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THE DAILY NEWS. LARGEST CIReTJLATIUS -THL DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOG? NISED AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE O'TY OF CHARLESTON. PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LfcTTEES REMAINING IN THE POSTOF FICE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE NEW PCSTOFFICE LAW. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 18(37. LOCAL MATTE RS AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. T. M. CATIE will sell at 95 o'clock, butter, bellies, sides and shoulders. MIL?SDRAKE will sell, at lOo'clook, drv goods, clothing, &c. JOHN G. MILNOB & Co. will sell at 10 o'clook, Ury gooda, clothiug, anvils, saws, STREET BBOTHEBS & Co. will sell, at ll o'clock, Porto Rico sugar and molasses. R. M. MARSHALL & BBO. will sell, at ll o'clock, three building lots, ?ic. JEFFORDS & Co. will soil at 9J o'clock, hams, atrina, ahoulders, sides, &c. HENEY COBLA & Co. will sell at 9 o'clock, ?oap, tobacco, oysters, buckets, Sx.; also, hams, shout dera, lard ard cheese. R. & A. P. CALDWELL will sell, at 9* o'clock, barns ?fee. MCKAY & CAMPBELL will soil, at 9$ o'clock, bacon, shoulders. & :. LACEBY & ALEXANDEB will sell at 10 o'clock, ?trips, shoulders, <?:. MnxiOAN & SON will sell at 10 o'clock, fa nitnre, Ac. _ THE COCBT OF EQUITY-CHANCELLOR W. D. JOHNSON PRESIDING.-A number of motions were granted, and the case of Clark os. Deveaux taken up. Henry Buist, Esq., for the complainant, R. DeTreville, Esq., for the defendant. The plead? ing was read by Mr. Buist and the argument, opened. GENERAL CANBY'S report to General Grant, as Commander of the Second District, is published. The troops in this District amount to 141 commis? sioned officers and 2773 men. Nine hundred and fifty-nine cases have been tried by military tribu? nals. The expense of reconstruction, so far, ma? terially exceeds $250,000. ARREST OF FOWL THIEVES.-Another batch of ? these estimable citizens were bagged yesterday by the detectives, and viii be permitted to retire from the busy scenes of lifo for a while. The duel- s and others of i he fowl tribe were recognized, and tho thieves secured. Tl is is a good riddanco of bad rubbish, and we trust the Rood work will continue until there will be nc fowl thieves outside of jail. MUSTS BED OUT_!3y direction of the President Brigadier-General R E. Scott, Assistant Commis? sioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for South Caroli? na, as well as Major-General Daniel E. Sickles have been honorably mustered- out of the service of the United States, to take effect from January 1, 1868. General Sickles of course still retains his position as Colonel cf the Forty-fourth Regiment, United States Infantry. CARELESS DBXVTNG_? driver of a cart was ar rested yesterday for wilfully driving on the track and against Car No. 2 near the comer of Kins and Calhoun streets. These cases should be made examples, as it customary for drays to take the track and frequently delay the car several inm? utes before they cap be induced to leave. In many instances it is the result of careless driving, but the drivers occasionally dispute the right of wav wilfully. ^ CONFERENCE OF TICE BOARD OF TRADE WITH GO? VERNOR OBS.-Messis. Edwin Bates, Henry Cobia, C. Froneberger, W. burney, G. W. Clark, and M. Strauss, a committee of the Charleston Board of Trade, were in conference yesterd? y morning with Gc vernor Orr, in relation to the State taxes. It ls hoped that much good may result i-om the inter? view, as it will probably placo the committee in communication with General Can by upon the same subject. The State taxes are a grievous weight upon this impoverished city, arid our interests may be safely left in the care of the able gentle? men whose names hive been mentioned. No DELAY TN Coi TON SHIPMENTS. -The unusual rush of cottons during the past two weeks created a temporary delay which has now been entirely .overcome. The cargo of steamship Charleston went directly from che cars to the steamer, with fcardly a pause in its transit. The large stesni facilities arranged lor will enable the most distant shippers to count with certainty on the most thorough dispatch. With Savannah and Ports? mouth in arrear, and requiring further time to work off accumulated stocks, Charleston offers inducements which are being availed of by many who never before shipped this way. AB APPARITION.--Tho huge elephant attached to the circus had quarters assigned him in Spriggs stables, bi t not admiring the localitv, she stole a march on ber keepers and took a moon? light ramble through the streets about the hour when graveyards yawn. As fow besides ghosts and policemen are visible at that time, she pursu? ed her way unmolested through soveral streets, caring nothing for ghosts and meeting no police? men. There is no telling where her rambles would have ended if she had not encountered Home belated darkies on her route. These did not wait to propound the querry, "Be thou a spirit of health ?or goblin damned," but fled incontinently. The alarm was given by tho affrighted fugitives, and the ponderous beast conveyed to her former quar? ters. _ TH? ELECTIONS.-The election of delegates to a State Convention*nnder the Military Acts, begins to-day. No person will be allowed to vote who is not a registered voter. The Convention cannot ^e held unless a majority of the registered voters vote ' either for or against it, and unless a majority of . the votes cast is in favor of Convention. The following are the polling places, which will be o4oen from sunrise to sun set. Wa?"d No. 1.-City Hali. Ward No. 2.-Court House. Ward 4N0. 3-Market and Palmetto Eugine House. Ward No. -Hope Engine House, Archdale street and Stonewall Engine House, George street. Wards No. 5 ao{T7,-Eagle Engine House, Meet? ing street. Wards No. G and 8.- -Washington Eugine House, Vanderhorst street. THE DAILY PEOGA'AMMV:--The good people of this city were somewhat surprised yooterday morning on being pre sonted with a new daily paper, which, though st1?n?WDJlt diminutive, con? tained what'all were anxio'^8 to see-the theatri? cal bill of the evening. The' Programme is issued and edited by Messrs. McMilla* * Jowitt, No. 33 Hay ne street, and, from the s.^ccto611 before us, promises to be a spicy, humorous sheet, contain? ing, beside the play bill, a crit' >e the previous performances, and other interesting items. The advertising columns of the ProgramnN are w*il filled, and show that the business of thc* city ts keeping pace with th? amusements. It is a norel enterprise for Charleston, but one that wilre oommend itself to every one, as it costs them only the trouble of reading what '1 are anxious to know. It will be disc :buted fteely over the city, and will be found at the seats of the Theatre. A GOODLY DINNER COMPANY assembled last even? ing in the saloon of the steamer Charleston to ce? lebrate, in a social way, the restoration of that fine vessel to the route between our city and New York. There were present, besides the Agents of the line, and aome leading crpitalists who have contributed to place it upon its present substan? tial footing, representatives or tho mercantile end banking interest, the Bar and the Press, with a few other invited guests. After some time spent in inspecting the- admirably arranged passenger accommodations of the steamer, dinner was served in a style highly creditable to the Bhip's cuisine, and several hours weri> passed in pleasant inter? course over the well-filled board. It was a subject of general regret that Captain Berry was prevent? ed by indispoeition from being present. It was after nightfall before the company eoparatod, with many good wishes for the Charleston and her sister steamers. OPENING OF THE THEATRE.