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VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* TELEGRAPHIC. Otu' Callie l>S*jtittrlii-x. VU?SA, Alignai ?i. --'llii' organ nf Ilaron Von llciiMlo asserts llinl n defensivo allhiucii hu? boen rormetl between ANHlria uml France. l\\ws. August 22.-lt is said that ono result o? tho Salzlmri Conloi i nce is. that France ami \u". tua ? ill HIHIHI un the formation ol'tho Frcnch-lier LoulrJeralfiui, limier tho houd of iht< Ansiri ^Hte.ri.ue.lh,^ il,V "U? f8nH'" W"*S i*? -j''UNU"'>" Al,!?"h, 2- Noo?-CoueoleWj; Honda 7 LONDON-. August 22-2 I'. M.-Consols UIA; bonds sl?ailvTS i?S?4' Cnl1"" ,1Ui0' *"? Livuii'ooi., August 22 -2 I'. S|.- I,nil 50s The weather throughout England is beautiful, arid ru? nnable lin- the crops. LIVKIIPUOI.. August 22-Evening.-Cotton closed iifiiV, l. I''??'IIH .K-oliui-il |il. a, (dilling Uplands lOjd.; Orleans lld. Kales mu hales. l'U?KKM>RT, August 22.- - United Stilles Hoads Washington ?Vetv'a. WASHINOTO.V. August 2.'.-Octicral Sicilies tolc Itranlm (lenora] (irani, miking n revocation or Misrmnaiofl of the Executive instructioiiH suspend- | III? lim Order Nu. 10 in j|H application lu Federal Uiurl proeoaaes, until Michies eau aririio tho latter. In coniplianee with this request. Hie Execulivu Order regarding Order No. Kl lias been suspended by General Grant until (louerai Hicklos can ?ive Ilia views on the subject. The revenue rceoipls- to-dav amount lo $522.IMHi. So Ikr lmtli the t'roahliMil and (len. (?rant refuse Hie publican.i- 11.,.,. ...r,..Hi.oM,|,.i> relative I . Mieridnn's removal. It i . well uniu-i..,.....i . (iou. Uraul remonstrated warmly. Roar-Admiral l'ahner, with (Iii) Susquehanna, Monongahela and Saco, ure ut Aspinwall. All well. Col. Moire, tho President'? Horrntarv, tele? graphed tho ll.illiiuuro Schnixonutal thal public business re,pined tho President at his post to-day. All additional paymasters aro mustered ont. To talto Oflbfll from thu 1st. October. Sheridan t'degrapha to lleathpinrlfrs Hint yellow lever han assumed an ?pid?mie form in Now Orleans. Sevural ol his orneara ?re ill willi il. Tho suspension from the Wnr Department of Lirders relative to (Jenora! Sickles' Order Nu. Ml, issued, it is said, on the 17th. Tho Governor of Washington Territory tele graphs the discover* nf inexhaustible coal mines. From lt 11-111 DO ml. iticmioxn, August 22.-Kauawha County vealer day subscribed $230,000 to Hie Chesapeake ami Ohio ltnilrond. \V. A. Ilappie, a wcll-Uunwn tobacco niaiiulae (urer, was nrresled to-day, charged with eounU'i fi il ni" the ltuvenne Inspector's brand. I'rom Kew Ur len na. NEW ORLEANS, August 22.-Th . yellow fever, nf n very violent Ivpe, prevails nt Corpus Christi. Sheridan has not complied with the request of the City Council lo remove certainnftlcinls declared bv Cairned iiiclligihle nuder thu ItOCOIial niel iou Act. Special Ordor No. 122 atrailla certain coiilmuls a wauled by the late Conned, declares Ihe same null nud void, lind the city td New Orleans was released from any obligations resulting therefrom. The yellow lever deaths in Hus eily, Irotn the Lilt li to thia morning, aa mporlod by thu Hoard of Health, nmounts to sixty-seven. Tho Austrian sloop-of-war Kli&lliolll Railed to? day, with Admiral Togolhoir, for Vera Cruz. dov. Wisc mi .1 lie Monition. RICUJIONI), August 22.-Kx-Gnv. Wise delivered mt address to-tlay al Hie Washington and Henry Academy. Ile said that ive all now nw oil iiatmiil allegiance to our country mid any oath lo support ita Constitution or oath of registration was a viola lion of thal Constitution; All ill'ort is now being inndc to malto the while freedmen of thu South .subject tn tho domination of the black freedmen. Against Ibis wc must appeal lo the wliito mastics ot the North, who will not permit a sac? rifice of nature's laws lo political preju? dice. The whites of New England, Ol the Middle States and of Europe must not be kept nut of thu Smith he black rule. This is tho ahita man's laud, and must ho kept open for tho while man. Ile said that to avoid thc national dishon i vf repudiation, thc interest on tho national bonds ?mist bo reduced to 4} percent.; Hint interest to Isa i*x?.l ?l"l Hm whola del.t consolidated. Then tho rich would slop hoarding bonds. Ile urged his a ndi ia n e lo renew their allegiance to their country and never desert the Constitution; to preserve the purity or their race and blood, mid labor unceasingly to live peace and plenty. Kx-Prrslilriil liiitTiuiiiiii. PniLADBLrnu, August 22.-Kx-Presidciil Bu? chanan ht nore and is very sick. Tin- Weather lu ticoigli?. SAVASNAII. (IA., August 22.- Tho rains in the lower part of the State have materially damaged tho crop of colton, which is opening rapidly. The rain prevents picking, anti injures the classifica? tion. Reports from tho worm aro exaggerated, ll is raining lo-day. Jtuilrunil Arcillen). SAVANNAH, August 22.-Tho Irniu from Macon, his morning, mel with a serious accident at iicui ,-ert between Stations 12 and 13, and was badlv vrecked. Tho enginu passed ovoi safely. The :cnder fell through, throwing the train fruin thc imbaukmcnl. Tho cars wcro crowded with pas icngers, but nono hurl except tho express ines longer. who is badly injured. The freight, ex? arcas and smoking ears aro completely wrecked, rite passengers arrived at 1.30 1'. M. The Cuban Cable. PITNTA ROSA, FbOBlOA, August 22.-Tho Havana ind Key West Cable has been splie d, mid iswnrk ag well. ^ ^ fol lim n I n winni for Kllgland. SAN FRANCISCO, August 22.-Thirty-four vessels rc now loading with wheal at this pul t, mostly ar England. no inen ie Markets. NOON VISr-ATCII. Nr.w Yong, August 22.-Flour lOa???e, lower. dull ?ind nominally lower. Corn Hligliily avors buyers. Oats quiet. Pork $23 l-l. Lard ind Whiskey quiet. Cotton dull al 28e. Turpeii ino oSja?OJe. llostti quiet. Oold Hl.j. EVKNINO DISI'ATCH. Cotton steady; sales 1300 bales at 2S. Flour lull; State 47 Wail 75; Southern $10ul l. Wheal lull, and tlecliuetl 2a:lc.; Amber Southern 12:10a 31; White $2-16. Westeni Mixed Corn $1 lia 13. Oats lower; Soutliorn 80aU5J. Pork $23 GO, .ard 12}nl3. Sugar steady, and in fair demand; ?titer groceries dull. Turpentine iiuehauitcil; IruJo M 78. KoHin quiet; hiv numbers ?2al 7.">: Jo. 1$,, .10. Tar quiet, at $3 25 for Nowhern. '?'eights heavy. Stocks active and fluctuating. iold 4'Jj. '(?2 eon) i on s 113 j. lUi.TliioitE.-Kio Collen dull and nominal. Flour toady. Wheat udvaueed 5c. Cuni unchanged, lats irregular; choice Q8a70c., ranging as lo quail ?CH ns low .? Aft.. |ir...MM?nmi Upo and in gotsl loiiauinptivo demand, bacon Shoulder? toinn-j.., libbed Sides lShilMc; Clear Hibbs llijallilc. :,ard-Primo Western lille. Hulk Shoulders 12je. Itihhcd Sides MJo. Mons Polk $21 50. Sugar firm. iVhiskoy unchanged. CINCINNATI, Augusl 22.-Flour firm, higher and n good d -uland. Corn linn nt OtlaOlc. Whiskey firm. Provisions buoyant and genoinlly higher. Ilacon held J.e. higher. Hohlcra rcccivo $2J 50 for Mess Pork. ST. LOUIS, August 22.-Flnur quiet and nnehang jil. Com firm at $1 O?il 12. Provisitins steady. iVhiskoy $2 10. LOUISVILLE, Augusl 22.