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STARTLING DEVE EXPECTED IN W Progress has been itlde in the Lum. ber Cuse and te Arrisi of One 3ill, hats beti Ordered. \\ashingtoni, .lne ---'With the see oid week of tle invest igation by the .pecial graind jiur-y of the socnlled waI frauds getting tiuder' way tomorrow developmi ent01' ml(ay he ex1eweed to 1l low ra pidly, aiccor'din. . to thle in lagrc reportshat co ie from belind the bravy veil of se xcrty 4which ehas Si ii bled led ill the gran d .mry r-ootn. COns, iderIal.le p ,,rogrss hlas beenl mlade in, prianolting evidence inl tile lumb11er case. thle iirst to) be underl 1)k byv the iniuisitorial body eilu pann11-led under a s'pecial acet of Conl , it was genetally u inderstoor. Tllc lnber' case wee anong thase reft-errted t to by It'prv:esentative Wood rtff, liIu ileI:ini , .l icbigani, In a speect in ith- hinoutre last April dur'ing whiell he read an oilleial ntilt'oran mll In frotm 'rnest ('. Steward. inl charge of tie contrtact aidit sectiion of the armn1y finaice dI'tmet, to his suleior of !beet, setting ortii the basis ror his telief ti ;ale of nr pilus Inumber shoid be investigated by tle depart meit of justice. The arny' surlu os lumbitiher was sold itunder contract witi the govetrn nient by a IirmI't, .11. Steward charged, whlieh had been appointed by represeni tatives of "liuber ingterests" to act as their agent "for the oste'sible Iplr' pose of so regulating the disposal of sitplhus stocks of lunber theni held by the government as not to disrupt 01 tnjurte the transactions of tle Comn iercial trade." Facts developed by the army's audit, Mr. Steward asserted, warrant ed the assumption of gross fraud and collusion. The v.altie of the lumbet sold, the audit disclosed, lie reported, was $4,697,171, of which the govern ment received $2,483,095, leaving a hal ance due the government of $1,854,076 which he said has never been paid. A warrant 'has 'been Issued by th< United States Commissioner Hitt for the arrest of J. . 'Phillips, chairmar of the Republican national state com mittee for Georgia, charging fraud in the execution of twar contracts. Be yond confirming reports that the war rant had been Issued, Commissioner 'litt refused tonight to discuss the case. Phillips, as a member of the firm of Phillips & Stevens, obtained a con tract soon after the armistice frion the government to dispose of surplus lumber left from cantonment and cai, construction and other war building developments, the firin having been designated by a conference of lumbei dealers to act as their agent. Representaltive iWoodruff, Republi can, Michigan, in a speccch recently ir the house, asserted that official re ports had been filed by governnent .auditors In September, 1921, showiug that 1Phillips & 'Stevens still owel 11li governmenltiunder this cotract mior< than $1,850,000, and that so far- as h( could .learn "no 'proceedings wha-levet had -been .instituted Int this coinection.' Although It had 'been gener-ally r-e poitedl dur-Ing the past week that th special gr-and .iry nowv sittinig here on asar fr-aud cases had been engaget in cons-lderationi of evidence dealing w-Ith contracts f'or sale of surp-llus 'lumber, there has been no s'tatemen1 from any officIal sour-ce to Indicatt whether the 'Phillips & Stevens con tract had been among those epresented So far as could be lear-ned the grand jury has yet to hand down its 'first Indictment and Issuance of r warrant prIor to indlctme-t w~as de clared by some officIals to be an uin usual, though not uinpriecedentedl, pro cedure, The lumber contr-act obtained -by Phillips & Stevens called for dis posal of spruce, pine, hiemlock and fir lumber on'ly, accordIng .to the r-eportl cited by RepresentatIve 'Woodruff. HeI asserted, however, that the firm had obtained and sold1 suirpluis supplies of more than 50 varietIes, Including muci valuable hardwoods. Mr. IhillIps r'esides In Thiomasville, Ga., in which section he Is repor-ted to own ex'tensve ti-acts of ltumnber. .He also has a -home and busnes8 .1u PhIla., plelphIa. Belated ,.'. It hass always seemed to uis an In justIce that Adamn anid Eve shuould trat all the blamte f'or o'-t"'- - - credIt for the virtue-.,-,........