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* 'DIALS NEWS * D-ils, Jan. 2.-Here's 'to wishing The Advertiser and staff correspond ents and readers a happy and proiper ous New Year. rhe Christian season has conie to a clOSO, the days % assiig off <luietly ruough, in -lamily gatherings and w eek-cnd par'ties. it wa1s indeed a .ason of "Jollity and gayilty" yet not wit:bhtanding, all seemingly kept inl mind that .the :;eason was tle ati versatry of1 lis birt.h, to be observed tictinigly by the faithful followers of the "Prince of 1,ight," for the festival called Cii stiiia has comlie to liave a creed wider thlan any ritual and pv.s s'ilism halts at its portals. Never I 1e pimhalt in the history of the w'vorld is tle gloriouts lessoni of nativi n..I with such far-rachi e ;ills as at ('hristimas time. I lowever, 0 !,I a ll :n couhd .bw brou."htl to r.(alize !!he. glorion:t iessn of nativity. this Irnbilcd world of our's wOtid be ' lirhter plae during1 the nw'. ar t 192 2. On (~rs ueveninlg, thw Ipworth I.(Mrue gave the follow intg int'restin.1 programl inl the( chuirch hecre. Ali..s l'ecil Ow inigs had eliarge of the uisic wh lile Miss l1aurt IIellam is, presided over the p eogramll. First caitte a processioiali, b atl the IW114ne'S. P-a e-v- .Aagnilleent. - the( conlgrega C'aristinas Anthem - "Silent i h " 8c- ript,nure Reading-- hty 1. 1. O-wings. I c itatioll -- "('hristi as Carrol" I y Aliss Flora (raydon. F6lo- -"'nder tiie Snov--BLy Nell SALEN Ien piec Geniane m Dliuning lL'xom Stuiteconsist 5 --1nch entrt (ed front hulfet ir iror,~ one llic latest scrve, one 42-Inch c hina~ not 'ith iritror hnek and with long exte n'ion, one chi and live side chanit htoh icred In black1 leaither, formuer piie $11l5. Von cali ,$St5.50 by buying at this, si WE HA SRoyal Easy Chi leryC') miembeir of It' faili )I apprecite thIs chair. atbhis anyone to rest, ieeni ,and entjoy solbi comifort mnner' ntof found In anyi chair. 'lThe Ioyal Gasy V the reaIliz.attin of your drc foot amti leg irest, uapholst< leaithe(r or tapestry. i alue, sat lng $l).O5, buty thls 'sale for $25.%; $28.50 Saive $8.55i, buy niow at $19.95 IGalloway- Si niture Co. 8 On the Ba IFriday Mor' the Clock S Be In Line. 1 visit to the lower .part of the state t' hero .he is the guest of Mr. and c rm. Charles OcCall. The Yule Tide season was ushered v t bere by a number of weddings, all -which came as a moro or less slr- 0 rise to many. The first 1was that of Mr. Ralph 8 ellams to Miss Nannie Campbell. 6 he wedding took iplace in G-cenville t id was a very <tiliet one. Mrs. 11c- r Lim, as Miss Campbell, daughter of I [r. and Mrs. T. 11. Campholl, was ex- 1 -eelily popullar* being a young lady v f attractive iersonality. mr. I1[1- I tms S a son of Air. and Mrs. P. IM. I elas and is a well known young irmier and busines manl. Th''e secoid ((ok lplae on Chr''istms rel ng, whllen 'ir. Archiie Abercrom le and Alis Blib were u11(id in imar iage by Mis.. lienury Etta O:ng, N. ., of Owings;. Th'le y-ouni people -ere unflortunate inl not, being, able( to lid the lethodist or :I peist preaclheri t hom1'. ]hmeter, love Inow; no de 'at. and learninIg thal Aiss Owlgs a. a Notary Public, tihe (.a?,ked lhe' p pcrfori le terenwny whichshei id inl a most digillfed anid imlpressive: 1:lne'. So far as is k nowli Mr. and Ir;s. Aber;cromnhi1, are thitrs I t coulnie h he married by a womlani ntxa ry ':pulb jv inl L'aurens county. Tihe iti weddiig also took place nt Chrlistm11as daY, whlen .