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ffc? flatta-Stans MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1867. LOCAL MATTERS. To ComspoudcWJ. Wo aro continually rocoiving communications on political and other matters from persons who do not attach their proper names to tho articles son*; and wo take this occasion of repeating that nothing can bo published in THE DAILY NEWS without being indorsed by some responsible individual. MKS. JEFFERSON DAVIS_Wo learn that Mrs. DA? VIS arrived in this city last night, and ia the guest of GEOUGE A. TaKsnoLa, Esq. WE ABE indebted to Mr. C. F. VOQLEB, of the Central News Depot, for late copies of tho Round Table, Staats Zeitung, Harper's Weekly, etc. PBOF. J. D. B. DEBOW.-The death of this emi nent atatician occurred at Elizabeth, N. J., where he had gone to attend a dying brother, who pro? ceded him to the grave only a few days. I'PBNVEBEni.-We call attention to the adver? tisement of tho above named society, in another coluhm of to-day'e NEWS. There is an excellent comecJy on the stocks, "Paris in Pommern," which Vo know will be rendered with excellent effect. ) VESSEL ASHORE.-The steamer Z. B. Vance, from Santos, reporte that the schooner Renshaw, from Norfolk, Va., for this port, is ashore on the beach near Cape Romain. It is thought that the cargo will have to bc taken out or thrown overboard in orde>r to get the schooner off. U?NCTVTL RITES-Passing- down Queen street a few/ days since, we saw a colored citizen handled somewhat roughly by a number of United States soldiers, convalescents at the Roper Hospital. The soldiers, we believe, were merely "funning " but th?| gentloman from Africa liked it not. /?jocTioN- SALE.-Messrs. JOHN G. MXLNOB & Cb. will', sell to-day, at their rooms in Meeting street, a ar??e assortment of wood, japanned and tinware, comprising every article necessary to a well con? ducted household. This sale presenta unusual at tractions, and should be -attended by merchante and housekeepers, as goods ot this description are riroly offered at an auction. UNITED STATES COUBT, March 2d, 1867-Judge BUTAN presiding_The following gentlemen, after undergoing an examination by Judge MAGRATH on Admiralty, and Gen. CONNER on Jurisdiction of United States Court, were admitted to practice in the Circuit and District Courts of United States for South Carolina District :-BBAWLEY, A. J. BURKE, W. D. CLANCY, W. M. MTTCKEKFUSS, C. C. PINCKKEY, Jr., A. r. SMYTHE. POSTPONEMENT OF THE LECTURE_The lecture on Bunyan's Pilgrims, by the Rev. Dr. LORD, which was to have boon delivered at St. Stephen's Church to-night, has boen postponed to Thursday. It was deemed advisable to make this postpone? ment, as the concert occurring on the same night , might operate unfavorably for the lecture. The project is not abandoned, and the delay of a few days will not detract from tie interest already taken in the lecture. PERSONAL.-WO learn from a private telegram received in this city that Brevet Major-General R. O. TYLER has been confirmed as Assistant Quartermaster General of the Department of the South. Wo are also informed that General SICKLES will leave Washington on the 5th for Charleston, and thal he will assume the coamand of the Se? cond Military District, lately kntwn as the Sover? eign States of North and South Coolina. GOVERNMENT SALE.-A large amunt of Govern? ment property will be sold to-day it 10 A. M., at the Arsenal grounds. The articles o be sold con? sist mostly of unserviceable war raterial, but a largo portion would be very useful jp a machinist ociron founder. There , are also ?een hundred and fifty cavalry saddles and the sam number of bridles, besides a miscellaneous akortment of army property. 1 ^S^ttgSSSSS^SSS^S^^^ and will, no doubt, be well attended by those" "JlkuQsh to in? vest. The articles will probably be dispose<\of at a reasonable rate, and good bargains may be se? cured. By reference to the advertisement full par? ticulars can be obtained. TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT.-There was a good deal of talk on King street, on Friday and Saturday, about a reported "difficulty" between the police and sol-" diers. We sifted the rumor, and found it almost entirely without foundation. It "seems that a-man | n United States,uniform was walking .down Sing street on Friday, and, between Beaufain and WemV I worth, got into a squabble with a negro, and struck him. A policeman in the -vicinity carne up, and endeavored to protect the negro ; and, the soldjer I persisting in his abuse, the policeman arrested him, and soon after delivered him to a guard sent down for the purpose from the Citadel. This was all ; and yet thoughtless or evil-disposed persons have magnified the affair into a row be tween police and [soldiers. The curators of the public peace, oivil and military, are working in per-.! feet harmony, very much to the credit of both. MAYOR'S COURT, March 2_A junk shop keeper, who had bought a copper pump from two white boys, against the ordinance which expressly pro? hibits purchasing from minors or apprentices, was : tined $30. Isaac Grant, a black man, who, under the pre? tence of buying some gin at a store, bagged a piece of meat, but was nabbed as he was going off, was lectured by his Honor, who was kind enough to grant him two weeks'imprisonment. A person who threw water from a window, but I who was so uufcrhmate as not to furnish a passer-J by with a shower bath, free of expense, was only fined $5. A woman, with two children, who has.not the means to hire a room, but enough to purchase whiskey, was brought up for trespassing on an in? dividual's premises, and she and the little ones | were sent to tho Alms House. . ., SPION o Goons.-The warmth of the season is not I the only harbinger of the approach of spring, nor 1 are the budding trees or the sweet notes of the feathered songsters the only signs of the times. The fair sex, who are always the centre of attrac- | rion, have commenced to doff their winter gar-1 ments and array themselves in lighter and more showy fabrics. In this chrysalis stage the ques- I lion naturally arises where are these goods to be ' bought ? for every season finds many Miss Flora I McFlimseys. To all who make this query, and even to those who do not, we would say, go to No. 248 Sing street, add-the search will be ended. Mr. Louis COBEN, the proprietor of that establishment, has every article in his line, and can supply his customers with whatever they desire. His stock of spring goods, coverings, kc, is complete, and will repay a visit. The first of the week is an S bio time for shopping? and no better place could be j chosen than No. 248. GRAND CONCERT.