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THE DAILY NEWS. WED .?"LSD AY MORNING, rE CE .UBER 4 1?6" 'i ho Latest b'usliioiis. En*u"nbn"c ssro 'o.ig tiirio I bore. Darli! > i via 1. v.iu; Eu ?Mou snort, skir< b cits: tia modo, Xaoy eased ma ol my tr-ia. And I ! im- bat i rau:h reduced, u ic t ..u >.x: .? s ja 1; Bm m u ia- heil s ?voa ru JJ wita lu monstrous' ..uier.all, Way *o wo "-car taesc aw?u1. braids. And .?v no bera win vuca uaias? Kccau-eitia a s .s ooh ai li Wv Lad .? .J: o: br.i^. An ! if .. ?. bat : no b-ai at -E, s i . i.t U? ou.l y >iaa; Por i i tills i. ii a.r'cd Xutlooae sr. c..;' bin j JeJju-ri' fe?M o/ Itu Umato a id ?j~?s of H-prec7n'.aiite3: Tao conti i aod diaoigimxitioa o." tac Calor!, to woioatoo i'.cj.? uaa u-o often called tho atcen t.oa ol eva ;.eo , ie >et a uojec;. ot profound ai.d pairictiC co. cora. Wo may, how v.r. ii-d some relief ..- m ?hat aux?, ty ia tuo leflectioa that ti;-, painful poatioai s..uaiioa tutiioagu Defers untried b/oaroeivo,. :s no* new in the oxpeneuco of nu t.O ia. Tc .lieu s:\0 ?-C, irUaps as healy poi tectod .n our O Wa tiaio aud country J.J m ayn otuo.-, baa no; jut cLu dosed moana by which civu wars om Oe aoso.u'.ei'. provenlod. Au o - bgutened na.iou, Loaver, w.-.a i wisc au a boa; hwjat J ; o? free yovorumcCt, may ui mci ir qu?.\ ey ?i. d mi; .?r.o fcueir severity by doXCcciug au tis pr?c o.ia?;s au acooriaaco witt i."s fu. d ia- .tul aw. Wuu a c Mt war eas boca brought to a r.O30. i is maudeatiy uc fix?t iuteroat uud duty of ta St to io repair ta ; uijorio < WU C i tao war has ii: fl.c ?J, aaa to secure tao; o? thc lessons i tuao c- uara!., aud a j speed..y as possible. Ibis duty u,:ou tho icmiiuat.uu ut tao rcocllio.. piouioil.? aecopt-d, no: b tuc D., b..t ey tho iusUiT.caoa-.ry State i thtm bo.voo, and restoration, ia ti:o ?.s: moment o pouco. was boaeVeu ta boas easy aa ' Cirta.n as i Waa ludispensaul . Tho expc.'tut.ons, Uowovr t-ea so reasonably and coalideaily ont named were daappoiatod by icgis.atio.: from w.jieu I iel CO.istl'al.iuU, o- Biy OUlig&tionS IO tilO CaUstitatiO.. to w tbuola my assent. li is uiorcforo a soin co cf profound regret that inc jin tiyiug Wita muob.igitloj i.:iposoi upon tai. Prestdoot by ta.- Cousdtutton, to to Coagres lr J ni to taue tnfuruiutiou o? tao stato ut th UJIOH, I aaa uaaoio t j cominan ca o any defiaitivt ftajUsluicuc, &at.siactoiy to tue American 1'coplc, ot mo questions which, sines tho COJO of toe r. boihun have agitated tm* pub.ic mind. Oa tut OoutratV caudor c nipois mo t > a-.ciar.- ':aat at. ibis inure i? uu U..c.i as our Fathers ouderstoo? tb J .cm, au* i aa tu.y moa-t it to oo Uaoeiotood . \ ua. i-o Uaio.. tucy ea.ablnhed ca i x . 0a.y tvuoi'o al* tao t> at.a ute ic|jicseu?cd m b.t H?gaos vf Cangros*; ?>?OIO ouo o?uu ?s as iroo .:s uiiojioi' >o regawtv its internat cono or ua aooord ing io its own will; and WLC.O tho laws of the cen rai G.vexuuaout, str.ctly COJ?JC? to 0. nat oaa: jUTiSdi.iioa, app.y witu cqu? foro.- U all tao peuple ot c. cy eoctiua. 'laut suca is Qui tho i reseat "state o: tao Union" ia a uic.anCuo..\ fact; aad wu ali must aclzuow.cdgo that thoras tora hon o. tho italos to their urooer louai r;.atio..t With tao Feutrai Goverutr.cnt aad with oue an otuor. aco^rding to tuc terms of tue :rigmai coin pact, Wvi?d oe the greatest temuoruJ bic;ai?.? w?ic i tiod. in bis ?.Lideot providence could bo? ston upoa th s uatijn. I: b.-oia.s oat imperative daiy toco, s der w"ctuer or not it is iutpossioio lt eff.ct tuts most dosirauls coasummation. Xuo (Juiun a. u tho cctwitutiou uro lu-cparabie. As JO.?"' as ia obo.vcd by mi parties, th? otiit-r wjll bo taresOTVOJ, aud ,1' on? is d.siro;.cd. bota must pariah togocacr. Tho doa true hoa o? tuo Cojshta.ioa wit oe followce by otaor aud stul greater oalamitiea. 1: wjc ordaiuod nut . my to tann a moro perfect uaion b.t.vo.n tao ?S. ttiv. but to "estao-i li juaticc, iu sui*J ?ouiCat.c tranquility, provide for t o :omniou deieuoe. promote t^o gcucraJ weiiaro, aud ticcaiv tho b.?.Bsiiig3 of au.i\y io oarseivaa and our pos? terity." No.hil.g bat lmpLou obedience to its re? quirements i-i all paris of t~o country wiri scscm p.isa taoao great ?aus. Without that ooedio., we oaa look i^i ivard on!? to c^nli.iual oatra upyu iuoaViunai riguta, moeaaaiit uioueheso. feat puo ic peaco, i.ui.ouai weokucaa, fiututo ul dis .io..or. tau totai .o a oi ?.ui UTAJSpurity, tuo ??CO..; c r.u,*t.uu uf uiOiiiio, tue fi .al tot tin uon o. po.... ai il'.J..out. lo savo i-'iu' cvUiitiy lioia evi SJ apuibluiu ua Uicse, n'o auotud icao.v our otTork again ai.u ugaiu. i o mc ti.c pio;c:S o: rcs?cntion s.ems porf::-. j pLna a*.d aimiuV. 1. oonalata merely iu a laithfu aop icat.ou ol the Couahiuhou aud lava. Tue tx ecut ou o? tuo aw.-, is Lot now oLstiuet-.d orop poa d by piiASiOAi f r.o Tuuroibuo mu.taiy u o ber acc.8. ny, lual or -ret.-uaCJ, can pic veut oo.d c^cu to the Consc tuaon, euh r ^oitao. South. Ail the n.aia ana ail the ooagatio.s o Statua aud iati? can bo protected ano enfore d by moaus pertcetly co.iais.oat w.tb tiiefoodamonlal i?w. xuo coarta may io uv r, whee open, and, ii opon, tuoor process would UL uuinipeaed. Cmuis ag unat t..o Untied Stales c .u bo ^ic\cate ? or oy t_o proper judicial autuuritiOJ, i.. a tuamner cat.rey pracucau.o and legal? ucic ia, tUcrcfure,^ way tucCoL s...ut.on bhouid not bo, uaica~> tuiso wai ita p^w.ia liavo detcriniuod tuat it aual bo uitwegarded and violated. Tao mero naked will o? th.b Uovcramcnt, or oi son:e ono or mot of ita branches, is IUJ oulj obstacle that eau exist to a pcXiect uui u ut aa tao States, Ou tui? uu.i.nit^s qneshon, and Gora o of thc moasmcs growiug ou. ui it, ? have had mo mis fortuno io uul.r irom Cougreas, havo exp?es^ ed my o nviotioue ?.i.aout res.rvo tuuu^li witt becouiiag UO.O.ULCO :O oyii.ioa cf tao "Legisla? tivo Di pertinent. ?iaos.- coa\ic:.oas aro uoi o..U une .an?;ed. b.itsticag?ui-ued oy tubae quent events and iu tuer ull.cao... Tue tranacenueut ?mp. ri aLce of the eooject will ba a vaiii-ioa* oxease foi caLmg your attention to SOUJOOI tucroasoas wuich havo ?o strongly inducaced my o wu judgmen:. The hope ua. we may aa finally concur iu a mo c oi sett ernest, co. siateut at once with our t ue interests and w.tu our sworn dutios to thc Cou. u H ?..>? ~ r ,o Lat aral a^d too to bc easily re? linquished. ?. o ..cai-to my apnrehcnsion that the States lately in l.bc.lion aieatid members, ot thcNatioaa. Unior. When die they case to 0 so? ino 4 or? dnances oi s.Cvb-.ou " adopted by a portion (in moat ii them a very small uortionj ci their ct. Xoua, were moro nuada s. lt wo admit no ? tba. ency were vend aud effectual formo pur,.Ojo iu teLded by tai ir autaors, wo SIV?J?J irom cider ou: feet tao w IOIOground upo.: wuica wojushfiod t c wax. \Y? ro Sidnee af:erwur-a txpuhod irotii t-eU?.iou tuu war? i h J ?arect contrary was a ven cd by tuis (Jv vcr..meat to bo ito purpose, aa?i w.s so cnd.rstood by ali L.o.0 whogavo meir blood aad troa&ura to aid in its prosccui.oa. I. cano- bo taat a bucce;afal war waged lor the prusci vation ul mo Un.Ou, had the legal effect oi dissolving it. Tho vic.orv o? tho na ion'a aim . w.s uot tho disgiaeu of hor po.icy; tho do cat o Becobb.un oa tuu oattle-?uid was uot tao tiiam1; O? i.a principie. N.r could Con;io:. wi.h or without tao ooaseut or tao Lxeca ive du auvthing whicd Wuuld ha?u tho eff dix-oily or indirectly, ol Heoarating ;ac States irota otuer. io diaaolv9 thc Un.uu .3 to repoai thu Ccnsii'.ution which ..c... it togstaer, and inat ia a pow rwbicndiea notoclongto any Dcpaituica o? this Go'crument, o: to an ot them umt.d. '_LisibbO uiaia mat it has been ackaow.edged by ad braa-acaoi tho Ecdeval Govurumct. Thc ? Exccativc (my crcdccO?Sor aa wed as uiysu.: ; anu 1 ' tho hoads o? id thc Dopartaion a havo uiiiiormly , acted ut.oa tlio pnaui,.lo that too Uaioa is net | j o_iy uudibaolvcd, but indissoluble. Congress t: n.i c. un amendment oi thc Oooetitatiun to le ia..lira cy tho Soatacrn Statua, aud accepted | h tuc r i.c b ol r t hcat.o.. as a nt co eary aud lawful oxeiOa.0 of ibo r U.gues'.ianction. li they wcruLot Siatca. tr wore b uua out o? toe Union, ihe.r c >L aunt tu a cuau^o ia tuo fundaiu un tai cw ol tuc Uuio.. wou.a U^ve boen nu a.ory, aad Co:.grcs , m a-king it, con-.i-ittod a pohtiuai absaidity. Th JUILC uij bab ^-o given tho so.c:::n san.tiot cfit autuvn. v io tho samo MOW o: the case, iu Judg s of tho Supromo Couu't havu included the South.? u sit tts tu inch; circuits, and they are con 8tanty, m bin. .nd elaowhere. cxcicismi/junsdic t.oa docs not bo.o :g to mern, uaiCiS thoau ? , Stat 3 ai.- S.ates ol mc Uuioo, T If thu Southern States aie ccmpcuon*. parto ci tho!', 'ho Constitution 18 tho uprcmo iav for Ultm, ?b it is cr na tho Other Statoa. Tu y are Ucund to i boy it, and so aio wc. Tho ngut c'i the Federal Gov.rnuieat, which is c.e.u-aad u quest.Oaati.e, to eaioroo tuo Jon^tuuiiou uo io them, implica tho cunolativo obligation OJ our jait to observo its amitatioas and txo uto (juaracics. Without tho Co&shtutiOi we are noLum^; by, through, and ui der tae Coushtatiou Wc eic v?i,at ii. makea us. \Sc iaa? uouot t ew.s dom oi the aw, wo may not appro ve oi ita prc? visioiis, but we caun t violate it morely ?o.cau.e it Seems to cuaico our po.vcra witUin" limit- nar roAor tjaa v, 0 could v. ibU. It is net a question oi individual, or cou.-*, or boctioual iuteixst, mucb lesb oi pan: predemiuance. but of duty-of ui?L aad saired duty-which we aro all sworn toper farm. 1: we c.... o. support tba Constitution with tho Ohcerfal a.cui:y uV those who love and be? lieve ia it. We UlUStgiTOtO i: at ?cast thc ?.io.if.. oi public servants wuo act under solomn ob.iga 1 r '. aad w^;th the- daie LOC diem gard. coast tu i nal duty is cot tbs or-'^ 0... ?> icqu.ica ino S;a:c3 to bo re* atiict. lucio ?a icctLcr cousitleration which tuoagu ci iia?.wit LCO, !.-> yet o! gre. vv..,ur Cu nc L2_ d.y oi Juiy". 1831, Cor. Ric.; d.c.alco, by au Liest uaau.ia.u- Otoo. DuthHoUbta, iLutt..c uer should bo conducted toiuy-.m-thopur^oao oi prcaerving mo C..ion anu luan.t.iLiiig ibo eupremac) of the Fedora Loib.itutiou a. d laws, without im*?irins tuc dig. wty.equaiity am ri dna of mc Sta esui of iu- . i Uiv.uuaa, aad mac wLcn mis was denn mew., n siouia tease. Ia Uot say that thia d chiati i ?> puis ally balding oa those wu . joi od in ma K ? 0 ii, uLy mac t. an mdividual mumbo s oi O ^gro.s i.ic ptraomvly bound to p.iv r. iu lc a -ui oixatctl e.a.. a Uw tor which th, v vo: u.Vu a. w.b a pui^coiiicc! picdgo of tho i.a ttouei htuoi-. act I ta..aot imaeino upoa wa giccaub ?uv reputuatiou oi itu to te i0a' ?ed lr lt U seai te? ^.fc-t at boa. d to Leup faith wi?h rebec, let it be rcn.imcoroj that th c prouuaowas I P to: ma. otu relics o.iy. tho . & imnt ? 1. ike Soum were carawa to our alenda d b- . - ? n . ?I. . # ?I rimnrlo In i ... ?. * "".?.?.IUI ti tndinui.