University of South Carolina Libraries
CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANT ADVERTISING II A TE H Twent"-Ave words or leve, One Tia.._. 26 cents, Three Timos 50 cents, Six Times $1.00. All advertisement over twenty five word? prorata fur each ad ditional word. Rates on 1,000 words to he used lu a mouth made ou application. No advertisement taken for less than 26 cents, cash in ad vance. If your name appear? in thu telephone directory you can tele phone your wau' ud to '?'J. 1 and a bill will bc mailed after its in rertlon for prompt payment. WANTS "WANTED-A good farm for ono o? our customers. If you have a farm for sale wo will be glad to consider it. Linley & Watson, (Jno. Linley W. E. Watson.) WANTED-?0 to 100 head of first clous, sound mules, 4 to 8 years of age. Wo are not buying for thc war. Want more clasH, and willing to pay better price. The Fretwell Company. 8-22-tf. WANTED-You to know that I am this season handling tho Genuine Tennessee Blue Oem Coal, and not asV g anymore for it than you ba paid for Inferior coule. I have a stock of tho best wood in town on hand. Olvo me a trial. W. O. Ulmer, Phono 649. WANTED-Every house keeper in An derson to try a loaf of "Aunt Mary's Cream Bread." It's mado at homo and your grocer keeps it. Ander son Pure 7ocd Co. 8-15-Dtf FOR SALE TCB HALE-Am offering a email amount of Peoples Bank stock nt a good value. W. N. Walker. FOB SALE-A farm of 131 acres with in one mile of Little River church, in Abbeville county. lias a good four room IIOUBO and new bain; 20 acres In bottom land and 30 acres in good cotton land. Also, 98 3-4 acres In another place with a house and barn, 60 acres In cultivation. Will sell either place for $2G.?? an acre on easy terms. Address "W. W. CUnkscales, Belton, S. C. FOB SALE TO MERCHANTS ONLY Flour, horse, stock, poultry and bog feeds of all kinds, including hay, alfalfa and cyclone feeding meal; Tollio, and Rising Sun .Self Rising flours, too; and at prices to sutt O. E. Turner at P. & N. Freight sta tion. FOB SALE-If .eal estate ls what you want, I have county, suburban and city at the lowest price. I will be glad to show you some of my specials. It you have property for aale soe me. W. M. Walker FOB SALE OB BENT-Fine river plantation lu Rock Mill township, one mile below Andersonvllle known at Mitt Simpson piero. This farm contains 280 acres, fifty acres tine bottom land. For further informa tion Bee Mrs. W. H. Simpson. 132 ToKy Street, City. 9-28-7L FOB 8ALE-Onion Bets; White Pearl, Bermuda. Prize Taken, Silver, Skin, Yellow Danvera, and Multipliers. This ls planting season. Furman Smith, Seedsman. FOR RENT FOR BENT-Two horse crop neal Green pond school. Mrs. T. A. Bolt Townvlllc, S. C. 10-5-31 MISCELLeWEOUS >OR 80I*E EYES-We have the Dr Harris prescription for sore eyes alves Instant relief. Owl Drug Co. . Phone 636. 10-2-lm WE ABE PAYING *32 per ton for cob ton seed and selling hulls nt tot dollars per ton; coal $4 to $6 pei ton. These are prices at our yard MarL'u Coal & Wood Co. ?aaSBSSEMSaaBSBBW?SSBBBBESBSkaS??SS?SS^ f?iEY KIDNEY ?li'XS log BACKACHE WO*""* *.> L-wui-r I j_. OCTOBER 10TH TO 16TH Middle-Aged Men. CTiu- Pell? an"-Sept., I9ir.) "Why Do Middle-Aged Men Break Down?" I? the heading placed over ?<ii arl lele lu the sc ience und Inven tion department of the Literary Di gest lor August I*. 1916, from which j the following extracts are of particu lar int? rent to life insurance utud I nie : "Thal men just past the prime of life- say. just over forty- are very much more apt to succumb to disease thun they were immediately before, and that this likelihood is greater now than lt was u dozen years ago. Is shown by a comparative/table com piled by Dr. ( has. F., of the New York City Health Department, to serve us the text of au article on this subject contributed hy him to The Scientific American (New York. July 17, 1915). The numerical evidence furnished hy the tabbi is hurdly nec esssary, he thinks, for .thlB modern tendency to go to pieces on the part of our middle-aged men seems to be universally admitted hy physician and layman II like. It ls only when we be gin to Inquire into causen that we meet with differences of opinion. The prohibitionist reformer, says Dr. Bolduan. ls sure that it is all due lo alcohol. The food-faddist attributes il to denatured foods, others still \ are certain that immorality is thu j cause; the legislators of several ot our Western States oven lay thc ? blame on the 'deadly cigarette.' 