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THE G. B. CATHCART,. EBRO? OAIHCABT, MCMILLAN & MORTON, PROPRIETORS, * No. 18 jHAtNE STREET. O?TYPRINTEX8. TER ?Tc AS H. (. ..- . . _____ SUBSCRIPTION DAILY-TWELVE MONTHS.^S'IS l?:ffi>$M^ SSS SIMOLE COPIES.....-.S*!"? IO NEWS DEALERS-.3 ??LT?BD?? MOSSING, JUNE 15, 1867. ' ! [From. Ike Sound Table.] THE TOURNAMENT i JOUST FIRST. iii .?a.?.-?i/.?'. .? _U_ j- . . HIGHT WiitatuT toon nrxwixx smi ABD BRAIN. : i . _ Bright abone the lisia, blue bent th? skies, And the knights still hurried amain To the Uainament under the ladies' eyes. When the Jousters war? Heart sad Brain. . rra?. Flourished the btu*peta : tttUreA Heart, r s A youth meVmwefeanU gold. - EtlvJ Flouriahed again : Brain stood apart, S^itawapred, dark and cold. Heart's palfrey caracoled gay ly round. - j .. Heart tra-li-ra'd merrily ; But Brain sat still, with never a sound. So conical-calm was he, Vac?lT?-?ji ?__?.'!... ' E3B .. - >:r :'..H- ' '..i ? M?sKI balma*, crest hore favors three From Bia ladye's white hand ?aught; While Brain were aplnmwleas casque; not he Or favor ga/e or sought. .usu UK >?!?.. ?I <,*... .v w. . . .: te The herald blew: Heart shot a glauco . To find his tedra's eye; But Brain gazed straight ahead, his lance Toatnypqfe* tMthfally. :" vt, They charged, tb/ry struck; both ftlL both bled, Brats; rose again, ungloved. Heart, dying, ?ailed and faintly said, "My love to my beloved!" . . SID NET LANIER. ^^-'.wil^WiO. . * h il ii'-S Pweel oheel twee I sings a tiny bird, Wlih as sorrowful note as e'er was heard; He sings in rainy weather, , Whew. thofPa no bird, SST? himself, will roam. But safely ?nd snugly sits at home, . And fear* to sit a leather. Pweel chee! twee! Mournful he atoga; An" his sad melody, like a drear Well-a-d?y I Through tb* dim air and my duD heart ringa. I B ': .lt.. .ii^sjja? .... Pweel ches I twee! like a lone lost wight. Ito somewhere singa in the leaves out o' sight, Aa if SH nop* were dying; And the odd drops rip through the shivering trees Like tears ; and anon the disconsolate br?ese Oos? tsiTrtfig; to'bim replying; Pweel oboe! tweet j Mournful Its sings; :: And his sad melody, like a drear Well ?day I Through the dim air and my dull heart rings. BK Pweel chee I tweet Unto dole wast born ? Art bird, or a waniering spirit forlorn, Of soma strang- fate complaining ? Or only a phantom-sound 1'tho air, Yoi dog thc gioom and the brier despair Fek wheo lt'? dismally raining? Pawel ?neel twee 1 Mournful he sings. And bis sad melody, . Like a drear .> eU-a-day I *-' Through tte dim air ead my dull heart ringa. W. L. SHOEMAKER. MARRIAGES. In Unkm County, North Coolina, on thc 3d instant. Rv Bev W. J-' Grady, oath? Otb ion*, 1*57, at th? bmS'?r^ence. ia Pendleton. Miss Virginia E. Hunter M*Mt J. 0. Btetbling. of PicAana District. -"-<nV fi? ?Bth T?t. by fte "Ber. E. C. Bagsdale, Mr W/StsinH- Glenn and S?ss Kate M. bwitaer. all of Lau On tte evening, of th? 90ft .ult, by Rsv. Fletoher Badft. rt the reSienoe of th? bride's father, Mr. E. H. Oki reatad tn MITT MUla M, daughter of Ransom Hunt, both of Rexona. ? On the 36th ult., by F. H. lXxmtaiek, Faq., st ft?,rat oVmoorfA.O.WUson, Mr. O. B Counts to Miss E. a Settler. all ca* Lexington District, 8. C. On Thursday, tb* 6th of June, at fte reaidenceof J. BL Patton. York District, by Hov.-MoDonakUDr. L Strapson/of Chester, and Miss S. A Patton, of York Dil tztoCS. OL ' Oat Wednesday, May 22,1867, at fte residence of fte bride's eSherVVy Rev. Wm. Martin. F. Wallington Her? h?rt; of Wl?Iar?ston. S. C.. to Miss Clementine C.. second |g_^ofttk?Me Herman Kruse, of Richland Dia On tho 4th tust, by Rev. M. Catea, lt^^ Whiao. rant and Mrs. Nancy Whltesides, all of York District "(io tiwrsdaj 6th boat, st the residence cf Mr. Quilley B S^a^byJ-mea Kat" Rsq.. Mr. Cunt Jon? and Misa JE !*ey darter, all of York District. '.yvi_ n COMMERCIAL. T*-? Charleston Cotton Market. OJITCB OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS,) OHJUC^STOW. Friday Evening, June 14, 1067. j There was but httle Cotton on fte market, which, in -macy eases, wa? held at figures shove qrolaticns; buy >m?#* consequently prevented from fTThng their cr dsffl. , mm fe bato; say SO &*S%* * 2* 9 et?. Our 1 qnii$9*djli^^ ^ AUGUSTA, June IS.-FIXAXCXAL-Oold tn demand. Bf?iDSB aT9boyingatl36A137 and selling at 137al38. ?IIH?? Jini?!? ara 138 and selling at 132. Oorreat-Market very quiet, and sellera are firm, hold? ing to Strict Middling at 2A*25, and Low Mid r?lM>ia34o. Very few buyers in tho markst. We -J only find ? balM sold, a? tallowa: lat 22; 17 at ascend 7 a*16.. Beoelpte 18 bales, r ^ ^ ? ?*atxxn?r7 Markx. IRV, June IL-Bans-Good inquiry, but for want of stock and receipts; quotations 8 corronr-The market iras very 'duff,to-day, buyers being reluctant to take bold; with small sales, we quota \n\^^\S?^tk^^'23c?l?ir mtddUn?' H*'' *?d Oom*-Late lase exexdng there were sold 3860 bags Bio, ex bark Aquidneck, audio-day 1019 bags, balance of aime cargo, boft taken for city trade and on private ixxdr, aM6? fjnto' aeeond hShds, MOadOQ bags within our , Vis: prime to choice Bio, 18 Ji?19>4c ; fair to good, ?# common to fair, 10al7c. gold. Stock In a reduced to 25,000 bags Rio. 9 : /a-Tha market is entinJ j devoid cf nfc; salo s are 1 to Sfliwal consumptive wants; no inquiry ssarcely iuf m^ptuent ; quoaaUona ?rs nominal, viz : Howard-street Huper ana Cut t?xtr?...S10 25 00 Howard-street Extra Shipping,. 12 50 at 13 00 Howard-street High Grades. 18 60 S 1? 00 Hewex?-etMei Faxollyv. IA 50 @ 16 oo Onto Super and Cut Rxtra............ loco. S 10 60 SHy'^jgJ"1-** "''WHS..-.00 00 ? 00 00 O^reta?lng.-.u0 00 ? oo 00 Ohio Family.. 15 00 ? W 60 Hortk^estern Extra. 12 00 @ 13 00 City Mills 8uper. 10 50 (g> ll 00 City Milla, Standard Extra.... 19 00 @ 13 00 City Mill? Shipping brands Extra.14 50 ?16 00 B_.rAmore, Woich's Qreenfield and Waverton Farnily. 17 60 @ 00 00 Baltimore high grada Extra..16 60 (g) 17 00 JtyePloar, now. a ioi?^ s _. Oom Meal, City Mills. 5 20 <f I & " Giuxa - Whoat is offered but sparingly; demand is also quite hmited, but paces ara stesxly-included in the sales to-day were 75 bushels prime white at 99 90; 760 bashaMgood Virginia red at $2 60; 300 bushels Fnxlei iok OdQity do at $2 65; quote choice Maryland at ?2 70a 9 ?5; ?Stnayivania lota range from ?9 30a2 60. Corn-. 10,000 busbel* white and 8800 bushels yellow received. ru uhef steady for white, with salee of 5000 bushels at li (ital 06; yellow dedmrd lc, sales of 3500 bushels si nOSallO; ?1 so 9000 bushels Western mixed at 96c Oats wera In good receipt, 8600 bushels offered, and same quantity soldat 7?4a75c, mostly at 75c, a decline of Sage on previous sales. LD-CBXB.-southern ls steady at $30-36 fur irregular lcts;s??dMmbtuffa?perM. MoiJLSSXS-Nothing doing to-day-quo+?