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^P^^onoleMDeu?Tn^jT.k present there. "3. There are other respects, however, in wh: local action hae to no taken against cholera, n in whicn the .interests of tho publio health H quire, above everything; that tho action shot bo tahon from beforehand.' This precautions H action against cholera (aa against many oth diseases) is au object for .wbioh the Nuisant H Removal Acts enable local provision to be mac The ant dori ues who have to administer the Acts are in many places the same, but in ma other place? (ulm fly wherever there are to? councils, inipioyement commissioners, or lof boards' of health) are not the same, aa the ti thorities wh > I ave co act under the Medical Rel H Regulations. The Lords of the OOH M eil have authority to ieBiie regulations or orders for a H purposes of the Nuisances Removal Acta. But year ago, iu anticipation of the danger which n< H threatens the country, their L urdehipa drew t attention of nuisance authorities, and of the pu lie generally, to the re. ewed presence of Asia cholera ic Europe, and suggested the pre?autio ?ry proceediugs which, under the oircntustanc? were called for. lt war- their Lordships hope thi after this warning, the interval whiob mig H elapse ; before a re-appearance of cholera England would be vigorously used by the nuiaan H authorities ot the country iu preparing their i speotive disrriots for the contingency which b H ? now come. The paper which was circulated ? the above occasion->y the i ords of the Goum (the General M moraudum on the prooeediu: wbioh , are advisable ? in places attacked threatened by epidemic .disease) is now aga commended by their Lordships to the consider tion of nuisance authorities and of the publi And on ti e present occasion parts of it must 1 specially insisted on. H "4. In r- lat iou to Asiatic cholera, as now threa ening ua, there are two principal dancers again H whioh extreme aud exceptional vigilance ought be used First, there "is the dancer of driukii water which is in an.\ [?ven the slightest) degr tainted by house refu.-e or other like kinda filth; as ?h re th re is outflow, leakage, or tiltr tion, from sewers, house drains. pri>i"e, cesspool foul ditches, or the like, into streams, springs H wells, fr m whicn the supply ot.WHter ia draw Or into ihe suhsoil iu whioh tl?e wells are rituat H a danger which may exist un a small scale, a J the pump or din-well oi a private house, or on large Beale, tis in me ?oin cos of supply of pun] waterworks. And, t-eumdly, there is th-doig Of breatUii g ?ir which in mude foul with effluv from the brtuie aorts of n pur y. Information; to the lii^n deslio in whicn those two dauge rs H feet the public neal ' h in or i ary limes, and as the ext'eine degn-e of importa ce which a taclv H to them at ti-i.tu when any diarrhoeal disease opiden ie. Ima now tor m main yeaia been set b H fore the pu' lic b> this department aud otherwis that the i.. rm r works of drainage and watt-r BU ply by ?hk-h 'le daugei s aro permanently obvi ted tor large pot ulai ions, and al-o the mint struoiural improvement* by which" separa houaehiilds Hre stoutest against tue danger ought long ?g. to havu oouio iutn universal ua ? It ia to be le .r d that ?m a very large scale th wiaer court-e ha* not be>n adopted, and that eve ? yet, in very many instances, temporary aeoui io has to be Mn d lu measures o' a palli .tive kim So far a- eu. li i- tho o s., artend ut is most ea neatly odie i to those parts t)f tue general mern randum ?hi h rela'e t-. the matter J in hand. & chief sou' ces of the one dancer may beheld cheok, as follows- y imm?diate, thorough rem H val of even cort of house-re use au? "ther till which is i o ? ?.eeitmulat- d, by preveming futu H aecui?ula io B of tue same sor^ by attention all defects nf h^uae-drains ?nd sinks by which <; fensive smells are let into houses, by tborout washiug md dine-whiting of uncleanly premise especially ot snub as are densely occupied, and ] disinfection, very freely and very irequently ei I ployed, in and round about houses, wherev I there