-Superfine Flour $7 25. Com. in sacks, $1. Mess Pork $23 50. Ilaeon Shouldnrs 12Aal2j; Sides Iii*. Lard 123al2J. WH.JIINOTON, August 22-There ia an unex? ampled scarcitv of skipping hero, in conni quenco of which tho stock of Navnl Stores has acciimlntetl rapidlv. Tho following ratos aro now paid : New York liv sail-Cotton lc. per pound; Rosin, Crude Tm remine ai el Tar. 70e. per barrel; Spirits Tur pentino $1 pur bbl. Turpentine dull ut 52. Rosin quiot, $3n7. NEW OIU.EANS. August 22_Sales -UKI bales, un ?hanged; Low Middlings 2t?Jc. Iteceipts 01; ex? ports 1033. Flour quiet ; Common $0 50; Triplo extra $11 83. Corn in good demand, holders claim 10c. :nh .no . ; sales of white mixed at $1 20; mixed yellow and white, in lois, at $1 17Aal 25. Oats in fair demand at 70V. bacon in light supply, holders ask 13| lor Hhtiulders; 18 for clear Sides. Lard, choice, iu kegs, 14L Cold 40. Sterling 63a53; Sight Exchango on New York A per rent, pre? mium. Mom I.E. August 22.-Hales of Colton ll hales, prices nominal. Receipts 32 bales. SAVANNAH, August 22. -Cotton quiet mid sternly; sales light. Middlings 20e. Receipts to-day 51 hales; receipts for tho week 1152. Exports Illili. Stock OHO. AUOOHTA, Augusl 22-Colton active, bul prices lower. Soles 15:1 hales. .Middling 25c. Ouu hale of new Cotton sold at 30e.; elliss Strict Middling. Weather hot anti cloudy. Clinr.i. TUEATMENT or JEWS.- An example of thu i ri altin nit to which Hie Jews in the Principalities havo been subjected is given in a loller from Ca? lata, It is eihi tuted a? ouu of I ho most cruel and cowardly things that could bo dono even by Mol? davians. Homo twelve JOHB were expelled from .Tanny because they could not pay Homo tax. They woro sent down to ( lal at/, with' orders that thoy woro to bo banished to tho Turkish nido of thc river, which WBB douo. Tho 'Turks nt first rc fusod to receive them, as their passports woro not viii by tho Turkish authority boro. Tho Mol? davians then proceeded lo throw tho Israelites into tho wator, and drowned one, whon tho Turka said thoy would rather tako thom without pasaporta than seo tho poor wrutchos drowned. After remaining Ihreo days on tho Turkish eldo tho Turks sont thom hack to Galala, and on attempting to land thom tho Moldavian aotliori tloB, Boldiorsand polico. upset tho boat, thru st tho JOWB wiUi their bayonets back into tho water, and Jrownod throe Tho body of ono tho correspon? dent Baw taken to tho hospital; tho other two wore lost. Tho JBWI> offered, before tho mon woro first ?ont away, lo pay tboir taxes, bot woro not Us toned to. I?VUJII ilir ,i,-n,,w,"t ll Mi?.) Sliull wr nure a nrowtilovv lu thc Hillier nuinrlul (hali I Tho New York HMM I linn closes HOMO remark mi affairs in Virginia: Then ?Hilo Brownlow in Virginia lu HOC III i Ihn! Um majority is on one ohio or thu oilier, HI (Hat ?hen tho election conlon Ibero will, at al events, he a rhaneu for an eiiirOHaiim of oninioi on Hiei mit ortho Rreator part of tho whnlo lieu plo, whiehever way it KOCH. lt ilcpeudH |>r- Itv much on tho ?hito ponph .il virginia whether Virginia nhill bo a amone Tl'tl OOM nco, nml lief next liovcrmir a MCU4M llrownlow. If limy reject tho helli of tin nidi-prospective Republicans ami cnlortal pc? l*i organizo un a Confed?ralo bnniB, or whnl will DOcln.scl v renculillo it an to pans for it and undertake to elect ex-Confedcratea to the ranon; oMeial positionn becoumi they aro mich, and ronito to help tu elect original Union mon liecnuMo ihoy are mich, their work will not he permitted to uland. It need? no argument lu prove lud n Kepublican Congress will reject, ran?, i ihale and Met it naide, if successful, mid ordain re ciinHlrnolinii under a new act, ovehnbn,' therefrom tho votes or all ex-Confederates so coat sud con llnlns Niuftago to tho original Union whites and blacks. If unsuccessful, tho partv they oppose will r? "oiiMlruet.iitidur tho pnoont acta and oleel a niau nf tho llrownlow nliinin (Jovenior nf Virginia. In either ovont tho wornt defog (nat could bondi liiguiia will hnppcn, mid thrungli (hoir instru? mentality. If Ihoy <ln not want il to haiipen. nil they have tn do in to help oiecl a dillerenl uort of lunn wini will IH> -rccptahlo to Congress. W c cali attention, in thia connection, to iho fol? lowing from the Shenandoah Herald of tho loth mst. I hut paiior naya : If wo could hnvo tho privilege or choosing bo l-.ei n Hov. I'cirpoint and editor Himuicutt, wu .I? .nhl unquestionably lake the former hv laroo ...du. " ll the mongruls-that ia, "Hiinnicutt and hid (Btu,'W/mFV/r^Hh'izati?n'nlf those whom they term "unconditional Union tuen," and lltiti nieiill should adhi-ro In his delorminaliou tn ho n candidate, Holts nod his party and tho registered rebel vider? may ho induced to .'cooperate" for tho purposo of securing dov. l'ier|K>iut'ii election. (lOV. 1'.i rpi II i it hus hi KUM i a disposition to deal justly with tho people, notwithstanding lila Itadi eal proclivition; und wo uro ineliued to think that he m an good a mau na tho consorvativo votors nf Virginia can reasonably expect to neo elected. ll nunton tl doon not possess u ningle qualification Tor thu high punition io which ho aspires. Ho is loo vindictive, bigoted, Belf-righteoun and ignorant lo deal impartially and justly with all parties, and 'specially with tho ruhcls. Ho would uso tho illiee lo ad va t ie o the interests of his own party and to oppress tba opiHinuiits of his nhnmimihlo doc? trines. If ho had tho power, and possessed tho tamo amount of cxporicuuo and sonso, hu would he a second llrownlow. Ho would govern with an iron roil. (Inventor l'oirpoint has declared Ina dctermina Iio:i to stump thc State heforo tho elections pro? vided for hy (ho lato nets of CottgrOBS, for tho pur? pose or ?m?neme; tho puoplu to accept tho (erins Imposed upon us liv tho said auls. Thu pi opie can hear him. and if (hoy thud, him a bollar man than llnnnieutt. or whoover olso may be nominated by Iiis patty, tin", can vote for him. How "INDIA* OUTIUOES" AKE SouETnrca MANU r.KTriiED.-Ali Omaha correspondent of tho Chica? go ttnwbtiea? ?Tites concerning tho rceont nl girkoiin train nf thu Union Pacific Railway, on fol? lows: "Tho way the thin); looks now it does liol ippoar that tho redskins did HUH husinots, hut he white ukins did. Tho scalping was m tail,ly not lone hy au Indian-so men who undorstand the malnow say. A redskin would not ho apt to eave Hie scalp bobin 1-ho would rather lose hm twa-that of itself is a httlo ?vidence; but what nakes il alinic-1 Kure is tho fact thal tho scalp or Ibo man who is still living, and in a fair way to re? viver, hy tho way-is not taken ia tho Indian itylo. An Indian is never known to tako (ho almle (op of tho head for his scalp, but merely i coapla of inches from (ho crown of thc head ; iud besides, (hoy generally tako il ott neatly, viole this was done in a vary bungling manner. Some persons-and 1 mual say I nm ono of tho lumber-think there wcro no Indiana con a niel ; hut Omaha und all these n'cslcrii lOWIIf aro hound lo hnvo nu Indian war f po eili! ? ; and (heir constant cry is ea> ermimilion. No?', lins Into attack serves