\lr. - C100n1] Villis and Alis;s Alva. St-oddard Were iari'ied at the par sonage bl Rev. C. V. Watson. Mr. Willis is a "on or?, ir. and Mrs. Italph Willis and is a rominont, fairimer. Wts. Willis is a Vry arminig young lady, being the :1ui -r* of .\1s. Stoddard, from near )wings and has tau'.ht I successftilly vO itemIS of the school lere. Hot ih u:11n1g . Wople. have a -wide cirie of Pay no attentio sales and signs, I WILL give Greatest BAR( your life. J. H. GIB! Merchai FRIDAY ME TO FURNISH YO Onelii large Wiceker living Rloomi Stubi -- -selt te, chair, rock er, uip 1 Former p)rlee $185S.00. You enn save $50.s55 by buyling at t hbis ~ $134.45 OFITS AND A BIG SI ~!Free! $15.00 Cash $15.00 (Cash giveni anny0 l~t're t h hOys an.d girls no mne tr whelire yout lile. ve ist prize-Th'le Jboy or gi bring in g the Ilrst cuistomer ti ou r lie store thant maikes4 a $50 puIrchiase ur ormorewillbe givena $5.00. l1 Ig the miost customers to our he., store duing the stale illI be glv. eni $5.00. or' Third-The boy or gIrl bringing Ithe customer that mankes the( plargest purchiase during our sale will be given $5.00. LLLO WA FURNH HOME MAKERS We Deliver Free' on Pu riends who extend .to then heartiest ongratulations. This community was greatly shocked rhen It became known that Mr. J. larris Curry, a well known citizen f this lace, had succumiibe( to an cuto attack of pineumonla at his horne aturday afternoon at about 5 o'clock. r. 'Curry had been only ill a day or Wo. Ills condition however, was ne lous from the beginning, owing to the ragility of his colstitution and age, .e being 72 years old. 'Tle- deceased "a; well known throutghout the ipper art of' I .4aurenis conilty. arnd Was a eaceflil. law-a idliniag itizen. faitl. Ii1 to his homie, his comuittiiity anId is cliuitieh, having Lhn a mnembTr Of liais chiur el for 50 ytars. Sinday aftetrioon thw renii"ins were Iid away in ilte ettin ery N. a I this lce titder a beauitifil Imioiniii of, lowers, Olhe ser-vices beinnt. conduicted >y the iRer. C. W. Walson. \ll. CIu r * v is survivud by his wifl, vho was .liss Mary cook, atal It foi owilg hlildren : Mirs I. '. ( illespi Ind .\ ' is. \ \ . I ):rvis, of t t;renville, utId Mrs. Willie liris. .\lis. I askell IIy. '\M ssIs. .1uliuts, ArtIi antid ''akCurry, of this plave. Twhroth -rs, .\Mr. Ilwis Curry, of Irveen Pond, ild 'Afr. .\liiIrt Curry. of IDials, alst ii urvie. |Oub-.1yTs.atsetcadii tiler, for infected sores, tller, upra ins, nteuralgia, rheuminat im. I'hlem Quinine That Does Not Affect the ibead lee'nuIie of its tonlic and laxative of Focei. 1,ANATIVIG 111 0.