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THE DAILY NEWS, RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO., PBOPBIETOBS. Oi?*nc So. IS Ilayne Street, BTJ3 ?C?tTPTION RAT S -'?ncc~-y, twelve Qioatli?,510; six BIBUIS, So; throo r.-.oaths, ?2.50. ADVl'.UiW -O i ?Xe' ?.-Fifteea couts aline for t>.o fir?t insor iou, and :;n reata* Hue for each subsequent irsert: a Ma ri ure iud Funeral Xoeiccs si each. TXItii-.-;a3h. iu adva tee. LK1 r.l.'k) sh rall bl adlressod to tno DAILT c'xws. Ko. 1: II voe s'rcot Cbatlestoo, H. C. UtJ .CT-J il uiU - iRIPis mil not bo returned. CHARLESTON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEVISER 4, 1SG7. ?ffWS SUMMA&l'. 6YSOPS:3 or ASST;AX messier, OF TEX PR?SID^T TO coMisisr. Thc President's Message was sent tc Congress at 1 T. M. yesterday. I: is a lcng document, and is raven in full clscw'ncro in our columns. Tito P.-C3.d mt s\v3 thai it wai his first duty ai tho closo of tho civil wir to repair tho injuries w'nica bid beca dono, aul to BOonro tho benefits which li ul boca at tho earliest moment. Tais duty wa3 pro np-'y accepted by tho EXJCU ttvo and by tho insurrectionary States Ia thc first ?no nca:s*of pc.c\ restoration was believed to bo c.fy, and as coi tain as it was ind;3pcasab'e. Tho?O exactions wcro disappointed by 'cho legis.ation of Congress, and now thcro is no Union whore ono Stttoia as ?ico as anotl cr to regulate its interna) aSftirs a::o:disg to its own will. Tho President ho.c makes an elaborate argu? ment, base J r-n .bc proposition that the Union and thc Constitution are inseparable. As long as the ono is obeyed ;hc other will bc preserved, and if ono is destroyed both must perish together. There x . no military or other necessity, real or protended, wh cu can prevent obedience to the Coust.lutton, either North or Sju.h. Tho hope that .vc may ultimately concur in a plan of settl.meut, consis? tent with our truo intere3:s, au ".our swern duties, in too natural ar.d too jus: to bo easily abandoned. It is clear to the President's apprehension that tho Stites lately in rebe li?n arc still members of thi U-don. Tie Executive, my predecessor, a3 we'd as myself and thc heads of all tho depart? ments, have adopted and acted on tbo principle thit tho Union is not dissolved, but is indissolu? ble. C.>ngre33 submittoi amendments to tho Constit ;tion to tho Southern States, and aeccptod their acts of ratification. Tho Junges of tho Supremo Court have included tac Southern States in their districts. If tho Southern S:ates ace component parts of :ho Union, tho ^on-iti utloa is tue supremo hw for them as for all otuor States. Tney are bound to obey, and so are wa. Being sincerely convinced that t'.cso vie vs arc c irroat, tho Pre -.i?ont recommends tho lepeal of tho cots pac.og the Southern Sta es uucler military masters. Tho con? flict between tho RcceJistructioa Acta and tho rights of the people und r tho Con? stitution arc are;u d and ii.ustrated at length. Ia alludion to negro suffrage, he says, tho subject.on of tho S.a:cs to negro dominion will be worso than tho existing military despotism. Tho people will endura eadioss military oppression rather than de? grado tliemsolvcs by aubjactioa :o tho nogro race. Tho blacks are entitled to bo wad and humanely gove nod, but if it were posslboto give them a gjvemmeat, of (heir own it would become a gr vc question whether it to be so or whether common humanity would cot requite us to save them Aram thom selves. Bat it is not prcposod th it they shall only govern themselves, but that they S iall go ..ern tho white race to a more or loss cx toa: and cootro! tho destiny o' tho whole counc.-y. He uex; contrasted thc negro character with tho iatoliigcnco, spirit ?nd progress or the white race; anl tho negro population wi.h emi? grants, and considered tbe d to .m3 of ac qnlrti'K citizenship and franclnse. The President further says ho yields to no mar, ia his attachment to i ales for general auffiago bat it req i rcs of i-oma cknse3 a timo sui.aVo for probation aa i preparation; to transfer our politi? cal inh:ri:a::cc to tho negroes would bo aa aban? donment of a duty which we owe ahko to tho mem? ory of our fathers ao l tho rioh:s of our children. Deucing thc h irers inevitable from thc pro? posed governments, tho President says ic will reqai.o a strong standing army, and probably moro than $230 003,0.30 per annum to maintain the supremacy of Ina negro governments after thoy aro c&t.viiLhcd. Without the raili-ary pow-.r they arc wholly incapable ol' ho.d ag in subjection the white po plo of .he Sou h. Tue tfitc; cu the pub ic credit and traJo cf per? sistence in *ho Congressional scheme of rccon 8trao:.on is discussed at length, shotvini; that it will rosal: iu rubi to both. Tho financial policy recommended by tho Presi? ?as airead, beoa correctly foreshadowed. Tao message makes no special allusion to tho sulject of the Cotton Tax. Disoussiug thc President's duties, he says: "Af? ter srave consideration, cases might ariao where after laws had passed ali the constitutione,, forms aaa been placed on tho otacuto books, it would bo the duty of the Executive to refuse to carry them oat, regardless of consequences. This wculd bo the country in a justifiable civil war. -Gold closed in New Yorl: yesterday at 13u?. -Cotton c osad easior in Now York yesterday at 13* ; sales 2833 bales. -C tton closed dull in Liverpool yalerday at 7Jd. for middling uplands; sales 6303 bales. -An Aiucau conjuror, who apparently eat:: broken glass, is exhibiting in London. -Tho Columbia (S. C.) Chroniclo of yestorday annouxc- s its o .va demise. Cause-hard t.mcs. -Mr. Wm. Hitchcock, of Columbia, well known throughout tuc State, died in that city on Sunday .vening. -The Tal3ahaf,seo Floridian sayB that an orange tree near that c ty Las produced thia yoar fifteen handrcd and fifty perfect orangos, largo and of fine il ivor. -Tho New York Board of Underwriters have appropriated fify thousand dollars for tho pay? ment of ic wards for the arresta of pei ?ona guilty of arson cr incondiarisra. -A Washington telegram to the Philadelphia Press Bays tho financial situation is growing clearer, aa J aid ? that4 ono ot thc immediate ne? cessities is moro greenbacks." -The Ricamon.i Whip; s lys ono of tho most ea eonraging signs of tho times is to bo lound in tho fact t at tho process of settlement in that Stato by cnlcapriaing Northern men is steadily e;c:ng on. -So rai id is the increase of livo stock in Aus trana, that companies ax farming for tko excorta tioa oi pivserved ideals oa a iarsc scale. In tho plains of Riverina aLnc tho annual mcrcaso of sheep is described to be at icaat two milie<m* in excess of the local demand. -Parties who are .onversant with the views of Senators on tno suspension of o?r. Stanton assert that the Senate w.ll reject any nomination lor Sec? retary of War intended to supersede tho late Sec rotary, and wi.l, by a doeided majority, declare Mr. Stanton to bo law.ully entitled to hold tho of??, irrospceUva of tho Pres.doat's order or desire. Tho Chincso Empiro appears tobo m a rr oro than ord. nary disturbad condition. Thc rebels arc 6t.U unchecked, and thc luiueiial general, who was to havo certainly disposed of tho Nion-ici who were cccioicd m the eastern parc oi tho Shantung promontory, has been dlestaced for lcttincr tho wnolo force of tho ci.cmy escape unharmed thioug his liucs. -At a mee-ly " of tho Loa?oa Medical Socloty, Dr. i.Lilio. a e.ijti:jga:siiod practitioner, said tnat haw s abe to c?lr?J niost desparato c.ioe of tcotha i'.c, un ess thc disease is connecte i with ri tual .t.soi, by tho application cf the following rcmeJ: : '-Alum, redu ced to aa impalpable powd r, two dracnuis; mi rjus spirits of ether, se. ea drachms; m x aud apply io tho tooth." -Dor.ijg t:u r^m o? articlo.i from tho Pari3 Exh.b.tion, in the Italian section, a workmaa cal? ed tn one of hu comrades to assise him ia lifting au immenso cheese, which had stood agaiuot a wah, aud they found iLac thc ai ticlc wa,?as h?ht as a drum. A ?mdy of raia had installed them? selves in i:, and nothing but a mero -heil re nained. -Mr. Charles Dickens is somethiar of a lion in Bottea, bu: it is cf mo quia and moulfi.d specif Ho f;00S when and whe o ho pleases, and he comes in tho same easy way; but tho nuntets are forbear? ing; and t^us for there baa been no organized nub at iaia pe-i-.a. Tue Boaioa ans aro bouavm" execni. gly weil, and their former eccentric;;.:.^ Shall i.ot bo remborcd against them. -Gold miuug is very soldom profitable to tho great mass cf people who cuerazo ia it. A few make ioitunc9, but tho majority carno aw. y i. j ; j thc e.Old region peorcr than when they went ihero. A gent.caiau who aaa just r-iuracd from Mo..taua with SCO OOO ia gold, obtaiaoa b.- mining, advi3as ever, one to stay away irom that Te;ri:ory, ia to balates bia gocd luck, there aro to-, thibaud mea ?ow m Mo.iuua who would be glad to get homo w.ih empty pockets. -Prem a recent report of the "Mining Record" effie, wo learn that tho production of coal, during 1SG6. ia Great Britain, amounted to nearly ono hu :drcd and two millions of tons; of iron oro, to nearly ton millions of ton?; of iron, to four and a half millions of tons; of slfrer froai lead, to eis hundred ?n? tbirty-a x thousand cunees. Tho fe? tal value ot mineral productions for tho year is es? timated at a.out twa hundred and ton millions ot doliatv. -Tho Washington coiT03pondcni of tho Now York Ex-ress writes: 'Thorn is SUCH a chargo of hoart peina on amont? thc Radical sinners in Con? tres-, that several of them, w'ao have been bound? ing tho President for a year, aro now readv to follow any motion to lay nil tho reports and reso? lutions unon tho tabb, and thus to stop all further agitation and debate. There is a tcrnaclo of re? monstrance1} coming in l?oai tho Hcpublcan b :s' nes3 mer. of thc country, and tho most of them aro from New England, .vaich is suffering in trade just now.' i -Tho following, erivon or. tho authority of a clrusgist, is worth knowing, if truo : "Apoison of any conceivable description and degroo of potency, which 1 as been swallowed intentionally or by accident, may bo readcro.1 instantly harmless by swallowing two gills of sweet oil. An individual willi a very strone constitution should toko twice the quanti tv. Tho oil will neutralize every form of vegetable or mineral poison with which physicians or chemists are acquainted with. -lu Detroit, recently, while prcp-iring a street .br a now pavement, a largo number of Indian skeletons and utensils wero oscavntod. Some twonty-?ve or thirty complete skeletons had been unearthed, all ol which wer3 buried vrkh their hoads to ihc ejst. Theso remains bavo bcon in? terred some time sinco thc advent of Europeans in America, for among the numbers of articles of aboriginal art wero found some curiously shaped bottles an antique, bayonet, and pieces of plate plass which il is supposed woro bupphod by Fioach traders. Enterprise in Journalism. A pledge was given, when tuc present pro? prietors took charge of the DAILY NEWS, that neither pains nor expense would be spared to give interest to its columns, hy miking it, every day, tho vehicle of the latest news, po? litical, local, commercial and general, prepared in the form most convenient and pleasing to the reader. Our rapidly increasing circula? tion affo ds the best evidence that thc public appreciate the manner in which that pledge has been kept. Au instance occurred yesterday which illus? trates the energy and enterprise which we intend shall murk the future career of this newspaper. The President's Message was de? livered to Congress about one o'clock P. M. Instantly <t carefully prepared synopsis, giving all the points of special iuterest lo the Sou'hern reader, was flashed over tho wires for THE I DAILY NEWS, and at once put in type by the nimble fingers of cur printers ; so that, within a few minutes after two o'clock, an EXTRA NEWS vras issued, giving our ciiizcns the earli? est intelligence of the views and purposes ex? pressed by the President. We livo in a fast age; and we are resolved tba', our journal skull in no respect be behind thu times. Thc Tax Order Iasaed. General CANDY, exercising tho legislative authority vested in him by the military act of Congress, has issued tho long expected or? der regulating taxation to support tho ex? penses of tho State organization of South Caro? lina daring the current year. The details of this order have, it is understood, been arranged with great care and deliberation by the Coai ?naoding General, who, while preparing them, availed himself freely of the practical sugges? tions and assistance of Governor OKK. The chief feature of interest in the order is that it provides expressly for a general reas? sessment of the property, in town and country, tnroughout the State. This reassessment is to be made without rcferenco to any previous assessment, and is to be based upon the actual market Tallie of the property, taking into ac? count all the improvements which have been made, onhancing thc value of land. Thc effect of this provision will be to relieve the City of Charleston from thc burden which she has so long borne, owing to the singularly partial manucr in which thc S;ate assessments havo hitherto been adjusted, and which im? posed upon her citizens au undue proportion of tb?? wk do tax collected. \ it will be seen that half thc tax is made payable