llrst nto to linne Eastern people to (heir sido of (ho pii'Httuu, provided thoy keep nuder a fow of tho ?acts. Several trains on Eastern and Southern rail? ways havo boen thrown from tho track heforo non-, thu cars rolihcd. and sometimes destroyed. This ha? licon ilone inaido of (wo yoara. Thoro being no Indians then to throw (ho Llamo upon, it was ?I once charged rightly to thieves, rowdies mid highway robbers; nud it is very natural to suppose thal the same class of beings will do the samo kind if Kork bera, if that class is hero (n do H. And lt is net denied, bul readily admitted, (hat towns, mell as .liile.'tLutg, and others not so far awav, iro moro than half peopled by roughs. Another thing: every tinto there is a rumor of un Indian itlack anywhere, it is telegraphed East as a far.l; mt when, a few hours later, it proves to bo en - ?rely untrue, tho telegraph does tint carry (ho cor ?octlon.' Tim ercal. causo of lamp chimnoys hoing sn irtttle mid breaking so cnBy, ia owing to tho ma erial they aro mudo from. (There is shoddy in ?lass ns welt as in cloth.) Chcapucss hoing thc inlcrof the day, a groat many manufacturers make himnuys from silicate of limo instead or silicate fiend. Tho glans made from tho silicato of lime ian about tho following proportions : Fand, 100 ; oda, 4? ; lime, 20 to 25 ; nitro, 7 (o 10. Limo ho? ng a non-conductor of lient (ho chimney will no! 'uar tho expansion causod hy tho host, and if by ?radutd heating tho chimney doos not break un he lamil, a fow timos boating makes it so britth. hat il breaks with tho least effort at leaning it, no maller how much caro is used. Thu silicate of lead has about tho following pro inrlioiiH ; Bund 100, lead -10 to 6(1, soda 20 to 2.i, litro l? to 15. Lead being very ductile and a goori XHHluCtOr of heat, a chimney Hindu from this for nula will almost melt beforo il will crack willi tb( teat. Tho un mit lated may toll tho diflcrenco o he chimneys made hy those different qualities o ;lasn hy ringing; thom; tho vibration from (bo loat [lons cbimnoy has a sweet holl-liko munni, while ho limo glass has a short harsh sound. Tho dif creina' of tho cost lo milli ll Tai't ll rn is Only in ma erial, about IS conto per dozen. Another point ii n nnnoalhig; chiinuoys ns n general rulo aro no initcatod; under o powerful microscopo tho differ nico can ho seen in tho glass, Ute particles in th '-..wilwi I?1MIM. KM --.1-.-* ?V.l. M. inauncalad seem ready (o divorgc. [Soient{fin American. - ?-?.? A STBANUE AUTOMATOK.-Thoro was oiio ?ini loy In tho centro or ono of tho avonuos of Hi Taris Exposition, which as it cannot bo classluc ar included with any oilier apparatus, may nfl wc bu dcactibcil bore. It is a largo picco or imitatic rock work, nbout ttvolvo feet high, covorod wil rich vegetation, ferns and mosses, lichens ar orchids, a spring gushes forth from ono sido, ai reeds (ho pond in which it is placed, and in whit gold and silver fish glitter and gainbill. I'eopii out of ono or tho cavernous openings al (ho bot?n is a hugo black andwhiio Newfoundland dog of n (tiro's sizo and nnturn's mould, bul not of naturi life nuil blood. Thu attendant (ouches a sect sprii pr, nud whilo (ho admiring observ stayi. ind stares, and feola inclined to pat Poi I tey'a head, Pom poy rolls his oyes, opens 1 mouth, and makes a very ROOII imitation of t docp-mnulhod wolcotno of somo watcL-do( honest bark. Startled, bul not intiraidited, t observer raises his eyes ond discovers, cnrolesi sitting on n lingo boulder, a boro, which immo alely plays a wild tattoo on a dnim placed bofi it, and, ero piiBsy coaaes, a hideous and otiormt baboon on ono sido clatters hie jaws, rolls eyes, scratches his hoad, ond plays a wild a ?avago air on a fiddle, while on the other aldo (bc rock somo pastoral awain, decked in gorget ribbons, "Reculan? tub legmincjaai," hows his head, carefully poops all round, raiso pipo, and brings forlh strains that would n Amar)His, who silo uol far off, had abo only I A NOBLE DoonEnoY.-Tho latest caso of oi wishing to bo writton down an ass, ?B tho foll lng: Recently, in tho English Honso of Lords, Marquis (if Westmeath called attention (o wlial termed a serious breach of privilege, which c Histed of a reporter having boon hoard to say entering tho reportera' room, on tho evening Iranstihatnntiation bill was coming on, "Thal ? old Idiot, Westmeath, has a long notice on paper, bul I'll tako caro not to gi vo a word or \t ho says;" and that during tho tliaonsaion, tho BI or auothor reporter aaiu in tho gallery, "Win pity it ia that thoro ia no onoto send this confoi ed old idiot to tito lunatic' asylum I" Tho ni Marquis' statement waa received with roar laughter. After the Earl of Malmesbury hat torposod, and said tho question waa below tho nity of tho Hun HO, tho matter waa allowed to d HELI.B Boro, who figured in tho Sooth do tho lato war, ia atopplog at tho Holtby House hor way to Bl. laoola, whoro shu oommonooa theatrical tour at DKBAB'S Opera Houao, ?mite llfnil. Tn*DR or SrAiiTANUumi_AM most ot tho lld crops have been " luid by," wo arc pleased to MN that our streets uro nenin' enlivened every ?lay, hy tho eun i ni); jeni, i ol li nul eil wagon?, for tho "pur pono of tiiuto and barter. Tho timo lian once inure arrived, thnt (lu re ia broad lu tho* land- - ?lien (he milleniif-B of tho poor vromon and chil? dren, can bo relieved ; (or, andi scones of utter destitution and abmiluto ?nut, aa han huon wit? nessed, within thc lout two yoara, would touch tho harden! heart with sorni.v and sympathy. Hut, wo trust that, in tho Provldonco" ot doa. Ibo billi ine.n of want lia? passed awav. Thnmghniit (ho whom of lout Wiulor amt Spring, tho Irado of thin town was bettor than il hud over boon beforo, and only tho SCO roily of monoy prevente,1 it from hoing much larder. Wo aro looking with pleasing solicitude for a largo iucroaso of trndo for tho next nine mouths. Tho'(own of Sp..rtanbun< is tho te rim nun ol a ilu11 l and continuous Uno of railroads from Charleston nnd AugiiLt'f- tho former about two hundred and twunty-llvo milos laug-tho lat? ter (now building and will soon bo completed) u conlinuoiiH linc of about ono liundrod and sixty IU?ICM; thus makinu a direct railroad communica? tion with t'liartauliurg of about thrco hundred and oighly-tlvo milos. Wo mtv add, aa another grent ndvnntngo to tho trado of tliin town, that all tho best mountain gaps of Tonuossoo and North landina, of winch wo liovo any kuowloilgo, aro moro favorable to tho trado and travel of thia placo I than tn any other town in thin State. It ia fruin tweill v to thirty milos to tho North Carolina lino from Spartunburg, including a populous aud indus tm uni Hccliou of our own District, aud a rory largo und fcrlilo country stretching ovor many of Ibo rich counties of North Carolina and Tcnuosscc. 