-The programme of the con? cert publi -.bed in to-day*s paper promises a ric! i treat to all lovers of music, and though tho names j of tho pei formers are not published, yat they all are musicians of the highest talent, and whatever they undertake todo is done well. The concert will bc both vocal and instrumental, and the over? tures by the orchestra and the piano solos , will not 1 be inferior to the rest of the performance. . - ? ' In the present dearth af amusement s concert | "Uko that proposed to-night is a god-send, and w3l be appreciated by the community as a relief from j the monotony that they have recently endured. The object of the entertainment being to raise | Tunda for the purchase of an organ for St. Paul's j Church, tho projectors determined to make music the weans of collecting the needed sum, and th? I pieces selected for the performance are from the first composers. The choir of St. Paul's will, no doubt, succeed in their undertaking, as.they have ! offered to the publie a musical bill of fare that they have seldom enjoyed, and thoir appreciation of the] compliment will, we- trust, go far toward completing tho or^an fund. MURDER OP GEORGE C. HEYWABD, ESQ.-A pri? vate dispatch from Savannah, on Saturday, an -~^^unced to this community the murder of the abOve^nnmed.most excellent citizen,-for many years a merchant of this city, and only recently ' removed to Blufften, with the object of giving per . Bonal attention to his large rice planting interest: - at New River Bridge, St. Peter's Parish, in-this State, a few rafles from Savannah, jg 'Mrrrferedby negroes/' is all that we know of ' /this terrfljleoatamity to family and Meads...-He, ' -whoco entire Ufo had been one of kindness, gentle ? iness, and .'Ownteous consideration for others,'bas v" been sadu?Bi7v.stniok down in the' primo of his % 'manhood ^ th* hands of brutal assassins. V; -X TTL,i- V _? " W?IUAI.. '1... it,-L>?J_ ? ?. by the 'red hand of TV ax,-by yean of laborious attention. Alas! all is changed: end tho scene of his former usefulness will know him no more. He is dead, but his spotless character will romain for? ever in tho memory of all who know him- living. Mr. HEYWABD leaves a large family, thus deprived, by an untimely fate, of their natural protector. TnEATBiCAL.-We have received the pleasing in? formation that Charleston is at length to be lifted out of tho slough of despond, and tho city enliven? ed by tho visit of a genuino corps of Thespians. The Watkins' Troupe, who havo been performing with great eclat in different cities, have turned ?heir eyes Ch'arlestonwards, and have sent Mr. C. J. TYFFE, the stage manager, to spy out the land' This gentleman is now-in this city, and has been engaged in preparing the scenes and other para? phernalia requisite to transform the Hibernian Hall into a theatre. Although this appears to be a herculean task, yet he is confident of success, and if his plans do not fail, proposes to open early next week: This visit will" supply a want long felt in oar com? munity, and will satisfy those who have hungered and thirsted for a Bight of a genuine theatrical performance. The Watkins' Troupe are not mount? ebanks, but have gained considerable eclal wher? ever they have played. They are well known in New Orleans, and have recently been performing to crowded houses in Savannah. The troupe is composed of fifteen actors, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. WATKINS, both eminent professionals. We congratulate the community on their prospects for enjoyment, and hone that it may be tho first step toward the erection of a permanent theatre. TROUT & AMSBUBX'S LIME KILN.-The grounds formerly occupied by the Cannonsboro' Mill have been selected as the site of tho flew enterprise, and are in every respect admirably adapted'for tho purpose. On account of its isolated position, be? ing separated by water from the city proper, there is no danger of fire, and its contiguity to the Charleston and Savannah Railroad Wharf secures the landing of cargoes of stone a few yards from the furnace. Messrs. TBOTJT & "AMBBUBT, tho owners of the kiln, have been engaged for some months in making the necessary preparations, and in erecting the different buildings necessary for the purpose, but are now fully ready to_commence op?rations. The kiln is a large brick structure, compactly juilt and capable of enduring any amount of heat. Che walls are four feet thick and the area inclosed s twelve feet hugh, six feet wide and twenty-five 'eet long. There are three^archways on the inner ? ide, that in the centre being quite large and de? igned especially ?for the entrance of the stone. Vhen compactly filled with ! argo blocks of stone the ?In will contain fully lCOjOOO pounds. In order, to alome this, mass sufficiently to change it into lime , fierce fire'is kept up for five days and nights, and .bout twenty-five cords of wood is consumed bo? oro the desired result can be obtained. The stone used for this purpose is obtained from he quarries at Rockport, Mairie, and is of a gray sh blue color, and easily broken by a. few well di ected blows. Ia " order to prepare it for burning t is broken in small pieces. These are piled .gainst the walls and over the arches until the in erior is filled to the top. When the TTHT, has boen ompletely filled, the main archway is closed, ox opt a small opening to receive the wood, and tho irocess of calcination is commenced This is a new enterprise for Charleston, but it as been undertaken with confidence, and from tie energy already displayed there is no doubt bat it will become a perfect success. It is a step awards reconstruction that will probably tend lore to rebuild the ruined city than even the Fire loan BUL With building material at hand, and the lity Treasury to borrow money from, there need be o delay ii. restoring our burnt squares to their inner appearance. Territorialization has no srrors while we possess the mechanical and agri ultaral facilities necessary to advance our own ondition; these pursuits aro not affected by rigadier rule, and can be pursued with the same unanimity as if performed in a State. Messrs. TBOUT & AMBBUBT have engaged the u vices of Mr. J. BBEWSTEB as Superintendent of ie Lime Works. This gentleman has had'a large' rperience ia other States, andria fully conversant i?h tho businoES. Tho kiln is now in a condition > commence operations, and the proprietors will Km be able to supply-contractors with a superior oalifcy of limo from their works. Ono cargo of one has already, been -raooivAdj-??a ?oo>.i.u. ? )w being discharged at the wharf. MABSDEN'S PEOTOBAL BALM for Coughs, Colds, ifluenztk S2"~ -, - DO WIE & MOISE, Agents. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Agents. *'. r' ""'-.' H. H. . If you want cheap Blank Books; If you want cheap Stationery, Eavelopes, Pa- 11 er, Ac; H yon want Printing executed neatly; HyouwantBooks bound in any style, or Account looks hiade: tooker,-with any desired pattern of diing, go to HIBAM HABIIIS, No. 59 Broad street BUSINESS NOTICES. AneUon Salei Vaia Day. .. .'_ .... JOHN G. MTLKOB & Co. wil sell this day, at their"auo on salesroom. No. 133 Masting street, at 10 o'clock, aa rvoice of pl?mahod,japanned and tin ware. Itfrfii" Twtl-gT.. vrfn nra this dav, at his store, corner i Sing ssa liberty streets, at 10 o'clock, 76 cases booti ed shoes,-desirable stock,' well; adapted for the retail ade. j.tW. KNOX will sen this day, at their salesroom, No, 38 Meeting street, opposite Pavilion Hotel, at 10 o'clock,: a assortment cf dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, as. .. . ' .. r~. r~i . Will be sold this day, at. the United States Arsenal, ommencing at 10 o'clock, by authority of. Chief of Ord ance, alargo assortment- of ordnance property. . ALONBP.7.. Warr* A SON will' sen- this day.: at tho north j f the old custom house, at ll o'clock, some very.valus ile securities. ' '. ' ' "".-.. ..'AWA-A-A?-Ja-"-.'. '.. - . The bear Dyspeptic Bitters now in use are PANKNTN'B lopstic Bitters. They never fail to give relief. Try.? rattle, and be convinced. For sale by all Druggists.. PLANTERS desirous of obtaining a highly concentrated j mmoniacal fertilizer, free from mineral phosphates and | other adulterations, can do BO D J applying to KTKBS?AN A JOWELL, Ko. 153 East Bay, who are Agents for the saleo! RAPES' Nitrbgenized Super-Phosphate of Lime. February il ? - . ? ? .y-/-.-:.,?*fmVm TO rt.n-yrra, QBOCXBS AND FAMnXCS.-Do you wish Jlour warranted to make good bread? Do you wish Piour that win bring you custom? Do you wish Hour hat will make white bread andnot oour? Then apply to T. N. HOBSON, Ko. 63 East Bay, who has always a large ?tock of best brands Georgia, North Carolina, Baltimore sad Sew York Flour, in barrels, half and. 'quarter bags. December 10 mwffimoa THE TIMK TO ADVERTISE IS THE .. .st *sX~'JCmWWnTU& The Daffy South Carolinian at ColumWa, is now Bent to every Pcstoffico in the State. Being the officiel paper ot the State, it will be found at the present time espe? cially valuable to merchants and others assizing to avail themselves of a very large circulation. .". THE PHOENIX .has. a large circulation throughout the middle and upper Districts of tho State. Advertising rates ea r^wcab?e en the stringency of the monoy mar? ket wiU -?rarranfe Merchants sha others wishing to use the coramns of the poper Wfll.adoress :ilfc%M.:A. SELBX, Proprietor, lybruarj^^'i'---'"-'--'--- -'^Xtolunibia; 8. C. LO ! A M?EACLE. Knalth the First Consideration. AVOID HEAVY Iff?T?ar> AS?> BK JOY UM. | . : WHICH CAN-BB DOBS BT USING 3L . APERFECTLY PUBS AND BKLIABlE ABTICLEi warranted to give satisfaction. TBT1T. For sile at Wholesale by - ' '-' ? -NoClOTMKEIlKaHTBIIKI',' Opposite Charioton HotcL FebrurrylS /..v'-'*- *'' '. ' 'f?iwlmo, B?iLAH .'OftJEBS;. MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEAL- I BBS in?WHITE LEAD. 7X80 PAINTS, COLORS, : TABK18HK8, Aa. :. Na ?8 MAIDEN LANE, ' ?ft ' - '.-?? -'T r?r??sv ' Ordar? by maa promptly attended to. March? ??'.? .: .?M:?:U:I?-J?:'-~ ?:'- wflMyr F. ^ B?llpELL, l?II?*eaJlaiaiwaijaa vuviIXUlk -CT7TLL DEVOTE .HIstBRllR' TO THE PTJBCHAHE W ?nd salo of MEKCHANDISE Ol' ALL HINDS. Office st tho comer of BBOAD AND PAST BAT 8TBEZTS, lc baeejaent of State Baale, -w^f? ?emplea ;,*X??s??Sia^M^ MISCELLANEOUS. ... '?; :.? . NOTICE . TO THE OTHA BIT ANTS AND PLANTEES OF THE DOWER SEABOARD OF THE STATE OL" SOOTH CAROLINA _ RRVHE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECTFULLY LN JL FORM the abovo portie" that tiley are folly prepared to contract for tho building and erecting of dwelling housos and'out-building, furnishing all materials when' desired. Terms reasonable and to snit the times. For further particulars apply by mall to RAVEN EL, 8. and C. R R, care of tho Conductor. GLOVER & BURNS. March?_ 1? WHARFAGE. PATTON'S WHARF, EAST END OF HASEL STREET, is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS, where DOCKAGE, WHARFAGE AND STORAGE can bo had on moderate terms. Apply to A. W. LAN N EAU, On the Wharf, ? Or THOMAS J. KERB, March 4 . ;0;O Kerr's Wharf. tag pW?i ^ ? ~ rFAMILY MEDICINES v FYOU HAVE CHILLS AND FEVER, USE DB- C. G. GARRISON'S FEVER AND AGUE CUBE. It is a perfectly sate and reliable remedy, a sure cure. Price SI per bottle. For Balo, wholesale and retail, at my store. No. 311 South Eighth street, Philadelphia, and by BOWIE ?Si MOISE, SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE No. 151 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. March 4_mths6 T. E. SCRIVEN, DISTRICT JUDGE, TXTTLL PRACTICE TN THE SUPERIOR COURTS OF VV LAW AND EQUITY FOR BEAUFORT DISTRICT. March i_ 2? Invigorate the Responsible Organ. The stomach is the responsible organ of the system. JJ tho digestion is imperfect, every member, every gland, every muscle, every nerve and fibre, is more or less out of order. AU the fluids are depraved. The brain is clouded. The spirits are depressed. All dyspeptics know this to be the truth. It is not. however, half the truth. Columns would bo requred to enumerate the pains and penalties of dyspepsia, nor could any pen do them jus? tice. Tens or thousands feel Utera; no man can describe Con they bo prevented? Con they De relieved 7 Cou' they be banished at once and forever? UNQUESTIONABLY rnET CAN. No dyspeptic has ever taken HOSTETTEB'S STOMACH BITTERS in vain. Believe no one who says the complaint is incurable. This great vegetable stomachic will eradicate lt-ia eradicating it in thousands of cases iver which medical practitioners have Rhaken their heads iminously, saying: "Nothing con be done.". The faculty has ira fallacies. Ono of them is that Indi- . festion la the most difficult of all tho ordin?r}- ailments if mankind to combat and subdue. This is a mistake. Nothing cr oe easier thou to conquer it if the true .spe ?ific bo t -mistered. This vegetable combination which ios become famous throughout the civilized, world, as ?OSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS is an antidote to he disease which has never been known to tail, and for unatoly it is everywhere procurable