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TELE N MB?MIlN BAILY NEWS, [j G. B. CATHCART, EDITOR CATHCART, MoMLLLAN & MORTON, ) PBOPREETOl S. Nc -18 KAYNE STREET. CITY PRINTERS. V Xl?Rtt?? CASHV " ,'. '? -.' ...? -. SDBSQ^rjraON. DAILY- TWELVEMONTHS.- . - .*10*2V ^AILY-rOriMQNTBS.^i-. <-.. * -'. . . %m On We?*riesday JardeaRiver, at Bichmond, had - risen six feet. aDpye EgrTrwator wark. Coaches running from Junction City, Kansas, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, make the trip regularly :'J^8Wvm(Q^^a^twphourB. ' 3 ?i Bev.^'EtnxBB and others are oppoeed to the ' m?vem^t now on foot in Baltimore, to havo tho ' ?^?tr^ carS rd? on Sunday, ,.FredeTick Douglass is mentioned as a likely can- 1 fflfta?r? t^,the1?WetajyBhip of-the 'Senate- afc the 1 ?l?ftl?fi?Tfltt"nr' Inf?iinit TfniiVriiftn'4t *1 ' One item to indnoe foreigners to visit Paris dux- 1 ing the Exposition, is the purchase of land hy the - French Government "to "bury a few thousand pee-: I ^ ??"who are' expectedj? die there. One thousandth^,hundred .men are chopping wood on the plains for tho Union Pacific Bailroad. Their iwives isiwif amiliea^camp out with thom, and ere provisioned- by the contractor.. About $?0,C00 worth of whiskey belonging to the t r distillery pf.S. N. .PIKE & Co., on "Weat Fourteenth atree?, New, york oil^.ww sei^dttjc other day on '. nuspicion Of be&g'wgally withdrawn Cram ? bond; < Prof. AaAssiz, whose lectures on South America, . are a*escvibed as.naving been of great interest, con-r r?rffl^hhi B?ri?B ?n-T?eaday with W report of bia " observations of the monkeys and other animals of that country., . .:?.f,_. -i: xi? \c -, Prof WOLC?T? GIBBS has been nominated, by the President, as Gomirussianer tothe'JParis Ex-: position ?in place "rf Prof. AGASSIZ, whom other duties have compelled to decline the acceptance of Ike office. Interesting .snits- have boen commenced by a. member of a Chicago dry goods , house against his' partners and. a woU.known New York merchant^for ? corispMcy to get-him out- of the firm. The' ig "?rega^daimiges-Br?laid'at$200,000. A, '.^gentleman," arrested ia.Cincinnati for trying : to induce some : nnsnspecting indiriduals 'to gam-. ISTe/was found . tobe, ih possession1 of -twenty or thirty"ivory checks.and a letter of introduction to I the, " Young Men's Christian Association." '.^_3Cho,-/8ou0t A?aawicaa war is lather more bloody of late, and quite as.incompxenensible as ever in ^t? oaiiBes and * relations.. ;It 5s believed, however, that there is a prospect "of petee^whioh means, in tEt^;t}?^^i?^B?iit????'B^ morely. - . Pickiodig^eee end turkeys, preserved in a 'novel xnanner, afld packed in barrels made for the pur? pose, hawbeen impWted'into Ilyj?^oQl.frpm New Vjnrk.'withih the last -few . days; "and sold readily and proved goodin tte eating. ' " The Wisconsin legislature has. made a practical move towards a resumption of specie payments. In the lower house a resolution has been passed directing the State Treasurer to pay the salaries ? of members and also that of the Governor in coin. Some ineffably mean rognes in Sandusky went to a Presbyterian Church, where seats*, were kind? ly given them, and then, reciprocated the courtesy by stealing the.bibles j And. hymn-books. from ; tho p??fc 'iTjoMf?pjtj^^ ..; ^The lataritob^.l"?a.) ^em."says':"B'K??X Bono, who&e.^Veniful and ' "romantic career during tb? war and since,, has been a .prolific .theme of song and 'story; and given hex a 'world-wide repu? tation, arrived hero-last week on a visit to her mother." t cr?" fi .,';-;:::'?."-"-'';-,;" ts . America, acWraing ' ta researches made some years ago by Lieutenant MACHT, is situated on relatively r?grmr ground than any other part of the World. By wind and wave it is down hill from us ??n^-JUU1, .?"ney. or their, friends -may. prosecute I \iM^'he;iam;W.?"^ ne^oct oraapkof knowledge he paojBee.death'he is - ^^?^^byJaw to provide for' the eirrrjpprt cf the JEan?ly o? the deceased. ; - ' * '"'"i '?"'."' ^The Norfolk pay Book thihks . that $7000 wena -.of oysters are shipped every fia,"/ ?rom that part. Thehnsinesftg^^ about ?n? *' thousand; persons;' General -.tjuBjuess- ja ~ialso ia-r creasing; and when thaVcarialas bra?ght^ver the'j Aileghanies, Norfolk-will- be quite a place. A Waahmgfoj?. c^espondent, undexdato of the * 80? *^Ve^::-.VlD^'Pr?a^le^.JpBi)8r^ appeared ?at^^^li^^^ap?aji^^? wTut?Honselast i^K .^e w&s ?h?iiy dressed mblacts^ with, * white lace cap, and al though an invalid, was evi dfintiy-uleased with-the scene." . -";' . . ''. i ? 1 dovernor SWANN, bf Maryland, who was recently elected United States Benator^ has deckled to ac? cept that pos?idri. He'states' that he has become satisfied that he can better servo the State taining the position he now occupies, and that with this conviction he can^rrrem?-no.other course, A?-w&aHngt?? - &paj^? ?roX f'Srapsj^'aiLi doubtless prove ?xa. alibi an ihe-night of . th? i?sas smation. He was unquestionably implicated in tho'original conspiracy for the abduction ofPresi dent Xdsoout^ but that was changed to an aesassi - nation plot .but. a few hours before the bloody deed waa remmiitW - _^ ^ Ti^Brdrer?i?iy of. ^ the J^i^f?/??a, 'n'u?dred *nd fifty, students.1. Seventy additional pupils appliedjrand.''"wjaro ad Xoitted. There were ?hw ihh^ xate.j?oJ^fii? ??ter?d?Bt -the high echooV of . the. ETniveraiiy, who will rpesive their board and tui? tion rree^&t^^rralni the State. - - -.? Tte-Ge?arff?A\S89n^ adjourn cm Saturday, adopted a resolution on Fri? day requesting the Gfoyernor to convejae-tha Leg islatur?'to-eitra .session, today, "so aa to consider matterai-of State, concern pending in Ibo' ^Legisla-/ : ture and unfinished, aa others that are impending over ne but which aro under the control and will of ' the ruhng power at Washmgtonl" The Bichraond 1 papers endorse the action of the Assembly. In the Senate, Thursday, Mr. HENDBICKS said " Mr. VOOBHEES had beer: "engaged as the agent of ( the Western distillers to secure an honest execu- 1 tion of the revenue laws, and to devise means for putting a stop to the ahnses under wh?m'liouor j ' was oold for lesa rnriney.than the ?mojoirt ?f "the 4 tax impo?ed upon it. It was ?a this husmeas that he txajje?lB^'&'?he.^ ?o a way employed by the Treasirry department.- - The_r?2mirigtbn Journal, of' yesterday, says : ~V "Mrs. JiranBsow.PAVi8 passed ^through this dty n on Frf&av evening last, aecompanied only by a Ber- h vant, ea route for Charleston. .She was met at the depot by the Hon. GE?. DAVIS and lady, Jars. J.E. h OAXLXT, President of the "Ladies* Memorial Aasor o' dation of thia city, and Hon. A. H. YAKBOXEE?KN. Wo are plrasod to leam that.'