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VOLUME V.NO. 635. CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 2, 1867. PRICE FIVE CENTS BY TELEGKAFH. Oar European Dispatcher. [BY ATLANTIC TELEORATH.] A STORM ON THE ENGLISH CWST-TWO AMERICAN ^VESSELS LCST-THE FERNCH TO EVACUATE ITALY -LATEST FOREIGN 3LAEKLT3. ETC., ETC. LIVERPOOL, December 2.-Tue weather his beer1 very inolement during the past two days, and tho telegraph to London h33 boen prostrated. Xumir? ons shipwrecks, attended with loss of life, have been reported. The Lydia Williams, henos for San Franoisco, is r.fhore; crew saved. The Guar? dian Ange!, hence for Now York, is lest; only seven eiaved. PARTS, Doeember -.-A few Frenoii cavalry will probably remain permanently at Rome; otherwise the French will evacuate the Papal territory com? pletely. The Pope is strengthening his army. LONDON, December 2.-Consol?, ex dividends, 93 6-16; Bonds. 71 j. LrvxerooL, Dccomber 2.-Cotton dull and de dined i; sales, 800 bales; Uplands, 7i; Orleans; 7|. LONDON, December 2-Noon.- Consols 9-1 1S-16. Bouda 71 5-16. FRANKFORT, December 2-Noon.-Bonds 7C.?. LIVERPOOL, Daeember 2-Noon.-Cotton quiet: sales 8000 bales. Uplands 7?; Orleans 7?. Bread stuffs quiet. LONDON, December 2-2 F. Af.-Consola, ex dividends, 93?. Bonds 7*Lj. ? LIVERPOOL, December 2-2 F. iii.-Com 43s. California Yv"heat 15. L*rd 49. Common Rosin 7s. 6d. Others unaltered. Our Washington Dispatches. MEET INO OF CONGRESS-HORACE GREELEr-THE RE? CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE PROPOSE FURTHER LE? GISLATION TOR THE SOUTH-GENERAL ORD*3 RE? PORT ON HIS DISTRICT-HE CONSIDERS THE III LI TART NECESSARY, ETC., ETC. WASHINGTON, December 2.-Congress organized at 12 o'clock. Gresley publishes a card declaring that as he has not been officially notified of his appointment to Austria, therefore ho neither accepts nor d?? chues; but he do ;s not intend leaving his country pending the Presidential election. The Internal Bevenue receipts to-day amount to $2,211,000. It is generally understood that the Commission? er of the Bevenue, Rawlings, will soon resign. The Reconstruction Committee had a meeting at Stevens'room; the majority held that further legislation waa necessary before reconstruct.on could be completed. The Judges ot the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Chase, visited the President. It is stated that Cornelius Wendell succeeds Clark as Superintendent of the printing at the Treasury. The President will nominate S. S. Cox to Aus? tria, vice Greeley declined. The conclusion of General Ord's report says : "In a majority of the counties of this District there are few men who oan take the test oath, and these are not disposed to defy public opinion by accepting offloe, unless supported by a military force afterward. The will of the colored peo-?e may be in favor of supporting loyal office-holders, but their intelligence is not now sufficient to enable them to combine for the execution of their will. All their combinations aro now conduotcd by white mee, under the protection of tbs mili? tary. If the proteotion is withdrawn, the white men now controlling would withdraw with it, and some of the Southern people, now exasperated at what they deomod the freedmen'j presumption, would not be very gentle towards them. So that the presence of a large military force will be re? canted for como time to maintain the freedman in the right or suffrage. Congressional. WASHINGTON, December 2 -SENAIE_.A memo? rial from tho Alabama Convention to repeal tho cotton tax was referred. Tba resolutions of the Tennessee Legislature for a repeal of the ootton and tobacco tax was pre? sented. Twelve o'clock arriving, the commencement cf th? second session was announced, and a commit tee?was appointed tc inform the President A resolution was offered asking the Secretary of the Treasury under what law Edmond Cooper oc? cupies the position of Assistant Secretary. After the transaction of some other unimpor? tant business the Sonato ajourned. HOUSE.-In the House Ur. Wilson, Chairman of the Judiciary Committ ie, made a personal expia-* nation in defence of Mr. Churchill, concluding by remarking that the r_.inority do not and cannot attribute his change of opinion to improper mo? tives or pecuniary consideration. The Judiciary Committee were instructed to in? quire whether the House bad tho right to accept or reject the terms of a treaty like that acquiring Russian America. Various petitions, resolutions, etc., requesting a repeal of the cotton tax was p resent pd tLd re? ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Averill, cf Tennessee, denied giving aid and comfort to the rebellion. The Postoffice Committee were directed to in? quire into the expediency of allowing railroad companies to carry letters referring to their own business outside of the mails. Th? Judioiary Committee were directed to in? quire into the expediency of holding an annual session of the Admiralty Court at New Albany, Indiana. A resolution was adopted ordering the Commit? tee on Elections to pursue their investigation in the case of Wra. A. Barnum, charged with se? curing his eleotion by bribery. Twelve o'clock arriving, the second session wsa proclaimed, ono hundred and forty-six members being present. A committeo was appointed tu inform the President. Tho committee subsequent? ly reported that the President would communicate his Message at noon to-morrow. The Committee on Elections reported favorably in the case of Mr. Golliday. of Kentucky. The consideration of the report was postponed until Wednesday, when the House adjourned. A half-dozen financial bills were presented. The notion on Golhday's right to his seat indicatos that the Kentuckians are to bo excluded until after the vote on the impeachment. Fr Dm the Pacific Coast. da? FBASCISOO, December 2.-Pesquire has been re-eleoted Governor of Sonora. The Confereno? is not restored. There le a strong mo veux emt in Du? rango in favor of an independent Republic. The Government troops were defeated, and all the Northwestern States were expected to join in the r37olation. Martinez desires tho Governorship of Cinola, and unless nominated by the Legislature, will teize tbs government. He heads the Republi? can army. The army lately dismissed will play an important part in favor of the best payers, as they are disgusted about their back pay. The Erazillian mail reports that the allies at? tacked the Paraguayans, killing 1000 and captur? ing 300. The allies lost eighty. Hancock Revokes Mower's Order. Nsw ORLEANS, December 2.-Thc following was issued to-day: HEADQUARTERS Furn fffiLTts?*r DISTRICT. Extract Ps ?graph LT. of Special Orders No. 18-1, Current Ser es, from these Heado- rors, by Brevet Major-Genural J. A. Mower, appu-nting R. King Cutler Judge of the Second Judicial District ourc of louisiana, in place of A. Core., t, resigned, is hareby revoked. That office is, tberoforo, vacant. By command of Major-Gencral HANCOCS. [Signed] W. J. MITCHELL, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and A. A. G. Thc Alabama Convention. MONTOOMEBY, December 2.