University of South Carolina Libraries
"l iBLtcs Et x ! it MEk'.Yxtit .l1" .yu::-M(.f3. u A. SLLKINS, D. R. DURISOE, & E. KEESE, PROPRI r.TORS. I EE oNIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 'rirJ L'OLL.\1.% p::r year if paid ill adviinec-Two li. DUi.i..ta, and Firry Ct:%-rs is not paid witliie 6ix w...utb.-and TI11t:r DULL I 1 if ;tot paid bciuru Oil- ."sr!rliti'"n of the your. I til;:":cri.n tit'ns out of the Dietriet wutt be paid lt_1'i'1: o -\UVER'.1'1SlN (L_ All 3'1t-ertieowentti will he in erttd at ONE Pot. L t; pc: qu"iro l:.' Miuiuu Iince. t,r il:sr) fur tlw fleet:!l4 rtioa, autl Fifty l"cnt; fur each .ubsr",ucn: in: a!rliun. IN ,;:trertf;einet:;: front strir} era and t: aneiont I. r on; fin}:+I,;n ill atlvauce. AN other,, will Le c t', :i'trr'"i d'Ip whoa c'llletf f"ir. u l ict r'i ufu""!:t- Dill :l.t:i:ig r.;'e ':'"tiirtlti number ,. lnt+:t'..nt J1,:+Ui 011 tile St1?rgu, will be cun" ti'. t..1 11;1,i t"rit": :+11'1 ..t:t:l;l',! " .r '! '. '. rha:i ai"!'iriij; . 1 :ta:t:re ,V 1^ ve;'!.'"II I it, D e"+::'! ilbtlril ter;--'-it 1"alnb'1ntiCr?tvun that ":t:U" tt tJ"'"rt.- for yearly tltirt!rattiug uro '':"I:"ined to ll.:e .' IC. EIiLAa ii'1:'itle:a o the firm or Individua l ion. r 1, ertisemente' payable 2ellli t' Q arts^.::11". 1 tl a"'"i.l',1:1 1:'.':atl.lT".? of it pCrgutlal Cilaritl'(l:T, ( "" l'itll'S ;ri:::,. H., ..rt?, 1teF"lutiuu' or Pro ce Bacot of nlr Society. Atcoei:ltiun or Corpora ti.. . will he chtrrc't it- ,l"tvUrtisetnont3. n ;t:In.tan,:oin ; "1. L %nli'Lt t" {n~t iuserte'3 until paid ! Ir f(.-.: Fite I7"liar+. Mr. ltttscell':+ fifth Letter. V,',: take f om Mr. IV,: rft':: letter, writtt"n U fra.}ii! ti:ir,'.--wr. Ap .i _l. itli' !'liUlrlll'1 1'.:- L t:''. 'lag pi "t'_'t" tl .'r . .ir., 1 l't: Ie " ". i.t:1 ;,"i.!I':'t t:'_i:" ti I;:re'": "",t:t-r-. ', S ,tltl! C-xcina. TiC hull; Jer ,if :i Il1Q:Uat!"lit r. t., 111,: Z ": :t" thi. C.t'li' 1C ile'il altait:tte$ Ill.. 1 the troops is 1, 1: V ,.;" Y :".' dial !!:ell l,:! :il;"t tt;l, ll:lt t;Jl rl't:It l (! J;"tl.,;,a' .'i tl C (""!'tiiltlir- t.Alaist of 1'a11l< ..:+I ii " c'... r ii:i; the :t ,:r;t',e %tature of F.u ."t;r 'ltl . a:tll ri.:ry well built and cila i"I;al", :\ Vin: nien r.i:l eery large do.-Vii her". \'.Il11it;:. c:r: it " taure wllell toile luu.:- ! :lr Bill .rlw:t. laatltily. ll:tntlt!:ae rat'a'. i_ ,',;;i(I .Ievelupa its -tf its till-. 'tree :s, in tut. unt :::1'l iu tho Lotel ha ;!x, roan tit,: , ,.t":,". 'tt ti:_ a ;;Ult!!'llt, Vrill''tl 1t Ulaltll.' lhi!i U C R'!lt: t.l:l!t".!; tl:ri\C l:: tt'e"r Shill'. In !lull,, !i "i. t," till:. x'-i1hhr. they are !"lltl:il to :ltti" -.. II": ! h lr r":'t'r "rc 11, :clia the i( flour, . Ver:" Ie r:ihir ;:till I r uilultnced. Tlic"\" are. :h -odike Iii'- I I -lit American lli'' ("..ri " (: :11:11 ui t" glare 1' i" the " 111!1"," l: "It' f?.tite Si. JI"iviii ilit. l:n;"'i:-;!) ,(-it- %%S111.1 Of till., 111ilt'll till :t t :ii 1: iit." kntl:. :i!.'_ 1: t:u!i:;i""t:: ".1 .rt! i'l Hsi h;' ita::i;" r tlitit, I ..;:_ ;i''""." I'll :all' :< Irttt a cri.rat:lt" Sn.t 'ilt" .:... .t" tr1 Collor :1:1:1 race itilt 1,11 "tt . 4 r:.1. i':;!' :v';ite it'J.-it;ttioll tvui :1 is I!~ is rt :':t. 'I't.'. ,:taaer enjty Bret I S 1t.i:1t+1 ," tt:ilit"ii r:trt :;::'lnt^ t", tl:t" lltiriCU: t" ".. lit' it :' t)t air+ultlC, flue etlltirilillii t tiI il.i+ e, al1'I ar+'"Inilti,:lt:l'L"tita of Ii:t . !I nc" n thv'i rl, tile. I^ re!t""r ilkli.J.r.rl lu ::t"t" i 1"nr":11 i!!'t' ' i'I!l;tl l"!1 Uil'ilt ;tttd (:iiLt' : :tt". tl (lei:.? %VIC' it'C in tl,!" t'.":i;s :1!'' vr!. I..t.ti !' i i).I I to .I.1.0 1:l a \'t'91"-- 't \ Charleston News. From the Mercury of Saturday we gather le following: The third Regiment, Col. Williams, was eu.-tered into thoe service of the Confedcrate tates on Thursday. The RegiimentL numn trs over 940 lnien. 11.rrIAvt E LECT IO NS.--The foll o'd ing ofil Lr have been duly elected atd commaissioned ir the 10th Regiment S. C. Volunteers Clut.el-Arthur M. M .nieault. I itut. Cletnel--d. F. Presler. llaj=.r-R. G. White. (;tiat...s.-The first meeting for the or anization ef those patriot bands will be bick t five o'clock this afternoon, at Instituu [all. Let there he a full attendence, for ou. uch Ca ol n-t Guerillas will be a valuabht uailiary. j:deed. in the good mork of dO roving the ruthless mu:rautiers frut the iortb. The !irst lessens in Drill Exercise, ciulon r,;., ,ill a6-o commence under the directior Coi ompetue't m.,ructors. To.. I.oc iA tlFto l .rTr.-The sea front o !:r h:arb!r a., quite an object. o interal m :::g ou.r eizens 1 te'rday, :here beingt ia it; (f trti pert at one iq no It S 1 htha. .u,'rrned ve els . 1Luring tIi day a part: ent dow711 in lte steaumr t C'uar/est,a, and! ,Ip :ach;ti t.etn as near a. prudadeue would t:e te. f) tae tour vasses ell' the harbor, ont I uen is tie .iaour.:I, which has been oil is pilace over a we ; near twr was a lar;g :cant fi-iate, opparently of the first clas ad, 2-, se::n :bout three mile, oft a 111ul mure .eirtiv vL'-el t:al the Mfinnesota. i ott he Il'-~axi. she is no doubt the R tonkt LC'onw:d/o. The two fr:gates were aticior E quite near each other, and apparently e: '"*t to :::v for a tine. The utmer two Ver :I::tven inl the hnorning were ships of abot 9I0 to itil tuns, sid were biott ve....el- that :d ben merchatiet, but are now part 01 iiCoit's provisional firces. Suoot alter niitd iv, one of thesc later had dis.Ippeared-u 'ult gone South -and, at three o'clock, p . the second was working in the same di. -etien. Thei boat Seen astern of the Miinc u on 'Toursdlv, and supposed to be a pi11 :at, was nt in sight yesterday ; but, as ves is of that ehiss .re sonetines employed :a nder1 to a fIeet, she na be one of that kind e are inforned that the new arrivals salu d the Comutodore yesterday morning; and e think it is the order at present for .I! ves i- of the Southern blockading flee:, as the' roceeid Sthttti, to come in and speak th ominado~re onl this station, receiving ant mmnlnunicatin be may hate to make and ringig iette-r, papers, etc., for the vesel: :1 here. The brig P'rry has not been seer 11 tihi., hari.or, ro ttr ae we can leirn ; but IC is no donI..t in the ne ghborho .t' StPrwillry C no:rs '.srt NC.-A fellow IliLt ! :&tuiews terel. On Thursday lest, a le. ro for sale, at a pri'e so low as to Caite tlt picioIlS of .el' 1d gent -:13 n. According I I. uiy Sherif Hlendricks. in order tt a: - tir of t1e rascal ibecame the uirehta r at . ji, but in:a! of p-1 ing the tuIone . . vhei tat tue:Ws to acompany him.) te. . it hid b:eLn arrai;ed i f,rshatd ., u ~r 1 iel3 4,kld mect and arrest inm .m i w01"i: 'ay; whiii:t wjs promnpi*ly et t11 i. hiteCwsn mnade out ti' hill of it i u i~ixof iAlvers, whilch inl it-elf. i nime .-uspicions. 11wy negr turns out to 1-t v proiperty of .\rs..1. T. .