'J'lnts aro wo in a position, could wo command tho necessary appliances of oomtnorco, to carrv on n largo nod prolttablo trado witb all that port of tho couutry liuliiud us. embracing portiotiH of tbreo dlHbrotlt Staion. Thero ImH boon a groat deal nf COlK'l) nlaUlJliL Jil jSuay''iulu,il?r lina muru or m-H planted; and, to add Iii theso cheering pros|K>cts, the belief in general, Hint tho broad crop is plenti? ful. Tlie prospects, llioroforo, aro ve rv il at ten nc, timi a very active irado will bo carried on at Him place for tho next eight or nino months. AM tho Charleston Prona, wo know, wish to pro moto tho interests of the good old "city by tho seo," wo respectfully miggcs: that tbov notico tbis und similar topics Uioy will always Una in all their country exchanges, Charleston must not flatter Itsolf that, becauao it ls in South Carolina, it will nucCHHarily obtain nil tho Irado of South Carolina, without nu effort au ber part, to securo tho conti deuce mid hold nul proper inducements to tho peo? ple nf tho country tu trado with them. Cod biens the good old city-wo lovo her more than all (ho world-but, tho universal law is, to buy cheap ami noll dear. Trado is trado, let it bo with whom it will-and uionoy is nionoy, lot it como whonco it mav.-GYirofimi Soartaii. MEETINO or THE FnEEDMEN.-A largo meeting of tho trccdmcu of this town and the vicinity wan held in tho Court Ilouso on Toosday ovoniug, tho 13th inst. Wo bcliova it was cal I od principally to hoar an address from Itobcrt Houston, of Phila? delphia, who said that ho waa acting limier in? structions from tho Control Exocutivo Committco of thc Union Republican party at Washington. S. T. Poiuior, Esq., aclod as Chairman. Robert Houston read an address wit'i much propriety, and waa woll rccuivod by tho colored pcoplo pro scitt, and indeed wo cannot nay that wo hoard any? thing objectionable. Hr. Portlier and tho edi? tor of Hu i paper, niter repeated calls, u aile nome remarks which appeared to bo received in a friendly spirit. Tho last speaker WAH preacher Rico (colored), whoso quaint savings "brought down thc house," producing Borne lit rio mcrrimenl. Tho house waa crowded, including sumo seventy or eighty whito citizens. A good reeling Heemcd lo prov ail throughout, ami not thu slightest asperity was uxhlbito.'. This is not to bo wondered at, for tho colored pcoplo of our dis? trict aro RH orderly and woll behaved an tlioy ovor wero, und wo utlributo this to tho generally kimi treatment they receive from tho pcoplo of Spar tanlmrg. Prom all we can leam, they will voto lor a convention and delegates, hut who aro thuircan? didates wu liavo not learned. Wo believe, lum ever, that tho whites wilt have a largo majority in thu district, if they all register who aro not 'disfran? chised, which, for their own good, they will aurolv do. - -1 'lim,inn Spartan. DA ii LS 11 HunoLAnv.-The H toro of Mr. Henry Sampson was visited by a baud of burglars ott Friday night, that challenges and puta to flight all other affairs of tho kind to bo "lound in tho chron? icles of tho pcoplo" of this (own or any other. A previous reconnoioaonco of tho premises had satis licd tho parin H that thoro was a motin of gaining neem s lo tho inti nor of tho atoro thrungli a win? dow in thc rear of thc building. Alter romoving uno ur two bricks from tho wintlow I ra mo, a ellong largo lever waa inserted between tho stile of tho window nnd tho Hill, forcibly ripping off tho for? mer; they theo bent tho iron bar or tho shutter.-, to such an cxtont as to enable a small boy to bo inserted iu tho apurturo. Tho atoro being thus mitered, tho bar on tho interior of tho back door WSH removed, and tho thieves all entered and deliberately loaded thoir boats lying itt tho wharf. Uno of tho boats wau seen going up Um Sanipit, and another toward the Waccamaw, by parties who gave tho alarm, whilo a third was hoing loaded at tho wharf, A colored man, Wm. Picket by natue, who cried, "Stop thief." was shot by ono of thioves, and woundod, wo boliovo, iu tho leg. In their flight, they capsized tho boat at tho wharf, nnd it negro man waa arrested in tho boat, us aldo another, who says ho is tho otvncr. Ur. S. says ho has a duo to* other partios, and hopes eventually tu bo successful in oftucting their arrost. Ho thinks that thero aro white men concerned, who, perhaps, planned the adair. 8omo fow ot tho goods have boen recovered from tho capsized boat, of course very much damaged, bnt ho fears that his eulin; loss will roach nearly $1000. Thia is tho boldest and most comploto burglary lhat has ovor boon known in our town, and allows tho de? sign of a superior iutoUigonco in consummating a wholcsalo robbery, not vory characteristic) of tho negro, unless lot] on by adopts in tho scionoo of such doprodations. Mr. .Sampson has usually boon careful in pro? viding occupants for bia st?ro at night, but on thc occasion abovu montioncd, il so happonod that tho atora waH tenautloss, aud verily tho couaoquoticos have boen disastrous.-Oeorgetoum Times, SAD CASUALTY.-WO learn that Mrs. Mcivor, wifo of Mr. Poler Mcivor, near Loavonawortb, in thia District, was shot and killed, on Saturday night lost, by kr littlo sou, under tho following circum- j st am en : Tho family had retired quito early, wbon Mrs. Meh oy was aroused by a uoiso in tho poultry yard. Her littlo boy hoing noar hy abo immediately awoko him, told him to got the gun and go and HCC what was tho matter. Tho Uttlc boy, no doubt oxciled, went hurriedly to got the gun. Mrs. Molvcr in tho meantime had prcccdod him lo tho yard, and was standing near tho poultry house whon her,son carno out of tho house, willi tho gun. Tho littlo hoy not knowing that his mother was in tho yard, supposed the object which ho saw at tho poultry houso to bo tho rogue, and tho uaqso of tho nolso, raisod his gun and fired, put? ting tho load iu her hoad. Tho fatal mistake was i-i)on found out; pi om pt lundie al ut ton ti un fur? nished, and overy effort ronda lo savo har lifo. Rho lived until Sunday morning about ll o'clock, whon Imr spirit departed for its otorual home. Sha leaven a dcvo tod husband, o family of chil? dren, and a largo cl rot o of acquaintances to mourn her loan.-Florence Gazette, ACCIDENT-Wo rogrot to loarn that Milos Par rott, formerly a alavo o? Oliver Parrott, of this Dintr'ct, and who was on his way to bis work, near Wilmington, mot with a serious accident at this stopped, lio l'u?ipou~~5u on'a I'lu'ui sauu,'?a? gavo way and throw bim back under the train, whieh passed over ono log, nearly havering it, alu i vu tho knee-joint. Dis. Washington, Hing and Jarrott, kindly offered to caro for his injuries, and his log was taken off, aud Ilia wound dressed. [Florence Gaulle. 8uaAn Cnops in LOUISIANA.-A rocont letter from Ascension Parish, Louisiana, in spoaking of this season's sugar crop on eomo of tho planta? tions, ns compared with Ure production in former years, says : Gaudin'fl placo, ono of tho best kept-up plantations in tho parish, will turn ont aomo 11?0 liogHhosdH, formerly 300- Mcloncon's old limo ciops. Then carno LnndrvDegos'splaco, no hogs? heads: or old, 300; VonresH's, no hogsheads; of old -100; Halkinson's, nono; beforo tho war, 230; j Viala's, rented by Higgins, 150; formorly, 250: La? croix, uuw 00 hogsheads, then, 200. Col. Man? ning's, extending somo threo milos front, may make two hundred hogsheads; whilo it used to moko 600. Podcselaing's, being tho last Hug ir plantation on this sido of tho river, will m?ko 40 hogshoads, formerly 300. Noxt to Pedosclaing's ?H a small tract belonging to Richard, and then tho lino of St. Junie" Parish is roached, making a distance from lino 'olino of about oightoon miles. Throughout this oatont of country tho corn crop will ho short and no cotton ruado to speak of. Cow noaa ovon aro indifferent, hocauso tho rain which foll hero during wooka prevented tho planting of thom in a great measure, and naturally injuroJ tho.HO which had boon pnt in tho ground. Tho crop of sugar in this rogion formorly was somo 8000 hogsheads ; now, I do not think it will roach ISO J hogsheads. CLOVES.