University of South Carolina Libraries
tjmjMjjjjMmi mn\illi->L*i-UP'lUai'JIBUMJUU-'-J ? KW S SUMMARY. Cotton cloned In Now York yesterday al 24$a25o. Gold closed nt Hoi. Cotton In Livorpool unchanged. Princa ESTEBHAZTS picturo gallery sold for 1000,000. Tau Dioinnn'.s IJtnd, onl o? a population or 80,000, conlaiiiH but four ol tho alHirlgiiiRl iuhubit auts. JOUN MITCHEL, Ibo distinguished Irish patriot lias written n IIIHIOIV of Ireland, wliich lie in now scoing tbonkh Ibo presa in Now Yolk. A Wisconsin fpspor lately Huspondotl iln ?SMUII because tho printer gilI and apprentice hoy hud fi nm Into n neighboring county tu |iick hops. At I'ariH they Hell Howers for (hu bull?n hole, i'hey nro very artiatifallv made, imilato at o lillie iHalntu'? ?ll thu different decorations, and eau bu worn willi impunity. At thieu paces tho illuaion iu complete. Il ia report eil hom Paris UIAI tho Turkish Gov? ernment is in treaty with certain Frcucb and Eng? lish capitalists for thc salo of a vuat quantity of timbei in ita forests. The purchase mouoy is mihi lo be n4,000,00l>. lr you hive n ?crow rusted into wood, ora nut or bolt Hint will not ruadily turn, pour ou a lillie kerosene and let it reniai?. In a little while it will peiiotralo Ibo interstices, so that the screw may be easily started. A famous Spanish bult-flghtor named I. au A ut ito, after having aa ho supposed killed lim antagonist, turned tn receive tho applause of tho spectators, whun, willi u laut effort, Ibo bull mae und drove his horn into tho niau'ti shoulder, killing bim ol: tho spot. Mr. AKOREW BOYD, of Now York, ia milking t collection of "I.incoluiaiia." This collection nov contains two hundred booka, about ono bundrei and twenty-five portraits, and fifty modal*, be sides badges, mourning cardB, autographs ant manuscripts. Tho Ercpro'e? CUAIILOTTE bod, at latest accounts resumed ber painting implomonts, which sha tuc with cntiBtdoiablo skill. Uor Majosly ban flntshei a view of tho Park of Tarvuoron. lier busban appears in it on horseback, accompanied by som Mexican gentleman. In Ibo diary of a hwyor's dork, of Hanipshin England, ia tlio following entry : "Saturday, '241 Align?', k?lcd ? young girl, lt waikno and bot Tho man bas bcon takon up on enspicton of ba' lng com iiiil i il a hon lilli- murder, tho details < which now dil tho 1 -illili H h joui nais. Tho Richmond Dispatch says: "Tho spptiiu incnt nfl ?on. MuT.Fono lo ibo ?frico nf Collector < internal Ilovonue for this District, wbicb is si nounced in tho Balliuioro Sim of yesterday, wi alford much satisfaction iu this oily, whore ho so vt nil known and BO highly appreciated. Tho Abordeon Herald bttB Ibo following adve tiaemeut; "If tbe person wbo took (it ia conclu? edby mielako) tho whit o waterproof coat, bol?n, lng to Mr. PITT TATLon, on Tuesday last, will ai ply at thc barrackH, bo can bavo tho peg it U9cd hang upon, as it is of no further uso lo tho owner In 1770 Ibero wcro but fivo nowspspors publish! in tho Stale of North Carolina, and these woro 1 oated at Newbern, Wilmington, Halifax, Edoiite and Hillsboro1. In 1812 tboro wero but eight i Hin d-ono cudi from Nowbcrn, Wilmington, Eilo ton, Tarboro', Murlroesboro', Fayottovillc, RUIC?L and Warrenton. Tho personal friends of General MCCLELLAN B nert that although bo may bavo boen requested 1 telegraph to return bc baB no idea of doing so, at that, on Ibo contrary, bo Ima just dotoruiinod to r main abroad another year, and has taken a lion and m.ole miaiigeinmil? for tho tuition of bia ch eren accord?igly. A dispatch in Hie I'jngUeb paper evya: "Aler bis Are ?H said to bavo broken um in ono of ll crown forests near Ajaccio, Corsica. From tho s it presents tho spectaclo of a sort of mountain fire. Tho Hamos are dovouriug a sp ROO of eevei loaguoa. Sailors nnd troop? aro hastening to i spot to afford help." MUBTAPRA BEY has an i vml in Paris from Cu stantinople with thirteen Arab horscB, sent by t Sultan in part tn tho Emperor of Ibo l-'ronch, t arauu.? ?r \v.i"o. nml ti,,- Duko ot Cambridge Til aro tiiaguiilcunt animals, cloven while, ono lu and on: black. Six aro, said to bo tor Ibo fclinpen five for tho Prince of Wales, und two for Ibu Hu of Cambridge. At thu presentation interview of tho llouoral. GEOnor. BANcnow, our now Minister at tho Cou of Berlin, with BISUARCK, thu fornior took oct sion to alindo to tho passage of Ibo law by Co groes prohibiting American diplomatists frc wearing court uniforms. Tho dialinguisbed Cou . immediately replied that it was a very scusil onaclmont on thu part of Congress. Tho Comit?s? 1 )ANSIMI, tbo relict of thc li King of Denmark, is said to ho ut present cngag ou a very benevolent mission, that of traiui children for domestic) aerrice, and tbat sba li turned ber palace, callod Jagcrsprus, into a co: pie to asylum for children of from two to four yet of ago, whom sho will food, clothe, lodgo a train np until tb cy aro of ogo to inaiutain the: eelvos. Tho curiosity of Paris is just now excited b* nnyetorioua individual who appoars masked in .circus wbero wresthng and feats of strength s asxbibitod, takes off a cloak, and discloses an al ?letie. person clad in Bilk tigbtB and black veli siraweri, und who haw overthrown, witii appare ?easo, tbe most distinguished ]irofesBional wre flers cf tho Paria ring. His superiority to tin ^champions, previously ostocmod invincible, ia JJ rc at tbat tboy stand but a inmuto or two bofe ?him. Tho Coreicaua (Texaa) Observer, speaking of I .profila ot 1-a.islng ?look ia Toxoa, tells tho folio 5ng story, related by a friend: "A man moved -this connty with bia family, a wagon and ono ye of atoare, all tho proporty ho possessed in I world. Ono of tba steers dmd, in consequence bird traveling we suppose. Tho other, bei blind in ono eye, and one horn knookod off, flo lahed and dono well, for this was bis only start stock raising. Tho second year ho branded < hundred yoarlinga. The Independence Beige says that Uie Scblcsi difficulty ia now in fair couran of adjustment, will bo Buttled all tho moro easily because, anti on tho advice of Franco, BISMARCK will not im upon the restitution of Doppcl nnd Alison. At carno time, tho value of tho retrocession will greatly diminished by that concession in tho o of the Danish paoplo. On tho othor band, Pr sin will no longor insist upon thoao guarantee! favor of tho German inhabitants of Scblosi which she lately demanded. According to an Italian paper, a great chan which will astonish Europe, ls about to take pl in tho Papal policy, and the intended Ocnmeni Council will have an entirely duToront effect lt that which had been expected. The Pope is i endeavoring lo calm tho public agitation by fae tating tho sale of the ecclesiastical property Italy. Another papor staten that tho mor?me of Italian troopo alone; tho Papal frontier c tlnue, and that there are now some 30,000 r echeloned on tho Neapolitan rind Tuscan IV tiers. Personating