'And tlie harass, d business man sitting in his club willi u highball beside him and puffing ut a black cltfar assures you most emphatically that the rush >f modern business life supplies tho orreet answer.' Dr. Bolduan's own nswer la refreshingly short und sweet. 'Why do men over forty break down?' iie usks. 'Indulging their ap petites! ' When one hus reached tho age indicated he should apparently j ask himself seriously, "What do I wont to do?'-and then not do lt. |iSay? Or. Bolduan: 'We can gain an Insight into the casons why men over forty break i lown by examining into the promt- [ neut causes of death which carry them off at that time. Without citing the fleures, I muy say that this re veals a marked increase, in recent years, of doathB from heart-disease, arteriosclerosis, Bright's disease, and certain diseases of the nervous sys tem. 'These diseases are intimately re lated to one another, and have many auuatlvc fuctors in common. Among these thc most Important are overin dulgence In alcohol and tobacco, the poisons of HvphUls, gout, rhematisin, and certain other diseases, overeat ing, especially overeating of meat, lead-poisoning, muscular overwork, ?xposure to cold und wet, and expos ure to great heat.' "Various factors combine, Dr. Bold uan says, to prevent health-adminis trators from making headway against these diseases. In the first place, the onset ls insidious, so that tho disenso becomes established before it is rec ognized. " Jo. Ibo. jwCPftd* place, it is not easy to prove to the patient the causal relationship of the inciting factor. Thirdly, most of the cases above enumerated are associated with some form of indulgence of the ap petites and these are difficult to con trol. He goes on: - " 'At the present time the average deuthrato In the United States is about 14. i. e., fourten out of every 1,000 p MY, on s die annually. The writer is convinced {bat if syphilis and alcohol could be entirely climin utcd, tho rate would at onco fall to' 12 or under. . . " 'I have already mentioned that tho diseases playing so promlneut a part In tho mortality ot men over forty, namely a part In the disease, arterios clerosis, and Bright's disease, begin insidiously. It ls important to re member, bowever, that a competent physician is able to recognise the signs long before your own attention may be aroused by the symptoms.' " Life insurance examinations con firm this last statement by Dr. Bold uan and life insurance statistics aro right In linc with the hypothesis up on which his conclusions aro based. The wholo presentation as given in tlie Literary Digest is a decided argu ment for taking Mutual Benefit Insur ance nt a young age alic", maintaining it. M. M. MATTISON, Gen. Agf. C W. Webb, District Agent J. J. TrovrbrwJge, C. E. fribble, W. R. Osborne, Special Agents. Anderson, S. C PIEDMONT &N HIERN RAILWAY COMPANY ANDERSON: Condensed Passenger Schedule, fi* *otIve vuao 6, 111?. Ali.vii* tfo. 31.. .;. .7:36 A. lt Na SS.. .. .. 0:36 A. BC No. 86.. .. .,'.11:40 A. M NO. 87.. .VJ?.? 1:10 F. M No. SS.,.S:40 P. lt NO. 41... ?:00 P. IC No. 48. 6:60 P. If NO. 46...10:80 P. lt Departures No. SO.'.. .. 6:26 A. M No. SS.8:26 Ju lt No. 84...10:30 A. lt No. 36.. .. ,.12:10 P. lt No. 38. .. 2:80 P. lt No. 40.4:60 P. M No. ?2....V.. ..6:40 P. lt No 44. Vi f:lfP. M C. Sk ALLSUN, SHORT SESSION CITY COUNCIL YESTERDAY WAS REGULAR MEETING AND FEW MATTERS DISCUSSED APPROPRIATE $25C For Relief Work to Be Used Bj Salvation Army-Petitions Were Few in Number. T.'ie regular meeting of city coun held yesterday afternoon at 3;3l o'clock waa one of thc shortest o several mouthe and only business o minor importance was tranaactei ouch as petitions being heard am reports of committees. A petition wa? read asking tba North Faut street be curbed am drained from Greenville street U Huberts. This was referred to th city engineer, who will estimate um report on costs. Petition also pre [tented asking that an arc light b placed at the corner of John um Faut streets. This matter was re ferred to tie water aid light commit tee. A motion to tho off oct that th sidewalks on Piedmont avenue bo pav ed and curbstone put down to Trill ble street waa referred to tho stree commitee. The water and light commltte recommended that a light bo place? on Trlbblo street near tho I nder miths and council adopted a motioi to that effect. The Salvation army had ariked t a the city renew lt? appropriation fo relief In the city of Anderson and ; motion that this bc done passed. Th city has been paving $'J."VO a year am this amount will he paid for the yea ending August 13. 