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VELVETY SKIN WHITER THAN SNOW IN SEVEN DAYS New Preparation Anown as Williams Su i er Skin Whitener u Your Skin, Keep It Soit And Fair. 'Will Positiv emoveTan Frokies f Days. if It Falls Your Money Will No Refunded. This preparation is a new scientific discovery guaranteed not to harm the most delicate skin. Williams Super ior Skin Whitener Is the only prepara tion of its kind on the market. It is quick nd delightful in its effects and will not harm the anost delicate skin. le sure to specify Williams Super Ior Skin Whitener. You can secure the genuine Williams Superior Skin Whitener at LAurens Drug Co. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. BETTER' DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries d the victim b~ecomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on overy box and accept no imitatioi Water! Water! for your Battery Water is as necessary to battery life as it is to plant life. The water spiould be pure --and it should be put into the battery regularly, at least once every two weeks. You can easily put this water in, but we wiltgladly do it if you prefer. We are also equipped to recharge and repair bat teries. We carry a com plete line of Willard bat tery parts, rental batteries and Willard Threaded Rub ber Batteries. Ask us how Willard Threaded Rubber Insula tion puts an end to the separator replacemcnt ex pense caused by warped, cracked, punctured and car bonized wood separators. L..aurens Storage Battery Company W. Lauren. St. Phone 446 Willard Batteries HORNED STAKE IS FOUND IN PICKENS Reptile With Horn at Tip of Tal Killed In Xountains; Viewed by Hundreds. (Greenville News) .... .... Pickens, Sept. 26.-Plickens county today made good its claim that horned snakes grew, thrived and prospered ir this county. A large reptille with a distinct horn at the tip of its tail was killed in the Eastatoo Gap early this morn ,ig by a Mr. ,Bowie, a resident of that section. One of Pickens' native sons, anxious to maintain the county's repu tation and to convince skeptical out siders, brought the snake to town where it was placed on exhibition. 'Hundreds of persons were in town for the -opening of court but the news that a horned snake was on exhibition at a local drug store spread like wild fire. Doubting Thomases came, saw, went and told. Others came and (lid likewlise rwhile their eyes stood out like buttons on a policeman's over coat. It was a great day for Pickens and those who for some time tLave main tained that horned snakes have fre quently been seen in the upper part of the county. But few if any had ever been brought to town, however, and the doubting Thomases refused to believe without seeing. The snake shown today was, of course, dead and this caused many who otherwise would have been tinId to make a close examination. A mascroicope was called into play and it revealed that the tip of the horn was split and very much resembled ia cow's hoof. .\lany persons familiar with snakes and snakedom said the roptile re sembled a bull snake. Others said it was something now entirely and that such a creature had not been seen in Pickens before. All in all the reptile, which was more than five feet long and possessed a horn about three quarters of an inch long at .the tip of its tail, attracted about as much attention as did the other proceed ings in this quaint mountain town. It is said that the snake will be sent to the Smithsoniann Institute in the effort to have it identified. "There may not be any such thing as a horned snake" an old moun taineer said after peeping through the microscope at close range. "But all the same that snake has got a horn as sure as thunder." Common talk in the mountaIns of Pickens county this summer has been that. cattle have been dying mysteri ously and the discovery of horned snakes had lead to the belief that these snakes have been piercing the animals with their unique weapons. They are suppoesd to be extremely poison, causing the cattle to die in a short time. SEN. DIAL G(OES TO ('A'ITOL 1Y AlUTO South ('arolina Senator 31akes Trip to Caplianl by 3letor in Tlhree Days. Washington. Sept. 23.-- Senator Dial, with the memnbers of his family, has re turnedl to Washington. Tihey camne by automobile from Laurens, a (distance of about 62-i miles. and made the til very leisurely, covering about th ree Dliscussing the features of his trip. the senator said lie caredl more for goodl roadls andi for highway improve ment generally than lie did for auto mobile riding, lie paid a high comin)1 men'it to the highway comin nissioners of the states through 'which he passed that is, North Carolina. South C'aro lina and Virginia, and saidl he found the roads in good condition, particu larly all the way from Laurens to the city of WVashington, but ho remarked that coming through the state of Vir ginia lie was impressed with the fact that the highway engineers must be dlead. E'xpla-ining what he meant by this, he said that lie found more sharp curves on the VirginIa roads than anywhere he traveled, and there was some splendid work ahead for road engineers at this time in straightening out these sudden andl dangerous curves. Otherwise, lie found the roads ini splendt~id condition. Senator Dial, while not expressing any opinion on legIslation, which twill come un between new and the time the regular session begins in Decem her, said that we are at a very -im portant point in our financial and coin mercial history. Hie will dlevoto his rmtire time and attention to his duties here from now on, the recess of con .gress having ended andi the senators having assembled again to take up legislation left off when the recess be gan in July. 'Read "TPhe Oriole" 'by Booth Tark ington, beginning in this issue. 