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(PROFESSIONAL CARDS j Dr. C. Mack Sanders ? DENTIST Ottce 304-5-6 muckley Building. Office Phone 429 Residence Phone 149. Dr. Lillian L. Carter Osteopath 212 Bieckley Bldg. Phone 168. Residence 318. Dr. L. Carl Sanders j * " . " ?# (Associated With Dr. J. 0. Baaders) Office Bieckley Bldg. Phone 329 Residence Phone 149. Dr. C. Singleton Breedin Ofllce ia St Mary's Hospital North Anderson. Honrs: 8 to 10, 12 to 3 and ? to 9, Chisholm, Trowbridge St DENTISTS Nm? Theatre flwhfce W. Whitney S3. . C. GADSDEN SAYRE . ?ir? A ' ; * Architect Alderton. S. C ^4 CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP?OSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. D?e Splendid I In *?ne min?te your clogged nostrils wll? open the air passage of your head: Will clear and you can breathe freely-. No more hawking, snuffing, bio whig, headache dryness. -No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm frto. your druggist now. Ap? ply a little of thies fragrant* an? tiseptic, bealing cream in your nos trils. It penetrates through every . air passage \of the head soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. Ita lust fine. Don't stay stuffed u? with a cold or nasty catarrh-relief cornea so quickly. AT THE BIJOU EVERY THURSDAY vuauvoivu L, Ga. "o and From the #<?ferH, SOUTH, EAST. WEST Leaves: No.32 ..6:08 A. M. No. 6 . ;? . 3:37 P. M. Arrives: ;NO. 21 . ,.sl. 11:15 A. M. No. S . . . . 3:0r.P.M Information, Schedules, rates, etc., promptly OCTOBER 10TH TO 1CTH S?REnilOSI?? FEATS OF ?K CIRCUS WILL BE IN ANDERSON ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 32ND MOPERN-^SWLPTESE Of the Barnum ?nd Bailey Circus Riyal Strength and Daring of the Olympians The greatest era lo Roman his tory was the period when athletic sports were most in rogue, and wlieu the people not only enjoyed and ap plauded feats of sir? -,gth, salli and daring, but also vied with One an other in developing their own niusoloa and physique. The .Roman a'ltletes were the marvel of tho world. They learned their eic ve rn CSE from the Greeks, and then readily outdistanced their teachers. The curl ol thc Lo man Empire followed the euervat?ng effects of indolence and the loss of physical supremacy among tile Roman people: In recent years there ha-* Jioo.i a distinct revival of the strm cus life and particularly that kind of strenu ous life that has to do with physical cu'ture and sports and part?mes that bring cultivated muscle and li'tcHl gently developed strength into play. 'Tho-denier boxer, the eoileginto high Juniper who '.nds that physical excel lence is not detrimental to intellectual growth, tho maker of running and swimming records, ana tho star ??>t t bal1 player, all hare their plato in the make-up of modert-, eociety; As an exponent of physical culture thc uup-to-dato circus has nude a place for Itself that ls decidedly uni que, vowhere else can ac higuefet clat?s of muscular development. < om blr.fJ with physical beauty, skill and dating be found in such generous, mul ti! ! city. It is probable that I.'onse and Allions ir. their po-in ie* t days, cju'd not boast athletes capable of discounting the gymnasts of HU. h a tcodera arena as that of ".ii? Barnum & Balley Greatest show oh Earth. A list of acrobats featured with the big show Otis season ?nduovs not? G families ot uth'eteo frcm all parto of the- wt*~'d. A harald, issued by tho Barnum & Fallcy management, gives this in?er est'L-g information regarding the i<c rol<ats with the show. Tito Nuarclitan Troupe and thc 31c gflil h'*'w?o Troupes corun/i?';*- twen ty men ard women, who bert won signal sbrtess in .he ?!.i.