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fje Z(bbertiser Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance Published by ADVERTISING PRINTING COMPANY Laurens, S. C, Advertising Rates on Application. Obituaries and Cards of Thanks: Ono Cent a Word. Eatered at the postoffice at Laurens, . C., as second class mail matter. LAURENS, S, C., DEC. '11, 19-21 The Advertiser wishies all of its correspondents, readers and friends a Happy Christmas. DOWN THi. NUISANCli! The Advertiser would be n1o far seeing ulroiiet were it to predict that the alleged slayers of IHosea Martin, city polillceian, will seek to evade re sponsibility for his death. We are not sitting on their case here, but, regard less of what may be their plea, the facts remain that the dead officer cane to his death in an attepllit to enforce the law and, further, had public sup lort in Clinton 'been given to Rural Policeman Abrais, conditiols ill that town would' not have mnade it neces sary for the I, Laurens polic Jorce to have been on the highway far from home inl search of liiuor ruinni ers. The Advertiser -;peaks measu redly rhen it says that exponents of laV and order in our si;tcr city need to be on the alert and, by thi r rigIi t'ous w rath, delliand and sentie an abatement of the liquor nuisance i that town. We all know that the lir jit. nuisance is ther' and that to it m wa..b asribe( the de'atlh (f a faitl 11 1 oilier. A QIESTION OP mN*Tp The uiuestioi of Placing a ';rolhibi tiv e icilse oil oltside people t who con' i::to thcir toVn; 41s VInld'os of fruits, vegetables and other things is agitating tie minds of merchants in neighboring towns as it has agitated tihe Ilinds of local merchants from time to tiie. Theri is no dlout but that the prohibitive license would be an unjust act, unjust both to the ve.nidorl1 and the con sumer of Iiis wares, IIut there is all udther' side to he question. Merchants il) !?aklroenu, for' illstue, 'a h hi gh rental I, ',- :ivi ? uofmd 'r 1.uLs I r.e f:.ciag th" 11.tin thoroughfares of the city, they pay 1An additional ta4 on their m rchajdlpL, another license tax And still another tax througi their water and light rates for the up-keep, protection and lighting of those thor oughfares and then, in addition, -are prevented by ordinance frotn obstruct ing them. The total charges for thOse privileges amount to a tidy su1m. Thel outu'ide vendor coiles in durilng thel flu1eh season, takes a choice location :I tile best street ill towl, pays 11o reil, gets his light from -v'rhead at t ie exeinse of the local main with whom hc comp letes~ and dioesn't'even pay a tax On his stock of' goods. Any pro tective tax is cons~dered obinoxious in~ lie SouthI, biut freedom f roim renlt andl taxes is anlothler mlatter. No city Thouldi all ow outsiders, or in siders for that matIter. to obstruct its streets or sidCetlksi for lrposes of trade at any jprice, lbut if tihe :lracticou is to he allowed a rentalI shld 1b e charged ill keeping withl relnas ir. ihle partliu lar d istriclt wherei ~ i it is ail lowed. If tis wvere donPie, t he d1i5 eari ty: iln prie 0s betwn the llC(ll outiler and( the0 home1 C mecha':5nt w'oiul soon d11 feSappear'. So w'oldc the~ (lutEider. T'hi., oft course. hiis 1:roduce('s iln town I. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORA NEWS1" * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ora, D~ec. 1 9.