University of South Carolina Libraries
Citation for Letters of Admniilstration Mtate- of Soth Carolina, 'otnli ly of lauireIu . JBy 0. 0. Thompson, P'robate .11utige: Wh1wreag .rs. 0,a IllIaimiiioneul mi1ale StLit. to mi to ; grait lif-r leI t.irs of Adi fillr1t ri ttl i i c lo ir - -ltl. (-is ii a girl4 of 1011oy Ilialininm . i he~u-i arE , t h ii' 1, cit a i a I, in ish a ll lui sin i.lar I I r It iti I l. cne l, r '-l r of th1. ,ai ;1 , y lIa n 1i n rlic or ui-r, that t hey brli- '.n tir It- ir Imi-or eIf uei , f h c lurt o I '1 1 1ro 11 to li., toe h o b 4 a I t l itren 1 oirt I I hos- , cIi . c1 n 1 'S. i '. on i -,I f 1 -: h lay (if ,\pii ,.".nn I v ni . ail t-r ub e o hirof, iii'. i- IfIorcl i i fe- ii on, to ,how cu, i'Iii I o ,v h li ei, why Ie n I irs t0r IIIo I Ii Ir a ion1 :I eI I II( not h ate I . I I.''I I I . \i I 'I : iN K ILLS RATS 1 l m4e11 (4 tha111's I l E\T-sNil', l old r1,il bl role4 cde royer. l 4, 11tesi enlh's not mkixig 1%1Ifh ofher fot . Vo r inine l .1 11110% Ii 1 inlis. ill i iz i (i enk(I enough filr. l111'n ir. hilfIchen fil Cellar, l e ine l i ze ii . i i 1vi 1eII S) fi oi r If t Ic ke InI 1it ni s ,o , - o 1ic ll ble lin'11111 1K. $ 1.271, izi t ,e pcltvn i e iu b f rill tell in rmic I ni i -htuiicvlie. soru buievldin us, Ilr i lflory buildis. S41i 111141 aiI ia eed by (r. F. Slo. i m'd IININ iiiureif it rdil ire t'o., 11411'11ni 's I lm t 1-4re Grove's Tasteless cil onisic restores b Energy and Vitality by Purifying amd Enriehbutg 11he llowl. Whenl youl feel its strenigt ieni t invigornting fcue how s it briinis color to (the cheeks ad how it impro-ves the appetite, you will then i appre int its trum toniic Value. Grove's Taisteless chill Tncis ,jimlply Iron id Quinine snspedIcd ii syrup. So pleat iit evei chihire like it. The blood needs QUININE: to Purify it find IRON to 'rich It. I estiroys Mal arial i termns nd Grip germs by ItA Strengthening, Inviglor ting Efie ct . (1.h. MOTHIER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP u r I mI theli, l:.I a ic c i fove' lI, "fruitt) sei if "t'aI if6or it iu Sy ru I I l it nl e v. notie r i t oi n-4 i11 x1 I I howl . A Iccit' nor ul )(fi cI oly :t. my1c il ta t a siik clui m If .on 14a liatevd, bolil , 14,1 fr f l has cod r11 ie, o I 1-fh i 4 IIur, on I u Iiw ConI(d, Ir t , 1 ah - r pa - ai i:,1 cleant is ing oIf the1' liil ho , wet, i 4 ;s offten1 all iinl y n a ry. li e \ . C Ask yourdrrgst for genuin.e "('ali. foriin Fig ( rp " whicht ha liireo t lien for babties- and i bre (if all a e prhinid in ho lt. Jlothetr! Vo nmus ny3 "C'inlifornin" or you may get al imi tationo t r wut. ACHES AND PAINS~ 4 CIorN' r AES EM ! Ask S lv oeo lo an' i i net quly e the a iigeni send Ueit o frubbyig.Iluucu ceuaOit Fint oo for rema, timnerai,1 ca ot e r s in n at r a in , O tiof joits Fofors y yarsin's enemy.As Linimentea Cal. oodfomeea Gocond in anthe iski Mruyes Onoc of Dr Hbo'FaiYu Remeos. a l oel Glo o d ie 'oe bt fe ciuit iNuex Ortlose.Ii a In t ics ercuyOnikttve,. Shcock s aLiverou dc cIi~d It 113'nikeYour feswaikai uiwetisethed tonguew oon' th lteet ad' why eron ishuhl tno lake siknngpai vactin geltm wn a feweets uv aoc lrgelittl ohvf vo hc id')odson'sLvrTn-a start' your liv ~ter jutas srelyeros calome, your. itoesni't akeg o you.c DENiES COUNTEIRFEITS FLOOD NATION Asks "Plate PrInter" To Furnish Evi dlenice 113131n h is s l1i c 14 .41ItAternenlth Were 5iased. WIIIingIIon, A pil 17.