-Tho Convention adopted a resolution that when tho Convention adjourn it Bhall adjourn subject to tho call of E. W. Peck, President, or tho Military Commander of this State or District; but ifnot reconvened within a year, it shall stand adjourned sine die. A resolu? tion to adjourn on the 4th instant was rejected. The oath of office, as finally adepted, rcquiro3 officers to swear that they are not disuanchkcd by the Constitution of Alabima or thc Constitu? tion and laws of tho United Ctates. That they will support the Constitution and the lav,-, of tho State and of the United Stats s and the unicn of the States, oto. Thc Louisiana conversion. SEW ORLEANS, December 2,-Section IV of Wick rynVs Educational Ordinance, whioh was referred on Saturday, ia as follows : No persons shall ejttib blah a private eebool unless licensed by the State, and ?il -such schools shall be taxed aa other pro fessions. The Legislature shall make laws govern? ing this entire subject, in accordance with thc spirit ci thia resolution. Some member to-day offered a series of resolutions hiving in view the raising of funds io defray thc expenses of tue Con? tention, by direct taxation on real and personal property above tho value of two hundred dollar?, apon colleges or professions, and a poll tax. Barning cf a Ship in Savannah River Foster Blodget Indicted for Perjury*. SAVANNAH, December 2.-Tho British ship Con? sul, at Tyboo Roads, took fire nt ll P. il. last night. Tho orew exerted themselves to keep the fire un "cr until this morning, when the engines from the c ty and two tugs went down, but failed to sub? due it. She was run aground and scuttled, to save portions of her cargo. The upper part is still burning. The ship will bo a total loss, and ?-ho is uninsured. The cargo, cousi*ting of 2825 bales of Upland and 72 bales of Sea Island Cotton, is insur 0(1 id Liverpool. The ship Screamer was in great danger at ono time, but is now safe. Foster Blodget is held by tho United States Court to hail, for flO.OOO, for perjury. The securi? ties given wore E. Tweedy and E. T. Wade. Cn.ted States Volunteer OOiccrs Atsuteted ont in Virginia. RicmiOND, December 2.--The volunteer ofheers on Bureau duty in Virginia, who will be mustored out January 1st, under Grant's order, are two Co? lonels, two Lieutenant-Colonels, five Majors, four tern Captains, ten First Lieutenants, and fifteen Second Lieutenants. Fivo volunteers wcro mus? tered out last week. The Republicans hold a caucus to-night. Judge Underwood's name is prominently mentioned for thc- chairmanship. A Coloured Villain Uecefves his Reward. CrxctXMTX, December 2.-The negro who out? raged Mis3 Baker, of Princeton, Indiana, was caught tho same night, confessed, was stabbed, 9hot and beaten until dead, and then dragged through the streots. Ularino Report?. NEW YORK, December 2.-Arrived, the duli Stream and Manhattan, from Charleston, and J the Peaerre, from Havre. Market Reports. NEW YOKE, Decembor 2-NOOJI.-Flour dull and drooping. Wheat, in buyers' favor. Corn dull. Oa.s firmer. Pork, firm and quiet, $2112*a 21 25. Lard dull. Cotton dull, 15jal6. Freights quiet. Turpentine, 65?. Rosin quiet. Stocks dull and lower. Money essy. Gold, S7.J. NEW YOES, December 2 - Evening. - Cotton firmer; sales 2500 bales, 16c. Flour active and in laver of buyers, rates unchanged. Wheat dull and declined 2a3o. Corn heavy and decline 1 2aSe. Mess Pork firm and quiet at $21 25. Groceries quiet. Naval Stores unchanged. Freights steady. Governments nominal. '02 Coupons, 107j; '67, 107|. Gold closed heavy at 35j}. BALTXMOBE, December 2.-Cotton depressed. Sales of Middlings at 15c. Flour very dull. Wheat scarce but dull. Prime to choice red $2 30a2 55. Corn active; receipts large. New whito $1 15 a SI 18. Oats duli at 64a72 cents. Rye dull. Bulk shoulders 9.ja9?; bacon shoulders 12al2?. WlUfZVCKio?, December 2.-Turpentine firm at 50c. Bot?n quiet at $2 for common and ?2 S5 for No. L Cotton dull at 13$c for Middlings. AUGUSTA, December 2.-Cottoa quiot ; sales 400 bales. Receipts. 5S0 ; Middlings li. SAVAXKAH, December 2_Cotton dull and de? clined ; Middlings 14} ; sales 1100 bales ; receipts, 1000. MOBILE, December 2.-Sales 1103 bales ; closed weah ; Middlings 11?. Receipts, 2253. NEW OBLEANS, D. comber 2.--Sugar in good de? mand; commou, 9?c; fully fair to prime, 13c Alo:a58oa--receiptsliberal,favors buyers; common, 40c; prime to choice, 70a75c. Corn unchanged. Flour nominal, superfine, $8 75 ; treblo, $12 75. Cats quiot and firm at 85c. Pork quiet and firm at $23. Bajon dull ; shoulders, llolSo.; clear sides, IJjalone. Lard, prime, in tierces, hold at 12?c; in kegs, IS:. Cotton declined ; Middling Orleans, I5?c.; sales 8500 bales; receipts, 6014; exports, 2029. Sterling, 46?a51. Sight Exchauge on Nsw York 4c discount. Gold. 37. LOUISVILLE, December 2.-Superfine Flour $775. Wheat dull at S2 35. Corn-r.ew, in the ear, 75. Bacon unchanged ; old Mes j 32150. Tho Report of the Secretary of thc Treasury. Tho annual report of Secretary Mcculloch will bo laid before Congress to-day. The document, which is of considerable length, refers to the re? ports or the different Treasury br^eaas, drawing from them facts and fiqurcs in apport of the view:? advocated in his own report, and elaborating upon them at length. Mr. .McCullooh alludes to his earlier reports, going back to the timo of his nomination, and als."' to ?he reports of Secretary Chase cud Secretary Fessendcn in support ot his viows and his policy of continuing to contract at the rate of $4,000.000 per month as provided by hw. Ho shows that there were months when he could have contracted i ho above amount, but re? frained from doing so because he did not think it necessary or expedient. He takes stroDg ground against expansion, which, to use his own lan? guage, "would be ruin, and lead to repudiation." The views of Gen. Butler, Mr. Stevens, and othere, aro commented on, and the tendency and results of the different financo schemes, if carried ont, are enlarged upon and contrasted. Ho interprets the law in reference to tho Sve-twonties as binding the country to their payment in com, principal and interest, and believes that if tho policy looking to their r?demp?oD in currency shall be adopted, the effect will be disastrous. He states that be has Bufiicient gold in the Treasury to meet the de? mands on tho Government, and keep the market in check, He gives his reasons for not seliing more gold, and endeavoring to bring about re? sumption in that way. Tho speculators would to? morrow buy up all tho gold he 'could offer, and could then easily control thc market, and make the premium higher than ever it has beon. He believes that the Tribune policy of resumption would lead to an immediate crash in business, which he hopes to avoid. He comments at length ou the Internal Revenuo Commissioners' report, and giveB it as bis opinion that if the Internal Re I venae Depar.ment and the Treasury bad sole con? trol of the system the taxes would be fully collected and an end put to fraud and corruption. THE EVIDENCE OF MISS ASNA SUBSATT BEF?SE TEX JcDiciABT. CosoOTTXS.-In the mass of evi? dence submitted ?vita the impeachment roports of tho Judiciary Committee, we find that of Miss Anna Surratt, given before the Comm ittee on the 23th of Lst June. She was examined chiefly in re? gard to a satchel, containing a number of business letters of the family, taken from her house and re? turned to her by the War Department some timo after the assassination trial. In this connection she 6di that there '.vere no letters in the lot from Booth, and that Ehe had never seen any letter writ? ten by bim. J o a question whether eho had ever seen tho Pr?sident, to have any conversation with him, sue answered in tho negative, declaring that she did not want to see him eithor. "THE OLD CAPITOL Paisos."