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MARIGOLDS. "Mies Tille-say?, Mi? Tillie ?" "Hey?" "He's a ole bachelor, Susau Kite say?. "Mercy on us, Kizzy Jones I Who's an -old bachelor?" Miss Tillie Bell, who had been medita ting deeply as to whether scarlet, oran?e or green would be best to begin with in working a motto, had evidently not tiaid duo heed to tho opening remarks of her handmaid. Kizzy gave her broom a flourish, and replied to her mistress' question. "The feller that's tool' he cottage back yonder on tho hill. I don't reckon he's overly young. He's kinder gray, but not very, jest a leetlc grain, an' got a wart ; an' what you reckon he's been a doin' all the niornin'?" "Goodness mc, Keziah ! how should I know?" "Jkcn a-plantin' marigolds in his front yard all the blessed meroin'. Bought a whole lot of packages of seed, Susan said, every ono marigolds." "Dear me, wha. a funny man !" said Miss Bell. Hutas Kizzy hung up tho broom and disappeared, the large card-board motto slid on the floor on thc cue side of her, aud thc skeins of worsted on tho other, all in a tangle of vivid color, and Miss Tillie forgot them- forgot the present entirely-and sat with her hands folded, and ber soft eyes looking out to the line of hills across the fields. It was tho word "marigolds" that had sent lier thoughts wandering; so olten will one simple word waken a whole train of recollections. There was sad ness mingled with these freshly stirred remembrances-a sadness that had come to her through her first and only romance. She waa young when that happened ; even now she was pretty and pink, and plump. Then she was slender and pale, and Joe GifToiJ had aeon tho w ide world in her eyes ; and there had boen promise? andan engagement ring, . ?d a little brown cottage bought, back on the hill, with a funny, strongly, red bud tree in a corner of tho bit of front yard ; and Til lie, who had very little money of her own in those day?, invested fifteen cents in a paper of marigold seed tu beautify thc yard. "For," ?bc said, "marigolds are such hearty, jolly kind of flowers! There is HO much satisfaction in them." But just as they had come np, and be gun to bloom in huge, brilliant masses ol golden-yellow and velvet-soft red brown, three weeks before the wedding day, what was it that took all the light out of them-all the suggestive beauty and sweetness out of thc brown cottage, and nindi) the red-bud look liku a stunted, malicious gnome ? What bul a horrible quarrel with Joe-a quarrel in which thev had both acted willi thc wisdom and common sense of a couple of bellig erent children fighting over something as important a? a rag doll, and breathing deadly threats against each other. And Joe had wound it all up by re pairing to tho brown collage, in a terrible temper, and pulling up every marigold by tue roots, throwing them spitefully across tho utrccta, ar. near Tillie's homo as po?sible, where they lay, n heap of bright color, fading and wilting in the sun. If a straight, ?lim little figure, in a gray dress, trying to look as much like a Bbadow as possible, had slipped out of tho houso in the faint light nf a crescent moon, and gathered up one little velvet red marigold from the heap moist with dew, and if that marigold, all dead und dry, was in one of Miss Tillie's boxes up stairs now, why no ono but Tillie had any suspicion of it. Aud Joe had sold thc callage and gone down South. "And ho can stay thero whilo thc wo-'d lasts, for all of mel" Tillie had said, remembering how ho had called her an obstinato little jade-though, to-bo-sure, she hod called him au ogre. Tillie waa a devout little woman, nnd was bent on walking in tho narrowest heavenward path she could find ; yet her be*viUing Bin of temper would get in her way sometimes and trip her up. "And as if," abo had said,- "ibero were not higher duties in lifo than thinking of an obstinate goose of a man with n bud temper." And yet bow inniiy. many tears Hbo hud shed over that little dead marigold in tho box ! For Tillie was not BO unfor giving ns she hud tried lo bo. And now a man had taken tho browu cottage on tho bill-a bachelor, not "overly" young, with a wart, who had been planting marigolds all the morning. Well, Joe could not be overly young now, and be used to havo a wart. She had often advised him to try milkweed for it ; but bo was obstinato nud never would, not having faith enough either in milkweed or Tillie's judgment. Suppose thi:; mau should bo Joe? Kizzie's head was poked iusido the door. "Miss Tillie," she said, "ho's a-goiu' to bo married--tho fellow with tho vart is!" A? tho head disappeared, Miss Tillie snapped tho thread of her reverie, gavo her hoad an v impatient little toss and picking up her motto and her wort, bo gan to work briakly. "Well, well,'* she half sighed; "if people do their.dtity, there is no doubt that things will como out all right snmo time." Kizzy came flying in, red and giggling, with aomo one atnlking solemnly behind her. "Hero he is. Miss Tillie-that's him !" sbo cried, choking a titter, and pointing to n tquaroshouldered man in the door way, whoso thick brown hair was lightly tinged with gray. lt was Joe Gifford, not looking so very different from what ho had !o tho old days. "Tillie 1" said bo, without any preface at all, "I'vo come bac'f and bought tho cottogo again, aud pla ited thc marigolds ; and now don't yon th'.nk wo had netter fulfill tho contract v,o smashed so long ago?? "1 thought-" 'lutter . Tillie ; "Kizzy said- ' "'Twasn't me ! 'V .