a juror ia an offonco not to be pi Hoed with impunity. At tho Central Crimi Court, in London, on. Friday, Bfter sovoral ci had been disposed of, it was ascertained that of tho jurors, who hod beep ewin ii ?in FHCDKH LIXE, barnoae maker, of Brownlow Btreot, Dr Lane, was not that individual, but hieforom The Recorder said that both those persona 1 been, guilty of flagrant contompt of Court, and fined the foreman 15, and his master ?100. nice point arisos aa to whether all tho proceodi lu which tho unqualified juror took part aro void. The New York Herald, ot tho mii/laya: ", vices from iloxico etato that the primary olocli will bo held on the Md, when tho citizen* will ? vote on certain proposed amendments lo tho C atltution. Undor tho Civil nights UiU of Moi eight classes of thoao who woro connocted v. the intervention aro permuted to voto, and two them aro permuted to become candidatos for Uso. Tho dyiug address of Qouoral O'HOBAI published. The filibustering expedition attrit>n to Borra ANNA'S son in Havana bas turned ou bo a swindle on tho part of a Mr. LEUUANM, i claims to be a Pennsylvanian, and who, after taming a comfortable mirri from several Oem in the oily to aid him iu bis enterprise, had di peared. Tho eoramltleo appointed at tho rneotini physicians on Friday, in New York, lo devi feasible plan for the relief of tho yellow fever forera in tho South, mot on Saturday, with I Fauxs R. HAMILTON in tho ohalr, Mr. JKO. RHO serving as Secretary. The latter read a ro showing that A3,OOO,OOO ban thus far been coll ed, of which the Southern F amino Holier Com tee ha? contributed MM.OOO; the New York Lai Relief Association, $70,rj00; tho United States < crament, through G on. HOWARD, 1523,000; by ? bodioa and Individuals, ?2,000,000. Dr. HA thought that at least 13000 a week should be tributed by New York alone, aa tho amount rer ed for the relief of Southern Bufferers ia not . of 11000 a day. _j_ i ?ii i ii.tllXJ?/?!?!! i'm um Mr. F. (IMLIABDET in a lol'.or lo lb? Cannier ita Stats Culs ?aya: "Il in liol H memoir which is I nooilo'l l>y Marshal PAZ VINE (or Ibo pm po.-i; ul justifying himself, ii in rattier n inquiry, based upon actual documcuta, aa M. ItocilEroBT has told him in au ai tie'e, Ibo severity of which baa produced a lively nousation. Tbo task of I Marshal DAZA INK will bo oil tho moro difficult, be caiiBO tho pity caused by tho trnnio cud nrpoor MAXIMILIAN bu? boon Inwoaattl by tbo publication of bi? pout hm nous work?. They uro of touching intcienl ami nbow tbut bin wai not un ordinary spirit. Dut they also mubo IM understand Hint bo j wan, HU to speak, predestined I? Ibo adventurous pail which bo played, lu bis rtfyagc In Mimili. Um souvenir of CHAULES V. and lus relutlonabip willi bim, hannis bin H|liril nn II fixed ?ilea. Mu e aiilom Spain anbin true country ami uiidorstaiubi Hint bo liny be eiuinUlend Ibo legitimate Sovereign at Mexico bocanHC Sltrtico won ona pari or Hld dominion ol' 1??^ nucos tora. lu neem;; (bo sword nf KKIWINAMI, Ibo Catholic, nt (lionad.i, bo exclaimed: "I loucb tho Bwmd, formerly ali powerful, willi n ecnthucnl of pride, of covolousnoss, nnd of mehiiichory. What a beautiful mid brilliant dream for thu nopbow of thc Hapsburg of Spuin, ti brand bah tho ?wold of Fr.tiDiNASD. mid conquer a crown." These regret? timi those desires cast n sad light ou Ibo facility wilta Which Ibis ambitious youth threw binieolf later into n fatal enterprise, which was his absorbing dream. These roveialiona rc? liovo NAPOLEON considerably from Ibo rcsponni bility in (heoyes ot history ami lil Ibo eye of tho brother ot MAXIMILIAN, HO nn lo leave belwoen Uic two sovereign? only n conimnn grier. Their friond ly interview nt Salzburg will bo ratilled by Ibo de? livery of tho nation of the Duke or Uetcbatndt which ba? been consented lo by Vmsxt JOSEPH w'ilh tho beBt ?race mid which may well be fol lowod horoiifter by n betrothal belwoen (bo 1'rinco Imperial und Ibo ArchduehcM OtaXLLK, daughter of FRANZ JOSEPH, nlllimigh dbe now connia but eleven hiiramcr i. A Hamburg journal uoon indeed an fnr un to nay (lint Ibin matrimonial project m tho principle end of tho Salzburg conioronee. A coHBESPOSDENT OK mr. Chicago Tribune, writing Ironi Kansas, given dome, iiiterealing in? formation eone.orniug tbo region ta be IravorBcd by tho Alchiaon, Topolia and Haul ii Fe nailway. Seventy milos BOiilhwcBt ol Topeka aro tho great coal floldn of Onngo County, and a hundred miloH farther aro the "snit plaina"- ono hundred miles long mid forty milo? brond. TIICRO plains aro cotn plotoly covored with a white crust of ?nit. of auf liciont strength to bear up, without breaking; or crumbling, nn ordiunry wagon load. Undernonth this crust, a little below tho nurfaco, Iboto ia a stratum of solid rock ?alt. Tho BOH?O writer givea nn account of tho Undo with Western Texan and Mexico, aa well an Now Mexico. Last your brought tho firat train of twcnly-thrco wagons from Woatorn Toxas lo Leavenworth for supplies of goods. Thorn were three small traina, bcsi?o the ono first mentioned, that ramo through last year. They worn loaded up with wool, palls, furn, and drennod chins, mid loaded back with gooda of ovory description. 'Tho nuo cosBOt lait year ban shown ilnolf by tho great In croaso Ibin year. Wbal waa Innt your all ordinary ] trail is thin year nnplondid wagou road, over which trnius aro panning alnioBt daily. Tins trade now goes to tho Union Pacific road, at Junction ('?ty nud other points. Thc ca(tle trida between i'oxns and Kansan in another great wonder. This trade commenced tinco yonra ngo, and has been on tho increase undi il lins reached forty thousand head. Throe reara ngo (boto wero (wo (houdini bead; tho next yent- about noven tbousnnd; Inst year about eighteen thousand, ami (bin year nearly forty thousaud np to thin lime, with a prospect of reach? ing fifty thousand. Western Texan and u part of j Moxico aro atriotly a grazing country, and tba mnu who owns and coutroln lees than three thousand bead ie really a numil operator. Them nrn many men in Texan who own from twonty-flvo to fifty, and oven oighly thousand hoad of eadie, mid from tho anio of thosoathoy rcceivo their income, many of thom employing from one hundred to tbroo hundred herders. A BisorrLAn CAME recently caine boforo Ibo Sher? iffs Court of London. Tbo plaintiff baked n -.wil? ding cake Tor tho defendant, and the latter would not pny iiim. In bin crosn-oxuniinalbin the aggnevc'ii nanci* nuiu: "i was in mu service 01 .ur. NBWOOUB us a journeyman at Hint tiuie. Ho in a baker and pastry cool;. I mada the c ike in bia time. Ho did not ordar mo lo moko il, bul Ibo lady to whom ho was about to bo married did. I found .sumo of tho tbinga-auch as four pounds of | icing sugar and a quartern and a half of brandy.1 Defendant naid ho did not order the cake. His Honor: "Did the lady to whom you were engaged order it?" Defendant: -"Yes, she