on or before March 31, 1868. This will bring up the value of tho State bills re? ceivable to nearly par, as they will be as avail? able as greenbacks for the purposes of tax? payers. We may notico other features of the order more fully hereafter. ?'our Ead Reasons. Some persons who call themselves friends of the South give four reasons why the Southern States should be allowed to rd'.urn into ike Union. They say that it will lighten the bur? den of taxes to the North,-that it will give the North again :ko Southern trade,-that it will give the North strength in case of a for? eign war,-tkai it will gratify the feelings of tke patriotic men of tho North. In reply, four other reasons might bj given on tho part of the South:-that thc Southern are most interested in lightening their own burden?,-that the South does not want any war with anybody on any terms,-that the South prefers to keep its trade in Southern cities,-that it docs not care to grat? ify the feelings of patriotic men. But, seriously, ihe four reasons first mentioned do not give the faintest sign cf the justice, tho law aud civili? zation, whick arc the real parties in th*? cuso. According to thc whole theory of the war ou the part of tho Nc th, .icccssicn iailcd, and in law the Southern Stute3 arc just as much in the Union as the New England States are, and in law they aro entitled to thc same rig'its and equalities. Acts of Congress can no more de? sire}' these lights than a Russian edict could do. Their failure to secede left them in the Union; Congress acquired no new powers; only thc powers delegated by tho States re? mained, as before, in the hands of the Federal Government. If the friends of tke Southern States had o majority in Congress "hey would have just as much right to send military governors to rule over New England, as the friends of New England have to send military governors to rule the South. The question of allowing tho South to tako her place in the Union ?3 not ene of selfish policy, but ono of right, juslicc and law; and the continued ex? clusion of the South is an -effort not only to ovcr;hrow both the State and Federal systems of the wholo country, but to uproot our very civilization, by a:uulv;amaiing it with ute iait rior and ignorant race. Thc inglis ti Kef. raters. The Reform loague, notwithstanding the pas? sage of tho Reform bili, it as fiery und active as ever. English reform being seul.d fur the time, thc leaguers have takea up the cause of the Irish, uni do not intend to stop their agi? tating until Irelaud has as many votes, and as mach liberty, as has her ruling neighbor. The means of securing this great end are rather forcible than reasonable. One head reformer recently declared that the Irish were fully justified in using physical force to redress their wron?s. Another taid that Erin would never mako an impression upon ker ruters until ske knocked dow:? SOJ-C of them,-this ingenious orator considering that a dint in the ?kuli was as good ES an impression upon thc brain. Another shouted out tkut the Fenians should go on :;r.d prosper ; tiad so, to the end. It is not likely, of course, that the Eng'.iah leaguers will do any more than shout and splutter to help tba people of Irelaud, but their big wc-rd3 do sh?-.v them to thc pubiic iu their true and natural colors. Lang and loudly aavo they declared that they are peaceful, order-lo7ing subjects of Queen Victoria, and they have, again and ngaiu, protested agai"st thc supposition thftt they coull luve anything in comaum with "roughs," revolutionists, or other disturbers of ibo public quiet. It is true that nobody believed cither protest or declara? tion, bur now all doubt is cleared away, and the leaguers, with a refreshing candor which, nader a less tolerant government, might con? dign them to Siberia or C .venue, announce their preference for tho redress of grievances by "knockin?; rulers down." Karl DEBBY and Mr. D ISHAUH arc in no dan? ger of being mobbed or shot, for the leaguers have a pious love for their skius; but their bumptious language docs remind one that they have given up all claim upon public sympathy and ell chance of even continued notoriety. Thc English middle classes have a deep and almost supcr-titiuus reverence for the laws of thc laud. They may for a time tolerate threat und bluster; but they soon vindicate their own good sense, by allowing tho platform agitator to return into the obscurity from which cir? cumstances for tho m omen', had called him. Ireland will have reform, and thorough reform in coursj of time, but this reform will bc born of the sense of justice of thc intelligent mas? ses, aad not of thc efforts of those reckless leaguers whose strongest appeal is to the pas? sions, aud whoso most forcible logic is the threatened blow of tho bludgeon. English allic , of tho Reform league class, will post? pone leform in Ireland. Timo will heal every wound, and time, aloue, can secure lo Ireland that civil and religious freedom for which sho hopes and prays. TO RENT. TU RKXT.-A SUIT OF TWO OR THREE desirable 1;OJMS, pleasamlv located, suitable lora mab Cunby Oi gentlemen ; tu ni-lu d or not, as desired. Apply r.t No. OJ D.,OAD-oaLELT. December 4_1* TO KENT. THE NEW AND ELIGIBLE SOUSES Non. 151 arid 150 CALHOUN-VIRELT, next to cerner ot Uutlei-sc ouch containing tour upright .-oi m-, a ?o uantry auu drusilla room, with clouulc piazz i, c stern, ieur-r.iomed ki..; ben. aud pas fixtures throughout. 1'or term*, ?c., apply to N OR TH W bbl COK LU Ol' CALHOUN-aTEE.LT AND KU LEDGE AVENUE. 1 December 4 TO RENT.THE DESIRABLEDWKLLIVG, No. '.OCoMING-STl.EET, opuoslto Duncan-street, having 60ven ro rn?, wk. unies, pantry, closets, aud all necessary eicomtuod.itions tor a gemed family. For terms, fcc, app,y to No. 7 GLOKGE-STREEl. December 2 inwf mO RENT, TH VI BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE. J. No. 50 Cauuou street, containing four squire rooms, arcssiug room and pantry, with double j iazzu: gas fix? tures throughout: stable, bay lott, carriage hons - and smoke bouse, nil complete. Also, one two-story HOl>L' in the yard, containing lour square .noms. Possession given on tho 1st December. Appiyon the PREMtSES, Novcm, er 27 wftn rpo RKAT. THAT FI*E COMMODIOUS JL S10RE, No. 23 H AVNE SI KELT, with eompieto fixture, tor a 'Wholesale Drug iious.. ALSO, THE SMALLER STORE, lu rear of the above, fronting in Market-street. Any ont- dooring to inspect the prem? ises, can Hud the keys at No. lSHayno-s.reet. For ternis, Ac, apply ta L. 1. POT'TJLR, jNovemoer 30 sw4 No. 89 W<*ntwor:h-struPt fpo lt EXT, A FART OF A HOUSE' COX X TAIMNG THREE ROOMS, all on the second floor, and lu drat rato oidor. Il desired onu room on the tiru flocr caa bo had, at No. ?8 Roaufain r_reck Appiv uN THEPltEaHSLS. Decombur3 TO REST, THAT DESIRABLE TWO ST ORV DUICK h EVIDENCE, No. 44 Calhouu-s.rcct, op;.o sitj Citade. Green, containing f ur square rooms, na? m_- rouni and paul y, biicL ki chen with two room-, flue yard, with cistern, weil ol'water, and all necessary out. ui.diugs. Ciao lii.oujhout the house. Ap,ly io Juu.s s. HORLBECK, Southwest corner Calhoun and Mec:ing-sts. December J FUR RUM', PART OF A DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED MANSIOA, in tho touihwestem por? tion el ibo city, cousisiing ot' a ot three or lour spacious rojcus ou tho firs; floor, with kitcucn aud ser? vant?