-Wo w?s!i some? body would give tho public au impartial, accurate account of what took place during tho war in the Old l apitol prison. Think of American citizens being snatched up and held in confinement one, two and even tbrco months, denied all commuui ociio i with thoir friends, and charged extortionate ?! ic ^3 fer what thev desired. Ard when the faots aro invcrt?"atcd, no substantial charges are made ont Tnink ol prisoners not hiing permitted :o hold converse with their counsel unless in the ore li nee of a detective. Think of mou being por scented bv then- jailor until, iii sheer desperation, the commit suicide. Wo believe that if thc people nndetsioou a tithe of the secrets of the Old Capitol pria-rj wo would havo much less said about thc enormities of Libby prison.-Wash ngion Express. TEE ST?DES! DCELS AT HEIDELEEEO.-The great battle ground nt Heidelberg is in a boor boase in tho Buburba of thc town, and across the Neckar. Hero, fur scores of years, German student valor has ceca 6shibited. Outside tho building ls a beer gardcn; overhung with a trellisi of grape vines. L?de; md in the second story, the friends of the respectivo Champions gather before the appointed bom, whero, drinking wine and beer aad smoking, thovwait oatiently for thc contemplated ?ais facuon.1 'ir duolia in thia wise: 1 he two heroes toko oil their clothing except their pantaloons, and pntencoarec frocks ' The aitenuing surgeon winds several varda vf padded tioth about thea- anns. Each oii'o wears i tbicK stout muffler about his t iroat, also a protection for hii eyes-a cloth cap with a wide leather visor, and, over al), an apron bu kled behind. The weapons are long rapiers, with he D ?nts broken off, but with sharpened cdsc3. Se:onJa are appointed tc seeia:r play, ana to stop the combatants in ca-o ot'exhaustion. A round H ??eca minutes iu length, und the great .'each is to cut the 1'aco, off an ear or ncso or divide a lp- T ij C?L and cut, ana hack snd 'hack, -JEU pound t>ni pound, puffing und trembling with ia:-- aud excitement, until huaiiy u cjuii n; clow uicJ?ea the coveted wound, the sur tc?r. and taus "siusiacuon comes, aneso soars uro badges of honor, which the young "Von" bears with h:m Ul after life. BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Proceedings la thc Untase of Loi*ds-Open? ing speech of thc Queen- Discussion of tho Iasucs of thc li cy. [Piata the London j" i mes, November 20.] Tho third session of the Nineteenth Parliament ol'the United Kingdom of Grer.t Britain commenc? ed yesterday for tho dispatch of business. The session was opened by commission, tho Lord Chan? cellor reading tho address from the throne as fol? lows : TEE QUEEN'S SPEECH. Ifv Lords an-l Gentlemen: In again applying to vcu for your advice and assistance, I recrre't that I have found it necessary to call for your attendance at an unu-uai, and, probably, to many of you, au inconvenient season. Tao 'Sovereign of Abyssi? nia, in violation of all international law, continue to hold in captivity several of my subjects, sonic of whom havo been especially accredited to him by myself, and his persistent disregard ol' frione'ly representations has 1 ft mo no alternative but that ol making a peremptory demand for thc liberation of my subjects, and supporting it DY an adequate force. I havo accordingly directed an expedition to bc sent for that purpose alone; and I confidently rely upon the support and co-operation of my Par? liament in my endeavor at once to relievo their countrymen fi-om au unjust imprisonment, and to .vindicate the honor of my crown. I have directed that papers on the subject shall forthwith be laid be? fore you. 1 receive from all foreign Powers assur? ances of their friendly feelings, an ii I see no reason to apprehend tho disturbance oi tiio general peace of Europe. A band of Italian volunteers, without authority from their own sovereign, having inva? ded tho" Papal territory, and threatened Borne it? self tlic Emperor of the French felt himself called upon to dispatch au expedition for tho protection of tho Sovereign Pontiff and his dominions; that object having benn accomplished, and the defeat and dispersion of tho volunteer force having re? lieved tho Papal torritorv from the danser of ex? ternal invasion. I mm that bis Importal Majesty will lind himself enablod, by a:\ early withdrawal of bis troops, to romovo any possible ground ot misunderstanding betwncn his Majesty's Govern? ment and that of the King of Italy. Tho treason? able conspiracy, commonlv known as Fenianism, baffled and impressed in Ireland, has assumed in Enqlaud tba form of organized violence and assas? sination. These outrages requit e to bc rigorously put down; and I rely tor their effective suppres? sion upon tue linn administration of thc kw, and tho lovaltv of tho groat mass of my subjects. Geil icmen of the House of Gommons: The esti? mates for tho ensuing year are in courso of prepa? ration, Rnd will in due time bo laid before you. Thoy will bo framed with a view to economy and to the necessary rcquiremouts of tho puhlic service. My Lords ai.i Genii men: As a necessary seauol to the legislation ot tho last session, bills will be laid bef ro you for amending tho representation of trie people in Scotland and Ireland. I have reason to believe that tho commissioners appointed to in? quire into and report upon tho boundaries of exist? ing boroughs, ie well es of tho proposoti division of counties and newly-ettfrenchised boroughs, havo made considerable progress in their iuquirics, and no time will bo lost after the receipt of their report in laying before you their recommendations for your consideration aud decision. A bill will also be pies mted to you for the more effectual preven? tion of br bery end corruption nt elections. Tin Public Schools bid, whicb has already been more than once submitted to Parliament, will attain be laid before you- Tho general question of the education ot the peoplo requires your most serious attention, and I have no doubt you will approach the subject with a full appreciation both of its vital importanco and its acknowledged diffi? culty. Measures wdl be submitted to you dunner the present se sion for amcnthng and "consolidat? ing the various acts relating to the mercantile marine. The exemption which the country has now for some time enjoyed from tho cattle plague affords a favorable opportunity for considering such permanent enactments as may relieve tho homo trade from vex ttious restrictions and facili? tate the Introduction, under du? regulation, of foreign cattle for homo consumption. Measures for the amendmont of the law, which havo beoa deferred under the pressure of more urscnt busi? ness, will bo submitted for vom* consideration. Other questions apparently calling for legislative action have been referred to commissioners, whose reports, as they shall bc received, shall, without delay, be laid before Parliament, lt is my earnest prayer that all your deliberations may bo so guidedits to conduce to tho general content? ment and happiness ol my people. Tho discussion of thc address then commenced. Lord Brownlow and Lord Hylton respaotivcly moved and (seconded aa adoros a ia answer to tho speech. Lord Russell then proceeded to discuss tho issues of tho day. Aftor aUuding to tho Abys? sinian war, he dwe.t upon tho Italian question, and, with respect to recent events, referred toan article in the Coiivmtion of Soplcmber ..Inch bc thought was hkelv to give riso to complications namoly, the arLo'.o giving tho Pupa power to raise foreign troops. Serious difficulties might arise from this provision, snd ho considered all these interventions in the intend affairs of other coun? tries injurious to the interests of Europe nnd iu consistcn with thc principles they professed. Lord Houghton, ruicrriug to tho relations ex? isting