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ri jj! "\<r?i>kiTln ??-.ku il** "?UKSDAY MORNING, MAY %% 1807. ' - HOMBUODYU.l, COMB T'U-MUUT. I must bimi my lifilr ? llb Uio myrtlo bough, Ami coin ll wiUl hud." uf ?bile. And drivo UIIH b'.wu holli BUT burulu/- brow, . . For avmaburiy'll como lowlight; And wliilu b-H oyo ?hall lit? r.i a ?.nco In tho braid Bad tba fuMc 1 Itowcr, Ile munt not find in Bay li IMala tteo Thu spoil of bu wwidroai patter. I must don Ibo robo which ll? fondly call* A cloud of unhand UH ll lUI, And ?lt whor.< tito mellowing moouUgltt fallu, FOTROIU-b'xl.v'H ?-. 11" i"-;'' "': And while ibu rokei na I lb? 1*MW ?II?" *-CCIU Dut Ibo vert esl Iraak of eli ine.% "Ti? ??col ta knew thal inf < ye ??ill bram witu a tender, bander g louee. ?twos ibuii I A lilli Win " Ino years were fo>v Tlisl lay OM my girlish he ld, Ami all Ibo Bowers timi n IBU gr uraw Wen liol ?iib n golden thread; Ai d somebody came, and fi.- whimpers lhere I cunno! repeal them quite; Uni I know my noni weill Uf In prover, Aud somebody's hero to-tught, I blush no iiinrnal tho whUpcrcd vow, Nor sigh ia th? s-nt muoullgUt) My r. ibo h m a thu or umber uoir. And I idt by my uiilhr.u-ilc; And thu loukj that vied w.lh flossy wren liuvu i>.:.seJ lo the Kilver grty; But thu love th-it decLeil thew with Uuwors Ihcu la a holler Uno to-day. LITLlilAUl. ~ Feiut.i.ruM CoMrum: Wonns-lolllcd, with careful 1 n.m..e .un-, hy charles .1. tKuipul, .M. I). In li vols. Vhllad'.'llihla: .1. Kohler, No. ?lU ftarlil 1-ourth btrccL Wc Btu indebted lo Mc.-.i'd. ZuuiiAUU, YOUNO ?V; Co., iii King feli ect, for a handsome copy of a nov.' treualatioii of ?*:i compinia wurst?. Wini? wo are not emulous of tl .unto au a critic of tho country uilitur who gruvuly reviewed liuausl'lLUti:, and patronizingly "alluwed'' Usure waa a great dcul of bard good BU.IBJ in tbuso playa and poema, wo nevertheless think that a biiei ralci euc > tu thia, tho moat widely rodd uud boat beloved (Jarman poet, may not bo out of place,; tho moro so, aa hu 1B atlli but very lum .vu lo English nud Amer icu: roadora. In I : ..i. when thu coiitu.mi&l anniversary of tho bii'tui' y of Scuu.i, waa cele? brated among Germana nil over ibu world, gl-oat interest waa overywuuro maiiileatod in all thal rc latod to the poet, bia lifo und times, bia writings, tho eatimato they aro hold in by bia countrymen, aud tho great mil,lenee thoy bavo exorcised in Gurmau thought aud lifo during tho present cen? tury. But nearly eight VCSTS have transpired aiucc, and affairs material und moro pressing havo again Obliterated that spasmodic inlorost, aud it may uot bo amies, therefore, to ruficah tho memory, ns tho opportunity ia oilordud to us by tho appearance ol' this ii Ml. Jons Cline, rom rmcnniuu SCUILLEU waa born lu Marbach in Wurteinburg, Novouibur ll, 1701). His cally years wo.ufidlof (rouble, 'ilia Grtmd Duke waa anxious lo ciiucatu him a buldier, wbilu bia father bad destined him tor Ibo church, to which indeed ut Unit limo bis own inclinations auto directed bim. Tbo strugglo ended al last-ofter countless sufToi-ingaaud borrows lo tho young pout, which it is needless hero to cuter upou in detail, by his adopting uuithuig proiussiou, but following his own bent-wooing tho muses, l'oolry had ever boon bia leading passion. Ho drank early and deep nt tba fountain whoro lb em.II and Yin. II i. dispensed divinest n tramp. KLOPSTO?E aud GOETUE were his later masters. Ho bad found bis voca? tion, and throw himself into it with ali tho ardor and enthusiasm of his bery nature. Tho drama was specially ott rae! ive to him, and ho was still but a mero youth when ho astounded tho world with his "Robbers." This romarkablo play was begun in hiB niuelccnlb year. t' vin.\LU Bays of it: "Ills tho production of a strong, untutoro.l spirit, consumed by an activity for which there ia no outlet, iudigunnt at tho barriora which rostraiiis it, and grappling darkly with tho phantoms to which its own onergy, thus painfully impris? oned, gives being. A rudo Eimpliuity, combined with a gloomy and overpowering force, aro its chief characteristics. Thoy remind un of tho de? fectivo oultlvatio.i, aa well as of tho fervid aud harassed feolingn of ila nutlior." Tilt .Mobber* proved immensely popular, but tho doctrino inculcated proved uupalatnblo to tho Grand Duke, and young SOUXLLEU bid to Deo thu country io savo him,- elf li om ft prison. "Kiosco* and "Love and Litrigito" wera his next plays. Ho Tfont to Mannheim in 1781 ns poet to t ie th??tre, whoro ho had a moderato iucomo, but was safe, free, and surrounded by congenial friends. "Bon Carlos" ono of his liest tragedies was writton for thia otago. At this time ho also wrote tho History of tho Revolt of tho Netherlands, lu 17.VJ, lio was appointed Professor of History lu Ibo University of Jena, a few miles from Weimar. Hero his ac? quaintance with GOETUE, dating back ROIUO ye art . ripened into iii cod: -hip. Iii 1790 bo married. . At. Joua ho wrote bis "History of Ibo Thirty Years' War." His grand tragedy of "Wallenstein'* (throb separate dramas) occupied bia attention during tho noxt year?. "Maria Stuart," "Tho Maid of Orleans," "Tho Brido of Messins." and "William Tull," aro tho names of tho groat tragedlos which he produced next, and with which his fame is indissolubly connected. His career however waa a short ono, for in 1605, May 8, tho fell destroyer claimed bis brilliant prize, and tho young lifo, su full of hopo, so fair with promise, was out off, oro it had passed its noon. > GAULYLE, at onco Ibo most competent and ap? preciative of his English critics, thus sum's up SCHILLER'S character : "Ho lind a mind of tho high? est order; grand liv nature, and cultivated by tho assiduous study of a life-lime. It is mt tho predom? inating force .of any one faculty thal impresses us in ScmT.t.m, but Ibo general forco of all. Every page pf his writings beat's tho btainp of internnl vigor, now truths, now aspe?is of known truth, bold thought, happy iinagory, lofty emotion. His tendency was tither to udora the grand and tho lofty, than' to' doapiso tho little nnil (ho moan. Perhaps, bia greatest faculty was a half-poetical, half-philosophical imagination, a 1-,cully tconiiug with magnificence and brilliancy; now adorning, or aiding lo erect, n et at ely pu cm id of scicutiiio Speculations; now brooding over (ho abysses of thought and feeling, tilt (noughts aud feelings, else, unutterable, nero embodied in cxproBsiva forras, aud palaces and landscapes, glowing in ethereal hoauty, roso like exhalations from tho bosom of tho deep." In tho ennui, ration of his workn, wo omitted mentioning his so-called minor pieces, many of which aro oven hotter known, and moro popular than any or ali ot his dramas; These havo boon often translated, but by nono bettor than by BTJL wzn, wuoso vcr -nm ia retained in tho eclectic trans? lation of tho poet, now beforo us.. " Tho Robbers" aro translated by ll KS nv G. Bony, Esq., who also furnished tho Fiesco and Lote awl Intrigue. AU Very'good.' Don Carlos is translated by R. D. BOYLAN, Esq., aud his vorsion cminontly success? ful. "Tho Camp ol Wallonstoin" is by JAATES CuuiuiiiiLL ; tho " Piccolomini". and tho ." Heath of Wallenstein," by Mr. COLEIIIIXIE. This version is su wall known, that lt is needless to say anything of lt. It is rarely tho good fortuno of a pool tu fl nd HO genuine a poet willing to do tho laborious y4t humble work of translation. "William Toll" ia translated by TnEODOHE MAB Trw; "Mary Stuart" by Joana MELLISU. "The Maid' ol Orleans'' was contributed by Miss ANNA' SWABTWIOX. , Thus tho editor has BUOCOcdod in procuring tho boot extant translation of each separate produc? tion of ScnrixEn, and thoso of our roadcrs who have heard their Gorman frionds speak with rap? ture of ScmiXKn, and havo regretted that tho pleoauro of reading him is denied them, cnn now gratify BO laudablo a curiosity and mako them? selves acquainted with the thoughts of (ho im? mortal bard, even though thoy cannot road his original'Gorman words. . ?OMMEBCIAL, Trie flin ri r mo u Colton Market. OFFICE Ol' TUM CnAIlLKSTON 1)1 J LY NEWS, I . Ciutuunus, Monday Evcuiug, Msy 20,1607. J There was aislr demand, buyers operating at lotter but Irregular prices. Sales bales; say 31 st 13}> ; 6 ut ?i; lt at uy, ; 88 at 58; 3 at 30; ll at 20>i ; 0 al lo*'. \Vo <juou : Low Middling.'Jif.',2l Middling.2J,.