191C. Thia appro prlatlon is made with thc understand lng teat tho Salvation Army iiav charge of all relief work. Council decided to employ Mr. J R. Mayfield to drive the street flush er and to attend to other duties tha might be outlined by Health Oliice Campbell. A recommendation wa made sometime ago by thc board o health that a white man be omployei to do tilla work. Alderman Carter made a motto; that the city purchase an automobil for the chief of police, but withdrew lt after lt was seen there was objec tien. It was explained that the city finances did not warrant auch ex pendlture at present. There being no further buslnes council adjourned. .V.r. Russel Improved. It was stated last night that th condition of Mr. I). H. Pjussell, w'. has been Ul for. tho past few d^yi was better and that he was niue brighter. This will be pleasing new to his many friends. Mis daughtci Miss Leila Russell of Hock Hill, an son, Mr. Tom Russell of Staantor Va., are In the city with him. CARII OF THANKS Newa reached the city yeaterda; afternoon of tbs death 01 jurs. Juu Dodson at her home at Donalds. Mrs Dodson had been lil for soveral week and ber death was not unexpected Funeral services will be held this a! tcrnutm at Donalds at 2 o'clock. Besides her husband Mrs. Dodso ls survived by eight children, two < whom live in this city. Mr. J. C Dodson of the lice J live and Mr. 0 M. Dodson, Rubenstcln's. l'rcttj Big Force. "Have you much of a polico fore in tile village?" asked the city ma in the country. "We certainly have," replied tl native; "be weighs 'MO pounds." Kansas City Journal. Gebberg's Potato Chips Freal and Crisp Daily, Phone No. 73: DRUBS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALT If your Back hurts or Bladdt bothers, drink lots of water. When your kidneys hurt and yoi back feels sore, don't get scared at proceed to load your stomach wil a lot of drugs that excite the kidne: and irritate tho entire urinary tra? Keep your kidneys clean like ye keep your bowels clean, by flushli thee with a mild, harmless sal which removes the body's urinoi waste and stimulates them to the normal activity. The function of tl kidneys ls to filter the blood. In : hours they strain from lt 500 grab of acid and waste so we can read I understand tho vital Importance keeping the k'dheys active. Drink lots of " water-you cat drink too much; also get ?rom ai pharmacist a tablespoonful In a ghi ; of water before breakfast each mor , lng for a' few days and your kidne , will act fine. This famous salts , made from the acid ot grapes ai , lemon juice, combined - with tittil . and has been used for generations . clean and stimulate clogged kidney , also to neutralize the acids in url: so lt no longor is a source of irrtt . tl on, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Balts ls Inexpensive; cannot I . Jure; makes a delightful effervesce . ll thia-water drink which everyo , should take now sud theo to ke . ?><??r kidneys clean and active. T , this, also keep up the water drtnkii , and PO doubt you will wonder. wt became of your kidney trouble- a backache. Coast to Coast in 80 Pays. f pill Ns Robert Barns. robert Burns covered Ute '",?H0 t?tulos between San Francisco and New York in eighty days, Waich is tldrtytwo days less than it took Edward Payson Western. therchzy establishing a new world's record for long distance walking. He has start ed on his return tri? and he expects to bo in San Francisco in January, and later in the month back in Eureka, Cal., which was his original starting point. Some public spirited citizens of Eureka li.ought it a good advertise ment for Eureka io havo ono- of her sons attempting such a feat, so) the? told Burns he would he given S500 it ho got back before next January. Ile is also allowed .fcl.'