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NEWS SUMMARY. Cotton cloRod in Nov? York nt 2H for Middling Uplands, auld cloned at HIL Lady PALSILIIHTON waa favored with tho only privoto vieil niado by tho .Sultan bi Loudon. Tho Viceroy in going to ?und twenty young Egyp? tian? to Hchool in I A? doo. Waler Bella ill ? dry |.arl or Australis for fivo dollar? a half i>int. A rnyagO to Canada and tho backwoods Bceins tho fashiunablo thing for KiiRlinh young men. Tho Karls of Camperdown and Morloy nro both coining to tempt fortuno in thia part or tho world. A nicrenntilo houso hau otTiiicd to pay tho na? tional debt of $30,000,0110 owed by tho Government of Columbia on condition that tho Tatiania Rail? road bo leased to tho honan Tor uincty-nino years al tho rato or $500,000 annually. A twenty-rour pounder brnBS howitzer was flail? ed up rrom tho bottom or tho TonnesBOO Uiver nt JohiiBouvillu ?mu day lilli week. A number or uimilar pieces aro Haid to ho lying near the place whoro it was round. Our friend who, in six wecke' resitlcncu in I'aris, porfoctod himsolf in rronch to tho extent of un? derstanding "oui, oui," and "bono squash," hus got BO rar into dorman ns lo porfoctl}' eoutproliond "zwoi lager" and "gul heil." Ho la wow bi tho country studying " Hchnupps.,' Firo-proor Muslin is an ai lido nt present occupy? ing Ibo attcntioo of Huionttllo men. It ?H stated that a concentrated nential solution of tungstate or soda, diluted with wnler, and then mixed with lliroo per ccu!, or phosphate ol Hod?, will olTeotunl ly protect musliiiH nj;.mint lire. At last accounts thu Spanish iron olnd Xnmancia had arrived at Kio Janeiro, and tho Utrengwla j waa hourly oxpuotcd. Tho Admiral or tho Hoot ia preparing to commence) hostilities forthwith, tho Ulm of ibo nnnistico having oxpired. Tho iron "l?5oiiufa?"?lon'?itT E. I,r.E arrived at tho Sweet Springs, Mooroo county, Virginia, wilta his family, on Thursday, tho loth mutant, from tho YVhito Sulphur, wboro ho had been for two weeks. Ho will upend two wu eli s at tho Swaot Sprint:?, where there ie a largo number ol visitor? gathering, and whuro Ibo HCIIBOII will close with n grand fancy ball. Tho Sultan, whilo at Buckingham Palace, Lon? don, had a lamb brought to tho palace ovory morning, which wau slaughtered there by hi? butcher after a curtain ceremony bad boon per? formed over it. Fowls were- also killin! in tho ?arno fashion. Tho Sultan always dined alone ; there WOB a apecial dinnor proparcd Tor bia BOU, who also dined alone, aa did hia twn nephew ?. Tho Fall Mall Gazelle says that in tho library of the Houso or Lorda tho original copy ol tho "Senled Dook ol' Common Prayer," which bau boon so long missing, has boon discovered, It is round in thc manuscript that tho bishops had ordered that tho Communion Tables should aland at tho East omi ortho chancel, and that tho colo brant should stand Eastward,buti'ioy subsequently erased tho rubrica. Tho Lexington (Ky.) Statesman Bays: "Wo havo hoard tho following curious story from a gentle? man who was cognizant of tho facts: In 1830 tim Hov. Wu. ADAMS planted a peach slnuo rrom a black or Oeorgin peach. From it catno up two upi outs, grew to ho trues, and singular to any, ono or tho trues born trccutouo and tho othor cling stono peaches, or tho santo variety, and both kinds look almost exactly alike." Thc Annapolis 1'epubt.can uays that tho work o? renovation a*, tho Naval Schuul ia still in progros?. The midBhipmcn'u quarters havo been painted with a beautiful lilac color, and tho ornaments pieced in the grounds render it moro than ivor at? tractive. Admiral POUTEB hus dono moro, it ?H tho general opinion ot tho Citizen? of Annapolin, to hcaulify and adorn tho Academy thun any or bis predecessors; wo ?lo tho disciplino or tho school ia said to ho oxcollent. Tho Puris correspondent or tho London Tunes says: "A young mau has just committod suicido at au hotel near tho lluo St. Martin by slicking about titty pinn into his broast. Whoo found ho waa bleeding to elnath, mid oxpired shortly alter. Ho lort a loiter saying that lita lifo had been one scries of disappointments and Huflhriiigs, mid thal BS fatality was killing bim a coups iVcpinglc he lind cboson that way of putting au ond to his existence, which mininer ho boliovcd, ho had bron tho first to imagino." Tho Indian Chief who lum given so much trouble to tho colonials in Honduras, has hoon doposedby tho Swacha tribe Thcro is now, thordon-, no apprehension of iurlhor disturbances by tho In? dians. Tho Santa Cruz tribe havo intimated a - wish to Irado peaceably with the whiten, and will endeavor to koop tho other tri hen in order. Kmi granta from tho Soulhorn States aro pouring into Honduras, and a nowspapor called thu Comincrcia. .i (ei ; list;? has boon started ia Delizo by a South? erner. Many of Ibo emigrants aro mon of mcaua. A contract has hoon let and work conimoncod for tho immediate construction ot 200 miles or tho Indiana and Oraud liupidu lluilroad, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, north to il m ml Rapids, Michi? gan. Tho work has benn cnuimoncud on Ibo northern ond or tho lum, near Grand llapids, aud it will be pushed hu u nid as rapidly as possihlo southward to Fort Wayne, lt is tho intention to oxtond Uio road to Maekinau, tn tsp tho Lako Su? perior trade Tho new ruad will cross tho Michi? gan Central at Kalamazoo, and tho Michigan Bouthorn at Sturgos. A Now York correspondent says : Tho talk in sporting circles is about a groat walking match that has just boon agroed to helweou GEORGE K. GOODWIN, ot this eily, and EDWABO P. WEHTKBN, "of Portland, Mamo, Thoy prnposu to walk rrom Portland, Maine, to Chicago, Illinois, a dint nuco or twelve hundred miles, in thirty consecutivo days. Tho start is to bo made rrom Portland on a stated day, between thu let and 15th of October next, WESTEBN agreeing not to walk on Sundays, thus loaring him twonty-six days to do tho work in. Tho match is said to hu for $10,000 Tho now Fort Lyou, on tho Upper Arkansas, in Colorado, is twenty miles abavo tho old fort, which was built by Ocnoral SEOOWICK in 18C1, hut is now floodod out, a dilapidated, miserable look? ing placo. Tho now fort has ouly boon established rome six wooka, so that the greater part of tko garrison live in touts; hut plans havo been adoptod tor a structure to cost $700,000, which will he the Uncut In tho wholo Wost. Colonel SWAIN ?H Hie master mechanic, and a largo force or workmen *The bpringfiold Jlcpubtican says: "Oon. POPE evidently suppoaos that Congroaa ordorod tho pending oloctions in tho South not to aaoortain tho opinion and fooling ot tho pcoplo, but to com? pel them to a prosiribod course, whatever they may think or ohooso. Thoy are freo to apeak and act, but only as Congre>n and tho military com? manders dict?lo. General QnANr must enlighten General POPE, or what Pro3idont LINCOLN onco eaid or his military enreor will Boon bo said of his courso as managor or reconstiuetion : 'Ho makos movements enough, but most or them aro wind.'" Tho Tr?celo Gazelle says that arrungomonls havo boon mado mr importing articles rrom India to Russia byway of Suez and TriuAtc, instoad or by tho way or Oood Hopo, ns hilbcrfo. This now root? will onablo lud?an gooda to ho sent to Rus? sia in from two lo three months less timo than nt present, and will therefore probably cuso a largo increase in thoso imports. In 180C tho total weight oftho arliclca sent from India to Russia by tho old route waa 1,000,000 ont., and from Italy 600, 000 owt. As thcao ai tides will now pasB through Austria, it may ho anticipated thal Hist country will, equally with Russia, bone?t largely by thu now arrangement. * Thcro havo boon many qucor vordicts rondorod by coronor's aud othi r Junes since tho days or BnAiBTi.oE's "Crowner's Vinos!;" but nono has excoedod, m originality and a certain grimness of humor, that rondorod, not long slnco, by a coro? ner's Jury in Montana, lt is a pity ?hat tho details ot tho vioiim'e provioua lifo aro not given, thal thu verdict might ho logically doducod from causo to effect by tho reader; hut all that ia roporlod ls that ono Hoon MOELBOT, a miner, shot himself do! llboratoly through tho hoad with bia revolvor while lying abed, and that a coroner's Jory having been duly railed, ond tho affair .invoatlgatod in form by thoso gentlemen, thoy Anally rot urned tho following verdict: "That tho deceased committed enioido, and that he did so in uolf-dofonce." Tho tired Bwolli) or Paris havo found a now aou salion. Thoy propel velocipede? in tho Rois do Boulogno, by tho casoado. Among tho amatours aro aomo of tho most eminent mon in I'aris Prince MUBAT, Couot 8AVEBN and other?. Homo or thoso havo becomo so skillful an to go twenty four kilometres (flltoon milos) an hour, without tho least fatlguo. 