>20,"i New Orleans Market. NEW Olli,MANU, May 16.-Conny-DMW tho cn renraginc Influence of still moro favorable o conn ts from New York and liverpool the market opened this morning with a liberal Inquiry, and cluiough tho move menlcontinued quite lliroughonl. yet, owing to the Increased inii/edimeDts olf.Tcd to tl.,, negotiating of exchsngo, (lie bnaUicss rsnauctod hos econ of a limited character, comprising l,?rrly 37UO bsler, cloven brokera pswUdpaung in ibo bast tuia. Tho d?inu?d was co nil i. od yrlnolpally to tho goodordinaiy and low '. Iddliou do Boxtpuons, and waa almost cxcluoively ir iricicd to domesllo hnyers. rricei indi caled a na: V. 1 ii ,nn mont, most of the saloa effceUd ivudr.riug figures fully lo V lb lo advance of yesterday's niling rates, ibo market, bowover, ?sa extrcirwJy lrr*>;?oiur ,i. and cloaedio romplolcly unrelbcd sa to eu?rory pri> duds the posslbUlty of giving eccurato quotaUona. I/TATIUILXT or COITOS. . Stock on band Sept 1st, 1SC0.^.bales. ,1W,08'J Becelvod tn-dsy...,. 310 Beeetved pruviously....'.T31.7J1-723,080 * , ' . ' 3M.1C2 Cleared (o-day.1,008 Geared previously..707,108-703,112 (Kockon,o;o TheexnurtalromprlKo 718 boles tor ProrldonoA. and 9?lforPMU>dalpbla. Conn.-lb? tupply it large, tat ti", flamand la very < limited, and tho market i> dell, although prices have il I urthcr declined fully So par bushel Yon crday. not pw- ll >. luusly reported, 'iOOO meka y, Uovr mixed and white sold nt fi Ul Sal it) per bushel. To-day the (aloa aro confined ; lo ?OOv ?ackri, ol' vr Ul ch tOOO mixed and follow at ?1 354 i, 110: 125 mixed. OSO do. 300 white nilxod. at ?1 35; 800 . white uiLxed at $1 'JO; 100 white at ?1 37? ; 225 do at?110, | and 300 yellow mixed and white at ?1 ?7>;nl 10 por bushel. Hite-IK In light supply, but In dull. Wo quote Lou- I talana at 0x11 >?c; CeroUua ll?.iaKo; IndU ?KalOJ?c. . livid nt 10c cinrcucy at wholesale, duly paid, and *>ic, tu ? Loud. Htuck In bond 700 Kacka. SUOMI IND MOL.A wu?. - xhrro novo not boon any re? ceipt* worthy ut note ainuo yesterday. .Tba supply of tho i Ilm of Louisiana ta vory ll? it, - but tho demand In (bulled, Mud eel} of a nil alb character.' Tho principal . ?iles lo-doy oro conti owl to 18 bbls fermenting Ilolasecs at NM poi gallon, au I SJ lihda yellow clartOod Huger on private Uram. -Wo quota Ungar ot lio per lb for low fair, I i ?;i.l V t?r choice, 13 italic fur yellow clartUcd, and It.'jalOo lor white, t0a60o yor uallou for fonnenllng, and Tia tor prime, 'ibo market Is well supplied with Cuba sn?;.ir and Mulan .c.", bul lu tho absence of aalen wo oro compelled to omit quotations. llaltlmoro Market* BALTIMORE,' May 17.-CoifCE.-Wo havo only to report n sale of 100 ba?? prime Rio at lSfic. Currun. - There la somo Inquiiy fruin nj.inner-, tint wo eily Uearof o ?mall tot of Low Middling nt a Go. Hold cm uro not di, pm,, d lo meet tl.o \ lc WM M buyers lor ai: J .iUr-,-, which la bold ut a?tJaiaV, l i-'i.- N'liiti carolina lK-rrliig aro In fair supply, and prlcett rutror buyers. We <iuulo for Larga lota from tho wniwf (5 'iou5 60 V bbl tor abort Lmudu. blina fccxreo lind nloidy ol ?Hull CO V Lbl. FMHIU-All grade i ol llalilccuru were reducod to-day Wlc >l bbl, and oil vlhcr descripllrail partook of tlio (Io? dine, bul thu market utlll romotun Inactive, tho only Mles reported being 100 bbla UowarU alrcot Super at tl'/, uuil loo bbl? Kortliwos.em Kxtro at ?13 V bbL Wo re? viso quotations ou fallowa : Him.lul-.Ui-eei Miper uno Cut Ultra., .f ll OJ @?13 00 Howard-street Lxtn. Shipping. 13 00 io 13.GU Howard-slrect High tir? l-,.. ll 00 (u> ll 0U tlow-urd-strcct Family. 1G 00 d!> IC 50 Ublu iupcr end Cut Katta. ll LO (fl) ll N) Ohio Ltira Shipping. 00 00 di 00 OU Chlo retailing. uti 00 rd 00 00 unto Family. io oo fa) io ou Northwestern buller. 00 00 (g OU 00 .Northwestern lau.,. 13 00 Q 13 00 eily MUN super. ll OU M ll 50 City Milln, Standard Kxtro. 112 00 ft? 13 6U eily Milln ntilpping brenda Kairo.15A0U Cv W 6U Baltimore, Welch's, Urcouilcld and Wm erinn Family. 18 00 @ 00 00 I -alb moi u hi,,ii grado Kxtro.. 17 Od o 17 w 11} u ii lour, ?ew. 8 70 <a> ?35, com Meal, Lily Milla. 6 75 ft? G 00 Tito luspcciluus il Flour oud Mool in tho oliy of bal? timore tor tho week ending cn May IC, wura aa follows: liewa, d street 3ulU bola und OU holt bbla; City Aulls I.DU bbl* ami OU liait bbla: Ohio 50. bbla; and Family Go j bb.u and UO bub bbl?-lotxl Wheat Flour Moa Obis and nu I..Ot bbl?. Tugothor with 25 bbU ltyo Flour, and 17GU bbla Cuni Meal. . . HUAIM.-Whoat-1000 buebeld roi received; market 'dull u ii. i inna limby, lu tho obsouco of saloa, 1 ilaire lower; ouly lot auld won 200 bushels good Marj laud wbito ot .3 31-ouly ono lot of choice uifoced, sud nuld tax abavo buy. rn' wows. Cum-'17.000 busaols white, and 7GU0 UiL-ueis j clio" receivedi market muro activo, oud prlooe 2a3o belter-included lu (tie Bales wcro a Goo busneut ordl uiiiy wuilo ol SI I'.MI 13; 0G00 buabcla good do al al ll; ?MO pi uno at M 16; lUoU bushels yellow ot ?113; levo .bushels guod to primo lu lots nt ?1 lia! IC; 1UUU bushels Wea lum mixed at tl lid; ?ooo bushels do at ?1 07. Cati 1'iOU bonnels received; sales of 1500 bushels at 70c; ' 1000 ini.,Uu.u dont 770, and 3UU do at 78o; closed dull ot 70a77o. Ilya-3UJ- bushels sold at *i 15, and. LO do at 81 60 pox bllHl.oL .?./ --..-i . .. . . ?I Mu LASS tee-Wo saloa to notice; stock small and held linn. ' PUUVIOIOKS-Thora waa a bolter tono to tho market to? day; nuldera wore not disposed to acoupt prurioua prlcoe tor Hulk Meals, Unid tinner. Tbo Jobbing demand for i nen c. mimics atoAdy, and without quutablo chango; wo repeat tor Shoulders lOalOJ? ota; nb Sidos Halal* CU] ne ir nb do la.'piia'i cu, Inside not CASUM Hains 15a 17 cu tor plalu Bud sugar-cured cauvasaod.: - Mosa Fork ??JJ 7?a'il V bbl, lotter for retail lota. Lard ldxl3>X' eta 'tor City uud Wee to ru tes; rotall lota )io higher. 1 tici.- Wa hear of no wiles, but wlto. light stock quote Carolina eicwly at llalltf cu, oud iUngoon U>ta9>i eli \\ lb. HALT-Is steady as before quoted, via: for Liverpool Uno ;3 lUa3 VU oed do Uro and Alua ?'1 'iO par sack, l ur:,s island V2uGS ccuU per buahol for lou from store. I ,-vnAii-Late ynetorday ibero wera soles of 131 bbds Cuba at 10}? cunts, 1513 boxes do ot OSall cents-all for i ennuin, 'i'u-day 'JU bluU Cuba, for n lining, at lo>, cuuU; ll du grocery at UK cenU; 1UU bbb) ot UK couta; io buts Mardnlquo at li ceute; 75 hhds Porto Kloo grocery ol Heit! cunts. WUISBXT-I'urthar oalca of 1000200 bbla Western arc reported lu bond at 30 cuuU per gallon. Near York DIaTket. HONES Mimer Tho New York Erening Pott, of Friday, May 17tb, says Money continues In moderate demand at 0 per cont Tho H lock market ls a fraction bolter. Governments an quiet. Tho only point of Interest la that Lion o t? a little chang. In i he roto for monuy, owing, aa U supposed, first, to tbi sales ol gold by tho Treasury; secondly, to the amalle: payinenu for HAvsn-lhlrUcs, and tbe oonsequont in?reos* In Ute balance ol greenbacks In tho Treasury; thirdly, h ibo odorU of tho boors to lucroaee tho Symptoms of ac Uvlly lu monoy, wlUi a viow to promote their specula Uv o sobornes in Stocka and gold. ? pBoDUOE nan RET. NB a YORK, Moy 17.-FLOUS, Ac-Tho market fo Western and Mote flour io leas activo and lualSc lower To eU'oct solos ot the closo a furlhsr can cession wouli Lave to bo marlo. ' . The sales oro U00 bbls at ?10 75A11 75 lor Superflu Stale ; tia ISoli 35 lor Extra Biota ; ?ia 16ol3 IO (or tb low- grades of spring wheat Western Lztra ; ?13 6 nil OG tor shipping Ohio; ?15al8 10 for trade an lam uv brenda of Chlo, Michigan, and Indiana, au slO lOalV 10 for BL Louis ex,rai. . (California Hour la lower and dull at ?IO 25al7.g Bale ?1 500 bbb) au J bigs. Canadian flour ls coaler and dull. Solos of 75 bbla i ?11 UUalC JO Tor thc low gradea of extra, and ?15 IC 17 '_'G lor truda ead fatally brando. _ J I ' son t bern flour ls also dull and lower.