If you with to foo I tlth the dyspepsia, (ry the pharmacopoeia prescriptions, f you want to root it out and prevent its recurrence, aka the Bitters daily- There is no diBcounc on the tes? nony in its favor. If there is a man or woman who has iver tried it for indigestion without being benefitted, thc act hos not transpired. Universal, unoontrndicted iraise avouches its'wonderful tonic virtues. For sale by BOWIE & MOISE, Druggists, No. isl MEETING STREET, March 4 6 Opposite Charleston HoteL SEWING MACHINE FOR $20. I ULE MACHINE WILL STITCH, TTRM-. FELL, TUCK, I. BRAID, Ac, BO simple that a child win easily man? go it. Is offered for sale, sud can be seen ot No. ll Ma? ret street, No. 4G3 King street, and at W. L. WEBB'S Crockery Store, February 15 mwf2mos No. 5 Hoyne street . CARI). [OFFER MY SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC AS COL? LECTOR OF RENTS, BILLS, Ac. Apply for the resent at my resindence in COMING STREET, three oors north of Wentworth street Marchi ? 4_ FRANCIS LANCE M. M. QUINN, ?Vnolesale & Retail Dealers IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, [EWSPAPEBS, STATIONEB?, ETC., No.. 537 mSC3. STREET. (Opposite Arm street), Chariest on, C. S. The LATEST ISSUES of the'Press always cu hand. Subscriptions received and Goods delivered or fbr ^&feTOi3Bi^iirua promptly mmiumu to. February 28 . _ '-: - ly " PHOTOGRAPHS. gasO FOB A MONTH I TS THE TUNE THAT BARLOW, THE' OLD OPERA* L TOR is catering to, at the OLD STAR GALLERY, ?here he wiU give his attention to seeming the shadow ce tho substance lades-especially the OIL and PQBCE ATN PORTRAITS, of which competition is defied.- Spe-. ?mens con be seen, taken from life, and small pictures nlarged at the Gallery, southeast corner King and Mar>. et streets, Charleston. _February St layana Plan Kentucky State Lottery MTTBEAY, EDDY & CO.,-S$ANAGEES. ? . 4 rO BE DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY.V 1BTH AND 30th of each month. Scheme, 32,000 tickets-527 rizos. Whole tickets, $13; -halves, $6; quarters,$3; ighths, SI 50. . .. prize of.$50,000 -2 Prizes-of...-. .25,000 Prize of...S20.000 29 Prizes of..?.000 Prize of..?8,000 63 Prizes of..S400 Prize of..?7,000 155 Prizes of.. S200 220 Prizes of $125. - j 5i Approximation Prizes amounting to $9,900. Combination Lottery draws every day. Tickets from Ito $10. 9* CI rc alf rs eentfree. -Drawings mailed os soon as the lottery ls drawn. arMres" b. T- Pli'iTrBS, United Stiles Licensed Agent, ia ?. Basel street, ch-rlestbn,S. C., nrKe* Box52 T.O. February 20_3mo Gin, a as Remedial Agent. <~?W, AS A BEMEDIAL AGENT, HAS BEEN IN FA JYOE with the profession for a very long period, but wing to the difficulty of obtaining a pure oracle, it has allen into disuse in many sections of the country, much o the regret of medical men, who consider it almost a pecinc in very many diseases. For all cases a Gravel, rare Gin, if administered under professional -guidance, rill certainly work a cure; and if taken os a preventive, leting, os it does, on the sensitive membranes, it cleanses tie ports so as to remove all possible sediment. Admin a tered in the esme way, it will prevent the formation of Jal?uli, and do away with those terrible Operations,, herefore, so necessary for their permanent removoL jln ia of incalculable ben??t to females in those diseases io peculiar to tho Ees, and from its tonic, sa well aa its raodyne properties, it is frequently superior to iron, ?ark, or even the electrical remedies. In cas'?o of a pasi ivo tendency to Phthises, or Consumption, Gin,in proper mantinea, by supplying or filling up the constant dying jut of the natural fire of the system, will often entirely irard off that awful disease, which carries off onereighth if the population of the United States annually. Pure Mn has this peculiar advantage over other dlffutrihle itimuh, that it exhilarate? without creating any thirst of in unhealthy character, it Boothes while it .also excites, md ls a powerful nervine as well aa an active tonic "BINTNGER'S OLD LONDON DOCK OIN possesea an the qualities that can be desired for the high? iet and noblest use of ell wines or liquors. lia ingr?? dients are tho distilled juices of carefully selected grama, made delicately pungent and flavorous with the aromatic tincture of the Juniper Berry. Age hoe mellowed aB these mingled aromas, and. given an exquisite mildness o smooth, oily body-and an almost floral odor to the Liquor, which renders it dellcloue,to the senses, af. smell sud taste alike, while its sparkling liquid purity leaves nothing for the eye to desire. "The writer must remark that Messrs. A. M. Brnmors tc Coi merit the gratitude of the entire medical profes? sion , as well as the world at large,' for having introduced a stimulant c f such nnexceptiona Ule purity ano unequivo? cal power. Both as a preventive'and curative agent, and a harmless exhilarative beverage."-Chemical Journal and Medical Gazette. tulmfimos January 29 A FEW WORDS OF COMMON, , _ SENSE.. \? How few there oro who are not subjeettosomeefrec?on I of the lunga or respiratory organs, who, by neglecting premonitory Symptoms, aggravate me complaint, until disease strikes its shafts, causing inexpressible torture of the patient and anxiety and distress to friends. "Only 1 acoldl" "A slight ease throat!" ia the heedless remark of many when so affected. Yes ; "Only a cold," woe the thoughtless expression of thousands whom Death has | marked for his prey. -.,..'..- ' . ,A .'--' - Forewarned-Forearmed 1 should be the moue forever In the minds cf all BUbject to Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, or Influenza. Words of -advice should bo heeded by all Buf? fering from Asthma, Bronchitis, Consuroption. Relief i? I wiuiiniheir reach; and,-if neglected, fetal consequence* 1 ensue-a life of misery-? dilly, hourly struggle for es- f latence. A contest in which there can bo but one vtotor -Death 1 ',. ,'"' "f " - Does lt not appal the strongest mind, to think of the result eaueed by neglect? Then, why delay? Whatex cuse can be offered, when timely warning ie ecundod ua your esra? When the' danger la pointed, out, whynot - avoid lt? MASSDZH*S PEOTOBAX.. BALK has been used ! with euccesB in nearly a mllhon of oases, and is endorsed by "the Medical Faculty as tho most prompt and ofSca O0a? remedy that scientific reoearjn haE discovered, ta relievo and euee aH cases of Coighs, Colds, Inffaionas. and Consnmption, if the case ia not beyond all boj Even when the aufTorcr ls 1 i the last stage*, ho wlU tam i relief by using this preparation. One bottle will, eoiv vinco tho most lncredutous, that the merits of thia prep?