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A TONIO Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how It brings color to the cheeks and how It improves the appetite, you Will then appreciate its true-tonic value. Gi - -'s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Calomel Good but Treacherous Next Dose mav Salivate, Shock Liver or Attack Bones You know what caloimel is. It's ier cury; quicksilver. Caloiel is dangerous, It crashes into sour bie like dynamite. -crai nig and sickcuiiig you. Calomnel attac s the bones and should never be put into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, sonsti pated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomuel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straiglhten you ul better and quicker than nasty calomuel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your mon0ev. Don't. take calomnel! It makes you siek the next dav; it loses you a dav' work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightna you right up and you feel great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children becau.-v it is perfectly harmless and can not. li t . ,CASCAR For Constipated BoN The nicest cathartic-laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headacho Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomach is candy-like Cascarets. One or two y'I' Never say "Aspirin" witho WARNING! Unless you s you are not getting gem physicians over 2'1 years an Golds Headt Toothache Neural . Earache Lumt Accept only "Bayer" package v Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets---B Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer biasn "Take go and sav /uy the grade t A Often the medium are exactly the thing in your paymg, for is needed for first .c1 job. And it's just w your lunmber buying advantage over, thos and order "some b< costs. Your nearest: you honest advice. Write us for list of FREE Southeirn Cypress Mf SYOUR LOCAL DI$ALBR WILL SUPPL H ASIJ' BNOUU HICI'PAUSSL R2 V9 I I'. H ES'ltIR DEFE'NDS 00TTON FUTURES Says Cotton Is the Most Liquid Asset Known to World's Trade; Warns the Law Makers. -New Orleans, Feb. 23.--A defense of the futures contract in dealing with cotton was voiced by Col. Henry G. flHester, for 51 years secretary of cte New Orleans cotton exchange in an address before the commissioners ap pointed by the various governors of the cotton states, who beg4n here to day the stu(dy of problems affecting the cotton Industry. "We must remember that cotton'is the most liituid asset known to the 'rorld's trade an( through futures, ev ery minute of he day and night, and from one end of the yoar to the other cotton may be piurchased," declared Colonel ilester. Tie deplored the fact titat laws have been suggested to col gress whereby the New York and New Orleans cottcn exchanges may be regu lated as to their dealings in futtires. He warned the law-makers present at the conference that while it might. lie in the power of the government to reg ulate the New York and Ned Orleans exchanges that illavre, Liverpool and other foreign exchanges could not be regulated. "You are here to devise a system of education for -both white and col ored that will teach them to properly gror.v cotton of high grades," said Colonel Hester. "Your aim should be to do awaty with trash or unspinnable cotton. You will also have to devise sie0 metihod whereby file publIc can he enlightened and enlist the aid of the national and state 1overnments to get us out of the mud." vels-- Bilious Liver tonight will "npty your bowels com pletely by mornmg and you will feel splendid. "They work while you slCOp." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. .pInn it saying "Bayer." e name "Bayer" on tablets, ine Aspirin prescribed by. d proved safe by milions for tche Rheumatism .Igia, Neuritis ago Pain, Pain rhiich contains proper directions. ttles of 24 and 100-All druggists. .cture of Monoaceticacidoeter of Sal Icelacid >d advice e asob at fis the jo6!" or lower grades of ~iifigia: ES .There's no object Shigher grade than ass results on a given his selective skill in that gives you your e who merely go out. ard s." You cuz your retail yard will give So will we. PLANS for farm buildings. j lie Fltb, thie mark. Y OU, IPHlA N7V A TONmt - CHARGE HOLD UP WAS NOT GENUINE Mrs. Robertson Detained by Police. Youth Also Hold. Long Branch, N. J., Feb. 22.