^? mon ti.ta s.v. theneceaaityofrit hit: suca au aasaranco, and believed that withnu it tho war w.uld ead in disaster to otu- cause Har lug given that assuianoo iu the cxhtimity o? our peri., the violahOQ of it now, i.. the dav ul bur DJ " er, wou.d bu a rude p a dins c; t>.a: coed -a kn w..ic. Laid the Lia- 1 -.vo. ta to; u h. i ; cur c lunhv would e as. to. vi . uf u theconfijeoe' o? mc ; i? would ulalie the wes uot oaiyaaviw but a fraud. t Ikiug billeroy coa-.r ;cd thai theso viows arc > OOIXCOc I wtU a 0. u- :-to ray du.y if I d 5 uot lecocmead tuc rup?cl O? tho acts ot Q n .,c 1 wh ch LIUCO ten o? tho Scuthcra s.ates and? rtb d mmaiion ti m.iitary mubttTs. Xi cairn refl6~t*o i sbiiiiBatiai> auiiij.riiy of your bouowcie boclies that thc ac's referred to are not only a violation of tho natioual faith, bat tu direct coull ct with tho Coastitut.on, I dire not permit myself to doubt that you win inamediutoiy strike thorn from tho -tatuto book. I To demonstrate tho unconstitutional char? acter of tboso acta. I nod d' r.o moro tba ti rotor to their r;enoral proii ior.s. It muH Lo been at onco tiwi lucy aro not authorized. TJ ?ieaxio ?n t alterations s;.a'.i bo made in tho Cou stitut.oas o? tao several Sii?o-; u c intro' tue 0 cc.;~< s ot Stato legislators au.l States officers, members ot Ccnsrcssand electors ot Presido it and Vice-P.eaident, by arbitrarily declaring who thad voie and wno bu excluded from that; to dissolve siuto Legialatuies or pro vcjt thom fron, assembling; to cii-m'.?s judges and othvr c.v.! ?u icionarios o; tue at.it3 and ap oouit otho:? without relaid to State law; tuor gamze ana operate all ibu political nraohin.ry of tuc Statea; to regulate tho whola adm nis tr tion of their d-aiestic and local afiaira ac; ria.g to tao mero will of rstnugo aaa u'tesponsib'o a*??:! s, sent arnon:.' lb an tor that purpose-these ara piwcrs not grant? ed to thc Federal Government or to auy bao of 13 brancueo. .^ot hoing granted, wo violate our tract b/ assuming them a, palpably as we would Oy ii. tua .a:o ol'a positivo interdict; fur thc (Joust tuuon t'utbida us to do whatever it does not atfiraiativoiy cither by express words or b". cica.- iniplic moo. Ii tko uutUotisy wc desire t > ? use docs u-?. cauo io U; turouga tho Constitution, wo caa excicso :t only hy usur, ation; end uauigat-oa 13 thc moo. di i^crous of uo.itua1 ciimcs. By tint crime tho enemies of freo gov? ?rututii.... ah a .es? fca.'o worked out ihctr 'tosigue ,._ai..?t paui.e liberty and pnv, ta right. It leads arOvUy and unmodiateiy ^o the establishment <>f ,-ae.uio rule; for un lelegatcd power is always uu ..mitca aaa u restrained. Tho ads of C mgr ss in question aro not only j jjcci.ouablo tor their assumption of ungran-oul power, but many ol their provisions aro in co fitct .vitu tau diiect prob.b.t ons ot the Constitution. ; Tao ? onstitu i ,n _ ?mmin?- iba: a rcp.>b ic m f -mi J(govern uca.sued tvgua.-.nt-oito ad thed.:?te-; .ian no perron suab bj dvpr.vod of life, libor y or 1 rjporty Without cuo p--ccs3 of law, a.-icitcd kViihout " ju .ici 1 warrant, c.- wi bout a fur tn .1 bcToi-o an impartial jury; that ti- privi- ] ?ego cf/tao ase rpus sha 1 taos ba eitai ci m t.ino j .t paaca; aaa' taut 110 bil oi attaiccor Shall ba j aa>-ca aga: ist a amgloindividual. Yo tao j * cf measures established ny those 1 f LO.:g.6;s dot : totally .-ubvcit ana destroy i ;uo 1011a as weil as "ibo ol ic- j publican ;n ti-o ten ?tates .0 which . ..Of a.jpi/. L. biods thcai and foot j a a .'Se.nie slavery, and ?.ubjcvia thom to a jtrauge .md liOatilo po .vcr, muru unlimited and , oioic ukily io bu abused than auy o: hoi now known unong civilized mau. Ii tramples do yu all taoso : .igutj in which uic ea?onco 01 liberty consists, 1 ..jd which a freo government is always caic- 1 .ui to protect. Ic demos tho tuxbea* eorpusaa? ] .no trial by jury. P-r.o.iai freedom, property and .de, if assailed by tao passion thu prejudice, or j .inpact v of tho ruler, nave no security what- , jver. it his tuc eff.ct of a bill of attainder, ot ? M of pains and penalties, no; UJO.I a few in- , lividaais, but U^O i wuuie ma.-s.s, ? the 1 m hons whoinbabit thu saojeel .-tates, and even 1 jeir uuborn caiteirea. 1'hese wrongs, be-ins ex- 1 ?.osoly fjr?.cLou, caauot bj coas.i.rationally la- ' J.ccd upe?a a iv our.ioa 0: JU: reo Iv, no matter ?uw Uiey have come wi?im our jurisdiction, and ao mailor whether tbey Uve in States, Xaiilorivs, , MC UiSti'.CtS. I 1 havj no d:s!ro to sava fro'ti tho proper aud just eoiiiequauces uf tho r gre it chun tho-^o wno j j.jed ii. icbj.iijti the Government; but J a mode ot pauisamcat the measare3 under ? ;oa.iderat:un arc thc most unrca;oaabie tbat ] jju:a bo invented. Many of tbooo people aro per- j I cly iuacC'u.; many kept their fidelity to tuc 1 Juiou untainted to the last; many were incapable < .1 auy legal offence; a 1 ugo prupo. ti ia oven ot tho ' tenons ab o to cai urnis w?re forced into rebel- 1 iou ag_iasi 11 ir wi.l; aud of thoso who aro j ?jilty v.itu tii?r ewn coascut, tuo dogrco3 of gui!: j ..0 "aa various ns tiio 6badcs of thc.r j.iaracto: end tosipcr. Bui these acts of Can- 1 .jress coui-u .J them all together iu on J cum- < .aan eiojtu Iaciisc-imiuato vengeango uoo.i 1 ijasses. eccts and parlies, cr uo-on wuoc f uuuitiea. fjr ofi'.i.cos coaainiit.-d by a partiuu 1 : illira a,-ai?as: tue governments to watch tho. J jwca obv-d ouco, wai commou in t;:o barbarous j iges of tho Wurid. But Uuiistianitv and ci.iuza- | iou have made sae.1 pr greis that rcourso to a J -.uoi bment so CiUol iii i u.ijas.. w.juli mool w.ta ? .ae c.ademaati011 ol au u .piojud.ccd audnght> t aiadwd mea. ino pu .it.vo jastioo of tilia a.^e, t .ad cspeo.a.l?' of this couu.ry, doos njt coa?isc ia '. ,t ippm^' waoio St ito i o* tiio.r libjrties, and rc- 1 uucii'ig nil tiioir people, v;i;hau: di^tii:ction. to ' uecondition of si very. I: ?icaij soparaioly witta ? .ach Individual, oonfinss 16^3 ti tho forms t .1 law. ivnd viudica.OS ils 0 vu by a.i : mparti il exam nat:.>ii of every case before a e->m jute..t judiuiiti uiuunaL ll' '-ai. daos uot atiaf) t Li um uO -ires wi a IO i iTJ I . SaUtael'a 1" .0 la. lot t is console OUTSJIVCS by rcflootiuji that a froo Co-- s -.1 lution, t.'iuuipaaiii Ul tvar and uubru?e.i in 1 ii wo-rtu Iii more to us and our chLdreu [ -aa ibo gran''cation o? any present feeling. I am awaio ic is as-uaied that this .-yMom of j ;ovcrnuient io:- tho boac.itra States is Lot to be t >o mutual, li is uuu thia mi itary govcr .rncnt is i ,o bc oaiy, but it is turoagh tu.s tom- t Kirary evil tba', a gieator tvd ia to bo made por- 1 lotua'. It tho guarantees of thc Coostitution CA 1 >o woken provisi ?1 ally to servo a temporary pui- i j >ose, ina par. only of lae- country, weean | , l.siroy them every where and tor ah t.:uc. Ai bi- . r ry m.azures uttua ciungc, but they geni.aa. [ mingo io. tho worse, it is t ie cur..o o. des- . ; tum that ii, ?as ::o i ai'.iag pirie . Tac i..tor- t anted exsreiaa vi .ts power biv.i?8 uu soaso < ii Bccuri'y t. its .-ubject? ; for they can noter .mow what moro tuey will be '-?lca tu endu o J .i'hon its : ed right bead i i armed ta plague tuen J igai?. Xor ;a it possible tu Cap c.uro bower } >L-iu potver, uior^traiued by law, may se-ok it.5 j icit viutims. Tua Stat:- that aro sit.i >oo m ay ^ jc ouslavcd at any mo.acnt; toi i: '?c C'CL'&titutiju e io?s not protect ad. it protects none. I It is mo. lUeslly aud avowedly the object of* th EO ' aws tc comer tuon aigries the \ nvilegc of voting. ? tad to disiraiicaiso such a cumbor 01 waite eui- *' :eas as w?l give thD foi-m.r a clear maioii.y at ml ...c:.oas in the Southern States. This, to the i .nnds o;'s .mo poisons ia to important, tbata\i- j )latian ef tho Con?titut?jn is justified as a m a :s L >I bringing it about. Tho uiora.ity is always I a so w?ica excuses a w.on^ bc.ause it rr - u }oscs to accjiuplish a desi;ab.o cud. Wc 1 ire nat perm tied to do evil tout gjod may come. 1 3ut iutnisca.o the ead itself ts ovil, as well a? ' .ho moans, .' ho subjugatiou of tao States to ne- ^ 'io domination wouid be worse than the mibtarv u lospotis n under which tuoy are now saacrius. It n vaa beuoved beforeh tad mat tho people w.iuld cn l.u-o any amount ot mditary oppression, for Buy h angtb o? timo, rather tiiaa degrado thomselres >y ?uojoctiou to tho nojro race. Therefore thoy s iavo been left wit ao?t a clio.c:. K ogro euffV'ige ? r ia 'bttbiislied by ace of Congre s, aud tho P a?itary ofdjors were cc.auiaad.d to suporiu- a oad tba i-rocoss of c! tao negro race ? .itu the political pnvilego* tura from white mon. u Th* biacks In tbo ScutU m o ear dod to b i weil an 1 hu- 1: o y OVeracd, and ti bro th: pro actina cf jus: D -wc or igata ci pa*soa 03 pto.orty. lilt v rere practicable at mis nm . t give them a oovarauicai Y, xelu?.vo.y tuei owa, un .cr waka th.y mi?ht uj.majo leirowo -iTai.-3 ia taelr own " v. ii wuui? bcuomo . '.? ra c quesuoa whether w o:o do so, or whether a jxxoa bumanity would .01 reou. o ua ta savo th.ra 0 faa uem e vo?. Uut. ua?cr t te eb juans.anc:s. t aa is 0 -ly a Bj) poiut Ic is not p:opo cd mere y thai ? ley j-ai govom ihcmseivo , ou. mai th v shs s rule *" M whilu s-c. ini-o and aJxiuiiiar stato lawj, eloc' ^ . -U-.3 and mouiocrs ot COegrest, and a Usps to a - rea.or or 1 ss d en: the fatoxe dj ?ny of ihJ whola l' oun.ry. "iVou-ii'isueh u tm?: and power bo cafo ia auan u ads? ? Ihep-cu'dar quia-ica ^h ch shoald charsotenote any .lj sopla who are lit to decide u. on the manage rent ot *, ubue ouaira for a great au;e hav . sc dom been cornela 3L It ia thc gi ry cf whit . mea ts know taat they . ave 0 :.d the-t? qa* lacs iJ ?j?i-.o-; ae<s re to build UJOU , a;e ? cn iauet a great poi tacs, fabric, an I to prce rve its .abaa:y:'o.-m .ro '.a i.< nicely\e.rj, ahilo in eva ,j an oi the world a'.l r?:ai.-i-i..i?otimeais have failed, but i, 'auythiag eau b . prove?! by i noun i ct-Lf a l reaso ig UfOa evideoce i: nat acaudo ed, it m is be aeknow.- {! d ou that ia t_e pro tea - or najooaa oegto shavesbown v 5 s capacity tor gov. rnms..t tuan any otnt-r raco > f " . ope. >o in.iepoa?ciit g;ve:xmem ci any lo:m , si ev.r be s ni? s^.tl ia tLxir hands. Oa thu J .urary, wi.crevcr they havo boan l.f: to r asir o.v.: d vices, ihuy h.tvo thowa a con t.nt tecdon -y to rc.apse ? to b ab.riem. Iatho-ouih* .j rn atatie, bo ?e? :, t on?.-css ha: uad rtaa- n to conf.-.- ' p nth.m the privilegu .? tho ballot. Just roleased ,' rom s.avuiy, i may bo elouot- i w.-.ttter, a ? a cl ss, t x-j ,-o.v more tba a CieU- ai ecstors ii J- IO organize ard ?, esulatetivil sji-ief. Indso;!. :t ii admit ed taat the J leets oi ihe South are i.ot ouly rccardles-. ot thc rights . i prope-.y, ba. so utterly ignorant of public affaira tbat "n voua,; cia c '??sisi in uothinj mor J than turryin; o .. a..ot to the p.ace whero they aru > lreet.d to dep.sitic ne d not r. m nd } ou tbat tuc cicr.-ise cf the elective ' auc'aisa ia tue hi^bc-t a: ilbuto oi aa ame.ijau ciii?jn, j ad ...a-, wheo aids I by vi.-:ue. uteUifence, pitrl itism a ad a prop-i- appreciation o ou.-;.-ca ma iiu;ions, it cou- ^ -mies the na. basis v a liciaooraiic farm of govuru- ! lent, in walch the eovorelgn pf'wcrio lodged in tae w ody cf :hj p*2p:c. A t us; artincbuly cr Bled, net ?or 6 own >aiec, bas /.oleiy asa mei: a oi^ Ihe gon? ai welfare, i s latlae. ce ;or ; oed ix us; nc e -uri:y de? jad u cn taie ci: irs.ier and true allegiaaeo o.; ie o.eetor. It ouyh: there! rr to bo repaso i lu uouo ex- /, :-cu who aro lit;, d tn orally aad anullv to admln? , ic. it well ; tor it eouferred upoa persans who do not "' ist* csi iua c its va'iUii and waa aro ind.?