* dusan Kile Baid it, wheu she fetched the milk this evonin' -said her brother Jeff was in tho storo'u beert! tho men a-ax?V of bim"-poin : tirig'diet elbow at Joe-"if bo was n-goin' to, git ?T-.rricd ; an* he said, "You bet ter reckon I air !' " "And RO I nm. if she'll hnvn !?n " nr?. Mlrered Joe?, coming forward, "Kizzy, you run and feed thc chickens, or the cat, or something, my dear. And as she disappeared, wilb an un suppressed giggle, Joo went straight up to Tillie, and dropping down beside her chair, tangled ber wools ali up by catch? ing her bands as sho was picking ata knot "What impertinence:^ said Tillie. "Do you supposo I have forgotten what a scamp you wero? Have yon reformed?" "I don't know/' he answered, seriously. jVI baye tried. And what does your motto ?av ? "Cbarity sufferetb long and is kind." I know you oro hind and sweet, Tillie. Dearest Tillie, try me again I" "Ah, Joe," signed Tillie, "wo both have need of heAfcn'a help 1 If we go there for strength-nud help, we shall learn the lesson to be kind to each other." "And when shall wo bo married, Til lie?" Joo asked. "Ob, not till the marigolds bloom !" Tillio answered. - A Missouri woman bas a collection Of 1.7,000 spools. - Henry C. Spaulding, who waa fa taous once aa the inventor of "Spadl ding's glue/' found himself in tho Now .?baoy, Ind., lock-up tho other night for drunkenness. Ho saya that he sold the right to manufacture tho glue to a con cern who made a round million, but be got nothing ont of it. AN A NO KL'? TOUCH.-One evening j not long ago a little girl of nine or ten en teret] a place in which ia a bakery, gro cery and saloon in one, and asked for live cents' worth of tea. "How's your moth er?" asked tho boy, who carno forwatd to wait on her. "Awful sick, and ain't had anything lo eat al! day." The boy was just theo called lo wait upon some men who enured the saloon, and ihe girl sat down. In five minutes she 'vas nodding, and in seven she was sound asleep and leaning her head against a barrel, while she held the poor old nickle in a tight grip between her thumb and her ?in?tr. One of the men saw her us he came from thc bar, and after asking who she was, said: "Hay, you drunkard,1* see herc. Here we've been pouring ?Iowa whiskey when this poor child and her mother want bread. Here's a two-dollar bill that say? I've got some feeling left." ' And lean add a dollar," observed one. "And I'll gi??i another." Tb oj made up a purse of an even five dollars, nnd the spokesman carefully put I the bill between two of the sleeper'? fingers, drew tho nickel away and wbis pored to his comrades: "Ji.^t look a tiiere-tho gal's dreaming !" So nbc was. A big tear had rolled om from her cloned eyelid, but the face was covered willi a binile. The men tiptoed out, and tho clerk walked over and touched thc sleeping child. She awoke with a laugh, and cried out: "What a beautiful dream ! Ma wasn't sick any more, and we had lots to cat ami lo wear and my hand burns yet where ar. angel touched it !" When she discovered that her nickel had been replaced by a bill, a dollar of which loaded her down willi all she could carry, she innocently said : "Well, now, but ma won't hardly believe mc that you Henl un to beaven and got an angel lo come down and clerk in your grocery!" <S'r;j Francisco Newt Letter. Ls nu: KAHUI DRYING Ul'?-Phy sicists and Bcicnlhts say, that thc amount of water on the surface of ibo globe is steadily decreasing, and that tho land gains on the Hoa year by year. It is quite true, thal in some portions of the globe the sea is eating up, as it were, the land. This is true of the Atlantic coast, which gives evidenco of a steady en croachment of ihe ocean upon its snores. New York will some day bo it city under the sea, and its great bridge and ruins can be examined and disinterred only by means of diving bells. Geographers tell tis lhat two-thirds of the earth's surface is composed of water, so wo can afford to lose a good deal of that element without suffering. If the nebular hypothesis is correct, and the carib was once a vait sea of lire, water was then non-existent, and, when it first upppctned, must have como in tiie form ol Life was not possible until tho lluid cooled, and it ."?lust have been myriads of years hu for t? the great salt seas formed. If the earth should gradually lose its moisture, great changes will be effected. There will bc more land and a denser population, low er marine animals, and more room fm the races which now inhabit ihe laud, Certain districts will become arid, swamps will dry up, vast waterway- will bo converted into dry land. What a ;.;t> it is we cannot go lo sleep for a thousnnt years, so as to see what kind of a work this will be in Ihe year 30U?. Then will, wc apprehend, be some water Iel eveu thon.-Demorett't Month/;/ for Feb mary. A MISTAKE WAS MADE.-A younj lady gave "her young man" a beautiful!' worked pair of slipners, und lie acknowl edged the prese Ut by sending her hi picture, encased in a handsome frame lie wrote a note to send with it, and a the same time replied angrily to au of repented dun for an unpaid-fur suit o clothes. Ho gave a boy len cents to de liver thc package and notes, giving ex plicit directions ns to Ibo destination o each. It was a boy with a freckled face, an ho discharged his errant in a mamie that should givo bim n niche in thc tem plo of fame. Tho young lady received a note in he adored ono's hand writing, and fled I her room to devour its contents. Hb oponed tho missive with ber eager finget and read : "I'm gelting tired of your cvcrlastin attentions. The suit is about worn on already. It never amouutcd to mud any way. Please go to ibuudor V" And thc tailor was struck utterly dum when ho opened a parcel and discoverc the picture of his delinquent custome with a noto that said : "When you gaze upon the feature think how much I owe you." When the unfortunate young ma called around tlmt evening to receive th happy acknowledgment of his swec heart, ho was very ostentatiously shove oil'the steps by ihe young lady s fathe WOMEN ANI> LADIES.