.this eminent lady is 1* enjoying goad hwilth, ^H.borigb^nsfarBrly enough, 01 ^dspreeaedintipiritaion Account of the itronbies by di which ehe ia sarroundad." * .;'' ' ED The correat/jMidienee of King GBOEOS ??e Third K with "fjord NOBKI has "nst been pnb?sh?^ inXon^ 111 don. It majarpleaee Ainericans to be informed t*^ at : their obstinate land bigoted enemy did, rtbUmow ** how to spell, and .that some of his errors are as S; ? amraifng aa those of TaAO?x?AT~BJn*r; Yelfow^nsh.5 m Ia one ease te~ apeaka of .eu. offenoe ?ae-rof, jifas. :"* Maokesa'dto.1* iAftocdfaraa??.announr^ .Tl <%f?iso?*t," :. Other speeimene of his spelling ax? to ihese: '?M^E^*??orAj ' ?l?viat?, shaddow, end- to cfrzoandav Wi?i all his horror of innovatipn^he ? atm spoiled it^rithi eingie TI. -V.i ^ > "to A writer in the AUonUo MonOily, for January, ' es PWTB* .'SEh? i&siigu of the laah?omjb?e' church- Bt "bafirkr of the ^rr^?^;moaient is .to: produce A- tu riddy-furrriahiidi ^e?y-adorned, dimly Ulumi- Pe nctod eocleajtstjcal parlor, in which a fow^hundred e* .Jar?ies acd^reatleme^.W taste,- Qt apt in harmcary with the scene'around them, pr Xrorything in and around the .church sesres to S^' proclaim it a kind of exolna?v? occlesia?tical club, an dr*igrw* fer ths aflfjorVfrnodaaga. oji gcraona of ten *? thousand dollar? svyear and;ripwar^ . ? EDWARD HATES KSOGHOX, af BaRenolar, county -M? Wieklcw, ?P?land. rji^cecext?o. ^ we -nan, retired''fran pablfa? life in l^oceniber, 1886, in! consequence of some trifling rjectmiary losses, and Va vMnsined fehis jbedroein tori thirty ?e&ttc antone .??* ' ntotttfa. ' He flierr last ' January. - He oconpied a 083 xarasilMsa?bl^^ Ox ^tlirough tfie changes ot %ee:ownerebipa, Irom ?a lOTcJe to iiephewand frpinpephew to brother. He fee . *ssi\Wp^??]?^r^ .at I MjL^bonood^ eta healthy. He.was we^( j^tB^lin the news of-his ?K> M??|^hej?ii^ "ins P^ri*fw*HjTjo^tVr ''..?..'????..??'-^??'?>', Go LARGEST CiRCOi.ATioN.--2T?e DAILY ? EWS publishes the' O?ciaJ^Jjtst^f JJOU ? rs remaining in the FoMojiKegi in* ena k <? each week, agreeably Jo thQfollowing Q ctionrof the New Postqflce L?**, as the a rKspap^Jiaving^-ihe largest cil&dation tn c ie City of' Charleston: &| \ Sf ? SECTibsf t? And bo it further euaetod. That lists of let- U re remaining uncalled for in any PootofflOT in any city, b ,wn or village, where a new*pap T shan oe printed, tall hereafter to? published once oCf in the newspaper e bien, boina: published weekly or oftener, sholl hove tho i( rgost circulation within range of delivery of the_saia gr AO. communications intended for publication tn this journal must be addressed to the Editor qrtne Daily 7\focs.jgtt.lB EaynerStreet, ^f?eston,S. ?. Rus? millffl'?lWi .H , I 11 of Hauy undertake loretarn refected communica idvertiserwmls'outside of the city mtist tie oxtwmpa nied with the caslt. MONDAY MORNING-, MARCH 4," 1867. THE MTXTTAB.Y_ BILL. Th? telegrams which we puhlisb this morning vin inform our readers of what they lave all an ?cipated-that the President, baa,vetoedthe' Re j?nstxuction Bill; that in his veto he has repeated, with equal courage ead consistency, "his resolution not to join in tho destruction of the country und the Constitution-and that the necessary-majority if Congress have overruled;his veto.. This Actis now tho i law of the land, andr wo ot *e.; .Sw?*h? upon: whoso Viiveei and fortunes eaidolteracter it; prpsses, are t?rc??:^}c^ni?d^, if^ proviaionstand decide upon ?ur duty. ii..,;-"'''.' " The point of .first importance is to ?understand clearly and correctly what are tho Twyisfonsjof tho Act, and' in: what- conditiori>poetically, it places the State. As we understand iki,;it is t*"8.1.:. 5. j After reciting in tho . preamb??.ite alleged-neces? sity, munelys that "no legalj?tate governments pr adoa'rmte pretectir?^ in. the rebel States,'? it .prooeedsto eonverf ' tiioso States 'into .mffitary depaxtmente, placing, those departments tinder the command of ."sn officer of the army not b^;^;,?it '.o? jBr?^erri?lens rt?;'' wh o'is to be'appointed hy the President, and whose: duty it shall ? be- ? to protect ?0 persons in their rights ofpera?n-..and . prbpurty,-to suppress insnrrcot?on, disOrder'-andyioleiicG, punish, or cause to bo1 punished, all' disturbers of the pub? lic peace and criminals. ? To effect; thia the officer in command is: authorized either ; to use the local civil tribu?als/orto institute military commissions if he deems them necessary. So far it is clear the Act does not contemplate, and, if fairly adminis? tered, would not seem to require an interference : with that whole class of interests involved, -n the ; decisions bf the Courts of Law and Chancery, and. if impartially executed,'will as fully justify the in? terposition of the military commander in a ease of ' on unjust decision of the Freedman's Bureau as it "would in the. erroneous .decree-of a District Judge--for that o.mcex's duty i?-,to-'^protect-.all persons in their rights of .'person and. property" and under-this Act the late disturbance oh . Savan? nah Biver'would inyve .been as promptly and ef? fectually settled as it could have been before its passage. - There is nothing in what may be called theTnmtary provisions of the Bili to. prevent a dis? creet and 'judicious officer; from administerinB it in tho interests of tho .whola people of the State. But there can be no doubt that the preamble, and the very enactment o* this military supremacy, do en . tir cly destroy the political existence of the State. ! South Carolina is no longer on-equal, and "co-ordi nato State of the Union; she is simply and;, only a part of K>ne--of the -nulitary deplartme?ts^bf the -conquered territoryi.of.i the United1 fetates. The I question, therefore. inmediately arises, what b?r: comes of/ithe existing-oivil-'g^sjup^t'r^^jaej State? where a&d..