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OU can have a Beautiful Complexion -Neck and Arms bagun's Magnolia Balm beauldfes Instantly. .72 years' uvndrful success. Removes freckles, erup. tions. sunbun, ton- I nakes' skin like velvet. Won't rub off. 4 colors: Brunette, White, Pink. -V and Rose-Red for. lips and cheeks. Sold by all dealers, or direct from is, 75 cents, Postpaid. Magnolia Balm LIQUID Face and Toilet POW DER -4 ofo Carbon! It's the worst enemy of a motorist-a constant source of trouble and expense. You can save the cost of constantly removing carbon by using SUNOCO-the wholly distilled motor oil that elimi. nates carbon troubles. SUNOCO is absolutely free of gummy residue that bakes into hard carbon deposit. Use SUNOCO. You'll save money and get far better ser vice from your car. Bring your car around at once. Martin Electric Co. - was Very Weak "After the birth of my baby I had a back-set," wries Mrs. Mattle Cross white, of Glade Spring, SVa. "I was very ill; thought I was going to die. I was so weak I couldn't raise niy head to get a drink of watcr. 1 took . . . medicine, yet I Sdidn't get any better. I was constipated-and very wecak, getting worse and worse. I sent for Cardui." PW TAKE~ 'UARBUI TeWoman's Tonie hadi "Ifound after one bot.. tie of Cardul I was 1m.. proving," adds Mrs. Crosswhite. "SIx bot tles of Cardul and . . . I was cured, yes, I can say they were a Ood-send to me. I believe I would have died~adt tiot been for Cardud." Cardul has Seen found benelleial In nmany thou.e~t i ilif cases of wontanly trou bles. If y'rn feel the need of a godd, strengthen ing ~tonic, why not try Cardul? 4j may be just what you need. BONUS 11iiMSURE LEADS TO HOT SENATE FIGHT Democrats Atiack iteported Republi can Compronilse to Side-Track Bill for Tariff on Moiday. .Washington, 'June 17.-The soldIers' bonus fight broke unexpectedly in the senate today when democratic senators attacked the reporte(I compromhise of reptblican leaders not to call up the Imeasure next Monday but to have it .follow the tariff bill. For two hours the tarty leaders clashed but with no effect except for addition'al indications that the republioan p1an would pro vail. Open declarations, however, that an effort would be made -in any event to call up the bill next week and the rituation was further complicated .Iy failure olf the senate teday to dispos-e of the naval bill which went over until Monday largely because of to '5 pirotracted (iisCussion of the 12inus. The senate lfy followed confer caices between President flarding and republican leaders at wyhich the president wvas assired that Monday's coaforence of the republican scnators would result in holding the tariff be tween the senate but witlh a dec!lara tion 'tLe tbonts bill siould be passed ILefore conlgress adjourns. That the i:)reailent would sign the ill if p.lssad an(- that it undoubted ly wou1ld be pi'ssc( before adjourniient we-s ftated during the senate debate by Chailrlia, A!cCumber, of the seln ate finance comitlltee In charge of both the tariff and bonus measures. The sen'ate (libate was enlivened by a charge from Senator Walsh, dem ocra-t, 'fassachusetts,. that an "hon. est 'majority" of the senate was not behind the bonus bill %ind that a group of senators professing to favor it were "duckng -alnd dodging" and seeking to avoid going -on record. Sel ator Ashurst, democrat, Arizona, iwho init:lated the discussion demanded early action oil the .bonus measure and predicted its defeat if it should not be put -ahead of tile tariff. Congress would adjourn after dis oiiet:ng of the tariff bill, said senator Ashuist. Senator McCu-mber wrns asked pointblank by IFenator Ashurst whethier he intended to carry out his plan -announced June 8 to call up the :4us bil and lay aside temporarily. the tariff mc'asure within ten days (if so. Interruptions of other senators prevented Senator !McCumber from r(.,Aying immediately 'but later Sena tor Mc0umiber in a lengtihy state ment in behalf of the 'bonus said he would be content if the republican conference Monday wou