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[TliE DAYS OF SECES In these fragmentary writings we f are led to use the names of the great leaders of the greatest struggle for In dependence Inown to history. Lee, I Johnstone, Beauregard, Jackson, Long street, 'Polk, Ilamiton, Forrest, were. exalted types of the Confederate sol- I dire. On one occasion Gordon nwas I being cheered, when he interrupted with, 'Don't cheer Gordon, chcer the men who made liordon." The 'South of the 1war period, had no great cities. The armies of the Con federacy were made up chiefly from t-he farms-the best material in the world, Cen. Hoolker said, following his disastrous Chancellorsville cam paign, that the "Union soldier was su Derior to the Confederate, mentally, morally and otherwise, but that by sheer discipline, the Army of North ern Virginia had been brought up to such a state of efficiency, or mobility, as to render it the finest fighting ma chine the world had ever seen." The latter part of the observation was true. The first part untrue. The per sonnel of the Confederate army was superior to the Union army. The Southern soldier often went .barefoot, ragged, and hungry, but always ready to rei)oid to the "Long Roll". On one occasion Gen. Lee said to a 10ufoipean oflicer (perhaps Lord Wales ley) accompanying, or visiting, his headquarters, "I am ashamed for the w.orld to see my soldiers on dress pa rade, but I am not ashamed for the world to see them in battle." The colonel of one of our regiments was admonishing the caitain about his men missing dress 'parade, where upon the indignant captain retorted, "I wguld have you understand, sir, I take more men in battle than I do on dress parade." A large majority of the greatly dis tin'guished leaders in the fleld on both sides, were West Pointers. In all the great battles there were West Point ers, lghting West 'Pointers'. There were notable exceptions, Among those of the South, greatly dis tinguished, that had little or no mill tary training, were Hampton, Gordon V otrest and others. In the North John A. Logan and others. The writ er recalls having been on duty betweer the lines, during a truce to bury oui dead, and bring in wounded, follotw Ing our unsuccessful assault on For Saunders, at (Knoxvillo, Tenn., Do cember, 1863, and of witnessing th promenading, for an hour or two, o 0 5ION AND SLAVERY Northern and Southern ofllcer-lock d arms-old schoolm tes. (The cold vas so Intense they h d to keep inov ng), I have always thought -that every ,chool should 'haie some method of eaching Confederate history. Not to neulcate disloyalty to our govern nent, but to teach the causes and con uct of that great conflict; tell the rue story and correct the perversions f Northern authors and publishers. We have some such departments Ii our country, as the Winnie Davis at LImestone. The young of the country should devote some portion of their time to the study of- the story of the Southern Confederacy. I would not have you think that I refer more to the operation of great armies, to cam :)aigns, great battles and great sol diers, but to the civil side of the Con federacy, the great leaders In Our councils, and to the humane way in which the South sought to conduct tile struggle. In vaini may you probe Con federate annals for an instance of one brutal act that had the sanctior of those in authority, or of one higi in command .in the field. Where there was ever an occasior of punsiOhing one held as prisoner, I was where the lauws of war and sel preservation demanded it, or in cas It was necessary retaliation for soim unlawful act of the other sides . th words of Lord Walesley or -Lee ma be applied to the Confederacy, "1 righteousness did he judge and mak var." But more important than all is t teach this and future generations, th lessons to -be had from the story of th loyalty and self-sacrifice of the soldie of the ranks and of the mother, wif and sisters at home. As a boy in the army from the firi and to the end, I had but a poor cor ception of sufferings and sacrifices < those at home until it was all over. Looking around for ways and meaT for future work in fields, indicated I this production, it is not difficult I see that the organization of the Daugl ters of the Confederacy is by far tI most -potent force available. There the Sons of Veterans that are in po tion to do great work for this cauE but there seems to be considerab apathy in the organization of lai t 1while it is not so with the 'Daughtei In my iposition having constant r cess to the rolls of the county, I ha: e a great many applications for pr< Greal Eve For~ 9/9 All Big i We have out our in No. 1.-210V9 of service of our soldiers, for appli-jth cants who are joining the Daughters. Up I have them not only for our own state, but for descendants of our sol- at diers who have gone south since the su war, and occasionally from the North. 'pe It may not be generally known out- Is side -the organization, 'but we have se these chapters in 'Washington, New la York, Chicago and other places. In w! KChicago there Is a U. C. V. camp; also .T a monument to the Confederate sol- Is dier. 'Union soldiers helped to build th It. Still further away there is in cc 'Parils, France the "Gen, Polignac" mt chapter of the U. D. C. si This comes from 4Gen. Polignac, a w. distinguished soldier, -Major General h Confeder'ate States Army, who came e over In 1862 and done able service to a the end. o . 0. G. Tr. DIAL ADDIEN'SS LE(AiSLATUltE e ON COTTON FUTURIES a Wlould Limit Number of Wrades for Jlling (Contracts. 'Defends Farmers ti Bloc iII Congress. Columbia, (Feb. .23.