8omo grand racoa during tho Antumu?aro arrosent hoing organizod, tha conreo to bc geno over extending from the Round-point of the Chomps Elysoeu to Saint Cloud. Sovcral tri?la have boon medo, and the diotanco bas been doo? In thirteen min?lo?, fa faol ^mo considera? ble beta w?o irrada on that oocaeioL. Theaogon UemeD oro ?hont to form a velocipede olob, to bo (lovoted to the sew sport, CIJ KU IC NT TOP ICS. THE V??Ji MALI. OA/XTTI: anya : "lu Iii" lately published 'Recollections," llio Mer.piis MASSIMO U'AZKUI.IO tollu n ?torjr which recalls a similar Blory Hint Hmso* llio Sculptor ticed lo tell, lin illustrating both tho pbysiipui ami tho notions of ltouiau 'nrl'ml's models." When n'Azr.iil.lo wa? pursuing hi? early studies as a painter in linnie. Ilia ehier inmlel ??rn a eertuiu ANTONIO, a singular ly well nMM.0 mau, who freipienlly nat lo thc :n lints ol tho day when they drew rroin Hie mule. Hu wail boatitoa very good-natured to ike yoting HtmleutK, who wore oltotl very karil up lor money, not only allowing Hunt lo run into his debi, lint occasionally even tattling them money. Never? theless, (liiri very amiaMa timi handsome person? are lind killed his own brother in ? moment o? sudden passion. Upon which, with grim mitre, o' romarin timi it ia impuartula for anybody lo ho perfect. Speaking about UMNIOIM in general, l?iiiso.s used to say that in hit whole experience lio hud noter known hut ono person whose figure wns really with unt n lault rf nomo kimi. Hither tho face was faulty, or tho html, or llio neck, ur some ono part of Hiimo ono o? Ibo limbs; and it was Ibo work ortho truo artist lo correct the defect In tho individual iiguro by suggestions Hupiilieil hy oilier figures which were without fault in thu particular curvea or forma Lu qncatioii. The only ono ox I copi iou that bo batl mel frit li, waa a hoy belong - iii(,' lo tho llonian laboring elliss; nuil he, liku u''H ailinirahlo ANTONIO, hud bren once in prison fur stabbing a COmparlaOD. "Al the pre i onl time, it is Baili painters in Home thaw far lou little from life, nml especially fi'oin the mule: ami thia, not hy any means" bueauso goo?! models arc Hcnree, but becaUfO it pays butter lil (JO on manu faulliring third and fourth rato icnliuuciitiihlioi Tor tho supply of tho market than lo undergo lilt labor necesKary to tunk? a mann true paintm-tn Huulptor. Tho linyera aro iihuosl exclusively tourists, chiefly Amorican and l'iiglish. Ike Atneri can at proseut hein? hy Tar tho best euslouiers ti dealers in pictures and works ol nil kinds. The; thc North, who buy piclnros ns they buy uphols lory, fur tho purpose of furnishing thoir houses ii thu approved fashion of tho day. Thcru is l>cr haps nut a city in Ibo wurld where art is mor thoroughly ii lnnnufaeluro than it is beneath th flhailowof Ibo walla that woro raised and paintei by MiruAiti. ANHELO and RAPHAEL." A rini i LETiEit to tho London Star notes ninon tho incidents of tho day thu rolorin which th Attrtrian band has succeeded in cft'celing in th martial music of Franco. 1'or thu last si il ce years tho Parisians had no other patriotic air tim "Partant pour la Syrio,'' but thc nlhor uveninp. r thu Cirquo du lTiuperntrieo, tho demand for "I, Marseillaise'' was so pressing, so violent, that th Austrian band, yielding to tho shrieks of tho pee plo, struck up that splendid, tbnl moat warlike < tumis, tho melody ol which went ringing throng tho boiioi' na n spirit-moving ni ram, with all il bitrsis of rich harmony and its mournful wailing: Truly tho enthusiasm of thu publie was indcsrrih: ble. Thousands nf people were thom exulting i the bunill i ny of that long-suppressed soup:, heal in timo to its rhythm, and shouting in their fill heartedness of admiration, Thu eurrespouilci Hayn : "I understand now why thu present einen ment dreads allon im; Ibis popular and military a hoing played and sung in thu st rents of Puris I tho towns of Franco. Tho effect of it is mont uti ring and irresistible. I understand also why, i Ilia Crimea as well as in Italy; why, al MalukulT 1 well ns al Solferino; why, nu Ibo barricades as wi ns on thc hattle-ficld, this naliontil tune, this c citing ditty, produced such exultai inn anning ll comb?tanla!. Of alt national songB, or all marci ing airs, nono has n moro mnddoning effect thu 'La Marseillaise;' none is moro appropriate 1 awatio ideas of slaughter, of vengeance, ol' ri. clashing, bullets flying, horsomen charging, ni standards waving. And this may perhaps expia why tnosl of Ibo papers of tho oppusition now e press tho hope that thu French uutbnrities,havii allowed tho Austrian hand to play that patriot tune, tho same favor will ho granted to nil nun ci n ns iii th 11 country." Tm: I:N i inn nKVKNUT.8 nf tho Church of Ku land aro stated, on tho authority of the Kcclcsia iicai Omnmiaaionefw, ns published in thoir reno or 1835, lo bo ?<vl9.v.ilS (about $32,4OO,U0O), ?Thia il dividod among tho 25,(100 clergy of Kugland ai Wales, would givo to euch about I-J .VJ ($1300) year. Thia aggrogato includes, liowovor, tho r venues of bishops mid deans, archdeacons ai rich incumbents, and Uiorcforo gives no idea thu actual atato of affairs. "Tho groat body ol' tl English clergy arc shamefully underpaid "'i bero ia Drat Ibo apprenticeship of tho youl curalo, whoo bo re?oives bis ?50 ($250) a year, is impossible to say bow long this may bo exton cd. Then bis salary may bo raised to ?100 or ?1 a year (1500 or $(?00), when ho bas probably a w and family to support. On that iniscranblu p .mee bo may continuo to livo for an imbin it timo, possibly for bis whole life, though bis lain may bo luincstlynud ungrudgingly givou to t werk of his high office. F.veu if ho does obtai after years of work, a, benoficionco, ho is of, bille better, mid mil unfreipicully is worso, i than before. 