\teCaly, of 1),r ngton. ' ihe! examtionttOl will take plact is itnoritilg. Prayer for Our Couttitry. t'r :;tV..rl 51C'essive ii iits chirisntians C nions deti..,tid :o ; s, in t j; t'Arn. L avi .ea -Imbh-d to!r unlited' praty:r lotr ouir e.,utryt. he :tieettings have been aell attoede. Th.: eople seemt profoundly imtprested with a senst Sdependence on God. It is time for prayl' ..tF all to1 pray for our emattry. Fo r till ilvation ef oulr coliitrv be the' burdeti o raer in the classer, at the famiy al a: and. :id rldeece dictate. a just compai.,O:: o.f ouii tumbers. wealth an1d mniils of w:.r, i.t1. i'1se ot our enemt es. vet history and~ Ihvino ng of Assyria. 'The god 1?:. llnoVet I3b to t hre:itened1 danger an~d a .ese 1 Illts t-nhed.1 nl:11i.,r rep1idired, C' veredi with sack ahi to telU'hu Ut praye(r. and laid1 the itn ord, and' iottred pray er for Divine protee on anid deligeraInce. his pr ayer was mtIS nulaihrly' answe&d. iin the: utter overthro1 . WeI nitua rco~gnise Godl'5 snpremlaet' :t. rely' on hina-p.igPoiec l. Rpent iee and htlii ion turk:1 t~ atoim' , al-cot..-!enee andl airrogatt 's ilting he' :e:.; .ot to us5. and will nt aid our: cise ib-zekili rentI hi's clothe.-, and coveried him: :. C-nit Lu autse to Godl ill earre~st r..- oft :-d. " Now ae rt~re. U Lord, out oi. r-a- eus ifem Xis u.nd~., ihat ali the king' eL Lord God." *:T tds etid~~n1g pr::y~'e :igat th ndne pis mlis.aiie:*s.: the trpoyme Lul mertus. Ar It'artl tol cu :yei offIh Ini in of is n eil nor fhr updefnesrlnz the peo~itlCt i iI e nt:mliar comp1:itn ad provid e wit ios of waridlo ~- in t abndne." 15 11 Te sidh hir t~tshienc "e srn aourah.'.? cons~r*:gI. noI lt allahed n'Il i dirnay fr theling cof As. -ria, norl for~c allli the tiudeo the~ wl m.:t : iy an armof kh bot ith tS i.'t Lord~e au Goi a hlp usk1' and iht rhbate." 1t1.1enee~l i o our:L I e tn .;:. e ., we. iet allaC~ thrpole pray frt ourcotry ~lImead Fo treg bJu:-nl tvnirs -hing:,;n Arttilry ofr ou Newrlia Vol. ttr. Coah.. Bi.; din, a rr ived itRic Th, eidat t'ernl others 'oumpas frntd raent Ci1111.itmebrbenbthsler or 1-ntiknien. It pse .3 Coi-rt :-plu-lid -ust iie'ld 1isiOec ami aild annl1on. and wi her. Se wa!rmi e.! To ra eguns.&c.l t iJil,:12 hi ss.I~ ThIe Warsh'C~inton boysth btheir rparters ati Iari Gr~ none pere e a eCrl by three beatifu l rivantd ieres, ~he 8thwl Regieti of tinth Cafine.ta thil tcr1.. . GCl Er. B.l culdh alo rvedTues.w rente poati: ncne rCt.r~sa a r.;;yinc'iyr and Celitrl to hin. soIsTiAnfor mther sam tate ectly had anti~ntrviw with -dlf.Ol.M. Seward, hc h e neavred toi I: h.;1'd : e wa well aware the tatite , ln;-r toxi shtd and such patrmty, btod it-. r deliermAie toi t sv theloin Cincnnat e U. S. Governmenf cosuld 1bte oer rew 'I. helr sae th m me ofronerits ins saw Ir. LIncolr an repated ton himltl Mubtnil th sam s ntateme of Jhkoui thn t.mi~th h:relied a r'Cldt he n e awar the ktSlmth~l .Is no a ndnit,t that1 the PNoreetha the a-.ncr ton tuhe veIt~di, and widto dok it. 3i.sson Al . ndgl' soa'l y TIn rt.sjl-Ma r.A Robertl Andesneas visitdiicinnti ,.o t ideputathin o'f aon, bs the Gaege re M.t~ besthe askaceronce raernit gin bCin w of r thoutand. mt4iMte P lDF i A Fight in North-W1estetrn Virginia. Rtittoso, June (.-We have received the news of a Ahaarp and brilliant fight, which oc curred ot Monday last, near a place called Phillipi.i, in Darbour County, in the North. West !'art of the State. About 90 of our trotop, posted -here, were suddenly attacked, at davbrak on Monday norning, by 3,000 of the Its iai. At first, our men were thrown into confusion, and retreated for a distance of about two miles to a hiil. Here, tbkinag ad vanta;e of the ground, they madule a stand and three times re.palsed the unenmy, not with-t anding the great tisparity of the num bers engaged. The United States troops, having lost about i0 mien, gave up the pair suit and retreatCl. Our loss was only six killed. Auon theta Capt. A. 1'. Richards. of the Bath Cavalry; Quartermaster Sims, formerly clerk of tie Danvilie depot at Rich maaond, and a young man named IDaiierL'fl~Il, from Uath. The victory is constl'red a very handsnme one, for the enemny were weil pro vided wi:0 ligh t artillery, manned by regulars from Carlisle Barracks, Pa., while our men had no eat:aa''n. Gov'rter Wise hta been appointed a Briga. dier-ee'ral! by President Lavis. Ile is rais intag a hegiotn fo the war. During its forma ti o. he g'e itt.o Wo-t ertn \'ir"gitia to rotuse the siulmberinag patriotismn of that section. Chief Justice Taney, in his upintitn in the Merrimant eare, a-s'rts that Litncoln is guilhy of usurpation, and a ch'ar viol:atiot ot the (otnstition, in suspending the haleas corpu act. Tfhe returns (official) from Westerna Vir ginia. give an aggregate najoarity in favor of the Ordinance of Secession in that section of :I,000.-Specia/ espctch to thi Charlcstou ercury. Horrible and Disgusting Atrocities 01 the Enemy. We glean the following particulars of the infanmus outrages practiced by Lincoln's fiends in Elizabeth City County and Ilattpton from the Norfolk and Portsmouth h/erald: Mr. Frederick Jett, irmerly of Elizabeth City, lt:it Williamsburg a few days ago, wher he Lad just movtd with his fauily to avoid the vandals at Fort Munroe, and came round by the way of Richmond to Norfolk, where he is engaged in some work on the fortilica tiona. lie ound at Williamsburg a number of fan gitives fromna llampton, from whoml he learned some particulars of the villainous doings of the Federal troops after their dese nt. upon Newport News. 'Tu.r coumneniced otn the farm of Mr. Wil liam Saith. which they left a complete wreck. l hal a fine ct:ld of wheat, besides a tatnum ber .a L uch crops ; thlese the srotudrels ctti p jtkte tleva.ntar td, besides stealin:, or shoot mtg d'.wn tirs. Smith's stock and poultry, w:hic'h they found ranging about the fiorm. Mr. Smit h t.imougit he would be a little before had.t with thea in saving his baettn, and had ahe coniteants of his suoke-house carted oat imto ilie wooti. and buried it when he saw thin apptrael.itg. IBt in Ibis ie was Boile ;' a IreaCeter'; diaa k-y, who assaistel at. thbe iaiamtl, tlehl tupeon: hit, anad the robbers hadl the. :neat dibimerr-,el and eartel ack. Thinis fellow., wit ii *everal others rf Jr. Smuith's negrres., l the'r took tt I."rt Muoiroe andi 'cet Ihtt to wa ork on the Mti-ations. . t tmith e.-ti mates hii, hs, i nhling tie nh riegrlos. at fult $15.111W. Tiey next visite-d the cdjoining farm of Mr. West, which they treated as they had dote M. Somith's, c-titig up and conjleitly lestrnving the crops of every hiind. At \lr. West's t wv uihidkiy 1iad a tuifrmti Coat : optn which, they held hin a close prisoner tnd sent oilt is t e daughters, grown wotn, 'to the fort as o hostages'' for his " good beha. i o~r." Nothinig was ahlegedl agaitnst tem; but it was the simple arbitrary act of Lincoha's hell bonniet, w ho in this, though in vinIolat Iof la ain-l civilized usage, ats mn all their p~ro. ceedings, het followed te ex~tample of thet Fr am .\air. \'es' they p)tA-di ?vear ',to te li'e-t. crops of wheat in thge t'uuty , la.shldes otha.:r vlahbl prodlnets. Ti'-i. ....... .......-ta-m.d childrent. m ~ a muattn.