-CIOVOB sro tho buds or driod blossoms of a treu which formerly grow without culture in tho Molucca Islands, but tho Datoh havo sinco transported it to Amboynn. Tho treu itself ro Bomblos tho laurel in siso and form; its trunk is covered with bark like tho olivo tr io. Whito flow? ers grow from tho oxiromity of tho brancbos. At first tho buds aro of a palo green; thoy thou be? come yellow, afterward rod, and at length of a dark brown, such os wo soo thom. They havo a moro penotrating aromatic odor than tho mothor clavo, which is tho dry fruit of tho samo Iroo. Oon. G ru NT smoked a cigar last 8nnday in Washington. ?Ir. JENKINS saw him do it twico. Ho throw away tho stamps and thoy wore not recovored. _ THE LANCASTER LEDGER, CONNORS & CARTER, PROPRIETORS. PUD bib II ED EVERY WKDNEBDA? MORNINO AT Lancaster C. H., 8. O, If ?vin g a large subscription Hst. lt Offers a favorable medium to Merchants and all advertisers who desire to extend their business io too upper Districts of tho auto. Bates of advertising lib? eral. Specimen copy of paper aent on application. Angas* 93 ONE PRICE TO CLOSE. ..TOCpP??WU. ENTIRE RTOOK OF BUMMKK n,,\\ .1 T? WH,??v<?niirkwl tim price, nt Much low K2! ^?? r"trllB.-" w"l ??"' H do. Idedly for Ihn in f w Jifili!0li .H,uk/'13 * examino our stock, in which they will find good omi well menlo carmelita of Olin OWN MANUFACTURE..! ^tt?^^?!ttW IMU??NT n'icE.vund a L,ST0F OUK roBaiEB AND i'onii.r Pr?tent SCOTCH CASSIMERK SUiTR-HACK. PANTS AND VEST. tan c., ?laan DARK MIX. OASHIMEHESUI IE-SACK. PANTS AND VEST. 9?JU III mi HAIR LINK CASS1MKRE SHITS- W SACK, PANTS AND V1ST._,.I ll? MIDDLK-KX CASSIMERK ?.. IH*> HM? SACK, wvT ,v,. U,.?ISS[MI:III: SUITS-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. Hum KUM I.IOHT FRENCH FLANNEL SUITS SACK. PANTS AND VEST. 12.MI FANCY C \SSIMKRK PANTS ANTI VEST ELIM H.Uti WHITE FRENCH DUCK SACKS. U.Uti aOD WHITE LINEN SACKS. MO 1 Lim COLORED DUCK SACKS. r,.im J.00 DROWN LINEN SACKS. ?LM 'AMI DROWN LINEN SACKS. ?Lao LAH STRIPE ALPACA HACKS. Y.Oti 6.UI STRIPE ll INO ll AM SACKS. CUD OM tieiatlemeu's Furnish in?; (Joe tis. WHTTK SHIRTS at U.flO. *J.U?aiid 13.SO. MACULLAH, WILLIAMS & PARKER 27o icinsra-, CORNER OP HASEL STREET, CHARLESTON July ?7 S c Imo GREAT REDUCTION AT No. 219 KING STREET, One door south Market street. 20.PER CENT.DISCOUNT. NOW 18 THE TIMK TO BUY THU BEST QUALITY OF IVCEJNT'S AND YOUTHS' SEASONABLE CLOTHING EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, WITH A LARGE LOT OF TnE CELEBRATED STAR BRAND SHIRTS, COLLARS, AT PRfCES TO SilT ^ ? TIMU? Hnv?ng porfected arrangomonla with my Manu? facturers, I am ablo to aoll tho enlim STOCK at tho abu vc discount. Price of mich ARTICLE marked in plum ligures. M. .um ni IL .Vu. i, Agent. B.M. McTUREOUS, Supt July 06 SARATOGA "EXCELSIOR" SPRING WATER. fltllE WATER OF TniS SPRINO 18 RELIEVED TO I bo unequalled by that of any oilier tn tho far-famcil valley of haratoga. Its virtues aro aucb as have locurrd lt the high encomiums of all who hero used lt, rios ac su? ing, as lt docs, in eu eminent decree, cathartic, diuretic, alterative and tomo qualities. From SAMUEL HENRV DI0K80N, M. D., Profeisot Practico of Pliyalr, Jelfereoa Medical Collego, Phila? delphia, formerly of Charleston ,s. 0. PniLiDZLruu, November IS, IRAS. 1 tuvo been fora yeer or moro past In tho habit ol biking tho water of tho "Eicolalor" Spring of Kamona. Accuatomod during tbe great portion of my Invalid hie to uso tba different waters of the several fountain, which boll up along that remarkable valley, dependent, indeed, upon them tor mach of tbs comfort I enjoy, I sm ai bo? ded Uiat Hie Excelsior Water ia as well adspted as any other among thom, If not more io, to the pu rpo ?en lor wblcb limy are generally employed. It ta very sirrceablo, strongly Impregnated erith tho carbonic acid, lively and . naraling- . . . lean heartily end conscientiously recommend it to all who need a gonUo cathartic end diuretic SAMUEL HENRV DICKSON, M. D. Tbe Water ls pnt up tn Fiat ead Quart bottles, and packed tu good order tor abippiug, Pinta in hoir.? ot fonr doten each, and Quarta in boxes of two dinon each SOLD AT WHOLESALE BY GOODRICH, W1NHJN & CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, No. 153 fl IK IC TINO HT UK KT, OPPOSITX CnaJiLKSTON HOTEL. HOWIE & MOISE, "j No. ?1 MEETING STREET. Oppetite Charleston Hotel. And for sale by fixet class Drugglila tod Hotels. January 13 Brno tiuu-uox ??, 1??7. j ?aVTlir lto!?ilTM uiul Prienda of ?lie lat? J KIIWAItD WHII'K. air,, iii,. members ul th<> Friendly j Union Horsely, nru Invited lo aRead hu Funeral Services i al /.lou Presbyterian ('baren, cal hmm street. TAii ?Itu. I <?'J. ot Eight oVIm k, wltliaul fiirUier Invitation. Alignai -J:I , SPECIAL NOTICES. ne- KSTATK N'OTKM!.-AI,L PERSONS HAV 1N(I lialtni against the oshdu nf Um (ito H AMURL FOX' WORTH, will preaenl Itie eaean itnlyalloalail. lo Wit' HOT (I. DaSAUsSUHK. Kn.,.. Ko. '.':l llroa.1 struct. Clinrlt'aluii. And IMTSOIIK Indebted In tbo enlato will make payment lo bim. HART J. FOXWOUTII, Augustin rj Executrix. OTT- ALL Will? AUK IN WAN I' OV GOOD AND substantial ROO!* AND SHOKS will Omi (hom nt No. CR MEETING STREET, tip ?taire, wllere they are oir.-r ed nt retail, fj August!) OaVTHK ATTENTION OK "i'll B IURE DE PA HTM EM r ls called to Ike following regulation* : Any Volunteer Eugine miming on any payment lu ? cither tho Upper er Lower Wanta, whore tho strncl ts | pored, Nhall pay a lino of Fifty Dellaro, omi any Ward Engine committing Ilia sninu enanco their pay abell bo .topped. The narnu rntu ahall bo applicable to tho Marketa. Every Volunteer Englue Company shall havo either bells ur a gong attached lo tbrlr Engino ur Itoal, and tho same sholl net bo luulllott. either going or returning fiom an alarm of dru. 