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VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* TELEGRAPHIC. Our l?nl>lr Olipalrlim. LOUDON, Bepteutboi i.s. Kvouihk.'- Cont?la utj. Bonus 73. ru AN ai oui, September lu-Honda Vi;*, ' LIVKRPOOI , Sopleuiboi- UL -F.voniug-Cotton closed inodora I cly active. Sales loss tliau antici? pated. (July 15,1)00 halos. Price?, unchanged. Breadstuff- und Provisions quiet. Produce dull. Washington Kein. WASHINGTON, Septembor in.-Sir FUEDEHICK li8uer. died at Boston this morning, ot' throat din ease. General HANCOCK nrrivedlast night. Gouornl HANCOCK apr ul lns( eyening with UnANr, not knowing when hu ii ill leave tho city, lt in slated at tho War Department (bat hld movements are uncertain. Tho Keartagt, before reported on lire nt .New? port, bas been pumpe i oui and is afloat. She is badly burned, tho fire having evidently smouldered during tho glentor part of the passage intelligence from .Montana states that Ibu vol nnloers bavo been roinforocd by eighty mon and a piece of artillen-. Tho Crow Indians, while pro ? lessing poaoo, aro undoubtedly depredating. 6000 North Indians environed Fort Doge. They captur? ed Ovo of forty wagons, loaded with ammunition and atoros, within thirty miles of that fort. On tho 10th, noxt day, thoy ni tacked another train, killing four mon, nnd capturing twelve ihttlcB. Two fatal casus of cholera occurred at Omaha yoaterday. The' i Vaco ?euiiniEB ?oliera arc al the North Plat to, holding council willi two hundred Indians, including Spotted Tail, Standing Elk, Swift Best? and others. Governor FENTON, General GRANT, and Ooiicral I HANCOCK, had a prolonged interview willi the - President to-day. i The rsrrieod Colton linguists sis will bo mailed to Collootors to-morrow. They cover a pamphlet I of ?lateen pages. i - ?? ? - i Froui New York. NEW YORK, September 19.-Arrived, the Arago. Among thu paaaongers were HENRY J. R.WUOND, | PABXEB GODWIN and Bishop POITEU, nf Philadel? phia. Fire at BulTaio, New York. BDTTALO, September 19.-A Oro destroyed u wing of the Wadsworth House. Loss $20,000. A woman jumped from a window in (he foin th s tor;,. Stcamlioat Kxploalou at Detroit. DETROIT, Septembor 19.-Tbo tug IP. K. Muir exploded, killing six persons and injuring ils e. From rinllltnorc. BALTIMORE, September 19_Tho city i.stilles the Constitution by 10,000 majority. Y cl l?\? Fever In Kew Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Soptcmbcr 18.-Tho intermonta from yellew fever for the twenty-four honra, end? ing at six this morning, woro fifty-five. Domestic DInrkcta. NOON HIBPATCH. NEW YORK, September 19.-Floor quiet nnd Arm. WbcBt la2c. belter. Corn dull and droop- j ing. Bye quiet. Gain ncdvo, and 2?8c. bel tor. , Mess Pork $24 35. Lard qniet at MaMf. Whiskey 1 steady. Colton quiet and slosay at 25, Turpen? tine 59 j. Rosin-common Hal M. Stocka-heavy. Money 7 per cou!. Oold 144|. Storting 9ia9J. '62 Cl Hip Ol 111 Ulf. I ; . EVEN1NO Di HT ATV II. Cotton declining; salon 700 bales al 2ILi2?c. ? Flour firm and nuebnnged. Amber st ato W heat ?2 50. Corn heavy; Western mixed tl 24el 20. ' Oats active; Western 70a72Jc. Provisions quiet , and steady. Groceries dull. Naval Stores un- 1 changed. Freights quiot, Stocks'heavy. .Money '? 7%) cent. Gold 1131. T.2Coupons U ti. Virginia j Sixes 49050. ' Several failures bavo been reportad on tho 1 atreeta, but none verified. Exchango lowor, salo j of ?100,000 baa been made at H j. , CrooTNNATi, September 19.-Flour firmer, ad- I vancod .{. Corn firmer, lillie doing nt $103. , Mess Pork (2A,'he?i? al i 1 I 25. Bacon unchanged. , Lard 13j. i BALTIUOBE, September l'J.-Cotton and Coffeo j unchanged. Flour cont innen quiet, but holders , are Himer ; Howard street Family $12 75. Wheat j finn; primo Bod $2 50a2 00 ; ohoioi $2 7i>. White 1 Lorn $1 25 ; Yellow il 32. Gala G0aG7. Pioviniona ' rery quiet but finn. Sugar qniot al previona j quotations. Whiskey-nothing donn;. 1 Sr. Louis, September 19_Superfine flour $7 25a j 7 75. Corn dull at $107al 12. Bacon shoulders j 14|c; clear sides lSJalSjc. Lard and whiskov I dull. ? Loriicn i.i.i September 19.-Superfino flour , $7 60. Shelled corn (1 16. Me?s Pork $25; sboul- \ dersl4jc; clear sides 18Je. Lsrd 13jc. J Wn,xrrNoTON, September 19.-Spirits Turpentine i steady ut 54. Rosin steady at $3 20s$6 for nt rained t common to palo. Tar $2 30. Crude Turpentine c $3.60. Weather clear and warm. MOBILE, September 19.-Cotton quiet but firm; e Middlings 21c; receipts 318 hales; exports 432 1 coastwise; sales SOU bales. NEW ORLEANS, September 19.-Sales 200 bales ; ] dall; Low Middling 'Jil nominal. Receipts, 114 1 cale?. Sugar and Molasses ur chanced.' Tobacco ? firm ; stock light. Flour-boldors Arm ; singlo t Extra $9-50. Corn iu request, with an advancing < tendency ; Yellow nnd Mixed $1 22 ; White $1 25. ! Oats in demand at 73a75. Pork dull, holdera ask- < lng $27 25, with no huyera ; Bacon ?toady and I finn ; Sbouldora, jobbing, at I?o.; clear Bib Sidos ! 10J ; clear sides inj. Lard firm ; prime, iu tierces, , 1*J ; in kegs. I5j. Uold Uft|, Sterling ?Ga69. i New York Sight Exchaogo ? premium. I AUODBIA, September 19.- -Cotton firmer. Salus j 87 bales; Middlings 22.. Weathor very wann. i I SAVANNAH, Septembor 19.-Sales to-day 120 ' bales. Becoipla407. Middlings 22Ja23. Beceipta ? of tbe week 228L Exporta 2290. M. HucKjAj IUD Just mudo a long and interesting report to tue Anthropological Society, of which he ia the distinguished Secretary. Tho report.con? tains an able resume of tho principal labora of the aociety during the past yoar, and statements of . the problems that mainly occupy itn attention a', present. One or the first savana whose researches aro honored by a commemorative notlco, ia M. KETTS of Brm sela, who has opened an entirely new line of ethnological study in regard to the music ot ancient and modern people. This savant has col? lected an immense amount of documenta on tho muslo of the greater number of modern nations, which have enabled him to divide it Into se verni well-deflood groups. Ho lisa, besides, appealed to the Bindy of musical instrumenta discovered by ar chteologists, and from tho modela of flutes and lyres furniabed by. the pictures on Ejyp ?an and Aaeyrian monument??, he haa con atruotad . instrumenta with which he bas been, able io revive musical ayatema buried for thirty.centurion. He hopes from 1)ICHO systems to deduce eertain characteristics nerving to distinguish races similar to those furnished by language, only less precise. The influence of cli? mate, ?Vc., upon races, bas, of course, occupied a prominent place in tho discussions of thin aociety. . M. CABLXVB has. preaonted an Important memoir upon tho acclimatation of races in America, espe? cially in tho Uuilod Sintis. As increaae of popu? lation ia one nf tho sm cst tests of perfect areli mn? tatton, great pains nro taken to dislinguish In? trinsic incrcaso from thal which deponds upon immigration. M. OABLIER thinks that il can be shown that the intrinsic incrcaso of population in tho United States bss slackened. Ho establishes, ? moreover, (hat thrco-qnartora of tho immigrants belong to race? foreign to the Anglo-Saxon; and In tho influence of intermarriages between these1 different races, he seeks an explanation of the differences that dlstiuguirh an Anglo-American from an Englishman. Another interesting ques? tion connected with Ibis of tho croeshig of races ia. the alleged sterility of tho hybrid race. Ac? cording to IL PEBEIB', tliia is not parllanlarly io be dreaded, precisely booauso (bc hybrid ia not Permanent, but incessantly tenda lp rotnro to ons of the original typos. The Greenbriar (Va. ? lndtpcndenJ aaya that an extensive quarry or black marble has been discov? ered on Llttlo Creek, tn Greenbriar County, near tba Pocahoutaa Une. It IMocaUd on the landa of Mr. Join BBANNA\\IAN. The quarry hua boen leased by Mr. ROBERT T. DOUN, <<f Anthony's Crook, and ? gentleman named HPITSEB, from tho oil well?. The supply, la inexhaustible, and the quality baa . been pronounced, by proper teals, to lie good. Thia ia an important discovery. TUM STAY LAW ? ? i> TUM VUKSs. I Wa publish another communication Mow from ?ur ' Anti-Stay Law" i-uutribulor. Wo no ito? (iro |?oao to arguo Ibu question with lum. Wo uro RHBiirod tliat HM rima heretofore uxprossod in thia journal in reference lu tho matter hnvo boen accepted a? wino and juM, and while wo aro wil? ling to allow tho fallest (liHOiiosUni of Ibo subject, we ?lill ndhero tu wbal wo liavo previously naiil, vu.: that tbu Stay Law, unconstitutional or illegal as il may bo, was a wino ?mi oxcollonl moasuro. It relieved thousands irani distress, und ?ra povoiishod lui one.