666. Quickl relievej (Constpation, Bl-. otOtes O4&~ss of A ppetite iitd hlend. aReh lu dint TarniA lienr. ARBUOKLB IS OUT ON $,000 BOND Murder Count Against Vomedian Dis missedd by Judge Lazarus. n Pro Rrif i .-PW00 C. ture actress, will be tried on a charge of manslaughter within a few days if present pla"s of 'Matthew Brady, dis trict attorney, materialize. Two such charges are pending against Arbuckle-one being placed yesterday when at the cqnclusion of the hearing before Sylvain J. Laza ru1, police judge, the murder charge was amended and the other having been returned recently by a county grand jury which inyestigated the hotel party 'give by Arbuckle and at 'which the state contends the young woman received injuries which causedl her death. Arbuckle regained his freedom shortly after the ipreliminary hear ing was ended. lie already had on (leposit $5,000 ball in connection with the ifldictment and this was trains ferred to cover the proceedings aris Ing from Mrs. Del mont's com'plaint. On 'the grand Ju ry accusation he has bleen placed "on his own recogn i zance" to return Oct. 3. That (late had been set several lays ago, blut Brady announced late last Inigh t, that if he coold, he would iti lize it to bring Arbuckle to trial on the Delmont cornplaint, as mod ified yes terday by .1udge Lazarus. Whether lie wottld be able to have Arbuckle appear to answer to one Complaint and then try him on ani other on it he same date, he was not sure, -he said, but declared he wouil( try, since both complaints charge tle same offense, arising from the same circumstances. Brady's reason for this attempt, he stated, was that he 0@ wished to avoid furnishing <the d fonao attorneys with a transcript the evidence before the grand jur 'The district attorney in a lor statement last night said that Judi -Lazarus had accorded Arbuckle ease unusual treatment and charge that "if Roscoe Arbuckle wero ui known and unimportant -he wou havr been held for murder and trea ed precisely the same as %wero oth4 defendants of "disrepute". W'tch Your Papers. Look out for the broom and du pan. Alanzy valuaible papers may I sWelyt out (if exitlence if you do no have a gooi qystetit that insures the. papers nnd records bleng proper cared for. No one should ual a on a i slip of paper ar carelessly iut it into h pocket. good systern of accounting will ( Uway% with iIInorndlia palds of 1.4 cording and corIsetiient danger of loi by the brooin and dlust pan route. To Stop a Cough Q*ick take HAYES' HEALING HOINNB cough medicine which stops the cough b healing the inflamed and irritated thIsue; A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRAT SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds an Croup is enclosed with every bottle < HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salv should be rubbed on the chest and thro[ of children suffering from a Cold or Crou The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey ii ide lie thrat cornbined with the healing effect Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores the skin soon stops a cough. oth remedies nre packed In one carton and tli cost of the combl'cti trcatnient is 35e. Just ask your druggist for HAYE! HEALING HONEY. HupmbiIe The Car Everlasting Ellis Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, S. C. The Mor< Motor I Fyournmotoi vile-smelling ex quires frequent justments, carl at valve seats ai it is p)robabi< gasoline is the Have you ever cred the reast certain type of g motor-or do y a dealer and as The improve< Motor G;asoline inite adlvanltagE the superior These impro made possible the long experi STA g Make Yo r Own Soap! 8 .. Women all over the country are d learning that the soap they make at home is better, purer and nore eco.. r nomical than factory made soaps. Just save the household grease that now goes into the garbage. Buy a can of R<.d Devil Lye and follow the t plain, easy directions for soap-making. e Each canful saves you fully a dollar! a e Good Soap From Waste Fats! But Use Red Devil d Red Devil Lye has such tremendous A strength and power that every canful 0 will turn waste grease into many big cakes of splendid laundry soap. Easy to do. Follow directions, right on the label. Saves You a A Lot Of Money Y You are paying 80 cents to a dollar for as much soap as you can make d with a can of Red Devil Lye-and if the soap you buy is not as pure as you e can make yourself from the fats and scraps you nov waste! Your home made soap will contain all of the nat ural glycerin and will be free from the adulterants so common in factory made soaps. Made By WM. Schield Manufacturing Co., Handy cpn., .ktha St. Louis. Mo. powdered Lye at its full con. centrated strengeth. rendy for use wjthuot a~ny wa-ttc. Look~ for the Red Devil's head on the label and get a can today. RED DEVIL LYE Sure is j YOUR ,OROCER S LLS IT i Annoying and Common Troubles are Avoidable - overheats fre- fining experts and our access Ises, gives off to practiclally every needed iaustfuines,re- source and grade of crude carburetor ad- petroleum. d pizes puickly It is for these reasons that we t spark plugs, are able to produce consist. that impure ently a well-balanced gasoline -gasoline that is not lacking really consid- in any essential factor. It in sn for using a maxinimui of motor >asolinein your efficieney, cleanliness of com ) ) G'? bustion, smooth, strong pulling k frpower and long mileage, be. I "Standard" cause it is the well-balanced, has certain def- all-'round fuel. s that make it of any other. "Standard" Motor Gasoline is vements were the best you can buy-and it principally by costs no more. Now obtainable ence of our re- wherever you motor. NDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey)