The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, August 30, 1881, Image 1

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g?te fSfltritmi mh igttgfc THE SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April, 1850. "Be Just and Fear not--Ler. all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established June, 1SS6. Consolidated Aug. 2, 1881.1 SUMTER, S. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1881. New Series-Vol. I. No. 5. Published erery Tuesday, -BY THE ^pffatckman and Southron Publishing M Company, SUMTER, S. C. TERMS: Two Dollars per annum-in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS. One Square, first insertion.".......$1 00 Every subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer will be made at reduced rates. Ali communications which subserve private interests will be charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. Marriage notices and notices of deaths pub? lished free. For job work or contracts for advertising address Watchman and Southron, or apply at the Office, to N. G. OSTEEN, Business Manager. -----------a WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA R. R. 0N and after May 15th, ISSI, the following schedule will be ran on this Road : NIGHT EXPRESS AND SAIL TRAIN. (Baily ) (Sos. 47 West and 4$ Ea*t) Leave Wilmington....... -.?.....*..-10 05 p xn Arrive at Florence ........ ..?..???-??> 2 25 a m Leave Florence-....-... .. 2 40 a m Leave Sumter....**...............4 OS a m Arrive at Columbia.................. 6 00 am Leave Columbia...........................10 00 p m Leave Sumter..................... ........ 12 OS a m Arrive at Florence-.-. 1 40 a m Leave F ?or en ce......... ......... ......... 2 00 a m Arrive at Wilmington........... S 20 3 m This Train stops only at Brinkley's. White ville, Flemington, Fair Bluff, Marion, Floren oe, Timmonsville, Mayesville, Sumter, Camden Junction and Eastovcr. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Daily, Mcept Sundays. Leave Florence..j?._.12 25 a m Leave Sumter ;,".?7. ????? 3 13 a m Arrive at Col a m bia._-...... 6 25 a m Leave Columbia............ ........._ 5 00 p m Leave Sumter-.*-......... ......_. S 20 p m Arrive at Florence_................. ll 10 p m LOCAL FREIGHT-(Daily except Sunday.) Leave Florence... .. 3 50 p m Arrive at Sumter-Lie over A. 7 50 p m Leave Sumter. 7 30 a m Arrive at Columbia .......................ll 00 a m Leave Columbia......- ._? 3 15 a m Arrive at Sumter-Lie over............ SOO p m Leave Su m ter-.^.. 6 00 a m Arrive at florence.._ 12 00 m A. POPE, G. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup't._ South Carolina Railroad. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. i^N AND AFTER MAY 15th, ISSI. \_? Passenger Trains OQ Camden Branch will run as follows, un til further notice : EAST TO OLUM"3IA-DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Camden..;............. 6 15 a m Leave Camden Junction-........ 7 20 a m Airive at Columbia.10 35 a m TT SST FROM COLUMBIA-DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Columbia. 6 30 a m... 6 00 p m Arrive Cum deg Junction, 10 52 a m... 7 40 p m -"?AtT?ve at Cadden......... 12 49 p m... S 45 p m EAST TO CHARLESTON AND AUGUSTA. (Daily except Sundays.) Leave Camden... 6 15 a m... 3 50 p m Len ve Camden June*... 7 20 a rn... 5 37 p m Arrive at Charleston... I 55 p rn... 10 45 p m Arrive at Augusta-.... 3 20 p in... 7 25 a m WEST FR?-M CHARLESTON A?O AUGUSTA. - (Daily except Sundays.) " Leave Charleston.._.... 6 00 a m... 9 05 a m Leave Augusta. 7 00 p ai... 7 55 a m Arrive Camden June'... 10 52 a rn... 7 40pm Arrive at Camden. 12 49 p m... S 45 p m CONNECTIONS. Columbia and Greenville Railroad both ways for nil points on that Road and on the Spar? tan burg. Union and Columbia and Spartanburg and Ashville Railroads, also with the Char? lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad to 3nd from all points North hy trains leaving Camden at S 15 a m. and arriving at S 45 p m. Connections made at Augusta to all points 'West and South ; also at Charleston with Steamers for New York and Florida-on Wed? nesdays and Saturdays. On Saturdays BOUND TRIP TICKETS are sold tn and from all Stations at one first class f-tre for the round trip-tickets being good till Monday noon, to return. Excursion tickets good for 10 davs are regularly on sale to and from all stations at 6 cents per mile fur round trip. THROUGH TICKETS to all points, can bc purchased hy applying to James Jones. Agent at Camden. J>. C. ALLEN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, JOHN B. PECK, General Sup't, 4 Charleston, S. C. Columbia aad Greenville Hail Road? PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, COLUMBIA. S. C., August 19, ISSI. ON AN? AFTER MONDAY, AUGUST 22d, ?SSt, Passenger Trains will run as herewith indicated, upon this road and its branches-Daily except Suiwtays : No. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Columbia (A).ll 20 a m Leave Alston.....^, .........-.-12 26 p m Leave Newberry_.-_. 1 21 p m Leave Hodges... ...... . 3 52 p m Leave Belton. .....~ 5 05 p m Arrive at Greenville-.,-. -. S 27 p m No. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Greenville at-.... .........10 33 a m Leave Belton.-.ll 57 a m Leave Hodges--.-.. 1 12 p m Leave Newberry_.-._.... 3 47 p m Leave Alston. 4 46pm Arrive at Columbia (F)- - ......... 5 50 p m SFA.RTANBURG, U>?ON <fc COLUMBIA R. R. No. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Alston_. 12 40p m Leave Spartanburg. S U & C Depot (B) 4 03 p m Arrive Spartanburg R <fc D Depot (E) 4 12 p m No. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Spartanburg R&D Depot (fl) 12 48 p m Leave Spartanburg S U <fc C Depot (G) 1 05 p m Leave Unior.--.-. 2 35 p m Arrive at Alston ..... -. 4 37 p- m LACHENS RAIL ROAD. Leave Newberry.......... 3 55 p m Arrive ai Laurens C H....- 6 45- p ni Leave Laurens C- H...... -. 8 30 a m Arrive at Newberry-.-.....ll 30 a m ABBEVILLE BBANCO. Leave Hodges..-....3 56 p m Arrive at Abbeville--. 