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WYILD NIGHT AND MANY THRILLS IN STATE CONVENITION Continued from pag- one this section. adopt the plank in the platform en dorsing the bonus 1)111bIll. he Plrohiltion Laws. The plank in the platform calling for a stricter enforcement of the laws, particularly the prohibition laws, and asking that ):ersons convicted of sell ing liquor be given chaingang sen tences without the privilege of paying a fine, was adopted without debate, al though everybody in the convention unlderstood the political play und1(erly Ing it. At the suggestion of Delegate M. '.. WIalcy, of h11e2 licl anid county court, an amendiment wa s adopt ed asking the legislature for an aienld ient to tle judicial code making it more difticult for lawyers to bring ap peals upon trivial groids in cr1imi naIl cases and in civil cases in which the piblie welfare is affected. The PIlatform Adopted It was about 3:30 o'clock when the platforI was finally adcoted. The docu(0men t had been pretty well shot to nieces, but it was still the Evans platform, as adopted by the Spartan hurtg coilnty convent ion. Whether In tentional or not, the platform as sit) mitted was a direct attack upon cer tain political leaders and certail po litical faction, and they have resented it. Mr. Blease wats not a member ot the convention, bit 'was in attendance and was an interested listener. lie had a number of friends in the convention, soni of whom had been his lieutenants All new buildi with our own Southern wood CYPI "THE WOO] It's equal to an: against a lot of on. For true ei well as "last," "the Wood Et Buy the Grade 1 Often middle o "just right for Write for list of FREE P Southern Cypress M 253 ';ralam~l Blidg.. Jacksonv YOUR LOCAL DEALER WIL.L SUPP IIASNT ENOUGIICYPRESS LET US)I DANGEE Stop Handir You stop when the police and you do not run on w. a red signal. "Danger--. self. All the time you have jus carrying your~ money on secreted at home. This busy----money hidden at I See To-Day's Papers. For .Thieves are easily discoi and let a good, safe,insti -for your mer"-, whi' check. Put an end to, worry. It does not mix well with. business or social activity. Laurens Na jin previous campaigns, and they un- fu derstood fully -what it was all about. ,l They were somewhat slow and awk- n< ward in getting into action .but they - were not backward about exipressing ni themselves when they did get started. i iut the platform had antagonized b( others besides MIr. Blease and his fol- .i lowers. If it had been a straight fight t1 .with only Mr. Blease's friends lined ci I up on one side, they would have lost, tl for they were in the minority, but the b< ire o' a good many others had been arous .ind they (lid not hesitate to tell how they felt and voted accord- in ingly. ti, At one time the suggestion was n made that the platform .be received of as information and thc platform of !M 1921) reaflirmed instead, and at one L time it looked as if this might be done. '3 But a woman delegate saved the situa- C tion by remarking that she believed .Ii the convention had brains enough to gi frame a platform of its own iwithout is adopting one that was out of (late. The is delegates seemed to think a platform e1 was lecessary, and .went to work to '( revami) the one that had been sub- of initted. After the smoke had cleared fr away in the small, weary hours of the 'I morning it was still the Spartanburg be county platform, as written by John til Gary 'Evans, and ;was still recoanizable is a; such, but it had been badly bat- fr tered. al Mr. Evians Keeps Cool Mr. Evans did not have much to Say while tile child of his brain was beig manhandled. At one tim e he 0ook the floor and said that the plat cc - -- bc1 CI ng is best done world - famous S 9al S( in RESS D ETERNAL. a insurance policy o repair bills later :onomy, first as simply stick to erna1" and fut 'hat Fits the Job. r low grades are the case." lit LANS for farm buildings. SO pc rs.'Assn. Insist on "Tide M lie, Fla. -- a tyby this mark. LY YOU. IF HE NOW AT ONCE. at ig Out Cash I" an man waves his hand and el aen you see the flash of Ni careful", you warn your- S.: at as dangerous a habit---w your person or keeping it CC is what keeps the police iome or in your .clothing. in Proof. TI tihl iraged. Better play safe at tution like our bank care to :.ou m-eet your bills by to v to Is J. ar ti' tional Bank t LEO. H. BLAKELY Cah.r da rin was . 