-.?poia iir CUKes These clever artists turu Mn I?'O, double and .even triplo niiur saults i|f mid-air, catching trapeze bars or one another with a strength; and skill that create wonder and ad miration; the Four Mellllo Slaters, who fairly dassle spectators by the' novelty and rapidity of their posture ings and revolutions; the Bird Mill man, Tosca and Dekos .Troupes are imported companies of athletic acro batic entertainers. These physically perfect.people and many others whose, exploits are made known ou the dou ble stages, in midair in the" triple rings, on the four stages and upon the hippodrome track illustrate What can be accomplished in the develop* meet of the human body, when the work *i studiously and systematical ly persisted in. S^^^^^iSjUfcS^SiftiMsdHWs^^ dj>^ ? #. ? KfcW ENTERPRISES * * * d>; Golumbia,-,Oct. 5.-The secretary bf state hos1 Issued a charter to the! W. J. Brennan Shoe company ol Charleston with a capital of .$10,000.. The officers are: W. ? J. Brennan, president and J, P. O'Brien, secre*. bary. C. P. DuBooe and company of Camden has been commissioned with x capital ' of 13,000. The petitioner* Lr?: C. P. DttBose, J. 8. Lindsay. H. C. Boykin and L. A. Kirkland. tnd Crisp Da%, Phooe No. 733. t's Grandmother's Recipe to k=-p her Locks Dark, Glossy, Thick. The old-time mixture ?i Sage Tea md Sulphur for darkening gray; ttreakod gert faded bair ia grand noiher'a treatment, and folks- ere takln using it to keep their hair a rood, even color, which is quite sepal de, as wc aro living In an age when i youthful appearance ls of the great 8t advantage. Nowadays, though, we* don't have ho tronbiesomn task of gathering ?go and the mussy mixing at oom*. Ul drug scores sell the ready-to-use iroduct called "Wysth's *?3ge amt Sulphur Compound" for about flo ?ats a bottle, ft ts very popular be *uso nobody can discover it has beeb ipplled. Sl-np?y moisten .your auno ir a soft bruah wt*? It and ?i*w/thV h rough your hah, -faking one- small itrsRd at a tuns; by morning the gray !Sir disappears, but trU&t del'ei.t Wai adie? with Wyeth's ?*?e an i Sulphur s that. beaid** beaut lt uilr darkening ho hatr after a **nv. ' s^Uca? lone, it ?90 produces that sor1, lastre ead e#4 jearance ot nbundSJ ce which la so tttrsDttve; besides, presents dandruff, tching scalp and failing bair. SO CI Catoeekee Chapter. There .will be a call meeting of the Cateechee Chapter, D. A. Ts., thia afternoon at 5 o'clock at the hom? of Mr?. J. R. Yandi ver. Heart? Delight Clea-. The meeting of the Hearts Delight club which was to have been held on the 7th hss been postponed until the' 14th when it will meet with Mrs. B. B. Allen. la Honor af Miss Lente. Miss Edna Lewis of Baltimore who is visiting Miss Mab Bonham, wasj l Mrs. Fi. C. Laughlln's charming, guest of honor yesterday morning when she entertained a few friends at a delightful little Informal sewing*] party. Each guest brought her sew--] lng and they chatted and sewed, tor quite awhile several guests giving beautiful musical p-ogram. Among these Mrs. Steele, Miss Ella Aveijr, M2as Mab Bonham, and Miss Prances Findley. After the sewing was put aside a dainty salad course was served by the gracious hostess, assisted by Miss Mab Bonham. The guests for the morning were; Mrs. M. L. Bonham, Mrs: W. B? Steele, Mrs. J. E. Allen. Miss Ald rich, Mrs. Levis Sanders, Mrs. T. E. Howard. Mrs. George H. Ballee, Mrs. Grace McGregor, Mrs. James L. Klnard, Miss Lewis, Miss Ella Avery, Miss Findley, Mrs. C. E.' Greene, Mrs. May Dorrlty and Mrs. Ouuld. For tte Trlbble-Pearce Wedding , ?arty. A beautiful social event in honor of the Trtbble-Pearco wedding party wah given yesterday morning by Mrs, D. A. Ledbetter, at her lovely home, on the Boulevard. Only the mem bers of the bridai party were Invited and after a pretty musical program the guests were ushered into Che handsome dining room