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I..,' * *, '. 0 o * e e LooM and lersonai XemeoAn 9 * * * 5 * * . * * Mrs. .1. 1311dle is in Coltmbhia visit ing her sister.,'Mrs. W. T. Hivowi. Mrs. T. d. 'Duckett and tittle-lbaby of Anderson, arrived in the 'oity Mon day to visit 1r. and Mrs. W. T. Crows. Mrs. t5ta-naeoy Orews anli -little .girl spent sereral days last wetk with-m is. J. C. Godfrey Iin -Greeniwood. Miss Jiealrice 'Babb returned to- the city FrMa'y from Brennu College, Gainesville, Ga. Miss Rose tMcGowan 'who phas been attending llrenau Collige, arrived in the city ynsterday. The frJmids of Mr. Z. L. Foy Will be 61ml to learn that b- has recovered from his :recent illness. le leaves for his home at' Saluda. .C., -today: .\1'r. and Mrs. 'Lowiry Walker, of Greenville, were in itlie cty Sunday -visiting Mr. and Mrs.. John A. Franks. -Miss Hattie Kate Easterby left last week fmr Charlestom to spend. a few weeks ith relatives. . 'Mra. John L. Glkerson. and little soi, .John, Jr., have been spending a ftiw (lays with relatives in Sumter. 1r. J61hn A. Rl~dle, of -Gastonia, spent Sunday in tbe city with Mr. and Mi's. 00. P. Jenkflis. ,Mayor 1W. Ili. 1tal, after ,leling con fined to Ills hoic for sev ra-l days on account of illnesa, -was on 'the streets of the city again .\onday afternoon. Mrs. .amnes B. Snelgrove, of Atlanta, Gi., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. \V. P. 'Thromuason, 'Sr., oil 'Chestnut street, who -has "been II Tor some 'time. Mrs. :4. M. -Wright and Mr. Homer Bramlett left Saturday for. Charleston, where they iwill it Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, , .r. T. 1LnC .lonroe and. liss Vir ginia Welh-, of l"dr't Meyers, Fla., left early thit& Week for Florence where they will viAilt re'lutives. Miss Mary Bowers, of Ane'ricus, Ga., is visiting Miss Sarah Dunlap who re turned home last Saturday from Chli cora colle6e Mr. (t. S. unlap, of Lakeland, Fla., Nas In the city last, week visiting his inbt-her, Mrr. Annie Dunlap, on South Harper street. ;Mr.,and,lMrs. A..R. Blakely and fam ily and Mr4*tRobeit L.-Walker intored to Ware Shoals Sunday-and alient the day with frleqds. iMr'. OI '.7Aiken.lasgoie to Ithaca, 'N. Y., to be liresent at th graduation exercises ofjlier son, 1lugh Aiken, who takes -hia a degree -at Cornell this year. Miss SafhtIfishop is 'pe'ted to re turn today from Coluihibia vhere she attended thd 'cbmmencement exercises of Columbia.College. While there she was te giest of dibs-Patiliite Clark. Mr. Hastings 'Dial, . who is urdergo ing treatmert At the. veterans' hospita at Greenville, is speiding some time . in thd city mwith his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Dia?. lMr. J. 'V. buillap, of ,Clemson col lege, is at home for a visit prior to the commencement exercises. He will return to the college Thursday for the -final exercIses and to receive his. di lploma. :Mr. aind Mrs. Gleo. :M. 'Wright and (laughter, Miss Jeane, returnmed Mon day from Washington, I). 'C., tw here M r. Wright'. wvas in attendance uipon the . meetig. of the American Cotton .\ anu i'actureogs' Association. .Mri. 'eston Westmioreland, of Gireenville, .who, it will be recalled, camped here. iwith the Buatler dhiards for more thau a year dluing the wvar, wvas in the city Monday ge'new~ing old acqulaintances, all of whom wore glad to see him. ir. and Ms. Ross D. Young and i'amily .motored down to Columbia the uit Q1f the week -to attend the comn mencenment exeorcises of Chilcora col .lege, ::turning yesterdlay accompanied by Miss 'D~oris Young, thou' daughter, who Was a mnembler' of this year's grad .uatinig-class.' Mrs. 2. P. Miniteir returned Monday friom :ifaltimore -where :she has, been .for several weeks with 'Mi'. 'l. P. Siing zep who, was 'recently operated oni at t he Johns Hopkins hospital. Mirs. -M int ter reported ett 'the .opeimtion' was very successful and that Mr. Minter is doing well. ' . Capt. and edre. 'W. R. Richey, Ji'., .nn'd Miss 6arah Slichey arrived in the city Sunday evening from Knoxville, TPenn., Wvhere Capt. 'Richtey is detailed .as instructor in military tactigs at fly Univers~4 of Tennessee. *. pky awfl* apeind a "'art of thefr va ti911 here with relatives. .