University of South Carolina Libraries
SATURDAY MOBKINO, JUNE 15, 1867. LOCAL MATTERS. JOB WORK-We have now completed our office BO a* to execute, in the ah ortest possible time ALL KINDS OF JOB WOKE, and we most re? ar>ectfully ask the patronage of our friends. Poet office Notice. POST OFFICE, ) CHARLESTON, 8. C., May 6,1867. j Hereafter, until fur th ei notice, the Northeastern Moils wiD close at L15 P. M., and arriving at the D o pot ai 9.45 A. M. will be ready for delivery at ll o'clock. On finn days the Post Office will open nt. 12.30 P. M. for one hour. The Hub for South Carolina Railroad will con time to cloe J dairy ai 6 o'clock A. M., and for the Savannah ?nd Charleston Railroad ai 6 A. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. STANLEY G. TROTT, P. M. WK are indebted io Mr. C. F. YOGLEK for late oopies of New York German papers, Kriminal Zeitung, and others. Snippers per steamship Manhattan are informed that freight cannot be received after 12 o'clock M. (Saturday) this day. Bills of lading must be sent In by 2 P. M. GOOD NEWS-DZCLINS IN THE BEEF M MUTET. Our readers will be pleased to learn that SAMUEL J. FRAZER ? Co. nave lowered the price of their beef, and it can now be bought from six to fifteen oents per pound. This is no delusion, and by call? ing at Stalls Nos. 48 and 49 lower market, purohas ers will be able to satisfy themselves. VISIT OF Fm COMPANIES.-The Macon firemen are now on a fraternal visit to their brethren of j Savannah. They were received yesterday by a oom mit too from the firemen of that city and were furnished with a collation, and their stay in Sa? vannah was made both pleasant and agreeable. The hospitality of firemen IB proverbial, and the S i vanna h boys have never been wanting in this particular. The visiting company will carry with them a pleasing remembrance of their trip to the Forest City. THE GEORGIA MASOHIO LOTTERT.-The new regime, while it has deprived us of some privi? leges, has granted others that were before taboed. Lotteries and their agencies have been heretofore ^ considered illegal, but an exception has been made in favor of the Georgia Masonic, as the ob? ject was a noble charity. The advertisement and plan can be seen in another column, and the ad? vantages tobe gained by investing are there tully portrayed. The managers are gentlemen of known prob My, and the enterprise is lanctioned by the Grand Master and the State of Georgia, and the pu bli c have every reason to believe ?hat the draw? ing will be con du c ted with perfect fairness. MURD KB.-On Wednesday night last, Mr. JOHN W. PRICE, of Edgcfleld District, was murdered shoat six miles from Augusts. Mr. PRICE had visited Augusta for the purpose of exohanging some $450 in billa for gold., and had camped out near Quaker Springs. He was accompanied only by a faithful colored man, named Cw borne Lock? hart, and they had retired for the night, Then the wagon was surrounded by a party of negroes, who, after some conversation, fired at Mr. PRICE, killing him instantly. Claiborne shouted murder and called for assistance, when the negroes fled with? out obtaining their booty. No due has been ob? tained that would lead to the detection of the mur? derers, but Mr. THOSV W. PRICE, the luther of the deceased, offered 1500 reward, which may lead to the arrest of the guilty parties. A COMPLIMENT TO THE PRESIDENT.-Th 9 Chapel Hill University, with a strange neglect of all cus? tomary usages, did not confer the honorary degree of Lia X>. on Mr. JOHNSON daring his attendance at the oommenooment exercises. We are happy to stete that the Forrest Base Ball Club, of Rich? mond, were not so inattentive, bat elected' the President of the United States an honorary mem? ber of their Club. This is a good example for imi? tation, and we trust that the base ball ciaos of thia and other cition wiU enroll the namo of the Execu? tive on their lists. The Richmond Examiner states that the President should appreciate the compli? ment, for he ought to be a good hand at tho game-as be has been catching it on the fly, and batting hm enemies in tarn, for some time; pitch-1 ino- into them right and left; and with a good j?eidy j he will yet "swing around the circle," make a home run, and, passing aU the base oars that are now endeavoring to catch him out, make a good ?ocre in 1868-winning the game. fir MEMORIAM.-This is the title of a neat en? graving that has been recently published, and is offered for sale by Messrs. HOLMES A Co., st their bookstore. The centre piece representa the battle flag of the Confederacy waving amid the smoke ol j battle, and the eulogy below states that "the war? rior's banner takes Ks flight to greet the warrior's .Out* 'Around tho border of the engraving are representations from different battles famous bx the four years of war, and the whole, when framed, will make vi ornament tust should be cherished by every Southern family. ' Messrs. HOLMES ? Co. bare the sols agency for the States of North and South Parolina, arid copies of the engraving will be sent by mail for $1.50. Mr. W. G.MASXOB, the Librarian of the Charleston Library, win canvass the city for subscribers. Aside from tim pleasing recollections of the past that a review of this pic tare would call forth, it is a work of art that would bo an ornament to any picture gallery, and we ad? vise a cali and an examination at HOLMES' Book fu Sali ' Wi o ' EARLY CLOSTNO.-WO have received a communi? cation on this subject signed "many clerks," and Hie reasons they advance for this ; movement are so clear that we do not hesitate in ? giving it our Warmest approval. The business transacted'-on Xing, Meeting, Hayne, and East Bay streets, is invariably performed in the morning during the Sommer months, and the afternoons are spent in comparative idleness, though both employers and employ?es are prevented from enjoying themselves by their strict adherence to old customs. In this etty the Summer has always been the dullest sea? son of the year, and even customers are affected by the heat, for, notwithstanding the inducements offered, there are few purchases made, and the time hangs heavily on the hands of the business nen. It is true that all work and no play has an injurious effect, but a life ot listlessness is almost ss had, and if the business hours were altered there would be more alacrity shown and more in? terest felt in commercial affairs. The petition of j the clerks is based on good and reasonable grounds, and we gladly lend our influence to their cause. Bj closing at 6 P. M. nothing would be lost to the employer and the relaxation would be beneficial to both parties. Other cities have taken active steps in this matter ana Charleston should not be behind the age; the climate, the Beason, and the want of employment all demand the change, and as it injures none we hope it will soon be inaugu? rated. THE STAB GALLESY.