are rec pt toles or couduits of filth, whet I ever then- i- liith-so Iden poroui earth, wherev H anythi g else io or under or about the hon I tends to make the atmosph?re foul. Asprovisi H againa the o her danger, it is essential that ii I mediate an i searching examination of Bout ces I water supply should be made in all oases whe ' 1 Ba Eal ! ?f^BstW&SB&Trlt- ? W W^WWriu question aru ott-cnve bodies, chosen as their constituencies will, and each constituency, in exercising its eleotoral right, has, hi effect, the means ot' deciding fur itself whether the dietrich which it inhibits shall bo wholesomely or un? wholesomely kept. The Lords of he Council have no other fuuetion appointed for them in this mat? ter than to inquire, and afterwards report to Par? liament, what, so far as the public health is concerned, is the working of that system of administration. Incidentally to tho perform? ance of that funotinn, their lordships have before them the result of much former experience, in this country and elsewhere, as to the circumstances by which tho spread of cholera is determined; aud, having this experience, their Lordships have seen flt that its most important) conclusions Should be HO set forth as to give the nuisance au? thorities the best assistance which this depart? ment eau supply towards the ta?k of locally deal? ing with the removable causes of the disease. But here their Lorahips' power terminates. Their Lordships eau only hope that nuisance authori I ties, havinu uudiviiled and sole responsibility in 1 the matter, will justify that vor, ample trust which the Legislature has seen flt to repose in them. And fur the inhabitants of places where the nu>auoe authorities do not take proper measures for the protect iou of the publio health, the Lord j of the Council, in the present state of the law, can only MiggeBt that voluntary asso? ciations should, us fur au practicable, endeavor to supply the dr foot. VVhe'e uuisauces on private premises require to bo summarily dealt with, com? plaint may he laid by any inhabitant of the parish or place bef ire aiiy Justice of the peace having jurisdiction there: but complaint- addressed to this or any other Government office, cannot lead to ooeroive interference, and may involve loss of valuable lime. Of course, too, it must be remem? bered that, however active may be the authority or any commit ten acting in its stead, every house? holder ought at least to be vigilant as to the state of his own premi-es und water supply. "7. Personal preoautioiiH against cholera con? sist essentially in avoiding thu unwholesome cir? ca instances which have been described; and where that avoidauo- can ba secured there need not be further thought upou the subj. ct. Even where ch ob-ra seems imminent the danger is quite conspicuous y ono whioii ought not to ?ive occa? sion to paine. Intelligence and cool decidion are wanted 'gainst it. The ea^e ia no longer'hat of a mysterious pe tilenoo coming (like the plagues , of pant centurion) on ignorant at d but half so- ' oiaiizi d p'pul.iti >ns, it is the casa cf a distinct ' and measurable attack, against which denni e i pr?cautions au bo taken ?ii ti r-ucoe.-B; and power ? to enforce th's . preotutioua is in the hands ot' lb 3al authorities throughout thc. country. But iu ikiduil security cannot bo promim d apart from ;he security of dis riet?-; and f r selfish safety, nd I e.-s th-?ii tor the guner il good, ic is expedient hat every man sh uld do his utmo t to prom <ie vliere he d vi lis avi.orous sanitary administra iou over the largest pos-ib e urea. Those who a mow that such an administration i* at work tri'Und them need have but little apprehension as r o th ; recuit. "8. As to p-rsoual precautions, in a narrower lense of the word, only ?me general ru'e can be ' ai i down-a iule, however, ?hieb is most impur- ' ant for pernuna ?ho unfortunately lind (heui elves iu the midst of local out bro ka of cholera, ,nd which Ortch individual must apply according o his experience of Iiis own bodily habits-the ute of living HS strictly as po-sibln <>n that eis? ern wh'cli