\ra. (l. T. Latimer return'ed home Friday from Diooneville, Miss., whore,4 she has ' ben vsiting relatived for severdl w'eeks. She was accolnpanied un -her return' 'by- her mother. :Mrs, 'Sallie Joinsey, and little brotherl, 141 bett,- both' of whomi -will spentd 6 -part of the subune~r here .with Mr. an~d Mrs, 'Lstimer'' Dr. an f Mrs. ., He'Tegge #d;Pr, and Mrs p). E. 'Htughes left early this moin~fg a a motor trip to Davidson, N. (, e tiipy w nd the grad. niatgn 0 reQiseS on collOge' Calvin U.. sIesHges 4)'a11m p Uavdsqan 4hllee toda~y. 90MMOYPL~MkT AiIIQURNED SATURIDAY Ilainion lii e, Cases Awarded a T ,'Otil of Oier $3,009' in Verdicts. Juries sittlug in the last three cases >f Comilon zleas court, which adjourn At Saturday afternoon, returned ver liets -for plaintiffs aggregating over 3,000. I-. Y. Weashers, named as beneilclary in a life insurance policy with the Woodmllen of the 'World, taken ont by Mis brother prior to the latter's death, Wasi awarded a verdlct of $1,000, tile race value of the policy, with interest. yhis suit was heard once before, at which time the court directed a ver Elict for 1he defendant company. The plaintiff appealed the decision lo the supreme couirt and a new trial was >lrdered on the ground that ie circuit court erred in directing a vedict in stead of allowing the Jury to accile the case. The defendant alleged that tie deceased had allowed his Iolicy Lo lapse .and had not complied in full with the rules for re-instatement. The plaintilf alleged that the deceased -had paid all dues in arrears and had re reived a receipt from the local clerk rf the camip advising him of his re Instatemen-t. Model Mills, of Johnson 'City, Tenn.. was awarded a vdrdict of $1,656.07 against J. S. Jiennett & Coiimany, wholesale grocers of this city, [he en-, Lire amoutn asked for biong ap)roxi-:l mately $2,100. The plaintIff alleged; Lhat Bennett & Company entered Intol a. contract in Deceiber, 1930, fo'r five lousand bushels of meal to .be deliv Dred during the flrat mbntis of the fol-1 lowing year and that the local concerni brenchel its contract when deliveryl was attempted, causing a loss to thel plaintiff by reason of the decline in Lhe meal maarket. The <deendant al leged that the Lmodel Mills failed to live up to its contract by its refusal to Jeliver the, meal in package sizes a] leged .to have been authorized under tie contract. Much testimony was tak-: an in regard to the sizes Bennett & Domnaipny -demanded whe.n shippiggA speci'tications were Rnally given b y bhem. The. plaintiff introduced the; ontract in the evidence and contend d that it shipped the meal as therein' speified. In the case of the Dimple Milling 0mpany, of Nashville, Tenn., vs. . 3. Bennett & Compaly, in which the inshville doncern sited for $d7.00 as hie amount alleged to have been lost y reason of an illegal cancellation of L flour contract by tile defendant; the laintiff *ag itwarded $417.00, thiN be ng the amount of (amages asked by ,he pliiftiff less $200 asked by ftle lefendait in a countersuit. This case 5rew out of the cancellation of the hird of three orders for flour given he plaintiff by the detendant. The'de 'endant claimed that upon the discov try of defects in the ,first two shhp nents it cancelled the third shipment )f 540 barrels. it also alleged fraud n .that the plaintiff company hadi mis 'epresented the .character of its man Ifacturing process. The presiding udlge charged time jury that where ~oods undcer one contract proved uni nerchantaable other cointracts w ere not Lffectedl. The countersuit for $200, en .eredi by the defendant, was for losses illeged to have been suffered by the lcendants in dlisposing of thle flour ihipped under, the first two contracts. Motions for new trials in bioth tile sonentt cases were overruled by the >rcsiding juidge, bitt notices were giv mn for allceals to higher courts. T-hese three eases consumed all of he time or the court not previously ~overed in this pa'per. WMtts Plays Simipsonille .After laying on other udiamlonds for month, thle Watts iMills team w-ill tart a ser'ies of 3 games on 'their ome diamond when they meet the imapsonville team next Saturday af ernoon. The local