1 'ci haps tho curato of twenty yea Burviro succeeds lo ll living of ?300 or 1100 a ye (?1500 lo ?2000), bul inth il comes a maleita of new expenses which ofton inako bim wi himself bock again in bia loss dignified positioi This slows that tho English clergy oro follow! a very poor trado, BO far as husiiioes is concom? and it in not surpri-iug that a very couaidcriil proportion of them aro composed of vory j? capa'3 tios. " Poor pay, poor preach," was n s: ing of BAUSON OOOUN, tho 'Indian preacher, wli bo used to preach among tho churches of e.vsti Connect ?cut for a bushel of rye. USDEII Tin: CAPTION "Pride* for tho far Wei tho last number of tho Now York Ledger bas I following: "Lot tho unwedded adventurers v havo pitchod their tonLs in Washington Tcrriti rejoice. A thousand young Indios, "chiofly I tween tho agos of sixteen and twenty," will bo roiuVfrom Now York lo that comparatively ls loss land long bofnro Ibo ledger of to-day 1 Join noved thither. A aloa mer is lo bear tho r cious cargo lo ils destination by way of tho Slr: of Magollan and ali along shore. Plenty of i ploymcnt at remunerativo wagos ia promisod tho fair emigrants, and wc earnestly hopo I Ibu roso-colorcd picture of their futuro di a wu Ibo partios who have organized Ibo schomo t Washingtonians them can bo little doubt. Th aro not womou enough in tho territory lo ' ki tho collum and wristbands of tho forlorn rr creatures in a buttonablo condition. In all pro bility every yonnr lady of tho crowd will have li a-dozen admire-., nt her foot. " ITero's my bc and hero's my hand," will bo tho cry of tho wifol pioneer, and it will bo well if Ibo compolilion d not load lo deadly feuds betweon enamored riv Propitious gales to tho Pacific-bound steam Oood fortuno to ber pretty passongore I Hbo their expectations bo realized, moro ebiplo will follow. Tho aox is not pitiless. Tho di sd s of Ibo "Atlantic slopo" will not permit ni -tern frontiersmen to degoncrato into nava for lack or woman's relining, elevating mid ci furling minislrotions. WK HAVE EAcn of us our pet insanity. Thc your irrepressible angler, for oxamplo, who nit all day in tho blazing sun watching a bobb cork, for no bettor rowan! than a Tow moagre l that ho himself would turn up bis HOBO at if ?aw thom in Washington market. In lin ration Tim collector of old pictures, who values a crack lirly, amnko-dried, unintelligible mass or rai ligmontB, which was good for lil tin whon now.i las become absoluto nibbish by tho action or tl ind Ibo bard usago it bas richly desorved-ia .ompot menin ? Tho worshipper of old books,? nines then) for thoir datos, notthcircontontn, w ? ho? Tho lexicon gives bim his right Hilo -abib wilina Tho healthy Bolf-deceivor who munda icing a valetudinarian, trios every sys lom of nu al treatment In turn, and would inevitably poii tinsel r but for Ibo vigor which ho swoars bolai -what shall wo say of him? Verily, ho is n nough for a straight Jackot. An mad OB ho, is I rotolu tty politician who fanoioa that thrro is 1 no way to prevent tho nation from going to d ruction, and that ho has tho patent for it. Mi er atilt ie Ibo HOCIBI philosopher who proposes nook into chaos tho moral and religious systo; ndor which tho civilized world has pros|)eri od to rooonstrnot aocioty after a now plan tvbii hanover it baa boon tried on a amah scale, I, dod utterly and acandalously. Happy ero tl, bogo minor iuaanllica aro pleasant to thomsoL ul hannlcsB to thoir nolghbcrs. Wa SHOULD UH vory well, saya' tho New Ye ?mci, if wo could engaso aa apoctal correspondo io of tho Sioux or Choyenno redskins who a >w on tho wai -p?? h r,M? tho ?iuo of ibo Paei ilroad. Wo should Uko to got thoir accounts o military operation i of whloh wo get ao mai Munta'from oar own sido. Wo havo lindo co nation with a Ken tl om wi who baa Jual rotuxni ?Vow tho Plaina, where Im hutl an opportunity ?r ] wituci-Hing nuil HiiiTi'i iiij; from !!?-.. Indian w?rfaro, uni] tho statements ho malu s havo UH nut a little. Ii ?H hut miall pal la a of luiliailH- parlies nf fruin ten to fifty OT o hundred-who aro opera ling ujion thol'latto; hat nur informant describes I thom aa cariying ?in tho wildest revelries that moro over Glim-ted upon tho firent Plaina. Thuir plun? dering of trains, stampeding of cattto, scalping nfl travelers, skii'tumliing with troopa, assaults upon campa, .Vi-., ftc, aro carried on with an impunity thal han maila them iieiTeelly reckless. Tho as? sault upon the train and tho massacre, nt Hum ('leek ia chnraeterized aa ii groat for .tho nav? ajee*. They haro almost everything l?ehr ?wu 1 way in munt localities, and our troopa havo a hard Hem of it. Our judgment in, thal Gen. SIIEIISIAS ought al nneo tn coui'lude ii peace willi tho mvva gesi "on tho heat uttaiiiahle hu nm.'' ljA?lli KST OlllCULATTON.-The. DAILY NEWS jntblirkcs thc Officiai List of Let? ters rema ?niny in thc I'oslojJ'tee. al, the end nf each week, ayrecabiy to thc following section of thc fVeio l\ntoffica Law, as thc netotpajtcr haoimj the. largest circulation in the City oj Charleston : SUCTION a. Anil lie il further on/irti-il, 'l int hst? of let em remaining Mui-allcd for in ruy Poslolllco in any elly, livra or village, wkertl n ui'WK|Miper ?hall lie printed! eliall hen-afli-r lie piibllahed oni e only tu the newHpaper whieh. Iwing published weeklv or oftener, Khali hnvo tho largest clrciilaliiin ? Ullin milgi- of delivery of Uta ?aid lillico _ HJV Ail communications mtentletl ?or publication in 1Mb journal mind In' addressed to Ihe Blilor of the imita A'eir.i, A'o. 18 llayHC^stntH, iluuleston, s.t . HUSUM ss fommunieallons to ?'swaSker of Itally jVcim. Ht -cannot undertake lo return rejected communica? tions. Advertisements oulsii'e of thc city must be accompa? nied trlth the cash ? r-sj T_T A -r~i T .T3.J FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1807. Jon Wonk.-Wc hnvc now completed our' ollicc so ns lo execute, in thc shortest possible lime, ALL KINDS OF .IOU WORK, nod wo most respect fully nsk thc patronage, of our fricuda. it i ;< (INS i ni <. IIIIN iv Al.All A. The Montgomery Attn r, of Wednesday. 1 snys : "ll is Hie doli liera to purpose ol* Hie peo? ple of Allillinna lo push forward ihe work uf reenlist ruction until il reaches ti point nf com? pleto success. This purpose iiecomcs finner mid more determined every day. Thc people uro nut. only anxious for a. settlement nf our political trouhles, lui! lliey ure resolved lo have il. Success is already not. only fully assured, hui there is ti growing increase in Hie nuinher of those who inc lo consummate Hie work. 01? lliis wc seo striking evidences daily. Xor is this to bc wondered ut. Indeed it would he very surprising if it were otherwise. I'eople who rolled upon thi-s subject, mid keep them? selves freo from paatiion mid party rancor, will have no dillieulty in reaobillg n proper conclu? sion in rcgnrd I? il. The ease is perfectly plain. I'oliticnl tranquility ?ti the country is ii matter ol' nhsotute necessity. We me now ni lite mercy ol' an angry tempest. Life ?nd properly ure. rpiivcriug Indore n mighty whirl? wind, und if il he not speedily arrested, no one eau tell who or what may he carried away in ils ileviislntiiig sweep. 'This being tlfh actual condition of Illings, people will very naturally he induced In re? tied. Self-interest will Induce mon lo cuiisnlei* I und consider seriously, what is host lo he done al such n time. There will he nothing 1ml i aa - stability mid distrust iii long its Ibctti ten Slates are held in their present anomalous conditions. They ure neither in Ihe I nion nor mil ol' il. As political communities (hey are neither dead nor alive. Their precise relation to ouch oilier and io ihe Union is utterly indr.scrllMibte. Uni, however dillicult it may he lix define their real stains, there is liol thc leas) dillieulty in com? prehending tho necessity lY,r relief from llic discouragements und troubles Hint are insepa? rably associated willi our present situation. Tn remain ns wc ure is to bring upon ourselves certain ruin. "I'eople. see this, und nt the sume lime they see that lhere is but one mode nf escape. That ! mode is to seek oui I.lie -path which lends mos! directly into Hie ITuiou. A short and easy path ls found in (.lie pending reconstruction pinn. This is ni an i leal to nil who arc not blinded hy intemperate pnrtiziinship. Hut Hie niasses ol' Ihe people ure col pnrlizuns, nud hence il is llval they ure rallying in nlinosl solid phalanx lo thc sAuudnrd of reconstruc? tion." COMllKai'E ai' MEW YORK. A recant nnr.ibcr of tb o Journal of (\nnmercc presenta somo very iuterostiug data in relation to tho cummeroo of Now "York. Wo mako tho follow? ing summary: Tho total of foroigit imports ot Now York du? ring tho month of July, 1805, was $19,101,838; $20,851,187, far tho aamo month in 18GC, and ?23,?8(i,8oG in July 'i8h7; a decided falling off. I This deeroaso, it ia a ucortnined, in entirely in tho importation of dry goods. In everything olso I tho arrivals havo htieu equal to tnoao for July, ' IHf.n. Tho withdraw als from tho bondad waro hoiiBcs also has boc ai very small during July, ' showing, therefore a very considerable increaao in tho Block. During tho HO von months, from January 1, 1807, tho imports ai. Now York havo been }1.V.),0IK1,IV.I, against $100,254,218 for tho samo poriod last yoar, and $101,173,800 for tho linn aoven months in 18bTi. Hero it will boaeeu is a d ccrcaso since January 1st of over thirty nulli, m dol lara, a largo part or which was previous to t ho Urs t of July. It will ho "*T .