- Bales of '.'; bbla ut tl3 lualG for common to fair llaltlmoro and cw. try e 11 nm, and ?1610*1 H for trad o and ta mi ly bran,'. '. ltyo (lour ls weak, boloi of 100 bbla at ?8a9 50 fe common lo choice. Cora meal ls steady. Solo* of 100 bbla city at ?8 10. UnjLiN.-Tho wboat market ls Inactivo and rather ci aler. '1 he offerings aro larger, but millern bold ol owing to tho further doc Uno or flour. Tho sales oro 7&t busbs st ?a 77 for No. 1 Milwaukee club. Darley Ls LnacUvo ond heavy. Prices oro nomino]. Harley molt is quiet at ?1 30al 10. UuU oro better and moro activo. Tho demand la ai Uve. Thc eales aro 65,000 bushs Western at 8is85X' sud State ot 8t)o90c Canadians ore scarce and wonted ltyo ls ll rm. Tho eales aro 0100 bunba Western i ?1 Ti. Com opened higher, but cloaca tamo at the Unprov, incut. Tho demand la mod terato and chiefly apoculailvi Tho B.les uro 3ii,O0O. bushels unsound at SI 12x1 ll now Western mixed at tl acal 35 at tho dopot and d livered; old do tl 30 In store; southern whits at ?1 % 1 38; do yellow at Ct 3Sal 39. Pitovlatosa-Tbo pork market baa been less activo i about pru viona figuras, closing steady. For futuro d livery we hear of 350 bola mesa buyer Juno at 133 60. The aaiua, cash ond iieguloT) sro lSOOSpbki ot ixl di 33 JA for hew meas; ?19 95 for extra, and ?19 35aag 00 It rumps. lima U timi anil moro active. Bales of 100 bbls al ?1! IG for common to fair plalu mess ; ?17031 for good I choleo do, snd ?31a3 j for extra do. '1 toreo beef ls quiet. i 'ci t li ams oro fairly active and steady. Sales of 19 bb ut : iluta lor Western. Cat meats ore steady and in fair demand. Sales lt pkga at n?;aU.vic for dry sailed Bhonldars; lOUc for ,pl klcd do; and 11x11 l',c for Ught pleltlod hams. . .-?A Ilaeon ls fairly active and steady. Bales of 355 boxi ot i o j4'c for Cumberland cut ond laxo for short clear i arrive. Lard la without Important chango and moderately o Liv?. Sales nf 763 bbls and tierces at 13 j,aia ? conta for No 13 for elly, 13}?al3}? cunt? for fair lo primo steam ar kvlUodried. tu ?...... . . BUTTEB-Is dull and heavy.. Wo quota Goshen ai'e County pails, por lb, new, 80a33o; state firkin geod lo primo, new, aSaSOc; Hiato half-firkins, media lo primo, 29a30c; ?talc Arkins, common and lol llalUc; Btata Woloh tubs, lair to primo. lOaSOc; Wea tel reserve, good to cheleo, 1 Stalle; -WaetemTcncrvo, cot tuon to good. Hillie ; Northern Pennsylvania IGaaOe. CUEESE-Is finn but steady. We quota: Hiato factor good to choice, per lb, leal ax ; stale factory, lair to goo 15al7c; state fi clary, oom m oh to primo. Halbe: Vonna dairy, fair lo good. Hal Gc; Ohio, prime, 13alGc; Obi common, Gorae; Piueepplo 20a33o. COITEE.-Bio ta lu fair demand and linn at a slight o vance. ' ' ' ', ' . ' ' Conon.-Tho market remains quiet ot former prier Tbo demand la nol so active. We quota ot 23)ia29o ( middling uplands, and aooSOo for do New Orleans ai Tuxas. HAT.-Tho demand ti fair and the market firm ot ?1 al 90 for shipping, and (1 95o3 10 far retail lota. Mouisaxs-Wo hear of no solea. Common grades a heavy, while choice grocery qualities ors firm. . Olia-Linseed U lirra and In fair demand at ?1 35al lor city. Fish and Lard olia romains steady. TALLOW-Tho market is steady and baa boen roth moro active. Bolea of 136,000 Ibo at ll.i;c. Witxa ET-The inarkot la moro active and la beth Bales of 300 bbls st 33a35o for Western In bond. {From Hut Shot and Leather Reporter.) HORTON Door AKD BOOR M Alum-For the week en lng May 16.-Business in tho wholesale market has be, quiet during tho weak as rogard? sales, and prices s somewhat unsoltled, but are generally held at some a vance on former ratea.- The recent suspensions In t shoo and loather business has ca unod o feeling of dis Ire to KOmo extent. Wo understand that tho smipenaton ono of the Arms will bo but temporary, and (hst lt w econ resumo bnalneaa. Tho prospecta of: the tn co ml season of ti ade aro not so promuung as could be desire as what with tho present high coat of materials for mi iliac I uro, and tho increased wages of tho workmen, t goods now produced are costing from 8 to 10per oei advance on tho recent telling pricea of leading doner tiona. . Thoro balbeen for tho last few weeks a very fair doma for brogans snd plough shoes, tho latter style being light supply, ond to a considerable extent taking t place ol the former; also of thick baimorals, which ls 1 coming quite popular with tho trade, sa the cut of tl shoo dispenses with tho objectionable seams of t brogan ond balmoral. Thia style is now selling at 81J 1 80 for men's spilt half wolli wax do ?1 Maxi ?5; flout solo ?3; boys' from ?1 25al 86 por pair. Btuuneaa wi thom? engaged tn tho Kastern lobbing trade la good, a they aro reaping the benefit ortho spring advance In I leather market, ai it bas given a nimneas tc priesa a s cured carly orders. Ibo shipmen ta of boots and sht continue rolly up to the average of former years at I samo time, being 11,230 coses for tho week; same tb lost year 91U cases. Tho shipments by rail for the we havo been f506 cases. The total shipmen ta of boots a shoes by rall and aaa for tho work hove been 11,330 oas Consignees per smith Carolin? Hallion Umy AO. 318 bales Cotton, aSbbJsSpirits ona as bbl? CrufloT pcotinc, G7 bbls Ronlo, ? cara Staves, * cara Wood, 1 < Cattle, Ac To i al Eason ii Uro, ll iKvGk, luvend Co, biri ct Coi Of urieoay A TrmibpttriL it fi Age M Goldsmith 'sf Ron; EH Rodgers Ai CO, A Robinson Co, G a Prilchett, Utaoy b Kenyon. W O Bee A Co, 1 Millar, Esnapaux, Lanneau s Co, G W Williams bi 1 burston & Holmes, K o Peronnoaa, J A Bowen, O Witto, E J Wist k Co, J D E Bloan, W Hunt, W W Smi Ostcndoru* As Co, Olbbos At Co, Boll mann Bros, H V 1 ker & Co, J Wood, J M Cantey. . ^ . ; VassenQera. Per ?teamer EH ia Hancox, from Savannah, ria Bo fort and Hilton Hoad-D Ferguson and lady, Capt Ure allah, J Hchley, Mus MoLanathan.W A Willis, H Woodruff, J L Apploby. T Lowls. M O Notos, G E Pl banks, W K Whitwell, J Wilson, J Bpodell, W- J LawL J O Mayo, O P Rammt?,- J Tubmey, Lieut W Badger i lady, (lou B O Tyler. Col O ,Pag?, Capt J U info and men of Cc R, flth U y Infantry, and 10 deck. MARINE N?WS^ ~ PpIlT OP OH^WI, KflTOS. Arrlred Veslexxtajr, ' ?chr J L Letch, Eadlcott, Boslon, 10 a.,,. loo. thu Monter, J M Duryea. ' T ' : Behr Helene, Aldeu, New Torr. O days. M J re t nay. Tn W Roach, Q W Al mar, J E Adirer & Co W Hirds: Cc,,T M BllttoU, A Bischoff, Hau Brown, I sell A Co, Lohmann I!ros, E rt Oowfcuirthvrelt, ll A A Caldwell, OhDolru Bros, W 8 Corwi.. . . Co, JU .Cubit Co, O W Clark o h Co, T M Cater, J w i vrmsll. DowU Moise, J U UoEIhMMiy.P Ficrnla, A Co, Goodri Wineiann k Co, J Hnrkamp A On, Har' A Co, OLK nolinms. II. W Kim man, O Utachgl, (j il Motto, I Msrahulb t ILHuller, Ostend or ff b Co, J' ilUonnoll,, Oleinan; 4 F O'Neu! At Son, OWPanknln, ?< o n Bin H K-K ll, G ning, W W.Reeve?, D U 8llot ?, t F fitrq futa, O W S teflons ? Co, W t Trim, 3 if VaUtra, 0 ffllllarns i Co, E White, J Welker, V Woyhmen, A EuV, ? White, W O Wbilden A Co, B J WIM A uo. D Dcory. U i Quartermaster, J R Solomons, Order, ?ml o th on. Behr Florence Rodger*, R?dgen. Mow York, S der*. Isy, Cora end Oats. To th? Muter, tad D B Quartcr nuior. Kleamer Elira lian coi, Richard ?on, Savannah via till on Head and Beaufort Mdse. To Ferguson 4? Holmes. Cleared/Yesterday. % -n khr Jacob O Thompson. Vaniim^Jfaabdugtonl D C," rbi | Rocksville, BO-Risley .ai creighton. 1 Went to Bes Yesterday-. _ Jchr J W Rum soy (3-mssted), Cranmer, Philadelphia, Sehr Lilly, Woolford, Ballimore, ic lu- Marian Gago, Sheppard, Ponton. i-ruui thia fort, jchr Daniel Chaso, Mitchell, Bal timor*. May 17. Cleared tor tilla Port, ??chr Bhtlob. Hubbard, at Ballimore. May IT. jchr My rover, Hughes, at Mow York, May 10. BIcuiorauiln, lil ST OF VE89KLH OP, nr,F?rtPr> AMD BAILED FOR THIS FORT. FOREIGN. UTEUrOOL. Bhtp R O Winthrop, Rtcwart, ontorcd outward... April 23 ship Amoila, Conner, eallod.March 25 Ur bark Flllo do l'Air, Ennis, cleared.March 90 . mcwroirr, iva. rhc J Coming, Itookawsy, sailed.April 10 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Brig Abnor Taylor, Lowell, cleared..May 9 Tho Whitney Long, Hayes, cloirod.April 30 Behr Bergen,-, up..May c V..'