mill teaml hass been play ng usually good ball 'in -the 'textile eague, auld now boldg.,egndsp4hoe, Phoy expe'et Satur'day to overcome the end of 1-2r. game gqw edb M "Lefy" obotwhohas been pitch big' in great~'style th tMin in id da' on, will pitch Saturday for'Wattin. In he laut''three dames ihe uifeheilli uins were mede by the 'o')posing team n 26 consecutive innings and only I iits were ~1.wpiby hiip ni the 27 in ~ings. ' Mriss Polly ,Jeansg ,Miss Polly Jeans, a native of i e )ra section,, died lastdi'Jisfddy at . e lomie of her sister, Mrs. Ri.0. -Hairston, 'ealdenlt of the |Leesville church Corn itunity. Miss 'Jeptns WAS in her 86th 'ear 'ad a charter member of -the ..psville tiethiodist chu rch. The, buripl tarvees and fttneral were hold at .fees rifle Wedznesdaey, 'Rev. Gons, of Olin :on, conductIng the services. *1 E~0 I. of P eetligg. - ~ythIR Ill meet Moday -tig ,)June i 14 f.of P. hli '*t'l3- P. . the secnd degre6 will be conferrd all meinbers are urged to Attend. ~. ~VJ~*0 D1I1MINAL COURT WILL CONVENE HERE JUiIE 12 Jurors Have Been Solected for Genenil Me0soi Court. A Large Docket of Four Murder Cases and Mamy Pro. hilbition Cases heing A rranged. Jurors for the spring term of the court. of general sessions which con venes here Monday morning, .June 12, were chosen early this week by the jury commission. . The court, presided over by Judge I Fxank 1. Gary, of Abbeville, will con vene for a one week session. A large docket of criminal eases, a majority of whleh are for violatlon of the prohi bition law, is being prepared noiw'. Among those cases to be tried are four in which men -are charged with nurder. The ac of Tom Duncan, charged with the murder bf Riley Ilammond, who was killed on April 5 will probably 'be 'among the cases to tq tr'ied. The list of petit 'jurors is as follows: -J. L. F. Suinerel, Laurens. IL. Li. (1igon, Youngs. iW. J/ 3an'ley, Waterloo. J. .A. 'Cturry, 1ihals. W. 11. Cole, 'Cross Hill. t. I,. 'Cheek, Stillivan. '0. P. 'Goodwin, Seiffletown. W. .. 'Duncan, Hunter. J. Roy Cratyford, Hunter. *R. L. Hilland, Seuletown. C. 1. 'Coats, 'H unter. W. F. 'Gaston, 'Laurens -J. 14. Spearman, Cross 11111. . K. 'G arrett, 11laln. P,.' J. Sloan, Youngs. Win. M. Pitts, Sullivan. . W. Washington, Sullivan. J. -J. 'O'11, 'Waterfloo. T). '3. Sloan, Hunter. '1. R. Ftiller, Tlunter. ,Jno. H-. Atchison, Cross IllL J. F. 'Riser, 'lumer. .3. E. .Swedenberg, Laurens. -W. R. Pitts, lacks .J. C. McMillan, Jacks. J. W. Knight, Youngs. S. T. Coker, Youngs. ,. Z. Wilson, 'Dials. -P1 R. Abercrombie, Dials. 0. S. StrMling, Waterloo. J. P. Moore, 'Waterloo. 'Roy 'C. Wallace, D'ials. -la-'1M. Mehon, Sullivan. Jas. '.\I. 'Daven-port, Sullivan. 'li. V. Whittle, 'Cross 1-lilt. .I). 'M. 'Norwood, 'Ionrena. .Paino 'Recital Wednesday afternoon M,%iss Harriet Todd and Aliss .Amaryllis Snith gaye IinIlydnsl Tiano recItal at -the hsome of tbeir teacher, Iiss 'lattle D. Gray. Miss Todid's program was as follows: Sonatina .. .. .. . Horvath Minuet . . . . Bach First Loss . .. . Schumann Northern Song . . Schumann Barcarolle . . . Strickland Wanderer's Song . . . Grieg Spring Song . . Mendelssohn 'he Nightingale and the Rose Lieurance Miss Smith i)layetd the following com1 positiols: Inventio's No. 8 , . . Bach First Sonata ,\lovemyent. . Mozart Idlinio...-...-..- ...- ... Lack Noweglianl .Wedding March Sodermnan Pas dles Amnphores . Chaminade Scarf BDance . . . Chamiinade Poloraise Birilliante . . Merkel Both of the young ladies played in a inttresting manner, andl showvd the result of diligent wvork. After the program, cream andt cake were served, ('elebrated 81s' Birthday The home of Miss Julia Irby was the scene last Wednesday afternoon of a most enjoyable 'birthday party given b~y the Senior Christian Endeavorers of the P'resbyterian church in honor of Uhe 81st birthday of Miss Sale Btep~hens. An enormous iwhite cake, upon which were 82 small candles, was the ptrin cipal attraction on the large tank, hvhich was laden with a number of gifts for glites Stephens, 'These gifts includ td riety of materials for' sewving, kriit 4and embroidery, sudh work bein 4iss Stephens' .princip~al source ~f 1 u tre since she has been a par c for a number of years. I tifing songs were sung andi thor dl1k s were made by the Endlear prer' I of which made Miss Stephens Ehe and' happy. tMi s' Stephens is a native of Annis ton, 'Ali.. and has been living at the b'omegpf Miss Julia Irby for' 10 years. SRevival at Watts Mhis~ A vne~si meeting iwill 1)e start ' at Watts Afill Sunday evening ht S e tcook, in .which the Itev. Dr. Woe wol(h will >be. assisted 'by the R1ev. D. T.dqniires, who will preh overy night through the week, Card -of -Thanks We wi i: to ,thpink the many friends and ateighbior, for their' sympathy and npany. uets of kiness at the, death of Boulah Ma~rtjp )Ienderqt)...