* upar, menta, Ternas moderato. A idress "A," Daily News (Juice. ?iccuiucr 19 TO LEASK FOR A TERM OF YEARS, tiie VALU A ULE ES?A'IE belongiug to the laic Celouel Kent, situated m ea: ai.gobur,; District, . ousts: Ina ot :;r>.o acres, t?o-thirda eicured. Ihe soil u> neu red clay, una mr al Ki..tb o? crops, J Le Estate1 is water* eel by a large creel, on w?ten ia a FlNt MILLStAT AND Dul COAiPLElE: ?he lest water-power in tho atato ter Mills aud Factories; situation healthy all th year round. On tilt? p.ace- aro sixty laborers T.-ecdauni, wno would contract cueapiy, as they acaire to remain, lue Estate WiU be lease? tor a term oi yea ra in ono body, or in fiona to sait small c~i.ii.ul. l or terms, ap? ply to MOW KV a: CO. Novcm ocr 12 COPARTNERSHIPS. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE tXfeTRTO BETWEEN RIGHTER & . H.MAloND lu t-is tiay di9-oivod by mutual cot bb^t. iH-RLEa C. iiiu.iiti. I-AAO HAMMAD. Charleston, December 2, lb?7. CHARLES C. RIGHTER WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS. 3* December 1 FOR -ALi< -A ? YLlXDfcR PRESS, IN (,oo? oruer, with all toe nereus.ry Material for a jc-Uy and Weeai) N. Wepap?.r, with aype, fcc., tor a Job eUleu. Ah Ul goo. coudi.lOu. A. pi? to JONES u JouN>TuN, ciua-ott , N. c. o NoTcmbu i.9 SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND COTTON A .ND UI.L PLAN TAI IONS. F.\Uil> and ClTa PKOPEB? a x of Ul kinda :o. ti*Lti and LEASE by CLlFiOKD & .JATUEWES, Beal Estate Aleuts, No. 56 ilroud street, November 9 amos _LOST AND F O U NJh_ FOUND, A RF.D AND WHITE COW, OX tho -tate RoaJ. Tie cwnu. <. n Lav tho 6amc by p ovi... pr.p ay .nd App y st Ouk orovu near FuUr Milu ?ouso. X. H. it v w K.Nd. December 4 1* NOTICE.-OFFICE CHIEF OF DKTfcX'. TiViift, CUAniESTOS, .\ovoiubdr 26, iS07.-Recur e.vd and eioujLi to dd. oui.e. one Doub.e UMO GuLD WATCH AND ell.UN. ihe o*ucr may recover thu samo by tailing, provint] propor y ana paying expulses. u. W. UL.>iai;ic;iS, Lieutenant aud chioi ot Dc tee uve 3. November 27 LOST OR STOLEN, A CUR DOG, AL alOST black, wiih a wnlto riu^ around h s neck a.... whitu breast. A fcuitabic reword wul oe paid :er h.3 leluiu to X. F. O'oULLl. AN, No. al V,u 1 street, el ut t_ is oilicc. JN o \. LI Oer 25 DROPPED OX TUE NIGHT OF THE 13I?I November, ue.r tho Actor's entrance oi tho circus pu vi dion, u i. L'.L .a-i iZ!_J WU.Ti. ERMINE F?ll CAPE, tho two lower Lu.LOL - of Wuilo Glass, and ihe whoio hued witu While sit-. The nuder win obtain ? e-uiublo reward by leaving it ai Uiu DLTJ-CUVJ-S' OFEaOE, in Broad street. Movemour li _MESGELLAWEO?S. DON'T i?AOL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN lO.M", PANKMVa UtPAllC UalTERS, au nu.ail.u? remeuy ior all Diseases ot the Ll"'es?ve organs and tno Liver, i or bale by all Diux gi-tS;_ DON'T FAIL TO ;ItV THE CELEBRA* TED SOU 1 HERN TO.vlC, PA.sKNlN'a UEPATIC i>xTTERS, un ?emeoy lor all Diseuses oi the Digeutve crgana auu ute L.ver. For ba.o by ail Druir B'its._" DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN luNIC, PAN KN IN'S DLPAIIC m T1EKS, au umuUiuj rete cay lor all Diseases ol tbe Digestive Orgaue sud ihe Liver. For sa.e bj all Drue. g-stJ._ DO^'T FAIL TO 7 RY THE CE LE UK A i'LD SOU-LEllN 'IONIC, PANENIN'S iii PATIO JU.TTEU^, un u..i.iiiing remedy lei-ah Diseaavs of Ibo unjeative organs and me Liver. For sale fy all Drug glam-_ DC X T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUXHEUN IONIC, PANKNIN'd ULPAIIC u.a'IEiti, an u. iuih g r.m.dy for ail Dlseabcs c.; thc Digestive Oitiuus and tue Lh'er. For sale by ab Dnij gisis;_ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'a HEPATIC OiilERs, au ujiaiiiug remedy for uh Disease> ot tbe Digestive Or"auoa_d tue-Liver. For sale by all D:ug gsts- _ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED BO?XHERK TONIC, PANK MN'? HEPATIC oitTERS, an uuiaiiing remedy lor all Dissas. s ol' tho Diu A, Uve t.r?auu aaa tuc Laver. For sale by ail Drug? gists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA TED SOUTHERN J ONIC, PANKNIN'O HEPATIC iuixTElL>, cn uuici.Lg remedy ter *u Liseas.a of tue i IgfatiVd Otgaus sud tuc Live. For Sale by all D.u? gi is_ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOCTHELN TO IC, PANUNI:,'-: HEPATIC uixTLRa, en u..iaLing rcmc.iy for ail Distas s ol th Di?;eiiive Organs and Lue Liver. For sale by ail Drug Ula ?._ DO.%'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? ' ' D SOU!HERN IONIC, PANKNIN'd HEPATIC itxXT] R3, au uai'. iling r m-.dy far all Lis as?s ol the Di^es-v.- jr au. and tno Liver, ior sale bv ah Druji el>to._ TPkG.VT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? JJ ?U^ SOUTHi RN IONIC, I' NENIN'S ULP^TiC ? TIERS, au uuiaiin"' remo' \ fur uU Diseases of the organs and the Laver. 1er salo by all Drug? gists, lyr November 27 REMOVALS. BRITISH CONSULATE REMOVED TO TUE OFFICE OF TUE SPANISFI Consul, No. 43 Dav OA D STREET, u til further no k,au. Octctcr 30 H. M. actlug CcneUl. BOARDING. nUARDUG.-EXCELLENT BOARD CAN ?D ec JO.?IU'M, ni i .--.aLaoie raiec, by applying at No. i,i KINO o'*tii.a:i', e,ue i.our u'uov? aJudsou street, ueat ibu ciuiuoi. ?Lo ijiuett curs j u.-? ibe .tour every ten minute;.. ?^u.y October 7 DE??TiS?gy." DENTIST, KOOai- AT HIS RESIDENCE, NORTE~:~ST COR. NLR of Meetinj end Society Street?. Juno X 'J wsCcio WANTS. W.lNTKl)._SKVEltAL KURSKS MAL.JE and female, at thc eur Hcepltt.l. Mazyck-streot. Apply to Ibo burgeon in charge, or tlie Steward. December* _1 WOOD TUR IV RIC W WTED.-ALSO, ?.VE WOOD H ?NING LATHE. Ap; ly to 1>. P. 1 MALE, D:ci ruber i Near thc Northea-tern Ral .road. CLERKSHIP WANTED. EITHER AS Po .khoepor or Genoral Assistant, by one wilUng and qualified io make himself usetul. Address, stiling Ealary < ft' red snd lialure of business, "ACCOUNTANT," at tba Dan;. News Office. 12 December 4 ytJ^XTKD, RY A RESPECTABLE WHITE VV FE MALI, a situation os Conk, Washer and Ironer, in a t rivatc family. Unexceptionable references givon. Apply at No 71 KING, between Broad and Tradd etiocts. 2* December 4 C-O^AA IO 83000 PER YEAR.