.' ,.' ' ' ' HEW xoiur. Kehr I> ivld Faust, Lord, tip.May ll Behr MyroYcr, Hughes, ctcarod..May 10 Kehr 8 O Evans, Hammond, up.May 10 Behr L L-Tn ploy, Parkin t, cleared.May 18 ? raaaicLrau. Behr J N Baker?.Adams, cleared....'?... .May. 7 UALTIlIOaE. % . : . Sehr Shiloh. Uubbanl, ctcand._....May 17 | lJ01iT CALENDAB. rninirm-iin WEEEI.T. I'llASEU OT TUf. UOUN. Now M. 4tb. 2b. 20m. moni I Full M. 18lb, 8h. FlntQ. 10th, 3h. tim. even Last o. 20th,Oh. 2m. nvou aux. Monday.... Tuesday.... Wcducsdsy. Thurvday... Friday. Saturday... Sunday. t..59 t..68 t. .68 1..67 ?..67 t..67 4. .60 0..61 0..56 0..55 0..60 G. .67 0..67 0..68 9.. 32 m.. io ii., a ll..38 Morn. 12..13 8..12 9..21 IO,, Q M .ill Ll A SIMIMBUS < IU AN 11 li. HUMPHREYS' nOIHGEOPATIIaO SPECIFICS aAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST AMPLE EIFA RIENOK, an en Uro succoas : Simple-Prompt-Effl lient and Reliable. They are tba only modi ein ea per ectly adapted to popular use-so e Imple that m ia tax ei lannotbe made in using thom; so harmless ai to b? iree from danger, and BO efficient aa to be always relis ?le. They have raised the highest commendation from tu, and will alway? render satisfaction. Cents ito. 1, cure? Power?, Congestion, Inflammation?., it l'n a, " Worm? Worm-Fovor, Worm-Colo,. 3: i, g, " Crying Coll?, or Teething of In? tent*.9C >. a, ti Diarrhoe? of Ohlldron or Adult?.... St it j, ? EyMntery, Griping. "MinusColic. 2* II w II uholeia Horlitu, Nauaos, YomlW lng. M ti T, " Coafhl, Colds, BrcnehiUs....n .' B, ? ' ;Jf?ux?UgIn.,,Toothache, Faceaoh?..; St .? 0, .. Headaches,BickU^BcheCVertlgo,. 24 " 10, Dyspepsia, bilious Stomach....... " ll, " Snpiiretiedt or Painful Porloda..... .. 12, .. whites, too profuse periods.... SI II is, .. Croon, Cough, Difficult Breathing.. 21 " li, " Batt- ithenm, Krjaipulae, Eruption?. 21 n is, UN ttbeosaatlsm. Rh suma uo pains... at M lt, .M ir?nr anil .Agne, alli Itevar. -,.--' Ague?. Ol' .. IT, " PU??. Bund or Bleeding...... 60 ? IB, " Opttialniy, and Boro or Weak Eye?, tb "18, 11 Cain--Th, Acute cr . Chronic, InSu- ^ "30, .? Whooping Congh, Violent Oonghs SC "21, " As th in ?a, oppressed Breathing,. BX ? 22, '*i Kar Discharges, Impaired Hear. t lng. ti) " XS, " Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, BweR inga....?...;. Kl li ja u oencrai Debility, Physical Weakness 60 , n ja II Dropsy and Scanty Secretions.. 60 ti os II Hort rilokccse. Ulcknoss from Bld .lng. St M 27, " -Kidney Dlaesvae, Gravel. 80 ? * S " "' Hervoaa Debility, Seminal Bmla alan?. Involuntary Ultcharges.LOO <. 29,' >i i-Hbr? month, Canker. K ti to,' W Urinary latuntlnenr., Wetting " ni. " l'ainfiit Ptrioiii, ?ran wfth Bpaau- 1. 80 " 82. .. Burrer-rt ga al Chan?? of Lfe,.LOO i II 88, " Kpll?p?y, 8pa*ms, Ht, Vitus' Danoe.LO0 - u ga, <> Dlptherla, Ulcerated Bora Tr oat,... 60 KAMI I. Y CASKS. is vial?, morocco case and book....,.,...,810.00 sj large vials, in xnorooco. and book. 6.0b 10 largo vials, plain case, and book.8,01 18 bolts (Noa. \ to 18); and book.......;..!....... 8.90 VRTKBINAIIY SFKOIPICS. xUbogany caaoa, 10 vials.110.00 llnglo vials, wlih dlrecUona. 1.0C ??-These remedies, by tho ease or ningle box, art, ?ant to any part of the country, by Mall or ki pr caa, fret if charge, on receipt uf tho price. Address t ? m.'HUMPHREYS' EPEOIFIO ; HOMOEOPATHIC MKDIUINK COMPANY, Offloe and Depot No. 682 Broadway, New York. -Or. HtntfrunxTS la consulted daily at his office, per totally OT br latter, a? above, for all form? of dlanaae . . Duv.iE ti MOISE. Wholesale Agents. ? No. 161 Meeting street, Opposlto Charleston Hotel. w. A. snnifiK. A. ?V. KOKKLc* CO.. tte tull Agsnts, No. 231 EJMO-8TREET, ?th door ?hov* Merkat-it. atiril 16 mwfArno fimo Obarluten. B. Ci AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hudson City, N. J. WflOLESAiL?^ALES R0.QM NO. 31 JOHN BTITEET, KK\V YORK.* I _ ALL STYLES AND QRADE8 OF LEAD PENCILS of superior quality axe manufactured and offered ^at fair tarma to tho Irado. Tho public are Invited to givo the AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL the pre? ference. -"<-? . THE PENCILS ABE TO BE HAD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND Kit ION DEALEBB. ASK FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL. " TESTUIONlaX. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ) i, . BitoiMEXauio DEPXETICEVT, J YUJ? Coixxox, November 16, 1868. ) I have alway? recommended tho Faber Folygrade Load Pend?a as tba only pencils fitted for both ornamen? tal and mathematical drawing,' but," after a thorough trial of the American Poly grad o Lead Fenelia, man* ufsctnred by the American Lead Pencil Company, New York, I find them superior to any pencil in uso, even to the Taber or th? old English Cu mimi land Lead Pencil, being a superior pen oil for sketching, ornamental and mechanical drawing, and all the ordinary nae? of . lead pencu. These pencils are very finely graded and have a very smooth lead ; even tho softest pcnr.ll? hold the point well; they ar? all that can be desired In a pencil, lt gi vea ma great pleasure to be able to assure Americana that thoy wu! no longer be compelled to depend upon Germany or any other foreign mir set for pone'uv. LOUTS BAIL, . lyi 11 Profraaor of Drawing, Ac. au. raiCTX* ABB >nyri:>: sa?r "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. H. Y." None genuine without tie exact name of the firm : took to lt._Cmo_December 13 OLD ?8W1MD DRUG ?PRE E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATH PHIS ?tl DOUN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third, door above Market, TT AVE LATELY RECEIVED LABOE ADDITIONS TO JJL their usual stock of pure and frosh DRUGS MEDICINES ? DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY OOOD3 FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDER 3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BBOBHES . . EXTRACTS, fco. Comprising m voices from tb? most reputable manu [Xetarers. On hand. aU tho principal .. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including preparations of AYER,-JAYNE. HILL, onEY ALIKU, DAVIS. WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, 4c. ?iso, a targa assortment of ... BUBOtOAL INSTRUMENTS ? - ' TRUSSES - .fUDDLEBAOa j MEDICINE 0HEST8 . . ri ........ L,m . O LARS .- ' ' UB?AL AMT} OOTTA PERCHA GOODS J : , ?t -t. r .. . GLASSWARE OF. BVER? DESCRIITION. . Great atlcnUe-n 1? paid to th? ImportaUon and aeloo ion r.f B?|g|.lJ? FRESH DRUGS, md none ether ara allowed to go out of th? Eatabiish nen t, ? ? ?' : PRESCIMTTIOXS eompoahded vlth accuracy, anti the public can xcpoml on tho utmost reliability in ;he oxccTition of order?,.. U, KELLERS, M.D.:. H 6AER.M.D. March9 .y...A- .? .? . ........ ? I?.T1TE." ?AR01JNA. TIMES,;' ;' PITOIHIIED AT on ANO tin ii na CM,,: r^jl.^?1f3L'pnU7PLA'1*Efl ^THROOOHOUT. THE JL middle pdrUon of tho state, abd brien OJ beat Mulities for a?rerUaor?. Febniaryai MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE TO HAlLllllS Oil I1UUUKANTS, HOTEL Oil BOABDrNG-UOUat. KREFKBa, orr:ci: CLERE or COUNCIL, I Mirth 18, 1887. J IN ACCOBDANCE WITH TUE FO?iXJWIr?O ACT OF tho Logl.ltturo, pissed tho 20th doy of Doce tu bor. I 1600, all persona concerned aro hereby noll Hod to call at | toll Office end talo out the required Uceruo Immediately. , W. IL BM ITU, I Clark of CounclL AH ACT roa TUS nerran raoTxoTioH or aziuKM AND ratMiaaAirn ut TUX TOBT AHU manoa or CUABXXS TOK. L Ut U enucUJ, by (As Senate and Haute af Bepre tenta ttrei, nov met and tUl\na tn General Aitemity, and by (As authority af the ?ame, That lt shall not bo lawful for any poruou, except a pilot or public officer, to board or at? tempt to board a Teasel orri Ting in tbs port or harbor of Charleston, before euclivoaeol sholl hoTO boen modo fast to tho wharf, without unit obtalxdngleoTO from tho man? ier or person ho Ting cliargo of such Teasel, or from her owner or agenta. IL It ehaU not bo lawful for any owner, agent, tn aster, or other poraon lia ring cliargo of any voasol arrrvlug or being ia Ibo port of Charleston, lo permit or outhoriao any sm iura, hotel or boarding houso keeper, not licensed sa h-.. ;..?."