commonly agn es bent wi'h the health; o gund, as tar as practicable, uuaiuBt all ex- 11 lauding influeiioos of privation, fatigue, oxpo ure, und the like; aud, as regards diet, espeoutlv 0 avoid all acts of int em per inca, aud all such j atiui; and drinking as are likely to disturb me totnach or no-?dla. But wiyle faults yf the lat-er ind ure peculiarly, apt to be hurtful, it must not herefore be supposed that the customary bea th- v?: ul habits need be changed. For instance, there tl 1 no rea-on to suppose that fruits and vegetables, n f suoh kinds aud iu i-uch ntates as would be "holeaome iu ordinary seasons, are unwhole-ome ?hentiholera in present; nor (-ubject to what will ." lireotly bo said about premouitory diarrhoea) is " here auy reaaou to behove that persons in good t* tea Ith ought iu oholera UmeB, with a notion of & ortifyiug themselves against the disease, to take ? JR. s-J a *?.*_ Has whic h (hey would not take iu or ? auvl-uinfi to bc wi?.'ly donn in UHR - M w b?done under the Hclvio . of Ri in-ift'tio-icra, and except with such ? . !,"': . io be moat chary both of drug Hv?if td ni taking euch pretended ? a" are ' vu neively offered for sale. ? ."vi.r.r cholera is present or threat H-- o'-.'- bodily ailment requires ex Hi'?co That ailment ia diarrhoea. T H riv i'n this country cholera begins B ?I' -i'il.v so that for some boura or c H ""thc' [?,??tomsbecome alarming t ?)f?mo;>it?vv diarr ma' may be- ob JU ,.;."1( v i U tending to be epidemic ? HaT-dsis nido by side with it, in the 8$ amouni of epidemic diarrhoa, I H. nari tho earlier Btagea, in other f H< ,;r det-roeu, of the same insidious Hma-iadv. Thia diarrhoea .painless ? "trivial though it be) may in any ?J convert itself into cholera; aud. R ,.^ serious significance of th? . ?t ..t8V?-,o plient himself, it mu?t Bfh?t cverv Booh diaTrrhfoal patient i Haring nf'infection to others, lt Hbable that accidental diarrhoa, MBtm.?.Vnt of the epidemic influence, K personal c onditions, the one on Hera- infection can tnoBt eaBily tix H. 0H all accounts it ?B of the moat Hauco thai no looseness of bowels Hoelod in places where cholera ex Hportant part of their Lorlship? He?uhiiioiis onjoius the making of Hms liv >V!HCII thia object, (shall be He poorer iidiabitanta ot infected Hlior elapses of the population are Ho V!"ib'"' themselves. In any Hfvery looseness of bowels or siuk H'u^ht, aa qutckly as possible, to H skilled medical treatment; and H>"">? at, nil sharply, or if they Hi1 not ferv- pro^p^y yleld *? Hxticnt (.H ila invariably to remain HLt<-.:>n:'.we cannot be attached ?n-'..u:.-!i!v '(iainfeeling, without H? of hmo or otherwise, nil dia H^tninach and bowels of peraons Heb inti J--nee, is well as all bed HTvrl.s, ?md 'i e like, which such H5V" i;.!1'd. md all privies and! HIii wini h such dischargOB may Hjfbo kept flooded with solution HJt. '"' solution of carbonic acid. Himu lu tins medical care of th. H?' '.!? kinds of medical aotio.. W|S , .,,atancos of lliteuti HS ire ii.. Lords of the Goun. -! Ha'od'bdiPi mat the appoint' .1 Hfanrine* of the country will bo HS the vcrv crave responsibility HP"' them'bv the Diaeaa-a "<?. Spin regulations thereundf -, H?xioUti to themselv . ol Hj a mannor oommenBurate i! b ?Bil,if unhappily any particular Hiffer a sudden and extensive Hpc that tho authority, thongh Hjno lo discharge its duly, will H^vidiiitf ('n'*M requirements o' H in dancer of finding itself ovor H hoped that in any such cri-w, H1' ari06, voluntary local asms HntitiR to tho authority- Among HJrould hftvA to be diiK-nargt'd HI skilled offioers, hut muy with Hffevolvod ou discreet and intel Hail might, be of gre-it looa! ser Hmone, in committees ot othcr H?y to co-operate with the au Hs the authority would Iben bo Hf beyond iimitB which would ?Kat system of hoiisedd-hnuBe Mtvario'iis n'.iys ?nay bo tho moat Hygenciefl for stopping the pro HP' not only as providing for the Hl??nent of the Bick, bul equally Hjs"-,'?" unu exercising influence BJiwhieh tend to multiply the HU action which may be wanted HgBnaction of thu ntiisanco au H voluntary work in aid of the HJ|ily njivy, in ibo sunposad oir Hg great ?