-Secretury .\ellorn torlav oralled ulponl the I'late, 'I'i' fit I, o(ll 0a I orgalltli of he I I 'itte I'linIr'i 'nion en11(lnloyes at th 'bu1 (raI of i'g,'raving an(d pn11111ng to fia illsh in i linnediatoly with ainy eVi rI-iewihi r11ich thal publientionl had lbasied Its slatr'ilieits that Oh count13ry was flooffll with mnillionis of collinelrfell. hank niotes , boris, wtrI savings andr t- staitipfs, war bon(dIi( a| COillions. AnY such vvidence, he adrdedl, would hi ive svi Igal IeI at once. TllI I 'late 'rinr ylelely puibllied an all rle 'niim-ti(g, wit It'rleelated wan a flood 11, coutil frfeit; w%,ith fihl recen-lt re(o: 'anlizallonl of Ihe burleaul by P'resident Ilarllinr, invovhing iliE r'inioval of, D re l r ln -: . \\ilinilh arnd other Ill a ltter lo iralnk .1. Coleilian, 'flitor .11111 blisitivess mianager. of, Ow V'11t -l'i illoi r, .\ir. .\Aelln Said11 tha. tatelneis of tl his sorl, reflecting I., h10y do upon thu governiellt bondu i lh' haluris (l' iiiesI'ors, ai caleilalt '11 1() calw wt willespi'lr tr| Illwalsilless till ili li part of' such holdeirs', anl it tile ai'" limie if luncontr1adichd1 xiiigt 11n111 140 lh1v credil ;and stainding illh the pihlic of the setll'ities of the .\It. .\le11ll adde-d it hlas been-I lhe u1(toin of the tieasury to ,;(-ll oit (31 If1.1rs d 'escib ig e'V'r' CouIIt('rfeit ;sle Vhl dis:overerl. "No informinaion has comne to I le r asur ," h4 :;;tl, "of ally over i S-. I' of countei f e11 itin ()g (it tliited :aZre bolids 0r' couponlis allached tu "As r'ga'd3 war sa vings ild o(tlir Lalilis, a1n1k 1 notes atil other forms I' Iur11(relley, allern .11*s ar3 inade -oinl lilne to tinme 14t o llainterfevit 1th0 Sit' 03 1,rrais the dinilinat(iolns of l'Iliil' issiues8. The (reasilry is con tlily oI n ih ah t to s op sui ch it 1011. Ill sillb.slitatially every caseio lere efforls have been3'I inlad m ally >ni'derable r;cal' Ihe gili1y parties 13re 'f beenA apphI en'i'ded and Ir'oulglt to ial and their aclivities enlded. "The secrelary of tIlie Ireasul ry do ''s to slae in the 1no(3St einphatle ril tInhs t 11 publi( ned have no I)) rehens'ion .1.1 to the g('iiuiin'ness of to 3.',3rtun(nt V'(iihties and1M [f lr - (135 8ulslintig." :D.I\ 0C(ON Ili..ST AT (BAV C'01' BR oiiv lldic%4s loiest f'or Medals Of. fel'ed 1y1 TIpIIn11 Ilve Society. ()It 'l riday (' t ill, , .1 l ilh , ( ray ( 1r wings einiol hlouse a largev e. 1, d as 'b1111'd to hiea'r1 six young ldies voi 'slI lol' 1"" lilt'dIaLs off red liv liyt Wo 111S 'hristian Te rance'3 'nlion, littolg .\ 11, liestijlls ','lirry, supeirjnl mien, or inedal contest fopr (he local 13 rsillli had been very beiuti I1ly decorated -hy 1 lit teachers. The 31i1 hll. ' was red, white and blufe 'cal aru'n3y of w hIoite riboners3 who' 1( Th(e 1eachers ati oe o th pu '1ii ae beauifu3l ini 83 nd3 or.33 Hry m.1 33114 of the3 high schotol boy1s, readi( TPeir(0nIc andi patriotism 13) inere'',3'' the ioes' of' 11he rec3ittin given'3 83) wei1 > w'll that3 (81e of 11he .ludges8 a3fterl ards 348 declarel tiihit ('33ach133 one1shoul 3t'e a3 mel('1. It will not, lhe kno3wn1 ai li313 cogniencementi as to w ,'ho got l's spo3ke3: .