* " --- -# . ulara to know how mado up of dry goods and what portion of il waa general mcrdiao.diso <auoh as tea, coffoo, spines, sugar, mutais, liquors,. Ac.), and \?o havo thoroforo compiled a tablo wit'.? this distinction, going back to tho beginning of this half of tho century. IlKI-ATIva IMI'OllTH OF lillV DOODS, SPECIE, ARU OENEUAI, ltEIICU.,NUIHE AT NEW .TOUR* FOB Tl? , FI118T Kl; VE s 1 ,ON fil?s OF TUE LAST SIXTEEN YEAHS : Roven Importa import* Imports " Total mos. of of Dry of ll ami of Importa. doods, Mitre Specie. ISSI.... $13,210,' il7 SIU.11I.7U *l,48U.?7il ?Bd,H95,407 1852.... ?4,994,391 a7.-Jlft.34J 3,028.248 74,837,884 ISM.... 67.(2 i.r.lll oa.U'Jll.H?.'. I,fi09,6l? 117.91S.Mtl 1H54- 06,3(iB,0!Kl 68,126,6(2 1,606,000 116,1)41,135 HW..... 34.7J4.'.lwt 4.>,00B,832 519461 BI.36o.37fi 18.111-|r, 7-J.767.793 06:1,6011 CU. (isl. Ill 1SS7- HMM.030 6,857,310 15tl.7i9.0y3 1858.... IIU.ICO.II&S (8,?II5.765 1,816.3.18 KO,'J0O,:i8l 1H59- 71.783,984. 8-1,306,938 1,301,083 166,(50,99? 1860- d3,3it?,C8T 78,185,850 751.18-1 143,699.715 ism- -t i,:Mr,, ruc. 64,: 176.956 33,900,16(1 118.797.737 1863- ;-AlS3,7?4. 74.-188..I16 781.656 1115,403,635 1863.... U6,1I3,936> 70,11110,800 1,036.013 107,009,748 1864.,.. 63,133.73? 108,1 ?1,043 1.663,066 1(0,741,838 1866- :<I.850.31? 68,418,1)38 1,305,46.-1 101173,800 lg*.... hii.43i.a--r 108,7 85,746 1,636,147 10O.3A4.21H tfiCT.... 63.4-ll.8if I IO1.6.'.7,U07 I.?T 3.303 190,663,16? li EV Ey, CK a non cc. ia ons IT SHIV mun. 18(15. 1806. 1867. I? July.?il.'.778,37fl.66 ?11,601,180.60 19.605,433.01 Trev. 6 mon...30,1-.05.577.07 87,848,189.78 60,354.688.00 Total Hinco-_ Jon. 1st... .?48,1173,813.731 ?711,066,876.88 168,800,131.81 All tho atioTO figuros represent gold. Tho im? ports aro HUto d at l ucir foreign cost in gold, freight and dat;,- unpaid. lu turning now to tho exportai it is pro por In moko thia dlsllnotion. Tho latter nro com puted ohiaQy in curroney. Tho iid'uiu ute of gi old aro outorod at thoir tain value, bntalloUirx er, norto oro cloarod at their current market value io paper money. Tho BhlpmouU if prniluco in Jt dy havo boen a littto larger than 'or tho sama mon th, .in either ol tho provinaa two rears, bul aro Ira s than half aa largo as in July, 180-1, when tho U 'tal was thirty-one and a half Dillions. Tho fol lowing is a comparativo sum nary : m ourn FIIOU ssw YORK TO ronr.iON 1 OUCH ron six y .aru a most JAHOIRT 1ST. 18(6. IBM. 1867. lom. produce.... ?81 ,670.013 $117,311,613 $104.813.956 Or. froouoods... 663,13-2 486.1-68 307,(06 Do. dotlabln... 1 (06,616 3,(37,711 (,291,118 fWloand bul'n. IS, 869,7(1 61.608,889 38.116,660 Ola! exporta.$193, 378,605 $172,829,276 $1(7,831,057 o. mc lu hi TO Bric? ole. tfci,'. -88,760 191,235,386 109,716,601 Oroat oxpootationa havo hoon formed in regard ? tho buslnosB of IBM > coming aoason; but to real o theso anticipado na it would scorn as if pro icora rannt submit) U > a material declino In prices, bo orops hero havo t icon abundant, bat OJO yield iroad haa boon aoaa :oiy looa eo; and ?uropo will >t take our prodnao'i t high rates. To hopo for largo shipping atom ad la to doaire |OSB rc mac e tifo retuiiw to UH? a roduccx. _WANTS._ IVAM'Kli. - A I'OMPKVKirT WII1TK tl WOMAN, to fihtk ami ?nih fern lamil). No ob rellim to a mi,i uni uno without children. Apply ?I il KU IT NU srilEET.rtirucr of Henrietta. AngiKtjM ll/A.\TKn.-,l OOO? COOK. WA8IIICR \\ ami Ironic, tn go tu Mt. Pleasant; family small: iou KO situated on tin? uracil, lu a healthy locality. Ap lilynl No. 107 MK 1'.Tl NU ?TKKET. Th it Wily, between Lo hourn of 1? A. M. anti 'J 1?. M. 1 August 'li WA VT tl). A I'AI'AHI.K WI I IT li WOMAN, lo t-ku cato or chllilrvn. Hood rvfurcuevs rc pllrcd. An ly tl THIS OFFICE. Align?t 2a 'J WAN IT-ii. Il Y A OF.NTLKMAN WO HIM WIFE, an UNFURNISHED IIOOM nml HOARD In Hoiiiu pr?valo family. Situation munt bu mitral. Ail . in i . W. W., Kl V mix No. H. fmw Ailinn t VM SIT I married man, of steady habitu, n situation m any respectable In. vim i . Will makn himself uarful lu al mu?t any capacity. Address "ll. 1'.," al UIIH ellice August 1:1 FOR SALE. I/o 11 SALLI, A I.(11)1) MILCH lOW AN? 1 r.M.r. low. Impilr.i al No. 70 CANNON STREET, between President un i Ashley streetH. 9? August 22 TO RENT. mil ll H.VF, Til AT OICS1H AIIL1C ll H H I L DENCE. No. ll KINO KTltKKT, ?llb all Hie neccn snry oullmtldliigs, clal. ru. ki: ltii|tiiru al No. V, SOUTH S1DK. OK TUE AllOVK. fllO UK MT, TIIK fOMMOIHOHS ,\%l> X pleasantly situated two ?"J o !??" ?tory MEICK DWELLINO NO. r.2 Hand street, norlli .ide, near Faint Dav. IMaaBBBtuU giren on lat September. Apply nt TT?IS UFF1UK. _"lJ_L_ rpOUEKT-TIUC TWO AM? A HALI'' STORY JL HRIOK RESIDENCE, corner Hookly and Meeting streets, having lislcrn und stable* on Um premlneii. and ??nod iieeommodaUoti* lor servants, lient low. Apply to S. HAUT, Mr., No. IIS'J King street, duly V BOARDING. BOAIlOl.VU.-TURkllC I'LKASAVI' IUI O TU ai with good HOARD can bo had mi liiim?<li*ln appli? cation lo No. ntl CHURCH STKKKT, weat aide, miar 'l'rndd sired. Term* reasonable._Juuo 12 ~l7\XVKUt.i'.ST HOARD, AT VU RV LOW X J niT, in Hie moat central bualne*. part of Ihn elly. ? u in m i lodging, lu a pr?valo h,nur. can now ba lind. M - -_U_ i*b?X. L," l'oalotilvo. May 15 LOST. LUST, A HI, \< iv MCWFOI'NDLAND DOO. A roward will bo given for bia recovery. Apply al THIS OFFICE. August lil) REMOVALS. ltll.MOVAL. riMlE SH USCHI UER HAS lt KM OVI'.ll HIS KIHI' A. CHANULKllY HI LSI N ESK lo No. ltd EAST lui, nier tinily Alloy, a fow doors below tim old aland. August 2U ALHEHT O. STONE. HOTELS._ PAVILION HOTEL. A FIN te LUNCH Sory G cl te yer.y Day, K11U.11 II TO I? 1-'* OU LOCH. Juno r>__ S. S WANDA LE" PROPBIBTOR CF TUT. Mansion House, .lime s ult I :t IN vi 1,1.1., B. C. ST. JAMES HOTEL, NEW OKI.KA NS. ru o eu un o na : WM. A. HURD.Of Now Orleans. W. P. O08KBBY.Ot K|K)tUneod note], Itlcbuioud. Teh i ;i nfl i nml H\il i mul Ofliccs ?tl Hu turnia of Tlotol. .lune 17 ?mo STEVENS HOUSE, No*. Ml. IKt,*5 AMI M7 Hroudwuv, N. V.. iippiiihu Howling Oreen-t li Ibo European Plan.-THE STEVENS Ilol'SE I? well and widely known to the travelling public. Tho location ta c? IK-ciully suilatil. Io mrri*h*ut. and mau; lt iii In clo*? proximity to III? bu.lncss p.irt af tbs city-is on lbs highway ol ami Wealura travo!-aud adja? cent to all ?he principal Railroad and Steamboat ilnput*. Thu STT'.Vl NS llullSU has liberal .eeniulimilaliiil. for over lion guests-lt is well lunitsbed. und plissasses every modern iiiipriivciuutil fur Uis comfort and rlimrlailinicul of Us imuaius. Thc rooms ure apoeiotta nml well veuti hiled-provided with gus sud water-the altauilaiieo ls prompt und rcspeeltnl-?nd tho tabla ls generously pro v oleo ..iib every delicacy or Ilia ?ranimai indurate rales. 