--Abe Smllith, one0 of thle interesting twins of Mr. amnd Mrs. Rt. C. Smith, who was unfortunately run over by a car andi his: leg broken01 somctimnb ao is rapidly imnproving. Miss Alice llmryson, of' Chieora col-. lege, Is home for the holidays. lIer lrght and cheery countenance is em -blrematie of theo fine cheerful spirit wyhichi prevaitls at 1her college. -Mrs. I. N. Kenlnedly andl ramily 'Nill aipend~ Christmas with 1ler mlother~i, M'r.. R. ('. Carlisle, of Newherry. 'Mr. and Mirs. Kenlnedy D~owtin, .\irs. D). W. Dowtin andt Mrs. W. C. Burn-. side0, of Troy, are the expected guests of ,Mrs. Willie Fowler, 'Chlristmas. Mr. and Mrs. JoJhln La. Mciintock, and 'Mr. John~ Hunter McClintock, who Ia home from Wofford, visited Mr. and Mrst. Goodwin, of Union, Sabbathl. Rev. S. IT. Tompleman and Mr. Lsa mar Smith,' of 'Taurens, were at the A. Ri. P. chirolf Sab~bath, In the inter ost of tb4Q tuberculosis ckmpalgn. Qu~tite an initeresting and enjoyable ~talk was mal;e by Mr. Tremplemian, who is aintys eitortaining. A goodly sum Wm ouscribed to this wvorthy caue. "~,aster .Jde Martin eelebrated his ~' j~p~the iV eioce*u a oeudh~ 1 :t Rc ppanF m1Out. Ills inseparable riuend and schoolmate, Leon Kennedy was his on ly guest. These are bright young boys and opromise well. for the men of to morrow. Aunt hula made it a pleas ant and palatable birthday. Miss Mlamie Byrd is home for Christ. inas from her work ]i Spartanburg. .Miss Belle Craig, Ir. and Mrs. Nat Wallace and Mrs. Chapman and clil dren attended services at, the A. It. P. church Sunday morning. Sone of our neighbors have yon1 English peas and onions. Will have peas for Chrisitias. Mrs. W. J. Fleming, Mrs. W. T. Blakely and Fleming Blakely were in Greenville Saturday. Mr. John Pttton and family will move to Laurens this week. Mrs. Toy A. 'Drummond 1worshipped with the A. R. P's. rnecently and en joyed the service. Mrs. ',ary Thompson and her sis ter, Mirs. J. 0. C. Fleming, of Lau rens, visited Mrs. C. L. Stewart, of 41'elzer last week. Mrs. Stewart has been bereaved lately in the death of her husband, Rev. Calvin Stewart. She was my classmate in college, 0ne whoni I loved and now sympathize with. She was born at Lanford in this couity and was very popular In her younger days. The ladies of the Rural improve ment association twill have a coni munity gatheriig at the school house on Weidnesday, the 28th inst. Tile school will have a Christmas tree tomorrow, Tuesday. Wednesday Miss PinIley will -go to her hiom e at Mc'ormick and Miss Coleman to Latta. her home. for the holidays. School will begin Januarv 2nd. l'aller-P'arishi .AhiSs Fann11Y 11ullier. anl attractive young lady- of .louII1tville, and .lyI. Roy I'arish. fore mart at the Vincent .\lo or Company. tbjs city, were ha ppily married Sunday afte rnooni at the homit of tihe olliciating minister, Rev. J. G. Wilson, at Cioss Hill. After a wed ding trip they will be at home to their frienids on Sullivan street, this city. Stores Close Monday Meichants of the city yesterday signed an agreement to clowv their Places of. business on Monday, De comber 26th, to give emiloyees a day off as a Christmas holiday. 'Ihe pe tition was circulated all nver town and all business houses and lanks ap proached gave their consent to the plan. I'NSIIAKEN TESTI3[ONY Time is the test of truth. And Doai's Kidney Pills have stood the teni Ii Lauiens. No Laurens resi :kache, or minno. - ing uriniary ills can remain uncon vinced hv this twice-told testimony, 1t. J. Franks, 318 Flemii 1t, Tau ions, says: ".\ty -1nr ympton of kid nev trouble, which I had several years ago, was backache. Wlen. I would StoI)p ovei* to pick u" anything, a .harp pain would catch me in the smniall of my back and I w-ould have yseif in order to straighten. .