\li83sses 1 .\'agaret' iloger's, 313 O3w Iin',gs. !Dore' lleysonI, I''i.:ely wi in31, Kath31leen (01 oor~e, 1,)1uise (Curry'. T'wev y'oun'3311g ladi es had1( been'3 in thie 13n1 st. A 13re113minar11y ('onltest was 1e two11 ('edalsx5 givln. I'ND)AY S('Il00I, hl'litl'i;lls TOI MilIl:.1' ATl 0 BAY ('01'1IT )litrict 'ol(ention to1 be 1113d at G'raly ('ourtI. IHiptilst Churchl(' Siuniday After A (1d1isrit ('onvention and31 3( 111118 m11t ng oIf thie Sund1(ay 1Rehoo3l~ woier's of r'i(t of the -1,auren County313133 Sunlday 01h0ol Associatlion Will 311e hld1 at the fI erno0on, April1 23rd1. Thei ('onven'f hm1 wi',l1 Cpen at 2 P'. .\. andl close at A inll pr'ogr'am or l1raictic'al (discu1 1'""s.,in t'' string addresses880 on Sun .. 13 18 Is being pr1epared0(, oii SOmel (If the hesl1~t Sulnday School vorikers' hi ,the county13 will tak1e ipart Th'1is conven'fti.n1 Is bru eerybiody md3 1311 ar1e 3doIll113 ynvited1. -S. C. GAMBItlL, , 'IDistr'ict President. No Worms In a Hecaithy ChIld All children trou~bledI with Worms hove ab uo+ Iealthy c'olo'r, whIch Indicates poor blood. ahid as a tule, there is more or I ess stomach disturbance. GROV E'S TASTELESS CH ILL. TONIC given rego arty for two or three weeks, will enrich the blood. mrove the digestIon, and net as, a generaIStrength 'ning TonIc to tho whole system. Nature wIll then br(o offor dispo I the worms,aend thoChild willbe a per ect health, Plodsantto toke. 60c per bottle. 8I'FX'AL EAST'EJ 8ElVICE A T GRAY COUtT M. E. CHURCHJ Attractive and Impressive Program Jendr(ed Easter Morning. - Ti services opened with an Easter talk and Hilblo reading by the presi deit of the leaguc, Aisa EVa Shell. Special music was given by the enoir ....lo), Ile Comes!" -liou little children, Robert Wells, Mavis Clear Curry, John Alvin Curry and Lols Abercromble gave an Easter prayer in song that totlclhed all hearts. The ten Virgins was given very ef feetIvely by ten beautiful young girls abouit fourten Years of age. These helid their lamps Inl their hands and sang as thp organ played softly. .\lr. .lhn Wells gave an Easter read ing, "If a Inan Ile shall he live again." "l'eter iad iIhe Angels," a story of a boy's Faith, wits read by Mirs. Watson. '"'hte thre' .\larys at Ile tom b," was given by . iss ;\a rle itop p, ..\Jr.s. Pace a tiM .\s. Alvini Citerry. Thlir EIster costumiites, the iraIns con tain!ing spices, tl"i" heautiful 'iantonmimes, solemn w%ords, (11im lights anld :weet Imlusl mlatie this at mlost fimp1)roessiv num111ber. 1 Depai Heav I am selling ti The.other day I i they said $7.50. Wing and they se of the best. Yot thant'you can buy A full line of 10-3-0, 8-3-0, 16 Soda at $65.00 c All sorts of ha the keg, hamestr harness, etc. We have adde a full line of Seec Special, which is two~ eared corn ', We have the 1 first lot ofyRegiste carry away. I wvill exchang We carry a ft your home. Dri to the Doctor. of the program and as they slowly wended their way from the tomb all felt that we had Indeed had a peep at that sacred ground where the Marys walked so long ago. (Much credit is due .liss Geter, one of the Gray Court-Owings school teach ers, as she worked ipl the progran. 