* rent cs ta I.s ,. kulta, it wi 1 only serve ss a moans of p acisej pa*er m -, ie ha nie ci tba unpriuoip ed aa. smalt: us aud muct t. ^entua.e ia ?lia comp!a o dea rucioa c;' taat , ourty wiiieu it ehau.d ua ihj moat power ul coe? .. irvaior l La-.a tbarjiore croioiure urjod upoa > our c^ ito don the groat danger''to i o approluoded iron au ei utbno y exteosio i ot. ..c elective iraa.--i c t - any i cw , lassia oureeuu ry, o.-pcrldiy wbc? thc 1?T?2 c:jari;y 1L . tbat c us , ia v,:..;di ig tao i o-.vor ihus plaaoi in their inns, cannot be ex^ectod correctly ta coaaoroV.o^d the ... .Uas aud :U8;ICUD Linties w?io.i pertain 'to suiTragc. ^ es.cra-;. a% t wera, ?oar mi.Laa ci p -sous wore hold ,!? J a condition ot slivery thai uad . xiat d for generauous; ? .lay tn y arc froslllCU, ari ? SJ; aSKUUlCd b law to bo f.. ulzen?. lt ca na. bo prcsamod, tro a thc? prsviona ,-' aadid a u acrvi:ud . taat. as a 2:asa. thoy ara as wa l S uormad as tr tho natara o: cur Governaant JJ s me ia;.ave_: lOfiguer wno makes our land *T ie tom.- ox ms ccu . I? tue CMJ ar tlj0 i2?tcr lli either a rcsaOuci oi ?vi years, aud the knowledff? ? t o ic instuuuaus which lt giv.-s. nor attac aa Lt ta tao ? ! rlacipi^oi me Coastimtioo, a.-o t-.o only con Ua->na poa wnicb he om u. admitted : atlaonabin. Ha must u. i->vc, ia auui iou. a .ca. mo.t uh r. c er. auo thu .. iv m oaab.u g ou ad for tue belie! tua: i o w?l ba ta ir il I u? > tue uua,^ tuons \faieh nu a-aaeaei aa a citizja oi ibo apubde. Wurra a people-tho sourcu ot au 'jo'd ti a wu:--.'par, by mer saif.-agt?, tarong!) t.;0 nitru- vt ia tall y ol ike billo -box. i mau b? carcmily c uid-d ?i (Uas. tue i o_tro. of t_csa Rho *ro coirup: ia"p iuc- ilo n' id oa;mi s ot iree ia^ i.u.ioa-, ; >c 1; eaa inly beca*!', hi >-ur pail and si..n m a salo conductor vi Ui .a.ihj p -pu.or seutiineut when kipt ir e to tu dcinara - ca ia im-Jeuc.-s. COatraile.".. tbroa ii f.-aul :n:i u anjo- -> JU, b- the designing a .-srcay a da .po..m iaa-t a.. b* iuely i oil w. lu Uie haaa_ .! t-e p. tri J ie j,uu w jr. ca ?7 our Coverom nt will t,opre.<cr cd upon ti? priaci- PJ 1-0 t o . oa lieu i a iu erited from our fathers, it tu ilewi, tiercf .- , t: .: ? adai ;a:.g to ib ba ,'ot-bo i a bc !w class of voters UJ quail oJ or ino exerdio ut th- Wi :. ave trauel i?e, we w? uk.n our . yst m ot ov.-r!;m.-ut tn ttci^ o a dig to iis otcU:;tasuddUi_biIiiy." .., tb Ud t . ; o o o m attacha at 'a aaa iulj of gen ral su!- "I ; . Which distil u.s es our pa iy as a tia?o-:. lut lh ere is . hmit. wis yoj. er.e.! i. th :-.o. w_ichm^kes su a Labet a ^rivL.g aa a t ua: au . v.'hi.- nquire? sama u'o sa, a tiiai suitab o ur probation and prepa.- th loj. i o ive ic i u eliminately VJ a new cas; wiie.iy wi prepa o i. ??y prtviou abit ia-id0i poi tuai ics t p.'r- t? .rn.aatu tw ic a .. Jemand.', ia tu "o &: it ... d r, . us ta dc. tr vj i.s pow : ; ?or it may Oe sa d li it opobticdt Uibisb UC?e tabi. of taxi:tjatsuch pc iSCrdnluaic a id il-cm r car; c iou o. wp al r fr ?Tau must end at ia li. i: i.v?-UfOW aaa J j rjr. 0 wp? t h' cs T^eou of mrwiUingncBi to Ma ?n ! na wiiiuniliv>ccpcwourcettst.tauoiialantb ?itv ... prom :..b :o bettu .ac condu on er tho notr.o ?uu.uyt.c.U.-.K.uca r- - laau t v. ?e" -?\ nniirovmg ino r mora e. and , In , - ?-... l'r-V^" riSau'a? iro-diaou, ?ot tue tram? u: our poUfacsi laaeritai ca tu them would ita . liCS, bo o: a dt?^wmc? w?owe , dike to tho memory of our fathers and tho r.'ghls :hi dren. ?be plan of purtiacthe Southorn statos wholl; hi .?ui'crutnent p trliaUy, int') tho livid* ;rocs, is proposed ar .1 limo pa u'.iarlv anproplilou ouadauaiisot'soii?ty have iieon broken up h.- d? iudust y mus: bo ro-organ sod, justice re-calab ;ub ic credit roimbincd, and order brought ?ni. of noa. To atc nnp is'.i thesu c n Is w ul i requit* wi dom and virtuo o: too gio it men who bini <11 ?ti uti ns oiigi^allr. 1 eooft loatly bo lero tost ii icoutlant wiiib . tqual to lbj srdttOUS task bonne but it is wo .-so c mi m i nest ta < spool that nogra peilormii toros. Certainly wo ought no: t ia, in-ism .ci: until wo despair i"l our owj rn potencj Tao gicat a:tfor nco be twee a tho iwo racoi m ph mo ital . nd m jral eli r o cristi ?vi pr ven: n ann ion. nu ion of rem to otb r In ono hom gt mas . 1 th la erl r o bin? he sseouus.iy t othux, it vid govern with ?fr nee on y to ts o' tero ts- or it will r co i lzc nu (?nm n Int r ti orea o u h o tyran y a this co:iti e tuan ^ w.tne sed. Aire dy th >c io? u o 1 fluouerd I tu sc. ot coallsca i > pu JT. Th J a o t io; re"' rd as an o .erny ovo y wall m n who li-s a spect tor tho right of ?is own race I t "eon i mu t becoiti worro a d w SJ U .ti; a] ord r ? Buo.or.ed, ail indu try c a?c. nd tu . tern u.ctlj i> uti ow up i to'.i wddcr-'S. Ol ?ll tho ; wh ch our ueti, na vet eucounl rod, none an: > c? tho. whi h mu t omit from Ul?' UJO.-? "f thy no.miki n lo Ar caiuz; th -half t u cou.iry I would n t nut coa i ?ur.ti ns ot nu.:' como t ti n with Ju tio au . light Cut til p ec i-.i.k:;: t. -.e c atru :tl I " und? tho s ?doptod o coa r ** i'3j ivti'J whit I rea thc wrong of ibo moa uro nah. Hb: u .r H ; ad ?toasalready,ami it icrsis..d ta wi largv..' to Hm weight cf taxation, a reaJy too oppr 10 uo borne wi'.uou*! m 11 1 due; tue ire au:j it t ie nanon ton condition or ruptey. Wo must not delude ourselves. ItrrillicO, ?tron : : i?.i.\'.OA a utv, sr.-.; probi'o.y mo e tum t*e d ed afluidas ot dollars per auaum, t? nialuUin lp preiujev e?'ne. ro go? ramo it:, alie, ihcv aro estai 1: iho a.m t-uj thr.wn way \iou?l. if properly ibiniasn! lng fund bugs enough to pay t o wk I 11 mal debt in les ; tba i lifieoa year?, lt i i vain to thuin, grots wii. m uni ii.: ihjir ashendon sy thom: WnUoui military |>o cr t.ioy uro Ineaps h i diu;; in su jeet.uti THO white pee )'c ta . s. u li 1 cut'niit to h jo Igmeut of Cougr; s w ict '< ;;Uo.'io or.d.' raav i m b loju ioc.v MIK o ttl ny u. s; 3 mea u es Ilk this. With our nobt. un,' tLo vat vato lutir E.i ?bleu . ra c nip. eaicd wttu lt, wo c ht too eau ions o? a poli. y Waich might, by po Im-.vir lue < onii : ucc ?f thc world la our Uo Blent, ihat coi.Qdenco ca i oi-y berotn-o I by ta.iv incu tiu? ibo princip ca rf ju-nc: honor o- 'he mina, atid !>. tao scrupulous 11.10 Itj io uti i ur o gutem n* ?> m' i ton. Any BI?OUI breach ol tho oigaaiokw, pct lu lor a .u lu rabio time, cmuot bu c tau* lea tho i-tasiUiy o oor uitUilUdou . Hhlitual viol t [)re-\nb d ru'en, wiikli we bind ourso rcs to obs tim,t demor.uizi ih.-1 copie. t>nr oui) htiudard ? i iuvbtu^R tutuatt;ltt. :;!-> oh el-anchor ol wurp ca! unuali y i? l.'si, th i pub io conscience swing. .ro m orita;?, sud ylu da it? eTery int u io oi pi s;o:i luterest. If wo repudiate t. ? Cei.sU.uti in, wo ?ii L>o e.Ni'cried te- ci o mu h formero ptvuni.ry o'. ?iois. ibo v ola.ioa ot bU^U a i ledge ?3 wu uni the 22.1 day o. J.ily, 1331. will a i.ur Uly ha iuar?et valu- ol our uth-r proa.i;es. Bea if wo uow acltuowlcdgo t.iat thj national n-as cr ated, not to hob tho Sm es in Union, us th- tax-foyers were led to supposo, b :xpe. them from it and hand them over tibe e'OTe ov tiegr^c?. tu? moral duty io pay it nuyfeem mucu :lear. I say it may icrm to ; lor I do uot ti .mit tlut jr any other arguini nt in favor ol repuduUii n can lu terlaiacd as soaod ; but ii Influence on some ela s mindi may well bo ap roliondod. Tho llnanclai h }f o great comaicrcial nation, Isr^ely indebted, a d i republi.aii io in of yove niueaiad inlsterou by as 3f tho po >ul -r e OiCC, is a t in o: sueii doil^ te lexi in i tue vi s ru^ i n o:'l wou d OJ toUo.vod oy sue J ?peakablo ca amity, taat ?rory true paulet most d. to i\oi? wh itever might expo e i. to thc slightest dat Teuere t interests Ol tue country nqoiro inuioi EOlisf f.oiu taeso eua.tmeut-. i^u-t csa iu the sou ?ral'.zed by u SJUSO I?I ?cioral ius.:j uity, by th: tc ol contiscation, and tho ilrc:id of ucrro supitm i :y. ?iutbcru trad , from wi:ieh tho Mert^ ?ou dh.v. ii-ed so ;:reatspioh: un 'er a yov rnm nto- law, augui-;lic3, and . an neve, bo rcv.ved unt: it dasi OJ .c.tercd b. the aruiirary ? ow?r ubich makes al jpcratious unsafe, 'i'nat lieh country-tue nene latural ?sources tho worl l ev.-r wo ?o ba l il i. oe not Eoon pl ced vui.'er tho pr?, cetion ot a lo.istautiou. In t.r.d of being. ?s it ought io b lourco of weilt i and po.vor, it wi.I l ecom* aa > jle buroen upon tho res: o: tao nation Alioth' r reason .or retraciu J eur sups will doubt je s on by Cojgresj 1. tho 1-te ru une^t tlon- of pu >piutoa u'loutuii sublet. W* li.einu couatrv..-. na popuiar wii a'i.'ays cniorces o'oc .lenee to lu ?ooaer . r 1 uer. It is vila to tuiok o; oppj-iaj I. w my oiaii short of lo .al a thouty, b lOiicd by ov.:.-who ujj'ioiec. It hive escaped your a t-utiou I rca .ho day ou which c^uj;rj:i lairly and form ?ly , jjlcd ibo propusit.ou o ^ovur.i .be ojutheiu n.i.larv 1. ie.-, w. b a view to .he tt.tuu te .. . abhsom .f n jjro auprejaat-y, tvjry a.) cs>.o:i o^ thu sc^. ;.? jtlineu: baj beco m*?rc or le s averse to it. J he af loas o th s goaer.t;oa c.uuot be deuchod fro.. usti.uti.>i.a oi thou euee-to a. luo.r dctertuiuat o preserve tho i^h:r.'.anjo of freo ?r"Ycrnment heir owa bauds, oui irai s.uit it u; div.ded t inmoiir d to their own posterity is tjo sr; 0 be ruecas'fui'.y o. posed. Lve.y wodur passion \ liia; pear ba:oro that Live of hbcrty aui lawlor wk li /, ia jr. tau I'tOole aro d.siu^^is^od abovo all Ow? n tho ..oild. How i ir toe du'.y of tho President, "to preservt?, p ect. md dtt^n I the Jousiiiutlou," requerts liiin to gi .pposiae' an unconstitutional ajt ot o; s. is a v erious aud imporuanc qac^uoa, on wh ch I h idlibcrated much, aud tell extremely suxioua 'each a prop.r conclus on. Woore au act 1 >eon pass.*d according to me f rms of tbo Com idon by tuc sap.-eme MglthUlTa uutho.iy, ad eguiariy earoded a.uonj tho paoUu of thc coi ty, ?xeco ?vo ro-i tinco to it, especially m times oi hi >.rty excitement, Wohld bo liitely to pi educe vi l ;o;.ist.n tho rcspcclivo adherents it th t /;ne.'..j. of th- iiovcrntueni Thia would be ..un, 1 i. w ir; aud ciTil war muit bo r.sorted to only es i as: remedy for tho worst of cviia. Whatcvo- J?\?. end to pr-.voiiu it fhou d bc u.03. ui efally v .:dod. a' hfuiauito acioutioaa HIa?i?.:rat i wiUooncetOTC aaoo to honest or.-or, aud ai.a toing c7 a loperv : a .i o, ou; ire hs will eadun cr (he pu .lie DOtco; am vdl not adopt 1 rcioem.'asuros orsoc as might k J loree, aa lo g as taoiu whteaaropeaecftoio ipea to him tr to hi. eonatitneatf. it i tr bat ca=oi muy <c:ar to which tho ^ ive woe M eomp.-l Cd t ) Bti jd on its r.ghu, and maiuui i tu : ..gard.e e of co::3cqu.a.i.j. If L'on ro s sbo i uti ai oct which is not only lu polpaulo tOndi itu tho C jusiitutiou, but will cortaiuh, if c irria ot iroduee imm?diat; aud .ircpaiabi. injury to thc Organ crueturo of th; exov^umjat, and i: tncre bo uti.uer j iio al remedy tor thi v/ron s i; inflicts, nor power in J icop.o ;o pro;cet Uicm-clves witneur. tho oil!aal ai i uctr olectod tiefen er; if, tor in.t nco, thc LeglsJaU' Je. -:taent snouid p..