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THE DAILY NEWS. J3* L4BGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NB WS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON. PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN TOG IN THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END OF .EACH . WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? TONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. . AUCTION SALES THIS JAY. *3 , CAMPBELL, KNOX Sa Co. will pell at 10 o'clock, -at No. 127 Meeting-street, contents of a bar? room. MILES DBAEX will nell at 10 o'clock, at his storfv corner Kin*; and Liberty streets, dry go-oda, clothing, Ac. MCKAY A CAMPBELL will sell at 10 o clock, at their s lesroom, No. 1S6 Meeting-street, furni? ture, matresses, Ac; f-nd at 12 o'clock, at foot of Hasel-street, a batt jan boat and sails. TEX DAILY NEWS PBICE CUBBENT ANT? COM - KEE CUL CiproLAB will be ready for dehvery at OT2r counting room at nine o'clock this morn -ing Pz-80-"AL.-Mr. Wm. Boag; formerly ot this . city, died in Newberry on the 9 th ina ta nt, from the effects of sunstroke. He leaves a wife and ?child. LADIEJ' MUTUAL Am ASSOCIATION.- At ten - - lion is directed to ike call for a special meet? ing of this association, to be held at the De? pository in ChaJmers-atreet this afternoon. A j fail attendance is desired. DEXOOBAT?C MErnxorx WABD NO. 2.-At * tention is directed to a mepting of the Demo? crats pf Wird No. 2, called for to-night, at the Hibernian Hall. A tull attendance is particu? larly requested. GEXEBAL BUBTON.-This officer, lately In command of the post of Colombia, hie returned to Richmond, Va., aft or a fow weeks' absence . in Pennsylvania. He now assumes command . of the 5th Regiment United States Artillery, of J -.Which he is colonel. BTHEXE'S'"Hoxo KOKO" HATS.-We have .seen cupalos on the top of houses, and piazzas around dwellings, and we have heard the song "All'around my Hat," but the "Hong Kong" i beat all. They are so ugly that Steele has "named them men's "Waterfalls." : ? - .?? DEATH OF A (?HABLEST?KIAN rs NEW YOEE : ? BT" S ny 3 rao SE. -Mr. John Hogan, an old resi? dent, left Charleston a few days since on a visit to the North. While 1n New York during ibo present heated term be fell a victim to a sunstroke, and the telegraph on Wednesday -advised his family of his sudden demise. LOWAXDE'S Cracus.-This entertainment was weE attended last night, the report that a man -?would "walk on the ceiling like a fly" having : proved a powerful attraction. The circus is ' tho only amusement in the city at present, .abd the proprietors are making every effort to please. There will be new and varied attrac ? tiona offered each night during the Stay. TBASTSMC^BTTIED.-The Columbia cor pondent bf the New York Times, who writes : under the name of Boise, says a certain de? c-bate brought out the most decided opposition .?from J.J. Wright, B.F. Randolph and C. P. .Leslie (all colored)." Leslie was believed to -be a white man a fortnight ago, and must have . been transmogrified corporally in Columbia as . he was mentally in Charleston, * * -~ THE CHOPS rx FLOEID.V.-We are permitted to publish the following extract from a private . letter received in this dry yesterday: Madison, Fla., July 13, 1868.-We are hav? ing very unfavorable weather fir cotton-gluts of rain everyday, coming too late todo the corn much good? tre seriously injuring the -.cotton. I hear of considerable complaints of the cotton "scalding*1 and shedding its fruit. This, however, I believe is not yet general. ?rn THE Kx-AxroBifKT-GxsEBAL.-?The Hon. L W. Hay ne having' been relieved from his offi ?icial duties aa Attornej-Qenera! of Sooth Caro? lina, a position which he hus filled acceptably -to tbs people for m any years, announces tn to? day's paper that, in connection with bis son, . isaac Hayne, Esq., be hi prepared to transact all legal business appertaining to the South Carolina Courts. Mr. Kayne's legal attain? ments are too well known to need comment or praise, and it is a matter 'for congratulation that the bar of Charleston ie to retain such a -bright an ? a hin ing light. Ax AFFRAY XX WALTEHBOEO'.-We under? stand that a personal difficulty of a serious na? ture hanni arisen between Messrs. W. H. Bel? linger and Clarence Fishburne, residents of | . ColJeton District, they met for the first time in ?the streets of Walterboro' on Monday last. -Fishburne approached Bel he ger in a.hostile .manner,-which the latter observing, drew his pistol and fired the first shot, wounding Fish? burne in the neck, but not seriously. They Iben approached each other, both firing. Fish? burne was struck twice in the knee, the second -shot being considered serious. Bellinger waa -struck near the collar bone. The ball ranged down, and bsd not been discovered at the lat? est advices. Both of the combatants are seri -ously wounded, and it was feared that Fish? burne muht loose his leg. The origin of the .difficul :y is not known. - BEAL ESTATE SALES. - Messrs. Leitch A -Bruns sold yesterday two lots of lind, contain? ing one acre each, on the King-street road, op . pjosite Noisette's farm, for $803; one-half casb, balance in one year. A one-story wooden house and outbaildiogs on Smith-street, -known as No. 91, tor $800; .one-half cash, balance in one year. A blacksmith and^whcelwright shop and resi? dence, in Calhoun-otreet, known aa No. 90, op .poeite Zion Church, the lot measuring twenty? -five by ono hundred and fifteen feet, for $930; one-half cash, balance in oae year.1 Messrs. Leitch A Bruns also sold for James W. Gray, Master in Equity, a lot of land and 'hufidings OT south side of St. Phdip-street, ?be lot maasuring twanty-six feet six inches front by one hundred and one feet deep, for $1725; onb-fourth cash, the balance in one, two and three years. THE PEABODT FUND.