between France and Italy, said ho could have wished that the words iu tho speech with re? gard to the early withdrawal of the French troops had been omiltoJ because they assumed that it would lead to a solution of thc Italian question. With respect to a ? of tho European powers, he hoped that beforo Her Majesty's Gov? ernment disposed of that matter, whenever it should bo relerred to them, they would seriously consider that tho Papal question was territorial j.j well as religious. Lo td Dor by remarked that with rcspocc to thc Convention between France and I nly, Her Maj ci? ty's Government did not think it necessary to ex? press any opinion whaU v<_r. Thosocuuutiiei aloi,e were concerned wita it; uor would thc Govern? ment express any opinion v.ith regard to tho French oxpeditiou ty P.t>mo, though it waa opt u to them to express a Lope that uil chanco of u niisundersdatrng betwoen these countries might be pi evented hythe withdrawal of those ti oops. Tho English Government had been invited to a ccnlereueo to settle the question, but th?t invita? tion had neither been accepted nor declined, though the Government would bo happy to relievo thc Emperor lrom a difficulty in return for tho cordial friendship and gcod trill he hud always ex? hibited towaid Great Britain. The motion ol' au adcrets was then agred to, and an adjournment was had. FBoCHEDlSOB TILE HCrS- CF OO?QI058. In the House ot Co:..mor..>, after tho motion re? lative to tho oustomary cdclre.s had bern made, the Abyssinian question wai discussed, Messrs. Gladstone and Disraeli spooking on tue question. Mr. Horsman a;ked Lord Stanley to explain tho character of thc invitations sent out by Fiance for s Congress on the uffatrs ct' Italy, and what ans? wer hud been given to it. Deny ng altogether that it was a matter to ba settled between Franco and Italy-for thc Emperor htmself, in his speech to the Chamoers, declared it to be a matter of Eu? ropean interest, and that lt was necessary to sol? do a compioheusivc basis fvr negotiations be:ore che Congress met-ho intered into an elab?rale re viow of tho''situation''in It ly. and urged Lerd Stauley to accept tho invitation on conditions which he specified, and whrth, ho maintained, would lead to a satisfactory settlement. Lord Stanley, while declining to enter into a general discussion ol' the Italian qu'Uni? at that moment, professed his readiness to ten tho House al' that the Government had doue in reference to the occupation ot Romo and tho invitation to a conference. Not bein? bound by treaty obligation to pronounce any formal opinion on'the occupa? tion, the Government had retrained Irora any such act, though ho had expressea to tue French Gov? ernment his beliut that it would produce a very unfttvorablo impression in this country. But m the differences which had arisen between the Italian Goverumont and thc French Government our good offices had boen asked hy italy and h..d been accepted. To the invitation to a conference a-dressed to us by tho French Government, he had answered tha'c tho Government saw little chance of any satisfactory result following the conlerc::>.o, unless come de?uite plan cf settle? ment were propoeed beforehand, and unloss it could be ascertained from previous negotiations thai thc plan would have a leascniblo chanco of acceptance. Sorry tLou3h ho m:fht be lo Jo.o a chance of removing this cause <>. disagrceinsat, to go into a conteienco without Lerne euch plu? vious agreement would havo boen a waste ot time. After some tuither discusi?n upon different topics referred to in the speecL, the address '.vas ; agreed tc, and au adjournment was had. Capital Likely to SIovc Totvards the South an Stftiss cf thc Cati te ti atr.tce (?Vcr. tit lindo;: Star .Yet. 19.] We uedcrttand that JjhnE.-oratt, Esq., of All? hallows Chambers, is ou a visit to tho United Stator, of America^ to ascertain how thu owners of plantations aud other estatc-^ in tho Sou'h cnn be assisted with capital to developo tho resources vi these provinces which at present ore so depressed through thu poverty of their owners. A scuomc of this kind would especially bs of advantage to tho colored pcop?3, who, v.ith freedom and enter p.'iso and an earnest i idustria! sp.ric cant the aid of small sums to enable them t J work out their own advancement. But thia pl~.a would Oe equally impartant io the wealthier growers ol cotton*rice", ?c. Mr. Everett's chief object will bo to ?c; if abso? lute aud avaiiab's security cr.n bc given, and lt so, it is obvious '.knt immense .-ums now locked ut, ia our ot?n country might be invested, realizing two groat objects-~a good ead safe ruuru for British capital, tiad giving effectual cid to the industrial people of the South. We believe that .>t thc pres? ent the poorer owners of lands there can only sot assistance hv paying about 2? pi cent monthly, or at the rate of i'j per ccuc. per annum. We siiail therefore watch Air. Everett's offerts in this direction w?th much interest, and shall rejoice if the issue should be successful. THE WESXEBM FIRE.-?.-We have alrcadv spoken of the great fires in Southern Illinois. The coun? ties whioh .'.UTO suffered tho luc-st severelv a.o Alexander, Pulaski i nd Union. Firo hui' also broken out hi ^outhweeiet Missouri. T.;c Cutre (lil.) Democrat says: "Tho damage sustained already cannot bs estimated. Everywhere tho farmen are hus> fiifhtiu;; back tho fire. 0 rcity is enveloped in sm'eito. The navigation of our rivers is rendered d. Sou'1, and perilous, and eyes and lungs are sensibly affected." lhere are al? ways prarie and v.ood Crc3 ia Southern Iiiineis at this time of the year; but they have bsen on z tar grander scale this year than ever beforo. MAKBIED. PENNAL-"AR?ON-At Homofleld, Sumter Di'triot, OQ thc 27th November, by th; Rev. L. P. GCERRY, R. E. PENNAL, cf Ibis citv, to olas KARY W., youngest daughicr of ELISHA CARSOS, lisq. No cords. BURKE-EASTF.RLING-On t?ic evening of the 28th ultimo, at tho residence of tho bride's lather, by Rev. R. j EawAitDi;, J. E BUREE, of Charleston, to EMILY E., oidest daughter of Tnos. W. EaaiEr.Li.NO, Esq., of St Joan'* Doriceley. LEAS-WIOFALL.-On Thursday, November 28t i, st Si PhiUp's Church, bv the Rev. W. 13. W. HOWE, HEN? RI DEAS, Jr., to FANNIE IL P., only daughter of the .ate HENRY Wiorwix, all offals c.ty._ SPECIA f?o TICES. JCST C01\W2<EE3PER STEAMER SEA GULL, ?rom Baltimore, are hereby notified that she ls 27t? Day ?"sebargin;,' cargo at Pier No. 1 Union Wharvc?. All Roods not taken away at suncot will remain on Wfcari at Conslgncea* ria?. MORDECAI k CO., December .1__J_Agents. ifS- CONSIGNEES PER STE VMEE CHAM? PION are notified that sho is discharging cargo This Day at Adgcr's South Wharf. Goods remaining on the wharf at sunset will be stored at owners' risk and ex pengc. STREET BR01 HERS k CO., December :i_Consignees. ?*-CHASE HALL.-CAPTAIN N. G. PARKER will Lecture at Chase Hall This Erening, at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of MERCT MOORE, CABOUL GREEN and JAMES GAINS. Let all attend, as this ii deserving charity. MARLO COCHRAN. December 3 1* Chairman of Committee. t&>m THE DISTRICT COURT OF CHARLES? TON, DECEMBER 2. 13G7.