4 46pm Leave Abbeville.-.12 15 p m Arrive at Hodges...^.*.. 1 05 p m BLUE RIDGE R. R. <fc ANDERSON BRANCS. Leave Belton..... ...... 5 OS p m Leave Anderson.? . ..???.. 5-40 p m J Leave Pendleton.-....*.. 6 20 p m j ve Senaca ?C)-. 7 20 pm 've-at Walhalla....................... 7 45 p tn ve "Walhalla.-.--,. 9 23 a m I Laave Seneca. (D). 9 54 a m Leave Pendleton.-10 30 a m Leave Anderson..-.- .-,.....11 12 a tn , Arrive at Belton. -.-.-ll 48 a m Osmand after above date through cars will be run between Columbia and Henderson ville with" out change. CoS2?BCTION3. A-With South Carolina Rail Road from Charleston-; with Wilmington Columbia <fc Au gusta ? R from Wilmington and all points north thereof; wich Charlotte, Columbia <fc Augusta Rail Road iroiu Charlotte and points north thereof. B-With Asheville & Spartanburg Rail Road for points in Western N. C. C-With A. ? C. Div. R & L. R. B..for all points South and West. D-With A- & C. Div. R. & D. R. R- from At? lanta and beyond. E-With A. <fc C. Div. R. & D. R. R- for ail points South and West. F-With South Carolina Rail Road for Char Ieston ; with Wilmington, Columbia <fc Augusta Rail Read for Wilmington and the North ; wi;h Charlotte, Columbia ? Augusta Rail Road foi Charlotte and the North. G-With Asheville & Spartanburg Rail 3oad from Hendersonville. H-With A. ? C. Div. R. <fe D. R. R. from Charlotte A beyond. Standard time us#d is Washington, D. C., which is fifteen minutes faster than Columbia. J. W. FRY, Sup't. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. August 30,1881. tL ACHIME AND AMYSTER; -o THE RUIN AND AWFUL DEA1 OF PRETTY JENNIE CRAMEE A Dark Deed in the Land of Stea Habits. For the last fortnight- the Northe papers have been publishing, bit by b the developments of |a sad and shockii mystery which has caused intense inti est and excitement in New Havet Conn., the scene of the tragedy, j Jennie E. Cramer was the daughter Jacob Cramer, a German cigar-uiak at New Haven. She was remarkab beautiful, both in figure and face. S had dark brown hair and eyes. H complexion was so fair and ?ne th some of her acquaintances charged h with eating arsenic to produce, it. SI was, perhaps, the best-known girl se? in New Haven streets, and she b; universally the reputation of being ti prettiest. Her education had bec good and her conversation was vivaciou She. allowed herself and ber paren allowed her considerable latitude in hi behavior, but it was not more than exercised by thousands of girls livin in New England towns whose condu does not come under reproach. SI had many companions, male and femal< and with them she went on excursioi aad walked in the streets in the evening Apparently none of her acquaintance were among the Yale students, but sh was familiar by sight to all of these audit was common for them to toa: her exceptional beauty. 'Every Yal man,' said a New Haven citizen, 'wa dead in love with her but I do'u't belier she has ever exchanged a word with on of them,' By all accounts she was ga but not vicious. She was a belle and favorite among her companions, mal and female. James and Walter Malley were amonj her acquaintances. The two are firs cousins, and resemble each other closel; enough to be twins. Walter Malley i the sen of the most prosperous retai dry goods dealer in New Haven, am James is employed in his uncle's estab lishment. Malley senior has accumula ted money and lives well, He ha I carriages and horses, which the youn| men use as they please. The boys ar 22 or 23 years of age. They are shor and slender, with dark hair and eyes and each wears a small black moustache They dress similarly, and in the regan of physical manliness look hardly mon than school boys. About five weeks ago a good-looking young woman, calling herself Blanchi Douglass, who afterwards was ascertain ed to be a prostitute,came on a visit t< New Haven from New York at thi solicitation of James and Walter Malley She was by them introduced to Jennie Cramer, and a fatal intimacy sprang uj between the two youDg women. Blanche Douglass, during the ensuing fortnight, made several other visits to New Haven, and she and Miss Cramer went frequent? ly on excursions and rides iu the neigh? borhood, their escorts being James and Walter Malley. On the night of Wednse day, the 3d of August, Miss Cramtr was induced by Blanche Douglass to ac? company herself and the Malleys to their house, the elder Malley being absent in Saratoga. The quartette, after eating and drinking till after mid? night, remained in the bocss till the following morning. On Thursday Miss Cramer and her mother had a violent qnarelon account of the absence of the for? mer during the night previous, and Miss Cramer finally left her home with Blanch Douglass, expressing the fear that her mother'would tell her father about what she had done, and that he would kill her. The subsequent move? ments of the unfortunate girl on Thurs? day afternoon and night and on the fol? lowing day (Friday) are matter of doubt and dispute. There is every reason to believe that she was in the company of the Malleys and the Doug? lass woman, though the Malleys stoutly deny any knowledge of her doings or whereabouts. At daybreak on Saturday morning, Asa Curtiss, a grizzled old fisherman at Savin Rock, six miles below New Ha? ven on the Sound shore, discovered the body of a woman lying in one of the numerous channels with which the beach is seamed. Tbe tide was coming in, and the body lay face downward in about a foot of water. Curtis, greatly shocked dragged it up a foot on the dry sand, and ran with his information to the nearest restaurant. A knot of men speedily surrounded the body. The second comer recognized it as that of Jennie Cramer. It was dressed in a white muslin skirt and overskirt, and white figured lace waist. The drag? gled skirts were twisted closely about the girl's figure. Her shoes, mits, jew? elry and purse were intact and a white straw hat, prettily trimmed, was pinned to to her hair and rested in a natural position, and but