-In ibo days < our fathers there were such things to I met with as men and women ; but no they are all gone, und in their places race of gentlemen uud ladies-or, to I still more refined, a raco of "ladies au gentlemen" has sprung up. Women nu girls arc among tho things that wert but "ladies" are found everywhere. Mi Martineau, widiiug to Bee tho womc wards in a prison in Tennessee, was ai swered by tho warden, "Wo have r ladies boro at present, madam." No\ so far iis the ladies oro concerned, it wi very well that nono of them were i prison ; but it sounds a little odd-Indi in prison! It would seem bad enouc for women to go to such a place. A lecturer discoursing upon tho cha ncteristics of women illustrated thu "Who were the lust at tho cross? Ladif Who were tho first at the sopulchn Ladies. On the modern improveme wo have heard of but ono thing th beats tho above. It was tho Gnishii touch to a marriage ceremony, perform* by an exquisito divino up to all model refinements. When he had thrown tl chain of Hymen around tho hnppy co plo, ho concluded by saying, "I now pr nounco you husband and lady." Tl audience stuffed their handkerchiefs their mouths and gol out of thu room quickly as possible to take breath. A FIOIIT Wrru RATS.-What apilif story that is of Qeorgo Furness, a lill nino year i d boy infiri?, IVnnsylvanii Ho was locked in a schoolroom by mi take, whero ho was attacked by A swar ui iain. Thu iiil.O fellow fought SlUTui for a while, but nt last overpowered 1 tho rodents. When discovered, ho w senseless, and the rats were gnawing hil The account says his life may bo save but ho will never recover his reaso How cruel is nature to some members tho human family.- lYom Demore* Monthly for February. - Ex-Presidont and Mrs. Hayes ha' gi von a handsome gold watch and chai to John M. Unglaub, engineer of tl train on which thev left Washington < March 5,1881, and which met with t accident Dear Baltimore. Unglaub r mained at his post and, though severo injured, saved tb" train from wreck. - With Jay Gould aa one of its p: lars, Ulysses S. Grant as a trustee ai Parson Newman as pastor, the nc "Wealthy Men's Church," on Madist avenue, New York, will bo ono of tl most remarkable ecclesiastical mixtur of tho day. The report that Russ? Bago and Cyrus W. Field are to be dc cons is not confirmed. - Mr. Blaine says in substance th tho Houth is growing prosperous, ni that prosperity is at once tho cause ai the sign of good government. This not only a confession that the south b good and peaceful government, but tl plain inference from it is that there is i reason for any extraordinary and unnat ral alliance (ortho purpose of effecting change. News and Gossip. - The telegraph messengers in Kio Janeiro used biivcles in carrying mes sages. - General Kimball now proposes to take thc waters of tho Chattahoochee lo Atlanta. - The end of man h nu action and not a thought, though it were of the noblest. - Already wc hear that fresh toma toes arc licitly shipped from Florida to New York. - A ?poke, bandle and shuttle factory h nt work in Winston, N. C. Persimmon j wood is used, and the material is abuu- j dam in thc vicinity. - It is alleged tho person who offered fl ,000 for Guiteau'a ?lead body, i* an agent of Barnum's. It in intended to exhibit the embalmed cadaver. - Cameron, tbc new Goveroer of Vir vinia. i4 a (.?.*rrmsr;, aud, .";r the fi Mt time in twelve year?, a lady will preside at die Executive Mansion. - Very few public servants have been abie, in tho short t>pace of ten month?, to accomplish reforms of Mich permanent value as tho<e which Postmaster Ceneral .Innes leaves behind him. -The Illinois State Board - f Health is kepi busy wrestling with tin; smallpox epidemic. Cases have been reported with in six weeks from sixty-one point* in the State, about forty of which are Ktill in fected. -- There is ?aid to bo great unrest in Suinter among the negroes there, and that at least live hundred families ore preparing to leave the county in tho early Spring. The farming interests are alleged to IK- greatly imperilled. - After a wedding party bad assem bled io a church at Bloomington, III., the father of thc girl offered her $500 if HIIO would back out. She took the money, remained ut home, and sent word ?to the minister to dismiss the assembly. I - James Anderson has been arrested at Marion charged with having murdered Chas. Floyd, who resided near Huck's Swamp. ?'loyd was found in an insen sible condition, alone, out in tho cold and with two small bruises on his head. It was i bought ut first he had died from thc elfects of undue exposure. - Savannah t\etet: A great many Geor gians emigrate to Texas under the impres sion that it is a land of milk and boney where colton will grow ten feet high without any fertilizing. To show how rose colored and unsubstantial these ideal are we have been "bown a letter from a T< XHseinigraut, spoakiugol the great need in thai Stale of fertilizers arni appyling for tho position ol'a well known ferti?/.. i bouse. He says In* could easily nell al! ho could g.". bis hand on. - Wo are i ti for in ed that Senatoi Brown and ltcpre.-icnt.itivc Stephens, o Georgia, had within a short limo ai interview with President Arthur, tho ob ject of which, it .seems, was to got tli? patronage of the government to cnutru the polities of that .State. They prom ??od lo make it "liberally democratic" i they could have the distribution of tin ollices, but it seems thc president repli?e t>> the suggestion that this "is a rcpublicai ad min is t rati on."-li-i lt i mme Gaze! tr. - In the Franco-German war thc Ger mans lust over 40,000 men by disease o tho casualties of battle. It is to b remembered that every one of these wa a picked mun, in thc full vigor nf lift when ho ought lo have been nddin^ t tho wealth of thu country and raising u a family tn strengthen "the State. He sides '.he official cost of thc war, thc vol uulnry contributions amounted to $1 000,000 in mncoyorkind. Thia was th price of a successful war, waged by th most economical of nations. - .Scoville has received n buna fit proposition from a medical gentlcmn for the body of Charles J. Guiteau. Th gentleman, whose name Scoville decline to make public at prescut, has offered I pay down immediately .