-Printing has been called the art preservative of all arts, but the typos ha. e been compelled to yield some of their laurels to the photographers, who have succeeded in delinea? ting the features of theil subjects and in establish? ing a posthumous reputation. Like other good things, this art haa unproved with age, and at present it does not need either an Apollo or a JOSHUA to command the sun and be obeyed. His fiery rays are concentrated on one spot, and al? most in the twinkling of an eye a correct repre? sentation of any given object is taken and trans? ferred to porcelain, glass or paper. There are few plebes where an idle hour oan be spent more pron't abty than m a daguerrean gallery, for the different and varied pictures which are there exhibited will repay the visit. The stirring scones which many have experienced daring the past four years are faithfully portrayed, and many old friends aro re? cognized, and familiar scenes brought again to recollection from a casual glance of the picture covered walls. Charleston can boast of a number of there re? positories of art, where the new masters are rapid? ly taking the places once occupied by the old painters of the past ages. A casual stroll into the Star Art Gallery, at the corner of King and Market streets, convinced os that oar surmises in this re? spect were correct, for the care and accuracy with which the gentlemanly attendant, Mr. ANDREW YREDKNBUEOH, transferred our countenance to a glass was surprising, and cou! 1 only have been done by sn experienced operator. In the present .ge the wonders toat are daily performed would once have subjected the authors to a trial for withcraft, and if Mr. YBZDSNBDBOH had lived in the list century he would have earned immortality as a martyr to his profession. But we are thankful that this is not the.' case, especially as we now have an opportunity ef-be?omiQg known to pos 1 T BACON! BACON I-Meseta JETBORJBS ? C vertiso choice lota ol bacon'shoulders, and ? besides mackerel, poik, Ac. These will be 8 tho lowest market prices, and the public a rited to inspect their stock? . ^ . ? . y ? ? ? PROVISIONS, ?to.-We refer to the advertise of Messrs. HENBY GOBIA & Co., who offer t public a large and fine assortment of bacon i shoulders, &c. These articles are warranted as the prices will be the lowest in the marke advise an early call from dealers and cone unie THE HARMONEONS.--The Hibernian Hall wi thrown open again to the public to-night, i the Ethiopian. Delineators will again draw their audience the shouts of laughter that heretofore greeted them. The programme of is one that cannot (?ail to attract, and we know ihe Earmoneons will make their performance entortauiiug and amusing. Those whe enjoye* pleasure of hearing the performance of Thur night will not be induced to stay away, and; ot wno have beard ol' the thom will go, and beti them the Hail will be crowded. Bnmons ACCIDENT.- About 5 o'clock yesto afternoon, While th? workmen were engage? the construction of the buildings at ?the corni King and Queen 8 tree ts, th? scaffolding gave and three colored men were precipitated to ground. One of them, named Parsons, had hip btoken and was otherwise injured, and others were slightly out and bruised. Dr. W FITCH was called in and had Parsons carried tc City Hospital, where ba now. hes. The Bcaffoli had been put up by the men who folL and was 8idered bythemto .be perfectly safe. The hi inga'aro being erected by Messrs. HOUSTC BLACK, and the sad accident is much deplora them. A JAIL ROBBEST.-We learn from the U. S. 1 ahal, that Mr. .SIMON M. SIMPSON, recently t by the U. 8. Court and sentenced to jail, was upon by some rascals confined in that, build and robbed of a gold watch, diamond pin, mc and olothes. He was:then muffled in a blan and remained in this position several hours be he was discovered, lt appears that two pari MoEvoi and LAWLESS, who are U. S. prisoners, duped SIMPSON to give them mopey, and then formed the Jailor, that he meditated an esci SIMPSON was then placed in a cell with four fe! who assaulted him as we have described. Fi the information we have received, the crime unprovoked, and the parties merit the aera punishment, . MOONLIGHT CONCERT ON THE BATTERY.-1 Diana has been illnminin g this dull earth for sevi nights past, and her attentions have been gri fully appreciated-by the citizens. The Battery become more popular than ever, ?ince enlive by tbe rays of the moon,-while the harbor j Be* almost alive with the pleasure boots. But a i treat is now in store lor the public. ' The I Band will- gtvo a concert on the Battery to-ni ; from 8 to 10 o'clock. Thoa announcement draw a large audience, and the serenade to : Luna will be a treat that will be enjoyed by present: I he folio iring is the programme: L Quickstep Medley. : 2. Overture Poupee de' Nuremberg. > 3. Soldaten Polka. A Selections .rom Semlramlde. 5. Gallop Bruder Lustig. 6. Selections from Martha. l. Quickstep from Faust , 8. Overture Fra Biavola. ff 9. Sweetheart's Twiging, _ ? M. Schubert's serenade. (Tv^''' " '<?Z. ? l.. Buenos Noches. \ '? \r '?'-fe- -: MOONLIGHT EXCURSION ABOUND THE HARBOE The pleasant moonlight nights we are now enj mg are too lovely to be spent indoors, and1' we glad to notice that an opportunity will bo cffei to those who enjoy the be^tiejrof nature-to BSC? from the city and breathe the fresh air of 1 ocean. The. st barn car BL H&ena will leave i Market Wharf to-night at half-past Bevon, I 'will totioh at Mount Pleasant going and returnii Thia will, be ' a rarity in tho programme nam sdorjted'^ these evasions, and it will afford nu of the viltitgers an opportunity to join the < xcursii ists. ?oonlight adds a wondrous beauty to ev< object to oohed by its silver raya; and the, trip v be one rarely enjoyed by the public In addition the other attractions, the music on the battery v join wi.h that on the boat and and a combina ti of s veet sounds will be produced that will so canso the quartette of moonlight, music, love a flowers to he reproduced, and will cause the ev? ing to be* kmg remembered as one of the bright? epochs in the year. We advise all who wish pass a pleasant evening to be on the wharf at t appointed timo, and once on board they wdl ne> regret the . step; ; ANOTHER MURDER.