'Hie samo rule shall bo applica? ble lo Word Ktajrtriea, but no Eugine shall return (rom a itT IMsi- Mm m walk. Imo Volunteer Hand Hughie may draw oater frota aatiiu ?Veil ? hero a Steamer is drawing; nuil If two Hand En? gines are at a Fire Well un Steamer dial I bu allowed to usu Hie name. Two or more Steamers may draw waler (rom a Drain Pit. It. M. SI ll O lt EL. August 20 . Clerk and Sup't. a- CHUCK t? u A UT F. UM ANTI: irs OKKIOE, SECOND MILITARY DISTIUCT, SOltTll AND SOUTH CAROLINA. CH A lt LESION, S. C., AUGUST 17.18117. SEALED PROPOSALS aili lie recorred ol this ofllie nulli Pi o'rtoet M. un .Vunifuy, Iho lGlh day of Septem? ber, IW.7. nt whlrh lime (hey will be opened, for lb? pur 'baso of (he tiillowltig properly. Tic: Wreck of steamer iltja I ON. iu Aalicpno Uiver. Wreck of steamer OEO. WASHINGTON, hi Coosaw River. Wreck of steamer CHASSEUR, lu Scull Crook. Wreck ot steamer KAN DOLPH, in charleston Harbor. Wrack or steamer ETIWAN. iii Cliarloxton Harbor. Wreck of steamer KU UV, In Light House Inlet. IPddcro will state Ihn amount uffered for each wm k. The ?reeks will be sold separately and tn tho highest ihhler. uiih ii such bid hu deemed unreasouablc. Proposals must be addressed tn the undersigned, and narked "Proposals for purehaac nf wrecks." ll. O. TY LEK, Ur, vet Maj ord le libral. Chief Quarte manier. Deputy Quartcrmastcr-dcncral, U. S. A. Angil-I 10 'J5 Co- llATOHELOH'S I1AIK UYK.--TIU. IPLKNDIII HAIR DYE la Um heal m tho world. The inly trnr and p.-rf-rf Og*-Inn uh ss, rebable, i nu tau aucuns. No disappointment. Nn ridiculing, tints, ?atura! lllaeU or Drown. Roweialaa thu ill u (feels of //IM lyra, .luvignrales Um hair, leaving it snit and I ICM til?1 lui genuine is impuni HTffiiim .1. Ilalehrlot. All other" ru meru imitations, ami BIIOIIM bu avoided. Sold by all irilggiiit? omi Perfumers. Factory, No. ul Hardey Inset. New York. a ti - KEW IRE OV A ?XMINTERKKIT. Dee.'Uit'i r ll- Iv "(?O ST AU' S" PREPARATIONS ESTABLISHED EK11ITEEN YEAHS, .ulioriilorj'. An. IO Crnaby ?Irret, Wow York. ?NM Hov, .. Untile.* and Flasks iimiufarturcd dally. ;oi.?> t: y M.I. huuaaiinft KVKU YWIIEKE "COSTAK'S" HALES DEPOT, No. 144 Bim \ nw A v , NEW YOHK, vu, i ? fl, f l tu $.1 sicca aru put up fur Families. Storos hil?. Hosts, Public Institution?, Atc, Ac. It ls truly wundernd thu eimBdcuen that ls now had lu very lunn nf Preparations thal cuines from "Cuatar'a " EtteMlehnaent. "COSTAU'S" EXTERMINATORS-Fur Rata. Mice, leaches, Auls, Au., Ate. "Only Infallible remedy known." 'Nut dangerous to tho human family." "'.tata como out if their huies to die." fcc '?COSTAR'4" HLD Ul O EXTERMINATOR-A lupinl, mt np lu i lottie g and uiver known tn tall. .. COSTAR'*" ELEC1K1C POWDER- For Moths hi ann and Woollens, is luvaluablu. Nothing can exceed it nr purr and cllicacy. Destroys Instantly all Insecte un .lani*, Fowls, Animals. .Ve. "COSTAR'?" DUCKTHO UN SALVE-For Cu ls, lluros, Vouiids, Itritiaes, Urokuu Unasts, Sore Nipples, Plica lu ll forms. Old Sores, Ulcer-, nml all kinds or cutaneous .lections. No family should ho without it. Il exenedtt u clncttcy nil utbur Salves in us?. "CO'iTAR'H" COHN SOLVENT-For Corns, Iluuions. Varls, Ac. " COSTA R'S" Il ITT En SWEET AND ( Ht A Ni ir. li I.os I IMS-Hcuiitiflca thu Complexion, by giving to tho akin > ault and beautiful frcahiirss, and is Incomparably be otid anything unw In usu. Ijidlcs of taste aud posiUoii eganl it aa au essential to tba toileL Au unprecedented alu is HA bust reennimeiidallnn. Ona l otti,- is nlwayH allowed bv mon-. Try lt lo know. "COSTAU'S" lUSIIOP PILUS-A universal Dluner 'ill (augar coaled), ami ol extraonlluary efficacy for Coe iveiu if, all forms of Indigestion, Nervous and Sick tcadaclic. A Pill thal is now rapidly superseding all Khers. " COST AR'S" COCO Q REMEDY-:for Coughs. Colds, luarjeuc.n. Sure Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Aalb na, und all lunns of Hmm Mal, and Diseases of tho Throat uud Lungs. Andreas ll IM tv II. I O-, T \ lt. No. 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. ?own: & MOISE, WHOLESALE At.MMS, No. 131 M. . (In ; street, apposite Charlcaton Hotel. June 17 )LD BsTABLISIlBB DIUJu' STOtlE E. Lt. KELL1?RS & CO., 11. ATM I'llIN Al DOUN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, riiirtl door aboya.. .MAWJ?JP? I i their usual slock of pure and fresh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY 000D3 FINE SOAPH TOILET POWDER 3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRURU EA EXTRACTS, Ac. Comprising invoices I rom tho mest reputable manu? facturers. Oa hand, all tho principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, lu duding Preparations of A TER, JAYNE. HALL. CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS, WRIOIIT, HOLLOWAY, fcc. ilao, a argo assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES .i A1H ILK DAOS MEDICINE CnEKTU GLASS METAL AND OUT?A PERCHA DOODS QLABSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great attention la paid lo tho ImportaUon aud eclco lion of ' PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, sad none oUicr aro allotted to go oui of tho Establish meat. PRESCRIPTIONS coinpoundetl with accuracy, nml tie public cnn depend on Hie utmos.. relinhllHy In the execution of ordure. E. ll.KELLERS, SI.D.Il RAER, M.I) TUE ORANGEBURG NEWS. PUDLI8HED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, AT Orangeburg, 8. C. Terms Vi per annum, In ad 1 [luring tba spring and fall acasona extra coplee of tbe OrtASOxnuBo NEWS will be circulated for tho benoni ol nur advertlalng patrons. Contract Advertisement* Inserted on the moat liberal terme. Addrcaa SAMUEL DIDDLE, Editqc Orangoburg Nowa, February 38 Orari gc burg, 8 SPECIAL NOTICES. .?-(.ON.SU1.NKKH l'KIt Stilllt. DAVID V KEELING, rrom Ueltlmorv, BM uollilcd Ital H|i? i" ,||" charging cargo nt llrowii tc I'O.'H North Wharf. tloods remaining on Um wlurf ut nitiMct will bc store*!* iwwi*i rink iud MpoM*. Hiiiktrr BROTHERS A CO.. August U I Consignees. ***CONSIGNEES IT.lf 8TKAMKB FALCON, from Baltimore, uro hereby notified thal tho Sicamor Thu lhx<j dlcrliarglng cari; i al Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. AU goods "cl taken away at nunnet will remain on tho Wharf at Consig?eos' link. August ?3 MORDECAI A CO.,Agonts. HS* NOTICE.-MU. II. UloLS MA VI Nt I MY Pow er or Attorney will ad for nu- during mv absence from tho State. VV. P. HALL. Charlealon, August at. IKC7. ll August Tl ?-.NOTICE T i MAltlNl?tsV-lcAI?? AND PILOTS wlHhliiK lu auchor their v-ssida lu Ashley Uiver, aro reuiiealcd liol ludo no niiywhcru within dlnvi ranira of lim heads ni thu SAVANNAH HAILHOAU WIIAHVES, on Hie rhorh-t..:. mid St. Andrew's aide ci tho Aahlcy Itlvcr; hy which precaution, contact with Hie Submarino Telegraph Cable wilt he avoided. K. C. TURNER, IL M. Uar! i,ir Master's Ofilce, flatt. ..ton, February ?, lmiG. February 7 AT*" A YOUNO LADY UKTUHNINO TO Ul . country home, ?Mar a sojourn of a lew moolita In ?.J city, was hanlly recognized hy bur rrtends. lu placo . tw.nly-thrco sim really appeared but eighteen, ?'pon In ajutryaalO tho eauaa of an groat a change. Mho plahii. I told them that abo used tho CHICARIAN HALM, and considered lt an invaluable arnuis! nen tosny lady'stoih i. Dy Ita uno any I july or Ocnllnucnruii iuiprovu their pet aonal appearance an hinnlied lold. lt is simple lu ll . rnmbluatluu, as Nat uro hermit ls aluiplo yet uiumrpaiM i .l In Ila cITicaey In drnwluii Impurities fnuii, siso heal? ing, cti-annlug and beautifying tileskin omi mmplcilou. Hy ila direct letton M tho rubeta il draws fruin ll all UH Impurities, kindly healing tho same, and leaving Ihn nur face ss N ni o re Intended it vhoulil Ito-clear, snit, smoolii and beautiful. Price tl, sent hy Mall ur Express, nu rp. eclpt nf sn tinier, by W. L CLARK A CO.. Chemists, .