$1,000, Iii amount of tho purchase money, on coi ditiou that ho shall have the body of tl prisoner, as soon as the actious of it law have been met, to dispose of as I ?hal! see flt. lie abo agrees to tako h chances of waiting one month or twenl years for thc consummation of thc ba train. Thia somewhat liberal propositic was submitted to Guiteau last Fridr and seemed to impress him quite favor bly. After reflecting for n moment, 1 suggested : "I think 1 ought to bril moro than that. Perhaps some otb fellow will offor $2,000, then I can pi my debts, and if 1 havo to get a ne trial that miserable Corkhill can't brir ou a lot of fellows just to swear hfi much I owo them." - The Hov. John Jasper, ofliiclimon Va., who has become a celebrity from 1 sermon declaring that '"Thc Suu < move," receives a salary of only $700, ni refuses to receive more, though h congregation have long been anxious increase it. His great trouble is co corning his first wife, from whom was divorced. Ile says : "She went ai married another man and had twins him, nnd ever since ?he has been tryi to shorten mv days in order to get posai sion of my property, by influencing i children, aho a threatened my life ihr times, aud (die done tried to kill mc on by putting poison in ray cup. I drunk but the doctora saved me. Sho is st after me. I'm not afraid of her, thouj: in the streets OF anywhere oise, and I going to do my wny and speak the tru if I'm killed for it tho very next minu I'm sot in it." Ho is 69 years old, a has been a preacher forty-one years, hf ing adopted the profession when ho ? a slave. A Nocturnal Bambie and What Berni of lt. Somo genius-wc suspect him to 1 long to thc jovial order of humanity has said : "The day to drono and dren the night to learn and ramble." We not propose to dispute this worthy's vi of tho matter, but present herewith t experience of a Philadelphia journali Mr. William II. Cunnington, 1712 Noi Twentieth street, ono of whoso nocturr rambles ho thus refers to, beginning I narration rather peculiarly, however: um not a rheumatic, and have been trr bled very little with bodily paina. 1*1 Tuesday morning I experienced a vc annoying stiffness of the neck, whi grow worse as tho day wore on. Towa evening it became very severe, and could scarcely turn my head in any < rection. Arriving borne at tea time, was with dilticulty that I could cat t meal. My wife wanted to rub ray nc with St. Jacobs Oil, but I refused, aayi 1 thought the afflictions would soon pi away. Tea over, against tho reme atrancos of my family, I left homo ramble towan' tho now Chestnut Stn Opera Hmise( about two and a half mi from my residence. I ?tarted in t midst of a heavy snow storm, and maincd at the theatre until the close tho performance, although I could f my neck getting worso and becomi very painful. Leaving the play I troublo came to reach borne. Ihe stn continued ; the car .;.n which I was 1 carno blocked in nearly every square cold current of air swept through t car, and I did BC? roach my homo ur toward 2 a. ra , by which time my n< bad become absolutely rigid. Thct consented to the use of Su Jacobs C which my wife applied two or three tin before I arose. I continued ita use tl day, and by evening I was free fr pain, and the noxt morning I amui myself by twisting my neck in any dir lion that suited mc, and not a vestige ptiflbess remained."-Boston Berala. 1 L \ RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation OD earth equal? Br. JACOB* OIL M a tn fr, ?urti, timplr and cheap Esternal Remedy A Ula! mialla hut the r n.?>?ratiT?'y trifling outlay of GO Crnti, and every une ?unerlng with |*ID eau bare cliuji and (?.uri' ? r A uf Ita alai ma. OlrectloDj lo deren Language. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERD Hi MEDICINE. A. VOGEIaEPv & CO., lialHr-Korc, Sid., V. ti. A. TUTT'S ^ POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPIE) UWER* LOBB of appotltff.W'autea.bowels costive, Pjj ninth e rio an ,with ft dull co ns aiton In Ibo back part, V'ai'.i under tho shoulder bindo, winona after e atina, with a dial ni oUnatlon. to exertion a X bod y or mlnd? Irritability of temporTTiOW ap?rito. T.osn ? f m e m o ry, w i t h a fe el i n g of ti a vi UK ii p K lootod ?Pine fluty, wearineEQ. Dizziness", ^utteringjjf tho neart,'DotB bt>?oro tho ?yeii7Y0^01^^^I*7^Ii[0!1d?cho, itostl '-na ncaa nt ulhHtTHighly colored Urine. IF THEBE WAHN1HGB ABE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE OEVELOPEO. TU1TB PILLS ?re especially adapted to ri eli casca,ono dote effects auch n change of fouling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase th? Appetits, and cause Ibo body to Take on ?'Ieab. thus the pvatent la ? ourlibed.and by tlielrTonle Actlonnn i he D?g^BaUveOnamLB?gralaw*toola uro pro duced. Pries g cents, aft Warray Ut.. Bf.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. QUAY Hau? . '.nmisvt changed to n OLOSSY It LACK by a ^ e application of thl* DYK. It Imparta a color, acta Instantaneously. Sold tiy DrilKSlaia, or mm tiy rxpreat on receipt i>'. %\? Office, 36 Murray St., New York. g Ur. Trrra HA91AL ?f Talaakl* lafornitloii amt % ?l'Hlal Reectsta will ba culled rBKB ea ij>Uc?tio?..fc? TAKE NOTICE S persons indebted to JOHN E. PEOPLES, either for .Mule?. Horses. Cot ton fiiiiM, Stoves, or Acnoiuit, are requested to conic forward and settle at once ; and if tho same is not Bottled when due, or a part paid, or satisfactory arrangements made with me, I .Miall proceed to collect what is due mc, as I nm obliged to have money. I have on hand a large Stock of Stoves, Tinware. Hollowware. .Ve., that 1 will sell cheaper than ever before. Have some good second hand Stoves that I will sell cheap for cash, which are about as good a* new. Dring