-The attraction:- 0f John Robinson's Circus proved too much for thc "legitimate drama" last night, and the first ap? pearance of the "fiuest artistrj 1:1 America" was greeted by a rather slim, but decidedly select, house. The aspect of Hibernian Hall, since the recent changes, is much improved, and the neatly arranged stage, though much too small, both in breadth and depth, to admit of any imposing acenio effects, may be said, in Confederate phrase "to beat no theatre all hollow." The dra? matic entertainments savored strongly of what is known in New York a3 tho Bowery style; and though there were meritorious points in the acting of Miss Mee Vane r nd Mr. Harry Clifford, thc play of "Little Bfrefoot," which is tedious and ab iurd enough at the best, was, on. tho whole, execra rendered. The afterpiece, "Pocahontas," was much batter, aud kept the audience convulsed with laughter until the curtain fell. To-night we are to have "The Heir at Law," and "A Glance at Sew Xor*." TB? HOME FOB THE WIDOWS, MOTHERS D ACOHTEBS OF DECEASED CONFEDERATE SOLDIE Tho dedicatory moeting of the friends ol' noble enterprise was held yesterday at Tho E on Broad street, a largo number of Indies I present. Nearly every religious denomination represente'I i >y its clergy; and the whole me< was a manifestation of that universal charity, love, which regards neither namo nor lin v. : en a work of beuovolonce is to be done. Tho Rev. Mr. Vcdder was called on to prei lu his iutrciuctory remarks, he alluded to the words that fell from the unfortunate Maximi and describee, the manner in whioh each so] who fell bcd given his last thought to mot w.fe or sister. He said that the Emperor M nxiian knew that his widow would be tend cared for, ar d that the Southern soldier had his wifo or child to tho care of a grateful pee whose solicitude should, as tar as might bo, i ply and compensate hi-i loss. This was his hi and the HOSIE, now being dedicated, was an nence that his hope had not been unfulfilled, was tho reply of tue ladies of Carolina to tho sigh of the soldier; it was a proof that they cepted the trust; it was a proof that deficiencie means were to be made up by a determinado] do, with willing hands, all that could be dene. ! HOME had been organized, and was tcnan by twenty or more, pei sons; this, ho said, was day of its dedication. It was to be called a He for tho Mothers, Widows and Daughters of ceasd Confederate soldiers, but inmates would taken according to the spirit of the intention well as its letter. Those who had, by the war, 1 their only support and stay would be aecopt and, for the present, it would be opened to all w carno under tuat class. If that were jot sufilcie then the purpose would bo further enlarged, a ill would be admitted who were both needy a worthy. Should the association appeal in vain lid ? Should we not rather appeal to the assoc tion to be included in the work and represented its rolls ? We should bo zealous and jealous o participation in tbe work. Each could do son thing, and the clergy would give their earnest st port and heartfolt prayers. All should unite icceptiug tiie sacred trust, all should hear t a.le.-i. who should bo woru in our heart of heal forever. No monument was erected to their mei )ry, their best monument was in our reply to tht ;all,-in our acceptance of their sacred legacy ai lying trust. He said that the association had be >ermanently orgauized, and the following perm lent officers elected; Mrs. M. A. SNOWDEN, President. Miss M. MIDDLETON, vice-President. Miss M. B. CAMPBELL, Recording Secretary at Treasurer. Mrs. W. E. MnricT.Ti, Corresponding Secretary. BOARD OF CONTROL. tits. M. A. SNOWDEN, Mrs. W. E. MIKELL, Hrs. P. C. GAILLARD. Mrs. C. J. VEDDEB, irs. J. P. SNOWDEN, MIS. JOHN PALMER, ilrs. D. E. HUOEB, Mrs. M. P. MATHESON, Hrs. GEORGI: ROBERTSON, Miss M. B. CAMPBELL, Irs. WILLIAM RATSNEL, Miss ANNA Soot ION, ilrs. HENRY RAVENEL, Miss E. E. PALMER, JI?BS R. MIDDLETON. The Rev. Mr. Girardeau then addressed th ueeting. He said that no elaborate speech < iloqueut appeal was needed, but he coule, say i he ladies "God speed you in the enterprise < rbi ch your han1l are set." He referred to effort nade some time since to establish a similar ii titution, and said that he believed it had bee msuccessful because the aid of the ladies had nc ieen ask ;d. The ladies hare succeeded where th lergy have failed, and he thanked God for th pectacle which was now before him. He said tha he fallen Southern soldier had no recognize ountry, which might shield, protect and ieceiv hose whom he left behind. But God still rc aained; there was still a special Providence; and aspired by theil religious impulses and impelle iy a sense of duty, the ladies had undertaken ask of no little difficulty. The prayer of the sol 1er was not to remain unanswered;-it had airea ly lound an answering voice. He said tho ladle aust not be daunted or discouraged; they mus o on bravely and God would grant them a fui uccess. He told them that they had a convictioi hat Providence was ou their side; and, whateve heir trouble, when once convinced that the; tood in the path of duty, they might go on wit] onfidence and look to God for His blessing. The; aust have faith, and the Almighty would tak heir undertaking under his own care, would guid t to completion, and never abandon it, or them n conclusion, he said that the dorey would foliov he ladies, if not with tho gifts of the hands, a 3&st with thc prayers ol'their hearts. The Rev. Mr. Gadsden was then called on. Hi aid the proceedings of tho day showed that th? .carts of the peoplo were again vibrating wit! Deling and emotion ; and he alluded to the nobb pirit of charity which had always been shown bj he people of this City, as individu?is, as congrega ions, und as a community. He referred to thc haritablo institutions of the State, and spoke o: he unsuccessful efforts that had been made tc stablish a Home for the widowed and unfortu tate. The clergy bad not succeeded but the ladioi tad. The aeart of the peoplo had been touch?e u its tendorcBt part, and there could not be : ailure. They worked, and struggled for God anc or christianity, and they knew no snch word ac ailure. He eaid that women ministered to thc saviour through life, stood by him at the cross, rere tho first to behold his resurrection. Thc epresontat: ves of the Saviour were the widow, he orphan, tho distressed ; and, in working foi hem, the woik was done for Christ himself. Thie ras a work that might be engaged in without thc mailing down of criticism or rebuke ; it was initia el by benevolence and crowned by christianity. Thc Rev. Mr. Winkler then spoko. He contrast jd, in eloquent terms, yesterday and to-day ; anc ipoko of the lusty life and vigor with which thc South was full ; but which had disappeared like 3 sand cloud of the desert, lifted up by tho windi 'or a moment and then falling scattered to thc ?round. Tho proper tribute to the soldier wac not word of praise or eulogistic speech;-thc truest tribute was protection and comfort for those who wore dearer to the soldier than life itself. Tho soldier was dead, but those who were dearei to bim than life still lived ; tho dead might bc reached through the living ; through the living the dead soldier might be ministered to still. He ?aw around him faces that were familiar in the sad days of hospital watching. They had nursed the sick and wounded, smoothed the dying pil? low, received the last word of remembrance and sorrow. This work wab done ; this labor was end jd. The only tribute left was that of the same noble women, who went to the widow and the or? phan, surrounded them in their anns, and pressed them to their loving bosom. This was a memorial in itself. Laws, institutions, customs, privileges, the glory of three-quarters of a century of states? manship and renown, had been swept away. Southerners are strangers in their own homes. They Hud mingling with them a new people, they read new laws, they hear harsher idiomB mingling with the ?oft Southern speech. Instead of mas ;er, the Southerner, in his own hnd, is but a tran? sient guest. There should be a memorial of what )ur hopes had been; a memorial that one day night be a prophesy as well; and upon that me norial should be iuscribed the eternal name of Jod. These wore ever changing times. Men, he said, iy^d faut, and, if the present generation was to lo th? work, they must do it with all their might. i?