'comipromise, the ,work of c entire committee, and that lie did t feel called upon to defend it any ore than others, but he stated that -he ight -have something to say later on reply to some of the things that had en said. This was taken to mean at he intended to take the matter to e stump in the campaign for gov nor, but he did not at any time make e doflinite statement that he would in the Iace. The Race for Governor The announcement of J. E. Swear gen, state superintendent of educa )n as a candidate for governor, did >t put an end to speculation as to her possible entries. Former Judge endel L. Smith, of Cheraw; former eutenant Governor T. G. McLeod, of sholville; and former Railroad mmiiiiissioier Jolin G. Richards, of berty 11111, were among the dele tes to the convention. E'ach of these thinking of entering the race. Each 1well known throughout the state, ch has strong friends and is an cx rienced campaigner. Senator Laney, Chesterield, is in the race, and his lends say h-e is to be reckoned with. ( will have a constructive platform, ing regarded as an exilert on taxa n. Former Governor Cole L. Blease actively in tle race, andl he an( his lends say lie will win. But they ways say that although Blease has en twice defeated for United State. nator since lie last ran for governor. rmer Lieutenant Governor A. J. tliea, of Columbia, and WIllim lemnan, of Wlitmire, are avowed ndidates, and it is understood that th are conident of winning. There iy be oiier can(lidates before the tries are closed, and all of these i cin meitioned may not come. to the ratch at the last. 'lie Polit cs of It There will be a campaign for United ates senator uwo years from now, na tor Dial's term expirizig in 1 925, d this fact was frequently mentionc(l coninction with talk of the race for 'vernor'. It may be unfair to some, all, of the Candidates to say it, but ere is a widespread impression .that i attempt may be made to use the overnor's ollice as a stepping stone the senate. 'In other words, many the dielegates to the state conven mi felt, and sai(l, that certain cafi dates for governor were running for at oiliev with a view to becoming a ndidate for the :,enatte against Sena r Dial. There is a feelhig that some the candidates are more concerned 'er their own political fortunes in the ture than about being of service to P .late at file prese- . time. Every ospective canilidate for governor )l(, of couirse, (Iciy such an impli lion, but this is the way a gitat my people ice] about It. And that why tliere 'has not 'been any general ig u: -behind any of the can(idates fir as annoinced. There is a dis .ition to wait for developments. )is was the feeling of many if not a ioity of the delegates at the con ntion. e ' *~ e a * * * * * S e S 01It0SS HlILL NEwls * S * * * * * * * S S S S * Cross 11111, Mlay 22.---Frank .\Miller is visitor to Charlotte, N. C. AlIss Ozel!a .1iarmon, who has -been rclhing at Lexington, is at home for siummer. Rey. 'W. D). Riatchford and family cnt a portion of last wecek wIth rel yes at Shiaron, S. C. Miss Eliza Nanee, a member of the aduiating class of C;onver'so College, c'\.aecte'd home in a few days. Misses Hielnen and (Grace 'Hitt are long the 'Winthrop graduates. Sonmc of ouri peole attended the using exercises '4f the lBarrksdale trnie school on 'Friday night. Mr. and Mrls. Lewis Major, of Ware oals, are guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Lea man. Mir. J. dJ. WVorkmlan, who recently der went .treat ment at'- the Greecn >odh hospital is at home. On ac tint of his advanced age his friends e very anxious about his condition. Mr. Wi. M. Speairman, 'who has haan extendled illness, is thought to be tproving. to class consists of five members, r'eo .giirls and tiwo 'boys. Mr. andi Mrs. Clarke, of Gables, S. C., e guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Car P. Miss Azile Austin leaves this wveek r an extencled visit to r'elatiges. at dalia, Ga. Mr. and ,Mrs. dessie Leaman, of Lau nus, wer'e visitors hero Sunday. Miss loride R-udd, -who has been aching in the 'Clinton gr'aded school, -with homefolks. 'Rev. W. D. .Ratchford, J. Li. Cartet, IH. Nance, J. A. Guthrie, WVeldow ~aman, 'Frank Miller, J. C. McGotwan *d Charley Rlasor were among those do attended the- Shriners' convetn >n at .Rock 'Hill. Dr'. J. '1-. Miller' and C. D. Nance at ridedl the state convention at Coluim i, last' week. Dr'. and 'Mrs. .H. B. Benn~ spent Sun y at Gr'eenlwood with 'Mrs, Senn's lter, who Is miite iltl. .A -r 3 NV 464 Far *withr ands < to-goo . the d ways -- But ways cool b as we: cause Iicious Put Renew y< by purif systen The purified and ref i are nausealess, safe ani as. Calotabs act like cal Beware of imitations! sold only in "checker-b packages bearing the "Calotabs."a Family Packag ICE, CREAM ---the Best of Desserts, nous cook books are just loaded ecipes for desserts---literally thous )f them---but there's no real honest dness dessert like Ice Cream. It's essert of 365 days a year. Al desired by everyone in the family. not only as a dessert, but in other is our ice cream as popular as a reeze on a hot day. The kiddies 1 as the adults care for it---just be it's pure and wholesome and de nam's Drug Store >ur health rmng your i with (~i' /,~I sue No~~ sat ncssr amel and salts combined. Genuine Calotabs are card" (black and white) copyrighted trade-mark, Vest Pk't. l Paekage 'LC