..:: provided, or any aitout, runner or em? ployee ot any sailor's or lmmlgrsul.? hotel or beardiJ ? house, to board, or a Un nipt to boord, any Teasel arriving lu, or lying, or i. tiing in tho harbor or port ol Chorloaton, bjloro auch vessel ah all havo been modo fast to Ibo wharf, or auchorod, with latent to Invite, ask or solicit the boarding or any of tho crow employed po such veasel. UL lt shall not bo Lawful for ony sailor's or immi? grant'? hotel or boarding houso keeper, or th? employee of any sailor's or Un rlgrant's hotel or toaruing house keeper, having boarded any vessel made fail to any wharf In tho port ol Charleston, to ucgloc t- or refuse to loavo ?aid vessel, after havlug boen ordered to to do by the master or person Laving chargo of (neb vcascL, " iv. It sholl not bo lawful (or any p?reon \o koop, con? duct or corry on, cither os owner, proprietor, agent or other mae, any bailor's or ) inmigrant's boarding house, or sailor's ur,immigrant's hotel, lu the city 01 Charleston, without harms * license front tho City Council tbore?f, '. V. lt ?liall not bo lawful icc ?ny carson, notbOTlng the ll ceuso io thia Act provided,. or not being tho regular aue?t, runn?r?r employee of o'person haring such 11 censo, to inTito, oak or ' solicit tn the city or harbor of Chirico tun. Um . boarding or- lodging of any of the crow employed ou any Ycr?ei, or ol any iuiiuigraut arriTlug In thu told dty of Charleston. VI. Tho city Council ch ali take tho application of any person applying ior a Lee imo to keep- o sailors' OT immi? grant's boarding house, or Bailor's or Immigrant'? hotel. In the city ol Charleston, and upon satisfactory evidouco to thuin ot tho rcojioctablliry ona compeUmcy of such ap piicaut, and of ibo' aultablcuoaa of his occonimoaattons, alud? laauo to bim a llcoimu, which shall Le good tor ono year, ?nicos sooner revoked by sold City Council, to koop o sui tor s or (inmigrant's boarding lionne in the city of charleston, ?nd to tnTlto and solicit boarder? lor the samo. Il < VIL Tbs City Council may, opon satisfactory evidence, of tho disorderly character of any Kallora' or Immigrants' hotel or boarding bous?, Ueenscd aa uerolnbofore pro Tided, or of tho keiipcr or proiirletor of any such houso, or of auy force, fraud, docuit or mlsroprewulaUon, In In? viting or soliciting boarders1 or lodger? for such house, on the port of such keeper or proprietor, or any of bis agent?, run o er?, or employee?, or of any attempt to per? suado or enuco any of tho crow to desert 1 ram any rossel in tho harbor of Oharica tun, by such ks? per or proprie? tor, or any ot bia agents, runners or employ?es, revoke tho liconao for keeping such house. VIU. Every poraon receiving the ll ce nae hereinbefore provided tor shall pay to the City Council oforcoald tba sum of twenty douars. i IX. The sold City Connell sholl furnish to each Railer's or Immigrant's hotel or boarding houso keeper, li co ut od by thom sa aforesaid, ono or moro badges or shields, on which shall be printed or engraved tho name of such hotel or boarding houso keeper, and tho number and street of blt ho'cl or boarding bouse; and which sold badges or shields shall bo surrendered to sold City Coun? cil upon tho -evocation by them, or expiration of any license granted by them, to herein provided. X. Every sailor's or Immigrant's hotel or boarding? house keeper, ond every agent, runner or employoo ol euch hotel ur board! UR-house keeper, when boarding ?ny veasel In tho harbor of Charleston, or when Inviting or soliciting the boarding or lodging of any teaman, ?aliar or poraon employed on any vessel, or of ?ny Immigrant, I abai! wear, conspicuously outplayed, the ?litchi or badge referred to in tho foregoing section. XL lt thall not be lawful for any person, excapt those named in tho preceding section, to Lavo, wear, exhibitor dlaplay ony such shield or bodgo to any of the crew em? ployed on any vessel, or to any Immigrant so arriving m tho city of Charleston, with tho intent to lnrito, ?ak or solicit tho boarding or lodging of such Immigrant or ci ony of tho crow employed os any Teasel being in th? harbor of Charles teat.. .. ' Xii. Whoever shall offend against ony ar eHkcr ?f) th? provisions contain.! id. In Betti un 1, 2,1,'?, B/l'l oxyl IL in this Act, sholl be neem od guilty ol o misdemeanor, and ?hall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by Imprison? ment for a tenn not exceeding one year, aad not lota thou thirty days, or by o fino not exceeding two hundred ond fifty dollars, and not low Utan one hundred dollars, or by both such Uno and imprisonment Tin lae word "ToaacJ,'' ot used in this Act, ?hall In? clude vessels pro palled by steam. tn the Beualo House.ilhe twentieth doy of Docombi r, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. . W. D. PORTER, President of the bena to. CH AB. H. HIMONTON, Speaker House of Representatives. Approved December 20,1H66 : Jonas L. OXUS, Governor. March li_._j_ PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TRRASITHY, % January 3,1867. j PUBLIC NOTICE IS 1LEBEU1Y GIVEN TUAT UND EB the following Ordinance licenses have boen prepared for delivery from thia Ornoo. B. THOMAS,: Oily Treasurer. Rsa 1. Be it Ordained ty the Mayor and Aldermen in City Oouncdt alternated. That from ?and ofter the first doy of January, ll censes shall be taken ont for all cort?, drays and wagon?, used for prtvtU and domeabc purposes. In Uso lame manner, and according to the aame provisions now of force in relation to carts, dray, and wagon?, letor driven [for hire, exec pt giving bonds, And each inch cort, dray or wagon, aliall ba provided with . badge con? taining tho number thereof, ond marked /Virale, to be placad on the ontaido of the sholl. Soo. X No poraon sholl be taken by th* Treasurer at sa roly to any bond under th? Ordinance concerning li? censes for corta, drays, wagons and other oarnagas, un? less ba or abe bo a freeholder. Uso. 8. The tallowing thall hereafter ba the rales for license? for pubUo ond priv?te cort?, drays, wagous, ta. including tho hon?? or mulct used LU ?roof, which thal] be free from other taxation'. FcnuO oAjrra, iiniv?, ?nv., oa -rnoas sumoTm ot An ncsnrcas vf HAT xv an, voa mas nouor OB ran rarer. For every cort, dray or wagon, drawn by ona hors? or mule, ?20. For every oort, dray or wagon, drown by two horse, or mule?, 630. -.' . . For every bock ?nd carriage with two wt ?els, $20. For every bock and carriage with four wheelo, MO. For e\ cry s togo or omnibus loxoept Une omnibus) with two horses, ?60. ". *, lot every rtage or omnibus ' (except Uno omnibus), drawn by tom- horses, WO. For avery track drown Dy two or moro horses or mules, WO. For every express wagon drown by two or more horse* or mule?, (00. BxuXAjj caora ARO J'?UVATB CASTS, QUITS, ITO. For o ve ry bread cart or wagon, SS. For eve ry cort, dray or wagon, usad for private or do? mestic purposes, and not to ba employed in the trans? porting of goods, wore?, merchandise, lumber, ar any other commodity, for compensation, either directly or indirectly lor the oome, ah ali pa y-foe ?-license tb? sump) ti, exclusiTo Hi the horse or inala, i ll * ' ! ?i l? til ~ ? Ratified lr/ City CounclL-thls loth doy nf J atm ?ry, (L. a) in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-sis. P. 0. G AILLA ED, Mayor. By the Mayor. January S W. B. SMITH. Clerk of OounciL FI UK LOAN.' MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON,l . j GOT ILU-U November 0,1866. I ' ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN THE Burnt Dlatrichs and Wiste Placea of ihn, City, na? der "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority to tho City Council of Charleston to proceed tn tho mau ter of o Fire Loon, with a view to aid in building np th? City anew," are hereby notifled that the form of appli? cation for loan? con bo obtained ot the office af the Clerk of Connell, between the hours of V A. M. and 2 P.'M." All appUcaUont must be I' *d In the above mentioned office, as the. Committee wUl meei every Monday to con? sider the sama. - " '-- ' fci - ***_ Hy order of the Mayor, . "." W. . H. SMITH, NovemberiO " '. * "-Clerk of Connell KRAUSHAAR ? CO. QBAND ARD SQUIB" PIANO.FORTB8 roll Iron Frame and Overstrang BMS, Met, 19 West n on s ton -?tr? et. flss. 1 - NljLB BROADWAY. NEW YORE. ' - 'I .TVHst UNDESIGNED. MEMBERS OF THY FIRM Ot, 1 DU?AllHiLAABAO<),ltr. pisxvkel Plano maksr. 