- j ration are by no moana exaggerated ; in fact, fall Hot abes* or the eulogies bestowed upon it by thousonda wJoohaTe been cured by it? a mcly nae. A guarantee oocompanies each bettie and IPJOCTS aro Instructed In every inataoen to refund" tho money when this preparation **?J? *<> se ^"prepared byT. W. MARSDEN, No. ?87 Eroadway.New j -YOrk.' . '...X.- -.-f"^1 Price. SO cents small bottle; SL large sire. GOODRICH, WISEMAN A CO.. .... ? -And.. - .-?'* Dome & MOISK, - WhOU-eaJe Agents, Charieeioo. And by ?Bl Betall.Druiti-b^i ' f, ; ; ' .-,.*} fif December 4 , , ?;::,?'- ^ v - ','."*' ;'*cao".' AGRICULTURAL. BRUCE'S FERTILIZER, 1 fifi B^LS- OF BBUCE*S mnum March 4 TY BAYENEL&CO. COTTON SEED. BUSHELS COTTON SEED-SEA ISLAND +JtJ\J "Owens" selection, warranted pure. . w" . , . . ". PINCKNEY BBOTHEBS, March 1 fmwS North Atlantlo Whirr. BELLEVUE SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED FOR. SALK. IT HAS PRODUCED THE LARGEST YIELD WITHIN our observation, and ls of a superior quality. Apply J" . " - . , J- H. BAGGETT Sc CO. March 2 ' Imo BAUGH'S THE,JPI'iJ0A?ION OF BONE PHOSPHATE HAS JL always been beneficial-the only difficulty being to i PHOSPHAT T S,.^01^ S?*ZL boring BAUGH'S I ^ ?rTwS-??t^Snrket S16 season, I submitted ItrirSf13?'^10, Proi0a6OT Shepard, of the South Caro- I ^*iM,ed?caI C<aiege who fullySiorsed lt, sndhta opinion has now been verified by actual experiment by our own Planters, whose testimony I hav?oftt?so- 1 r^or expediency of this Phosphate, especially in the cul? ture of Cotton, in insuring a Rood aiand.. J. N. ROBSON, Agent, December 10 sn mwOmo No. 62 EAST BAY. CHARLESTON 1GRICMM W1REH0US AND NO. 140 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE PAVILION HOTEL. _ j PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTTVATOBS, HOBSE HOSE Corn Ml Es,Corn Shellarft, Food Cutters Cotton. Corn and Garden Seed Planters Grain Cradles, Sythes and Snaths Shovels? Spades, Forks and Hoes . Bice and Grain Fan Milla Hand and power Clotten Gins Horsepowers-of all kinds ? Beaning Machines, Threshing Machines . . Grain Separators and Cleaners. . . . AGEN36 FOB THE. INGERSOLL HASP-POWER COTTON PRESS, A? ?NTS FOB THE LITTLE & MARSHALL, NT0. 140 ?imNa ? CHARLESTON, S. C. December iO -.. ? ',.' rawfamo LIM?, rO COTTON" PLANTERS. FIE UNDERSIGNED - TAKE PLEASURE IN AN? NOUNCING to Banters and Farmers that they are reparcd to furnish a superior or?tde of SUPEB-PHOS 'HATE OF LIME, rnanuiactnrod expressly for them, nd which they can warrant to contain all tho elements lecesssry to insure: a rapid and reatare growth of any rop to which-it may be applied.. Terms-Sixty dellars per ton cash; or sixty-five dollars >er ton-one quarter cash, and balance 15th December, ?Ha approved facto?' acceptance, with interest at 7 per ont from date of pesschase. .. '.IJT/rLE & .SlABS?Ep?L,v ' Lgricultural Implement Warehouse and Seed Store,. i Nb. WO Meeting street. - February 13 ' iaaa1^ - Opposite Pavilion-Hotel. ? ? PUBLIC -NOTICE, OFFICE OF^Ol^??KEASUBY, ^ __ ^ ? I_T 0, January S, 1867. i PUBLIC NOTICE IS BLEBEBY GIVEN THAT UNDER ? tho followingprduitiac?'licenses hsvebeoprepsred or delivery from Ari? ?g?~? . ?. THCSiAo," City Treasurer. Sro-JL Beit Ordcuntd *y <A? Jfo?eir?n?l:4ainiii?*;: hty Oottnaliutetnoled, That *onrtad after tho mst day, if January,, licenses sj isa be taken out for all carts, drays' nd wagons, used fop private and domeshc'pnrpOBcs, In he same manner, an- daccording to the same provisions low of force in relatf .on to carts, drays and wasons, let or ?riven .for hire, ex cept giving bonds. Aha each such : ?art, dray or Wagon, ..shall bo provided with a badge cou atning the number thereof, and marked Private, to be Oaood onthaontatde of-tho-ahaft. *? . SEC 2.; So. Beman shall bo taken by the Treasurer ns rarefy to any bondi under the Ordinance concerning Il? ienses for carts, drays, wagons and other carnages, tin? een he or she be a freeholder. ^. Sac. 3. The foBo wing shall hereafter be the rates Xor licenses for public and private caris.: toys, wagons, ?c., ' including the horne a or mules used thereof, which shall be free from.othtff.taxation:..;.. ,'.:<.-?..-;.- - .-. PUBLIC CASTS, I>BA Y> 5, ITC, OB THOSE EMPLOYED JU SUT auamias wHA-rEvga. ron mag nnutoaaoa ump??, . For every cart, dra~v or wagoo, drawn by one horse or rania, ?aa- :.; .- ?; For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn: by two horses or mules, $30.... ,-'-.'!- '' r.'.... . For every, hack and carriage with two' wheels, $20. '.". For every hack and auriagarVith four wheels, WO. .. For every-stage or-omnibus-(except use omnibus).' with two horses, ?60. , - . Foi every. stage- or . omnibus: (except lina' omnibus), drawn by fous horses; iK?. - :~,. . > '..': . ^For every truok-draw n by two or more horses or mnl^ FOE every ?xpress wayon drawn by two or moro horses or mules, $60. ..- .r--;?; ::>*' . . _ BgBAPCASTS ASD r VTVATE 0ABT8, DEATH, BIOi.-'r ." For every bread'eart br wagon, $&,-... "j .c^.n ) .*-.;,:.. ; :.i *. For every cart, dray or wagon, used forprivato or do? mestic purposes, and not to be employed m the trans? porting of goo?*. wares, xo^rchandlav.lnmber, or :aay other commodity,' fer ' comnonsatlon, either directly or indirectly for the same, sltaUpay .for al license the sam or $5, exclusive cf the horse or mule; :-.-.-stIr'?f isslSiSfi Ra?flod In City Com ich, this 15th day of January, [I-a] in tho year of our Loni -orig thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-six. , - P-C GAILLARD, Mayer. ' By the Mayor. . January 3 W. H. SITTTB , Clerk of Councfl. SOUTHEBN. AND NORTHERN OBI 3EBS STILED ON_ ;1 " :"-COMMISSION. ; ' j Office-of-John P. Mewl?rl?: Jfo m \B?AD^^Smt COJHS?JEB HUDSON, tar Agency- lor ESTOH'S . PBEBITOM' TRENTON CBACJiEuii., AllorSoraficnl-wili ho prompdy attimoVsA ?**. I iv??o.a.-'j.' ?2 BMOBJ .-?tis.'-.r ??ilrDosr?h?P??."' mrns SOAP BEQUIBES ONLY TO. BE. USED TO A prove ita-superior ciuaMty. Uso tts? you^wouW any common Soap. Try it-tad yon convinced that lt ls superior to any other article in market, For aale by Grocers generally. V -i v;r-*T'i'V ?'II" ;0 ... ManulacturodBy?AYLCB A. YOONG.-Ko. 186 Front . or?.v::,raScA^SB^c?'*v . Comer Church ead Hayho etreots. v;--. ; -: ' DOWTB ;A.aCCB^E?^afel2t8r- : - .*?;.' 5??rt?.-v? 61e ' . . op?osits,f?aVlaAton~^?toL {.?.jsaaaryas. . ... ".. [.?,..^*.'..?".^rf m7?P#fc: ^do/and'aurtrn^ tf <S^*?