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MIll NOT PLACE MEDAL ON t(OM3B Another to Substitute for General P'ershing. Iueident to Delay. Paris, Oct. 91.-General P'ershing will not. go to London to lay the con gressioial medal on the tomb of the British unknown soldier in WVestnin ster abbey, and if the ceremony is bel another Arnerican officer will be designated to r ecpresent the United States. 'This anno0unetn ient came tonight frot a most. authoittitate source. laick of tlite available for the trip hotween now and October 20 when cGenerat 'ershing sails for home is the oillecial explanation for Is: decision to abandon ils visit to England. It is learned, however, that the failure of the 1tiltish war oillce either to fix a date for the ceremony or late yesterday to give any explanation for not rt.>lying to repealed inqutiries from the Ainerican emlbassy ollicials is the chief reason for General Per higsdecision. Geineral 1'e1shing cato to 'Europe for the il rpose of layinli the coil gressional medals on the totnbs of the i'rench and liritislh unknown soldiers. ''he Washington govern ent. so in formed the British governmnent early inl Angust and again when he sailed. -o far as can he learned no answer was received to either commun111ication which asked that date l he fixed for the cereiony and that the general he in formtd. Siice his arrival in Paris further Inuiries have been made at the lirit isht foreign offlee through1 the mediun of Itho Amtte'iein emb assles in 1,ndon and 1'aris. One of these inqtiries do veloped the explanat.ion that such cere monies usually took a long timne to arrange. 'I'ho ospetcially trained hattalion frotn the Anmtricant forces of the Rthine, which acted as a guard of honor at the Paris cerenony and was to have P ro'ceede'd to Liidon, IC inrued to Cohlen. this afternoon by special train after havin-g been held a we ek in ('aris awaiting word from t he.i ritish foreign ofic . It is known that American ollicials in 'aris. as well as General 'ershing and his party, have been mnystilled by the silence of the liritisii government a1nd4 the matter has caused much etm harrt"aass1e1nt to the geineral. IIe has been hesieged with invitations to din 3ters and oiglal functions, and the tun certainty of the bondon arrange inents tnade it difficult to reply to many of these. Some of the military mon have advanced the explanation that the rule not permlitting liritisll tillicet's and melt to accojt foreign deotratiotns m11igh1t he the cautse of the situation; they ftrther suggested that Ihe liritish ntight 'tan t to iitrtange to .conferf ,A trcoration similar in im liortance Ott Ametrica's unknown sol dier bef to' atcceptin?; the congt'es sional medal. O: the other' hadtt. it is pointed out that the fact that the medal was cen fessed by an act of cOlngless on he half if thei Americ'ian pe'oplle shldi phlteec the dieiortationi int a speciai category, w her tordiliinary ruleis attt Ipriecedenit'is w.'ould 1101 a nply. ale ''xpr'issedo titit ant unfrienduly' int int'bdent unless a futll expilanationl is madiie of thei dilay and tite ceremtiony heht i as soon1 as it canl h' ariratngetd. ('HOS~ 1111,1, N EWS * * * 4 * * . . * 4 4 # * * * e dent. of (olumbti:a. V.i'ited trelativecs int ('roSs ilill last wi'ik. a ts.i J. W ~'. lii hsgoe oft Ite I'Culo graded schotol, was a weeck-ettd isitot' int town. lss idaliai lollnswortht has bteen eected p rinocipal of a (10 scol nar1 A iknci, andtt has gone11 to aecept the Nir.x Simmon1111sI l'inson,1. i'iCipal oIf ast w.%eek -'nd w.i it htomlefolks. Ni r. JTatk Wiientt IIs teaching necar Roev.. W. D). 1l,'tchiford and Dr1. J. 11. lier 1lea ve today Cot'r Grteenvi lie to atetnd Syitod, w.'hichI m~eets there thtis 'The mtanty friends of Mr. Sydiney Crouch will he giad to know thtat ihe hats recov~er'ed snfllcietly tot ieave tilt hospItal. 