little crumpled, on the back part of her head. The body plainly had been but a short time in the water, and looked very natural. It was taken to the West Haven Morgue, near by. The face was discolored. A bruise on the forehead looked as though it might have been made by the sand, j Her left ear and her lip were slightly j cut, and her mouth bore a pale stain of I blood. j An inquest was begun, and the im i mediate suggestion that people received was that the girl fell or jumped from Kelsey's pier, and had drifted to the I beach #here it was found. But this was disproved by the prevailing wiod I and tide, and moreover by the fact that j the body had evidently not boen in the I water long and the clothing not been subjected to the rough action of the waves. The Douglas woman at first testified that she knew nothing whatever of Jennie Cramer's movements after she j left her home on Thursday. Walter i and James Malley were also on the stand. Their stories did not differ ma? terially from that of Blanche Douglass, whom they frequently visited after the discovery of the body. Both assert that they had not seen Jennie since Thursday morning. Walter says that on Friday night he was at the Bradford j Point with Blanche Douglass, miles j away from the spot where the body was ? 1 found. James said that he was at j i home that night, where he was seen by j the members of his family. After her [ first testimony Blanche Douglass fled to ; New York where the police., after a lo search, arrested her on the 15th insti on the charge of perjury and she v taken back to New Haven. James a Walter Malley were also arrested the 16th, charged with the murder Jennie Cramer, and are now in N Haven jail. The subsequent developments bef< the jury of inquest, whose sittings ha been adjourned from day to day, ha been very damaging to the Malley Enough is now known to justify t conviction that Jennie Cramer was t victim of James Malley's reckless c termination to accomplish her rui Whether she was brutally murdered cold blood, or accidentally killed by t use of drugs intended merely to stupe her senses, is not yet clear ; but t probabilities and the latest evidence a in favor of the latter belief. The Dou lass woman has given a good deal important evidence since her arre? only a part of which has been made pu lie. She now says that on Wednesd; night, August 3d, when she and Jenni Walter and James,. ..were at Edwa: Malley's house, the. girls drank t< glasses of wine each, and the boys on She retired with Walter, and Jam carried Jennie up to his room, app rently unconscious. It seems to 1 clearly established, by a flood of test mony, that Blanche Douglass and tl Malleys, notwithstanding their denial were in company with Miss Cram? Thursday night and on Friday, and oi witness has been found who saw Jami Malley with Jennie Cramer at Savi Rock as late as half-past 12 o'clock c that fatal Friday night, both being ii toxicated. This if it can be substant ated fully will place James Malley in very dangerous position, provided tb State can show that death resulted froi violence or drugging. The witness i question, however, thinks that the tw strayed along the beach in a half helj less condition ; that the girl fell dow in a flt and died and that her compar ion, finding her apparently dead, abat doned her and returned home alone. The inquest is still in progress. Th case is exciting the most profound ser sation ali over the country, and an new developments will be received wit great interest by the general publii How far the woman Douglass's stor will clear up the mystery remains t be seen. As yet but fragmeuts of have found their way from the coroner jury room. - i ? - A Funny Old Story. Tom Marshall was engaged in th trial of a case in the interior of Ken tucky, when a decision of the judg struck him as so bad that he rose an said : 'There never was such a ruling a that since Pontius Pilate presided o the trial of Christ.' 4Mr. Clerk,' responded the judge .fine Mr. Marshall ?10 for contempt c court.' 'I confess, your honor,' continue Tom, 'that what I said was a little har on Pontius Pilate, but it is the firs time in the history of Kentucky juris prudence that it is held that to spca! disrespectfully of Pontius Pilate is con tempt of court/ 'Mr. Clerk, make the fine ?20 for ; continuous contempt,' said the judg< solemnly. .Well. Judge,' Tom added, 'as yoi won ali my money last night at poker lend me the twenty.' 'Mr. Clerk/ cried the judge, hastily 'remit the fine. The State can affon to lose the money better than I can.' 'I congratulate the court upon its re turn to a sane condition,' said Tom re suming his seat amid roars of laughter Scipio's "Tender Relations," -o A negro preseuted himself at thc desi of the Cincinnati marriage-license clerl the other day, and asked for a license t< marry hie dulcinea. Among thc prob lems propounded him was: 'Are you and the lady related?' 'Yes, sah,' was the answer. 'What relation are you to each other? was the next query. 'Sah?' ejaculated the applicant foi matrimonial honors. 'I mean what kin are you to each other ?' explained the handsome clerk. 'We isn't kin to each other-no kin at all,' responded the citizen of Ethiop? ian descent. 'But you said you were related,' an? swered the clerk. 'I thought you deluded to the tender relashuns of luv what prevails between us at de present moment/ said Scipio; so he got his license. Negro Proverbs from Scribner. It don't take no prophet to rickerlec bad luck. Dey don't bab no loafers in de mar? tin-box. De wire-grass lubs a lazy nig? ger. Dar's right smart 'ligion in a plow handle. Twelve erclock ncber is in a hur? ry. Nebbcr 'pend too much on de black? berry blossoms. Don't bet on a 'tater hill befo' dc grabbling' time. Ileap'o good cotton stalks gits chopped up from 'sociatin' wid dc weeds. Many a nice silk winds up wid a nubbin in de fall. A chicken roos' is de debbul's steel trap, and a grassy corn row is his flower garden. De mornin' glories ain't pcrtickler lubly to a man wid de backache. As there is some conflict of opiuion among our sportsmen on the subject of the game law of the State, wc have ex? amined the Acts of the Legislature with a view to ascertaining thc law, and herewith lay the result before our readers: By an Act approved Feb. 20, 1880, the killing of deer between the 1st of March and the 1st of Sep? tember, and the killing of birds between the 15th of March and the 15th of Sep? tember, were prohibited. By an Act approved December 21, 1880, thc close season was extended to October 1st. As the law now stands, therefore, it is unlawful to hunt or kill deer between March 1st and September 1st, and to hunt or kill birds between March 15th and October 1st.