-Dr. Sears, the agent, baa, since be was appointed, visited ten of the Southern States. The plan which Le adopts ts .to; visit the city government of the various cities, and communicate to the.n his mission; -and if they establish the system of free scaools, 'he offsrs rrorn hu. fund to bear a portion of the -burden for the current year, generally about two-fifths of the amount required for in3'mo? tion. In seven of the States tree schools have -thus been established in the principal cities, and the pim has everywhere met with the -earnest co-operation and sympathy of the in? telligent portion of. the Southern "people. Lr tully one place bas Dr. Sears mat with a decid '?d rebuff, and in that place the city au? thorities-the majority ot whom werebache ?ioxs-thought that every man ought to edu? cate bis own children. The provisions of the fond do not extend to Maryland, Ken 'Eacky, Missouri 'and Texas. Attention has thia far beau given only to the largest towns arid cities, and it hastener ally been found that only, about one-third of the white children in -those places were attending schools-generally from the wealthier families-in private scaools at greatexpense, and that in the same places about two-thirdsJof the colored chaldron were in some way provided with moans of education and were actually at schools. THE TBTE?UIO*IETEH.-Yesterday the mercury did not fro out of sight, but it did go up to the vicinity of one hundred degrees. In THE DATEZ NEWS office, at 9 A. M., the thermome? ter stood at eighty-seven; at ll A. M., at nine? ty-three, and at 12 H., at ninety-fi7e. In the sun the the.mometer stood f->r some time at ninety-nine, and for a little while at over one humored. A Ho&sE SUN-SXBCCS.-One of the dray horses on East Bay fe I under the effects of the extreme heat yesterday morning. In the pres? ent dearth of business these animals are forc? ed to stand several hour3 under the burning rays of the sun, and it is no wonder that the overtasked beasts sometimes succrmb. A large number of the draymen have, however, learnt that "a merciful man is merciful to his beast," and have placed damp sponges on their horses' heads, which will in a great measure destroy the effects of the heat. OaniNAXios.-Mr. Everett C. Edderton, a son of Mr. E. W. Edgerton, was ordained a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Camden, on Sunday last, by the Bight Bav. Bishop Davis. Holy orders were conferred on Mr. Davis, a son of the Bishop, at the same time and place. Slr. Edgerton is the son of an old citizen, and bears a high character as a man and a Christian. He was an officer in Colonel Butler's First Begiment South Caro? lina Infantry (regulars) during the war, and his brother officers will be pleased to learn of his accession to the ministry. We understand that, for the present, Mr. Edg?rton will assist theBev. A. T. Porter, of the Church of the Holy Communion. : DEATH rx THE GUAHDHOOSE.-Francis Wis nansky, who was brought to the Guardhouse on Wednesday night iu au insensible condi? tion from liquor, died in that place a few hours later. It appears that Wisnansky had been employed for some tune as a watchman on the government wharves, but had been discharged on account of his di-:sipated habits. He had been ou a prolonged spree at his boardinc: house, in Tradd-street, bat was taken from there to the hospital by some friends. They were unable to carry him the whole distance and left him at the Guardhouse. Dr. Frost was called ia and every attention paid him. but to no avail. The coroner was notified, and an in? quest being held a verdict of death from in? temperance was rendered. ABOUND Tows."-Although the heit is at present too oppressive to permit any bat the most circumscribed wilks, yet those who caa raise the requisite amount of energy to make a tour of tho city, would be surprised to note the Various improvements now in progress. It was long the opinion that.building should be confined to the winter season when the rays of the sun were harmless, but this idea has evi? dently bean discarded, as the work still goes bravely on. The different improvements and building operations have been frequently men? tioned, bat a city tourist who is able to com? pare the past with the present, will certainly exclaim that the half has not baen told. Charleston is slowly, though surely, recovering from her prostrate condition* and there ia nc better sign of progress than the new buildings dow io^couzae of erection. Since the war, the Battery, City Square, Mail and streets have been subjected to a thorough overhauling, and now approximate .closely to their aate-belium condition. Throughout the city the same im? provements are noticed, and if only the "goal timee" corne Charleston rm y soon shaka off her sackcloth and ashes, and take again the front rank among the commercial cities of the Union. With gool railroad facilities, a ?ne barbor, and every inducement to win trade, this great desideratum may not be lar dis? tant. UNITED STATES COCST-THTTSSDAI, JUTS 16-HON. GEORGE 8. BEVAN, PBESIDINO. In the Disiric: Cour',-Ex parte Jas. C. Lites, ci Abbeville. Petition for final discharge. ; T. C. Perria, pro pet. On motion of George D. Biyan, Esq., it was ordered, that hearing be had before W. J. Clawson, Esq. Ex parte George g. Patterson. A similar pe? lion. The same order granted. Ex parte John T. Peterson, assignee, in re John T. Au'd. Petition to sell property of bankrupt. S. Fair, pro pet. Ex parte Joseph Caldwell, ia re Thc*. B. Kennedy. Same peti? tion. On motion of G. D. Bryan, E3q" ap? pearing for S.. Fair, Esq., tua petrtioas.were granted. J. N. Martia waa appa'eta J assignee for Jordan P. Pool. Ia rs Thomas E. Fountain,-abaa-crupt. On motion of Messrs. Porter & Conner, for credit ors.tha Judge signed a warrant o? seizure, eve:, the Marshal to seize within five days. Exporte Morris Seligmau, in re Widiam H. Cuthbert. Ou moina of McCrady ?