'The rooms having been refurnished uud remodeled, we arr coal ni tn oller extra facilities fur the coinlort und pleasure ..I' our guests. GEO. K. CUASI: A CO.. May '1H Gmo Proprietors. Mil'K t: TO MAILORS OR IMMIUKANTS HOTEL OH IIOAHIllNfl-HOUSE KEEPERS. OFFICE CI.EHK OF COUNCIL, March ill, 1807. IN ACCORDANCE WITH T HE FOLLOWINU ACT OF Uni Legislature, ivasscd tho '20th day of December, Ditto, ull iMTruinsei iieeniisI aro hereby uni I Heil to call at this ullin: nud taku mu lhere,pur,U bi elise IniniiHliatuly. W. H. SMITH, Clerk or Council. AS Al.-T FOlt THE UETTEll I'llOTKCTIOS Ol' sci MI s AMII iuutoiuSTK IN Tin: is mr ASH IIAIIUOII mr CUAUIXH TON. I. Ile il muffed, hy Ihr .Se?ale and llnute qf lle?ireirnta tiret, nmo met amt tiltimj in llenernl Auembly, and Oy fi. authority nf ihe mme, T hat lt shall not be lawiul tor any peri-, ni, cv. cpi u p i lui or publie lillicur, to board or at? tempt to board n vessel arriving In ibo port or harbor of Churlestou, beforu such vessel .ball havu been made fast lo thc wharf, without tlrsl obbiiulugl eave ir,,m ibo mau? ler or person haviug chargu of snell vessel, or from tier ?uer ur ngrnle. II. lt el,ull not lie Lu, bil for any owner, agent, master, ! or other person having charge of uuy vessel arriving ur bel?g lu thu portOf Charleston, lo pi mut or uuthurizu any sailors, hoi el ur boarding house Keeper, uni llceuued as in i. in un r provided, ur any ugciic, runner or em? ployee ut uny sailor's or immigrant's hotel ur boarding lue ino, to board, or aili nipt lu board, uny vessel arriving lu, ur lying, or nclug lu Ibo Unrborur|Kirtol Charleston, helero eucn vessel snail havu been ltiailu I'uuttothn wharf, or anchored, with intent lo in vi le, nsk or solicit thu boarding of uuy of thu crow employed on such vuasol. III. ii shill HOI nu lawiul for uuy sailor's or immi? grant's hotel or boarding houso keeper, or tho etuployeo or any suitor's ur imnngruut'H hutel or boamiiig buusu keeper, leaving boarded uny vessel mado fast to uuy wharf j tn Ute ]K)rt ot ChiirlcsUiu, to ueglcct or rufuso to louva I saul vessel, alter haviug blain uniere,1 so to do by tho mist en or jHirson having chargu of such vessel. IV. It stub not bu lawiul lor any person to keep, eon J duct or carry ou, either as owner, proprietor, ngout or otliorwiae, any sailor's or limul,mini's lemnli ni; houso, I or sailor's or Immigrant's hotel, lu thu city ot Charil stun, without having a Uccuau from ibo City Council thereof. '. ItHhall not bo lawful lor any person, uni having Ilia beeline iu this Act provided, or not being tho regular agout, runner or ouipioyeo of a person having such li. entine, to invite, auk or solicit in tim city or harbor ut Charleston, tho boarding er lodging of any of tho ciew nploycd ou uny vessel, or ol any immigrant amviug in tbs sold elly of Charleston. VI. Tho elly Council shall Uko tho application of any .emull applying fur a MosSM to koop a suitor?' or munt grant's boarding house, or sailer's or immigrant'a hotel, lu tho city ol Charleston, and ?pon uausluctory evidence tu tin ni of thu respectability and competency of mich ap? plicant, and of tho suitabluucss of Ins accummuuatious, nhull isnuo to him a llcuuse, which shsll bu good lor ouo year, unless sootier revoked by said City Council, lo fevp a sailor's or nur.iigruol'? boar,ling house in Um , 1 li? ol Charleston, and lo Invito and solicit boardoni fur tho Homo. VII. Tho City Council may, upon satisfactory ovldonco r o?r any l?rco. fraud, deceit or mtsruprciienlatioL', lu in J vlUng or soliciUug boarders or lodgers for such house on Um part or such koepur or proprietor, or any of bis agonis, runners, or employees, or or any uthuupt to per emule or i n tien any of tho cruw to desert i min uuy vouuel In tho harbor or Charleston, by such keeper or proprie? tor, or uuy of bis ugculu, ruuuors or empluyooa, rovoko thu Dei,n-, for beeping such houso. VIII. Every person receiving the Prenso horolubeforn provided 1er shall ]?y to tho elly Council aforesaid tho sum of twenty dollurav IX. T ho said City Connell ?ball furnish to each sailor's or immigrant's hotel or* boarding houso kueper, Ucuused by them aa aforesaid, ono or moro badges or sblolda on which sholl bo printed or engraved mo narnu or such hotel or boarding houso kcepor, mut tho number and streut of his hole] or boarding house: and which sola hutlgiM or shield* shall bo aurrundcred to said City Coun? cil upon Uio tovocaUou by them, or expiration of any license granted by thurn, as herein provided. X. Evory sailor'a or unmlgraut's hotel or boanllng bouso keeper, and ovury agent, runner or employee ol aurli hillel ur bourdiug-housokeeper, when boarding any vessel lu the harbor of Charleston, or when iuvltiiig or soliciting tho boarding or lodging of any ?canaan sillur or person employed on any vsssel, or of ?ny Immigrant shall wear, conspicuously displsyed, the sbiold or badge l refen ni to In ibo foregoing ? ecUon. XI. lt ah.ll not ba lawful for any person, oxoept those named in the preceding sucUou, to nave, wear, oxhiblt or display uny such sbiold or bsdgo to any of tho crew om ploy.*i un any vessel, or lo any Immigrant so arriving m tho city of ChsrloatOQ, with tho intent to invite oaX or solicit Hie boardiug or lodging of such Immigrant or cl any of tho orow oinployud oa any vessel being tu the harbor of Chartustnn. Xii. Whine, i r aimil offend against any or either of the provisions contained in section 1, 2,3, A, 6,10 and ll m tills Aol, ?hall bo limned guilty ol a raudamaanor 'and shall, upou conviction Uierror, bo punished by Imprison mont for a term not ere noding one year, and not lesa Dian thirty d?ys, or by a Ono not oxooodlng two buudroj and nny doUass, and nut less than uno hundred dollars or by both such Ons and imprisonment. XIII. Tho word "vesaul/'aa tl (od In this Act, shall hi ol mle vessels propelled by steam. lu tim Sonata lt nun. Ibo twentieth day of Docambi r In the year of our Lord ona thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. W. D. l ou r KU, Pr?sident of tho Senate OHAS. H. HIMONTON, Rpoakor House oritopreaeolativss. Approved December 20, IBM : JAHBJ LS OBS, Governor. March 14 AN OR DI NANOK TO ItEOULATK TU? BTOBIOB OT rsm ll, TTS rio* DUCTS, ASH urina IXFLAXIUASL? o ILA). fi r.e. 1. ?le it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, in City Council atiemlltd. That from and after Hie ltUi day of Juno next, lt shsll not ba lawful to keep Pekroleora Kerosene, Hock OH, Ilcnxice, Itecaola, or ?ny oib.r in' flsmmabls oil or olia on storage or for sale la any ocular atoro or Lauding south of Lino si root, In a largar ouan' lily than flAy gallons un soy uno lot or rritmlsna* ?ral any such quantity *o kept or stored shall b* contab?ed hi vsiucls of Un or oilier metal. rime X That Fetrolaom, Its produc?s, or aay o th ar la Isl an aaa Ma oil or olia, aben brought Into the city by land ur waler, may bo k mt on any lol orin any building hi which rottou la not stored, fur a period not exce?dliu twohly-four hours, upon Uio expiration of which tim* (1 shall bs rsmovod anti kept in tbs manaor ss required br the foregoing section. ? ' HBO. 3. Any person or persons violating any part ot Ulla Ordinance ahall bo subject to a An* of two hundred dollars, for each otTonco, rocorerabl* In any Court of con,, potent Jurlsdlcuon. Haunod in City Connell thia twonly-Arat day of stay In the your of oar Lord one thousand eight h sn d> id and sixty-seven. (L.8.) p. o. fl All.LAUD, l|i for ' w. Q. -ms, Clark ot CoiueU. /a,', j EDUCATIONAL._ M.ii. r.orsti-: PUK EXERCISES OF or:: ^iiiooL WILL UK BR; I MIMED OM JfondViy. th* ? .th instant. H?y? will bo n-nan-d f.?r tun J..nlonl.i~-ee "I ?>"> ?roiir (.olli-gos or Ned fur buelnes*. will bo laiwbl. Terni* very mderatc ?nd li? < ?tr* iluuyw. Wc tetra a Pr?valo *.?. fur youn? .m n In Hu- " SKA,m(",K. Angil?!'