-r too inuanai andl revlating t' dwell upon. The tac mli * tein otn this range of ;tams hadl g:eendly mioved t:t t the itet: ior and~ thus'aivoided' the int's an:d infia:nontts trecat :otent of the 1-b'rti enmy. erttal dava. liik-1 ith ihe .fneitise famtilie's fromti c~ar of tf teh thAoin ttatrr f t hte aIA. h'ad late weathur. I' i ..a'erttned tha u Ihore are fiaa! t hree. haumtin. sI tv.- b--kmldutA tO Attin ' ot f I-Vza bes-t CityA ither it'itivs or forcedA itthe~ ser Ai('e, ''m pov A AV as ihorers n t t.n .\t.'Ar.' a : thie presAst'time. It has ahe i dy vae tt ated thaat CoIl.tMallI., of Elizbeth Ciaty, went withI a lur ol truce to the foir t tldeand thea r'etuarn of fuagit :ae neg~.rots : but the demtand Aon theC fAI!Awmg d':ay, Iby taInhr flag, ;nmI ali refult&. Theo btridgea' .t'r Hetmp?..n Cre :.. thetn burt lby our plei!, aId t e~ ert,.ny mtadec his r;aid upotn Newport .'iws rby water. Thl--re' are only foat' cf its intba.itants re AiningAt tit liiAIptn. who tare p n~revente by -ch t Ai At tseS arnd of lher untaviabale c-a . oft d.etethm fr-oma lh-avintg it inib th t enira pAA.s AThed los,' (inaclutdi'ngungoes) sustain~ed by~ *'th- e' wa'ni, of lizabeth Citle, at thte htaids of ure-e rA-:.'irsetA.:s miaranoer.~: as tiin:ted at ha aI. mlon of do!hu~as. ann- Oe-rr..;:a ,' IL. t'CON--:.t o L i. 's 19,-; .Sa'rr.-Tlw Notrfolik I.:raM av- that-t. v hen the vandalls fromi ib N't-th Olat~enpie lautptona atn 'lle er withI a squad of men waenti ta th tore of Mr. IP. Lattimner tand d,-mmua'et tnoswssion. .Mr. Latter re.phed thaat he~ It,.l'purchaas'-d nil paidj~ for his .: ork Ai gA.tode dnd the aclicerna :m thave them-tt ni t heir valosionA.'T..00s sai Ihe woAld have the goto 's and .AJoC antd iit payv a cett for tamtt undiI -an h'~Is sword .~h-dai IL~at tmr with it on1 t he ice, ILo a'te then drei-w a rt'vaiver andl lIne I ', whan the ollicer fil. flie thlen: leamda Aover~ tate co~untrc anid lineal I ta ccnmore --ht: atn thec boy, ciausintg dea:h. La:ttn,'-r- wa- '- afi cor C, estpi ired. tand' takena to Old PoAinit andA hung An Frjiay lat. JTie otieer killed i La d to beja a lieu tenatt in tne of1 the companies, anad dist inguaishedl far tmiitarv atbiities. ie has meat a dog's death int a do.g's cause. Mr. W. C. 31arrow, cf Hamptotttn, was al.,o reatdt atn a m~Awt shamefuIal and indttecentt moani. n ar. Hf.- was iapturedt int te town. having~ his unit; ntn on, stea ig-d ::ta-,d ttt.:t iatrehe~d traonh th1-- st-eets itt that ecotdionu. -and- thian auch thligs lie done in thtis enltightented aire and not rouse to) h.siling heat thei bloojd of ev eryv Southernuer? Fiendtisha Outrage: by Yankliee Troopsjc. Un tder the '-:rdingt of a latest fromt Ftrtrecss Mo:-ro:'," the Bait inatre .S'un//, of Wednesdhay afterntoona, publ lishe-s athe following: --Great excitemtentt hasa beena produaced mat Ohal Poinat bya an ot!rae p'erptrated lay gov eirnmeniat soldiers ctn S-at or-iay last. It appea'. hat a piarty' of themr lhad gone to a getntle mtan' bonse anear by, an~d tasaulted a youang 11a dy, somte sixteena yeaar5 of age, withI the dhe signa to otrage her person. 11cr ialher, att -afred tant cameO to lher taistancee. whettn thtese fiends'j eized-r himn, and threatened hais lif if hec rasedl atn :-aarm; and withI a recvol ver- poinated at hats hetad, he was forceal to witntess the cota stum atin of t heir aviillailnonts putrptost atpont the pearatn of his chihi. Ge'An. IhteIr was yetra afternaatoon enagaged itt exaiing int th bt the rest. htatd not tratns pi 're-d when :he steatmer left. Cotnstat comn. pIinA~tts are A' being tunile to thte oflicera thtere, hvy petrs nts li vin'g itn thea vicintit y, w~hose landas atd Alw.d5iis htave bleen invadled lay thea gov (!-rrament sohtlers, whio steial wI atever t heay fatcy from~a the'ir houses, and carry oil' chink ens, shee-p and hogs, wherever thuey can fiamd etnam Meeting of the Abbeville Bar. A meeting of the Abbeville bar was held on the 30th, for the purpose of paying a suitable tribute cf respect ti the memory of the late honorable Francis H. Wardlaw, one of the Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals. .lohn 11. Wilson, Esq., was called to the chair, and in stating the oject of the meeting, al luded briefly and in appropriate terms to the high character of the deceased, and to his eminence as a lawyer anad jurist. The honorable A. Burt, in introducing the resolutions fur the adoption of the meeting, dwelt in eloguent and impjressive terms upon this virtues and :.ttainm:ents of the deceased, and upons the ability and nssidnity with which he had discharged the duties of his high ofi e. Ili had been long and intimately associated with the late honorah!e Fiancis 11. Wardlaw and ealdl well testify to the purity of his character, the strength of his intellect, and the profutdity of his legal attainments. The simplicity of his character, and the winning suavity of nis manners, conciliated favor and disarmed ppo.ition, and he died leaving no enemy behind him. As a lawyer he was dis tinguilted by the extent, and thoroughness of his preparation; and in the contests of the irum was ever a valhable ally. and a mzo. t formidable antagonist. As a jndge he was eminently characterized by habits of careful and pains-taking investigation ; by the patient attention with which he listened to the argtumnents c f counsel; aind especially by the indulgent considerttion whie'.t he ever ex hibiled to the vouthful members of the pro fession. The volumes of Reports will conosi tute an enduring monmnent to his attainments as a jurist; ana his decisions wiil be found pre-eminently distingnished by a classic puli ty of style, by clearness and pi ecision of tionght. and depth and comprehensiveness and profound research. Thomas Thomson, Esq., seconded the reso lutions in a brief and appropriate speech, ex pressing his cordial concurrence in the senti ments expressed, and paying an eloquent tribute to the character and attainments of the deceased. The lollowing resolutions were then unani mously adopted Resolecd, That the members of this bar have heard with unfeigned sorrow of the death of the honorable Francis H1. Wardlaw, one of the judges of the Court of Appeals. Resolred, That lbv his demise the State has lost one of its ablest and wisest magistrates, al the court one of its most learned and brilliant ornaments. llRexOied, That we sincerely sympathize with the family and relations of this distin gnished jurist, and will testify the sense of of our bereavemnent by wearing the usual badge norning. R'olred, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by the chairman of this meet. ing to the immediate fit , ily of the deceased. ies lrnd, That the proceedings of this meet ing be presentad by the chair . an to the court of equity at its next sitting, with a regnest that they be ree..rdel on the journals of the court. Iesolrnl, flint the papers of this State are req'iested to publish the foregroing resolutions. JuilN II. W. LSJ.