<adu^^;1^4jbb?e^nar,: .fcsr, her legislature ? This question the Act answers^ explicitly:'" It' provides "that, while this military authority exists, "any civil government which may exist therein shall be deemed pro vision? al only, and in all respects subject to the para? mount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control or supersede the simo;" which provision has precisely the same, effect as if a section of the Act had declared that, in-order., to prevent , the confusion resulting from such : a change of -government, Hom. J-vax?s' L. Olin, persons lately elected Judges, Chancelloxs, Sena? tors and Bepresen?fSyes, jare, and are hereby de? clared to be, the Provisional Government of South Carolina, subject to the paramount .authority of the United States, &c, ?zo. The fussent'civil gov? ernment of the State-if we may. be still allowed to ?.use that phrase for convenience-ia, therefore, un? til altered by the authority of the United States, .which is Congress and the Executive, a valid gov? ernment of the State, deriving its authority from the very same source as that which confers power upon the rnilitary commander. The State, therefore, under tiiis Act, may be described as a lerritory or .the United States, haying a military commander . entrusted with certain powers, and a provisional civil government charged with certain other pow-, ers, both holding nuder the same authority, both defined and limited in their spheres bf action by the provision* of this law, and both subject to ab? rogation, alt?ration or modifloation:hy- the, para? mount authority of the United States. - As our ob? ject is at present to describe only a cie^ outline of the BiH, we win not attempt a dis eus s iou. of the rjoints wherein these two sets of authority may . conflict. -'We go no turther now'tiian; thia 'conclu-' sion,-t^$jl^;gavBrjjment^8c?it^ mixed government of>n^tery ;nnd .civilfpower, created by the" saine. Act,! derived from the same . authority, and subject 'to^^wo^\?nixoij ?.?c" ... The Act, having created info political rendition, proceeds to prorid? tho means whereby the peo? ple of the State may put aa.?ncLto. their territorial existence ma ? this mihtary control, ?rid resume their places as a State of the Union. The ma itshinery by which this is to be effectedis a Con? vention, the action'of which, shall W accompanied i>y the.foLoyring^noUtionB;:-.'? ? .iv; z.: . i.N 1. The Convention must i>e composed of dele gates elected by the nce'citizens; of;.the State' twenty^ne years old and upward, of whatever race, color; or pKviousf cohffi resident in .the State for-oae year provioaB?;to :ti?.e slection, except Buch.-as may be o^sfrinoBse??or I particiBatib? .&fifanfe?iian.or ^.faouyai?-t?tnnv. mon law. : ~: 2. ; Tiafc Convention ninstadopta Constitotion W ivhioh tho same qualification aa is required for^ : doctors of ite delegates, is ruade tho.oonstitatian il qualification for Buffrage. - -;:' ' 3. That Cpnstibition-m^ trrity of .those voting - ohthe ;questioir"of taiafliai. ' ?on who haye.the sams qualification. ' ??.-. T-, ; . '*. iTMt .C^titydon' m pprpved-byrCoih^rjeB?v..^^ U?r~!'??: I..T-1'?; ' U A teg^ature of the State, elected . underthe ; i?w Constitutiisn,1 must have; adopted tb? ?mmA. ' ? lent ;to; th?.-CouB?hiti^ i; eretoforo rejected, ^ t ~ ; "' ? 6. This:Cpi?titit?nal Amen?jattent must have 1 th^TOtesof.tbA''^'n^ raiihb'ir i f othe?Stetes; ;? ;. ;?,.V'I.'L.??''O;.'/?M. ." ?ii ^e&ia'askwvfn^it?QBs are p^rrn^xisohe: ? sang .^wedto^ ajnember ? Cbnvontitnv: f to|??^?jw;?flasinb?r^ 5 ?Bfamchised under the ' ConstithMonal''%?eiid lent; then:4bkStefe;8i^^ to .? irjresentation in Congrasa, and its Senators ?ad ? ieml>er8,ira^t?t?&the.test _ ?te.; Tn shorter woros^tiil? Ao? is ita "Constitu- ' '* oiial Amendment, with the addition .of. lafliteev, i jve^ent?^^^;?u??re?W -e ?y as well cotice one very cari?os ' c?ntr?dteti?ii; ? ??**16 :'^? *^o> 'we naye ^?t'.s^pom&^ ouii' hi Acs r^?ireafli?Sta^^ i? tiorponio .uxdversal- suffrage"-"vriihoot regard? * i?las^ color, car p^ J s?utum, and a* the same time req?rru? rit?-Stote : | ??opt 'Constitution*!" ? 3?ressly gives the power to tile r?tete to lirhitjth?1; J ife?g? for a??y reisopy.pjtaf?de? ? >t&tOednot?oh of - the . repreaentation-, . a&w?5K ? **' ^t^??m^' '^^'^ ?onee?-- " lenoe^ 'cff ^A?t, ;^a*ving ;?icflrtai?ed: te"; ? ovisjpns,' to. Inquire, firet, . and as 'tEV^inoB?' -1 actio?!; quest?oni "VVbAt ah?onhl.?f di^^ j von to thei State antler, thsm? What et?f?W rH d wbatcan we loaveundoh?t :no* ts?~t3&"??? sepiorrejeot?. . % the fir?t.topr^rm inadfr^ $ at it jB^rM afl rtterri?tiTO m . chose, wo might oloct io romain under fhoTiiU y a^lBtrrrij?oM C^m^m?iB^^^^Lef M sl?Kinethe oaJUag 0f-tbe -C?ir?ent?oii-wfio?r?' il ?ad to'maikeiBp r^ m babita and ioBtitutions. . Refiect?on wrashow - * ^S?' .^'^^l^?aee%'nel?^ ;? tesOoYe^eniacqnie^oed.mthia?? it woriU.??orjern??edto.^ 98 .W'^^^^^-i^waro^':' emisn*lBie&>.*3str: ^ ^g?in ottr Stete CWitiiticm'aoB?^lib^ T.: i power to'.'?m&Vit; jcM^t^ <^:^ t*-~ ^ ^bythePro'/isioualCtv?Gkrrernnwirt X gemment is B?bjeot'to ablation "by tho para- m ount authority of the United States, no one can >ubt that, should it beoome an obstacle instead of i instrument, it wsuidbe immediately sn?tmcero ?oniously destroyed, or altered. The Provisional overrun ont to-day represents tho white people of ie State, in eluding' those disfranchised under the ousti tn tiona! Amendment. Tho Convention will apresont tho colored vote of tho State, eio"iiding. hose disfranchised: and if it is considered advisa le by.tho .United States Government to bring this xtension of the suffrage \to immediato operation, S is idle to suppose that tho ProyistonalvGovem-.:: lent, tho machinery, will be allowed to defeat the. ery purpose for which it was; created..' '..:. Independent of thin' viow, it is a grave question, mw far the President, as tho chief military authori? ty of tho country, would be empowered, if tho Pro is ional Government foiled to ac t, to initiate. bim islf the expression of the popular-will.'' And it'is rory clear that the sotion of the President, or of he Provisional' Government pf any, one. .of the States, would seriously influence the action of the 3thors. It would appear,., therefore, that' while the Provisional Government of the State can, if itt looms proper, act, it cannot prevent action. The question which is th'us presented tc the State is one of such momentous importance that it de? serves the most careful and conscientious consider? ation, for it involves our whole future. It is a ques? tion hot to be lightly pr passionately, answered, nqt to be decided on the impulse of sentiment, or at the suggestions of selfishness, but to be met a? the4 grave s t issue that has : ever been submitted to a people who. are' braye and haye. been.freer and who -n-illnot forget that before now,, in tho history of the world, the time has been when .the truest and the -most.unselfish courage4 has', been, shown in meeting fairly and patiently" the. lcbnsea,uen^^of failure. Wo shall not hesitate to indicate what, in our opinion, is the proper course of action; but as tho PreBidont has vetoed thia Act, and it bas ben? como a law in the,*acej?f bis^cote?t/we ?ball wait for a few days until we ascertain how fie'construes the pokers With which it invests lum, and how he proposes to discharge the duties which, as a law of tho land, tit now-impoeesv: We'^thirik it" would be prematuro to come to any' decision :'untiT this is known. . '*-'"'.'