on all your Itags, Haw Hides and Beeswax, tts you know I am thc mun to buy them. Liberal prices ??aid for Cotton in settle ment of Notos und Accounts. JOHN E. PEOPLES. Sept -.1). ISM 12 A P. DENDY, A. M. DUFFIE. Walhalla, S. I". Anderson, 8. C. DENDY & DUFFIE, Attorney?) nt I.nw, .Anderson, - - S. C. "T?TI1.L nivo prompt attention to all bus ?V inoss entrusted to their charge. OFFICE-In thc School Commissioner's O ill co. March 17, ISSI 3* ty STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ANOKUSON COUNTY. By II'. If". Humphreys, Judge oj Probate. WU EKE AS, John \V. Daniels has ap plied to ino to Kraut him letters ol' admin istration on the Personal Estate and effects of Charles Haynia. deceased. Those ar" tb oro fore to cito anti admon ish all kindred and creditors of tho said Charles Haynle, deceased, to bo and ap ?oar before ino in Court of Probate, to o hold at Anderson Court IIouso, on tho USlh day of January, 1882, aftor pub lication hoi oof, to show causo, if any they have, why tho said administration should not ne granted. Given under my hnnd this 9th day of Januarv, 1882. \V. WV HUMPHREYS, J. P. Jan 12, 1882 20_2__ Cotton Buyer. IBUY Cotton and all other cou n try pro duce, and give the highest market price for it, Give mo a chance nt whatever you have for sale. W. V. DAUB. October 0, 1831 13 South Carolina Railroad. Un and a flor Sunday, December lp, ISSI, r.v.e si fer train? will run aa follow?: COLOMBIA, nvrr.icx L?ate Columbia.A00 p m 9.30 p m Arrive at Charleston.,10.00 p m 7.35 a m Leer? Charleston.CSOara MS pw Arrlre at Columbia.-11,00 a lu MO a rn Close connections toado ?lin Green?tile and Co lori?la Hallroad to and from Walhalla, Greenville, Anderson, Spartan burg, Flat Hoc lr and Ilendcrson Tllle. Day tra?na run daily, Sunday? excepted. Nicht train? run dally, Sunday? lnchul-i. bleeping cara on all nicht traine-berth? only tl.30. On Wednesdays and Saturday? connection.I* made at Charleston with ?teamer? for New York, and on Tuesdaya and Saturdays with ?teamer St. John for Jecksonvillo and St. John's RWer pointa. Jons H. PECK, (?en. Sunt. D. C. Aux?. Gen. Ticket Agt., Charleston, tf. Ck PRICES WILL TELL. LANGLEY BEOS. UH KI5(i STKFET, CHABI.EKT09L . ?? Indies' Chtmlsu ?*J?-. 75c, tl 00, tl.SS ?1? Ladle* Drawers. .<?... * ").. ?l.'M U---> up. Ladles' Shir:-, 50c, 73c, $1.'?, $L50 up. Julies* ??owns 75c, $1.00. $1.25, up. Ladies' Dressing Sacques, 7?c. $1.00 up. indies' Corset Covers, 60c, 75c, $1.00 up. Gents* Shirt*, to order. 75e, $1.W- $?50, $1.75. |2.00 each. Gents' Drawers, 50c up. <;cnts' Drawers, to order, 75e. $1.00. $L?; Guita' Undeishirts, 45c, 50c, . .*. $1.00. $l.?o mid ?J 00. Standing Collars, 10c, 15 r, 20c. Folding Collars, 10c, 15c. 20c. Linen Culls, 20c, 25c and 35c. A Great Bargain ! I.arge lot ol Edgings, fron? 5e ni?. Large '.'*. of Inscrtlhgs, Iron? 5c up. Towels, 5c up. Torchon Lace, Swiss Embroidery, Linen,Cambric, Madrass and Turkey Hod Handkerchiefs. AH of ? hi. h will be sold Cheap. . . Polite and atti ntive lidies to watt ir. thc Ladies' Department. Give us a cal! and bc convinced lue Man ufactory is thc plate to buy Fins Goods i Cheap. April 21, ISSI 41 J.>1_ ?iToa week. Il2a<!sy at home made. Cuatljr ?pi ?-uuifit rree. Address Tm EA Co., August?, ile ANDERSON MACHINE WORKS AMIEHSOJi, ti. <'. rTMIE undersigned having opened a Ma X chine Shop at this place, is now pre pared to repair .Steam Engines, Threshers, Oins, and all kinds of Machinery, and he respectfully solicits the patronage of those having work In his linc. He will keep constantly on hand a full supply ?f pipe and Pipe Fittings, Steam Gauges, Water Gauges, Brass Valves, Gauge Cocks. Hancock Inspirators, Rubber Pack ing, Hemp Pucking, and everything kept in a Machine Shop. I an? also Manufacturers' Agent for Steam Engines, Saw Mills, and al! kind:? of Sup plies for Machinery. New and Second-Hand Hm/iues always on hand. R. K. DIVVER, Proprietor. J ii iv J I. issi 2 Om ns Will bt mtlltd mn te til ipr Ilrmnl,, ? ii tn miami rs wilsen* ordtflnclt. ll ronltint fiv? colortd .Inti. *.?) tmrriTlori. tb->nl TOO j ami full dtifrfpt'.Tl, : ri<".l ted dlrtcUcni fur r.!*-.Ui>* ?40? TUklkt of VtrtttUt ta. Flawtr E.-.-li. I'linll, Fruit Tre*s,tlc Inrtlr.ttla ts til. iii et iran rr " ?rn i?d? .rill lo found mort r.llttlt rnrj>luit*B|. la lie .v.ili'n Ihoit rrown lo ft nt-mtr cllmtu. Wt Busks t iptcltlly of loppljr^f I'Uotm, TrurLmtn tad Mtrirt Gtrdctri. AiMrtis, D. M. FEBBY & CO., Detroit, Mich, FREE T0_ EVERYBODY. A Beautiful Book for Hie Asking. BY applying personally at the nearest I office ?'f THE SINGER M A NT F AC- ! TURING CO. (or by postal card if at a dis tance,) any minti person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a1 New Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED, -OR Tin: Story of tte Sewin? Macbifie, Containing a handsome and costly steel en graving frontispiece ; also, 28 finely engra ved wood cuts, and bound in an elaborate j blue and gold lithographed cover. Nocharge whatever is made for this handsome book, which can be obtained only by application at the branch nnd htibordinate otliccs of I The Singer Manufacturing <'o. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., Principal Ollicc. M Union Sipiarc, N. Y. Sept 22.1S81 _ ll_?im .ttfttnCtOnPCr?lay at home Samples worthS.*>fre? V^'OV^U Address STISSO?I A t o., I'urtlanil. At the Golden Mortar. FAX( ' V GOODS In great variety. ALSO, A FULL LINK OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES. SIMPSON, REID & CO., No. 2 Henson House Place. Dec 15, 1S81 23 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. IWILL sell?t Will hunton, S. C., I JunutU'v l l, 1HN2, to tho highest bidder, Twenty Lots i?? Williamston, con taining one-quarter to three aires encl?. Lots beautifully situated in one one-quarter to one-half mile of Female College and Male Academy. Any desiring to soe Lots will call on E. J. Pinson, Esq. Lots can be bought at private sole before day of sale. For terms nnd particulars, apply to XOAII R. WILSON, Piedmont, S. C. _l)ec 15, ISSI 23 1 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON. COURT OF COMMON l?I.KAS. A. E. Hire nial T. ?.. Clinkscales, a? Executors of the last Will nml Testament of Amazlah Rico. de cease?! .Plalntlfls, against Edwin C. Rico. Krncst Uko, Katie II. Woodall, William Moses McClure, Canillo Elizabeth Hire, Mary Kato McFarland, John J. McFarland, Lewis S. Lcvorctto and E. M. Leverotte. Defendants.