? ?. WILLIAM MMHROOE. _ .cmicATIOXAt. V;STAIII.ISH.M1:.\T OK ?KV. pit. M vms. ?|"U1K PRINCIPAL OF 'MIL A1I0VK NAMED INST! I HITUIN boo much pleamiro In ainiuuiiriiii: to bis I I ?iront., m. well UM lo Ibu public m-nomlly. Out ow tw to mitlnu, .1 lurtrseo iii Hui uiiinlH-r ut pupil*, lu- hos j '?nm! it tutiwrj t-i obtain moro omlaMo|ara?JMrc*, ?um herc rom ?Wumi Ilm coiiimodloii* omi rllglbl? h?>i-? dtuatcd ut tho Northwest mriiur of Coming omi Hull Tb*Ot? ol Ito Instituto boliit! t? thoroughly educate Ibo pnpll* fur collegiate or boulncow convr: o systematic uid accurate stMMWMr* tralului: 1* tutop od fm- such u< moy nood lliol courin-, omi peculiar advantages nm niuo offered for Hm rinds or Ibo cl?nales. Mathematic* omi Hi 1.1k-Viv] I UK- , , , In conti'Mitionco of recent ncceaoary chang?e uinilo lu Ibo Movunmioiil or tho Academy, and will. ? vlow ot larllltaluiH Hm In barcina Of Ibo pupilo. Hui l'rlnclpnl will bo nsabded by Mr. JOHN HANSON, a mmtWiinaii ol known nblllty. and WOO lian bsd considerable experience in the arl of U-orhluK- Mr. HANNON performed bis i oil. - int. - MOIOO or studies with distinction, in imo ot Hie IK-BI retir?tes In Froucc, aud sub.o<iilenUy taught Hm Frciirli languages omi claasirs with unusual suceras, lu tim collogo or Hlola In that country. Rare sud excellent advautages oro ttiercforu afforded for Um study ot French muter lils supervision. A primary class connected wlUi tho Iii.tltiilluu ls con. dweted by Mies HOSA D1UULK, snd tho varloua dcisirt meiitn rccelvnig tho personal superintendence of the Principal; overy exottlou lo um.I.- lo promote the Inter? ests of Hm pupils. L'ourso of IntiirucHuii : Knitlish, Frvtick, latin, Orock, Mehrow, Spanish and (lennon languages, onflow. July IB. I'lWl.U.n < OI.I.KUIC. THF. FALL TKHM OF THF. FF.MALH COLLEOE. S1.1rU1ut.11rp. S. C.. wilt upe-i Oclotior 3d. 1807. Thei ITealdoiiL Hov. A. W. CUMMINGS, I). P., will Ito aided by competent, experienced li. overy ?lo parttneut. Hoard for half year.?.0.0? Tuition. 5W??? CuuUugctil Fee. 3.1?' Music and all tho Umauicutot Urouohe* very low. Those withing to potrouUu tho School will picoso ad drcas Uio I'rialdPUl. Itu _August V TOBACCO. ETC. "Li CIUOLl" SEGAli ?XUliJCi, ( OHM?nilIl?Al)WAY AND17TII s i lt I ll; i', M'.W YOUIE. THU UNDHR HUN KO WILL Hot PLKASET) TO 8EK bis Southern friend*. Tho HAVANA HF OAltS, of all the leadlug brands, with a general aaeort mont of Smokers' Article* always on hand. Jiu..- 4 D. OTTOLKNOUI. A gout LOTTERIES. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY FOU TUK 13 13 N Iii F I T OF TDK MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOM BOYD, WILSON & CO., Managors, ATLANTA, GA. Great Extra Scheme, CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000. ill ki.IN OMA OM DOLLAR, TO DE DRAWN AT ATLANTA, OA., SISPTICMUICR UL, 1S07, th) will purchase a" Patanga of Icu Ti.kets, liable [ to draw 330,1)00. All Frizes paid without discoutiL (harlot Drawing* soul cacti purono,cr. AU Prizeo Caahud al Hilo Onice. xyj" Oorrespondouto moy rely on prompt etUmtion to urilers by alinply rucloslog mousy with full addre.s. *o- All order? for Ticket*, Soberna*, and luformaUon to b. ad d reseed to J A M KS K KHK, Manogor'a Agent, Lo. 1 Box No. Mi. Charleston, S. C. Oltice: Nt-. 30 Din IA 11 HT kt tl KT. Imo August tl ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT TUB WOKDEBtTJL KETELATIOHS j MADE UT THE OREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame Ii. A. PERKIGO. SOE REVA LS SECRETS NO MORTAL KV BR KNEW. She rein ne. to hr.] plum thoio who, from doleful ovento, cotootro]ihi-*, croaoeo tn lure, looa af relatioaa aud rn. ml., has of money, Ac, bore become despondent. Slio brings togoUior iho.e long .oporoted, give, inlormo tiou concerning ah.cut friend, or lovers, re.torea loat or etoleu property, tells you Ul. buameoa you ora beat qualified lo purono aid lu what you will be moat aucoeia ful. vauaeaapeedy marrUgeo, otid talla you the very day ycu will marry, glveo you the nanita, ltkeneea and uhor ocleriutico of llteia-raou. She read? your vary thoughts. ' and by her alnioal aupernoturol powers, unvollo tho dork aud hidil.e luyalenea of tho nu ure. From tba atare we ono m the Annimmt-ilia maleUc atora that overcome or pr- .ii.mumm lu Hm contiuurutioB-trotii His ospocta and IHiattiuu. of ibu planet, oud tho flxod .tor. lu the at Ibo tuno ol birth, abo deduce, the future destluy i-f man. Foil not tu rouault Hie gieateat Aetrologltl oa earth. It coals you but a trifle, aud you may uover agalo havo on favorable au opportunity, L'onaultotloii fee, with likenroo and all dealred Information, tl. Portl.o tlvlng at o distance eau couniiit the Modaiue by mail with s<|iisl aafcty and oatiafacUou to tbeiuoolvea, oe if In poraou. A full and oxpllclt chan, \rrlllen out. With ott Inquirir? an. ewered and Ukeneso enclosed, sout by mail on receipt ni price above mentioned. The strictest secroay will I a inahitolned, aud all correa pond euco returned or doatr.-y. od. Referenccaof the nighest order furnished tboeo..o a i rinn them. Witto plainly tko doy of the month act year lu which you were born, enduring a omall toe - ot Address. M.naur H. A. PERRIOO, P. O. DaowanUUV, Ho, N. Y. March jg_ly MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! YOUR ATTENTION IR CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH SYRUP CHILDREN TEETHING TOTS VALUADLE PREPARATION IS THE PRE? SCRIPTION of one of tho best female physicians and nurses in tho United States, end hus been uood tor It nat only roliovcs the child from pain, but invigorates tho stomach sad bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to tho wliolu nystom. It will aioo InslanUy relieve OR1PINO IN TUE DOWELS AND WIND COLIC. Wo bellevo it ls tim liest and surest remedy In tho Sauft in !5 c"u,or DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA lu children, whether lt orioea from Teething, or from any other cause. * Ile .uro and ask for MlkH. WINSLOW'S MOOTHING SYRUP, Having tba fae staiilo of CURTIS A PERKINS on thu wrapper. ALL OTHERS AHE li AUK IMITATIONS. For salo by the Wholesale Agents, April ll D?WIE & MOISE. So. lol Ml KUNO STU I IT, OPP08ITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. "Prevention is Petter than Cure. " DR.. RICORD'S Celebrated PreYentivo Lotion. APPROVED AND HIOili.r RICO M MSN I) ail Vt *J??S* rrenon hled'ool l ocality, a? tbs only aafe and hiCelllblo -nUdote against Infection from SpecialDbceoana Thia Involaohlo preporeMnu is salted tor either BOX. and haa proved, from ampio eopoiisace, tho moat aOs?enl and redoblo Pr?ventive ever d looa vare. L th lu rJTooUna a desideratum ion* aoujht for la tho MeaUoal Worlds If uaed occurdiug to di recd ono every pooalbilUa of daxuier moy bo avoided; a alngla oppllootlon wUlreflloUlynea. Iralioe Ul. venereal vims, expel aU Impuritlae ?%mi aye oboorbent veoaeJa, and recular corotammoUon Impoaalhlo. Rs wise m tims, aud ot a very arnon outlay, oars hours of untold bodily and mental torments. TV?J.ln.?il.r*11,bI? ?peclnc. so uniTanally adopted tn Uio Old World, lo new offered for aole nar the first time in Amarice, by V. A. DUPOET A CO., out/ authorised A gorila far the Uni lad Btetea. fttoo W per bottle. larg, bot tia, double aloa to The luuol ducouot to the tredo. Sent,'.aoaroW packed, on receipt of price, to any addreas. wi Lb direu lions and pamphlet, by eddreealng to ?. A. DUPOBT k CO., " . ?ole Af enos tor Dr. aUoawd'a F. U, May 33 lyr No. 13 OoM raareet, N.w York. OTIIUf LOAM. MAYORALTY OF OUATtLKSTOH, I CRT HALL, November 9, ISM. I A EL PERSONS DESIROUS OF IlEnuILDINO IN THB t\. Burnt Dlatrlets and Waals Placee of the OHy, os? ier "An Act of th. General Aaeembly, giving authority 0 the City Council of C bar lesion to pruoeau In the tau or of a Viro Loon, with a view to old tn building ap Uio Mtv anew," are hareby notifie* thol the form cfappb. ellon for toona con be obtained at Ibo omeo af Ibo Clark if Council, between the hours of S A. kl. and 1?, at, All appllcoUou. must be*'VI lathe above ueottoaed Doe, aa th? Oommittee will meei every Afemfey to co*. 