-En. NEWA]. To the Editor of tue Daffy Xetn: You publish our ctmunuiiication on thc stay law question omi preface it with remarks which dia tort its meaning-we aim lo show thal, for ninny years, South Carolina lias, Itv legislative onnrt meuls, favored Ibo debtor class, ami turned a deaf ear tu untortuttatc creditors. Think td it, I lint it/ore thc war n just debt could bo pill off ami nut off, nguiu and ugnin mid again for eighteen mouths or two years artur il was duo. Can thia bedeniod? Unfortunately, no I From tlim p?r? imant nolie? of procrastination IIOB grown almost iniperreptably a loiig-crudil-syatout, which has brought tho Hayuo and Mcotiug street jobbing Irado to ruin, plunged our platitors and tboir un fortnnato but always cre.lulous vielims, tito fac? tor*, in bankruptcy, and fixed a load of disability on tboso wbo hnvo managed their business pru? dently and who oro now prorentod from going for? ward in their several vocations by improvident dobtora who block up Ibo way by partial legisla? tion, mid wbon their "nctH" are iloelared unconsti? tutional they crowd themselves on tho military omi have dono "by onler," that, which tho Courts nay is wrong. Wc venturo (he assertion, that a majori ef tho porsoua who eo iufluoiiood Oonoral SICKLES, liavo not paid their debts for twenty yoars without tho interposition of (hu Sheriff. Wo ron ow our remarks of yesterday and say that our poojilu liavo established for tlionmelvcs a.eharactor for pro ;raatiiiation, which is a bar (o all loans, to all new :rodits. There is only ono way out of it, aud il ia Ibis: Put mi whalania in Iho'way "f nettling JUBI ilobts; ptiy up what you eau. , lt is ono of tho worst signs ol tho times (lint our Interior press should bD BO persistent in clamoring For more timo for dobtora. It ls only putting off Ibe ovil day, which mint, Booncr or later, como, and while ono class is thus procrastiasting, (he groat interests of the State are dwarfed, and the willing workers aro draggo d down by thia hoavy load of bankrupt people who ref use (o acknowl? edge their true and real condition. _ANTI-STAY-LAW. Cotton ann Cnpltttl. It i? a common saying that cotton is froid, (ii ono scneo it is true. Othor products arc not gold, that Innot exchangeable for gold, hooaueo they are not available fur oiporl. Northern writers sometimes boast of tho onormous valu.) of Ibo hay crop. But do ublo or (roblo thc yield of bay, what could bo dono with it? Tho OXCOBBIVO mtpply would only have thc effect of reducing the market valuo. It IB t'io bulky (o boar exports to foreign countries, for Ibo coat of Ks transportation would bo moro than Us valuo when it reached market. Tliis has been illustrated in our immediato vi? cinity, with ono of our own atiplen. The time has bceu when the price nf molasses in New Orlcnus would not rapay tho planier for Hie r.utlay for barrels mid transport?t ion-nay, hardly for tho barrels alono. This applied as well to matiy other articles of produce. Tho pooplo of tho United States might bo overwhelmed by an oicots nf pro? duction, and yoi. from similar good fortune among Lmusatlanle' nations, they might hnvo nothing that they could pi.illlably export-nothing that had an exchangeable worth. Cotton, on the cc irary, from ita Utile bulk and universal vtine, ilwiiye uuoliangnablo -will alwayH bc equal lo gold lo pay for foreign producta, which it Way bo oar ulm rsl to import. In this viow eottou in gold. Oold, tho productof (ho minc, is gold, (he ex? changeable valuo. llu( although gold is gold, il requires capital lo produce it. Quid may he Hvonpcd ip hum (beurueka mid picki.d up in tho .beging;., int it requiroB capital even to scoop and pick up. tho miner must liavo his subsistence, bis clot li? no, his j'helt.T. hil toola, nil (nriiialied before laud. Without Hie capital foi fund, raiment, roof ind pick, ho cadnot bo brought (o tho diggings iud sot to work. Gold may exist in ever such masses below tbo surface, economically speaking, it in uot gold until labor has brought it forth and nado il availablo for exchanges, lt ?a not the gold jf commerce And so with colton. Tho colton States may have ibo capacity for tbo production of fonr and n half nilliou of halos. Hut of what avail is it to thom ?nless, like the miners, they have tho subsistence, 'lathing,- (ools and labor to tiring it forth. Now ill thcao rcquiro' canital--n>quiro gold-and with mt thou] trie production or cotton is hnpoBsiblo. Lot UH KOO what is wanted to make available 100 iialoB cotton, even where the plant a t inn ia already itocked and furnished with oil thc nocosnary ini nlemeutB of husbandry, mules, gin, cte. To italie 100 bull H will require (belabor of (wenty-fivo nanda. Tho pork, corn, etc., for (lioso twenty-livo ?ands can hardly be set down al IOBB (han ?150J. Tho food for thc cattle would amount to $800. Tho wear and lear of the machinery and smiths' ivork for repairs would no doubt roach $300. l'bo aubaiatonce fur tho uocossary servant* of tho ivoreeer or planter would bo abont $800. The veges of 25 laborers, at $15 por month, for ton Forking months would be $3750. Now, without in? cluding rent or interest on tho valuo of tho planta ion and stock, hore la a total ot $7150. Tho pay nont of this a,mount-the advancing of this espi? al_ia a condition precudent to tho making of tho crop. If tho planter has his land, his imple? ments and machinery, and his laborera at land-all ready and in working condition lill bc oanuot cultivate and pick his crop rithout obtaining tho additional capital neccn lary for tho purpose Ho formerly got it from tis factor. His factor contributed a part from ila own capital and a part from bauk accommoda iOns. For thia there was ampio security. Thora vas the valuo of (lie. land and slaves, the reli? mes which would be placod on ultimate produc? ion because the labor could be relied on, the re- I iponaibility of the planter, and finally (be credit nf | he factor.