?*'* COMMERCE OF THE POUT. "V, . The foreign and domestic .exports during the month of February show an improvement over those of tho first month of the current year ; andi .although.there has been ? downward tendeuey in! ?he.price.of cott?ri?-yet buyers have been ?h?ck?dj in some measure from extensive operations, ihi consequence of - the- extreme ' s trin gency ? of - the ! money market. Nearly 23,000 bales of cotton have boen shipped during tho past month, of which 13,434 bales haye been exported to foreifin,. and 9429 bales to domes? tic potts. Erom theist September, 1866, to tho 28th Febru? ary, -1867, inclusive, the total exports of " cotton reach. 100,641 bales, a much larger quantity than was: contemplated would roach our-market in the first six months of the commercial year, and which foreshadows " ea ' excess beyond the most "liberal ?stim?ter8Tof"^e;wrrole'y?ar.' ". The import trado has also been characterized by an improvement. - Several cargoes of merchan? dise from England, France ano! Cuba, baye arrived, and th? total- value ' of imports amounts to $151,662. The bulk of 'thes?'t?pbrts'have been warehoused, in consequence 'of "the scarcity of gold for the pay? ment of duties.. The" stocks.' of " our "wholesale merchants and jobbers ore' rull, varied, and well assorted, in al! hues of goods, and the country trade can procure merchan dis o direc tly imported from,. abroad, pr ol domestic manvrfachrr?,,Jon reasonable termly ; >. .tin ! The folio wing figures show the business transac? tions of .tile raon?i^ 1867: Receipts from. Customs..t -36,490.3< "Value of Imports..'.".......:.-. 124,769.01 Valuo of Imports warehoused.._......... 20,903.01 Exports-Foreign, 13,434 bales Cotton. Value?:'. ?.;.;;:.T Iv..V... :.... Vi i". i. ...-%U9jGSS,V Exporta-Coastwiaev 9429 bales Cotton; -1631'<- ' tierc?s-Bico.v.::....... .2,026,918.01 Vessels entaren-Foreign,:U..........Tons. "" 3884:0 Vessels cleared-Foreign, 16.,...........r...."- .' .-?7867.91 Ve?seU'^ntared-^oa^twis?," iX..._20,017.? Vessels cleared-Coastwise,' 40:iv;.'... : i'i."..', TB,640.6: I Vsai-SUft?ES?DCyrv^ld ^ fogy, tells a story, in his Fables,.of a proud-anc towering oak which, in. attempting" to breast i furiousstorm, was uprooter and destroyed, whil' a reed, pliantly -bending, lifted-its hoadruiharir?ei amidst Ibo surroun?ihgdesoT?tion.'wh?n1 thobLae hadswopt away;----'- ' ' '''-'?"*.*' . .OT ARI S a . . . "March*_ "^??S?r^x . AJJTKD, A .PA?TBrte?, ' EITH'E'R'^ACI XVtE OB aujENT, with -a Capital of $6000. tc MAWTrjj^<yjrrjjE; BOSIN -AHD- TOBSENTTNEII? ? KEW FBOCESS; --capital , doubledSonti^ Anare? "D-fSTn-fLEBS,,^ AOaresi Marchi". . ., *-. _ J^^^SS HOU^ wittgooa wi tot?e-w?? ern part of the city. Apply to WM. B. BVANV---!^ ; - - .Auctioneer sad Beal Estate Attest- - March*-. - 3- ... -, ,NAl.Sten7a5et?? W'^TKD,, FIPTEEv" :O?i TWKBTTY HAJTD3, Men ang. Women, to wm* ? oflttc?Mfl?a ta?ott ta Darlington r?stet Terms liber? " Aroca^t tho office of "Messrs. I S J. D. KIIUIP\TKICK: tfofn Ao^rmngdation."iFEtittet;^i: :. tm2--'- --U?S&?* ^yVr ,of ?A?W?^HABBraOTOT,-:w"ho: left-hOTo^an wi2??S!!2^?^?.? 2^P<* Will be.thanlunlly received March 2 ..-Uix.-t~ Ta - No. 29 Church street. f .GENEBAIi EOBEBT 3fe T.nvp ' .?^usxtyrBsJUa. D. MoCxaxy Jr.;<)f Vs*-'-- ?." -K ?end.foT.Circnuara and see our term?, and o full do script?on of. the wort. Adareis. NATTONaX^IIBtlSH xING OO., -cnrneif 7th ana Main streets, Bichmcmd. Va.". .February 14 . .? ??0? ? ? A iWHfW LADY "mSaKS A^trAlTiOt [ dr*^ .msonne respectable family. Ia capable of dotngran* Wad . of Sewing. - Any one desiring such a^ane wfll piesse makeap^ca?onf?t this offlce! fTrr^^v^ j February 25 , \Cs:<y.:i J? ~7n"lTper<antffehonse/ia wanted ey-ayonpR-man ofgootlhsnits, who would-be atteneve to the ??teresto? hia enrolojier. snaiWho writes a fair handi?naf?ca]c?^?dvfe: :?a??factoryrjconune ^ensattba tot his service. "Wfl^object -btdng^?eSn? "emptoyinent^ "s^ch^TNTEGBrrX :r...FehraBr3n"t8^L:.I r:-:->'.v" ; - .^.-..if 1 .i..'.i*.?^f.:, [y'jj WA\MT^D I^a-"TIT1C SST?T' $&? TOBY OF THE WAS BETWEEN THE 8TATP?_ -Hon. Alexander H. Stephens; and ior'?THElS:jfiH^f i .hy; Henry Cleveland. Send fur C?realsrs^aaa s?e^ur tarais. Address . ? . NATIO?SAlj ?UBISHING CO 'V^JE?^^'71^ ^?**!?-streets, B/chmond.-Vs.-i i1 Febrotorr--^;-.^; ^;.^'= . Imo ? ^^?dlr^?^?n?*Y moi?i8HOa> SED MEETINGS. ~ COUSSS OK CHARLKSTOS. g TUXE EXAMINATION OF THE SENIOR CLASS OF. J. THE COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, in Older to j" rroduato. ?ill bo held in tho President's room at the V College Thu Day and To-Morr<?c, tho 4th and 5th blata., (-1 WRtnmng each day at io USU. - ?>-; - RJ -Tho Hon. President end . members of tho Board of , Crustocs, the Hon. Major ?ad City Conndl. the parent? md guardia- B of tho students, and the public generally, oe respectfully Invited to attend. By order of the Faculty. LEWIS B. GIBBES. March?_1_Secretary. _SOLOMON'S L05KSE, No. 1. A. Ki?BC? rfpSOtP-MONTHLY COMMUNICATION WILL BE I X . holdonln Masonic Hall This Evening, tho 4th inst., it 7 Or dock, .punctual attendance of members and ean lidate? for Degrees ls requested. . . - By-order of W- M. . - ~ R-B WEENER, March?. . . . ,.-1* , wv Secretory CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY. AMONTHLY MEETTN? OF THE CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY win be "held YU? Evening. at the Masonic Hall, at 7 o'clock. The members are re? quested to bo punctual In attendance, as final action will be taken upon the revision of the Enies. . -. ; . . JOSEPH GUY,: March4 ? ? ''. ? I ?? ? ???? Secretary C. M. S. PALMETTO PIRK ENGINE COMPANY. ' \ -TTEND YOUR REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING XV. this [Monday) Evening, the 4th, at seven and a half o'clock. By order. TH08. O'KEEFE, . March* '. ~ ,%"?". A Secretary. ; AMUSEMENTS. GllMD VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, AT THE HIBERNIAN HAIL, ' THIS EVEKING, MARCH *, SS ATD OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, SOCIETY STREET rfTHE CHOIR OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, KINDLY J_ assisted by th? best musical talent of the city, will give a VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, on the | above1 evening. '. >r>;-?. "" ..; ._. ? ;p JR O GRAM M E i . .." PAKT I-<BACBE?). L OVERTURE BY THE ORCHESTRA-Cujus Ane mam," from Stabat Mater...... ... ..Rossini 2. SOLO BASSO-"Pre Poccat?a," from Stabat Mater . j'.