\M0 QUININNd (T'ablets) canti he takenr by aniryonre withot., vausing nertvousness r ring ing in the head. Jl. W. GiOVI'S sig 111ture on box. 30C. A Sa DRC n to other SICAN, $4 you the .AINS of 'toN. SON, dise Valuator ,JANUI RHOME AT LESS Mattresses A I'lEiNS -15 lb. all cott on .Mat I res. (Good heat y rolled~ edge :tie k. $10.00I iralut. Youi (lin save $I.45 by buyin lg nlow $5.45 IARE OF ACTUAL C I RED STAR Del roil. Vapor' Oil St ore, six hurner, ntow style, ent from $53.50 for this sa~le. Otheor sizes in prroportionr. V-5IMP: URE~ Co CLINT4 rchases of $50.00 or M "Code of Harimm..aui." The "Code of laimurahl," a set of laws iade by King li-i'iinurabi of 1iabylo10, 1958-1910( 11. C.. was found 1in 1901 A. ). In i stonet! eiglit feet bIgh. Tite Codi' conitnlils 280 section.4 (l1nling witi all sorts. or (luestions. The Ina. of bribery wais,, sta ll thus: "If a ian bear witiiess in a vase for gai1 or 111oney i. shallhim l hear lIt(-' peintiy Im4posed ill tlie vast.." 11h'Vilkillig in1to Muild brikh as~e unsI-, %I pun4ishli ble by (1c111. Te41141 1 1 of 4444 ytV4 1,4)1. , I11 4 y4 - :4 t I 4444I4o Ii 1 1,01, % -oIt was ('11tin inlted b:y hit1 low" b,(.efort, Ilhe s m1111 h- w wa -i nted 11y the I e Ib r 1 1141 .\lo 1.,i \ h . Tl o.7n the Amazon. '4've4nt1 N .,. .: . 44h . n-r441e 4.4 ! thei raph'I 1'\h .- -o . ihi 4:rt-44! 114 ~. : \4 , 4 4' '. '::4: 414f.\ 4 Ih . l e l I- !', , K lov.;-lf. loty .\ h;A v .4, r p i 1 , 14n 1 nc i i p4 o andenr o s c n :n::pia of r ties ai44 4 -. ih t has' co tinnedS 4 fron, tha 44dlv :I t.i ,t are till %44r4 ahineinnt. l'e~roh- n hs rpa r111h- oil sill I hat till' , ht44 t11 h1 ''1 eggS, Il4ent ni l viseern (ontinu to hc fav 4i t artiel'es of food. .......... I SEED IRISH POTATOES Now is the Time to Book Your Order. Special Prices to Dealers. Rheney Seed Store CLINTON, S. C. le of True V to EI-arte 000 Furnith eSold forw An Act of Corn RY 6, 9 THAN WHOLESALE C4 Feather Pillows f~ VIe'nnag Brand, size 17z2T. Good t earth price il $1.65I OST THROUGH THEN Simmons Beds spring, the best that Simmons ma~fke at a special price, $32.01) y I vailue for $18.25. .iiust thinuk, youI 14 save'( $18.75 on this one item. All (4 other boda41 ini proportion. $18.25 Galloway.s People, we h quickly, and tc Mr. Gibson, of e and give him a cost or replace )N SC Cash. And 9 * 25c pans look like * ieve it come see f ore. have slaughteredi DID PAIN DISTURB' YOUR SLEEP? T ~pain and torture of rhcu matism can be quickly relieved by Uin application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, case and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle uindy and:. apl)ly when you feel the first twinge. it penetrates wit/hout rubbing. It's Splendid to take the pin out of tired, aching rnuscles, sprains and strains, stiff joints, -nd lame backs. For fort y years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists-35c, 70c, St .10. S1oa ' Liniment MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP.. Even a ick chibi ives the "fruity" a-t1 e of "'alifornia Fig Syrup." If t.he' ittle. tonguc ik coated. or if yitr chil i, istiessq, croi ,. fev'[rih. full oi colu, or las olie. give a ta u nIulllI ti Ilan.' thit ive. and howem. in a few hur you call 1. for yourseclf how thtoroug~hly it worksi 11 0the conlstipationl poisonl. bor ille and vas4te (lut of the htowels. utwl you1 ha1ve at vel. play chil (hd again. Mlillions; of uot-.ers kevep "('alifornim it Syrup" ha1 i V. They nilow ait tea Joonful tohiy av ia Sick child to norrovw. Ask your d ruiggist for geinuinti 'alifornim 1,iv, 'yrup" whicht hta diree Lions. for habiei-'1 anl chillren of all ages pr-inted on bot(tle. Mlother! Youi imust ;ay "Califorih" or you may get an imi3 tation 11, Slyril). 