\! y kid ne d~'Iidn't act igh t and the w-'ieetionsu :xcre 1 (amity and(1hi iun ing ini passage. I had dizzy spells, too. IiCread abu D)1!.Iaan's Kidney PillIs and1( -tot ai supply at D~r. IB. P. P'osey's 'Drug Store. 1 felt bietter after taking the Iirist l.ox anel tv.'o b)oxes en'irmely cured OIRTiIIECK YEAhRS LAT101I1, Mlr. Franks said: "Dloan's Kidlney Pills did mte a lot of gooti several years ago and i haven't had to use a kidneiy reed sinlCe.'' Ciii, at all (deml'rs. Fost er-.\l i iburnm 8mo., .\ifra., iluffalo, N. Y. The QiujimnneThmat Does Not. Affect tihe Hfend I ecause of its tonic and ha sative ci feet, LAXATIVE BROM\O QUININE (Tablets) can he taken by anyone w ithout causing nervousness or' ring ing In the head. E. WV. GROVE'S sig nature on hox. 30c. A TONIC Crove's Tasteless chill TonIc restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching thie Blood. Whenm you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how It impro'ves the appeotite, you will then apmpreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and GrIp germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. USE SLOAN'S 'TO EASE LAME BACKS Y OU can't do your best when your back and every muscle aches with, fatigue. Apply Sloan's- Linimont freely, th~s. out ru!>bing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. -od for rheumatism, neuralgia, spramns-and strains, achies andI pains scitica, sore muiscl'es, stiff joints and the after effects of weather exposure. For forty years pain's enemy.* Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's llandy. At all drugglts--35c, 70c, $1.40. 1I Iub-My-Tism, antiseptic and pali killer, for Infected sores, tetter sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism. S SPECIAL NOTICES. *. - $ e $ * S * S e S * S * Z * -1 For Sale-Three good mules. som and four fine pigs; all kinds of agri cultural iliplements. See W. H. Dial 23-21 For Sale-Nice lot home growr pecans. Phone mrs. W. Jr. Dial. 23-21 Found-in my Studebaker car, about two weeks ago, in, front 'pocket, pistol Evidently left by mistake. Owner ma3 have by identifying and paying foi this advertisement. C. M. Fuller Mountville, S. C. 23-1t-pd Yanted-To make old hats new Cleaned and blocked 41.00 Demonstra tion by factory expert. Star PresslnE Co., East Main street, Tel. 401. 23-11 Christma Meats-Plione 300 fol yotlr Christmas ham, pure pork sau sage and fresh meats of all kinds, E Rl. B3lakely. 23-1t For ltent--2 or 3 nice upstair rooms9 with bath. Suitable for light house keeping. Couple without children pre. ferred. '. W. 'Copeland. 234t For Salo--Baby carriage in goo condition. Mrs. 1I. L. Roller, Southi laroer street. Phone 293. 23-lt-p For lRent-Vacant house on Vhest nut street. Eight rooms. Suitable for apartments. W. L. Gray. 23-1'it For Sale-One Setter bird dor. Well broke. Retriever. Two and one-half years old. Reasonable fprice. Haven't tilie to hitunt. Call or rite, D. D. larris, F oree 1arber Shop, Enoree. 23-2t-pd For ient- 'T'hiree horse farm at Barksdale, known as the Mrs. Ituth Robertson place. 4ee 3 l's. E. 11. .l ach en, Lau retns. 23-it Old Sainta is buying his fruits, nuts, eandies, raisin; and other Christmas thinigs from the (Carryteria. Why not yoU? 23-It For Sale or i'int-Four young mulles. J. 1:. C-.1nnoni, .\ounitville 23-1t-pd Lost-Friday afternoon somewhere on thle stunt u or inl the stores, a1 gold p in. erescent with Iea' anl small iliamond. Rc-ward if returned. Mis. I.ew is Anderson, lI'hone 57. 23-It For Sale----Two nice big bone heagle (log pmps G 1-2 months old, ready to Iraint. Pric $5.00 each. J. M. Todd, Gray Cou rt Houte :3. 23-1t-pd For Snle--Christmas wreaths for Cemetersy. irs, Hay Anderson. 23-1t Gamste Fowls-1fave good Gaine Stags to walk, toundheads, Cubans mnd Gli - Greys. For particulars 'yrite Q; tee, F. M. Blakely, Laurens. 23-1 t-ipd Shepherd 'lPps-I have 3 Shepherd mpus left, males, about 2 months old. J. L'. I luniter, Ora. 23-it-pd Taken Il'p--Brown spotted, blaze a(e pointer (log' came to my home lWriday, Decemb :r 9th. M. )3. Burns, ra Cottit, Route 3. 23-it-ld ('okers P'edgreed Deltatype Webber Lotton Seed (long staple), $4.00 qper bushel; also Coker's Pedigreed Webber No. -19, Strain 4, at $2.75 per bushel. Lint of each variety pulls about 1 3-8 ;ji1ces. These are seed produced from first y' plantipg of Aljove .Pedi greed Cottois. W. C. MitchellI. 23-It-pd. Wan11i(d-Representative for fast selling line of Auto Accessories. .\o tion pictitre for advertising furnished. $350.00 il per month. Box 275, St. Joseph, .lielt. 23-lt-pd. Trespass Notlce--All person,, are hiereby warned not to hunt or other wise trespass on my land under penalty of prosecition. 11. L. Blakely. 22-2t-pd F~or Rent -F-"ou r conntectinig r'ooms1 and bath, suitable for housekeeping or offices, over J1. C. Shell & Co.'s store. Apply to L. B. Bllackwell, Piniting and Stationer'y, L~auren1s, S. C. 22-ti Wineiid--A good mant in ceey coml tuitiy to sell mar'ble and gt'anite L.'herty Marble & Gra'fnite' .o., Spar' Ultanbug. S. C. 22-4t1 lFori Sale-(. LatIe model 1 1-2 ton ite putbl ic truck, w'itht stake 1. dyl and 1inenmtieI tire's. Itun less than~ I 1,000 mil11s. Ii:ht 1price. WV. 1. KnIght. 22-2t--pd l'or'ltentt -ugh (Gr'ay shop propIety :for 1cent frotm first of' J anutary, 1922. Vall on Met'chants & Farmiers Houded Warehouise, P. A. Simpson, Pres. 30-ti For' ltent-2, 3 or 41 horse farm in upper01 'part of county, 5 mtiles north of Ware Shtoals, known a~s Medlock farm, Lies well, good state of cultiv'ation, splendid community. Apply at place, J. B. Medlock, Greenville, S. C., or For Sahu-500 gallons of genutinc Georgia Ilbbon Cano Syrup-- 1 gal Ion in cans 85c, 5 gallons 'in cans at 80e, 30 gallons in wood at 75c, 60 gal Ions in wood at 0. 'Mall ord(er's switl1 casht to G. E. Rlitter, Olar, S. C. 18-5t-I Ta'ke' Notlee- All liersons are here by for bidden to 1hunt, trespass, or' I live stock run1 outt uplonl any of m): lands in Sullivan township. J. (. .;illivan. 21-3t-pi Goverlnment 'Wagonis-For' Sale, o1 offered In exchange tot' corn, oats, ha: or lumber. Wagons in good condi. tion. Dixie Ice and Fuel Co., Clin ton. 10-t NOTICE Notice is hereby given that afte Januatry 1. .1922, my services will b tendered only on a cash basIs. Pa trons will please not ask for credit. ill hdwover' continue my ser'vices t my community as in the past, wher patrons 'pay pt'omptly. Those Who di not pay promptly will be refused sax vice. IDR, J. .L. DONNON,., Ware Shoals, S. C. 22-3t Hlupmnobile The Cer Everlasting Ellis Motor Co.; Rising SUn Chapter No.;4, R. A. I. A regular convocation of Rising Sun Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M., will be hold on PRIDAY night, 'Dec. 23rd, at 7:30 o'clock. Members are requested to be present and to be on hand at the appointod hour. An nual election and Installation of of ficers. JAS. H. SULLIVAN, H. P. ITY BONDS FOR SALE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids 'will be received by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Lau rens, South 'Carolina, until twelve o'clock noon on January 2nd, 1922, for the sale of $35,000.00 Street Improve ment Bonds to be dated January 1st, 1 1922 and to mature twenty years after