^.l'.>ii-...:-.ii.-'.. ....Rossini 3. QUA^TBTTE-^f'fJenuramide"..Iii......Boesinl 4. TRIO-"TiPrego, O Padre"..,..Creuschman 6. a?LO-bOFBAHO-"Ave Marie".Rossini G. GRANE" SOLO .and CHORUS-^'Inflammatus," from . Stabat Kater.........Rossini :'.????i'!J - FABT ri-(BECULAB). ' "'.. ." 1. OVERTURE BY THE- OBCIiKSTBA-'TiTtaliana in Algorios"......................... ........Rossini ? SOLO SOPRANO-"Adelaide '...'..Beethoven 3. PIANO SOLO-^-"Lucla". i._. .Prudent 4. DUETT-Soprano and Tenor-"Giorno d'oror,"-Se ? rmramlde._-..-..Rossini 5. SOLO-Soprano-Aria, from "Robert"_Meyerbeer 6. GRAND SOLO and CHORUS-' ?Erhani".Verdi S3 Dcors open at Seven-Concert to begin at Eight O'Clock precisely. ? . r ?"-? . .. TICKETS, ONE DOLLAB-to be had at the Music ana : Book Stores, and at tho dcor on the evening of tho. Con ; cert. ? ? ' ? ? . starch4' i&ine lihciiftiintexbaitmnx ' .? .;. ??<.?:.-. DBS.-..-!-.' '?'.?" ...... 'ituvn-^evein? aJ?it Sweater wirb Jlattfinbat am ?lomea Sbenb, ben 4ti? .SK?rj, in ber &rriu)ai?e. STBegre?ribe bc? ??tin? finb freunfc?i<bft drigclaben.. .'?nlagtirttn fihb bei allen aJ?tgliebcttt ju^aben. :. Bas Contmitt?. s Febrnary 28 ' " thm2 Min '-&eittf$eir \&aU - SBlrb ftaitfutben ? am SRcjtfag ben ' 4ten SR?ra, 1867, ?oju aBe meine ?rambe mtb ?Btlanurf traebenft ein?cr?b?tt finb. ?ntyipSL,; ?jt??agY Ubr..' -?stsm. . ?grober, . " ""' ?* r.". Sie"?*?ftinauub 8ine=Sragfc - February 28 - ", tumi? 1 : TtjfuL?s.-U?ST . AKjanrjni?oijijni>: FOR: ?. Xvi; sale, a lot of superior youmj.'Xeutucky broke ? HxuLES. WiUbe'BoIdonapnrDVei'City Acceptancefrem 30 . to 60 o>ys,randi?ay:lM ;aeea;Jat-K WESTES LOT, Quoenstreet, betweenIfiriend and Mozyck. ' ..: j March* .3 .WM. DOTY. ;-|7W?R SALE-A GOOD SOUND MULE. A?? { JLr. FLY ot: ICE HOUSE, corner "Market and Church > ?streets., Will be sohl cm. credit.:.... 1-. ?-- MsrchA 1 17WB HALB AMID TO RENT IN PHILAT1EL r, JU ? PHIA, PA-^^FTYF. YEARS-LEASE AND FUBNI-' - rxUBE f?r" aale'of a large and handsome first class j DWELLING, newly and splendidly formshed through .' ' put with every convenience and comfort. Location ceri ) ?xol, lathe most deairahle part ot the city. The owner la' j a Virginian, and intends to settler in' Charleaton. Im ; pro ved propcrry in Altoarleston win be taken in exchange, I" and immediate possession gtvjujf .desired.-, For mr-' thar pattlculare, -address- ?? " - ." ' ?. - . . ,.?TOBX>3WASH?NfJrT<rNCB0^ I ; Fehr?yy.aa _.,.- . .6, - .? -:t PhiladelphiaB^fa^filc<>. 1 AZ:Sl^BSarar> HSSIBESCE AN? FARM, lr .xja. situated within tne corporoto limits of tho town of Aioen; ~#" C.-Tho resideuco ia large' and commodious, .... cantahuhg eleven rooms, all with: hreplaces; plarzaa ore I . attached to tue first and secoc?? stories, 'with all the con i" remenees; necessary to a complete residence. The .:: grounds axe handaomely laid ont with Evergreens, Bases, ' :??Mattsl^fc*^ t. the helrs^of th?late Oeo. Parrott.- Theen?re IHrni?nS : . ^F?i- /: ' .'- .-"? vW. H WALKER, . ; gebrnaryia-'.,... \: Exeooi?rai?taW??oT^ . TM? SALE, TWENTY' SARGE. FAT " , J- 4 and 5-year old broke MULES; and THTRTlf 8 ? ^^r^^^n^O? !?' A? ttds te ono of the ?rat Medical Universities o? - -ft?^ me<Ucllle Kr ?^holarBht^^App^atthis v ;??^\??t?????:L_y?_j:r-. j.> " y . Deo^mheglS; ; on the :5th nltrmo by^tSr^nssnt3710 dl?aol,"ed r^f^^^S^^<^^^1?V'^ JACOBLEVTN r^S?^iS^*.*??^ ?tonan?V^Sst ai iS25t^&iS8*^^'*r- P?rmenL. andTthose.m .-Fehruaey.^JStTJ* ;{j L::.-.. =.. ?. CPESG^O. : ? ._A CABO. ; '..''"" r ' ' . ?tojdea,,to tto-le^-am *LEVirI^sSoTTr^and:; M^^lcontinae .thorAUCTION AND-COMMISSION ; BUSINESS on ?- own aecoe?, ?i?pes to irS ,??m t?raaueeof ashare Of tKelrfeSer^^uTagement ' iir".-'.i. J " ? AUCtlOU aodCommlmHfwi w? ? - . Marcha-^ -g- ? ? ComerAtBemhTyahaPfauh?teleta. n?iHE FIRM OF PB?TT^?wSoN^SO&^mSE. Jt J^IJ?DB?SKHSTS?Ie? Ma^stlee'c^^ ?^dtaobredby mutaal e<m?enttrS^ " ?^ nrhV l^T??7B?a. to.Tiet?e -tne.aflalra bf the late ' .CharleeHmi'ifarch L^L ' ^"iijM^^^'Wior?c?B?'-' . J^^?ii^S^A'TJ?QPimaHABEDiTEB TN man, and wffl be pleaiied to Bee his friends:: ??^-T- ; ."MarchV. : ; l ,; {*- ^}^'3 [ ?, ???.A* ''i r-I?B?BWI&'CKatnr. '"V. , " ' I ?^is?,^?^^8 CANTWELL * CO. ; IS* . "H.,-? ?*yj}??*<?d by mutual consent Slw^Sf; ? 3?nio, aadto wiom all Indebted wS flhiviiriT,- ci '"'? ' ? t ; tATiaEblOB CANTWELL i T'^?B^-^^]lllill,at:t'-MW?..:': :? i" .Marchi : i i^Vjj-V::^-^.: TO9g?JI,UTloai. " * rpEE COPAJt-rNFRaHLT* OF"JOHN A ARMSTRONG ?W'A^TIOI^^ ? -?L1^^W^S^SAJ?'NO'? . ^lehruaryar s ; SATBII^'WALBH. A liberal reward wm be?SilrFll?^ H No. 89 KING ^,X;to?g?/ft M^T 5 E??CffltiM?l7~^ ^vj" H' '?' SCHOOL.-''';-' '" ~ ?V ^P^r^^jtpypAFTHg BJJUMMHgS-Cg THF -.."^W ... ... . artwamo^ ^.7^P^:^tr" 'above' tine, j" gpVE -?^^GSt?AN?. FOR SALE.. .. *??L.J ' _ - . '* CXSDLia ^*PambcrX8 ': ;.. ?imnainos - * MISCELLANEOUS. BALLOONS ! BALLOONS ! 1 GERARD. FROM PARIS, CAPTIVE .EEOSTATIO Jm Balloon Manufacturer, informs the people of isrloaton tua t tao has just oponed a Storo for a few days, illoons of every description will be inflated in Right of cry body, and Bold at prices from 10 cents to $1.60. at >. ?54 SOCIETY STREET, a fow doors from King street, uloon Infilling taught, and Apparatus for sale. March 4 2? SELLING OFF AT COST. S/IIX BE SOLD' AT COST, WITHIN THE NEXT rV throe days. SIX FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. JW and in completo order. Call at HAYDEN'S, No. 272 lng street, and examino them. 3* March 4 ~1?IG IRON. 4 CONSIGNMENT OF NO. 1 GLEN ABNOCK PIG \. IRON, In quantities, to suit purchaBors, for sale br March 4 mth2 COURTENAY tc TRENHOLM. BBEAB! BREAD ! BREAD ! [THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN L FOBM hiB old customers, and the public tn gone d, that he has again established his old business at No. 3 ST. PHILIP STREET, opposite the Neck Market, .here he will be happy to nervo them with GOOD AND ARGE BBEAD, CAKES, PIES, BISCUITS, fcc. March 2 2* . J- H. KALB. COAL! COAL ! COAL I TONS R. A. EGG COAL } 4 O CO Tons Blacksmith's Ooah Now landing from Schooner E. tc L. Marts, and for ale'low for cash. Orders received by . ER. LAMPE, Marchi 6 Coal Yard, No. 61 Market street. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. . TAVERtf-KEKPERS'SOTICE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 MarchL1867.l ? LL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PERSONS RETAXL f\ ING spirituous liquors, within the city limits, who lave not executed their bonds and taken ont the proper ?ards to show that they have license to soil, will be re? ported as not complying with the law, alter Monday, 0th net. ; ' Those who have cards aro hereby notified to have the same placed in a conspicuous place in the window. All tailing to observe thia notice will also be reported, after tho above-mentioned timo. . W. H. SMITH. March 2 Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES-MOXTHL?7RETLK?S. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR. 1 Crrr Eux, March 1,1867. t -VT07TCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNEZ - that the Monthly Returns for the month of Febru? ary past, incompliance with the Tax Ordinance, ratified I on the 28th day of.December, 1866, must bo made on or | before tue ioi-?i iraiauw ui C. ?lBSuxi, - Marchi'. c. ?:. \? " ? City Assessor. ELECTION OF A CITY CIV IX. ENOISEKR. . OFFICE CT .ERK OF COUNCIL, I . FEBBUABT. 28.1867. J rrtHE CITY COUNCIL WILL PROCEED AT ITS NEXT I Regular Meeting, to bo hold oh tho 11th of March I ?ext, to an election for a CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, un? der the*foUowing Ordinance, which ia published for in? formation. Applicants will please name their sureties. Bond required is for 96000. Letters received np'to 12 o'clock M., on the above men tionedday. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. "AN ORDE?A5?CE TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE OFFICE OF CITY crVIL ENGIKi ZR. SEC. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Charleston, in City Council assembled, and it ii hereby or? dained by the authority of thc same. That an office, shall be created to bc called the Onice of City Civil Engineer, and the election of ah Officer who shall be skill od in Civil Engineering, Surveying, Architecture and Building, to fill the samo, shall be- held for tho first time at the first meeting. .of Council after th? ratification of this Ordi? nance, and tho expiration of the usual notice, thereafter, at the regular time of electing City officers by Council. Said Officer so elected shall hold his office for four years, and ttntilhis successor ia elected and qualified, sad shall have such power," and perform suuh duties as are hnreln proscribed, or as maybe hereafter prescribed, not incom? patible with tho nature of his office. * SEC. 2. The said City Engineer may, upon assuming ; the duties- of his office, or at any timo during bia term of office, with the consent of the Mayor, appoint an Assistant Civil Engineer, to be approved by the City Connelly who shall act under his directions and be re? movable at ms pleasure. ' v . SEC. 3, Said Civil Engineer, before acting as such, shall give bond and surety, to be approved by Council, in the : penal sum of. five thousand douars, conditioned f?r the faithful performance of. the duties of Ma office; and that he is not and will not, whilst in office, be direct? ly or indirectly concerned or interested in any city con BEC. 4. Said Civil Engineer shall provide a Skeleton Map of the City, on euch a scale as will admit foll details, and upon which be shall locate all information which may from time, to time be obtained hy him, or received Into his office, and shall as early as practicable provide a com? plete Topographical Map of the City, showing such en? virons as the probable growth of the City may hereafter include.. This Map to be on such a scale as to show the ?width of streets and sidewalks, the levels of all corners ot blocks with reference to mean low tide, the directions of proper drainage, and the true mode and moana of .such drainage-both superficial and subterranean. All lines of tho City Boundary and of streets, and levels of streets and drains, whenever ascertained, ah all be marked upon the ground by permanent memorials, sud also be located on tho -Map.and duly recorded. : He shall prepare and lay before ' City Council plans sud specifications of all improvements which may be In contemplation, together with an estimate of the expenses oi the same. And all applications for improvements nude to the City Council shall be referred to said Engineer, who shall re? port thereon. . He abell- receive proposais tn do all the publio work; and with the aid and concurrence of the Committee on Contracts, snail decide upon the samo and make contracts therefor, subject to the approval of the City Council. - He or his assistant shall superintend all the public -works ordered by tho City Council, and super? intend the opening smd closing up of the public a*" iimwiiiia, vt-uytig-uanannsa construction nr repairing of all public works of the city and shall reject sh such as in his opinion may be unsafe orjlefecUve; and oil the public works tobe done by the city shall be done under completely advised and matur ?2.PJX>S andapeciflcaHona, prepared by the Engineer with the-concurrence of the Committee on Contracts, and to be approved by the City Council, and shall bearded ? out under the superintendence oi the Engineer and bis as? sistant; and all contracts shall be so made that the City Engineer.: shan- direct ilia, work; and whenever in bis opinion, the Bald work ia not progressing ina manner agreeable to the terms of the contract, he 'B<I?U rall it to .tte notice of the-Committee on Contracts^and, with their causent, shall have power $o suspend the. same; and have any rmfkttbful Work removed and rebuilt at th? expense ? of tte contractor, in acoordancewitii tho ferma of the is<n^I?^"fW?tie8h? all;cases to be furnished-; and in -caaes of tathire of .the. party or parties of the second uart . f"5S,???r5le ' *oHr aEd 'complete the contract, the ssld^t^EngJruser-^fcsIl, with - the approval of Oouac?. mato nsw contracts to complete such wtnJtst the expense .of the sureties for say amount the said work may cost oversad;above the ammmtof original contract.- And nonpaymentof money shall be made on any publio work until the said-Engineer shall' certify in wrltog^hatsuch wor* has; been done according to the requirements of the contract. .. ?,-.-. ?'.:??? SEC; 6. No'contractor for city work or materials shall receive say: .relief over and' above bis oontraet there o?oui? be some unforeseen cause for granting such "Slife11 the application must be recommended S**^iS^ ?1!?1 Kagineer. and pass Council bys? vote of two-tbir?aofthewh^Board. ?.;-...: ..V i ? 18*r?& ?iid?hrfQE?ginoer ehall perform all Survey? ing, ^EnglneeTing^Ax^CBCture; or work relating thare ??L*1 - m*?-,d^e?Q necessary, or as he may ins: time-to ^fe^?JS writing by the Mayor arUouncU. ;vSxc 7. f^CSvflEngmeer shall lay dbwni and have in ?SSS^^^*- meafPxfeot?b^iBeti'wMeB ahaU b? ?^^^.^?oyern-ia. sD.case9.0f /?pateatednieaBure ?JSS.*11116, ^^'S1?