-Summons for RrtirJ- tbn?. plaint not ."sVnr./. To the Defendants Edwin C. Rico, Ernest Rico Katie H. Woodall, William Moses Met lure. Fan nie Elisabeth Klee, Mary Kate McFarland, John J. McFarland, Lewis S. Leverelto and E. M. ? .everette : "\TOU ore hereby summoned and required to an i ?wer tho complaint in this action, which is filed in thc office of tho Clerk of tho Court ol Common Fleas, at Andersou C. H.. S. C.. amt t? Limy m"ymir answer to thc said complaint on the subscribers al thciroflice, Anderson C. ll., S. C within twenty days after the service hereof, exclu.' siTooftheday of service; and ir you fail to answer this complaint within the Unix'.'.relaid, the Plaln titT In this action will apply i- ibo Court forth? relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Anderson C. H., 8. C.. December 2?, issi. MURRAY A MURRAY, Plalutifls- Attornejs. [SKAT.] JOHN \V. D?male, c. c. r. To the Defendant! : Tako notice that the Tomplalut in this acllon together wllh the Simm.=f-:,;, h ;'ie foreeo^ ?nu is a copy, were in tho omeo of ihr ilcrk of tho Court of Commou Fleas, for Andersou County, In the Stato ot South Carolina, ou the 22nd dav of December, A. I). 1881, and that th? object of this action is to confirm the sale of the Real E.-tate of Fleetwood Rice, deceased, sold by Aiua/.lah Rice, as bis osent, and for a settlement with the h-lm of Fleetwood Rice for thc rents and proceeds of salo of said Real Estate. MURRAY 4 MURRAY, Plaintiffs' AttorneTi. Anderson C. H., S. C., Dec. 22, 1881.. To tho Infant Defendants, Fannie Elisabeth Rice, Mary Kato McFarland, John J. McFarland and' Lewis 8. ..everette : Take notice that unless you procure th : appoint, went of a Guardian ed lltem, to appear and defend this action on your behalf, within twenty days from the sen ice of thc Summons herein upon you the 1'lalntllT? will make application to thc Coull for an order appointing Mino suitable and compe tent pe ?... Guardian od litem fur you. and au. thorUin,; . nd directing him to appear and defend the above entitled action on your behalf, ?nd for such other and further relief aa may he Just ^ J^'J MURRAY A MURRAY, Dec. 22nd, tatt. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Jan B, ISSI x 25 6 Boots and Shoes. ICAN fit any foot nt any price. I keep the best of ibis lino of gooda, for la lies gentlemen, children and all dawes. October 0, 1S81 18 ' ll*RRt WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT MUSIC ? WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT MUSIO ? Well well don't got mad f'jout it, and talk In such Big Capitals! BUY, liUY, A ( hickorinii, Mathushek, Arion or Southern Om ^| |^?U HOME, SWEET HOME ! MIST ho made a happy place find ?Mt do? not contain a PIA NO or OBGAN, it is Silyhalff?mUhed. ORDER AT ONCE AN ?RC A W"~MASON & II?I,,|IN'PEIOUBCT & C?"UR S,)ONIN^ER DON'T WAIT ALWAYS ! s-fc- If yon can't j ay ?di Cash, send f<.r our Time Prices, npiirimm TUiC -Large Saks, with small, living profits, is our poli nbmtmbtn I SllO v. iir*t,la*t and always. UUE)?U FUOM ?r'SMITH V1?SIC 'HOUSE, GREENVILLE, S. C. Dec 2.'. 1S.-1 _ -*_, ?T???TINGINES, SAW MIL LS, T H R ES H E R S, A1N1> ALL I?IINI3?S MACHINERY. HA YIN? ? uivoptod the General Agcncv for tho CELEBRATED GEISER MA CKiNEKV. consisting of SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER and BAGGER. PEEItLESS PORTABLE, TRACTION and DOMESTIC STEAM KSGINES, SASS' MILLS and .ith.'r Machinery, I am prepared to fill orders at slior: notice and "ii rca* mahle terms, and guarantee satisfaction. Come nod ?ec me before Inlying, and remember that chcan machinery is not always the afest and _ _. ' IL IT. DIVVE1?, Anderson, fi*. O. April 7. IKS! _ SH ly F. \V. WAGENER. 0. A. WAGENER. F. W. WAGENER & CO-, COTTON FACTORS, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND LIQUOR DEALERS, CHARIJESTON, S. C. S&" WE invite Consignments of COTTON, and guarantee siAisfaclion. Will make liberal advances on consignments. .Sept 1?, 1S81 10 _ CREMATION!- PilRCHA^lS DI IV ^ey^^J8*-^ T)TTT> "VT AIX BiaV#5 lr. papers lett over at 1%V U^7?xTf?%B^el^%J^ U -AViM cloiwofSe? v.u. Send for condlUona * of this NEW SYSTEM, tho Hort Advantageous v ever offered to both Merchant and Consumar. " ?LANTJEETH S GARDEN SEEDS Kit) w ii on their own . vrzne, OVER 1,500 _ ^ ACRES devoted to th.. purpose, aro tho f Alni ARD FOR QUAEITT. KS- WHOLE -J TRADE PRICE MOTS for Seeds, In hulk or other form, malled to merchants on appUeation. DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, 21 & 23 3. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA MMMiEM ?lB FM IS MIX PERFECT BALL BMMM? TH RE AB. COLUMBUS^ GEORGIA. PREPARED HT A PROCESS USED JW WO OTHER MILL. 16 Balls to Pound, I lb. Paokarjes. 20 Balls to Pound, 2 lb. Paper Boxes. _Packed in Cases of 20, 30, 50,100 or 500 Pounds oach. Uniform Pri?e. Invariable Discounts. ASK FOR "EAGEE Sc PHENIX." USE H"Q OTHER Hardware, &c IF you want anything i" lilli Hue, 1 guar antee that I can please you He sure Hint you see ruy good-? an 1 pct my pri?es before making your purchases. W. F. HARK. October IS, ISSI 13 Groceries. ~\K Y stock of Groceries, both Staple and JLV_L Fancy, is complete. I will se'.l at prices to suit tho times. Give mo a trial. W. F. BARR. October G, ISSI 13_ THE BEST REMEDY ron Diseases of the Throat an? Lungs. jlvtr' E>'o ?n ?blases of the iii i?itji\> pulmonary organs a safe and reliablo remedy is Inval uable.