-.., eqjually origInal, To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a oghmedline which Stop the cough by hbalng the In1anied argdirrtated tissues. A . box .of , ROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE~ for Colds, Head Colds and Gmup is wth every bottle of HAES EALING HOQNEE -Th malve should be rbbed on the chest and 'throat of ch~idtu nulpg from a Cold or Croup outicJudruist for WIA'it& LOPMENTS AR FRAUDS CASE * 0 1118 i 03ts H El *1 1 * Td It00ST * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Nvery farmers who makes our city I-, market place has an interest in tis comulilnility. The Fact that he is a -member of the community makes much difference to him nwheni he con siders that th(i rslerity of laurens; is his own prosperity. But when Ie seds his money to the mail order houses lie does not stop to think that lie is not helping to pay Ithe retiired taxes in his own com munity; not that he does not pay his own legally a.!exned taxe:;, but that hC is not helping our local merchants to pay the taxes nlecessary to support the community. If we keep the dollars at home they will keep on helrling us all. Dollars spent at hoiie, come homne to roost. They come biack in the upkeep of our city and couty institutions. Our local merchants will use the dollars to good advanitage. l'very dol hiar' spnit in I slurens imeals improve ments at home. I'nless ve are careful and watch our own interests we twill fiind out to our cost, that tie ultimate reslti of the mail order scheme will be the central ization of all of the country business lin the large cities and the absolute de struction1 of the financial interests in the small cities and towns. The only way to prevenlit this is to stop sending our orders to the miail order houses. Let the dollars come home to roost. That is .the only way, and they will coRie home to roost if we (10 not send them too far away. The dollars spent locally will circle around and keep things lively, but if sent away owe must ,get more dollars from outside to take their place. It is not always ain easy matter to do this. The safest thing to do is to take no chances, 'but to spend then at home with the local sJore keepers. if we had any expectation that the mail order man would ever do anything to help our community, things might ibe different. But 1there is no chance. He comes to us in the garb of an art ful deceiver. There isn't a grain of kindness in his whole makeup. 'lie demands his cash in advance and gives you that which he wishes to send. You have no redress. You have no rghts that lie is bound to respect. The mere fact that we are silly enough to send our money away, out of our awn comniuinty, to a stranger, thereby injuring our own .business vrospects and jeopardizing ouRt own prosperity, justilles hm in believing that Ie can take the most outrageous lberties withI us. Bread cast oii the waters will return, not so with dollars sent to the miail order house. Turkeys will come home to roost, if somiebodiy dloes not c'atchi them. But dollaRs wvill conie home to iroost if we keep theim ini(i~ circulti In our1 hiome townm. 'Try it. * 9'O g . . ......* .. * * JONES NEWS * * * * * S S * S * * S S 5 Jrones, Juiie 3.-Dr. W. 'T. .Jones is gr'ateful to his friends, iwhite and col .lred, for continued kind favors. Miss Lola Cobb, the beautiful and accomplished daugdmter of 'Mr. and M~rs. W. C. Cobb, of Ware Shoals isi at home on a vacation from a college in Georgia. Mr. 'Castleberry, su~perintendent of 'the Ware -Shoals farm, has harvested a fine oat crop. The recnt cool weather has ie tarded the g'rowing of vegetables and cotton. All the >work at 'Ware Shoals is pro gressing nicely. The revival meeting at WVare Shoals, conducted by Evangelist 'Iaynes and his singer and pianist, from Georgia, is largely attendedl and greatly enjoyed. Rev. 'Harley, tyhe Methmodist pastor, and Rev. Smith, the Baptist pastor, are in ":lharge of the meeting and great good will resul-t from it. air. John Acey Bailentine p)assedl . '- - '2nd of May and 'was laid Ito rest in the Poplar Springs cemetery whie:-c his parents andl other rela'tives 'w. d. lhe Woodmen had charge aioh funeral servide. Mr. Ihtilimtine was a splendid mani fi'al(d blA sdrely be reaved family hlafe ilnr heartfelt synh pathiy. Mr. Left Clinktscales, one of the larg est liantors in Andeirson county, andl his son,~ While on their way' to Ware Shoa-ls last Tuosdy with 12 h;alea of cottan on a truck, the bridge over Tur key 'creek tell 'in with them, but for tunately they escaoed serious injury. 'Born unto Mr. andl Mt's. Thos. Dlut ton, May 25th, a daughter'. Born unto Mr. and 'Mirs. Frank P. Jones, Maoy 31st, a son. Our cousin, iBennio Frakiin, of Orconiwood. assisted the .Ware Shoals C1,1m11) of Woodlieni In the burial last week, of Nir. .lohn A. Ballentine. The teniderest sympathy of every one Is felt for Mir. and Alrs. loy 'Smith, in the loss of their babe. Jas. Jenkinis, one of our best col ored friends, recently iassed away at a venerable age. Ware Shoals will soon put in a bak ery. 