-Ex. THE MONSTER MARVIN. -o THE MANY OF MANY ALIASES AND AS MANY WIVES, -o An Interesting Sketch of the Many Misdeeds of One of the Most Con? summate Scoundrels on Record. Thomas Marvio, who last month by false representations betrayed Miss Lucy Turpin, a highly-connected young lady of Richmond, into marriage, and then deserted her at Albion, N. Y., and who also obtained about ?800 from the First National Bank of Richmond by means of a forged draf t on a Chicago bank, was recently arrested at Lynn, Mass. The New York World gives thc following sketch of Marvin and his mis? deeds : Thomas Marvin, whose real name is Arthur Merritt, as a bigamist, forger and swindler, stands pre-eminent. So far as has been discovered he has mar? ried no less than ten women, and has deserted each in turn. A history of his crimes is as interesting as ?*#< romance In May last he advertised in the Hart? ford Churchman for a governess, his alias on the occasion being Thomas A. Marvin. He had a daughter 8 years old who was then living with him, and a woman who is said to be his lawful wife. Miss Turpin, a young lady of a good Virginia family, who resides in Rich? mond, answered the advertisement, sending a list of Richmond references. In reply Merritt, alias Marvin, wrote that he liked her letter, and subsequent? ly he referred her to Judge Cowan of Germantown, Pa.; William A. Taylor, of Camden, N. J., and Rev. John Dan forth, of Media, Pa. It has since been discovered that these persons were all myths, but their alleged places of resi? dence were near enough to enable Mer? ritt to get the letters addressed to them, in a single day, and answered each as he saw fit. By the next mail Miss Tur? pin received letters from all the 'refer? ences,' in which Marvin was spoken of as an elderly man of wealth, intelli? gence and rare virtue. The letter in response to thc one written to Mr. Taylor purported to be from Mrs, Taylor (Mr. Taylor being absent) and told Miss Turpin that Mr. Marvin was a good-natured old widower who was looking for a wife rather than for a governess. If Mr. Marvin pro? posed after meeting her, the letter ad? vised, she could not do better t'^an to accept him, as he was kind, loving and wealthy. It is unnecessary to say that this letter was written from thc clever pen of Merritt himself. Having thus i paved the way, Merritt journeyed to Richmond and introduced himself. While negotiations were in progress Merritt declared his love, and Miss Tur? pin accepted his offer of marriage. They were married on July 20, and Merritt, who was introduced by Mr. A. M. Brownell, the bride's brother-in-law negotiated a draft for ?7G5. It was drawn on a bank in Madison, Wis., and made payable to T. A Marvin. Not content with this haul Merritt borrowed ?200 from the clergyman who performed the marriage ceremony. Mer? ritt, having thus arranged his finances, started on his wedding tour, reaching Washington on the evening of his wed ding day. He took his wife to the Metropolitan Hotel. Early in the Sum? mer Merritt appeared in Lakewood un? der the name of A. T. Marvin. He laid siege to the heart of Mrs. Nellie deHart, ofthat village, and on July ll they were married by her father, Rev. G. A. Hovey. He prevailed upon Mr. { Hovey before the marriage to iutroduee him to a bank where he tried unsuc? cessfully to get a draft of ?5,000 cashed. Not in the least disheartened by this failure he borrowed $100 from his in? tended father-in-law, and the wedding went on. On this, as on ihe occasion with Miss Turpin, he took his bride to Washington, but at which hotel he quartered her hasnotbeen made known. From July ll to July 20 they were happy, although the bridegroom had frequent occasion to leave his bride, j He told her on July 18 or 10 that he' had to go to Frcdericksburg, but went instead to Richmond, where his court? ship to Miss Turpin was in progress. J Having married this youug lady and taken her to the Metropolitan Hotel, Washington, he left her to visit his bride of July ll. He told the latter to get ready to go to Philadelphia by the next train, which she did. Clever? ly managing to miss thc train he return? ed to Miss Turpin, and in her company started by thc next train for Philadel? phia. Before the train left the depot he telegraphed 'o bride No. h instructing her to go to the Windsor Hotel, Jersey City, and await his arrival. With bride No. 2 he went to Philadelphia and thence to New York, and finally visited Roches? ter and Albion. Leaving Miss Turpin at thc latter place, he went to Albany, seven days after the marriage, and there, under the name of General A. B. Mor? ton, he succeeded in cashiug another draft. In order to get rid of Miss Tur? pin, easily he caused the insertion iu a Rochester paper, which she was sure to sec, of a bogus telegram from Richmond announcing that her mother had been severely injured by a carriage accideut. Ile telegraphed to her also, telliog her to go back to Richmond by way of Harrisburg, where he would meet her. She obeyed him, and has never seen him siucc. He went to Canada, perpetrated two or three forgeries for small amounts, prepared his plans for another marriage and then drifted to Lynn, Mass. Mean? while thc brother-in-law of Miss Turpin and thc Pinkerton detectives were on his trail. They lost the scent at Roch? ester, and were at a loss for some time, but on Wednesday Mr. Brownell, the wronged girl's brother-in-law, recog? nized him at the Sagamore House in Lynn, and had him arrested. His name in Lynn was Benjamin F. Adams. On Thursday Detective Pinkerton re? ceived a dispatch from Chief of Police John Poe-a relative of Edgar Allau Poe-informing him that a requisition had been issued by the Governor of Virginia for Merritt, alias Mar vin, alias Morton, alias Adams, and asking him to go to Boston to procure the necessary warrant. Mr. Pinkerton started ou Thursday night, and began his journey to Richmond wiih his prisoner yester? day. Merritt is described as a person cf fascinating manners, ile is over 50 years of agc, five feet nine and half or tun inches in height, and weigl 145 pounds. His complexion is soni( what florid and rugged as if from big living. His features are clearly ar distinctly drawn, and lines, indented b age, but partially concealed by art, su round his nose and the ends of h mouth. His hair and plentiful wei trimmed sidc-whiskers are snowy whiti his teeth are perfect and uniform, an he always dresses neatly and in goo taste. His record as a bigamist, n< yet fully and completely traced, ia wonderful one. Two years ago h married two young girls of respectabl families within a few weeks. This wa io New York, where he bore the nam of Lindsay. Not long afterwards h married a young lady of Paiusville, O and then a Jersey City girl. The came a damsel whose parents lived i Philadelphia. In all he bas ten wive living. He has never been known t live more than one week with any c his wives, (except tho first, who i legitimate,) invariably deserting ther and leaving them to their fate. II was once en^a^ed to be married to th daughter of an ex-Governor of Missouri but his plans for once failed. His niutl wife is in Philadelphia and his tenth ii Little Rock, Ark. He settled ?30,00' on Iiis Richmond wife, and in his othe marriages was always liberal as to al lowan ces. His home, if he has any, is in Ne\ Haven, where his real wife lives. IL is seldom there, but always supports bi family well. As a forger and a swin dler Merritt has been fully as succossfu as in the matrimonial field. He i "wanted'' by thc police in a hundre( different places. He was captured ii Carthage, Mo., on one occasion fo forgery and put in jail. He feigne* paralysis so cleverly that two sympa tbetic citizens went bail for him. Il disappeared suddenly, and was agaii arrested in St. Louis for the same crime In this case he prevailed upon tw< wealthy men to sign his bonds The: have never seen him since. He wa never known to pay his fare on a rail road, always being plentifully supplier with passes. These he procured b] representing himself to be the Presiden of the New England and State Lin Railroad. A trunk that he abandone< in St. Louis was found to contain forg ers' and burglars' tools and a numbe of bank checks on the bank of Owens burg Ky. Additional complaints agains Merritt are expected by Mr. Pinkerton who refused to give the names of mos of Merritt'^ victims because some o them are now happily married. [For the Watchman and Souihron.J DARE MISTER EDDIE TUR :-Now i kinder makes me gellus ter see aul th? yung fokes jest a ritin an a ritin for thi papus, sow I mite's well drop yew a Hoi ef t don't ware a hup. Now I've beer roun sorter smart lately, au I don't sei wi I kant rite a letter, but afore I start I want ter tell yew that I was allm konsidered unkommon smart at our ol( feel skule, and allus stud lied uv ni} spellin klass, special. As ter jogrify I aiu't furgit that yet. I no the Kn iii is the longes river in South Ameriky, an alsoc, thers a volkano in Grenelac name Po-po, an then sumthiu about s cat, do yew rememba, Mister? I nose a heep, but thers one qucstuc I wants ter ax yew. Wi is it that awl nusepapa men is name "Eddie" ? How dus their mas no thay ar awl kuminio to bc sech pore critters ? Nuther thing I wants ter no. Wen them men karry roun them long pokes ia meetiu fur peeple ter drap munny iu, wi dont thay karry them up in the loft ware the fokes makc3 the musick? I've just put on my studdyin kap an wunderd eftbay thot the musick wus thare sheer. 'Twud bee mity pore pay sumtimes. An nuther thing, tew, wi is it Sumter dou't have a mo litarary turn of minc ? Yew jus let a cirkus or wot I have herd the yung fokes kail a birlesk opperer kum along, an everyboddy gose with a rush, but yew never hares uv no leeters, nor de I batio societys; nor liseums, nor nuthin ! uv that sort. Fm kinder litarary mi self, an T jus put mi fut down an sa I don't like it. Then thares won subjic agin wot I'm curds about. That's that ere toun bel. Wi kant thay wring it at the rite time ? Sa now at ten o'clock our kronometer an the bel is jus together, an we feel enkouraged like ; then at leven the bel is wa abed, an wile our venable time peece is jus ruinin its konstitution tryin to ketch up, an gits to twelve, it dont hoer nuthin, an tics on a ful haf hour afore that bel wakes up. Sumboddy sed wunst they wrung it at grog time, cf so, I wish thay wud take it mo reglar I want ter tel yew wot happened a short time agoc, an I want yer Sundy Skule Scwporintendant (ain't that a long un ?) ter prophet by it, fer its a trew and trew storie. Thare was a man (I seed him) wot wos larnin to be a preecher, an his granfather was a teach- j in uv him. Wei, he wud make him j exort, an wen he wud goe rong he wud j jus jurk him up short, an sot him of on J the rite trac. Now as they never had ! no church in that parte uv the kuntry I uv thare denominashuo, (thares an- | nuther whopper) thay gits up a big Sundy skule an Bible klass ; awl the yung uns an the ole uns jined. Wei, the fust Sundy thay opeod thay sed, Mr. (collin this yung man's kuamc,) wil yew bee scwporintendant? Yes, i ses he, an steps up as chirk as a hopper- j gras. Then he lookes roun an hems \ an haws, au ses he toe wun uv th oldes ! meu, "who wus the fus mau ? ' Wei, : thay awl looked an laffod, au tho man | never se J nuthin, FO