1 il ur th* ?ame. By order of tho Moyer W. n. HM I rn, Novena ker ia_Clerk of Connell. NmitiK. ."\FiTCK CLERK OF COUNCIL.-THE 70LLOWTNQ J e Iou aa cf Section 1 of an "Ordlmince to Roioe Uon llee for the rear 18T7," Le publlahed for the lnfunnoCon f perecne oelilng Goods by aample or otherwise, who are ot reeldentsof thia ol ty. All ouch persona ors hara br otixUd to report at Udo ofBoe. "Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all gooda aid In thia oliy I ?ono not roelden to. by aample or Uiarwiaa^" W. ". \tSSS. MARO ? . Clark yf Qgxucil DRV GOODS. El C.. CHEAP &09DSI VIKING I lKUS ? MUIJLEU, Ko. VJ? ic INC. ST i ti: i rr, rNFOHM 1TJBIII rlUKNDH ,\N1> THU PUBLIC IS L gi in-ml. lint they villi roauur* Hu lr place ul lund? ie** M No. -J17 KISO STREET, mi or Mora Um lit "I leptcuibcr; ?nil |irt<?r lo Hint linn, limy will null tin lr ru? in? atock nf DRY noons nt grintlv IIKDUCEI) MtlUfti August 13 muli; FURNITURE, ET?. FIIKNITUKK! R.RNI?TIii: ! MANUFACTURED UV F.KRUTiNA, Nos. .MS ami 1)8 East Houston struct, Now York City. AIil. HUS FUUNlTUHi:. CONSISTING III' PAKI.Oll. OIlAMHEll. IUN1NCI ROOM AND ll URAH. SUITS, IK of tim lotest ?lyle?. Bini mauufartun-.i ?1 Hil" Tory bcot material, uniter Um pctaooal ?ii|K:rvhlmi ni Um j Proprietor. ?ml (inanuli'C.I. . Parties In Um South desiring flnu HniiKohoM Furniture can IH> BU pul lcd illrcct from Um ni?iiiif?cliiry; or Hmso ?bout visiting Now York will nuil lt to their ailvotitagc lu m.uiino Ult? Stock liffiirw pureh-ln|| clsiiahere. All ti. ul? w?rr?ulo(l. wftu Minos July '.ll BOOTS AND SHOES. SHOKS t SHOKSi rr\ OAKM BOOT* ANDHITOKHKHIIKIVBII. THEY ii\f are good omi oiibBlautlol, ami am oller, il at niall. "V JOHN rtlMMINS, Alignai V W No. 137 Meeting at rout, up stairs. RAILROADS. (jKAM) CONSOLIDATION OK MiiAViW&mniiMiiiiis. I.tltEIOHT ?RIPPED AT VERY REDUCED HATES, } DAILY, ON M A 11. THAINE FROM IIAI.TIMOIti:, 1'HILADEIJ>UIA. NEW YOIIK AND BOSTON, Tl) I CHARLESTON ANl> ALL STATIONS ON TUE NORTH? EASTERN HAILUOAI). IN FIFTY TO SEVENTY HOURS, HY THE OREAT SEAUOARD INLAND AIR I 1.1 NK. VIA ANNAMESSIO RAILROAD AND STEAM Bl 1 111 BATS* ll!? OOOM THOU ll ai.ri ?nu.f; Ttl I'llAIIt.rSTOK. H. I". First Olas? Uoods.ri 117 per lou pminilB Second Class (inu.l.. 141 ncr UKI polliulB Third Cloos Goods. I 16 pw lon |KIIIIII1B I Fourth Class Uoods. Ul per loo pmimtH VlllI.AI.Bl.ritlA Til CUAllLCBTllN. First CUss 7 j p. r 100 )M?UII<IH Hscond Cl?ssUoods. 1 IT per IUD |ioumls Third Class Uoods. 1 Ut pc r Uni pouuds I Fourth Class (louds. Ul ppr Ml) pouuds i nn inti.l ill* TO CMAlluZSTOrl, VIA ASNAULSSIU 11A1L noAii. First Class doods.fl 03 per UM) pounds I Second Class Unod?. 1 (17 por IUD pounds I Third Class doods. 1 31 per IOU pounds Fourth Class Uoods. 11)3 pm IOU pounds MSW TORS TO CUAIIl.XKTON. J First Class Ti |sir IOU puuuils Second Class doods. 1 17 |wr UMiMiiiiids Third Class Uoods. I Ml pur IOU pounds Fourth Class Ur oils. Ul per list IKIIIUIIB BOSTON TO CUAnl.KSTON. First Class Goods.$1 sj per 100 pouuds I Second Class Oouds. I M per IOU poi mils I Third Clsss doods.I lil per UK) pounds Fourth Class Uoods. 1 li |mr loo pounds Sped?! cai.tract, will bo insdu lor tba <h ?pun nt of tho tolluwmg arUclee : Vit ?r<d Railroad Iron. Marble iu hlucks or in casks. not lesa than car load of six tuns. Flour or Mo?), in bbla. Sall lusacka. Wk eat. Corn ?nd other Ora n. I luann ?nd other Pei ti ll 7 ern. Ont too. Tar, Pitch, Roam end Crude Turiiatillmi, pur bbl. of I I 380 lbs., or leas. All goods ontored lo be shipped by Um Seaboard Inland Air Uno must bo so narked, and lu ?hipping (rum Phila? delphia Ihn packages should bs .marked and a mun made an tba Bill of Lading whotlmr tho frulubt ls lu lin for I warded by Clyde's Steamers or via Ac?meoslo. Sea-risk Insurances can bo eneoled ti eui Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and DoBtou tu Norfolk frum to X por cent. Through receipts given and olalms fur lusa and damage promptly adjusted. For further particulars sae circulars In th. various business houses of this city, ur apply fur lurnrtiiatiui, to VT. T. J. O. WOODWARD, en nemi Ageut, Wilmington, N. C. July M_ lnwflum DOUBLE DAILY ALL RAIL PASSENGER ROUTE I ATLANTA j Chalaiioogti and Grand J auction, THROTJQIl IN FOHTT.MNE HOUltS. TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA DAILY At 8:45 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M., msklug closo counecUuns .1 all poluta Arriving at Naw Orleane at 8P.M. and 11:<0A.M. ?A*T"Passengers by trains of thu O corgis Railroad make | close conni- ilium with Un. louie al Atlanta. NO STEAMBOATS OR OMNIBUSES ON THIS ROUTE, ELEOANT3LEEPINO COACHES ON ALL NP ?HT TRAINS. ri Ado my CHECKED THROUOU. FARE AS IsOW A S UY ANY OTHER ROUTE. THROUGH TICKETS tl OOH UNTIL UIED. Can be obtained at General Ticket O El cr. Atlanta, (la. I Georgia Railroad, Augusta, Go.; SouUi Carolina Railroad. Charleston, S. C.; South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, ?B.C. JOHN lt. FECK, Master Tl in. I- ..-tainui. July 13 Sico Weateni and Atlantic Railroad. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. liilililLAiMI lt SON, Heal Estato Agents, Auctioneers AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. St HAYN H STREET. Boptonitmr ?_ SHACKELFORD & KELLY, FACTORS, GENERAL ? () AI AI I SH ION AN? SIIII'PINU II I'.KIT I A NT'S, NO. 1 DOYOE'R WHARF, ( Harli .ton, H. C. W. W. SHACXXLTOHD. WU. AIIBN 1.1.1.I V July ?_t_ WILLIS & CH1S0LM. vmm mmm\ MRRPJUNTS. AND SHIPPINGS- AGENTS. ! W^.JilESiP TO 11115 ^"??HASE. SALK AND YT 81111-Uk.NT (tn Foreign asd Ranieitln PnrUlof I COTTON, Ri CE, LUMUER AND NAVAL STORES. AIT, A N IK WIIAIir, ( T. u ri i y lon, ?, C. HVv-.l.,L1?;.A- OHISOHI October ?A PUBLIC NOTICE). OrriOE OF CITY TREASURY, I January .t, 1887.1 ?pUUUO NOTICE IS HEREUY G1VE1 THAT UNDER JL tho following Ordinenco Ucensea bk/obeeu prepared for delivery from thia Omeo. H. THOMAS, _ . " . City Treasurer. I BEC. 1. Ile tt Ordained by ?A< Uayor and Aldermen-.. City Cou neil anee i bled, That from land after tho Bret dav o? J ainu ry, licenses aboli be taken out for all carts, dray' amt wagons, used for privat? and domestic purpose, in the earn a manner, and according to the earns pruvlalon. now of loree In relation to carts, drays and wagons, leloi ilrl-in (for hire, etoeat giving bouda. And each such oort, dray or wagon, aboli be provided with a badge con? taining Ule number thereof, and marked Mette, to be i placed en tba ontslde of the shaft. Bio. 1. No person .tull be token by tho Treasurer aa aurel)' to any bond under the Ordinance ooooornlngll oenoea for carts, drays, wagons and o Lb sr carnages, on lesa be or abe be a freeholder. HBO. t. The following ahoU hereafter be the rates for Uoenses far pu hilo and privat* oort*, drays, wagons, Ac., iodating tba borea* or males ue*d th ar auf, wbJeli ?hal) b* rte* from other Unil.ui: rtTBUO nesca, USAIS, arra, OB THOU surianas, in ASI Sli ms-a TrniTSTSi rna anas mauser os ISDIBOJOT. For .vary cart, dray or wag an, draws by on* kona or mala. ?lt. For *v?ry cart, dray or wagoo, drawn by Iw. h traitor malos, tflO, Ear every hook and oarrlaf* with two wheels, tot. For .v rf bark oud carriage with (eur wheels, tall. For every .log* er omnibus lexoepl Un* omiiibua wtth two kora**. tM. For ?vary loge or omnibus (except UM oaanitia*. drawn *y four bora**, MO. ' For ovary trunk drawn by two er atora Locater molo. tu. For avery ecpreae wsw aa