-All of these were availablo toaeenrothu lankor, and the capita) waa accordingly .forth coming. Now there ia no slavo value for a tasia. Tho labor of hired freodmeu is nolo iouaiy unreliable. Without labor tho plantation s worthless. Tborerbro tho plantation furnishes io satisfactory eocurity. From all tbeas causes ultima!? production becomes doubtful. Honce, tho ?rowiug crop cannot be relied'on. With auch renoraf unreliability tho planter's roeponaibility , amalie's. For tho same canon the factor's credit a diminished It la not manifest, then, that cotton undeveloped is not gold, any moro than gold is tho ??old of commerce, until placod io tho markot by tho aid of capital. . If 100 bales require an advanoo of $7150, a crop of 2,500,000 will noed $118,150,000. The cxponaea of transporting the crop to market, the impolitic and restrictive excise, the chargea of factorage even the baling and Hoe-aa well as the rent or inter? est on the original investmont in the plantation, are all omitted in tho abovo, because they may - bo promptly collected from the net prooooda, pro? vided the crop ie promptly sold on its arrival. But without thoao, nearly two hundred millions of ac? tive capital are required to enable (he H suth to raise a two and a half million crop. Supposing that a moiety of this anm is furnished. from tho resonrcea of the trade, $90,000.000 lc still wanted. Heneo it is (hat the South neilds capital, and that the manufacturers, merchants and ship owners of the North and Great Britain are directly interested in supplying thp'wmt. Without furnishing the capital they will nut gol llid.cotton. . {New OrieaVt Priest Current. Tho Indian War, I.EAVEKWUBTH, KANSAB, September lil. -The In> diana have resumed hostilities on tho Smoky Hill route. ' On Friday they attacked several atsgo ?tat ioim capturing somo stock. On Saturday thoy attacked a Government train at Bunker Hill, kill? ing two teamsters and .wounded, three, capturod one woman and throe children, and stampeded all the an?mala. The teamsters subsequently recap? tured and rescued tho women and children. Lieutenant Howard, Adjutant Firth United' Staten Infantry, loll a horse and $6000in currency. White men disguised ns Indians woro among tho attacking porty. The Indians lost two killed.' Tho troops will ?el entirely on tho defensive An til tho Peace CommiBeion ineel the Southern tribes in October. . . . ? HA va. Orr, KANSAS, 8optombor 15, VIA J OH enos CITY, ?Alt S AB, September IC-The Indians liavo celebrated tho adv mt of tho Comm ins ion urn and I the foll moon by breaking out int? fiercer hoatili? tioa along the ronlo. Five attacks wera m ado upon stage elations between here and Fort Wallace on Friday. At Downor'a Station oighteon Oovemmont mules and five horses vero .captured. A citizen stocktonder was killed and his bodv filled .villi arrows.1 Buvoral mon woro wounded, and Ibo soldiors woro ?driven into their huts. No Indians injured. Gunnel I Spring Sta? tion and Castle. Bock Station Mere both attacked. ? A Government train at tho Utter lost stock. To? day forty wagons woro attacked at Cow Creek, be? tween hore and Ellsworth. Twenty-one .Govern-* mont mules, somo valuable horses, and $5000 in greenbacks wero capturod, two drivers were killed, and ono wounded. Tho stage waa also ll red inlo this morning. Tho pralri? has boon fired for fifty miles by the Judiaos, and othor atrocities, loo nu? merous lo mention by telegraph, havo occurred. The troops bato been oriloredjto act only on Ino defensivo, and the Indians ara. appearing in large bodies, and threatening total detraction to sta? tions and travel. . . n ? ST.' LOUTS, September 17.-Au Omaha dispatch save tho Montana volunteers hail a fight with Crow and 8loux Indians ton tho Yollowatona, September lat in wbloh two whites were killed. Indian loss unknown. Tho citizens of Montana aro calling loudly ?r tho Oovorumsnt to atop tbs Indian out? rages or lot them do lt thoinsolvea. ' ? t Jirina 1 ww Herald. Wo have- already.annonncod tbo roooipta of tho I first bale of-new cotton In this markot. Tho second lot-two bajos-was bought yesterday by Hardy Solomons, ??<l-> o'18 cents-quality fair. J Cbfumbta Phoenix. (Joislp from I'm i,. . lOFKgvBJau, '{?nt Tink Emih0 iW.| Putts, Align?t ?0, 1KI?7_A nudely Tor tho relief of thu wounded waa organized in l'on? in lttCIt, und rooeivvd tito warm approbation uf tho ICmnc '1 he Miiuater ol thu Interior rocomntc.,, led tho mirk tn the prefects of the departments. Tho Mitlittet- of W.n. in A roport ?ii tho administrative reforms nf tho army, complimented thia society mid ita advantages, rind authorized it hy a special regulation. Tho pavillion of thia society haa just been orected in tho park of tho 1'ilnbition. It contains all aorta of apparatus for tho transporta? tion of tho wounded from tho field of battle, or fdr attending to i hoir wound" beforo removal. Each country hue contributed ita quota; Franco ita i atitTuuod litton epUuts; Austria ita apparatus for keeping drinks and medidnos cool; Haden ita lit? te re for transportation, which permit tho wounded to bo carried in a Hilting [mail ion; tho United States, ambulances; Italy, cushioned mule Baddies; Portugal nuil Hpain, light litters; Mecklenburg, machines for the manufacture of gypsum baud ages; I'niHsia, small hospital tenta; Swoilon, me? chanical beda; und Dclgiuui, Denmark, Wiirtoiit buM mid Holland, have also taken part itt tho rivalry. A PATCHED UEUn. Tho calool tn which modern surgical science ia eouietimca ablo tn repair tho lavages of war, by coutrlvances almost aa alarming as war. Is amua- I iugly illuslratod hy u story told by M. Henri Mon- [ nier concerning tlio adventures of a Breton nt tho Hotel den (itvalidua. Tho youth in quest iou had returned to his dation, after a eonye of six mon tim I Sassed with hil family at tho remote regions nf apo Finislorro. flo darno all tho way to Pana un foot, and orri voil at tho hotel almoat exhausted with fatigue, wishing for nothing olso than per? mission to ont his so Mtier and got to bed. lint bin comrades had detected tho clinking of aoine silver in hia poekui, and nero rosnlvod that tho return of | tho invalid should bo celebrated by a auppDr given nt hia cxponao. At supper tho toasts did not fail to follow each other in rapid succession, tho health of tho Kin peror, of tho Commandant of tho Invalides, ol all tho hiorarohy of oQicors, of all their companionH, Ac, until at tho ond of the couple of hourn tho pin so of tho victim waa pretty woll omptiod anti hia brain considerably bewildered. At thia Juncture tho corporal of tho aorvlco roso, drew out his watch and said to the Proton : "Well, my boy, euough of gave ly and anni gu? mnut. It ia tinto to think of tao duties of thu aorvlco." "Tho seri ?co t' piteously repeated tho poor ?"Jinn ?er. "Certainly," repent od the corporal, in a tono of | command. "Von aro not hero to do nothing, I suppose, my friend. Durand, conduct thia man immediately to the cap tain. It will bo your buai ncsa, inflnnitr Parveen, lo uttdreaa this officer, aa aist him to bed, and then alccp >ourself beside him on a mattress, in caso ho nooda rou in tho night. Enough I Ho ofTt You will Und that it is no killing mattor, and that you are treatod con Bidoralely on accouut of yonr voulb, your fatigue, and your good sonlimouta for tho government. To your duty I" lipon thia, his companions lcd tho Proton from the ncone of tho foativitiea to a groat parlor of the Hotel doa Invalid?e, where, scated on au immense Bofa near tho firc-placo, eat tho Captain. Ho re? ceived tho innn ungraciously ouough, swearing and avoiding in a voice at nnc? shrill and sonorous, and dom Hiding what thoy meant by keening him waiting an long. When ho had silftlcioutly vented his sploon ho ordered them to put him to" bod im? mediately. Thc Breton took hold of one ann, hia companion of tho olhor, and tho three slowly climbed thc inimonao staircase, to tho officer's bed? room. There tho Breton was left alone with bia charge. Tho captain, ist sil in a bad humor, began hy throning hie hat on the table, removed his wig, and ordered Pnrreck lo put un hia night cap. Then with hia loft hand tho invalid unfastened a leather strap concealed nnder Ilia unilorm, and held out lila right arm to tho poor youth, who stood astonished, and hardly knew what to do. Thc arm fell noisily on tho floor, and ita fall pro? voked a new flt of indignation on the part of the irritable captain. " Well, Loony," he exclaimed, after a sorioa uf walks, and at tho ramo time unfastening a uew.ctrap, "I eupposo you will do thc name for my leg ?" and tte handed ins left leg to the iii/irmipr. "" Noir pul mn tn bcd," aaid tho old man, pass? ing his arm round tho nock of Ina attendant, who, lifting