*!ons un KLaVAL STOBXS,-Spirits Turpentine is lower; quote at B7_58 cents; Rosin is also lower; sales of pale at $3 60; Hoi ouote M 50af6; No 3 at$8 76a$4; common 3 26a3 50. X_rsSsroe; eatosbave been made aa nigh aa 94 60 per P_OVTIIOJU-Are dull, though prices nominally main t_ned Wo notice eales of H caaks bulk Shoulders at 9 eta. and retail lota of Bacon at yesterday's prices, viz: for Western and City Shoulders 9Xal0c; do rib Sides ll ?;? lac . dear iib I3>ial3Xc; Hams 16al7o. Mesa Pork $33 60 a23 75 par WjL. Lard dull at 13al3>.c, only retail lots. Bmx-We report a aale of 100 baga Rangoon at 9S'c pr lb Carolina is held steady at 12>ial2,'ao for primo Had Markst oonitaamjtatv, we notice soles of iso fabda of grooary Porto Rloo at ll^al2c; so do do at li"4 HJLLT-Continues steady for lota from dealers as before qaoeed, vis: for iiverpoql fine 9310, and do ground alum ?110 per sack. Turk's Island 58a60c per bush. Wauaaai-Bernama nominal aa before, at 83a36o per gal in bond' no sales. Hew York Market. MOSSY HABEST. The New York Communal Advertiser of Tuesday fte Uth instant says : Tai money market shows a partial relief from the late Stringency. The 8ubTreaaury la disbursing rather more freely, and has done for the present with large re ?stpta on account of bonds. To-day the Department has bought $1,000,000 Seven-Uiirtiea, and is not selling gold. These movements, end fte payment ol inter, st upon Beven-tbirtieB on the 15th. afford promise of an easier market; but how far the tendency may be reversed bv tka preparations for the quarterly bank statem nt which W1Q oommenoo after the mido> of the month remains to be seen. It would be quite unsafe to count'upon an easy market at the close ot the month. There is a fairly active d-?ad from the brokers, which ia supplied at per cent on stock collaterals, apd six per cent, on D?oounts areduU. The mquiry la limited chiefly to private buyers, but the supply is also below fte average. Prime names are quoted 7a? per cent FBODTJCE M ARK KT. NEW YORK. June 11-3 P. M FLOUS, Ac-The Flour market ia leas active and scarcely so firm; prices, how .var. are without decided change. The salsa are 6400 bbla at ?Sa? 76 for Superfine State; SlOalO 60 for Extra State; 910 75*1150 for Choice State; aaa? 75 for Superfine Western ; ?9 95all 10 for Common to Medium Extra Western; 91136A13 for Choice Western; $11 25*12 tor Common to good Shipping Brands Extra Bound Hoop Ohio, and $1210al3 25 f ? Trade Brands, the market closing heavy. gouthero Flour la dulL Salee 200 bbla at $10 60al2 25 and $13 40al6 60 for fancy and extra. California flour ia in moderate request. Sales 1000 Us? and sacks at $13 26alt ?ye Flour ia quiet. Sales 250 bbls at 97a915. Sm Meal ls ducbnfcig. Sales 700 bbls at $5 66 and m ?Wl?-ndvvrtne, .1, ps-a-Tbe Wheat market ia dull and drooping. Sales .0,000 bushels Thia California part at 82 60, and tha re n a fad rr on p ri Tate terms. Bye ia dall and nonitnal at $1 iOal 45. Sates 1000 inehela western, tn bond, at il 45*1 60. Barley is quiet Barley Malt ia don. The Corn market is heavy and SaSc lower. Sales 98,000 bush ela at 11*107 for common to prime new -zed w r stern; tl 07al 08 fer choice do; fl Itel JO for >ld do, dslivered; 80a97c fdr unsound, and 66o fdr darn iged. Oats are dull and lower. Sales 82,000 bushels at 75*76c tar Western; 84*86c tor State; 8U85o for new Ohio, and 34J?c for Southern, aid-Is more active. Salee since our last 1100 bags Rangoon on private terms, to arrive HAT-Is easier at $1 SO fur shipping, while retail lots aro finner at SI 60al 86. Cerra-Tho market ls without decided change, with nothing of moment doing. We quote: Rio, Prime.18X9 19 Rio. Good.;.17>i@ 18 Ri?, Fair.16J?? 16J? Rio, Ordinary.16 @ 16X Rio, Fair to good cargoes.....15X? 17 Java, Mata and Bags.24x@ 25 Maracaibo.,.17 *@ 18* Laguayra.17>_@ 18* StDonungo.15X@ 16 Gold, net cash, duty paid. ' trocs ott THE ll TH oar or JOVE, 1867. Bio.68,081 Java, Government bags....6,296 Laguayra.8,494 Other descriptions, mats and bags..?.9,187 Total....;.;.....80,010 I jua AB-Is quiet but very firm. Sales sin ce our laat 500 hhds at localise for Cuba; Barbadoes an private terms, and SO boxes Havana at 10 %c. MOLASSE -Is firm, with more doing. Sales since our laat 1600 hhds at 51o ?fte for Cuba Muscovado, and Eng? lish leland and Barbadoes on private terms. T_-Is dull, and prices raver the hayer. Om-Unseed it tn ?Sir demand at SI 40*143. pBOvrsioss.-The Park market opened heavy, and closed firmer. Sales 1250 bbls at SOI 85*22 16 for new Meas, closing at SOI 90#, regular; S21 Stell 75 for old Mees; $18 75*19 for Prime, and S2175 for Prime Mess; 82405 tor dear, and S0A 75 for aheer Clear. . The Beef market is steady. Sales 310 bbls at S14 60s 01 for new Prime Meas, and $19 50*23 75 for new Extra Beef Hams are quiat at 139*40. Sales 116 bbb. Cut Meato are dull. Sales 180 pkgaet 8>?*10c for Shoulders, and 13*1 io xor Haxoa. : Bacon is quiet Sales 066 boxes at ll Xe for Short Bib, and lOXalOXo for Short Clear, the latter price fdr repscked. ... Lard ia heavy. Sales 1100 bbls at lOalSc. Butter la dull at 10*21 c for Ohio, and 18a26o for State. Cheese is heavy at "alGc. Whiskey is quiet Tallow is steady. Sales 216,000 lbs at Hallie. Petroleum is dull at l6al5Xo for Crude, and 26c for re? fined, in bond. FB-OHTS-To Liverpool, 176 hhds Tobacco at 10s; 15,000 bushels Peas at 3d, bulk. An Austrian bark to Cork for orders, with 8100 quart? ers Com atoa. Brinah bark to Cork for orders, with 2200 quarters Corn at Sa, Consignee* per soatn Carolina ll* ll road, June M. 193 bales Cotton, 101 bales Mdse, 33 bois Spirits Tor pen Una, 67 bbls Rosin, 3 cars Marble, and Sundries. To Thurston & Holmes, A Robinson Je Co, Lieut Med*, E H Brodie, Bavenel A Co, Boper St stoney, B H Rodgera A Co, Hunt Bros, J B Pringle, J E Alger, Mrs Snowden, B B Agent Street Bros A Co. W Piteen, Southern Express Company. Consignees per Northeast ern Rllroaad, June 13. 430 bbls Naval Stores, 7 bales Cotton, 7 cars Lumber, 1 car Stock, Mdze, Ac To Street Bros * Co, J Marshall, Jr, Mas ck Bros, Holmes A Stoney, O B Pritchett P O Worsham, W K Byan, A Robinson A Co, Screven ft Nis? bet Kendall ft Dockery, Bavenel ft Co, Adams, Frost ft Co, Gen B O Tyler, Graeser, Lee, Smith ft Co, and D C Ebaugh. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?^^^^^^?^, Passengers. Per steamer Ettas Hancox, from Savannah, via Beau? fort and Hilton Head-A R Bennett z C Warren, J H Stranaa and lady, E Simpson, J T Farrow, Captain AK Hughes, Misa Leonard, J J Vickers, Miss Hume, W Hof fardB, Mrs Higgins, D Cavanna, H L Taft, 0 ladles, and 3 children, CIMvia, D C Wilson, G Gage, W H Brisbein. Jr, and lady, W H Briabain, Sr, and lady, M L Lunn, W B Keen, lady and child, J Anntn, E K Collins, W H ten? nis and lady, J A Alden, Lieut W S ling, Capt A Barrett and ladyi and 18 deck. PORT CALENDAR. op-ow waxaxT. PHASES OF THE MOON. New M. 2d, Sh. 42m. main I Full M. lGtb.llh. 84m. even FirstQ. 9th, lb. 17m.moin [ Laat Q. 25th,Oh. 9m. morn 10 Monday.... 11 i Tuesday.... 12|Wednesday. 13-Thursday... 14 Friday. .... l?.latoruay... 101 Sunday..... 4. .68 4. .63 4..52 4..62 4..52 4. .68 4..63 7.. 6 7.. ? 7.. 7 li. 7 7.. T 7.. 8 7.. 8 12..65 1..38 2.. 8 3. .41 3.. 17 8. .66 Bises. mo H warns. 3.. 