ele gant course luncheon waa served. A color scheme of red was beautifully carried out, large red demias being used and their bright 'beauty add, much to the effectiveness of tLo scene. Assisting Mrs. Ledbetter in' her duties as hostess were Mrs. 8. D. Brownlee .and Mrs. John E. White. Miss Carrie Fretwoll left yesterday for Franklin, Ky., to visit friends. She' will also visit Miss Sara Hayes in Madlsonville, Ky., while away. TrfhMe.rearee Wedding. Mrs. Walter Powell went Friday to Anderson to be one of tho matrons bf honor at the wedding of her broth 11 Thomas Butler Pearce, and His?, Anna Valina Trtbble -et 8 o'clt,:j? .*~-~~-.?rv* 11 Mr. Joe Gatley of Iva waa a busi ness visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Dalo ot Roberts spent yesterday in the city. Mr. W. M. Moser of Belton was a Visitor Tuesday. Mr. R. M. Spearman 'of Piedmont was among the business visitors yes terday. Mr. Frank Skelton of Roberta was a visitor yesterday. Mr. C. M. Duckworth of Lebanon spent yesterday In tho *Jiy. Mr. Frank Pearson of Greenville was a visitor yesterday. Messrs. O. T. Htett and W. K.'fk Maddox were visitors yesterday from -T Belton. ol ? ?+ BEF?GE ? ???*?????? ? X -?j A great many of oar fermera say tu hit a lot of their cotton ls rotting. fo Roe, T? M. Land Ulled his regular w ippointmcnt at this place last Satur-, al lay morning. A large congregation it tended both services. Mr. Lar.d M? ms lust rf ?urned home from a busl ies? trip to Alabama and he says Bi Stat crops In Alabama are off one- L, *ird. ; L, Visses Beatrice and Zoo ta. Phillipa to sf ?andy Springs visited Mr. and ?r?. g. P. Phillips, last Saturday fo light. B Born onto Mr. and Mrs. D. #C. Ci Sv&tt, September 29, a son. te Little Miss Iselt Wilsen delightfully mtertalned about twenty of her little 'rlends at a birthday party fast Fri lay afternoon. Dainty sweet cou rae* were served'. Many little games werai ta played during the afternoon, welch M were vajuy?cg uj u?* prci-?itt Hiss Sallie and Master Sloan Gilles-T ?de spent Saturday night at the homo ,K if their elster, Mrs. Mollie Craig, of K Central. A great many of our old people and some ot the yoting enjoyed a Blblr til reading at Mr. B. L. Hicks* last 3*turday eight. We bose to havs< mother In the near future. ? ? Mrs. Margaret Gillespie is on th* P Bick lint this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brett and lit.' ?M ile daughter. Agnes, visited In Goonoo last Saturday and itanday. ? Mr,-Oem Poor ?ad faaitiy ef asar Lebanon were visiting Mrs, PoorV li elster lat* Sunday, Mrs. J. C. Oil M ..?pie. ti ETY ?Vedcesdeyr ?vOniug at the First ap lat church, Anderson. Others uf the iridegroom'a family who will go r?er Wednesday for the occasion witt >e his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.; 3earce; his brother-in-law a id-sister, ?Jr. and Mrs. H. B. Hair, and his irpther, Dixon Pearce. After the-Vwed ling ceremony there will be a recepr lon at the nome of the bride's par-gfi ?nts. Mr. and Mrs. Jam?H lemuel [Yibbie, &QC North Main street. The .<>uDg copple will come to ruke their mme in Columbia'where Mr. Pearce s In business with -his rather. He ia* recently" returned to this city ifter haying: boen engaged in -he wholesale grocery and fruit business n SpartanbuTg for four or five} yeo rs. ie and bis bride will live ot the. 7oloala.