& Sou, it waa ordered thit the caso be referred to B. B. Carpenter, Esi.., to report oa the same. In Admiralty-The British ship Sedburgh v?. John Ferguson and others. Arrastsd ia custo? dy uuier warrane. Oa mot:oa of B. J. Whiley, for the S'doergh, it was ordered that the ship Sedbergh be removed from her present place of mooring and placed where she can float at all timas of tida, and report the change o? location to the Court. Tue Sedb-rsh adi. J. Ferguson ot al. Libels for salvage. The Court resumed the conside? ration of this case, and tho testimony was heard to the rising of the Court. SuFTZB&ra AT THE SOOTH.-We have b en permitted, says the Baltimore Gazette, to take the following extract from a private letter re? ceived ta this city. It speaks for itself, and needs no comment : Bear-.- I have sometimes seen (and in one of your papers) the remark made, how little lasting good has been done by all the money that has been sent to the South, and there was nothing to show for it. Why, what can such remarks m9an ? Do you call saving people from starvation nothing ? Is it nothinff to save life, to restore hope, to remove suffer? ing, to .ift up him that is weary and ready to Srisb, to put h-art ones more into the hope is, to give strength to the feeble and to see smiles once more upon the tica of old age? Oh ! the one who say3 this doss not know what wantana sufferinc; and srsivation mean; he has never felt the pangs of l unger, or seen the child aai the agaa die for food. What sort ot tangible proo: of th:3 can ba ziven? I know rot; but I ka:;w thia, God note3 ev=iy deed ot ?iudnesa and ail is marked by his 03-9, and I firmly bsiieva a blessinz will rest upon your city and the latlie3 of Baltimore for all they have done fot the douth. "It is more blessed to giva than to receive." will bo veri? fied in her. Words cannot tall what I feo', bat I know many toara were abed ovai those boxes (which God knows, were frra Villi), foraii those valuable gifts. Your tea wi'.l taate as no tea ever tasted before. I can only say, but for what bas been sent from you ana through you, we would all have been in a state of star? vation. God knows; God records ! Not even a cup of cold rater given in secret will fa? to the ground; and may God's blessing rest on those who have done so much tor the South; their record is oa High. FOTEL AattxvAL'3, July 16.-'jkarleslon Bote'. Captain John M. Jones, cit} ; M. Menke, At? lanta; D. B. Clayton, Colombia; W. A. Norland. Barnwell; J. W. J. Billings, Salisbury, N. C.; H. B. Fich, wife and child, United States Army. Paoi'ion Holet.-Vf, D. Biggs, Oakley, S. C.; J. W. Hamlet, Mount Holly, 8. C.; G. W. Bridges, Fofhngham, S. C.; William D, Waters and lady, St. Helena, 8. C. How To KEEP COOL.-A correspondent furnishes the London Times with the follow? ing hint3. which will be found pertinent to oar own climate : In these hot days a cool apart? ment is a real luxury, a luxury to be had far oftener than most suppose possible. The secret consists, not in letting in cool air, for naturally all do that whenever they have the chance, but in beeping out hot air. If the air outside a room or house be cooler than the air inside, let it in by all means; but if it bs hot? ter carefully keep it out. A staircase window left open during the night will often cool the passages of a house, and the rooms, too, if their doors be not shut; but it must be closed at eight or nine o'clock in thc morning, or, if on the sonny side, at tour or five o'clock, and the blinds drawn down. The mistake people gene? rally make ia to throw open their windows at all hours of the day, no matter whether thc atmosphere outside be cool or scorching. "Let us have som9 air," they aay, and incomes the treacherous breeze-for even hot air ?3 pleasant while it is gertly blowing, taking away perspiration and thereby cooling the skin; but the apartment is mada warmer, in? stead of cooler, and as soon as they move out of the draught they hud their room to be more uncomfortable than before. Let in cool air, keep out hot; that is the only formula to insure the minimum of discomfort. Sitting-rooms may generally be kept cool during the whole day if the do;rs be only opened tor ingress and egress, and the windows, be kept closed aud shielded from direct suusuine by a blind. If the atmosphere of a room be impure from any causo, let it be renewed; bot air is less in. jurions than bad air. If a room be small in comparison with the number of persons en? gaged in it, free ventilation becames indis? pensable. Ia cooking apartments the tem? perature will probably be higher than outside, he-ace the free admission even of hot air will be desirable. If persons do not object to sit in a direct draught of air, windows and doors may be opened, a breeza beiug more refresh? ing, even though several degrees warmer than still air; but under nearly all other cir? cumstances rooms should bo kept closed as much as possible till after sundown, or till the air outside is cooler than that inside. Let io cool air, keep out hot. MES, POTTER.