'Several members of the I lolliiess chureli held a imeeting Oil tile streets of Ware Shoals last Saturday and the mnusic, singing, prayers and talks were enjoyed by ill who heard them. 'In a game of ball between Ware Shoals and llelton last Wednesday, the :core was 3 to 2 in favor of Ware Shoals. Mlessrs. illegal and Aleniroe are mshing he work at Ware Shoals. \Ir. Hlarmore Dunn, of Shoals .1unc tion, sold early peaches at 'Ware Shoals last week. The Adi Bee-i ' Op An Educati Find the 01 r FNiPi SecndPrAi Third Prze . Fort Piz Fit rz it Prie 2. irhtst Prizoen oeey SfLuecontd. EPizee 3.hAirw1hd brwi te yournam tan Pdriesspan writ' fanthingieleusa 4. COny~ Enloshrs oun 0 onteoandeforeigna mainogh I 2. 1'he Ise oa e cwudhor the amin hofo 6. Only sucgl~h ordsoun o ated oreian modsat wor 7. The wsrmay obje gave thand i the dthoher car4gv Address A -We were in Greenwood recently and, a s usual, met with a cordial greeting from our friends. Alr. Jas. Graham was awarded a prize by the Ware Shoals' school for the best essay on the prevention. of les. Our popular and eieient probate judge, John F. Wideman, of Green wood, was in our midst recently. IAIIDING JOINS WITil VETIERANS OF LOST CAUSE Standhing hicBienth th% Stars and Stripes lie Thanks God for a Reunited Na tion. Washington, June 4.--The pIresident of the United States, himself 'the son of a l'nion veteran, Joined with gray Clad, gray haired veterans of the Con federacy who stood with bowed heads at the graves of the comrades in the "lost cause" today in Arlington ceme tery to pay their annual tribute of love rertiser's Li r. . ive ?Pi( en to All Our Reade onal Test Wort jects in This Picture yW. A40 V3 -CONTES F CONTEST 0 922 an al 0nwr mus be ma0ed 922 an h d ayor listse iledo eparate seesathat pa ereahh udin theditionr hy lan e iused.oObsid ils whl no oe c on. nete namedonly one. hide o sno p p re inobjc hc s paraehe t of another ds which by long usako 4avi become, I, as one word, can 'be used. Hyphen aar in the dictionary as tiwo words are in the singular or plural form but if ot be, I11 Replies to Advertiser for posterity all these things so essenI tial to the welfare of this republic. There comes to my mind such names ats dear old Joe -W-heeler whom I saw go to the front to defend his country, and Fitzhugh 'Lee, who headed the first troops that entered Ilavana In the Spanish-American war. And in that conflict let me say that we of America Were brought lito com,:'lete accord." PresidentI Harding did not, hesitate to laud the courage of the men who fought for the Con fer:- .:cy, declaring, although he cauti .ei at while .he did not mean to :i :it, the Confed eracy was right, " ad to say to you that I believe 1 1. )ught it was right." Applause that i 'e less than an ovation greete -P .;dent at the conclusion of hi. . . Looso 0 ; ' odlrs, Etc. AdvertI.ik -mntlug Co. I Contest uzzle izes Best Efforts Letter "B" 1922. A A. on - If tIo tio i scrition i inwih en i ith~~ n _er theanser .00 $25.0 .00 1.00 .00 10.0 lhto the2 cntestantwose Wiiain. "B, ecn Dit~ to h /nx stn su d ybearef ul b- u tikon ciptins oftiscm ineit Ad e nt n wilbeso k. eaw r d the asriz.a e alO $25.00cnesan gre Laceo the contst ant wse ari 'ora ccri to ther nexts d pnaripe wil not bee ftke pizbe m.ilb i'ddbtte Sknw iiesofti on ind remembranee to those who 11a1d ionc onl the last long march. Standing beneath the (rooping folds >f the Stars and Bars, l'resident I1lard ing uttered a prayer of gratitude for a reunited nation whose foundations, he 4aid, had been cemented by the blood )r ConlfederI'a'te an1d Federal alike. Mr. -H arding spoke extemporlalncous ly and his appearance on the rostrum 1f the olpen air amphitheater iwas a surjprise to the (crowd. To the sons and daughters of vet nr-ans, 'Mr. illarding added a word of tribute. "Speaking as the son of one who rouight in the union cause," lie said, "I want to say that I have only grail tude, coinniendation and the sincerest tribute a Itian can utter for their sons and daughters who -have lived in the great aftermath and ably assis,ed in turning disinlioni into union, turning discord into Concord and reclaiming test Worc :ture F rs--Liberal Cash Pr iy of Anyone's I Beginning With thi sfnosb- I anser Ien t l~tthehe N' . . . 2.0 A . .' 1.0 . . ."..501 intocon Ifato b evr otI thespelcing iotno ist atil 9.Only nt rie with be cwred ed n he answero th szent 10. Thejudges illbe the-e terine by ths 2.50ge .wl b * . In arin atths.50 sont for eac cor. or.5Amrgno 1 8. Te firstan rio willo for awrd 12.r If two largest antd nete or rt ep ire dhividh benwith the ltterp Theanet hcorllreceveNete thid firt plcnsidert, buer antir the i the n answrner, this puzzl. Pritying Copn yio Lit