tho ollie ec lo lay him upon tho bed, found himself clone to Ida face, and nuliced that tho nono Bcoinnd to shino liko metal. "Fill my glass and inv basin nilli water 1" When this order was executed, lin detached ono of his i ? and repeated, "Fut ttiat in the gluas ;" and UH [?arrack obeyed, tho invnlid put bia baud in Ins mouth mid wilhdrow a iolver apparatus which Mirved him for a patato, and tn which a nnso of the ?anio metal wan attached, and handed IM>UI lo thc Srolo?. But lie, overwhelmed, terrified, his head bc nildored by bia rallier copious libations, began tn behove that ho had todo with Sit nu. ito uttered a cry of horror, crossed himself, and rualind into tho neighboring dormitory, palo and trembling. An immense burst of laughter received him, and ho fell in a nw non. A week's farer and delirium waa the consequence- ofilia fright. The Crops or 180?. It ia vi t ton early.toinako anything liku aceinalc calculations an ton ho amount hf ?tho crops of thia ??us ni. Tho o licet of thc drought nu tho Western ?urn and of tho army norm on thoBoulhnrn cotton is vol very uncertain. A rough guess may, how? ever, ba made, which will givn some general idea af tho amount of our agricultural prospecta. Homo thing of thia kind wo find in tho boston Commer? cial Bullet in, Which is well informed on auch sn b [ecta. It compiles tho following table : CHOPS pt 18C0. Cotton, bales. .4,670,000 Wheat bnehols.173,104,0124 Corn.838.702,710 Bye. .21,101,380 Oata.172,643,185 Barlow .'...'.14,825,898 Buckwheat.17,571,818 PotatooB, huahola.111,148,867 Butter; pounds. 450,681,372 Cheese......106,603,027 Rice.137,167,032 Tobacco.:.434,200,461 Cone, Sugar.230,082,000 Hay, tona.18,888,642 EsrmjiTtD caora IK 1867. Cotton, bales.2,500,000 Wheat, bushola.272,500,000 Com..-..1,3UO,OTO,000 Bye . .27,000,010 Oata.230,000,000 Barlev.21.000,000 Buck^hoat.t.23,000,000 Potatoes... .155,0011,000 Butter, pounds.542,000,000 Chooso.'.....142,000,000 Bloc.:.60,000,000 Tobacco.:,.,.350,000,000 Cano Rucar.:....:....>.?9,000.000 Hay, tona.?,000,000 According to thia tablo, otu- agricultural pro? ducta will be about forty per cont, greater than In tho vory prosperous season of 1B0O. If wo com ?aro valuuB, tho rcault ia still mero favorablo to 807, The .groatost advance, of course, haa been in tho price of cotton, but nearly all the mora im? portant producta aol! for moro .now 'than in 1860, oven ona gold baale. .In spite of protracted raina on tho Atlantic slope, of the anny .worm lu tho Southern States, of dry weather tn tho interior, and of tho' disturbed and nnacttlod condition of teu Slates, wo aro bloused with a yield of tho great staples which will pravont fumino and serious suf? fering during tho coming season In tho Southern aisles, and will make the more prosperous Statua in the North omi Weat bettor oblo to in cot tho bur' dena of au unnecessarily oppreaaivo taxation. QENERAL ORDKH No. 10. Thc Charles ton News misconceived what wu aaid ! in connection with tho removal of (hm. Sickles, when he-Bald "we notice, in looking over our country . on haugen, that the Newberry Herald lamonts thc removal of Qeneral Sickles, fearing that G eu eral Order No. 10 may bo revoked." We did not "lament" tho removal of Oon. Birklea; we said-nothing aa to the propriety of hia removal whotrier lt was right or-wrong. -Thu ortielo re? ferred to wa? intended to expresa' onr leora that I tho revocation' of O'ehc-ral Odor No. Ul, aal to the inhibition of tho enforcement of the flnrl procesa of oar Stat?' Couria, might fol? low bia removal, and. to show that auch a atop would bo unwise and impolitic at thia time. And our only reason for fearing thal thia might bo the roault of hin romoval was because it (bia re- 1 mbvAl) waa caused by bis attempt to carry out ODO of ?ho provisions ot that order, to wit, that part of it which was bold to apply to tho procoas of' tho Uuitod States Couria. It would not bo im? proper, perhaps, fur,TUE Kiiwn to republish onr article, as onr position. would thon ba but? ter understood.'? .We would- 'regard tho en? forcement' of tho final prooeas. of our Courts at thia timo BB a groat pnbllo calamity, and we trust that U OL-Can by may view the mattor in thia light, and let the oi-dor stand In thia respect. Tho I Newa, aa fertile aa its imagination may bo, caul hardly conceive of Ibo dis tro RS and rain that | would fallow the revocation ol. this part of that or? der. Tho amount of propwtjjbat wonld be sacri? ficed at ? Short/Pa .aaloa ia beyond computation. Owing lo tho unaetllod condition of political af? faira-tho foar ot confiscation- tbo'falluro of crops I fi nt year-und tho consequent absolute want of capital in the state, real estate, all that is lett to pay debts with, would bring aoarcely any price at all. Under such dream stances- it wonld bo suicidal, in. our. judgment, to al? low tho creditor chua to como dbwn noon debtors with one loll swoop.'- Con? sternation, confusion, and dcapondenoy would fill tho minds of our people. Thousands wonld be left homeless, and poverty stricken. Nor would credi? tors, except those who wlah to purchase the poa eoaslonf-. of tholr debtors for nothing, be benefited. They would realize tho fabio of tho goose- and tba golden egg. I When our political condition Ohas hoon fixed; wbon capital hoe begun to Bow into the Bute, and that which is already hore brought ont of tho strong box, and put in circulation, lt will bo timo enough' to "slip tho le iah" of Sheriffs and bailiffs. [-Yeif*?rry lier aid. H rs RET IUibnoAD.-A chango baa been decided on tba route of the Street Railroad. The track will ba continued up Walker to Contra to tho north aldo of Greene, and then tho former rout? will be followed. This relieves Klbort street ?nd that portion of Oreeno oaat of Centro street. . . [Augusta eonnUtuUoniH. From inc West ludTc?. NKWS tl? TUC OI'IIA CABLE. HAVANA, September 16, .I'xchaiigu mi Lyndon 10?; Paria 0 |>or cont. Sugar ililli mid nominal. Produce -No aalen. Arrived on tho 1611a, steamer Georgia, from Vora Onus; on the Kith, sicamor Cuba, fruin Baltimore; bru; Aiilernca. from Portland; I'ronoli atenmor tranco, from Vom Cruz-. Balled steamer Ucurgia, for Now York. A mulatto alovo murdered tho Bistor-iu-lnw of tho Cuban Postmastor-Ounorsl, and made a snvago attack upon aud vroondod thc Postmautcr-Uaiicral himself. He then ron away, but was subsequently arrcstod. He confesses hm guilt, but said that bo wrns modo desperate by tho fuel that his brother, oighteen years of SRI, was about tobo sold ?uto slaven- by tho Postmaster's family. Advice* from Mexico to thu '.Uh and Vera Cruz to the Ulth havo boon received. Admiral Tegcthoff appeared nt thu Moxicaii War OfJico on tho 4th aa a verbally authorized doputv from tho relatives of tho late Kniporor Maximilian to ask in tho nonio of humanit v tho remains of tho deceased. Preaidont Juarez, having rofiised the roquoata of Hanni Mntrnua and othor mlliteii tial persona, could nr.t deliver the bodv to Admi? ral TcKcthoIX unless bo pruaoiited tho proper ofll ?ial document? from tho relativen. When auch documenta wore shown ho would pormit the trans? portation oftho body to Austria. Tho properly ot ' Almonte, Uraga Lara Vaini eozu Helieio and ( adoca Hornera him Wen couti-, catod. Qou. Vuzo has boen condemned, BH a deserter, lo imprisonment for four years. Kscobedo waa well received at Saltillo, and ho, tOROthor nilli Diaz a.ul Juarez, is eonaidorud a candidato for tho Presidencv of the Mexican Ile publio. HT. DOUINOO, September 1. The Oovcnihieut oredita lacking voucnera arc to bu ru-oxamiueil. The tobacco crops aro aa largo aa in ison, and pricoH aro sustained. VErnrzrjRf-A, August '21, via HAVANA, Heptombor U.-Tho French Minister hau received a satiafac torv reply about tho steamer Csribce. Pon-ro lin.), K,.