-The Savannah JrYeifi* a Her edd of yesterdaycontaras the following ;,, ' On Tusday night a most horrible murder and i cenddarism waa committed at JENES* Bridge, the Ogeechec river. An old negro, honest a faithful, named Petto,' who has long been connel ed with Mrs. JENES* family, and who Cor years, i account of his fidelity, was left in charge of tl toll-gate, collecting fees, was brutally murdere and the house which he occupied as a residen burned, together with his body. No cause h been assigned for the act beyond the suspioii which the murderers entertained that as a colle tor of tolls he necessarily poaaesaed money. I had, of course, the fees of the road, and gold ai silver, which he saved from his hard and faithf labors. Sa body was found on the morning foHowiu being burned to a crisp. As he was not a drin ing man, the supposition is that he was mur den while asleep and the house then set on fire, ; order to hide any evidence of the murder. As yet no clue has been discovered in regard the murderers. Peter was formerly the property of Mrs. JENS having been in her service since his birth, and wi looked upon as an honest and faithful man. MAYOR'S COURT, June IL-An individual fro: tho Pavilion Hotel, who had hit one James Jei kins in the mouth, and had intimated a slight d sire to make an openh g in his neck, had hie cae referred to a magistrate. The defendant state* tn extenuation, that Jenkins, who had contracte with him as a field hand, was always in town an away from his work, and that the said Jenkins ha seen him at the hotel, and, approaching him, ac dressed lum in an impertinent manner, and thi he ordered him away and shoved him, but did n< strike him. Jacob Dart, a sweet-mouthed clay-colored y on tl whose countenance was spotted from small pox a as to give hun the appearance of having tumbled face down, into a basket of blackberries, wa3 ai ranged for surreptitiously grabbing fruit from merchant, and was locked up for five days. James. Lewis, a dark young man, was fined $ for making a nuisance of himself. Rebecca Johnston, a colored female households! who had suffered water to be thrown from a fron window, to the detriment of a young lady's dres who was passing, was fined i2. Charles Blake, a "geminan of color" from th country, who had visited the city for the purpos of supplying himself with rations at the expens of Uncle Sam, and who lodged at the Guard House regardless of expense, was discharged, and rnshei out seemingly under the full impression that th officers of the Bureau were patiently waiting ti serve him first. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT-Hon. GEO. S BEVAN, presiding_JAMES M. RUTLAND, Esq., o: Wiusboro', was appointed Register in Bankruptcy for the 3d Congressional Dis met. The petitioner waa nominated by the Chief Justice, and appoint' ed and confirmed by His Honor, GEO. S. BB YAN District Jndge. The oaths of office were filed, thc official bonds signed and the applicant duly com? missioned, Messrs. WM. R. ROBERTSON, JAB. B, MOCANTS, and FRANCIS GREGG becoming bis sure? ties. The Paris correspondent of the New York Daily Times, writing of American contributions to th? Exposition says : Messrs. MASON & HAMLIN, of New York, have sent a beautiful collection of cabinet organs. The work? manship of the cases compares favorably with the best specimens of the kind in the French depart? ment, and the designs are light, rieb and elegant. It is only of late years that the cabinet organ bas taken a legitimate place in the ever-extending family of musical instruments. In its old form, il was a coarse provocation to psalm-singing; a loud inducement to howl in short or long metre. The grossness and inequality of its scale sufficed to cover up every defect of the performer, even the custom of siugiDg through the nose, which is yet prevalent in certain pious and occidental districts. Messrs. MASON & HAMLIN were among the first to seriously consider the possibility of changing a toy into an instrument of music. Under their hands, the various registers have been equalized, and ibo whole, character-of the instrument is there? by rendered homogeneous. The quality of the .tone is olear and vocal, and the contrivances for blending it in many forms are ingenious without being complicated. In Europe they still adhere to the rough, loud tone, which with us has bee a totally supe rt od ed. i Messrs, MASON * HASTLEN have, therefore, to struggle against a prejudice, or rather a predilection. Some of the most eminent organists in Paris have already declared in their J favor, and I hope that the jory may do the same. I They ?re alone in the honor of fighting the rest of the world, and it would be pleasant to record that victory had perched upon their banners. Loos AT THE Bunts I Aye, look at the nuns' o what were once magnificent sets of teeth, to be seen everywhere in society. Look at them, and ?ak yourself if it is not marvelous that such de? struction is permitted, when by simply using SOZODOST, any teeth, however fragile, may be pre? served from decay or blemish aa long as life lasts ? tuthsS MABSDEN'B PXCTOBAL BALM, for Coughs, Colds Influenza. DOWTE & MOISE, Agents. GOODBICH, WTNEMAN Sc CO., Agents. .EL Y.HI I 5. A new and important remedy for married ladies Circulars can be obtained and the arti cl o supplied upon application to the wholesale agents. DOWTE A MOISE, Southern Drug House, No. 151 Meeting street. . April ll . - . thstuSmori H. H. I IT you Want cheap Blank Books; ? If you want cheap. Stationery,. Envelopes, Pa? per, ic; or, MILLERS' Almanac; If you want Printing executed neatly; If you want Books bound in any style, or Account Books made to order, with, .any desired pattern of ruling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, NO. 59 Broad street. BUSINESS NOTICES. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE AT THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE. ;, KILROY A Co. wUl sell this day, at 13 o'clock, at No. 2 St Phillp street, comer Beaundn, beef cattle, cowa and yearlings. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ia the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-failing safety and success by millions of ? mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pal >, corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, and,' by giving rest and health to the child, comforts the mother. Bensure and call for : I f ,'MBS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHINGSYRUP," Having the fae eimile ot "CURTIS St PERKINS" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations. DO WIK di MOISE, No. 151 Meeting street, opposite the Charleston Hotel. JunelS thstu3 Try Them. Many persons have within this summer experienced the benefits to be derived from the nae of PAHXJON'S toa?an BETTERS. We would recommend them to all who stand in need of a tonic For sale by all Druggists. a October 6 The Time to Advertise in the Country. THE PHOENIX has a large circulation throughout th?, middle and upper Districts of the State. Advertising rates aa reasonable as the stringency of the money mar? ket will warrant. Merchants and others wishing to use the columns of the paper will address JULIAN A. SELBY, Proprietor, February 25 Columbia, B Pure Brandy. THE INFAMOUS PRACTICE OF ADULTERATING BRANDIES having become so common, that a genuine article la the exception, lt ls of vital Importance to these requiring it for Family Use and Invalids, that lt should be of undoubted purity and efficacy. We are pleased to notice thai the old and popular Wine Importers, BINING ER b CO., No. 16 Beaver street, New York; aro very opportune in calling the attention offend hos to their "GOLD MEDAL COGNAC," of which they aay, that, "With a view to mating the popular demand for a reliable Brandy in tts natural stat?, free from alcoholic flavor and impurities, and fully appro dating the fact that lt is often recommended by thu Medi? cal Faculty as a sustaining stimulant, when all other re? medies fail, we are now bottling and selling at reasona? ble rates a Brandy of our own