* Av EU'S ClIEIUtY PECTORAL is snell a remedy. lt is a scientific, combination of tbo 'U medicinal princi fHFRRY'' l'bs and curative uncriiKl virtues of the finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to iusuro thc greatest possi j'', ; bl? efllcicncy, and nrrTAT?nr uniformity of re riX1 tJKi-\L. suits. It strikes at tho iouud ilion of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any ag?' or ?.?tie r sex. Heilig very palatable, tho youngest children take it readily. In "ordinary Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Uronehltls, tntluenzu, Clergyman's Soto Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, Hie effects OCAVKR'S CHERRY PECTORAL nra magical, and multitudes are annually preserved from serious ill ness by its timely and faithful use. It phouhl bo kept nt band in every house? hold for the protection it affords in sud? den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy to cnieacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are Inducements to try some ot the many mixtures or syrups, made of cheap n?d inefectivo ingredi ents, now offered.1 which, they con tain no curative mutinies, can afford only temporary relief, and aro suro to disappoint the patient. Diseases of tho throat and lungs demand activo and effective treatment; and it is dangerous experimenting with unknown abd cheap medicines, from the gre?\t liability that these diseases may, while so tritlt i. with, ttccoinc. deeply seated or Incurable. Uso Avail's CHBRRV PECTORAL, and yon raay confidently cxiicct tho liest resulta. It is of acknowledged curative power, and ls as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Emi nr. .? physicians, kuowing its composl tiov prcscrilxi it. The test of hali a century bas proven its certainty to enra nil pulmonary complaints not alrcadv beyond tho reach of human aid. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER fi, CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. .OLD BT ALL DIVCOOISTS H VT El TWITE UK. 4>?Ca week In your own town. Terras anil |5 outfit tpuufrcc Address H. HALLETT A Co. Portland,Me Patents and Claims. HAVING formed a copartnership with J. 8. Durne Ar Co., of Washington, D. C., I om prepared to prosecute promptly all claims for Pensions, or increase of Pen sions for Soldiers, or tho widows and chil dren of soldiers who served in tho war of 1812, tho Indian wat?, the Mexican war, or the late war. Also, Bountv, Back Puy Restoration to Pension Roll, Lind War Jants, and all other claims against IT. S. Patents secured for Inventions, Discoveries, Designs and Trado Marks. No roo charg?e, except for preliminary examina*----:: unless a Patent is obtained. A. M. DUFFIE, Andeison, S.C. Morch 17, ISSI 86 ljr^ B. f. BROWN, Practical Watchmaker & Jeweller. REPAIRING of fine complicated Tiiue liiecea a speciality. Also, Diamond Jewelry and linc Gold Jewelry hard-solder ed and color preserved. He solicits a share of patronage, confident of giving satisfaction. Located in front corner of Mrs. Leak's Millinery Store, Brick Range, Craytons' old stand. NOT 24, 1881 24 3i"_ T. C. L.?G?S?, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, ANDERSON C. H., 8. C. "Vf/" I LL practice in all tho Courts in thia W State. Prom nt attention given to all business entrusted 'o his care. Special at tention given to the .ollection of claims. Sept. 1, ISSI 8__ Gm THE STATE OF S'JUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY Ol' ANDERSON. COURT OF C?5?S??/N F?iS??. Caroline Intimer, Plaintiff, against Itosta linville, Emily Jefferson, Adeliue Taylor, Martin H*y nie. Steward Havnip, John Hayniu, Allen Ilay nlc. Mose Haynl'o and Frances, formorly Hay me, present name unknown, and J. N. Brown, De fendants. - Summen* fur Relief- OomplaitU not Served. To the nefendants, Rosta Ilaynle, Emily Jeffer son, Adeline Taylor, Martin Haynie, Steward llaynie, John Hayniu, Allen Haynie, Mose Hay nie and Frances, formerly Hayuie, present name unknown, and J. N. Brown : Yor arc hereby summoned aurt required to an swer the complaint in this action, a copy of which is ii led In tho office ot thc Clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas, at Andsrson C. H., 8. C., and to serre a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the suWriber at his office, Audorson C. ll., 8. C , within twenty days after tho servico hereof, exclusiTo of the day of such service: and If you fail to answer tho complaint within tho time aforesaid, the plaintiff in thia action will apply to th? Court for tho relief demanded in th* com plaint. Pated 6th January, A. D. 1882. Tims. C. LIGON, i Pli'-ufltTi Attorney. [HEAL] H. 17. MooanKAP, C. C. P. To tho Defendants above named : Take notice that tho complaint and summons in this action was filed in tho office of tho Clerk of the Court for Andenon County, 8. C., on tho 6th day of January, A. D. 1882, and that the object of this action ls to obtain^ partition and salo of the Heal Kstatc of Charles llaynie, deceased, and a settlement and division of the proceeds among his heirs at Uw. No personal claim ls modo against any of you. THOS. C. ?.ionri Plaintiffs Att"''ney. Jan 12,1882 " _ _25_t> New Advertisements. V-BEATTY'S PIANOFORTES-M Af'NIF .1CKNT holiday presents ; square, grand pi anofortes, four very handsome round corners, rosewood coses, three unisotis, Bcatty's matchless iron frames, stool, hook, cover, boxed, 1222.75 to $297.50 ; catalogue prices, $800 to 91,000 ; satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded after on* year's use ; upright pianofortes, $125 to $255; catalogue prices, 1500 to $300; standard plano fortes of tho universe, as thousands testify ; write for mammoth Hit of testimonia'- , Heatty's cabinet organs, ca thedral, church, ciiapcl, parlor, $30 upward; visi tors welcome; freo carriage meeta trains ; illustra ted catalogue (holiday edition) free. Address or call upon OANlEL F. BF.ATTY, Washington, Now Jersey. AND STAMP. Address CANADA PURCHA SING AGENCY, WM. J. PLATER, Manager, Nassagaweya, P. O., Halton, Ont. Mention this paper. ^ Tl Tt A YEAR and expenses to agents ll ff ff ff Outfit free. Address H?