did." His Honor: "Then it was a dobt contracted by her before mar? riage, and you would bo liable for ii." .Defendant: "I did not know hbo had ordered tho cake until ehe told mo about il, and then I kirked up a row with ber." [Laughter]. Uta Honor: "What, do you mean to nay that you actually quarrelled with your wifo about tho very wedding cako?" De? fendant: "Of course I did." [ I.aughti r.j De? fendant's counsel: "It was rather carly (o com? mence quarreling, I must confessa." Defendant : "Well, 1 did not liko it." His Honor: "It appears to mc, plaint iff, that you were the servant of tho defendant, and you made thc cako while acting in that capacity. It ia clear you cannot recover in thia action, and t here fore defendant will hare the verdict." GEN. Loo AM delivered a long speech at Hamilton, Ohio, on Wednesday last, in which he arraigned tho Domocracy for their "crimea and infamy,"and said of AMDBEW JOHNSON : " Tell me to-day if you had JETT. DAVIS in tho Presidential chair, or Mr. ROBBJIT '?. LEX, could thoy havo dono moro for tho rebels in thia land than ANDBEW JOHNSON has Blnco bo baa boen President ? If tlioy could, I would like to know In what way thoy could have' done ?ti If JUT. DAVIS had boon President, what would he have dono ? Ho would havo returned all tho property to tho rebohi that thoy had lo;t. An BBisw JOHNSON baa dono that. If JEFF. DAVIS had boon President be would havo pardoned all tho ro? b?la that aaved him tor pardon. AND HEW JOHN' SON haa done that and moro too. ' If 'JEFF. DAVIS bad hoon President ho would bavo denounced this Congress, and callod thom a sot of traitors. AN DIIEW JOHNSON has tlono that. If JETF. ru VI? had 1 boon Fro ?iduni bp would have appointod robel devenions down . Routh to control tbouo Staten. ANDBEW JOHNSON did (ho same thing. If JEFF. DAVIS had been Prca iden t bo would havo vetoed tho Freedmen's Huroau Dill. ANUBBW 'JOHNSON did that. Ho would have votood ibo Civil Rights Pill. ANDBEW JOHNSON did that. Ho would have votood tho tirst Boconstruotion Act of Congress, and all the other acts, which ANsncw JOHNSON han I done." . . * IT ia iiArrxu of history, wo boliovo, that when railroads wero flret constructed tho movement WRB violently opposed by all "horse-men," SB likely to render tholr animals almost yaluolesj by super? seding' them. Almost every labor-saving machino of the century IIBB been considered by aomo opera? tive workmen a Wow at their occupation, though the result of the introduction or such machines. baa always been to increase tho demand for skilled labor, while milking manual toil lightor. We aro not flnrprifled, tboroforo, to read in English papera of tho tr?ala an inventor in that country has re? cently boon called to go through In tho introduc? tion of a machino to mako tho work of papor-hang era eaeior. Tho maator workmen would not ovon mention lt to their men for fear of the cons?? quences. On ottcmptlng to call tho nllontion of operativen to the invention, they pot upon him and heat bim sovoroly. Not detened by all thia, bo left tho machino with an upholsterer to ho tried, and tho workmen concluded their warfa i o against tho invention by entirely destroying it. If tho machino in a useful one, it will undoubtedly bavo a fair trial in tho omi, and nomo timo, perhaps, (hose very samo stupid mon, who think to slay progress by beating an invontor and destroying lila proper? ty, will talk of erecting a monumont to bis memo? ry for so greatly lightening their labors. A onEAT OEOLOoiOAL curiosity ban just been de? posited in tho musoum of tho Hardy Institution, at Southampton, England, consisting of a piece of floxiblo steno, abont two feet long, aoven inches wldo, and more than ono Inch in thickness, having tho appearance of rough sands tonn, which bonds, with a slight prcasuro, liko a piece of India rubber er gutta percha of tho name nizo. This interest? ing specimen of geology boa boon placed In a glass case constructed for it. filled with a lover, by touching tho hoy of which on Ibo outaido of tho case, tho floxibuity of tho ?tone la shown. It waa proaonted to tho Ilartloy Institution by Mr. ED WABD CoBHiN, from his relative, Mr. II. B. MON? DEN, who obtained it from Dolli!, India. In ita natural position, tho ?(ono (a said tomi? In thin layer? in tho noil in which it j. fo"nd( "nt ia so rare in India that it Onda a place In tho museums at Calcutta. There ia a similar alone, bnt'not BO wide aa tho ono nndor notice, In tho British Mu? seum and another in (be mnsomn of (ho School of Minea; bul specimens aro very rarely to bo met with. Although tho ateno ba? a gritty appearance no grit or duet Ia thrown off by the motion given to it when under prraanre. ^tiAf^iXHT ' ?lRODLATION.- Tho D?S&t? fi"t. W?fpubl?ht* the Official Lilt of Lei? ters remaining tn the 1'ottoffice at the end ?Tf each week, agreeably to the following ici-don of the Ncu> Postoffice Lato, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston: RrotlOHtV And III? ll further enacted. Thal lt its ui 'Iel Hetti roiuilulii|f uucalled for lu in; Poitomte lu eur elly, hirtii <ir villet-c. ?ber? ? newspaper ?ti ill br? prluti'il. kuall hi-rrsfuir Uti piihliHhod HUCO only lu Ihu ticwspuper ?rblek, boiui! published weekly ur oftener, shall have the lar?;usl elreulalluii within ran,:? of delivery nf the aald nhVo aval* .ttl comm*i diciii 1011.1 intendi li for publication In tilla Journal Htltar be addressed to Hie h'Ailor of the Ihiap Mews, Ko, 18 Haiine-slreet, Cliarlryton.'S. C. tlusiness Communications tn Publisher ol' I fa ?Iii Xeies. ' U'eeannol undertake lo return rejected commun icu lions. Advertisements outside of the city must be aevompa tiled with the. cash. CHARLESTON. FRIDAY HORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 18C7. JOB WOKK.-Wo have now completed our oflioc so as (o ozoculo, in tho fihortcsl poBsiblo (imo, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, and wo moat respectfully ask (ho pnlronngo of our Irlanda. WHY OOUQE THE ISSI!'