--Mrs. ,Sarah -H. Robertson who Satur'day night reported to the police that shec had been dramatically robbed of $50, 000 worth of jewelry during a dinner party she owas giving at. her home in Deal, tonight stood charged with fak ing the hold-up in order to obtain the insurance money on her jewtls. In custody also was John Bailey, a Long Branch youth, who was ai leged by the police to have told them that he had been offered $1,000 to in vade the Robertson home and "rob" her. Samuel Gasm, a telegraph op erator, was arrested on charges of having entered the conspiracy and aid ed the sipposed robber. 'He was re leased on $15,000 ball. The same bail also was set for Iboth Mrs. Robertson and 'lailey, but neither could get any one . to free them when they faced the magistrate. It was announced if the ball was not forthcoming by night, -both would be taken to the county jail at Free hold. Mrs. Robertson underwent a long grilling by the police who placed be fo-re her their charges that the elab orately described 1pistol used by the "bandit" was only a leather pipe case and that the bag of "jewels" she hand ed over contaiied only tissue paper She stead'astly maintained her Inno eence of the tJ()wo conspiracy accusa tions lodged against her. Harry C. Faber of Belimar, who was one of the guests at the party Saturday night, wa- quizzed by the police who quoted him as saying that a month ago lie was approached by Gasmn and asked -to do the hold-up stunt. lie said he re fused, according to the police, who add ed that he told them that iwhen he saw the "robber" at the dining room door Saturday lie immediately recalled the 'equest upon him and realized that the hold-up was a fake. -lie was in ears the .police say when they entered his home this morning and lie explain ed that he had been unable to sleep since the Incident Saturday night. David S. -Meyer, a real estate broker of Long Branch, who also was a guest that evening was reported to have lost -$50 -In the "robbery." The police said lie told them that when the Intruder ordered him to put his money on the table he obeyed. The money fell into a dish of tomatoes and he claimed never to have seen it again. Bailey, the police said, denied taking the $50 and said not only had he not received a cent-from Mrs. Robertsiin but was out $5 tax'i fare. Agents for Lloyd's, Ltd., the British company with which .Mrs. 'Robertson's jtwelry was ins-ured, declared they would await further developments be fore making any decision regarding the insurance money. S* * * * JNE * * * * * : .JONES NEWS* C * * e * C * * C * * * C C Jones, Feb. 25.--We i'ecently callod upon our warnm fi'iend, lDr. J. L. Don non, who was auITnring wIth lagrippe but we are glad to state that lie has resumed 'practice. We had the pleasur'e of hearing 'Rev. 'Harley of 'Wlaro Shoals, preach an ex cellent sermon -Sunday.. Mr. and Mi's. John Graham, of Flor ence, recently visited relatives and iends here. .Mr. A-bner' Golden, of GreenvIlle, visIted his fatheir, Mr. W~m. Goldein last week. iMr. G. 'Washing-ton Davis Passed away on the 20th inst. and was laid to rest the following day in the Poplar Springs cemetery in the priesenlce of a very large attendance of soirrowing relatives and friends. The funeral services mwei'e conducted by his pastor, Rev. Coleman, tRev. 'Ray Andeirson and his nephew, 'Rev. Adgar Davis. We never knew a better man. HeI loved lisa fi'iends and they respected his warm friendshiip. 'He wvas pei'fectly devoted io his family. HeI spent his long, use fil and honoi'a-ble life in our midst aind was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. (-He was a veteran of the civil war and in all of the re lations of life was .the peer of any man. 'What a rich legacy ho has bequethed to his four sons and three daughters. 'Let us irevere his memory and emu late his virtues. The tenderest sym pathiy of evei'y one goes out to his sorely bereaved widow and the entire ~family. Theire wvas another funeral the same day, that of Mrs. Ernest 'Dodson, of Greoenvillo. Mrs. 'Do dson wvas the daughtei' of 'Rev. iHughes of Mt. Bethel and her husband the son of ouir life - long friend, Win. :Dodson.' We -tunder oiir heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved faimly. - 3r. S. S. -Riley la havingc a lct of lum ber sawed. *Mr. AV. JD. Ril3y is building a barn. Messrs. Mendoza Higgins, of Hod ges, S.'C, Riley, of Riloys and Euge 'Barmore, of D atlds, have .th. Im proved breed of , wa; and hogs and have good atook farms, M~-j r0. ~ank P Jolles Ira, Wtaltor Jones visited1 relativcr. in Greenville on last week-end and at tended .the .basketball tournamaint We recently met the following friends: -Mr. and MrA. M. .1. Arbley, of lionen Path, Mr. iml Mrs. Hunch Powers, of Laurens; llon. "aul -1Ellis, W. J. Snead, Ramsey Blake, Jake Zeigler, -Alfred Snyder, Sheppard Yeld(ell, Judge VIdeman, I)-. D3ar lett, Jas. AlcCuen, S. C. Itocgcs, A. J. Sproles and our cousin, lennie Frank lin, of Greenwood, Robert Arnold, of IPrinceton, John Gaines, of Columbia, and Walter Davis, of Charleston. * * * 9* * * * * * * * *. * 11illy Schloo ionor 11 oll 0e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l1irst. Grade---Sani Templeton, Jack Treipleton, ileatrice Templeton. Second rmade-ltbecca ilam, Car rie lielhards. Third (rade -4velynll Ramage, Lou Isil1a P'uller. Sixth G4r(iade-Mary Templtton, lRobert Alartinl. Seventh Grade-.