1 2..58 8. .60 4..46 6. .83 6..15 6..66 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHAHLKSTOH Arrived Yesterday. Steamship J W Everman, Tuttle, Philadelphia-left Monday, PM. Mdse. To H F Baker ft Co, JW 8pela aeiggex, Georgia B B 0 >, J N Bobean, T M Bris toll, rt R Agent H NJstte ft Co, Cameron, Barkley ft Co, 0 J Mills, QMsnta Bros, M Geraghty, J E Du Bose, Mrs E L Por? cher, 0 N Averill k Son, B O'Neill, H Oliver ft Co, Shep? herd ft Cohen, E J Wood, J B BnsaeU, F H Thous, J B Pringle, Stenhouse ft Co, Jeffords ft Co, Bruns ft Bee, Rev G W Gaines, A Tobias' Sous, J Cosgrove, H TPeake, M McDowell, Rev T F Gadsden, Gramann ft Sch wacke, Mrs M Snowden, A Bischoff, Bavenel ft Co, A G Bennett, I J N Matthews, T M Cutter, L Human, Risley ft Creigh? ton, M Dorrell, M McGorty, Cohen, Hanckel ft Co, Cla dus ft Witto, B M Kennedy, P L GuiUeaume, J Walker, J A Cooa ft Co, C Bing, B Somers, C D Swift, B Roddin k Co, S C R R co, E Sampson, J H Jungbluth, W Kins? man, W Gurney, J ft T Getty, Brown ft Co, E R White, P Walsch. Knox ft-, Holmes ft Calder. J H Hap poldt, J B Togal, W H Blayioc ^ J W Clarkson, S to vail ft Edmon dato a. 1 {Tupper ft Sons, O'Neill ft Bom,' and Order. Ship Amelia, Conner, Liverpool-?4 days from Holy? head to the Bar (previously reported In the Offing). Salt and Mdxe. To i Fraser ft Co, J E Adger ft Co, B G Wil? kins ft Co, 0 Graveley, and others. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Richardson, Savannah via Hil? ton Head and Beaufort. Mdse. To Ferguson ft Hohnes. ' AT QUARANTINE. tasajan polacre Elena, Manstany, Matantes Ballast To WP Hall Sehr Ben Willis, Cox, New Orleans. Went to Best Yesterday. Brig Tangier, Smith, Yawnenny Ferry, 8 C. 8ehr Aaelda ft Laura, Molndoe, Wilmington, N a Sehr E t Palmer, Palmer, Baltimore. Sehr Jessie B Smith. Williams, Jacksonville, Fla. From this Port. Steamship Alliance, Kelty, Philadelphia, June IA Sehr B Caldwell, Mccormack, Havre, May 37. Cleared for this Port. Sehr W H Tiers, Hoffman, at Philadelphia, June ll. - U3T OF VESSELS UP, <TT,WARWT> AND SAILED FOB THIS PORT. FOREIGN, L1TXBPOOL. Br bark Fille de l'Air, Evans, sailed.May 14 Ship lfC Winthrop, Stewart op.May 4' The Tryphenia, Harding, sailed.May 35 NEWPORT, ESO. ShiM"Annie tambal! Lraootn, selfed.....May 31 Thew Coming, Hooka way, sailed..-.April 16 Tho Johannes, Buter, asiled.May 19 Sehr T J Frailer, Frazier, sailed.May 29 . DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr Maine Law, Johnson, cleared.June 5 Sehr Isabella, Weeks, up.June 8 HEW Tcaur. Sehr Lilly, Francis, vp.,.Msy 27 Sehr Jonas Smith, Nichols, up.June 6 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr J N Baker, Adams, cleared.May 7 Sehr W H Tiers, Hoffman, cleared.June ll BALTIMORE. Steamship Sea Gnu, Dutton, sailed.June 13 SChr Foaming Sei. North, cleared.June 7 Sehr A P Cranmer, Cranmer, up.June 7 Sehr Daniel Chase, Mitchell, cleared.June 8 OLD RIP VAN WINKLE GIN, . GOLD MEDAL 8HERBY, POET AND MADEIRA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. IN ADDITION TO OUR BUSINESS OF SELLING WINES, etc., in original packages, and In order to Insure to consumers Pure Liquors in a compact and con? venient form, we comm en oed the enterprise of bottling md packing in cases our well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, ftc, and have sent them out in a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tampered with before reaching ths parchase?. The general appro? bation and gratifying success that has rewarded our efforts has encouraged os to maintain the standard as re jarda, quality, alio to maka increased efforts to retain the L'onfldenco and patronage which han been so liberally be? llowed opon os. BIN INGER ft CO., Established 1778.] Importera ol Wines, ftc, No. 15 Beaver street New York. The above popular goods are put up m cases coutain ng one do?on bottles each, and are sold by all prominent Druggist?, Grocers, ftc Opinions of the Press, The name of Bininger ft Co., No. 15 Beaver street, ls a ru aran tee of the exact and literal truth of whatever they ?present.--V. Y. Con. Advertiser. The importing house of Bininger ft Co., No. 15 Beaver itreet, is conducted upon principles of Integrity, fairness ind the highest honor.-iv. Y. Evening Express. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO.. N 153 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hot and D0WEE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KINO & CASSIDE Y, No. 161 MEETING STREET, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, 8. C. January 80 wfm6mos THE MARION STAB, ESTABLISHED ?EARLY TWENTY YEABS AGO, 18 published at Marion, S. C., in the central portion >f the country, and offers a favorable medium to Mar? inante, Druggists, Machinists, and all classes who desire o extend their business in the Pee Dee country. For the benefit of our advertising patrons, we shall, in addition to our subscription list which is constantly in Teasing, publish and distribute gratuitously 8000 extra lopiee of the 8TAR, during tho business season thif Hak ^ Bates of Advertising hberaL W. J. McKEBALL, November 30 Editor and Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. OLD ESTABLISHED BRI li STORK E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PIUS dt DORN) WHOLESALE MD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LARGE .ADDITIONS lu their usual stock of pore ajad fresh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS : FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDER 3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, kc. Comprising invoices from the most reputable manu facturera. On hand, all the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAS NE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, sc. Also, i large assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAGS : MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS j GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. (Great attention ls paid to the Importation and selec? tion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and none other are allowed to go ont of tho Establish PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy, and the public can depend on the utmost reliability in the execution of orders. i. H. KELLERS, ?D. :....... U DMR) M.R Marchs ?E W PERFUME * For the Handkerchief. PHALON'S A MOST EXQUISITE, DELICATE, AND FRA? GBANT PERFUME, Distilled from tho Raro and beautiful Flower from which it takes its name. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY PHALON & SON, HEW TORE. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASE FOB PH ALON'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Sold by Druggists generally, and Sold at Wholesale by GOODRICH, WHM1N & CO., ?January 31 mthlyr "A smile was on ber Up-health was In ber look strength waa In her step, and In her hands-PLASTA1 non Bi praia." 8. T.