. In IHt'.O, tho States of tho North ami those of the South were widely separated on the point of thc right of secession. Thc South maintained, that the Slates composing tho Un? ion under tho rights reserved hy tho Const ?tu- i tion, could dissolve tho compact al an; limo that (hey might desire so to do, while tho North ob tho other hand insisted thal tho ootn pnet Tros porpetual. A difference so rmlical as thia could be decideiL-by no oivil court, and both parties nppaaled to thc only tribunal which can deoide the quarrels of bodies of mon aufliclonlly large lo constitute nations, llm'lri bunnl of arms. Thal tribunal decided against (he South, and tho issue of tho war isa decla? ration that thc Union of tho States is perma? nent and that no State or number of States, can dissolve tlint Union.' It is true thal DF.NJAMIN >V.MU: was not very anxious for tho war, but would have pre? ferred to have let the Southern States make tho experiment of a government of (heir own, though to-day he chooses to forget this and declares, whal he knows to bc false, that "but for tho aid and comfort afforded the Southern leaders by the democracy of the North, there would havo been no war." And he continues, "I charge upon this great or? ganized parly tho responsibility of 300,000 of the flower of our youth lying in Uieir graves." It is (ruo thnl WENDELL PHILLIPS openly ad? vocated thc right of secession until 1802, thpugh he to-Usy pretends (o desire a continu nncc of thc Union, and cants eloquently about thu soldiers of the nation. It is true that Mr. OIIASE said thot the Union was not worth fight? ing for, though bc to-day occupies thc seal of Chief Justice of tho United States. It is true Mint HOBALT. QHEKLET said in the Tribune in IRflO, '. any attempt to compel the Southern Slates lo remain by force would be contrary lo Hie principles enunciated in thc immortal declaration of independence,--contrary to Ibo fundamental ideas on which human liberty is based;" (hough he (o-day is blatant about (he sin of rebels and the horrible crimes (hat wc com? mitted in endeavoring to dissolve thc Union. It is true thsl these opinions of Radical lead? ers encouraged the South. It is also true thal these men are to-day tho leaders of thc Radi? cal party, out II me people of (ho North lind listened to the teachings the South would have been permitted to depart in pence. Thc peoplo of the North in 18C1, did nut how? ever heed tho Radical leaders of to-day. They had faith in tho Union, they esteemed it lo be of value, and standing on what they be? hoved lo be a correal interpretation of the Constitution, Democrat and Republican, nido by side, determined to crush out whaL they alike considered a political heresy, md to support by arms the permanency of this gov? ernment. Mr. LINCOLN and Congress both de? clared this on more than ono occasion. They insisted that the war was not one of conquest, but waged simply to compel every Slate to perform its portion of the compact, and to stand to its allegiance. Had any other issue been made, had the Radical oreators of public opinion avowed their policy of to-day, an army never could have been raised in the North. The people of the North never would have consented to shed their blood and spend their treasnro for the purpose of preparing fetters for themselves while forging chain? for the South. Iftheso atatementa are true, .it. malters riot what may have b.een the opinion of the South. Tho war mus! be judged from a Northern atand-point. Having been ended in favor of the Northern idea, it rollo wa as a thing of course, that no State over waa out of tho Union, even for a Bingle instant. If no State ever was out or the Union, then every Statu on tho restoration of penco ia entitled to all safeguards and guarantees of tho Constitution. Admit that the war.was a just war on tho part of the North, and this is the neoessary conelu sion. If oach Stale is entitled to the< protec? tion of the Constitution, then it is true that if any one State i's deprived of that protection tho Constitution is disregarded. If it ia disre? garded to-day for one fitato or sot of States, it will bo disregarded to-morrow for other Slates, wherever tho opinions of their poople are not in harmony with tho views of the majority. The course of the Radical parly has been to obtain and propagate its power by deceiving the masses at the North, by subverting the Constitution, and ?piling and taking from the States their Tights under that compact. Their aims are revolutionary. The old fabrio ia to bo destroyed; and on the new foundation they are determined to build a Government entirely after their own hoarts, a'Oovernment in which none but Radicals shall rule. The party is too ably Jead, bow evey, io. make either an open or an honest confession of faith. WENOBLL I'HIL I.IKS, it is true, openly declares his views; but wb'o over aiiSpe?ted-'pHiCtiP? of being a poli? tician? THAL. STEVENS follows in the wake of PniLLiPs, and proclaims that the party is act? if- "outside of tho Constitution;" but THAD, in not always wiso, and he la too passionate to be always able lo conceal his thoughts. The party -anuot endorse his doctrines beoauso it knows that such doctrines would causo reaolion at tho North, and might be instrumental in losing tho Radicals their supremacy, and- in re itoring liberty to Amerioa. A wiser course ls let ermine J upon, and a gilded pill in adminis? tered. Men cr cit ed by. passion j forget Justice, ind frequently forget to look at their own in? ore-te. Passion must bo appealed to, and the North must bo. blinded. With these aime reconstruction bill.? wor?*paissd for the Soulh? irn States, military governments were estab ished during peace, habeas corpus was sus? pended, tho right of trial ' by jury ' mad? lependent on the stroke of the pon of a soldier; ind more than all, "manhood suffrage" was incoDStRut.lonally established for negroes, but tot for white men. The object of all this ls nanifest. Il is to habituate tho people to look in tyranny until they he-chino accustomed to ta workings', and then tb fasten the tyranny m them, and secure V continuance of Radical -ule. Can these things be dono without violating ho Constitution T Surely not. It is vain for nen like Senator IsOnisu to refine on the lifferenco between his own Stale and a State he people of which had been in rebellion. It a vain to endeavor to speak of war and ir et? on when the country knows that there has >. sn no war for three years, and the pardon ititi power baa doolare I that tho ti casoii id for? given. If tha?e things -'.ni bo ilonc in thc South, docs il not follow thal they catt und will bc dunc in Ilia North? Tho .Soulli cuu il? uothing, but tho North Win y?t prwnrYw ht>r own liberty Hud recover I he liberty ol' I VII Htulo- now I roil,lon mulei- llic hool of titigvucr ous power, if it will but not in time. There is but six per rent, ol' rolers in I he entire Norlh lo lip overcome, lo destroy tho party which M Iho dell royer ot' liberty. ll' Inf Rad?enla will only rd ami to "Manhood suf? frage," and thvy will do .o, tis soon tis t livy I bink thnt they Imvc suHicienl strength, (ho pvo|ilvof thc Norlh will bc arointed io ? sense ul' their dan - ger. lt" they will only dudare -and tl'over Ihuy hu vc HIP pt) ivor, I hey ?ill de clure, I hal jhti viii irv policy ol Hie parly is "nutsido of Hiv Huntd Hu? il?n," then lh?i people of the Ninth will know timi Ihoy urti guippliug willi thu opponents of constitutional liberty. If the principios nf tho Ilatlienls tire line, why should (livy not bp I openly proclaimed, so I lint Hie people nifty be instructed nntl enabled lo decido between Hie destructive policy of thc Radical and Ihe con slitutioual policy of tho Hon9crvutive. When over thc question between Hudicnl tlcspulisn and constitutional liberty is fairly luntlo tit thc North, the very people who fought the Into war for tho Union will remember that Ann.Mi.VM LINCOLN snitliii his inaugural address, "Hint n majority held in rest mini bf/ r?lltliluthmill ektrks amt limilatkmt, nutl always rhtingiii cosily with delib?ralo changes ol' popular opinion ami sentiments, il Hiv only ti ne gov? ernment of n freo people." WANfsT WAMKtl. A Uinll\ TU WllltlC AM) WASH for a aimil Umlly. To ona ruining well rccorumen,teni Rood wegen will bo given. Apply nt No. 24 MONTAGUE STREE!. 