- (tairman. W. A. I:, See'ry. The South Carolinittns in Virginia. We clip the following extracts from the lichmonnd crrespaotndenee of the Petersburg The Eighth Rogiimeant South Carolina Vol unteers, Cul. Cash, I.0t0 srong. arrived at i I o'clo:k this forenoun. They were greeted at the I'etarshurg dep-at Iv an it:nense crowd, :ual eheerel as tiny marched oll to the guarters assignead them. This is a. magnifient body of men, and will make thir mark. in a comrpainy from Darlington, S. C., I no ticedl amontg te privates Mr. Charles An droiws, atccompttaied lby hi-s wvue. Sihe marched in the ranks by her hut:,nd a's sidec, occabion ally relieving him by alPpropriatIing his tusty rile, 'or ha:s wel! filled kinapsack, whichever he nu lht prolliar. -'y Iii nate cotnnantter tuntil the reimem~ reaced Wibinington, N. C. stw w a- d tol that he tnd not atccompany herz husbandi;'. but withi tecars in hear eyves .sthe enitreatedl thait she sh~utid not lbe torn from him whoma .he wouild c:heairfnily fllohw to the annon'sata membO I. Shae ph-dlgedli toimakC e r chi m..etful in various wayv.. and'. tintahy her eloqu'ett v. ice nad ' till nwre elainent. lacuk eyes ovean ltuthe'Coontel. a:nt lhe decided that she migh'lt accomspanay her husand. Ohi, wo. m~'si' devoui n ! Whoa tan , etl.uiae' who ean j..ropily vainte b'! Thes preatty ymming wai., t'Io be the riradijere of t he gailan I La:i h ih, :andl she :dhready handles ai gu:i hike one at-ed tot t he seorv ica. G en. bie:Ieard h isas sumed cets:intl at. .\lam .-d a- i G. . h-ly tap at it t i-t t his :ae comp atliar will lead the. Mothernca at' mya viac taon-lv thr~.aigh A\c::aitt, Wadh in~tn and al timol'ri. Fromi a1 I ;snn henr. tthe w;-r1 ia to' be carried intJ the veryT heart tof drel. a a daless invader5s are toa he nudela to I-: ''ur .e--they are ta lbe airbt a ls .ion-:heva :.-to be leair51--ii thiatier ar blowsi ti eit ava as well :as babeas Ni give. AI- ilst:sn aof the oapi:doan entter:atin pa d -,s tuh Ca rui.2iians; ofi Gen. iU-atreairr's ab1,iilies, let tae ritea a1 little incdent. To. a genitlemPan ai~ked a Cartolii:a sold ier whtat he lthots ~tf Gen. Ursatr- gardh. The piraompt rep1ly Vwas, !- If Geni. i$. were to till mein that .a'1-'-r're ~ .\lr: could lie t a, it woulad be a ars tarefl Satuiraya iii ght ; if'lie were~ to "'ay It anI d nit be takeni, wua e wouhld not go IT e a iines at almp .ni Roads hav- ex e:ed ou rpola.ale ailmost .ato fenzy, :mnd the nova~ Icry nw is that the injuriane of t hose Cot. Gregty. The Manaissas eorrespontdesit of the Char Iaestun )hercury say*s: Y When Coul. G rag. mtoved ibrwtad, uf[oi the occl~ait of the alarmi, a day ur two agoa, Ihe irect iveal an arde ri 'i-m bienagma:rters tthat, if attnekpd at. Centtrevillh-, he acould flail back ithree miles to [nll's linna, where lie vwould lae bustainedI lby Col. Kershtaw'% regi n nt. I Iis reply tras: If ordered to retire, I will do so ; baut, until ordered, I prps to hold this place. Eentucky ilorder State Convention. New1 Out.tstus, June G.i-The address of the Blordler State Convenit'on to thle people oif Ketnekcly, has bieen signed-a by tall the mnem haers. MrC. Maoreheadl says ini a note, " I sign lbeeants I tapprave of the reflusatl to liurinish Itroops, iad faivor the policy of tneut rality. -.rithomut committing zmyself~ to all that is staid ott ather mattters." Thli taddl~Os; te the peopale of the V'nitedl Stattes is sign.--d by-:dl the nmemblers, inclu Iding: .1 thnt Cald well, of fTennessee. excp IMoirehead.. M Sii:tn.uts W.u .i: n.-Tha R~utaichmn En. ydrrno icia n tg the arrival aof thec Secret tarv if W ar, ragret. h, '.-an that.t the genierails health hasa stufaeread slightly front lie fatigite of trav el andta from the. weight of his ofileiial duitie~s at Monatgomertv. It learns fronm utte of his aW faces that,'for many weeks, the hours ol bnsi. ness. in the War ih-paartments, have bee'n from 8 A. M. to 11 P. M., daily. The pres suire is maot likely to be dimnihed at Itich mtond. E-ruisumn T? Louisville ,/iiaaal of the .'lI st tilt., say .i "W don't know whtere Mr~. Ethieridlge i~s at tis timne, Ibait, whearever het may be, we wvoutld warn him of the dlanger of his retuarning to TIennessee. Wecotmhl give hitm facts, whaieb wouild conit inee him that he can return only at thea iammiet t risk of his li fi-. Instrusctions have ccrtainaly baeen givena by (Gen. Pilhlow thatt he shall be hung or shiot or ritherwisee killead at the first oppo--i mixt. He htas biretn keenily watched fora in~ all alit et iona. Meni ware hutin:: fair himtaaIt niirht in the eatrs at or na-ar the Ten nesweie line. These thinge are trtue, and their truth could ...1l. ba pTOra." ARTHUR SIMKIN8, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1861. Day of Fasting and Prayer. Wits eat pleasure we give prominence to ti following announcement of our worthy Intetndein TO TILE CITIZENS OF TIHE TOWN OF EDGI FIELD. Thu 'resideut of the Confederate States ho: vii appointed (t: 13th inat,00 noz a d'ay of fintit and prayer for the special purpose of inuokit Ieaven's protection in our present truggle, il eitizens of this town nre invited ' join in its 0 servaneo. That the occasion may be eubraced aright, is earnestly reconmnenled that on said aiy,: places of business in the said Town be close that all secular employments he suspended, at that the various houses of worship hie opetnerd. at soletnttt religious services be observed therein. B. C. BRYAN, Intendtent. ,rhe Governor at home. lli, 1rcelleny, tnverno.r i't:otrto. has left I post of getivo duty for the Iirst rime ince his i ouguration, and is now enjoying :t :hort respite oEdgewood, his seat nenr this village. Unimpair in health by the continuous excitement andi toil five eventful of nth;, he is yet fairly entitled to season of repose. May the halmy airs of hiq q0i home reinvio'r~ate him for the labors that yet I before him. 11 hat's the Matter? The Confederate States Mail failed to brit pnpers to this fliee on Mnnday la.-t. It is a kit of disappointment which none of us can bear p tiently 'n an hour like the present. We demart as a right, that the distributing omtlces do Its ju tire in this respect. Or else let Mr. It r.m "clar de kitchen" suwt substittite new otFcials. Court of Equity. A portion of last week was or-cupied here 1 the seesion of the Court of Equity. Chancell Int.ts, who presided, gave great satisfactiu his uttitdfected simplicity and directness of ait joined with perfect equanimity, scent to fit hi peculiarly for the bench. The lusiness of tl titrm, mostly matter of course, was gotten throus easily in three days. As usual, "a vast amoul was dispatched." A Navy. The gentlema.n who has propoted through o columns to be one of a hundred or of ten in Edg fiel to contviloute $1060 each to the cause of southern navy. Advances this week sttie got rensuns for urgency in tii iwlortlut matter. U sure to read his remarks. The Service. Eight companies have left Edgefiell for tl service of the Confed.rate State,-six of them i the Seventh S. C. Rlegiment, now arrived at Ritel mannd,-and two in the Hlalpton Legion. Thes with the companies in Cal. Gn r.c.os regimen make ten companies now on dluty from this Di trict. Besides these, there was als the lnithur Cnopany, Capt. Srtur.s. which served through il Charlestin campaign. Other.companies are forming in the Distriot, ne by Messrs, Aa.i.x:e and otherr.y another by Messrs LAs&ttu,' Lro trtno on oothers, and more spoken of. all of which will be dl announced. Superb Wheat. Mr. SAil rcE . linto)s oof this lacioe cab iobits..or of thefflnest wheat we have ever seen. It is i1 (ale JI-hr~ in perfertiron. Mr. ils eroop is a ine,-.n5 good whteoa, lie thinks, as cano be mno in any country. We aore kitndly furnishedo with statement rof his mode oof culture, whoich we gli t.. ,.r roe,1-'o r..,. :..