-1880-X. A few bottles of Pi ANT A TI 05 WITTSnj Will eura Nervous Headache. " Cold Extremities and Feverish Lipa. " Sour stomach and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affections. " Excessive Fatujue'snd Short Breath. M Pain over the Eyes. " Mental Despondency. " Prostration; Great Weakness. " Ballow Complexi?n, Weak Bowels, Ac Which are the evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It M estimated that es ven- ten tbs of ail adult alimento proceed from a deaeaaed and. torpid liver. Tba biliar; secretions of the liver overflowing into the stomach poi? son the andre system and exhibit the above symptoms After long research, we are able te present the moat remarkable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has aver produced. Within one year over ali hundred and forty thousand persons have takes the PLANTATION Barna, and not an -Instance of complaint has ooma to our knowledge I It ls a most effectual tonic and agreeable stimulas raited te all conditions of Ilia The reports that U relies upon mineral substances fo ita acarre properties, aro -wholly ?use. - For the satis faction of the pnbiio, and that patienta may consul their phy aidan*, we append a list of Its componenU. OAL?SAXA bAua.-Celebrated for even two hundred yearsln*the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, eta It waa introduced into Europe by the' 00ont?ss, wife of the Viceroy ot Peru, in 1040, and afterwards sold by the Jesuits /sr Ms enormout pries 0/ Ut own weight in t?etr. under the name of JttuuVt Pow? der*, and waa Anally made public by Louis XVI, King of France. Bum bold t makes especial reference to ito febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. OsacaBH,T,? Bau-For diarrheas, cdhc and diseases at th? stomach and bowels. DANDELION-For inflammation of the foina and drop leal affections. OBSMOHTMI FLOWKBS-For enfeebled digestion. LA vxHDXB FLO wm i Aromatic, sri m niant and tonio highly invigorating in nervous debility. WntZaUaeanir-For scrofula, rheumatism, ste aural An aromatic carminativa; creating flesh, muscle and milk; much need by mothers nursing. Alee, ofove-buda, orange, carraway, coriander, snake oct, eeo. 8. T.-1880.-X. Another wonderful Ingredient, of great use arnon? the Spanish ladlee of South America, imparting beaut) to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, la yet un? known to the oom meroe of the world, and we withhold itt name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES. BOOHUTXB, N. Y , December 38, lsfll. Messrs. P. H. DRAKX lt Co.-I have been a groat sui rarer from Dyspepsia for three ur four years, a \ d had to abandon my profession. About three mouths ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy I am new nearly a well maa. I nave recommended them in several cases, and, as far as I know, always with signal benefit I am, retpectrully yours, Rev. J. S. CATHORN. PHILADELPHIA, 10th Month, 17th Day, 1863. BxsrzoTBn PHIXND:-My daughter has beea much beneflfted by the ase of thy Plantation Bitters. Thoo wilt send me two bottles more. Thy friend, ASA CURRUN. Brama* Hoest, 0B30AOO, 111., I February ll, 1863. j MaWaM P. H. DBAXX A Co. :-Finase send .is another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. Asa morning appetiser, they appear to have superseded everything else, and are greatly esteemed. Yours, tte, GAGE A WAITE. Arrangements are now completed to supply any de? mand for thia article, which baa net heretofore bees possible. The public may rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard ot the PLANTATION BITTJUS be departed from. Every bottle boort the /ac-rimtie of ow tignature on a tttcX plait engraving, tr it cannot be gen? uine. Any port?n pretending to tell PLANTATION BITTKBS tn bulk or by the gallon, it a swindler and itnpotter. Heit are of refilled bettlet. See that our Private Stamp it Umro niiATXD over every cork. Bold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers throughout the country. P. E DRAKE & CO., New York. Anrll -?o_mwfivr BARNWELL SENTINEL. IS AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LET Merchants and business men try it for a few months, "No risk no gain." Send on your cards and increase your trade this fail. There's nothing to equal Printer's Ink-it has made many a fortune. Terms for the paper-$8 per annum, in advance. Advertisements inserted at the rate of $1 por square ol twelve lines or less for each insertion. Cards of ten lines or loss, at the rate of $10 for three months. Contracts by the year or for six months, allowing priv? ilege of changing, on moro favorable terms. Address EDWARD A BRONSON. S"VJTPN I L< rn>M .0... * (C'ji: tC THE AIKEN PRESS, rIS PROPOSED TO PUBLISH IN THE TOWN OE Aiken, S. C., a Weekly paper under the above title, to be devoted to General Intelligence-Political, Com? mercial, Social, Literary, and Religious-with a Depart ment of Agriculture, including the Field, the Orchard, the Vineyard, and the Garden. A News Summary, tc contain a digest of the important events of the week will occupy a p hon of the paper, and particular atten don will be given to the unsettled question of Labor, a? best adapted to our new condition, and the cevelopmen of the resources of the country in Manufactures, Agrl culture, Fruit-raising, and Vine-growing. Terms-S3 a year, in advance. H. W. RAVENEL, Editor. W. D. Elna LAND. Publisher. January 31 THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED IN WINNSBORO* S. C., AFFORDS A profitable medium for the advertising public ot Charleston. We respectfully solicit their patronage for our mutual benefit GAILLARD, DESPORTES i WILLIAMS. Noven: bei 15 MI8CEUANE0U8. GALLIGHAN S PILLS FOR j A CERTAIN CURE. TTJE HAVE USED GALLIGHAN'S PILLS, AND FIND VV that they ?ill do all that le claimed for them, and iheerfuUy recommend them to public favor. j T. H. WATTS, Ex-Governor of Alabama. . J. W. A. SANDFORD. Att'y Oen'l of Alabama. , ROBT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supreme Court Ala. From THOMAS J. JUDOS, Judge Supreme Court I have used GALLIGHAN'8 PILLS on my plantation lor ? eve" and Ague, and find them ali that ls claimed for them. THOS. J. JUDGE Montgomery, Ala., September 39,1858. LOWNDES COUNTY, Alabama. G ALLI GH A N'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do. They are decidedly the best medicine for Chills and i e ver I ever gave. I would not be without them for lvi ames the price. J. A G RAH A LT AMEKICUS, April 17, 1887. One box of GALLIGHAN'3 PILLS cured me perfectly of Chills and Fever. They are the best medicine lot Chills and Fever I ever saw. A. G. RONALDSON, derk Superior Court, Sumter County, Ga. MONTOOMSBY, ALA. , July 9,1866. Messrs. BLUNT A HALE-GENTS: I have used your GALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions for Chills ann Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intend ed to do. They are the best remedy for the disease th <. I have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. ' Respectfully, DAN'L SAYRE, Grand Sec Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Alabama. ALBANY, GA., March ll, 1867. I have used GALLIGHAN'S PILLS in forty caaes o Chills and Fever, with perfect success. They are th? bert Fever and Ague Pill put up. A. B. FANT. WHOLESALE IN CHARLESTON, BY GOODRICH, WINGMAN dc CO., No. 163 Meebng street And by all Druggists. BLOUNT Si HALB, PROPRIETORS, May 14 _6mo Montgomery, Ala. CHEROKEE C INDIAN MEDICINE, Cures all diseases caused by self-shuse, viz:- Spermator~ rhea, Seminal - Weakness, Night . Emission* Lois of Memory, Universal 'DassU tudu, Pains in the Back, Dim -ness of Vision, Premature 1 Old Joe, Weak Nerves. Diffi \cvU Breathing, Pole Counte 'nanos, Insanity, Consutnp _ (ion, tn4 all diseases that fol? low as a sequence of youthful indiscretions. The Cherokee Cur* will restore health and vigor, stop the emissions, snd effeat a permaaent eur* after all othor medicines have failed. Thirty-two page pamphlet sent in a assied envelope, fr** to any address. Prloe $2 per bottle, or three bottles for SS. Sold by all druggists ; or will be sent by express to any portion ofthe world, on receipt of price, by the sols proprietor, Dr. W. B. MEE WUT, 37 Walker BL, F. Y. Cherokee Remedy, Cores sll Urinary Com? plaints, viz: Gratet, Inflam? mation of Ute Bladder and fidneye, Retention of HM, Strictures of tho 'ttsra Dropsical Suelt? os, Brick Dust Deposits, snd all diseases that require a diuretic, sud when used in conjunction with the CHEROKEE DTJECHOH, does not fall to cure Gonorrhea, Gleet und all Mu? cous Dischargee in Male or T?male, curing recent caste in from one to three dey*, and ie especially recommended ta those cassa of Fluor Albus or Whites in Female*. The two medicines used In conjunction will not fall toresiove this disagreeable complaint, and in those case* vhere othor medicinas have been used without success. Price, Remedy, One Bottle, $2, Three Bottles, $5. ? Injection, ? . i% " * The Cherokee " Cure? " Remedy," and " Injec? tion" are to be found in all well regulated drug stores, and are recommendsd by physicians and druggists all over tte worM>rt"ip!rlntrlnstc worth and merit Some unprincipled deulors, however, try to deceive theil cu.-iomen, by selling cheap and worthless computings,-In order to tnako money In place of these. Be not deceived. If the drug? gists will not buy them for y , wriu: to us, and we will send them to you by express, securely packed and fr?o from observation. Ve trpat all diseases to which the human system ls sulject and will be pleased tc receive full and explicit statements from those who have filled to receive relief heretofore. Ladles or gentlemen can adiltess us in perfect con fldence. We desire to sent onr thirty-two page Cmphlet free to every lady and gentleman In tte ld. Address all letters for pamphlets, medicine*, or advice, to the sole proprieor, ep *T Dr, W. B. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., 5. T. Maya*_thstulyr NOTICE TO SAILORS CTR IMMIGRANTS. HOTEL OB BOARDING-HOUSE EEEPEBS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 March 13,1867. i IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING ACT OF the Legislature, passed th? 30th dsy of December, I860, all persons concerned are hereby notified to call at this Omeo and take out the required license immediately. W. H. SMITH,. Clerk of Oouncfl. AN ACT TOB THE BKTTEB PROTECTION OF BEAM KN ANO IMMIGRANTS IN TUE POET AND HARBOR 07 C HABLE! I TON. I. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representa? tiva, now met and titting in General Attetnbly, and by the authority pf the tame, That it shall not be lawful for any person, except a pilot or pubic officer, to board or at? tempt to board a vessel arriving in the port or harbor of Charleston, before such vessel shall have boen made fast to the wharf, without first obtaining 1 eave from the mas? ter or person having charge of such vessel, er from her owner or agents. i | IL It shall not be lawful for any owner, agent meeter, or other person having charge of any veasel arriving or being in the port of Charleston, io permit or authorize any sailors, hotel or boarding house keeper, not licensed 'as hereinafter provided, or any agent runner or em? ployee ot any sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding house, to board, or attempt to board, any vessel arriving in, or tying, or reing in the harbor or port ot Charleston, before such vessel shall have been made fast to the wharf, or anchored, with intent to invite, ask or solicit the boarding of any of the crew employed on such vessel. JIL lt shall not be lawful for any sailor's or imml ' grant's hotel or boarding house keeper, or tte employee of any ssllorts or immigrant's hotel or wiar'diiu house? keeper, having boarded any vessel made fast to any wharf in the port ol Charleston, to neglect or refuse to leave said vessel, alter having been ordered so to do by the master or person having charge of such vessel IV. It shall not be lawful tor any person to keep, con? duct or carry on, either aa owner, proprietor, agent or otherwise, any sailor's or immigrant's boarding house, or sailor's or Immigrant's hotel, in tte city ot Charleston, without having a license from tte City Council thereof, V. It shall not be lawful for any person, hot having the license m this Act provided, or not being tte regular agent, runner or empioyeo ot a peaton having such li? cense, to invite, ask or solicit ia tte city or harbor of Charleston, the boarding or lodging of any of tho crew employed on any vessel, or of any immigrant arriving m the said city of Charleston. VL The City Council shall take the application of any person applying for a license to keep a sailors' or immi? grant's boarding house, or sailor's or Immigrant's hotel, tn tte city oi Charleston, and upon sa us lac to ry evidence to them of tho respectability ana competency of such ap? plicant and of tte suitableness of his accommodations, shall issue to him a license, which shall be good lor one year, unless sooner revoked by said City Council, to keep a sailor s or immigrant's boarding house In tte city of Charlostou, and to invite and solicit boarders for the same. Vii. The City Council may, upon satisfactory evidence of tte disorderly character of any sailors' or immigrants' hotel or boarding house, licensed as hereinbefore pro? vided, or of the keeper or proprietor of any such house, or of any force, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, in in? viting or soliciting boarders or lodgers for such house, on tho part of such heelier or proprietor, or any of his agents, runners, or employees, or of any attempt to per? suado or entice any of tte crew to desert : rom any vossel in tho harbor of Charleston, by such keeper or proprie? tor, or any of his agents, runners or employees, revoke tho license for keeping such house. YUL Every person receiving tte license hereinbefore provided tor shall pay to tte City Council io re said tte sum of twenty dollars. IX The said City Council shall furnish to each sailor's or Immigrant's hotel or boarding house keeper, licensed by them as aforesaid, one or moro badges or shields, en which shall be printed or engraved the name of such hotel or boarding house keeper, and tte number and street of his ho el or boarding house ; and which said badges or shields shall be surrendered to said City Coun? cil upon tho r?vocation by them, or expiration of any license granted by them, as harem provided. X. Every sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding? house keeper, and every agent, runner or employee of such hotel or hoarding-houso keeper, when boarding any vessel in tte harbor of Charleston, or when inviting or soliciting the boarding or lodging of any Beaman, sailor or person employed ou any vessel, or ox any immigrant shall wear, conspicuously displayed, tho shield or badge referred to ta the loregoing section. XI. lt shall not bo lu wt ul for any person, except those named in the preceding section, to i.ave, wear, exhibitor display any Buch shield or badge to any of tho crew em? ployed on any vessel, or to any immigrant so arriving in the city of Charleston, witt tte intent to invite, ask or solicit the boarding or lodging of such immigrant or ol any ot the crew employed os any vessel being in tte harbor of Charleston. XII. Whoever shall offend against any or either of the provision* contained in section 1, 2,3,4, C, 10 und ll, in this Act shall be ceemed guilty ol a inudenieanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, bo punished by imprison? ment for a term not exceeding ene year, and not less than thirty days, or by a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollar -, and not lesa than one hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Xiii. Ino word "vessel,"as used iu this Act, shall in? clude vessels propelled by steam. In tho Senate House, tho twentieth day of Decemb. r, in the yeer of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. W. D. PORTER, Presiden, ol thc Senate. CHAS. H. SIMONTON, Speaker House of Representatives. Approved December 20,1866 : JAME.? L. OBS, Governor. _March 14 CH?RAW ADVERTISER. DEVOTED IO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, AGRICULTURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Qhmw, S. C. Published weekly, by W. L. T. PRINCE TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION : Dne copy one oe Jne copy six months. 2 00 Jue copy three months. ] Ou Five copies one year.16 00 BATES OF ADVERTISING : Jne Square, ten lines or less, first insertion.SI 59 foi each subsequent insertion.1 00 All Advertisements to be distinctly marked, or they viii be published until ordered out and charged accord . ugly Merchants and others advertising by the year, ? libe ai deduction on the al>ove rates win bs made, ?"ovemoer IR THE SUMTER WATCHMAN [8 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT SUM TER, S. C., by GILBERT k FLOWERS, Proprietors. ?FOUR DOLL Alts per onuum, invariably in advance. Advertisements inserted at usual rates. Every style ol Job Printing executed in the neatest tyle and greatest dispatch, Septem uer 'tv LIFE INSURANCE RETURNS FOR 1866. AGE, RISES AND ASSETS OF THE NEW TOBE COMPANIES LOCATED Di THE CITY OF NEW YORK, for the year ending December 31,1866, from a Synopsis published by the Wall Street Underwriter.? TOT Ai. Risas. TOTAL PEO PO HUON, t Mutua]. New York Life.... Manhattan. United States. Knickerbocker. Equitable.. Guardian?. Germania. Washington. Security. North American. Globe. National. Wide-a* and Orphans'. Universal. $130,865,000 00 60,430,000 00 86,230,000 00 15,071,000 00 Nearer. Jerad yet 60,748,000 00 ll,747,000 00 20,724,000 00 9,741,000 00 12,194,000 00 18,828,000 00 11,626,000 00 3,164.000 00 7,346,000 00 6,800,000 00 $18,495,000 00 7,009,000 00 8,635,000 00 2,005,000 00 1,579,000 00 8,077,000 00 787,000 00 1,240,000 00 727,000 00 767,000 00 1,566,000 00 800,000 00 206,000 00 630,000 00 316,000 00 7 to 1 9 to 1 10 to 1 8 to I 17 to 1 16 to 1 17 to 1 15 to 1 1$ to 1 12 to 1 16 to 1 10 to 1 14 to 1 17 to 1 .Mr. BABNXS'report ls not yet published. t Fractions orar % counted units. THOMAS FROST, GENERAL AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA OF NEW YORK LIFE, Hay 17 ruths Imo No. 66 BROAD STREET. DRUGS, CHEMIOALS, ETC. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHKG SYRUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING Hf THIS VALUABLE PBEPABATION 18 THE PRE JL 8CBIFTION of ons of tbs best female physicians and nnrses In the United States, and has been used tor thirty years with never-failing safety and success by mil? lions of mothers for their children. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, correcta acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole ayatem. It will also Instantly relieve QUIPING IN TEE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC. We believe it ls the best and sorest remedy in the world, In all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA in children, whether lt arises from Teething, or from any other cause. Be sore and ask for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRIP, Having the fae simile of CURTIS ft PERKINS on the ALL OTHERS ARABASE DOTATIONS. For sale by the Wholesale Agents, BOWIE & MOISE, No. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. April ll thatu3mos GIN THIS DELICIOUS TONIC, ESPECIALLY DESIGNED for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, is now endorsed by all the prominent Physicians, Chem? ists and Connoisseurs, aa possesaing all thoa? intrinsic medicinal qualities (tomo and diuretic) which belong to OLD AND PURE GUS. We trust that our established reputation founded upon eighty-eight years of experience-abundantly vin? dicates our claims to public confidence, and guaran? tees the excellence of thia Standard Article. Fut up in a- containing one dozen bottles each and sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Aa A. M. BTNINGER ft CO, [Established 1778. Sole Importera No. 15 Beaver street, New Toi Opinions of th Frees. The Bbungers, No. 15 Beaver street, have a very high reputation to sustain, as the oldest and best b ouse i n New York.-Home Journal The house of A. IL Pminger ft Ca, No. IC Beevor street, has sustained, for a period of eighty y-ara, a repu? tation that may well be envied.-JV*. T. Evening Poet GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO., NO. 153 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hotel and DO WIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KING & CAS S IDE Y. NO. 151 MEETING STREET, Wholesale Agents, Charleston. S. a January 39_tntha Cmo [EHPDS CIIRMD? DIFFER MM AiiNll RODRIGUEZ PUNIC EL?XIR SPECIFIC. FIR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION, PAXN8 IN THE CHEST AND SIDES, DIFFICULTY Lu BREATH INO, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, ASTHMA, COUGHS, HEMORRHAGE, and all affections of the Lungs. This great revivify cr is offered to the public, that all who will avail themselves of its remedial power may be ben cotted. It only requires a fair trisito confirm its invaluable agency m dtffuaing through each channel of the human organisation a restored vitality. It in vigora tea and em? bues the Lungs with healthful elasticity; restore* warmth, which is their essential element; rouses the sluggish ves? sels Into activity; heals the affected lobes; purifies and enriches the blood; regulates the circulation; lnduoee free and easy respiration, and expels, through its admin? istration, rich and every concomitant disorder present in the m .lady recognized as Consumption, and hitherto deemed hopeless and incurable. This compound is porteetly safe, possessing neither narcotic nor emetic properties, which unfortunately are always e nployed as essentials bl every preparation for Cough or Lung affection-a mistake which too oren in its irritating and debilitating consequences, only con? duces to much general derangement of the aystem, de? stroying appetite and creating an injurious servons ex? citement, augmenting suffering with frequent la tal re? sults; Under the influence of this approved and m valuable Specific the most distressing Cough yields, difficulty ia breathing and pams and soreness subside, hemorrhage ia arrested, and health and strength re-established. PRICE FOR SINGLE BOTTLE tl.25. Sold by the Proprietor, northwest corner SOCIETY AND MEETING STREETS, and the principal Druggists. April 2_ly_ ?T) E A U T Y.