-a an set even throngh alt il orbs of law to abo isa H eo^ordin tc dop rtmout ol tl iovernuicut-in sue a tho President musi tal bc nigh rcspo isibi I tics ot bia omeo, a id SITO ?he lifo i he ua,ion ot ^11 hazards. Th) eo-eaiicd r^eoa Iruetic ct*, thou;.: LS plainly uncon-.ti utiou-1 os any that cc ie imagined, were not. beiitvci to bo wi h:n tho ciO' io meado.:od. Tho popple w;ro not wholu disar.i.c >f thc po. er of a:li-Jeieuee. In ali tao Northara ia t h y sim bei i tu their Lands the sacred right of tL i ill .*., oud it ina sa.o to bellera thu ia duo time the riu.d comj to the ro cuo cf their own lobtituuons. '. iv s m ; pK.isurc t > add tuat tho apical to our on -.itueu.o waa not .ah:n ia vain, an i that my con! o ?ce ia windon, and virtus seoul not io hav.< baa tiialtced. It is well end pubh'clv known toat enoraious fraud a.c boen porp.t.-itd OJ tho Treasury, aud that co.'os:' jrtuaca bavo o.en mino a: the public (X.ionse. Tbl >'it;.lion haslueroa?o.i, .sincreifin -, aid : .ot dtiainisjtd wll co n bri. g us into to ..I roi.: and d.: race. Xnu pu o io crtdi o s an I tho tis-ua;.cr? aroa L; ^t.-rested m. au hones; aUministration et tbs ll.: uc r nd noiihor c uss will louj o iduro tho :a-gc-hanacd rel cries ot tue rrojui pas . For U?s dis ? edit .Ole ta c e Inags duro are sovoicl c mses, some ot .bu laxes ire e lit' SJ to presentan Irresistible tcm >m:ioa : i evade nay 'ihu gitut uins which o?ic irs m^y wi. by toni,, .mee ot iraui croate a prcsaUie whicu is more ihaa th IrtUOOf in. y can ^.iiiiSiaaJ ; and ..-ore caa ben ouut that ibo opcu e jurd of e nstitutioaal ob isa .o-a avowed ny o^me oi he higi.e^t and most nflu.uti leia :..o ^o n;ry has great y Waskoncfl tho m omt suns f;ho ownose.veia tao rdma O;J1;O.-6. j.h. expense fine Un:t.d states, lacluuinj latero t o? the "pub.n cb:, icc more ihan six lime?' us mus'., as the] vre aovcu yeirs o^o. To col cet u..d di bu s, ais vast mount requires careful supei .-.aio s well as ayotciaa'Jo v^iiance. lh'j sy;t;!n, novel er;eotod, was muon <i:-o gauizaa by .hf '-Tonnie OJ lillee liiu," which has alni J: de?tr ?cdo??jia oeeoan: bili:y. Uno ix^siJout m?y bo ihoraugily eo.iTlncec lat aa oflleorij lacapablu, ci-hoaest, or uufaitaful tc no Consutiiuou, bat, under ibo Jaw whien I hart med, tee u most ho om do ls to eomo'aiu to Cie t'en? te, a-d a.-^ thu privilege of sippiyln,; his place withs .tier min. lt thy Senate bo regarded m pcr^oaalh r pjiiticady hoj.i.c to tho i're.l eat, it ia r.atur-1, anil 0. aUogctuor uaro iso..abie, ?or me efflcer to expect liti: wi J tana bis pu tas fir as pos ibis, r^jtotc huoi to !> pince, an . g.VJ Li.n a ovtt- his Bx< rudve m orior. The otile.r has otner cnn ceo a impunity aris. ag from occHeuul oeicct:; of STidcnco, the mo ie m la eitijanu,''t and th; seereey o. the bea m.'. lt i, UJ: 'un .ortul tuat. I? -lal niaifea,aacu ebeu! I become bold ip.-opofiiou es too deh^qicn.s loara to think tue.n. s.v.s sa:e. I air .nu e. v persuade J .hu uuuCi'su.lm ale tbs President c lauot per 10 m tuo ?;reat duty asaign* d to nan of toeing the law* laiui'ally executod, ano aa it di abbi him most ca ociaily from c. fora, g thu. e,ld acoouutibi.i y whijU i? ntc;r?try to t o duo exe atio. ot thy rev?aos law?. The Conhtitut.ou invests the Pre:l lent with authority > decide wnctnor a re ..oval ehould bc m.idc ui nny iTea case ; tao act ol Congress de;laies, in subsianee, iat bi- ?hal. ouly aceuas sucu as ii? supposes to be un Of thy Of meir trust. The Convtltutiou manes ima solo 1. go ia thopreni s s j bu; mt atotote take, sway his irlsdietloa. transfora it to th<> .-uaaco, and leav.s hun o:n.n,' ba. the odious and ?ooiotimea .m .racticab.e my oi 'occoai ug % prosecutor, 'lue proseeu.ioi; is t> ? e ouducted b.lora o tribuna; whoso members .rc noi, Jihe io, responsible to tho wncle peoplo. bu. > sep?ralo c u^lltuout bodies, onti '..ho may osr his aoeu8aiiou with gr?at di.favo. Xbe ena e ia absolutely wjihout any huowa s and d of desi io., applicable to sieh a ?ase. its jud^m.nt mao: b.-autic paicd. tor : is nat j jvcraeu by any rale, ho mw does aol iiecuo what ibxli be deemed g od caasc irrimsval. It is impo?tico o%on to lon.K-eturc what ay or may not bo dj,; by th . se iute. Ihe ature of ta? laojoit foib.ds clear proof, li ie chargo bo iueapjc.t,-, waat evi lenee wi l ipport lt? i'ido.'i.y to tho Constitution may . undOTatOod or mhazderstood m a t;iou:and uT.r nt ways, orel tty pa ly mon. n %no!tnt par ruines, Un.'ail.lulocss to tho mn ev j ime to bo considered mo. l.o.-ious. li ifl . t.-ffic r be : c l-.oJ of ui-honesty, ho.v shs.: lt bo Dasie out? i\i?it oe uerr^j norn r.zn u iceu.iectej T,-;;n jjuone uuty, ;? .m ri.-te history, or from g.nerti reputation? Ur mu it ie Jriosi .enc await tho cjuaiisiioii of an ;;c aa] tu idc .cinorin omeo? t>bal: bo, iii tho meantime, ri n tho loraeier ocu mlorosi of thc aaaou in ih-- hauns oi m?n i wu JIT. Lu-o innot give hie coafidencel Hu t hoi r 3.rbis complaint uuU; th? miseuu: is done ano eu cot ? prevented? If h.szea. in tb publ'o service hould upai him to anticipato t o overt ac: must homey ut M noni o: b.inj tai..-. Limsol; ii: t .e oflence c. 3?-!..?_r igh?subordiiate? Ia ino prcooat cn cu uta;.ces ol c cou ?ire, eo.uu ouom.isi nc ho d icspoa;ib.e for offl. il de jjquoacj of ever lund, lt Uexuem iyuilBcult i say . "..oio mat r-.poaalo.hty ch-uld bo thrown, it ii JU. sit where it bas been ..laced bv thc '.OwS.iiunon. ut a.1 j us: moa will odauit thal tho Pr?sident ought to !ou!...i rsho-od ;iuu tuen responsiblity, ii hu can ii me;, i; by reason ol re-.t?u?oas pioo.d oy law tpoa ls a; iou. 'ilia unrestricted power of removal from offlT is a '?ry n'.'Out ono to fcc i eran to a toch'j.ou t tho x i oral sud age ol tho whole people, and aeeouut ile d:-.e"t.yio thou for his ac:-. It is undouaiediy tb.e io abu c. and at somo i c:iodj oi our hUtory per .ps ha-* bcoa abused, li i. bo t'.onj'n-. iic.;ir.ib;o i.zd ?atiintional that lt should no no ii ; iud as to niano t o .e idem merely a ooniaion informer a?-i>.et other pub* : SKwuts, bo sho.:,d a: least bu ;icrmi.ted to a.: in'tn^t na;Uy bci'iic v. rn: open tribual, indcpc^deni of r;y politics, r?.<i" to invest?gala thc merits ci tv.ry .o, tura! ah cd with lao means o: Uoiaj evi iones, o d rand to decide -.ccordin^to est?bil -bcd rules, rios jud gun tam ec the satoty ol thc accuser wh. uh? at a ;;oo.l faith, a; tho ^tn: time secute ta; n ht ; cot i r n .rty. I speak, o: couise, wita all ? roper re? vet io . thc prc3Cui Seuatc, but ii dcos no: -.oem to nie 1 < at nay i.-?i i nvo b.-.!y ca i oe so constituted as to i - i iioiubtuessiorth, elunoions. It io itel tho iLcoi of t'ni; Cororrarar.t at publie _ cfflco3 ?,ru tho pr party c: those I ho n.'.d ta nu Th-y ?ru riven ni^ cy ns a u t loi tlc,t J? .-.-bea lit, Ecniit mc, : >:. a?t d ijcnoii, i m t la^s dunn ; ja beaaviaJr, on; geaerai-y tn- >. ute j i IUMI to b? terailaatcd at lae picas re of the appointing i l iwer. r-.jci r .......nts tho col cc.i c rssjtstv ai i .-a ?a \ r* v ; j ci ;n. people. Tho Kmc. ra cm on ia ' * Ike it shit; o -n_:;t person may wot creal injar/ ! ' tau public mt roma, ibo danger - .> iho pu .io or? ' ni ..; as: icmthcpowci turwaoTe,butuouitho ' .wo? ' "rn ft. iliors:oro it was that die f.-.-xaers ol t c i cru;? -l oa lit 11 . < ow - ? ? re . nv.? a r;s i lcd. i aila ib .y ?av. i' : n right ts rejo:, micpro.nt- i entSWii.Cll . O , v.t?u notai tob Inno.. ;t , e t?o r ?V lian ..; - ; subj- ct will uiw.. ol> lausiy all j i J.J ! avu the good : tho cou-.ny at nu i: : tua: o.t.- neat j il area lo '.i_: t- Ccostitutioa ur otu , ludo, walk ia ' t tho path tn.irkoil out by the founder! of tho Republic, and olio? tlif nil * made sacred by tho .ib.c-rv.iucc ol our areal prodocosso ?. .J .?o present c iiniiiion of oar ?nincosaud drculullnii ni il um id ultu tj wbleh .eui curly consideration 1? in? vitai. 'lim proportion which Ibo currniiry of any couti ry should boar tu tho whole value of tho Bunni! produce ilroulitoil by it? in uni ls a qucs.Jon iipni wtalali p ill ce rn mum i havo uot s,;: 00? L Nor CHI it ho control.? il bj? legislation, but must bu u U t.? tuc irrevocable laws which everywhere rotu? l?te cuuiincvcu und trade. The cir mating wi 1 over Irn ai? ibiy ll iw io I bose pon ti witera it 1? m g. cat o .td. mind ibo towoi dcm in I und supply is ss un? erring na that w hie li rojuiates the nd.-, or tnooceanj a a md ul can-., cy. Ilka tho tide?, baa its ebb-, and ll >ws ?ir iii ;h ?ul du: ci mai in I?' wo. id. Ai tho beal .nmg oi tiiu icbcllio . Hi'' bank-note circu? lation o. tho couutry imount d io nci mu.h moro than two bundrc I million* ot donors; now tho circu ation ot liauk notes, and these known us "1. gal ten do: 8." i J iiearij BoVeu huadio I ml. i mi. Wh lo itu ur-cd i'V r. mutlut this ?mount i.uould bc increased, oners coal nd tuet a decided r. duct! m i, ab.olutoij 0 sen la. to t. o b atinteieaUof tucceanliy. lu vi-w of IIKHJ <uv n: o, iuions, lt may be well ta ascertain the roil vainc ol ourp issuo? wnen co up ind wilt a luc? ian.: couvcitibiocurrency, for this purpose, lot u-iu quire how much cold und silver coul. bo parchas d by ue nove i tanu .ri, J unaious oi paper ni >ucy now lu cir? cu? tiou? I'l-aLabiy p.o. mar? t?aa ha.l" '.bo amount o: ibo toiler-showing nut. ?lieu ou-1 paper cunei.cyis comparad witta go tl and sUVor.iti comal stciai valaria co.upro ci Into throe tattndrod aud uTty radiions. Thia itriklug fact tinko.* u ihjoov.oas duiyoi ibo uovora maat, aa ..i iv a-, m.y be ca. Siatent v.i h .he principles v. sou id political econ my, to take Bach an usures ts wi. auab o the holder ol its notes und tnoso cf the na? tional b ni;s .o couver lucm, without lou, into or its equivalent A redOC iou el our pupcr circuiataug m.-diuui ic.d not ute; san.y lo' OW. -bli, h wovor, H^a'd c; uud upo nie 1 * ci ucmind und su. piy, .lu. jli ii uiiou.a uo bo nc in mind taut by makins legal louder atm LUUU no ci convarliulfl imo coin or lt 1. a, iboir pr. set s^oelc value lu thc hai di or their no.dern won d LC enhanced ono hundred p -r Ci nt. Le islaiio.i lor (ho uee mpiia.'uicnt ot a result 60 dc a.r-ble la derna dei by ilio n ?nest public considera lon?, ibo Cons.i.u.ioa couieiupla ci ibat tho circulai lng mu d.uui ol the e> mr/ sami bo Uniterm in qaaliry and va.u -. At tho timo ol bo iona itioa cf thst nstrumenr, thee untry hw just emerged ?rom thc war ot tao hove lu.ij , una was suU' nam thu effects nf arcduu....n uni worthless pa .e. curroucy. ilia sagos o. tba pc r.od were aux.ous to proto t t cir posterity from tuo ovi.s which th , tao.i.bcives had experienced. II nee 1 ; providiu ' n circoliiting meaiain, tiley eouitrrad up u oe. guss tua power tj coiu money end regulate th value lucro <:, a; the Bimi timo profaioi?a,; t JO .states i oui making auyt lag uutU'0.a ana biiver u lindo.- m pay mon toi u ow. un au ira laue ronditton ol our currency is in strik Ing can ir usc wita .bac which wai ces gncd. Jiir ei.'eu.aiijn LOW tm .iaci.8. ut St, nolCa ol thc Nu'.ioU a. nuuk*, wui.-h mc maje receivable mr ?ll dues io the Oa veinaient, excluding ?mpo-.t-, and by all it, ciedltors, . xju, Ung in p yment o? in crest upoD l:a hou .s ann ta. 0* thcuiie.v. i>; h-ecjnu. 1 gai-ten?er note.