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* Local ang Personal Mention * *. . ** **oo S S **e e S. Mrs. A. C. Todd, and irs. C. M. Clarke spent Thursday in Colunibia. -Ar. and Airs. Geo. W. Shell, of Greenville, spent several days in the city last week. A'lon. Octavus Cohen, of Charleston, was .a visiting attorney at the court Tuesday. Mr. Ed; Hart, liss Lila Hart and fNiss Ellen Wilson, of Greenville, spent Sunday in the city with 3r. and M rs. C. M. Clarke. 'ir. Llalcoln Link, of Newton Up py Falls, Mass., is spending a few days in the city with h-is brother, Mr. C. S. Link. dIrs. R. I. Walker was carried to a 'h6sipital in Spartanburg last iweek 'where she underwent a suigical oper afton Wednesday. At last eports she was resting well. i J. Lee Langston, of Union, was shaking hands with friends in the city lest iwek. Mr. Lingston is just re covering from a severe accident he 'had several months ago when four bs -were broken' and he was other Wise hurt. Ilss Beatrice Teague, of Mountville, has arrived in the city and is working as steiographer for Mr. W. Carl Wharton, 'who is making 'his head quarters heore and is contemplating oiening up an extensive business at the -ite of the old Gray lumber yard. Minstrel at Centea' Point There will be a minstrel at Center 'Point school on Friday night, March 24th, beginning at eight 'o'clock. Ad 'nilssion ten and twenty cents. Tile -public is invited. At Dorroh Church Rev. C. T. Squires will meet his ap gpointment Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Dorroh Presbyterian church at Gray Court. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends and rneighbors for the kindness and syipatly shown us in the sad hours of sickness and death of our dear hus *nd and father, and the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. G. W. Davis and Children. MIE!LLON, ATTACKS $901/MER BONUS BILL haracterize the Measure as Involy log "A Dangerous Abuse of the Gov ernujent Credit." : Washington, March 12.-The new ipdlers' po.nus.Pill as drawn by House *ePunlih ns was attacled tonight b'y Oecretary Mellon as involving "it dan *erous abuse of government credit." RnlyIng to a renniest for the treas ury's comment on the new bonus bill, Nir. Mellon in, a letter -to Chairman Wordney of the House ways and means pommittee, made 'public tonight by the treasury, sharply criticized the fea tures of the proposed measure provid ing for loans by banks upon adjusted service certificates as indirect and "forced" borrowing by the govenment. lie suggested -thlat the direct and regu lar way" -to provide for a paid-up en dowment insurancee feature wvould be Sauthorize issuance of certificates th provisions for direct 'policy loans 46 be financed by the government. Mr. t'iellon contended 'that "it is danger ous and unwise" to attempt .t. avoid the cost of thle abonus for the time be Ing. "There is no nyay," he said, "by which the American -tax payer can avoid the burden, and if a bonus is {o be finp' ed it is far better for all toncernet 4at it be 'placed upon a di Veet and definite basis and paid for' each year Qut 'of current revenues. To do -this at this time will necessarily mean thle impositionl of additional tax js for tile purpose." The secretary es (imated the cost of the bonus under the bil-l, considering eAch of -th~e pos iblie choices offered to veterans, at more than $1,200,000,000 by January 1, 1926. Whatever form the bonus *1caSurle might take, he asserted, )ould mean a c6s't to 'the government ffrom $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 for b next three or four years and pos ilble continuing liabilities thereafter $fmore than $200,000 a year until 1943. *" Mr. Melion called attention to the %act thiat the bill makes no provision or raising additional retenue to meet 411 cost of the bonus and recalled to %r. F'ordney, 'Preident Qrding's let.. 'pr of FebruM'y 16, in hich it was uiggested- 'that a genj sales tax e. enacted, to 'proivde 4.necessary audu'or tlie bonus leglsltton be post 4oned, - About -the Riob. rc There are jisst two classes of.rc >nen-those wh6 claim they earned ev. 'ry dolihr they possess, and the oth. r. who, adlit that while they nway 0ot have earned all they have they (8~erye it, ponq the less, She QuInizte That Da s Not Affect ? 01 r~~is s oring. 4 Rh(oVS sig Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Honored Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane Monroe were the guests of hodior Friday eve,,. Ing at a dinner give by Mr. S. M. Wilkes at his 'home on West Main street. Among those present, the bust ness associates of aMr. Monroe, weo, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thomason, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilkes, Mr. and Mrs., B. L. Clardy, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franks 00 0 Party for Miss Fleming The series of parties to honor Miss Carollyn Fleming, -bride-elect, ;who 0 has already been the recipient of many entertainments, was continued last week when Miss Rebecca Lake gave a lovely affair on Thursday even ing. The rooms, decorated with jonquils, presented an artistic color schcme of I yellow and white. Seven tables of t bridge were played and after cards E were laid aside, delicious refreshments t were served and Miss Fleming was presented with a beautiful silver !,)ow der case. Among those present were the Miss es Bessie and Julia Childress, Mar garet Dunlap, Misses Maudie May Jessec, Martha and Virginia Barks dale, -Lila Parks, Hattie Kate Easterby, Frances Davis, Hattie Gmy, Sarah Bishop, Mrs. Frank H. Caine, Mrs. Joe Finney and 'Messrs. Thornwell Dun lap, Thomas Easterby, 'Harry Wilkes, D'ryant Moore, W. P. Childress, Jr., Blen Suillivan, 10arl Langston, William Collins, Charles Fleming, 'Cecil Roper, Farris Martin and Frank 11. Caine. 