--A ?V ijiOUU AGENT is want d in every town in the Uuio.i to make and sell an ar icle ol' daily consumption in ever,' family. Ii is entirclv now. Sale as permanent as Lour Adoresn LOUIs C?BLENTZ, Middleton, Md. Doo mber 4 _Imo WANTED, A COMPETENT CHAMBER? MAID AND SEAMSTRESS {either white or col? ored). TUfS OFFICE. _December 3 VI TANTEO, A COMPETENT HOUSE SER? VI1 VANT, who can como woll recommended. Ap? ply at No. 40 EAsT DAY, to COHEN, HANCKEL A CO. Dece -, ber 3 _2 ANTED, A SITUATION AS COOK AND WASHER for a small firnllv. Apply a; No. 27 G._O..Gt-iTuELT. 2* December 3 AGENTS WAFTED POR THE "LIFE OF JEFFE1?90N DAVE?," by Prank H. Allriond, of Kicnmond, formerly ediior of tho Soutborn Literary Messenger, 'luis is a rilli and authen.ic history cf the Lito and Pub ic Sen-ices of the great Southern leader. Mr. A friend has enjoyed unusual advantages in tho pre? paration of this work, ?a will be apparent to all on exam? ination, t-eud lor specimen pages and circulars, with terms. Address NAUONAL PUBLISHING CO , Atlan? ta, tia. Imo* Novembor 29 WA .NT ED- KN AG EAT-ONE CHANCE IN each town, worthy the atteniion ol an active business man, to take Uio agency for tho sale ot BRAD .-TREEi'a llUBLlElt MOULDING AND WEATHER STTUP.-\ applied to the side -, bottom, to,., and centre of doorj and window?. Send for agent's circular. J. IC. BRADSTREET A CO., November 27 2x03 Boston, Mass. WANTED.-A YOUNG LADY WANTS A SITUATION tho ensuing year as TEACHER m a private family. Sue will give thorough instruction in the Englisu branches ol cdueat.on and tooch joung be? ginners in the French lnnuagc. Tho best references given, .erma modera-.o. Address "MISS L. W.," care of Dr. C. Li. Jones, Ashland, Hanover County, Vu. November 25 Imo -ITMXTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, TO VV sed tho MAGIC CLEANSING CRKAM. Samplo do:., terms, show cari:-, etc., sont on receipt of S3. D. CUMolINGS A CO, No. 42 South Market street, Boston. November 25 3mos WAN TE D, A SITUATIONHiiVT-ACH E R . Tho suoscriber, who hae had eight years experi? ence in his profession, as Principui ol Academies, and is ai p>Cseut Principal of .? Academy in Nelson County, Vs., uesnrcs to removo South on account ot the healtu of his lamlly, and will accept a situation either in a Male or Fem?lo College or Academy, or in a Private School that will yield him a support, auywhero in tieorgia or South caro! na. li.) teaches, beside* thu Ei.Rli-li branches iud A.aihemaiies, the Latin, tire k, French sud .spanish Lan? guages, ana will. ive satisfactory testimonials of hUcom petoucy, succe.s und iwpulariiy ari u teacher. Address c. E. Ji FFEltSON, Momreal, JcfferGon county, Va. November 23 Imo VI EUCH A .Ni S, DEALERS, THADEUS, OR 1*1 anybody requiring tho services of an nxport Ac eountont, will plea-o address E. D. P., at thp Omeo of thc CHABLLSTOX DAILY NEWS. Novcmbei Xi IC HU U S E W A IV TKO.-A RESPONSIBLE j arty wants to rent a house m thc business port oi too city. Address conditions to "ALPHA," DALLI ; HWa Office. 12 November 22 At-ENTS WANTED.-910 TO f*U A DAY, to introduce our new paient STA lt SHUTTLE SEW i.,.i MACHIN I-:. Prh-e ?20. It uset lw.> threads, and m ikes the geuniue Lock Siucb. All other low-priced ma? chines make tho Chain Stitch. Exclusives territory cn eu bend Jor Circulare. W. u. WILSON A Co,, Manufac? turers, Clcveian I, Ohio. Imo Novenber 18 UliMS WAATEO KOK A VIRGINIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPACT.-Tho Richmond Ba ki g and Im>uranc- Company, of Richmond, Va., IN L'?t-S LIVES on ihc most reasonable terms, with se? curity undoubled. Those unable to insure ar* MADE ABLE. AGENTo WANTED in ovcry city and county in the Union, App icants for Agencies will address T. B. STARKE, General Agent, November 12 Imo Box No. 203, Richmond, Va. WA.NTEi\~BY A L ,DY COMPETENT TO teach English, French and Music, employment in t^o city. Address X. Y. Z., Daily Newe Office, isoveinber ? Imo EDUCATIONAL. MRS. M. J. ROGERS INFORMS UER FlilENDS AND PUBLIC GENE? RAL Ll', that sho has opened a SKLECT >CHOOL .or ?lidien, at ter r sioence, No. 77 Wentworth street, on the Isl of Dec mb'-r. . be has also rc-umed the teaching ot tlueie un the i lana Porte, and rcipeetl.tlly solicits a share of publi.- patronage. Terms moderate. Decembers 3 NIGHT SCHOOL! NIGHT SCHOOL! ANSON-STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE LAURENS-ST rjMlE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITHME? TIC, WRITING. READING, GERMAN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR are from 7 to 'J o'clock P. M. Terms-52 per month in advanco. Book-kecpin0' charged extra. C. H BEROMANN. December 2_________ PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. JOHN GADSDEN, Prinopal, with a Corpo of Teachers. BOAIU) Or TK ' TEES. REV. A. TOO-ER PORTER. Rector. G. A. Tl.ENUuLM, I EDWARD SEBRLNG, JOHN nANCELL, J. D. ALEXANDER. Al. I. BARTLET-', | EVAN EDWARDS, secretary and Treasurer. 1_TS tCHooL SVILL BE OPENED (D. V. J ON THE 0 h of Dr.CE.MBER. session of TEN MONTHS. Holidays, one week at christmas, Good Friday and East? er Monday, August and September. Tho hours will be from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Tho Inlaut Classes, 9 A. M. to M. Tho E.cesses will bo lu rotiUon or 15 minutes each. Boys' and Girls' departmonts distinct. Sewing and Embroidery, Voluntary classes, after thc oxer, bes of the School TERMS-Books at wholesale cost price, ano found lo who cannot purchase. Tuition C? cents a month, in ad .auco. /.pp.lestions for admission made between hours of ? und Ju A, M. at houso ol tho Rector, comer Ruticdgo an > spring streets, till .artier notice. N o vu m ber C wi*m IC PJU?iADELPHlA UNIVEBSITY OF MEDICINE AND bURGE&Y. mnE PHILADELPHIA ?NTVERSITY OF MEDICINE j. AND SURGERY w~8 organUed iu 18W. Chartcrod by thu February 2?, 18-3. Narie changed by a legislative enactment to the Eclectic iL ed ital col? lege, o; Fuiladelphiu, in 18a0. lu l&JJ it purcuisid the Pennsylvania .Medical college, cs.abhahed in __, and the P_jadol| hi. Medical Collogc, whi_ had previously been merged into thc Pennsylvania M< dical < 'ollcgo. lu 16?4 it purchased the Penn Modiial Univirsiy. Tus Trustee?'.<> thc separato schools united, pcitiouodand obuiuod a speciaj Act of tho Levis aturo, consolidating theaeiustituiiousaud cha. ging their names to that ol tho l'mladeiphia University ol M?cheme and Surgery, aiareh 15,18C3. All these various Acts aro publi bed in the statutes ol Penubylvania. The coat of tho i uiiiling and museum was ov?r ouu hundred thousand dollars, lt will be ooserved that tho University, "now organized, is the lega: representative ol the lour* Medical Colleges that ii lias absorbed, lt is a liberal soho. 1 ol medicine, cou hued to no dogma, nor uttaclied .o UaJ medical cliques, bute.ubraccs ni its teaching everything Of va.ue to the prolusion. ??irion*.