^*>^^ RAILROADS. SOUTHEASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. ' SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., March 2,1807. J T71ROM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE FREIGHT JO charge on CORN, from Charleston to any Station on the Charqw and Darlington Railroad. wiU bo reduced to TWELVE CENTS PER BUSHEL. S. S- SOLOMONS. Superintendent. OSS' Tho Wilmington Journal and Wadosboro, Choraw and Bennottavil?o papers will copy for one month. March 2 SAW MILLS, ETC. FORREST CIRCULAR SAW MILLS WEST END BEAUFAIN-ST., Charleston, S. C. HUDGINS, OWEN & CO., PROPRIETORS. HAVINO LARGELY INCREASED OUR MACTHN KEY, we ore prepared to BU orders for all kinds and uizes of LUMBER suitable for domestic or foreign markets, upon short notice, and at fair rates. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CITY ORDERS. Our PLAN? ING MILL is In operation, and work will be furnished to customers at LOWEST PRICES. PLANED, TONGUED AND GROOVED BOARDS always on hand. We keep ? large supply of PLASTERING LATHS, which wiR be sold at greatly reduced prices. B. B. ETOXKUXS.JAS. L. O WEH..H. C HUDOINB. February 27 wfinlmo BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY. BOOK IK, PRINTING : AND STATIONERY. . ACCOUNT BOOKS OF ANY SIZE, STYLE OB KIND RULED TO ORDER, AND MADE TO ANT PATTERN. LETTER, KOTE AHB CAP PAPERS, BAKERS' BREAD BOOKS. BLHA^K'" BOOKS OF ALL QUALITIES AND STYLES. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, ? GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STATIONER'S MERCHANDISE. LEGAL, ' CAP AND LAW CARDS BILL HEADS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. HIEAM HABEIS, iNo. 59 Broad Street, gH/IHI.KSTOH, S. C. October 22 . " mwfSmo AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory^ Hudson City, N. J. WHOLESALE SALES ROOM NO. 3* JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. A TX. STYLES AND GBADES OF LEAD PENCIL - of superior quality ore manufactured and offered] at fair termsto the Trade. The public are invited ito give the AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL the pre? ference. THE PENCILS ABE TO BE HAD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND NO-LTON DEALERS. ' ASK FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PFJKSL. " '* ..,', xxsrniosiAi. ? ??'"}''',: "{.'?; SHEFFIELD SCTENTTFIC SCHOOL/' : V ''."'.;'. EKODOtKBrSO DEPABTMEKT, .V.' ; i .. : u .'YAIX.COUJIBV Novemberlg,' 1886. ) . ;-'I havie sheave!recommended the Faber Polygrode' Lead PencR? os the only pencils fitted for both ornamen? tal) and mathematical, drawingr but, utter a thorough trial of the American Polygrode Lead Pencils, man- . ufactured by the American Lead Pencil Company, New: York. I flnd-thesn superior to any pencil, lu, nae, even, to [ the Faber or the old English. Cumberland Lead. Pencil.: being a superior pencil- fox sketching, ornamental and. mechanical drawing, and oH the ordinary Tuses ofolead penciL ? ' '.'" " y. \, ';- ? : . :-?-{ These pencils ere- very finely graded and have a very, smooth lead ; even tho softest pencils hold the point weilj they ors all that can be desired in a penciL lt gives me great pleasure to be able to assur?'Americans that they : wiU no longer be compelled to depend upon. Germany o? 'sny other foreign ur^^forpenta^^^^ -??IT., K?? '; * " '^ ' ;: ' ' Pxofeasor Of Drawing, Ac . ?T,T. pEKCrr, VAB? .saCAjOOBD: joy .''AMERICAN .L^AD.'PE%GTL CO.. N. T:" ' ?one genuine ytWM\Ze.&?ci~hMm6<?Qie '*?P': look toit. too "December IS C^^3UR? iBopl^^P^ri^iWte :&n4 Stationery. IrT^ BMOTKD^'^'V V -. |i?8 IA lar e supply of STATIONERY . ' jL HOT ?GRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIE3 for 1337, Etc. i " ?!?>< :.-"!'.''.' .'. -''.' ' ;'.:-"ixScv"V ?'. ..; ?';.-.' v.' ... fr A ano end large selection cf NOVELS, by the most j celehra^^ttfhorK ' SONG BOOK?.BOOKS. ArBjraae A^aH^110NTOLT: ^AZOrF^WEEKLTr PAPERS. ?. ' DAILIES constantly,on hand, and eubeurrn?on? re T<M?n Prom t^'ioniry Are respectiully sollcilcd. ~J!EBS?? TVEEBA^'' - .,.. . ,'.No|mnber8 -TTTABBISOS BARNET, MANTJFAOTUREB AND LM . JO. PORTES OF WINDOW SHADES, CORNICES, Bands, Pins, Taeaohv . Glnvpa^Loop?, Cords,_&c. ; White ftuABuff Hollands: No.126 %IXIAM STREET,, cotween Fnlton and John streets. New York. ai Store and Offlee Shade* dade tfeorder. ' : - . : "December:.*, lr;^-^-A ev? ?i?-. ?rerftoo ^?o&? ctjKS' -'vreriea. - ABB raimakMii*,. t-????l? lj?dr ORNAMENTAS GA 8 jjgTOB? O?E PFTTXII?G AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT ] vtmftj^^ PART _ AUCTION:SALES. Boola and Shoes. BY MILES DRAKE. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will gell at my store corner of King and Liberty streets, 75 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, desirable stock, well adapted for retail trad'. CON8IBTCNO OK THE FOLLOWING STYLES t CASES GENT'S CALE P. S. BOOTS, 6 to ll Cases Men's Kip S. Boots, 6 to ll Casos Men's Creole Congress, extra Ano, 6 to 10 Casos Men's Button Congress, extra fine, 6 to 10 Cases Men's Calf and Buff P. S. Brogans. 6 to ll and 9 to 13. to ll8*0 Mon'8 CaJf 8114 Bnff P- 8. Bahnorals,6 to ll and 9 Cases Boys" Calf and Buff P. S. Balmorals, 1 to 5 Cases Women's Buff Balmorals ' Coses Women's Goat and Kid Balmorals Cases Ladies' Lasting Congress and Balmorals Cartoons Ladies', Misses and Children's Congress Slippers and Balmorals. On TO-MORROW I will sell a splendid assortment of Seasonable Dry Geoda, Clothing, &c Terms cash. March 4 Regular Sale-Dry Goods, Clotliing, Boots and Shoes. BY, J. di W. KNOX. TUTS DAT, at io o'clock A. M., at their auction sales? rooms, No. 138 Meeting street, opposite Pavilion Hotel, will be sold, AN ASSORTMENT OF DBY GOODS, COMPBIBXKO SILKS, Delaines, Prints, Linens, Hosiery and Gloves, Furnishing and Fancy doods, Jewelry, kc, in great va? riety. ALSO, CLOTHING AND HATS. Straw Goods. Boots and Shoes. Conditions cash. - Marchi Furniture, Bedding, Desks, Office Clock, tte. BY CLIFPaIRD & JI VTHEWES, Auctioneer*, Vito. SO Broad Street. WAI be sold at our office TO-MORROW, 5th instant, at ll o'clock. Mahogany, Mohair and Cane Seat Tete-a-Tete SOFAS, Arm Choirs and Plain Che' u. Marble Top Centre Tables, Bedsteads, Spring Bed " mes. Couches, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Bolsters r. Pillows, Gilt Cornices, Offloe Desks, Office Press arr?) i 1 for papers, one largo Office Clock, and other articles. Terms cash. " March i Positive Sale of Choice Pickles, French Mustard, BY LAURE Y ^ALEXANDER. TO-MORROW, the 5th inst, will bo sold in our store. No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 115 CASES CHOICE PICKLES, consisting of Chow Chow, Pi calli ll, Mixed and Assorted Pickles, Gherkins, Pepper, Hash, French Mustard, Assorted Sauces, Ac, kc Arro 6 