-the local arrange* H%hef have to be told and ex Hll*1" of disinfectants has to be nraniany other aorta of useful Hlffi ifiv-'Ti. unreasunable alarm H*wn^^ ' *''dm'-.led and the deati Tn?oTaTfiQr the ataff-M-ftfiTpet-eni visitors whooan bo employed in any infected district, the easier will be thia task. Ans any educated poison who would wiall to take y ntl mit can easily qualify himself to render, tu caso of need, a really im? portant service to his neighborhood. "By direotion of the Lords of the Council. "JOHN SIMON. "Medical Department of the Privy Council-office, b, Bichmond-terraoe, London, 8. W" July 24, im." , bPKCllAL NdyiOErt. JO- SWEET OPOPONAX, ; PERFUME FROM MEXIOO.-Sweet Opoponax-Try it once. Sweet Opoponax-Will never use any other. bweet Opoponax-The richest and choicest per? fume. Sweet Opoponax-The ladies' delight. Sweet Opoponax-A rare and most exquisite Perfume, far surpasiii.g in its rich and delicious flavor any that bas yet been offeied to the publics, either imported or otherwise. It is rendered by its splendid qualities a delightful extract for thf handkerchief. It is the moot delightful, lasting, and faabionable*Ferfu<ne ever used. Try it E. T. SMITH & 00., July 7 gtuthBmo Floral Perfumery, Kew York. O* MARRIAGE AND CELEBRITY, AN ESSAY of Warning and Instiuotion for Young Men. Also, pistases and Abuses whioh prostrate the vital powers, with sure meat s of relief. Sent free of charge In sealed lotter envelopes. Address Sr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH? TON, Howard Assoolat OB, Philadelphia, Pa. August l-l Smo ?9-ARTIFICIAL EYES.-ARTIFICIAL HU MAN EYES made to order and inserted by Dra. F. BAUOH and P. GOUGELMANN (formerly employed by ItoissomtEAiT, of Paris), No. 699 Broadway, New York. April 14 lyr ?ST AWAY WITB SPECTACLES.-OLD EYES nade new, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medi?me Pamphlet malled free on receipt of ten cents. Addren ?. B. pnoT.R. M. D., No. 1180 Broadway, New York. November 9 ta- ITCH1 ITOHI ITCHI BORATO HI 30R\T0HI 80BAT0H1 WHEATON'S OINTMENT will enre the itch in 48 hours. Also eurea Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all (eruptions of the Skin. Price SO cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 ?enta to WERKS ? P- <TTER. Hole Agent?, 170 Washing ion street Bost-'n, lt will ?e forwarded by mail, lree ol ??tage, to any part of the United States. Juue 4 6raos Kjf BATfIHELOR'8 HAIR DYEI-THE ORIGINAL nd best tn the world I The only true and perfect HAIK 'YR. Harmless. Reliable and Instantaneous. Produoe* mmediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, witb nt Injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the Ul effeots r ad dyes. Sold by all Druggist* Tho genuine ls signed GILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. Also, REGENER ATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLE?B8, For restoring and Beautifying the Hair. OHARLEH BATCHELOR New York tnpuRt 17 I VT ?THP?UUL NOTI?E.-O(+HEATOAEH PROV ttle acorns grow." The worst diseases known to tb? uman raoe spring from causea so small as to almost ely detection. The volumes of scientific lore that fill ie tables and shelves o ; the m?lica fraternity only go d > prove and elaborate these facti. 4' Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest 0 Imple on the skin tell-tale and Indicator of disease; " ; may fade and die awa from tie anrtoce of the body, 01 n wDJreacb the vita /i.perhips, at last,and death ?tho reen and Ana dose, UAGGIEL'8 BLLIOUB M VHPEPT10, an ?IA RR H KA PILL? oore wrtere al) " hera fall. While tor Burna Solid Chilblains. Cuts, w id al) abrasions ot the ?kiri MAGGIPL'S Halve IP In Ibbie. Sold Dy J. MkfHiTEL, So. 48 ?^n I ton-st ree*, AW vork and all Druggists, at ? cents per box. September 35 ly* SPECIAL NOTICES. jjarTHE SALE OF Ti? PLANTATION BIT .ER? is without pre?*;.: .'??' ?f the world. -?fin th - itiiiuir. Ticy are at once the 'here is no secret in tn. .... . aost speedy, strength?..,:. uMr<*U>T ever dis evered! It requires hu. ?Single tri?! to understand overeo. ? 