-It has two full sessions inch year, commenc? ing on the 1st oi October, and cuutiii uing until the 1st ot January, au its lirst session, and norn thu 1st ot January to the Ut ol April, aa its second; the two cousLuutiug ono iud Course oi lectures, lt hos aUo a summer session, eoinmcuciug thu lat April aud continuing until August, tor thu preparatory branches, tuen os Latin, Creek, ?uihciuaiios. Luton?, Zoology, chemistry, Anatomy Physiology, eic. U'iektU.-iickci8 to tho full course of lectures $120, or ?tiO lor each cession, l'or the summer or preparatory coursu i'Jo. tiiaUutuing iee tjj. Tu aid yoiui? men ot inodorato means, the University has issued live nuudred acnoiaishijjs, Which ure 60td to lirs.-couroe students for ?;?. and io sejoud-eourae studeut-i ;iud clorgymeu tor job, e. ch constituting ibo holder a lilo member, with the perpetual, rivuetfes of the lectures, aud all ihe teaculugs oi me school. Thu ouiy uduiUonai lees aru a . carly dis? secting ano inatr?cu i Ung ticket, each ol which ls *5. yv.-t- AUcautaga or Sctooiartkipt.-ihe stuttent holding a sciiolurouip can enter tue College at any tiuu duriug me ear, alien i u.- loug as he cno"?es, uud re-tn lei the iusii umm as f.equenuy as d.-.iu-d. lt requires no previous reading o: study to enter the Cuvcraity un t-cho-arshipb, hence, ad piivute tuition fees are Saveu, Studeuui, by holding echolarsinpa, can prosecute other business a j art ol tho ume. ihe cindiuato ?or graduation can prosent himself at any time, and rcteivu _i, de-rce assoou an qualified. lueaocactu uni thould hold a echo.arsoip and uot be abie lo ailene .ctuies, it eau bu iransle-rred io another, Lu at- vie.eil..nj au IMM, ParauU, guardians orlrlccds cf sludenta wishing to pnr.-luue ?_olaithip lurtheia a \ or more beiore uiC-' attendance at t?e Lmversity, caus?eme them by H \aue.u0- OUtt-hail the price -?d pay_irf the balance when inc studeui tulara. Physicians aud banevolont m.u eau bestow great benefit upon poor young mon by ^r. sen ling mein a scn-.-larahip, and mus cuab.iug thom io ootaiu au honorable profeswon. in Facultyeuiumcesseventeen eminent physicians and Burgeons, ino Uuiveralty baa associated witn lt a i rye ho-pit-i chnic, wuu.c every torna ol medical auu uiicate ia o^ualed on uud treated m Hie pres ence ul hu class, COU-e- iiLi_DD,-Q._The COUC?O buiiO-g, located In Ninia street, south of Walnut, is ibo Ouest ia tho dry. ita trout is collegiate guthic, and ls uiorned with em batUeiaeuta ana embrasures, pre-uting a novel, how, und bea atilul uppcurunco. lue lacade is of orown stone, erual Jellied by iivo low.-rs, rib.u^ to thu eiesutiOu ol uiljLij lett, and crowned with an ctuLaitled parapet tuc building tontaiuj between jilly and sixty rooms, uh supp.iei with water, gas, ana every other convenience thai modern impruv.uieui can couinhuto to facilitate medical m.-trucUoa Uuiy tve hundred scholarships Will bc issiicu, and r-, two hunur. d and li tty are uow eolil, those wno wish ta secure om- nhould do so at once. Money can oe remitted by uxpress. or a (haft or choca seul ou any Natiouul iiauk ?u _o United states, when the scuoiarship will bc returned by mail, signed by the ttre-deui oi mu booia ci Xvustees, JOSEPH s. FiSUEit, n?q., and the Dean oi tho Faculty, W.-PAINE, M. D. Au otduis tor 'cbolarahipd or oth, r business of tb? Uni veraity, shouii bu adiresacd to Professor W. PAINE, M. D., Piiiladelphia, Pa. rjNIVERSlf? JOURNAL nu A?B mmi BSSl^-MONXnLX JOVKSXL OF M_X>ICD?E, G?nOBBY, PU?t-lOLcOY, U?01_N_ AND GLNLliAL Ll i EBA" lUKi:, DEVOTED ?O THE PBOFESiXOK A>'1? TUE Pi?uPLE. ,, .i.ii.-i.nJ Tbecbeape t Medical Papo tu the v^orld, P-. sn" vcr, two weeks at tte University Di>ildiug. Matn-sxree., outu o. W mut. tj ri?l Siugle topics. .*? 35 Fi.'C cop.e-i ty ono address. 'len copies to uno address.'g \?a litucu copies to one in TiNBnlV ?ou?es to ono od dre-. iL ? ? t...ra no ci the Club thBil havooBS copy gratis, .re- W. PAINE, M. D., Ediio-, s. ptembe: u Philadelphia. Pa. _MEETINGS._ COMMISSIONERS OP HARK-TS. AREGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE COM? MISSIONERS will bo ht-ld a. Mark t Hull, /A? Day, 4ih hu:., a: 5 u'clook, P. M. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, Deoember 4_1 _Chi f Clerk. LANDMARK LODGE, No. 76, A. F. M~ THE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE will be held Thu Evening (Wcdnt sday, 4th Inst), at 7 o'clock. Member? aro requested to come prepared to pay their arrears, according to tho nile. By order of the W. M. THEO. E. NEWTON, December 4 1 Secretary. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY. THE REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING OF THIS Society will take place, 2Vtu Evening, tho 4th inst., at t-ie Mills House, at 7 o'clock precisely. A full and punct? ual attendance is particularly requested as arrangement must bo made for Hie approaching annivotsary. By order ol thc President. T. STREET. December 4 1 secretary. CHARLESTON SOCIAL CLti?" ATTEND AN EXTRA MEETING OF YOUR CLUB, This Evening, at 7>i o'clock. Business of Import? ance will be considered. J. F. EARLEY, December 4 1* Secretary. CONFECTIONERY. ETC KINSMAN'S SALOON, NO. 279 KING-STREET. MINCE PIE. HOT MINCE PTES EVERY MORNING. MILL POND OYSTERS. MILL POND OYSTERS. Stewed, Roasted and Fried, from 7 A. M. to ll P. M. COFFEE AND CHOCOLATE. HOT COFFEE AND CHOCOLATE all hours of the Day and Evening. CAKES. SCARES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, fresh, daily. PASTRY. COCOANUT, APPLE AND CRANBERRY PIES AND TARiS, MARLNGO'S TARTS, every Morning. BRANDT PEACHES. "BRANCROFT'S BRANDY PEACHES, sold by the bottle o.- piece. F REIN CH CORDIALS. CHARTH?9E CREME DE FRAMBO??ISES PARFIT AR ..OUR ANIaETTE CREME DE CACAO CREME D'ANGELIQUE GROENE CURACAO. FRENCH CONFECTIONERY. COO different kinds of tho finest and best FRTNCH CONFECTIONEttY-the largeat and best assortment in the city. FRENCH CHOCOLATE. MAILLARD'S P?R EXCELLANCE-Double Vanills A LA VAHR-S DES SANTE CHOCOLATE MAILLARD PUR COCOA CHOCOLATE CONFtClIONS. a largo variety. French, German and English Toys. FANCY BOXES, a large variety Work Boxes, Tea Sot-, Drums, Wax D . 