0 od os auch bars hod o larg? experjenoa tn eoxmeettet srilh ?osa? ot th?, beet EtUMIthmoaU lo tale coon tr) and ifurcpcN Their i lane? ere niids cot rcireiy lei t tem,Mf by them, OL d un der their ImratdUde jseummj s opervjAion, tho? aUow no Instruments lo IsaV? tbs* fietiry and ?sax into the hind? of their ootroaa, cutis, si they have a power, ?rertoeea, fthnneos and roujadaeaao . 1 joe, sn aiasticity of touxh-wltboot which sn In ?ut . UWit ought to be satisfactory to the cr.bllo-ts . areli | toot durability In c<m?truetlon, which ?nabln? ll to rt atola tn tu s and to withstand ludden ceaanges of t?m jaratare sad exposure to ?xxretae hoot and cold, walo} sistnsniliniii.sffikitlili i i They will at aU time* bo happy toco* vie plnfoithl end the pabilo et thotr.WSrsjcsiis, ead it.ii to comparl so^briwften their ran PluiOf. and those Ot ony o th? OUAItLFfl J. BOBONItMANH. ABTUM_ TO TAX PATE RB t ITUIK FOLLOWING O EDIN AN OX IS rUDLIflUED JL tor tho ln?ormaUora o? all pereons ooncemedi Alf o EDIK utos TO AinOfD'AS CnTOrjrAXca TO ai nra sup. na? roa TBB Tasa 1867, u? roa oraza ruoroosa. L Be lt ordained fay tbs MITTS- ?nd Aldeurcen tn City Ct^rncfl assembled. Thai ?ll, ta jes payable undtr the Or dlnonoe to raise supplies fer the jaar 18*7, and for other purpose*, be paid ou or baler? tho 29th day of Jene next i and that persons who thoU moa? dtfsnlt of Mcmtntof their tax** on that dsy, shall pay, b^.sAdiQoxT (o the amount of their taxes, ona and a hali per cent, por month unUl th? 81st day of July, when, ll not poid, on amount of two per) oent par mooth upon the amount of taxe* shall ba poid; and alter the Mst day of August three per cent per month en the amount of tax?e das t hal l be poid until payment of the whole amount is made. II. Thai .oil ,pt?OM wbo noftior.tor rall to poy thstr monthly taxes on or before - tb* fifteenth doy of each tetra th, th all rtspeoBroly pay on toa amounts thereof, two per oent per month from t itch flrleaoUt day. tutti eiymont io rnadft. ?tined tn City ceuncll this tevet?h doy or Moy, In th? year of our Lord ons thontonfl stahl; hundred and stxty-ssren. ?U Al . % ..: ... , P. a O ATT .Ti A BP. Issy or,, W. H. BXIITH, Obrrk of ConaeU, into,. , May il' . Havana Piuii Ktjiitucky Stati, L'otwry MURRAY, KDDY A CO.. MANAOE?LS, ? ? mo BB DRAWN AT1 OO^mOTOB; Kt.. xoTH ABD J. 36Ui of each month.' behrm?, ?i,000 Ucaet? !lt prises; Whole tickets, ?12; halve?, IC; rjruutara, S3; iWa of.. i........ wo, ooo 1 9 Prite I bti.iits.oto 1 ITixecf...-.?20.000 2? irires ot.: .?1,000 1 Prtre or............ MOOD 69 PriaetoV....,.;;,'.,?*? 1 Prise of........" . ?7.000 166 PTTlrcsOf ...... XjDO ?'- 920I?xi?eseft>m j ' . -.- ' i M Ap pro x I rna U cm Prix** arooun Un g td ?9, Mo. ' - - V - i Ooenbliiatlon LoUery draws every doy. TttkaAa trota niosjio,-''"'. "? '??*:>?. .eu..erra rar?i tTrcc?f rs sent free. 1/iartngl mailed SS ?oem ?S th? ?ottaryIs draau. . ." T-1 '^f.'.r'-T ?Jf?xem ll. T- PSTKBS, CulUd aisles lAoenf-oVl Amt No. ? li iso i stroet, ch -rles wo, d. Cs Of Key Uo:Mt <s .ternary ?O 8aoo MI8CEH ANE0U8. NEW PEEFUME For,tho Handkerchief. ^^^^^^^^ A MOST EXQUISITE, DELICATE, AND FUA OIIANT PERFUME, Diutillod from tho lloro and Beautiful Flower fruin which it takcb its nnmo. MANUFACTUnED ON^Y DY PIIALON St SON, NEW YORK. BEWARE OF .^COUNTERFEITS. , AUK Fan 1-ll ALON'?-TAXE KO OTU EH. Sold hy Druggists gohcrally, and j Bold st Wholesale by " IGOODRICH, WINGMAN & GO., January', 21 _' _ mthlyr TEMPUS CUDAI\DI_DIFFER MIN IN AMII ! RODRIGTJE'S PILMOIC EL?XIR SPECIFIC. FOB THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION, PAINS IN THE CHEST AND SEDES. DIFFICULTY IM BREATH INO, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, ASTHMA, COUGHS. HEMORRHAGE, and all affections or tho Lungs. . This great r*vtvifyer ls offered to tho public, that ell .who will avail themselves of Its remedial power may bo bern efl tted. It only rexrolres s fair trial lo confirm Us invaluable ogeuoy In diffusing through each channol of the haman organisation o restored vitality. It Invigorates and em? baes tbs Lungs with th ful elasticity; restores warmth, which ls their essential olemsnt; rouses the sluggish ves? sels into activity; boola tb? affected lobes; purifies and enriches tho blood ? regulates the circulation; Induces free and easy respiration, and expels, through ito admin? istration, each and every concomitant disorder prevent In the irulady recognized os Consumption, and hitherto doomed hopeless and incurable. This compound ls perfectly safo, possessing neither narcotic nor emetic properties, whlah unfortunately aro always employed os essentials In overy preparation for Oongh or Lang affection-? mbtoio which too often In Its Irritating and debilitating consequences, only con? duces to much general derangement of the system, de? stroying appetite, and creating an Injuri?os nervous ax? el lemont, augmenting suffering with troquent total re? salta. . , Under the influen?a of thia approved and tnvaluabla Specific the mort distressing Cough yields, dime ul ty In breathing and poins and soreness subside, hemorrhage, is arrested, and health and strength rs-calobUshod. PRICE FOR SINGLE BOTTLE ?L2S. Sold by the' Proprlolor, northwest corner BOOTETY AND MEETING STREETS, and the principal Druggists. April 2 lj CHEROKEE C THO emir INDIAN MEDICINE, Cares all diseases caused by self-abaae, vlx :- Spentuitor* rhea, . Seminal - Wtaknett, ?tight. ?mliilon?, Lot* of < Af ema ry, ' Uni tr rt a I La ttl tude, Paint in Ult Back, Dim- ti ness of Vitien, Brematur* Old Age, Weak ?Verte*. DIM i mil Breathing, Fall OounU ' nones, /inanity, Contump- . tton, and all diseases that fel? low os s sequeneA af yoolhful ladtocretlrioa The Cherokee Core will restoie health and vigor, ?top the emissions, and effect a permanent cure ofter all other medicines hara failed. Thirty-two tatge'paatphlet asnt la a sealed envelope, free to'any address, . ' Pries 12 per bollle, or three bottles for IS. Bold by sil drucglsfa; or will be sent by express to soy portion or tho world, on receipt of price, by the .ole proprietor, Dr. W. B. MERWIN, 87 Walker flt, H. Y?!' ' Cherokee Remedy. _ _ " JffjlA '{ail Cures all Urinary Com? plaints, viz: dmr et. 'fn?u fi? fi i ?tit . n of til* Bladder and. Kidney*. Betention of ?rtnt. Stricture! of till Urethren Dropllcal Suttt ingt. Brick Butt Depotit*, snd all dleeaaaa that require.. a il iure tic ?nd when med la ' conjunction with the ?V, jy. ?HEjftOKEE INJECTION, ' i does not fill to cure gonorrhea, Gleet and all Jiu- ' cout" Dltchargti In Mois or Faunie, curing' recent ' ?ott* tn from on* to Ur** day*, and U especially recomme&dtd In tboaa cues of Fluor Al',ut or . White* in Female*. Tbs two medici ne, used la conjunction will not foll lo re move this disagreeable - complaint, sad tn theseeases where other medicina* ... . have been us? 1 without success. , , Trice, Bernedy, One, Hollie, ii, Three Bottles, ti. . i - iojccuo?, , - 3 ' i? ' ? .K ; The Cherokee " Cure," " Remedy,*' arid * Trif le tim" sr? to be fbond In all .well ? regulated drag ?tores, and,ara recommended by physicians one druggists all over tho world,for tbeir Intrinsic worth and merit. Bama' unprincipled dealers, however. ' try to deceive their customers, by selling cheep aaa - worthlesseompoarjdSfT^uiorder to; . In place cf these. B* not d?cela L lt tba drag'..' . ' glitt will not buy them for y. ;., wrloc to na, and wa - will send th ?rn to you by exprese, oe ca rely paca sd sod free from observation. - We treat all disease* to which Iks human system U on ld oct, sod will be ,,. pleased to recetas full and explicit statemaats from .. th nan who hove Billed to receive relief hsretofbra ; Ladles or rentiere en can address CS in perfect ceri- '-' '. ?ftdene*. We'desire to ?end cur thirty-two page. Q "? pamphlet free td every lady snd rentlemsn in th? ? Iaod, Address all letters for pomphlots, medidnet, J ' ot adrice, to Ibo sole proprietor, V ff 0 Dr. W. B. HERWLH. 