-. .:no nd etn.iderationi. tool yoot to siolliole w! vooros of the (000ti -fornho ieh the tirtril 0. Eg. whlo, I ha1' tm the U. S. 'atei .... o iliflny sionnl Stote?, ti:lL =lo:oht soft, matt' ini a Sino te oof deompoo~ositiomn. Theo s:an ple was cut fr~oom a steepo hill-riode. ('oltoiratio grounttd brken up dleep owith t oooi.r.'s Iron loi seedt in with a twisted shovel : grotto horoougly boa rrowoed wIth a largt steel-toot ho Itairr. .11.0 one,-: one loottoolrood lpuund s Peruorin Otouio and0 onie hintstored 1o.ioun. groundo phiste per are th!oorourgholy tnoroated and oo stown boroot ent,t and Iowied in withI the ,eeod. f,oontoity , ),, COOe. .,-, : oottoalnd-a -halt h.ohel'. Tioo, .-niring : tis. week ino Novo whelor. 1'ro/o/l.:ll y io.! a5 oestimao~ted toy vatriouos poersonts: fromn 25 toi bushels poer aeore. 011hroe oof the at'res will. 1I l thin mnoooko ltm) !'jed to etjpintg, Ytt 11: wheat iso le:or oof ainy funto~oo.-hnot utsua:lly infe. g:tioO. t.! yal;w ',i' "oe ftoho th- ...ttnle I so r whieb wis tonI rele,... epres~iy to. show." for late Newv Orieonn:. St. l1,otis ando North C~xn'od Thtis is th--! title oof the ne~w lpater for y.o: people,.ioJn staortedl at Chatrlestoot. by S.:. 't - ot ittir eto.,~ Fioyneoe,: es W. Mt oi .:..No 1. before us. It is w-Al prttinte, andoo o.ottooitn i.h int andoo tusoful radointg, I i' imtjinible toijtuot I of the coonduot oaf tony paper to sigo:le atnmbor btoo we tink this ".oe ;rives l.rois oot gioodo tint: in its 'oniwor. dleveloomntt. Pubtli-lhed loon thly, t at I j---- Onn>tO00. A'h-l pubtliheris a5 aboovt,.ta-.-~itg the oensh. Field anod Fireside. Th'.s popuolar weeokly con11tinneos to dlbirht tI pulioto, ando is intoreaosing ito' ocopeo .of u.,efultn: every anoy. Threre is a very iteresting story 000 goiog ott in it, to Mrs. Ittnyt.t .. Otlohers will fo low. Theo pooges of the PHo -l 00000 FHmo,, at very attract ive, ad thtere is nto parlor ot per the Southil taon worthy rof supporort. Notice This. ft. woould be well to matrk te Subljoinedo ntotifI eation frotir the Execut ive Depar0itmiet . STATE Oif scU'rll CAR'Ol-lNA. E>~xaegrtto Dtet..o irup-rr.,ln .Jtto, IlStI. I htave utineSt ln thaot many c gotod pople hat heen reusitting fuds to coredlitoors itn Norther Sttots. Ino thte existing relatioons of then countatry, Sut enuct i-s itn contflict with pubt~lie law. andto a citizens tare hieteby waorned aogaoint theo contt q juences. F. W. P'ICK ENS. Jerry Dunovant. J~innY desires it stated thoat he ha~s left hi. tot and accounots, snome houodred dlollar. oar so, ii tll hanos of Lnwis JoONE5. E50u , Slteritfiof .Erlgefieh to le kept until he retuarnts orate thte war. (Jennto igonea to Virginoin.) Iut shtoulod he t'cever returi e then tlsi:-3 hois fotnol res.:itted In hia go..d o ftetrr in Cotnty Cork, Irelando ;-which Mt . Jfoso will a--sutredlly attenod to. As ouor papeLr goes regi Itorly to that distanot ptarentI, we woulod ad-ol (far h: oomfort) that J xuayo wvent oilT in the tightt .spiri lIe indigntatly3 retfused to prooposition to gao as oirdo substitute, remaozrk ing with vehemeonee tle app~llienntt, thoat hte hadto beoter try the Dute foor thte like of that,--theO Irish wver' tint "thii 1kindl of /ouatoo."' So d1 isuna went to.- ant indlepet let Irish volunteer. Ke tuc 'ky. A letter from Nicholas Coutnty, Kentotucky, dote 27th May. says that thte State is considleral d iviedo, but tmaty yet go witho the Southt. Nicha~t is ecideodly So inoclinedl, ta harge maajoority sympt thytng deeply with thteir Southiern lorethrutn. Or cotrrespod.:nit thinks the expe~rimuent tof "' aorme neutrality" will proru a mere expoerimentt, an thot the timei is at hoandl wheon the 0" black .heep oaf the olol l'entucky fold wiill "'van~isho liket dle bfoore a summer's stan." So mote it he! The writer wio-hes to knoaw where hii borote Wt. 1I. Aotsot, 13 now in servitc,-as toe htos a herdo fromn himt in .-ome weeks. We aonswer,i the froont rantks of the Southetorn forceos.--at Man sas Jutnction,---under Cn tEG, ]inxttAa and lHEA O REAtD,-and setting a good example to all goo L'mntnkinnDs. Troops fr : the Legion. C.apt. GAueY left tis place nn Wcline:dacy last _ with a pofrtion of his eiipany. The rest were to meet him on the way ",r in ColuuLia. We sup- 1 pusu they are together in caol befure this titae. Capt. t Aniiy's enej and is followed by the best i wishes of Edgelield: and th'at gallant olieer, though an adoptet son of the District only, will 1 "e be looked to with as much anxiety am pride as t: though he had alwaya dtweltamnongst Its. Ile has a line company and Will du justice to them and the goad cause they go toe defend. . The E.-!;elield !eaare, t'np. M. C. Etr.mum:, left for Colutmhi:a on Thuhcay the hic inmtnlat. t, ig The eurps nubelered alout illy its leaving thi? is plnee u-l :ast be at least <erenty-live strong nOw I- by the addition of aenabers who took other routes to the entuap in Culumbia: A large turn-out of it citizens. including a brilliant array of ladie,. lion di ored the hour of their dee par'tire' it having becemome I d, known that the eucmptny woidh start in at body ad from this point. ('ayt. 11Autuosm, formerly of the ni f,,reeee'i, now lof the n.eNrc.m, addressed the men, Its they were about to take up the line of marcb. in a must appropriate anel for'cibele speechm. .le W:as mecoimca fel nied in his pceitiiron beure the trop by the veeralle and pa:ri-'lie Major l:roimr:r: ao Besw\i E1.., andel bye .eaj-.r J. it. meaTmI ol t-I, - lininmptecen l ,agegion,-lb.cid eof tielm obl eaplains of t S atetn .-. (apt Is it.itn re.ponded te the adc :d idremas of his in terna, of deepest feeling, . of and ia ininigledl sentimei.: of pride and grief perme " ded the whoece sa setalhinge a- the Ie.ear filed let' i Ct amid the weeing nelienx ->f their tmany friendel. e ie. We coimr.metcd this enlmpany te t he eountry anid the Case. it is enimcn:ed of young teaseial mmostlly ; ]tut if the 1clefielel Ileusars do not take I~ the sir.