* J West layette Strvot, Syracuse, N. V. Tho only ...lerlcau Agenta (or thu sale of tho saiuu. starch M ly AT*- TUE OHA VEST MALADIES OK YOUTH AND EA It LY MANHOOD-HOWARD ASSOCIATION ESSAYS, on tho Physiology nf tho Passions, and th Errors, Abuses and Dl.cueapocollar to thu ural ago m man, with RoiKirts un now iiioUiotls of treotmeal cm plnyod m thia luaUliiUnn. Sunt in sealed letter en? velopes, freo of charge. Addia? Dr. J. ?KILLIN HOUGHTON, noward As.wlatlou, Philadelphia, f*a. May 20 '.lino ATE*A LADY OF UNDOUBTED CHEMICAL SKILL. HAS RECENTLY PERFECTED CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR.-ll positively restores gray hair m Rs original color and youthful beauty; imparts lifo, atrengtli and growth to the weakest hair; stopa ils I di m g nut at ourn; keeps the tu ad clean; ls unparalleled os a Sold hy all dniggWls, fulilnnabhi hair? dressers, end dealers in laney goods. Ibo trade supplied hy the whutcsalo druggiata. SARAU A. CHEVALIER, M. H.. June M slut li CR?O New York. ATaT* ARTIFICIAL EYES.-ARTIFICIAL HU? MAN EVES mude to ordrr and inserted tiy Dru. HAUCH ami P. OOUOI.EMANN ffonnorly employed by RoisansNcat), of Parla), No. .v.M Broadway, New York, April 14 lyr ALL HAIL TO THU CONOIIEROR! Ililli; FOR TUE DMiDINu INVALID, DEFEH NOT THE U?E OF RODRIGUES PCLMONIC ELIXIR SPECIFIC. MANY WHOSE DECLINING HEALTH. WHICH was precarious, sud their recovery doapalrcd of, no uow wltti grateful eniiaaUons to tho Ali-Wiao Dis? poser, offer heartfelt thaakifor thia timely remedy. Dur? ing tho short Hmo sinco its public introduction imo mic, tho Originator has uioxt happily realized her moat aan guluo expectations in niaolfiaitations Issuing from all quarters of its uoparalellcd curativo properties, for In no caso where lt baa been adioiulatcrcn willi regard to dl rcclioni, end persevered In, hes lt foiled lu ita beneficial resulta. In rcsortlog tn this roninly, Ibo invalid cou depend upon the aa fe ty of every artlclo in ita prcpara?on, end while lt . ceders ten tho healthful rt actions ol each orgau and vessel, tho mind can bo porfectly freo from appre? hension of any subtle Ingredient being Insinuated lom its oomposilioa. Tba appetite, which Improves nodorlta administration, ls et liberty to Indulge prudently in whatever .nutriment ia palatable, digestive and ?bol?enme, and while lt ia no more then proper to avoid cipoauro tofresti cold, uo leer need bc entertained of any ll? I.mtv under thin rotirno ot tr. aiment lo Induce lt. Il ls a pleasant AROMATIC CORDIAL, Quite agreeable lo Ibo teste, and ss a lung re Ttviryer sud balaam of la distinguishing itself ns without precedent, end ?c trust will, ure lom.', claim tor ltuelf genera] acclamation for tts unrivalled efficacy. For salo by tho Proprietrcas, Mrs. CECILIA RODRI OUE'H, nortliwost corner ot MEETING AND SOCIETY STREETS, end principal Druggiata. PRICE HI?OLE HOTT LE ? 1 .'ii. April a_lyr_ PUBLIC NOTICE. CLEM OV COUNCIL,! May 1UI17. | Tho foll owing Section of " Au Ordinance lo atioliab tim office of Hpoiiutendsnt of Streets ; to pr?vido for Koo|> tug the Strecta' Lanes, Allays, and open Courts lu thu City of Cbartcsaton Clean, and for other purposea," 1" beroby puhllabed for Hie information of all coucernod : Vor Sir Jill* ixmlanJInn nf,!p?-Mld. J~N?u>?<ilQr ia w. a?eet, lane, alloy, or opeo court, shall oo every dey (Hundaya oxceptod) have Ilia dirt, flltb. garbage, or oilier offal, placed In froot of bia or ber lot, lo a liarrcl. box or heap, and lo reedineaa for tho contractor, by the kour of seven o'clock, A. M., trout tbs Dist day ol May to Um ftrat day of November in every year ; and by the hour ot ulne o'clock, A. M., frcm Ike ttret day of November U> I tho first day of May foUoi-lng. And any person unend? ing herein, or placing any flatt, filth, garbage, cr oiher offal, lu any atrcot, laue, or alley, or open court, alter the hours above uemod, oludl bo subject to a flue not lesa than two nor moro than live dollars, for each sud every offence, to be lmpoaed by Ibe Mayor. ""-." Ey order W. H. S Ml iii, u'ay ]5 . Clerk of Council ~ THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED IN WINNBBOKO' 9. C., AFFORDS ? profiUblo medium tor the advertietng pubUc oi Charleston. Wo respectfully solidi Heir patrone?e for our mntuai b""'Q'' OAILLARD, IhiSPORTta A WILLIAMS. Nnverptiei IA_ THE HERALD. ,-8 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NEWBERRY C. H.. AT I A3 per annum, end, having a large circulation through eil the uppor and lower DiatrtcU of the Stele, iiffordo greet advaulegee to adverUscre. Ratea for advertising very roaaonablo-for which appl) lo our Agent. Mr 'I'. P. BIJDkat, ai Ike Milln llouao. io our ag s fllOal li * ki li. OBBNKKKK. Nnvmbhr awi??atv.t frourieir.r?. THE CAROLINA TIMES, PUBLISHED AT ORANOBHUHO C. II. fTUIIS PAPER CIRCULATES THROUOHOUT TIIF 1 middle portion ot the Stete, sod offers the beal reclllUee for odverlleors. _February _ THE SUMTER NEWS, DARU A 08TEEN, PropriotorB. PUBLISHED EVERY TUUR8DAY, AT SUMTER. 8. (J. Bubicriptlon ?4.00 per annum. To Cuba of tout VJ ix) tier aunum. Advertuemnnli Inaortci) on liberal terms. Doorrobe? a Tho BonnetlBviUo "Journal" IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MURNINI! AT Bcnnettsvtlle, H. C., to Ibo eastern portion of tbs Bute, by STUHUS A LITTLE, Proprietors, end offers superior inducements to Merchaula and all others wbo wish m osloud their business bi thia aeoUon of the Pee Deo country. We reapectinlly aollcll tho patronage of .mr Charlealon friends. Terms-?3 per annum, Invariably lo advance. Adver? t?s ementa Inserted at very roasoueble retes. July 9 THE SUMTER WATCHMAN IB PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT SUM? TER, 8. 0., by GILBURT A FLOWERS, Proprlatora. at FOUR DOLLARS per an num. invariably lo advance, advertisements inserted aYVMI ra toe. _","., KT erv style ol Job Piloting executed In the nc? cai aryle and grceKat dispatch._s>pawnner A> Tho Greenville Mountainoer j nx??j -j WUIot ana r-opilfWi PRICE FIVE CENTS _SHIPPING. NEW YORK AND CHARLEST?Ai STKAMSIIIl? LINK. tum KKW ironic, THE NEW AND Kl, EU A NT Sllll'.WHEEI. STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN, WOODHULL, COMMANDER, VITIM. I,EAVE FROM AIHlEH's SOUTH WHARP T T on A'uiiirt/.iv. August -ii, iii 1 o'clock 1'. M. Hi)- All outward Freight .'iiguum'iont* mu*t Ih< ma.lo ol Hie ollie.- ol COURTENAY k THENHOLM. No ?I Ci* t Hay. ?J- l'or l'aHiaur. omi nil math-ru rmiiiuctnil with Um limard linaine** nf Um Ship*, apply to STREET llttOTH. EUS fe Ca, Na. Tl Kant HOT. STREET BROTH EltH k CO., I . COURT ENA Y A TItENHOI.M, ) A?ull,H August I'.) Til K?UGIITICKBT^1 T? FL0RI?J, Ii Y CHARLESTON AND HAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINE SEJII-U KKKLI. VIA UKAIIPORT AND SKAHIIOOKS' LAN DINO. WKEKI.Y. I STEAMER PILOT BUY....CAPT. W. T. MCNELTY STEAMER PANN1K....CAPT. E. PECK. ONE Ol* THE AHOVE STEAMERS WILL L'AM: Charleston every .V.iii.luy anil TAuriday .v.iri?,.?... at 1 o'clock; ami Savaunab uv.ry IVVdnri.iuy and /'rni.17 Murninni, at 7 o'clock. Tom-Inn? at UhilTtou ou M't.. tin;/, ' a-11. from Charleston, and IIV.inrul.iy. trip from Savannah. Freight received dally lcm D A. M. to G P. M., au I Rtnrvd free of charge. All Way Freight, ainu UlulVton Wharfage, must bu prc paid. Por freight or pasuu-u, apply lo JOHN FEROUSON. Accommodatiou Wharf, Charleatou. CLAOUORN .V- CUNNINGHAMS, A cr ndl. Savanuah, (la. FULLER k 1.1.1 , Agents, Beaufort, S. C. N. n.