importation from one of the moat responsible Houses in France, and known aa ' .'BTNINGEE'S GOLD MEDAL COGNAC." Thia Standard Article ls sold by all of the prominent Druggists. asmo Fooruary 2 ? National Medicine. One can hardly pick up a newspaper or turn a street corner now-s-days that he does not find, staring him in the face, the announcement that Prof. So-and-so has I just discovered a medicine which is a panacea for all the Ills that flesh la, or may be heir to. These '.wonderful'' discoveries usually have an existence of a few months, than disappear from pu one notice. The reason of their sudden extinguishment ia apparent. They were hum? bugs. At the outset all medicinal preparations have an equal chance for success, as all are equally unknown; but the chaff ia soon winnowed from the grain by the practical test which an unprejudiced public applies to di things. There are but lew preparations of medicine which,have withstood the Impartial lodgment of the people, for any length of time. One of the few which we have now in mind, and which has been a long time fa? miliar to nearly every household in the land, ia the cele? brated HOSTETTEB'S STOMACH BITTERS. Their almost universal sale and use, and their emphatic en? dorsement from all portions of the country, compel the admission that thev must be a specific for the alimenta for which they are recommended. Letters before ns attest their efficacy in diseases of the throat, bowels and liver. In that truly terrible complaint, dyspepsia, they aro regarded aa a sure cure. In Pittsburgh, where these Bitters are manufactured, their sale for home nae ia im? mense. Thia fact alone speaks volumes In their favor. Extract* from th? MutcotitU Courier, low, Feb. 7, 1867. June 10 , 6 * Know thy Destiny. MAxnm E. F. THOBgrrotr/the great English Astrolo gist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who haa aston? ished the scientific classes of the Old World, haa now lo? cated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame THORNTON pos? sesses such wonderful powers bf second sight aa to ena? ble her to impart'knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in 3 stale of trance, aha delineates the Vary features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in? tense power, known as' thc Psychom?rrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of. the future husband or wife of the applicant, together wltfi date of marriage, position In life, leading treitoof drajeoter, &c This is no hum? bug, as thousand ot tertimc-nials can. assort She will send, whon desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture ia what it purports to be. By enclosing a small look of hair, and ing place of birth, age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fty conti and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re* coi ve the picture and desired information by return mall, All communications sacredly confidential. Addree*. in confidence. Madame E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 228, Hudson. N. Y ly March 30 Free to Everybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beaut ?lui, the despised respected, and the forsaken lov ed. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their .iddress, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mau. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, March 30 lyr Troy, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAP BEEF! Down with_ Extortion I WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL THE CITIZENS AS GOOD BEEF as the country affords from six to Aileen cents per pound. Call at Nos. 48 and 49 LOWER MARKET, and see for yourselves. SAM'L J. FRYER & CO. June 15 8* LOOK AT THIS! LUMBER YARD. AVERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT PRIME SEASON? ED NORTHERN 1 IN E i UMBEB. ALSO, HAR . PINE and BUILDING MATERIALS Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Newels, Balusters. A large stock of Mahogany and Black Walnut, in all snapes Rosewood and Mahogany Veneering Mahogany, Walnut and Pine Counter Tops Oak, Ash, Hickory, Poplar, Fence Paling, Shingles. Also (some damaged) Wrought Spikes, S and ti inches. All will bo sold low tor cash. J. N. WOOD. Agent. June 15 s3? Llnguard st.neir Marketand Church. S. SWANDALE, PBOPRLETOB CF THE Mansion House, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 8 N. STAFFORD, NO. 66 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in STENCIL STOCK. INDELIBLE INK, BRUSHES, ZINC FRAMES, BRASS AND GERMAN SILVER CHECKS, KEY TAG8, STEEL RINGS, STENCIL DIES, Ac, tte. 7 MeT Send for Circulars, "6*. April 18 e8 SEWING MACHINES. $20. AGENTS WANTED, $20. 175 to $200 per month-males sod females-to ?eil the OK LY GENUINE COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEVVINIT MACHINE Manufactured. It will hem. MI, stitch, tuck, Und, braid, quilt sud embroider beautifully. Pri?e, only $20. including Barnum's soli-sower and self-ttrrning hem? mer. Fully warranted fur UTO years. CAUTION.-Beware of those selling, worthless cast iron machines, under the same name as ours. For cir? culars and teims. address C. BOvVEBS & CO., No. 355 a 1 ifth Street, PhilaielphU Pa. lm May 20 DENTISTRY. THEO. F. CHUPEE?, DENTIST, OFFICE, ... No. ?75 KINO STREET, KEARLT OPPOSITE TTAOTT.. rrtHE MOST BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH TN J. SERTED at moderate prices. ?S~ TEETH EXTRACTED without pain by means of CHLOROFORM NITROUS OXYD, Or by DB. RICHARDSON'S apparatus for producing LOCAL ANESTHESIA. Marchs ruths 6m o CLOTHING. UIRHIRT, WHITFORD & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS or FINE, MEDIUM, A?D ?COARSE CLOTHING, AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 65, 67, 50 and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, New York. ' X. F. CABHABT. 'Wi R. WHITFORD. . J. B. VAN WAGENEN. December 10 6mo_. I. HAMILTON. N G. PARKER, . LATE PARKEfi i CHILD, DEALER TS CLOTHING, B0m SHOES, HATS AMS' FURNISHING GOODS. June 14 No. 103 EAST BAY. A. S HULL, Ag't., MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS BEHOVED Kl No. 70 BROAD STREET, NORTH SIDE, BEAWLLN MELTING AND CHURCH, where he will be ,1ml to ?cs his M friands and custom? ers, an > has in store a full assortment of CLOTHS, COATING, C ASM MLR tis and VESTINGS of every va? riety, which no will makeup to orlsr at aa low pi ices as any similar establishment. AISO, A FULu ASSO '?MEXT OF FUBNIH HING GOODS FOR GENTLEMAN'S WEAR. M JNO. T. FL i NN (former y of C. D. Carr k Co.,) will superintend ta.