*^ ?bis ^sslstaati shansueerin-" tend the opening and closing up of all tho pubiib drains. An persons,- coinpanles, or corporations, mtendtne to opea^snyjmhlic drains; must grntirae^aotleerso^hat tte Engineer can make bis arrangements r and all parties sfr applying shall be required to paya fea of ono dollar for each case. ..Any party opening a public dram without giving said notice af his intention so to do, aban be hable to a fine of twenty, dollars.. .!?r^. ??xe ft AUplpeetor ?asor" water, or tracks for CK? ^w^hereaftoto be laid, shall be laid in acoordanci with tho orders of said Engineer, so as to oconpy that portion of the street whfchhemay direct. SEO, lO.J^id City: Erfgtneer oban be xomlahed with V suitable office.and. lartruments. ^tter la tte-City HsO orsomejother oohvenient legation, which- slisBjXtopt opeo drrrlng the nana! miatooss homw. -He ebsJHaereltt be provided, with the necessary conveniences fcrcrseara. tog sad ?ser^; Bnq sbaIl ttme l^TS^tdu^.^^ prorierty.-;slE xos^i-ptots; gfctanttfi j Oiz^ttagaToBt^SS. books, instrmnonts, and other thtogs srmerr?mhut to bte offnen* shans^therenChi^^n^^ BOpies,of enpapenraad. eormntmlcaticos loadelry h?a S^SLSSSSS^JS?.offlce.rrfthe cuy; trae copie/of sn JwaMrajte-aaaethrough^ of ??sonnt*; *owtng?Ba?asactions-retotinrtobJso fT"' A^S^^-rV^? eal^Clvil Engtneex- and tiia assistant shan 1 pfflfonaeutheautiesnow required of the Surveyor of 1 Bw UppeitaaA Lower .Wards, and the of?eerS CuySur--1 ^,e,lMpi. ehallbe;abchshedas soon ?a said Bromear shallenter rrpon thA of Mn omeo..? - -SEC 12. The -said Civil Engineer ahaU be entitiedto marge private parties tho fees which the- City Surveyors ire entitled to for tho same service under existim? OnH ??S09?Vana^-pri?ata part?a? spnlymgto tteCiv?En pneer Inofficial mformatloa, or for reference to official Mata, drawings, doouments or standard measure in his. ???:^ -'^P'?8, ?be a?ldingineer shan: receive, in addition ?j*,*av ?salary of two thousand dollars pefCm, ?yabh> monthly. The Assistant to the Engtoest^Bsn SSS?S??1^^? -'**,". aertcesvte saoh Une aa bo may be employed, a salary at tho rate of one housanddonaroper annum, paysble monthly. - BEC. IA-That au Ordinsncea, and part of Ordinances, epngnant to the provisions herein eonlamed. are hereby UtifiedinCity Council.thia twentyssixti? dayof Febru? ary, in tba year of our Lard one thousand eignt hun? dred and sirty-saven. . - ?'. uuu Lrt-8.x ... - , r ' i; p. o. GATLLABD; MsVcir. w. H.8aTrH,C^erkofOonnea lp Marchi "- : ; ' ''? ^""'??TOWCK,' ,' ' - OFFICE CBTEy <XF DBl'EOTl VKS; 1 - i , ?. .... , - . -February 26th- 1867. 'I ?THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES A?E AT THIS OFFICE ?. unclaimed, If rot called for by the I6th March, and ICRE^fe Sf? to??* over to Captain erB. IOWAXD, Chief of PoUco, to be disposed of for the ben ftt of tho city. . - ? -?: ? '. JJBT. OP A?TICXXB: 1 piece BED FLANNEL ; ' 4-piecasUheok ; -'-J' .??'.: . .? - .: l.TaWeClo?l- . . ' ' :-. - 1 ?*-' .4 pair Pants '-.-''... ' . #V??*>-^? *???'> '". : -?. a.t?htrt-.'' , i. : . - , .i. ,..?-,-....???:??.. : vlCost ,.". ;. ...... ... 2 Coupons Memphis and Charleston IJaflroad ' " 1 GoldMedaRlon i^oS oW^iojtiu?^Mtitt?U ~ .- - . S?verPorto- -.-??.? ' ^ 10 ???;^''-:-a?W.^?BI0K8,- - '??' _-i ?". ; -Jatl?entsad Cater of Dot?c?vec. ??.^^ -. * ?. /; .'PEBRUARY T, 186T.--Recovered and now at this ftEIIEB?L~ AUCTf'O ?EERS ?. 13 *?u? M StmU atree* ?art; Ben. ^stxjtd fi CAmSxo?n ebreet, ' W^*^,i':; .'-,.'-r. 0. :-'??:^^;y??ragyf :^ tv OROSJ?R AND MAGISTRATE, f AS aaocoYEft ais errase, FROM CBALKSB? ^fSSastr?^"85* c^?^'^e'^^^^ k. DRY aaQDS, ETC. j ( LINENS, IBBM-OS, kc. B DIRECT IMPORTATION. i - CASES RICHARDSON'S HOUSEWIFE LINEN - cases Danbar, Dickson A Co.'s Medium and Fino linen - cases Tabling Damask and Diaper - ciBoa Huckaback and Huck Towels - cases Cotton Cambrics and Jaconots - cases Nainsooks, Moll and Swiss Muslins - cases Printod Royal Hibbs - cases Tape Checks and Stripes - cases Swiss Chocks and Stripe* - cases Hair Cords and Brilliants. ALSO, _ - casos WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WHITE COTTON HOSE Mon'? and Boya' Brown Cotton Half Hose. Received per Tecumseh and for sale by . JOHN HANCKEL, athS No. 41 EAST BAY. WILL OPEN IN A FEW DAYS, J] With, an entire New Stock OF GOODS, OF THE LATEST IMPORTATION. J. E. READ & CO. No. 263 King street, March i OPPOSITE HASEL. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, NO 130 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., ABE NOW OFFERING AND DAILY RECEIVING from Manufacturers, both in Europe and America, a fun lino of . ? DOMESTICS DRESS GOODS . . WHITE GOODS . LINEN GOODS CLOTH AND C ASSOIE RES HOSIERY AND GLOVES I E5IBROIDERIJS, &c., &c. ALSO, A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HOOP SKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, and YAN? KEE NOTIONS, which wo- will sell at Wholesale, at New York Prices. . STRAUSS, TANCES & CO., - No. ISO MEETING STREET. March2_* 18&7* SPRING TRADE. M. 143 MEEIIM STREET, CHARLESTON', S. C. MARSHALL, BURGE & BOWEN, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry.Goods? I NV LTE THE ATTENTION OF ? MERCHANTS TO ?, their Stock; which ia entirely new, carefully selected, and wm be sold ata small advance on first cost, for cash or short time approved paper. . ' E. W. MARSHALL. W. T. BURGE! . O; A BOWEN.' . THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO CALL THE ATTEN? TION of the farmer patrons of Mesars.'W. T. BURGE & CO. tc our stock, which is- LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE, entirety new; purchased during tho recent depression in Northern Markets. ' Orders promptly executed. March 1 - * 2mos ' W. T. BURGE. LOUIS COHEN, No. 248 Ring street, BETWEEN HABEL AND MARKET-8T8. JUST OPENING AFULL, SUPPLY OF SPRING GOODS, CONSIST. . LNG OF ALL KINDS DRESS GOODS' LADIES' SILK OOVEBINGS HOSIERY ' PARAStkfl'. y ~ fr?if?K BTBEON8 WHTTE: GOODS - . . ; NOTIONS, ?c. Together with in eirtenslv? supply of PRINTS, LONGV ; CLOTHS, SHEETINGS and other DOMESTIC GOQDS. - AMOJ '' ? I' '" . ALEXANDFR*5 HEST SSS "GISTES,.'- ' "? Of which wm be found -a great variety of shades and' .sizes. ' ?' . ????? - ? - Together with many other GOOTft too numerous to mention. .*. . . . . A con ls respectfully 'soticltea; :: . COHEN, NO. 248*KING STREET, - BETWEEN HASJ^ AHD MAKKET-STS. - ?_Wbrnarya8__ V"; V/I;> ' tnaratul. GLOTHlfiS. PARTTF.R tfe CmLD, : 'DEALERS IN Clothing and Foi^lujag (goods, .vr?oTiTO?T.E AND B^TADX ' Sit. 103 BAST BAY STREET, ?^???"'J December ai. 8mo Under the American BofeL ~-(? i f\~.'?