-Ordered: That not co bo given to all concerned, that in addition to hearings of matter of courso brought up from day to-day, a WEEKLY SESSION, for tho more speedy administration of Justice, will be held on every Wo&nesday, at ll o'clock A. M., nder the provisions oontainad in tho Dlstric: Court Act of September, 18CC, S cc?ons 7 and 8. The Magistrates are requested to maka WEEKLY RE? TURNS to tie Clerk, of the coramitmonta ma?3 by thom. A complienco with thia request will tend materially to reduce tho business of the Quarterly Sessions, and will also exhibit a willingness promptly to respona to. or an tlctpato, the complainte so frequently made, ai well to the Judge of this Court, as to the military authorities, of alleged frivolous commitmonta, fcc. By order of Judge LOOAM. JACOB WILLIMAN, Deputy Clerk Distriot Court. Daromber j 3 &k~ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLES? TON DISTRICT.-DANIEL II. SLLCOX vs. JOSEPH F. BRAUN.-EN TILE COMMON PLEAS, ATTACHMENT_ Whereaa the Plaintiff di J, cn thc :6th day of February, 1867, filo his declaration against tho Defendant, who (os it is said) ls absent from and without tho limita of tho S tato, and has neither wlfo nor i.ttorney known within tro same, upon whom a copy of said declaration might bo 1 served : It is therefore ordered, that tho said Defendant do ap? pear and plead to tho said d?claration, on or before tho 27to day February, which will bo in the year of our Lord 18C8 ; other wiae fina and a : s jiu to j udgmon t wi ll bo gi von and a.vardod against him. J. W. BROWNFIELD, Clsrk'a Office. Charleston District, C. C. P. March 2 juno 3. sept 3, dec 3 ?3- OFFICE CITY CIVIL ENGINEER-CITY HA i L. CHARLESTON, NOVEMBER 29,1867.-STREET ALIGNMENTS AND THE BURNT DISTRICTS.-Tbe iollowing extracts from Ordinance and Resolution adopt? ed by City Couucil, is published for the information of all owners of property and builders: SEO. I *'. No owner or build'-r of any houso or struc? ture in tho City, shall dig or lay ibo foundation thereof m iront of any street, lan:, alley or court, or shall croct any wad or tesco fr-ntliL* as aforesaid, bcioro he shall hitvo bpplied to tue city surveyor, who shall lay off and mark out tho truo front Imo or boundary of such street, lone, a.loy, or court, and (rive a certiheato thereof to the owii' r or builder, for which servioea the City Surveyor shall bo paid, l-y tno sala owner or builder, tho sum affixed thereto in the table of fees contained lu th: -, Ordi? nance. SEC. V. If any por OD shah cerumen oe any founda? tion, building, wall, or fenoj upon auy lot or piece of ground adjoiulng tho line of any street. Linc, alley or coa: i within tho city, not haring male app.icstiou to tho City bur.o -or, and boto..- tno Ihn of stre t shall have beeu laid off and marked out by tue CKy barru or in tho manner abovo directed, or contrary to the lino ao End off and marked oat, every such poison, as well omployer, us niostor-bulider, shall, for ovary such c?? tenos, torfeit and pay tba sum not oxocoding five hun? dred donara; and, moreover, all buddiugs a .J work done or nut up without such appicatiou to the t ity : ur veyor, or c mtrary to the ?mc of stree' which Ghali be Tu off and marked oat b.. him, shul bo ucmo isbod by order of thu city Council at thc charlo and expense of tho perion narela offending, ai aforesaid. The ?odowing rcaolution was offered by Alderman H. Gerdts, Januaiy 2, lS??. and unanimously adopted by the City CouncU. Resolved That public notice bo given, I hat if any pcr 3 u intends to erect a budding into burnt districts, ho oa&il tu-Bt apply to City council and ascertain wheeler cr uo: th? Ci y intends to widen said streets. LJUIS J. BABBOT. November 30 City ClvU fi ngincer. /STA YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO III:., country home, after a sojouru of a law months in ti ( city, waa hardly recognized by her friends, in p'.aca ol a coarse, rustic, ensued ?kee, che had a soft rul^y eon . pluxicu of almost marbia smoothness, and instead tw nty-thrca aha really appearod but eighteen. Uponlr. qotrj cs to the cau3J of so groat a chandu, ska plain... told them that she used tho CIRCADIAN BALM, au ? cousi'lcrcd it an invaluable acquis.tion to any IsJy'stohtt. By itt: ucocny Lady cr Gentlemen caa loaprova their par? soutd appearance an hundred fold. It ls simple In it . c-jibiuation, aa Nature nci3.ll is simple- yet ana ur pa iv ed lu its efficacy m drawing Impurities from, alco noa. tug, cleansing and beautifying in?akin and cor.:plax?oc. By ita dirocuetion on tho cuticle lt draws from it all !tt impmiaw, kindly healing tho same, and leaving the sur? face cs Nature latondod it should bc-dear, toft, imoctc aud boautuul. Prlco tl, sent by MaQ or Leprosa, on re? ceipt of on order, by W. L. CLARK k ca, Cheaiata. No. 3 Weat Fayatte Street, Syracuse, Eu Y. The cnly American ??en 3 for th? salo of tho same. March 30 ? yr ?-3EA?TIFUL HAIR-MANY YF..VR3 IN chemical experiments ha3 retaliad m the perfection of CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOE TEL' HAIE, an umlvaUed l air dressing, Imparting new life and increased nutri? ment to thc hair, prcventinr: baldness and arresting its progress whea commenced; regulating and sustaining the principio upon which tho color of hair dependa thtreby posit.vely restoring grey hair to ita original olor and youthful beauty, aud stopping ita falling cut at once. Sold by all Drugglste. S. A. CHEVALIER, M.D., New York Foi sale by DCWIF. k MOI-E, Wholesale Agouti .or South Carolina, October 1."? ruins ?mo Ni. 151 Meeting slreet. HS-M?S. WINSLOW'S .SOUTHING SYRUP FOR Chiljren 'I eethlng, greatly facilitates the process of teeth? ing, by sottcning the gums, reducing all inflammation wiil allay ALL TAIN and spasmr.lio action, and ia SURE IO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mom? era, it will give rest to ycureslves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANT;. Wc ha YO put up and sold this ai Hole for ye r J, and can say In confidence end tru'.h of i: what we hav,- navor been sble to say of any othor lnctlicluc- Nover ha: lt Cul? ed la? Bingle instance to effect a cure, when timely used. Nevar did wo know an instance ot' dissatisf-.c.icn by ttny ono who used it. Ou Uta cont'ary, all aro delighted with its operation, and speak ia teran of coLcmeudstioa ot us magical effects aud medica! virtues. We speak lu this mutter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," alter yoarc ol'exj.erijuce, end pledge cur reputation for the tuifiliTscit of what wc herc declara. Ia clmcct s rery in? stance where the Lu'iut ia cuire-ring fr a m. paia and ex br.usilca, re'iaf will bc 1 JUCI in fiicoeu or twouty rciiLVtCf alter Gie syrup is administered. Tull directions for using will acccrap&cy each toldo. Do ?ure and call for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SIRUr.." Having thc fa: sinilc cf "CCBXB t l'v.r.s::;S' on tua outside wrapper. Ali others .'Te baoe imitations, Sold by Druggists throughout tho wodi Pries, only Zit ccut3 per bottle. Offices-No. ??15 Tuliou ? rest, New York; No. SOS High Holborn, Louden, England; No. 441 St. J au', street, ?U Leal, Canada. DOWIE ? MOISE, Agenta, Au.uatC:7 tutbsttao Charleston, S. c. Fai?? U'eil Foondcd, In old tunes, at the eonunonaeaient ci every season, -t wac thc fashion to tats a strong i atbarlic os a lafeguard a^ciint a chango cf touip;ra:uro. It was tv/ rc than scucel csa prac-icc. The peeble of cur day ut-dcrstiud tie mattet better. Instead af depicting thc system they rciafcrc: it. lu tba mituoj they taopt the/ exhibit a wise di crimination. Io?tca? o'. rcsct Jn^ ; ; tu; 7; ^.v.;i s'.it-.ulcnts of com r.ercs. or a-:-- of tho cctspcun i. ?criv ed ?rora them, they pat their faith ia thc only absolutely pure ?nvl?oraut procurable ia thc market-Hj-TEX ISE'S STOMACH Bl i TEES, i heir fai'Jh i: wall found? ed, Never has any touia medicine bean prcparcJ with such scrapaloaa precision aud eooacientiow ere. It :: a vegetable compou d ol wii'sct c7?;ry ?ag.c? 13 sound, "holcaonac, cud medic.usl ?n tuc truo emtoe;' the w?rd. Now, wo have tar;o r-roalacut a-, tic isl cern? phmcs. One hal: of tho aJalt population cf the United States suffer moro or les:, either frj;a d.