1 Bepleinl>er 2? WANTED, A 81! 1TB UP FIVE IlOU.11>, Ult a Bouts with four or Ovo roouis and suitable out? buildings, near Ibo bu.luci, pot lion at the. elly. 1 I Utter preferred. Apply et THIS OFFICE. September Itt______ ITiURrYIHIiEll Util SK Ult PAR* Ol-' ? HOUSE wtitled. (loo.t references given. Address ?ox 430, P. o._4* _ Bs pt two ber in WANTED TO KENT TWO LARGE AND ONE SMALL ROOM, with Servants' Room?. In a I desirable Inctttou. Address "ROOMS," NEWS Oftlce. Soptembor IS 4* rtlTUATION WANTIC1-.-WANTED, ll Y A 0 married man, of steady habit., a nlluatloii lit any 1 exportable hillturn. Will mako himself useful In al I most any capacity. Address "O. P.." at this oftlce. August U_ Af-F.NTFI WAN'l' TOZO H'Ott. TUE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, BY JAMES TJ. McCADE, JB., of Virginia. Author of "Lifo of Ocn. 'Stonewall' Jackson," "T.lfu cl Gen. Albert Syduuy Johnson," "Thi Ald-dc-Camp," J." Rend for Circulara and nee our terms, and a tull il acrlptlon of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLi ill INO COMPANY. Atlanta, 1?. Imo" September 7 TO RENT. TO KENT. TWO-STOUT BUICK DWEL? LING HOUSE, with double kitchen. In Burnt Uni', I second hniue n em King street. Apply to WM. MCCOMB I A CO., No. 237 Klug etrecL uiwt'J September 10 TO RENT, ONE till TWO CU.1IFORT ABLE ROOMS in a private family. For particu? lars, apply at T HU OFFICE. b September 14 LOST. T O.HT, ON THK 12TH INSTANT, IN KING. JLi Basel, or Meeting urn?, A LETTER contain? ing money, with the owner's name thereon. Tile tind? er will be rewarded by leaving tho same at THIS i>F FICE. September 19 FOR SALE. STEAM MILL P1MIPEIIT? FUIl SALK. The undersigned offer for sale their valuable STEAM MILL PROPERTY tltnated on Black River, fifteen ranea above Georgetown. S. C. This pronerty consists ol iou acres of Lend, on which ls a Dwelling llouao and outbuildings, furmerly mr 1. un a summer retreat fur health; a Steam Circular Saw Mill of forty-horse power, aa good as new, or the beat modern construction, and In couiplcu- running order; where Ten? s?is crossing the Georgetown bar ran load at all seasons. Any quantity ol Tind er can bo purchased, delivered at the Mill, on mott reasonable lenna. Thia properly will be enid at,Ie sacrifice on original coat if applied for eoon, or one-half nf tim lu { tercet will be sold loan approved purchaser, ?li? will I ru ruis h aomo raab capital tn <-otnmenre Ihe 'limber business. rm nMISHMT |... il. ,.u, n, aridr-> DI. UC-llEilT ll VIII. LEE, Hara' lil ul] p..ii,nile.-, R. C. HAttLI.LF. A- McCUrCIIEN. September 20 13 BOARDING, PRIVATE BOAHD1.VO. - KIEST CLASH BOARD, with handaomtly furiiiabetl rooms, at tho IVY BOBBE, No. 23 ANSON STREET. September a I BUAUD WANTED IN A UUIKT NEIUH UORHOOD, In a resperlsblo family, where lhere I aro no other boarders, hy two gentlemen and their wives, ? Address H.. at this oftlce. wfmtl* Hopteuiber 18 BOARDING.-TIIRKK I'liKAMANT ItUUMN with good BOARD eau be had on Immediate appin I cation tn So. 69 rim 1 VII STREET, west aldo, near j Trodd street. ' Term* rcaaouablc. Jone 12 1.1-CE_LENT HO AH I?, AT VEUT LOW U rates, in the moat central tiiialncaa part of the city, without lodging. In a private bouse, eau now bn had. Far particulars address "X. L." rostnfDce. May 15 REMOVALS. REMOVAL. Mrs. M. J. Z?RNOW _p_ REflPECTFTTLLY INFORMS HEB gtjE&Bn friends and cuatomen Ihstphe has re fiaSsriS moved her atork nf MILLINERY AND (?Sf?wfm 8TRAW GOODS TO NO. HOI KINO STREET, EAST SIDE. FODRTH DOOR WWT NORTH OP WENTWORTH STREET. September 10__mwfl'J REMOVAL. rilUE SUBSCRIBERS HAYE REMOVED THEIR 1 Wholesale Crockery and Glassware- Establishment from No. ll Hey no street to No. 137 Meeting street, nearly opposite Heyne street, whero tboy oil er for salo at and below New York-prices, an oxtouaiva assortment Of Goods, of direct Importation par "Filio d'Air" and "Robert O. Winthrop.'.' Also, to anira, from Liverpool, CO crates assorted Crockery per "Queen" and "Yumurrl." At wholesale and retail, at No. 137 Meeting street and No. 235 King stree:. WILLIAM Q. WU ILDES k CO. Soptembor 9 STORAGE. STORAGE. THE MUST CENTRAL AND convenient tn the city, at very reasonable prices, for COTTON, BICK, SALT, FERTILIZERS, kc, kc. In turanoe, when desired, as low as any In the city. Apply IO OEO. W. CLARK A- CO.. Corner East Bay and Cumberland atrcett. September 17 HOT.18. S. SWANDALE PROPRIETOB OP THE Mansion House, GREENVILLE, ?J. C. June 8_ ST. JAMES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. PltOVHIK'IVTlS: WM. A. HURD. .Of New Orleans. W. F. CQBKERY.Of Spottswood Hotel, Richmond. Telegraph and Railroad om con in Rotonda of Hotel. Jone 17 . .. (imo STEVENS HOUSE, Nos. ill. ?3, an AND ST Droadway, N. Y., opposite Bowling Ornen-t n. the European Plan.-TUX. STEVENS HOUSE ls weil abd widely known to tho travelling publie. The location lt ea , -lally suitable to merchant* and business men; lt ls In close proximity to (he businCBs part of the elly-ia on the highway br Southern and Western travel-and .adja? cent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The STKVfcNH HOUSE bas liberal accommodation for over 300 gu etti- lt It well furnished, and possesses every modem improvement for Ibo comfort and entertainment of Its I omi. tee. The rooms aro spacious and woll venti? lated-provided with gas and water-the attendance ls prompt and respectful-and lbs fabio le generously pro vlded with every delicacy of.tho tesson tt moderate rates. The *ooros having been refumiahed and remodeled, wc ?re ene)''vito offer extra facilities for Iho comfort end pleasure . f our guests. OEO. K. CHASE 4 CO., May 29 Oreo Proprietor*. J. M. DRWiUT & S . IMPROVED Mercantile A?rency, NO. 20 URO AD STREET, CHARLESTON, H. C. J. Tl. FONDA. SlipPriIltfllfl0.ilt. September 0 FUH FOR AU! ?HTULL INSTRUCTIONS BY WuTOH ANS PERSON, J} male or ?smale, can mai 1er the great sri of Ven trftudulam by a few boura' practico, making' a world of fun, and after becoming alpert* themselves, can loach other?, thereby reeking It a toort? of Income. Fall tn time lions teni by mali for io font*. Satisfaction guar? anteed. Adir?es P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, M. Y. May 18 lyr _MEET 1 NOS. _ i-AUl.i: KIRK KN.HMO COMPANY. VTOII ARE HEREBY SUM ?ONEU TO ATTEND AN X rilr? iI..?