELL September 16 _ wini 5 NIGHT SCHOOL I NIGHT SCHOOL I No. 35 WEN T WOR TH-STREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. THE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITH? METIC, WRITING, READING, GERMAN ?iud ENGLISH GRAMMAR are from 7 to 9 o'clock P. Al. Terras-$2 per month tn advance. Book-keeping charged extra. December 2 0. H. BERGM-ANN. RICHMOND FEMALE INSTITUTE The next Session begins October 1st, undermost favorable auspices. Attention li called to the superior Educational and Boarding advantages now offered by the Institute. For catalogues, or any special information, address jr apply to CHARLES H. WINSTON, M. A., September 18 Imo President mir ISS PEG RAM'S, BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. ? Nos. 100 AND 108 LINDEN ROW, FBANKLIN-STMET. THE DUTIES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE RE? SUMED on the firs' day of October next Circulars can be had ol GEORGE L. BIDG0OD, Booksellers, of STEVENS, PEGBAM h CO., or of Miss PEGRAM, Box No. 120, Richmond, Virginia. September 18 2mo UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK.-The usual exercises will bc resumed is follows; In the Grammar behool Department, September 7; in the Department of Science and Let? ters, September 16; in the School of Civil Engine-r? ing, September 1G; in the 8chool of Art, September il; in the School of Law, Octoeer 1; in the School of Medicine, Octobor 13; in tho School of Practical Chemistry, October 12. Catalogues and Tircu'ars at the University. Ex ?minatioJ8 tor admission to thc Department of Sci? ence and Letters will take placo in the Council room, on Tuesday, the 15th September, at half-past Nine A. M. ISAAC FERRIS, Chancellor. University, Wasbinjto.i Square, East September 18 _Imo TTNIVERS1TY OF THE SOUTH. S E W A N E E , RT. REV. WM. M. GREEN, D. D., Chancellor. RT. REV. C. T. QUINTARD, D. D., LL. D., Vice chancellor. Trustees-The Bishops of North Carolina, South Caro'IDS, Georgia, Florida, AlaSama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texai and Arkansas ex officio, ind one Clerical and two Lay Trustees from each jf said Dioce-e*. 'Ibe Hoard of Trustees of the Uuiversitv announce that they will open the Junior Department at Uni? versity Place, on Wtdn* day, the 16th day of Sep? tember nex', under General J. i O EGA-, of Ala baixa, as Head Master, a distinguished graduate of West Point very highly recommended by Geueral Lee and other leading neu of tl e country. Desiring to make the School simply self-sustain? ing, the Trus'ees have fixed upon ihe sum of RICO per year to cover the entire charges, except mntrieu lation frc i$10) and medical attendance. .Students will be required to furnish their own sheets, pillows, cases and towels. Payment will be required semi? annually in advance. The first term will CIOBO December 15, and the School will reopen, ofter the Christmas vacation, on the 10th day of February, remaining m ses. ion dur? ing the summer except a short recess. Communications in reference to the School should be addressed to GEO. B. FAIRBANKS, Esq., Tteasu rer of the University, University Place, Franklin County, Tennessee. The location of the University on the beautiful and salubrious plateau of the Cumberland Mountains is too well known lo require desorption. Persons coming to University Place change cars at Cowan Station, Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and take the cars ot the Tennessee Coal Company to University Station (9 miles) on the University do? main. WILLIAM MERCER GI F-EN, September 9 Chancellor. CITY TREASURY, JULY I, 186B.-N? TIOE TO HOLDERS OF FIRE LOAN COU? PONS.-The File Loan Coupons due thia day and pavablc in the City of New York, will be paid on pre? sentation at this Office. S. THOMAS, july 2 City Treasurer. OFFICE HF CHIEF HF POLICE, MAIN GUARDHOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C.. August 31 18f>8. -Recovered and brought to this Post, a BRAY FILLY. If not called lor within five days, it will bc fold to pay expenses. C. BJ SIG WALD, August 31 Ohief of Police. H ' JImastmrnt. DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. Da. COUTURIER RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES to the Ladies, and Gentlemen of Charleston and vicinity, one of his Select and Varied Entertainments at the above Hall, on TO-MORROW EVENING, Sep'. 