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ft: had made i*’ *•- :. • ••the cm ■~’ *'j P<M#. the 8 Of the Record calls me of Anarohiete,” * of St. Paul say*: brings into the i unsavory record he State, a character l dishonesty.'V of the parli- it phrases ~c4 the polite of some of as ap- ’ have not ,, they dare not full, and, basing SB on a few gar- in which I used i to express in contempt, they * the country against me brutal, ignorant from the transferred me. Jf it of this great fiepublic to ]iink to the ierel of Borne When the Praetorian guards were wont to put the Emperorship up to the highest bidder; if Congress is to become or to re- h^wTlm main the cowardly tool and pur-1 'chasable agent of the wealthy; 1 If the Fedeial judiciary are to undermine and destroy the Con stitution, as foretold by Jef ferson; if our liberties are to be lost through supine and venality, I, as a sentinel on the watch tower, holding a sa cred trust, cannot be chanced with having assisted my coun try to its degradation by giving a note of warning. BUB i Medical Soliool. begins April 1, 1M6- Instruction, with sen- tor stndying spreisl giren. For Intorm- M. Bom. Went it on, 8. 0. Jest. SO. Sue. Honey to Loan. \Wf R an now In position to secure W V losne of money on improred farm lands, on easy terms. Call at oar ottee over The Bank of Dari lug- ton. WOODS A MACFARLAN. Jan. 80.—1m. L Birfiogton Shoe Store, i f ho and mad« to run eur nod look attractive Wo hnv< the proper tools sod • spectallr trained w . Vi- .n, and miarantee honset work end mndei it<■ mrires. If rou want PATCHING RUBBER, CEMENT, ETC., to carry on your trips, we can furnish you RISE A MONARCH If rou want to tet ahead of the beat aod star In good trim for the winter. THr. L PEARSON, Beneath the Enterprise Hotel, Darlington. - - S. C. sxa-sc GKR-A-IDE w Ml the words and phrases occur in the speech to; re exception do ladosen. Theyneith ► dot take from the argu- ' ^ ,«hd „ », lan*i _ as violent, as oosone and as bru tal has been uttered by a down mail whose names are written high in our country’s history no Senator call me to order? If the charges were untrue, why has no Senator answered them? And why do my newspaper crit ics not even attempt to answer •* i?Is It unparliamentary and ; to toll the truth? Are : to that low estate that i and treachery and of- [ dishonesty cannot be men ■*' -bout calling down an >'of abuse and slander? ^Senators have whis r themselves I have spoken alond and in plain words, what a majority of the, people at the country have thought and felt I have ottered. Thid is the sum of my offend ing, and the hireling editors and reporters who now degrade the ‘so-called freedom of the press'to so despicable a level may flatter themselves that they create and control public opin ion; but the thousands of letters that have poured in on me from every quarter of the Union, mostly from the North, and from men ehgaged in every pur suit in life, have given me as surances that the scales are fall ing frdm the eyes of the people and that the truth, bravely told, has a' sweet and wholesome sound. The American people ad a whole, the ‘‘great common P ie,’’ love the . troth, and Jove their country. They despite'traitors and thieves and cowards It is a large mass to nibve, but the leaven is at work and Uie issue is joined, and the result will oe known on the day of election. So far as I am individually concerned, and so far as my Ms concerned, I care noth for toe abuse heaped on me. and thank my critics for dirept ing attention to my utterances When my facts and arguments have been disproven I will apo logise. Until then decency de itiwmfai that men who abuse me for speaking the truth should kit their readers see it snd judge for them selvae, or reserve their epWtolB for men of their own kind who dread the truth and love cowardice. If there is no need of reform, reform will not come. If I rep resent nothing but iguorance and anarchy, why was I elected Governor of South Carolina twjptaby such overwhelming For four years, as fought and abused »s and banks and newspapers, why send me to the | , vote of 131 out of a I of 160 in toe General As- these four - Advanced in land increase of i any period ©fits hishiry 7 ^ '"ion dollars equipment ot the largest colleges and 'M ' Tillman. Wrong on Ms Figaros. [News sad Courier.] It has long been known in South Carolina that Senator Tillman had & very loose way of dealing with facts and fig ures, but the Northern people | take him seriously in h|s new' sphern. and argue against his statistics laboriously. To 'his statement in the Senate that be represented 36,000.000 of people "engaged in agricultural