28 Poundo a Foot. A man should weight 28 pounds to e*1ry foot of his height. (iiation for Letters of Adniilstratlion State of South Carolina, County of -Laurens. By 0. G. Thompson, 'PrOcbate Judge: Where 'Mrs. '.\lIIdrcd 'P. Farrar made suit to me to grant her Letters of Ad ministrit ion of the 10state and effects of S. S. I"arrar. 'i'iese atre, Therefore, to cite and ad monish aill and singular the kindred amd creditors of the said IS. S. Farrar deceased, that they be and appear be fore mne, in the Couirt of .Probate, to be held at Ibaurenls Court Ilouse, .LIaurels, S. C., on the.27th day of A pril, 1922 next, after jubhil icationI hereof, at 11 ()'cIflock in the forellooln, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adnin Istrat ion should not h) granted. Given under m1y hand -thiN 12th day of April Anon (liYomnihmu 1922. 0. C. 'DIIOMiPSON, 10-2t-A J p .c ~VAR rtment y Grocer ie very best flour, sel vas in another towr I asked the pric< tid $8.50. So you s< get the best at Wh elsewhere. We sel lrtilizer [ all fertilizers of the . per cent. acid, Kaini ash. I will deliver y< Hardware I rdwa'e, such as sing] ings, drag harrows,] Seed De1 d a department knox l Corn, such as Hasti a big eared white co: rith large ears, cane e Cattle and Ho est herd of Herford red Duroc Jersey H< e anything I carry fo Harris Spring illline of water an< ak this water and al< Travel of Light and Sound. So11u Is said to move at the rate of 30 miles a ininute, and, compared to light, it Is slower than a snail. If we should hear a clap of thunder half a minute after a flash of light. ning, we could calculpte that the dis charge of electricity was about six and at half miles away. NOT TO DELCO-L Kirby Electric Service ( made dealers in Laureni and its products, effecti Those wishing any infor: municate with us at Un Kirby Electri< Telephone 363 J..E. KIRBY TON'S Warel y 'Departr f rising and plain at ! and asked them the p1 on Roller King or S le they are selling che arton's. All heavy @ I the best or not at all. )epartmet standard grades such , cotton seed meal, ar ur guano to your. fiel< )epartment e trees, heel bolts, < planters, distributors, partment vn as the Seed Depari ngs arnd Marlboro P en crossed on a prolifi eed, onion sets, Irish1i g Department Cattle in the South. >gs. Have a bunch r young beef cattle. i Department 1 ginger ale which e 3 and save paying dot WHAF Graphite. Down to 1850 graphite was obtained chlef1- from the Borrowdale mine In Cumberland, England. Since then a supply has been drawn from eastern Siberia; from Ticonderoga, New York state; Buckingham, Quebec; and Bo henia. Graphite Is also produced In.. Ceylon, and Madagascar. Artificial graphite is also being manufactured. 'ICE! [GHT USER ,o., Union, S. C.. v . re County for Delco. Li ht ve April 1at. mation will pleu se c. m on, S. C. Service Co. Proprietor UNION, S. C. louse nent 8.00 a barrel. -ice on flour and upreme,or Blue ap flour instead *roceries 'at less it is 10-3-3, 8-3-3, d also Nitrate of 1 if necessary. levises, nails by wagons, bridles, ment. We carry rolific, Cannon's c corn making a otatoes, etc. We also have a of pigs ready to 4' will deliver to ble that amount,. (TON