|dei,ib, i 3, viu ll HAM, Sop Com - hcr 14.-Seven hundred troops hnvo arrived nore. Two war voaaola ordorcd for Ht. Thomas have been detained. HATTI, August IL-Tho proas protests against President tia Inure disbursing JO.iSHI.ihK) without Ibo approval of Cotfgicaa. Tho import dutioa havo been inurenacd lin v per cont.-i-alttmorc Min. State Items. THE WEATHEII AND CROM.-Tho raina havo COU tlnucil np to dati willi moat deletorioiia encela upon tho crops. Cotton is all running lo weed, casting otT its forma ami young bollo, scarcelv ma? turing any of ita fruit except that from ila earliest forma. Corn baa also Hiifloiod; and aa to fodder, it is almost impossible, to savo a bundle in good ordor, and QI for fond for stock. With all the min, however, wo have fortunately escaped a lie ?li, which, bod lt occurred, would' havo ti n i flied tho work of destruction, and blasted the last hopo of tho river planter.-Chevam AUterliaer. It ia gratifying to bo ullin to state thal notwith? standing tho floods of rain wo havo had all Bum? mer, tho health of our town and aurniindiiig country waa never better nt thia acaaon ot' thc year, indeed, wo liolieve Ibero has boen less malarial diacaso thia Kennon than within mir recol? lection.-f'Awain Advertiser. CUKHAW Unmut',-ft ia a noni co of mueli giali Qcatiou tu ita to state that tito work on our brdga across tho Pen Dee nt thia place ia fuat approach? ing completion, Foot passengers aro now travel? ling over it, and tho persevering and energetic contractor, Mr. Barnard, assures us moat punitive? ly that it will bo ready lor all kiuds of vehicles bv Saturday next. - - Chenno Advertiser. The flrat halo of new cotton waa Drought to thin markot on tho Cth instant by Mr. N. H. Smith, of Marlboro*, and tvold (or tweiitiv-tito ecu ta; CIBBB, strict middling.-Citera w Attccrtsir. We leam thal a great revival commenced in tho Methodist Chnrch (colored) in thia place on Son lay laal. and that, aa Uta church was not large juough tu hold tho vast assemblage, thev haye rnuo into camp, near the stockade, where inn noding will probably hold a week or moro. Be igioim services arc held throughout tho dav. Wo md our colored friendn may havo a pleasant lime, and that an influence for good may b.r neon ind telt througlural our eommuiiity Tor many dava 0 enmo. - Ftonnce thuctte. A NEW Smsita. We woro pleased lo ubaorvo 1 neat, trim little steamer gaily plowing Ibo wat? ara of tho Hatnplt and ongaged in hulpiug n few i-oaaola out nt port. We iiiiitoratnnd ahu ta tho | , iropovtv of Mesara. David llisloy .V Cn., command? ai by Capt. Joseph Baringa, sud ia tu bo used for owing purposes; We trust tho I. lt. Staples will prov* ? H"".! iikVai.lmo.,1 In H.- Mnisss, .....i <? -, edi her a prosperous career. I Oettrgetoivn Tintes. 1 it.\ i II ur LIB. D. M. MASON.-We arc |iainod to loam nf tba death of thia estimable citizen, nhich i .curred at hin residence, in thin matriel, on yes? terday afternoon. Dr. Mason was in thia village i few day? ago in good health, and on returning ionio took a Blight fever, which terminated in :ongestion. He wa i one of our boat citizens, and i phyaieun of reputation in bia profession. [ Kingttrte Htat: DEATH OP DA. KUU.VI.U 8. PIUKEB.-The Cleorgo lown Timon Bay?: lt ia willi deep sorrow and re? gret that wo aun'otinre tho death ot our friend and rcllow-eitition, Dr, Francie ri. Parker, which took lilaco on tho morning of the lilli instant, at his mininer reaidonee, near thia town. He bad been tiling fm- Rome tinio--?rBt from neuralgia- then 'rom i nt.irio fur oe, which resulted in' typhoid, of I phich ho died. Dr. Parker, until prostrated hy I iiaeaae, waa in tho full strength ana vigor nf hi? physical aud mental manhood. Ho bad not yet reached his fifty-third year. Wo havo known hun with an intimacy which did not border on that fa? miliarity which frequently creates estrangement Tor moro than a quitar of a century, and truth, apart from thc strong feelings of regard and es? teem wo bore to him, makes it onr duty and privi? lege to eay, that in a life of nearly Arty years we hato iiovea; Li,own a truer man in bia obligationa to h ion elf, to bia family, to Ida lr,, ode, mid to the community. ( Aima FOB THE PENITESTI?BT.-TiKJor-Qonoral Canby ban, by special order, authorized lila ord? nance officer to issue twenty improved rifles lor tho nae ot the guardo at tho Stale Penitentiary. tCWumbict Chronicle. SAMTIEY.-Much sickness prevails in our Dis- 11 trict; by far tho larger number of those dorn, I 1 however, are combating chilla and/ever; y et tho'ro ; ire those who HU thu with typhoid, bilious und cou ?attira fevers. Under .tho blessings of a kind Providence, tho mortaUty is not groat to the num? ber of sick, and wo trust that with a continuanco nf His lilcsBiuga, and prudence and cara on the part of thu people, the Bick may soon be permitted to enjoy health and the blessings of this Ufo. I Newberry llevaUl. New COTTON.-TWO hales of New bolton from tho hauda of Maj. J. P. Kunud, woro purchaaed by Messrs. Carwilo & McUanglinn, quality low middling, and brought 17 J couta. Messrs. Mayes k .Marlin pu relian od ono balo of ?UM quality from Mr. Blalock, of Laurens District, I trat week, at 18 conta.-Newberry Herald. . StoENK&a.-Wo boar of a groat doal' of aiokness in ovory quartor of tho District. Chilla and fever. Wo aro at a' loss to imagino the causo of so much fover, but at it ia out of our line of business, we leave tho matter for other hoads to determine. [CViwitT Standard. RTBikr or IM BOBKBH. -YOB torda y morning the 1 laborera on tho Street Ilallroad refused to go to work un I oe B tboir demand for an Increase of wages w. ro submitted to by the contraotor. The foreman wont up town to Mr. HI air, the contractor, who proceeuod to tho point whore tho idlo workmon nore and informod them that those d?sirons of re? suming work at tho' Stipulated price-ono dollar per day-could do so; thoa? who doolinerl ho re? quested not to interfere with thoBe who worked. In fifteen minutes nearly the entire gang wero hard at work, Somo air or eight only knocked off. There are now riaarly a hundred men omplhyod on thia work.-Autfitsta Cbntlituttonatttt. Annota i mm MEXICO are to the 20th ultimo, ('onsiderabio canvassing and excitement followed tho command by JUAREZ for a general election. Factions were activo, and tho opposition were neglecting no opportunity to diminish the chances ! nf President Jrurtxz. Tito latter ia in favor of j sn amending the Mexican constitution as to make il liLo Omi of tliu United Staten. Ho ia in favor bf allowing.tho clergy to vote and bo Toted for ; of having two housea of Cnugreau ; and of muk - mg tho 'ministers report (o the'VXe'eulivo, un ia done in tho United States, t SANTA- ANNA'41 trial ia daily expected lo take placo. Ilia counsel will J bo tho Banic gentleman who defended MAXIMILIAN. Tho genoral improsaion ia that ho will not bo mocuted, hut that his calatea will be confiscated. The roads are successfully hoing oloared' of I robbera, and large conduelan of specie have gone ! down to Vora Cruz. LOKADO had Burrondered to C0B.0H1, and ESOOBXDO, CANALFS, and LOPEZ, tho traitor, aro doing thoir beal,-each in his own way, lo leave th ?ir marka in history. . An exchange newspaper says that W. H. Laso- I I,KY, nf OallipolIs.'OhiO, has bia lifo insured lo tho j , ?monpt.'or 1800,000; W.: H. tew ABD, $100,000; A.T. QTEWABT and Jin? M. BruBci the dry gooda kingia, for nearly the aanuV, Bictfaso 'BOSDEIT, of Fall river, $140,000; whilo among ibo hoary los?os paid may bo m on Honed Hon. SAMUEL, LI rr ns J: CT, of Boston, for $50,000; Borua CHOATX, $40,000; JOHN \ Vf. Cs arra, $110,000; Ex-Oov. OIUIOBS and BOOT. N.. Con WINO, of Nan Harnpablro.