he started a?cn at uuther ole man, "Who made yew ?" j Wei, thc ole mau jus pies up Iiis hat ; an sos, "By golly, boys, Tm gwinc j hum. An that hull skule broke up in j a row. Now I want ter no wi thay did trccte that poore man so wen he wus ^ tryin to conva useful informash.uu. Its j howman natur, I sposc. Wei, I'm a ; gittiu slecpie, sow good nite. Ef yew ; prent this, Plc foal prowd, au rite agon. Yore fren forever. _ ^ ANT JKIIVSIIY. j The following verdict was given by a ! coroner's jury iu Canada : *W c arc of ; A Pinion that the Deccst met his death ? from Violent ?uurination in thc Arm, j produest from Uuoan Cauz.' The 'in- ! firmation' contained in tho verdict is ? about as 'violant' as that which attack- j cd the arm of the 'decest.' i NOTES BY THE WAY. -o MONTREAL AND SOUTHWARD. Scarcely bad we arrived at thc Wind sor Hotel io Montreal, before a card was slipped into our band, warning us against hiring vehicles from any of the public cabmen, who would certainly im? pose upon us. About this time a lad slipped a card into our other hand, and on it we found a warning against hiring the hotel vehicles, for they charged a double price. There was certainly some mistake somewhere, and we thought that, perchance, both parties were cheats, and we bad better be on the lookout. So we were, and hired a very nice car? riage for seventy-fite cents an hour. On June 29th, at 3.20 P. M., we rolled out of Montreal, on the Grand Trunk Railroad, Southward bouDd. Just as we got out of the city, we cross? ed the great bridge, and then came on at headlong speed through a most magnifi? cent country. After we had travelled a few miles, we came to Rouse's Point, and there a man without uniform or sign of authority ^am.c_into tho car, and ordered the passengers ?o open"'th??r. satchels and valises. We had never had such an experience before ; but we remembered that we were about enter? ing the United States again, and that the uncivil officer was one of thc cus? tom house fraternity, who was desirous of ascertaining whether we were smug? gling in any goods or not. But we circumvented the chap. We had bought a suit of clothes in Toronto, and there learned that if we carried thc goods in our valise a charge might be made, but if wc put them on, no custom would have to be paid. And to save the four dollars which we kindlv thought Uncle Sam could do without, before we left Montreal wc dressed up in our best and prepared to "cross the line." The opening of valises was rather a ridiculous sight. Thc profusion of soiled socks and collars and handkerchiefs, &c, would have led one to believe that travellers wore nothing else, and I should not be surprised if the honored officer referred to above does not some? times run upon a valise which he wishes he had uot opened. All people arc not cleanly, and no traveller is especially so ; so that an examination of bis wear? ing apparel may not always be refreshing. But thon this is law, and law is law. We reached Plattsburg, near the northern extremity of Lake Champlain, at 6.25 P M , and had ample time to walk about over this little city of iron ore and smelting furnaces, though it boasts of 20,000 inhabitants. Piles of iron in round bars, about 6 inches in diameter and three feet long, were lying by the depot ready for shipment. In this shape it comes from thc smelters. Afterwards it is beaten out into bars, andthen put upon the market. We stopped at the Fouquet House, wbiob is situated right at the depot, and within 50 yards of the Lake and boat landing. Here, as was noticeable else? where, ali the waiters in the diniug room were white girls, and they seemed to be much better suited for the work than men. They looked neat and cleanly, and seemed anxious to give you the best attention. lt was here, too, that negro equality was in its glory in the great State of Now York. A huge, bronze-faced ne? gro man, with a copper-colored wife came in and took their scats at a table along with several ladies, and were waited upon by the white girls. No one seemed to pay any attention to them, nor even to observe that they had come in. Wo afterwards learned that at Elmyra, N. Y., negro children are received into the public schools along with white children. The condition of things at the South forbids this, and the more sensible among the negroes do not ask for such social equality. After a refreshing night's rest at Plattsburg, aud a settlement with a very cross and crabid clerk, we left at 7 A.1 M., on the steamer Vermont, and glid- j ed down the beautiful Lake Champlain. A bridal couple on board, cooing and billing, and looking siek and sentimen? tal, furnished us amusement all thc way down. The girl seemed to be terribly in love, and sometimes she would sit and eye her husband from head to foot, as if she were seeking new attractions. In her eyes she had that far off look of love which comes over maidens at times, and, to all appearances, she was well satisfied that now she was a wife. And who blames her ? Lake Champlain is the glory of waters in America. On our left, as we went down, were the Green Mouotains of Vermont, and on our right the fa? mous Adirondack's, where the tourists hunt and fish all thc Summer months. All the way down, the lake-shores rose into high hills, some of them very rocky, and throughout the entire length we were continually running beside little islands, that lay so beautifully in the sweet placid waters. A summer home on one of them would be our ideal of comfort and ease. Burlington, Vt,, on the eastern shore, is thc largest city on the lake, and occupies a very beautiful situation. Its terraced lawns and parks and gardens made us wish we might stroll through them. A little after midday, we reached Fort Ticonderoga, which is situated on thc west side of thc southern extremity of the Lake, just where the outlet from Lake George comes iu. 