=..a;cs cf thc btcaatv.-u, ecranrcmonts of tho liver, cr aCfjc lons of '.kc k:duo73. Ia no ether ian? under il 1 av a aro these mile ?ICJ co ?caoral asia ibis ccaatry,and EOi.iTIEE'b PiriEE; is a specine for them all, unless crgsx?s rn th- ir erigin, and, ?isxv?jre, beyond cure. Arcdlct ?esc wi.otr; fortunate enough to bo exempt frcmt?ema? prc?cti*. cn?orst?sd cns grce: :'r.o\ nat thc: r.n eec: ion? ul U30 ci this vitalizing ?JU?C will aa carciia:7 preveat them ss tho sue wltl prevent the earth 2rom fccurlng whst-c Its genial beams descend. December 2 5 SPECIAL NOTICES. IST NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS ARE FORBID to give any credit to Mrs. E. D. VERONEE. m my name, ss I will not be responsible for any o? her debts so con trac'.cd from and after this date. December 3_3*_E. B. VERONEE. ?3- NOTICE.-NO DEBTS CONTRACTED BY crew of Briiisb bark Y C MURI will bo paid by Captain or Constance of vessel. 3 December a ?*- NOTICE-NO DEBTS CONTRACTED BY crew of tho British Bark TECUMSEH will be paid by Captain or Consignee of vessel. 3 D scomber 2 C3- NOTICE.-CONSIGNEES PER BREMEN bark "GAUSS," from Bremen, aro hereby notified that sha has bo-.n entered under the Five Days Act, and will ; discharge caw at Atlantic Wharf. AU goods not per? mitted, ai the expiration of that time, will be sont to Public Stores. GEORGE A. UOPLEY & CO. november 30 8+ HST CONSIGNEES NOTICE.-CONSIGNEES per British Bark YUMURI are hereby nothled that sho hos been catered under the Five Day Act, ard all Goods not permitted at tho expiration of that time will be sent io Public Stores. RAVEN EL & CO. November 20 trs-NOTICE T ) MARINERS.-O A Pl AIMS AND PILOTS wlsbinp to anchor thoir vessels In Asjley Bl ver, aro requested not to do M anywhere vnthln dirac, ringo of Cia heads ol tho SAVANNAH RATLROAi. WHARVES, cn thc Charlton and St Andrew's side c tho Ashley River, by which precaution, contact with th? ?hibmarine Telegraph Cable wiU bi avoided. .S. C. TURNER, EL M. Harbor Mastor's Office, Charleston, February G, 1868. February 7 ET ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.-PRIZES CASHED AND INFORMATION FURBISHED. The hlgho-.t rates paid for DOUBLOONS and all kinds of GOLD AND SILVER. TAYLOR 4 CO., Bankers, Na 16 Wall street, October 19_ lyr Nsw York. JO" MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, AND THE HAPPINESS OE TRUE MANHOOD.-An Essay lor Young Men on tho Crime of Solitude, and the Physio? logical Errors, / buses and Diseases which create im? pediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of Relief. Sent in scaled lotter envelopes, free of charge. Address Da. J. SKILLLN HODGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. September 30 Sraos .W BATCHELOB'S HALB DYE-THLE SPLENDID HAU. DYE ii the bast m the world. The only true and ptrfecl Dye-harmlaas, reliable, Instan? taneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill effects of ba Dyes. Invigorates tho bair, leaving it soft and hcauthuL The gonuine ls signed William ?. Batdulor. All others ?rc mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Urugglsts end Perfumers. Factory, No. 81 Barcley stroot, New York. JCST BEWABE OF A COUNTERFEIT. D ac stn oe r lu lyr ?3-NERV0?S DEBILITY, WITH ITS GLOOM i attendants, low spirits, depression, Involuntary amu? sions, lon of ?emen, spennaterrhosa, losa of power, elzzj bead, lo3s of memory, and threatened impotence and im? becility, find a eoverelgn euro m HUMPHREYS HO? MEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIGHT. Com posed of the most valuable mild and potent curatives. they strike at once tho root of tho matter, tone up tnt svstcm, arre; t the discharp,cs. and impart vigor and cn ergy, Ufa and vitality, to tho entire man. They havi cured thousuida of casca. Price $3 per package of six bom and vial, or $1 per single box. Sold by druggists, and sent by mail on receipt ot pnce. Address HUM? PHREY^' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, No. C5i "ROADWAY, NEW YORK. S^ptcmbor 19 OFFICIAL,. Headquarters Sccoud .military District,) Qat?JBUMWMfi S. C., October 9, 1867. f [ LAS.] THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS ARE PUBLISH? ED for tho inform ition and guidance of tho Comer and lng OuTcera of Posts in carry-in . out the requirements of General Orders No. .'2, current series, from th eso Head quarts rs : In any caso ombraccd wu h in the first subdivision ol' Paragraph I ol said Order, the rate of taxation fixed by law, aud prevailing at the time tbe transaction ?ccu made and oomplttcd, or the properly, or the righi, was parUd villi, which ls tho subject of taxation, shall constitute tho basil for correcting s .ch oxcesaivo taxation ; and up n hoing conformed thereto, such tax f-hall be valid and biuding-it being thc design of that part of said Paragraph Ito prece: persons making business opera? tions irom uaiorozeoa impo:!uon ot in ex:ess ot' thc rate; prevailing when such operations were con oummatea. In any oa-ee artring under tho second cub-division of Pansraph I. of said Ord?r. the rate of taxation imposed on tho proper.y or person of a rosideut of the State ahaU be thc bail? tor correcting such nx as affecting tho prop? erty or person of a non-resident; md upon being con? formed thereto-, such tax shall bs valid and Unding. In all o-.s:s whore tae collsction of any tar ia suspend? ed under tho firs: or second sub-divislous of F*x*?rrapu L cf said Ordc, th: Order ?ujpondi.ig tho same shallbe limited to preventing tho colkcUo i of any ex;:? of such tax over aaa a'oore tho amount properly taxable ia ac cordunec With tho provision or cali Order as explained by thii circular. Co.i mandina C?iccrj of Pesta are authorial to make r,u:h o.?e.s os may be roqulsi.. for carrying into opera* tio.'i the clauses of BOI.1 Order in coufonniug with the faro-going provisions, and ah civil offijera at tho reipoo live Po3i3 ora required to comply therow.'.h. By commando! Brevet S?ulor-G?oerai Ea, R. S. CAJTBT. LOUIS Y. C AZI ARO, Ail-de-Comp, Acting Aaalstmi: Adjutant-General. Official: 0, M. Mncsxu.. Aid-de-Comp. November 28 _ Headquarters Sccouvi iUllltary District,! CHARLESTON, a. C., October 21,18S7. j [GESSSAI. OnDEitsNo. 109.1 Post Commanders may admit to ball parsons not aub? ject to the Arti.lcs of War, ueid lu arrest by military au? thority, charged with offences not capital) upon security as provided ia toe following paragraph: Security ehall consist: 1st, of a sash deposit of the amount for which band is required as tall by tba State law in Uko cases; or, 2d. of a Load m like sum, running to the Post Commander, conditioned for compliance with all orders, with surety, wno must be a freoholdcr ?.ad must jus.ity in twice the amount of the penally, and most, under aral, authorize any officer so ordered by thc Post commander, in caso of d?fault, and non-payment by the surety on deni md, to summarily sr lae and sell sufficient of tho property of principal and surety to sat ufy the forfeiture and coats: and ininxdiitely upon dc I'auit made, 'he bond shall toastitatj a lien upon thc por soaftl property of beth principal and surety. All ball sad other bondi taken under ralUtity authori? ty will coai'orni to tho foregoing 'ti.-cctions when not otho: wise ppecially provided. Dr command c:' Cvt. Maj or-G suerai ED. R. 8. CA^B?. LOUT? V. CAZIAEC. Ald-dc-Camp, Act'g. Asst. AdJ't Gen'l. Otheial. 