37 Walker 8t" H. T. M?r f*_ thatulyr ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD AWOjlSHED j . AT TUX WOKDimm, BXTBXaATlQiia AlADE BI THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, .. Madame II. A. PERKIQO. SHE REV ALS SECRETS NO MORTAL EVER KNEW. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful srrqt*, catastrophes, crosses la love, loos of relations and friends, loss of money, Ac, hare become despondent She brings together those long separated, gives informa? tion concerning absent Wends ca- lovers, restores lost or Steden property,. tells you the; business yea ara best qrjsiifled to pursue and in what you Will be* m oe t sncw.s roJ, Muses speedy morriagea. and tells you the very day ?SSJ?MS^H: glT?U^?i?l8?^ifCJ. dueness and char, sotezjattospf thapersytt.? .She TOoUs your very tl&fiSj .Sot hidden m'yrtertIs??rinefriftr^C^;r^TthVslaV*^' sse In the flrmamrnt-the mot trio stars that overcome or prtdornln*^in,tt?conngur?UaTi--from the aspect* ?nd PPf^^^Z,^8^*^ tWiattkto? IQ th i heavens at mo oms cf birth, obs dedoosa the future destiny of man. Foil not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth-It costs you but o trifle, and yon moy never again h*vaoO favorable, on opportunity, ? Consultation fctVwllh Ukenae* and oU desired Info rm* ti cm, th PortleeTlvina ot a distance con consult tba Madame try moil wlm eanO oAttty ondoatlafoction to Uiranaelre?, os If in person. A foll and explicit chart, written out, with SR hioairita an? swered and menos* aoelosed. us?t by moil on receipt of p rios above mentioned. The strictest secreey ?lil be maintained, sad oil oorruxpondenoe returned m destroy, ad. Rs torrero? pr tho hlgli&at order farnlohed those d6 fltrtng them. Writs plainly th? day or the Dion th and year In which yon were born, amMniiwg ? tmaU lock of Address, Ail ? MA"naV? H. A; PEJlRIdO, " ^" P. O. Daowza 2?8, BO?TALO, N. Y. Morah 80 ? . . ? iy ?VtO .. I ',<',,lM??B'o9iiiA?!A'? i ) y. i Vos Ogling,ri? Halr'of .??ber Sea.fofo Wary and OloOay llibgleta or Heavy Moaslvo I f>lj'l ?!. .. .i Onr?s. ?.. . fc?a??tiTrt 'i Ir? i^QJBIB AHTTCI.E LAT) LS } AN? OENTLajV X> . HEN can beautify themselves a ujouaai?d.fold.' It i* Uio only orticLj in the world that wuT nrrlTijolght hair.. and at the same time ad TB 11 o boouufuJ, glossy sp. pos?sAttps. Tho Crisper Como not only curl* If? hair, but fnrlforotaoLbeartttoes sad! IShllUy and de ughtfuliv perfumed,- and ts tbs most ccwplets arOcle of th* iiDd ever crtfered to the Armrloaa pabUc Th* Crlrpor Com* ?lui? tent to any address, seaisd and postpaid for |L iii .. . ~v jlddrsssillcrdarsto I ?"*" i ii ? fltXi lUi'Il CLAHK.A OOX CLemlsU, i ?2 No. I West Fayette strati, Svracuaa. N. Y, ! Momhao ny, ,TT V ; : .? g ; ly, g CRISPER COMA. Oh! ohe'waa bcsajUft?and fair, With starry,?7?*, and rodUntholr, ,,. Whoas curling tendrils, soft entwined, Enc hoi ned the rory heart and aMbad, l??l? "ri, ^...aOTlOf?, ? ,i f- -T t, i FnCS CLERE Or OOUNCILw-TltBT'OLLOWrNO I of" tbi*3cft,yb7A?i ?uch^rto?ts on Ihtsoffioe. . . I lu j i im ir di i WK 1UVK NOW IN HTOnB TIIK FOI.LOW1NO ?. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, PBINTB, BLEACHED AND BUOWN GOODS, lalo., 16c., 20c rxjicxu, ? PRINTED MUBLIN, CAMDIIIC BUTr-LIAN 18. OP.wiAT.DIE8, LAWN AND GHENADINE8 ALBO, mir- FINEST 8ELECTION OF WHITE OOODB AND UOflIKKY, OK EVEIIY DESCRIPTION. YET OFFERED JL AND AT FBI0B3 THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. CITY TRADE. WE OFFER, FOB A FEW DAYB, A SPECIAL AND II KAU TH'U I, LOT OF DRESS GOODS, AT iSc. PER YARD A rraah eupply of Gooda received by overy Hloamcr. Partie? who wlab cboap dooli will pleaso examino oar Slock baforo purchaalnR olaowborv. E. SCOTT & CO., No. 229 King Street, Next to Adgor's Building, opposite Umber & Martin's Grocery. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. DR. N. A. PRATT, (SUCCESSOR TO PRATT & WtXSON DHOTQER9.) WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING CHEMIST, NO. 23 HAINE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O., DEALER TN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, GLASS, AMD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. i Analysts of On?, Holla, Fertilizers, Ac, m ado ?Uh greatest care and a- curacy. Chemical advice given lu all branches of Ute science, an moderato tonna. ! Dr: P.' OLIN DANNELLY is connected with tho above house, and will bo pleased to see his nu morona Monds and aouialn tance?. ., stulh?mo March 10 rr! Il IS DELICIOUS TONIC, EUI-ECIALLY DESIGNED J. for tho use of tho Medical Profession and the Family, ria now endorsed by all tho prominent Physicians, Chem? ists and Connoisseurs, as possessing aU those intrinsic I medicinal qualities (tonio and diuretic! which bolong lo OLD AND PURE GIN. We trust that our established r?putation lb and ed upon eighty-eight years of experience-abundantly vin dlcab&e our claims to public confidence, and guaran? tees the excellence of thia Standard Article. Put up in cases containing one dozen bottlos each and sold by all prominent Druggists, O rocera, A o. ' . A. M. BININOEil A CO, [Established 1178. Solo Importara No. 16 Beevor street. New Tor Opinions ot tb? Prcas? Tho Dillinger., Na IS Beaver B tree t, have a very high i reputation to sustain, aa the oldest and best bunao In I Now York. - Hone Journal. The "bouse of A. M. Pillinger A Co., No. IB Beaver Stree I, bas sustained, for a period of eighty y cara, a repn ta?on that may well bo envied.-.*/. V. Ercning iW. GOODRICH, W IN EM AN & CO., . NO. 163 MEETING STREET, - '""??* Opposite Charleston Hotel and - BOWIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KINO tb CA881DBX. NO. lol MEETING 8TREET, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, H. 0. January 3D tutha Arno mrTllli. SALE OF TUB PLANTATION BIT .TEES ls without precedent In the history af the world. There ts no aeeret tn Ina matter. They are at one? tha moat speedy, atrengthoning h esl th-res to rar ever dis? covered. It requires bat a single trial lo anderstand thia. Their parity can always be reliai upon. They ara ooinposed of the celebrated Oaitsaya Bark, Oaaoarilli iBark, Dandelion, . Chamomile Flowars, Lavender sTowors, Wiaursreen, Aadsa, Glovetboda, Orange-peel, Snake-root, dara war, Coriander. Burdock. S;~T,--1880--X. ?to. , They ar* especially Tremmen Jed to clergymen, pub ?lr rpaaksra, ana parse ni of literary habits and seden tar, libs who require Iroo digs. U on, a relish for food, and olear montai f acm tl ea. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to Hod In thees Bitten ? barlil ey hare so long looked fur. They jj?Jrlfy, stresgthen and lu vigor? ls. ?Tiej create a healthy appetite. - ' Th ey sr* an antidote to chang? of water and dist, ?'Tnsy-over ooma'effects of dissipation and late honra, .They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. . They prevent m I airs ilk? and Intermittent fevers. J Tha, purify the breath and acidity of tba stomach. ! .They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Oh olera Morbos. ! T??OJ oura Ll var Complaint aad Nervana Headache. I They are tba best Bitten In tba world. Th?, maka tba weak man . tra cg, ead ar? exhausted nature's great - . The following startling and emphatic statements can ,be seen at our office. ' 'Letter of Kev. E. F. O Ea .fi. Oh? plain of tb? 107th New York Regiment: i ( i,?Gr?J Haan Aoo/oia rUuunr.' March tlh, 1888. - Owlnilto tbs great eipo?ure and texrtMeWdeeomposl Idas after tba ballia < of An tl ?tam, I wa? utterly pru? trau ,ed and yaryjatcto' .? My .tnm ?ph. wouldnot, raisin medi? ata?, An artlols called Ia las tallou Bil tera, prepared bj Dr. Dxars. ff Hew fork, wa?, prescribed to give m. strength and an appeUte. To my great surprise they gave ms InunedUte relief. Two bottles alsaost allowed ra? ta join toy regiment . . . . ,1 hare ?inca aees them usad tn maur oise*, and am freo tn say, fur hos 'pital i? privais purpbaes 1 know ' of nothing Ilks them. ;'. yi:-^v.