-t oreasie. to -how the taenmy what the r eIdfl e (td I,..A.N r.m' IRn.umcvalilNa. woeulel have a- ealled "the true peointm s of the praem.meiv ere ..aert"e ad we are al:egether mnist:tlen in their que:dicatientie, aims and aspiration.. x Religious Notice. Rleev. S. .1. MtMcM310ais will pre:aeh at Jeter's Chureb. near Mr. Jey RII.INuasronn, next Sund hy f at 11 ('lock. A. M. ly - --- + t r Fine Cotton Stalk. . Dr. II. I1ntm.n bi has left at this oflice it large ", healthy 'otten Stalk, about twie feet high and well cam filled with wtquare's. Tihe Decteors Cwtton prospeects le are saeidl to .e very good. ba -- -- - - --- - - - " Suspended." This no infr.quent eaptien anong the news pay~rs these hard times. The wheels i thme press t cannot .ove without mtcney to pay it, viariouts em- c ir pleyees. The h1:-t in:trance of suspension we ha e i c- noticed, is that of our interesting neighbeor, the ns .luegtce /I>g.tejmee. Its imiefiigable and high- 1 ml slpiritel peublisheri ana l eli:or, .1-. A. Arissos. I e E..., regrets the mi.etSl.cltia mes - the saddlt ne- k essity of his life." and hcecpes to restme "if those indebted will tuake itmlmeliate payInen:t." Alas ! n there's time rule. Subscribers and advertisers ran lenot realize that their respective drilets will do any good: wherea, if each one of them Would C think it at necessity anieat ull s the .spaaee, all '" wouehl gee well and " nloeiy hurt." t, We ask our own re:meera plen--e In take this re tlec~tion te h.eert. Thie>ands ecf tee anxieus noathl er4, wives, -isters and de ngiters af our volunteers. V noet li. amenstiel ctiher ren:dei;. :("(-k aline 11e mmch palers :1. tle Aecra'..r hore their wecekly supily of inelligence e.a cc the pirogre'5 ee1 r\'eveis. Hainard toet the enttiug iir ul' this sipjply by dc. r lived renlt dunh. L..t eacb reamd--r keep abend of his litth dues te us,. mal we pritomiSe to h:: behinmdli nheoop in incducstry mtmci zenl for their benetit. H~opeftal Pro)sprets,--A Cntlionm. S Thme anall gre inc eropm if thle Sonem ik i. by thmis taime assre.-in pecinm eef lane te it is icc m lamrge diegree hamrvestedh. Ammed the alimomt univers.dl re ICinart is favorable tee am henmviemr yiel ahne eur ceun-. a' try hems ever he'eere realizedl. Atnndcc~mee has cruwnmed cur ye:m e.f dliilicu.lty thums far, andee thiere ia goo eaeI cmsonm tic hoplce, Ireacie resenmt appeamrencees, cm ethii it will e..intinue ite dli cc ini re.<peet te ali ouari rm ps. linmt whvlile re shime ele dee; imhakiul fir tis - ian'festnaiitn f Perovidlem: imi encre. cnill whiile wei . shmu emtill heck eith hopmeie feer Icnrther benatelt~s, - lt mus. inii dai~e:k mede tryineg hieur, hce enrcef;i thm:a w in n mmcnym * aleiSe time geodie w-ithc whiic~h - m lii enmiig faveer is belenaniner m:'. Let tis hummeh:mmnd thm~em fccr lecr ownm ;::ed fcrinthe cemmmcemn beenetit wi:h : rimgied er..nccemlny. Hoevrmer eribele. ing th,: piresent i Isuply, let us~ reimnemmhatr theC titmi-s accu their; m esa itiem;mand let every mt-en cetinumme teev erctf s e f thme sealf--mlem?. eim- oef thme r ee-cSmm iailcmteeo tie wic-h t he diiliencI--. -fthe year he.are jn.-t ,ceingh us. Tli..- wil e teae avoied lih.: nmeesiry ofl being recn.-trmet.. ie a thm eeiie igha: l.cpecrs neext yeamr. A Scmptl. . A litt~le Dum:iacmen, eenlineg himinself T.mwrm .ict I -r:C.:, acme l.ailinag froam: Pht~iimleli, cih---ppede down u.mngst mm- a if-.w w-:ek :mge.i, meele e.eued a :,ere.e: ele.-irc f.. fer~ "e de .t a 1m- di icc fnet jelin f-:Tt. m; a' e i::cmmey. ectel ro eild L- teing.ic oi:,h'mg came cliem bye eer.-ce.;m neee I.*ci. a pi-er icwe l::vn-' .in 'ee :le Sn I acenvin wimeth ;he i..l:pacty, le hm~el mt lens: $2ea in, bec.e:i- beinme mmmle o:emee i wi-e ecin ..rt Ih. inctmim A nt. ie deteeanet linu ntie -cnm henr.' eel sin:-. la-m h- tm::y :.imeny; tee i.r:me~i. trc he.m.:e, wne wi! -::cm mht e .:: ca.i. r pe:.m-l. tee tbe a rmn DeUnn-hmur.. . -namlm in eireue. aiei tile ieTy r~ei-.. .-:c.1h-b.. heenm c n eou emel ta set th-.nn cmi ype. ha lk'ht nmiily hmir, racthc~ al edi..h fael acnd is mecre :bantc :ipt to deeinre (ft lai cie.j ihi nmg:ic) ilhat me hewn. okill "cc ndcc Ya amkeme amit i.imme;t. The limmih. rem.ngilb mehmtald ihe inmkenm i :..1 . witha. im hereveir ienght. i Preparete to save' Hay .hy the Uiem. .cy anti:her war-wr ier : "'Ihe !.cey er. mf :hea C-etnfeer.i:m Stametemust not i lee.- eighm I eel I e ti.e t:l gnes eel ceur lehb. heL gn thmerede cmnda pnekem intee lees naext fell. Ouer eeeve-mment w!e beee mm. acccl innyci atet lee abilde ometm it esewher!. IIlc'y ise airno.-t~ .aceli~mn.-.:::he teen rme ,ad.hndb nmeeily hceci. ggP-' T /w~ei dectore e ere-'- / le.t;e ..e ; The title of il aplto diet:or selediers, bey .hlsm Sr~~tAi~e Wu.,oee .(i /b af G. eorg i: t i-ie'. tns e f r ams it g..ema dce .;e< nms tear cC cneedm be. P'erse rma anting; it neheeuld relddress Dr. Jousmt S. Wnaasos, Celumtcbuas, Gai. te .. +- *.-. mc "ThIlanmk God foar time H~arve'st. 1 h We takae up thce staunt of ca Texams papeer, beitng 't I.iuet nacew whaere hle wins emamcnth mcge. Thme Texmn. a gracin ceny will lie telling uponea thme nam dct very .4oonm surely. i lenmr t he Wa n ~eemeuthrone :ce Tlek/. n Im/e fiar the lletrre-et/-faT hecst wreek iu Aperil ' inttcy of oucr farmemrs cometencmted reiping i. The I i ~ eldi wi;l be encrmems. Frean every *1uartetr thme em armtfying inmtelliigezie elme pofa uhn a leee Whenhal I ye. clat:; andc 1a lialhy; mmnd thle Ceorn 'a mnever bue~:edi bettr ait is eeermser.. Time prleClicet-; a f es sueeirahnmeadace ott bremee tmo su.:tnine alur fcam cIiaes de aermies while .-trug;lincg in hitter strife e ofr eeur ineedeneece. hmas eelci oumr whoaile peelu a-tmmIimea. 1m Ic bis' blmescng we grmaefully rerengnize thme kindl hnmmml cf Perovidence, andt nignin we samy t.- ~ Ifuc finr the llmrve:'t' a Thimmm.k ahend ce ammre feer thme fruaitlul helaie. el Whlere we s a sen eef time hendhin grai : h Where the geeiden hluem cf time eimring melt, cmA mirroer brmighat in thme edew.leahed Whment. .\m. Enin: In th atnm eeo Thec' th ern li, 1(/~d ne Peroede, [ see athe terma " Pledime nesse" delinted, "ereal haepinens kindliy expre.'sed,"~ whcich is em vermy geodm deinmlito ideed. Thme fael efIcwinge efinitione oh the weerd I hcate seen else Iwhere ; dun't yo thn i tice tfene? " Polite STime abeove is fromm a late numbtler cef thme Flc/d h-in/ Pire Side. Leet usc suggeest encothmer dlefimniion r efi/tam:~s An unnifeeet-ied- regmard tfer thce feel. dl icngs cf othaers eamrriedi cut itt all time mminmutier'cch ( ai lite.-iI minntIer.' nt whethcaergracefully er aawkard-; f Ita i.: t sil thme;t tiee Soumthc Ciarojlinmi regimtent I r, bieggded, am. ma tmaer of piersonia faveir. lee ern'py b it thme verye editpect dim thce ine nexit thee 1,itncoln finr- - h cn me at Ak-eadein. Ae~diniagiy, tey, togethecr h r-withI methler ferris to athe memcr of--thmousande. -mare at Cetntreville Famirh'ax coimuy, 7 mnihes froem tl ,1 M~mcemra Jun,.ionn. So syn time Tredrickshnarg ; General News Items. ; We have noticed (says the Charle ton h'e:nr) that nany ot the Corifederate Flags of tie have the Stairs improperly arranged-sone f thet lcing in the centre of the circle. This Siproper. They should all be in a circle. i'henever a Star is aided, the circle must he en irged, andl not put any Star within it. tP The blockwale has etfectually stopped the itswin; of the eerrents of two rivers and makes het "rn:a up streamu." The Yankee notion river i:at toiwed .::h with ' all siort" of trieks, and be golden river that tiowed North with the pre ijus metal-. The tonutntin of one river has its o:iunu-the other its go!m. Who1e waiters will ,ngn.te list ' ;j A ti mng the branches of muatufneture which gill .Ltin be needed in the Sotth, awl which. rilperly coniucttd, would po re j.roitable, the harlestun Coeh entio~ns gla.