^.OOO eocb. Among the bequeata tn tho will of tba late Hon. I ABBOTT LAWBXSOS, of Boston, waa a life.iuisnr I anea, for tho anio benefit of his wira, for $40,000. Tho meagm-ea taken for the Pr?vention nf Ina. aproad of thc oattlo plaguo In Ireland, appear to have coat upward of Xou.OOO. 'Mio following aro I aome of tho chargea on- ino civil contingencies fund : Votorinary dopartmont and other oxponaoi of tho PriTT Coundfl offloa, ilt.793 l&i. M.: pay? ment to Inspectora o?oaUlo, XSt,757 Cd. 3d.: iiiaer tlona in nowapapeni' df ordora in Connell, ?15, I ??6 a,> . '?Lil ' . Tho loyal Boeton Transcript flialoyidly saya that Dotier "Ia getting in bud ordor with tho beat men of his party." . .f . ???Tilt- Relativos, Kriruils uu? Acqu??llt ?u.v? ul Mr. I.. SviiiviiirtT. ead of ttl? Ini'lliur. Mr. O. SCIIUCIIKRT. also, ot Mr. I). VT. OHUMiir, auil of hin brother, Mr. .tons ll. Om.?NUT, ira rc*pcctfully invited to anona Ibo I un. ral .VT ikes of Mm. L. SCHUCHERT, from tier late residence. No. 41 cilli > m Htroel, at Tin eo o'clock TM* .\Jttrnia?. * S;ptcmbor20 SPECIAL NOTICES. tnr NOTICE IS IIEIIEBY orvEN THAT THE German Tire Coinpnny or (Jbarlcsto-. trill make applica? tion at Hi next session of thu Atjembly lor a icnow?! of their Charter of Incorporation. J. C. WOIII.ERS, AUKital 'it 1 stun I Hr.'ralary. .VNOTICE IS HKItKllY tllVES THAT Al?. PLICATION will ho lilllie si the eml of two moulin, lor Ibu incorporation ?fa Company for thu MannuemT nf CHEMICALS. ACIDH ANO FERTILIZERS. Bepteuahcr ti fi Aar REUISTlLVxTON-FINAL NOTICE-SIXTH PRECINCT, DISTRICT OF BERKELEY, PA HIM! OF ST. -IA RI KS', GOOSE CREEK.-Tho Board of ltt>i;Ulru tinn for thu above named Precinct ?III hold their tlual sessions nf riyi.ll ilion lor ii vision sud lorrcvltug tho Linn alni tu regiHter any pera >n who may have booti piv rentcO irum registration: At Ouosa Creek Poll tho /3d aod MU Seplunihur. Al Summon 111? Poll Hm Utk uni '.'lilli Huplolubor. At Wassamasaw Poll tho IB aud :iOlh Heptemtior. The hour* nf ?Illing will he Imin v A. M. lo 3 IV il. LOUIS PINKOS, i Inn mir. flnsrd ol Urglatrar?, tilh Preelurt. nintiirl nf Berkairr, Parish st. Jantra*. Goose crook. Seploiuher 18 In.l' ?ar THE VJNDKIISIONEI) HEREBY NOTULES all laities who aro Indebted t^Unn-atate of MATTHIKS SEN. O H Mt A ii CO., Bankrupt*, that ii surh Indeblrd uesK is not adjusted boforo tho 1Mb day or October, HUT, local proceedings to compel tho same will bo Instituted. September 10 _ _a_ LCilJia McLAlN. ?y \Vn?fVTON'S OINTMENT WILL CUKE the Itch. WOK ATO x's OINTMENT will euro Salt Rheum. WHEATON'S OINTMENT o tiros OM Moro?. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures all Disossos of the Skin. Prion SO oenls: by mail titi couta. All diluvial, sell IL WEEKS A POTTER, Renton, Proprietor*. Soploiuhor 111 ntwfly ?ar TURNER'S TU! DOULOUREUX OR TURNER'S TIC DOULOUREUX OR I VIVI Hs M. Mil li \ I.I.I A PILL, IM V lill s ,\|, NKUHALUIA llMj, A SAFE, CEflTAIN AND SPEEDY CURE FOR NEU HAI.OIA AND ALL NERVOUS DISEASES, ll In an uiiCul m ? rouirtly in all raxes or Facial Neural? gia, olteu pfl'ivelinn a iwrfert punt- In u single day. No Term nf Nerrtius Uinoase falls to ylahl In its magic liillu. HIM, Eveu the sororest cases of Chronic Neuralgia and general Nervous lieraiiRonioiilNof many years' standing, iflecllng tho u,lu. Hyslom, aro otinipletcly sud perma? nently otirvJ hy lt lu a few days, or a few wooka at the itmiMit. it contains notkiUBJ Injurious tu Ibo IUD it dell rate Hyateni, and ran always bo usFd with perfect safely, i is lu constant use by tho heat physicians, who f>tvr lt hoir uiiauluiotl. ami illiqualllleil approval. Seul bv nail on receipt nf fl and two postado stamps. Sold 'Vcrywhcrv. ll lt Mill Ct. CO., Kolo I'm |ii I rio l Nu. 19? Tn mont street. Ho.lon, Mass. September 2 mwf lin ni Air A YOUNO LADY RKTURNINO TO n?Tt iinnlry homo, aflrr a sojourn nf a lew months In tl c Hy. was hardly recognized br lier friends. In ptacv. il , coarse, raslie, flushed fare, she bsd a s?ft ruby rora ilexlon nf alumni marble smoothness, and instrait w.'iity-tlirci! she really appeared hut eighteen. l |",n in Itilry ns In tho cause of so great a chango, she, ?ilil Hiern thal sk* used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, ai: : onsidore.1 it an liivaliiihli-a.-fpilailloiilnaiiy lsd) '"tollet, ly UH Hf.-any I .ul;,' ur Gentlemen con Improve lin lr per nnat appuarunoi- eu hundred I,'Ul. ll lu Himplo In lt' mu lniiaii, .ii. OH Naluro pen-elf ls aim plo. yet un-nrpi - .lin Us efficacy lu ilrawlns Impurities from, ainu heal ng, rloannlng and lieautlfyint; Ibo akin aud oouiptexlun. ly tu ilire.-tirtiou un tho cullolo it draws mini it all Un mpuritlcn, kindly lioaliur; Ibo name, ati-i leaving iu, snr. ... ?lui..*., htsriioeil il Hh.itilil lie-clear, soft, smooth nd beautiful. Prier tl, sent ny sun or KrpreiS, ou r? oipt of an ordor. by W. !.. CLARK A- CO., Chemists, No. ll West Fayolto Street. Syracuse. N. Y. 'lin- only Amerirau Afp-nta for the nate of tho sauir. Marchan ly "C OSTAR'S" PREPARATIONS. FATABL1SHED EifinTEEN YEARS, .o I.m H loi ) , No. IO Crosby ?, New Vark. lliKlil Boxes. HUN io i un.I Knit H luanufuclurr-d daily, vf? T. J> DY A 1.1, nit un a isis F. YEH Y ir i7r?R F. ..COSTAR'S" SALES DEPOT, No. 484 BHOADWAY, HEW YORK, Yhero tl, t3 to ts aizo. aro put up for Families, Stores ? hip-, noate. Public Institutions, tc, Ac It Is truly vaanderful the confidence that ls now had in .very fenn of Preparations that com? from " Coslsr's " ie I a bilah ment. ??COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS-For Rata. Mice, loaches, Ants, Ac, Ac "Duly infallible remedy known." ?Not ann,,i n .ui to Ibo human family." "Rais come ont if their holes to die;" Ac. ?' "CO.VfAIVil" BED BUG EXTERMINATOR-A liquid, .ut np in bottles, and never known to tail. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER-For Moths in Pura and Woollens, is in valu able. Nothing can exceed il or power and efficacy. Destroya instantly all Insects ou .'lent?, Fowls, Animals, bc. " COSTAR'S" BUCKTHORN S ALTE-For Cuta, Burna, iVounds, Bruises, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, PUes in til forms, Old Sores, Ulcere, and aU kinda of cutaneous iffectlons. No family should bo without lt. li exceed* n cmcacv all other Salves la use. "COSTAR'S" CORN SOLVENT-For Oorus, ll, ?Yerta, sc, "COSTAR'S" BITTER SWEET AND ORANQR BLOS ? )MS-Beautlfles tho Complexion, by giving to the akin I sufi aud bcautUul freshness, and in Incomparably be fond anything now lu use. Ladles of taste and .position regard lt aa au eaarntlal to Ihn ImleL, An unprecedented -.ile In Ila host rocommnodaUou. One hollie ls always tallawed by moro. Try lt to knnw. "COSTAR'S" BISHOP I'll,! s-A uulrurnal I) In un Pill (minar coatedi, and ol extraordinary cOlcaoy for Cos? tiveness, all forma of Indignation, Nervous sud Sick Headache. A Pill that la now rapidly superseding all atbors. .' COSTAR'S" COUGH REMEDY-For Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Bore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth? ma, aud all forms of Bronchial, aud Dlsaasos of thu Throat and Lungs. Address 11 KN it Y rt. COSTAR. No. ?2 BBOADWAY. N. V. WJWIE & MOISE, WHOI.KHAI.K. AGENTS, ' No. isl MceUnii street, opposite Charleston Hotel. Jane IT ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE UACUiil.AH, WILLIAMS & Mainline I m on, .TnMiei'H A lletailei'S .....j'..- .,..<.. . or P?NF. AM>.MEDIUM CLOTHING. WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS '. ? . . .( PV?:I?, GENTLEMEN'S iilli Ililli s7o , iciasro-, COHNKR OP HASKLSTREET, C Irl A ?R V*\% S T ? Nf, S. C Aagoatad imo ^ SPECIAL NOTICES. .*V NOTH/K. AU. HURONS HAYIXO AN\ dsniaudn agaliud ?io r?tate .'I WILLIAM J, TANDY. ?ill present Ilium. |>r?|>.'r?>' jtie-Ood. and thine Indebted will nuke payment t.? UEUR?K TAX UV. september 9ft i? Adtuiniitraior. ?3-NOTH:L' T ? MAltlNKIiS. (j A IT A 1 X :. AND PILOTS wishing to anchor their TtF.