* May .God's richest blessings rest hxon. yoi'a~0 W, 0.' '1aderson 'and Iainily, - tir, and Mrs. Alvitt Martin. Russian Tea Members of the Civic League fron fVard 4 were hosts last Tuesday even ing to the ladies of the city at a itus ian Tea given at the home of airs. William Solomon on South fIarpir treet. The lower floor had been thrown en 3uite and beautifully decorated with an xbundance of sweet peas and iorothy Perkins roses. Asharagus ferns were also used to carry out effectively a color scheme of green and white. As the guests arrived they were welcomed at the door by Mrs. J. I). Watts and Mrs. Carl Bramilett, who ushered them to the receiving line| consisting of -.\lrs. William Solomon, -Mrs. Dave Childress, Prank F'rank Reid and Miss Sadie Sullivan. In the dining room Russian tea Was served from a ' Sivomovar" by 'Mrs. I. Iurey. Assisting in the dining room were Miss Margaret Dunlap and 'Mes (ames Edgar Babb, 1,'iwi'ence Kel nedy, Edgar .Bariksdale, . arie lialtt>, Mrs. T[I. 1. .lughes and Mi'. Johnl in Man. I Oflintiaing.over the punch hlowl were the Misses Sai'ah Hishoit and Inez liudgens, while the lit'c Misses Ella D1unlay, Frances Switzer and .\lary lois Swihk serve(d cake. Serving tea svere the Misses Nell Long, Sarah Kathleen Baeksdale and Grace Young. Mrs. IRoss D. Young and .\lrs. ClardyI Bolt officiated over the silver plate vhich produced an attractive suim for the Civil League. 'During the afternoon a dolightful nusical program was furnished by Mrs. M. '1. 'Roper, .\liss Tiattle Gray, Miss E.loi(e' Clardy and Mrs. J, Sweed 'riburg. *i * 'e . ....*... * e*, [in Memory of Augustus liuii' * * 'lorn May 23, 1851. * coe--What a Word to be spoken, When referi'ing to a:'man like he. No-wonder our hearts seem broken, Although all has been done as a token (Of .friendly love and - sympathy. God's Will ,adone; he's now at. rest. But fteni: --had lie enenies-feel hi absence. Who 'knew 'him best, loved him best; A dharacter that stood the test Fully realized when in his -presence. In builneus -we will 'miss him; 'Howclever an'd wise was he. In -counsel some will need him; 'In :memory all will honor him; 1Hiw -dear to his friends was he. "A LOVIED ONU,," Loose Lenf Ledgers, Etc. Advertiser Printing Co. Size Sx10 A Big e'aI Here is ,M:ieai e parlor, or 'bedroorr presents a cooi sur of rug used exclusi popularity to the f houisewives roll up hot weather and which is both praci to see them in the' Quality Al Prices AlwA at CO 2 yard wide Bleached P< peryard-...... Fine Shirt Madras, per yarc Ladies' $1.50 Phoenix Silk ] Ladies Fine Mercerized Li Hose, a pair 50 New Dotted . Worth $10.4 Our Price Men's Silk Striped Shirts. Men's Fine Madras Shirts. Ladies' Bedroom Slippers PARISIAN LAE New line jus New Styles $1.50 anc Bring the boys to Coh Any color or style uhe3 ble prices. Curtain Marquesette, per New Summer Hats Arriving COHI The Store of B Laurens, Selling of miner Rug ummer rug---adaptabl .It is woven fibre, y rimery appearance. vely in tropical countr ict that it does not hoic their more-expensive to replace them use :ical and economical. rug department. i. H. Wilk Laurens. S. C, ways Up mys Down IEN'S 'ppereil Sheeting, - 39c 25c Jose, a pair -----98c sle Seamed Black 25c wiss Dresses )0 Each $5.95 $1.95 98c all colors, a pair 98c OY CORSETS t arrived. New Prices 1 $1.98 mn's for their caps. want at reasona yard ... .... ... . 19C New Sailors Daily EN'S etter Values S. C. $12.75 New e for porch, sun ery durable, and. This is the type ies and owes its I the heat. Many rugs during the cool fibre rugs, Ble sure and ask