-sware, coiremon uilery, ploughs. burs, harrows, axe.., and Agri ittural imidetents generaly, and water-proof loihing ntaterials. * Te ireparationlts .for the great Londt n xhibition "f 1. C2 are prugre-sing rapidly nri uteietsfuilly.. ::hern muannf.tretrrs isho intend 11cotmpete for let' priwe- had better he getting heir -Ipecimens ra.ay. fir- A private letter from a distitnguished Chief untice .sf r Northern State says : We have two arties here-the lemhirats who are enlisting to ght the battles of tlt- .country. and the ltepubli an', who are rotbing then out of their rations nil clothinig by all starti of swindling contract?." - trow. of letnnylt v~aniin. or ltlair, of Mis iri, will he Speaker of the I'. S. House of Rep esentatimco at it July Sessioun. r 4Y' It i- snpposed that the pere:.n' engaged n killing the Feleral picket guard are brothers f 3Mr., who was killed by the %Z.uaves cbile dettnding hi. home in Alexandria, Va. 'hey are said to have under their eotututmnd from ften to t wenty ten finely mounted and qualified r the busine.s. Y.- Dr. Nichls, of the Catholie Church, con impintes puliihi:-.g a paper to be called the Age, s the organ of that Chrch in the Confederate tates. The office of publication will prul.baly e lor:ated tat Richmoud. _!- It is staid that tieneral Scott, the other na . in answer tmat refercree by one in his con nu to his military poliey, play 'rlly remarked : When I am going to eateh a rat, I always see it that all his holes ire tir-t stoipied." That. it. ertinily the way to prevent an eSenr"e. and to uake a capture. ' Thu- Vieksbirg W idy says that lour steam. r lssedt that iluint on the 2:1d ult., loadesl with 'infedlerate truotps. destined for Forth miith, Ar ansas. They are a portion of the army for the rotectiotn of thI- Western frontier, under the con utnil of Brigadier General Den McCultough. . - Tsr: Ansaass Bois.-One of the rifle tmpanies fritin Arkansas, now in Virginia. is uuaanidedi by Captain Crockett, : gratnison nl ie fuoinu Davy Croeki:tt. ' he c:itmpany enry a inner upon whi-h ,iappears the inscription: " Ie ire you're right: then go ahead." pir- At .acksonville, Ill.. on the 25th ult., hl.ut 5111 tronps threw down their arms tn the :ll of the roll. when they were required to enlist r three years or disband. ,7- A lhriti.h .hip, supposed to he loaded with itrond iron, arrived off Pensneola har on thr fterno.n of the t..t tit.. utt was unable to come t-prevented ly Lincoln's blockading ships. 1p A lady in this town was compelled the te dayi to turn oli fr o the :ltadedi sidlewalk min ~ini street byv reniain sif its being occupjiehd by a orse lehedl tol one ofC the &hhide tree'. W ie fset, andI only moentionl it thait persons ttwty be wre of thbe inconvenience. re :ahiead of the Yanikees itn both greatt and smutli lvetioty. Thtey not only.:.nented guntpiiwder, itin~g aind thleng~netie~ nee~let, ehtnmn putnps tand rteian wells,-ht thety hnre even celilmivedi nil executedl with tuecei-s n.//u-Itop. Putblic Meeting. A t a ttcel ing of tcit izens hteld in thtis 1einee otn ni itrday last, it wit, agreed t organize the tile of thn towni undi vicitnity into two comii aniie5, iine tif intfantry ;itll mitet if ttmiunted mnh. itli a vie-w tim huong hoite duly, ;t~il iof tlii pre it i by it d i: und theirwise bir :ttmy duty th. n lei:wis Josix::s. l-- , were 11 ate'amt.I in Cuain tS of the tcompnieis to be fiurme. A roll it nalmles ot' reisaiet c i ti;en ntot ~in ser .ri-olit wi:h tsuv. Filui:2 I;onit the ful.i.. a i i ttg ag reed tio a.-sembile nlin at lt ,u'clock, Sitati:te bo: .ithi fir th fiu trt hi r prtofeenlttilt A It T ilt'l 1 1.\l h'lN-. Chiirmi.. i*.--the Advulert~er. anui!.-tire oif cotltonI ,itik for tert ueints, &c., dereid iy thei Citnfieuh-ratei m .vernmt~et, iandi siomei the itate.4:i .O winh you Ilidm. " tomd fmor \'n ore.-whiat if t raniitivilie? th.:e umt titer high hrptre.u tn full -peedl .:,amiriiby a:daptul lur iiur subil.. -.niummer :,t:e -I-, iif whlehI theyV wi:l he-nl~h~c to turni ititeeni thoust~and' ytrd. lper ay. tuiryih., .ill lt he. in .thtl iite.. efl if mlvy n~ ftheir itmuS .kilfmo andtu itatl upeLratie ilg alsild a way with Ihe \'..tier Cu-mpanyt en t tor Vrginia. t ratn itevilh ha. b1eeni~ obligied Now, .3! r. En taoI:. I itim i nI patilt i- wcimtn. I tnt every mian, l-.uuioiu ila chdil/ tam light tie I til e5 iuntil themy are ir-i iJ.;<~i -ll/. ]tu t I dii while there wet e .-o lmany idlle, tond less utsefui en. willinig e~iad antxiimu' to go itt their liie,. bese menl tire Catroliniin< and n5h1 ou iit tn dozen mmf em whot have beeni tun;ter traitning here fur t twlve~ year, hail heteotme so skihlul~ tht these itablisinen-ts were noi ls.:tger uublige:l tin li -k fur an ke~ if .i.u.l;.<.a arI ISa is. .%iubtl theyvtnever turn. it will bie a en-:mity tia our Sita:e. A L.\DY lhEAil Flt. miranitieville, Ju lne -Sil. I .4i1. F-or the AdlvtnIter. Mi. Eartuon:-A Comtpanty ouf .lome tGuardls as organiized at lauiet'- Store, omn the I Juanc. ir the purpoise of dlrillin:: anid the piribt'etiion of furt.eighut. The tuollowinsg :m-e the ub&.m J . M. Tw,-r-rt:nI. 2nd L iieutentt~t. The~ othter Olieers tire yet tim Ibe ppotintedl. Perry's X Roadls, Jatnoe s1.18 a. i~'t th is I.n.ltti :-- i oLt1ji i~~j .. elie~ve e'very womnatn in Gogni iln Iwer her l ressee, stay at homne nndl work r or smldiers so lonig ius her finget s hst.-Andt hat sh'll T say of bte g.intt Catro~ linimn.s Godl e s' them! II iii hless thiett! Yur chtildiren's ;ritag' wituld lie it nt.!lle one, if onuly left the hor of being chldurcnt of a Souith Ciarulintinn S I in bhill iof htipe antI lnlidenc~e fr e tccess5 of our catuse against the rut~hn itn iders, and wish -I had a thocuwcnti sons to send to Bar Meeting. Ar a meeting of the member? of the Edgefleld Bar, on Monday the 2rd T. P. MAGnATt, ]:q., was ealled to the ('hair and S. 11. GnarmFx appuinted Secretary. The Cluimun having briefly explained the ulject of the meeting. Jos. AaYEV, Easq., oC'ered the following preamble :.n:A Resolutions. Warzt-:EAs, It hath pleased Alnighty Gol, in lia wisdom, to reirove fr.m the scene of his usefulness, and in the maturity of Lis judgment, the lion. F. H. W.A4ut.A w, faituer Ch:.neellkr of the Court of Eiuity, and late n.-.ciate .ludge of the Appellate Coau t of South Carolina. And it it becoming in his brethren <.f the Bar, and ein l) of the Edg eftell Bar. to meet in solemn conv.ition fur the purpose of paying a just tribute to hie utetnory, and of expressing their profound sorrow at the death of so eminent a jurist, and so exemllary a citizen. Be it thre fore, I(aoedel, That in 1is death of the lion. F. It. WA:'t..Aw the Judiciary of the State and the profesiaon of' the law have bhaean deprived of one of their brightest ornaments, and the Edgefield hiar of ota- of its luast dietingui.-hel nembenr. fliAi/ir.