> was ;*illing ?hst, as in a fanerai procession, he clergy should be last. The ladies, the young nd gently nurtured, had ?bown the way, the cler? gy would follow after them. The Rev. Mr. Wightman then offered an olo [uent dedicatory prayer; and at its close the whole f the persons present inscribed their namos as ?e/nbers of the Association. Now the work has fairly begun, and subscribers boulet bo enrolled by the hundred. One dollar a ear is but a trifle, and who that had relative or riend in the armies of the South, wilt bu willing o refuse so small a sum to the representatives of hose thrortgh whose patient yalor, under God's Evidence, ?e ourselyes live and breathe this day. HOTEL AMrr?ie--Paaitkm Holei.-J. L. S&v ge Jacksonville; John Templeton, Alice Vane, Mbcl Vane; John H. Harly, Barnwell; S. Yorer, fV. B. Warren, Barnwell; W. L. Jakes and family, 3. C . C A Break, Cheraw, S. C.; J. S. McOall. Mari?n; R. D. Gregory, Marion; Dr. Z. R. Fulmon, ft'iUiamsburg; A. L. Hyams, Va.; W. 8. Carter, Gourdiu's; J. W. Anderson, Enterprise, Ga.; J. 6. Bock, Williamsburg; George Hunting, ?. 8. A.; H. C. Davies, U. 6. A. Charmion f/oie,'.-Samuel Strouse, Pottsville, Pa.; John McLaughlin, Savannah; J. W. Brow fl, Ga.; H. 8. Lewis, Ga.; A J. Henry, N. Y.; B. M. F. Maittn, N. Y.; s. A. Durham, Marion; D. E. Gilchrist, Marion; John F. Nourora, Philadelphia; J. R. hackett, N. Y.; Dr. Charles Henry, Claren? don; C. P. Townsend, Beiiiiettsville; Josiah Gay, P. IL Hauuer and Dr. W. M. David and sc J, Ben nettsvillc; Samuel \Y. Maurice, Kingstree; D. E. Gordon, S. C.; J. J. Terkins, N. C.; Henry Buck, Bucksville, S. C.; Holmes Buck, Bucks ville, 8. C.; W. W. Seiter3, Marion; Juhn B. Hubbaid, city; J. W. Nettles, S. C.; Hardy Holleman, S. C. Muli Howe.-T.R. Riddell, N. Y.; D. R. Thomp? son ami lady, Poughkeepsie; Misa Ann Creighton, Batesville; Chas. W. Hardy and lady, Jacksonville, Fla.; J. W. Anderson, Covington, Ga.; H. M. Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y.; B. A. Munnerlyn, Georgetown': Samuel Grant, Jr., and Ed. R. Grant, Philadel? phia; T. L. Sumner, N. C.; W. Parteo, city. ) ?NTTM) 81ATK3 Co?BT-HON. G. S. BBYAN Pl - SIDING.-The case of Mre?. Juno Pringle vs. t r steamer Little Addie, was up before the Cou i and the examination of witnesses continued. ' Tra THBIFT OF Tra COLOBED PEOPLE. -T r October report of tho Freedman's Savings a I Trust Company shows Borne very gratifying i ( .suits. Charleston, as usual, leads the advanc and shows a d 'posit of $36,912 daring the mont against $35,489 in Washington, $4481 in Now Yoi ', $5611 in New Orleans, and $972 in Ricbmor Beaufort, S. C., returns no less than $22,342, wh [ the colored people in Augusta have onlv deposit $2019. In this Seato tho colored people havo alwa been orderly and thrifty, and they have not fe gotten their old practices. Richmond, Va., wi its rioting and turbulence, could not place evi one thousand dollars in bank to meet "h&i times ;" but tho quiet and prudent colored peop of Charleston have accumulated moro than thirt six thousand dollars. This is the true freedom the negro. Freedom to work and to savo will ( him no harm ; political meetings and incendiai harangues are the rooks which threaten him wil destruction. Let the colored man bo honest, ai industrious, and he can save money. Ho is bett? paid than any agricultural laborer in Europe ; am if he will make the Freedman's Savings Bank h headquarters, instead of Chaao Hall or Militai Hall, he will find himself in a better position i twelve months timo than if he became a membc of Congress, or could cast ten votes at eac municipal election. Many of our colored peopl understand this already, and, sooner or later, w will have to choose between work and idlenesi and to make their election between unflagging ir dustry and political agitation. OBBTBDCTTNQ RATLBOADS,- The following orde has been issued by General i^anby: GENERAL ORDERS, No. 120. To Punish Obstruction of Railroads. If any person, with intent to obstruct, stop, hin der, delay or displace tho cars travelling on an; road, or to stop, hinder or delay the passengers o others passing over the same, shall wilfully am maliciously put or place any matter or thing upon over or noir any roilroad track; or Bhall wilfull; arid maliciously destroy, injure or remove th road-bed, or any part thereof, or any rail, tie o: other part of the fixture appurtenant to, or con 8tituting or supporting any portion of the track o such railroad; or shall wilfully and maliciously d< any other things with like intent; or shall wilful!} and maliciously injure the road-bed, or the fix tures aforesaid, or any part thereof, with anj other intent whatsoever; such person so offending shall bo doemod guilty nf a misdemeanor, and ot conviction thereof before a military comrniseior. or other court of competent jurisdiction, shall bc fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, nor less than two hundred (lollara, and be imprisoned not more than th: ee years, nor less than six months; and shall be committed to jail till ho finds surety for nib good behavior for a space of time not less j than three, nor more than seven years. And if it I shall happen that, by reason of the commission ol the offences aforesaid, or any of them, any engine or car Bhall bo displaced from the track, or shall be stopped, hindered or delayed, so that any per? son thereby be instantly killed, or so wounded or hurt as to die therefrom within six calendar months thereafter, the party so offending, his counsellors, aiders and abettors, on conviction, sholl suffer death; and if any person shall thereby be maimed or be disabled in tho use of any limb or member, then, and in every such case such offender or offonders shall, on conviction, suffer fne and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. _ Tra GREAT SHOW.-The long promised pageant took place yesterday, and was witnessed by every one who could spare the time from his daily avo? cations. The sidewalks wero lined with specta? tors of all agos, sizes and colors, while the windows of the houses along tho route wore filled with cager faces. Children stayed away from school, clerks left their husiness, mechanics droppod their tools, and all hastened to the nearest point to see tho grand procession. The usual arrangement was observed, the band leading off, but the cavalcade was far more brilliant than any that had preceded it. The principal features were the fair eques? triennes who rode in the van, and the two dimin? utivo actresses who were drawn in a little chariot. The clown was seated in a small cart, drawn by a Newfoundland dog, and ate with avidity tho ap? ples, nuts, Ac, which wero presented to him. By far the most striking object, however, was tho elephant and his gigantic rider. Tho latter figure towered far above the crowd, and attracted univer? sal attention by its ungainly appoaranco. Toward even ng tho streets in tho vicinity of the Circus heoame filled with peop! J Toing in ono di? rection, led by the glare which shono through the canvass. Boforo the performance commenced everv seat in the huge pavilion was taken by an eager audience. The performances were of the highest order, and the actors seemed to vie with each other in their daring feats. 