-, i-suod uy th United .staten, and tue law requires shad be receive i as wt-U in pSj nient ol ull dents betweoac ?zensas of nuiiovemmo.itdues, exepdug imposts; und, tain, ?old iud .a.vcr coin. Ll> th.- ope. atiuu cl our present system 1 nu nee, no .vt vcr. UM uiemdic eui-r!uc>-, when codcci cd, ii reserved on.y lor ono class Oi Government croiii Cora, wdt>. to -in . i n bonds, semi-anuua ly roco vo lb .ii interest iu oaiu norn tue National i re-sury. lucy . rc chu .mule to occupy an invtdi m posiiion, which mi; oe u,e? io s reiigiuea the argnmen..J oi those wh J would orin{luto disrapu.c thc ouii .allons cf tho nation. In .he payment ot ..n ns debts, the p.ight 0 fui.h ol tho Uovor^ment t-ha id bo iuvio?ably maimuiuod. Hut whiiu ii acts wi.fa ll .o'.i.y toward the bondholder who joano ni ? iiioacy .fa .t me luic-CTity ri Ibo Union mi^'hi be pre s.-rved, i ihould a; ihe ami tima olis.rve good loiti widi .ho great ma ses oithc people, who, huv ug roicced .he Union the perils o?rebedion, now bear lin. uraeus oi uxation, inst thc Uovemment may be tble to t'a iii I;J cjji:j.mmis. 'ihire U no reasou wht li will bo adapten as a.i iSfitotory by the people, why h sa wfaa u ie::. us o J the lana aud protect us o . .c sea; the p:U;iou r u..ou iho grjtaude ol the na aoj, Dearing tue -:car, aao" reco vad while in it: service; ta- public bciva:.ts in tue var ous Depaitmeu;. oi t .o Government; tno f .rmer wh i sup?)i es the nol ieis oi iLO army sad ibo SJIIOI'J ot' thc navy; thc -r.isan W?J toils in tho nation's workshops, or the mechanics and laborers who bal ?di la eunices ano cona ructt its lor.s and vessosot war-should, ta pay? aient cf their just sod nard-eaiu^d mes, riceivu depre laicd pii-er, wane another class ol the r country men, no mo.e deserving, ur.- pain in coir, ot g ld and silver. . qnal cad exact Justlc . rcq aires that ali ifae e editor af tho Govornmoai euould oe paid tn u currency pos sesalnga nnliOrm value, .'his can only bo u.-cOLaplisn ed fa/ the les ora.ian of tb currency to u.c bi ndara Stobiishi d by tau <_ous itUloni aud by .his means Wa would remove a dis.r mini iou which may, ii it ha .ota.roady done to. create a prejudice uat may become iccp-rjotej and W.dc-sptead, a .d tne nulonu cremt. . ne aslb li ty oC maldug our currency correfpond wi h tho lojsti.u.ional ?isndord ra y bj teen byrekr >A to a few laois ucrived uom our commercial its. Ul lies. iira?uatl norprecl-'Ui matih la thc Ualtod >tat> ?ram ltU9 to I8it, iuclu:ivo, aa.ouut^d to ?579,?J0,t00; t?omls?8tO lsGu, lucluuvo, to S.'.O'.CUC.OOJ; uud from .-J: to MA, inclusive, io 44?7,60d,)JU-makiag thc grain, iggro^ato oi sm.o ib43, tl.iTl.???.OO?. me stnount or SIKCIO coned from 1U19 to 1857, Inclusive, ?iai ?.?39,U.U,UJU; irom 18JS ta ISJU, iuclulive, J -? UO 0; and ire in ;&G.i to loC7, uicltislve, ?ii ?, :JJ Od-u^ung tho tattl coinaj biuce 184^, t87l,i 0 . u-. From 8ii) to ia;7, iiciUsiVe, thu .ot.xpo.- a o. peria ::uo bt ri tO ii. l.tOJ.UU?; Iro i. 1858 to lfoU, iu j usi , to tHl.iOJ.i.uO; a d f.r-.n l88l lo 18.7, I .cia > ve, ?3?"\0J ..un-maki ig t .0 uirgregate ol bet exporte, since IssVJ. i.741,cO-J,OaO. XbabO tgurcs sh-w ?DO: e-: .I pioJuCi ovi.r net export- ot CloJ.rOJ.OiJO. lhere urr ia t..e ireasuiy slll.cuu.O 0 in e-ln, tomet inir nort aaa $4U,0J0,0J0 tn eircuaiLou CD tue Paciuc coasr, and a ic-.v mu.i a ? ia th.' iu.l <nai aad other ban i-lu I taoat S160.U?O,000. T?.li, howovcr, takiug into a.eouui che specie ia ibo csun tl puer to 1819, loaves ru ro thau aaroa hun red ns of dollars waiata havo not to n .ceo.mied 1er by exp rtaUan, thore.oro may yet re .naia l.i the coa..try. I'taese are Unportantfacts, and show how campl--tc'.v the iaicnor currency will supei-si do tba, lorclng ii rrotn ursala.ton among r.o maaact, cad i ausi:. . it io cu espurio . cs a m:rr article ot (rad -, :z t.dd to tbo monty e.ipitai ot ?ercig i lands. Ifaey bhaw ibo uccesdty o: re i i .g eu:- p:pcr mo.iO... tan tfao/Ctaru s'./oll Bud ^ ta il.j av i.uea tl tra :o may bo iuvited, and s dotoor.e a;ens t woich will cansa tho rc;ou iou ai home oi ut leal ara h of tuc productions ol Our rieb aud ?acxL^usu .>:c gold-bcariin; nelda aa may to sum icm for puruo.--:; oi circulation 1- iu unra snuab'io io expect a return lc . sonn c a rensy so lou^ as .aeO overumenr, byc^n.iuu i ig to i jae i r?.de.-inib.c aott-s, has tho caauncls.jt dr u: ti-aa -vila depreuatoil paper. i Mirna by oar mints, sinco i.t , of eight faundrea uud eVan.y.fdur milioni ci eolian, tba propia arc no? stranger, to the oarrenoy which was deigned for thu: ase and beaoet, and soccim.-ns oi tba n.-ecio-as met..!. oo ring tho national drvico are icldoa s -en, excapt wnoc prodaa d to graiiiy lbs ii teres: excited by their novelty, if depr. cist.rt Fifer is to tc coaunucd cs currency ol tfao couatry, and uil aur coin ls to become a mjre lu-iielo of tra??c aud speen acion, to tho ia.ut in price ot all that is indispensable to thc ,-omi?rt ol thc ireoplo, lt would be wiso iconomy to abolish our miuts, thus saving tho i.atlou tin care uni cxpsme iacid^t :o ?u:U establishments and let ail o. our precious metals ko exp lu bulbo i, tho Unie a-.s como, howevor, w on tfao Uoverumoat sud ?iutionai bmlia shoaia bj required to tak - th" mo t exctout stepa and moko ad ncc^s -ary arr ing?nient- foi a rcauirtp.Joa ol' 'pecio paruicutaat ilij carbest pracUai blo po.iod. specie puvaicnis having' b.ea ouco re. inmad by tho ( and hanks, all notes or bibi of p.p. r issued by either ol a less dencminadou t:iao U-entyd Uara hould bylaw (ocxsladod from circu?a? lo i. to that ut p o?!-- may havo tac tcnellt and conv. - a.cncu of a t;oi.l and silver e irrcacy '.Vaica in all then o'js.a?-ss transactions will bo uailorrn iu va.uc ut ho. e an l a read. .'-vary man of prsparty or industry, every mm who -l;si ta to i rtseive what ho honestly possesses, or t .a..ta.a what ho cm honestly carn, has a direct in . -ot lu m intainlo.T a cato cir. ul Uug madium raab a medium us sh ll borcrland ^bs un td, not lia bli to vi? with opimous, l.ot subject to bo blown up oi nion-n down by the breach oi ipcoul man, but to b. made .table ?.nd sicarc. Adisorucud currency is one of ibo greatest pohticu: evils, ii ufidormlnos thc rirtaes aec.ssary lo.- iLo s.ipport of tho u .cul s.iatcm. sad ca avura.cs prop.nsltics ol' 1.s hap, mass ; i .vars agaiuEt industry, fug..hy, a .d ccoaomy, and ii I ai curs tile evil rpirits of eattruvagancs and speculation.' lt i as bern a? ct u by one ot out profound and n-. alfie . stat smcu. that "c. ali lb COaCrlva .ciel for chea: mg ta.- Laboriu? ela les of maukin 1, none bal t-.oa mor, elf dual than that which deludes them with paper money. Tai-is the mos-, effectud o? iiivcuUms ta ??r daze the neb rna i*i Adis by ihe sv.-,:jtoi thu poor man'? oraw. Urn i nary tyranny, opprei ion, ? ncc ;s:vo taxai lou tbesebear ligotl] on tba aaipmu^s ot tho ma?, of the i-oininumtv cara lured wit . a t audnlebt currency, aud tho robberies committed ty d. pr-aclaitd paper. Dur own in tory d IB recorded for oar ins.ruction uuoujh. ona more than cnoutM of tfao dcmor^lizi g tendency, tbs la? id tico, and tfao in'.oleia'alc oppression on tho virtuous iud vvcl!-d spOsed of a degraded pat cr currency, author. Zed by lav/ a.-?a any wavcaunto sneed ay Clover, men ." It is cac ot ;he mos; tuccssiul cvlcos, in Umes ol peace cr ur. cx;& s.oas or rovulrious, to accomplisfa the of uil the pr ciaaa met; ls frcm tho grjat mass of thc peoplo lalo tte hands of the lew. w.-cro they are hoarded in secret pares or de poai : ed In ti una boxes under bolts and h?rs, whi ?.the ps pie aro ?el: o endure ai t - nc mvemeucc,--a ri il e .nu demora sall n re.u dag from ibu Usa ul a deprocia t.aand W h c i paper mouey ihe coadi. on oi um ll ana sa dttaeopsrah n- o: ?u r venue s i-tcm -i? set lorita aud 1.1 y explained ia t o . bi ad instr ttiva rip . t ! ho seer ta y or th ll fr su y. un t e Sot i ..i June I8t>d, the puuhc d bi amounted tn?3,73 12a 879; ou t e 8Jt i . f Jan i ti s lt wis ; J Ci2.199.215. c. owing a io..ucl! n durba th . Pscal . ero ilU. 2 .'-Cl. lau i pt c ea vearmdi g Jun- | \ ?J, ISC: tho c.e.pti ware ?-?90,634,310, aud tn.-e pt-ul- | ( ta c - ; C4.i?,72?.l??. leavin . un Va.J.-.o e . u pius ot ;143 - W4 8.0. 1: is scanted th it the :.\.cei t.t o i s u. yea ending June 3U. 1803 w.ll . o ;t?7 161.928 and tu t tho c p . u ure-? ?i 1 reach t eaaxc cf ..'SW vti9,22C, lei v I ia I . T.t'dEU.y a furiilus ol ?23,892,703. l-o Itfau a-e? year endi g J no Sa, is?9, il is etimaied that tta< rec.:; I maa tt tS8i.uuu.KKi, uuu t -lt I expen? ditures i lbo?37.' COO.Ou.i, ?ho?-in_,uni.r:cco5o;?>9,tCi'j,Ouj ia laver cf tim Uuve.-i m.-at. Th. attantion ol Confess ls cancitlj invited to thc ncrosciiy of a tfao iou jh revision ct' our roveauo j stem, jar intern 1 revenue lawi ia past cyst rn :,faoui i be ea adj usted a-: to biar mos: heavily oa arcicleno: luxury, leaving tho ::ccc?:a tes of ilia as fYeCLrcm taxation asmav bj comistcnt wita .faa real w.ntuot the ttovernm. nt e.oac-m cally odm.msterei. ?uxa ioa wou d not then fall u-duly cu tbs mi J o: moderate means; and while would ba catirtly txtmp. irotn ai ti .uta;, BU, m proporuon to itair pocuniny ibiUhes, weald Ctn tribute tcwards the* sui port ai th J tato. A ra.di?:aiien o.' tho internal rev?? cue system, by a iarU'e reduction ia the num-er of articles a TV .abject to tax, would be follow d by re inits equally advantageous to tue citizen and tte uovera? ll" Rt .t ?.cuid r. nd-.;.- ho exe u?cu of tbe 1 w !e- s ox pona , c and mero cer. .in, rem JV ? ob:.truc;ions to indus iv^Biii t u -t mutations :o eVu-iatbe law, uimiuisfa thc i j tiona (tuc IYJU'J. , C p tralee- upon Uo provolone, ante 2 s oporaUons les., i.quisi ari.d, and gro tly re? ad J ia aura en the army ot tax-gainers soraatod by he, wau '-laue fica tue meath tt honest ii ar 1 .'. -rad it has earned." Retrenchment, ra : rm, cud cc tm/ ehoa.d b. carnod in;o tvery I ( ar ae'ao thepuo c ttvtce, tau tu. ex cn uuro-. of 11 th : ti aver m , t m :y bo ? o ;u ed tn 11 .. pe. pie relieved rv . i opp.-cs.i7o laxa: o ; a souci carr a y sfaauid La ! tts ed, uud tte pub;,,- sithln te a .to he naioool lab Bcrcdyobcorvcd T.,a a 'comal shmcnt once anp ru i rrsuta, tOgcihar witu the icatoiail^n oi t c iji'iiMi orttae states upoa tho principles ot mo . on iltu ;on. W U tlrsp; . c nli Cbc. .it h. m.- aad ab cal 1 i Lae - aba ty oi oar ms.ituiic. J-, i.nd a..n0- ;u tho natxn ;roa crrty, peace, ind goo J W I. ino report -ai ihe i:uer ta y ti War od inferiai exhib ts ac epa ?ttl s f he. rmy ..t.J oi hu sere al tur u o. he ^J: D par. cat ito a g a.-, e .-'.ret.-fa ot ? ur ai :ury fa ?, or. th SO fa of ap ?.nib -i a t, waa 5J.S1?. I he tou.1 tlima cia u? I ury jpp trei i toi.'b i-, ?77.1.4,. ft'7, i eiudia efl i Bey it 1 ic y '.. 'r. appr i a Kn ti .U.CJO.OU.'i. ai;j i ay.aeuts :. he ire sury ca ure nut a Hu s.rvi: oi tr.o War ucinr m j..t r om J au ry 1 to jctober :9,_lso7-a p.-ri ti" il lan ra. ti ~jmvuu*2d i-09S-jT.OiiU. Im ex -mts ot tho military lat blisbmau-, ra wc1.: eu he num .. ia of .he sarj ra i-rvr ;? ce t mas aa gr at as .hey i ve ever bc: i in lima of pc..?. ; wniic the e'iacrctionaiy ono." is vested in no i.s.curive to add milliOL'S to ibis ix a tUturoby .ulucre<-c i ?ho aimy to ?hu miximcm :.en .th a.l .wed i y ibo Liv?. T'io menacing clUtudc of corni tito warltirc tvnds i in(":au:> inhnblting thu 'Ilinict o: co ntry betv.ean _ he A;k;b?aE a-.d i'latie idre.s, aud portions of Lu^oni j erfilory, requited th? IWB*JUCO oi a large mill ?ry torca n.hitrj.ii-'U. JU Ugaleu b; r.