-The following extract from the proceedings of the United States Senate on Tuesday night will be interesting, at ?east to Mrs. Potter: Mr. Howe called up the bill appropriating $20.000 for Mrs. L. T. Potter, of Charleston, South Carolina, for services rendered by her to the Union cause during the rebellion and at? tending to the Union prisoners. Mr. Stewart objected to toe passage of such a bill os this without a quorum was present. Mr.- Harlan called for the reading of the re? port in the case, from which it appeared that Mrs. Potter had spent cf ber own fortune over $10,000 in ministering to the sick and wounded Union prisoners. Mr.-Harlan desired to call attention to this class of claims. It was true that this was only the second one so far, but there were a thous? and such cases. He had thought that the re? ward which our noble women received for their attention to oar brave men was laid up in a higher pla-e. If the nation was to pay for all the charity that was bestowed upou our sol? diers during the war, where would it atop ? There were numerous cases in this city where the wives, daughters and sisters of senators and members of Congress had poured forth their means with just as lavish a hand as this lady. He knew it was an ungracious task to oppose such bills as thia, bat deemed it his duty to call the attention of the Senate to what they were doing. The bill was then passed. WARM.-The New York Tribune, a journal which loves hot water and not weather, speaks as follows of New York on Mond ty last : The heat yesterday was excessive, the day was hotter, in fact, than any we have had this year. New York wai simply one vast swelter? ing mass of humanity, crying out everywhere for fresh air and being unable to get it. Near? ly every one down town and on Broadway car? ried a large palm-leaf tan. and the time of each pedestrian was equally divided between fanning with one hand and wiping his perspir? ing brow with the other. Old residents say that it was the hottest 13th of July that has been experienced in ten years. The ther? mometer in various shady places through? out the city markei 100 degrees. Soda water dealers'drove a flourishing trade, and in the fashionable saloons iced drinks were in constant demand. Tcere were some cases ot sunstroke, though not so many as. judging from the intensity of the heat, niigut have been expected. The promenaders on Broad? way were not out in as full force as usual. Dealers in summer clothing did a business far beyond the ordinary rule. In some cases workmen, engaged in out-door avocations, es? pecially in tho building trades, were compelled to cease from labor, the state of the weather being such as to render constant exposure thereto absolutely life. No 13th of July tor ten years has been so hot as yester? day was. The following table, showing the range of the thermometer, has been accurately compiled. The Asures refer to July 13 of each vear : 18C8, 7 a. m. 80.12 m. 92 3 p. m. 93; 1357. 7 a. m. 61,12 m. 7?. 3 p. m. 76; 1866, 7 a. m. 73,12 m. 91. 8 p. tn. 93; 1365,7 a. m. 72; 12.m, 85. 3 p. m. 83; 1864, 7 a. m. 74,12 m. 83, 3 p. m. 84; 19G3, 7 a. m. 73, 12 m. 80. 3 p. m. 77; 1362. 7 a. m. 03.12 m. 87. 3 p. m. 89; '1861. 7 a. m. 07,12 m. 73, 3 p. m. 77; 1860, 7 a. m. 79. 12 ta. 77, 3 p. m. 77; 1859, 7 a. m. 78,12 m. 90, 3 p. ra. 90$. One needed, in fact, to be a salimander, to go through yesterday at alt Durin? one por? tion of the dav the sunny side of Broadway was almost compietelv deserted; only tho8s whose business imperatively demanded their pre? sence there venturing to brave the heat whi:h was necessarily encountered thero. Not only did the solar rays pour down with unremitting power, but tn? pavements were heated to a degree almost unb?arab:e, cad all who ven? tured out were in a condition almost as com? fortable as ono might bc supposed to bc who walks on the flooring of a largo baker's oveii iu full operation. No; a breath of air was 3tir ring. and at last people generally made up their minds to sweat and swelter through the day, fully confident that complaint against the weather would not mark do rn the tempera ure in the slightest degree. The genera; desire, as night closed in, was that there might be a cooling shower. BUSINESS NOTICES. II. Ii. If you want cheap Blank Booka; If you waat cheap Statisnery, Envelopes, Pape:-, lc. ; or Miller'.* Almanac ; If you want Printing executed neatly; I; you want Book.- bound In any style, or Account Books made to order, with any dc-ired pattern ot rulin:. go to Hiram Harris, Agent, No. S3 Broad street _ CHOICE OEXEN A>-D BLACK T?AS, one dollar per pound, at Wilson''' grocery, uorthwes: corner Society uni Anson streets. G^od* delivered tree. DECAZ.XO LONGER in procuring an improved kerosene stove, if you would save expense and ?o all your coolting without heating the hou-e in jumiu'r. No servant required. AU the ladies atv usina them. Tbey can be had at J. B. Duval A: Son, N . 337 King street [Adv: 1ST RECEIVED E. H. KELLERS & CO., Druggists, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, VICHY GRANDE GRILLE A>*D KISSINGEN BITTER WATER, In Original Packages. April 30 jes-P. H. H.-ARE SYNONYMOUS WITH Health, Strength and Vigor. The secret will be re? vealed by investing in a bottle of PANKND?'3 HE PAHC BETTERS. For salo by ah Druggists. w Cloting ant jm\sm$ (?oa?s. ii mm Wm LOOK AT THE PRICES TO WHICH WE HAVE MARKED OUR STOCK OF LIGHT WOOLLENS AND LINENS MADE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, AND SEE WITH HOW LITTLE MONEY IOU-CAN PURCHASE A COOL AND COMFORTABLE SUIT MADE IN THE BEST MANNER, FINE MIXED CASSIM fc'RE SPIT-SACK, PANIS AND VEST.