- Auburn, ^am^ Jj Golden, Flaxen, and AWL Silken CURLS produced by jV the use of Professor DE- Bj RH LUX'S FRISER LE Wak m CHEVEUX. One applies- A\^jF don warranted to curl the ^flQ^^kw most straight and stubborn .^wW^w ha< * of either sex nto wavy ringlets, or heavy massive CL. . Has been used hy the fashionables ol Paris and London, with tbe most gratifying results. Does no In? jury to the hau*. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, tl. Descriptive circulars malled free. Address BERGER, SHUTTS ft CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agente for the United Stat??. March 30_ly _je5^ IT/HIsKERS and MUS- gm*. >V TACHES forced to dF^ftk m. - M grow upon the smoothest B _ ?! "?wsw face m from three to five fifiajf week* by using Dr. SEV3G- Bfisfl NE'S RESTAURATEUR fi BW CAPILLAIRE, the most aaMaffleW ^HBr^^ wonderful discovery in mc- ".??f^^ dem science, acting upon the Beard and Hah* In an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite or Parla and London with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction ia not given iu every instance, the money w?l be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1. Desorlptive cir? culars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGET,', SHUTTS ft CO., Chemists, No. 285River street Troy, N. Y., Solo Agents for the United Staus March 80 *y aAVEeAJOUNGtMoKENZIE LAW IND COLLECTION OFFICE, Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. IB AA (J DA VEG A, 1 GEORGE E. YOUNO, I NEW Y O Ri, a SHARD L. MCKENZIE,) HAVING SUCCEEDED TO THF TO REIGN COLLU. HON BUSINESS of Messrs* BIRNEY, PRJB nSS ft FLANDERS, we Will attend w the collection ot ?eft das and maturing chuma throughout the Dall?t* .las and Canad?. 00MMISMJ09MMB FOE ALL TSE ST ? TBA, I DRUBS, CHEMICALS, ETC. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE IND C ATTLE POWDERS. Thia preparation, long . nd favorably known, will thoroughly reinvigo? rate broken down and low-apirited horses, by strengthening and eleajMtnf the stomach and intestines. Itis a eure preventive of all diseases Incident to thia animal, such aa LUNG FEVER, GLAND? ERS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS? TEMPER, FEVERS, POUNDER, LOS8 OP APPETITE AND VI I TAL ENERGY, ftc. ITS USE IMPROVES THE WIND, IN? CREASES THE AP? PETITE-G IVES A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY BEIN-and trans? forma the MISERA? BLE SKELETONS INTO A FINE LOOK? ING AND SPIRITED HORSE. TO KEEPERS GP* COWS THIS PREPARATION 18 INVALUABLE. It In? creases the quantity and improves the quali? ty of the MILK. It has been proven by ac? tual experiment to in? crease the quantity cd MILK and CREAM twenty per cent, and make the BUTTES fl rm and sweet In fat JL taning cattle, it gi v . ,_ _ li^them an appetite, o ens their hide, and makes them thrive muon faster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCH AS COUGHS ULL BBS TN THE LUNGS. LIVER, ftc,, this article sots as a specific. By putting from one-half a papers to a paper in a barrel of swill the above dis r will be eradica? ted or entirely pre? vented If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. PREPARED BY 8. A. FOUTZ & BRO., No. 116 FRANKLIN 1TBBET BALTIMORE, Md. FOB SALE BY DOWIE & MOISE SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. March33 stu th 6m o *rTHE SALE OF THE PLANTATION BIT THR8 ls without precedent In the history ot the world. There ls no secret in the matter. They are at one the most speedy, strengthening health-restorer ever dis. I covered. It requires but a single trial to understand Their purity can always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Callaaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion. Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Wlatergreen, Anise, Oloverbuds, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Corian dar, Burdock, S.-T.~1860~X to. J bey are especially reoomm ended to clergymen, pub Ile speakers, and persons of literary habits and seien. tary life, who require free digestion, a rehab for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to find bi these Bitters what they have so long looked for. They purify, atreagthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet They overcome effects of dissipation and late hoon. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent m I aa m arl o and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. 'Shey cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. The following startling and emphatic statements can Oe seen at our office. Letter of Bev. E. F. Gaaira, Chaplain of the 107th New Fork Regiment : NKAB ACQTTU C&xxx. March 4th. 1803. Owingfto the great exposure and terrible d?composi? tion after the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrat? ed and very sick. My stomach would not retain medi? cine. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Or. DBAKB, of New York, waa prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great surprise they gave mo immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed moto jota my regiment . . . * I have slnoe seen j them used in many cases, and am free to say, for ho* pt tal er private purposes I know of nothing like them. Bev. E. F. GRANE, Chaplain. Letter from the Ber. N. fi. GILDS, St Chursvrlle, Pa. ?ctTLSMEK:-You were kind enough, on a formar oc? casion, to send me a half doaaen bottles of Plantation Bitters for $8 SO. My wife having derived so maun benefit from the use of these Bitters, I desire .Pr to onttnue them, and yon will please send os ,.,x bottles more for the money es closed. I am, very truly, yo irs, H. E. GILUa Pastor Ger. Bel Ch arch, BoLSIXBo' HOSTE, sr PEIU> TEN DINT'S Orri cs,} CTKCIXNATI, OHIO, Jan. 16th, 1868. J *.*>...*.