-__ff. ff ff P. O- VICKERY, Auguata, Me. lTP^#Sl^ti VENTILATED m m*m JU TRu ? ? g a \tt*W SCPPOTERH A RE thc Euaiest, Safest and Best in the .a-X. \\ orld. For sale in Andemon by , ? WILUITK ct WILHITB. Jan ll, 1881 26 188$. Harper's Ufo "Alwaya tarted,?Iws^oJ ,w Cu ABLES FEAHCU ADA*, J, N\ 7/arper'j Jtfbpaitof, the- mott'n^ periodlc*! io the w.nld, berfaTftH umo with the December what ls beet ia American llteMUmT Ul mtrlced euccces 1" Engli??**! ready a circulation tV^, IhsntW1! inagaslne of the same clasa^fcTv ? service tho moat *mlnentirrf?L Great Britain. The fcrttaonK' will in every reerect turp*,,^ HARPER'S m?o]) Ter Yean HABPEB'S MAGAZINE HARPEB'S WEEKLY.. HARPER'S RAZAR.. The TUREE abovo publlc*t??~~ Any TWO above I'SEtd,.., HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE ' '"* HARPER'S MAGAZINE 7 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE . HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUAB] Ono Ycar(62Numbera?...Z; or*c?8JrU t? a" ?, The volumes of tbe.Va^r"ebogt. beta for Juno and December ofeTs T no time ls specified, lt will be tmat^f? subscriber wishes to begin with thee A Completo Set of HABPW, j prising CS Volumes, In neat rleli KM sent by express, freight at ?peaT? on receipt of |2.2o per Tolume. fi** T mall, post paid, $3.00. Cloth cueVf?? cents, by mall, postpaid. Index to HAEPEa'sMAoaajnt.AjDhi alytlcal. and Classlfled, for Volumes (TL sive, from June, 1850, to June itu ?Ll Cloth, $4.00. Tcmittanccs should be madebr IW? Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Ii?" Newspapers are not to copy AU nitm^ the express order of HARPES A Bixm?xj Address HARPER A BROTHER 188sT Harper ? ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the btsd ti J illustrated weekly journals. Byllu sltloa in politics. 1U adinlraUe Ola?, carefully chosen ie rials, short ?torles,?*. poems, contribu? \ by the forcmtnl ????2 thors of tho day, It carries Instrocttsaijl tainmcnt to thousands of American bsa*! It will always be tho aim of thep-.i make Harper's Weekly Ihe >nort popgun tive family newspaper in the world. HARPER'S PERIODIC l'or Ycnr: HARPER'S WEEKLY. HARPER'S MAGAZINE_ HARPER'S RAZAR._. Tho THREE abovo publications..., Any TWO above named.._ HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. HARPER'S MAGAZINE I HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE|" HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE UBI One Year (62 Numbers)._ Postage Free to all Subieribers ia lit I cud Canada. Tho Volumes of the Wetkly begts viil^ Humber for January of each year. ls mentioned, it will bc understood tts j scriber wishes to commence with UieSo alter thc receipt of order. Tho last Twelve Annual Vol?mes t: : WEEKLY, in neat cloth blndlog, vfjn mall, postage paid, or by express, freit'?] (provided the. freight docs not tic* tis per volume), for 87.00 each. Cloth Casca for each volume, lulUUli will be sent by mall, postpaid,on rc:!,:. Remittances should be made byl Order or Dr: fl, to avoid chance ot bm Newspapers are not to copy thisa the express order of HABPEB ? Baot um j Addresa HARPER A BR0THEE3J 1882. Harper's Bam] ILLUSTRATED. literature, art, and fashion. IUstoristnS essays are by the but writers of Eortpa?l lea; its engravings possess thebtgaSttdS cellenco ; and in all matters pcr?lalq ll J it ls unlvcrb^lly acknowledged to b? authority In ti.?? land. The net Tolosa ? tain many trlllUut novelties. j HARPER^SP?RIODTQI Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR......-fl HARPER'S MAGAZINE.-K HARPER'S WEEKLY.-fl Tho THREE abovo publications..---fl Any TWO above named.-.BS HARPER'S YOUNG TEOPLE.--Bj HARPER'S MAGAZINE I HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE JJW HARPER'S FRANKLINSQUAUEUBR!? One Year (52 Numbers).~."~^H Postage Free to all riUcribtn OtAiOSH or Canada. The Volumes of the Boxer begin ?^fl Number for January of each year. WtojB ls mentioned, lt will bo understood tkrtSSJ scriber wishes to commenco wlthth??w?MJ after the receipt of order. The last Twelvo Annual Volases ti fjBj BAZAR, la neat cloth binding, wlabttotllB po?. Iago paid, or by express, free of ""^H vldcd tho freight docs not exceed OM?H volume), for 97 00 each. fl Clo: a Cases for each Tolume, salts* "flj lng, will bo acnt by mall, postpaid, ? ?V tl 00 each. Bf Remittances should bo roads by Money Order or Draft, to avoid ch*"*|\|H Newspapers are not to copy AUe^^M out the express order of HABPBB A ?**D*,*B Address HARPER A BRClTHEEg^ygjg Columbia and Greenville lUftH CHA2?GE OF 8CH3DUI* On and after Monday, D:*. I?..1?^ ger Trains over the Columbia Foad will be run dally, SundaysexttfW Ul. JJ Leave Columbia A.-JJ Lc-jyvi Alston B~.?.T.-'-.^ll Leave No wherry.-.I Ec Ave Hodges.~ Gil Leave Belton.-......-?.....-~"i Arrive at ?rcenvtllo.?-... Leave Greenville at.~?? Leave BMton., Leavo Hodges.....-__J Leave Newberry.4 Leave Alston.......-. *""*__' Arrive at Columbia F...-.."rT1m^ ANDERSON BRANCH ?t BL?B MW* ?F. j Leave Belton.-. Leave Anderson.?.-._I Leavo Pendleton.-.;? -ij Leave Seneca City O."" ^ A.rlve at Walhal?a....-^-- - ?j Leave Walhalla..~"'"~^.Y Leave Ecncca 1>-._? Leavo Pendloton. _Jl Leave Anderson."._B Arrive at Bolton.Z"Z\r?v? T*i EXTRA TRAIN FROM Bg*? ? UP. <_J Leave Belton.""*^.^-! Arrive St Anderson..^-" ^ Leave Anderson.?-* An ive at Belton. CONNECTIONS. A. Wllh South Carolina S*llro??fl^i on tbe Spartanborg ?? D. Vf Uh A^^^ltf?^ way from Atlanta ? pl j V. With South Caro??? *?" V/ithWllmUgtonJl^A rullro^?orWft???glS?^ With Charlotte, W^Zmtt road for t " Vu W^sSs?1*^ Slandard Time a^^OsWta,\ ls flfteen minutes faster tw?w frf,'* A.Por?.??.TK*?U|oat