$ IC 00 SCOTCH CASSrUERE 'OTT-SACK, PAMS AND VEST. 17 00 FINE DARK MIXED CASSIMERE SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST . 19 00 FINE INDIGO BLUE FLANNEL SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 10 00 SILK MIXED CASSIMBRE fcUIT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 20 00 BLACK D'iiTE SUIT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 15 00 BLACK TRICOT SACK. 10 00 LIGHT FRENCH FLANNEL SACK. 400 BLACK ALPACA SACK8. 2 50 to 5 00 LOT OF FANCY CVSSIMERE SACKS-fo: inerly froid at 19 00 t > $12 00-no*. 7 00 LOT OF MIDDLESEX CAiSIMEEE SACKS.. 0 00 FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS. 5 00 GRE? FLANNEL PANTS AND VESTS. 4 00 GREY FLANNEL SACK AND PANTS. 6 50 COTTON ADE SOIT S-SACK AND PANTS.$3 50 to $0 00 WRITE DOCK SCI TS-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 10 00 HEAVY WHITE DUCK SUTT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST.. 15 00 BROWN DUCK AND LINEN SACKS.... 2 00 to 5 00 BROWN DCCK AND LINEN PANTS.... 1 00 to 4 00 BROWN DUCK AND LINEN VE iTS.... 100 to 2 50 WHIIE MARSEILLES VESTS. 2 50 to 5 00 GENTLEHES'S FURNISHING GOODS. SILK AND GAUZE MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. LTNEN, MUSLTN AND JEAN DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIE-?, SCARFS, BOWS, COLLARS, Ac , ic. WHITE SHIRTS at ?2 00, $2 CU and $3 00. Kg- ONE PKICE MACULLAR, WILLIAMS & PARKER, > o. 270 KING. CORNER OF HASEL-STREET, CHARLESTON, 5. C. June 2C ^altimore it?aertisements. T^TA^TTO s : ; P I Af? O S M GOLD MEDAL FOR 1866 HAS JUST BEE> AWARDED TO CHAS. M. 8TTEFF FOR THE BE,T PIANOS NOW MADE, OVp?. BALTIMORE PHILADEL? PHIA AND NEW ?ORE . v PIANOS. OFFICE AND WAREB?OM. No. 7 N. LIBERI ? STREET, ABOVE BALTIMORE-STREET, BA LT I.MOKE. Did. SHEFF'S PIANO4 HAVE ALL THE LATEST Improvement, loci odin? the Agraffe treble, ivor; iront?, and the imp: jvad French Acaon. fully war? ranted for Uve years, wish privilege of exchange within twelve months if not eotiroiy satL-faciory tc purchaser. Secoud-hinded Pianos and Parlor Or gina always ou haad troin 830 to ?303. FEFEBEES WHJ HAVE OOH PIANOS n>" OSE: General Robert E. Lee, l.cxinstda, Va. Geaeral Robert Rinsom, Wilminjton. N. C. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans. Li. Messrs. R. Burwell & Sous, CLiriotte, N. O. Max Strakosch, Itali in Opera. Messrs. Pierson i Son?. Sumter, 8. C. Charles Speucer, Charles-on. S. O. April 22_Cmos WM. KN A BE ISL LC, MANUFACTURERS OF PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE:, CID. Gmo F. H. OR CP Y ?a? CO. DEALEP.S ES LEATHEK, UIO??S A AD OIL, No. 42 SOUTH CALVEST-ilREET, Baltimore. F. H. G?.U?T.'.H G. CU RT Al A pr?t 20_limos E. AC3r:N JENKIN. Airazn v:-.>-s:>-<, .-E DOBEUT H JENXrSi. ?pDV. JENKIN* A SONS. urponrcias At-x ./?ALEES ty SADDLERY AS'D COACH MATERIALS, NO. 15) BALTIMORE-STREET. April _&WM_Rainmore ll Q^EOROE, K. OAlTHriR. JR,, ?i CO.. COTTON FACTORS A SD GENERAL PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT? No. 4 CamUtii-itreei, Baltimore. Liberal cash advances on consignment*. June 23 RUMSEN, CARROLL & CO. PRESERVER'S, PICKL'- RS, OTSTEEPACKEKS, ic No. IS Li?ht-?treet, Baltimore, Joint Propriety and Sole Agents tor BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK, P:?-parel Oythe Bultixora Couiensed Milk Company April 21 _ firnod JAITES KNOX.J?3N GILL E?N9X ?Si GILI., COTTON FACTORS ANO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 12.: SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. CousliinmenU of ?"OTTON, RiOE, fcc, respect fully solicited, and Userai advances mad* thereon. Orders for COHN and BACON p.oupt'.y .?lecuted with care and attention. Aptii 27 12mo<* WU' J. BIEllAS.HENBV BEE HAN J"B YJT'W. J. RLEM.VV & SON, PACKING HOUSE TER3E-3A?TE, INDIANA, * PROVISION AND COMMISSION BTEXCHANTS, N:. 371 W. RAL TIMO RE-STR EE (Oppor-ite Eutaw Uousai, Baltimore, Offer for sale full assortment of BACON, PORK ant LARD; also the celebrated ORANGE BRAND HAM cured by themselves. 3mos* Apr-.I L ^ fl*?**** itttti?. A LIVING BEA TE. The confirmed dyspeptic may almost say with St Peter. "I daUy." pat The object ot'this arti? cle ls not jg remind mm him of h's pang?, bat to show him bow to bin I isb them firever. Ibo aeons of imm?diate and permanent relief ara prof? fered him in PAN KN IN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. And it ts for him to sar whether he will cmt'nue to endue; a living death, or put himself in a position to render lile enjoyable. LIVING ADVERTISEMENTS Of the efficacy of this matchless vcge?ablo stomachic are to be found in every city and town in tte south ; healthy men and wo m men, rescued from torture by r.< use, and A eager to bear testimo? ny to irs virtues. It differs from any other Bitters i i existence in thi3 especial particular-it is cot alcoholic. EXCHANGE PAIN FOR EASE, And Weakness for Strength. Get dd of the ailments which into: fere with enjoyment; cast gloom and des? pondency to the W?1J3; take a stroagor hoU' ot life and, in short, become a NEW MAN, Through the Instrumentality of the most powerful and popular of all vegetable mvigorants and cor? rectives. PANKMIiVS HEPATIC BITTERS. Biliousness, Indigestion, General Debility, and all the complaints -vhlch proceed from a want of proper action in the liver, the stomach and the bowels, are eradicate-! by a course of this great CONSTITUTIONAL SPECIFIC, Which not only combats and conquers diseases that have entrenched t emse'.ves in th? system, but is the best known eaf.i;mrd against all unhealthy in? fluences. Per ons wu ? m ose occupations and pursuits subject them 10 the