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EMANCIPATION F1 RESULT F Large Areas of Leased Territory "n be Itelinlquished by Three Big Pow ers With Certain Conditions. Washington. D~ee. 3.-10'mancipation: cf C(I ina Ir!a forcigi control was said to have moved forward considerably toiiy at a conference of the nine pow vrs throigii proposa Is froin JInil Cgreat, Britaiin anld Frallce for relil-' < :. - c and iIportant r rI .ts of t l kit rite y ill te I- VrieffrS If thc thIrInee llower W * ( llfitiOill l 1o111a liI t( , 11not ill vll - I a l th ir lI s'd r Its Id t wer dI (lat.d aliitall' to bK oe to 0lhe most im portant develoirl -:i of: lit- i"tr -:iA Atern c lonference. i inivte ic r'.tin is are d tir redt fer furlthler discnl,-ion at1 'kte n1xt (lilc ig ofl the P tr I i llim it tot, next We~I-dne !da . ih-e thref da.y"' dj llment beingl-- takt n so( tha:t Thne dkenssions 111 1 \evic 11 hit ti and liti pill on htn and the tudi.s of comnitties oni ohr Chinese e.rtions conhl proced. 'TIlhe conferenc < li y11e ates-- also decsireid to attend the openl in'- ceremlonlioe of congres.s- next F'rlince Gives U'y linangi Cho%% Whenl the qinestion onl thle conf'er. (nce agenda of remnoval of special spheres of iintl( nc( in ilChina was brought til today. Prance offered to relinquish her iease(d territory of HIN' We hav you are them. Bath Rob Bath Robes for family will be fo These are most sui for Xmas .All Price Beautiful Hai The novelties we ing in Handbags, be velvet bags and ti box bag, in the n, ations of the sea these while you e store. )R CHINA MAY ROM CONFERENCE Kwang Chow providing similar ces slons will be made by other powers having such special spheres of Influ ence. Japan followed with reiteration of an offer to relinqluish her leased territory in Shantung and Great Brit -inll joinied with a 1;iroi)osal 40 Ieiln <luish the '13ritish leased territory of Kei-I lai-Wei. All of the offers ex cept that of .lapan coleerling Mao Chow wee conIditional 11pon cesion of leased territory by the other pow ers and also.( itponl perforilnanice by 4China 4of certainl con ilitio ls which. del -. (. (ecilard t(1 onigh, ft probably wolhi he met. .lapan All. ll ilara said. stood on hel 1,r eIh offer.s to --ive Il) iao ('how 1 the basi: of 1 r position ont 1: .I ho r oe to P king. to lIi'illi shiml - lit of her I. a ed trri-' - 111r y ill A14 1 l a;ie huria. ia d Grat. B"rit:iin to 1( lcauz of Kai-L.w, , .-:e tI ope11 tleaty 14or1t of Ilonw K i:. Brit I, (ishI l represeitat VI coil tmlded that Kai-Low was an inmpor tant factor in iresentation of tiwe 1ot. if lln Kong and il insuring its re eias anl openl port. ,Jajan lolds Port Arthur 'Ihel only leased territory which re mained for discussion as far as Japan was concerned, Mr. llanihara told the com11mittee, was that Kwalitulig pro vince, or Pot Arthur and 1)airen. DAVIS S FC ,e quite an assoi doing your Xn See our windo Buy Now H The i ladies'f all cokc gift for es the whole und here. table gifts ~s. ridbags are show- Spe aded bags,Jfy ne dainty- Des ewest cre son Se of new wool da re in our - 2! IS-R LAURE "As to that territory" he declared, "the Japanese desire to make it clear that Japan has no intention at pres sent -to relinquish the important rights she has lawfully acquired and at no small sacrifice. The territory in ques tion forms a part of SManchuria, a re glon .where by reason of its close pro pinquity to Japan's terrory, more than anything else, she has vital in terests in that which relates to her economic life and national safety. "This tact was recognized and as surance was given by the American. British and French governments at the time of the formation of the inter national (onisortium that these vital intleSts iof ,1apan inl the region in fluestioll sl hall be safegiuarded." The U~ii tel Statsv., accordi ng to re !rt IO xp IX Ires S(d a syinpathetic atti tude toward Chinese aspirations fo r utrn lihe la: sed areas bit Amle n. haiving no it id territory was 'aid not o be coiernied directly in his pha (o0 the disclissiolns. 0 onidlenCe exp)ressed in A er Um 'i rS, however, that t h oit ' her metin gs an ag'ement woulld d(( velo% for relilIluishlment of sI vral of he leased arleas atid 1111 der.;atidings in the futire adinin istra tion of the rest. ClINTON It. . ). 1 Clilton, Dee. 6.-We are jlad this Imtorining to see the Sttunslhine after sone rainy days Mr. .1. If. Wallenzine an(l son, Claud., -ROPEF IR X rtment of novelt ias shopping. I vs, and look at ( Before the andkerchiefs nost beautiful line of ancy Handkerchiefs in >rs, a most desirable Xmas. cials in Dresses u are interested in a ee our big assortment styles, both in silk and e..,es, going for per cent off. hOPE] NS' REST STORE t i and Mr. R. T. Trammell were visitors in Newberry Saturday. -Mr. Jesse Prince spent last Satur day night with Mr. Leegette Nabors, of the Hurricane section. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Davis and chil dren spent last Sunday afternoon with tIr. and Mrs. W. T. Jacks. .Mr. and 'Mrs. J. t. Whitire and son, Marvin. of Clinton,- Mr. and Mrs. P1utnam and NMr. Heriman Schoppaul, of Shelby, N. C., were the guests of Mr. Ilumas Prince and family Sunday afternoon. Miss Janie lluzhardt and Nlisses EIunice and Lillie Belle Walletizine visited nearI lI-aurens Saturday. Little Miss Sucelia Sanders is on an extended visit with relatives in U'nion. .AIr. EIdd Pini1ce slIelt last Su inlay at the home of Mr. Will Nabors. .Als. Maie Garvin and (lauigItIer, .\lmiii lon, are witii her brother, Ir. .1. II. WV.,Ill zilne. for awhile. .I r'. ". un way and family vis it(d .lMr. and11l MIs. Victor 12awson Sun dlay. \ir. Williani 8. Vallenzine, of New berry, has ret1!urnieod lloi after a1 weksviszit with hCS cousin, Mrl. CIm11d Wallenzine. .llss smm Prnceand( brothler, .leCse, an1d N'. Leegt te Nabors were the spnd-Itie-day guests of Mr. and lrs. W. T. Jacks Sunday. .!arer Everett Mize has retunied hoilie after visiting relatives and friends here for sometime. .\Messrs. I'dd and Jesse Prince and MI. George Little were among those who attended the play "Microbe of Love" given by the teachers of the COME I1AS y articles that Below we mak )ur tables whik 1 Rush Is Special in Ladies One lot ladies' S high-top black, tan al all French heel. Pric $10.00 to $15.00, go: Special for $4 One lot ladies' Fre shoes in black kid, and gray kid sold foi to $17.50, to close oi $7.99 'Waists and B1h We still have a ni tion of Waists and up to $10.00, going I $3.98 Middy Suit One lot beautiful Middy Suits up to $3 ing for. $11.98. RC( .-QUALITY oMAD Central graded school at the Oiphan- 7 age chapel Tuesday night, Nov. 29. e Mrs. W. T. Jacks spent last Mon- 1< day with homefolks. ti Messrs. Roy and Claud Trammell and Paul Prince were in Clinton Sat ** urday night. * LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS * I Laurens, S. C., Dec. 2, 1921. )ear Santa Cla is: We are going to expect you Chrimt lias. We would like for you to bring us two big (olls, with yellow curlly hair. a suit, of furniture for the dolls, Chairs, tea set, stove, a .work basket nd some good story hooks, antd lots of niice fruiit .nd candy; 'aIo Some1 nits. Please don't forget our brother att, baby sister. 11hey ,wodi(I like to get sollietling niice. too. We will be look Ing for you, please don't disappoint us. Sinecerely, Katherinie and Alice IPoper. Ag(-s ! an~d 7 years;. Lamrens, S. C. omar Old Santa Claus: I anm a little boy two and one-half years old, and I want you to bring me a piano, o-1 that I can play on, because imly g-ran(mother will not let me play on hers. And I want a sicepy (oll, one that will clo:;e her eyes and sleep. I also want a Teddy bear. and please Old Santa, don't forget lily )ANY'S SHOP] will interest yoi e mention of a h you are in ou Too Great Shoes hoes, in nd gray, :ed from mng .99 nch heel Ladie tan vici, The seat e $15.00 styles in f it for iery presei bilities for have these ful styles i >uses gg8 ce selec Blouses, Bea< ror See te that are ________store. Qu 98 all-wool 0.00, go-16bt white, blac for $5.95. )MPP E IT1SO itter baby, Mary $therine, and oth r boys and girls. Please brin i mo its of fruit and candy. I'm a good lit e boy. Allie Bennett, Jr. Poor PIsh. A New York scientist has discov. red a land-living fish. No need to e a scientist to do that; we know lot of them. "Only One Thing Breaks My Cold" EII relief that Dr. Ming's New Discovery givee froI stubborn old co!(IS, arld oirishiig new ones, grippe an thr':at-tonri ng coughs ha made it the t;fanii'r rimedv it is today. Time-tried fo' f %iftyv years and never ihole popular inot today. No harmiful You will FCre niotice the re-lef in loosene: I ph hgm and cased cough. Alwzvay; reaiable, a1 good fcr the whole family. I a con viicing, heal inig taiSte w'th all its good mdicinai .1a , ,,)~ 11'jii a qulalit ie. AI a!I druggists, 60 cets. New iscovery For Colds a Coughs The Regul . 4 Constpation ar siIk hIadtc e:;, lihousness, allow i-kim, w-ste in the intestinal system. ('orregt this health-under umining condition by taking Dr. King's 'ills. 2.5 cent, All drurgists. D PROMPT! WON'T GRIP ..Kingsls ING. i while few of r store. 8' Silk Hose on's most favorite ull fashioned Hos it delightful possi useful giving. We in lots of beauti Lnd colors ~. and up. led Girdles iew Beaded Girdles going fast at our ite a fad, now. c. and up. Gloves rn Kid Gloves, in k and brown, going N'