-al or imaginary gncv.. aces, ac illy coxemitted acts tf barbarous vio n.c a;, aa oailgrants a d ..ur ti o .ti r lottlamcnts; our . (jcucTj.. I..-di.n ?u. Las tea. providon'iuly ."o.-td. .bc ?.-mx.i:si a is. u&uti ta-a ?ct ol 3U: ? juy. t8?7, icicinv ?;d -.. ult pow or io adjust (Xisi- T difUcul* tc-, ? . c .. J IrcaUca wita lac taisaifce.ed baias, cad <: ct .or tr.'.m r aviations remoteiroa tac travelled ca:; b..- ea tho ?!l?sissippiano t ci'-.tiilc. lhayon c.eiiv-.^ja. u.i.-y a un it. oxccuiiontt ttaU t'u^t, ;: hsvj bo yut ar- c .ny ..ia.lal reporto) itel pro au;:;;:, rlial limpurtauva tba. cur dlsiaat .er i . . - caaoul? bcexcmptireni Inulau outbreaks, and that ho can=..rac-da . cl tue Pasitic il-i.rtcd, . a . bj.c. of tia? ;oaai unpurtt.ncc, onouui u-at te tuterroptad ty hostile 1 ? i tri ie?. Those objects, as Troll sa the material interests and tho mural mid intellectual mi pro yemeni o tho I . dims,ean tic most fdTcclually recured by concentrating them upon portions ol eountry set apar, for thc r c-xolu Hivo usc, nuil locaiod at points remoto from our highways rim! encroaching white ?ottlomonts. >lnoe ttic ontnmoiicpuriiit of the second session of tho Thiriy-N'ihth Cuugrrss, liv? hundred und ten tulles of road have been constructed on tho main lin? and branchos eflho raeili-- I?iilway. The lin? from Om ib? is rabidly approaching tho eastern base ot thu Kooky Mountain?, whlht tho t m mur, ol -ho lasUcetiuu of con strimed r ad in Calltornia. accepted by tho Gov rnmcnt on tno 'd1 li day 11 Uc ober but, was but e oven miles dis? tant from tbo summit ol' Uic Nevada, 'j ho re? markable energy ev.need by tb? companies o'fers the strong* si asauranc ? tl at thc completion ol tn? road from Sacramento to omah., not bc long deterred During thu lust nscal year sevea million forty ono tbousana ono hnudred and lourtcon acm ol public land w?rc disposed of, and thu cash receipt.-, from salea ?nd loo, cx.-.eded bj one-half mdiion dollars thc tum realiz? ed from those foureoi during the preceding year, 'ibu amount paid to pensioner , iududin;: expenses of dis? bursements, was il8,C19,956, and thirty-six thousand f jur buudrc i mid elghiy-t*0names were added to tlie roils, ibo entire num cr ol'poa-loners o.i tho 3Qth ol June last was ono and tltiy-llvo thousand lour lum ire. and seventy-four. I levo i thousaud six hun? dred and fifty-five putents and designa wero issued dur? ing tue year ending September 30, la-,7. and at tint dato the balance in the Treasury to the credit of tba Patent Fund was $28J.C07. Ibo r-.por.of ibe Secretary of the Navy stales that we have sci'- ii squadrons actively und Judiciously employed, uudc. effie.eut ami ablo o jmmandors, in proccuiia tho persons and property of American ci; zeus, maintaining Lue dignity aud power of thc Government, and promOt lug tuc commerce und uusmcss interests or our count, y. .t-oti lu overv put of tho wor d. Of tin two h Juuieu und thirty-eight vesseis composing tho present navy of tjo United Mat s, Ut.y-si.t, curry mg ?vu hundred ufcd seven guns, are iu squadron scrv cc. Duriug the year the number ot vessuis in commission has been reduced twelve, a. J there aro thirteen lons on squaaron duty han there were a. tho dato ot thu last report. A largo num? ber of verses wero commenced and iu the cours J of con. ?true lion when thc war terminated and ulthoug'i Con? gress had made tho necessary appropriations lor t: cir compieii n, the Department has either nuapended work upon them * r limited the slow c rnplotnn or the stearn ves sels, so aa to meet tho contra ts tor mao doery maue with private colah Isaments. Tno tot il expenditures of tho .Navy lor thc fiscal year ending June 30, 18?7, Wrro ?3l,OU4,011. No appropriaU ins have been made or required tinco the cos? of tho war lo ? the con -iructioa au J repair of vo?sel?, for ste m mach nery, ordnance, provislous and, fuel, hemp. Atc, tho baianc > u .der tuesc several btrads buviug been more than BUlllcieni for current expenditures, it should also bc stated to tho credit ol the Department thal, bes des asking :io upproprlau w fur tho above objects for tho ,ast two years, tho Secretary of tho Navy, on the jutn of oe.tmiber List ia ajcordanco with thc act of .day 1, 181J, requested t J I Secretory ol the Troasury to carry to the su rpi u* fund tho sum of sixty-five mi.lions O? dol?an, being thc imount received trom thc salea of vos-e.s und otaer war property, and thc> remnants ot for? mer apprjpiiatlons. the i\ pun ol the Postmaster-Genera] shov.s the bu l ness of the Post?nico Department and tho condiilon fi tue postal service iu a very favorable bght, uud tne atten? tion of Congress is cai cd to its practical recommenda? tions, 'the receipts ot thc Department for thc year ending June ?il, 1:67, a 1 special .p. propnatlon-i for sea and laud service, ?nd tor free uiad matter, were $19,978,093. The expenditures mr ah purposes were $19.235,463, leaving unexpended balanco in fwr of tho Department ot o743,'J10, which can be applied towards thc cxpeuscs of tho Department fur the current year. Thc incrcasn of u -tal revenue, independent of specific appropriations, lor the year 1867, over that of lHtlC, \.us ;83:J,U10. 'Ibo .ncreaao ot re. euu : from tho salo of stumps and -t imped envelopes wa? *783,40t. ibo increase ol <x?>endituiC3 for 1807 over thos .. bf the previous ear was owing chiefly to thc extension ol the land and coeU ni ; lc service. During tho pa t year new pooial conventions have been ra : tied and exchanged with the United King? dom A Great Itnuun and Ireland, Delgium. the Nether .ands, Switzerland, the North oermau tulon and th: ul ulai oovernmont at Hong-Kong, reducing very largely the rates ot ocean and lund postages to und from anu ??.jin those countries. 1 he report of ihe -veting Commissioner of Agriculturo ocoisely proscnts the condition, wants, and progress or au interest, eminently worthy tho losterin^ cate of jongress, and exhibits a large measure of useful roiu'.L. ic.iicved nurina tno year to which it rotors. The reestablishment ol' peace at home, and the re? sumption of extoudedjtrude, travel, and commerce aoro.d, nave served to increase the uutnuur aud\aiioty of que, tious in thc department tor foroigu ail.irs. None ol tho ?J questions, uowovor, have seriously disturbed our relations with other States. rue Kepundc of Mexico, having been relieved from .or Iga intervention, ls . arno-Uv engaged in eldons to re-est?bil, h ber ton t.tuii mal system of goverumout. A good understanding continues to exist between our joverument und tho liupubms ol Hayti uud san Do nin/o, und our cordial relations with tne central ami o atti American -Mates remain uaohaugod. Thc tender, made incouiormity with a resolution or Congress, uf the jood oinrcs ot tn<? Governm-cn-, with a viow to an ami .able adjustment ot peace between Dr..zl. and her allies, n one bide, and Pira?uuy on tlio other, and oetween catii and htr alLes, on tho o o side, ind Spain on the other, tho t gb. kindly ceived, bas in neither caso been fully accepted by .ho belligerents, 'i he war in t e Valley uf tho Parana is still vigorous.y maintaiuetl. On the other hand, actual hos tut tes between tho Pactl.: 8tites uud Spain luve ba u nora than a year su-ponded. I shall, cn um proper oeca .. n that may occur, renew ibo conciliatory recomincnda jona wuich nave ue u already made. Ltraxil. with enhght. auud sagacity and comprehensive il.-, aas ?pened tuo great channel., oi t,.e Autazonaud its tribu?a .?es to universal commerce One thing n.oro seems .icedlui to assure a rupia aud cheerios progress la South Americ . I reicr to t..use habit, without which -..tes aud nutious cannot, in this age, well expect mate? rial prosperi.y or udvan .emout. Tue "exposition of i nivcrsal InduRlry at Paris ias passed, and seems to have fully realized tho hijh expectations cf tee french Govornm ut. li duo allowance be m .do tor ?lie rccont pol?tica, derangement oi industry here, the part which the United states has borne lu this exhibition of iuvcu.ioj and art nay bo regarded with very lurjh laUafacdon. Duung .ic Lxpo KtJit ti co. terence vea. held of dologatcs from ?overal uitious, the Cudi-, d Mat -1 bi- n; cue, la which .bc iiicoti'.'cmouces cf cotumcrcj ucd s od il Intercourse :C3U Ung irom theoiveriio standar Jj of money va.u: wero a?.y ulsoussed, ;:n . plans wero developed fur "8, by universal cous ut, a c.-umuu principil for tuc :oi..a;i:ul god. 'lhe?e couiurenoes ere expectea t-i uc cuewed, with the att.ndanco of many Uretra ?tates not i.-hcrt repre-eut.d. A rcpurt of thoio lut?rosti g pro .ei.dings wu. bo rabmiited to Congrcea, wnich aa louot jusny a..proelaie the g eat object, and t,o iaidy to dopt ?ny mea-ure which may tend to facilitate iu ui t?? ?ate accomplishment. uu cu ??tii oi fa'cbntuy, 1832, Congtcisdechre 1 by aw thatT.casuxy nb.e? without lutero t, au?tO:?zed by | } nat act, should bo legal tender in payment of all debts, yUulic und private, within tho L'ultcd States, Au cu* j mal remittauce oi S3U,0 u, less stipula.? d expensas, nc- I j rue- to claimants under the conveuticu uiado with >p lin lu 1831. These remittances, imce thc pisiage o. |j ct, have occn p id lu suca not?es. Tho claimants im ist uat the Guvcrumem uu^ht te require payment in coin, (he subject may bo deemed wormy oi your attention. Ko nrruu?em.-nt ha? as yet been reached for tho scttlc nent uf our claims tor liri ish dcprui.utious upon Le tunimerco of the Cuiio; sta cs. 1 have felt lt my duty o decline tho 'propositien of arbitration mu JO by Her dajcsty'l Gov.r.imeut, becau-e i: I as hitherto be.n uc ;umpuuled by reaerv.t ona uud limitations ii.compauble ritt the rights, interest, und houor of our couutry. It I . s no te bo ujiprcbendcd that Great Urituin wiUpersist I j u her roiusai to sat sf y these just and reasonable claims, ' vb. ch involve the sa -red principle ot non-intervention , principle h> ncefo: tb not more important to tho United I ) >utes it.a.. to alt oilier commercial nation;. ', Tho West ludia ls.ands wero settled and colonized by -Turopoau .-ute- eimuiCmeously with thc settloment and lionization of tho Amoiicau conthtcnt. uost of Uie co* I / juic-3 planted here nations in tho dose ot tho lust and t.c b.-? uu.u;: of tho pr runt centu. y. Our owu country cmbiacos' c mmunities which, .t oao ponod, wi re colonies ol Great britain, France .min, Holland. SWedou, an:'. P.Usjii. Thu pojplu in tho Vest Indios, with tho exec, tion ol Chose oi the island ot -ay ti, have n.-..iier attain, d nor tupirod to ludopend- J ncc, nor havo they bc:ome prepjred for sclf-dcioucc. | ' tl.hoajh poasessiug cou?lderabl') couim-crgiai valu., oy have beeu held by inc aevoia! Eoropcan .