(ii-;o! ij.aiiT un TMt (Fild*>| ?ttmng, 2Ulh instant. >l M.,'. loci precisely. Uv order. A. M \ UION COHEN. Si pteinbcr JO I Secretary. EDUCATIONAL. MUS .11)11 \ A. 111.I' M \ I Ml.I. RESUME THE EXERCISES Ol UER Sl'UOOI. Vf ouTHEHPA ?, n. tui.fir Isl, ai dei*nra, Mary ? tn ? i. opposite Klanlii lt?. .MUSH: AND I'ltFSCH laugbl ?lieu lirait*!. September DJ lilli, KSTAHLIMl-MEXT Itt* KEV. DIL MYERS. riHIi: PRINCIPAL OF TUE ABOVE NAM Kal IXsTI I -l UTION b?M nsNRh pleasure In arMio*mrlM8 l's IHIIIOIIH, m. ?.ll un tn UM publie imivtatly. Haiti irwin oiiUuiied lu.rrawi lu Um IIIIIIIIHT ol pupil-, lie lound ll ncciisarv lu oblulii UH ira suitable pr-tuir.-,., Mid Ihcreforo cn ur. ii Ibu raOtDSOlUoUil and eligible timmi situated al Ibo eornur of ruining and Hull d reeta. Thontnmf ib.- ln-un.i. iii;; !<. thoroughly rtdascalu Hie pupil? for ciillealalo or biwlnom eareor; a systematic sud nccurati! i lomenlary lt lining I? aduptcil lor such " ? may noel that ronnie, aud p'.ciillar advantages aro also nfle'icd for eludy of lbs) rlassir*. Mathematics and UiMik-keeplng. lu ooiisei|uuiiri- of reread naa***arr claaisgea mad.- lu Hie got.'ruinent of the Academy, ami willi n view of lacllltatiiig Ibo Interests or tho pmill?. thc Principo 1 will be assisted by Mr. JOBS QAN?fON. a gentleman of known abllitv. and who baa bail considerable eiporicnco in thc art ?ir teaching. Mr. GANNON performed bl? collegiate course of studies with distinction, in ono ot the brat collegee In France, sud subsoqucuUy teught tho French languages and classic? with munur. I success, lu thc college of Ulol? lu that country. Rare and excellent advantages are therefore afforded for the study ol French under bia supervlslon. A prtuiarv class conucclrd with Um Institution is con? ducted by Mils ROSA DIBULE, nuil the various depart? ments receiving the personal aiippriutendeuee of tho Principal; every exertion ls tnado to promote the inter? ests of thu pupils. Course of Instruction : Kugllsb, french, IJIIIII, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish and Gorman lanuuagcs. f September il -n EDUCATION A I. ESTABLISHMENT OK REV. DH. MYERS. rpHE EXERCISES OF THE AIIOVE NAMED IN8TI _L TUTE wlU bo resumed (D. V.) on WEDNESDAY. October'Jd. at the Academy, corner ol Coming and Bull streets. Ternis modorale, and course of tuslrucltou euch aa wUIImpart a sound and complete eelucallen. Scptcipber2_mwf PE SI A LID CULLBHE. TUE FALL TERM OF TT1F. FEMALE COLLEGE, Spartanburg, 8. C., will opon October fid. 16*7. Th? President, Rev. A. W. CUMMINGS. D. D.. will be aiiiml by competent, e.pcrle need fetchers In every de? partment. Board for half year.?70.0H Tuition. 20.00 Co uti n go II I Foo. 2.00 Music and aU tho Ornamental Tira urbes vary low. ' Thaw wishing lo pstroul/.o Ibo School will please ad? dress thc Prt Hldont. Itu August t Bins. M, B. TOOMKR WI IX RESUME THE EXERCISES OF HEB SCHOOL ou 1 Widdy, October la', st No. 17 PITT SREET. September 18 _wt3* PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CITY OF CITAIIL?XTOX. MORRIS STREBT SCHOOL. THIS SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED ON MONDAY, tho 2Jd inst., for Colored Peroone oacluslvoly. Applications for admission will bo received at ibo School-In uaa on ami aRar thal date, between tho boura ni 0 end 10 A. M., delly until further notice. No pupils will bo admitted who are under 6 or over 10 ycare of ago. By orner of Ibu Board. E. MONTAGUE ORIMKE. Secretary Commissioners Fr*? Schools. September IC _HI I ItSt ILINE AC Vt) KM Y . V.O.I.K CRUOR. ITIHIS INSTITUTION Wild. RESUME ITS ACADEMIC X EXERCISES SEPTEMBER lal. For Prospectuses ploaao address "MOTHER SUPE? RIOR," Ursuline Convent and Academy, Columbia. So. Cs. Imo September A COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTINO between thc nndarslgnod. in the PLAINING MII.I, and LUMBER buslncas. under (he firm or EHAUon .t MAI.LON nr., baa been This Day dissolved, by mutual eons rut- JOHN C. MALLONRE alone I? authoriled to nattle tho affairs nf the said copartnership. D. C. EBAUO H. JOHN C. MALLONEE. i Ti. ni. i ?I uv, September C, 1E07. September0 Imo NOTICE. riYHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCHASED ALL 1 Mr. I '.H A i'll ll '?-. inti rei. i In tho above Copartnership, will continuo on bis own'account tho busiuees, hereto? fore couductn I by the late li rm. of E1IAUGU Ar MAI, LONEE, at thc same place, IIORI.BECKS WHARF, near tho Norlin snt/rn Railroad. JOHN C. MALI.ONEE. CnanLF?ros, September C. 1807. September? . Imo TAILORING, ETC._ THE SUBSCRIBER** HAVE RESUMED THEIR FORMER (MERCHANT TAlLUltlMUl lium.-sran, at tbrlr SM m.u'l. No. JJ bili) \ 11 sTKl.ET. sud are now prep .red to execute all orders in their linc: also, to take orders for melting SHIRTS AND SUMIT I1030MS aa hercloforo. Wo have also on baud, ea SOLE AGENT for this Stale, "the WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINE," which we aoU at factory prices. Thankful to tho public for their former liberal patron? age, we would repcf (fully solicit a continuance of the same. EDGERTON A RICHARDS. September 10 0 _TOBACCO, ETC._ .JOSEPH SCHROEDER, COMMISSION AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN SEGARS, Loaf aud Manufactured Tobacco, Ko. 81 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE, MD. Hw" A fin.* assortment of Connecticut, Havana and Yara Lear Tobacco always on hand. Scptomber 18 Imo "Ll (MOLT sm Xii STORE, CIIHSER BROADWAY AND I 7 1 11 STREET, NEW VI ) It It. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE bia Southern friendo. The choicest HAVANA BE? HAUS, of nil the leading brand?, wllb a general assort? ment ol Smokers' Articles always on band. Juno? . . _D. OTTOLENQOI. Agent FURNITURE, ETC. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! MANUFACTURED BT F. KRUTINA, Nos. 9G aud 98 East Houston street, New York City. A LL TniS FlIRNlTtTRE, CONSISTING OF PARLOR. I CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY JUITS, is nf the latest styles, and manufacture 1 of tho , lery beat material, under tho personal supervision of the Proprietor, and guaranteed. Parties in tho south desiring floe Household Furniture ian bo supplied direct from the manufactory ; or those < i bout visiting New York will find lt tn their advantage to mamine this Slock before purchasing elsewhere. All 3ood* warranted, wira 3mos Joly SI M. M. QUINN, Wholesale &' Retail Dealer IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, .?EWSPAFEBS, STATIQNEBY, ETO. No. G'J 7 KINO STREET. ' (Opposite) Ann street), - Charleston, C. S. The LATEST ISSUES of th* Pres* al wa ya on hand, subscriptions received and Gooda delivered or foi? rerded by Mail or Express. ' ' ' . AU CASH ORDEBS will bo promptly stuin Jed to. February 28._' _ ly PHOTOGRAPHS FO R THE MILLION ! ! f WH.L SEND, POST-PAID, SO PHOTOGRAPHS OF L Ibo moat celebrated Acton for CO rents; 60 Actrcaaos ar 60cents: 60 Union Generals for Ml cents; 60 Rebel I e nr ral? for 60 cents ; 60 Statesmen tar WI cen ta; 60 beau Ifni young Lodi?