000 Misses Jone.s Entertain On Thursday afternoon Miss Caro-. lyn Fleming was again honored when the Misses Willie and Olinthia Jones entertained -for the .bride-elect at their home. - Seven tables of players enjoyed sev eral games of bridge which was fol lowed 'by a de'licious salad course. Miss Fleming was then presented with a beautiful sewing basket. Mrs. J. 0. C. Fleming and Mrs. F. -1-1. CaAne assist ed in serving refreshments. 000 Wednesday Club The annual business meeting of the Wednesday Club will 'be held March 15, at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. D. iWatts. A full 4ttendance is desired as this is' the time for. election of officers, pay ment of dues and selection of subject for neil year's 'program. Mrs. S. H. Templeman, See. Card of Thank5 We wish to thank our friends and relatives for the many acts of kind ness during the illness and death of our dear husband and father. We also wish to express our gratitude for the beautiful floral contributions. Mr. C. F. Beeks and Children. Power in Hands of Few.' Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.--Hume, / S.M. 1IADINTO VISITS FLOIIDA COAST lays Golf When Houseboat Halts. Vacation Goes On. New Smyrna, Fla., March 11.-Three lays after leaving tWashington found "resident Hi-arding tonight aboard the touseboat of 0. B. McLean, Washing on pulblisher, continuing a vacation town the Florida east coast. Benefit o the president Is already evident, Irigadier General Sawyer, the prei lent's personal physician, said today. The president, who is accompanied oy Mrs. Harding, and Mr. and Mrs. IdLean and the party of officials who ccompanied them from Washington, as stopped at ipoints where opportun ty offered and played golf. Playing with him have been Speaker f the iouse Gillott, Under Secretary if State Fletcher and Mrs McLean, vith Secretary Christian in the four ome at times -when one of the others lid not play. The party spent last night on board nd today stopped at Ormond for a ound of golf. A motor trip was made o New Smyrna, where nine holes of ,olf were played this afternoon and onight the party continued the cruise lown the coast, leaving here at 6 'clock. ]Requests for the president's opinion in the newest proposal for the bonus arought from officials close to 'Mr. larding a reiteration of his position s outlined in the letter to Mr. Pordney in which he suggested the mactment of a sales tax to provide he necessary funds or postponement >f the legislation. -No other statement, Ldministration officials said today, has >een .authorized. One ofilcial, commenting on the ,hreatened coal strike said, emphasiz ng that he was speaking his own )ersonal opinion only, that the goy ,rnment must see that the railroads md essential industries have a suf FERTI We wish so anne now handling th GEORGIA CUE] full Line of Fertili ALSO SEI NITRATE H. L. Ro _ j j \becko ing-N f~rZy? ~ arge e see mi & E. H fliont supply of coal regardless of tilt outcome of the controversy. No comment of any kind on this matter had collie from President Harding. Just how far down the cast coast the cruise will extend is uncertalu and alparently depends on the condition of the weather and the demands of of ficial business. Secretary Weeks, who has been vacationing at .Miami, re lained at St. Augustine after meet ing the presential party. It is un derstood he will remain there the rest of the week. Moralt Take a Chance. The man who tries his best will not nlwnys win, but he will win oftener thnn the man who doesn't try except when he knows he will win.-Boston Transcript. HAVE YOU TH[[ SYMPTOMS? If So, Commence Taking Giude's Pepto Man'gan and Get Back to Good Health. Lack of vitality, a feeling of tired ness, bad breath, palo lins, colorless cheeks, loss of weight, flabby flesh, lessened strength-all of these call for the immediate use of Gude's Pepto Mangan. It will )ositively produce satisfactory results. Try taking it with your meals for a few weeks aid bo -surprised with the Iin provement in your condition. Gude's Pepto-3Iangan will help you back to strength during convalescence from any illness. It has been prescribed successfully by phy sicians everywhcre for thirty years. It is a recognized iron tonic of hlonest merit. For sale in liquid and tablet form by all druggists. Ask for it b.1 the full name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan." Advertisement. L1ZER unce that we are e products ofithe WICAL WORKS zer kept on Hand. US FOR OF SODA er & Co. An Advance Sb that the beautiful spring ris to baby. Certainly yoi ut are you going to use the i to do that--if you. will ig of the various new stroll and roomy, very attractive mum in comfort and sevice my other models we did n Wilkes Laure,. Se C.. This Piano Will Fill the Bill Wurlitzer Student Piano THE SMALL PIANO WITH THE BIG TONE Height 3 Ft. 8 Inches. Seven Octaves. Built for Schools, Churches, Music Teachers and for Homes. Absolutely Satisfactory. Economical, efficient, beautiful and made by one of the largest manufacturers of musical instruments in the world Write for Further Information O'Daniel & Reid Clinton, S. C. BASE BALL DETROIT American League vs. ROCHESTER International League UNION, S. C. March 21st, 3:30 P. M. Ty Cobb Guaranteed to Be in the Line-Up. See Maurice Archdeacon, the Fastest Man in Base Ball., ADMISSION $1.00--Tax 10c. CHILDREN 50c---Tax 5c. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS..... ....FOR SALE BY.... ADVERTISER PRINTING CO. owing of the Very Latest days .are here, bright sunshine and warmth g.are going to take baby out for a daily air old carriage or sulky? There's no reason only . come in and see the large and extensive er, pror'nenaders and sulkies. All are made in appearance and made to give the very 6We houjlc like to have you come in and ot have room for in this advertisement. & Company