- Ta?oriur Dop irtment aa usual, and will give his especial attention to Cutting Garments, and Mklritig mci Olm r, I Tig May ll_2mo* JAMES McCOltMlCK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WHOLZSALK ASS RETAIL DEA:.EB nt CLOTHS, mmm ii V?STI\GS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. No. 35 ?ROAD STREET January 33 6m** CHARLESTON, 8. O. PAVILION HOTEL. A FINE LUNCH Served Every Day, FROM ll TO ia 1-8 O'CLOCK. Junes LAW NOTICE. WASHINGTON, D. C. fTIHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RESUMED THE PRAC JL TICE OF HTS PROFESSION TN WASHINGTON CITY. P. PHILLIPS. June 6_imo KEEP COOL ! T^OR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THOSE RESIDING ?7 In the southwestern part of the city, a BRANCH ICE HOUSE will bo opened on Meeting, near Fradd street, on and after Wednesday next, from 0.30 A. M to 7 JO P. M A. GAGE & CO. June U STRASBURGER & NUHN, IMPORTERS or TOTS, CHINA, SLATES AND SLATE PENCILS. STRASBURGER k NUHN, FORCED BY THE RAPID Increase ef their business and their present Inade? quate accommodations, have made arrangements to re? move fro n No. 65 Malden Lane to the extensive lofts ol No. SM BBOADWAY, near Canal street, New York, on the 15th of March; offering there to buyers bettor in? ducements than ever before. thetu3moH February 28 "Ll CRIOLA" SEGAR STORE, CORNER BROADWAY AND17TH STREET, NEW YORK. rp HE UND KR TONED WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE ? his Southern friends. The choicest HAVANA Bk. GARS, of all the leading brands, with a general assort? ment of Smokers* Articles always on hand. June *_D. OTTOLKSGUI, Agent. "iv^CREAM. rE UNDERSIGNED RE PECTFULLY INFORMS his former cunto .erb, und the public generally, that he has reopened, for ibo aeson, his SALOON, No. 85 CALHOUN STREET, opposite Eitz .beth, where he will be happy to serve them. Hiving attentive attend? ants, his efforts will be to ploa-c. Thc quality of his Cream is too well known tor c LI ..cut Families supplied as usual m quantities to suit, at all hours. Pic Nics, Maroons, etc., supplied at tho shortest no? tice. In all cases, Cream, quality and quantity warranted. No charge ii the Cream do '; provo as recommended. HE', itt LARCOMBE. 49" The ICE CREA?Z Wagon .'ill bo out everyday, Sundays excepted. lnio _May 28 THE LADIES' MUTUAL Alii ASSOCIATION, HAVING ON HAND A TARGE SUPPLY OF READY MADECl.O'liilNi:, suitable tor Gentlemen, La? dies and Children, ?na U'I.I, .it-sii .us of diminishing our Stock before tho Musoii aavai-L.d far, we would espo oiuUy draw the attcnm .-. oi die publie towards tho reduc? tion which will be made iu our prices iur tho next two or three weekb from dato. Apply at the DEPOSTTOBY. January TJ No. 17 Lualniers street. O. CHITTENDEN, General Commission Merchant, AND Manufacturer of Paner, OF VARIOUS KINDS, KO. 137 READE Silt E ET, Corner Hudeon Street, New York. DEALER IN PAPER AND IN MATERIALS OF evervdcscrlpiiou tur its inaniuacture. Pacem iwr 18 Stn o STEVENS HOUSE, Not. Ml, 23,85 AND 3? Broadway, N. Y.. opposite Bowling Green-i n thc European Plan.-TL!. STEVENS H^i'SE is well and widely known to tho travelling public, ibo location is es? pecially suitable to u?o:cb? alfi bus., oas men; it is in close proximity to thu -.n-usn of tho city-is on the highway of Sou: hi rn .:i-1 Western travel-and adja? cent to all the pnucl] ai Kail road and Sieamhoat dopots. The SThVuNS IJIIM-. ins liberal accommodation foi over 300 guests-it id well landabe :, ?iud possesses every modern improvenuat ior thc LOml'orl und entertainmenl of its inmates. The rooms are spscicua and woll venti? lated-provided with gaa ..Ld wa ter-the attenuance ie prompt and respectful-aud tho ubie ie generously pro? vided with every delicacy ul ?uo seasuuat moderate ratea The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, w? are enabled to ofl'.-r ex ni tor the comfort and plea-ure cf our guests. GEO. K. CHASL k CO., May 28 Cm o Proprietors. NOTICE. UPPER WARDS GUARD HOUSE, ) CiiABLESTON, May ?th 1867. J STOPPED FROM TWO COLORED MEN A COW, who stated having lound her ten miles up Main Road. The owner is requested to call, pav expenses and tat? her away. E. J. ELNGMAN, May 9 1st Lieut. U. W. G. H. MACHINE SHOPS. BUILD AND REP ALB I Steam Engine?, Boilers, Saw and Grist Hills. Cast in RS in Iron and Brass of j ail descriptions. Send orders to J. Bf. RASON 4 BRO., Nassau and Columbus' sta., Charleston, S. C. December IS stuthlyr WILLIAM S.HENEREY, MACHINIST il FOUNDER. No. 314 Meeting street, (SEAR LINE,) CHARLESTON-S. C MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES, BOIL EES and MACHINERY, Saw Mills. Corn Mills, Horse Powers, Vertical and Horizontal Sugar Milla, Cotton Seed Crushers, McCarthy Cotton Gins, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, to order. April 25 thstuCmo JOHN F. TAYLOR JAMES BARKLEY. -1% IRON n> Charleston, S. C. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO. PROPRIETORS, Engineers, Boilermakers, FOUNDERS, ETC., ABE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOB HIGH and LOW PRESSURE, PORTABLE and STATIONERY 8TEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, RICE THRASHERS (from new patterns, with all the modern Improvements), STEAM SAW MILLS, Ac, Ac. CASTINGS IN IRON MD BRASS Promptly attended to with neatness and dispatch. Repairs to Marine and other Work, Shall receive special attention. FOB SALE-One 12-horeo power o TEAM ENGINE, nearly now; several new and second-h nd BOILER j, 6 to 10-horse power. ALSO, CONSTANTLY IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, 10,12 and 20 Horse Power Steam Engines. 49" All Orders for REP ALBS or NEW WORK snail re? ceive our prompt and careful attention. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO. May ll_3mo BRIDGES & LAME, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN RAILROAD AND CAR FINDINGS, AND Machinery of Every Description. AUK), DAFTS PATENT BOLLING LEVER SHEARS AND PUNCHES. Vo. SO Courtland-st., corner of Greenwich, NEW YORK. RAILROAD AXLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Car, Ship and Bridge Bolts, (ron Forgings of various kinds, Ac, Ac. STEEL AND RUBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND HAND LANTERNS, Portable Forges and Jack Screws, Cotton Duck for Car Covers, Brass and Silver Trimmings, Belting of all kinds, Baggage Checks, ie., Ac. Also, Agents for tho manufacturers of CAR HEAD LININGS. ALBclt'l BRIDGES.JOEL C. LINE. Novcnhw" Intna&PC NMOH?AM?NHCO., MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE LATHES, PLANEES, IMPROVED CAB WHEEL BOXES. BOLT CUTTERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS, AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND WABEROOM, No. 222 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. December 18 Brno AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR JOINVTLLE'S ELIXIR you can be curad permanently, and at a trifling coat The astonishing success which has attended thia in valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness General Debility and Prostration, Loss ot Muscular En orgy, Impotency, or any of the consequences of y ou thru. Indiscre.lon, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, depression, ex? citement, incapacity to study or business, LBS of memo? ry, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of in? sanity. ?tc. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed lt by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc iors" and ignorant p actltioners, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored io health and hap? piness. A perfect Cure U Guaranteed in every instance. Price il, or four bottles to one address *3, Ono bottle is sufficient to effect a euro in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DB. JOINVTLLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the ?peony and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Ure thral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections o tho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from ne to Uve days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No chango of die is necessary while using them, nor does their action In any manner interlere with business pursuits. Prue $1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will bo rent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail o express on receipt of price. Address all orders to BERGER. SH CITS A: CO., Chemists, March 30 ly No. ?86 River street. Troy, N. Y. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE STORAGE OF PETROLEUM, ITS PRO? DUCTS, AND OTUER INFLAMMABLE OILS. SEC. I. lie it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, in City Council assembled. That from and after tho 15th day of June next, it shall not be lawful to keep Petroleum, Kerosene, hock Oil, Benzine, Benzole, or any other in? flammable oil or oils on storage or for sale in any cellar, store or building south of Linc s.reet, in a larger quan? tity than Atty gallous on sny one lot or premises, and any such quantity so kept or storeu shaU be contained In veoeols ot tin or other metaL SEC. 2. That Petroleum, its products, or any other in? flammable oil or oils, when brought into the city by land or water, may bc kept on any lot or in any building in which cotton is not stored, for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours, upon the expiration of which time it shall be removed aud kept in the manner as required by tho foregoing section. SEO. Li. Any person or persons violating any part of thia Ordinance sha 1 be subject to a fine of two hundred dollars, for each offence, recoverable in any Court of com? petent jurisdiction. Ratified in City council this twenty-first day of May, in tho \ ear ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. (L.S.J P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. June 6 TO TAX PAYEUSi THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED for the in I orina lion ot all persons concerned: AM ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUP? PLIES FOR TUE YEAR 1867, AND FOR OTHER PUBP08ES. L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen in City Council asse mbled, That all taxes payable . nder thc Or? dinance to raise supplies for tho year 18CT, and for other purposes, be paid on or belorc the 29th day of June next: and that persons who sholl make default of payment ot their taxos on that uuy, shall pay, in addition to the amount of their taxes, one and a half per cent per mouth until the '?Ut day of July, when, it not paid, an amount of two per cent, per mouth upon thc amount of taxes shall be paid; aud alter the 21st day of August three per cent, per month on thc amount of taxes due shall bc paid until payment ol' tho whole amount is made. II. That all persons who neglect or tail to pay their monthly taxes on or before the fifteenth day of each mouth, shall respectively pay on thc amounts thereof, two per cent per mouth from sush liftocuth day, until payment is made. Ratified iu City Council this seventh day of May, in tho year of our Lord one thoueaud eight hundred and sixty-seven. II. a.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. 3mo May ll TAVER.V-EEl?PERS'NOTICE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, ) March 1.1867./ A LL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PERSONS RETAIL J\_ LNG spirituous liquors, within the city limits, who ba vo not executed their bonds and taken out the propel cards to show that they have license to sell, w?l be rf ported as not complying with the law, alter Monday, 5th mst. Those who have cards are hereby notified to have the some placed m a conspicuous place in the window. All I ailing to observe this notice will also bc reported, alter the above-mentioned time. W. H. SMITH, March 2 Clerk of Council. AUCTION SALES. TjyiTKP "8TATK8 ?ff A R SH A T.* g BALE. SOUTH C AB OL TS A DISTRICT. U. & ts. R. L. (Xnirtenay-U. 8vs.L.2L ffaU, el cu. STE.\HOrSE ?i CO., Auctioneers. By Vendxtume. Exponat to me directed from the Honor? able the Judge of the District Court of South Carolina, in above cases, I will expose for sale at public auction, in front of Storehouse, on Accommodation Wharf, in the dry of Charles ton, on TUESDAY, the 18th inst, at ll o'clock A. M., ONE LABOE COPPER STILL, of the capacity of nine hundred gallons, more or less; together with the head and worm; all made of the best quality of copper. ALSO. Sundry lots of OLD COPPER, being parts of small Stills broken up. _ Terms cash. J. P. M. EPPING, June 3 3, 8. ll, IS and 18 U. S. Marshal. UNITED STATES MARSH AL'S SAXE. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. United Stales vs. 24 Barrels of Distilled Hpirils Untied States vs. 3 Barrels of Distided Spirits. STENHOUSE 6i CO., Auction? ti ?. By Venditiont Exponat to me directed, from the Honora? ble the Judge of the District Court of South Carolina, in above caaes, I will exnoee for sale at public auction, in froutot .storehouses on Accommodation Wharf, in the city of Charleston, on TUESDAY, the 18 th inst, at ll o'clock A. M., . 94 BBL8. OP WHISKEY-PROOF CC DEGREES. 1 bbl. of Gin-proof 62 degrees. 2 bbls. Corn Whiskey-proof 63 degrees. Terms cash. J. p. M. EPPING, June 8_3 8 ll 1618_U. S. Marshal. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. U. 8. vs. W. K Prothro el al. STENHOUSE dc CO. Auctioneers. By virtue of Venditioni Exponat to me directed from the Honorable the Jndge of the District Court of South ' Carolina in above cases, I will expose tor sale st Public Auction, in front of Store Houses on Accnmmc ? dation Wharf, in the city o Charleston, on TUESDAY the 18th instant at ll o'clock A. M., 1 BARREL DISTILLED SPIRITS. 1 Keg Distilled Spirits. 1 Large Copper still oi Ute capacity of (1100,) Eleven Hundred Gallons, more or lets, together with the head and worm ; all made of the best quality of copper. ALSO, Sundry lots of OLD COPPER, being parts of small stills broken up. Terms cash. J. P. M. EPPING, -.Lt:' United States Marshal. June 8 stu4 RAILROADS. fEW SCHEDULE ON SPART ANB?RG ANO UNION RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, TH? 20TH MAY INST, the Passenger Train will run on MONDAYS, WED? NESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Down Trains lea vina Spartsnburg C. H, at 6 A.M., arrive at Alston at 11:80 AM Up 7 laina leaves Alston at 12:30 P.M; arrive at' Spartanburg a u., at 7:00 P.M THOS, B. JETER, President 8. and U. Railroad. UnlonviUe, S. C., May 16,1867. Maj 28 Imo ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL BEVELATIOHB MADE BY THE GREAT ASTBOLOGIST, Madame H. A. PERRIG?. SHE REV ALS SECRETS NO MORTAL EVER KNEW. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, ftc., have become despondent She brings together those long separated, gives iniorma bon concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most success. J fol, senses speedy marriages, and tells you the very day you will marry, gives j\ u Ute names, likeness and char? acteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, un vs ila the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see m the firmament-the malefic atara that overcome or pr-dominate in the configuration-from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at tho time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult tho greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you buta trifle, and y ou may never again have so favorable an opportunity, Consultation foe, with Uk on asa and all desired iniormation, 61. Parties li vin? at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if m person. A full and explicit o bart, written out with all Inquiries an? swered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt J. price above mentioned. The strictest secresy w?ibe maintained, and ail correspondence returned or destroy? ed. References of the highest order furnished those - e suing them. Write plainly the day of the month in j year in which you were born, enclosing a small loo. ot air. Address, MADAME H. A. PERSIGO, P. O. DRAWEE 293, BUFFALO, N. Y, March 30 ly THE SOl'TlRNEIPRESSdM. Office No. 147 Meeting & t. CONNECTIONS WITH ALL Railroads Throughout THE UNITED STATES. Every attention given io the t?.-*e Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOB AND DELIVER FREIGH'J TO ANY POINT IN THE CITY FBEE OF CHARGE. H. B. PLANT, President, April 10 Augusta. Ga. THE BEST MC NOW IN USE ! November 27 KKAU?HAArt &. Ct? TUS MOtfT IM?HOVED SBAND AND SQUABS PIANO-FORTEfe Poll Iron Frame and OvBratrnng Bau, MANUFACTORY AND WA REHOUSE ' ?. itt Wast Houston-street. ?e>. 1 NXAB BROADWAY. NSW YOEE. rHB UNDERSIGNED, MEMBERS OF THF FIRM Oi KRAUSHAAR ft CO., are practical Plano m ak en aa J as such have had a large experience In oonneoUoi ?Ith some o. th* best Establishments in thia ce on tr sad Europe Their lanos are made not merely lo teem, bat ty them, ai d nuder their immediate puraoru supervision, aro they allow no instruments to leave thei factory and i-.ass into tho bands of their patrons, unie?' t J ey have a power, evenness, firmness and roundness t (jue, an elasticity of vouch-without which uo Instr? a oat ought to be satisfactory to the public-aa well i t. st durability in construction which enables lt to r* aa in bi tu .) and to wlthstuid sudden changes of ten era ture and axposure to < x treme neat and cold, whlj are sometimes unavoidable They will at all times be happy to see the professKi sad the public at their Ware rooms, and Invite oompai' son between their own Pianos and those ot any otht cain uf acto ry. ASTON KRAUSHAAR..TOBIAS HA*? CHARLES J. SCHONEMANN. April M _ imuivwcK, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED for thc information ot aU concerned : AK OBDINAKCE TO BEOULATE THE CLEANSING OF PBTVIES AND VAULTS IS THE COBPOBATE LIMITS OP THE CITX. I. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, lhat from and arter thc ratification of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful tor any person to cleanse or remove the contents of Vaults or Privies within the limns of the city, without having previously obtained a license ior thc same; all such licenses io expiro on the 31st December uf every year, and be subject to all requirements impos? ed by Ordinances regulating the granting of Licensee tor Drays and Cnrts. IL That the use of Barrels in open Carts and Wagons is prohibited, and parues applying for License will be rc quired to provide closed Carts suitable for the purpose. III. All persons having such License shall repoi t et one of th Guard Houses, dunne tue day, his or their in? tention U >.o such work during the ensuing night ; in the Lower Wards such report to be made to the Main Guar i Houso, m the Upper Wards to Upper Guard House. IV. Thc place or places for tho deposit of such oflXi sholl be designated from time to tune by the Mayor. V. Every owner or driver of such Licensed Cart or any other person who shall violate any of the provision of this Ordinance, or shall neglect o: refuse to obaerv. the same, or any of them, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a tine not to exceed twenty-five dollars, to be en? forced by the Mayor in his Court, or recovered In any other Court of competent jurisdiction. Ratified in City Council this seventh day of May, in the yeir of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six? ty-seven. tn. 8.1 P. C. GAILLARD, W. H. SMITH, " Mryor. Clerk of Council 3mo May 10 The Greenville Mountaineer IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT $1 60 PEI: year, in advance. Advertisements Inserted at usual rates. G. E. ELFORD, May 10 Editor and Proprietor i AUCTION SAIES; Beef Cathe, Coxae and Yearlings. KILROY St CO. WUl MD THIS DAT, st U o'clock, st No. 2 Bt Pbit?p _street, corner Beaufain, 2 HEAD BEEF CATTLE. 3 Yearling*. 2 yoong and gentle Cows. Jons ll Muscovado Sugar, and Molasses, and Wine*. Bi R. SALAS. On TUESDAY next, 18th Instant, st ll A. M. will be sold st Bonafont k Salas' Store No. 118 East Bay. 20 hhds PRIME MUSCOVADO SUGAR. a hhds Clarified bogar equal to Louisiana. 20 hhds Thick Muscovado Molas SS. 15 bbls ) Bright Muscovado, nearly equal to New (0 bbls J Orleans. 60 Cases Superior Claret Wine. 8 Cases Genuine Sherry Wine. Conditions.-8uma under IMO cash, over that amount thirty days for approved endorsed notes. June 15___________ MILLIGAN ?i SON WUl sell on WEDNESDAY, 12th Lost. In rear of Custom House, at ll o'clock, 1 LOT ANCHOES AND CHAINS, June ll_tuthemwS HANNETT SCHUR. An tioneer and Commission Merchant, sat NJ. 89 King street, bi low Broad street. Offers bia services tor the aile of MUBO HAND IS- st' ' day an 1 night at his store, also for the sale of Stock, Bonds, R' al Estate, V?asela, H-rees and Produce. Best city refere eve will be given. Consignments solicited. Terms moderate and guarantees satisfaction. May 29 Imo MISCELLANEOUS. CLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, FORMERLY WILSON'S). rpHESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS ABE SITUATED IN _L CLEAVELAND COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, near the hue of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, 65 miles west of Charlotte, and will bo open by the 16th of June for the ?