* I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds ol .or noble soldiers who stop hore, more or less disabled (rom various causes, and the effect la marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this ls I heartily wish bi every family, in every hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. AN DBE WS, Superintendent. Dr. W. A. OHXLDB, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Be? llmont writes:-"I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per feet and harmless tonio I ever used." WTXIABD'S HOTEL, I WASHJSOTOX, D. 0., May Md, 1863. j GENTLEMEN:-We require another supply of you Plantation Bitters, the popularity o which daily in -Teases with the guests of our <- use. .0 Hy, 8YK . CH i DWICK ft 00. ftc ftc. fte. tc. Be sure that every bottle ? i. ? i fez. Ur of our sigristureonasteelplateltb)'.. * rivate stamp over the cork. P. E. DR \ j &C0, : f AD WAY, N. Y. Sold by all respectable Dru ; , j aicJans, Grocer Saloons, and country Hotels . . April Vt_ thstnlvr THOMAS R. AGNEW, IlirOBTEB AHS DEALER Qr Fine Groceries, Choice Tests, Etc.. Etc, NOS. 260 and262 GBEENWICH-ST,, COB. OF MURRAY, NEW YORK, November aflgsag IICKBRIKG & SOy ESTABLISHED 1823, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Sauare, And Unriffht PIANO FORTES. WARE-ROOM NO. 652 BPOMrWAlf NEW T . ? , 'i CHICKfifilHC * SONS' ?nid, Square and Uprifbi PIANO-FORTES ABB KOW, AS THE? ?VKB HA VI BEEN, OOH* SICKBED th. bert In America, haring baas awarded SlXry-FIVK PRIZE MEDALS, Of which fourteen ware reoeired tn the martha of Sep tembar and October, 1868, and first premium, orar aa com ped tora at the different principal raba In thia coen UT, and the PRISE MEDAL at the WORLD'S FAIR, LOUDON. T H A1. B IROS OPUIIO?. I consider Ohlnhering A Bona' Pianos, beyond com. pariecn, the beet I hare aeon tn America. 8. THALBEBG, Chairman of Jury on Mnilcsl Los tram ?a GARD. Itls with feelings ot pride ss tm^nm.^ manntaetarerfj that we publish the following testimonials, which hara bean received by na recently ; EUROPEAN TESTIMONIALS, Received during Out month of August, 1866. LoilDOS, Joly 28, 1867. Massa*. O wir ras nra tt Boxa- Genta: I nara much pleasure in enclosing a document .Igaed by the first oom posers, mu idans and proies* ors In Europe. I held your Pianos in .nob. high estimation (vid* my osrtin oate) that I felt lt my duty to take ene of them with me to Europe, to ascertain the opinion of my protea ?Ional brethren. The enclosed certificate will prove hov, unanimous they have been on the subject I beg to forward, at the same time, a letter I received from my friend, Mr. Collard, which I am eura mut be gratify lng to you. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, yours very truly, Eosnoa, January 14, I860. Jamut M. WtUi, Af.. MY Dian Bm: I bare great pleasure In asking yon to convey to Mesara. Ghloiering the ezpre alon of my highest approval of their instrument. It la, I confider, not merely the beat instrument of American manufac? ture that I have tried, but one of the finest Grand Plano. ' fortes that has ever come under my observation ; and the Messrs. Ohiciertn? may weil be proud of having turned out from their manufactory an Instrument which, for touch, quality, power and workmanship, lt1 would be very difficult to surpass In any pact of tba ( wide world. Dear ah*, vary sincerely yours, CHAS. D. COLLARD, , Hm of Collard ts Collard, Piano-fort* Manufacturera, London. LONDON, August 33, 1801. James M. WMi.Ksq.: Mr DHAB Sra: As you ar* going back to th* United otana, I must beg jon to remember me kindly to tba Messrs. Ohickszing. Tell them I waa delighted with their Grand Piano-forte-<u good an instrument, I Ihm* me mw ever turned out, both in touch and ter ; Wishing you, Ao., I remain ever ti dy, H F. BBOaDWOO?, Firm of L Broadwood Ai Bona, Piano-tort* Manufac? turers, London. LONDCK, July 30, 1806, Messrs* Ohtoherieuj st Sons: GUTS: I have nut been invited by Messrs. Collard to: try a Grand Piano-forte manufactured by you, andi, have no hesitation in endorsing the opinion of my old friend, Mr. a D. Couard, vu: That lt la Ure finest bl? strument I ever played on. t Badev. ms, gentlemen, mest faithfully ggj^ . ? t Testimonials from the mott distinguished Artists in Europe to Messrs. Ohickerkng e\ Sons: hat DOS, July 36,1866. 1 Having played upon a Piano-forte mad* by Mesara? Chlckertng A Bona, of Boston and New Tori, I have) mach pleasure in testifying to its general excel! nc*. For sweetness and brilliancy of tone, delicacy of touch and magnificent power for concert purpose*, I consider lt a really G BAND PIANO-roars, san O somas. LT TBS BEST 1 HAVE SUV or A at mea? MA??TJVACTTJTA*, a BA BELLA GODDARD. OIDLO BEGONDL O. A. OSBORNE. ALFRED JAELL. W. K?HE LINDSAY SLOPES, JULES BENEDICT. J. Mose Ai EL ES, iL W. BALFE. Prot ot Conservatoire da OH AB HALLE. Lei, zig. BBI9LBT RICHARDS. 8. AUTHUR OHAPPEL, BENE IA VARO ER. Director of Monday Oos. SYDNEY SMITH. cert*, London. Among the chief pointa of exe* ll en oe of the Chicksn lng Pianos, of which apeak the renowned artista in their congratulatory testimonial, to the Messrs. Chlckertng. are the greatest possible depth, richness and volume of tone, oombined with a rare brilliancy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale; and) above all, a surprising duration of sound, the pure and sympathetic quality ot which never changea nuder the most delicate or powerful touch. During the past forty-three yean thia arm bas manu. 80,000 IP LA. JN. OS, In tba construction of which they have introduced every known and valuable Improvement They have invaria? bly been selected and used by all of the world's oe? knoiDledged groat artist* who have visited thia country professionally, both for private and public nae. THALBERG. I consider Chiokering A Sena' Plano?, beyond com? parison, the beat I have ever seen in America. GOTTSCHALK. I consider Chlckertng A Sou' Plano, superior to any in the world. They are unrivalled for their singing qualities and for the harmonious roundness of their tone. There la a perfect homogeneity throughout all the registers. Tbs upper cote* are remarkable for a clearness and purity which I do nut find in any other instrument, while the basel* distinguished for power without harshness, and for a magnifie en t sonority. WKHLI. Your Plane? are superior to any I have ever seen ba thia country or in Europe. I have never h<*rd a tone so perfect; lt yields every expression that la needed m music, and ita quality is capable of change to meet every sentiment. Tbl. is a rare power, and la derived from the perfect purity of ita tone, together with its eympethetio, elastic and well balanced touch. POZNANSKI. During the past eight years I have constantly played upon the justly celebrated Erard Piano.; your, are the only instruments that I have found, either here or in Europe, to equal them m all their points of excellence, It may be satisfactory to our patrons and friends among Ute public st large to atate that testimonials have been received from all the leading artists who have visited or are now residing in Ute United Sutes, a nw Of whose names, besides those above, we append: LEO. DB M KYEE. GUSTAV SATTER. ALFRED J ALL. J. BENEDICT. H. e ANDERSON. M HT RAE OSCH. B. HOFFMAN. JULUEN. ARTHUR NAPOLEON. And many others. , tJsT ILLUSTRATED ALBUMS AND PBIOS LISTS SENT BY MAIL. WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway, NEW YORK. i ? HENRY SIEGLING, Art CHARLESTON' B. O Ottos?*