4 relied upon. They ulB Their purity ; .? recomposed of the?. - Ladder turk Dandelion, .i-v^ """ ' jara, .. riovorbuds, Orange-peel, riowers, Wintergreen. /y?-~- > inake-root, Carawa), 0? ifanfler. Rordook, They are especially rrom.nm.dod to clergymen, pub io -pikers, an, el Ulm habl* ^^oa" lary life, who re.j.ur, ?ree dilston, a relish for food, ?nd olear mental mi?ities. . . Delicate females sk ?ve?k persons are certain to find In these Bitters wha they have so long looked for.' They purify, s Iron-then aud invigorate. They or?ate a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They ovorcem/effects of dissipation and late hours. They the svotem aud enliven the mind. They prevent j.l??rualio and intermittent fevers. They purify tu-breath and acidity of the stomach. They care Dwyoesia .and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Oholera andObolera Morbus. They '.ure Liv?? Complaint and NervouB Headache. They aro thc heit Bitters in the world. They make the weak mau atrrtif?, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. Tho following'startling and emphatlo statements can be 'leen at our ?face. Loiter of Rai. ti, P. CHANE, Chaplain of tte 107th New York Ui.'H i ia eli ? , r ain AOQOTA CHEEK, March 4th, 1869. Owing tn tl.--greatexposure and terrible decomposi ! tion M'.m- tli. battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrat ! ed and v?r? -i. k. My atomach woiild not retain medi ? oine. AH avtUe called PlantaUon Bitters, prepared by Dr. DIUKK, r.f New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great surprise they i r?ivc mu i m m?diate relief. Two bottles almost allowed ... ;.tit< ?iy regiment. * * * * I have sinoe seen ' .Uivi:j I i'll ?n many OUCH, arid ?a fran to ??y,-tor hOS . ital or private purposes I know of nothing Uko them Rev. E, F. GRANE, Chaplain, Lotter etom the Rev. N. E. Gu?>s, 8t. Claireville, Pa. 0 .J.SMEN:-You wore Wnd enough, on a former oc? casion, to send me a half doszen bottles of Plantation Bli toro,for $3 SO, My wife having derived so mao. ht m lit from the use of these Bitters, 1 d?sira .pr to continue them, and you will please send iu g,* bottles moro for the money enolosed. I am, very truly, yo rs, N. E. GI.-.-' , Pastor Ger. Ref. Church, SOLDI E ? >' BOMB, SOPEBINTBNDENT'S OFFICE, ) CisoiNMATi, OHIO, Jan. loth, 1868. J ********* 1 have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of j ?ur noble soldiers who s'op here, more or less disabled I from various causes, and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this is I heartily wish in every family, in every hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Dr. W. A CHTLDB, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont B* ?riment, writes:-"I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per? fect, and harmless tonio I ever used." WrutiABO's HOTEL, 1 WASHINGTON, D. C., May 93d, 1868. J GENTLEMEN :-We require another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity 0 whieh dally in* I creases with the guests of our bouse. Respectfully, SYKES. CHADWICK A 00. srrd&irnnKjef?tj uow?"bwn> -bot elgnature on a steel plate label, wttlTtiftl' phrUtB UhSttf over the oork. F. H. DRAKE ft CO, No. SOS BHOADWAY, N. Y. Bold by aU respectable Druggists, Physicians, Grocers Saloons, and country Hoteiadeaiere. APrtl M thshiirr -i-H- 1 f '. JW SIMILI A Kl M IA UV li C?RARTUH. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC, ; COB PREVENTION AND CURE OF ASIATIC OHOLERA. As the season advances, and Dysentery, Cholera Mor ?bus, attended with Fevers, are becoming common,a PREVENTION for the ASIATIC OHOLERA is a necessi? ty with every individual and every family. In the last visitation of Oholera in this country, Dr. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC was regarded, wherever the pressure on his time allowed it to be introduced, as the surest PREVENTIVE and most effectual CURE given to the public. Of those who uso the PREVENTIVE faithfully, only about five per oent. were attacked, and ef cases treated the mortality was lesB than four per cent. One-haif ounce vials.jLOO Peoket oases, three three-quarter vials, and tWok of directions, complete. 