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TWENTY-FOUR IS OF I Rust H~ad Eaten Away Gussett Plate of Bridge tat Cave Way as People Crowded oin Watching ltesoue of Boy. Chester, 'a., Scipt. 1.-Twenty-four persons wero drowned and five seri ously injured in the collapse last night of the bridge spanning the Chester river at Third street, in the heart of the city's business district. The po lice made this annou ncement tonight after divers had defllnitely determined no more bodies remained in the water. A small wrought iion gisset plate, part of the soupport for a foot path along the side of the structure which had beeni half eaten )y rust, gave away under the s eight of nearly a hnidred persons who were attracted to thbi spot by the cries of a drowiiing boy, and precipited the victims into thl river. rhe last body to .be dragged from the de( * mud at the bottom of the river wa; that of i;;h t-year-old Cbmr leA Apostolus, the ehil ~who.e death was the iadvertent cause of the av Sident. It wias rIeovereId shortly he fore noon today 11nd jdaced at the enl of the row of twenty-four victills whose 1)o(ies Ielosl ill White's mor gun awaitinug removal to their former homle.1 . All 1i dead i ere residents of Ches ter, naort of whom had jist reached the business district on their way to theaters or stores. Little Charles Apos tolus was in a .group of child rn on the river hank in the rear of a thcater watching the anties of a hear which was to appear in the show. lie wa"; knocked into the river by on1e of his Ruua Im IT MAKE NO DIFFERE What your ideas in i known to us we will WE ARE SPECIALISTS In our line and pride satisfy you. WHETHER YOU KNOW What you want or a pay you to see is. Hold Bc anything neede an A Cow can give milk whcn fed the right pro) making materials. M Carbohydrates, Fat, N portions that, practically si can't be variedI. Insiteadl of iimperfect milk*, a poorly gives less milk. Feed Purina Cow ( andl your cows wvill get Protein and Calcium n< balance your Carbohydrat ness. All we ask Is that you relve P1 Chow a trial and let your mlk you why you should keep on fe J.e C. SI Lau TOLL IRIDGE ACCIDENT 3xcited playmates and his cries for help attracted the crowd on Third street. Several hundred persons dashed for tho small bridge and others were try ing to push oi to It when, twithout warning, one end of the foot-way buckled. The heavy walk dropped like a traip door and In an instant 50 per sons were struggling in the muddy water. A score more clting to the bont hand rail and Iron water pipes lighting to reach safety before their fragile perches gave way. The victims were caught in a verit able death trap. At the point of the ac cident the Water iN Wt feet deep. The river Is scarcely more than *5 feet wide and factory and tore twalls are built to its very edge. Those who could swim found it impossible to scale the sl ippery walls and there was no Iloat Ing deobris to which they 111might clin1g. The foot pa-th had simply dropped and hung to twisted sioliorts. A minute after the accident occur red half a dozen men dove and pulled half drowneId men. woienl and chil dr1-ei otl. of the talgIed or 111 inanity. Several boatmen hur-ried to the scee and aided in the wNorl of rescte. Pol'icemen and firemen dragged the iver's bottomu for 1odies. As the first shock of the accident wore off today there iwas a general deitanid through the (.11)t for a thor ough investigallonl into the caluse of tihe aceident. Charges and counter charges were made by and againlst the board of comilmissioners of 1 Delaware couty, which is reSpolsible for tlte condition of the bridge. ewelry are, if you make them fill your requiremenits. ourrelves oni our ability to re lookinig for sug'gestions t'will A, 'A ei is , o makeo Phrotei realokingfrsgctostwl ll~ikl. r4iAaCCAw cales show - IL o rna.U Five Mi te Chats s on Our residents Jt By JAMES MORGAN ' a . d. fr (Copyright, 1920. by Ja'Mes M;organ. OLD ROUGH AND READY m hi 1784-November 24, Zachary di Taylor born In Orange countyr Va. 1785-Removed to Kentucky. A 1808-Licutenant in the regular army. 1812-Fighting Indians in In diana, 183R-in the Black Hawk war in Illinois. 1836-7-In the Seminole war in Florida. 1840-6-in conpnand ojthe de partment of the sotthwest. 1846-May 8, opening engage ment with Mexico at Palo Alto. May 9, Battle of Resaca de la Palma. September 24, capture of Monterey. 1847-February 22, 23, 24, Battle of Buena Vista. 1848-Nominated for president by the Whigs. 