-,/, That whilst his kind.line of manner, and ftaility of approeh endeared bitn to his pro. fessioattl brethtre, hit unhainty. patience and le. gal la'arning eminently fitted him f(r the high pL aition in the Judiciary to which he had been ce. vated b% his country. I,.a/rc1. That in the lofty conception which he htad of the duties of his prol'e.eian, was re,-ag. nizel the ineiteUlent to that patient study and in. borions research into the suurec+'of our juri-prn. deuce, which hlbroutght to him the richest rewards of bis profes.-ion. Raeaoeed, That we deeply syangathizo wi:h the family and relations of the deceased in their tnournful loss, and respectfully request tke sad privilege of tuingling our gri,-f with theirs. Rhoa/i,'rd. That the S.-eretary of this meeting he instructel to transtmit a copy of the furegoing Resolution.: to the faminly of the iecetaed. 'fh Resoilution were scnd.edl by W. W. As SAMts, E.-q. Jing . t:rr, Es.., of Columbia, who was present, in a few chaste and app:opriate remark. paid a fitting tribute to the cbtracter of the de. ceased as a nagistrate. as a private citizen atal as a friend. The liesolutions were then unanimously adopted ; and upon mtition the proceedings of the meeting were ordered to be published in the 1dgefield t i ;e-#-r. T. P. MAG RAfTlI, Chairmen. S. B. tI tur'i', See'ry. ]-for the Advertiser. A Southern Navy. 1tn. itti tn :-Among all the qitestions of the war, one which I think concern.s the South degp ly, is hardly ever thtcught enough of by our people; and that one is the importance of a strong and eli'ient Navy fur the Kouthern Confederacy. The d.y for uouning the cst to the South of a war with the North is past, and the only thing fur us to eunsiler is the quickest way to tke the North acknowledge the inlependence of the South. Ac cording to my understanding nothing will aid so tuch as good ships of war, and I call upon you, mnen (If Edgelield--[ call upon you, tmn of South Carolina-I call upon you, men of the Southern Contedern y to rise in the mujesty o' you'r Po and stay that i-e will build a Navy There is junction, fellow-citizenp, laid upon us b"y ho t, "' Put nut fiwr ta-t in Alyg -:he tru which all history has proavet-and I say he nit our trust in (lauena or Enm perors. tmen enough t-> tight the North. Our G nts tuoney-for we must fight th' le . Wont you, fellow-citizens of Elge v n you will subscribe one hundred thaihand dollary for our District ? Wlant yotu, m : of Smuth Caialnn, 5sny one millin af doliara (a-lour glaorious, id State ? And, men aaf the Siuthtern Confedernley, enn not we raise teln tii liatns aof daraie to'tial in bauilding us a Navy ? I am nol politicentc e lnlnist, butt I think tall the money that we of' the Saouth may subscribe to bauild a Nvy will pauy us baettaer interest than any.. thing we ctan invest it itt. Who of you bult what.. will say if we had ta Navy, how murcht hot-. ter faor us it would hte? then, felloaw-eitizer~s. lt'. ItS -et hoit it at once, anal havei' oneo na mn ne piassible, antd adrire the hiriilings aif a despot fruit4 weaters ntor sufl'ir theta, tat pllutte our rhoree . t'or thae unhaly purpoase they aaa. 1,et us all in inrnishaing the Government with tmoneyI, soi the war can be paroseenttedl with te unot vigair, botha by :.en and iland.l Remnember data t " woe tao the vtta uhd," is the dlecree aof th ~itteurtin vrtnmtetnt. Le.t us not foargaet the biravo a-tai glr'iouts spiits that have gotne farrth f'raata anangst ny tia hare thecir bisuttns itn stemmttinag a hu ,rrenat lifi a despaoat'. vengennauee.' Let ut' see to it ihaat they nee.l tfor tai gaud thinag. fair I feel. atnd I haii I'a ev.-r mlan uan ao' thae:t as atf a brlthter. If we can) have a Navyi. tad I knaowa ta' renasla whty Ire. acaniat, I fair aaneian t ilitng taa serve itt i:. it' needs tie, 'tne yctar waithain: fee air rewaret. Ylou mltay .sny, felloaw-cithrt'ts, t lat tt-i.iay is .-e roea. TIhntt is true., i~a' thte senty'a il. ananaey enna hte .al.vitedc~. W'e can htave, the very !.iral a pp.r :'ttey it ya'n r:ay -i: iiani thei very aganie'l.. a--' ay~ ta intiae ml -in-y mt ,ra' ph-::tif! i.' fri na -ratti-l (a a rh .-ahi.- t in h: ad, tarda a eise: it: vma: woutld' theta see littin a-no:harl that youar tt:oney 'n inal, he weh! spentt i 1 bail.iing nyi a Nav3 in:-' med~tiately. I niaiy r..tar tol I he 51t..'.-taugnh.. Ii. ('. t', ta le'tter reci'ie-a'i in thbie city f'riom t'nghandl, ated " Thaere is tat i:n.. i':saat y..ata at i<.-tne hae ta the ai-. 'rttItnen t :ana' the I'ntita.!. nates. n.. hitrea tob the- rightt. of iroaperty' at1 5ea. The., .1tt im tt itnn. :v-- tfor t~aaay yea~rs ra-si-tiad the loft prprs-di tight 01' etnveh lanad wh,-~n they utought it wats againtst their interrtt to iree tio ir, nrii l o, incaontsialte:.t :m td u~r'tr.-nannble ta. it ii., i..rcign vc-~'2ls ap~praiacehaing the coaISt. This 's ofi c'oursea. ihjeted' ta 1by, Etigltnd. andl perhanps mai t'e ri..isted lay fiarce if paersistedh itn. "Tihe A tnerienan t ove'rnnetiS in (1niten rltidi't.. i'aur li.itio~n itn ather respct. A t a a 'iaven.. Iiatn aof gretat poiwers itt Paris nttionaag since, it was priopo.asch ta naouish prnivateering. tahen all will. ingly tagreedl to i?. e'xcept the Unaitedl Stas----and tow thwy stty alhey ntiii treat iariv'ateers as plirates. 'Thi- w'tnt doa, liriather .i'ntathan, anal the other' ::rent tmt.tithne niationts will tiake' care youil donti .'' From Camp Gregg. "L. W. S." it rites tat tihe Chntrlestona .Mrr'er3: "Tiae fight tmulSt tultiwnately cotno. The foreca int the ieldl will niever be withdrawn without. Bloth ipates ar: n.,W read~y toi take any atdvantage that l-n~sents itselt': ione blow ta:ny hiring on another. Tihe hall tanty lie ainianed at any instat, :nd itn. the aud :.e, at least. melt sleep upion thteir nrmas lie further staye " The weather is at luast earL. -.ti.e warat. O)ur camnp is in a denta1 grive. which gives it time c'aolness anal the sb.w~e of twi li-rtt. ij'pon its very miargins ara solt springe an Imiutiint is abutndiat..n ;d n.s line as :tany in thou w'ir'd. atal thmere is no'itttbg wantiulg now butt. thn nt'aai"uran i f a l'air 'g'ht witha oura eeetpty. .lfty 20.-Thhe dheath of Col. Tlisworth has e~l.t,ad in this, his niative toawn, then uttulont sor r.>w. 'Thel fathetr of Col. l.'diswaorth hafppenle'I to he itn thc te~leigraphi otti.c wvhen thte.inte.lhi Mlr. Elhswortht's grie~l was indescribablec on hea'trin~g theO snad news. lie lef:t -iimacdiately in) comtpany13 wvith his wife for Newv York. All ' thte fings ill town't areat half miast. The sytm pathty exp~ressedh for his pttrent is unt'vesrua.1. Tlhle Colonel was thle only' living son. A~ a year since huis youtngerm brother,aycunpani of imuch abihity, died in Ch icago. .\ gr'etat excitemen~alt was cra.eae be a man, who thmought hris death was all r'igt..amnd e. pesdhis 5Lemlimen~tr fatvornh1~Ia t e South.. lie was al lowed lay thet citip~ts 'eo.ty Issn.. tlas to leave towna, and lef& with the band i hay'ing the lRogueis Mareb, with orters to' :eturn nao mnae. CgY.'Inr lt'IImer .hnnad sjw thecir fiel, after'. thte when':t ir. harvested in corn anal peas. Thlera. ble fair corn could he raised if the seasons aro?