depressing ef? fects of a close, unwh I w olescme atmosphere, should take it regularly as a protection against the low fevers and other disorders which malaria engen? ders. Individuals who are WASTING AWAY, Without, any 3Declal complaint, except a gradual declination ot bodily strength and nervous energv, will ?ad in the BITTERS A FOUNTAIN OF VICAL ITY AND VIGOR. AS REFRESHING AND f SHELI RAXING AX A POOL IN THE DESERT IO THE ?AND-bCORCHED AND FAINTING TRAVELLERS. PANK MN'S HEPATIC BITTERS I3 composed of the pure juices (or. os they are me? dicinally termed, Extracts; of ROOM, Herb? and Bork', making a preparation highly concentrated and entirely ire.? from ale moto udmixrure ol'acy kind. Thvy will be round AN UNFAILING CURE For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chro? nic or Nervous Oe iy bi.?ty. Chrome L'is eose; of thc Ellneys, lc and all Dsea*e3 ari? vng from a Disorder 1^ ed Liver or Stomach, Such os ConaJ patton, Inward Pnes. Fullness of Blood to tree He.d, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hear!burn. Disgust for Fo -d Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, ."inking or Fluttering at tho pit of the t-tomc-h, Swimming of tho Head. Hurried ani Difficult Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, ChoLiug or Scffccaring Sensations whin in a LyU-g Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dot j or Webs bet?re tho Sight, Fo7er and Dull Paiu lu the Head, Deficiency o: Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Ey s, Pain tn the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc, Sudden Flus?o< ot Heat, Burmng in the Flesh, Constant Imagin? ings ol Evil and Great De? pt euston of -spi . rite. Kee? your Liver in sa | ord^r-keep your di? go* riv organs tc a sa BM und, healthy condition by the uso of these re ll medies, and no disease will ever ass d you. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Aro mide stroag bj thc cst of the e Citter/. INVALIDS Recovering from air revere attic.': o.-' :.; itco-j. vrtlj rind theie Bitte? peculiarly us,>*'?; u re tirir? lo*! sircugdi. Ly r:o:c7ia,- th? cau?e ni r.ebi ::y and i . crea-inu the ar?p-*J>. They -iUocul tai- teaspoon? ful rbrse tun H a liy, mixed with 11ff. w . Tho H patu: Bitten ire al*n r ?. ;ui u -n ht I to (ho e : ;ffi.-ia< w.tlt ChiLrt 'iud FcVuTd, i?u-u i- ca-j bo taken in (.oncee i o vi ii u.her remedies pre C'IU<H] for such coiiip'.ui ts. and v hi asi-i-t t-e nerton of tiie^Tj medicines, supplvi'-g tin !?y?<-ui with rh-' muchn-eedei strength lost under the debilita bag effects0: malanaupon th- connnrlou. 'ineclois ia saca cases, twa yr >wu persia ?voulu b- :-. tn* e sp-ont'c; three tonics a di -, nmue I ately before meals. D spe;.bcs should never bo wlttoal .1 botte of HEP.U'10 BI.'iEri-. ai they have been nullo,inly Sound to rester.? ?hi ?torn ieh to lu \fUt ejerj?ftf?. aud thus Ic.'v.l the ititi m bick to t-e ecj -rnioat or the olexdajj t per'eit health. They fbould talwa des? sert spMDful Ihr e rtuii-3.-. day, aa hour ? efore eccl: meal." Thea* Liti-.r-f aro als> rc.- ? u-c en.lni to itiy si-jlass. ind eau i>-t U?J l bf them ii !;.-u o. orhei tonics, s-cih CM . met. Co?uaa??, risct. Rici, linet. Geri van.-nd ul; th; ci ? alogu1; o? hit or .unie?: far eice'.ling th?it ic it) 1 ..c ?3 u;:>:i th ? ST.'.- m. b'-tDij c combt3uii >3 of 1 saul)' UH -r'-il rome* aud aromatic catminattv s Much ?ru rcud<sr?d aperient by tuc add ion of a itfle Turk y Rim ?art?, uuk-ntt a pre?ara lion tour; needed by ins prof.-< in. CAD nco; f See that the immature C. F. PANKNIN is on the label of each bottle j& G All oth-rs ore coun? terfeits. Prturioal Uf l\| fi e ami ti.uula wry a1, the German "Medi M M a cine Store. No. 123 MEEIING-?ruEEI. CdAitLE.->rON, r>. C. C. F. PANKNIN. P;-opriet>>r. HEGS'JAN k CO.. No. 203 Broadway, N. Y., Geuer-il Agents. PRICES: P.mknin's Hepatic Bittere, per bottle.$1 00 Panknin'i Hepatic Bitters, holt dozen. S CO ?ST*Do not forget to examino well the artie'e you buy ia order to get the genuine. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUSGLSTS AND DEALERS CS MEDICINES EVERYWHERE. July 3 R JJDS?&?UB. o s~A^~D~?~X~irs . THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH RESTORER I THE BEST BLOOD P?RLFLER IN THE WORLD. DB. LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF K O S A n A 1. 1 S , A fafe and Certain Cure {and the only one yet dls overed) for SCROFULA IS ITS VARIOUS FORMS, SUCH AS Consumption in its parly stages, fnlargemcnt aid Ulceration of the Glands, Joints, Bores, Kid? neys and Uteras, Chronic Rheuma? tism, Krup-iocs ot the Sion, Chronic Sore Eyas, ftc. ALSO, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS VABIOUS FORMS. DISEASES~?~F WOMEN, L039 ot Appetite, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint Pain In the Back, Imprudence in Life, Gravel, . GENERAL ILL HEALTH, . and all diseases of the BLOOD, LITER, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor and bad taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS, never producing the slightest injury. THE ROSADALIS is not a secret medicine. The articles from which lt is made are published around each bottle, and it is used and recommended by the Medical Faculty, wherever it has been Introduced, os a PO*-HIVE and RELIABLE Medicine for IUeo3es of th.' BLOOD, LIVER and KIDNEYS. taTaei and endorsed by the leading Physician* overywhero lt is known. The following, among many hundreds of oar bett citizens, testify to its wondrous efficacy: CERTIFICATES TBOM PHYSICIANS. ' BALTMOBE. Mn., March 4th, 1969. I believe Dr. Lawrence's "ROsADALIr*" to be the BEST AtTEiuxrvz IN