/wrnmfwlstWi of vetters. .The watara consist of White and Bed Sulphur, and Chalybeate, and ore pronounced by competent judges to bp unsurpassed by a y of the kind upen this Continent. Ample accommodations have been provided for a large number of guests. : Doctor TAYLOR (one of the Proprietors) has had a large experience in the treatment of fllimssf __-< to our Southern climate (especially those of women and children), and will take pleasure in advising invalids in the use of the wa1 ere. Vehicles will be at the depot on arrival of the tratas to take visitors to the SPRINGS at moderate chargea, Per other particulars, address the Proprietors at Shelby, Oleaveland County, N. C. CE. 8PRATT, M. B. TAYLOR, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD. June 14_a _Proprietors. CLOSING UP! SOME BABE AND VALUABLE BOOKS ABS YET to be had at HART'S BOOK STORE, ai hah* price, but for a brief period, as the Store wffl shortly rabee. Among the stock are : HALB ROOK'S HERPETALOOY, 5 vola, quarto Quadrupeds of America, by Dr. Bachman Buonaparte's Ornithology, 6 vola., quarto Cuvier's Animal Kingdom colored plates Eisner's Conchology, colored plates Boy dell's illustration* of Shakspeare'a Playa, folio The Pyramids of Gisez, 1 vol., folio The Cathedrals of Glasgow, 1 vol., folio The Public Buildings of London. 2 vols., folio The Li erary World, 10 vola., folio The American Almanac, from ita beginning, 1880 Bryan's Dictionary of Painters, 2 vols., quarto The Engineers and Machinist Assistant, 2 vola., tono A set of tho Library of the Fathers, complete, 41 vols A set of Baxter's Practical Works, 4 vols Nordheim er's Hebrew and Batfat Grammar, 2 vols With many other valuable works on Art and Architec? ture;_Imo _ Mayal WILLIAM BROOKELINKS, STEAM OAS FITTER AND PLCMBEIt( PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL OAS FIXTURES, GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT 1 EN DEO TO. Ncvll6 KING STREET, August 81 Between Hroao and ?neen "trout*. FUN FOR ALL! T7TOLL IN8TRDOTTO NS BY WHICH ANY PERSON Jj male or female, can master the great art of Ven? triloquism by a few hours' practice, making a world of. fan, and after becoming experts themselves, can teach others, thereby makin? it a source of loc?me. Pull in? structions sent by mall for 50 cents. BJ_a__aj guar? anteed. Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y. May 18 _ Vj, 9 ELDER & BBOWN, MANUFACTURERS AND PATENT? EES Of the calebrated COMBINATION CRADLE AND BABY TENDER, Pro? s'pelling Horses, and all kinds ' of Book? ing Horses, Invalid Chairs, with,double -? and alu ?le wheels, from fal toftf: Children's Jarriagea. Fancy and Varnished Wagons; Fancy Sui es, Invalid Carriages, made to order. Fancy Propeller nd Baby Bockers, Ac., kc, life-size Horses, mada toe 1er. ;' .' Depot, O. 638 BROADWAY. Manufactory, Nos. U9, 450,461a d 463 WEST STREET, New fork. October a?_thstnlyr Tile Universal Verdict of all the Moat Ex? perienced Pastry Cooks and H o use keep? er * ls that the _?IO2ST_I_I_S/ YEAST POWDER IS THE MOST RELIABLE OF ALL BAKING POW? DERS, being beautifully white, and free from all ln I Jurions ingredients, besides requiring only two-thirds of I the quantity to have the same effect as other Yeast Powders. If you want delightful pie Crust Biscuit and i ?m Bread, give it a trial "or sale by GRUB ER A MARTIN, No. 336 King street HENRY BISCHOFF i CO., No. 191 East Bay, W. 8. CCRWLN k CO.. No. 369 _?? street DOWIE A MOISE, Druggists, Na 161 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hotel January 24_thstaflmo AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hudson City, >'. J. WHOLESALE SALES ROOM NO. 34 JOHN STREET, NSW YORK. ! ALL STYLES AND GBADES OF LEAD PENCILS of superior quality are manufactured and offered at farr tarma to the Trade. The public are invited to give the AMERICAN LEAD PENSIL the pre? ference. THE PENCILS ABE TO BE HAD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONEBS.AND NO-ION . DEALERS. ASK FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL, ? ' TZSTTMONIAI. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ) ENoniEEM.No DXPAXTfetXlCT, S YALE COLLEGE, November 16, 1866. ) I have always recommended the Faber Polygrade Lead Pencils as the only perils fitted for both ornamen? tal and mathematical drawing; but after a thorough trial of the American Polygrade Lead Pencils, man u lac tu rec by the American Lead Pencil Company, New York, I find them superior to any pencil in use, even to the Faber or the old F"g"?h Cumberland Lead Pencil, being a superior pencil for sketching, ornamental and mechanical drawing, and all the ordinary uses of s lead pencil These pencils are very finely graded and have a very smooth lead; even the softest pencils hold the point well; they ara all that can be desired in a pencil It gives me great pleasure to be able to assure Americans that they will no long?r be compelled to depend upon Germany or liny other loreign market for pencils. LOUIS BAIL, * Professor of Drawing, ka. ATT, PENCILS ABE STAHrzn: _r- "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. N. Y." None genome without the exact name of the firm : look to it_6mo_December 13 PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURY, 1 January 8, 1867. ( PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER the following Ordinance licenses have been p repart d for delivery from this Onice. & THOMAS, City Treasurer. SEO. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenin City Council assembled, That from "and after the first d-y of Jaiiuary, licenses shall bo taken out for all carts, dray, and wagons, used for pnvprc and domestic purposes, in the same manner, and according to the same provisions now of force in relation to carte, drays and wagons, letoi driven for hire, except giving bonds, And ?ach such cart, dray or wagon, shall be provided with a bsdge con? taining the number thereof, and marked Private, to -e placed on the outside ot the shaft SEC. 2. No person shall be taken by the Treasurer aa surety to any bond under the Ordinance concerning li? censes for carts, drays, wagons and other carnages, un* less he or aha be a freeholder. SEC. 3. The following shall hereafter be the rates for licenses for public and private carts, drays, wagons, kc. including the horses or mules used thereof, which shall be tree from other taxation: PUBLIC CARTS, DRAYS, ETC., OB THOSE EMF LO TED IN AXE BUSINESS WHATEVER, FOB HESE D1MCI OB INDIRECT. For every cart dray or wagon, drawn by oue horse or mule, ?20. For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horses or mules, $30. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, 120. For every hack and carriage with four wheels, MO. For every stage or omnibus (except Une omnibus, with two horses, $60. For every stage or omnibus (except Une omnibus,, drawn by four horses, $60. For every truck drawn Dy two or more horses or mules, 160. For every express wagon drawn Ly two or more horns or mules, *G0. BBEAD CASTS AND PRIVATE CARTS, DRATS, ETC For every bread cart or wagon, $6. For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do? mestic purposes, and not to be employed m the trans? porting ol goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, or any omer commodity, for compensation, Mktx directly or Indirectly tor the same, shall pay for a license the rom of $6, exclusive ol the horse or mule. Ratified in City Council, this 16th day of January, [L. a] in the year of our Lord ons thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-six. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. By the Mayor. Januaay i W. H. SMITH, Clark of ?ounciL,