1Ice and Ni rs. ('roucht are Spentding awhtile witht Mr'. anti Mr's. R. A. Auistin. Thtey expect to leave fotr Hartford, Conn.t, in the neat' future. Mrsi. R. D). Nar"e leaves today for a visit to relative in Jacksont, Miss. Habitual Constipation Cured ins 14 to 23 Days "LAX-FOS WITHI PEPSIN" is a specially. Spatred Syru~pTonic-Laxative for Habitual natipation. It relieve' promptly but abould be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to irnduic regular action. It StImulates and Regulatesa *Very Pleasant to Take. G0c per bxfttle. OLD III(KO1tY MEN (W TO NASHVILLE ce tt lienilon of 80th Division IPersonnel to a be Beld November 4-5. Pershing to tl bo There. . 1 Nashville. Oct. 6.l--Men of the Old y llickory as.-ociation,. veterans of the t Thirtieth Dlvision which three years t ago was pounding away at the Gcerman Strongholds in Prance, will again r. march In review .betore (leneral Per- r" shting at their third annual rennlo0t, to a he held in Na i hville, Tenn., on Novem- t her 4 and 5. In fact, It Is probable f that Marshal Foch, generalissimo of ce all the allied armies, who has been 1 invited to accompany General Pershing C to Nashville, 'will also he in the re- t viewing stand.-11 The Iparade of the veterans, how- i ever will form hut a part of the full i reunion program. Men who hilleted ( in French villages or battleileld shel ters three years ago will Inld the homes of Nashville open to them. Plans have been made to house and 'are for ten thousand veterans and more if they should come. Convention sessions will he held in the auditoriumli willh a capacity of seven thousand. I )ances and other so 0 cial features enough to give every a, manl who colels an opportunity to en- It joy himself are being arranged for C by the hosts of Ihe occasion, the citI z.enis of Nashville. 'eparate headcqnarters for each f of the regiments of the divisios will be established in Nashville and in the i hilleting a rrangements it is planned, I as far as possible. to put men out of ,p the same out fits in the same section of d the city. There will lie all sorts of opportun ities for oldtimiers to get together and "tikht the war" w-hieh started on the Mxicani horde' for some, at ('amp Sevier for others, and ran all' the way across the eas. vi r the lindenburg line, through the .\rgosne, into lel - gim and 'll xelmarg -id home again. In the course of training and traveling and fighting o(o division in the Ameriean army miiade a more creditaie showing th an did the ('ar oilina and Tleniessee t'oops. The chievemneat of the division in the first smashing thronugh the so-called Every One a every thread. 0 to wear well---fa making assure y< Ladies'4 B olivia, S1 and Ve $15 to WE] indonburg dofenso system to 3elli >urt across tho St. Quentin Canal innol, is one of. tho outstanding 3hievomonts of the entire war while tc artillery brigade, operating. sipa itely in the St. Mihiel, Argonne al 'oevre sectors, took rank as one of to most effective artillery outfits of 10 army. Railroads have granted redin(e( ales of one and a half fares for th( :end trip to members of the divisior ssociation. Members planning to at nd may come to Nashville paying ful tre, and there receive their certil ales of membership entitling them t( alf fare on the return trip. Certifl ates may be secured in advance o) to meeting, however, from Frank P owen, Holston National Bank build ig, Knoxville. Tenn., or from 4hl eunion headquarters, Chamber o ommnerco building, Nashville, Tenn Revised. Laugh and the world laughs with ou, or if it doesn't "you should vorry."