-ol'i in Ashley River, oro requested not to do aa anywlicrn within direct ranjo of tho Iliads ol Ito SAVANNAH RAILROAII WHARVES, on ibo Cnarleaton and Xl. Andrew's akin cr! the Ashley Ittror; liv which precaution, routa:! nilli thc Submarine ielegraidi Paid* will ha avoided. s. c. THicsnn, u. M. Hat bur Mailer J LHUtV, Cliirlenlou, February U, liCii. February 7 U'NERVOUti DKI.lI.lTV, WI I II ITS OlAKWt? sitrudaut?. low -pinn. uVpreeeluu. involuntary emu. slotis, looa or ulam, npi-miatorrliiva. lunn of pawer, ditty head, lons of iiiciuory, and thron neil Impotence uinl im? becility. Hud a mivcreign cure lu HUMPHREYS' IIO MEOPATUIC SPECIFIC No. TWES1 Y-EIUHT. Com. lirHied ot thu moat valuable mihi ami potent curative-, they ulrike at once Hie root nf (hu Multar, latia lip Hw aratolU, arrest (ho discharge*, auil uni an ti:;..r mid en erny, life amt vitality, lu tim entire mau. I hey have cured tlluUHSUd* ul' canes. Price $5 per pacLai ? nf six baaraaMl vial, ur ll pst ningle box. Sohl tn dniK,:i-<.. ?nd tient by inuit 011 receipt ul (ince. Addia** MUM raHK TX' HPLVIFIir HOMEOPATHIC MFUlt'lNT COMPANY, Xo. fji?i BROADWAY. KEW YORK. He|i(utnlier lil t?T lt AT (! Il H L-l) H'S MAUI 1 'Vt THIS RPLENUIU HAIH DYK I? the kcal lilllie HOI 1,1. Th only traa uud ?icrftct Dyr-karaleea, reliable, lii-hui raucous. Nu disappointment. No rtdlenlntu Uni?. Salural Mack or Brown. Hciucilic. thu ill ert'cclii nf Mia Dgtt. Invigorate* thu hair, leaving il volt ami deanmill. Thc gcuuluu is slgnod H'itliatn A, />' o', ,. Allothci" ire mure Imitations, and should bo avoided. Kuld bj all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, So Ul lian-le} .trout. New York. ?S- h KW A UK OF A COUNTERFEIT. Uuceiulntr 10 lyr .var AllTIPIClAL r. \ i;s AH ri i ii i\i, mi. MAS EY KS mado to order atul inserted by lo - F. UAItCII and I>. OOUtil.K.M ANN (formerly employed by Roaa?oanraiAO, of Paris), No. SW Broadway, New York. A|iril U lyr SHIPPING. it--, KOII NKW YOU K. H KIM ll AVIS' ;i LS 1 tor - I li,- r. gular parket nchooucr JONAS /-ysJpjySMlTH bavliiK Hie I ir," r )M>rtluii carew engage-l ^3O&and going 011 bourtl will rlHietve lialsnm and tall ?Uh dlHiiateh. w J I.I.I AM HOAt'K. September 1H ?fi FtfR WRIGHT'S BLUFF iall)ALUiilTRHMBDIATK I.ANDINOS tts Till'. HANT'KK lt IV Ult. THE LIOHT OKA FT STIMMER JUL A.R I 0 3ST 3 CAPI. J. T. FOSTER. TS NOW KECF.IVINU FREIGHT AT ACCOMMODA* I. TION Wharf, and will leave Tu-Hurrt,- MaSt. All I'relgUt must lie prepaid. For Ftvlght engagement*, apply t i .IOHS FERGUSON. September tal Atvniumoditirm Whan. - nit Milt 1 ll ANII SOUTH KDISTO. IIOt'K VII.I.K A NU WAV LANDINGS. rllF. tiTKAMKR ST. ll l I .KN A. CAPTAIN H. WIM. RECEIVE FltF.KUIT Tills HAY, al Ferry Vliarf, fool ul Market street, and leave 1? .\'i-/,(, ?I lu "clock, and Ediatu .S'?iiif,iy. al lil o'clock A. M. For Frvlglil or Paa.?si!o.applv 011 board.or lu JNO. II. MI'IlltAY. Markel Wt,ul. -'?].(.? Il O el 'JU 1' FOR"BALTIMORE. THF. FAVORITE STEAMSHIP S 33 A GULL, N. P. HUTTON. CouaivNliEB. II.'ll.!. SAIL FOU THF. ABOVE PORT, FROM TT Pier No. I, Union Wilarra*, tm Milanfay, Ulai For Freight or pauagi', apply to ITOIIRTESAV .V TRENHOI.?.. .September lil wist!_Union WliarveB. FOR GARON ER'S BLI) FF\~ LSD AM. IVTKIt MT.DIVTl-: r.AMDIHOS UM TUG PEE DER KIVF.H. THE MCltlTUltAUUHT STEAMFK PT, ANTER, CAPTAIN O. 0. WHITE, fal NOW RKCEIVINO Flt KIO HT FUR TUEAUOVK L poluta, and will kaiu ?nfunfuu -VfoAf. ilut Hut. All Freight must be propald an I hu wharf. For Freight eugageiiienta apulr I? JOHN FEnOUSON. September 19 Accommodation Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. REOTH.AR UNITED STATES MAIL I.INt. INF OF THE FAVORITE AND ELEGANT STEAM* SHlP.l SARAQObS A AND OR \NAli \, WIM. LEAVE EVERY" SATnRDAV. THE SIDEWHEEL BTEAMSHIP ALABAMA, CAPT. LIMEBURNER, WILL LEAVE VANDERH?RrTT'9 1 Wbarf on 5afunlay, Septerabsr 91, 1657, r 19 o'clock M. Billa Lading for signature must posl ii ely be handed in by 10 o'clock 01 that day. September 17_RAVENEL k CO. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. FOIt SkZW YOltK, THE NEW AND ELEOANT SIDEWHEEL STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN". CAPTAIN W. 8. WO'JDHDLL, WILL LEAVE FROM ADGER'S ROUTH WHAIU? on .v tm rd,1 v, ScplcmDar. 31. at 13 H. 47" All outward Freight ougagomeuts must bo made lt tho nrll ce ot COURTENAY il THE S H?LM, No. 4? ?ast Day. J3- For Pasaago and all matters eounecled with the Inward business of tho Ships, apply to STREET UROTU* EUS k CO., Ho. 71 East Day. STREET BROTHERS k CO., I Xa,niM CU URI ENA Y it TUEN HOLM, J *l>en" Beptaiuber 18_ FOR SAVANNAH. TUB STEAMER - D I OTA X O 1=1, 10UU TONS 111 ll ITU . V, CAPTAIN U M. UOXBTTBK. _ J. WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC -frj??L- every TUKSDAYA'lOtll'. at <2^7TC2ilg-*omnlae o'clock, for that port nflinWWWa. For fr.-liilit ur paaaaKe, apply on board nr to the office of J. D. AIKEN k HO., Reptember 19 _Agent*. FOR FALATKA, FERNANDINA, .?AHlMinii.1.1., AND Al.l. TUB LAND* INC? ON THF. ST. JOHN'S U1VKR, VIA HAVANNAH, ?KO, THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP ID lOTATOK. (1000 T.iim Hurl ti. in CAPTAIN L. M. OOXRTTKH. WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATI.AN IiC ' WU AHE, every TU ESO A V A7?7//7, at '9 o'oloe.k, for Um ahnvu placeH, ronnoef. ? lug with Ibe Oeorgla Central Itallniud at Havannah, for Macon, Mobile ami New Or leann. AU Frolght must im |iald hure by shipper*. For Freight or Passage, apply 011 board or at Ute ulUct nf 1. D. AIKEN A CO., Hepterobet 19_Agents. TTlROUGn TICKIITSTO F1.0KIDA, BY CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET UNE? flBUMVBEHhl, VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. WEEKLY, VIA BLUFFTON. STEAMER PILOT DOV....CAPT. W. T. MCNELTY STEAMER FANNIE.., .CAPT. F. PECB, ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS WILL L?AVfc Charleston every AlonJay ?nd TAurcrfay Jf?rnfnpi. at 7 o'clock; and Savannah ?Very lFrdnaiday and Fno\ii Iforninai, at 7 o'clock. Touchiug at Bluffioo on Jfcn day. Irin from Charleston, and IFrdariJay, trip frdli ?avaonah. * Freight received daily from 9 A. M. lo 6 P. M., and stored free of charge AU Way Freight, alio Bluflton Wha?'-:?, mint ba orr. paid. For freight or poaaaoe. apply to _ ? JOHN FEROUSON. Accomniodatlorj Wharf, Chartaaton. O LAO HORN k CUNNINOHAMS,. Agenta, SaTafiluVh. (la. VUlXERALItE, IAgent?, Beaqtort, B C. . N TV-TanODOH TICKETS aold al the omen nf HID AjwncylnCharli.*unitopolat?on the Allsnfle and Oull Railroad, aral to Fernandina and point on the St. John's River. August I FKICE FIVE CENTS IH'KICI AI? LIS T ( >F I .LTTLKS llcmiiniiii* in tin' IWiullL-u al Charleston, for til* fit* ; in.liiKSKI'lKMHKIt lil, lsd;, ami ordered to bo prude I in Till ILitl.t Ni vu. agreeably to tho i.di.irvin,: auction ul tim inn? rostullio.. Lau, si Hm nowapi|sir baviug Um largestcircukhU-uu lu thu CH? ol Charleston: SCCTION 5. Ami bu il Luther ouseted, Thal Mata of loi? ters rcmalnim; uiictllc.l for in any I'oatoOIca In any city town or villanc, where a newspaper abell bo printed, . : 111 bercaflcr lin published Olect] ouly in Ihr newspaper which, Leina publish) d weekly or oltcncr, ahad have Ibo lanes! circulation ?ni.m ian?? ul deliver-ol Ibu ?a u Ol)'l'ns.,1,1 .allin/ lor I ellen Adveitiseu. should itali- Uni ili. i arc -.Advertised." f??r Dill, c bonn IIU.HA .M. Ubi'. M. Onlim Jay ?, fruin Vin I-i: IO I? M STAXLKY ii I HUTT. Postmaster. WoMKN'S LIST. Hurl', Mm I. Hair, MM Samuel Herr, Abm,: I' ? i Urti Capt Wm M. iiinii Mn i: r Hell, Mi. i I li? ll, lidia HlMMt, Mollie i: lionel -. SUSHI Uro? II. Urs ll lii.'