-states which oloalzcd o at sometime cunquevoJ Ihoi-, chiefly foi 1 ?urposcs of military ana naval atrtvtegyiu carrying out J ?mo ean poucy aud da-igns in ro. ar.? to thLi coutluci.t. 1 u our tteVulu.louary War, t ons and ha hors in the \ est india l-lan ts were used by our enemy, to tho great njury and cm Ur..nt; ut enc United States, Wen ad ..o 6amo -xpenonco In our socoud war with Groat n'.iiu. The oimo European p>hcy;cra long umo ex duuidusoven from trade with tau West indies, whi o e were at peace with oil nations. In our re? lent e vil war tba rebe.8, and their and itoclradi .breaking allies, touuci facilities la t. c amo por.s tur tho work, which thoy too tucctssfullv , cooQLlishod, of injuring and dev..s:aun^ thc commerce rl?ch wu are now engaged in re'miiding. V. e labored specially under tais disadvantage-tuat European tuan vessels, employed by our eueml- s, fuund jrieudly he ter, protection, uad suppUos in Wost Indian ports, ( Fbi.o out own naval operauoiis w. io necessarily carried ] m from our owu distant shor.s. 'Ihoro was then a uni. . ersal feeling of tue want ct an atlvanc d naval outp st j latween the AtlanUc coast and iiurope. Thu dutv ot ob- j aining tueb on outpost p Bcefully and, while j ui.ner duiui; nor taeuaciii.: injury to other :stai-.-s, e r icatiy ecgag-ed thu attention uf tho Executive Depart- | j nen?- beior . the coso uf thu war, :nd it has not h .on IOSL Ight o. since tuat ii m.-. A not entirely dissimilar naval } vant revealed Itself during tho kamo period on tho ? .'aciile coast. Tho required foothold there wis fortu- j utelv secured by our la o treaty wiih thc Emperor of j tuesta, ana it now s ems that the more obvi >u? necessl.ies of thc Allan "ie co ist should not be k s lareiud'.v provided for, A eood and convenient port aud I j laibor, capab.e ot easy detence, will supply that want. Yuh the possession of such a station by the .'ailed States, neither wc uer any omer Ameri ::u nat on need longer appielic-nd injuiy or of ouce norn any Truus-AUan ic enemy. I ajroe vim our early slate,men that Uie West Iudics I j luturally gravitate to. and may b- expected ult. nato y to Lc absorbed by the Continental >uites, luclud ng our owu. 1 ugree willi them also that lt .j wiso to oavo tue question oi such abso.plion to this proco- s ot lataiol p iiiticalgr.vitaton, 'dbe is.a ids oi St. thomas md st. Joh.i's, which consUtuie a part of ?In t;rojp tailed the \ ti g.i. Islands, seem d to ?1er us advcutagi-s inmediately ucslrable. whil? their acquisition could bc | 1 iccurcd iu hai-uiony v.l.b tho principles to whic. 1 have thuded. A treaty as, ihoretore, been concluded wita i.o King ot Denmark tor ?hu cassim ol these islands, md will be EU muted to tho Somite for cousidoration. lt will hardiy bo uec.ssary to oall the attention cf Con? gress to the sui Joel of providing tor the payment to duiisiaof thc sum stipulated iu tho treaty tor ihe eossion if laska. Possession haviag b en formally d livered 0 our commissioner, the territory remains io.- the pres- I j mi ia care ol a military force, awaiting such ?vii organ ration as ehall bc duectcd by Congress, Xhe unuexsilun ot many small German Staten ?mssia, uud ?he reorganization of that country under [ t, v. and liberal cousti ution, have induced me ?o ru lew the lin lo obtain a just and prompt settlement of he loug-vexod question concerning the claims ol foreiwn ?tates ior uilhtiry soivicu from their subjects ua:u aUzud in tho United elates. In connection with this subject, thc attention ci" Con ?re?s is respectfully called to a singular sud smbarrace nz couilici ol laws, tho l zecutlvc L?eparttnent oi th's | ' icveruiuent has hitheno uollormuy Leid, aalt now lolds, that jtturaiizatiuu, ia conformity willi tue Cen- ' J tttutiou aud la-.,t of tne United Sta.os. ab o.ves thc ic ipleut fiona bia naii.e allcsia'ace. Thc < c-iU of Elita n hold uar allega ince to thc i :in:h I rown s ladefsaelbie. ;.nd is uoi . by our !w" of nitu ?abzaiion. Uri.ish judnei cit? courts and law author! les o? tn? United -?tates in supporte! that tucory a;:^inst ha poLiii. u held by Hie itU<tcuuve authority cf the Jutted states. Xiii-. :ouilict porp.esos thc public mind bneernlofi 'ns rights of naturi,ized c-tuoiia, aud im lairs t.,e"u:ttiout-l authority abruai.. 1 ct.lled auent-on o this iu'-Ject lu my last mumal mess ige, ..adu-jv, gain rcspecuully appeal to Congre;a to .:.o arc the r lo.iut will umnUtakauly upon thts isaportant qucs?on. lha abuse lawa by ti.eeUu testtnc ptoe^eutionoi cc Alncau luve-tiade ir?m Ainerjcanperts or by iir.eri au dittena has al.ogether ceased, aiad. nuder existing hcunistanecs, no apprehension of its renewal in thu iart ot thc world are entoitallied. Under these circum tau:c3 it bec.naes a qu'sttuu whether we s ..iii not trep?se toHir .>inje..y'-? GoTeramout a suspension or il-coniiuuancc o. the \iii?ulyiy..'? fer maauiaining a laval ferve i or thc sujpr^.sicn uf tba: im?o. AKCUEW JOHNSON, COF.r.HCiED v;:r-i??.:. mases or ii?'- ?loo:?. ?;r?? Q. alli, CU. Int.morn j Lait Q. 17th, l i;, lian.even Ul) AE lilli. Ci. .Am. morn J New M. tl?iu, e c. 19-ji, oven 3 Monday....! S Tueaday? - ? ! ; Vt'ednesciy.l 3 Thursday...I .'linday. rjsatnrday... ijsitmday.! COMMERCIAL. Importa. GLACE BAY (C B)-Per Er brig Alert-173 tons Coal. To Budd A- Blake. Exporta. LIVEBPOOL-Per ?hip Mary Ogden-16 baga S I Cotton, 2372 bales L'pland Cotton. Tbc Charleston Cotton IM arne i. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS.l t BABLESTOff. Tuesday Evenino, December 3.1867. ( Tbe (Inpressing intelligence from other markets causes prices to keep up a declining tendency, and the rat:s re? ceded irom X?Xc. $ ni. Sale3 453 bales, viz: 79 at 13.'; ; 19 at ll; Cl at U%; 66 at lag; 3at 14X; 118 at li}: ; 17 at 1 J; and 100 at 15>ic. Wc .junto: J.IVEBPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordluiry to Good Ordltary.13X@14 Low Middling.145?@14,*? Middling.14V<ij_ Strict Middling.,.16 (516)4' Augusta .Harket. ACOUSTA, December 2 -GOLD.- Brokers buying at 139 and Beli ng at 140. SLLVEE -Brokers buying at 130 and selling at 133. COTTON.- The mar.?ct oponed on-k, with a good de? mand lor New Yori middlings at 14al4?, but tho advices Irom Liverpool in tbe ul.c-noon caused a cessation of 0 .cratiou3 for the day. Wo quote Kew York middling, which is v,-ry scarce, no uinal.y at 14. lotil salas 403 bales. Receipt1;, 082 bales. BACON.-Western shoulders, 14il4Kc ; B. B. silas, l.>Kr.lGc ; t '. B. 6iue9,16ad6'{c ; Cl. Bides, 16Jial7 ; Hams, 22a2i ; D. S. shoulders, 12)?al3 ; D. S. C. B. sides, 16a-. COEN.-White, SI ; mixed, $1. WHEAT.-lied, $3 5ja>2 60 ; white, S2 60a$3 00. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, December 2.- TraPENTiNE-Is un? changed in price. Sales of 165 bbls, at c3 30 for soft and ?2 2d for hard, per 280 .bs. SPIEITS IUBPSSIINE-His b2on hi active request, and has advanced '< cent. Sales of 603 bbls. at 50 cents per gallon. ROSIN--Salis to-day 0/ 415 bbls, at $2 for common and strained; $3 25 for N . 2, and $2 35a3 for Ko 1, us in quality. TAH-Only 32 bbl? received, and sold at $2 26 per bbl. COTTON-Marl et dull and prices lower. Sales of 24 biles ut 12?? cents lor Oidinary; .3X cents for Low Mid? dling, and 1 j; ? tenn tor Middling. .\ew Orleans Market. KEW ORLEANS, >ovember 28.-COTTON-The In? quiry was resumed to-day with t lair decree of spirit, and a - the supply afforded considerable s:opo to buyers, aud factors met the demand freely, the sales summed up 1C00 bales at irre, ular puces, without any auch marked variation as would rcquiri a change in our previous quo* tations, which we repeat as follows : Ordinary, -1 Good Ordinary, 14,>*al4>4e ; Low Middlmg, 15al5X-' Mid? dling, -al5??c; wu rr.av add that Strict Middling, sold at lGc, and may oe quoted at 16J1?>.?C. At tbe opening ol business buj ors endeavored to ob tiin some maher advantages affecting yesterday's inside rat s tor s net classifications, but although factors were willing to meet th - demand freely, and thus prevent the evil ol an accumul .tion of stock, yet they were roluctant to inako any additional concessions, wh ch checked the mo vern, nt, but as soon as tho former chowed a disposi? tion to go on at the previous dec ino the market exhibi i ed in ere? nd activity. The decline in New York Ex? change and the heaviness of foreign had an unta orabls, but not sulhctont to produce any marked re sun. lu connection wita tbe above quotations it should bc stated that there were several sales of Middlmg at .e. s than 15Xc, but not of sufficient extent to serve as a basis for quotations. STATEMENT Or COTTON. - tock on hand 1st beptembor, 1867.bales-15,256 Arrived to-day.6,816 Arri cd previously.119,184-134,999 140,255 Cleared to-day. none cleircd previously. 60,663-00,653 Stock on hand and on shipboard. 79,692 Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, November 3D.-ComE-We report to? day a sale ot 30C0 baga Bio, ex rolphln. on private terms, taken for home trod J; also from second hands, 400 baxs Kio at 10al7>?c, gold. COTTON-Markei is utill depressed, prices further favor buyers. We report sales of 50 bales low middlmg at 15a 16j?e; 05 do g od style lC'^c; 103 bales mixed good ordi? nary and low midJliug at Wie; quote medium lSKa 15 X FLOUS-Continues duli; some Little trade demand, bat shippers still keep out of thu market We nobco a sale aflOJ bbls City MUls Super at $9 60. Quotations gene? rally remain unchanged, thouzh nomlnaL GIUIN-OWIUR to tbu heavy head wind which set in on Friday nignt receipts of all kinds were very Ught. Of | Wheat tho cfLrings were 666 bits.iels white and 2525 bushels rel; prime and choico continuo scarce and aie ivan tod. We repor* sales to-day of 4.0 bushels fair white it ?2 45; 110 bushels good rod *2 60; 126} bushels me? dium do . 2 45; 800 bushels $2 35, and 200 bushels $2 25. Lorn-lie.-eip? 12,400 bushels waite und 4300 bushels y. Low ; niai ket was again inactivo; included in tbe salea ivere 2 .'J bushels wmto .or hominy SI 30; 200 bushels pilme drr now white $1 20; 10.0 buehc s good do SI 16; 1050 bust.M? damp do ?lal 10; 35C bushels new Pennsyl? vania yellow SI 06; 4?0 bushels n w Western mixed, yellow, ?nc. uatt-59.0 bushels offered; 1 00 bushels only reverted ; sold at 70a rio, Bye-640 bushels received: ?00 bushels s .la at SI 45al 60. MOLASHES- >.O solos; market dull. PaovisioNs-Wo Lotice further sales of new Western Ruit .Menta us follows: 20,000 lbs Shoulders at OX cts; 10,000 lb i rib Siacs atlO^cts; Bacon is very dull, and prices still ? irther depressed; stool; Increased by receipts irom thc West. Wo quote, though nomic il, shoulders I3al2)ic; rib Sides 13>?ul3}?c; cir-ar rib 14)ic; new City nam? 1 i'Xal?c; Mess Tor?, ttl 60 for Western. Lard I Ubi:),: at 12c in tes ItXOB-No saics reported, but quota Carolina quiet at )a9>jc. Consignees per soutn carolina Railroad, December 3. 959 b des Cotton, 69 bales Moss, 253 sacks Corn, 100 obis Ros. n, ll cars Old Iron, Ac. To E H Rodgers A Co, I Davis, a L Jeffers A Co, J A En-low A Co, G fl Walter i LO, Q Be.der, J fl Baggett A Co, Adams, Frost & Co, Jcurtcnay ii Trcnholm, Johuitoc, Crews A Co, Jno M jreer, Chisolm in os, Fraser St rill, W noach, Graeser, Lee. Smith It Co, W J Yates, L Druck r. Moffatt A Boyle, j W Willi.ins ? Co, M goldsmith A Son, Cameron, Bark cy A Co. W B WilllaTs, J B E Sloan, street Bros A Co, Villis ? i liuolm, J tt Pringle, Thurston A Holmes, H B Vscnt, J Cumpscn A Co, P Malkai, fl J Randall. Tait A lowlaud, Uibbs & Co, O O Witte, Ot A Hopley A Co, W B imith ? Co. Consignees per Northeastern Railroad, December 3. 