-?LJ?:\aB?m,Chaplain. . Let 1er from tbs nev. N. K. o it aa. SA Clair, ville. Pa. I GBWTLBXXK :-You ware kind enough, on a formar oo joaaton, to send ma a half doxxen bottles of Plantation '.Ritters for |8 ad. . My .wife haring derived so mach ben ell from tha nae bf thais Bitter?, I doalru , ,r to soctinn? thenl, aaa you will pleas? scad us six bottles more foi th? meaty exelosed. ? I am, very truly. vr> ra, V" j :u. iuibuvkif^f,oll IW, Pastor Sar. Raf. Chmrob, Bo?tvis?ViBptauSnrgai?t?xuajT'sOmen,i I ; . Ors CUT?! ?Ti, OHIO. Jan. ISlb, 1B6S. J I .-4 ?"""''4>-' * .. 0 ?, . . I -I bare grr.a- your Plantation Bitter? to hundreds ol sar nobie soldier* who ?loy hare, utera'or lesa disabled from varios? canses, and the effect Lsmarvelloni and grtufying. i ?.r. ... .-i . . v.... . ito . ' flaeh e. preparation a? thia is I heartily rlilili ?Tan family, la ?very hospital, and at .sand, os. avery battit f*T*l ili Y/i . O. W. D, ANPBKWB, paporlntendent, j Dr. W. ?. OmiA?, Brargaon of tb? Tenth Vermont R?? giment, writes:-"I with ?very soldier had a boil!? ol Piactstiou Eitoera. They aj?j th? aaosl ensotlr?, per fact, and liarralaw tonio lever osad." .K*rtr'?T.l?i ., , , WnxaJtn'a Hom, ? i .M b I.??J -wisnbro?c?, D. a. May na. lesa. ) I OinrTxamxai-W? rsqulr* ' mothar supply of yow Plantation luttera, the ? pcp alar! ly o - Vttlsh dairy in - is assn ?Ilk Mit inirnT tf 'tmr house, i ?!:. i..i B asplin dil. - . I SYKES, CHAD WIG A ACO. AO, AA AC ?ic, *a j Bs cunt that ?Vary bottle baan th? fae-?lmIto of our .ian at ur? on a stael plate label, with Our private stamp over th. cork. ^ Hi Dsr-WLKB' * 00. . Hot Kt BROADWAY, M. Y. i Bold by allvwrpxrtablsDroggl?!?, ray?lci?nr, Oroeer nslnwu. sml firnuitTT "TI'IIT-IITS t Anrtl 18_ _tfastnlrr . EXCELSIOR 1 ?XCELSIOlt ! CHASTEIiLaAR'S j ^'^*??TlM ??P?rflue?j l?air rTTO THR ?-ADItS YTPaVntAIXY. THU IEYALTJABLI A cVeUatorV r?cornmrnd? Itaalf as being aa alraost uv iispensible arucls to female- tesnty, U sissfly Applied, Joei ttM punvor Inlnre tho akin, bul eels directly on tho Et^oHaS^ Oda ?oft. smooth and littoral. This ls ic e o aiy article lead by tba Prexioh. and is ths only real effectual depila March to .lyy^, Ko. M6 Ri wc st, Troy, N. T. , ?. st tu v>Aif?w?rP3f.rr.. oom. ct *. URTU , DRUGS, CH EM ? ' ALS, ETC. FOUTZ'S CKLEI1HATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. TIIIR preparation, long a n <1 favorably known, trill thoroughly reinvigo? rate bro a on down and low-spirited, by strengthening and clcarislug tho stomach and lutcatitiea. Ills a Ruro provontlvo of all diseases incident lo this animal, such sa l.UKU FEVER, GLAND? ERS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVES, COBPKS, DIS TKMPF.n, FEVErtH, FOUNDER. LOSS OF APPETITE AND VI? TAL EN ERO Y, AC. ITS USE IMPROVES TOE WIND, IN? CREASES THE AP 1 PETITE-O I V E S A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY SKIN-and trans? forms tho MISERA? BLE SKELETONS INTO A FINE LOOK- --"g INO AND SPIRITED nORSE. TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE. It In? creases tho quantity and improves the quail* ty of tho HIL K. It hos been proven by ac? tual experiment to in* croase Ibo quantity of MILK and CREAM twenty per cent., and niako Ute BUTTER fl rm and sweet. In fat toning cattle, lt gi ve - them an appetite, o I ens their bide, and nukes them thrive much foster. IN ALL DISEASE? OF SWINK, SUCH AS COUCHA ULL' ER3 IN Tr?fe ' LUNGS, LIVER, fcc, this article acta as a .peela.'. By putting from one-half a papers to a paper lu a barral" of swill tho a Ix iv e dis? eases will bo eradica? ted or entirely pro vented. If given In time, a certain preventive and euro for tho Hog Cholera. PREPARED DY S. A. FOUTZ & BIM)., Na. 110 FRANKLIN STREET BALTIMORE, Md. FOR SALE DY I'DOWIE & MOISE SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE, 'NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. March 83_stuthOmo SARATOGA If'EXCELSIOR" SPRING WATER. 7TUIE WATER OP THIS SPRING IS BELIEVED TO ' IX be unequalled by that of any other in the far-famed ' jvalley of Saratoga. Its virtues are such aa have occured - lt the high encomiums of all who have used lt, possets- " lng, as lt does, in an eminent degree, cathartic, diuretic, ?.Iterativo and tonic quail tl ea. I From SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, iL I)., Professor Practice of Physic, Jefferson Modi cal College, Phils* delphia, formerly of Charleston, 8. 0.: PntutSELPiiu, November IS, 1808. I I have been for a year or more past in the habit ot taking the water of tho "Excelsior" Spring of Haratojm. 'Accustomed during tho great portion of my Invalid lite to use the different waters of tho co veril fountains which boil np along that remarkable valley, dopendent, indeed, , upon them lor much of the comfort I enjoy, I am satis- . 'fled that the Excelsior Water ls as well adapted as any . other among them, if not mare so, to the purposes for ? ?which they are generally t ut ployed, lt is very ogreeablo, 'strongly Impregna ted with tho carbonic acid, lively and ' (.paxkling. . . . lean heartily sudconscientiously ? recommend it to all who need a gentle cathartic and diuretic. - SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D. : Tba Water Is put up in Pint and Quirt battles, and packed in good order for snipping. Pints lu boxa? ot - four dosen each, and Quarts In boxes of two dozen each SOLD AT WHOLESALE hf GOODRICH, WUHAN & CO., ' Importers and WholesrdeBrrjggists,: No. 153 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE OntTH.ySTON HOTEL. BOWIE & MOISE, No. 151 MEETING STREET. Opposite Charleston Hotel. And for sale by Brat class Druggists and Hotels. January M_fimo M0THER81 - MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! YOUR ATTENTION IR CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ; FOB CHILDREN TEETHING rpnis VALUABLE PREPARATION IS THE PRF IJ. BORIPTION of ono of the best female physicians and nurses in tho United States, and has been used for thirty yean with ne vcr-fill ling safory and success by mil- . lions of mothers for their children. ^It not only relieves tho child from pain, but Invigorates e stomach and bowels, correcta acidity, and gives tone id enerjry to tho wbolo aystem. It will also Instantly relieve GRIPING Di THE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC. , Wa believe il la tho best and surest remedy lu Uta world, lu all caaes of DYSENTERY AND DLA l tim (EA in children, whether lt orites from Teething, or from soy - other couse. I Bo sure and oak for HRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, Having Ult tao aimil o of CURTIS A PERKINS on tho ALL OTHERS ARE'BASE IMITATIONS. Tor sal? by the Wholeealo Agents, > BOWIE & MOISE, No. lol HEBTINO STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. April ll_._tho tu am aa . A Treacherous and Deadly Foe! CATARRH! PAIN AND NOISES IN THE HEAD. Dr. Norton's New Remedy FOR CATARRH, AND MODE OF TREATMENT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION. r! BRKAKK VB THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE AT ITS Fountain Head, and, removes ai enos all the wretuir -. symptoms of this loathsome malady, such as Pain in tho) Temples, OSsnsivo Discharges, Obstruction of tho Breo th? ing Tubes, Bspultlvo Breath, Snapping So mi do In the Bar?, Absent-Mlndsdcoas, Mental Depression, Dimness ol Vitien, Bora Throat, Hosking Cough; restores the sense of Tasto and Smell, and permanently curoo the dlsoase tn all Ito types, forma and stases, with absolute certainty. ' Tala rom edy and mode of treatment, like tho disease, to peculiar. In consists of tbs lnhakUon of harmless li? quids from the palm of the band. The Inmediate relie! ft affords la alone worth ton times the coot of tho reas, dies. lii j V, ./.-'. Norton's Row Pamphlet on Catarrh ls out. informa? tion never before published. CaU ot our nearest Aswary, or sand ? stamp for It Prepared try GKRBXT NORTON, No. ll Ann-street, Haw York. Bra. RAOUL & LYNAM, CITY APOTHECARIES, . November 1 Uuitngmo Agent for Charleston, ?JA VEGA, YOUNGfcMoHKNZifir WW : AHD C?UECT10K OPFiOB, . -Hes.89 wi? 40 Park Sss. ?B?aVCOBVi T - . SDOGJUDBb TO THF "OBS OB COLLU* F?iift A FLANDERS, ?. will attend K Us eoRsctt? od SHAD, xrj rr.alerte? tUUnt ihr*??*?.?. lnsDna?3 i Moa o=a Oseado. n ,> I^COMMUM?VaM?MMOM AU, KOsTTUVBo? ' "