USE, and, therefote, cheerfully recommend it as such. THOS. J. BOYKIN, M. D. BALTIMORE, February lrth, 18C9. Dr. J. J. Lawrence: DEAS Sm:-I take pleasure in recoiaaiecdlni your ROSADALIS as a very powerful alterative I have seeu it used in uro cases with happy results-oue a case of i ecoudary syphilis, in which the patient pro uqunced himself cured after having taken five Dot? tie? ot your medicine; the othe: a case of scrofula, of long standing, which is rapidly improving under its use, aud thc indications are that thc patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formu? la by which your Rosadalis if mad?, and ned it an excellent compound of alterative inore Jieuts. Yours truly. R. W.' CARR, M. D. We know Dr. 7 awrence's Eoi>adauj to be a ?afc and reliable Alterative, 4c, and take pleasure in re JO m aie a ?u z it to the profession aud ihe public. A. D. MO RE, M. D., L. A. SMITH, M D., J. B. WINSTEAD. V. D , B. G. BARHAM. M. D.. W. G. DUGGAN, M. D., E. BARNES, M. D., R. W. KING, M. D.. S. WODDARD. M. D.. W. T. BREWER. M. D., W. J. BULLOCK, M. D. Jan ary 7th, 18C8. I hereby certify that I am personally ac-ruaiu'ed with the above uauKd physlcta-s. and cue y are all aeatlemen ot resp<*c'.ubi3iry aud -standing'.*, this com? munity. T C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson bf. C. January 11th. 1SG3. ROSADALIS WILL CUBE THE WORST CASES OF SCROFULA. HEAD THE STAT*;ITEM B210W AND DESPALT> NOT. WILSO* Cot yrv. Sept-ja/ber- ll. 1:67. Dr. J. J. Lawn ce: DtASMa-My youngest daughter, aged (ive years, hus bceu dreadfully ctni--tcd wita ?ctofala nearly all her Ute. I trien a (Treat many physicians, but with? out relie Ving her much; tn fact most of them said there waa no boric o' cure. During tho last spr'na she was wo..?e than ever, her body and limbs oeiog covered with sores and blotchers-with ra:e and eyes badly ulc-rrated and swotloa. Wails: In. tali condi? tion I was otlvUed ny Dr. L. x. Stith to try your R-'sa<lalis. I at once procured three bottles, and commenced giviag it to her. Ttie effect was mairt cal. Ia lesa than a month, to mr great astoaiah meat, she was en'lrtly well. I am s:r. yours. With much respect and gratitude. W. W. BORNE!!. ROSADALIS IS A POTENT REMEDY IN ALL CHRONIC DI-EAiEs. mOM O. W. TJLOCNT, ESQ., ATTOayET AT LAW, WTLSOJI. SC.." * I have been cured of Chronic raflammaHon of the Ear aud Partial D.-ataess, of tea year-* sta idlag. oy Rosadails. GEO. W. BLGU-NT. ROSADALIS W'LL CURE THE VERY WORST CASES CF CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Priarsii >oTH, VA . February miflSoS. Captain J. H. Bab:r: Lc in Ste-This i* io certiry that I have b-ea nfiiieied witii RheiiiLatisni for thc ast ave or six year1, many time- uuab e to move. I tried all medi? cines recommended to me tor the d'aea-e, wi.hou: receiving any be:j?.-?'. Havtii:; hoar j ..Roriiai," highly otter: ot 1 procured a bottle. aaJ arding some r-'.ief. continued it undi I am hr, py i J SA ..hit I au cami le:ely weil. I no: ouif i.ou.-i-l-T rh? "Bosadalu" a sovereign remedy lor Rheumatism bur I believe i- al* > a :>re- J veativc. nad cheerfully rec mmead it to the i "aid o ted." Your:, v. ry .raty, J.'MLS WEB3 ROSADALIS CURES ALL >KIN DISEASES WILS ts, N. C., September 15,1387. P.\ Lawrence DE.UI >tx-In 1862 my son. LOW a^red rive yeirs. w.ii v ic-iuute i wi h waa:" proved w b> impure mat? ter. *Ahi h complexly de--1.oyed hts h ?'.;h. He hi? been aai:.-;e.l with au inveterate a ad extrptucly trou b'.?s->me eruption ot tue ?kia. somet tues breaking out tu sores, ftc. B**idaha wai pw.-ibe.' by my family phy.-i.-ian. fr. A. b?. Moore. Arter >ak ng it a j few weelu a ? ?on became aad remains eutirely we'.L Yours, truly, J. B. DANIEL. CHRONIC LITER OIMPLAHIT CURED. Th? lJ ta "ertify thar, I was cured ot Obrente Liver Co^ipiniat oy Dr 'Lawrence'*' Ro-sada?s, aft.r havmg been c-mtiae-i to my bud and Lo se tor a loa? liaie, aad ti-.iiue, varions me licites Tit'tou: btaedt. 1 know ot several oihera ia this couuty cured through the us-e ot Rosaaalis. aMii lt c u be fourni ia LO ily i very hoaac ia my neighborhood, aaJ they ali pra:je it as a great medicioe THOMA** THORN. Ureeae County, AUgUot U, liol. WiL?'?-. Jauu'.ry 7. 1338. 1 h rebv certify that I med Dr. Lawrence'*: juslly c-it'?raU'?i Boaodada ia my t.mi y as a general Alterative aud Toole, wl.? the mort ?atisjactory re? sults, an-l 1 'h- r-.-t'nro eonwlenduuslf re oaim-?ad it to the public as a medicine o? rar? dad ire naine mt>rit, JAMI?S Vt. DAVIS, iherirxc: Wdsou County. N. C. RO.:ADALIS.-This medicine has met an un precedUlted success in this cn mm unity. Ca stain Bolter, ihe polite and attentive a?cnt tor this city, in Urms us that ;t is n--xt t.j impossi le tosuprily the demand uwJ-> for it: and that the medicia-i is -??ei t iug some wouderlul cores, and iriviag grea' sauafac tioa to ail who have used it.-'Norfolk(Va.; Daily ?Journal, Nov -mbet 2-). 18G7." rr.r'.r A:J ?D OKLT DY J. J. LAWRENCE, il. D" CHEiLISr, SALTQiouE, am., (Late ot Wilson. North Carolina,) pnrcE ?150 PEE BOTTLE. fiS" Sold wholesale by all tte principal VTholesale Dnigjists in all the lar^e c!:i;'s o: tho CniieU Stales and Cnn di America, and r.