\OlJt CLOTHING .?^? VJT >rr . . SAILORS " OJJ'TiTTTING DEPOT. JAMBS MCCORMICK, MEBCHA1TT 'TATT.OH, WHOLESALE AKD-BETAIL nEALKn nr (?lSr ? AM) GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ' ' * No. 35 BROAD S1?I?EE?, January 23 fimos CHARLESTON, s. ?X nifaaiwiinn.i g.nia??Bi, HAS REMOYEDTONO. TQBROADSTEEKT.i??BTH I BIDE, BETWEEN MEETING AND CHTTRCH, There he wlR be glad 5o so? Wa old friends and enstam o%- and has in stare a fun assortment of GCOTHBV JOATTNG, CASSLMEBES and VESTINGS of every v*. ioty, which ho wulmskenptootder atailowpiioJea-laa " ' ' ?1-'"*J" ITiMC^. ? ? ' .--;V. j A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FURKTSHING GOODS !OR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. ' Wi""' - - M. JNQ. T. FLYNN- (formerly of C. DI Carr A Co.), rill superintend the Tailoring Department as usual, and mi Bira Ma nspacisl Mftwntlmvto Cnttag ?MV?^ tfft Taking and Trimming. ' january 17 ; "'. -TV'" y. j''V'^Smoa*1 ANUFACTURER3 AND~ WHOLESALE DEALERS f..-,. ? ? V, :.' . ANS-' ?;>: -,SM;??1 .) ?X;C 60?II8E 6L0THS???, , HOV -COjOWR, * . W/ABJB, ?ROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. ICON SIDES "ANi> "SHO U LDERSI OHHDS. STRICTLY CHOICE SIPES AND SHOULDERS, now lauding and lu ?toro, and .Halo T. M. CATER. March 4 tuwii brown'* Wharf. BUTTER AND LA11B~ FIRKINS AND TU US S TATE 1!UTTER, IN IxJVJr store, and now landina. 150 Arkins LARD, In ?torc and landing, ami for sale T. M. CATER, Moren 4 '_mw2 _Brown's Wharf. BLACK SEED OATS ! FLOUR f MEAL : AAA BUSHEL^ PRIME PRINCE EDWARD .V/V/V/ ISLAND BLACK SEED OATS-, lier schooner . W. Smith. 300 bhls. Extra and Super Flour. lOObbls. llrat quality Meul. COHN 1 3000 bushels primo YELLOW CORN, landing from rig Myronus. For salo low, while landing, by - JOHN CAMPSEN- & CO.. JHarch 4 2 _No^U Market st., opposite State et. LASTERN HAY LANDING. I KO BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY, LANDING LeJOfrom schooner Slater, on Savannah Bailroad Vnorf, and for sale by JOHN CAMPSEN k CO. March 1 1 CORN! CORN! . r>?i A fl BUSHELS YELLOW ?rJ vf \J from bork Lindo. For sale by March 4 CORN, LANDING RAVENEL & CO. POTATOES ! POTATOES ! 1 *)A BBLS. PEACH-BLOW POTATOES, LANDING JLi?VS this day per steamer Moncka. For sale low, by BRUNS k BEE, March 4_ 3_No. 78 East Bay. BACON! BAC0NT~BAC0N ! "I PT BOXES PRIME BACON SHOULDERo. JLf-J For sale low, by BRUNS & BEE, March 4_mwf3 No. 78 East Ray, BACON AND CORN. Just arrived, and for salo by_ March 4 SUPERIOR NEW CROP MOLA! SES. ? pr rr HHDS. SUPERIOR NEW CROP CUBA MOLA tj I SES, port of tho cargo of thc brig " John Pierc4 just arrived from Matanzas. Lauding and for sale low from the wharf by J. A. ENSLOW ir CO., March 4 _1__No. 125 East Bay| PALMETTO HAMS." -| pr TIERCES PALMETTO HAMS, A CHOICE Af J.*_) TICLE, for sale by March 4 2 HENRY C0BLV & CO.j WESTERN MESS PORK. 1 <T)f? BARRELS HEAVY "WESTERN MESS PORK, ?Q rj landing and for sale by March 4 1 HENRY COBLA & f'O. Henry Cobia & Co. No. 26 TENDUE RANGE, OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING GOODS; A AHHDS RIB AND C. B. SIDES / *?\J IB -hhds Primo Shoulders / 50 packages Lard / ASD J lOO.barrels FLOUE irl?} Menses f . . 25 barrels Sugar Honsc Syrup. ALSO, 200 braes 1 ADAMANTINE 100 half-boxes J CANBLES 150 boxes English Dairy Cheese 250 barrels Whiskey J 2000 sacks Liverpool alt March 1 ! f fmw5 LIVERPOOL SALT. i)CAA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT. LANDING ?UVV and for sale by HENRY COBIA & CO. February 22 ' fruwfj SEED RICE FOR SALE. A PPLY TO \ JAMES R- PRINGLE, r\ - Factor sad Commission Merchant, February 20 wfm6 i No. fi Adger's North Wharf. 3000 LNG from end for sale by No. 14 Mi Marsha N. C. CORN W BULK AFLOAT. ?'RIME N. C. CORN, LAND ooncr Idaho, on Union Wharf, JOHN CAMPSEN & CO., t street, opposite State street. CORN, LANDI 3000 ?5000 b!_ 39b bushe 150 bbls : Per steamers D. Chose and br by March 1 % PEAS, FLOUR. r ASD EY STORE. J PRIME WHITE CORN abels Prime Oats, In bulk and bags '-nc YcTlowand Mixed Corn t and Super Flour. j and Saragossa and schooners Ella, lyronns. ; For salo low while landing JOHN CAMPSEN A CO., ? ?14. Market street, opposite State. WHITE CORN rt V? \J \?f 36C0 bushels Yellow Corn ' 2000 bushels Oats. TheaW in store and landing P^M^s. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 20 ^5 GBOCEBY SUGARS ? .fi V 25nhda. Choice Grocery Sugars ?S 2??? New CroP CLiyed Molasso? ." ,*?*ida- Choice Now Crop MnacovadoMolasses fT.X^^eSS?hooner ,<Eri tom M^aSaTand for sole low from wharf In lots to suit, by ' " RISLEY & CREIGHTON Marchi Ea8t 247 and Accommodation Wharf." CORN. % IO OOO^H8^1,8 BELLOW CORN, PER ?*-V? brig "Myronus" and schooner "Eua." Marchi 7 . - T, J. KERR S: CO. WHITE BEANS. 200 H^^1"^8011^ SOE "^?j?B by ; ' , T.. J" KERB tc CO. WM. S. OORWIN & CO., "WHOT.TWATiF. AND BETATL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAJULT GROCERIES, r. ." ASD IMPORTERS OF ME WMSy BRANDIES. TEAS, ETC. . . ?-.*?1??!Pls?*B? HASEL. , CARD. " cbaaed^ttL^SS^??n 0f J?0 <*QaUt*' ol S^o?s purt ^-wim our ?all^;eaB.?^.^JS^S3^ ^rWM. SIMONS, Esq.. having been engaged to assist in to maternent, wo^ be^p??aeatu^hte frierms S W?JStJSSE!^**^ ?n B^odTrarcnased a?o WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED' ?"renosea aro TJUTjyE smX ABE IMPORTED DTRECS. BY WS rSe?::v:;-fe: "?-?? ? FINEST IMPERIAL. -.Z_3S ENGLISH BREAKFAST.._ .......... * o^o::;:::::?-:::::;"::::::: ?-ff ?^?xND^^TF^M?ai"^: jer pound. .w*.~. i , - ,'J$?f* rS?? ^,^ -SIIPPIy of OLD JATO. COFFEE. ^?!gfB?fflgp. '800;; GROUND, 62c; OLD RIO, 35cT ^c^?F^FS^00*1"^ ^ represent to bo of tho riBST QUALITY, parched by ns withgreat care. A trial ??ff? Coff"**. Groan, Parched onOTGround, wiU con ineo tho consumer on that point. mF'^SSS?^^CHA A2TOLAGIJAYRA. . ^S????P0 OP ?^S5bs Personally attended fr by ^ Managers. Goods deUvored to ah parts of Jo lty FREE OF CHARGE. ?.. ?,'.:_ JO ^m>>y ol GOSHEN D AIRY BUTTER "win arrive on Taa>Y' -3mo - , . - Febrnoryi I USU HAN CE? MM i^T^i-^/'- ^ ;tWi^o?a,ooo w GOLD. < "t .; .y ' ? APPLY TO -! ^G^piS\^.C0W Igenfs, NO . le. 411>0JSS'J9.SOUTH WHARF. w?^Cta.;;yf,.-:;::.'V, . mwnyf : ATHENS, GA.' . \ " SAMTAL; AND_8UEPLU3 ?27847267 ALL PATDTN. ^Having boon oppcintod Agent of this First doss ?UTHKRN COMPANY, I am now prepared to Uwue ' Betei^f msuroaoo AGAINST LOSS^BT . FlB?E^en mes. 8^^ot?^.J^taD?Tu54o^ ^^SaS?^j^^cah^a^rla^^ bto for the past twelve ooiS?. . <f r^011 T fg?* BWas?dSerS? takanm port payment esTpremiuais. -:. J-, 1^'HPSOUR. Aiwut ;.' ; " THE mi??AI,AID-AS'SOCUlT0N, ' ?^EigLo??^L?S^ Aptfyettfca DEPOSITORY ?uuary39^ - ?Ov ?7 Chalae? street