* lot" 60 cents; 60 ftc ?-looking young lintlemcu for 80 cants; 8 large Photographs of i ronch Unclog Girls, In costume, beautifully colored, exactly an bey appear, for 60. cents; or for 60 cents, 6 of the roost r au tl (ul Ledl*i pf tho Parialan Ballet Troupe, a? they opear tn (he play of th? Black Crook, at Niblo'e Garden, row York. Bond ali orders' to P. O. Bot 177. V >, N. V. May 13 . ;_ Irr Them corr, et h glad tidings of Joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small; Tb? beauty which ouco waa co preclou. and rar*, Is free for all, and all may be fair. If tbe usc of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. Fer Improving and DeauUfylng tho Complexion, The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for Ivlng the akin a beautiful pearl-like Uni, that 1* only .und In youth. It qui oas y rernnvrj Tan, Freckles, Pim le?. Blotches, MotA Pitchi s. 'sa':own ess. Eruption?, ad all impurities of tho alua, kindly brading th* earns a ?rog the akin while and clear aa alabaster. It* ute innot he .detected by Ibo closest scrutiny, and belbg st ?gelable preparation la perfectly hannie??. I, In the tily srttel., nf the kind used by the French, and la ?ori demi by tho parisian an fndlapsussbl* to a perfect Rot. Upward? of 00,000 bottle* wer* ?old during the ut year, a *nfnrlrnl guarantee of Its efficacy. Price aly 76 cents. Sent by mail, poa--paid, on receipt of an rder, by BERGER, SHUTTS ti CO., Chemists. 285 lurer Bl.. Troy, N. Y Maren aa. | . .. . . ._lyr_ THE FLORENCE GAZETTE, r>riff.Tstiia) EVERY WKUNKSDAY, AT FLORENCE, t ' Vt. C., eflkr* sn excellent medium to Morehact? and tiers who wish to axteod their bnsldoe* in tba Pse ee section of tbe Stat*. Bate* of advartlsing very rea mable. Ssplsmber 18 GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. SHOULDERS, UtII'S. HTHICTLV ('HOICK tUiUUl.UKBd IHK lenna by Keplmilier St) GUNNY ( LOTH. WUK asm AN:> UKAVitarr IS TUK nTY IS TO BK X (onad ?! UKO. W. OLAltK .* utVH September M No. HW Kail Buy. iV?riSKr.VSrVm'KS A f.iqtJOtCK. 1 f\f \ UBLS. WTIKKIVS. Ol llll l ri'.iNi .?;t\i>f-.. I \ t\J iiiiilltlej and pri?e-, MM .-:IH.-I ? Ttrvl WI IHK UNI in-',.. Si ] 11' .1 I in Sl'tlUlpp-. lull conks Brandy, oin. Javas*a Kum. si. ('mu icm.. New England Hum. ?harry Wine. P.ttl Win-. Mad-Ira Winn, Ax.. AT. KMX iln/.?ii ol ll?, ?hon' in ramal. Kur nal.- liv , September 17 ?ia?. W. I I,MIK A- I 0. SALT, SYKUI?, ?rc. Ir fid \ *ACR8 HALT ron svi.r, IN Ul IK IO f )UU suit purchaser*, ul lu?a Dian multi rat?? maj uiuo?rii OnmliliuwH. IOU b?rrela Syru|i. IOU barrell Suijar. Kino keg! Kaila. SOU bax* Shot. WOO boxea H. i r mt. IOU boara Munn. 11 KUI boio-t Son 11 100 boxn.-i Tobacco, Ac., Ac. 9 For salo by UEO. \V. I LA HI. ic CO. September Ul GUNNY CLOTH ! GUN NYC LOT II ! t rv A ?ALKS GUSSY CLOTH. EXTRA HEAVY. IV t\J 100 Rolls (lenny Cloth. Extra Uoa\-y. Just received. For Hale low ami lu lot? to ?nit, bv September Kl_ UEO. VV. CLARK A CO. "BALING HOPE. -I f\? \ COILS MANILLA ROPE. LUU mo CM lu Hawai KI>|K.. ?Xl O..Us Jule Itel?', .lust reenlveil amt 1er ?alu eh. ip 1er ca-b, b\ September IC. (IEU. W. ( I.AUK A CO BREAD I BREAD I BREAD I 1 Afin BOXES AHM Y BREAD. LVfUU Forsalo by UEO. W. ULA Bl A CO. Beptombcr IC "lukurlrs BURTON AIE. 1 r\ BARRELS JUST RECEIVED OP THAT OKLK AU HU A I Kl) ALE. by UEO. \V. CLARK * CO. Revtomber IC 2/trvA DOUBLE TWILLKD SEAMLESS SACKS ,t>wU LIVEKPOOL HALT 200 Hales Heavy Standard Hit-aliin .'.un whole ami half c. Hs Rli-.liardi.oii'. Orveiitsa awl Mlaiouri Hump Boee Coffee, Sugar, MolaniM, t.'audlua. Aie.. .Ve. PU ll SALK LOW UV iliO. W. WILLIAMS & (JO. Tn8 (JR0?1ERS, llavnc Street, CliUrlestoil, S. C. September 11 winni COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SHACKELF011D ft KELLY, F A C T ORS, UK.VLIUI, COMMISSION' AN? SIIIPPLVt MERCHANTS, NU. 1 BOYCE'S W IIA RF, I lim le.Ion. H. C. W. W. BTUCKELTOBO. Wal. UKI S El 1 LT. July l-l_f WILLIAM H, GILLILAXD l l, Heal Estato Agents, Auction PITH AMI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILLIS & CHJLSOLM, FACTORS, COMM?, MERCHANTS, AND S II 11? J? I N C r AO E N 1' Si WILL Al TEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALK AMD H ll 1 I'M UN l (to Foreign and Domatltu Purl?) ul COTTON, ll I CE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC! WHARP, Charleston, s. C. I. WILLIS.A. R.OBIMYI.M October ar. NOTIOK. THE SHIPPING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS will for Hie nrriout be carried on li iinnal by ihn undersigned al No. 48 Eaat Bay, ovtr thc alor? formerly occupied by CRAIO, TOOMEY fc CO. AU pertom barine individual dalma mutt pr?tent tha aime, and those Indebted individually will make pay? ment to JOHN Tis Ul rv. July 20 RAILROADS. GREAT REDUCTION IN Till". CHARGES F011 FREIGHT, BY THE GREAT INLAND AIR LINE ROUTE, FROM BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE TO CHARLESTON. SHIPPERS WILL PLEASE NOTICE THE FOLLOWING TARIFF OF THROUGH RATES I From Baltimore to Charleston, S. C. Flrat-claaa per 100 pound!. Recond-clesa Uooda. LSI p>r Uk?pounds. Thlnl-claaa Qooda. 1.10 per 100 pounds. Foarth-claaa.aeodi. SS par lUO pounda. Philadelphia to Charleatou. Fi rut- elana Tcodr.11,40 p*r 109 pound?. Seoond-claaa Qooda. 1.29 par ICU pounds. i hird-chun Gooda.. 1.12 per 100 pannda Fourth-clan Gooda. 92 per 100 pounda. Philadelphia to Cbarleaton, Tia Aiinames ?i Railroad. [ Fimt-rliaa par 100 pounda. 8eeond-cli?a Gooda. 1.49 per 100 po unite. Third-elma Qroda. 1.27 pur 100 pounda. I Fourth cliA3 Uooda. 1.02par 100pounds. Blew York to Charleaton. hFirat-claaa Qooda.ti.ia per 100 poon na. Sboond-claaa Qooda. 1.29per 100pounda. Third-class Good?. 1.13 per IX pounds. I Fourth-cl aaa O o sin.OJ per 100 pounda. Boitou to ctvarleatan. Firm-c lana per 100 pound?. Rcrond-olaM Qooda.1.24 per 100 pound*. Third-class Qooda. 1.17 per 100 pounda. j Fourth-chun Gooda.,. 'SI per 100 pounda. Goods from Boitou. New York and Philadelphia (rfu lUamerr ronst bo lutured hy tho shipper to Norfolk, Virginia; rain of Insurance -, percent. Gooda from Philadelphia (ria Annameulc) and from Ballimore are Insured by the Companies.' . I .Ail goods ordered to bo shipped by ihe SEAtfiL ' AND INLAND AIR LINE, must be so marked lOttts- j I livered to our Agents, as follows : At Boston, E. SAMPSON. End of Central Wharf. At New York, N. L. McOREADY, No. 187 Greenwich i tra et, corner Day. At FhOadelphla (ria ? team; ra), W. P. CLYDE, No. H ?loria Dilawara Avenue. At PhUadelphla (cia Annameselo), PBTL., WIL. and BALT, Tl. ll. Of). . At B?J ti ne ir ?, L. B. PABK9. Bay Lina, foot ? Dook. ?O- In Kblnplng-Freight irotn Philadelphia, bo care? ra! lo mark tho Packages, and not? on Bill of Lading' whether lt la tobe forwarded byClyde'aSteamers, or ru Annimetllo. Rv (). OHIO, . . Gen. Supt. H. and R. R.B. fl. L. FREMONT, (ifo Hupt. W. and W. H. B. WM. MAO RAE. .Gan. Hupt. W. ind M. R. R. a. ?. 