'Fort Ti,' as they call it, is now only a heap of ruins, with a small section of wall and an old chimney standing. In other days it had its history, but now lives only upon its record. From this point a short railroad runs up to Lake George, but wc were bound for Saratoga. C. C. B. An Illinois mau was arrested and fined jS2"> for disturbing a debating club. W c should like to know him. Thc mau who has got the voice and cu ergy to disturb a debatiug club, pro? vided the latter is healthy and active in its diabolical mission, is worthy our ac? quaintance, and ought to be given a government position as a fog-horn on a rock-bound coast .Do you dance thc quadrille?' 'No, but I have a brother Bill, from Brazil, who dances the quad rill-on thc win? dow-sill.' 'Then do you dance the lauces ?' *No, but my sister Frances dances thc lances and all the fancy dances.' Do you glide? No, but, wc-will let that slide. Journalism in Deadwood. -0 "Pm an editor myself," said be, as he planted his feet on the Eagle editor's desk and lit that functionary's pipe. "I throw ink on the Up-Gulch Snorter at Deadwood, and you bet I make some reading matter for the boys. Take the Snorter on exchange here ?" "I think not," replied the editor. "Don't know that I ever beard of it." "You ain't been long in the ink-busi? ness, have you?" asked the stranger, quickly. "You don't seem to be up in the literature of the day. The Snorter throws more iufluence to the square foot than all the papers in Deadwood. Let me show you the style of that peri? odical," and he drew a file of back numbers out of bis pocket. "See them advertisements? All cash. Meeting of County Board ; fist fight in the Common Council ; mine caved in on nineteen men ; four men lynched ; Mayor of town convicted of burglary ; raid by In? dians-all live news items. See the ; editorial 7 This is what I say about the .Rapid City Enterprise : "The dis? tinguished consideration in which we hold the three-ply jackass who edits our noxious contemporary is only equal? ed by the rapidity with which the tum? ble-bugs will roll him out of town in the spring." Spicy, eh? You bet! There's some poetry. Wrote it myself. Made it up out of my head. How's this ? "The opposition have nominated That lousy, drunken, dissipated, Cock-eyed horse-thief, Jim McAdden ; Our caudidate is Fatly Madden ! "Acd we elected him, too, for old stock ! We go in for poetry out our way, from way back." "We don't do it in just that way here," said the Eagle editor, with a smile. "Our folks-" "That's where you're off. Yo; haven't educated your folks up to high taste. Where I live we're cultured clear to the root. Here's my remarks about the editor of thc Vcrmillion Repeater, when he wautcd to split the territory : 'We don't want to reflect on the press, but we are compelled to say that the editor of the Repeater has stolen Government mules so long for a living that he be? gins to flatter himself that he too is an ass !' That busted his business." Now here's a little criticism on onr opera-house that was regarded very high : 'Manager Whitney is giving a high tonder performance than our citi? zens have a right to expect for two bit'.. He bas engaged the beautiful Gambetta for two weeks and her standing jump shows careful thoughts and study, and her toe whirls are unprecedented in the history of the ballet. Mr. Whitney has stored up thc east end of his min? strel troupe with the justly celebrated Patsy Maginnis, the bones of modern eras. We are sorry to chronicle a row at his temple of Thespian virtue last night, and we recommend Manager Whitney, if Shang Johnson comes monkeying around there again, to crack his nut with a bottle.' And he did it, too. It shows the power of the press." 'I suppose your paper is confined to local matters. You don't do much in the way of general literature,9 said the Eagle, by way of keeping up the con? versation. 'There's wbere you're on your back? again. It comes high, but our people will have it. See this story from Har? per s boiled down to haifa column, but it gives all the facts. Then here's a poem by my daughter. She's a wonder? ful slinger when she's fed up to it. Boiled beef sets her going, and a bottle of beer fetches the balance. How does this strike you ? This is hern. It's called ?Ode To Night.' The Evening for her bath of dew Is partially undressed. The sun behind a bobtail flush Is setting in the west. I The planets light the beavens with The flash of their cigars, The sky lias put its uigbt-sbirt on, And buttoned it with stars. I love this timid, shrinking Night, Us shadow and its dew ; I love the constellations bright, So old and yet so new : I love night better than the day, For people looking on, Can't see rae skinning round to meet Ai y own, my darling John. 'You don't get any better truck than that in the East. You see, our people have got to have the first crod or bust. It livens a paper up, too, this poetry, and ir's fat for the printers. Here's a little thing I dashed right off on the Yankton Vindicator for claiming that I swindled the government ou a hay con? tract. "A delirious Yankton reporter Has been pitching imo the Snorter. We find he's the man Who adopted the plan To kill his wife rather than support her. 'He ain't been seen since. Well, pard, I must get out on the trail. If you're ever out Deadwood way drop down thc chimney aud see me. You might as well see mc on your exchange list, and if you ever pick up an item you can't use, drop me a line and PH pay you a little something. So loDg.' Brooklyn Eagle. - - A Week s Rations. -0 Tuesday thc cars brought in another week's rations for the farmers of this section, consisting of 25,000 pounds of bacon, 400 bushels of meal, 1,000 bushels of corn, and a mixed load of flour, tobacco aud light groceries. Still some farmers complain that noth? ing is done for them. In cur opinion everything is done that could reasonably be expected. Thc merchauts certainly are doing their share iu keeping them from starvation. If the ridiculous men who had an Agricultdral meeting in Greenville last week had taken some measures to raise brcadstuffs at home, they might have done some good.