24,1868. Consisting of Readings from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and "Henry VTTI;" Recitations, Ac, in? terspersed with Oems of Vocal Melody by a Lidy of Augusta, Ga., who will have the honor of making her first appearance in public before a Charleaton audience. TICKETS SL to be procured'at the usual places, and at the Hall on tho evening of i er for manee. Doors open at 7)?, to commence at 8 o'clock pre? cisely. ?S? For particulars seo Programmes. Sept imber 23 _'_2 LOW A Y DE di CIVS BRAZILIAN CIR? CUS. H. GATE?, Manager.A. LOWANDE, Conductor. THE MANAGER BEGS LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE that this celebrated Circus is now fully organized for the season of 1868-69, and will perform at Mount Pleasant Wednesday Afternoon and Evening, Septem? ber 23d, and at Citadel Green, Charleston, on Thurs? day, Friday and Saturday, September 24th, 25th and 26th. Performances to commence at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Admission 75 cents; pit 60 cents; colored persons 60 eenie; childre.i 25 cents. September 22 C Mitts in Panhrnptn). TN THE DISTRICTrTTSioiJRT"^ JL UNirED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-IN THE MATTER OF LU. TH ER W. WILLIAMS, BANKhUPT.-PETITION FOR FOLL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IS BANK? RUPTS V.-Ordered, that a hearing be had on tho second day of Remember nat, A. D. 1868, at il o'clook A. M., at the Federal Courthouse, In Charles? ton, H. C., and that nil creditors, bc, ot said Bank? rupt appear and show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of the petitioner should not be Braned, and that tba pelitlon be referred to R. B. CARPEN TEE, Esq.. Registrar. Charleston, 8. C., to examino the papers and make report to th's Court. By order of the Court, this 17th day of Septem ^er, A D. 1868. DANIEL HORLBcCK, clerk of the District Court for the District of South Carolina, w2 September 23 IAl THE DIST lt IC T COURT OP THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF hOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF CHAS. L. GULLLEAUME, BANKRUPT.-PETITION FOR FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPT? CY.-Ordered: lhat a hearing bo had on tho twentieth dav of October- next, A. D., 1868, at 12 o'clock M., at tho Federal Courthouse in Charleston, S. C., and that all creditors, i.e., of said Bankrupt appear aud show cause, if any they have,, wby tho prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and tha t the second meeting of Creditors be held attie office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esq. .Registrar, Charl ea? ton, S. C., on the nineteenth day of October, at 12 o'clock M. By order of the Court, this 17th day of September, A. D. 1868. DANIEL HORLBEOK, Clere of the District Com t, For thc District of South Carolina. September 23 w2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 8TATE9, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOOTH CAROLINA-TN THE MATTER OF J. C. MAYO, BANKROP!'-PETTTTUN FOR FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE TN BANER OPT Y Ordered, that a hearing bt> had on the eight', day of October next, A. D. 1868, ut- ll o'clock A. M., at the Federal Courthouse, In .Charleston, S. C., and that all creditors, kc, of said Bankrupt appear and show cause, if any they have, wbv the prayer of tho peti? tioner should not he granted; au t that the second mcoting of i reditors bo held at the office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esq , Registrar, Charleston, C., on the seventh day of October, at 10 o'clo I A.M. By order ot the Court, this 26ih day of August, A. D. 1808. DANIEL HORLBEOK, Clerk of the District Cuurt For the District of South Carolina. Septomber 23 w3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of TUC UNITED STATES F JR 1 HE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF J. B. ZJRNE, HAN ERUPT-PETITION FOR FULL AND FINAL PISCHARGE IN BANK RU fl CT.-Ordered, thu a hearing be bad on tue second day of No? vember next, A, D, 1U68, at eleven o'clock A. M., at the Federal Courthouse in Charleston, S. C., and that all creditors, bc, ot said Bankrupt appear and (?bow cause, ir any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted, and that the peti? tion be referred to R. B. CARPENTER, Esq., Regis? trar, Charleston, 8. C., to examine the papers and make report to this Court ;By order of the Court, this 17th day of September, A. J?, lf-68. DAM M. HOKLBE'.'K, Clerk of the District Court For the District of South Carolina, September 23 wa IN THE DISTRICT COURT OB' THE UNITED STATE*. FOR TBE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLIN A-IN THE MATTER OF ARCHI? BALD ARMS I Ri NG, BANKRUPT-PETITION FOR FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BANK? RUPTCY.-Ordered, that a hearing be had on the thirtieth day of October nut, A. D. 1868, at 12 o'clock M., at tho Federal Courthouse, in Charleston, S. C., and that all Creditors, kc, of said Bankrupt, appear and show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that tho petition be reiorr.d to R. B. CARPtNTER, EB}., Registrar, Charlesion, S. C., to exunlne the papers and report to this Court. By order af the Court this 16th day of September, A. D. 18C8. DANELL HORLBECK, Clerk of the District Court, For the L lstrict of South Carolina. September 23 w2 w Business Carts. ILL ? AML G TjTi??'