pur- suite alone" the Chicago Timee- ooses the official re turns as follows: "The total number of persons, men and women, engaged in occupations in the United States is specified. In manufacturing and mechan ical industries there are 4,064, 144 men rfnd 1,037,625 women, in all 5$91,609 persons. In trade and transportation there is a total of 8,326,962, so that in manufacturing and trade and transportation there is a total of 8,417,631. which is less bv 595, 470 than the whole number of persons, men and women, en in agriculture, whose 9.013,101, or leu by nearly 26,000.000 than Mr. Till man estimated to be his person al constituency n the Senate of the United States." A miss of 20,000,000 in 35,000,000 would discourage most estimators, but it is nekr enough for the junior Senator. .He has Mr. Blaine’s old trick of making his facts for the purposes of the debate, and letting his opponents find out the truth afterwards when it would do them no particular good. The Discover Saved His Life. Mr. G. Gaillouette, Druggist, tow* Golden Belt •dmmoniated Guano, For Tobacco! Manufactured by POWERS, GIBBS & CO., Wilmington, N. C. Coggeshall & Co. SHEPHERD SUPPLY COMPANY, 332 MEETING STREET, - - CHARLESTON, S. C ESiV WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Stoves, Tinwares, House Furnishings, Tin Plate, Shnef Iron- Tin Supplies, STATE AGENTS FOR SALE OF SHOES cca if. frf --fiigh*-** l That’s our buiness. and we have the larg est and most complete stock in Darlington County. of genuine Dongola, patent tip and plain toe, button shoes for ladies at $1.25; now worth that at factory. Beaversville, 111., says: "To Dr King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr King’s New Discovery m my store I sent for a bottle and began to ;et better, and after using three ottleB was up and about again. It is worth its weight iu gold We won’t keep store or house without it.’’ Get a free trial at Dr. J. A. Boyd’s Drug Store. “I must get a book of eti | quette,” said Maud "What for?" inquired Mamie "I want to find out what sen atorial courtesy is.” "Oh, I heard my father talking about that. I know what that is.- It’s a role by which every senator is forbidden to inter Slimy Stliw ui Bui Wilir ?i;g in k-Fiit Ltigtk We Manufacture TOBACCO BARN FLUES and Deliver Them FREIGHT PREPAID to any Station. :22 Varieties of Oil Stoves and Oil Heaters: EDISTO PHOSPHATE CO., OBE A-RIilESTOlT, S- O. ANALYSES 1895-90. Brand- BdMo Acid Phosphate Bdisto Kalnit Bdlsto Soluble Guano Edlsto Ammonlathd Fertilizer Bdlsto Dissolved Bone Name of Chemist Phosphoric Pot. Am. Acid. K.O Bdlsto Edlsto Edisto Edlsto Edlsto do do do do do Kaintt do do do do do Bdisto Dissolved Bone EMnto Acid Phosphate Edisto Alliance Fertilizer Edisto Ammonlated Dissolved Bone Bdlsto AmmpnijLted Fertilizers Dis. Bone with Am. and Potash fere when they get to disgracing another.’’—Washington one Star. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and LaGrippe when Lax ative Bromo Quinine will car. you in one day. Does not pro duce the ringing in the head tike Sulphate of Quinine. Put | up in tablets convenient for tok- ing. Guaranteed to cure, or | money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by O. B Davis. i \ i i \ i •. v \ v 111 i v m v \ (O Edlsto Edlsto Soluble Guano ” llato Guano ilsto Kalnit llato Soluble Guano Bdnto 8p. olal Wheat Compound Bdlsto Aetd Phosphate Bdlsto Ammonlated Fertilizer Bdlsto Soluble Guano Bdlsto Ammonlatuu Dissolved Bone Bdlsto Dissolve Bone with Ammonia and Potash Bdlsto Add Phosphate Georgia Dept, of Aarricul. ]V,» »i2.iis , I4 <s Clemson A». College, 8. C. 12 73 IIS B o MS il-S SI QO 1905-1896 14.98 1« 28 Dr TTleg.^^.^lg HAT ^ Alabama Department Ag. 1898 U .86 15 w C0 18M 13.24 13.82 'Tr. 1888 18.58 1896 8.50 11.28 11.29 18.30 1890 12.98 I4.&2 s° law 8.31 isisT _ do iSS 10 M !»■« Tennessee Department Ag. 1898 k 2 v 1.25 12.08 1.58 1.48 2.51 idi iaio Special i6to Special Bdi«to Special No. 444 No. 644 No. 664 do do Factory Teat, do do do do do do do 1896 1896 1696 8.94 10.99 11.75 10.50 1896 10.4* 1896 9.04 1896 12.28 1896 12.82 1896 5.89 18P6 5.06 1896 5.56 1197 14.96 12.08 12^8 12.38 11.97 14.08 14.26 7.12 8.40 6.66 12.87 1.21 1.50 2.?2 1.08 1.27 1.01 1.81 12.82 2.53 2.02 2A8 IM 1.42 2.36 1.29 1.56 4.32 4.70 8.64 1.88 2.43 2.H2 L6? 2.79 1.72 2.28 1.38 2.72 2.24 2JJ1 1.72 4.»2 8.34 6.02 •Available fTotal. USE TOBACCONIST FAVORITE. The best Tobacco Fertilizer in the market for the money. FOR SALE BY J'iSniLt -hfi u. USE. 44 ♦ t Pone drily of Charleaton, S. 0. Acknowledged * by competent critics to be. j one of the most power- ^ fnl novels of the day, will be begun as a se- < rial in the issue of The -r-r-rr-r 1$ i] {fright Leqt Tobacco Grower 'A t » - \ FOR, T?OBA.OCO. I For Sale By to be publiahed on Mar. 6. 