OASES CROSSE and BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PICAT.LTT.T and Chaw-Chow. Conditions cash. March 4 MILLIGAN Ai SON, Auctioneers, Wm sen on WEDNESDAY, 13th inst., at No. 22 Vendue Bange, at ll o'clock, A Iorgo lot new HORSE 8HOES 1 lot Bogging 2 jars Sulphuric Acid. mwf5 March 1 OILS, PAINTS, ETC. LIGHTHOUSE M-EXPLOSIVE OIL. . FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE LOUISIANA STATE FAIR Held in New Orleans from Nov. 20th to 27th, 1866, AGAINST ALL COMPETITORS. YITE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC THIS CELEBRATED Yr OIL, and in doing so wo unhesitatingly pronounce it superior to any Burning OH in use. It ', NON-EXPLOSIVE. FREE FROM GREASE IT WILL NOT GBEASE THE HANDS. IT WILL NOT SOLL OR GREASE THE CLOTHING. TT IS MORE BRILLIANT THAN GAS. TT PRODUCES A SOFT AND BEAUTIFUL LIGHT. IT IS NOT SO TRYING TO THE EYES. TX CAN BE USED IN. ANY KEROSENE LAMP BY CHANGING OB ALTERING THE BURNER. It has boen most favorably received, and pronounced by judges to be the BEST AND MOST TtP.r.fATti .T?. OIL low in -the market; and in consequence of the many serions accidenta arising from the EXPLOSION OF KER? OSENE, this Oil is extensively known and used in pref? erence. . ; We are now prepared to furnish the trade with this raluable Oil, and we solicit from the public on examina. Son and trloL Wo hove on hand a large stock of LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, Ac, and con supply the trade on ibero! terms. HENRY A. McLEOD, No. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA SOT sale at Retail by BROWN k HYER, No. 82 broad street. JAMES E. MCDOWELL. Marcha ? _ No. 298King street Ul SOLID OH COMPANY, XABVFAOTDBXfiS OF THE SOLLNE BURNING OIL, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST TN USE. VO SMOKE, NO SMELL, NON-EXPLOSIVE. | _OTOO; HO. 68 EEO AH WAY, MEW TOBE. rOS SUPERIOR OIL GIVES ? BEAUTTFUL"LlUHT, equal to Gas m brilliancy; ls much cheaper; ia per. ectly safe, as it is non-cxplotivc; ar-i is far superior to my other oil or Burning Fluid ever onered to the public The Company will also furnish the trade, atmannfac urers' prices, all kinds of Patent Safety Lamps, Lan ems. Chandeliers, etc, admirably adapted for Hotels, Churches, Private Residences, Stores, Warehouses, Offices. Steamboats, P?""?^?, and for Plantation use. m fact, they are better for any parp?se whatever, tor which a light is used, than any other lamp Invented, and ire sold ot a price that comes within the reach of every ins. Contracts taken for lighting Towns and Villages. For further particulars, terms, etc, address the COM PANY, or JOHN 8. BANKS, General Agent, No. 68 Broadway, New York. Opinion of the Bev. Mr. Repiton in regard o the quality of the Sollne Oil: WILMINGTON, N. C., 31st December, 1866. Mr. Banks: Sra: I have been using your "Sollne OD" for some time in a night lamp, and find it the safest and most j economical burning auld I have eyer used. It gives a 1 ?t???y ??ul bcai?ifal sore light, ana L can say from expo- I rience that the article obtained from you is not explosive, but is perfectly safe in the hands of - any one. ResoectfuUy, RET. A. PAUL REPITON. Orders for the above Oil and Lamps will be received at McKAY & CAMPBELL'S, Hasel'street, opposite the new Post Office. Jan TI try 19 '" 3mos SHIP GHANDtERV, ETC JOHN TUOHEY, NO. 48 EAST BAY, BETWEEN BOYCE'S NORTH AND SOUTH - ' WHARVES. SHIP CHANDLER AND C0MM?S SION MERCHANT, Dealer and Im? porter in RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, Manilla and Tarred: Cordage, Hemp and Cotton: Sail* Duck and Twines, Parcelling JCopper, Sheathing, Metal and Zinc, Paints, Oils, Tar, Tallow, SpWtsTurpentinejAnchors, Chains, Blocks^ Boats, &c, &c. Personal andr particular attention given to purchase and sale of MER* CHATTOISE AND PRODUCE con? signed or trusted to my care, and prompt returns made. . Brown & Level's Patent Life Say? ing Tackle and Boat Detaching Ap Earatus, for steamers, always on and, and for sale at New York prices? " ' February27 . .- .. -,_: MACH I ME SH OPS. ?fi MANUFACTURERS OF j ENGINE LATHES, PLANEES, IMPSOVED CAB WHEJfr BOXES, ; -'*.' BOLT CBTTEBS, . ? TJPrtfGHT DBttM, ???? .- AND : " v-V?. i M?CBira^T(i?LSOF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Works at Worcester,Mass. I OFFICE J?m yVAKEBOOtt.^ ST., YBIBW' Y?KK. _ December 18., . i,6?? MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON.) . QM HAIXT November 9,1366. A S A J^PKB?t?NSDESIBOUSOEBEBTJrL^^ Al'BuT^Dtstricta ?nd Waste Places of tho City, un ?JOocnc?l, between tho hours of 9 A. M. and 2P. M. . ill application* must be filed in the above mentioned Ifjoo/tf Tftff .mtnrnM^,T Mondan to caa. 3y order cf the Mayor - : tr. H. SMITH, November 10 . - -Oerfcet Onanien. .^??O^^^;-A^^-B^' .. nummiuDinun'B,. . ' ' ' ' tpuum mitmtat?mm CSMr- T.**, 'tte.. ??ev, ?it. sn st ass QMMBirmai-*T~ VOM. OVMVMM?I . HEW TO*K, :I ?ttw?aaT,'.v. . ? ''?..'-..>?.:.? ;? THE AI?EN PRESS. ; tba VmoTBTd. and tho Garden. Allows Summary, t .bf tto re?wnoet of tte sessagr; ja y*"**?*1' -""*? AUCTION SALES. BY ALONZO J. WHITE <S? SON, TS Brokers, AacHonetn Bnd Real Eitste A'eti. 1 Will be sold THIS DAY. thc 4th March, at tho north of the old Custom House. In purcela to suit purchasers. ?2900 CITY SIX PER CENT STOCK 100 shards Charleston Gos Light Company Stock 60 to 80 shares South Carolina and Southwestern Rail? road Bank Stock 100 shares Insurance and Trust Company of Charleston Conditions cash. March 4 GOVERNMENT SALIS, The following Ordnance Property will be sold at Publia Auction at the IT. S. Arsenal. Charleston. S. C.. ou THIS DAY, March 4th. 1807. commencing at 10 o'clock. About 200 nott tons (CANNON) CAST IRON About 750 nett tons Shot, Shell, Ac, (about one-half have valuable soft metal attached) About 100 tous Loaded Shells About 15 tons Scrap Wrought Iron About 4.'i tons Scrap Brass, Copper, Ac 537 Wooden Artillery Carriages, Ironed 1 j0 Wooden Chassis, Ironed 750 Cavalry Saddles, 750 Bridles, 8500 Cartridge Boxes. and a quantity of other Leather Work I large Hand Fire Engine (built by Agnew, Philadelphia) About 1700 barrels Unserviceable Powder ALSO, A larse quantity of other PEOPEBTY, consisting prin? cipally of MUSKET APPENDAGES, Rags, BopesTlmple ments. Miscellaneous Tools, &c, &c, Ac. Terms cash, on tho day of the salo, in U. S. Currency. Ample time allowed for the removal of the Property; at the expiration of which, that not removed will revert to the Government. By authority of Chief of Ordnance. F. H. PARKER. Capt Ordn. and Bvt Major U. S. A. March 4 Bth2 Commanding Charleston Arsenal. Planished, Japanned and Tinware. BY JOHN C. MXLNOR & CO. THIS BAY, 4th instant, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting street, AN INVOICE OF THE ABOVE WAKE, CONSISTIDO OF: BOUND URNS, OBLONG AND OVAL STEAK DISHES. Hash Dishes Chamber Pails, Water Palls, Foot Tubs, Children's Bath Tubs, Dish Tubs Tin Canisters, CoFee Pots, Covered Tin Pails, Japanned and Pressed WaabVBowls Pressed Pans, Tin Cups, Tin Plates, Candlesticks, Gra? ters, Saucepans Patty PanB, Pepper and Dredge Boxes, Tin Tumblers, Toy Cups, Pails. Whistles Basting, Table and Tea Spoons, Soup Ladles, Dippers, Fancy Framed Looldn-r Glasses. The above are worthy the attention of the trade, aa this description are rarely offered at auction. Con di tiona cash. March 4 The Schooner "William" and "John" al Auction, 32 32-100 tonnage, new measure; Sails new in, November, 1865. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneers, No. ?7 Broad street. Will be sold TO-MORBOW. the 5th inst, at ll o'clock, *? Where ?bo now lies at South Commercial Wharf. March 4_ Mount Pleasant Properly-A Good Chance for Investment. BIT BOWERS dc SELCOX. Will be sold TO-MORROW, the 5th of March next, at ll o'clock, in front of the Exchange, Broad street. Ali that LOT <-F LAND, with the. Buildings thereon situated at the corner of Pitt and the Btreet leading to tho Light House, in the village of Mount Pleasant Tho House is built on a brick foundation 5 feet high, is two stories high, containing 4 square rooms, each aboutis feet square; pantry and dressing-room, 10 feet square: a good Kitchen on brick basement, with two rooms; Lot 73 feet wido by 170 feet deep, more or less. The above promises can be treated for at private sale. Apply as above. Conditions-One-half cash; balance in one year, with interest also bon<i and mortgage. Buildings to be insur? ed and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay B. AS. for pa March4_7,12,14,19,21,36,28, Mh 2,4,5 First Spring Catalogue Sate of Dry Goods, Soots and Shoes, Clothing, Eats, Notions, eic. MeKAY ?Si CAMPBELL, CASH AUCTION HOUSE NO. 55 HASEL STREET. OPPOSITE NEW POSTOFFICE Regular Sales Days every Tuesday and Fri. day during the Season. W?l sell TOOiORBOW (5th March), at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, for cash, DEY GOODS, in all varieties BOOTS AND SHOES, a full assortment x-*-~, CLOTHING, suitable for Sprins season _ HATS, in faahionoblo styles and colors * JtBfsSi NOTION8 AND FANCY GOODS, of an kinds. March 4 * UNDER. DECREE TS Kit CITY. Brown vs. Young. Wfll be sold, under the direction; of the undersigned, st the old Custom House in this city, on TETJBSDAV, the 21st day of March, 1867, at II o'clock?. M. All that LOT OF LAND on the north aide of Broad street in this city, measuring in front on Broad street seventy-five (75) feet by one hundred and fifty (160) "feet in depth, be tho said measurements more or less; bound? ed to the south on Broad street; west on lands of T. Sav? age Herward; north on land now or late of W. H. Trap man, and west on land of B. C. Prossley and W. P. Shing? ler. Terms-A sufficient amount in cash to pay the amount now due upon the bond to the complainant and the bal? ance in one and two years, secured by bond of the pur? chaser and mortgage of the premises, with Interest from day of sale; payable semi-annually. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER. February 38 Hun7 . Master in Equity. 'SGELL?re E??Sn O. CHITT?NDElSr, General Commission Merchant, Aim Maaiixfactixrer of Paper,r-^m ?wM?M^>MiWsM^isa?s>sMy! Corner Hudson Street, Now York. - DEALER TS' PAPER. AND ?'.'St'. MATERIALS OF every description for its manufacture. -. -1 .. December Iff ..fia?, J WILLIS & CHIS?LM, FACTORS, COMMISSION. MERC1L\NTS, : ; AND ?'?-.' SHIPPING AGENTS. \\J ILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND W SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON. BICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. S. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CHISOLM. October 26_? ? _ ' WfliLIAM B. GILL?LAM) & SON, Beal Estate Agents, Auctioneers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33. HAYNS STREET, j September 3 _. _??? . ' LOMBARD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASS rjcpoBTzas ASD DEALBBB na - - ' 1 aBIXSSTONSS, HO. 13 LEWIS, .AND NO. 9 T WHABP, BOSTON. Advances made on Consignments of Bice and Cotton to our address. Reference?, by permission: To Messrs. JAKES Anon fe Co., Mesara. BTITKKT BUOTI?ZES & Oo.. Chsnosuan, 8. - . -, ?ron?.* " . Oneohnr.l . j OFFICE CHIEF FIRE DEPARTMENT, 1 CaABXXssojt-S. C., February jg 1867. ; f STCAT.TX) PROPOSALS WTLL BE RECEIVED BY THE j undersigned"unto, tho 16th af March, for furnishing SIXTEEN HUNDRED FEET OF THREE-INCH DOUBLE EXTRA OAK TANNED LEATHER DOUBLE COPPER . : RIVETED FIRE HOSE, warranted to stand one hundred: i and seventy-five pounds water pressure to the square, inch, in fifty feet sections, at so much per foot and', so-.,... much for brass butts per pair; butts to be New Yorkr ; standard. ?.?_ ? ??:.'n,;j.v-> Also for FOUR SETTS OF BEST RUBBER SUCTIONS. R J in one length each, of twenty-one feet, -with swivel brass . butts, and mass baskets, 18 inches long, to ?crew on end , of suctions, at so much per foot; baskets and batta extra. Sizes of suctions and number of threads to the lach for the butta will be furnished. M. H. NATHAN. February 16 1 ino Chief Fire Department THE " SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY | Office No. 147 Meeting street. . CONNECTIONS ^.- . wars AU ' Railroads Tliroitghont , .TBS ' " .'?:'. ....'- ' STATES. ;,;,.V: Eveiy attention giren to.the sa&?f': Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. - -- . . - ' WILL CALL FOB ANS DELIVEB VBB3B??B . TO ANT tXMNT 1ST' THE CITO. .. .. FBEE OF CHAEGE. '. . ;: ; ; April 10 . ""'j,',' ?.-".'?'-."'l_Augusta, Ga. T.TBA & PERBINS' PBoaouwcKD ?? '??L*: stroaAc* V..'..~r BY :-':,?S: ": b>a letW-flWtB?^t'.^^^ Kl MEDICAL GENTLEMAN . CONNOI8SETJB3 .: ?I?- to vitia;-} tyi TO BX TEK oin.-* ' J Brothers! JKB^WOROESTEB. May. Good Sanee gg|?lsa:' ?*??? J???W=3 -Tall LEA At PEB f^SE-M'? highly ?Cerned to TO? TO l|gg||^d^eiidiB,mr^ EVEBY VABAETOBBSS?^I M the mest thc? nUBam BABOR tba? ta OF DISH. * . ^BW^Bsade.'* -, -j $t#A Tba success of thla-nvost deHctota sad rrnrivaEM coc~ - ? ?iaeot having .caaned many rmrnlncirded dealer? to ' apply the 7?amo to Spurious Qrsnpotcndt, the PUBLIC tr rapeetfxj^ ?nd eorwer??j? rwroasted to see Uni fie nama otJjtuLkjcyimim'ssw upon tbs WRAPPER, LABEL? - 8TOPPKB and BOTTLE.._ .. i...- ? V-.. '-'?I Manufacturad by "