195 bales Upland and IQ bal. s Sea Island Cotton, 159 ,bls Naval store?, cars Stock, Mdze, Au. To Geo W WU lams A Co, Graeser, Lee, smith A Co, EemlaU k Dcoko ?y, Tucker & Jack?ou, J b Mci-.lhone, J Kenney, R G .bi-0.m, J H Baggett A Co, J A Quackenbush, M flenly, i Welsh, Willis & Chisolm, H L Howard & Bro. Gaillard : Minott, F s Robinson, B S Rhett ii Son G E PiHchett, i W Ding.e, Hart A Co, T D Stoney. Geo H lng na A iou, Ageut Baltimore steamship Co, F A Sawj -.d Jnlcr. Passengers. Per steamship Champion, from New York-O Alene!, vife and child. Mrs Tornas, Mis* S U Tomes, Miss M A Lomes, il I Bold *iu, W H iiurlbut, E K Frankenstein, J e ampbeU, A Li Campbell. L A DHL S P Dill, E C lioaid nan. Mrs E C Boardman, M '.Y Cleary, G L Decker, P W icckor, Mrs Anna swaker, Wm Fiizgrald, A Riebald, E ,lviu_ston, E ti Bedford and daughter, A Xresselt, Jobn jesher, P 'a' Enrj ebert, J F Shackolford. J B Loyd, > W lenny, F Cormier, Mdmc Giraro, Mrs Purkino. Mrs Fos? ar, J Loc, H Holme', und otters in tho steerage. MARINE NEWS. POUT fil''' CHARLESTON Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York-65 hours, tfdze. lo Street Bros 4: Co, Jamos Adger, J A W H irmstrong. F Ansel, Uollmau Bros, Bischoff A Co, Bart lc Wirth, H Bischoff, C Bart, T M Cater, H Cobia A Co, :ampnell, Knox A Co, W S Corwin, T D Clancy, chisolm 3ros, M W Clary, Dowlo & Moise, J L Dawsoi, D A A, J ll Lotson A Bro, Dr C A CowgilL I L Folk. D L Fleming, 1 ll Garer, A G Goodman, N U Hunt, Gruber t Mar.iu, lenry Uerdta ic Co, Hopkins, .McPherson A Co, W Hunr, fohn-on, Crews & co, Jennings, ihomlinson tc LO, Jef orda A Co, fl Klatte A Co, Klinck, Wickenb.rg A Co, D lorentz, Laurey A Alexauder, A Langer, T R Marshall, ililnor, Wilbur ? Martin. Mc Loy A Rice, Muller, Nimitz t Co, Muruhy & Co, M Martin, W Mccomb, J B MoEl jose. Monk A Co. B O'Neill. J C Ogeman, J C Pinkney, ?? G Paikt-r, tj P Poppenhelm, .r Beils. Bavenel k Co, W itoilitiB, Southern Exp CSJ Co, G W Steffens A Co, J S ?cbiimer, W .-le^le, L School), I Tupper A Sons, Rev A roomer, G A Vlsnaifcy, F von Santen, P Walsh, Wagner, ?eath k Monseus. P Wheelan, G W Williams A Co, Wer ?erA Ducaer, J K Wood, Agent Florida steamer, E G 3ornoy, Oray S Turley, J W Hardy. Bates A Co, A Illing, iiaiiiond N, J A Q, U s sub. lMicnce Department, S C RR \gent, and others. Brig Susin E Voorhls, Talford, New York-10 days. [lay. To W itoacn and Ord?r. Hr bng Alert, Ncwoll, Gla:e Bay, C B-30 days. Coal. lo . udd k . lake. Boat from ( hrist Churc 1 Parish. 10 bales S I Cotton. lo Gaillard A Minot. IN THE OFFING. Ship Richard III, Scott, from Bremen, and Bennion, "rom Boston, previously reported; also a Spanish brig, Mid to be from Havana. Cleaved Yesterday. Ship Mary O,idon, Coldrey, Llvorpool-W B Smith k Co. Went to Sea Yesterday. ;panbsrk Cami'a, Mertrcs, Barcelona, ?chr Curiis dillon, somers, Philadelphia. Jchr W G Dearborn, scull. Philadelphia. Ung Potomac, Snow, New York, .teamer Dictator, Coi-jiter, Falatka, via Jacksonville, Fernandina und cavannah. Cleared for tats Fort. ?cbr B N HaT.-Liz?, Wyitt, at ^ew York, Dec 3. Memoranda. Tbs New York Herald, ot" Sunday last, siya Thc abstract cf th? log of Ute Inman linc steamship Sty of Pari3, Capt Jas Kennedy which wo pub.ished r. ster.lti/, shows her-run from Queenstown io Sandy dook to ave been seven days twenty-three hours and our minutes, and is four hours shorter than tue quick r i333?0 over m .de by the Cunard steamship Scotia, ivhic'u was in July, 1S06. Thia passage of the City o? ?'aris may n^t bc beaten by any steamer lor y eari t- come, to? : .i-a/t: the means vf causiug the British Gov?rn ncnt 'o ;-\\: the.r u ill to Cast st.-amers of any Hue, in ;tcid Cf conti niug them to one company, as heietolore. MST V'S VE?SKLS Ol', CLLA?'.rD AND SAILED FOP. TO Id PORT. FOREIGN. LircnfooL. Inc -kjold, Albr:-chtsen, up.Oct 29 Sor bari: Kjcileitadt, Wcrge, cleared.Oct 13 :;EWCA;ILE, E>O. Dall; C A Jc-B?i,-. op. .Nov 15 LKITU. ?"hc Bertha. Anderson, railed... . .Oct 22 cvrn.-VEN. rho CcmpcUtor, Tun ar, up.Oct 4 jr. jon NS, N, B. Dreht? Nlct:ux, Bowe, cleared.Nov27 DOME:! TIO. I'S .?ON. Vor r. B Olcveri Intro: seil, up.Nov 9 ;-hrLaura Jadstnau, H.a-t, cleared.Nov 27 .UV ?OKK. 3rii Susan r. Voorbis, fulford, cleared.Nov 20 Ubi Ante-. :us, Terry, cleared. .Kov 24 5 hr ll N ?TttWilius, Wyatt, cioored.Dec 3 ?dir Barri Kewell, Gould, u^..Nov is ? . it M.-.r> ar...".. her, - . -, up.Nov 25 teht flartsione, Horn, cloned.Nov 29 id?: Union Fia?, Maloney, up....,.Nov27 PHILADELPHIA. lehr Wide Worlu, Hiiureth, clearw .Nev 15 ;chr W .V Pharo, Al e.-, olaired.\.NOT 23 ?car E B Shaw, shaw, cleared.Nov 29 BALTIJIOBr. ?hr Stiioh, Hubtari, up.,,.,. .Nov 16 [ DRUBS, CHEMICALS, ETC. 9LD EST1BLIS1D H G STO?E E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PEON <b DORK) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Marketa HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS IO their uaual stock of pure and frosh DBUG8 MEDICE? ES DYE ST CITS EUBOPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS mr SOAPS TOILET POWDZB3 P01IADE3 COSMETICS CO UBS BEUSHES EXTRACTS, io Comprising invoices from the most repuUblo manu thc turara. On hand, all tho principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER. JAYNE, HALL, CRYV. ALTER, DAVIS. WEIGHT, HOLLOWAY, ko. .1*0, a largo assortment of SURGICAL INSTRtJTuT?NTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESOBIPTION. Great attention la paid to the 'mporta?on and selec? tion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and none other are allowed to go out of the Establii ri? aient. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with acct racy, and tbe public can depend on L IL utmost reliability in the execution Oi ciders. E.H.KELLERS,M.D.ll MER,M March 9 ?REIT BEiLTH RESTORATIH AND BALM OF UFE ! FOR ALL WHO ARE CONSUMPTIVE, OR ARS SUSCEPTIBLE TO AST IRltlTA? TION OF THE LUM G 9, WHETHER THE COUGH HAS BEEN OF LONG CO IS TIS LAN Cr;, OR OF RECENT ORIGIN. RODRIGUES' PULMO,! ELIXIR SPECIFIC HAS BAPEOLY DISTINGUISHED ITSELF FOB ITS wonderful restorative and curative qualities. Un? der its stimulative lofluence, and by ita penetrative agency, this health invlgotatiag cordial excites a general beneficial reaction, and disperses the impermeable ob? structions which prevent to o Laer remedies. While gradually reducing the accompanying co Jitr.odon which attende the malady, it reproduces the essential warmth and elastic vigor of the respiratory vessels, which, by this remedial combination, promotes the heal? ing process by which relief and cure is effected. Hemorrhages aro arrested snd cured, w: tn every other concurrent disorder. Aa neither narcotic nor emetic properties of any Und aro employed in this Pul mo nie Compound, and the most assiduous attention giren to the quality and medical value of each component article which constitute it, lt ia confidently and conscientiously recommended for Ita aalety and reliability, without restriction m generous, wholesome diet, or apprehension of reno wed cold from its effect!. For side wholesale and retail by the Proprietress, Mrs. CECILIA KuuuiCiULS, northwest corner oi MEETING AND bOClEl Y STREE Th, ano at the Druggists. PRICE SINGLE BOTTLE ?Li?. November 12_lyr TUE BEST TONIC KOW ? USE ! PANKM.VS HEPATIC BITTER!?, IM.Mi.MVS HEPATIC BITTE HS. PANKMVS HEPATIC BI I TE KS, P.vNKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTKftS, PAN KIN IN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THE BEST TONIO KOW IN USE. THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. THE BEST TONIO N JW IN USE. THE BEST IONIC KOW IN CSE. THE BEST TONIC KOW IN USE. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. November 6 AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPM?, NEW YORK. Factory, Hudson City, N. i. WHOLESALETALES ROOM NO. 3? JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. ALL STYLESAND GRADES OF LEAL PENCIL? oi superior quality are manufactured and offered st lair terms to tho I rade. The public are invited to give the AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL the pre* I terence. I THE PENCILS ARE TO BE HAD AT ALL THU PRINCIPAL r.TATIONERS AND N.liION DEALERS. A3K FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL. " TESTIMONIAL. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, J EK0C?EEKIXO DEPABTXEKT, J YALE COLLEOE, November ld, 1886. ) I have always recommended the taber Polygrads Lead Pencils as the only pencils fitted for oath ornamen? tal and mathematical "drawing; but, alter a thorough bria! of the American Polygrade Lead Pencils, man utactured by the American Lead Pencil Company, New York, I find them superior to any pencil in uae, even to the Faber or the old English Cumberland Lead Pend?, being a superior pencil tor sketching, onumental and mrchanical drawing, and all me ordinary uscaofalead ^Tb'ese pencils are very finely graded and have a very smooth lead; oven the so.'te:t pencils hold the point well: they are all tbat can be desired in a pencil. J t gives me great pleasure to be able to assure Americans that they will no longor be compelled to depend upon Germany or nny other loreign ma. ?et for pencils. PAIL, Professor of Dr/ Ting, *e. ALL PENCILS ABE ST1MTXT): <S- "AMERICAN LISAS PENCIL CO. N. Y." Nono genuine without tie exact name o? the firm look to lt._ December 1? C. DUCREUX'S PATENT For Instantaneous Detachment of Horses from earrings. rTIHIS INGENIOUS AND VERY USEFUL INVENTION. WMI^I- been patrnteu In 'Ue United States, France and England, b no-.v offered bj the subscriber to the public, feelin*,' assured (bey \ri:l Had it, upon ?xaml nation, ono of the greatest invculions ot the a?-o. Promiucntauionc its advantages are: FEBST-The facility ?ith whicn horses mar te harneso ed to or unharnessed from a Carriage, also rendering li uun-cessarytor tne person unuRrnessmg topase between or behind the Uorses as is customary, thu, a^oLing any liability of being kicked. bE -osD- lu :ase ot a horse faning, he may be looked frvia the carriage in one second, rr.eacut tbe drive.- leav. ing'his seat. It >" so simple m .ts operation tait a child can wori lt. Imim mtv G MUTE rr-In casen of horses taking fright, becoming unmauagtiele or running av?y,tae tembl? consequences which sofrequen?y to.lowmay bo ail avoid? ed by this simple appaeat.ou tc carriages, as tue tioraea caa be loosed from the canlaiT? "m i twinkling," and the carriage is quickly anu safely stopped. Mr. C. DUCREUX gsvu several publie exhibitions. The great favor and praise maniiestcd by the public on tfceso oecasious, ?? one ot the evidences ox a popuiar apprecia? tion of its morita. I eras may b9 known and orders received for applying the patent to carriages, or purchase cf tuce Rights, by addressing to C. DU( REUX, Patentee, No. S3 EliXAbetn street, New Xork. October n _ amo THE FLORENCE GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT FLORENCE, S. C., offers aa excellent medium to Merchants and ruters who wish to extend their business ia tba Pa? [iee section of tb? State. Bate? of advertising very rc? was!?. Soplemos* U