4 The largest tobacco growers in the .. use it. Our line of $3.00 Shoes for men is more popular than ever, as we took more pains with this line than ever before, and succeeded in getting the best $3 Shoe we ever handled. In speaking of our line of The first of American Newipaperg, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The Aniericnn Constitution, the Ameriean Idea, Hit American Spirit These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by m 11, • • • • S« a year Dally and Sunday, by mall, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price .le. a copy. By mall, 82 a year Address TUK SUN, New Yo^k. HAND-SEWED SHOES for ladies and gentlemen, it is unneessary to make any comment, as we have sole control of Edwin C. Burt’s Shoes for Ladies and Johnston & Murphy's celebrated hand-sewed Shoes for Gentlemen. We carry also a full line of Children’s and Misses’ Shoes, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas and Shoe Findings. We are also sole agents for the (i. S. HAdlR & Manutacturers —OF— Doors, Sash, Blinas, IMOTJJliIDITSr C3-S —AND — Building Material. ESTABLISHED 1812. CHARLESTON. S. 0. April, 20 18113- y in. The Best $3 Hat on the Market. THE DARLINGTON SHOE STORE with an experience of seven years, on WOODS STREET, House owned by J. H. Mason. Will give all work in her line prompt attention. Oct. 3—tf. 7/ ■V^.Ve" SLs- ite 3?* r Superior To All Sarsaparillas. Down in Georgia, over fifty year* ago, a marvelous medicine was discovered. It was what Is now known as P. P. P., (Lippman's Great Remedy), and its fame and reputation has been growing with the years. For Rheumatism, Blood Poisoning, Pain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back and joints. Dyspepsia, Malaria, Scrofula, and all Blood and Skin Diseases, it has never been equalled. Pam is subjugated, Health Renewed, Appetite restored and sleepless nights banished by ita wonderful influence. P. P. P. is a wonderful tonic and strengthener. Weak women should always take P. P. P. It builds them up. It has the universal commendation of medical men throughout the country, because we publish tire formula on every bottle, and one trial will convince the most skeptical that it is a genuine health restorer. Read The Truth And Be Convinced. A Wonderful Cure* \ Iwztareartvr to mutcultr rheumatism for thirty year*; tried alt medicine* and dectora with no per manent re’.ief. I waa advised to take P. P. P., and betore X had finished two bj’.tlea my paia auba.ded ao I was able to work. I feel better than I hurt for years, and am confident of a complete recovery. J. b. DUPR1SS, Newnanvillt, f •, Fla. Testimony from the Mayor, ce!!ent thiag. W« handle about one dozen bottlao a week. Dra. J. M. A M. T. RICHARDSON. Piedmoat, t. C. Hot Spring* Surpassed. A bott’.e of P. P. P.. has done me more good than mouth»’ treatment at the Hot Spring*. Ark. JAMES M. KQWTON, Aberdeen, Brown Co., •. an a B o"pV£7' U 'ui Pimr:i3 - Sor *» •" d iruption. Cured. grandson got me a bottle of P. P. P , and 1 feel like a 1 ~ — 4 new inau —wurwci* I take great pleasure in testifying to the efficient qualities v-f the popular medicine tor skin diseases W. II. WII.DF.R. Mayor of Albany. la«*a a. f. F. P. >*•«» » i ‘!l From Two Woll-known Physicians. We are having a bi^ sale for your P. P. P., end wc prescribe It in a greatraany cases, and find it an ex- . . a . a . i *u irred lor several years wiih aa unsightly and diva(recable eruption on my face. After taking three baitle* in accordance with direc tions, I am entirely cu.ed. Capt. J. D. JOHNSTON, Savannah, Ga. of Johnatan A Co. - - j —— The aho.e letters are taken from many received by us. P. P. p. } (Liff mart's Great Remedy,) is a medicine whose virtues are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. P. P. P. btjjins its work by purifying the blood, which is the source of all life, and does not cease until a perfect and entire cure is effected. The mortifying eruptions that disfigure the complexion, the tired feeling that pre vents thorough accomplishment* of the daily tasks, sleepless nights, loss of rppetite, irritability of disposition, all mean a derangement of the system consequest from impure blood, which can and will be cured by p. p. p, P. P. P. (Lippman's Great Remedy), is conceded by physicians and the people to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It poslUvely and permaxcnUy cures. For sale by all druggists or direct from us ; price (i a bottle, six ItoUlts for f j. IIPPNM BROS., umaiitou, lj££[2®J^£|ock^8AVA?IHAH^QA.