11s, China Limb Dolls, china cup i and Saucers, Bellows Toys, Toy Wagon and Carts, Tin Horses aud Trumpets, Tin Toys of every description, Rocking Horses, Chi.dren's Carriages, Bas? kets, Ac, Ac. Perajns purchasing CHRISTMAS GOODS aro invited to call and exam-o our Stock of Goods. December 4 2 FINANCIAL. NEW YORK EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORE FOR SALE IN SUMS to suit purchasers, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. No vemb er 6 wtm Imo BIBS, STOCKS, (TOMS. BONDS, STOCKS, COUPONS BANK BILL". GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AT HIGHEST RATES, by ANDREW M. MORELAND, BROKERS, No. 8 BROAD STREET. November 21) fmw2_os BXCHA?Ta_" ON NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. CHECKS CONS TANTLY FOR SALE IN SUMS TO suit on NEW YORK and BALTIMORE. Apply to L. GAM BRILL, November ?1 Imo No. 7 Dread streeL HARDWARE) ETC. HAR D W-A-R/E SAM'L R. MARSHALL RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS that bs has now on band, acd is receiving constant? ly, the following Which he offers at Wholesale and Retail. AXES. HOES, SP A DES, SHOVELS. COTTON AND WOOL OARDS. SIEVES. CHAINS. NAILS SPIKES, CANAL BARROWS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, CARPENTERS" TOOLS, TURPENTINE TOOLS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ALSO, MILL AND GRIND STONES. PLOUGHS, CORN SHETLERS, STRAW CUTTER*. HOUoEEEEPlNG ARTICLE, j ABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. PLATED SPOONS, FoRKs AND CASTORS, SAFE WIRE, SAUSAGE STOFFERS, MEAT CU I TLBS, * POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, MU?KEI3, GUNS, SPORTING EQUIPMENTS, WOOD TIN AND HOLLOW WARE. RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS FROM ENG? LAND, of my own imnortation, au assortment of GUNS, i UTLER?, Steel Corn Mills, I arron Ware, Sportin H Ar? ticles, -vc. W?T be sold tow for cash or city acceptance. No. 310 KING-STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW SOCIETY, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN GUN. December 3 _25^ rcsi STOVES! STOVES ! AT IDE VERY LOWEST HARKET PRICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATE!? COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: OLIVE BRANCH MUTUAL FRIEND NOBLE COOK BARLEY SHEAF RIVAL RANGE GUIDE RANGE CAROLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES FOR 0HPRCHE3, HOTEL'', SCHOOLS AND SALOONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHERN MARKET. CAMEMN, BARKLEY & CO., No. ISO MEETING STREET, Noveniber2 2mai Charleston, S. C. INSURANCE._ LIFE INSURANCE AB?, OFFICE m REAR OF ELMORE INSURANCE CO., LAW RANGE, BROAD STREET. 'WORLD MUTUAL LIFE MUM CO,," OF NEW YORK , PieiioBtReal Estatelisnrance Company UF VIRGINIA, FOB LIFE INSURANCE ONLY J- ALFRED CAY, November 4 imo 'Charleston, s. ?. AMUSEMENTS. CHARLESTON THEATRE. HIBERNIAN HALL. Lessees and Managers.JOH* TEMPLETON k Bao., Of tue Savannah and Vicksburg Theatres. THIRTEENTH SIGHT OP THE SEASON. This Evening, December 4. GREAT EXCITEMENT! THE WONDERFUL BLACK CBOOZ, Furore Unequalled ! LAST FIVE NIGHTS! Last Week o?" the Company ! THE LAST CHANCE TO SEE THE?UPEP.B ATTRACTION. BLACK CROOK! WITH SCENERY, COSTUMES AND EFFECTS FROM NEW YORK. SECURE SEATS TO AVOID THE HUSH 1 Curtain rises at quarter to 8 o'clock. Admirion SI.00; Reserved seats, tl.25; Colored seats 75 cents; Boys, 60 ronts. jOSj-Ticketa can be procured at the Box Office through? out the day. December 4 CHALLENGE FOR $1000. THE ?NDERSIGNFD, SOLE OWNER OF THE YACHT I LEANOR, in view o? the fact that ?ie re? cent race between her aod the Yacht MAGGIE MI J CB ELL resulte in a draw, an J feeling satisfied that the ELEANOR is the faster yacht ot the two, hereby CHALLtNGKS THE MAGG iE MITCHELL PtE A SECOND ENCOUNTER TWICE AROUND THE WEE HAWKEN LIGH'i SHIP AND BACK TO A BUOT OFF SOUTHERN WHARx FOR ($1000) ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR ?. OR ($500) FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ASLDr, the ELEANOR to make ?? specific allowance to the MAGGEE MITCHELL of (10) ten minutes, in order tj obviate anything of indecision or delay in Ute matter. Furtner Information car. be obtained of the owner or proprietors of DAILY NEW?.. THOMAS YOUNG. December 2 FANCY GOODS, TOYS, ETC. SELLING OFF AT COST AND ROCKING HORSES AT SANTA CLAUS' OEACQUARTEBS, NO. 290 KING-STREET, FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. IN OED FR TO MAKE ROOM AND OFFER BETTER accommodation to tho numerous friends and patrons of SANTA CLAU.V, at his BAZAAR, where he displays his large and beautiful Collections of CHRISTMAS GIFTS, BIRI HD A Y and BRIDAL PRESENTS, I am now offering, FOR TKN DAYS 0.\LY, my entire stock of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, such as Cabs, Gigs, Perambulators, ic, and ROCKING HORDES, all sizes, at manufacturers' cost Parties in tho country desiring e ther of the above ar? ticles will please send their orden at once, aa thu ia a rare opportunity of geliin : a Carriage and a Horse for their ' Little Darlings" at an unusual low price. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND SECURE BARGAINS. F. von SANTEN, No. 290 KING-STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW WENTWORTH-STREET. December 4 1 FURNITURE, ETC. READ FOR YOUR INTEREST. PRICES REDUCED. QAVE YOUR MONEY UNTIL YOU REACH THE O Southwest corner of Meeting lind Wentworth streets, where R. WHITE will sell you just such FDRNITURE as j ou want, from a CRADLE to a CHAMBER or PAR? LOR SET, at prices that dave pleased many others, are pleasing every day, and so they will you. Everything warranted as represented. Hair, Cloth, and Vam sh cheap :o the trade. Don't be kept away, and don't leave if others are be foro you; you will get your turn. Bo WHITE'S FURNITURE WARER00MS, Southwest Corner of Heetfog and Wentworth streets. December 4 Imo FURNITURE! THE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW COMPLETE HTS largo and wall assorted Stock of RICH AND PLAIN Household Furniture, COSSISTCTG or: PARLOR, DINING-ROOM AND CHAMBER SETS. ALSO, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, kc, kc, from thc best manufacturers. They aro oiicrcd at a great reduction in price. A cai! and cxaminition of tho assortment U solicited. I'PF E. R. No. 305 King Street, NEAR WENTWORTH STREET. November 25 niws MAJORITY FOR CONVENTION AND RECONSTRUCTION ! ALL PERSONS FOR OR AGAINST A CONVENTION will find lt much to Ult ir Interest in the RECONSTRUCTION OF THEIR HOUSEHOLDS TO PATRONIZE MACKEY & BAKER, Who have ou hand a large assortment of GOOD FURNT NI CURE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, kc, which they will sell ior cash CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HoUSfc. IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY. We also manufacture to order an I repair ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE at thc SHORTEST NO TICE. Thc patronage oi our friends and the public ls earn? estly solicited ut the CORNER OF .MARKET MD U\G STREEK. November 29 mi BLACK & co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE OF EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 Bowery, "ear Canal Street, NEW fORK. EAMCOATS, HOTLLS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All Goods purchased cf our House guaranteed as re? presented. W. rr.OST. JAMES BLACK. GEO. SNTDEit. October 21 :'mo9 MILLINERY, ETC._ FANCY MILLINER r, AND CLOAK MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. MES. M. J. ZEBNOW, No. 202 Kinp: street. Fourth Door North of Wentworth street, Branch of Madame DLMOREsT'S CELLUKATED PAPER PA 11 Ni. STAMPING and EMBROIDERY, neat? ly executed E. M. WHITING-, CORONEIi AND MAGISTRATE, HAS REMOVED HIS OFHCi: TROM CHALMERS street to No. CUL'. CU &TREET, near St Michael's AUey. August 31 GROCERY AND M.SCELLANEOU LIVERPOOL SALT. ?AAA SACK". LA RO? WELL FILLED. AND TN OlMJVi GOOD ORDER. For sal* in lots to snit purchasers, by RAVENED k CO. November 17 * _wfml J?TSTI?ECEIYED. 