-THROUOH TICKETS sold at tho office ot th? Agency in Charleston lo |iolnts on Ibo Atlantic and Unit Railroad, aud tn I'eruauiliua and points on tho Rt. John'i River. Auguat 1 I>i ' I T< i A I,. LIST OP LETTERS Remaining In thc p..H nolie, st Chortcaton. for Uio we-di ending A ru U sr '23. I sit;, ami ordered to ho printed lu Tuc DM LT Nt?*, agreeably to tho following sccUon ot Ute Iicw Poatofllco I jiw. OH Um nowspapcr having thu larg. '?: circulation in the City or Charleston: SECTIOS fi. And lie it (urthcr enacted, That Hats of lat? iera remaining uncalled for in Oliy Po.totYlru In any elly town or village, where a ucwsimpor ahall bo printed, shall le i . iiicc bc publishcd nuco only iu tho no?8pa|..-r which, being published weekly or oftener, shall havo Um largest circulation within raugu of .1. livery of the sa.d olllcc. ajy Persons calling for Letters AdvcrUaed, should abate that they aro "Advertised." au" i lillee hours from li A. M. to 0 P. M. On Sunday*, from 1'J.tM) A. M. to l.UO P. M. STANLEY U. TROTT, Poalniaslcr. WOMEN'S LIST. A II O Aiken, Mles I. Ilazlcburat, Mrs T O'Orody, Elena Alteu, Jone Uarvoy, Mrs M P Allston, Mrs A ii act munn, Mrs H Porsnna, Mrs Allmcrs, Mrs U Hutt, Mrs T Price, kira E N Il Uomiiton, Mrs ll Proctor, Mrs Wm Hauke, Miss V Uemliiou, Mrs E Power. Anulo Uaruwoll. Miss M Milburn, Etexio Porcher, Laura nermttiglmni, Mrs Homey. Ida Do Phillips, Mary .-' llluke. Ella Itorikl.s, Mrs E R Uauniun, (.'arrio J Ravon, Mrs M I, Halley, Mias K Jockauu, Mrs 9 lloynolda, J H lluras. Solly Jackson. Elaxla Ivy Uuraes, Mrs O Jervey, Mrs C H Redfield, W M Hum. U Mlaa E Jcnklus, Misa M Hlchardaoo, Mr* Hyrd, Miss ATI, . R Uro v.u. Mary Jonklns, Mrs M Riley, Mrs C S < Jnnkiua, Jauo tulley, Margret Callans, Miss C Jones, Mary' E llodnf, Mrs L Casey. Mrs J Joues, Mrs M K Rogors, Mrs M R ( imo.inn-, Mils E Johuaon, Miss S Rutherford, Mlaa Z KU Cosy, Miss c Keimy, Mary Rum, Mlaa H U Chas?, Mles Mt. B chamberlain. Mr? Lalanc, Mrs P D Randers, Mrs H A F D Larnoo ti, Miss M Scott. Misa J Clauancu, Mrs II J Scheper, Mrs S Lani, Eh-.-la Seymour. Mrs W Cockran. Carah C Lowls, Sarah W Cocal. Mia* A Levy, Mrs M R Shsrfer, Mra F Cobla. Mary J?no Lynch. Mary 0 ?hlrcy. Miao T D LoderboiifO, Mrs Shrowaberry, M Dangerfield, Mia? S D A N Lcauling, Elan Sheridan, Mrs M Days. Hannah Lcglilbcru, Miss B Davis. Mrs A L Sheridan. Mary L | Hot-outer. Mrs L H M Sheppard, Enial y Dennis, Mrs Capt Miles, Miss D Sinclair. Misa C E Mitchell. Mlas M Singleton, Fonuy DoWltt, Madamu A Simons, Mm B B O Miali..I?, Mrs D L Ipaon. Mlas R M 1 tease, Auu Mitchel, Susan sloncke. Elezia Dovoux, Mrs A Meltoo. Annlo Smith, Miss U Dorbaum, Mr* W Mayraut, Mrs A J Smith, Susan Darbee, Claru Muckenfuse, Em- Smith, Mrs E ma T Edwards, Mary Manney, Jennie Trittau. Mr* M E Fifo, Mrs U N Magwood. Auna M TTcdomau, Mary Ellis, Julia Moran, Miss C Thompson, Susan England, Mlaa I' Merton, Mrs lt O hun., Martha Murray, Mis* kl A Teague, Lucy K Muron, Mrs MD W Formar, Jauo Matow, Sarah Wesley, Mary L Foley, Mary Martin, Misa J D Wheeler, Mrs H I> MlUer, Anno Whitney. Moggin Oaramagc. Heater Mc Willi*, Koto Oolbruitb, Mrs A MeCarrol, Mrs E Woori, Mrs M D - I? McKenzie, Mrs A Wotton, airs Otiors, Carrie Mcinerny, Mrs M Wilson, Louisa Ocelo, 8uaou McMillan. Julio Wilson, Mra W Olbaou, Mrs JO N Wilson. Jody Olbos, Mrs L .Nesbitt, Cborlott Walker, Mrs C P Uouldotecn, Mi?? iNaugtbon, Mary Wilbania, Mary L <> A (Irabam.MrsC O'Neill, EloxU Washington, Char, (lulnnau. Mary A O'Neill, Anulo lott .I.Waohlngton, Mrs MEN'S LIST. A H N Adams, C D A Co Hogemou, Hin- .Solicite, A Allin, Maj Charlea rich Nomon, TimoUiyl O Hey. Robert ? Albee k Warren Harmon, William O'Brien, Richard Antrim, Michael H O'Urlau, H Aspen, Johann Haye*, Mathew O'Noole, Denis Armstrong. Frau- Haynes, Wm OIJou, Christian clo Haines, H P lt Harold, Rev Dr Parson?, Marlin {]3rtiy"uorrctt Hagons, Richard K Unhntgo, Maolor Homos, Ooorgo Rantin, J M Charlea Uolt. AUen Reid, W L i necker. Martin F Hunter, Jomco Rives, Mr UroocU, A P Hutchlnaou, T L Rivers, Lue* br?ckelt. Samuel Huggins, O W it Rhett, Wm Brion. Chas U Co Rclaland, Alb?n (col'd) I REor. Renlonalu B unger, CR Isaacs, A h rm N Bouio.WM Hulckoa, Juliu* L italy, Coasul of Rodmond, John Hullus, Jobouuio J Robert*, Alexan Urown, Joseph Jacoby, Jacob der fe Co Brown, Mc Jackaon, Robert Rouse, O P brown, M H Jacobs, J 8 S Bynum. John B Jlnkloa, Edward Schlrver, J D C Jenkins, Dr Bea- Schroder, Fri od Carvitt, John M brook rloh Campbell, J F Johuaon, Wm Seymour, <V W Caaerloy, Thoma? Johannis, J P Seebeck, JUC M Joh con. Ell ck SI neo lb, W J Churchill. M F Jone*, Douglaos Slnlyouter, Sank Chiaolm, Robert 8 9lmpoo.i. william A Joiner, Benjamin T Cox John (cold) Johuaon, William simm.un, A W Colcaby. Colum- B Sm ?lolr, Itouben . bus .lohnen, John biroona, John Far Coles. Huckey K. Siokel. M Costello. Dani Kcekeley, Dr Ed- .-ima. J Cooper. Charlea ward O Sharp, Deni* Corbett, Michael King, Wm Slokter. Edward JJ Ring. Wm J Spencer, William Cotroy, J n Kuclt, aovcrt ll Collin?. Patrick Kuhlken, John Sotnmack Conway. Joapueo L. Snoydor, Ooorgo CroU T O Lako, Benjamin Small, Andrew Culp'UH Larkin, Cali P U Small, Saml 1? u-wci, Wm Strang, Soml D Dawson. A W LeRoy. R Stehle, U Dangcrfiold, John Loper, Moses Stevenson, Ooorgo Davis, Collomoro Lowo, KoUey W A Co Luce, Kobo Stokes, T V Dinna, Hoory D M Stewart, William Delmoor, Thom- Mathews,Wm Nol- T mas son (cold) Talmogo fe Smith Dongle**, T J ll Monlgoult, John Tampoon, Jomco DawUng. M Mathew?, Wm Tobin, Daniel H. night.m. Math- Morten*. Jarnos Tolle, John sw M O MUcholl. Mosas V I. rever A MUlett, Joseph Von Harton, Ooal. Dremmor. Jame* Mitchell, Willum ano Christiane Dwight, Charlo? U Von Eitxan, Hen* M Mooro, John ry " , , E Mool*, Dennlo Voigt*. Heinrich EhorevlUo, Fran- (col'd) W els J Molony, Martin Welker, Nero Ehlort, Edward II Morlcey, John t?l d> . F" Morris, William Washington. John Farow.John Ucnrf ' ZzSm Mr Ferguson, John Mori^. JohnN Wa^on.Mr Fltxpstrlck, John klorrU. Jamos Walker. William tirald. Cap ^Edward ^ ^ tpiSt n n Mnrpby, Martin Wooton, ninnuo ?Ti<2feCo Mayor. Henry Wilson, B W ?SLvF Sejark. A J Witltcbtn, Co?. iTeMy' " JSoyarrcleman* ten nihhen Wllll?m Meyer, D Whitaker, Semi nnrorfoVu. Dr T Mc White, Amos QI rameau, ur McCaUual> JtmeJ walu, B Gamea, Oeorgo W B Wilson, Matter J nil noa. Ttev Ueo Mac Corm lek, Cop J aomes, nov john r wiwl p(((1 Orice, Robert B McCarty, Michal Woolf, Victor urocn Francis MeOonkey, Jome* Wrede, Johannis ' Grumme, W H McIntosh, Jno E> ..7..MoNeill. Robert Zetbst, DtodrkJi ?ar Porsons depositing le Uara In the Pottofflco wlU please puce the stamp near the upper right hand ra*, nor of tho onvotope, and they wfll alto piesse to romero ber that without the a tamp a letter cannot bs malled, bn| will be sent to to? Dead IMtox Ofdce, AatW,^ ,