- j Abbe r iib'- Medium. This is certainly a bad year for thc j man who advertised rewards for comets, j Three of these celestial vagrauts are j within telescopic range at this moment, j and returns of more can be sent in for j the next five months. As they cost ?200 each the fellow that offers the rewards must quake witu fear when he -ontemplates the boundless possibilities ; of there live months. Bring on your ? comets, wc can stand them if he can. ETEWS ITEMS* The Georgia Legislature has passed an Act prohibiting the preaching of Mormon doctrines within the limits of the State. The traveling expenses of the one hundred thousand drummers employed by the merchants of the United States are ?120,000,000 a year, exclusive of salaries. Ah Sang, for nine years the Chinese' superintendent of the Tea Department of Wilson's "Tea Pot" grocery on King street, in Charleston, is dead. An American woman in Augusta bas married a Chinaman. As he does all the washing and cooking, the Au? gusta woman has done better than most girls. It bas been decided to sell the Great Eastern steamship by public auction early in October, unless she is previous? ly disposed of at a private sale. Senator Butler has sent to the Agri? cultural Department seventy-five quarts of Winter seed wheat for free distribu? tion in this State. The seed comes from the Agricultural Department at Washington. Details of a fight with Indians iv New Mexico show that moro troops are' needed in that part of the country, and that colored soldiers are plucky enough1 to fight three times their numbers iff redskins. In one of his verses, Oscar Wilde, the testhetic poet, alludes to "the barren memory of unkissed kisses." An un kissed kiss probably is tbe barrenest thing within the range of human experi? ence. Mr. Geo. H. Cornelson, of Orange* burg pays out over ?50;000 a year iff wages to bis employees. These are the' kind of men who build up a town and State. There is but one war ship in our navy, the Trenton, that can steam more I than twelve knots an hour. We have' j not one iron-clad that eau make tea knots even in smooth- water, for six hours consecutively. We have not one gun afloat that could penetrate ten' iuches of armor, even' at the closest quarter. The thief who stole the pennies front a dead man's eyes has been emulated at Helena, Arkansas, where Joseph Tay? lor is just beginning to serve a penal term "for stealing the shoes from off the feet of a culprit hanged at Mariana, before the body was cut down bj the sheriff." Hartman, the Russian Nihilist, bas come to the United States, he says, ter stir up sympathy for his cause. There is move sympathy here for his cause than for him. Infidels make poor te* formers. The Greenville News has been vigor? ously opposing Prohibition. It as vigor? ously went for the whiskey bolters or Independents in the recent municipal election, and now it says the bar mes are denouncing the dry party and the News, but that the latter can stand it. Mr. Edward Richardson, the wealth? iest cotton planter of New Orleans, is credited as possessing ?8,000,000; E. J. Gay, a planter and owner of a sugar refinery, raoks next, with from &3, 000,000 to ?4,000,000. The Palmetto Yeoman says : 'What? ever may be said of bar keepers and whiskey selling, Columbia can boast of several gentlemen in that line of busK ness who are practical prohibitionists. They touch but taste not, and are mod? els of sobriety. Yet, notwithstanding this fact, they don't much like to see au avowed prohibitionist. Perhaps it is because he never 'smiles.' The Tooker mine, in York - County, was sold on the 12th instant to 'The Broad River Gold Mining Company, of New York.' Operations on an ex? tensive scale will be commenced im? mediately. Mr. Tooker writes that i there is quite a boom in mines on Broad River, and says South Carolina is des? tined to be thc Mecca of gold seekers in the near future. He expects to go to thc Atlanta Exposition with a collection of York County minerals. A young gentlemen of Florence last week wagered that he could eat two and one half pounds of rice at one sitting. The rice was weighed and then cooked perfectly dry. When it was done, the gentleman commenced his task, and eat thc rice without butter or seasoning of any kind, using water to wash it down. Sure enough inside of an hour, the last grain had disappeared, and he eveu went so far as to call for 'more.' Strange no ill effects resulted from this mon? strous meal, If anybody can beat this, let us hear from them.-Florence Times. Lady Burdett Coutts is said to Tiave made an amicable settlement with her relatives concerning her fortune. "Since her marriage," says Olive Logan, "she has lived in more costly fashion than ever before. The dinners she has given in her Piccadilly residence have formed a marked feature of brilliancy this sea? son, and they have been attended by persons of very high standing in the' social world, though British royalty has held aloof. The slight is all the more marked as in former times there was no* subject in all the kingdom whom the Queen loved more to honor than Bur? dett Coutts-. As for Mr. Bartlett, every' one agrees that he is the soul of chiv? alrous devotion to his kind wife, and she seems delighted with her handsome' American husband." The Chinese Government did not order home the students in this country a day too soon, if wc may trust the: Hartford Courant. American school? boys were iu danger of being ruined by Chinese cheap labor. "When they have entered a school or college, or' taken up a study, they have forthwith proceeded to step to the head of the school and to master the whole of the study. It has been amazing to see how' in a strange country, speaking a foreign and peculiarly difficult language, they have managed in so many ways on so many occasions to beat their American boy associates." Every principle of protection to home industry required that these boys should be shipped at once, and it is very fortunate that the Chinese forestalled the high tariff men? in their action.