.n a day i?r his lucais and lodging. "I was the first hiker to make tLo trip over tho Lincoln Highway from 'Frisco to Jersey City." said Burns. MANY LIQUOR CASES IN FEDERAL COURT October Term Contenes in Green, ville-Most of Defendants Are Pleading Guilty. u OrV'envllle, Oft. 5.-With Judge Jos. T. Johnson upon the bench and s District Attorney J. Thurman and Assistant District Attorney Mayes fl conducting the prosecution, tho Oe tober term of federal court convenen n in this city this morning. >r Although a number of defendants were before tho court during tit i' course or the day. cly one rase w<T pet berore the jury, the remaining de fendants entering pleas of gull*-, tc this charges prcferrou-. ?jj Tho several cases disposed of thif u morning involved violations1- bf tht internal revenue law. relating to tht IU Illicit manufacturing of whiskey. E. F. McCrary pleaded guilty to thc charge of Illicit diaUUiug, and wa; sentenced to serve one-month . In Hit 1 Picketts county jail. I A bench warrant was Issued t( *! have Claudia Wright, a wtiito woman r* brought in court for trial on a charge of selling whiskey without a fedora license. SThrough his attorney Georg? Camp bell, entered a plea of guilty to tin charge of illicit distilling. . Unon re r quest of counsel for the defendant Judge Joimson deferred the Impost IHon of sentence until the last day o! the present term of court. Joe Ellenberg pleaded guilty to th< charge of Illicit distilling and wai sentenced to serve one month in th? " Pickens Jail. [jj The only Jury trial of tho mornln; "* was the case of the Tr'.ted State \r against George Hendrix^ charged witl ? Illicit distilling. Caril of Thanks. M To t : *> merch-...ts, c" Tk3, veteran! Kni:;hf.: ; us .r.d friends il the city: ?. Wo kindly thank* one pt' yoi aB for the lovely floral tributer. and ex ly pressions of appreciation and -sym ?j pathy of our deptutiid son and broth er, C. C. Langston. May each o |>t your lives be a oeason of blessing li j_ the years to como, gi. Mrs. Lucy J. Langston and Family. ^ Tin? Denver Behool*, ts The Denver and Smith schools" wll ad open next Monday,'October ll. at la,,o'clock. As many of thc .patrons nn< to friends as can are requested to mes S; ? with the teachers on thot'dste as vf ae'?*P?ct Supt. Fetlon to be with us. a- W. E. Eakew, Chairman Board Trustees Lead Teats tn Stem Yfrflms. Washington, Oct. G.-In respond to a request of Governor Hall < Louisiana, Acting Secretary o* tb Treasury Newton suthortxed ?li public, health lend teni nd ' and other equipment to the fcurrlcan ' sufferers. WILL ARRANGE PLANS i CLEMSON AUBURN GAME COMMITTEES TO MEET TC- : NIGHT TO DISCUSS THESE MATTERS MUCH TO BE DONE i Advertising Campaign Mutt Be- < gin, Ground Put in Shape and Entertainment Planned. Committees ' will be appointed to day and a meeting will be held to night for thc purpose of perfecting .ni.m-; for the Clemson-Augurn game which viii be played in Anderson un Saturday October IC. The mein hers of the committees will be chosen from the names of those appearing on tile guarantee for the genie. Ti>o football gams ia now an assur ed fact and will he played on thu af ternoon of the Kiih min or shine. Word from Auburn state* that th<>ir football team is getting stronger ev ery day an<l that they are looking for ward to tho garie in Anderson. Tho Clemson leam is putting in hard prac tico every afternoon and will be ready to meet Auburn on the 1 Ct ii. T. ts is expected to he one of ?lie best j games played in the south thia season and will attract hundreds from all I over North ant'. South Carolina. Ccar- ? gin and Alabama. Thc committees to bc pppointed to-j day will get to ".ork and make nre p.'ratiotiH and arrange for the details ir. regard to the bis game, such as advertising, arranging entertainment ) for t ie members pf the teams, clean ing off tlio grounds and arranging for the selling of Hie tickets. At the meeting tonight ail of these matters will lu- thoroughly discussed and all committees will get busy ut once. ? T&KTHRDAVS BE BULTS. * ? . ? All games scheduled in National and American leagues postponed on account of rain. DECLINES INVITATION TO A TTE!? ii ?OSTON (JAME Washington, Oct. 5.