ld renew d$iniely what he said' was the p)lcdge of the party Ill power to pass the bill before adjournment. "We'll -understand . Monday and deflteely," said -Senator lcCumber, pounding his desk 'with his filst, whether we're going to keep faith. I belleve that we will. It -Is my dtty to put the tariff bill through. It also is -my duty to see th-at this other biAl (the bonus) goes through and 1 In tend to see to It thlat they do go through and there0 will be no adjoura nient ya thIs seson until they do go Sr3~r 0'foraht, repiulilean) , I daho, !sal ~'hez repubilteau conference deci n.ion~ dill not hind1( ind civ[ilual se4nators und that h~e hand not aittcede tile COnl ference wlieh declared for passage of tile' hionus mneasurie. Senaiutor 'MceCumbher saidi rumors wore currenCft that someI dlemocr'atic senators intenided. to .filibuster against the bonus bill in order to declare the tariff mleasuriie C the bonus11 shouldi be put -ahead, but Senator Ashiurst denied that any filibuster would be attemupted. Concluding the senate Cray, Senator1 Walsh of Massachusetts, s'aid it was time to "be hlonest and frank." Point inlg out thlat tile 't;>nus <luestion hlas been 'before congr'ess three years with t'wo bills reoted out, Senator Walshl said~ there was 'a minority in favor of lthe ,bill, 'a majority -against it and another group) of senators "who are dodging and ducking against going on record." "The soldiers will knew whlo arc their friends," Senator W'alsh warncd. Eveni Then From American Legion Weekly. And i.t came to pass thlat a strang ei, entering the gates of Jerusalem, saw gathered there 'before the palace of Solomon the King, a multitude of ,women who spoke not .but held their pe~ace, yea, silently and W Inch sw gwith their finger 'tips to theh' lips did they hold thelir peace. - So hue accosted a wayfarer and asked of hlim: "Say, buddy, "xhat's all -that jan of womlenl lined la in front; of Sol's 'Palace for? Suffrage peediade or something?" Alld the wayffror answered and said: "No cylahice guy. Thai/'(. (the cyae so'S they ca#t go thr'~ueh1 '1113 Cgthes." * '. S*SSS * LANFOlD NEWS * C. e * *S * * * ..*. *. * Lanf'ord, June 19.-Cr. Graves L. Knigit. filled his regular appointment Sunday morning and hi.s earnest ap peal to Clristians; to present their bodies a living sacrifice wholy accepta ble -to the -Lord was most ably pre sonvted. Tho Epworth League met Sunday tafternooi with a laitre crowvd oC young peolile pr.sent. Mrs. C.L. Waldreot- and Miss Lenora Pattersqon attended the E-pwol th League conference in Greenwood at 1inuder college, and 0oth were en thItsiastic over the mcny good thing:4 they heard and lear-nld. 'he 11. Y. ;P. IT. had a most interest h11 meeting Sunday Iight and elected and installed new officers for the or rtnizat Ion. Mrs. 'Wa.l-tcr Ode.l "nd little daugh ter, Nell, of Atlanta. Ga., are spending some timue with lic other, Mrs. Ethel Latiford. ,ir. Ml Flin'g and Prof. JaImie I.. *leming left L.londay moriing for RVichiiioiid, Va., to atte.nd the o:d sol d!ra' reunio:a. Mr. Flcd 1). Cox has retuned l ho:mIe 'roim Foriman :n!':eralty to apend his f r.W:1 wit his parcut.r, .\ll. an .\Mrs. C. 1). Cox. ilira Jenness Cox, who haS been eaching in Conway 'the 'past two ses slons, has returned heme. Also Misr. Janic Cox, 'vho has completed the 11th nrade v.t Woodruff high school. .lr.J.'). Jolioni has returned home a pleasant -trip through the mllouitain; of North :Caroliia and T'ennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Harper -Hliggins, of' B3uffalo, and ha'hy, H. T., were guests .t the home of Mr. and Ars. J. S. ElIggins, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thionas, of U.:no Pce, spent the week-end with Mr. and \is. A. R1. Ilolmes. .Mr. 1). 'T. Wix has tie contract to )sinl the new school building at Ccn ral, snd will begin work at an early late. The Rural School hImp)rovemnt as -,ciation will meet nex-t Friday after loon and will diiscuss the WeOdIoIV Wilson Endowment fund. We hope alli who re ntrested in Ith!s subject ,vill 't.tend and bring sOrie heM1:bful ;uggesticns, as well as enjoy the social eature of the occasion. Mrs. Minanie i a tterson and (dauhitgh ers, of Spartaniurg, were recent tutcts of mr. and Mr:s. J. R. Patter. ton. Mlr. .