\ary Benjamin. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching. Blind. Dlceding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles. and you can get restful sleep after first application. 60c. NOTIC'I OF SALE In the )istrict Court of the linited Slates for the Western Dl)strict of Souith Carolina. In the matter of 11. B. Watson, Bank rupit. Notire is hereby given that 'pursu ant to an order of Ilion. 1). 11. ]fill, Referee in l3ankruptcy, heretofore made in the above entitled matti r, I will soll at public auction to the h igh est bidder, oi salesday, Monday, March 6th, 1922, at the regular h1ou1rs of sale, in front of the Court 1louse at Lau rens, S. C., the following: All :the one-half interest of said bankrupt in all that tract or planta tion of land situate, lying and being in the county of Lairens, State of South Carolina, containing one lutin dred and Ninety (190) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Guiy Copeland, A. B. Bflakeley, 1Rarl Adair, 3. Blakely, and known as the Abrams place. Terms of sale: one-third cash, bal ance in one and two years secured by mortgage of the premises and the pur chaser's note bearing eight Ier cent per annual and the usual ten per cent attorney's fee, mortgage to contain ustial receivershtip clause. Purchaser to pay for stainips and papers. I. P. DAVIS, 3 t-3t-A Trustee. THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT "Danderine" e 0 8 t . only 35 cents a bottle. One application ends all ' dandruf, stops itching and falling hair, and, in a few nmoments, you have doubled the beauty of your hair It wvill appear a mnasssso soft, lustrous, and easy to d1o lip, hit what ill please you most will be af ter a few weeks use, wvhen you see newv hair fine and downy at first, yes.--but really newv hai growing all over the seal p. "Danderine" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, mavigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to growv long, thick, heavy andi luxuriant. F' ~Prompt' 0*0 Relief! I RUB IT IN FREELY' Doesn't burn 'or smart-Mustang Liniment is mnade of sootlhig, healing oils that pene trate the flesh to the very bone!I Positively dbanishes sore muscles, strains, bruises, with a f0. applications. For 73 years Mustang Liniment .as been. the real "friend in need" to MAN, LIVESTOCK and POULTRY. Use it freely for Rheumatism Cuts, Sores Hoof Disease * Lumbago P'ilcs Inflained Udder Neuralgia Caked B~reasts Gapes, Grip. Colds Sore Nipples Cholra Pne1umoni:a. Sprains Vermin NMumps Spavins,Tuniors Pip. etc., etc. 25c.iz Household Size WIH2c TRIAL BOTTLE S~c. -a solid brass "i'ut-and-Take" Contains3times TODDLE'OP-the latest crnzo. Iluvo N le asmuch as opularl li1e firsit to set ONI wonderful novelty,. 25c size -end no 26 centm. in stturnp or coin (well wrapped., fo' t llourenol Size) tustang Lin mont, s andie o wils include wit it, by retur h tnail, tie Containsitinics Totidlo M op. abua lutng l fre . Lyo blfg. Co., 41 as mchasSouth Fifth St.. Birookmlyn, N. Y. "USrTANG &hn Good Old UnLdRY Unce it8fe LYON MANUFACTURING CO., Proprieoors 41L43.4u South Fifth SPeeet sROOKLYN, N.Y. SOLD BY DRUG AND GENERAL STORES COTTON COTTON SEED OIL W. C. TAYLOR Mfellilier of New 011(%r(ip Cottor 1NeNiipge We Fulirlsl it Dily Cott oil Letter 1're' to Ml 1ilv4rested. PneEuEmNoa0Sra S. Vm Make sure of a big crop. Use COE- MORTIMER'S Fertilizers HANDLED BY R. L. GRAY, Gray Court, S. C. HUNTER BROS., Laurens, S. C. R. V RBY , Laurens, 5. C. R. 0. HUNT, Owings, S. C. T. M. & J. B. PINSON, Cross Hill, S. C. First Place---BREAD Good Bread is the unfailing standby of every house keeper. Whether served at the appetizing breakfast, the substantial dinner or dainty afternoon tea, it's the food around which the meal is planned. GOOD BREAD is a name that stands for Bread-perfection. Always de licious, nourishing, economical. Ask your grocer. Mahaffey's Bakery