-President Wilson today declined the Invitation extended hy representative Galllvaii of Massachusetts to attend th'^world's series games at Boston. Thc presl dent bad already promised to throw ort th ' -.M ai Saturday's game at i iii.-.v/.i.:.:u. ANNUAL MEETING OF MILL STOCKHOLDERS DIRECTORS ELECTED FOR TOXAWAY MILL FOR NEXT YEAR REPORT FAVORABLE Owing to Absence of Some of Members Directors Postponed Their Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of tho stock holders of tho Toxaway Mills waa hold yesterday at 3 o'clock in the bf" flee of tho company. The ro;>ort of President II. B. Gossett was evidence (hat tile mills have bad a profitable year considering the conditions of the past 12 months. The board of directors elected yes terday is as follows: W. H. Baldwin, of New York. Summerfield Baldwin, Jr., of Baltimore; S. Craig Mitdicll. of Philadelphia; W. C. Cleveland of Greenville, who succeeds Tho* ilildt of Ni w York, resigned; Alfred Moore of Welford, Jas. P. Gossett or Wil llacnston, and Jas. D. Hammett, U. A. LedbeUer and B. B. Gossett of Anderson. Owing to the 'act that them was not a quorum present of the hoard of directors, thc annual meeting of the board was not hold. ipS.Ou ?eward If Yon Don't Lunch. Wanted--A furnished room hy an olid lady with electric lights. Wanted-A room by a young gen tleman with Loth kinds of gas. Wanted-A room by a young gen tleman with double doors. Wanted-A niau to take caro of liorsc? who can speak German. Wanted-Saleslady in corsets and underflannels. Wanted-Lady to sew huttons on the second story of Smitlt & Brown building. Wanted-A dog by a little hoy with pointed ears. Wanted-A nice young man to run a pool room out of town. Wanted-A boy who can open oys ters with n reference. Wanted-Experienced nurse for bottled baby. Wanted-A boy to be inside and partly outside the counter. Whnted-A room for two young gentlemen about thirty 'cet long and twenty feet broad. Wanted-A cow by an )ld lady with crumpled horns. For Sale-A farm by an old gentle man with outbuildings. Wanted-By a respectable gt/l, her H ?LECTROLIER?S ? H CONCENTRATE W M Southern Pub- H H He Utilities Co. m aamr-n-awan-!???.??! passage to New York, williup, to taku care of children and a sailor. For Sale-A nice mattress by un old lady full of feathers. For Sale-A plano by a young lady wllRr mahogany legs- who ia going nbroad In a strong iron frame. For Sale-A large, nice dog, will eat anything, very fond of children. For sale-A parlor suite by an old lady stuffed with hair. For Sale-A cottage by a gentle man with a bay window. Represent the utmost service, safety, mileage and pleasure obtainable from an Auto-Va cation trip. TODD AUTO SHOP Opposite The Palmetto N. Main* TAKE SALTS FOR THE KIDNEYS IF ir $M .. mm mm We Should Drink Lots o! Water and Est tess ? Meat,: Says . Noted Authority m Kidney Disorders ? ..^ Recommends a Spoonful c* lad Salts In Glass of Water Bsfore Breakfast to Stimulate Kidneys and . Eliminate the Uric Acid ^ _ iTric acid In neat excites the kidneys, they breakfast for * few day? end your kidneys will ^become overworked, set sluggish, ache, and feel then act fine. This famous salts h ?miJo from like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy, the acid of grapes and lemon juice> combined the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged with li thia, and has been UN?*1 fe*- generations to seek relief two or three times during the night. to clean clogged, kidneys and stimulate them VTbon the kidneys clog you must help them flush to normal activity, also to neutralise the acids off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real in urine, so it no longer is a aourcu of irritation, sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull thus ending bladder weakness, nvsery in the kidney region, .rou suffer from Jad Salts ia inexpensive, cannot injure, makes backache, sick headache, diezm?is, stomach gets a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic . everyone should take now and then to keep thc twinges when the weather is bad. * kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say i O Eat lesa1 meat, Mri nk lots of water; also get they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in from any pharmacist four ounces of Jed Salts; ' overcomr^g Iddney, t/rcuble while it is only fake a tablespoonful m a glass of water before trouble./ . * ,