-The State. Beautiful Affairs for Miss Trfbble. The last two of a merry serleB of leautlful entertainments tor the Trlb >le-Poaroe wedding party wera giren ast evening. The first was a buffet supper given b;. the bride's motlier, irs. J, I<. Tribble at their handsome tom3 on North Mam street. The guests included Just the mem bers of the bridal party and the evon-' og was delightful informal and pleas ing Miss Tribble presented each of 1er maids with a tiny gold friendship drel? aa a ?ovenlr of this happy Kxaalon. Later the bridal party were enter aiaed hy Mr. and Mrs. Q. Frank lohnson. Their pretty home on s'orth Main street was a scone of >rlghtness and beauty, with soft ighta 'and pretty flowers in striking ?ontreat to the rain and dreariness mt aide. The evening was spent in a charm ngly social manner and added still mother beautiful affair to the many ilready given this elia rm lug and lopular young lady. Mrs. Will Tolly is at homo from a rip to Asheville. N. C. Maret at Finch Hotel Last Night for 1M Mr. Pearce. In compliment to T. B. Pearce. T rhone marriage to Miss Anna Trib- " ?ie, of ?Asvd?rson, will be an Interest- b< ng soqtal /unction of Wednesday j" ?vening, ss'-?e?utiral pre-nuptial din- T ter waa given last evening at the' Inch hotel . Covers were bi HT for the following cueste most of whom will act as D( groomsmen at the wedding: 8. ;'J. w Sch?lls, A. J. Turner, J. J. Cudd, fr., Brian Floyd, Irvin Magness, Joe W 3vereU, Cecil Wyche, Phil Edwards,! ? ?ar? Montgomery, Miller Foster and rixon F. pearce.-Spartanburg Her- J* "". - 1; _? S ~t-t-;-c, ??t"*..~----' >NAL I || ????????????????/????? % H. H. Hamilton, New York; CE. acobs, Cincinnati, O., and J. E. & Vebster, Atterbury, Conn., were in cc he city yesterday calling on the Jew-: lry trade. . . Ul Mr. CF. Shaw of Iva spent yea- f} ard ay in t?? cky. re Mr. W. O. Gresham of Greenville 80 rea tb the city yesterday on busl- pe __ , wi Mr. E. A. Goans of Pendleton ?1 pent yesterday in the city. . js Mr. E. G. Ewans and Miss Virginia o)l Ivans were visitors yesterday from _ elton. --- . J. ' Mr. and Mrs.- G. P. Cann and lit a daughter, Miss Geraldine, hive H?rn?d to Atlanta, Ga., after apand- ug ig a few daytrh?re with relatives.: ? hey mada ttJS^trlp In their automo- ' ^ ''v??^^^?s? ?AIL ~Tr~~*m Following, lat*- list of letters ro- J ainlng uncalled for in the^post ???. ? Anderson, 8. C., for the week end g October 6, ^915". Persons calling ste/ r these will , pisase say that they bac are advertised. One cent due on i Nlyertleed^iaattar. ; SS A-Johnny Arnold, Maggie Allen,' gQ| adlen Allens. bad B-W. H. Beaty, Mrs. Virginia sho rewa, W. L. Bond. Ralph Blair, M. mo) , Blackwell, Misc Isaboll Balles, J. and . Boee man, John Banks. G. L. Bur- Th< n. of ' C-iMhw'Bertha Garter, B. B. Craw-r Cac rd, D. J. Clack, George Collins. J. F : Carnes, John Camp, Miss Sallie sim klhouo, W. B. Crow, W. W. Chas- Dot en. Mn D-Miss Willie Janie Donaldson. Prc F-B. L. Freeman. ?Jj G-Lear Gray. M-Mrs. Cornella Snelgrovo Hoi-? nd, M. L. Hendrix, T. C. Harria, * rs. Ida Hards*. .* "Tuarts Jenn son, Alonzo Jones. K-Mrs. Ancel Kay. kHfls B?gcbla nigh ton. Mente? Knecco, R. 8. fc*f. L-Junes Loggias. ' M-<Mr*. Lela Mack, Joe T. Mar li, B. R. Morrison. P-Edd Parkar. 1-M?HH Addle Rosamond, Mles alar Robin son. Seat Rice. Miss Lila oblnson, Mrs. Mary Rennel?. .8-Mrs. Francie Streets, Mrs. Cora beaklfn. A. L. ?hleid?. T-John K. Thompson. V-T*3SS iMnhVjaugtan. W-Joan 1ttto&s. John Webb. Ul an C. Wefeatamer. Lida Williams, r Sae Nancy WlHlams, Misc Rosa Wll im?. W.*.Tken Walto.. - a The Right ( Improve A But it MUST BE FIT! In the famous i f .Fr? L we offer you a Corset Corset in every sense c by our expert Corseti proving all types of iii Special values at $2.50, $5.00 Mrs. B. Gr L ?????????*+?????????? * EUREKA ITEMS + * ? ?fr ?++??**+?**+???**?*? Mr. L. P. Smith and Miss Shearer ! Anderson were visitors here Sun Mrs. J. Allen Mahaffey and little oberts arc visiting relatives here. Mrs. L. E. Campbell and Caugh ir. Zells, spent Friday in Pendleton islting Mrs. Clayton. Mc Al ister.