date, and to -bear interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of Jan uary and July and to be issued in the denomination of $1,000.00. And the said Mayor and Aldermen will also receive at the same time sealed bids for the sale of $20,000.00 Sewerage Ex tension Ilondn 'to be dated January 1st, 102? and to mature thirty years after date, and to bear interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent per antiui, pay able semi-annually on the first days of January and July, andto be issued in the denominat'ion of $1,000.00. All bids must be sealed bids, and must' be accompanied by a certified check of a sound and reputable bank in the sum of One Thousand Dollara, payable to the order of John A. Franks, Mayor of the City of Lauirens, S. C.., to bo forfeited to the use of said city in case; the bid is accepted and the taurchaser fails to comply 'with his bid. h'lie Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Laurens reserve the right .to reject any and all bids. Further in format'ion furnished on application to Stanley W. Crews, Clerk of the City of baurens, S.-C. *y order of the (Ity Council of Lau rens, H. C., th1i December 12th, 1921. JOHN A. FRANKS, 23-it Mayor. LAND SALE State of South Carolina, Comuty of Laurens. IN VOURtT OF COMMON P'.-AS The Hank of Waterloo, Plaintiff, against Mrs. S. M. Pearce, et al, Defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of the Court in the h'ove stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the lbgghest bidder, at Laurens C. 11., S. C., on Salesday in January next, being WLonday the 2nd day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales, the following described property, to wit: All that tract, piece or iparcel of land lying, being and situate in the County of Laurens, in the State of South Carolina, containing one hun dred seventy-three (173) acres, more or less, bounded now or formerly, as follows: on the North by lands of J. M. Peace, on -East by branch separat ing same from lands bargained to be sold to J.- C. Smith, on the South by lands of J. H4. Wharton, on West by lands of J. M. Pearce, being known as the Bartlett Milam place, less fifteen .Id 1,1-10 1.59-10) acra bargained to J . C . an1ith. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one third to be paid twelve months from (late of sale, one-third 2 years from date of sale; the credit portion to be secured by bond and mortgalge of the purchaser over the said premises, bearing legal interest from date, with leave to -purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. It the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be0 re-sold on same of some subse qluent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former purchaser. C. A. POWIDR, C. C. C. P. and O. S., 'Laurens, S. C. Dated, this D~ec. 8S, 1921. -22-St-A When in Greenwood Visit Us for Jewelry Watches. Cut Glass China and Silverware Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty H. HENLY 417 East Main Street -Opposite Union Station A.,L.ANDERSON ARCHITECT Apy Electrik Maid Bake Sbop Grocery Specials I have a considerable stock of groceries on hand that I will sell at greatly reduced prices. See'these prices: Fairy Soap, 100 cakes, per case . $5.00 Goblin Soap, 100 cakes, per case $2.50 A. A. Cigars, per hundred . . $3.00 Princine Baking Powder, per case $2.00 Libby's Salad Dressing, per dozen $1.50 Best Grade Leather Bends, per lb. $ .50 MrsY'E. B. Machen Call at E. W. Machen's Garage MARZY /8fest production THE LOVk LIGHT> PRINCESS THEATRE TUESDAY, DEC. .27 at price Storagetty o WLauren. St. Phonep 446