-An addiess by United States Senator Nat. B. Dial t before the House of 'Representatives I in which lie declared for amendments t to the cotton futures act limIting to a a very few the number of grades froni which cotton contract sellers may fill their contracts, featured tonight's ses sion 'of the state legislature. The House (lid not adjourn until 11:15 and " the Senate was in session till well to ' wards midnight, the Senate spending a all of its ime in debate upon the in conic tax -proposal. 3 After tle address of the Laurens cit izen who represents this state In the a National Senate, the ' lower House e .heard lengthy debates on two meas e ures, the hunting license schedule r bill of Jess S. 'Leopard, of 'Pickens, and e B. P. Carey, of Charleston, and the bill of S. J. Sellers, of Chesterfield, to t abolish free scholarships in state col leges and substitute therefore a re f volving loan fund for worthy stu dents. !Both measures were virtually s killed, being continued till the next a session. o The hunting license bill was char . acterized by its opponents as "the e pocket-full-of-license measure," since is -it .provided for a separate license for ,i. the hunting of each kind of game. e, The scholarsiblip bill brought on a fili le buster by its proponents after the e, 'House, 'by a 40 to 39 vote, refused to s. strike out the enacting words and mo c- tion to continue It was made. Four M roll call votes were taken before the 'of ,motion to continue finally passed and inderfu EED IR OP J. C. BURNS est Alumii r Offered ii Friday . and See Our Sh cYour Choic 'ul Pieces Gu4 hundreds of other ba nmense stocks. Corr C. BUIa o.Department Stores: t Laurn. At bid Stand 3 parliamentary clincher was placed ty on the measure. In his address, Senator Dial spoke Su length on tile cotton futures act and cr immarized other legislation now nding before Congress. The senator fa id that there was nothing fair about T1 lling contracts under the general tt W, since a seller may 1111 a contract tiv ith any one of ten grades of cotton. Il1 ils situation, Senator said, he w strivilng to correct. After saying at cotton exchanges have said they il muld not exist if such changes were, y ade, Senator .Dial sa-id that they e( iould be destroyed if they cannot cist under honest laws. -1e saiId, I >wever, that he is not opposed to the k celianges and rather thinks they are 1 Ivaitageous in bettering the cotton . arket for the farmer. Toulich ing other matters, Selator hial told the legislature that the pro rdure- of criminal courts in this state re obsolote by at least 50 years and liggeste(d a'p-oinltllelt of a comint e looking toward similifcat ion of Ie courts. The Senator told of the work of tile arlers bloc in Congress, saying that his body is merely asking to have alws passed for the south and West hia should have been passed years ago nId saying that he did not think the iloc eserve(d the criticism it had re eived. Senator Dial also touched on "Re mb11can inliquiltiesip'' jparticutlarly In 'eferience to postimlaster appoiiitnents. HICKORY TAVERN NEWS * Hickory Tavern, Feb. 27.-The farm ers of this section are glad to see these warm spring days. A great many are beginning to prepare for a new crop. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sumerel and son, and Mrs. J. A. 'Hlellams motored to Greenville Thursday, to see Mr. J. A. Hlellamis, who is improving slowly. Mr. Walter Saxon is no better at this writing. Master Jack Bolt is very ill at this writing. Miss Nellie Wasson las been absent from school for several days suffer ing from affected eyes. Miss Mertle Abercrombie spent the week-end with honefolks. Misses 'Lona and Vera - Baldwin spent tile week-end with friends and relatives. Miss Annie Abercrombie and Miss Cora Bolt, of Limstone, were visiting friends and relatives of this conimuni I Barg4 I RACKE & COMPANY ium War i Laurens, [Saturday ow Windows :e of This Lot. & CH iranteed Pure Alun rgains just as good ie and see; you willi1 tNS & in Laurenis, Souith C No. 2...Narth Side Public Squ last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Kimzie Nash, spent nday with Mr. and Mrs. .II. I. Aber ombie. Mrs. J. M. Suinerel gave an old shion quilting Tuesday, Feb. 21st. lose ipresent took a great interest In 0 quilting. When the clock struck *elve, all were invited into the din g room, where a bountiful dinner as served. In the afterlnoon, when -they had iished the fourth quilt, they all de trted for their homes, having enjoy I the 'day. uh-M[y-Tisn, antiseptlc aid pain iler, for infected sores, tetter, irains, neuralglia, rhemnafism. Planters F Phosphate For Sale I am going my compan] sonally. I I now full of 16 per cent. Nitrate of See me bel can save yo W. CARL liis T a Sale S. C. Only 99c iinum Ware all through Le delighted. Co. arolina e in Burns Block Seemed Only Explanation. WNIlburII had seenl thle vai-ouls p/ld dliers collie through thle alley With lorss and wvngons pulling their wares. So when the scissors grinder appeird(41 one daiy carryling the hulky machino on his back I' cre seemed to he but one explanation possib)lc to the lId. WN'henu the In cCame near enough WlI bur asiled sympathetically: "Mllster, is your horse dead?" Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially preparedSyrup l'nic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should he taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulate: 4 Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. ertilizer & Co. Goods to sell guano for r at Laurens per tave a warehouse 8-3-3, 8-3-0 and acid. Will have Soda next week. Fore buying for I u money. WHARTON OU 1I it F 0)