'It was extremely difficult to say which was most attractive the equestrian or gym? nastic feats or thc action of tho trained animals. All, however, convinced the beholder that John Robinson's great combination was worthy of its name, as it was the most complete show that had visited the city for many years. The menagerie alone is worth a visit, if merely to see the gambols of tho baby monkey-tho on y one on exhibition in the United States. Mr. Ro? binson was offered $500 in Augnsta for his pot, but refused the proffer indignantly, as the orowds who visited the Circus were never satisfied unless they saw the child of the establishment. John's stay ie limito J to four days. Tho lovers of fun should not postpono their visits. ! THC EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD_PROCEED? INGS OF THE FOUBTH DAY.-Tho Synod met at 9 A. M., at the Wentworth street Lutheran Church, the President being m the Chair. Tho meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. J. A. Sligh, and some time passed in devo? tional exorcises. The Minutes of the lost meeting wore read and confirmed. A resolution expressing sympathy with Mr. J. H. Honour in the loss of his wife, and appointitiga committee of three to present tho condolence of the Synod. Major P. E. Wise read the report of the Com? mittee on the Treasurer's Boport. Professor J. P. Smeltzor read the report of tho delegatos to the General Synod. The delegates reported that they wore present at the Convention at Staunton, Va., on May 28, 1867, and that they wore received with a fraternal and conciliatory spirit. The deliberations of the body wero characterized by kindness towards tho individual, as well as an interest in the general good of the Church. The delegates describe the exercises of tho Convention, and state that the next Convention of the General Synod will be held in Newberry, 8. C., Thursday before the fourth Sabbath in May, 1868. G. T. Berg read the report of the Committee on tho report of tho Troasnrer of the Seminary, which was considered and laid on the table for further action. The following Committee of five was appointed to uomiuate Trustees for Newborry College: Bevs. Caughman, Rude, Leaphart, May, Wise and Bauk night. The report of tho Committeo on the Treasurer's Report was taken up and considered in separate clauses. The Rev. J. Hawkins offered the following re? solution: That tho Synod were pleased to ob? serve the interest taken in Sabbath SchoolB by tho Laity, and recommended that the Superintendents be requested to celebrate tho Jubilee at some pro? per time within the coming Summer. The following gentlemen were chosen Directors of the Seminary: Revs. Boinest, Hawkins and Bowman, Major Wise and J. P. Aull. Rev. C. F. Bansemer read the report on the State of Religion. Tho Committeo report that this Church is gradually recovering from the consequents of tho late war, and find indications of fresh hope and renewed energy. They report that they know of no cause for apprehension or dospair, and believe that tho threatening clouds of tho future will bo happily dispelled. Dr. Bachman's Church con? tinues to present a noble example ot Cbristiau zeal and fidelity, anti Ibero has been an increase of one hundred aud sixty-two members during the past two years. There is peace and harmony throughout tho whole Church, and even tho freed mon seem inclined to keep up ?i friendly Christian relation with it. Several.congregations are about to rebuild their Churches. and all ere exhorted to regard tho wants of the brethren in general, and tho efforts of the Building Committee. Thc Committeo speak in high terms of the good effectB of ?he Sunday 8chool system, and recommend their formatiui where they do not ahoady exist. Tho work of home inieeionB should br> energfrically prosecuted, in the Southwest there is an inviting field. The German congroeations are an important part of the Church, and tim peoplo are daily bewaring better acquainted with their honorable and commendable traits of chnracter. They should be advised, befrifiidod and protected, so as to remove the prejudices, raised by fanaticism against them, Their oo-oue ration is most desirable, and we should join boori and hand in lay hu a deep foundation for tho pros? perity of tho Lutheran Churoh. They ap ieal to them for an union for tho ad vancement of Luthe? ran piety, and depreoate all divisions of feeling. On motion, it was resolved that the thanks ol' the Synod be returned to tht> citizens of Charles? ton, for the kind hospitalities extended to them during their stay in the city. The Convention then adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. to-dav. * During the day many of the members of the Convention visited the Orphan House and other points of interest in tho city, and m the evening assembled at Dr. Bachman's Church, where a meeting had been called for the purpose of trying to raise tho debt of Newberry College. BUSI2YSSS NOTICBB. FOB GEOBQETOWN.-Shippers and others wdl notioe the obange in the sailing day of the steamer Emilie. She leaves South ftommercial wharf to? day for thia trip only, and will touoh at all of the usual landings. , . ? REAL ESTATE 8ALBS.-Messrs. R. M. Marshall & Bro. offer to-day to tho public a chance for an in? vestment in real estate. They will sell at auction a house and lot in America street, and a desirable building in Ashton street. LABOE AUCTION SALE OF SCOAB AND MOLASSES. Messrs. Street Brothers and Co. will sell to-day, at the new Custom House, one hundred and twenty four hogsheads of Porto Rico sugar and twenty two tierces of molasses. This sale is one that should attract the attention of dealers, as the ar? ticles are in constant demand, and the quantity sufficient to enable bidders to secure an equitable division. The conditions are cash in ten days. THE GAZETTE, VOLUME II, No. 2-Tho contents of this number are very interesting-they aro Fenian Alarms in England ; Tho Result of the Elections ; "Bsrdolph, am I not fallen away vilely since this last action ?" 0, Father Abraham, what these Christians bo 1 Who killed COCK Robin? "A Journal of Civilization ;" Bishop Lynch in Boston; As it should be ; The Resolutions of the Irish Bi? shops ; The Fenian Prisoners ; Tho Memorial Church to Cardinal Wiseman in London ; Progress of Catholicity in Missouri; Lincoln's Bastiles; The Dying Father to his Daughter (Poetry) ; Re? miniscences of Thomas Francis Meagher ; Macau ley on the Catholic Church ; Entertainment to the Rev. Father Lavelle in Dublin; Anti-Ritualist Demonstration ; Garibaldian Bravery in Bagnorea; Protestant 8ects in England ; Th? Pope in the Fortress-His Interview with Garibaldian Prison ore ; Correspondence; Catholic and Irish NewB, ?tc., ?fcc. Office of publication No. 307 King street. Terms, $2 60 a year ; 6 cents per copy. For sale at all news depots. KENTDOTV STATE COMMUTATION IOTTEBV draws every day at Covington, Ky. Whole tickets from $1 to $10; shares in proportion. Prizes from $4000 to $60,000. H. T. PET?RS, Agent, No. 90 Basal street, Charleston, S. C. November 7 _ _ Imo For restoring strength and appetite, use the great Southern Tonio, PAwnrafo Hap inc Brrrzas and you vfll not ba disappointed. For tale by all druggiata. tn If you want obeap Blank B>oks; If you want chsap Stationery, Envelopes, Pa? per, kc.; or, MLLLUS' Aim ax AC; li you want fruiting executed neatly; If you want Booka bound in any style, or Account Booka made to order, with any desired parttern of ruling, go to HIBAX HAJUUS. NO. 19 Broad street. Is Stimulation Necessary f Thia question is practically answered in the affirma? tive by thousands of physicians everyday. 