8OLOM0NS, Oin., N. E. B. R. For fiurthtr ?niarxnilloD, apply (o NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. OFFICE. September 18 '_'__'_ DOUBLE DAILY ALL RAIL PASSENGER ROUTE ll KT WEEN ATLANTA AM) NEW ORLEANS . ru Chattanooga and Grand Junction, TlIROlinil IN PORTT.NINtu HOURS. TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA DAILY At 8:46 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M., making cloto connections ll lil points Arrl ving tl New Orleans at 8 P.M. and ll:40 A.M. Passenger! by train! of the Georgia Rall roed mik. close conn ac tiona with thia ronlo al Atlanta. NO STEAMBOATS OB OMNIBDSES ON TB1S BOOTE, ELEGANT SLKEPINQ COACHES ON ALL NIOHT TRAINS. BAQQ AO K OBEOKED THRO ITO H. FARE Ail LOW A H HY ANT OTHES ROUTE. THBOUGH TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED Can be obtained at General Tlcxot Office, Allinta, Qa. Geortla Ranroad, Augusta, Qa.; SouthCtrohni Railroad, (Tharieatoo, B. O.; South Carolina lUileoad, Columbia, H. c JOHN B. PECK, Haater Traniportatton, Jnly 13 arco WealsrYl and AUantlr Railroad. ?H?R?W ADVERTISER, DEVOTED TO IJTEBATOTtE. SCIENCE, ABT, AQRICDHirRE, and MISOELLANEOtlS NEWS Chanw. a.D. Published treekly. by POWELL ti WORLEY. ' . r v./ TSBtta or suB*-n M'TIOH : Ona corry one year.t3 00 .una or AnvcamrMO : Ona Sonare, lon lines or liss, ona Insertion., '..%\ ?Q IforeaohiubaoqumtlntertloD....:.,.li AU A.UertlBomonts to ba' dlstinotly muted, or loty will ba pubilahed until ordered ont, and charged ic co rd, fliieliinU and others adverlialna by tba year, a Ilho? rn deduction on tbs aUiva raUs will ba midi, Noraniber 1ft UROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. COUTS AND BRAN. ^( )C)() U(Hnis;,S l'K1Ml: wuni RILUK? inim bushel* ii UM Yellow corn liioo i mil, i, Krui, in mrli. Cor nato b> ?. ?1. RrTLKR. Keplrmber l'j y ?N STORK AM) LATDINU HY STEAMER SBA GULL. '^00 1'X i i "" K,1',,'U?"''ON'S PRRE ?RFE:. H Whole ? .ul-. Ill bililun i iV.:? iir*?ti l.-.ii Kop?, ut balai Hu,,i ?iii? .nm t. ltr? Ailuiuiui....> l'en Jl. .. nu lierre? Hilga. Cured linn. III IIIUIK. ITii.i.- flhoeddere, in) tub ami Cleat Rib Si lol SO bbl?. Mevm Pork. .'.m lui H prime ami ? Indee 1.. i I .ju llenes chotee Wea lern I .?ni ?..ii IIIIIH. Crushed, Laira C, YsiUow und VYbtto curdled Milgar. iii) luigi. Hin c.Mii'i'. .ju bsi||afwlniM LueHIM Collu (lil hater Susp. Cnlcklr Al ?I. Hal lulo-i . vira 'illili. Husein : ;iu bilu- i uMiki lluuio bangui.!, a s.ip*rn>r arl leb", an.i ?ci.'lilli,; IMO Iwouty-r-lghl a pound. a Mn /.LI bbl- ..i put*, wi..iii >, now m lund of lb? falloir lam liiaiul? ria. kin 1.1, a. M.idul. Mountain I Mu >u.l luise Whiskey. HENRY COBLV A CO. September lt _tullun SUPERIOR WESTERN HEMP " HOPE. *>/W \ TOILS SUPERIOR WESTERN HEMP HOPE, ?>\ r\J for salo liv MOHULCAl A CO. September IC r. PRIME ? OlXsSEsT" ?\Ki \ RAHUELS PRIME MOLASSES IN HARRELL, ?irjU Koraaiabj MORDECAI A CO. September lil a NUNNY CLOTH. I - I \ HULLS--AROUT!SIXTY YARDS FACU. 1 i \J Cor salem MEET 1X0 STREET ICE DOUSE. September ll LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED WORifflERSulliE Nil IL PRONOUNCED EXTRACT HY it/ id a letter from a Si MiniCALOENTLEMAN COX.NOIriSF.URS i l ?, Madras, lo bl. To BR Tilt OMt.T Brother at AttJilVOIlOESTr.H, May. (.(Kill SltlMT pSS?Z. >?l: ^"WtZ: "Tell LEA A PER isii .iri'l.U ABi.ic ^OSEf: IONS Rial their SAUOE ii'.Trmi .i ls highly esteemed tn In TO ?.-7^i?.-' dla, audie,lu my opinion, Txfiji!?.! tho most palatable, aa EVE H Y VARIETY BriftW well s? the most whole ?TkE*e -''"" HATCH that I? Ol'" I ililli. ^PH&'iiisde." The aneceaa of this moat delicious and unrivalle 1 con lime ul lisvlng eaiihed many uuprlULipled deners to apply thu nama tn Spurimi t'.mpnundi, Ilia P-jnuo ls r'spettfvtlxi sud iarntttlg requested to eoe nit toe nama of LEA i; Ptanis-i aro upon tba WRAPPER. LAH K.l., STOPPER and DOTTLE. Manufactured by LEA di PERRINS,'Worcester JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW YORK, AGENTS FOR TUE UNITED STATES. October ld ftuwlyr JOHN MAC GREGOR & CO., NOS. 178 AND 180 PEARL-ST., iVrm V?rie, IMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN INDIA, SCOTCU AND KENTUCKY UACKILNU. OUNNY DAOS AND BURLAP SUITADLE FOR WHEAT AND CORN SACKING; also, a largo sud completo stock of BALE ROPE, embracing Woalorn maaulne-made Hemp. Manilla, Flax and .Into, Baling Twines, etc., all of which they nuer al lair prices. July 23_ _ _2mo "THOMAS R. AGNEW, lill nhl ru AND l-l vern HI Fine Groceries, Choice Tens, Etc.. Kio, NOS. 2?0 ani12d2 OREEN WICR-sT., COR. OF Ml'R RAY NEW YORK. November LOTTERIES. GEORGIA FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MANOMI! ORPHAN'S HOME. BOYD, WILSON A CO., Managers. Great Extra Scheme, CLASS ii. CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000. $60,000 in Prizes to be dis tri I HI i o?. TICKETS ONLTONE DOLLAR! Tl) BE DRAWN AT ATLANTA, QA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1867, AH the Prizes will be (D'avril! A PACKAGE OF TEN TICKETS FOX TEN DOLLARS LIA BLE TO UR A W ?30,0001 ALSO. DAILY COMBINATION MB! CAPITAL PRI7.ES FROM $5000 TO $60,0001 WHOLE TICKETS ft om $1 to $801 RH ARES I Sf PROPORTION. Draws every day, Sunday excepted, at Allanta, fleo., lt 4P. H. Drawing received In Charleston, by Telegraph, at S P, M., dally. AU Prizes paid wilhontdierouiiL Official Drawings sent csch purchaser. .AU Prizes Casked at thia Oflaoe. ! ... ASsf- Correspondants may rely on prompt attention to Uders by simply enclosing monev with foll address. JOMT AH orders fo,- Tickets, Scheine?, arid Information o be addressed to JAMES JKERB, - Manager"? Agent, Lock Box No. SM, Charleston, H. C. Onana: Ni-. 20 BROAD STREET. ? September lr, KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY (ON THE HAVANA PLAN) FOR THE B E N I F I T OF THE SHELBY COLLEGE, KURRAY, EDDY & CO., Managers. Great Scheme. CAPITAL PRIZE, $50,000! BS PRIZES-?S30,60O IN PRIZER TO III, DISTRIBUTED I To hedrawnatCovingtoii, Kentucky, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1867. ?TlOLE TICKETS, ?12 s HALTES, M ; QUARTERS, ?J ; mounts, si.60 The chance? aro lar more fevoiebls to draff prizes In bis than In aiy omer Lottery In the world. f Lottery Tkketa ahocld always qiatalne the schemes, Ti 1res paid In fuU without discount. Omclal drawinga sent each purchaser. Correspondents may rely nu prompt attention to orders y enclosing money with lull add rosa. A Jr" AU o' di rs for Uckeht, st hemos, and Informatian lo e addressed tn H. T. PETERfl, united Suttee ldc sneed agent. Key ROT 62, Charleston, S. O. Offlre No. 00 Hr .el atrecl. EepUamherO ..:'.! . imo THE HERALD. rS PUBLISHED WK?KLY AT NEWBERRY G. H.. AT L ' S3 pet eaTBup, and, having a largs clrculaUon ?rotyrh all tbs upper and IoW?r^MsH?tota of the SUI?. J. rds great sd ra nt.? es lo advertisers. T_: ? Batea for ad vernal PM TaryyaaaonahU rf?, which appl JJ j our Agent, iii f.f. ft LID Ell, at Uta atula House. Nor em ber ?maw aa 1 rrojnsiova,