\!. 0. l'.tter;on's fanily have returned from Spartanburg to sp~endi the su) mimer at their home on the farm . The threshers are busy in this con muni-ty, '1treshing the wheat crop. .ir. and -Mrs. Uattaway, of Georgia, are spnding some time nIt the home of Mr. aId Mrs. L. Al. Cannon. Alster John IM. Cannon, of Rock 1lill, is en.oying his vacation at the home of his g'andparents, here. M lses Kat hlcen an11d Myrtle Pullev, MattIe flella and hiennie Cox werere cen4t guests of Miss Lillie Mae Cox. -lMr. 0. C. Cox and daughters were itors nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. A.l. DeShieldis, last Sunday. Mlesirs. Fredl and Edgar Coopecr ''nd [ecil Burgess are attending a singing school at Enorce. * * * * * * * * * * * * * EKiOMr NEW~S-* * * * * * * * * * *4* * * * * Ekom, June l9.--After an a-bsenceI f several wieeks, we willl give a few Liappenings. Wec are glad to report. the health of .iir comuity very good. The farmers are riulte busy after so much e ain, catcl'ing up wlIh their work. A good deal of grain has been harvosted, Mess-rs. Carl C'ulbertson, J. 'W. 'Thonme, Sam Earl 'McNinch, iWalter., Brissy and Ryan 'Pinson aro doing night wvork at Ware Shoals. Mrs. 'Mattie Burts and children and Mrs. LoU Cuibertson and daughter, spent Sunday at he home of Mr. L. C. Ou'lbertson. Mr. Todd Knight and family visited Mrs. Luranie 'McDaniel end children S~unday. 'Misses I4illy Mae and Lucile Crad (ock and brother, and Messrs. Rlay and 'Roy Godfrey, of F'ountain Inn, vis 11t(d Mr. 'and Mrs. Floyd Godfrey re cently. Mr. A. Ri. Thome and family visited relatives in, the Mt. Olive section Sun day. 'Igs Milad-ed legorald, of Oren-, wvoodl, spent 'the week-end wvith Miss Minnie 'Lonio Cooper.. Miss Minnie 'Brissey and brother vinited :Mr. and Mrs. Gray Cdoper. Dr. COooper and wife viisted -their sister, 'Mrs. Lou Culbertson, Saturday night6 11ab ishI Co stlpatlon Cured in 14 to21 Days "LAX(OS ITHPEPSI1" is a pecially p'r4pgreSrrp Tdi~xativo for:Hbiuai bnsIation. It eieves ptitly ut shiOt be tak en resijIarly for 14 to 21.days toindec64tg ir Milon it Stimtilatea atid Reat: AVery 1'larant to Taoke. 60e Not even USC4 this value bel 30 x3/2$10. HEN you look at a 30 x 3/2USCO at e $10.90 think back for a minute as far as you can rememberUSCO. c The truth is that men have always found USCO an out.. standing money's worth no matter what its price. Today at $10.90 USCO b maintains its established standard of quality. And because of the new price, it sets a new index of tire value. * * * Men who have used USCO have never been inclined to measure its value by the general run of tires. UnIted States'nres are 'oa.TIrgs Copyright 1922 U.S.Tir.Co. Where You EUREKA DRUG CO., L Can Buy J. D. SPEN C. L. \ U. S. Tires: "A IF* t nt clothes b There'onmcas N ha slineytli ronedprfrAcbi out mot rtrinflpoer and thaximm Togt the sm rsulof "Sta botharine -aght gaode fev SaTeAoNtARD skill Bu -le' acw(EW JERio Snt day jstasthre rego~l E clthsTaes AND to ) ever touched -ore 90 Since last fall when USCO stablished the $10.90 rice range they have rec. gnized it vi a value eyond atny possible umParison. ~ A still preater toney *sm worth SCo i USCO ad reached efore. S - r WarTkx chayed United States Tires United States 9 Rubber Company toV. "* ad r4.-A turers, S. C. E. V. GOLDING, Waterloo, S. C. CE & COMPANY, Gray Court, S. C. VALDREP, L anford Station, S. C. The ood-ivll and rcjpu!aXon for making dependable products which t h Is coimpaiy Am!; aniong tho great motormin public has taken years to buil up1) and is to. dav is5 rreatest asscL ) Gasoline equipmnt and ac nde oil they coudld hey bioth had the fact remains that D gas8oline sold to id and indifferent iobile tires. asoline. It has been will run It better and at Is hahaza~rdl. ive a balanced, wvell r. It has light, inter. always insure quick Mnileage. ridard" Gasoline use ry ear. IOMPANY asohne!