- Her anband has been sick all summer, UTeruig from a nervous breakdown, it since lils visit to Atlanta, he feelB ucl* encouraged, and we trust will I sound and well again. Eureka farmers are so busy now. hey hardly know which to do first, >tton is bringing 12 cents and must ? picked and sold; grain needs to be >wed since the delightful showers ive fallen; corn dry and ready U. i housed; peas ripe and' waiting to i picked; molasses cane cut and Ulled to the mills; plenty staring ?opie in the face. How thankful we eak mortals ought to be! Dr. John E. White of Anderson ill preach at Eureka Sunday after jon at 4 o'clock October 10. All are >rdlally invited to come and hear lother fine sermon. All we bear of r. White since his arrival in South arollna are words of praise. Mr. Harper Balen tine and Robt, se have returned from a pleasant alt te Fin rm an and* Greenville. The many friends of Mr. J, L?ee alentine will be glad to learn that ? is doing nicely in Franklin Square capital, Baltimore, Md., since his oration. We will be glad to sea his leery face among us again soon. Mr. L. A. Cochran and L. BJ impbell have purchased tine milch tws. Mrs. Mark Kay has gone to Wil unston for a visit to reiatlvee. W. L. Anderson's f amil ly spent imlay at C. B. McCown's near Mt. raak church. Mr. Ernest Mcewan bas about covered from fever. He is o if me fifty pounds, but has a good ap lite and hopes to be able to mingle Ith his friends soot. The friends of Mr>. Laura TJrock exander will he glau *n kn^w . she the mother ot four fine boys. Little . L. Alexander will be three weeks 1 Sunday. THE WEARY WAY Of Becoming Less Wearisome to sway ?a Awcrs??. rVith a back that aches all day, Vith idst disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, Vis a weary woy. indeed. Joan's Kidney Pills are especially kidney trouble, ire endorsed by Anderson citizens. Irs. M. E. Manga, ?4? E. River St., tarnee, says: " Exertion weaken my kidneys ead brought on a idy, dull pafi in the small of my k. When I was sweeping, sharp agaa seised ase. My kidneys acted freely ead the kidney secretions; tressed me. I felt tired and lan d and often my feet swelled so Hy that I could hardly get my. es on. After suffering about two ?the, I read -of Dean,'? Kidney Pills I got some at Evana* Pharmacy, jy made me feel better in a couple days and ona box fixed me up in i.shape." Tice 60c, at all dealers. Don't ply ssk for a kidney remedy-get m's Kidney Pills-the sumo that h Hanks had. Foster .Milburn Co., ?ps, Buffalo, tl. Y. lets*//Sha Av. to Drv$$-up tCTOBER J OTH TO 16TH I m lorset Will ny r?gure ED CORRECTLY that is the RIGHT )f the word ! Fitted eres, they are im mures! and $7.50. aves Boyd We are recommending our'10-1*0 and 10-2-0 and 10-2-?-0 for wheat and oats this fall whei^ou sow it. This will give it stalk and grains in the head, and that it what you want Vii grain. If you will sow five acres in wheat <<gt? five in oats this fall, after preparing the land well and fertilizing it well with eitheN bf these goods, you will find it advantage 10-2-J-O is an especially fine goods* Let us hear from you. Anderson Phosphate & Oil Co. Anderson, South Carolina, i Pattons Sun-Proof Paittt The Complete Paint r . J aase There's nothing left out th&J^ould make a better paint. Nothing has heep put in ex cept that which has been proven t# make The B EST Pail st Paint <3p. pilone 48. ' 1 . Guest Sellspfe Best. j -.- - y-jB """"" Jj Heaters %M t&jBKk? These Heaters have many ?HV improvements this season. M L They require.vthe, least oil J? JL and give the niost-heat. No .*^^^BB^"^b smoke. Nc*-e>dor. A sim W pie twist ?f|gj??wrist locks .SHr* ?# the wick. There is nothing more coWAable and convenient for these cool morrritfflL Can be moved from room to room, giving^ou heat just where you want it. II Mimili mi ! t ; , ? , ,~>.i-r-r,-; r r ?> - j^ftv,-!-1 Sullivan Hardware Company