?f ?T FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 108 Bast Bay, CHARLESTON,?. C. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GTVEN TO THE sale and shipment ol SEA I-LAND AND UPLAND COTTON. Liberal advances made on Consignments for sale in thi* ma ket, or for shipment. September 23 3mos Gt BO. H. HOPPOCK, FACTOR ASD COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, Charleston, 8. C. P. GADSDEN HASELL. ?mos September 21 7^-ORTH, STEBLB At WARDELL, WHOLESALE DEALERS Cf FANCY GOODS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, HOSIERY, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERY, bc , kc, No. 167 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, S, C. J. B. STEELE. C. C. NORTH, A. W. WARDELL. Ja. New York, septen ber 15 _3mos yy ?LLIS ? < HtSOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, PALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ol COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. E.WILLIS.A. R. CHISOLM. October 25 _ p M. ML A BS H ALL <H BROTHER. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKERS No. 33 BROAD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, 4c, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPER1Y LEASED. 43? Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, 4c, every Wdnrsdav. October 1? T) FOLEY'S CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT STORE, No. 85 MA RKET-STREFT, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Where may be fcund every variety of GREAT COATS, FROCK AND DRESS COATS, Shirts, Un derbhirts, Vests and Pantaloons, Drawers and Socks, Bool8> Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, tc. February 6 J^ftrtfs^?ni ?lisnilamus. 1 ff BHDS. STRICTLY PRIME S BOULDERS 10 tes. choice Family Hams. Landing ex steamer Sei dall, and for sale by R. M. BUTLER, '. September 23_2_Ko. 72 East Bay. NEW CA H O LINA BI J t. ALOT OF MIDDLTSG CAROL'NA RICE, NEW crop, just received, and for salt, at $1 25 per peck. Prime Carolina Rice, at a very reduced price, at the CO-OPEEATTVE GROCERY STORE, No. 107 Market-street. ??T Goods delivered free. September 22 COAL! COAL ! ! Qi IA TONS SUPERIOR BED ASH EGG SIZE OVJyJ COAL, now 1 nding from bark E.G. Dodge, which will be sold low by appljin,* to F. P. SEIGNIOUs' Coal Yard, Corner East Bay and Hasel-street September 21 '"" 3 COAL ! COAL!! JOHN S. HOKLBECK, (OFFICE EAST BAY, OPPOSITE UNION WHARVES,) BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND the public that he 1 aa commenced the COAL AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, and solicits a share of their patronage. August 17_ 3mo BEARD'S PATENT BUCKLE TIE. WE ARE SELLING TH[8 EXCELLENT AND STRONG TIE at reduced rates. It is equal to any Buckle Tie m use. We are daily expecting a beary supply of BEARD'S FAMOUS LOCK TIE, which is the simplest, sttong est and best Tie now before the public, which will be sold on the most favorable terms. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., September 17 thetas Factors. H. & H. W. CATHERWOOD'S EXTRA FINE, PURE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKEYS. IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE SUPPLY OF OUR PURE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHIS? KEYS to our iormer nnmonms customers at the South, we have appointed Messrs. H. GERD TS & CO. our Agents, who, by this arrangement, are enabled to supply the trade at prices which will en? sure satisfaction, H. AH. W. CATHERWOOD. -O-: II. & H. AV. CATHER WOOD'S EXTRA FINE, PURE OLD 1 MONONGAHELA WHISKEYS. t*f \ BBL*. OF THE ABOVi? FAVORITE WHIS 0\J KEYS, consisting of X, XX. XXX, XXXX. and NECTAR and CABINET BRANDS, and also of lower grades. Now landing, and for sale low by ? H. GERDT.3 & CO., September i_2moa No. 195 East Bay. SEGAR EMPORIUM. ESALAS, AGENT FOB 'THE CHARLESTON . Branch of the Havana Segar Factory, "La Valentina," would respecTully inri ru the a'.tendon of dealers .and smokers to bis very large stock of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGA RS, ot ali grades and ?izes, excelled by few in. Oils country, and war? ranted to be aa represented. Sample boxes sent to. tho country and orders ex? ecuted by Express, C O. D., or 30 days' city accep? tance. No. IIS BAST BAY-STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. August 24 mwfomo JEFFORDS & CO., Mos. 17 and IO VENDUE RANGE. CHAR LES TO N, B.C. . OFFER FOR SALE AT I HF. LOWEST MARKET BATES: r r\ BHDS. CHOICE W ESTERN C. B. SIDES O \J 60 nhds. Choice Western Rib Skies. . 60 hhds. Choice Western shoulders 20 hhds. Blight No. 2 Shoulders . 