-tail-vl by Draggtsts every where. All I tiers of inquiry, kc, promptly answered Address DB. J. J. LAWRENCE & CO., SOLE PROPRIETOR-* AND MANUFACTURERS, No 2ii Paliiiaore-treet, Ballimore, Md. For sale by GOODKICH, W? IV KN AN & Ct). AND Dtnvin: Si MOISE. No. IC'J Meetiag-sixoot, - orner Bas I. Api? U 'to*w ?tarta Sales. Barroom Fixtures, Liquors and Furniture. CAMPBELL, KNOX & CO. I -Will SPII THIS DAT, the 17th instant, at IO o'clock, oa premises, No. 127 Meeting-street opposite Max ket-street Bbls. WHISKEY. Brandy, Gin, Wines, A:., ic ALSO, 2 Large FRENCH PLATE MTBB0E5, Counters. ic. _ ALSO, Two-anil Rosewood BEEB PUMP, Water Coolara, Decantera, Gis Fixtures, Pictures, ?nelvlrjr. Parti? tions, Sims, Lamp, ic. Conditions cash. July 17 McKAY & CAMPBELL, Ko. 130 Meeting street. w?i[SHDil, the 17th iastaut. at 10 o'clock. STSDMZS ' MATHESSES, T03AC00. AND ALSO. At twelve o'olock, wiu sell at the foot ot Hasel street, a ?ne BATTEATJ B?AT wita sills, measu in? twenty feet by ave. Term3 cirh._Joly ig Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods'and Eats. BY MILES DRAKE. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock I will sell at my Store, corner of Kins and Liberty streets. 25 cases B luTS ?ND SHOES, comprising Men's CiL- and Eip Brogan?, Balmoral*. Oxford Ties, and Ladies' t-erge Congress Morocco Bootees, Calf and. Goat Bootee-, 3-7 and 5-9. Ayn A variety of Mis es' and Children's SHOES, ur cartoons. An Invoice of CLOTHING, jost received, contain, inn : 100 Gents' Casaimera and Linen SACK COATS 230 pair Cas ?imere and Linen Pants 3) Cass'mere an<T Linen V?sts 25 ca?es Men's, Boys' and Children's Hits. At half-past 10 o'clock, I will sell, A general assortment of DBY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, Dress Goods, Bowery, io. July 17 Schooner "Morning Star," under Foreclosure cf Mortgage. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. On THUB5D1Y. 23d inst, at ll o'clock A. SC., witt be so'd at the Old Postomce, on Broid-s'reet, un d' r foreclosure of mortgage, ike SCHOOSFB "MORNING STAB." with her Sails, Tickle and Appirel, about thirty tons; earrj ing capacity about 2500 bushels Bice. i ondiuons cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and s-aaipi._? - Joly IT Assigned j Sale. BY A. H. ABRAHAMS & SOINS? On WEDNESrA7, 22d inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., we will sell, at the Store, No. 306 King-street, by order, cf the Assignee of L. Drucker, Bankrupt, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS eonfciln?d In said! - Store. cossrsrrso or: A large and well selected STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS, Notions, Millinery, Trunks, Shoes, Hats ic, ic. ALSO, 3 large MIRRORS, three Show Cases, Desks, Iron Safe, Awning, ic. Terms casa._wraf 5_July 13 Houses in Lroad and Berretford streets, at Auction. BY LOWNDES & G KIMBALL, No. 26 Broad-street. Wih be-sold on THURSDAY, 23d ins?., at ll o'clock, at the t ld Postoflice, AU that LOT OF LAND, known ss the west tene? ment. No. 100 Broad-street, measuring 23 feet front by 215 feor deep, more or less, with the House, con? taining six upright room?, and Kitchen containing three rooms. I his House, fem its location, otters a good stand for a st ?e. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, known as No. 5, south side of Berrcsford treet, measuring 33 feet front by 75 feet deep, more or less, wirb the Brick Tenement thereon, containing seven rooms, with Kitchen. li earns of the above Proper y-OD :-half cash; bal? ance In one and two yeats, with bond and mortoige of the property; interest to bs paid ^rui-annuilly; houses ti be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser, te pay us (or all necessary papers and stamps. July ll w.wthsS iHisffli?nf0DS. S PKCIAL NOTICE IN C 3NSEQ?ENCE OF THE ENTIRE DESTRUC? TION ct' our establishment by Sra on the morning of 221 June, we have removed to the extensiva prem? ise? formerly occ-tried by HAVTLAND, STEVENSON A CO., NO. 23 3A.YSZ-3TZZZT, A til wi;l be prep ire I In a few dars to exhiolt (ha mos: extensive Stock of FRESH AND CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, have ever been opened in this market WE SH ?LL CONTINUE TO IMPORT ALL THE LE ADI VG ARTICLES IN O0R LINE FROM THE. BEST LABORATORIES, ONE* OF OUR FTH?C LEAVING IM WE' LATELY FOR EUROPE, A STD WE HOPE TO HAVE OUR FALL IMPORTATIONS IS ?TOBE BY THE 20TH SEPTEMBER. HAVING MAD". ARRANGEMENTS IO FILL ALL ORDERS WITH DISPATCH, WE SHALL {X3S TINUE OUR BUSINESS AS USUAL, AT THE ABOVE LOCATION, WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. GOODK?CH, WLHEMAS ?Si COM DIRECT IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHOICE EU? ROPEAN DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, ? No. 93 Hnj nc-strett, July 9 2313S CHARLESTON, 9. a BEST SIT r OltD c? A,,?R AA Aj^PWABBANTBTl SP30I cerrci- ?i>'if?l??? sooxisns^ JOM&HIi(^ArCfflN^CL0SS Sole Ascots mXtiwTuii'krar J&JP^CQATS^ of T?s?aj, SBOfl??L CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS AND PUR? CHASERS OF SPOOL COTTON for use on Sewing; Machines, demanding thc bes: and scringes: SIX-CORD, wax FIND J. ck P. COATS' Nos. 50, 60 and 7Q Express!; adapted to their wants. joli 7 tuths3ma TTS C >N?TTTUENTS. THE RICHEST PART Qi 1 til- b^rry ol Whoat and Barley Malt bang ?cien'incal;* prerired read; for use,this food by aa ol s - li the famo in its chemical elements aa a EA' TH? BKFAST MLLE, and is the easiest pf al? sation and as ?nilittoo of all nourishmentsifs ChiUlrea. Invalids and Dyrp-pdcs. IC,**V??? tried by ?iw yyeHansofC arleen, an 1 is lecrar meade-1 .md pre.-ribed by the most eminent phys!-. SLna ot New York. GEO. WELLS ^MOTOOS, ff j, ^7 cortlmd-street New York, January IG DOWIK & MOISE, Charleston, 8. a C J. StHhEPEGRELL, Ao. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING &.SL ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANO BULLUJNO MATERIAL, LIME and .PLASTER? ING LATHS. PAINTS. OILS, GLASSES. SHINGLE-; .-.o iiROOVE AND TONGUE BOARDS, ic. roo abott* on hand -t the lowest market prince. September 12 th*nl5T