8orretimaa they prescribe the ordinary forma of alcohol; sometimes tine truss which are simply inferior alcohol, mora or leas medicated; but no small proportion of the faculty give the preference toHOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, ai the most carefully preparad medicinal stimulant at present known. It ia imponible for prejudice ltae'f to ba bund to the marked sucoesa sri th whieh this extraor? dinary tonio and alterative ha* bean administered In cases of nrapxraiA during the last twenty years. If it were possible to canvaa the whole country for caaea in which it had effected a cure of tbls obstinate and agoniz? ing dbi aase, they would number million?. No wonder, then, that it baa become a rvxxi ABD nxnionnt hi every State, city, town and village in the United States, and that names, the most distinguished in literature, ?rt and science are the vouchers for ita remarkable properties. The immense manufactory st Pittsburgh, w th ita exten? sive storehouses, is the largeat establishment of the kind m this country, and, probably, hi the world. The amount of manual labor employed In the preparation of the Bitters, to say nothing of the stearn driven ma? chinery, is greater than that of any other proprietary medi?me establishment on this continent, -nd, by tha bleaainga of Providence, the beneflcial r. suite of thia un? equalled tonio and alterative ara oo-axtenaive with tte continually m creasing Ralea,_S November 18 Know thy Destiny. MADAME E. T. IHOEKTOS, the great English Astrolo gist, Clairvoyant and Paychometr.eiau, irho baa aiton? ished the imentiflc classes of the Old world, has now lo? cated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame THOBKTON pos? sesses such wonderful powers of seco id sight ai to ena? ble hor to impart knowledge of tbs greatest importance to the single or married of either lex. While m a sta!? of tranco, the dahli ea tea tba vary learn rvs of tfee persen you ar? to marry, and by tba aid of ar Instrument of h?? tense power, known as the Payshomotrope, guarantees to produce a lafc-like pioture of the futura husband or wile ol the applicant, together with daw of marriage, position in hfo, leading traits of uharaoter, ita. Tua la no hum? bug, as thousand of testimonials can assert. Shu wi j send, when deairod, a certified oorhflcate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what lt purports to be. Pj enclosing a small look of hair, and giving placo of butti, aga, disposition and complexi?n,and unclosing fifty cant" and stamped envelope aadreaiad to yourself, you will re? ceive the picture and desired Information by roiuru mail, AU communications sacredly confidential. Addras?. in oonfidence. Madame a F. THORNTON, P, O. Box 228. Hudson. N. Y_ly_March Sn Free to Everybody. A Large C pp. Circular, giving totbrmatlon of the greatest importance to the yoting ot both sexes. It lcachea bow the homely may become beam:Mil. thc tleapisod raspaetod, and tho forsaken loved. Ko young lady or gentleman should (ail to tend tacit iddross, and reoaire a topy postpaid, by mun mall. Addraas P. O. Drawer, 21. March SO lyr_Trot, N. Y. A cara. What is TARBANTS KT7ESYE8CBNT SELTZER APBETB.NT, tad what are its ?fleeti ? Theas are qaaa tion* whieh the great A marteau pantie baa a right to ask, and it adis ha* a right to expect a ?andid and satis? factory reply. Tha preparation la a mild and gentle salino ?a th arti?, alterativa and tonio, and ia moat oar.? fi iii y propared in tho rana of a new white powder, con? dining all the wonderful modlest properties of tba tar famed Beltser Springo of Oermany. Of Ita afleo? wc would aay that abase who have teated tha preparation ara tho baot judges, and thar de*late orar their awn algjiaaaroa that tba preparation will promptly relieve indignation. Regulate the flow ot tte bile. Core every species of headache. Tranquilisa tho nervous system. Refresh and invigorate ?ho weak. Mill gate the nanga of Rheumatism. Neutralise acid in kb? Stomach. Cleanse and tono tha bowels. Assist tha ailing appetite. Cure the heartburn. If you are a sufferer gdva thia Ttemedy one trial, and il will convince you of tha above raota. TARRANT k CO., Sala Proprietors, NJW York. Sold by all Druggists. 3mOB September 12 HARDWARE, ETC. 1 STOVES! STOVES! AT THE VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: OLIVE BRANCH MUTUAL FRIEND NOBLE COOK BARLEY SHEAF RIVAL RANGE GUIDE RANGE CAROLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES FOR CHURCHES. HOTELS, SCHOOLS ANO SALOON'S. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHERN MARKET UMM, BiRKLl & ll. ?to. 150 MEETING STREET, Novimbar i limos Charlooton, S. c. AUCTION *M_S8._ Tiru Building Lois on As/il?n street. BY li. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, 19tb inst., at ll o'clock, will bo sold, at the Excbango, Broad street, Two BUILDING LOTS on Ashton street, measuring 40 by 115 feet Conditions-One-third cash; balance in one fud two years. Purchaser to pay us for papers. November 19 No. 17 America street at Auction. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, 19th mst., at ll o'clock, wUl be sold at the Exchange, Broad street. All that LOT OP LAND on the West sido of America street, North of Mary, known us No. 17, together with tno BUILDINGS thereon, consisting of a residence of four square rooms, dressing room nnd pantry, and two other Building? in the rear, of four rooms each. Tho Lot measures 34 feet by 100 lcet Conditions cash; purchasers to pay ns for papers. November 19 Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, ?ri. BY MILES BRAKE. At-10 o'clock. THI8 MORNING, will be sold without re? serve, at my store, corner of King and Liberty streets, A large and desirable assortment of DRY GOODS, Ho.olcry, Blankets, Sontags, Hoop Skirts, Clothing, No? tions, kc, ALSO, 100 doien COATS' SPOOL COTTON 160 dozen Mixed Half Hose, superiorartiole. November 19_ Prime Porto Pico Sugar and Molasses. BY STREET BR THERS & CO. At auction, THIS DAY, tho 19th inst, will be sold at New Crstom House Stores, at ll o'clock, A. M.. 164 finds, prime PORTO RICO SUGAR 92 Lien es prime Porto Rico Molasses. Conditions oash in 10 days ?09? Augusta Chroni Ie and Sentinel and Columbia Pbonix will insert 6 rimes and send bill to 8. B. A Co. November 19 f.VDEK DECREE I!? EQUITY. Lynes vs. Lynes. Will be sold under tho direction ot the Undersigned, at the old Custom House, in thia city, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of November, 1867, at ll, A. M., ALL THAT PLANTATION, known as "Kibblesworth," with the buildings thereon, in the Parish of St. John's Berkeley, containing about 1107 acres, more or less, bounded East on Monk's Corner Road, North on land of Dawson, formerly of Dr. H. M. Haig, West on the Forest track adjoining, and South on --. ALSO, THE FOREST TEACT, adjoining tho abovo on the East having a triangular form, and containing 200 acres, more or ?ess. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, in tho Parish aforesaid, contain? ing about 376 acres, bounded North by lands of Mrs. M. Motto, East by lands of K. Sylvester, South by lands of Isaac Lo.ui, and West by lands of Hugh Butler. Terms-One-third cash ; balance in two equal annual instalments, secured by oonda and mortgage, with in? terest from day of sale. Buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, November 5_ tai Master in i.quitv. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Provident Institution for Savings vs. Robson et al., Beach vs. Robson el al. Will be sold, under the direction of the undersigned, a the old Custom House, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of November, 1867, at ll A M., L All that LOT OF LAND, with the three story Brick and Tiled store thereon, airaste on Magwood'a south Wharf, measuring on the South on said Wharf 23 feet and In depth fl.i feet 6 inches, more or less. Bounding South on Magwocd'e South Wharf. North and East by Storehouse and Lot formerly of Charles A. Magwood, and West on landa ot Charles A. Magwood and Thomas D. Condy. ALSO, 2. All that LOT OF LAND, with the three story Brick Building thereon, situate o the North side of the street leading to Nrrth Atlantic Wharf, measuring on the North and south hues 34 feet 7 m ch es, and on the East and Weat Unes 22 feet 7 inf hes, more or less. Bounding North on lands of George A. Locke, East on land of Rhett k Rob jon, West on land of - Mathewes, and South on ntreet leading to North Atiendo Wharf. The above two Lota, being covered by one and the same building, will be so d together. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with mle; eat annually from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of tho premises. Buddings to be Insured and policy assigned. Pureba -c; 'o pay for papers and stamps, JAMjiS TUPPER, November 5 tu4 Maetor in Equity. MISCELLANEOUS, THE RAFFLE FOE mr TWO LOTS IN AIKEN NOT HAVING BEEN SUCCESSFUL, THE SAME WILL BE SOLD AT A LOW BATE IT APPLIED FOB IMMEDIATELY AT THE MER? CURY OFFICE. November o' STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Grape Tines. Apple. Pear, Peach, AND OTHER FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. THE 8?BSR1BERS WILL RECEIVE ORDERS FOR the above PLANTS and TREES, from celebrated Northern Nurseries, at Nursery prices, with expenses added. For descriptive Catalogue and price list?, apply to KINSMAN k HOW. LL, Novembers ftu4 No. 163 East Bay. GAS FIXTURES. P. L. GUILLEMIN, No. 140 Church Street. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHANDELIERS HALL LIGHTS PENDINTS BRACKETS DROP ANO READINQ LIGHTS EXTENSION CHANDELIERS AND PENDENTS GLOBES ?>hades and Bells, of latest patt,nu and uaorevemeate. Copper and Iron Pumps, etc. Gas and Steam Fitting and Plumbing, on the mott reasonable term?. Tin Roofing and Guttering, November 9 e.uthlmo C. DUCRETJX'S PATENT For Instantaneous Detachment ot Horses from Carriages. rIS INGENIOUS AND VERY USEFUL INTENTION, which has been patented in die United States, France and England, Ix now offered by the subscriber to the puhlio, feeling assured they will find it, upou r-lami? nation, one of the greatest inventions ol the ago. Prominent among its advantages are: FIBST-The facility with which horser may be harnaaa ed to or unharnessed from a Carrin .>u, ' iso rendering it unnecessary for the person unharnessing to pass between or behind thc horses au is customs ry, thus uvoi ling any liability of being kicked. SECOND-In case of a hone fall..og, he may be looked from the carriage in one second, witiiout the driver lea v. lng his seat It ls so simple in its operaUon that a ch J can work lt THIRD AND GREATEST-In unset. 0I bones taking fright becoming unmauugable or ruuMug away, the terrible consequeneos wtuch ?.o frequently t How may be all avoid? ed by this simple application to carriage*, as the horns can be locsod from the carriage "in a twinkling," and the carriage ls quickly and safely stopp ;d. Mr. C. DUCEEUX gave sevorul public exhibitions. Tho great favor and praise maui tested by thu public on these occasions, 1% ono ot the evidi-uocs ci a popular apprecia? tion of Its merits. , Terms may be known and orders received for applying the patent to oarriages, or purchase of State Rights, by addreeaing to C. DUi .'REUT, Patentee, No. 93 Ellzaboth streot, New York. ? eeo ber 22_:itno FUN FOR Af Ll FULL INSTRUCTIONS HY WEICH ANY PERSON, male or female, cao master thc groat art ot Ven? triloquism by a few hours' practice making a world oi fun, and after becoming experts thcrrselves, can teach oth?ra, therel';' makins lt a source of income. Full in structions aent by mail for 50 conti. SatUfaetion gttar. an teed. Address P. O. Dnwcr 21, Troy, N. Y. Mavl3 _lyr_ PIANO-FORTES-GRAN L Mir A K E AND UPRIGHT-Which arc now acknowledged to be, by the Leading Artist-? lu this cou airy, SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS IN AMERICA. Th'se Instrumenta pos? sess every modern improvement, are of the largest size, flubbed in CARVED and PLAIN ROSEWOOD CASKS, embracing every variety ol' styl i. Each has the full METALLIC FRAME, OVERSTHU! G DASS ?with or with out the sgratle arranceruenti. EK h hag the FRENCH ORA >D ACTION, acknowledged to be superior to any other in rapid execution. These Inntrumonts oro all SEVEN, SEVEN AND A QUAKTE II ami SEVEN AND A THIRD OCXAVKS; canatrucUal ol' TUOBOUCHLT SEASONED WUOD, and of tho ilnest and best material. For ORE AT PO WEB! ?monia QUALITIES, BWEETNLSS und PURITY OF TONE throughout tho eu tire R ROISTER : ELKO AN CE OF FIN ISH and GRaAT DURABILITY, the P ano-Forte? ol' Messrs. JENNYS & bON are uusurpa.-scd by any other ru ikers in the WORLD, and liav-; Ukcn the iiGHEsT PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBI i ED. T' e same fcdUUee which unable this linn to product-a > LTE U IO i i INSTRUMENT, also enable them te oller then PIANOFORTE* i<> th? public at TWENTY PER CENT, lower than any other FIRST CLAM? manmactnrer in the country. The special attention of Dealera, leschen and others io invited to the examination of Pian s before i:>ak mg their selection elsewhere. Every instrument i* tull-. WARRAN "ED FOR FIVE YE.*Rs. Descriptive circu? lan sent to all parts of the countrv upon sppl'C tiou. Au drei?. JENNYS & >ONS. Noe. 23.M and 9 15 E ist -Hu st ' erl.. Between Sd and 3d Avenuet. Newreet, September 27 1}? AUCTION SALE8. Soap, Tobacco, Ousters, Bucket*, ?fe, ?cc. BY HENRY COBIA & CO. THIS DAY, at 9 o'clock, in front of our ito? will be sold, The following ARTICLES, balance of stock of Gro? cery. MASON'S BLACKING. Oysters, Tobacco, Bucket?, Ale, Fancy Soaps, Measures, Brooms, lea, ic, Ac. Conditions caab._November 19 Hams, Shoulders, Lard and Chene. BY HENRY COBIA&CO. THIS DAY, at half-past 9 o'clock, in front of our store, will be sold, 6 tierces S?GAB CUBED HAMS 200 i aeon Shoulders 20 tubs Lard 30 box?s Cheese, Starch, kc. 20 barrels Yellow Sugars. Conditions cash. November 19 Hams, Strips, Shoulders, Sides, ?rc JEFFORDS & tO wui soil, THIS DAY, in front of their store, at 9* o'clock, ll tierces choice Sugar-cored HAMS, canvassed 7 boxes choice Pig Shoulders 19 bbls. choice Strips, small 10 hhds. choice now shoulden 4 hhds. Clear Bib sides 300 boxes No. 1 Herrings 20 tiorcej! choleo Smoked Beef. November 19 Bacon Shoulders and Middles. McKAY & CAMPBELL, ' No. 136 Sleeting street, Will offer for sale THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 9>i o'clock, 20 HHDS. BACON SHOULDEBS AND MIDDLES, Smoked, and in Dry Salt, in lots to suit purchasers. Terms oash. November 19 Butter, Bellies, Sides and Shoulders. BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold, THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three quarters past 9 o'clock, 04 firkins BUTTES, some Dairy's choice 1600 Bellies 6 hhds, Clear Sides 4 hhds. Bib .