8.00 Family cases, three one-ounoe vials, and book, complete. 5,00 Sent b> mall free on receipt of price. HOMEOPATHIC SYPHIL0IDS. ANCHOR BYPBILOID, oures Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Old Urinary Complaints.$3, on STAR 8YPH1LOID (case ol three bettles and book), onres recent Syphilis, Chancres, Buboes.L5.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. HUMPH HEY8' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, No. 662 Broadway, New ?ojk. KING & CASSIDET, W. A. SitlUVE. A. W. FCKBt.dc CO., Retail Agents, No. 231 KIN G-STB K HT, 4th d0o? above Market-st. April 14_Btuth?moB Charleston, 8, C. 8--T---I86O---X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Thu} purity strengthen una invigorate, rhoy or?ate a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to chango o water and diet They overcome effeots 0 ) dissipation and late hour> They strengthen the system and enliven the mind, They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoen, Oholera and Cholera Morbus. They oure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, They are the best Bittere in the world. They maa ie weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great rt toror. They are made of pure St, Croix Rum, the tele rated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are tai* 1th the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age r fime of day. Particularly recommended to delicate arsons requiring a gentle ethno tant. Sold by all bro ?s, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only genuin hen Bork ls ooyered by our private U. & Stamp. B? are of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE & CO., Ho. ai Park Bow, New York. Ootflfeer 98 stnthly lOBERT E. PENWAL, GROCERY STORK, . )RHEB KIM AID CALH0?? ML CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. F INE AND LIQUORS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 4?- GOODS OKDEBED will be sont to any part of the City. $Sf COUHTR? OBDEBS will bo promptly at? tended to. . . . i . - ?. " ' .? .. ?.?..?-. . .. ? *. ... <> ? - August 16 THIS OIL, PRODUCED FROM wells ia Western Virginia, is tho best yet offered, excelling other Petroleums for gravity ; is of the same density AS Sperm, and is especially adapted to* Railroads for Axles, Engines, and all heavy bearings wherfr Lard or Whale Oil is used, an? costing one-third the price of Sperm. Parties interested are request? ed to call a ad examine Samples? W, M. BIRD & CO, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, No. 203 EAST BAT STREET. August?_thfm NEW STORE; JTJST OPBNBD. A FRESH STOCK AT LNTO. 394 King-St, THE SUBSCRIBER, AGEN?? for Manufacturers of, and Wholesale and Retail Deal? ers in, Ladies', Gent's Misses', Youth's atid Children's Pine and. Medium Sewed and Pegged BOOTS AND SHOES, has taken Store No. 304 KING STREET, where he will keep a large as? sortment of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Our FINE GOODS we warrant in every particular, equal to custom-made goods, at about half the cost. Buy of the Manufacturers, and save ONE PROFIT. I. F. Ellsworth, No. 394 KING ST. August 1_._Imo LYON'S KATHAIRQN. K ATHAIE;ON IS FROM THE GREEK WOKO Kathro, " or "Kathairo, " signifying to olean??, Bjuvenate and restore. TWB ertiole ls what Its name Ignlfles. For preserving, restoring and beautifying Ui4> nman bair, lt is the most remarkable preparation In tho orld. It is again owned and put up by the orle in al roprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill ad attention whioh gave it a sale of over one m ill io tv attlee per annum. It ls a most delightful Hair Dressing, It eradicates scurf and dandruff, It keeps the head cool and olean. It makes the hair rioh, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gr?;, It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful bes? r hair should use Lyon's Kathairon. pla known andr wd throughout the olviliied world/ Bold by all re* lockable dealer?. DEMAS/?ARNES & CO., October SB stutuiyr Hew fork,