.i II. Marv >' Brown. MIK P llilllwlrikell.Tclio.. V Carabin. Muna I) Cliriatuiilini-. Lila Cha-e, Mrs M A Cleupor. Mlin 1' A ' '' NIIO. . Aun M c. nilli. Mm C cordes, Miss ii s Coll?n, sn saner I'.Hipvr, Julia J Cochran, l.'harlott Cohen, M m r Curt?a. I arin , l> 11 v. i.l. Julia naves, Dion Ueireiibi. il. M:tr urrt Ihtfl. .laue V K I dgcrtun. Julia Kadoril, Mrs M ?iv,ry. -alii. Farrell, lb H.- A Peruti*ui. ' .; ili Fcru,ilson, Mis li Fellini. Kui. Klruey. Mary Ko^allie. Aun M I rene/. M rrt U riillt-i'. Sallie P U MIHI A A derver, Miss ilerven, Mr? \V libhcs. Miss C F Hover. Anti . h.vei, Mary i: iroeu, Mrs K s ll Hati ev, Mr? M U !Iavv,,.r;li. Hilly Hatch, MM W F Hawaii,). Jesu. Ullin,,. \J i -, I s Hollies. .Mrs M Horse). Louise M llollouav, Mrs F lt Horary. Jeaeki Ue Hopkins, Clova' H.NI.A Mils It ll ? lu. -, Airs \V ll lb.bu. Mia Al Hoard. Ml-, I: J Jackanti, Hove letf.irsnii. lt il? Jenkins. Wm lt Jeukilii, Nancy b illilli-. Min AI Jollllni.ll. Juha loHllston. Hell Jul dan. Miss ? Mary Jones, Mary Ann Jaroick. Ciuiiliua K I. Laud., Mrs K y. MUM A Isiuis, Mm I! Lee, Susan li I,, e. Mrs K DI .Ma|, llaunab Muna,:... Hus,. Mahmiey. Mai) Aun Mauer-' laue May, Laura M Mannt-, . .ll'IIUIC .tillea. Marv Mill.ll.nm. Misa M Mnoru, Miss K M?nk, Nanev* Mood. Mm M C lt Murphy. Mts .1 li Miirph). Uriduct Murphy. Miss M Millee. Miaa A ll Myer. Mrs K A starer. Mm u .Iii MeCidlev. Miss F M i Haili. Hester N Scahill. Chariot! I* 1'roclor, Heb.'Oe,i Pritchunl, Marin Putter, Prue I'oiiHhid, Miss 1. Po|s?, Sarah Porcher. Mr.? P F. l'lllllO, I Ullin . mu. h'llli-l) PU lek ney. Mus C Purple*, Julia Pallium, Mri M Parker, Mrs lt I landa I, Mrs lt J Kayaur, Nam-) Reese, Mia? K Richardson, Mu K iii. i. u,i. NI. Ag? uets Hi Lu i ?on, Mary Rosa. Mrs ll F Roberson. Julia lt.."'. n, Martha ItolsTts. Min C K Ityau, Urigel H Handera, Mn U A Sawyer. Allas M Seario. Itubecca -Summers', Marga? ret M Smith. Mrs A I! .Smith. Mra ? Smith, Eteata r SmaU. Mrs M .Simona. Hell tl V Se urn, m. Mra John .!' Taylor, Mrs (J v Twenly. Marv l'uaadalu. Mra U ll Thaudersou. Mra V Vr.-deuburg, Uria ir Vine-,N Misa E W Way, Lettie Warley, Mar, Wolanii. Charlu!! Wual. M Us F Whiling. Misa S II Wetter, Mary Wlobcrp,, Julia Wright, Fanney Wilsuu, Min S M Willimill. Mist I. Wilbania. Sil .Hi? nab Wlliuis. f.orali Walker. Miss I. WUsuu, Mles lt V YfliinK. Mrs A lt 7. Zurbal, Misa C Zlgnoh, Marlu ALLX'S LIST. A ll O I. lanie. John el ll.m,e . Wm l)wen?, Preston \ i Lt U I ?, 1' ll lb lill-, 1,1 -, U ll Ke P vd nu- ll 11 A-1 'u Reil, ll. in v Parker. Jobu H limn, fl Hering, Cap J W (cnl'dl libers. John ll lleailerly. il Paclilel, Thomas .Mirima, J ll ibu wit. t! Pel tnigold. Capt I ison, lames ll german, ll ur) Jsaoii lt UMIW, C ll Peppers. 1' II tannum, Patrick llielauds. Hohei t Pumlci-gass, Jei iauueu, clirttt. iiiuka, II W fiery ti.un Hodge?, Helidon Petersen. Jena ilsldwtu, 11 ll .V icol'dl Purry, Capt WH? IM Howard. Richard Ham lleiisi>, ll Hunt, Charley Piuckney,Isaac lloe. Paul Uiitcblusun, M I. Plnkui, Lewis Ues-kell, Jnhii I' lluaiucnnie, (Mp. Potter. E I. : Min . p ate!tua J Porter, Peter lieuse, ll liuiol, ll l'urne, J suma s decked,'I hem A Hillelnutoli. Jan . , , ??, . , liidule. Iiledricb .' , Yulglry. Daniel II. . ne I. A Jell.-l-eii. AhSai ll Ki!!'au,.it..u Cd Laibatu lui.,', i C H Johnson. Abra- Hanlin, It Byrne, William ham Halide, Q F ts Jeliru.-u. H.. lu 111 Hasted, Charles A .'errler. Kev Chas (col'd) Co .'aiupbell. Juile June -i, T L RanUn. Richard .'abler, Hem v 1. Joyce, John Reid, Andrew 'minni, Robert J Johna, Abraham Rickenbacker, aley. James K Mcdecus Tarter, Charles H KeaueJy, James Riley, Samuel ?erretta, Kr Auge- Keith, Hamilton Rieth*. TA' lo Kinary. Touev Rlordon. John Inn), lieut v Klug, Beuiainlii Richards, D A- Co ;baae. M ul b F Hobarts, S C riiiaoha. I. Il Kline, I Lam Robins, Csp C M Iv mi. tl A Cj Kaesler. U S .'larroij, c Kublmsu, ll Sarrauh, H P Kurth. C lt W Screven. Sydney (col'dl I. acbudter, Wit 'oben, ll LawaiL ?. Jack helm Corcoran, Wm l.aweou, W AV Scbwabe, I, .'orker. H Al l.nhbon, Luec Hlmt, IV L .'olby, .Mien J AI Shortbread, Jes hillinann. Chea Marshall, Joseph Slngloton, Oeorge .ummlDa. Robert n L Shoots, Billie D Mantgauit. Jan Silva, D Mathilde. Jarcy, P Martin, Robert Lt Arch Da ia-,ia, Jobu Mathea, George Sim:ott. Jauni., Jelly, John Manning, John Shay, Louis B Jclgar, Henry Mathews, William Skelly, Michael Jabone, B V Mackey, James Smith A Melton Jetmeuinra.T Mesiervy. Thonlaa Soghan, Slgr Ide noell, MU. U tra >evir.e Thomas Menken, Qottfred Stopfel, ao?t : Int .i.-ihru-in, lime u Mill ot, Robert ii.ruck. Ch Utnrlg TV MloUlron, James Stylet A Co Joy le, T A Miller. Peter T Joacher, Jamca Millet, Auguite Taylor, Clement Jraytoo, Richard Miller. Jobo D IS Mitchell. A B Thu eat, T T ?lwarda, Allen Miller, cornelius Terek, E F ?cordi Montgomery, N roomer, Roben Uders, CH A Tresco?, O C Shrieks. Henry Moon, R D Trotty, Frederick ?gtt. Edx Murray, William V - .ia, Tboinai F F Vince, William P Moller. Johann H Von Olahn. Mar Fisher, E O Myera, ls-uli Un Flynn, Capt Jubn Frederick W J Meyer, John Hen- Waahington, Jas ford, Jacob ry Matlblaa Walker. John Forbes, I) W Mo Ward A HcIutvTc Frit/., John McBride k retain- Walsh, Edward Fraser, January bell TYalkker, Henry Fnrloog, .John McCall, Cluulca Welling, K U Mclsilland, Capt J Weber. Janus Uedulnus. I ulm J Weat, Tbos U Ulbbca, Robert W, Uagulru. John Wllmarlii, K E to Itu anccca-ior McFurslon. Mr WhlleaHes, Moiss cf. tn executor McMcld, Jam:s Wlengea, H W or W H nibbea McPhenoo. Mr WhaUug, John T Gregg. Dr E M N WlUhagau, Ur Gravel, Kdward Nirten, Wm (musician) (j O Williams, Johu iliinlu, William OTlryau, Joint Williame. Owens Geejr, Dr K M o ' Marrar. Pat Williams. Jaa Grant, Johu H Oliver, Usury Woblken, Henka Il O'Neill, Miles Woll. S Hargraroa, A ? O'KtlUe. Pat Wright, J D Ilsgeman, lllorioli Otjeu. JO V Rsaauahau, Doctor Owou*. Jamos U Youug, William K Hart, H lt Owcu, Rlclianl Z .'..Ziegler, Moritz tXf Porauua dopiKlUug Ictlere lu the PoetolBce will phvaee place tbo ubuup uear Ibo upper right hand cor? ner of Ibo envelope, and they will alao pleine to remem? ber that without tho stamp a letter cannot be malled, bat will be ao?t lo tho Dead Letter Offlco. Heptember HU ALL HAIL Td Tll? CON0II?ROR ! HOPE FOR TUE DtMNDIM IM'AUD. I?KPKR NOT TUP UHK OP RODRIQUE'S nimm ELIXIR SPECIFIC. MANY' WUOAE DECURINO HEALTH, WHIOK waa prefiri?os, and tboir recoviry detpaired of, do now with grateful emanations to the All-Wire Dis? poser, offer heartfelt Ibankafor thia timely remedy. Dur? ing the abort Urne since Ita public introduction into nae, tho Originator hat mott happily realized her moat aan (TUIBO expectations In manucetaUona U eui og from aU quirt ere of Ite unperalellod rnraUvo properties, for tn no case whore lt hts been administeren wllh rogard to di-. recUone, ind pcraovored In, has lt railed in its beneficial retalla. I In reaorttne lo this remedy, the invalid can depend upon tho lafety of every artirlo in Ita pre paration, aud while tl acrcleratea Ute healthful rt ac U om of each organ, ami Y easel, the mind can bo perfectly Roo fro TI appre? hension of any auhtle ingredient being Insinuated Into Ra compoaiUon. The appetite, whieli Improves under Ita admlnJibaUoD. ls al liberty to Indulge prudently tn yvJuvUver. uutriinent la palatable, vi Ure?tive and whola <ome, abd while lt 1? no moro than proper to avoid exposure to fresh cold, no leaf need bo enlertainvi of any liability under thia course of treatment- to Indue* lt lt ia a pleasant AROMATIO OOnblAC, quito agreeable to tbs butte, and aa a lung ra vlvilyor and balaam of health, lt la cUaUrogulihlng Itself aa without pre o vient, and we truat will, ar* long, claim for lWlf goal eral acclamation for lu unrivalled officaoy. For noto by tho ProprieUeea, Mra. OKOIXIA RODRN Otirft. northwest cornrr of MELTING AND 80CIETY BTREJETS, and principal Druegtsut. . >i PRIOB HINGI.? nOTTI.? ll. ia, ipriH in