0 M. MITCHEL, Aid-do-Cauip. Oc:cbcr 2i Headquarters Socoud Military JOTstrlct,! CHABUSXOK, S. C , November 14,18CT. j [GsjrsaM. OBSESS, No. 118.] The Skeriffj of th: respectivo Counties ?md Districts :f Nortii and South Carolina will caurc to lu prepared coplea of (he ax lists f then? tcspccilvc Couniiea or Districts, Bating thereon ell d?linquant :..x payers, and forward iLc tame through Pcot Comm-nders to tbeae Hoaaquirt?r:. i he catpooso or preparing sach copiea will bc auditod and poid an s County or District Charge, ai the caso may bc. By com m and c.* Evi. Major-Gcneral En. B. S. CASSI. LOUIS V. CAZIAEC, Al le-vio-Camp, Act'g. ass'i. Adj". Gcn'l. Official: 0. M. MITCHEL, Aidc-de-Camp. Nov^ah'.r ::J Headquarters Scoond Blilitmry District. I CHABUSTOM, S. C., November ll, ISC", ( [GEI-TEAL Oncnns No. 117.) IN O?DEEI, CONFORM TC THE PROVISIONS OF General or jera No. 95, Coinmaadin;; Offi c:s of Post* are authorized, v.hon m thoir Judgment demanded by txe public service, to require, by order, thc services ot i.i.iz:ns to p.ricrm the usailly perlormed by rc;dzaa:tcrs and overseers of highways, ld conftz J i?y with f:.'j exii'.io^ Uoase, such laivicej will re:clvono ?::n:pcnsaton. Any person fjiang to obey the orders ot th : Post Caa.sander iu thc premises, wUI be subjected tc the samo paint an 1 panaUiea au arc BOW proTtdei by tow m tie cas.* o." fia aogtect or re?aoai o? ? roadcacster or overseer cr h:.jh.vays to pcrioaa the duttea of such shices. By c mmand ol Bvt Major-General ED. R. S. CAKBT. LOUIS V. CAZIAEC, Aide-de-camp, Act'g .'vs?a ing Adjutant-GancriL O?lcisJ: O. M. r?iTcrEij.. Alde-de-0?.mp. November SS55BI8SSS ^* ' - !*-"*'? u. 1 i '^.i-'-Mas=m THE r-?AKIUM STA", T?STABLTSHED NEARLY TWENTY YEARS ?GO, 16 jeli published atM? ion, s. C., in ia? centre! poit.oo ci the country, *u? cders a lavora'a.e medium tc iier chants, l/rui-giits,;% -::?i iii ?asses who de*a> ;o cxiend thfir busir.o?: ur tue Pea h'oc country. For the benefit efoar advertising patroas, we shah, in addition to our sub scription har, wiuch ts constantly in eri?a?aig, puaiish raid chsir.buio, gratuitously, oopins oj tho STAR, during ene buainsos aci'^oa tlu? Fid Rates o? Adve^i^-Ht llbevs!. W. J. McEERALL, November 30 Editor sad Prosriotor CLOTHING. Our Entire Stock of FALL AND WESTER CLOTHING. IN CONSEQUENCE OF TH P. DECLINE 1> THE prices of Woolens In tn? Northern marketa, we have MASKED DOVfN our entire stoat TO SUCH FIGUE ES A3 WELL GIVE PURCHASERS an opportunity that ls raroly offered to procure REALLY GOOD CLOTrlLNG, AT LESS THAN THE USUAL PRICES FOR INFERIOR ARTICLES. AND INVITE ALL TO INSPECT THE GOODS AND Prloee. Below is a list of a few of the articles in our Stock, showing thc former and present price: 300 SACKS sold at $12 ta $20, now.$10 00 300 Pants sold at $0 io $12, now. 5 00 300 Vests sold at $4 to $7, :aow. 2 00 Lot flue French Coating Sicks told st $30, now.... IS 00 Lot French Bockhacker Sacks sold at S28, now.... 20 00 Lot fine German Tricot 5scks sold at $23, uow_2$ 00 ONE PRECE. MOLLAR, WILLIAMS 1 PARO, 270 ICI?TO-, CORNER OF HASEL STREET, CH ARLESTON S. C. November 1 DRU88, CHEMICALS, ETC. Tl BEST TONIC NOW i M ! PAXKM.VS HEPATIC BITTERS, I'A.VK.MX'S HEPATIC BITTERS, PANKMV'S HEPATIC BITTERS, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. THE BEST TONTO N JW IN USE. THE BEST TONIO NOW IN USE. THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. SOLD BY ALL DRUG-GISTS. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. November 6 24 GREAT ULTA RESTORATIVE AND BALM OF LIFE! FUR ALL WHO AME CONSUMPTIVE, OR ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO ANT IR LIT A TION OF THE LUNGS, WHETHER THE COUGH HAS BEER OF LOS? CONTIN? UANCE, OR OF RECENT ORIGIN. RODRIGUES' ELIXIR HAS RAPIDLY DISIING?ISHED ITSELF FOR ITS wonderful restorative and curativo qualities. Un nor its stimulative inlluenco, and by iu -<euetrative agency, this bea'-th invigilating cordial excites a general beneficial reaction, and disperses the impermeable ob? structions which prevent ace sa to other remedies. While gradually retina ig the aocompanyinR coiatr.ccion which attends the maltdy, it roproducas the essential warmth and oiaauc vigor of the respiratory vesacla, Which, by this remedial combination, promotos the heal? ing procesa by whl< h relief and cure ia effected. Hemorrhage! aro arrc?ted oud cured, v itu every otter concurrent diaordor. Aa neither narcotic nor emetic proport es of any kind are employed lu this Pul nonie Compourd, and the moat aiaiduous attention givou to the qua tty and modioil valus of each component article whi.? constitute it, it is confidently and consrion'tously recommended lr its safety and reliability, wltnout restricuon m gonerous, whoieaoma diet, or appr:hcn.lou ol renewed cold from its offects. For sale wholesale and retail by tho Proprietress, Mrs. CECILIA ROunlGUES, northwest corner ct MEETING AND SOCIETY STREE rs, ano at the Druggists. PRICE SINGLE BOTTLE ?L25. Novembsr 12_ITT OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE ?. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE IPHIN ? DOBM) WHOLESALE IND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market HAVE LATELY PECEIVED LARGE .WDDTTIONS TO their ujual stock of pure and freali DRUGS MEDICINES DIE liTCFT? EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS FINE SOAPS TOILET PC WD EE 3 POMADES COSMETIC* C0M39 BRUSHES ESTEACTS, ic mvolcea from tho most reputablo manu? facture.-!. On hand, ah the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS, WEIGHT, HOLLOWAY, fcc. Also, a large assortment ol SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES ?ADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA .PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great attention ?a paid to th? Importation and selec? tion ot PURE AND FRESH DRUGS. and none other are allowed tc go out of the Establish? ment V G ESCRIMIONS compounded with ac., racy, and tue public can depend on t.i utmost reliabiiily in f he execution O; . rders. R.B.KELLERS, iD.D BIER, 1,6 March 9 THE BENNKTTSVTLLE JOURNAL Ts PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAY MORNING Al 1 Bennsttsvills, S. C., in the eastern portion ci the stats, by bT?Bt?d fi LITTLE, Proprietors, and ofter superior tndeceasants to Marchants and til others who wish to extend their business in this section ot" tito Pee Dee oountry. We res pee tinily solicit th? patronage ol our Charleston friends. Term?-*3 pot atnum. invariably in advance. Adver? tisements Inserted at very reasonable rates. July 8 J SHIPPING._ POtt LIVERPOOL. , TO SALL THURSDAY, THE 6tn //^4'we?2. IN'ST.-THE FIRST-CLASS BRrTI3n ^'??fMP Iron Screw Steamship PIONEER, **JS?SL* J. W. SHACKJOBD, Meeter, having a largo portion of her cargo engaged and going aboard, w?l sall as abovo for Liverpool direct. For Freight engagements apply to W. B. SMITH 4 (JO., Dec-mbcr ?j_Napier's Range. FOR LIVERPOOL. THE BBIlIsH SHIP "CHARLESTON," SMOBLIT Master, having a large portion of her Neargo engaged, w. nts about 300 bales Cotton to .nil up. For Freight engagements, apply to Dacotnbor 3_C BO CERT MURE k CO. FOR LIVERPOOL. -Au TEE FAST-SAILING BBITI-H BARK SSS "DAVID McN'UTT," MCELHETI?ET Master, hav? ing a portion of her cargo on board, will bo dispatched for tho abovo port. For Freight engagements, apply to BOBERT MURE * 00. December 3 g FOR LIVERPOOL. THE FINE OSE YEAR OLD BRITISH BABE _ LIVERPOOL, Ganso alaster, having a portion ter car o on board, wiU meet with dispatch for the above port For Freight engagements applv to Decembers 6 ROBERT MURE k CO. FOR LilVERPOOL. TBE Al AMERICAN SHIP E. H. TUCKER, _ R. T. R UND LITT Master, ls now ready for cargo and will havo dispatch for tte above port For Freight engagements apply to STREE 1' BROTHERS & CO., November 29_Na 74 East Bay. FOR LIVERPOOL. THE Al FAST SAILING BARK "LEONI _ DAS," HOWARD Master, have two thirds of har cargo engaged and going on board, will have dispatch for the above port For Freight changements, apply to RISLEY k CREIGHTON, November 28_Nos. 143 and 145 East Bay. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, THE NEW SCHOONER CARRIE 8. WEBB. Worthington Master. Weet India or Sonto American port preferred. Apply to COURTENAY k TRENHOLM, December 3_1 Union Wharves. VESSELS WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TO LOAD SHINGLES, DRESSED AH? IN _ THE ROUGH, for Northern Ports. Highest s paid. TUCKER k JACKSON, Shipping and Commission Merchants, November 29 No. 112 East Bey. FOR BOsTON. THE NEW SC HR. "L. Q. C. WISHART," Mason, master, having the balk of her cu-oo engaged, w?l take a small amount of Ugbt freight for the above port For Freight engagements appl7 to RIDLEY * CREIGHTON, N a. 143 ana 146 East Bay. Superior accommodations for passengers. November 27 BIERCHAN TS' LUJE. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON PACKETS. FCR NEW TORE.-FEEIGH1S FORWARDED TO LIV? ERPOOL AND HAVRE, AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST UNITED STATES THIS LINE IS COMPOSED OF THE FOL? LOWING FIKST-CLA6S PACKETS, leaving each port weekly: _ Schooner B. N. HAWKINS, 395 tons, Wyatt, Master. Schooner M YEO VER, 435 tons. Hughes, Master. Schooner BOBEBT CALDWELL, 466 tons, McCormick, Master. Schooner MOSES B. E2AMHALL, 336 tons, Hussey, Master. Schooner LILLY, 412 tons, Francis, Master. Schooner N. W. SMITH, 410 tons, Tooker, Master. Also other I TRST-CLA8S VESSELS running lp con? nection. Freight TAKEN AT LOWEST RAI ES. AU cerchan diz 2 or produce consigned to care of the Agents w?l be forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION from this port to points of destination, and INSURANC ? EFFECT? ED AS LOW AS BY FIRST-OLASS STEAMSHIPS OR SALL VESSELS. For Freight engagements apply to WILLIAM ROACH, Charleston. C. Or to N. L. Mc CREAD Y et CO., New York, November 18 Imo VESSELS WANTED, TO LOAD FOR CUBA, BARBADOS, ST. 1 bomas, Nassau, Mexico, Cent, al America, aver Platte, Liverpool, London and Bremen. ALSO, For Northern and Eastern ports. Good rates gives. RISLEY k CREIGHTON, shipping and Commission Merchants, November 18 Imo Nos. 143 and 145 East Bay FOR BALTIMORE. ~ TE c FAVORITE S rEAMSHIP SBA GULL, N. P. DcTTOir Commander, will sail irom PierNo. 1 Union Wharves, ?on Thursday, 6th December, at 12 o'clock, noon, for tho abovo port. For Freight or Passage, apply to COURTENAY k TRENHOLM, Do .?ember 3_3_Union Wharf ea. NEW TORR AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. .ABM THE SPLENDID SEDEWHEEL STEAMSHIP "CHARLESTON, Captain MMflfT* Bx&atX, will sail on Wednesday, the 4th ~-^B Inst, at 11X o'clock, A. M., from Ad gar's south Wharf. For outward Freight engagements, apply to COUR? TENAY k TRENHOLM, corner Adgor's Wharf and East Bay, Up Saurs. For Fassago rmd matters pertaining to inward busi? ness, apply to STREET BE01HEBS k CO., No. 74 East Bay. The CHAMPION will follow on Saturday, 7th last, at 3 H o'clock, P. M. 6TEEET. BROTHERS k CO., ) laMl, COURTENAYk TRENHOLM, ) December 2 FOR NEW YORK. Xyr-rrrrr^ THE STEAMSHIP MIAMI, M. Mo //?;<&'fi^ GiAUOEiaac, Master, will 1 a eon-, 4^..?I?w',n"- For Freight engagements apply to esSSMOaBn JOHN * THEO. G ?.TTY, November 29 Nerta Atlantic WharL FOR PALATKA, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL TOB LANDINGS ON THE ST. JOH .V'S BJVER, VTA SAVANNAH. THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAM i V; ; ? ER "DICTATOR" (1000 tons burthen), t<$? Captain L. M. CoxErraa, w?l leave Middle Atlantic Wharf every Tuesday Night, at 9 o'clock, tor the above places, connecting with (he Georgia Central Railroaa at savannah, tor Ma? con, Mobile and New Orleans. AU Freight most oe paid here by shippers. For Freight or Passage, apply on board or at the onie? of J. D. AIKEN st CO., September 12_Agents. FOR PALATKA. FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL THE LANDINGS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER, VIA SAVANNAH. Hb-? THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEA3? d&J j ?? ER CITY POINT (1110 tons burthen), Captaiu S. AD sa* s, wul leave Middle At? lantic Wharf every Friday Night, at 9 o'clock, tor tho above places, connecting with the Geor? gia Central Railroad tx Savannah, for Macon, Mobile and New Orleans. AU Freight must bo pdd here by the shippers. For Freight or Passage, apply ou boaxd, or at the of? fice ol BAVENEL k CO., Agento, Corner of Vanderhoret's Wharf and East Bay. October .9_ FOR GEORGE1 OWN, S. C. TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. EFITHFIELD AND WAVERLY MILLS. 'w. THE FINE PASSENGER STEAMER _??? "EMILIE, Captain ISAAC DAVIS, will re k i igni This Day, December ?jd, at south Com? mercial Wharf, and sail as above, on Wednesday Morning, December 4th,at 7 o'clock, Returning, w?l leavo George? town on Friday Morning, December ??th, at ? o'clock. No Freight received after sans it AU Freight must bo prepaid. Steamer not rcsponsiole tat Goods shipped for Way Points after landing of same. bHACKELFORD k KELLY, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf, charleston. So. Ca. ?9?FRASER k MAURICE, Agenta, Georgetown, So, Ca._1_Decampar 3 THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA, BY CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM-PACKET LINE.-SEMI-WInEKLY VIA BEAUFORT AND HIL? TON HEAD-WEEKLY VIA BLUFFTON. STEAMER FILOT BOY.Capt W. T. McNSLTT STEAMER FANNIE.Capt F. Pates. ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS /y^tT's ?? w?U kavo. Charleston every Monday and 'lSl<?&\i< I-...tay Morninu st 7 o'clock; and Sa? vannah --wry Wtxdesday and Satur ooy Morning, at 7 o'clock. To.icbtng at Bluffton on M:rday, trip trom Charles u t, and Wednesday, trip from Savaviab. AU Way Freight, also Blufften Wharfage, must bo pre? paid. For Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN FERGUSON, Accommodation Wharf. October 1 CHERAW ADVERTISER, TVEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, SJ AGRICULTURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NE Wa Cneraw, 3. C. Published weekly, by POWELL & WOHLE Y. TEEMS OF SDBecnrrnos : One copy one year.8* 0? BATIS or ADVEaruco : " One Square, ton lines or less, oao Insertion..el 03 For each subs?quent insertion. ,74 AU Aavortasemeuts to be distinctly marked, or they w?l bc published until ordered out, and charged accord, togiy . . ilercbvits and ethers advsrtising by th? year, s libe? ral 'i<viu.:tion on tLa above ra'? will >~ viv.?t. November 15_ THE ORANGEBURG NEWS, PUBL??HED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, AT Orangeburg, s. C Terms ? per annum, ia o/; vance. Dorisa tho srrlsg and lau scajons extra copies ci the OrrASOsacim Nsw j wUl be circulated for thc i*Mt?t of om- aavertuu-g outrons. Contract Advcrtisementl Inserted ontl; -MthbereJ le-ms. Addroos SAMUEL D.-.JI.E, Editor Oran^cbarg NeWS, Febraarr . '._Ojrancjrt ww 3 THE RKKALD 11 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NEWBSEBY C. IL, AT ?3 per annum, and, having a large eircuJatioa Uiroagb all die upper and lower Districts of the Starts, ji?ords great advsnlag? to advertisers. Rates for advertising very reasonable-for which ipplj to our A?oat, T. P. SLTDEi., at the M Cia House. XROS, fe ? H. H. G RENEE EE, November sAeseen and frojrveujxsj