-idCR 4 boxes Shoulders. Conditions cash. November 19 Strips, Shoulders, Sides, Hams, ?rc. BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, thc 19th inst, will bo sold before our store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, ?00 choleo small STRIPS 200 Pig Shoulders 200 largo Shoulders 160 Sides 200 new Bama 200 canvassed Hams. ALSO, Boxes superior BLACK TEA Boxes Brandv and Whiskey Table Salt, Wino, Nail* Ci'iks, Demijohns, VL.egar, Ac. Conditions cash. November 19 Hams, ?rc. BYR. *% A, P. CALDWELL. THIS DAY, the 19th. will be sold before our store, at half-past 9 o'clock, 300 HAMS 200 Sides 200 Shoulders 200 strips 200 sacks Salt Conditions cash._November 19 Furniture of a Family declining Housekeeping. BY MILLICAN & SON. No. 33 Vcnuac Range. Tins DAY, 19!h Inst., at io o'olock, we will sell SOFAS, Mohair and Cane Scat Rockers, Cane Seat ? Windsor Chairs, Tables, Meat Safes, Looking Glasse Wardrobe, new andserond-hand Bedsteads, Washstands, Feather Bed, Mattrn-scs. 3 Cooking stoves. 1 Office Stove, Cooking Utonai s. Crockery, tinware. One Eight day C ock, omi thirty-six hour Clock Four Large Three-ply Carpeta, Ac. axso, 1 box CHEWING TOBACCO, 6 sets Counter Scales Glass Jars, Show Case, Lamps, Writing Desk. ANS One PIANO, in very good order Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. November 19 MACHINE SHOPS. BRM*" 9 E?S?NS' FOUNDRY AND Machine Shops. BUILD AND REPAIR Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist MiUs. Cast? ings in Iron and Brass ot all descriptions. Send orders to J. M. RASON A BROu Nassau and Columbus sta., Charleston, S. C. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ORDINANCE TO PEO VIDI VOR TBS LIQUIDATION OF THE INTEREST OH THE DEBT OF TBE CIT?, WTCOH ACC HUED ON TBE THIRTIETH BAT OF SEPTEMBER LAST. BE IT ORDAINED BY 1HE MAYOR AND ALDEB MEN in 1 tty Council assembled, That for the pur? pose of liquidating the interest on the public debt ot the city, which accrued on tho tnir leth day ol September Last, six per cent, stock, on. gatory on the corp ration ot the City of Charleston, shall bo issued under the direc? tion of the Mayor, t- tho persons holding stocks or six per cent bonds ot the city, and ent.tled to receive the Interest accrued thereon at the timo above stated, the said stock to bear intoro-t alter the rate of nx per cent, per annum, pajablo quarterly, redeemable in thirty years from date: Promdtd, That no part of said stock shill be issued for any sum less twenty dollars, or for any fractional part ol' a dollar: Fronded, also, that all sums for lc?s than . dollars, and t .r fraoUoual parts of a dollar, shall bo paid in city bills. SEC. 2. That the ft rm of certificate, and mode ot transfer of said stock shall be subject to the same regu? lations aa now exist in i elation to other city six per cent, stocks of the city. Ratified in City Council this twenty-second day of Octo? ber, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-seven. [L. 8.1 P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMTTB, Clerk of Co undi. October 25 AN ORDINANCE TO BXGULAT? THE DHEDGISO OF DOCES. Whereas, The best interests ot tho dry, as well as the convenience ol' the shipping visiting the port, demand that the channel of Cooper River be kept open with suffi? cient depth of water for ail commercial purposes, and free from obstruction: Bi it ordained, that in na .ur o all mud removed ?Tom any ol tho city docks by dredge machines, or otherwise, shall be removed one hundred and fit ty iatboms from the end of the dock. rho Harbor Master shah be furnished with a copy of thia Ordinance, which he ia required stricdy to enforce; and to report tor prosecution all violations of thu name; which shall subject the party so offending to a fine not exceeding one hundred dol?ais for each and every offence. Banned in City Council thia eight day of October, in the year of our Lurd one thousand eight hundred sud sixty-seven. [L.S.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH,jCflerk of CounclE_October 18 PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF OTTY TREASURY, I January 3,18fT. i PUBLIC NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER he fellowing Ordinance licenses have been prepared rordalivery from this Office. 8. THOMAS, City Treasurer. SEC. L Be it Ordained by Ou Mayor and Aldertwutn City CjuncilattciitbUd, That from and alter tue first dry of Jaunir}', licenses shall be taken out for all carts, dra\. iud wa,ens, used for private and domestic purposes, n the same manner, aud according to the same provisions new ot' torce in relation to carts, dray* and wagons, leta Iriveu lor hire, except giving bonds, And each such cart, dray or wagon, shall be provided wita a badge cc;. faining the number thereof, and marked Fr?tate, to .. ? placed on the outside of the shaft. SEC 2. No person shall be taken by the Treasurer as surely to auy bouu under the Urdtnancu eoucerningh :cusea for cart?, drays, wagons and uthor carnage*, un? less he or she be a irocholdar. atc. ?. Thu tollow'ng Aboil hereafter bu the ratos ?o? licenses tor public and private curta, drays, wagons, i^-., including thc horsus or mules used thureoi, which ihf '? od tree trum other taxation: PUBLIC caurs, nuA?s, ETC., OB THOSE XUPLOVUD IN AM BUSINESS WHATEVER, FOU H1BE D IEE CT OR INDTHKCT. For ovory cart, dray or wagon, drawn by oue horse or mule, ?20. For every uri, dray or wagon, drawn by two horse* or mules. (SS. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, $20. For every hack aud carriage with lour wheels, Hu. For ovury stage or omnibus (except line oinuibua with two horses, ??u. For every statte or omnibus (except hne oniwbi s? drawn by tom- horses, ?00. For every truck drawn oy two or more horses or ru ula* ?60. For every express wagon drawn by two or moro hor?e? or mules, ?ijU. BREAD CARIS AND PRIVATE CARTS, Ditii. , ETC. For every broad cart or wagon, ?5. For every cart, dray pr wagon, used for private or do? mestic purposes, and not to be employed ?a the trans porting ot goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, ur AL; uiiier commodity, for compensatiou. either directly o; indirectly lor the ?arno, ?hall pay for a license the sum ol ?J, exclusive ot the horse or mule. Ratified in City Council, this loth .lay oi January |L. A] in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred aud ?ixty-six. By the Mayor. P. C. ' .i LLABD, Mayor January 3 W. L. SJ. j u. Clem ol < 'UBcfl. AN ORDINANCE IO RECULATE TUK BTOBAOV O?' l'LTUOLEL'M, ITO. PKO neera, AND OTHER CWLAMMABLE OILS. Ste 1 Be? urduined by th'. Mayor and A' City Council assembled. That trout and alter the 15th day of June next, lt ahail not be towfnl to keep petroleum. K-r.Zn.KOCk OIL Benzine. Benzole, or any oilier In SanuuaMc oU oroils oo storaga or for nie in auy cellar, stomer?uUuW south of Uno, m a largar .pinn htv th ai ittv ? . ">u ont lot ur Pr*,ll'Bp!,i and any saetaS?t; J kept or stored stmll bu contained hi ?weis ol tin or other metal. j - > That Petroleum, it* products, or any othor ic rt amma ble oil or oils, unca brought into the city by land "/water may bc kept on any lot orin any mulding m u,.i. .i eotiouii not Mored, tor a period not e.\.-eedin< ..-?tv-1'our boura, .noa tho expiration ol which timi-ii removed und kout iu the manner a* required by the foregoing section. -;c Any person or persons violating any part nj thu Ordinance sha 1 bc sufijevt :o .. line of two hundred dollars, ior eaea offence, recoverable Lu any Court of con. uetent jurisdiction. Uauned in City council this twenty-first day of May. it. ibo year ot our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. [L.S.