Ara ir? by two or saura horace ar mule*, too. aeaaan GABO ANO par VATE ciao SBA**, as* Far every brood aart or wogoo, M. Fer ere*/ cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do. sestia parp?me, and not to ba employed In the ti? porUng of goods, wareo, morohondlae, lumber, nr any S??2K!S*'1 f?r oomperaaeUon, 4lUl,r a-^a. u'r ndtreoUy for the asms, ehoil poy tor o lloeuee th a ?ai ol I?, *xcta*iv* of Ute bora* or mule. Ratified in oily Council, thia ua> do? of Jonoory \Utu) in tb* year of our Lord on* tbouoond hurv eUMd BDd ai i ly .ai I. ?. a G AILLA KD, Mo/or. By tba Moyer. fannaryt_W. H. iMrrn. Hork of OOOD eil. Kt. A LI( I? >S ( KS OTFIOE CLERK OF COUNCIL, I July 34 IBO?. I nU()liE PE&BONE WHO MADE APPLICATIONS l\)R I No. 1 UQUOR LICENSE Br* hereby noUfied lo ie ort at thu oOa* with their applicatlone ImmtdiaUly. L . r ? W. H. hMITH, tmifV _Qierit of Council. E. M. WHITING, CORONER AND MAGISTRATE, LT AO aUOIOVoTD HIS OFFICE 1ROH OUALUaTRJI ri. alreet lo Wp. 7J QHUROH HT ll EST, near 81 ??WV? Alky, Augu???i ?RUCERY ANO MlSCElUMEOOSr MACON ST?ITS. SI OKS AND SIIOUMIKUS. I'S'I' ma iavi',11 STKAMKIIH Ml? KKK A AMI MAXIIATTAltl } ItOXKM HAcoN s i mi's > H> lili.l?. Harun Shh* III illili-. u.U .m shuni,i, rn (i i l-l..! I',,rk IIA.-..H .'. bills. Hull I'ork B hhl?. prime MciM'I'urk. Ami fur sale by Annual 'il i WM. HIIKSKV. N.i. HU HtiKl Ui>. NUPKKIOII IIKM1' IMM'K. " COU* S'l'I'KItlOK MI MI' HOPI:. y\t\t For salo by Annus! ID I MiiUlili Al A ru. Ul NNV CLOT!.. I T? i RiiMj*-ABOMVKiXTy YARDS LACH. 1 I 11 Tor sale nt July '?1 Imo MEETISO STREET HT. IHK SI . SOU 1 11 CAHOiilNA, (JKOIMJIA AM? TK.VM?SSKK. Kl.IM lt. IAM Now PHEI'AUP.U ru I II.I.?KIIKIIX I I I Ul.l: fur cx)sirt or hum.n><tiiiipiii>ii, lil Miarkvt rail's villi tim DENT I'.UANHS Ol' t'l.ot'H. pul ilpili harri'K isl! unil ?inarl. r lings. iUm'1 fruin Inti Mills. Will uh." rurntsh lilt AN ANH SIIOHIS .1. N. ICOIISON. Nos. I .,."1 "J Mimili.- Wharf. Angus! 9 ?ml Imo im \v. mill i W. WilOLKSAI.K M KIWI. A NTS, CIlAHliKSTON, S. C., OKIM'.i: Pilli SALK, LOU . Killi 1'AN?? i . wwin SEAMLESS SACKS I. IVI lit POI ?I. KALT r M ll M J MINI mils Hemp ami Manilla llit|?' .JIM? halo*! linmiy ami I>>.>?.!.-.- R.n-giii.j IIHIII lo gs Nnils. DSSurllsl i-i/' - aiKI lillis (totten Stigur, A, ll ami (' 'jon lings Hin I'otb',, mo Ubis Millaa*'* nml Syrup MM Imam Aitamaalini' famllm 21X1 lo'gH llaaanl'a towner r,IHI bags Sho( .JOIK) lb?. Lead flipperas, lllim Sims', Madder, llMligi, Spic.-, Au. July lu wna'JiavM VT'S a a es g ??z August LEA & PERRINS5 CELEBRATED woRi'raiisiiiKii nm. puonovNokD KXTIIACT UV mtt <>r * h ller Ir.iin ii CONNOI8SEUIIS ll to nt: TIIEIISLT JHJ'-^BV llrotbrrat WORCESTER, M ay, Hood Sauce ?SSu?iat!,''l: fjWfc "Till I.KA A PER AMII A : i aa i \ ii I i: J&SlV: KINS ll.oi tlmlr SAUCE igfBg?? ls highly esteemed in lu T" a?|2r^> ?lia, mut ls, in my opinion, ".,""., ,. .",,.?,,,. ?'.lfjfi?? ""' most lwlatahlc, ns RVKlIk >AltIkl'\ Wf''^a well us Hiv most whoa (wp jr?3 aauiu HAUCK thal is . Ol'' DISH. ^.-^S'niudc." Tho BNCcaaa of thia most Jellelons soil uurivallu 1 eon dhuont liaving enlists! many unprincipled dc?.crs to apply Ibu name lo .Spurium r'uni/miimft, tbs P ua ir ls respectfully and cuni.iffy reiptcsled to nie that Inc uauio or LEA ft Pavana m.. upon thu WRAPPER, LAPEL, HTOPPEU ami UOTTLE. MnniiCactnrud by I? E A .v P R R H 1 N H XV o I* realer? JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, 1ST 33 "W TTORIC, AOENTS FOR 'lilli: UNITED STATES. October 1? Imwlyr ~ JOHN MAC ?? It KU Ol? A. CO., . NOS. I7H AND 1811 l'KAKI.-ST., .Wm l'or*, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERA A NU DEALERS IN JL INDIA, SCOTCH AND KENTUCKY HAIHIIKII, i n i n s v nana AMI? KCUL.M' HUH AUMS ron WMKAT AND (.'HUN SACK INO; uls ?, a largo awi complete slock of lt U.K. HOIMI, embracing we -nan mnehhie-mailc. Kemp, Manilla, Flax ami Jule, Haling Twines, ute., nil of u Uh h they offer st lair prices. July 23 'imo THOMAS R. A??NEW, lld'ORTna AND Ol. O l ? IS Kino l.roceries, Choice Tens, late., l d , NOS. MO and Mi GREENWICH- T" COR. Ol' MURRAT, NEW YORK. Novembsr CRISPER COMA. Oh I shu was lieaiililul and dir. With starry eyes, sud ralliant hair. Whoso curling tendrils, sol( entwined, Enchained thu vf ry henri and mind, CltlSPKll COMA. For Curling Uto Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Mussy Kinglets ur Heavy Mausivu Curia. BY USINO THIS ARTICLE LADIE ! AND OENTLE MI N can liunitlily themselves s Ihoiisatid-Iohl. ll is tho only mich- in Ibo world thal will euri straight hair, and nt Ibu samu time give it u beautiful, glussy ap peiirauca. Thu Crisper (.'oma not only curls Uni hair, but Invigorates, bcautllles mid cleanses lt; is lilgliiy and de lightlnlly i" i iiiiiie,I. and is the must euniplrle article nf Hu kind ever nllered Ul thu Ami rican public. Th? Crisper Coma will lin sent to suy address, scaled aud pun 1 '.eal for tl. Address all onlers to W. I.. CLARK ft CO., Chemists, No. a West Fayette Urs'l, Syracuse. N. V. MarchjW_lyr Thui n cometh glad tidings of joy lo all, To young and tnohl, tn gteat aud lo small; The hmm ly which ones was so precious sud rs rv, ls frso for all, and ail may bc lair. Uy (lie usc or CHASTELLATl'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Im).Hiving and Beaudfylug Hie Completliui, Tr-'\ The most valttabto and perlsct pr?[iarsiiou In uso. tor giving the skin a beautind pearl-like lint, that ls only found lu youth. It iitilckly rumuves Tan, Freckles, lim? pias, matches, M.,tli Pilches, Hallowasaa. ICruptions, and all impurities of tim akin, kindly healing thu samu leaving tho skin white und clear as alabaster. Ita usu cannot bo delected by the closest scrutiny, and being u vagetablo iircparaUoti ls perfectly bartule?. It 1? thu only artirln or Ihe kind used hy tho Frcuch, and is con? sidered by Ul?, ,,?r,s':,P. M liMllatlsti?aliia lo a perfect SUTIIA. upwanls Ot an.oiiu Unities ?oro sota ,t,lr"'M il,,, past year, a suOlrlont guaranleo of int enicacv. Prien ouly 78 centa. -Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ol nu ord ur, by UKp.oKU, BHITTTII ? t:o., ChemUta. ?J?a Itlver Rfc, Troy, N. Y. M i rch 30. j,;. Wim mi'iiuii mum, CATAWBA COUNTY. NOIITII CAROLINA. TIIK PROPRIETOIW Ol' TUM CELEBRATE!) W ATERINU PLACE, having gone lo great eipeusu ?lue? lim lost season. In cltsugiug tho position of sud re? pairing tho COTTAOES, grading die Walks and erecthnt new Windings, (ouetlisr with many other ImproTemciita WIU oiieu THE hl'lllNus for the reception ol visitors on Satuixlav, J UJXO Ist, 18G7. Heh,g altuatoil lu Uie northwestern part of the Stali> In s country remsrkslilo for its bcsutlyaoil healthful' tiesa, theso, together with Ihe virtues of tho Waiora aie. country m?" aetinbXe WATat?Uj)IO^mWl!?^? THE MINERAL WATERS ?orUitl^Unal?dlread wUI eOs?j?^to n??"" ItaUon ,jIWWel, puen tO^^eVtlV^tH^i^l no? to biko them to THE 8P1UNOS m"n)t m aueml traSust ^mVr1,?JoUOg'e "'Virginia, will bn ?aviug again secured the sorvfcea of Mrs. WIIENN nd mada ample arranaomeuta for keeolno a onnil \AHLK, Md the best Winos, IJqnor. 3Tg?r? sn. -vhig engaged Smith's Hand for Hi. Hea.oiiV ? iromiao to all avery oonvenleno. for phyuSrs omtoVt nd amuaamant (hst may bs doslrad. vomiott lOAltO PKH MONTH. m. IOABI? PEU WEEK . *?2??! IUARU PRU DAY.3 SJ! .??.7 y??or -g. ."" fler. J. GOLDKN WYATT * CO., U?y M PBOPBIETOR8. lixcl?i?l?^ CHASTELLAR'S MIR EXTERMINATOR, Por RemoTing ?np.rflnoii. Hair. h\dW^^ ?0T P?rt of tho body, cempleSy ir. ?eflJ^*11^ exUrpatlrig tho samejeavtni, Ul' ?S ^*Tooth and iiatua^lT^hil. ls tho only irtlol r^lnTe^1?r^QChi?Dd on'y "*> SotaS t%SSS ry In e^lstanoe. Price 75>mtj per package/ ?,0 4dloanyaddrc?,onreeis\hitofahordnrrby BHlWia, 8HUTT8 k CO.. Chsmlsta, Marah 80 lyr Ko, a*f nUer afc, Troy, N? y,