-- Hioston 'ranscript. FINA L Sh'i'TL1M EN'' Tl'ake notice that on the 14th dad I October, 1921, 1 will render a tint ('count of my acts and doings as Ad iinistrator of the estate of W. W ulbertson, deceased, in the oilee 01 to Judge of Probate of Laurens coun , at. I t o'clock, a. mi., and on the ame day will apply for a dischargi 'om my trust as Administrator. Any person indebted to said estate notilled and /reluired to make pay tent on that (late; and all person aving claims against said estate wil resent themst on or before said (late uly proven, or be forever barred. W. H. CAMPFIILL Administrator eptember 141, 1921. 9-5t-A Hupmobile The Car Everlasting Ellis Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, S. C. iallil Favorite to the ur buyers have oni deless, perfect cutti >U of the very best oats iedine lour 49.75 TRICOTINE Forn $12 S CL "A GOO! 1111 . .w.u e ween the South and O___Northbound SCIIEUILESBEC No. 36 No. 138 No. 38 No. 30 ATLANTA, ( 12.00Night 1l.30AM 12.30noon .......,. Iv Terminal Sts 12.10AM 11.40AM 12.40PM 4.OOPM Iv Peachtree St 6.15AM 4.50PM 5.50PM 9.3SPM nr, GREENVILL 7.35AM 5.55PM 6.55'M 10.40PM or SPARTANBt 10.05AM 8.05PM 9.05PM 12.55AM or CHARI.OTTI 11.45AM 9.20PM 10.20PM 2.20AM ar SALISBURY 1.05PM 10.29PM 11.20'M 3.23AM ar High Point, 1.30PM 10.50PM 11.41PM 3.44AM ar GREENSBOI 2.40PMvF 9.00AM 9.OOAv 9. Oi.h~ ar Winston-Sal 5.35Plf 4.0OAvM ~i.~f 1945~I l or Raleigh, N. 2.58PM 12.06A 1.00AM ~01 ~arDNVILLE, 9.OOKW... . 4.30 M ar Norfolk, Va. 9 73.10KI 7.1OAM 1.40M ar Richmond, \ II' ITo i~ 3iAh~XM 7.05AM ar LYNllGR 11.00PM 7.40AM 8.40AM 12.3SPM or WASHINGT( 1.50AM 9.05AM 10.05AM 2.OOPM ar BALTMORE, 4.15AM 11.13AM 12.20PM 4.05PM ar West PHILAl 4.35AM 11.24AM 12.35PM 4.17PM ar North PHIL 6.45AM 1.3OPM 2.40PM 6.10PM ar NEW YORK, D Nos 37 and 38. NEW YORK & NEW ORLEANS LIMITED New Orleans, Montgomery, Atlanta, Washington and New York. Club car. Library-Obsorvation car. No couche.. Nos. 137 & 138. *ATLANTA SPECIAL. Drawing room slsop Washington-San Francisco tourist wlping car southbound. Di No,. 29 & 30. BIRMINGHAM SPECIAL. Drawing room s San Francisco-%Vsitington tourist leoping car northbound. e. Dining car. Coaches. Nos. 35 & 36. NEW YORK, WASHINGTON. ATLANTA & Orleans, Montgomery, Birmingham. Atlanta and Washington on Noteg No. 29 and 39 use Peachtree Street Station snly at Noteo Train No. 138 connects at Washington with "COLO! leaving Washington 8.15 A. M. via Penna. System. SOUTHERN R The Double Tracked Trunk Line Bet Eye, but more than th y selected the garments whose g, and the most exact of sew ) PLCETOTR Washington and New. York INNING AUGUST 14, 1921 f S o uthbNo und cA. .Tm tNo. 29 No. 37 No. 137 No. 35 ition (Cn.Tm)5r.. . SO .55PM .4.50 PM 5.25AM ation (Cent. Time) ar 10.55AM 5.30PM 4.30PM 5.05AM E, S.C. (EaLt.Time) iv 7.O0AM 2.I0PM 1.00PM 1.05AM IRG, S. C. Iv 5.50A M I.00PM 11.52Al I 1.45PM E, N. C. lv 3.25AM 10.40AM 9.30AM 9.05PM ,N. C.' lv 2.05AM 9.20AM 8.10AM 7.45PM N. C. lv 12.45AM 8.02AM 7.O2AM 6.27PM tO, N. C. lv _12.15AM 7.35AM 6.35AM 5.58PM m~R~.C.~~~~~~~~~TM ~Bi T5-3i ~~.3OiW ~5-iPM iv 7.00MVf ~1'2~45 1fW 8.52AM X7X~~~~~~~~v To~IP1W ~6.~15X o-6AWf ~.ISPM ~__ ~~__ ~ ~v~7.3XW ~sT5PW ~~~P ~~ a. i )N, D. C. -y I ty M1.SM .OM9OA MD, enna. Sy". Iv )ELPHIA Iv 13A 7.4P 47M .2M 3.45P 11.0 1103 7.5A LDELHIA v I11.24AM 7.02PM 5.35PM 3.04AM Penna. Syatem Iv 9.15AM 5.OSPM 3.35PM 12.30Night 1PM ENT Sleeping cr noerthboundD betwn Atlanta a od Richpon. Dining cat Icare between Macon, Columbus, Atlanta, Washington and New York. ween Atlanta, Was hington and New. York IItca btwee i southbound in NE maeasFXP. awgr o sleiu arsteende now work in ar. f t oo f17Na sitsCotsantD eses VS .(at elur SuedinePM1.0M .0A ALEXRS. , thrug trai 5.oA Bo .tn e 11. I at Brdg Rote , tlCt, a. and Wrhiton. C. at, to s $ 3qal .5 su, Coatsv andI1 Dreses .0At2.P $25.00A I to.4A $.72 5.5M34 EPE MPANY DE " 'a'rN Soi Pulma trin Drwn romsae mseeigcr-ewe