25 tierces Choice S. C. Hams - 40 hhds. Prime No. 2 s. c. Hams 26 boxes Breakfast Baron 40 bula. Refined Su.ara 40 tierce? N. Y. Molasses 40 i bis. Choice Molasses 20 bois. Sugar House Sj rup 10 bales Gunny Bagging 50 boxos E. D. Cheese 150 bbls. Flue, Super and Extra Flour. 26 boxes Low Priced Tobacco. We shall always keep a full supply of everything connected vii h the "hog,", and would invite our city and country friends to inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. September 1 Imo C0-0PERAT1YE GR0CEBY, MARKET, BETWEEN KlfTG ANO MEETING STREETS, {SOUTH SIDE.) AN EXTENSIVE, VARIED AND CAB1?FULL? selected supply of the NECESSARIES OF LIFE, and also the luxuries-WINES, LIQUORS, etc.-will at all times be found at the above Store, established under the suspires of Ole "PALMETTO PIONEER CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION," and which will continue and extend the advantages it already offers to the public. Fresh arrivals and bargains will be regularly reported, and every facili? ty afforded patrons. The "object" of the Association is, as set forth in Its charter, "To furnish members and the pubuo with the necessaries of life of good qaallty, unadulte? rated, and at lowest market rates, and from the profits of such sales to accumulate capital for its members." Copies of tue Constitution and By-Laws can be found at the Store of the Association, and all in? quiries lcgardlng.tbe practical working of the enter? prise will be most cheerfully an 1 promptly satisfied. W. H. WELCH, Superintendent J. N. WIG FALL, Assistant July ll_ BORNEO BAGGING ! f)71 BALES BORNEO BAGGING, OF EXTRA ?fl I JL weight and width. For rale by GEO. A. TREN HOLM & 80N. September 9_' JJ ELI ABLE TEXT BOOKS. "THE BEST OF THO CLASS." QUACKENBOS* ARITHMETICS : Practical. $1; iclejuontary. 60 cont?; Primary 40 cents ; Mental (nearly ready), 50 cents. This Series is meeting with a most gratifying re? ception from teachers everywhere, an.l is exactly what is needed tor mental discipline, as well as for a practical preparation for the business of life. It la clear, thorough, comprehensive, logically arranged, well eroded, is supplied with a ureat variety of ex? amples, and teaches the methods actually used by business meu. Special attention is asked to the PRACTICAL. Its rules and analyses are free from unnecessary words : ?U methods are the shortest possible. Above all, it is adapted to the present stace of things. During tho last five years, ppede payments have been sus? pended, prices have doubled, the tariff has been al? tered, a national tax levied &c Our book recog? nizes all these changes, AND rr is THE OKLT ONE THAT DOES-the only Arithmetic that describes the different classes of United States Securities, and shows how to find the comparative results ot invest menta in them. Used in the Public Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Albany, Jersey City, Ac, and gi v. mg the highest satisfaction. No progressive teacher can afford to use any other. QCACEEKBOS' ILLUSTRATED rlCHOOL HISTO? RY OF THE UNITED STATES. Brought down to l?SA $2. Quo?kefloos' Primary History U. S. For begin? ners. $1. Quackcnbos' First Lessons in English Composition. 90 cents. Quackcnbos' Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric. $175. Quackenbos' Natural Philosophy. 335 Illustra? tions. SO. Cornell's Geographies. Primary. Reilsed and brought down to 1867. 90 cents. Intermediate, with a carerully Revised Text and New Maps, (the most magnificent ever presented in an American sobool-booki, $150. Grammar School, SI 50. High School Geography and Atlas. $3 60. Harkness' Latin Text-Books. Latin Grammar, $175. Latin Reader, SI 60. Introductory Latin Book, SI 25. Youmans' Now Chemislry. 310 Engravings. $2. Huxley and Youmans' Physiology-THE WOBK on this important subject 136 Engravings. Specimen copies of anv o? the above works mailed, postpaid, to Teachers and School Officers on receipt of one-half tho retail price. Favorable terms made fir introduction. Why use inferior books when ?mi axai are within reach ? Address QUACKENBOS^GBAMMARS : An English Grammar, tl; FiratBook in Grammar, 60 cents. Clear, well condensed, and consistent throughout; brief in its rules and definitions; happy in its illus, .rations; practical in its application of principles; in? ductive and philosophical in its arrangement; origi? na] in its views; bold in its reforms; every way adapted to the schoolroom; Interesting to the pupil; labor-saving to the teacher; rall and ingenious in its explanations ot perplexing constructions; makes the learning of Grammar easy; makes tho' teaching of Grammar A posrrrrz PLEASURE. saA ls the verdict pronounced on Quackenbos' Grammar by our beet educators. Bosta of recommendations published in our Circular. D. APPLETON A. CO,, Nea. 90,92 and 94 Grand-street, New York. May 2 Otc mos