14, --v.' due Giving h Pice t A Mer chandlise I hCrli1 0 0 ire Stock pulsion A. M )STE BED RtOOM SUITiE ree pitece Sult. of Ivory, blue et te. Thius sulle htas to 1be seen' be alppre'iate4d--dresser euxONi Ie withI 20x28i irrorl'~, chltit p small11 d rawersi , bltni B l e -tinted behtd. Yotu sale $92 biuying this snite now. $$99.00 l ito $69.75 VRINGER Buck's Ranges Ic k's %amn ary A LaIte' Ranl~ge. re'clinr enleJ~I~td, highest alty Bnek tmakesu, $1115.00) val cut to $)5.00, stove weaIr in uaded. All otheor stovei reduced cordingly. $95.00 ~impson Statement ave to raise some money do so we have engaged the Kelley Sale's Syste:r. trict charge to forget all ment value to raise the e will go further to say dollars to us5. If you don't be. or yourself how mercilessly we lis high grade furniture stock. "iStory of the Star"-By 31le Sallie e Brownlee. "Story of the Other Wise 'an"-By 2 Nell Harris. Pageant and Tableaux-Mother and Ii Child-Mrs. Festus Curry. 0 Shopherds-John Curry, Raymond p Campbell and John Iellains. Wise Men-Coke Curry, Edwin lel- I lains and Tlmage Armstrong. 'T Angels- Misses Dewey Armstrong, a Slathte Abererombie, billy Thoma- ba son, Ifarcelle Satterfield. A Proplict-. %., Owilngs. Offerin)g--The procceds going to Imy o Christimas choer for the little ones 1 of a destitute fatnily in the 01m- 1 munity. Pra-yer Ily Rove. C. WV. Watson. (r. Clyde Citrry. or Vanidorbil tn i- e versity, Nashville, Tinn., spenti a wek b with his parents, '.r. and Airs. -V. C. Cu'iirry, before c aoing oi to 1a1HItl it , - NId., w1re hce was cheduiled to .;ive y eln-chres 'hel'ore the colIere ao1 tion of thatM city. ir . IfI. Y. Si11mnonl..:: . o t t rnerl frai-.1 Willida 131to, wihlel she' as called by thl4e illness and death of her -i:ter1-, Airs. Lottie Cox. Ni's. Cox i ori ginal!ly ame from h.this von'ninity, y .:14 had m1aiy relatives .and friends thonlighott thin setion, all of w'hiomi are ;rieved to hear of her demise. .isses .W)n_-gie 1). Carry and Sne 1 'll ner on have retu roed to Winithrop o c('(e(ge, after enijoy ing the ho l:1ys " ithh eir respective 'parents. 1 Nir-. anul Mrs. NIMarvini Arm trong and litlc son \arviin. Jr., of Wilmington, N. C., wereo recenit vis!itors, of relaitives;1 here. Prof. U. ". IBrooks, of GIree nville, ( was the guest of relatives; hee durin: thle Chrisitmas holidazys. L Mis (laa i call is on ani exend- I '*ill STARTS IDES, NOW IS THE Ti alnti ut withHAliBTTM style The 11c Each 'sign; i sav1e1 .VE 'PUT ALL THE PR ors EFree! Free! Fre< I.(I 50 Brooms ic Eac ierate int a FOR EARLY IRDL1S-Leni other air is yonr breakfast dishes go. T red in store Jatnuariy Gth, 9 at. mn., in $35.00 lhe gvent otto 4-row, do0ub value, iatltched clean hantdle Broom 1c mpson Fur- ( stock to GoA r'gaxn Block ning When trikes Nine. THE Be On Time!