1849-March 5, inaugurated twelfth president, aged sixty-four. 1850-July 9, died in the White house, aged sixty-five. z ACIIAltY TAYLORt was the first army man to be president, the second being (leneral Grant. A dozen presidents, from Washington to Roose velt, had seen war service, but only as citizen soliiers. At twenty-three lie entered the army as a lieutenant, and lie remained in it 40 years, until he was inaugurated presihlent. Yet he had seen only a lit tle fighting with the Indians before his campaign in Mexico, where he coin mnanded perhaps not many more than 6,000 men and fought half a idozen en gagenieits, ranging frorn the opening skirrnish at Palo Alto to the hattle of Buena Vista. In this last, his little Zachary Taylor. army of raw troops was outnumbhered four' to one. But lie spurrned( Santa Anna's (derniand for ihis suirrendier, anid, "with a little muore grape"' from Cap tain Bragg's battery, he defeated the M'ex leans. Th'le commnander~s In the two Mexican canmpaignis, Zachary TIaylor and Whin field Scott, were as unliiike as their popunlar nicknmer(s would indiicit i "(l ih toughi and~ itead~y"' and~ "lid i'uss andl iFeat hers.'' "(Oid Iough and Rteady"' reina ined thIiroughou t hiis armny service' a simpilie Amerleanii siihlier,. a coapablle oillli-ir In peace and a resoulrce ful one in war. Obiedienit aliwarys to thle eivil a uthlar ity, hei retauinil a truly Amrii.rcan dis like of military cremiaLI amindi ners. H e was as plain in his private life aind withi a wIfe as ulnalfected as ihuni self. 'This devotedii orrni on i ui mde heri hiomne with him in innilitary stiokader iandi tents, stnuinIrg her clild ri-n as they camie aionig back to tihe care iof0 reilti's, buiit refusinrg to bie paurted from her hiushmand. Like every mian who hais hieaird the seductive suggestion (If his inme for the presidency, Tlay'lor was niot long in yleiding toi It. Revising his owl poor oiionr of his (hualitications it the Ilight of their higher apipra isai ha others, lie came toI r-egard himself a. the people's candidatIe anrd lie ain uounced that he would runi as suci evenI if no( plarty' shiouild noriinate hlmn The party preferene of the old sol dier was inr dloubt, with no ot her clii to it except his brother's illurminatin remrark that Zachary liked I ieury Cia; and A merleari-mrade (lothles. Thi WVhigs nonimiatedl himi without krnowin; wvhere hie stoodli on ainy questiion aru they nmdeii no platIforrm for 'im in atanud on. It was a merry gamre will the greaut problemrs thnt confroted th niationi. After they had norninuinled T1ayloi the Whliigs bieienmie fea rfiuI for a Iim t hat the joke was on thiemn. Whlii they wvaitred arid no word c'ae froi thlelir norirniee aut Inatori Rouge, th took ularim lest lie woul riot acecej the honor from thiei r party. But h hiad riot regelveil thii r letter ofC notIl catIon, Frr hiey had neglected to pri pay ite~ , ostinmge oni it, an "Ol'' ld lRour anid IReady" wai refusIng to rechl all unpaid mall.. PINAL SETTLEMENT U Take notice that on the 17th day of Ptember, 1021. I will render a final count of my acts and doings as Ad inietrator of the estate of 'B. F. Do dields deceased, in the offilce of the dge of Probat'e of LAarens county, 11 o'clock, a. n., and on the sanu LY will tupply for a final discharge btn my trust as Administrator. Any -person indebted to said estate notified and required to makei pay ent on that date; and all personn Lving claims agaist said estate will -esent then on or tefore said date, ily proven or be forevar bairred. J. M. Do.Il.I)FDS Administrator ngusnt 17, 19,21. 5-6t-A Hupmobile The Car Everlasting ~ Ellis Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, S. C. in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pain.3 and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GLD IMDAL 'T'ho world's st-4indrd rercdy for kidney, liver, blddcler aind nOrc acid troubles. lHollland'n inat:l remedy ince 1696. All ('ru :i', three :i;es. Guarameed. L.ook for tn r. ! C.ol Medal on v ry bo:. , wa t - ; onImit.Gon INNEN We wish t in our new q opposite the < be glad to se< NE\ We have sev and with the pre do not hesitate t< on the market. More Studet buyers in the fii make of car in t Models TOUR Light-Six 2=P Light-Six Tou Special-Six 2 Special-Six T< Special-.Six 4 NE The new Lis make this car th The roadster no the touring car ALLSTU y i Stu OWEN BROS. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. D1DBIGCIR MANUFACTURERS EWDCTORS Doalei6 in everything for the cwme tery. The largest and best equipped mon mnental mills In the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, - - - S. C. EVERSHARP PENCILS POWE DRUG CO. V OU ARTERS o invite our friends to visit us uarters on East Main street, >ld Robinson Hotel. We shall 6 you. V STUDEBAKERS eral new model Studebabers on hand sent prices of these popular cars, we recommend them as the best value akers have been delivered to retail -st half of the year than any other he world, except Ford. and Prices--F. 0. B. Factory ING CARS AND ROADSTERS assenger Roadster . . $1125 ring Car . . . $1150 Passenger Roadster . . $1585 >uring Car. . . . $1635 Passenger Roadster . . $1635 ng Car . . . . $1985 W LIGHT SIX PRICES rht Six prices announced last week, e best value in its class on the market. w sells for $1275 delivered here, and $1295. DEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES VR UGHN debaker Cars and Service