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. banni, Cleric ot Council, j?D? 6 AUCTION SALE8._ Anvils, Sates, Cotton Otnaburg, Yarn, Kersey and Fancy Goods. BY JOHN G. Mi LNOR & CO. THIS DAY, 19th last, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at oar Auction Salesroom, Ho. 138 Meeting street, 2 ANVILS, 2 Mill Saws. 2 Cross-Cut San's 1 bale Cotton Onnaburg, 1 bale Cotton Yarn 5 pieces heavy English Kersey aa are. ALSO, An tnvoico of FANCY MILLINERY GOODS, Blank Silk Velvet Ribbons, assorted numbers Sit tin Trimming Ribbons, Flowers, Hair Nets, Tape Trimming. Fancy Buttons, Sewing Silk. Silk Illusion, Worsted for Knit? ting, Veils, Bobbtnett, Cord and Tassels, atc conditions cash._November 19 Dry Goods, Clothing and Hats. BY JOHN 0. MILNOR & CO. THIS DAY, 19th inst, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at our auction salesroom, No. 138 Meeting street, ALL WOOL BLACK DOESKIN Gold Mixed and Black Bibbed Cassimara Satinet a, Check Fancy Caashnere All Wool Shirts and Drawers, Handkerchiefs Black Tricot Frock Coats Heavy Lined Over and Casalmere Coats Suspenders, Ail Wool Sacks, Linon Vesta Gingham Umbrellas, Reit Ribbon, Linen Toweia Men's Black Felt Hats, Silk Velvet Caps. Conditions cash. AT PRIVATE: SALK. BALES HEAVY 7-8 BROWN SHIRTING. Dozen Men's Country Knit Socks. November 19 APair of Fine Sorrel Horses-Good Saddle and Draft-Warranted by the Owner, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer*, No. ist Broad Street. TO-MORROW, 20th instant, at 10 o'clock, hi front of their office. November 19_ One Largs Bay Horse, suitable for Hoisting or any kind of Draught, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneers, Vo. 27 Broad streut. TO-MORROW, the 20th inst., at 10 o'clock, in front of their Office. November 19 Horses, Mules, Vehicles, and Furniture, at Auc? tion, BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneers, Ko. 37 Broad Street. TO-MORROW, the 20th instant, at 10 o'clock, in front of their office. November 19 -4 House and Lot, No. 27 Henrietta Street^ Sou A side, Three Doors East of the Citadel Square Baptist Church, at Auction. BY SMITH & McGillivTay, Heal Eatate Agents, No. 87 Broad Street. On TUESDAY, the 26th inst., at ll o'clock, at the East end of Broad street. All that LOT OF LAND, measuring - fer* front by 115 feet in depth, together with the 1WO AND A HALF STOiU WOODYS BC ' LD IN" G tier.ton, coniahJug tour square roams, two attics, dressing room and pantry, kitchen with five rooms, gas thruughuut house, good cistern. Terms-One-third cash; the balance ba one, two and three yeais. Purchaser to pay S. & McG. fr papers ami stamps. tatham tuS_November 19 A House and Lot No. 7 Ashley street, next South? west Corner of Palmetto Street, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, Real Estate Agents. No. 27 Broad Street. On TUESDAY, the 26th Instant at ll o'clack, at the East end of Broad street All that LOT OF LAND, with Wooden Building thara on, containing 4 square rooms, dressing room and pan? try, measuring S3 feet front by 100 feet deep; also, out? buildings. Terms-One-half cash; the balance in one and two y wa. Purchaser to pay S. A McG. for papers and stamps. November 19 tatham tu5 PRIVATE SALES. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Real Estate Agenta, No. 33 Broad street. At Private Sale or to Lease VALUABLE RICE, COTTON AND PROVISTO? PLANTATIONS ANO FARMS on the Waocamaw, Sara tee, Ashley, Wando and Cheehaw Rivers and in the vi? cinity of Charleston, 2 tata November 1 DRUB8, CHEMICALS, ETC. GREAT HEALTH RESTORATIVE AND BALM OF LIFE ! FOR ALL WHO ARE CONSUMPTIVE, OR ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO ANT IRRITA? TION OF THE LUNGS, WHETHER THE COUGH HAS BEEN OF LONG CONTIN? UANCE, OR OF RECENT ORIGIN. RODRIGUES' PULMO!! ELIXIR SPECIFIP HAS RAPIDLY DISTINGUISHED irSELFFDl ITS wonderful restorative and curative qualities. Un? der its stimulative influence, and by i tir penetral ive agency, this health iuvigoiating cordial excites a cen aral beneficial reaction, and disperses the impermeable ob? structions which prevent ace ss to other remedies. While gradually reducing the accompanying co .striction which att?nua the malady, lt reproduces the essential warmth and elastic vigor of the respiratory vessels, which, by thia remedial combination, promotes the heal? ing process by which relief and cure is effected. Hemorrhages are arrested and cured, wita every other concurrent disorder. Aa nei'her narcotic nor emetic properties of any Und are employed in ?his Pul?.onie Comncund, and the mott assiduous attention given to the quality and medical value of each component article which constitute lt, it is confidently and consrientiou.-ly recommended for ita safety and reliability, without restriction m generous, wholesome diet, or apprehen-lon of renewed cold from its effects. For sale wholesale and retail by the Proprietress, Mrs. CLCIL1A U?JJKI?ULS, northwest corner of MEETING AND SOCIETY STREETS, and at the Druggists. PllICE SINGLE BOTTLE SL26. Novemberli_lyr MBE?iltiWillSE? PA\KMN'S HEPATIC BITTER*, PANKftl.VS HEPATIC BITTE HS, PW KM Vs HEPATIC BITTERS, PANK.MVS HEPATIC BIT ?'KUS, P.iXKXlA'H HEPATIC BITTERS, THE BEST TONIC 'WOW IN USE. TEE BEST TONIO NOW IN USE. THE BES ! TQtfl, N 'W RI USE. THE BEST IONIC NOW IN USE. THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLI' BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISIS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, November ft_ M , "Prereiilion is Better than Cure." DR. RICORD'S Celebrated Preventive Lotion. 1 PPBOYED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY J\_ tba trench .Viadical Faculty, aa the only safe and intallibie -mud?te against infection from Special Disease?. This invaluable preparation ia suited for either sex, and bus proved, from ampie experience, the most efficient and reliable Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting a desideratum long ?ought for in the Medical World. If used accordln to dlreetions every possibility of dangar may bo avolde : ; a single application will radically neu? tralizo the ven : aal virus, expel all impurittei fromtOM absorbent vesc ls, and render contamination impossible. Be wise in time, and at a very small outlay, save boura ol untold bodily and mental torments. . Thia moat reliable specific, so unlT,e^"yfl?J?f.^~ 5 the Old World, is now offered for sale for th? first time in America by t. A. DUPORT i CO., only authorized Agents for the United States. Trice $3 per bottle, Large bot?e.doublerize, ? The usual discount to tho trade Sont securely packed, ou receipt of price, to any address. wPh dirac ?iona and pamphlet, by addressing to ^t & ^ Sole Agents for Dr. Ricord's P. L, May 23 ly So- 12 Oold srreet> Ncw Yorlr FUR NI TUBE, ETC. FROST. BLACK & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Itt VXD MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE OF EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 Bowery, near Canal Street, NEW YORK. SIEAMBOATS, HOTELS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS rrjRNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. AB Goods purchased of our House guaranteed sa re? presented. p" w. raosT. Jim BLACK. oro. etna. Ootobar 21 3mce CITY TAXE?-MONTHLY HETTJRNS. . OFiICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR* ) Cm H.OL, November 1. 1867. I "VrOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERN? IA ED that tito MONTHLY RETURNS FOR THB MONTH OF OCTOBER PAST, in compliance with the Tax Ordinance, ratified on the 28th day of Decombeii 1806, must be nnvle on or bet?re the 15th instant. CHARLES P. FRAZER, November _Assistant City A sac? soi. HOi'lCK.. ~ OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL.-.THE FOLLOWING clause o:" Section 1 of an "Ordinance to Raise Sup? plies tor thc y J >? 186"," ta published for the lnfonnatloa ot persons selUn : '..cod* by sample or otherwise, who are not r?sident9 ot thia city. All such persona are hereby uoufit Ito reporta this olBce, r "Thr.? dollars or every hundred- douars cf all coo?? sold in Gas etty by parsons ant reddens, hy saraplee* otherwise." W. fL SMITH? M*rrb8 Craik of 0om?Sl