1000 ISERVE -FLOAIDA CRRB0N' F0B PRE' 1000 Sweet Oranges. ALSO, 500 pounda SPERM CANDLE?, genuine arude, all at very low price. J. D. ZANOGA, No. 316 Kine, corner Society streets. December 3 FLOUR, FLOUR, SUGAR, &c. LANDING AND M STORE. QAA BBLS. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR O\J \J 200 neks Choice Family /lour 900 bbl?. Extra Bakers' Fiour 300 ?ck!i Extra Bakers' Flour 230 bbls. ^uper Flour 200 sack? super Flour 600 bbls Fine and Middling Flour. AU of which Laving ncen expressly selected for thia market by one of our Arm, wo ore prepared to sell at lower figures than can bo had ot any house in this or any other city South. ALSO, 0\ CONSIGNMENT. 20 HHDS. CHOICE CR. SIDES, at a low price 10 hhds. Choice P. R. Sugar CO bbls. Refined Sugar 200 aacks Georgia Meal 26 bble. Now Hulled B. W. Flour. All of which willi be sold low ly STfcNHO?3E A CO., Noa. 108,110 and 112 La t Bay, November 2C_Corner Accommodation Wharf. STOCK. CITIZENS WISHING TO PATRONIZE A DROVER will ?Dd MEAT at Stalls No J. 48 and 491 arge Meat Market). BEEF, VEAL and MUTTON from 6X to UK cents per lb. constantly on hand. November 20_ Imo BALE, ROPE, BAGGING AND TWINE, FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT 'PITBCHASEK8, BY the MantiKtcturer H. CLUC?S, No. 67 Pine street. New icrk. September 21 4oo COLGATE & CO.'S GERMAN Erasiye Soap, THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For Sale by all Grocer?. October 21 3mo BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. FIFTY-FIRST VE AR OP PULBICATION. MILLERS' PLANTERS' AND MERCHANTS' ALMANAC FOE; 18 6 8, WILL BE ISSUED ABOUT THE FIRST WEEK IN December, and will contain the usual valuable ?nfc rmation for which It has become so justly celebrated. Thia ALMANAC circulates through the Districts ot South Carolina, and the States of North Carolina and Georgia, and is referred to the year round aa authority on many hr portant subjects by Platters, Mechanics, Merchants ana Lawyers. A limited num ,er of advertisements will be taken if applied for at once. Hi RAM HARRIS, PUBLISHER, No. 69 BROAD STREET, November 15 fmwlmo Cbatlestjn, S. C. IP. QUIISTINT, (LATE M. M. QUINN.) DP-TOWN BOOK S NEWS DEPOT. No. 2S7 SUNG STREET, OPPOSITE ANN, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALT. THE LATEST PUHLICATIOXs, such as BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, Ac; punies living uo town will find it convenient to give mo a call, and can rely on getting their papers regular. City papers sold and subscriptions taken for all Papers and Magazines. Foreign Pupers and Reviews ordered for regular sub? scribers. Particular attention paid to orders from th. o;intry. A good supply of SCHOOL BOOKS alw?;-s kept 'on hand. 3mo November 21 TAILORING, ETC. EDGERTON & RICHARDS HAVE NOW OPENED THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTH?, CASSI MER?S AND VEST? INGS, which they arc pr- pared to make up, OR WILL SELL BY THE YARD. ALSO, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AS: WHITE LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, SHAKSPEABE COL LARS Merino and Shaker Flannel Undershirts and Drawers Duke of Edinburgh Cravat lies Suspender*, Kid Gloves Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Cotton Half Hean English Silk Umbrellas, eic. ALSO. Tailors' Trimniings. ALL OF WHICH 1BEY WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRISES. BARGAINS ?? FLANNELS. SAXONY, WELSH, PATENT AND TWILLED SCAR? LET, of direct Importation norn Liverpool, which we offer at Wholesale and Retail, at a considerable reduction from import coat, ora? low aa the inferior article of American Flannels. They are all Wool, without mixture of shoddy, and are admirably adapted for Ladies' Bairao nd Skirts. Nos. 33 AND 34 BROAD STREET. October 25 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, No. 33 BROAD-STREET. -QEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ac., BOUGHT ANE SOLD Xi ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PRO? PERTY LEASED. _ SST Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, Ac, every Wednesday._October 19 WILLIAl H. GlTLILAND & SON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers! AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33 BAY NE STREET. SeDtember WILLIS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, C0111H 1RCRA??S, AND , SHIPPING- AGENTS, TT7TLLATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND TV SHH'AIENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON, lt ICE, LLMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. ?. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CHISOLM Oct ni er 35 BOOTS, SHOES, ETO. BOOTS AND SHOES I rpSE SUBSCRIBERS MOST RESPECTFULLYINVITE 1 attention to their large, varied stock of BOOTS sad SHOES, and are offered to mo public at the lowe? pricw D. O'NEIL & SON, No. 375 KING STREET, ABOVE GEORGE STREET. November 27 _wfmlmo_ SELLING OFF ! SELLING OPP ! For lo Days Only ' AT No. 260 KING STREET, Opposite Beauiain St., IX THE BEND. JOHN WALLACH, FASHIONABLE BOOT MD SHOE OTE, 13 SELLING HIS STOCK OF LADIES', GENTS. AND MISSEV BOOTS AND SHOES "AT COST," and respectfully invites thc attention of bis customers, and the public in general, to his large and well selected stork Of BOOTS AND SHOES, all which will bc sold at New York and Boston prices. Country purchasers will do well to call and examine bet?re purchasing elsewhere. A large stock ot PLANTATION BOOTS AND SHOE<?. Don'c forget tho place, "No. 290 KING STREET, OP? POSITE BEACFALN." JOHN WALLACH. November 15 Un wi FUN FOR ALLI FULL INSTRUCTIONS BY WHICH ANY PERSON, malo or tem?le, can master the great art of Ven? triloquism by s few hours' practice, making a world ot fun, and alter becoming experts their ?cive*, can teach others, thereby making it a source of Income. Full la] struction. sent by mau for 50 cents. Satisfaction guar? anteed. AUdresa P, 0. Drawer JU, Troy, N. ?. ?Uy 13 ?T?